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lemongrace · 1 year ago
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Bel'ameth, Arms of the Goddess
a small tribute to a zone that has quickly become one of my favorites to be ever added to WoW
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ishnualah · 6 months ago
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viktor-ravencrest · 1 year ago
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findmeinshattrath · 1 year ago
I like Bel'Ameth and Amirdrassil, but I won't lie, I miss the Night Elf style of purple twilight ambience that you got with Teldrassil.
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kottkrig · 1 year ago
Being allowed into Bel'ameth as a Forsaken who participated in the War of the Thorns and the Battle of Darkshore feels a little sillygoofy, these Sentinels are staring me down
Sorry about that guys
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ordgen · 4 months ago
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faxpaladin · 1 year ago
The epilogue to Dragonflight begins with the opening of the night elves' new home, Bel'ameth. World of Warcraft: Seeds of Renewal is live now!
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talah-dorei · 1 year ago
Berry & Bubble Inn
A Tavern hosted by the Ashenvale Discord Server. Hello! January 17th will be the first tavern night of the year in Bel’ameth! Join the celebration of the founding of the new kaldorei city. Actual spot TBA. January 31st is the usual Astranaar tavern night. Both dates start at 7:30pm Server!
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mbat · 30 days ago
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got bored, decided to make a WoW travel map. its black and white to make the dots stick out more
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mothervvoid · 1 year ago
man i really need to like. level an alliance character to max.
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ashtarels-archives · 1 year ago
Bel'ameth, the Arms of the Goddess
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"Isil noras rae shala dielas." (Silver skies and safe journeys.)
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alchemyofazeroth · 2 months ago
Druidic Medicine & Kaldorei Alchemy
The practice of alchemy within Kaldorei culture and druidism is deeply intertwined with their reverence for nature and the interconnectedness of all living things.
Unlike the more mechanical and formulaic alchemy found in other societies, kaldorei alchemical traditions emphasize a holistic and spiritual approach. Practitioners seek to harness the innate magical properties of flora and fauna native to their ancient forests. Through a combination of ritual, druidic incantation, and a deep understanding of the natural world, night elf alchemists concoct elixirs, salves, and potions with effects that transcend mere alchemical reactions.
Their brews may imbue the imbiber with heightened senses, dreamlike visions, or a temporary attunement to the living essence of the forest itself. Gathering ingredients is as much a meditative act as a practical one, with proper respect paid to the spirits of the plants and creatures whose components are used. At its core, the goal of kaldorei alchemy is not the domination of nature, but rather a synergistic and reverential relationship with the primal forces that shape the world.
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The Ancient Origins of Elven Alchemy
The origins of elven alchemy can be traced back to the ancient Highborne civilization that emerged around the mystical Well of Eternity. The Highborne, an elite caste of night elves, were deeply attuned to the arcane energies emanating from the Well. Fascinated by its power, they began to study and experiment with the Well's waters, seeking to unlock the secrets of its magic. Through centuries of meticulous research and trial and error, the Highborne developed the art and science of alchemy - the transmutation of matter through arcane means. By harnessing the Well's energy in their concoctions and elixirs, they discovered they could imbue substances with wondrous properties, from enhancing physical abilities to curing ailments to extending the lifespan. The Highborne alchemists perfected their craft in the opulent halls and gardens of their capital city Zin-Azshari, where the greatest minds gathered to push the boundaries of what was possible. Their innovations ranged from potent mana potions to transmuted living creatures to the creation of powerful arcane crystals. Yet as their mastery grew, so too did their hubris, as some began to pursue more reckless and dangerous experiments in their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and power.
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Kaldorei Contributions to Alchemy
The kaldorei, also known as night elves, have a rich history of druidic practices that continue to influence the field of alchemy to this day. One notable example is the use of moonwells, sacred pools infused with the waters of the Well of Eternity and blessed by Elune. The waters from these moonwells are believed to have potent restorative and nourishing properties. Modern alchemists have studied the composition and effects of these waters, leading to breakthroughs in elixirs and potions that promote healing and rejuvenation.
Another significant kaldorei practice is the cultivation and use of enchanted herbs and plants. These botanicals, grown and harvested according to ancient druidic traditions, are prized ingredients in many alchemical preparations due to their magical properties. The kaldorei's deep connection to nature and their understanding of the balance between all living things has also inspired alchemists to explore more holistic and sustainable approaches in their craft, emphasizing harmony with the natural world.
Furthermore, the druidic art of shapeshifting has led to research into transformation potions and transmutation processes, opening up new avenues for alchemical experimentation and discovery.
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The Future of Kaldorei Alchemy
The founding of Bel'ameth ushered in a new era of alchemical innovation among the Kaldorei people. Kaldorei alchemists from diverse regions including Val'sharah, Shen'dralar, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Mount Hyjal, Moonglade, and Winterspring settled beneath the sprawling canopy of Amidrassil, pooling their collective knowledge and techniques. This collaborative environment, enriched by the ancient wisdom of the resident dragons from the neighboring Dragon Isles, catalyzed an explosive advancement in Kaldorei alchemical practices.
