#being trans was just another part of that
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threefandomsinatrenchcoat · 22 hours ago
I think we should worry less about labels, in general. I get that they can be very helpful and comforting to some people and for very quickly communicating the gist of things, they're quite good.
When I want someone to just understand that I like multiple genders with a tendency to prefer one over another, "I'm bisexual" gets the job done a lot quicker than describing the whole situation, everyone I've ever found attractive and who out of these people I'd actually sleep with.
But I feel like we've gotten really caught up in this way of thinking that dictates that every unique human experience needs a name and it's really confusing and limiting.
If a straight person finds someone of the same gender/sex attractive just once, they're suddenly confused and rattled, because they don't know what this means for their identity. Are they still straight?
A lot of terms are from a time when sexuality was better understood than gender and thus, the definitions of terms were still based on a gender binary. Now that this isn't the case anymore, we're struggling to say who can and can't be [label].
Can trans men be lesbians? Where do intersex people fall in this? Are nonbinary people trans, because being trans is just being not cis, or can they not be trans, because being trans has to do with transitioning? But not all mtf and ftm trans people transition either, and they're still valid, so-
Do you see what I mean? The definitions are so imprecise and we keep arguing about them, which is fucking pointless. It's not getting us anywhere. We shouldn't be infighting at all, but especially not at a time like this, when many of us are in peril and we're all in this together.
Who cares about these fucking definitions, man? Does it matter if I'm aro or just have commitment issues so big I can't imagine having a relationship? The result is the same. I'm not interested in a romantic relationship. Why am I worrying about whether a label fits me rather than thinking about how this part of my identity affects my life? Does it matter if chopping my tits off makes me trans? The result is the same, I look and feel different.
I get wanting to find out more about yourself and wanting to put everything in neat little boxes and having tools and words to find people just like you to share your experiences, support and advice with, I truly do, but I feel like we're really pulling the noose tighter around our own necks by focusing more on labels than on the fact that we're all human, we all have things in common as well as differences, and we're all too complex to describe with a single word per aspect of our identity.
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You shouldn’t have to be trans to get any sex characteristic-related surgery. It’s not a limited resource. Plenty of cis men get implants and cis women get breast reductions. From Colby Gordon today and Leslie Feinberg in Transgender Warriors (1996).
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puppysuke · 2 days ago
daisuke as a dad hc!
this is very self indulgent of me i fear. i want to have kids so bad its not funny. um! anyway, my day was very shit so. i needed something to feel better and somehow daisuke as a dad is what my brain decided would be comfort. continue reading below the cut ! art by dressup4life on pinterest i think, but i am unsure! these are all sfw and NOT on tulpar. if it happens after those events or a totally different au is up to you :) all are sfw.
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🌺 --- total girl dad. i said it! you cannot convince me this man is not a girl dad. like, he's good with boys too, but tooootally a girl dad. 🌺 --- dress up ! stickers ! make up ! will let his kids do whatever they want to him in that aspect. ~ "dad, dad!" daisuke turns around from what he was doing-fixing the breaks of your car-, with grease smeared on his face. he smiled and stood up, rubbing his hands on his pants to get rid of the grease. he glances at swansea who had come over to give him a hand before turning to his kid and crouching down once more to be at eye level with his kid. "what's up, kiddo? wanted to help your awesome dad and uncle swansea fix the car?" he asks, reaching forward and pinching their cheek. his kid shakes his head and pouts. "no, dad, i wanna play dress up! lets play dress up!" daisuke smiles a little before hearing swansea snicker. he looked back at swansea and shoots a short glare.
needless to say, after that interaction, he was working on the car in a halloween princess dress with horribly done makeup, getting teased and made fun of playfully the whole time by swansea. (oof that healed a little part of me...) 🌺 --- daisuke never wants to push his kids into something they don't want. assuming you want to imaging this after the events of mouthwashing, he knows what its like to be pushed into something he doesn't want. be it a job they don't want when they're older, sports, or even a meal they don't like.
🌺 --- he is so worried about not doing a good job. he really wants to be a good dad, but sometimes he gets scared he's not doing a good job. he wants nothing more than to be a good parent, but sometimes he just comes to you with stress on being a bad dad. 🌺 --- he is the good cop. actually, he's in the criminals! you tell the kids no ice cream before dinner? you find daisuke eating ice cream with the kids. you tell the kids to eat their veggies? daisuke takes a good half of the veggies for himself instead. you tell daisuke to be more firm with the kids? he tries! but simply cannot resist those big eyes looking at him like the devil on his shoulder. 🌺 --- when you get insecure over strech marks or weight gain, you don't even have to tell daisuke. he can figure it out on his own in seconds of being by you. he is quick to reassure you and make sure you know he still finds you to be attractive. 🌺 --- for my trans masc readers, he constantly reassures you as a man! to him, your gender doesn't matter, even if you gave birth to his kids, he sees you as a man. you're his husband (or boyfriend) no matter what your body does and he makes sure to teach the kids about your gender when it comes time to! 🌺 --- as soon as he has one kid, he wants another. he is practically begging to have another kid after you're recovered and you're both ready physically and mentally. if you tell him no, he won't pressure you into it, but he will be a little disappointing. he will try not to show disappointment though! he already has one little angel, he is content.
🌺 --- when you first have a baby, he is gentle as ever with you and a great help! he's very active in taking care of both the baby and you! the baby needs to be changed into a clean diaper? he's on it! you need to take a bath? he's already running the water and ready to take the baby off your hands!
