northssketchbook · 2 years
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20. Witch - TESinktober 2022
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puddingface1902 · 10 days
Hey everyone! Episode 12 of my Skyrim playthrough is here. Check it out!
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bastianhallix · 6 months
just realized that bastian actually does have a favorite pet, and it's the great daenian hound, which i've added to uesp here:
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(sometimes his responses are mixed with his generic ones to pets, but i've only ever seen those last three whenever i selected the hound.)
i figured that this actually makes perfect sense because as the name implies (aside from being a play on the great dane in real life), these dogs come from the daenian region, where daggerfall is located.
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(side note: i got this dog on eu because my main oc over there is supposed to be part of the beldama wyrd.)
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I was wondering if you have anything on worship of Y’ffre? I know he’s not a Daedra, but he’s still fascinating to me.
Alright, I'm sorry this took literal months to get together, but my schedule was fucked. Now, let's talk about Y'ffre.
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Y'ffre is the head of the Bosmeri pantheon, the creator of the Green Pact, and usually described as a bearded man (though Y'ffre has been referred to with she/her pronouns in at least one instance). The Bosmer are also referred to as Y'ffre's people.
As Jephre, he is worshiped by the Altmer, who also depict him as bearded. There is an Altmer order known as the Jephrine Paladins who style themselves after indriks and protect the wild, as opposed to most Altmer who demand perfection and obedience from nature.
The Bretons worship him as both Jephre and Jeh Free, God of the Forest and Spirit of the Now. They have their own version of the Jephrine Paladins, the Vicars of Jephre who are also known defenders of the natural world. This isn't even getting into the Druids, the Druids of Galen, and the Beldama Wyrd.
As Y'ffer, he appears in the Khajiiti pantheon (though, who doesn't?). He created the first flower to woo Nirni, became corrupted by Namiira, killed Nirni, and was slain by Hircine, Azurah, and Khenarthi (who turned his bones into a cairn for Nirni). He was known as a snooping spirit who couldn't keep secrets and was the reason Fadomai's Children could cross the Lattice. In their lore, he's responsible for turning some of the Khajiit into the Bosmer. Prior to the Riddle'thar Epiphany, he was known as the bastard son of Ahnurr. Interestingly, he is not a figure of worship.
He's also believed to have had Ayleid and Snow Elf worshipers.
There was once an Argonian heresy that abandoned the Hist and turned to Y'ffre and the Valenwood for an alternative reproduction method, but this was potentially wiped out in the Second Era when ex-Shadowscale refugees assassinated those responsible.
Fascinatingly, the Imperials were strictly prohibited from Y'ffre worship due to Alessian Empire religious laws (though the current ban on worship is unknown in the modern Imperial Cult).
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Along with the names Y'ffre, Jephre, and Y'ffer, he is also known as the Singer, the Storyteller, God of Song and Forest, and Spirit of the Now. He is known to be swift and to send wisps to herald the storms of Rain's Hand. Seeing the wisps are a promise of new growth, new life, and a new chapter in nature's cycle.
His most faithful are the Spinners, who keep histories, laws, and prophecies as stories. They invoke him into themselves to tell the stories. Some of them include how he brought forth the Green from the Ooze, the establishment of the Green Pact, and how he taught the Bosmer to both escape the original Ooze and how to activate the Wild Hunt, which is super fucky.
As a god of nature and, let's be honest, life as a whole - because let's be honest, that's what it means to pull the Green from the Ooze - he's associated with literally all animals and plants, though obviously cares more for the plants than the animals given the average Bosmer's diet. Particularly of note are trees (especially oaks), flowers, birds, elks, and indriks. His only known artifact is the Ring of the Wild Hunt, which we'll talk about later.
What is he the god of? Well...
Narrative magic
The Green
Guardian elemental spirits
The Wild Hunt (aka Great Hunt)
I'd even argue that he's a god of the planet overall, creation, and life as a whole given his mythology and what exactly is attributed to him. Like, pulling the Bosmer out of gook is a huge thing, and it's only one of the things that is attributed to him!
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What? Okay, okay, fine, I'll talk about the Ring of the Wild Hunt!
Look, everyone keeps arguing about what is or is not canon in the Elder Scrolls series now. Which means that I'm just taking all of the information, canon or no, and dumping it at your feet. That's been the case for everything, but it's especially the case with this section.
