#belladonna dark parables
Botanic Tournament : Nightshades !
Nightshade = Foxglove = Belladonna
Julius Nightshade (Catacomb City)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Amanita Nightshade (Monster High)
Nightshade Malto (Transformers : Earthspark)
Belladonna (Dark Parables)
Belladonna Davenport (Purple Hyacinth)
Donna Cavanagh / Foxglove (The Sandman)
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darkparablesgainira · 8 months
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I'm going to eat Belladonna in this dress
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darkparablesthorst · 1 year
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I've been reading a lot of childcare manwha so here's Childcare AU with Cursery duo and Belladonna. It's revisiting the old crossover art I did with Parn and Bella, but with a more wholesome twist.
Alternate titles: Messed-up people with god-like powers become each other's emotional support. Serial killer gets too busy spoiling child with abandonment issues to do any serial killing. One of them is a tsundere and it's definitely not the catboy (or so he says).
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some updated memes :p
bonus meme
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xzenythx · 11 months
my favorite gothic lolita xue yang kinnie plush rabbit girl i will do anything for you
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mb-blue-roses · 8 months
That reminds me rhat I wanted to post my fic - I don't feel like posting the Ao3 link, so I'll drop the fic under the cut!
Reunion of Fire and Ice
1.5k words
Summary: After the Fairytale Detective insists he goes and sits down with his sister like the adults they both are, Ross Red finally makes his way to the kingdom of Snowfall to reunite with Snow White.
Ross Red makes his way through the kingdom of Snowfall, a flame-red jacket pulled around his shoulders. Dark red fur rests around his shoulders, and he gazes at the city around him. Well, his sister's kingdom is certainly thriving. He can't help but be proud of his sister, seeing the people that mill about and chatter regarding anything and everything. A cool morning breeze blows through the town. Ross holds a bag of freshly-baked breads and other breakfast foods, recently purchased from a vendor in the city. He figures it isn't a good idea to show up to an impromptu family reunion without something on hand to make it smoother.
He raps on the castle's front door.
No answer.
He raps on the castle's front door again.
No answer.
He raises his hand to pound harder on the front door, trying to draw someone to open it. Then it creaks open.
"Who's knocking at this time of the morn-" the figure in the doorway snaps, before stuttering out- "R-ross?"
Snow White, the sister he hasn't spoken to in over a thousand years, is standing in the doorway. He can't help but flinch a bit under her cold stare. There's something unreadable in her eyes. Unable to find the words, he holds up the bag of fresh breakfast. Snow gapes at him for a moment, then turns around with a snap and jerks her head in a gesture to follow her. So he does.
His shoes squeak on the tile as he follows his sister through the elegant halls. Eventually, they end in a comfortable and less ornate dining room.
"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Snow asks sharply. Ross slams the food on the table defensively, hissing, "What? Can't I just try to see my sister?"
"It's been over a thousand years, Ross!"
"I know you want this reunion just as much as I do, Snow!"
Surprisingly enough, Snow is the one that backs down first. She hesitantly sighs, "You're right..."
Ross busies himself with spreading out the assorted foods, so that he doesn't have to look his sister in the eyes. He can't bring himself to look her in the eyes, as much as he wants to see her response. She remarks, "Let me guess. This was the detective's idea."
Involuntarily, Ross snorts.
"So that's a yes," she states in reply.
The room settles into an awkward silence. Snow's foot taps on the ground, and Ross shuffles thing around the table. He glances up, and looks out the window. The sunlight reflects off a little bit of snow, and the flourishing kingdom makes him smile at his sister's competence.
"Your kingdom seems to be flourishing," he remarks, "That's good."
Snow coughs, clearly trying to disguise a laugh, before she tells him, "I'm not the queen of Snowfall, Ross." "You... aren't?" he asks, startled. He would've expected her to be the ruler of this kingdom. He couldn't think of anyone else, there was no way their father was still in power.
"Who is, then? Surely not Dad?" Snow chuckles again, and then a voice rings out from the doorway.
"...Prince Ross? What are you doing here?"
Ross whirls around. Gerda, now a young woman, stands there. Her hair is loose, and she's wearing a night gown with a blanket around her shoulders. She rocks back and forth on her heels, watching Ross with a confused expression.
"What... what are you doing here, Gerda?" he asks in return. He can hear Snow snort in amusement before Gerda raises an eyebrow at him and says, "I... live here?"
He gapes at her for a moment, his jaw open as he tries to process. Gerda lives here? In the castle? Fascinating. He parses through his thoughts, attempting to form a response. He's saved from that by Gerda asking, "Anyways, how are Rapunzel and Belladonna doing?"
"They're doing well," he answers, "Belladonna has finally stopped insulting me when we are alone in the same room."
Gerda's face scrunches up in amusement. Ross offers her a hesitant smile. Then he asks, "Well, how are you doing then, Gerda?"
Gerda opens her mouth to reply, but then there's a rapping on the wall behind her. A young man, around Gerda's age, steps up to stand next to her. His hair is a soft blonde color, his eyes an icy blue. He presses a kiss to Gerda's cheek, and she blushes. The man asks, "May I ask how you know my wife, sir?"
