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blindcarnation · 8 months ago
Thread of Cozy Games!
I wanted to go ahead and make a list of all the cozy games I've played and enjoyed ♡ pls feel free to send me any recommendations you might have as well!
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Minami Lane $4.99 ~ build and customize a street for villagers to move in & shop ~ 5-6 hrs long for main story ~ has a sandbox mode for continuous play ~ has cats you can pet ! (very important)
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Unpacking $19.99 ~ organize objects into different rooms and houses as your character goes through life changes ~ 4-5ish hrs long for main story ~ very cute and cozy with a sublte but meaningful story!
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Venba $14.99 ~ cook recipes as Venba, a South Indian Immigrant mother who tells her story through her cooking ~ 1-2 hrs long to complete the story ~ art style is GORGEOUS ~ will give you all the feels!
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Love Choice $1.99 ~3 different short stories with multiple endings ~ length varies on if you want all endings ~ actually so adorable and so clever !! ~ very much so worth the price!
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Coffee Talk $12.99 ~ run a coffee shop exclusively open at night, with unique customers coming in to tell their stories ~ 4ish hrs to complete the full game ~ You mainly make drinks and read through the dialogue ~ cute game and very fun characters! LOVE the storytelling!
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Assemble with Care $7.99 ~ carefully restore items that have been broken whilst learning the history of the people from Bellariva ~ about 1-2 hrs in length ~ beautiful art style and fun mechanics ~ a beautiful and sweet game that I hope has a part two eventually!
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A Little to the Left $14.99 ~ organize drawers and different levels ~ 4-5 hrs for the main storyline ~ cute and satisfying levels with beautifiul colors ~ very fun and lighthearted!
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end of thread! pls let me know if you have any recommendations of any fun cozy/indie games!!
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zicky483 · 6 months ago
Bellariva, Rimini..☀️😍
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passionsod · 10 months ago
Maria Is Repairing Stuff & Helping People In Bellariva | Assemble with Care Stream Vtuber Furry
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Had a little hiccup with the game, There's no option to have the game windowed & options are behind game start.
Hope you can join, have a great day.
Linktree in Bio.
❤️&🔃, thanks
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doorplays · 1 year ago
Door Reviews: Assemble With Care (2019)
Hello! I played this one game a while ago, but only got to reviewing it now. I decided I wanted a cozy game to try, and settled on this one. It looked like it had nice aesthetics, and it caught my eye. Now that I’ve played it, it is time for me to write a review! Let’s get to it.
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What’s it about?
Maria, an antique restorer, arrives at the small town of Bellariva in search of work. She manages to find some jobs to fix various items. As time goes on though, it seems like she’s finding herself fixing people’s lives as well…
STYLE (Gameplay, Graphics, Music)
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The game looks very neat. Polished, even. As if it belongs in a graphic design class or something? Font looks neat, art looks nice and well placed. I see that the game itself has a lot of chapters, and so I begin.
The game itself is a sort of puzzle game. Fiddle with the item until it is fixed. Unscrew bolts, open up caps, remove and replace the broken parts, etc. You get to fix a different item each chapter.
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It reminds me of Unpacking (2021). It feels kinda therapeutic, fiddling with stuff and fixing them. The gameplay itself is very simple, but the vibes it gives off are rather calming.
I… honestly don’t really have much comments on the style. It’s neat. It’s clean. But by itself… it doesn’t really speak to me? I like fiddling with the objects though, but I do experience some moments of immersion breaking when I find that the object itself isn’t mechanically consistent, like when a screw hole doesn’t exist for the second layer of an object.
The art is nice, music calming, and overall vibes very chill!
SUBSTANCE (Story, Characters, Impact)
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The story introduces us to Maria, the main character. She is a trusty fixer who can fix anything! We get a look into her life and as the game goes on, we see how she influences the community of Bellariva.
The way the story was told felt run-of-the-mill, and even felt like... a PowerPoint maybe? It kinda put me off when I realized it, but for the resources put into this, it felt okay enough.
I’m amazed with the full voice acting! Did not expect such scale of it, but I like it.
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The story itself was somewhat touching. It’s a simple enough story, but it is nonetheless moving. I liked the journey and how the gameplay itself relates to the struggles the characters go through.
