#being a marauders era stan is sad but it also makes us happy
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agent-tempest · 2 years ago
Why do I do this to myself? Every time I feel sad I always watch Marauders tiktok compilations 100% knowing that 99.999% of it in itself is heart wrenching angst and whatever left which gives some happiness either ends on a sad note or you know what will happen to them and you get sad. It's like we Marauders era stans give ourselves depression and cure it by watching more depression shit or happy shit which either way leads to depression. Am I the only one suffering in this cycle?
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unbreakablejemmasimmons · 6 years ago
Dear Chocolate Box Writer
Thanks for signing up for Chocolate Box and writing for me! This is my third time doing this exchange, I believe, and it’s always so fun! I hope you enjoy it, too.
Below you’ll find the following:
About Me General Likes/Kinks General DNWs Fandom Specifics/Prompts
Mad Men - Peggy Olson/Stan Rizzo
Schitt’s Creek - Patrick Brewer/David Rose
The West Wing - Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Leo McGarry & Josh Lyman & Sam Seaborn & Toby Ziegler & CJ Cregg
How I Met Your Mother - Robin Scherbatsky/Barney Stinson
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Harry Potter - Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
I’ve tried to list some varied prompts for each fandom, but please don’t feel like you have to stick to what I’ve come up with. If the rest of my letter gives you another idea you’d like to write, I’d love to read it!
a little about me to start:
My AO3 name is SuburbanSun; you can also check out my Tumblr if you’d like, and my tags for each of my requested fandoms here:
Mad Men | Schitt’s Creek | The West Wing | How I Met Your Mother | Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Harry Potter
general likes/kinks:
I’m a big trope fan in general– faves include rivals/enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, bed-sharing, trapped in an enclosed space, mutual pining, secret dating/sneaking around, slow burn, FWBs that turns into something more. Subversions of tropes are also great.
I have a great love for Secret Service/bodyguard/witness protection AUs and private eye AUs, and these days I’m (perhaps unhealthily) invested in US politics/news in my everyday life, so if you want to have any of my requested characters run for office, I’d never turn that down. Unless noted, I’m good with AUs for any of my requested fandoms. Epistolary fic, either as part of a story or as all of it, is always fun to me, if it’s up your alley. Smut is cool and fun and here are some kinks that I like to read: Teasing. Phone sex/sexting. Semi-public sex (not actually getting caught though). Workplace sex. Dirty talk. Oral sex. Playfulness/joking around during sex.
general dnws:
Superangst and sad endings. Gore/intense violence. Miscommunication that could super easily be avoided. Babyfic/kidfic/pregnancy. Self-harm/abuse. Noncon/dubcon. A/B/O, mpreg, incest, bestiality, hard kink. Poly/threesomes/orgies. Members of my ships being paired romantically with other people (unless it’s just briefly, on the way to an OTP-happy ending). First person POV.
fandom specifics/prompts:
Mad Men: Peggy Olson/Stan Rizzo
I love and miss this show so much. It was so smart and made me feel so many things, and Peggy Olson is one of my favorite characters in all of fiction.
Peggy and Stan is such a great ship, and one I was on board with from the very beginning. Omitting his boorish behavior early on, once they established a rapport, they were such equals, and he seemed to respect her so much, and vice versa. They got on each other’s nerves and knew how to push each other’s buttons, but that’s just because they connected so well and really got each other.
I absolutely adore the time period where they’re basically phone buddies. Maybe an AU where they get together earlier in the series, during that time? How their phone conversations evolve from discussing work to discussing everything to falling for each other (or realizing they already had)? Phone sex (or getting ever-so-close to it before realizing they’re in the office and it’s inappropriate) is a-okay here too.
In the same vein, epistolary fic could be really fun to play around with here. Maybe a story told through a series of interoffice memos, messages, notes in the margins of copy pitches and along the edges of spec art?
What are things like now that Peggy and Stan are working together and being together (and possibly living together)? It’s got to be frustrating at times but worth it in the end, right?
NASA/Space Race AU– Peggy’s a NASA scientist/engineer and Stan is an astronaut
Schitt’s Creek: Patrick Brewer/David Rose
This show is so funny, dry and smart and sweet at the same time. I love how absurdly out of touch the Roses are, and how the show balances their outrageousness with the everyday humdrum of the town of Schitt’s Creek, and I especially love how their edges have softened over their years in town.
David and Patrick took my heart by storm, and are the kind of ship that makes me clutch both hands over my chest as I watch them. I loved the slow burn of them coming together and falling in love, and how much they really just LIKE each other. They really know each other and see each other and it’s so lovely.