🌺 --- he is PROTECTIVE. like he doesn't even let his parents hold the baby at first. he wants only you and him to hold the baby, take care of the baby and everything like that.
🌺 --- he learns to cook. look, hear me out on this. he knows you're stressed about feeding the kids good meals, not just the instant ramen and take out you two had been living on, so he learns to cook throughout your pregnancies and before the baby can eat solid food!
🌺 --- he slows down and becomes a real family man. instead of wanting to go get a drink with friends, he'd rather be playing something with the kids. instead of gaming all night with people, he spends time with you after the kids are asleep. instead of reading comics, he talks to swansea for advice about things.
🌺 --- he ADORES you to no end after you have kids. like, he thought you were the most stunning person on earth but damn. you had a certain glow about you, and he definitely appreciated the extra weight you put on! ------- if you likes this and have anything you'd like me to write from this fandom, or any other fandoms listen in my intro post, my requests are open! just ask me in my inbox and i'll write / make hc for you <3 thank you for reading!
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wirewitchviolet · 2 days ago
Let's talk about how Ranma is trans in the 2024 anime, part 1
Way the hell back in 2018, after a random exchange with a friend, I sat down and wrote a series of four blog posts where I looked at the manga Ranma ½, which ran from 1988 to 1996, explicitly through a lens where I assumed the protagonist is in fact a trans girl. A major component of the series being that Ranma and several other characters fell into various pools in a cursed set of natural springs causing them to magically change into whatever tragically drowned in one when hit with cold water, then back to their original body with hot, and Ranma fell in the girl one, so it was bound to be a series that would crack a lot of eggs regardless, but my memory of reading it years before transitioning was that it worked on a mundane level too, particularly later. I did somehow forget a bit towards the end where Ranma honestly just kinda straight up comes out of the closet, but I'm not going to link to that panel yet again for the sake of preview links not blending together. Anyway, those posts were already the most popular things I ever put on this blog and have never stopped circulating, despite it being a pretty old and largely forgotten series at the time.
I had always had the idea that I really should go back and also watch the anime adaptation(s) of Ranma, which deviates a good bit from the manga, but that is 161 episodes, 3 movies, and 11 OAVs which are terribly terribly paced, and I don't actually get paid for this. But then lo and behold, here's a brand new anime adaptation coming out decades later, looking really nice, and surely that will deviate even more from the source material, so here I am diving in to find all new bits of gender stuff to talk about, under the fold here and-
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Oh. Turns out the new anime series is actually an EXTREMELY faithful adaptation of the original manga and the only deviations I've actually noticed are that there's a little bit less nudity and the one scene with Ranma's breasts fully on display goes the route of not drawing nipples. And really that's only significant because the original anime adaptation somehow got away with that one. Speaking of the original anime run, this adaptation brings back the entire surviving voice cast, and continues the tradition of coloring Ranma's hair red in cold-water form as an extra tell for the audience. And speaking of color, one thing this adaptation does now and then that I really appreciate is punctuating certain scenes with the sort of cool pastel palettes (see above) that were used for the cover illustrations of the original manga.
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Another thing the 2024 anime does is throw in a quick little vignette before the opening credits of each episode to restate that Ranma and Akane are engaged, and the feminizing water thing, which mostly feels like it's there as just a little extra emphasis that regardless of all the other shenanigans going on, those two are the one actual couple and making it clear that the rest of the tangled web of crushes and obsessions don't really matter. Something I feel like this adapatation is keen to emphasize in general. In fact, being as nearly 1 to 1 an adaptation as it is, the title of every episode is directly lifted from the chapter names of the manga, so we can just slap together a little infographic and see what's getting compressed a bit and what's getting the time it needs to breathe!
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We're chewing through the extended fight scenes pretty quick and slowing down any time Akane's having an emotional moment or some time in the spotlight basically. Which makes sense since the action scenes in the manga are like all full page splash images with a word of text and need to be flowing quickly, and because we have the benefit of hindsight knowing that the Kunos become irrelevant real quick. We're also squeezing out a little early identity crisis stuff for Ranma in the process (there's an early dream sequence after first meeting Kuno, coming to grips with the whole "since I'm a girl, dudes want to sleep with me" realization that barely makes it in and a few early moments of internalized misogyny that get dropped), and we really give Shampoo's debut some space (not QUITE as much as the above suggests, most of episode 10 is wrapping up a three parter on the ice skating with her just punching through the wall as a cliffhanger at the end).
The whole thing is also paced out to nicely cover the first four volumes of the manga, out of 38. They might up the compression rate a little, but as it stands, it's going to take another 8 or 9 seasons to get through everything at this rate. In comparison, my first blog post got through three times this much of it, but the original anime covered only the first half of this in the same episode count (and then for some reason introduced Shampoo and Mousse early and didn't get through the ice skating until episode 27).
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Anyway, like I said, this doesn't really change things up enough to have a lot to say about how clearly Ranma is trans. Jumping back to the start though yet again, it really cannot be emphasized enough though just how clearly, even from the very first episode, she is SO much more comfortable presenting as a girl, not at all nervous meeting Akane's family like that, then suddenly super tense and awkward and closed off when interacting with... really anyone while boy-moding. So I guess it's time to bust out some of these other lenses to look at this...
