colas05 · 4 days
After watching and listening to the "Made of meat" podcast and short movie.I had the following response:
I was kinda intrigued and confused at the start ,but as it went along I started to realize the true point of the mini movie/podcast that being aliens having a conversation about us humans and how weird our biological structure is,(how we are made out of meat);and weird our lifestyles are different aspects are. They emphasize how we are made out of meat and how weird it is.At the end they vanish off after deciding to erase the memories of the humans they interacted with, leaving no trace behind them.
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colas05 · 11 days
I learned that through hard work and teamwork you can achieve anything you set your mind to.I learned this from my own personal experience,that being our soccer game this past Wednesday.We were losing 2-1 and through our perseverance and determination we managed to win the game in the last few minutes.
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