The Ring of the Wild Hunt is a Bosmeri artifact. It plagues the wearer's dreams with images of hunters and prey, yet also blessed the wearer with Y'ffre's swiftness. Literally, it makes you run a lot faster.
The ring is composed of five pieces: the Band of Water, the Charm of the Shapeless, the Face of the Serpent, the Face of the Wolf Beast, and the Symbol of Y'ffre.
Band of Water: small band, possibly depicts a liquefied Bosmer (my thoughts: potentially one in the midst of the Wild Hunt)
Charm of the Shapeless: bizarrely-shaped green charm, possible relic of the Wild Hunt
Face of the Serpent: possible imagery of the Wild Hunt, resembles serpentine beast
Face of the Wolf Beast: monstrous animal resembling different creatures, possible depiction of King Dead Wolf-Deer
Symbol of Y'ffre: depiction of Y'ffre, thought to be of the god unleashing the power of the Wild Hunt
It broke into five pieces sometime after its creation and was reunited in 2E 582 by the ESO player character as a member of the University of Gwylim's Antiquarian Circle.
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So that's it. That's all I managed to find about Y'ffre in canon. My only additions are some minor musings, as I've never interacted with Y'ffre myself.
Something I should consider doing is to trace where the inspiration for him came from, as the Elder Scrolls series has a bad habit of pulling directly from Greek, Roman, or Norse gods to "inspire" their own... Though the lore of Y'ffre does do its best to separate him from any direct inspiration or obscure the gods who inspired him.
(PS: The apple dividers used on this post were created by @firefly-graphics!)
Perhaps this gives you something to work with, anon!
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UESP Lore page: Y'ffre
UESP Lore page: The Green Singing
UESP Lore page: Jephrine Paladins
UESP Lore page: Ring of the Wild Hunt
UESP Lore page: Beldama Wyrd
UESP Lore page: Druids
UESP Lore page: Druids of Galen
UESP Lore page: Wild Hunt
UESP Online page: Ring of the Wild Hunt
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tesworldthink · 2 years
Ehlnofey / Эльнофей
"On the world of Nirn, all was chaos. The only survivors of the twelve worlds of Creation were the Ehlnofey and the Hist. The Ehlnofey are the ancestors of Mer and Men. The Hist are the trees of Argonia." ―The Annotated Anuad
Ehlnofey, also known as the Earth Bones, are the faded descendants of the Aedra who walked on Nirn, as well as the ancestors of men and mer.
A large fragment of the Ehlnofey world landed on Nirn relatively intact, and the Ehlnofey living there were the ancestors of the Mer. These Ehlnofey fortified their borders from the chaos outside, hid their pocket of calm, and attempted to live on as before. Other Ehlnofey arrived on Nirn scattered amid the confused jumble of the shattered worlds, wandering and finding each other over the years.
Eventually, the Wandering Ehlnofey found the hidden land of Old Ehlnofey, and were amazed and joyful to find their kin living amid the splendor of ages past. The Wandering Ehlnofey expected to be welcomed into the peaceful realm, but the Old Ehlnofey looked on them as degenerates, fallen from their former glory. For whatever reason, war broke out, and raged across the whole of Nirn.
The Old Ehlnofey retained their ancient power and knowledge, but the Wandering Ehlnofey were more numerous, and toughened by their long struggle to survive on Nirn. This war reshaped the face of Nirn, sinking much of the land beneath new oceans, and leaving the continents that would be later known as Tamriel, Akavir, Pyandonea and Atmora; with Yokuda having been completely sunk beneath the ocean's surface while Aldmeris became ruined and lost to time. The remnants of the Wanderers were left divided on the other three continents.
The Wandering Ehlnofey are the ancestors of Men and the Old Ehlnofey are the ancestors of Mer, according to The Annotated Anuad. However, the Monomyth claims that the human races (or one race) were created originally and the Elnofey are not related to them. Thus, the question of the origin of the humans is ambiguous, but given that mers and humans may share a common offspring, it can be assumed that they are related species.
