andrecippiciani · 4 days
They're made out of meat
After reading the text "They Are Made of Meat" I had a brief reflection on human existence and how things that seem so common to humanity today can sound imaginative and impossible, such as the idea that meat can dream, love, and feel. This makes me wonder about the reason behind all this: how can we think and not be intrigued by it, not ask ourselves questions like, why do we think? what are feelings? which actually makes us live beyond physiology. With all this reflection, I concluded that the answers to these questions go beyond our level of consciousness, beyond what we can see and analyze, what remains for us is just to take advantage of what is left of all these questions, our strange and questionable existence.
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andrecippiciani · 13 days
Pizza Boxes Economy
When listening to the podcast "The Economics Of Pizza Boxes " I was surprised by how a simple pizza box can be so complex and special for someone else. I never stopped reflecting on the processes behind this, such as the engineering for the box to be functional or the professionals behind the design and production of that box. Scot's story and all the information brought in the podcast are certainly very impressive but what caught my attention the most were the 1800 boxes he has stored in his stock, I know there are collectors of everything around the world but I didn't expect boxes of pizza fit into this category. Furthermore, I came across shocking information about the American consumption of pizzas, around 3 billion pizza boxes are used per year, which makes the number of pizzas consumed even greater than that.
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