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elartistadelalambreworld · 5 months ago
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abcphotoblog · 7 months ago
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Loyalist Murals in Northern Ireland 5/5
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j3-art · 2 years ago
Big. Bold. Boom!
#alexsmithtattoos12 #baltimoretattoos #belfastmurals #dmvtattooartist #graffiti #graffitistickers #graffitiworldwide #letteringlover #livetocreate #marylandtattooartist #muralarts #murals #muralsdaily #muralsofinstagram #muralsurabaya #nycmurals #outdoorphotography #outdoorphotographyallience #outdoorphotographycanadamagazine #outdoorphotographygear #outdoorphotographyh #outdoorphotographymag #outdoorphotographymagazine #outdoorphotographyportraits #outdoorphotographyse #outdoorphotography⛰📷🏜 #outdoorsphotography #spraycans #streetartlover #topstreetart
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erfigh · 5 years ago
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#streetart #belfaststreetart #belfast #belfastcity #belfastmurals #belfastmural #westbelfastmurals #westbelfastmural #visitbelfast #gotobelfast #belfast2019 #tourismbelfast #belfasttourism #documentbelfast #discoverbelfast #northernireland #belfast #ireland #discoverni #ni #ulster #uk #irish #belfastlive #visitbelfast #ireland_gram #lovegreatbritain #chusayinka (en Belfast City, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ExhfrBXFS/?igshid=oczwhs0zsem6
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stastrodome · 4 years ago
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Mural of Frank Gifford in Belfast, NI.
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giantscauseway · 4 years ago
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On today's Official World Famous Belfast Taxi Tour we had a lovely couple Lisa and Gavin over from England! If you would like to do our Irish History  and Troubles Private Driver Guided and walking Tour the link to book is in our bio or visit our website www.giantscauseway.tours Learn about 854 years of Irish history, Visit the Memorial Gardens as well as the Falls and Shankill Roads the areas where the conflict raged. Find out what it was all about! Tour led by a Local Historian! #officialworldfamousbelfasttaxitour #giantscausewaytours #irishhistory #bloodysunday #belfastmurals #belfastmuraltour #troubles #troublestour #privatetour #colonelgaddafi #partition #privatetours #toursofbelfast #belfastcity #belfast #mural #muralsofinstagram #murals #war #conflict #irishrepublicanarmy #Ireland #northernireland #thetroubles #muralsininstagram #art #artistsoninstagram #politicalart #freeireland #artoftheday (at Belfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNq_dkhuKj/?igshid=1nwlay0w91ugx
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ulstersnapper · 2 years ago
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Did you know...that the DMC DeLorean was built in Dunmurry, a suburb of Belfast? Although the DeLorean featured in all 3 Back to the Future films in 1985, 1989 and 1990, DMC had already been bankrupt since 1982! Now repeat after me... "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." #backtothefuture #docbrown #martymcfly #delorean #dmcdelorean #backtothefuturetrilogy #belfast #backtothefuturecar #belfastcity #backtothefutureday #visitbelfast #belfastnorthernireland #norniron #northernireland #northireland #ourweecountry #belfaststreetart #streetart #belfastmurals #ulstersnapper #viewruiner #visitnorthernireland #niphotography #funfact #funfacts #streetartphotography #streetarteverywhere #streetartlover #cityphotography #streetphotography (at Belfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZZ_X9j-LV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whereiscristiano-blog · 6 years ago
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Depicting political and religious divisions murals have become a symbol of Northern Ireland. Almost 2,000 murals have been documented since 1970 and even in spite of the past divisions Belfast is one of my favourite cities. With warm and easy chat people Belfast is a book full of history to be discovered and explored. Love it! 💚 . #belfast #northernirland #belfastmurals #ourstreets #photoobserve #eyeshotmag #everydayeverywhere #earthpix #lensculturestreet #life_is_scene #life_is_street #u_p_g🎯 #travel #travelwriter #travel #instatravel #travelgram #passportready #travelblogger #wanderlust #ilovetravel #writetotravel #instatravelling #instavacations #instapassport #postcardfromtheworld #traveldeeper #traveling #traveltheworld #igtravel https://www.instagram.com/p/BxiEWroAyU_/?igshid=1reh4y6bk4gip
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kmitchhodge · 5 years ago
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A mural for Peace Day on the "Peace Wall" in West Belfast that separates (still to this day) the Catholic Republicans who live along the Falls Road and the Protestant Unionists who live along the Shankill Road (Aug., 2019). Full HD image available at https://ift.tt/3erjRDF #peacewall #peacewallbelfast #peace #peaceday #imagine #fallsroad #fallsroadmurals #mural #streetart #streetphotography #urbanphotography #belfastmurals #westbelfastmurals #westbelfast #cityscapephotography #cityscape #thetroubles #belfast #northernireland #norniron #ireland #unsplash #igersunsplash #glimpseofni #igersnorthernireland #igersireland https://instagr.am/p/CDbV4s5hIkn/
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elartistadelalambreworld · 5 months ago
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Segunda y una última entrada dedicadas a las paredes (de cierta parte) de Irlanda.