The witches of the Beldama Wyrd in High Rock venerate the Ehlnofey, calling them the Guardians. They have guided the witches since they first found the Wyrd Tree. In 2E 582, the machinations of Angof the Gravesinger caused these Ehlnofey to be imprisoned, but through the actions of the Vestige and the witches of Beldama Wyrd, they regained their freedom.
Эльнофей (ориг. Ehlnofey) или Кости Земли — это древнейшая мифическая раса, появившаяся сразу после сотворения Смертного Плана. Являются предками всех эльфов и, предположительно, людей и цаэски.
Это было так давно, что единственным доступным источником информации являются мифы. По одному из них, изложенному в «Ануаде», эльнофей и хист — существа, попавшие на Нирн после разрушения Падомаем двенадцати миров. По другому («Мономиф») — это потомки Изначальных Духов-создателей Нирна, которые решили заселиться в созданный своими руками мир.
Ануад говорит, что после разрушения двенадцати миров «Один большой фрагмент мира эльнофей, перенесённый на Нирн, относительно не пострадал. Его жители и стали предками эльфов. Эти эльнофей оградили свои границы от внешнего хаоса и, утаив от всех своё спокойное прибежище, попытались жить так, как жили раньше. Другие эльнофей, прибывшие на Нирн, были разбросаны по остаткам разбитых миров, годами обречены они были бродить в поисках друг друга. В конце концов, странники нашли скрытую страну старых эльнофей и были восхищены и обрадованы, увидев своих сородичей среди великолепия прежних времён. Эльнофей-странники рассчитывали, что их тепло примут в этой мирной стране, но старые эльнофей посмотрели на опустившихся родичей с отвращением. Как бы то ни было, разразилась война и пронеслась по всему Нирну. Старые эльнофей сохранили своё древнее могущество и знания, но странники были более многочисленны, а длительная борьба за выживание на Нирне сделала их крепкими и выносливыми. Война преобразила облик Нирна, в результате её большая часть суши оказалась затоплена образовавшимися океанами, осталось лишь несколько знакомых нам континентов (Тамриэль, Акавир, Атмора и Йокуда). Полуразрушенное царство старых эльнофей стало Тамриэлем. Оставшиеся странники были разделены по трём другим континентам». По другой версии, страна оседлых эльнофей и была загадочным Альдмерисом, который в результате войны погрузился под воду.
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Ehlnofey the water guardian / Эльнофей-страж воды
«Ануад» говорит, что «Спустя много лет эльнофей Тамриэля стали: — мерами (эльфами)… Эльнофей-странники на других континентах стали людьми: нордами Атморы, редгардами Йокуды и цаэски Акавира» (хотя точно не известно, являются ли цаэски людьми). Однако «Мономиф» утверждает, что людские расы (или одна раса) были созданы изначально и эльнофей не имеют с ними родственной связи. Таким образом, вопрос происхождения людей неоднозначен, однако учитывая, что меры и люди могут иметь общее потомство, можно полагать, что они являются родственными видами.
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suncertain · 1 year
californication, gin tonic, mimosa ! (Helloo!)
cocktail quiz || always accepting!
hi!! thank you so much for the ask!
[ californication ]  what do they think is their greatest achievement in life?
Eilyrie's torn on this. One is becoming a knight. After all, that takes a lot of training and a lot of work, and it's definitely not an achievement to scoff at in her eyes! But the other is that she's always been one to lend a hand and help others. It's been little deeds over the years - defending a wandering trader from bandits, helping with the evacuation of war-torn villages, even gathering supplies for healers when the need arises. Those things, those (to her) unarguably good things, those are her achievements.
[ gin tonic ]  who influenced them the most?
While she did get some influence from her older sister Ysele (especially in terms of her desire to protect those she loves), Eilyrie was a quiet and adventurous child who often went exploring on her own. You could say that the world at large influenced her! She has a deep fondness for nature to this day, one that's a defining aspect of her character. The Wyresses of the Beldama Wyrd in Glenumbra, as well as the Stonelore druids of the Systres, have a lot of her respect and admiration.
[ mimosa ]  which incident shaped them the most?
One of the biggest ones was her sister Ysele leaving the Lion Guard, completely disillusioned with them. Hearing the stories from her sister about what it was like, about the things they were expected to do for the Covenant... yeah, that soured Eilyrie's worldview for a bit. When she became a knight herself, she didn't join the Lion Guard like she'd planned, and thought she'd be safe from all that. Nope. The law and her own morality don't always match up, and as a character that leans lawful good, this is tough.