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Ultimately I found this game nice for the time I spent on it, but I left it wanting more in like, a general way. The game told its story well enough for a game that started out as a mobile game. I can see how it’d play decently on mobile. But… I want better innovations in terms of storytelling. I want more complex stories. I feel like I ate fried chicken when I really crave is a steak. The chicken is still delicious and filling, but I’m still gonna chase the satisfaction that the ideal steak as shaped by my mind can provide.
I’m rambling at this point. Assemble with Care on its own is a nice game to play when you have a free afternoon. It’s zen enough in vibes, and it’s nice to fiddle with the objects. It’s not groundbreaking, but it’s a nice enough experience.
Door Rates Game: 3.5/5!
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giancarlonicoli · 1 year ago
14 ago 2023 12:10
Estratto dell’articolo di Marco Marozzi per il “Corriere della Sera”
«Un benefattore», si illumina l’architetto Luca Tausani, creatore di discoteche, colui che tramutò la luciferina Baia degli Angeli di Gabicce nella pacificata Baia Imperiale. Volare con Zanza, il più grande amatore della storia in bikini? «Un mito. La pubblicità di un tempo che fu. Come il Paradiso sui colli di Covignano, la discoteca da cui Umberto Eco paragonava Rimini a Los Angeles. Da anni cade a pezzi», filosofeggia Franco Sangiovanni, scrittore della Dolce Vita che dal Pavaglione di Bologna correva fino a Riccione.
[…] appare il fantasma benigno della Rimini capitale mondiale delle vacanze: Maurizio Zanfanti in arte Zanza, colui che amò «almeno seimila turiste», morto a 63 anni nel 2018, mentre faceva l’amore con una fanciulla assai più giovane. «Caduto sul lavoro», lo onorano al Gran Caffè Vergari, via Rimini, Riccione, dove superstiti latin lover si riuniscono per giocare a carte.
Zanza è la riviera che sognava di potere tutto. I pullman dai paesi scandinavi arrivavano fin davanti ai locali dove lavorava. Carichi di ragazze. Zanza era il «buttadentro». La sua mamma, Teresa Succi, ha chiesto di ricordarlo: Rimini gli dedichi una strada, almeno una targa. Ha aiutato tanto il turismo».
«Mi sembra troppo poco — rilancia Giuliano Lanzetti, figlio di Walter, il padrone del Blow up, il piccolo night dove lavorava Zanza —. Ha dato un contributo fondamentale. Non solo nei suoi trent’anni di attività: ancora oggi registi, documentaristi e inviati mi chiamano per farmi raccontare la storia di Maurizio. Gli venga dedicata una statua o un busto, sono pronto a pagarla di tasca mia, da erigere nella nuova rotonda di Bellariva che è ancora senza nome».
L’Arci Gay non ci sta. «È un mito da cui Rimini deve staccarsi», dice. La riviera della politica rimugina, Riccione è commissariata, Rimini cerca di conciliare simboli anche popolani con la grande storia di Fellini. Tutti parlano di «qualcosa da inventare per rilanciare il turismo».
Il Blow up è chiuso, scantinato buio e intrigante, Tausani voleva farci una parete su Zanfanti, «un maestro, tanti lo hanno seguito imitato, era il dopo Vitelloni». Un’epoca è finita come per l’elegante Embassy dove furoreggiava Silvio Berlusconi. Gli anni d’oro si sono ristretti anche per le discoteche sui colli. Zanza è rimasto nella leggenda.
«Aveva cominciato a 15 anni — sospira Ivano Moscato, amico di sempre —, aveva imparato le lingue nei locali, poi era andato in Svezia, Norvegia, Finlandia, si era perfezionato. Era portato. Trattava bene le donne. Era gentile». Ai giornali locali arrivano ancora lettere di protesta perché la parrocchia dove aveva fatto cresima e comunione non lo aveva voluto per il suo funerale. La Curia riminese fu costretta a un comunicato per spiegare che era stata la scelta di un prete singolo. «Italienischer Papagallo machte amore mit 6.000 fräulein» titolò la Bild .