Let's talk about how Akane is gay, part 1
I mean, we've established she's into Ranma, with extra emphasis in this adaptation, and we've established that Ranma is in fact a girl, but that's just the one data point. What else do we have? Well, she's quite explicitly not a fan of guys, particularly guys who are attracted to her, and we're keeping plenty of a focus on that while not wasting time trying to pretend Kuno matters at all in the grand scheme of things. The closest she ever comes to showing interest in a guy is Dr. Kuno, and the anime here is strongly emphasizing how that's less of a real crush and more just emulating her oldest sister (Nabiki of course is also some flavor of queer, and I don't think anyone has ever questioned that) since that's kinda what you do, right? She also gets intensely jealous of the idea of Shampoo kissing Ranma while assuming Ranma is a girl, talks about how hot she is, and hell, at the start of things when everyone's assuming they've somehow gotten into a situation where one of the three sisters has to marry a cis girl, Nabiki points out how that works out perfectly for her. Because she is extremely gay.
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Let's talk about how Ryoga is trans, part 1
OK so this isn't the same absolute slam dunk as Ranma turned out to be, but there is a surprisingly strong case to argue that Ryoga is also a trans girl. What do we know about Ryoga after all? Real real socially awkward. Only has one sorta-friend from childhood, who turned out to be trans later. Can we call Ryoga a furry? I'm not even talking about the pig curse, but there's this whole feral wolf vibe before that's even established. In a series where basically every guy who is ever introduced is a horny creep obsessed with rigid gender roles, Ryoga does not bat an eye at seeing women naked (which comes up oddly often), spends a lot of these early arcs hanging out with the gal pals to help practice gymnastics and skating, deals well enough with the pink heart collar and being called Charlotte, and like so many of us, Ryoga is introduced to the series indignantly sputtering about how Ranma's situation shouldn't really be called a curse and is a situation we'd be happy to be in. You could argue that Ryoga's saying this just relative to the pig curse, I guess, but I do at least get the vibe that Ryoga wouldn't be too super worried about finding hot water with that one.
Speaking of the pig curse, I feel like every time I revisit Ranma I have a different perspective on the whole "P-Chan" situation. With this adaptation, it does feel significantly closer to "it's really just this super awkward situation where I've been looking for a good moment to explain and at this point it's been so long she'll probably kill me" than "I am a loathsome sex offender using a disguise to snuggle up with this girl who thinks I am a small animal" and Ranma is doing an appropriate amount of "I'm not going to blurt it out, but you should seriously come clean already" so, glad to know we're downplaying that.
Also, the emphasis on Ranma and Akane as The Couple in this adaptation really makes it clear that Ryoga isn't so much into Akane as just kinda... incapable of conceiving of any sort of existence that doesn't involve being Ranma's rival/friend/polycule member.
Anyway, I guess that's where I have to leave this until the second season drops? Have a patreon link?
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cryptidcircuswrites · 2 days ago
!- Ticci Toby x Fat!TransFtM!Reader, reader is disabled, opioids mentioned, medical malpractice, medical fatphobia, toby kidnaps you, toby sedates you, toby stalks you, fluff fic mostly, might make another part?
The divider in this fic is by @sisterlucifergraphics
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It was his turn to go and pick up the various prescriptions for the others, a paper stuffed into his pocket to remember the fake names and birthdates. He hated pharmacy runs, hated how exposed he felt, hated the smell of the places and how they reminded him of—
The moment he saw you, that stupid pharmacy run was so much better.
You looked so… disappointed, standing at the counter in front of him, arguing with the pharmacist over your prescription. You needed it, clearly, whatever it was, and yet they were denying you.
He couldn't hear what was said, couldn't process it, only saw your desperation to be heard and treated and taken seriously.
He had to make sure his mouth was closed, because he almost ogled you in a way that would have gotten him noticed, but he couldn't help it- the thick layers of fat padding your thighs, hips, ass, tummy, the softness of your cheeks and chin, the way your shirt hugged every gorgeous roll on your body, the faint stubble on your upper lip and cheeks--
If Toby believed in angels, he could swear you were one.
And he had to have you.
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He did his errand as usual, waiting around to hear you say your name and birthdate again. A new set of information was added to that paper, not that he needed to write it anyway. (Y/N) (L/N) born on (M/D/Y) kept repeating over and over in his head.
He shoved the prescriptions in his bag and detoured to the library to look you up.
Love made him stupid, and stupid was dangerous.
Thankfully, though, almost nobody else was there, and he found you easily.
Early 20s, an address he recognized as the shitty apartments in town, a court case where you had apparently changed your name? Odd. Were you married? He couldn't stand the thought--
Oh. No, you were just trans. Phew. Would've been a shame to have to kill your spouse, and probably gotten him in a lot more trouble, but he would've done it for you. He would do anything for you, he decided.
He scribbled some notes on a flyer for a children's reading group before hurrying back to the cabin, already hours later than expected.
“Where the hell were you?” Kate immediately rasps, on his ass like usual. “Tim started seizing again. You better have a good excuse—“
“Lay off. Cops were around,” Toby lies, dropping the meds onto the busted kitchen table.
Tim could survive a seizure. He was a proxy, he could survive almost anything. Sure, it was uncomfortable, but Toby had just seen you, and you were more important to him.
He spent his evening locked in his room with the memory of you branded into his psyche.
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Your day could not get much worse than it had been.
Your job had fucked you over, screwing up your hours, paycheck, and even technically fired you without saying anything, so you’d worked the last two weeks for nothing. Rent was about to be due, your car suddenly broke down out of nowhere, and the pharmacy still! Wouldn’t! Fill! Your! Meds!
You weren’t an addict. You had to swear to everyone that you needed your meds, not that anyone believed the agonizing pain you were in all the time.
They refused to do any kind of testing, it’d taken six years to even get prescribed the Codeine instead of being told that you’re just fat, and now you were out.