By this point, Snow is doing nothing to stifle her laughter. The blonde man rolls his eyes, clearly amused by her reaction. Gerda's giggling as well, though it appears she doesn't have as much context for the situation as Snow does. Snow beckons the two of them further into the room, and they both move further in. The man leans on the counter, slotting himself easily in the corner of the small counter. Gerda, meanwhile, pulls out a stool and sits next to him. When both kids (they're adults, he knows this, but in his mind they're kids) are settled, Snow claps her hands. Ross can't help but stare. Gerda's married? He never knew her all that well, considering how little time they spent together and the fact that he was more focused on Rapunzel at that time, but it still surprises him. Nudging him to get his attention, Snow starts, "Ross, this is my son, Gwyn."
Ross is left speechless yet again, his head spinning. Based on Snow's movement, she's likely telling Gwyn that Ross is his uncle. He has a nephew?! He missed so much while was estranged. Likely, he was the king. Blinking away his thoughts he asks, "How long have you had a son?!"
"My entire life," Gwyn replies with a shit-eating grin. Gerda snorts loudly, before blushing and covering her face with her hand. Gwyn smiles and leans into her. Wait a minute...
"Does that make Gerda my niece-in-law?" he asks.
Gerda nods, taking Gwyn's hand.
"You also have a nephew-in-law. I'm married to them both, and them to each other," Gwyn says, at the same time Gerda mumbles, "Where is he? He's usually the first one up..."
Before Ross has a chance to process any of that, and almost as if mentioning him summoned him, another young man comes into the kitchen. The cane in his hand taps against the wooden floor as he sleepily enters, rubbing at his eyes. He approaches the table, saying, "G'morning everyone. Where'd this come from?"
"The uncle I just learned that I had," Gwyn answers, jerking his thumb to point at Ross. The man's head snaps up, and he looks at Ross with a startled expression. After staring blankly at Ross for a moment, he seems to make some sort of mental connection. He says, "Oh, you're the one who took Gerda to Floralia a few years ago. My name is Kai."
Kai offers Ross a handshake, which he respectfully accepts. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Kai, my name is Ro- Wait, how do you know about that?"
Kai chuckles awkwardly, his free hand finding its way to the back of his neck. He answers, "Well, Gerda's been my best friend for most of my life. When I saw you leaving the village with her, I wanted to make sure she was safe. So, I followed you. I... didn't get very far, and the detective saved me. She was at our wedding, actually."
So everything comes back to the detective, and an improbably tangled web of connections. Huh.
After a moment of awkward silence, Gerda hops off her stool. She strides over to the table, kissing her other husband on the cheek. Gwyn follows suit, and Kai turns bright red. Seeing the display of affection brings an uncharacteristically fond smile, unbidden, to his face. It reminds him of how he and Rapunzel were, in the early years. A small, but loud, part of him misses that. It also reminds him of how that frog prince (James, was his name?) and Snow acted before Ross left his family behind over it.
As the happy trio talks and serves themselves from the dishes Ross spread out on the table earlier, Ross himself turns to his sister. When she turns to him, he twists his head to look at Gwyn. The king is laughing, his face scrunched up in delight as his husband kisses some butter off his nose and his wife sneaks a sausage off his plate. Then he turns back to his sister and asks, "Was he with..."
"Yes. It didn't work out, and he's dead now. We were divorced for a few hundred years before that."
There's a lot of unanswered questions there, but she doesn't seem inclined to answer them. He can respect that. After all, he did show up at her house at eight in the morning after over a thousand years of no contact.
"We should join the kids," Snow says, and so they do. Questions can wait.
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shadowroxz13 · 2 years
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2016 + 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Dark Parables franchise
1. Amely - requested by moon-shadow-1985
2. Belladonna - requested by moon-shadow-1985
3. Brianne - requested by moon-shadow-1985
4. Gretel - requested by moon-shadow-1985
5. Harpy Queen - requested by moon-shadow-1985
6. Ivy Green - requested by moon-shadow-1985
7. Jessica - requested by moon-shadow-1985
8. Queen Melanie - requested by moon-shadow-1985
9. Queen of the Sky Kingdom - requested by moon-shadow-1985
10. Queen Valla - requested by moon-shadow-1985
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amatres · 6 months
Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear
tagged by @arendaes, thank you! I got hit by waves of exhaustion so it took me a minute, but here's one for my dnd character Aurora!
Her's is the easiest for me to find varying styles but consistent themeing for that won't just lead to the same outfit just slightly to the left haha. Some of her songs I've likely used before, but I tend not to have extensive playlists for my ocs.
-Belladonna, from Ballad of Rapunzel : Dark Parables
-Journey to the Past, from Anastasia on Broadway
-Midsummer's Eve, by Kamelot featuring Tina Guo
-Long, Long Time Ago, from Pan's Labyrinth
-Enchanted Lake, from the ballet Swan Lake
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i'll no pressure tag @transprincecaspian, @cassynite, @marmeegle, @spyridonya, and anyone else who would like to use this template
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detectiveruth · 1 year
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This character is Rapunzel from Dark Parables: The Ballad of Rapunzel
When I was watching a walkthrough and cutscenes from YouTube for references for this character I didn’t know there are different endings in the gameplay. It was enjoyable though.