«Una statua sarebbe un richiamo potentissimo anche per il turismo», sogna l’amico «Coccola». «Un pierre unico, uomo di pubbliche relazioni senza saperlo, che ha reinventato il mito delle riviera quando dopo i vitelloni anni 50-60 sembrava dominio dei ricchi bolognesi», storicizza il colto Tausani. […]
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solorpgist · 2 years ago
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15enne aggredito in strada a Firenze da minori, indagini
(ANSA) – FIRENZE, 20 FEB – Soccorso in strada a Firenze domenica pomeriggio un ragazzo di 15 anni, fiorentino, che risulta picchiato da altri minori, almeno un paio secondo le ultime ricostruzioni della polizia. Lo ha aiutato un passante, un adulto, in via Piagentina, zona Bellariva. L’uomo ha dato l’allarme. Il 118 ha portato il ragazzo all’ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova e per le contusioni…
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jacopocioni · 2 years ago
Gli antichi comuni che circondavano Firenze.
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Il territorio del Comune di Firenze nel 1800 era racchiuso per lo più all'interno della cerchia muraria trecentesca (attuali viali di circonvallazione). Soltanto a partire dal periodo di "Firenze Capitale" (1865 circa) e fino al 1931 il territorio comunale cittadino si è sempre più allargato al punto da incorporare gradualmente i territori delle antiche"Comunità", come venivano chiamate allora, che lo circondavano. A parte una buona porzione di FIESOLE e BAGNO A RIPOLI, tutt'ora esistenti, Firenze si è annessa interamente i Comuni di BROZZI, IL PELLEGRINO, LEGNAIA, GALLUZZO, ROVEZZANO e parte di CASELLINA E TORRI (attuale Scandicci). Per ognuna di queste antiche Comunità ormai scomparse e oggi divenute "quartieri" della città, verrà pubblicata qui di seguito una breve storia affinché ne rimanga un significativo ricordo nella storia e nella cultura fiorentina. .
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COMUNITA' DEL PELLEGRINO COMUNITA' DEL PELLEGRINO. L'antico Comune del Pellegrino aveva la propria sede municipale in una traversa di via Bolognese (attuale via del Pellegrino) e prendeva il nome dal vicino Spedale del Pellegrino di Porta San Gallo. Il suo territorio comprendeva Careggi, Montughi, Novoli, Rifredi, Trespiano e il Parco delle Cascine. Il Comune del Pellegrino venne poi diviso tra Firenze, Fiesole e Sesto Fiorentino. Lo stemma riproduceva un pellegrino al naturale sulla campagna verde in campo rosso.
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COMUNITA' DI BROZZI COMUNITA' DI BROZZI. L'antica Comunità di Brozzi contava circa 12.000 abitanti quando venne soppresso nel 1928. Il territorio comprendeva Brozzi, Quaracchi, Peretola, Petriolo, La Sala, Osmannoro e San Donnino. Fu suddiviso tra Firenze, Sesto Fiorentino, Campi Bisenzio e Signa. Lo stemma rappresentava due aironi in volo sulla terreno paludoso.
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COMUNITA' DI CASELLINA E TORRI COMUNITA' DI CASELLINA E TORRI. L'antica Comunità nacque nel 1774 dalla fusione dei Comuni di Casellina e di Torri. Il territorio comprendeva anche Badia a Settimo, Mantignano, San Martino alla Palma, San Colombano e Sollicciano. Nel 1928 cambiò il suo nome nell'attuale SCANDICCI. Lo stemma rappresenta una casa (casellina) tra due torri in campo azzurro al cantone bianco caricato dal giglio fiorentino.
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COMUNITA' DI LEGNAIA COMUNITA' DI LEGNAIA. L'antica Comunità di Legnaia divenne autonoma nel 1808 comprendendo nel suo territorio Bellosguardo, San Bartolo a Cintoia, Santa Maria a Cintoia, Marignolle, Monticelli, Mosciano, Soffiano, Pignone e Verzaia. Venne interamente inglobata nel Comune di Firenze con i suoi 11.300 abitanti. Il nome sembra derivare dai legnaioli e taglialegna che lavoravano in zona i tronchi che provenivano dalle vicine colline. Lo stemma rappresenta un gallo e un albero sulla campagna verde in campo d'oro, al capo d'argento caricato dal giglio fiorentino.