Podría continuar durante muchas más entradas,. No han dejado un rincón en el que no figure su relato, los elementos fundacionales de su resistencia, o cualquier otra causa que hayan considerado justa a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad.
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abcphotoblog · 7 months ago
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Loyalist Murals in Northern Ireland 4/5
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erfigh · 5 years ago
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#belfast #belfastcity #belfastireland #belfastmurals #belfastmural #diadadecatalunya #diadanacionaldecatalunya #catalunyairlanda #belfast2019 (en Murals of West Belfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2RHA2Go84T/?igshid=1peh3z7vmiq53
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serialfrenchblogger · 7 years ago
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📍Belfast • J’ai bien aimé Belfast. Au début j’ai été un peu étonnée mais j’aime bien ce genre de ville pas forcément « belle » au premier abord et qui révèle ses charmes au fur et à mesure. J’ai bien aimé les murals. On est au-delà du street art, c’est carrément l’histoire de la ville et de l’Irlande du nord qui est dépeinte sur les murs. C’est magnifique et très instructif ! _ Je suis rentrée à Paris hier, je reste normalement jusqu’à vendredi sauf surprise... je vous raconterai! Aujourd’hui il fait hyper beau mais hyper froid 😱 ça y est l’hiver est là on dirait ! ___ I really enjoyed Belfast but not at first sight. I love this kind of cities which don’t look « pretty » at first but unveil their charms little by little. I love the murals, it’s more than street art. It’s the whole story of Belfast and Northern Ireland which is depicted on the walls. It’s beautiful and you can learn a lot! • • • • • #irlande #ireland #irelandgram #igersireland #ig_ireland #visitireland #instaireland #discoverireland #europetrip #igerseurope #ig_europe #discovereurope #northernireland #visitnorthernireland #belfast #igbelfast #igersbelfast #visitbelfast #mural #belfastmurals #streetart #streetartbelfast #profitedelavie #roamearth #roamtheplanet #thedailyadventurer #the_daily_traveller #thisismyeurope #travelineurope #urbanphoto (à Belfast, United Kingdom)
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giantscauseway · 4 years ago
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On today's Official World Famous Belfast Taxi Tour we had the lovely Ladies Lucy and Katie over from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 If you would like to do our Irish History  and Troubles Private Driver Guided and walking Tour the link to book is in our bio or visit our website www.giantscauseway.tours Learn about 854 years of Irish history, Visit the Memorial Gardens as well as the Falls and Shankill Roads the areas where the conflict raged. Find out what it was all about! Tour led by a Local Historian! #officialworldfamousbelfasttaxitour #giantscausewaytours #scotland #irishhistory #bloodysunday #belfastmurals #belfastmuraltour #troubles #troublestour #privatetour #colonelgaddafi #photooftheday #muralsininstagram #mural #murals #belfastmurals #belfastmuraltour #highlandclearances #celticnations #gaelige #ulsterscotsplantation #provisionalira #provos #operationbanner #Ireland #northernireland #belfast #peacewall #peacewallsbelfast #britisharmy #irishrepublicanarmy #moreblacksmoredogsmoreirish (at The Peace Wall, Belfast Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF9_kXoBR39/?igshid=pizqg2jk9e0u
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gerrybot · 7 years ago
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This random looking #mural in the Cathedral Quarter is titled SIM Kardashian. It's a comment on how technology has become ubiquitous and how it's shaping our culture. . . . #StreetArt #BelfastMurals #belfast #popculture #art #wallart #walls #NorthernIreland #alternativeculture http://ift.tt/2znQNLq
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sewisea-blog · 6 years ago
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A mural in Belfast. #belfast #northernireland #mural #belfastmural #belfastwallmurals #peacemural #peace https://www.instagram.com/p/BroBKi1ARaN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p47ke150u2r4
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