Sighing, or maybe groaning, possibly whimpering— you stumbled into your apartment.
Your keys clinked as they hit the table.
The fabric of your jacket rustled as you shrugged it off. It thumped softly against the floor.
The house creaked as you walked through.
The lights buzzed as you flicked them on.
You screamed as you registered the man standing in your home.
His gloved hand (scratchy, black, pilling) came up to cover your mouth quickly. His other arm (firm, skinny, baggy sweatshirt sleeves) pulled you to his chest (bony, tall, warm) as he shushed you.
"H-hi Angel-l, I'm home-home," he giggled.
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You weren't supposed to be home yet. He'd watched your schedule for three weeks, you were supposed to still be at work! Shit, he had to figure this out, and fast--
Oh, no, no, no, you were screaming, fuck, shit, okay, he'll just…-
Yeah. God, you smelled intoxicating. And you felt so nice in his arms, he almost didn't want to let you go.
But he had to, you were tugging at his wrist so politely.
"If I le-let go, are you gonna s-s-scream-scream?" You shook your head. He let go of you with a parting inhale of your scent.
You started rambling off questions, who are you and how did you get in my house and are you going to hurt me and why me, why today. He just waited patiently, twitching, for you to calm yourself down.
"(Y/N). I'm n-not here to hurt-hurt you, my Angel."
He took a breath, trying to figure out what the fuck else to say, because god damnit he was supposed to have more time!
Fuck it.
He knocked you out.
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You woke up on a scratchy bed of grass with your arms chained to the concrete floor below you. Your head ached, but your back didn't.
That was unusual.
You didn't move too much before the intruder once again made himself known, lifting a cup to your lips. You clamped them shut, refusing the mysterious liquid.
"Please, drink. You-you're dehydrated. It's ju-just water, Angel." His words came out like an Eminem bar, rushed together and stuttered. You tentatively tasted it, to find that it tastes like tap water, you didn't smell anything odd to it…
You took a sip. You took another. You decided to trust him, just this small amount.
"H-h-how-how-how's your b-back?" he spat out, voice soft as his cool hand reached for you. You shied away, he drew halfway back to gauge whether he could be allowed to try again. "I gave you l-lidocaine, I hope it hel-helps. Are you s-still thir-thisty? I c-can get more for you, Angel." He looked at you so kindly, his brown eyes so soft you almost forgot he'd kidnapped you. He was so attentive, so caring…
"Thank you, I'm alright, I think," you answered politely. He rushed into a stammered apology for the state of your condition, something about needing to make sure, about keeping up appearances, about keeping you safe.
Safe. The way he said it had more emphasis on the keeping you part, but something about his care, about the way he'd attempted to numb your aches and how he'd so gently reached for you, so quickly pulled away rather than forced his contact on you. At the very least, the way he was already demonstrating his desire to provide for you was nicer than the hectic hell of your own life.
So you trusted him. Just that little bit.
Soon, the dungeon you'd originally woken up in had been traded for a derelict cabin that creaked and smelled like wet sawdust.
There was a bed for you, though, one separate from Toby's, in a room of your own. There was running water, even if it didn't always stay hot during your showers. There was food, even if Toby wasn't a very good cook.
And there was Toby, even if he was weird and awkward.
You didn't want for much. Toby ensured you had your medication, even if the bottles he gave you were sometimes half-empty with names you occasionally heard when he watched the news late at night or early in the morning. If you mentioned craving a certain food, it would be in the kitchen within a few days. He'd come home with clothes that he thought you might like.
Really, it was almost nice, until he came home one night dragging a scared and bloodied man into the living room at gunpoint.
"Toby?!" he cut you off with a sharp hiss. He wasn't stuttering as much, completely serious and calculated.
He pistol-whipped the captive, shoving him towards you.
"Y-you're gonna tell me ex-exactly what's wrong with him. And y-you're gonna fix-fix it, Doc," he sneered, pointing at you.
You were scared, confused. Toby hadn't ever acted like this, not around you-- Your captor had been perfectly kind and as close to a gentleman you could be, when you were under the mind-bending control of a faceless eldritch monster.
The doctor? That's what Toby had called him, anyway, so you assumed that's what he was. You had no idea of his qualifications, but he began to examine you anyway, stammering out typical questions you'd heard dozens of times.
You answered the same as always. And his answer was, again, the same you had heard over and over.
"I really do think it's just stress on the joints from being over--"
You screamed.
The corpse dropped to the cabin floor, his neck at a bad angle, an angle you knew was fatal.
Toby had killed him.
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He held you, afterwards. He held you while you screamed and cried, soothing you. Your heart pittered under his fingertips, his poor angel so desperately terrified and shaking in his arms.
It was delicious. He could have devoured you then and there, taken you in his hands and twisted just like he did with that pathetic excuse for a professional--
No. He wouldn't do that to you. He rubbed your aching spine, hands roaming under your shirt to count the vertebrae and ribs.
His angel.
His lovely angel.
It was a long time before you'd sobbed yourself to sleep.
It would be a longer time still before you would trust him again.
But he'd wait.
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deerboybreeder · 2 days ago
How the world works
The world is broken up into several distinct classes of people, centered around gender and function! A lot of people seem confused about what this model looks like, so I'll explain it for you!
At the top
In no particular order, this upper segment of society is elegratarian among it's ranks when society is functioning properly, though some cultures will assign micro-ranking among these tiers.