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COMUNITA' DEL GALLUZZO COMUNITA' DEL GALLUZZO. L'antica Comunità del Galluzzo fu autonoma fino al 1931 quando venne suddivisa tra Firenze, Scandicci e Bagno a Ripoli. Contava circa 22.000 abitanti e aveva un'estensione di 68 km/2, rappresentava quindi il più esteso e popoloso Comune della provincia di Firenze dopo Prato e Empoli. Comprendeva San Felice a Ema, Due Strade, Cascine del Riccio, Giogoli e parte di Grassina. L'antico stemma medievale rappresentava un gallo d'oro in campo azzurro mentre quello "moderno" presenta un gallo nero sulla campagna verde in campo d'oro.
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COMUNITA' DI ROVEZZANO COMUNITA' DI ROVEZZANO. L'antica Comunità di Rovezzano divenne autonoma nel 1808 comprendendo nel suo territorio anche Settignano, Varlungo, San Salvi, Bellariva e Coverciano. Ai tempi di Firenze Capitale venne suddiviso tra Firenze e Fiesole. La sua caratteristica era rappresentata dal notevole numero di mulini che sorgevano lungo l'Arno e che vennero simboleggiati nello stemma: troncato d'oro e d'azzurro alla macina al naturale, al capo d'argento caricato dal giglio fiorentino e dalla croce del popolo.
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Franco Ciarleglio Read the full article
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bouteaque-fi · 4 years ago
🅰️🅰️🅰️Sempre disponibile su richiesta il mini corso di approfondimento del tè in negozio📑: una lezione singola con approccio visivo, introduzione storico-geografica 🌏 e degustazione🍵! . Attualmente ospito un singolo partecipante per lezione per limiti di spazio: una occasione per immergersi ancora meglio nel mondo del tè 🌱 €20 a persona per 1h30m di lezione . #tè #tea #firenze #bellariva #corso #corsi #lezioni #tempolibero #curiosità #bouteaque #lezione #cha #chai #instatea #tealosophy #tealovers #teaaddict #amantideltè #teagram # (presso Via Giovanni Lanza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPrAnL9iN4X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wagor · 6 years ago
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#summer2019 #sea #beach #photography #bellariva #payattention #relax #blu #sky #waves #shotoniphone @piamontagnese (presso Numana Riviera Del Conero) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gQHaBI7E4/?igshid=zmksytued2pb
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denisedickey-blog · 5 years ago
I know that it's your motive to learn in connection with Bellariva Cream. I don't expect anything of substance to come out of Bellariva Cream. Let us start by finding out why I have a deduction in relation to Bellariva Cream. Any busy Bellariva Cream professional is going to need to make sure that they have a Bellariva Cream. As a matter of course,  that is a part time job. I have never been troubled by this and I'm not going to start now.When you believe about your Bellariva Cream you should keep this in mind. This is how to get an used Bellariva Cream. I suppose that was a well thought out plan. Bellariva Cream was absolutely important since with all circumstances,no matter what they are, there usually comes a moment where it's best to start over and try something different.They left in anger after that or this is something all the top experts know. This has come an awful long way but this is earth shattering. That is my bit of wisdom as this concerns Bellariva Cream.
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I saw that Bellariva Cream had crept in over the weeks. Now that it's over I practically acknowledge that eminent conclusion. I might want to back pedal on seeming belittled. Play this over and over in your mind: I don't offer any new bits of knowledge. I'm laying a vital foundation. That is worth every penny.Bellariva Cream doesn't matter to me, most of the time. Costs vary, but a store might sell Bellariva Cream at up to 60% off. I'm breaking new ground here when is shows correspondence to Bellariva Cream. First detail you'll need to know is where I am coming from with this post. It should be a helpful reference but also it is just the tip of the iceberg when it is on par with Bellariva Cream. Did you notice the TV commercial for Bellariva Cream? Apparently, after reading this, you'll be able to cope with Bellariva Cream. It should take many of the guesswork out. I don't want sidekicks to start Bellariva Cream with their Bellariva Cream. It has been a super sale. We'll smoke this problem out. That will be a free service. They were promoted to be the big cheese. I wasn't given any opportunity to point out that relative to Bellariva Cream. They were escorted out by the authorities. How many Bellariva Cream do you have? They don't want to make another mistake. That is subject to economic gain. It is the type of encouragement you're looking for. I'm attempting to figure out their strategies. Bellariva Cream alone would have made it worth it. I've covered that before. That was cut and dried. This can reduce the enjoyment of Bellariva Cream.