I might work on her sister Belladonna soon 😊
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barbiestuffps · 2 years
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Dark Parables: Ballad of Rapunzel, 2014
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@lipton829 You bring to tears...😭
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another one would be
Belladonna 🤝 Pinocchio 🤝 John
magic powers temporarily killing someone
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ivyrose101 · 3 years
Random dark parables headcanons because yes
The Cinderella figures seen in TLC were made by Geppeto for Amelia before he lost his mind as a way for Amelia to remember her god daughters
After Snow left James he kept a picture of her and Gwin (as a newborn) with him at all time, even when he died
Belladonna has no real memory of her mother so Rupunzel would always tell her stories about her and how she genuinely loved her
The song that Snow was humming to Kai was a lullaby that she used to sing to Gwin before the incident
Ruth was the one to help Briar get caught up with modern technology
No matter how big Shadow gets he still thinks he’s small enough to fit on Ruth’s lap
Even though Ross hated James he never shit talked about him when Gwin was close because he didn’t want to accidentally taint any memories Gwin has of his dad
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mcrepower · 7 years
Violets Hollywood (Disneywood) credits
American McGees Alice as Alice Liddell Teen Titans as Raven Alice: Madness Returns as Alice Liddell Teen Titans: Aftershock as Raven Thin as Margaret Green (Walt Winner) Teen Titans: Titans East as Raven Dark Parables as Belladonna (TV Series, 3 episodes) Teen Titans: Birthmark as Raven The Baroness of New Orleans as Micaela Almonester Teen Titans: Titans Together as Raven Teen Titans: The End as Raven 
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leahazel · 7 years
Dark Parables - “Five Petals” 2/5
The druid was old and wise, but still as infuriatingly vague as on the day when she had granted Odile her terrible nightmare. Still, the Swan Princess knew who her allies were and she visited her often in her shed in the swamp, and was never turned away. She was a peculiar sort of person and she kept her own counsel about most everything, and wasn't overly fond of strangers, but her door was always open to the Black Swan.
Most of their meetings were like old friends chatting over tea, except for the old lady's occasional protestations about the goddess Flora and her timely recovery. On that particular morning, though, she was more vague than usual in her reassurances. In Odile's experience, this usually meant something interesting was about to happen.
"Beware the stranger, Swan Princess," said the druid, "for though her intentions are pure, she is more dangerous than you know."
"Can you tell me more about this stranger?" asked Odile. "What does she look like? How will I recognize her? Where does she come from and when will she be here?"
"Beware the stranger who knocks at your door, Princess," said the druid again, smiling mysteriously. "When she comes, bring her to me."
That last part, at least, was clear enough, and the Swan Princess left more or less satisfied with her visit, to return to her duties as the leader of the Swan Guard. The betrayal of the former Princess had left a deep rift of distrust in the Guard, and between the Goddess's weakness and the damage to the Dire Tree itself, all was not well on the Swan Island. Mending what was broken would be the work of years, and its prospect kept sleep from Odile's eyes. She had enough to worry about without dwelling on mysterious strangers who may or may not arrive.
The very next morning, a mysterious stranger came knocking at her door.
Odile let her head fall to her desk with a thunk.
Poor Roland was a good and loyal guard, and there was no reason for his Princess to alarm him so.
"Let her in, Roland," said Odile with a soft sigh.
The girl who stood in the doorway of her office seemed improbably young, and not at all dangerous. She was dressed childishly, in a dark-colored frock that fell to her knees. While she carried no weapons that Odile could see, she did have a small leather satchel that she hugged to her chest defensively. Altogether she left a powerful impression of a lost child, at least to Odile's eyes. She kept the druid's words in mind nonetheless.
"Welcome to Dire Island, stranger," said Odile. "I am Odile, Swan Princess and captain of the Swan Guard. What brings you to our shores, if you don't mind my asking?"
The girl straightened her back and said, "My name is Belladonna. I was summoned to act as a Guardian of the goddess Flora."
"Really," said Odile, not bothering to hide her skepticism.
"Yes, really," said Belladonna, who looked like she might be about to stamp her foot on the floor. "I'm the Guardian of the Nightbloom flower, and I was summoned forth by the goddess to attend to her during the convalescence of the Dire Tree."
"I received no word that a Guardian of Flora was to attend to the tree," said Odile. "The Swan Guard have been its only guardians for time immemorial. How do I know you're who you say you are? You'll pardon my caution, of course. As you must know, we've had cause to suspect even our closest allies, of late."
Belladonna sighed and her shoulders slumped. Reluctantly, as though prying the words from he own mouth, she finally said, "Ross sent me."
"Well," said Odile, rather taken aback at this revelation. "That changes everything."
"You'll let me into the kingdom?" asked Belladonna, immediately perking up.
"Yes," said the Swan Princess, "but first, there's someone I'd like you to meet."
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