Trans Women- (Also known as True Women) Divine and respected, a Trans Woman has undergone the holy act of being chosen, by fate or Herself, to become a Woman. While oftentimes this comes with self-modification and self-creation from a medical standpoint, just knowing and announcing oneself as a Trans Woman is enough to be recognized as one of this gender class.
Trans Men- (Also known as True Men) Much like Trans Women, Trans Man has undergone the holy act of being chosen, by fate or Himself, to become a Man. Just as in the case of Trans Women, medical self-creation is common and holy, but not required for the Trans Man to be recognized as who He is.
Non-Binary Persons- (Also known as True (how the individual sees Themself)) As equal to their binary counterparts, Non-Binary (or Nonbinary, both writings are correct) Persons have undergone the holy act of casting-off confinement to one gender box. While some may align to one "common" gender or another, others forego gender altogether or craft their own like a god creating a personal universe. Much like with Trans Women and Trans Men, medical self-creation is common, but not required- self-understanding is all that is necessary to assert this gender class.
Midway Point
These less enlightened gender classes often bicker amongst themselves to assert dominance among each other. Whoever comes out on top is irrelevant, as long as they respect their place in the hierarchy below. There are occasions when someone in this tier attempts to assert dominance over someone in the above tier, which should be met immediately with violence.
Ciswomen- Often written as "women" to try to imitate Trans Women, ciswomen are afforded this state by fate. They are not strong enough or are not beloved enough by fate to be able to choose anything different, but are afforded status by being the favored plaything of the True Genders more often than lower classes. They have agency and personhood, enough to decide if they want to be part of the breeder population or not, as long as they aren't owned by a True Gender that says otherwise.
Cismen- often written as "men" in an attempt to gain status from their proximity to Trans Men, cismen are fated to share this middle spot in the gender heirarchy with ciswomen. Despite having agency and personhood, they're bound by fate or weakness of will to this lower tier under the True Genders.
Low Teirs
These gender segments are far more regimented among their lower ranks- the lower they are listed, the higher their status.
Bimbo- While a lower tier, a bimbo has a higher state of existence compared to other lower tier genders due to their high sexual utility and general positive impact on society. While a bimbo can come from any higher class (including True Genders), the bimbo debases itself for the benefit of others. Generally thoughtless, peppy and sexy, this affords even the lowest ranking bimbo a place that is respected in society- not as an equal, but as a utility. They're often not breeders, but pregnant bimbos have been seen more often in places with a lower population of wombs and fakeboys. Due to their higher status and almost spiritual state, bimbos are afforded some level of agency and personhood, if in a limited capacity.
(X)-bait- Bait type genders often are either former cisgenders, or elevated fakegenders. The X can be any number of things, from rape to abuse to snuff, but their elevation comes from the entertainment and enjoyment of doing the baited action against the will of the individual. They lack agency, but hold onto a shred of personhood.
Pet- A pet can be any number of creatures, commonly puppygirls or catboys for example, whose existence is focused around serving or entertaining an owner. They have no semblance of agency and are considered only a step above animals due to their capacity to consent, but consent is not required to fuck a pet. Most are pampered and loved, and being a well loved pet can be a goal for an otherwise lost and ungendered person- some True Genders are also pets, but unlike the bimbo this does not lower their status except among their True Gender peers.
Fakegirl- Fakegirls, or boys, are a class of person attempting falsely to claim to be a Trans Woman. They are distinct from the Trans Woman due to the fact that they get aroused by reminding them of the body they were afforded at birth, and reminded that they will never be a True Woman. Fakegirls upset the natural order and are an affront to True Genders, and are often punished by further masculinization and use as breeding studs. Medically altered fakegirls are often used as sex objects, due to the lessened or lack of breeding ability.
Fakeboy- Fakeboys, or girls, are those who falsely claimed to be True Men at some point in their lives and need both punishment and correction. Bound by the will of their cunts, the primary role of the fakeboy is to be a breeder for genders that know better. With any luck, a corrected fakeboy can return to its cis gender class, or become a pet or bimbo if they aren't too far gone to delusion. Medically altered fakeboys are often seen as fetish objects, especially those who have a lessened or no capacity for breeding.
Barely able to be called living things, these genders have no ranking among themselves because they lack the capacity for higher thought.
Wombs- Wombs are things that exist purely for breeding purposes. They are sex objects that can get pregnant, tits that produce milk for the offspring incubating inside, and are thought to have no higher thought or reasoning. They make a very good imitation of humanity, some even claiming to be other genders, but the dead-eyed look gives away a lack of internal self, despite the screaming.
Cocks- Counterpart to the womb, cocks are effectively autonomous seeders. They play a convincing human, but are not a real person. They can be used to seed higher genders for breeding purposes, or to inseminate wombs.
Toys- A toy is something that another gender can choose to be, or is something someone is born as. Regardless of how a toy comes to be, toys exist to give sexual pleasure to it's owner and nothing else. There is no attempt to imitate humanity from a toy, of which there are several sub-classes, the toy knows what it is. It has a higher level of awareness than a womb or a cock, but uses that awareness to be utilized or seek out someone to use it.
There are many different types of genders out there! It's important to know who and what you're talking to online, to maintain the order of things! I hope my explanation helped, and I'm very open to feedback! :3
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shuploc · 1 year ago
thoughts on transmasc Miguel? 👀
YESS, YESSSSS!! slams fists on table, rips shirt open, screams, bangs on chest. Transmasc Miguel is so huge, it's literally the best headcanon I've ever heard. I'm so so so on board.