**I’ll be caught up with the show week to week, so feel free to incorporate anything current!
David and Patrick move into their first place together, and David keep breaking things because he likes to watch Patrick play handyman
I love the more sensible characters on the show teaching David how to adult. What perfectly normal things has he never experienced or done before that Patrick has to walk him through?
I’m interested in Patrick’s journey from being so shy and new to everything when he and David first kissed, to being bold enough to sing a love song to David in front of half the town. Tell me more about how he got to that point, and how (whether he knew it or not) David helped him get there.
The West Wing: Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Leo McGarry & Josh Lyman & Sam Seaborn & Toby Ziegler & CJ Cregg
I love this show and every character on it. It’s become a comfort show, especially in this political climate, and I rewatch episodes frequently (and along with The West Wing Weekly podcast!). if we matched on the Leo & Josh & Sam & Toby & CJ grouping, feel free to choose any combo of those characters-- if you can’t fit them all in that’s perfectly fine. (Also, I’m not very interested in a non-political/White House AU for this fandom.) Prompts:
For Josh/Donna: I’d love something set early on where there’s the same level of UST and flirtation that they had back then. Josh getting jealous of someone who’s interested in Donna, or vice versa. Or maybe something that shows Donna’s competence– how she’s the one who keeps the clocks running on time in the office. Or trading barbs that lead to something more when they’re on opposing campaigns later on. Or-- there’s an episode where an asteroid is potentially heading for earth. What if (in that episode, or just applying that idea to another timeline) an asteroid/world-ending scare is what forces Josh or Donna to tell the other how they feel?
For Leo & Josh & Sam & Toby & CJ: Scenes from the first Bartlet for America campaign trail, or anything involving political competence or our heroes getting one over on the other side is great I LOVE the flashbacks in In The Shadow of Two Gunmen when we see how they all came together-- more like that would be amazing.
How I Met Your Mother: Robin Scherbatsky/Barney Stinson
This show is one I don’t revisit often these days, but when I do it’s always a Barney/Robin focused episode. I loved their relationship so much, how they fit together despite being so independent and yeah, maybe a little damaged. How they support and respect each other in ways that nobody else they were ever with did. I wanted SO BADLY for them to end up together (and in my mind, they do, because I refuse to acknowledge that finale as a thing that exists).
Any way you can make the show end with Robin and Barney together is GREAT.
I love the episode relatively early on where Barney is sick and Robin is reluctantly tasked with feeding him soup, etc. What if their feelings for each other had started to develop then?
Fake dating-- Barney needs Robin to be his plus one at a GNB event, or Robin needs Barney to pretend to be her boyfriend at a family wedding, or something equally tropey and delightful
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
I ship Rebecca and Greg so hard, in spite of their many flaws, and was bummed that Greg was gone, and am now tentatively excited to have him back, (even if he does look a bit different). I just love their chemistry– bickery battle-of-wits style relationships are a huge favorite of mine. I’d be happy with a story set while Greg still lived in West Covina, or a future fic, or just a total AU. I also love every other character so feel free to get others involved.
**I’ll be caught up with the show week to week, so feel free to incorporate anything current!
Rebecca/Greg + any number of tropes– stuck somewhere together; inconvenient bed-sharing; fake dating, the works.
New Greg and new Rebecca decide they’re best off as just friends-- but it doesn’t quite work that way, and they keep being drawn together. Accidental makeouts can’t be helped, can they?
AU where Rebecca is a defense attorney and Greg is her wrongfully accused client. It’s totally unprofessional for her to be attracted to a client, and truthfully he’s kind of sarcastic and annoying. But she just can’t resist. 
Harry Potter: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Harry Potter is kind of always there in the background as something I love, and as far as ships go, Remus/Sirius is my faaaave. I love the complexity of their relationship in the text, and the subtext (THE SUBTEXT). I love thinking about the Marauder era and how deeply all four of them loved each other, and thinking about Remus and Sirius discovering feelings that went even beyond that. I love the (brief) time between Hogwarts and when everything went to hell, when they were potentially happy and in love. I’m much more interested in something within the HP universe for them than a total AU.
Hogwarts-era pining! One of them has realized their feelings but thinks the other isn’t interested, and that kind of adolescent angst is so bittersweet.
Post-Hogwarts domesticity! Moving into a ramshackle apartment together, hanging moving photos of the Marauders on the walls, cuddling under three blankets because the heat is on the fritz but it’s their place so they love it anyway.
So, that’s that! I really hope you enjoy the whole process this Chocolate Box season, and thanks for participating! Happy writing!
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