#bellarke politics au
cvldbones · 4 months
guess it was a lawless land
“You’ll come get me, right?” she asks, and maybe it’s a trick of the light, but he swears she’s blushing a little bit. “When you find someone good. I want in, too.” He doesn’t even hesitate. “Of course I will.” She clinks her empty beer bottle against his own, and it feels like a vow. So, when he hears about the Marcus Kane campaign, his very first call is to Clarke Griffin.
Bellamy gets into politics because he likes being right.
It’s a perfectly reasonable decision, as far as he’s concerned; he has great opinions, and a lot of them. If he were probed to give another, albeit far more vulnerable answer, he’d say that he got into politics because he wanted to be able to make a difference. It sounds corny even in his own head, though, so he’d probably never admit that aloud, but the point remains.
The world has not been kind to him – his mother didn’t get the proper medical care she needed because she couldn’t afford health insurance, the foster system nearly bankrupted him and almost ruined his relationship with his sister, and the process of not only applying to but also attending college as a first-generation nontraditional student had felt like it might kill him. It would be nice, he thinks, to change some of that. Maybe not all of it, maybe not all at once, but – baby steps.
When he finds that once he’s finished his history degree at GW, he isn’t ready to stop going to school yet, he’s not horribly surprised. He worked so hard to get to this point, and so he lets himself think, for the first time, of what he wants to do with his life, and he decides to embrace the more optimistic part of him. Lets himself latch onto the idea of making real, tangible change.
So, he stays, and he gets his master’s in political science, and he starts interning on campaigns. And the second he’s there, he realizes that this is it. The thing he’s meant to do. His voice is important, in those rooms; they take him seriously, not because he’s someone’s kid or nephew, but because he’s good at this. He keeps being referred up, further and further, and so his first real, full-time gig outside of grad school is on the Jaha campaign.
Even though he starts off in more of the volunteer coordination side, Cartwig – Jaha’s Chief of Staff – realizes he has a natural aptitude for the writing. He starts working with their communications team, mostly on speeches, shadowing the Communications Director, and learning as he goes.
That’s where he meets Clarke Griffin.
Read more on AO3!
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Archaic Kinds of Fun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ciBzkvy
by Nvermindiseeyou
Bellamy is 23 years old when he kills his sister. A single ash arrow through the neck, and she goes limp in his arms. His punishment? One night, bound in a faerie ring.
Clarke is 18 years old when she fails the Shadow Rite. In saving the life of a human she betrays everything her court stands for. Her punishment? Life, bound to the human she dared to save. Fragile, mortal, life.
OR a fantasy AU where Clarke is a dark faerie with a bleeding heart, and Bellamy, a scrappy human with a plan.
Words: 1677, Chapters: 1/50, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, Roan (The 100), Nia | Ice Queen, Russell Lightbourne, Josephine Lightbourne, Abby Griffin, John Murphy (The 100), Emori (The 100), Raven Reyes (The 100), Monty Green, Nathan Miller, Eric Jackson (The 100)
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake & Octavia Blake, Clarke Griffin & John Murphy
Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fae & Fairies, Unseelie Clarke, Human Bellamy, Changelings, proximity curse, Forced Marriage, Sort Of, Angst with a Happy Ending, True Mates, Kings & Queens, Sharing a Bed, Battle Bellarke, Court Politics, Eventual Smut, Drunk Dancing, Attempted Sexual Assault, Rebellion, Protective Bellamy Blake, Swordfighting, Royal Balls, the works
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ciBzkvy
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
December 31: WIPs and Ideas I'm Taking Into 2023
As the year is ending, I am considering what writing projects I will try to complete next year. Will 2023 be the year I finish my WIPs? Will it at least be the year I let go of WIPs I don't care about? We'll see.
Here are (most of) my current projects and ideas--T100 only because I don't feel brave enough to even address Star Trek or other fandoms. Let's see where I am at the end of 2023.
devil's gonna get me one of these days: Southern Gothic AU; ensemble and multi-pairing; vampires, ghosts, and secrets
Troped Madness Horror Round: Harper-centric, epistolary/found footage-y
Talk About Timing in Times Like These: Bellarke, Modern AU, exes to lovers, heavy on the bitterness
And They Lived: aka the Ark Sleeping Beauty AU, Bellarke with a lot of other stuff going on
A Watch With No Hands: parts 3 and 4, the continuation of my 2019 Bellarke Big Bang, Grounder Clarke, Arker Bellamy, canon divergence
The Poly Fic: endgame Bravenlarke, modern AU, what it says on the tin
Can't Be King of the World: aka my long (long) percolating Ark AU, ensemble and multi-pairing with a lot of Wells
Sky Village: canon-divergence with rare pairs, independent delinquent village feels
Blake Siblings Summer AU: ...this is a Pete & Pete AU, if I'm brave enough to write it
Slow Summer Vibes: one step up from a PWP, Bellarke in the heat of summer
Under the Western Stars: more Bellarke modern AU angst nonsense
Kiss the Ring: canon-divergent Becho, in which they are both brutal, ruthless leaders
Jonty Dual Timeline: part modern AU, part canon-divergence, heavily S3 inspired
Sequel to How I'll Spend Through Winter: more Bellarke UST and longing, this time in high school, some Princess Mechanic
Bellarke Bingo Love Potion: Bellamy runs an antique store. Clarke takes a love potion. There's magic involved.