I won't lie though, I have many things to say about these kinds of headcanons in general, but I'm just gonna keep it short for now and say thumbs up, transmasc miggy is a YES from me 🥰
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silly-moth-123 · 7 days ago
My younger sibling literally blocked my phone number because we got into an argument over capitalism ???
Wow I reached the tag limit on this post
Beware a long vent in the tags lmao
#shitpost#vent#(in the tags)#her indifference to the world and willingness to participate in the corrupt parts of society pisses me off#if she found out the developers of a mobile app she likes were actually xenophobic or smth she wouldn't even care bc it doesnt affect her#she would rather stay ignorant and harm others than accept that some things she likes have bad impacts on the world#even ai. which arguably DOES affect her bc shes creative. but she just doesnt see how it harms her bc its not an active type of harm#its just in the background closing in on you#even if her own stuff was stolen by ai she just WOULDNT FUCKING CARE#and it makes me mad!!!#shes so ignorant. to the world and also to others#if she doesnt understand something she doesnt care#if she doesnt understand why i use it/its or he/him then she just. doesnt use them for me#and then if i confront her says “well you didn't tell me”#LIKE. I WEAR A LANYARD WITH MY PRONOUNS ON IT. HOW FUCKING HARD CAN IT BE TO JUST. LOLK AT MY LANYARD#agh this got off topic#anyways. my point is she makes me mad#goddd the way she sees capitalism#she called me dumb for “not understanding business”#and i said anyone who DOES understand business knows it's crap and capitalism is awful#and she just got mad and blocked my number#her problem is that shes STUBBORN. and she hates being corrected.#and shes so insistent on being an ally. shes literally part of the lgbtq community.#but her problem is that she doesnt care enough.#she rants to me about Trump being stupid. but not in a “im worried abt the trans ppl in our country” way#in a “lmao hes dumb i can't believe hes so stuuuupid” way#she doesnt get it#to her it's like. the aesthetic and moral highground of being an ally. but without actually caring#its one thing to joke a bit but its another to joke while also ignoring the issues#UGH SHE PISSES ME OFF SO BAD
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sinnbaddie · 10 months ago
Kkg nsfw writing (I guess?? Lol)
Kakagai not being official but having a non spoken exclusivity because it’s only and always been the other for them and that aspect surfacing specifically in their intimacy.
Thinking about Kakashi coming back from really long anbu missions and seeing Gai. All the suppressed want and need - the yearning for his smell, his voice his whole being and it overwhelming him to a point where they end up closed off in Kakashi’s apartment and fucking for a week straight because Kakashi can’t physically do anything but touch him and Gai being equally as obsessive and insane about him.
Their need for each other being identical to animalistic starvation. The kisses, the gripping, the holding, just being so rough and filled with need to burrow into the others flesh; the gazes they give to one another, inexplicably soft but holding so much hunger, like their survival depends on the feeling of the others skin, the others body rubbing against them, their moans and hot breaths making the want worse instead of better because they can’t get their fill no matter how many times they push inside the other to make them reach euphoria.
They touch and they feel and they yearn but it’s not enough. Its never enough and then 2 days go by and they’re still going at each other and then 4 and then 7 and then they finally, finally feel they intertwined their bodies, insides and souls together enough to where when they look at each other the burning passion of want is not but a simmer until next time the dial goes up to maximum and they lock themselves up together again
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loveableabomination · 11 months ago
Being ace but also being people-pleasing enough that I think I'm not ace cuz I like to make my partner happy...is a mind-fuck.
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ruvviks · 1 year ago
bones please spare some isaac facts...tell me about the vibes and lore and everything you want. also what's his fave blood type to drink if he has one perhaps..(i'm taking notes)
HEHEHE THANK YOU SM i have so much to say about this man. but also he hasn't existed for very long in my brain yet so there's still many things missing from his lore currently. but here is a start for you :^)
isaac is a couple centuries old by now and from a (currently unnamed) bloodline that's a bit different from other bloodlines. all vampires have double fangs, their puncture fangs which are the regular ones they use to draw blood with, and their venomous fangs, which only come out when they want to change someone. for isaac's bloodline, the venomous fangs are a lot smaller which makes them less painful to extend and the process is quicker; but at the same time, even the smallest mistake in dosage could kill a victim rather than change them. this is why his bloodline is very small in comparison to others and changing a human into a vampire is always done in a big ritual rather than on impulse, to make sure they get the right dosage. this is how isaac was turned into a vampire :(
his bloodline is also more likely to have their feral sense (uncontrollable mode in which they hunt for blood until they're no longer feral) activated which is why they have to feed regularly and CANNOT miss any meals unlike other bloodlines who can usually miss a meal or two. their feral sense can sneak up on them without a warning and it will cause them to go feral until either their hunger or their "urge" (something vamps get sometimes when they want to change other humans. it's like a vampire ovulation) is sated. this is why many vampires of isaac's bloodline are pretty rich or important people who have other vampires working for them to provide them with enough blood so they'll never go feral by accident
isaac is VERY different from his bloodline though. he grew up in a modest family somewhere in the east of the united states and after he was turned he hid himself away in an old abandoned chapel for many many years, feeding on wildlife and the occasional unfortunate soul who wandered too far into the woods. he ended up hunted down by heavenly, my other oc for this story, who is a vampire hunter but at that point was still very young and on his first ever vampire hunt without his father; heavenly was unable to kill isaac and let him go, after which isaac moved to jericho :]