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beldamaby-blog · 6 years
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Новинки #BEAUTY. Больше моделей на сайте: www.beldama.by. Наш ☎️ +375298444909. Если вдруг нашли где-то дешевле: пишите, и цена будет ещё ниже найденной вами) Подписчикам группы 5% скидка)) #белорусскийтрикотаж #белорусскаяодежда #beldamaby #beldama #интернетмагазин #одеждаизбеларуси #белдама #белдамабай #купляйцебеларускае #одежда_BelDama #дизайнерскаяодежда #белорусскиедизайнеры (at Brest, Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_7j0cg9J0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j6rtbi0ghf41
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elfyourmother · 6 years
beldama replied to your post: “sorry I just have Opinions on fashion as art and how little the vapid...”:
tho there are a LOT of others (Miley Cyrus smh....)
beldama replied to your post: “sorry I just have Opinions on fashion as art and how little the vapid...”:
it’s okay u can say the Kardashian/Jenners
honestly the kardashian/jenners are just the ugliest most logical extension of this mentality, like distilled down to its most terrible essence
but you’re right so many people are like this
i hate to sound like an Old but social media feeds into a lot of this. i remember back in the day like WAY back in the day, anna wintour would have dropped dead before inviting some of the people that show up now (including kim’s klan)
cuz like, it used to mainly be a thing for insanely rich old money socialites. it wasn’t just money you needed to go, it was a name to go on that guest list. every rich pop star with a bazillion twittergram followers wasn’t invited. but remember, the practical reason for the gala beyond all the shiny dresses is it’s a fundraiser for the costume institute and is actually the single biggest source of funding for it. and when the hilda von hufflepuffs started dying off, the gravy train started slowing down and shit started getting serious. anna had to change with the times, she’s a lot of things but she’s not stupid. at the end of the night they’re trying to get money for the museum, and if that means having to tolerate k*ty perry’s inept attempts at cosplay, so be it
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spector · 6 years
beldama replied to your post: “these girls on fb keep saying im rude for calling them homophobes and...”:
God it literally is worse for them to be called homophobic than it is for them to actually be homophobic
people be thinking that theyre not homophobes just bc theyre not beating up gays or calling people slurs. there are many ways to be homophobic and passively aggressively boycotting a representation in pride march is one of them.
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yulelog · 6 years
replied to your
@beldama what the fuck are you talking about & why...
also idk some of those characters were a stretch to say “significant reason to be in tevinter” or involved in the potential plot so yeah to me it looked like “characters I like and want to see”
i mean obviously its characters i like and want to see because its my post i made of my opinions and its a joke pyramid of what id like to see in da4 but its not “list of my favorite characters in dragon age and fuck everyone else” so i still dont see why you thought it was appropriate to vague me and assume shit bc i didnt put 1 character (who i like!) on it because once again i made it listing a bunch of stuff off the top of my head in like 3 minutes because i thought it would be funny to make a post thats like haha its maslows hierarchy of needs but with video games! tee hee! 
anyway of the 10 characters on there, 4 of them have no personal ties to tevinter, those being leliana, isabela, merrill, and zevran. i put leliana half because i like her and half because if she’s not divine she’s still w/ the inquisition afaik. merrill is there because she shouldve been in dai anyway being one of the two dalish companions in the series as well as a character whos been studying eluvians and i think her perspective would be valuable. isabela and zevran are there also because i like them and because their occupations would allow them to be in tevinter without it being weird bc they can pretty much be anywhere at any time and have it make sense
also honest to god? main reason vivienne isnt on there? i just didnt think of it because its not like i went thru a list of the companions and was like “yep...yep....nope... not you....yep” it was just characters i thought of off the top of my head that made sense to me
and regardless of any of this i dont know how you came to the conclusion that i dislike vivienne and i dont like you insinuating that im racist for not including her on a post i made, once again, as a joke
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dibellaskiss · 3 years
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꒰♡꒱The Great Daenians are gigantic hounds bred as protectors and companions by the Beldama Wyrd coven. Despite their size and strength, they are surprisingly gentle except when roused to the defense of their masters.