Dawson's Creek AU: endgame Bellarke and Murven, and in the meantime, a faithful AU for no reason at all
Documentary History of the U.S.S.S Arkadia: expanded version of my Braven fic of the same name
Reality Bites AU: as it says; Bellarke
Dollhouse AU: also as it says, ensemble/Bellarke, Bellamy as Echo and Clarke as Ballard...sort of
autumnverse fic: eternal-autumn type universe with ghosts!
oh well you've got me under your spell: an old Bellarke HS AU I always wanted to continue
Bellarke Bingo Blast: trope-heavy Bellarke friends to lovers; embarrassing how many modern AUs are on this list
South: Murven road trip that I started ages ago and might continue?
Everyone Gets Married: mostly Jonty with some Bellarke, sappy romance stuff and perhaps some talk about the concept of marriage
Bellarke Beat AU: this is from 2016, enough said
Maya & Octavia Troped: canon-divergence, post S2
Miller/Bryan Troped: canon-divergence, sometime in S3; more a universe than a plot but like an exes thing
Bellarke Invents Soulmates: triple-timeline, reincarnation and soulmates (former Troped round)
Miller/Bellamy Road Trip: but also they're on the run from the law, danger and UST
T100 + 3% Fusion: Princess Mechanic; 3%-like plot but in T100's universe
Fantasy Heist: delinquents on a magical hunt to save one of their own, still working out the kinks on the universe. And the plot (former Troped round)
Kane/Luna Ark AU: exes and magic and hints of political intrigue perhaps; horror
Slasher: half-baked old Troped Horror idea, heavy on the tropes, and I suppose on the bloodshed
Camping Trip Meta Horror: some horror tropes in the woods
Tropical Horror: something about this island isn't right
Troped Horror 2022: the fic I didn't finish because I thought it was going in a bad direction. Only hints: another slasher, Octavia-centric
Party Fic: Indulgent, stylized, multi-pairing HS AU
Modern Band AU: Bellarke and other pairings, rival bands, minor genre/form experimentation
...I didn't specify but some of these are one-shots and some multi-chapters and if a multi-chap isn't started, I can only promise to start, not finish it in 2023
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readersmoon · 2 years
i have hundreds of bellarke fics bookmarked. give me some specific vibes, tropes and tags and i'll try to match you up with ones i think you'll like the best. do you want smut? oneshots? slowburn? snippet slice of life type fluff? political intrigue and grounder negotiations? i guarantee i will have at least one you find interesting.
I think you might be my new favourite person on this app.
Alright, so I’m not looking for any AU (except canon divergent). I prefer things that are in canon universe. I need Bellarke being co-leader, whether during season 1 and 4 or after their reunion in s5. I really am a sucker for fic with good angst, leadership and reunions. More drama than fluff, but HEA. I don’t mind if there’s smut, although it’s fine if we skip it too.
I’m particularly searching for something related to Praimfaya, Josephine and/or the delinquents, which were my favourites storylines.
Bonus points if Clarke and Bellamy are called Mom and Dad at some point.
And I’m fine with one shots AND long story fics. Everything fine, as long as I can feel, you know.
Hope this is enough, thank you so so so much !!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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blakeadia-blog · 6 years
working on my first bellarke one-shot :’) modern AU where clarke is the first daughter and bellamy is her ex but he’s also an up and coming senator. hopefully i’ll post it soon!
story prompts are very much appreciated :’) of any ship, doesnt have to be bellarke
new to this whole tumblr thing so if guys have any tips or just wanna say hi or need someone to talk/vent to, my inbox is always open xx
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Buried Crowns and Blood-Stained Kisses 
▸ a Historical + Bellarke AU as voted on by my Twitter followers | medieval AU
When Lord Jacob of House Griffin is executed, it sends tremors throughout the capital of Polis. Another ripple effect in a long line of them in the kingdom’s budding political turmoil. It’s felt throughout the lands and, of course, all of the way to the mountains of Arkadia where his family still lives. Wariness only continues then when the person to step into his role isn’t his ailing wife, but instead his sole heir––a daughter.