jericho is a big city on the west coast of the united states and it's essentially a vampire hub, in the sense that the government knows about the existence of vampires but isn't telling the general public but the general public tends to also know about the existence of vampires but it's also not uncommon to come across people who've never heard of them. but at the same time it's also not a huge shock to find out that vampires exist. and in jericho there's many of them and it's like a safe haven for them. am i making sense here
anyway isaac runs a church in jericho now! it's less used as an actual church and more just a homeless shelter and general shelter and community center and food bank AND blood bank all in one, for humans and vampires alike, and he's a very important member of the community he lives in :^) he really wants to help people and improve lives despite the reputation of his bloodline
it's at the same time pretty dangerous for him to be in such a lively place because if he misses a meal even once he could go on a murderous rampage. but it's a risk he's willing to take, knowing he's making a difference and not wanting people to lose their stability in life because he decides to leave or something like that
i don't have much for the story yet but the idea is that heavenly shows up in jericho give or take 2-3 decades after first meeting isaac and they reunite :^) heavenly ends up helping isaac with the blood shortage crisis and also ends up as his personal blood bag because he's a freak and a weirdo who likes getting his blood sucked by vampires. and also he's gay for isaac. and i get him. me too
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izzy-b-hands · 3 months ago
I will be forever grateful i can be on this new med. it's one a lot of folks also need and can struggle to have access to! It's important i be on it, especially if i start doing any vid collabs
(some of which, really, all of which, i unfortunately actually need to cancel that were in the preplanning stages, bc the election results have me wanting to wait and see how the general atmosphere of the country is before i agree to meet up with anyone. I feel bad for cancelling, but also i just can't know for sure how safe things are/might be going forward and I'd rather avoid the potential of. ya know. various not great things that could happen at a meet up, tho i would certainly hope they wouldn't. i don't feel like actually addressing them rn, u guys know what i mean)
That said, if the truvada initial side effects could fuck off asap would be so lovely. three weeks at worst, then they should be gone/much better or so i am told. really hope that's true bc losing my mornings to being dizzy and nauseous is Not Working for me lmao. im on week two, and now understand why my new doc said to call if i needed any 'cheerleading' and support to get thru the side effects, bc apparently she's done that for several ppl to make sure they actually make it thru the three weeks and keep on it (lovely of her!!)
#text post#not going to get into the other painful smack of this morning#suffice to say that medicaid does not in fact fully cover vocal therapy/training for trans ppl#even if ur docs feel incredibly certain it is#if i was making a decent bit over minimum wage at consistent hours and already had my current debts paid off mostly#then I'd happily consider paying the chunk Medicaid won't cover but as of now#it would literally be basically two paychecks if not three to cover the estimate for this first visit#and that's only if the poll would have us polling every week like we did before the election#otherwise we're guesstimating it would be upwards of 4 paychecks to cover it#I'm actually gonna get into in here bc nobody reads all my tag essays (fair valid and correct)#im really sad abt this. my voice gets me clocked a lot and while i can mostly handle like. visually being clocked#my voice giving me away genuinely makes me feel a pain in my chest. i can't get my customer service voice to go lower yet#and even if it's my usual voice I've made minimal progress on my own self done vocal study stuff#so like. no one knows how high it was compared to how it is now tho so no one actually hears it as anything near deep#which it isn't but like. there's been a slightly barely there drop of it per at least a couple ppl in my life#i was probably going to be able to learn how to sing again and find my new range. I'd fix my customer service voice#even if it would only ever be a teeny bit lower than how it is now. it would be lovely#im not gonna get too down tho bc someday hopefully I'll be able to make it happen/afford it#and for now...im doing the bad thing of not cancelling the appt yet#i will bc they're booking out for months and it isn't right of me to take a spot i know i can't keep#but. let me pretend i can for another day or two. maybe until monday. then I'll call or msg them on mychart#and let them know i just don't have the funds rn tho i do deeply appreciate that Medicaid at least pays part of it#im just not at a point where i can cover the rest but that I'll reschedule/have a new referral sent whenever that changes#...and hopefully things in this country will be of such a state that such care is still available to ppl like me.#but that's all we're saying on that bc im already having a pathetic little cry over this#(im fine the med side effects have me crying over everything lol i see a sad commercial and Instant Tears like someone died lmaooo)
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spidersunny · 5 months ago
i’ve had a pretty bad evening but it’s okay because i ended up finding a life-changing book at the library a few hours ago and i’m already almost finished with it, feels good to actually read bc i so rarely have time/motivation for it these days
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 6 months ago
i think currently my sexuality depends on if we’re talking like wildest fantasies or realistic goals. because ideal scenario? zach woods probably. or at least ‘decent preferably-trans men who i get along with’. but if we’re talking like Actually Dating Someone In Real Life i’d prefer woman purely because the amount of guys in my shitty english town who aren’t complete dicks is absolutely minuscule. and if you filter that through ‘i share interests with’ and ‘actually available’ it basically becomes nothing. pretty sure if you add ‘trans’ in there the list goes into the negatives. so. ya. 🙃
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website-com · 1 year ago
since pepper was asking for it something that girls do that always makes me think 'cool gender' is not change their names despite it being historically masculine and re-defining the name through their identity and relationship to it.