꒰♡꒱Default nickname: Belle
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tamrieldrifter · 4 years
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Visions of the apocalypse
It is said that Coldharbour is Molag Bal’s apocalyptic vision for Nirn, and as I look out now upon the Bloodthorn camp at the battlefield of the Cliff of Failure, I fancy that I am looking upon what may have become of Glenumbra had we not put a stop to Angof and his Bloodthorn cult at the cemetery of Cath Bedraud.
Giant thorny vines cultivated by the sinister magics of the Reach have chocked all other life from the land, and now all that moves between the swaying stems has but already been dead.
I wonder if the people of Daggerfall will ever fully understand just how close the corruption came to their great city. For when Eagle's Brook fell, when the wolves were at the gates of Aldcroft, when the streets of Camlorn bled. when the risen dead were all that roamed the northern roads, and when even the Wyrd Tree at Glenumbra’s heart suffocated on the foul pollution of the Reach, it was the brave men and women of the Lions Guard, the Knights of the Dragon, and the Beldama Wyrd who together, at such great cost, pushed back the blight to keep their land green and blest.
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boethiah · 4 years
beldama i always see (straight) people praising Skyrim’s approach of “gay people may exist but they are never mentioned or seen at all ever and if they are gay it presumably is not something ever worth bringing up, and no one has a reaction to it so that’s an Ideal World” and it’s so... no that’s not ideal for me as a gay person lmao
beldama “you can get gay married and no one reacts negatively. Or reacts at all. In fact being gay doesn’t exist unless you want it to” is like not like, enlightened. idk if this is totally what u mean but it’s always something that bugged me
right!! and honestly the similar take, “in an ideal world everyone is bi :)”, is like... my least favorite approach to things. though i wouldn’t even call it good bi representation, it really just seems like “opt-in non-straightness” and it has no bearing on character or the world. 
like my lesbianism is so much more than just “i like girls” and while i am Not going to talk about my sexuality on this blog. i’d argue that even in an “ideal world” in which same-sex relationships were 100% accepted, gay people still have to experience the inherent loneliness of growing up being Different from your peers, a smaller dating pool, everything that affects us. i feel like people are inclined to treat a homophobia-free world as one where “gays and straights and bis are all the same they just date differently” and that could not be more foreign to my own existence. it’s some “love is love” level bs. 
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Razum-Dar, a phenomenal discovery has been made! With the aid of a dear friend of mine, I was able to realize what I had been missing! While I was looking for the Emperor’s original magical signature, I had not taken into account the possibility of it being changed!
Like the monks of the Psijic Order, the Moth Priests, an organization which our missing person had joined, have their own very specific way of spellcasting. A method which would no doubt change the way the Emperor cast his own spells. Meaning, after taking his original signature into account, and adjusting for Moth Priest influence, we were able to discover a far more stable, and stationary concentration of magicka near the Beldama Wyrd Tree! That is where I believe Varen Aquilarios to be, currently!
Stand by, while I send you the location via projection! Do what you must, and bring the Emperor home!
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beldamaby-blog · 6 years
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Новинки #prestige. Больше моделей на сайте: www.beldama.by. Наш ☎️ +375298444909. Если вдруг нашли где-то дешевле: пишите, и цена будет ещё ниже найденной вами) Подписчикам группы 5% скидка)) #белорусскийтрикотаж #белорусскаяодежда #beldamaby #beldama #интернетмагазин #одеждаизбеларуси #белдама #белдамабай #купляйцебеларускае #одежда_BelDama #краснаяюбка #юбкакарандаш (at Brest, Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bos3WdZAYOy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6g45pm9tbpqf
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beldamaby-blog · 6 years
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Новинки #BEAUTY. Больше моделей на сайте: www.beldama.by. Наш ☎️ +375298444909. Если вдруг нашли где-то дешевле: пишите, и цена будет ещё ниже найденной вами) Подписчикам группы 5% скидка)) #белорусскийтрикотаж #белорусскаяодежда #beldamaby #beldama #интернетмагазин #одеждаизбеларуси #белдама #белдамабай #купляйцебеларускае #одежда_BelDama #дизайнерскаяодежда #белорусскиедизайнеры (at Brest, Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmxWwasACve/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qm9cihre1juc
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