It’s not just that she’s a female lord amongst men, but Clarke is also highly aware of the target on her back thanks to the crown’s declaration that her father had been a traitor. She will need to keep her enemies close, but in order to do that she needs to be closely protected. Trust only goes so far with her father’s soldiers, so she sends a letter to the one person she can trust with her life and can only pray to the old gods that he’ll come.
Bellamy had been a squire for House Griffin, moving through the ranks deftly and with ease. It was a far better life than he’d ever hoped to achieve––until it all came crashing down. It hadn’t taken long into his tenure as a personal guard to Lord Jacob when Abigail, his wife still healthy at the time, had silently noticed his growing affection for their daughter. He’d never dreamed that anything would come from it; Clarke’s status was well above his and no amount of knighthood would change that. But it hadn’t mattered and overnight he’d been sent on his way, trust broken and loyalty shattered. So needless to say, he’s stunned at the letter he receives years later from Clarke herself, begging for him to return. She claims he’s the only person she can trust, but he doesn’t know if he can trust her.
But he also never could say no to her.
War begins to loom on the horizon. 
Clarke fights to understand the unexpected frost between her and Bellamy (he wasn’t the only one who was pining), as well as maintaining order on the people and land she now controls. Bellamy is thrown into a new world of political scheming and threats of violence, testing everything he knows… including the idea that maybe he never really got over Clarke as much as he told himself he had.
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bellarkefanfictions · 7 years
Fic where Bellamy is running for office of some sort and hires Clarke and her firm to cover some sort of Scandal? Maybe based on the show scandal? Thanks!
Pistols at Dawn
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burninghoneyatdusk · 3 years
feel free to send me an ask with the number or a description of any of these ideas/wips i have and hear more about them. specific questions or just general information requests are both welcome!
Tagged by: @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold and @queenemori. Thank you loves! ❤️
Published WIPs:
Religion’s in Your Lips (13/14)
modern au | a/b/o | best friend’s brother | age difference | slow burn | angst | smut
Chasin’ You (7/10)
modern au | small town au | high school au | friends to lovers | exes to lovers | flashbacks | country music
Let Your Heart Beat Here (2/10)
modern au | Plus One au | weddings | enemies to friends to lovers | slow burn | mutual pining
I feel like a hero (and you are my heroine) (1/10)
Danny Phantom au | superheroes | ghosts | friends to lovers | slow burn | hurt/comfort | found family
Currently writing:
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 1 (one-shot)
modern au | autumn | kid fic | single dad bellamy | friends to lovers | fluff | light angst
Planning & remaining prompts:
untitled original fic
fantasy | war, power & politics | *takes deep breath* enemies to lovers to enemies to allies to lovers
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 2 (one-shot)
The Mentalist au | friends to lovers | coworkers to lovers | angst | hurt/comfort
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 3 (one-shot)
modern au | strangers to lovers | age difference | angst | fluff | divorced bellamy | college student clarke
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 4 (one-shot)
sun & moon symbolism | curses | soulmates | reincarnation | exes to lovers | enemies to lovers
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 5 (one-shot)
s6 canon-divergent | unplanned pregnancy | friends to lovers | angst | found family
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 6 (one-shot)
graduation pact series | established relationship | smut | fluff | light angst
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 7 (one-shot)
canonverse | grounder au | friends with benefits | enemies to lovers | angst | smut
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 8 (multi-chap)
fantasy au | immortality | soulmates | enemies to lovers | heavy angst | king bellamy | witch clarke
bellarke t100fic4blm prompt 9 (one-shot)
Little Women (Laurie/Amy) au | childhood friends | friends to lovers | light angst
kanej prompt (multi-chap)
modern au | corporate au | allies to friends to lovers | marriage of convenience
Ideas I can’t let go of:
untitled original fic idea
rom-com | university | best friend’s brother | literally all the tropes - that’s the plot
bellarke idea 1
modern au | flashbacks | secret relationship | unplanned pregnancy | adoption | kid fic | heavy angst
bellarke idea 2
historical au | age difference | marriage of convenience | best friend’s brother | dad’s friend (kind of?) | angst
bellarke idea 3
modern au | brother’s best friend | age difference | angst | first time | mutual pining
bellarke idea 4
modern au | high school au | rivals to friends to lovers | unplanned pregnancy | fluff & angst
bellarke idea/orginal fic (next gen VITW sequel)
canonverse au | grounders au | friends to lovers | best friend’s brother | or sister’s best friend | mutual pining | angst
kanej idea 1
greek mythology au | hades/persephone | arranged marriage | allies to lovers | angst
Tagging: @stealing-jasons-job | @daisyjvnes | @sparklyfairymira | @andromedabennet | @elora-lane | @nakey-cats-take-bathsss | @eyessharpweaponshot | @icantloseyou-too
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jonsaslove · 3 years
Fic writer tag game
Tagged by @esther-dot. Thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3? 36
What’s your total AO3 word count? 403,952 (this feels like a lot lol)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 3 fandoms. 33 fics for Jonsa/GOT. 2 fics for Bellarke/The 100. And 1 fic for Ready or Not (2019 Film) for Grace/Daniel. 