#dylan mulvaney springs to mind. of course. along with some less famous examples.#shes a great example to give because a lot of things about her align with ideals of cishet feminine ideals and she could've changed her nam#to match. but chose to keep dylan. great gender moment#another thing that i always think is a cool gender is girls who understand femininity as non-necessary addition and arent afraid of#masculinity being a detractor in their appearance#this includes things like girls who talk openly about their dick or dont tuck or a girl i saw recently who rocked a full beard with#lashes a wig and a full beat#and donning a butch identity as a trans girl is always a 'cool gender' moment. especially if she feels little to no need to change much#about herself. the pressures to change yourself as even a cis woman are so high that cis women earn 'cool gender' points from other cis#women for openly combatting them by not performing. the same should be extended to trans sisters#i feel like the 'cool gender' moments most often live in autistic transmasc communities. who are more interested in the metaphysical.#(and there are less fun masculine compliments out there to give so cool gender exists to fill that hole)#but i agree with her. more trans girls and transfeminine people should be seen as people with 'cool genders'#not thinking of donning femininity when thinking of cool genders is indeed misogynistic. dare i say transmisogynistic#hope you guys enjoy me dickriding (so to speak) for the girls every few months. as pippa has pointed out to me many times its a core part o#who i am#what did she just send me hold on#'i prefer “niche enjoyer” to chaser actually'#(in response to me saying something about trans women being the niche in the lgbt im most drawn to. theres no way to say that without#it sounding weird. something something fetishisation often means genuine appreciation reads as predatory making uncomplicated love seem#impossible which further marginalises the fetishised community etc... im just chatting shit u get what i mean)#im like a platonic chaser. unless youre interested in doing something unlabelled with an emphasis on the psycho of psychosexual in the note#i would say that that role has already been filled but who is interested in upholding monogamy in this day and age
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moongothic · 1 year ago
I want to preface this by saying that this is meant to be kind of a shitpost. I just. The thought passed my mind. I laughed at it. Thought about it again, laughed some more and I just had to get it out of my system. So here we are
So when I read the myth of Toyotama Hime I did start to wonder if it could be used as fuel for the Crocodad Fire, the myth being about Toyotama coming from Ryuugyuu Castle to give birth on land etc. And in One Piece, we do have that very castle on Fishman Island. Which isn't surprising or anything, Oda getting inspo/names from various mythologies is nothing new by a long shot, and it's unlikely you could somehow tie Crocodile to Fishman Island through that myth. Like Toyotama coming "from the ocean" could just be turned into "Crocodile coming from the sea as a pirate", doesn't have to be deeper than that
But then I thought
...Do we actually know Crocodile isn't part-merman
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Like. You see--
We know half-merfolk-half-humans do keep their fishtails like full-merfolk (see Charlotte Praline), and we know that while mermaids split their tails after 30, mermen never do. So between that and us having The Most Scandalous Feet Pics of Sir Crocodile (from the jailbreak cover story), well, we know he has basic ass human feet, so we know for certain he can't be half-merman
But also
Chimney is 1/4th mermaid. The only mermaid features she inherited from her grandmother were her hair color and her being a "good swimmer". Chimney is part-mermaid, and she has human feet
Like the only thing that could debunk this idea (based on what we know about Chimney) would be if Crocodile was a shit swimmer, but he's a Devil Fruit user so of course he can't fucking swim. So we have literally nothing to prove or debunk the idea.
So like
You've heard of "Crocodile is Whitebeard's bio-son" You've heard of "Crocodile is the missing Kuja Empress" You've even heard of "Crocodile is Xebec's son".
So how about
"Crocodile is 1/4th merman"
Why the fuck not
But the funny thing is
Not only would it weirdly explain why the fuck our beloved Sand Man Who Can't Fucking Swim is named after an animal known for swimming (like OP has weird fucking names, see; Smoker, Baby 5, Monkey D. Dragon, etc. What bugs me about Crocodile is the slightly contradictatory theming, but if he was named "Crocodile" by his merfolk parents, suddenly, it kind of works)
But also like. We know Crocodile fucking Hates the Government. And to be fair, there's plenty of reasons for anyone to hate the World Government, you don't need a personal grudge to hate them.
But if he had merfolk parents (who might be stuck living on the surface because they wouldn't have been able to get their child to Fishman Island without someone essentially delivering him there, 'cause he wouldn't have been able to just SWIM there), then there's a genuinely possibility said parent(s) could've ended up getting caught and turned into slaves. And boy would that give someone A Personal Fucking Grudge Against The Government
But also, due to the in-universe discrimination against merfolk, if Crocodile was part-merman it could mean he could've been harassed for it since a young age, or worse yet, could've become a target for slavers if anybody found out. And somehow, having to hide that part about his heritage would work really well into his trust issues
Not to mention, after escaping Impel Down, Croc and Jinbei have this brief convo (that turns racist) where Croc expresses his surprise over Jinbei being able to summon fish, having thought only merfolk could do that. Of course, Croc being a seasoned pirate and all you could totally expect him to like know about mermaid legends etc, but him having no knowledge about Fishmen is a bit odd. Especially because we know he's been to the New World, so you'd think he must've gone to Fishman Island at least once before? Although, his former Shichibukai Rights probably would've allowed him to cross over the Red Line through Marijois instead of having to pass through Fishman Island, but regardless, it's odd, is it not? But if Crocodile did have merfolk parents whom he got separated from at a young age?? Maybe he learned a thing or two about that side of his family, but never enough?? And then having to hide that side of his heritage could've left him just estranged????
Also IDK if it's worth anything but in the cover stories, we were introduced to our first mermaid Camie at the tail end of Alabasta, while the Miss Goldenweek coverstory ran during Water 7 where we meet Kokoro and Chimney. IDK it's a funny coincidence
I just
Could you fucking imagine
How fucking insane would that be, if Crocodile was part-merman
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actual-corpse · 8 months ago
You can't be an ally to anyone (LGBT+, religion, race, etc) and then say a group of people "should die".
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