Visit here to get more details>>>https://www.healthdietalert.com/bellariva-cream/
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heavilylijhon-blog · 5 years ago
For crying out loud, do you even check to see that Bellariva Cream works? Bellariva Cream was Heaven sent. It was an elaborate scheme. Inherently, how might a Bellariva Cream disaster arise? I think you had to be there. Costs vary, although a store might sell Bellariva Cream at up to 70% off in order that agreed, you owe this to yourself. I believe I may ought to take a break from my very meaningful comments dealing with Bellariva Cream. For a while, I only type of shuffled around, hoping that would go away. I may not by the time mentioned know the things that we know. Opposites attract, or do they? Bellariva Cream is enticing. I know I could have added more details, but Bellariva Cream also affects things for certain. I want to have maximum achievement. In Bellariva Cream terms, this is seen as an isolated case. Why was this crucial? This would be an amazing feeling. Three weeks ago I was doomed. Good afternoon! Don't be concerned relevant to getting anything too elaborate. By what means do mere mortals affect quality Bellariva Cream schedules? This could cause certain alarm in respect to, Bellariva Cream because that is the least I can do. Hey, "Hot enough for you?" Why should you expect Bellariva Cream to be less inclusive? While it's not impossible, it is very difficult. Granting all this, I'm not holding back on Bellariva Cream. You can do it without Bellariva Cream. That is effective immediately. I am not of those who pretend in regard to Bellariva Cream. It can reduce the enjoyment of Bellariva Cream. They feel the need to beat them when they're vulnerable. Yet, all of the negative side effects of Bellariva Cream will quickly outweigh the possible benefits this Bellariva Cream may have. I'm betting the farm on Bellariva Cream. I certainly wasn't one of those big shots. Nevertheless, this is one of the most normal questions outsiders ask when they begin with Bellariva Cream. This essay is going to give you a couple of concepts you could use for this. At first glance, Bellariva Cream may not seem great. You should expect to get top dollar for a vintage Bellariva Cream. They're looking for a lower price. That can be very frustrating. For what this is worth, where did Bellariva Cream come from? Now here's something that my Nana opines, "He this knows nothing, doubts nothing." Permit me give you directions on how to get started. To the best of my knowledge, I said it. I will cover Bellariva Cream in my next column. There are heaps of sorts of Bellariva Cream. Bellariva Cream is a strange animal.
Official Website>>>https://www.healthdietalert.com/bellariva-cream/
https://bellariva-cream-48.webself.net/ https://www.completefoods.co/diy/recipes/bellariva-cream-ingredients-benefits-price-where-to-buy
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dietarypillsstore · 5 years ago
Bellariva Cream (Skin Care) Benefits, Reviews, Side Effects, Price!
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Bellariva Cream: Anti-developing sound skin formula used by Celebrity!
Being astounding or having shining skin won’t simply help you to have faith in all conditions, yet it ought to similarly make sure about the perfect skin of this dirtied world. Women are more stressed over their body and skin than men and it is furthermore very apparent that they should be awesome, paying little psyche to…
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amore0429 · 3 years ago
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Odoardo Borrani, L'Arno in Bellariva, c. 1870
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dark3rainbow · 8 years ago
To people who follow me, either they are aware of it or not
I started this tumblr so long ago without knowing what really tumblr was and i posted about random things that I really wasn't sure of. BUT NOW, I've done a change. So, officially, my tumblr is 95% Harry Potter Related, that may also include DRAMIONE (let's face it, all the freaking time), Slytherin stuffs. The other 5% could be random things. I really needed to change my url from bellarivas (my name, btw) to something else because, really, this was algo HP things since always. Thank you for your attention!
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dramioneasks · 8 years ago
Hi! Love your blog! So, I was wondering if there are any fics where Draco and Hermione are dating secretly but everybody knows anyway?
Can anyone suggest any?
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