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
run away with my love
My “What if Sansa went to Dragonstone with Jon Season 7 AU”
“Bran,” Jon says, one word and voice barely above a whisper.
Sansa takes a sip from her cup and sets it down, “I know.”
i feel you move (in distances worth keeping)
The “What if Daenerys won the war and Cersei fled with Jaime to Essos but five years later they come back to team up with the Starks to take down the Dragon Queen AU”
“Well then who are you writing to, who will be our saviour in all of this?”
Cersei looks Jaime right in the eye, “Sansa Stark."
searching (for what you want me to say)
The Season 8 AU where political Jon was real the entire time. 
“I’ll have to repair it,” She breathes out and she knows he must feel her breath on his lips, they’re that close.
“Aye,” He lets out the smallest sound, “It did me well in the South. Northern furs to protect me and keep me warm. They made me think of you when I felt all was lost.”
more than skin
The fic from Daenerys’ POV where she picks up on what’s going on with Jon and Sansa. 
Later, when Daenerys has blood spilling from her mouth, it will all make a sick sort of sense.
the next several are the continuing parts of the season 8 AU. So lastly there is this. 
these cold veins
Following the events of Season 8 Sansa suffers. But eventually she has to flee for her own safety, she seeks Jon in the North.  
“You know he regrets it Sansa,” Tormund spoke to her like the friend he had become over the years and Sansa winced.
“Regrets what Tormund?” she responded, a bit too snappish.
Tormund had given her a long searching look, as if he wasn’t sure how to articulate his words in a way that would be clear to her.
“All of it.”
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I do respond to them all because my favourite part of posting is getting to respond to the people who love my stories, so even when it takes me a while I will get it done. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Most of my fics have happy endings, but I did write at the end, which is an AU in which all the Starks die and it follows Sansa’s final moments. 
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? Never have and I don’t have any plans to, though I toyed with a Jonsa/Lord of the Rings fic for a while. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic? A handful of times, comes with the territory of writing for Jonsa I think.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? I have, in my mind it’s pretty basic, nothing too kinky. But it always fits the story and the characters. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, not that I know of. 
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
What’s your all time favorite ship? Jonsa for sure, it’s what got me into writing fic. But I have a deep rooted love for Bellarke as well. 
Whats a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?  I only have one WIP, my Sansa goes to Dragonstone AU sequel which I fully intend on finishing. But I have many ideas which will never come to fruition. Most regrettably and Older Starks AU where they are all in their late teens to early 20s at the start of the series and everything is darker because of it. I have it completely planned in broad strokes but I know I’ll never write it. 
What are your writing strengths? I'm extremely well suited to planning, I know how to structure and organize scenes to tell the story I want to share. I’m also in tune with my characters and understand how they think and also how they interact with each other. 
What are your writing weaknesses? I always want to say dialogue, but it’s only a struggle not an actual weakness. My biggest weakness is my hatred for describing setting. I am a very interior writer, I spend ages in their heads and all my characters value self reflection. But i’ll skip over setting up a big group scene or describe the surroundings in seven words and never touch on it again. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Some people are very adept at it, and I am not one of them. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Jonsa/GoT
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? This varies, but run away with my love is up there for sure, as mentioned above. But also I love my bellarke fic, words in my memory, because it was so challenging and equally rewarding to write from so many different perspectives. 
Thanks again @esther-dot 
I love talking about my writing, I tag anyone who wants to do the same :)
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excuseyouclarke · 4 years
The wrath of love
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Historical au | Bellarke | 36k | Rated E | angst | enemies to lovers | hate to lust to lovers
As a newly appointed General, Bellamy never expected his life to be easy. As Sparta was recovering from the revolts, his biggest challenge was rebuilding their army. He never expected to be thrown into a marriage with the enemy as a political pawn, it was never in his job description to be a spy.
When her father died, Clarke thought it ambitious to become the Queen of Arcadia. But in her success, there are enemies around every corner, waiting to bring to her down. Especially those closest to her.
Written for @theatre-steph as part of @t100fic-for-blm
Amazing prompt and artwork by the ridiculously talented @underbellamy
Link in reblog
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peggysousfan · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thanks for the tag @happygtyhvf!!
1. How many do you have on Ao3?
59 but not all of them are written works, a handful are simple manips or aesthetics posted individually
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
564,111.... And that’s only published works😅
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Four technically. There’s The 100, Agent Carter, Captain America the First Avenger, and Marvel’s Avengers.