Intricate new rituals and sacred transmutation methods have already emerged, leveraging rare herbs, potent essences, and arcane reagents unique to each Kaldorei territory. It is anticipated that meticulous experimentation will unlock new elixirs, potions, and alchemical creations of unrivaled potency and complexity. As the Kaldorei alchemists combine their mastery with the guidance of the dragons, they now delve into uncharted alchemical frontiers, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible.
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hexsisters · 1 year ago
Stella is back in Subcon! It's been a hot minute, seeing as she's been busy helping to set up the new settlement that was Bel'ameth. Amirdrassil itself was gorgeous, one of the most beautiful things she'd ever seen, and yet... she found little ways to show it to her beloved.
She wasn't even sure if he would be okay with leaving Subcon or if that was a possibility at all!
"Charles? My love? I'm back!"
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findmeinshattrath · 1 year ago
Love the Twilight Watchtower in Amirdrassil
I like the idea of the Night Elf Darkfallen, Death Knights, Demon Hunters, and Warlocks all choosing to hang out in their own little club of "misfits"
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yserina-starweaver · 3 months ago
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November 23 Day 7 - Peculiar/Theory Part One Part Two
Azshara's empire, at the end, was ruled through propaganda. Convincing her court, and then the city beyond, that she had a cadre of arcanists capable of bending fate itself was a powerful piece of marketing — and a threat. The highborne houses needed some convincing, of course. Soothsayers and augurs would give them their fortunes forecast, and the ones they disliked they would bring to the Starweavers.
Fate was, and had always been, malleable. Not through magic or any great divine meddling, but simple choices that would shift one's course off the trajectory they had been on. Far too often the extremely powerful people who had sat themselves in front of her and pleaded their case for a change in their stars were too short sighted, or cowardly, to make the decision they needed. It was easier for someone like her to be the "'authority", tell them what to do — or be the scythe for them to slice through the chaff. People, especially people in high houses, hated getting their hands dirty.
Marros, as far as she could tell had a few good years in him yet, even if he couldn't see that himself. Yserina pushed herself easily out of her chair, shedding a few of her heavier robes so she could move around inside House a little easier. She could feel his eyes boring a hole into her back as she flit between shelf and cupboard, gathering vials of dried herbs, reagents and tinctures.
Most of the time her work had been violent. Removing other individuals as an obstacle in order to advance the destiny of the one who had asked for the alteration. It didn't bother her; death was part of the cycle of life and altering fates had to occasionally come with terrible consequences to enhance the myth. Sometimes, though, her work could be good. Helpful. Rare as it was.
"You didn't ask what fate I wanted," the wary rumble of Marros' voice lashed out, sharply. She'd set him back on edge by getting to work.
Yserina hummed a little as she worked, blending together a little bit of new from all she had that was old. A pinch of this, a plucked few bits of that. "As if I need to, Marros. I'm the last of my kind, have some faith," her eccentric peculiarities were a strength, here. Confidence and strangeness made her work more true to those who wanted it to be so.
He had been strong and agile most of his life, with all the benefits of brawn that being a druid of the claw allowed him to possess. Stubborn, too. How long had it been since he'd deigned to see a healer or any alchemist worth their black salt? She filled six little bottles with the oily concoction she'd smeared together with her mortar and pestle and topped it off with a reserved bit of potion that had been aging in her stocks for ancients knew how long.
"You'll need to take one of these a month. When you run out, there's a woman in Bel'ameth who runs an apothecary. Ask her for her Dreamwalker's blend. They will keep you from needing to see me again," she pressed a cork to stopper each individual shot and set them into a little carved wooden box.
Marros' brow knit in a furrow, "That's it?"
"It's not in my purview to reverse time, Marros, but this can give you a little more. Less pain about it all, too, I can hear your joints scrape every time you move," she laughed quietly and walked back over to press the potions into his gnarled hands.
"What's the cost?" his eyes darted to House's front door as it swung back open suddenly.
Yserina waved a clawed hand, "No need to worry about cost, you've already paid it."
He hated that answer. She could've been less cryptic about it, maybe, but that would've ruined the illusion a bit. If he took the time to really think about it, there were a fair many potential transactions that could be over rationalized or accepted, but it didn't suit her to throw him a bone.
Marros stood then, getting the hint. House wanted him gone and there was nothing more to talk about, here. He trundled out, fast as he could, but hesitated once he was back out in the dark. Warm light spilled from House's interior, back-lighting Yserina's form into an inky silhouette with two bright, glowing eyes in the doorway.
Part of her wondered if he meant to say thank you, but he shifted back into a bear and loped off into the wilds beyond her glade.
House's wood creaked and she pat the lintel, "Not tonight, we can move in the morning. I'll need to get the chickens in, anyway."
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silvermoonharry · 4 months ago
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Bel'ameth - (with inky black potion)
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