4. What are your top 5 five by kudos?
Alternate World (23843 words and 386 kudos)
What If (Season 5 AU)  (33272 words and 310 kudos)
The Head and the Heart  (23448 words and 304 kudos)
I Choose You  (27364 words and 278 kudos)
Lone Wolf  (56405 words and 224 kudos)
All of these are from The 100 and only 3 of them are completed! Whoops
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! I try to respond to each and every comment asap. but on certain stories I try to respond when I plan on updating the next chapter either soon or the following day, just to give the readers and commenters a head’s up. Other times I have no idea what to say in response to not sound like a robot so it takes a while to think of something lol
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooohh That would definitely be Project New Generation. I am suppose to make a series to rectify the angst and horror and heartbreak of this story but I don’t know if I will anytime soon😭 If any of my followers have not read this it is not for the faint of heart and there are many TW’s in this.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written a few crossovers but in moderately similar fandoms. The its between  either Agent Carter/SHIELD Crossover or Agent Carter/ Avengers crossover.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, and it hurts every time. But lately I have been standing up for myself and being politely rude and telling the haters off. There’s no reason for the BS
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes, but most often only if requested or challenged to do so. Its just basic smut, nothing too kinky (I think I wrote breeding kink once? But it was mild and requested). I honestly hate writing explicit smut, it makes me uncomfortable. As someone who (TMI btw) Has no sexual feelings for people in general and has no experience whatsoever in the department, I don’t like writing smut. I can gloss over the topic but getting into details is not something I like to do at all.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
There was a app that copped fics and mimicked everything on the website and took many writers stores for profit. A mutual had informed me several of my stories were on that app. I have no idea if it is still happening or not
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and it was rather fun actually!
13. What is your all time favourite ship?
Tough question since I’m in between fandoms. But rn I have to say bellarke, but peggysous is a very close second!!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ouch. I am doing all that I can to finish all POSTED WIP’s, however those in drafts? That is another story...😐 I’ll do one for each fandom. so for Agent Carter I don’t think I will ever finish a story of Daniel's past before the show with him meeting Peggy during the war and having a romance being torn by war. like they meet and fall in love and she gets selected for the Super Soldier program and is pulled away. Not canon related at all I know, but it was a idea in the back of my head I started and now has been in drafts for a year🤷‍♀️
As for The 100 I started a fic of Spacekru being able to listen to Clarke’s radio calls each and every day but never being able to talk to her. Each chapter switches POV from space and Earth and I haven’t touched it in months🤦‍♀️
15. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea... does having a million ideas count? If so than that lol But in all seriousness I have no clue. If I had to guess I would say character portrayal and maybe descriptions?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Same as strength... too many ideas. Once I start a story I get supper excited and then have another idea and abandon the last one for a while. Its even worse if Its published bc then I absolutely have to finish that story😬 Also I am horrible at tenses. I mix them up a lot and its a horrible habit!!
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love the idea and when I see another language being used in stories. My only concern as for reading and/or writing this is accuracy. I am fluent in one language and know very little of two others I’m studying(Well trying to study) So When writers do use other languages and integrate them into their works, I think it is best to be as accurate as possible and ask for help form a native speaker if possible.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
House of Anubis! Though I will never be able to publish them (And I honestly never would if I could) They’re all written in a notebook back when I was 11 and I let my friend have it to read and I have never seen her since I transferred schools, so.... yeah.
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Uh.... That’s  tough one. I would have to say for Agent Carter my favorite would be Agent Carter an AU Series. This story is on Hiatus for now until I can find time to write it again but its just a soft story and a slow burn Peggysous with baby Stephanie. Its heart melting and I love it. Granted it need to do a lot of revision and editing but it is my favorite for this fandom. For The 100  I’d have to say The Head and the Heart!
tagging @bellamyblakru, @cuppatealove, @truth-renowned, @xxawalkinwonderlandxx, @fandomsandxfiles, and any one else if you want to! no pressure :) I just chose some mutuals that I know write fic lol
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stealing-jasons-job · 2 years
WIP Game
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @burninghoneyatdusk! Per usual Mads fashion, I have a neverending list of WIPs — some published, some sitting 1/2 baked in my drafts, others just slivers of ideas for fics that I may or may not write. 
published wips
now with my eyes wide open 
bellarke | 1/9 complete
historical au | philippine-american war | enemies to lovers with some ✨ shared history ✨
Bellamy. She can’t help the way her chest tightens at the thought of him. The memory of his bruised and battered face as it hovered over hers, a dagger pressed against her neck, all of the love she once saw replaced with hate and anger and hurt. So much hurt.***Clarke is back in Manila following the Philippine-American War hoping for a fresh start. But the hurt and pain she left behind haven't gone anywhere.
the choices we make 
bellarke | 9/12 complete
modern au | greys anatomy au | slow burn 
Clarke Griffin is a mess after the death of her father and estrangement from her mother. She decides to spite her mother by doing her surgical residency across the country in the city she grew up in, Arkadia. Her first night back in town, she has a one night stand with a random guy at a bar, only to find out the next day that he’s a fellow intern — Finn Collins.Her first day as an intern definitely doesn’t go as planned. Her chief resident Bellamy Blake seems to hate her. The chief of surgery Marcus Kane apparently knows her mother. And Finn Collins is popping up everywhere. Surviving her residency at Arkadia Memorial may be harder than Clarke originally thought.
intertwining your soul (with somebody else) 
bellarke | 12/15 complete
canonverse au | slow burn | angst 
There are three things Clarke's known since she was a little girl: 1. Love is weakness. 2. Bellamy will make a great heda. 3. He will never be hers.
Bellamy and Clarke grew up together in Polis — Clarke's parents served the previous heda and Bellamy was part of the novitiate class. She's been in love with him for as long as she can remember, but those feelings have never mattered. Ever since he survived his novitiate class as the next heda, he's been promised to Gina kom Ingranronakru as part of a political alliance established during the heda before him.Clarke's had years to come to terms with the fact that Bellamy will never be hers. But actually living alongside with the woman who gets to live the life she used to dream of? Nothing could have prepared her for that.
cross my heart 
bellarke | 2/7 complete
gallagher girls au | spies | exes to lovers 
Normal girls graduate high school, and then they go off to college with their friends. Maybe they join a sorority. Hell, maybe they get a boyfriend or girlfriend and fall in love. They sleep in and skip class and stay up late with their equally normal friends. And then they graduate college and find a normal job in a normal industry and go on living their normal lives.But Clarke Griffin has never been normal.It comes with the territory of being the daughter of two renowned spies for the CIA. Clarke was raised to speak seven languages and be able to change her entire appearance with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and some shoe polish. She isn't built for normal.*********Aka: The Bellarke Gallagher Girls AU you never knew you needed.
amor vincit omnia
bellarke | 1/3 complete
canonverse au | reimagined s7 
Peace has never come easy, and this new planet is no exception. Less than 24 hours after taking down the Primes and quelling the violence in Sanctum, Clarke is thrown back into an impossible situation. Octavia's been stabbed by a woman who has no memory of who she is or why she's here before disappearing into the anomaly. And Bellamy and Echo have followed after her, leaving Clarke to get backup before racing after them. Who knows what's waiting for them on the other side.**Basically, S7 reimagined as if Bellamy's absence didn't exist.**
upcoming wips
What I’ve got partially written but fully plan to publish. 
the alie program
bellarke | 2 chapters planned
modern au | white collar crime | begrudging coworkers to lovers 
Clarke has been a scam artist on her own for a long time—it's how she pays for her mother's treatment bills—but her colleague Murphy recommends branching out to the Alie Program for an extended job for some job security in the current economy. Of course, it would be her luck that her first assignment with the program is to team up as a fake married couple with the most arrogant, irritating, hot-headed, smug asshole she's ever met in her life. God, she doesn't know how she's going to survive this assignment even if the payout is everything she needs and the view is...admittedly nice. 
you can feel the light start to tremble 
bellarke | 5 chapters planned
canonverse s7 au | evil!Bellamy (sort of) | angst 
It feels like an out of body experience for Clarke, as if she's watching herself without really experiencing what's happening. She *sees* rather than *feels* the way her handshakes as she raises the gun toward the man she's loved for over a century. 
"You're not Bellamy," she says, voice cold. 
Everyone watches horror-struck at the perverse smirk that pulls at the corners of Bellamy's mouth. No, not Bellamy. *Sheidheda.*
unworthy of a trade
bellarke | oneshot
vikings | arranged marriage 
After Roan kills Bellamy in a battle between their clans, Clarke offers her own life in exchange for her people. Roan accepts — except he doesn’t kill her, he takes her as his wife instead. Clarke fears nothing. She has fought countless Vikings, gone on trips out to the unknown, gone to war. She fears nothing—nothing except falling in love with Roan.
plot seeds, as kathryn would say
aka some ideas written down but just in the planning stage/who knows if they’ll be written, but probably not
darklina - alina is the new secretary of state who has to work with a private contracting firm that she once called “the guise of satan”...who happens to be run by a very charming man named aleksander, a man who makes her question everything she thought she knew (if you’ve watched Madam Secretary, this is based on the steaming hot chemistry between that episode in s1 w/ bess and the head of the vesuvius mercenary group 
darknik — canonverse au where nina and aleksander learn to heal together. dark daddy doesn’t become a tree and nina doesn’t cart matthias’s body around for an entire book like a psycho 
darklina - after the fbi turns her suspicions away, journalist alina decides to goes undercover at a bdsm club in the hopes of uncovering a human trafficking ring 
darklina - blacklist au with alina as liz and aleks as red 
tagging: honestly, I have no idea who is still writing so just open tagging anyone who wants to join in!!! 
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ever just the same [ever a surprise]
multi chapter | mature | part of the @bellarkebigbang​ modern au | fairy tale au
Bellamy Blake has read the books. Knows all the stories by heart. Ivy-covered towers and the forces of good and evil. Magic and might and the possibility of happily ever after.
He also knows they’re just that—stories. Real life is different. Real life is past-due notices and far too much red ink, his sister’s haphazard plan to break into the Griffin Estate with hopes of finding something to fix all of their problems. Financial, or otherwise.
So, no, he’s got no interest in committing a felony. Not right now, at least. But when Octavia takes it upon herself to pick the lock of the Griffin’s front door, Bellamy suddenly finds himself in the middle of a story far more complex than anything he’s ever encountered before.
And the princess isn’t at all what he expects.
chapter two
Clarke’s vision swims. Dots and blurs, and it’s difficult to maintain her sense of balance when it appears gravity has disappeared entirely, but then she hears him talking again, and that’s suddenly all that really matters. 
“What are you saying?” Bellamy demands, making an exasperated noise when Octavia doesn’t immediately leave the cell. “We have to—” Eventually, Clarke will wonder what makes her do it. Because she honestly has no idea at the time. One step becomes two, evolves into a journey down the entire staircase to find Octavia doing her abject best to turn her to stone. With her mind. Doesn’t work, so that’s a marker against Octavia having any magic. 
“What are you doing here?” Clarke asks, trying her best to make her voice sound less like hers and more like someone who has any sense of control, and it very clearly does not work when Jasper covers his mouth. To stop his laugh from flying out of him. 
To his credit, Bellamy doesn’t recoil. He stands there. With his face and hair and his stupid shoulders, meeting Clarke’s gaze with the kind of coolness that belies whatever disaster they’re courting, and lifts his eyebrows. “What are you doing here?” 
Clarke stands up a little straighter. “This is my house.”
“No, it’s not,” Octavia yells. “This is—this isn’t a house. Unless it’s a haunted one.” Bellamy’s head lolls toward his shoulder. That makes his hair move. Not that Clarke is noticing things like that. Three minutes, tops. “I was promised there weren’t any ghosts involved, Octavia.” “There aren’t,” Clarke says, “no one is dead.” “And that’s supposed to make me feel better? This house was abandoned.” “Was being the key word there, but uh—you know what? We don’t have time for this. You and your…” Bellamy doesn’t say anything as Clarke waits for specifics she never really thought she’d get, and that’s only as disappointing as it is because she can hear Harper joining them, and the flicker of magic in the air always makes it sparkle. Before sending a rush around them, fluttering the ends of shirts and various strands of hair, all of which Clarke is still pointedly ignoring, and the candles burst to light. 
AN: Back at it again with a story that, really, was at one time a Beauty and the Beast AU. Now, it’s more—magic and court politics and Bellarke flirting with each other immediately upon meeting. There’ll be more flirting, guaranteed. If you’re reading this, have read it, or are considering reading it at a future date, you’re the tops. Also the Coliseum and Louver Museum.
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raincityruckus · 4 years
First Line Tag game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors.
I was tagged by @pokeasleepingsmaug, thank you!
tagging: @limenal, @bird-on-a-wire20, @verbam, @mego42, @alienor-woods
Did I include a bunch of picks that you can't find anywhere because I took them off the internet and have't decided if I'm going to put them back yet? Yes. Did this make me want to put some of them back more than ever? Also yes.
Make Space (If She Don't Mind) unfinished Sihtric/Ealhswith/OFC threesome fic, TLK Strong arms wrap around Æsa from behind, lifting her feet off the ground and robbing her of her leverage.
Under The Sun finished Final/OFC smut, TLK Finan watches her from his spot in the sun.
Blood On His Hands (& The Truth on His Face) finished Sihtric/Ealhswith fuckin', TLK Usually when Sihtric is bloodied he is far from Ealhswith, with Uhtred on a path that she can’t follow.
A Shared Language finished Aethelflaed/Eadith (/Aldhelm) pining, TLK Aethelflaed knew that sending Eadith away from Aegelesburg was the right political choice.
At Break of Day finished Stiorra/Sigtryggr fuckin', TLK Sigtryggr wakes in the space between heartbeats.
It Starts With a Kiss finished Stiorr/Sigtryggr kissing' not on the mouth, TLK “What are you doing?”
There Is a Sound In The Calm finished Marissa/Butch/Vishous pining, Black Dagger Brotherhood “Do you think we’ll break it?” Marissa asks, her voice low and soft in the near perfect dark of the room.
O, Trespass Sweetly Urged finished Alvis/Dutch bdsm fuckin', Killjoys Usually when Dutch hurts someone she doesn’t feel so good about it.
You Call This Archaeology? finished Brad/Ray Indiana Jones and maybe Dracula AU, Generation Kill The neighbourhood is one of those places about two trendy coffee shops and a boutique clothing store away from being totally gentrified.
Two Of A Kind finished Faith Lehane + Allison Argent friend fic, BtVS/Teen Wolf crossover Faith smells it on her the first time they meet - another member for the Hot Brunettes Looking for Amends club.
Disaster of Modern Necromancy unpublished Bellarke necromancy AU, t100 Bellamy is dead when Clarke meets him.
We Will Rise unpublished Bellarke Stargate Atlantis AU, t100 Antarctica is a punishment, plain and simple.
Long Time Now unpublished Bellarke bids fuckin', t100 Clarke's hand's shake.
(At My Best) I Am The Worst unpublished Clarke spy AU, t100 “He’d be so proud of you,” Abby says, bumping her thigh against Clarke’s.
In The Midnight Hour unpublished Jonsa gentle lady doming, GoT Sansa isn’t sure what wakes her.
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Hiii! Is there a Bellarke plot you want to read but doesn’t exist yet or isn’t as popular? I’m looking for ideas for a fanfic and would love to get your opinion.
Oh my goodness, so many! I'm an angst and smut hoe. That means, throw me as much angst as you want but make sure there's a happy ending. I love when Bellamy and Clarke like each other but think the other doesn't feel the same way so they try and move on with other people but instead they get jealous and angsty. Stuff like that is chef's kiss.
And I love modern AU. I find it very hard to read any canonverse stuff. I just want to forget about canon and the show so usually I stay away from that.
I would love Bellarke - The Notebook. Angst and smut!
Or Bellarke - The West Wing/political fic. I love fics where they are like in the Senate together but hate each other.. until they don't 😅
One of my favorite ideas has always been Bellamy living on a farm, all grumpy and wearing red flannel shirts, working hard and then Clarke moves to town as the new town doctor and of course they clash and fight because he is annoyed she comes into town and everyone likes her and he just thinks she's an annoying city girl.. like Hart of Dixie!
Orrrr... same setting, Bellamy is a farmer trying to keep his farm afloat and then Clarke moves into the farm next door, when her grandfather leaves her the farm. She a city girl, running from something, moves in. Bellamy is annoyed because Clarke can't actually run a farm so she must prove him wrong and of course they argue and fight and get jealous when the other brings someone else home but they are dumbasses so they pretend it's nothing.
Another idea I've had is a fic where Clarke and Bellamy orbit around each other for years throughout their lives but timing is never right so they keep missing each other. I always imagined they first meet at O's wedding (Clarke having been O's college roommate). Due to some misunderstanding when they first meet, Bellamy thinks Clarke is stuck up and doesn't know why O is friends with her. Clarke thinks Bellamy is an ass. They share a dance at the wedding (forced by O) and are just petty and snarky (yet of course the chemistry is fire) until they part as enemies. Bellamy's gf Gina tries to (lovely) calm Bellamy's anger and annoyance with Clarke, as they dance the last dance at the wedding. Bellamy thinking Gina is it for him and refuses to accept Clarke got under his skin for some reason. Then we like skip a year. Another reason why they meet. There is development but not enough. Then 6 months later they meet again somewhere. Development but still angsty. Different relationships. They are both sluts with other people. Refusing to acknowledge their connection. Then next time they end up spending more time together but for different reasons, timing is a bitch. Like down the road, they share a kiss or have sex but still don't get their shit together.. until of course they do by the end and they will acknowledge their crazy angsty journey and how that night during O's wedding had changed their lives without them even knowing..
See.. god, I love Bellarke fanfiction.
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Something Wicked This Way Comes [a Bellarke, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina AU | childhood friends to lovers | rated T | oneshot]
prompted through @t100fic-for-blm by @newbellarkefan gifted to Jaida through the NAACP | The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)’s mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination
In the town of Arkadia, where every day feels like Halloween, Bellamy Blake is used to the strange and spooky. After all, Clarke is a witch, Raven’s a telekinetic, and Murphy can do some weird shit with fire. As for Bellamy’s though, he’s just a normal guy. All he wants to do is graduate high school and figure out if he should tell his best friend that he’s been in love with her his whole life.
Or at least he was a normal guy until he goes with Clarke to her Dark Baptism and Lucifer reveals that Bellamy’s unknown father might be a more familiar face than he’d expected.
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