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myrachidh · 2 years ago
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Praying Mantis ~ Mantis religiosa ~ Mante religieuse ~ Beheira Province, Egypt. #PrayingMantis #Mantisreligiosa #GreenMantis #Mantis #Mante #Mantereligieuse #Mantide #Bugs #Buglife #Beheira #Province #Egypt #Governorate #Entomology #macros #macrophotography #macroofinstagram #butterflies #papillons #insects #insectsofinstagram #Wildlife #wildlifephotography ~ https://www.flickr.com/photos/rachidh/albums (at Beheira Governorate) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci52fk_vwY_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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friendswithclay · 1 year ago
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“Cotton harvesting in Beheira Governorate in the early 1960s from the archive of Makram Salama”
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spiritsdancinginthenight · 1 year ago
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Amphora from Ptolemaic Egypt, c. 300-100 B.C. Found at the Sanctuary of Apollo (Naukratis), el-Beheira, Nile Delta, Egypt. Now at the British Museum, but not on display.
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ahmed-gamal · 6 months ago
Egypt travel guide - Military barracks and weapons caches uncovered in Tell al-Abqa'in archaeolo
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light-sherlockian · 1 year ago
Memorising governorates of Egypt with a mind palace
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There are 27 governorates in Egypt. Here's how I memorise them:
Alexandria, Aswan = Alex in a swan costume in entrance
Asyut,Beheira = someone dippin their but in a lake by the phone shop
Beni Suef, Cairo = ben ten with a sword (sef in arabic) in cairo by the garage
Dakahlia, Damietta = white lady eating feta cheese by the pharmacy (dakahlia's capital is mansoura, which is famously full of "white" egyptians, damietta sounds like an egyptian brand of cheese)
Faiyum, Gharbia = a tree shade (Fai) to the west by the building
Giza, Ismailia = Ismael on top of pyramid by the tech store
Kafr El-Sheikh, Luxor = a sheikh in statue form (luxor famous for temples) by the bakers
Matrouh, Minya = king mina being kicked out of the lab
Monufia, New Valley = dad (from monufia) climbing a valley by the veggies seller
North Sinai, Port Said = a poor guy holding a sign high by the kiosk
Qalyubia, Qena = a tv turned upside down by the orphanage
Red Sea, Sharqia = a guy choking (sharaq) on red water by the corner
Sohag, South Sinai = horny dude holding a sign low by the school
Suez = a canal in the ruins of a building
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ancientfragments · 11 months ago
Votive plaque
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Votive plaque, 630BC - 400BC, Egypt, Late period.
Excavated by: Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie. Excavated/Findspot: Egypt: Beheira, el- (Governorate): Naukratis: Town (Naukratis).
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faroukomar2910 · 1 month ago
Discovery of military barracks and a sword belonging to King Ramesses II
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An archaeological mission from Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities discovered a series of mudbrick structures that date back to the New Kingdom: military barracks, storage facilities for weapons, and food. Among the highly valued finds was a bronze sword with an inscription of the cartouche of King Ramesses II.
These were discovered in the site called Tell El-Abqain, Housh Eissa, which constitutes the Beheira Governorate at the furthest northern tip of the Nile Delta. A discovery like this adds more taste to Egypt's Tours of rich military history, starting from the current day and now backward.
This excavation, according to the statement from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, reinforces the importance of the Abqain Fortress as a strategic point where the ancient Egyptian army was present. It acted as a defence point on the western military road against invasions by the Libyan tribes and the Sea Peoples into Egypt's northwestern borders. This site is an essential inclusion into any Egypt Tours Package and would enable the history enthusiast to learn about aspects of Egypt's past that are little known but all the same very important.
Ayman Ashmawy, head of the Egyptian Antiquities Sector at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said preliminary studies of the artifacts indicate that parts of the site were used to provide food and other daily needs to soldiers. These include the remains of large individual silos containing huge pottery storage vessels, fish and animal bones, and fragmented pieces of pottery. They further found cylindrical clay ovens that they believed were used for food preparation. Such insights give the visitor an insight into the military logistics of ancient times, something that should be a high point in Egypt Classic Tours, especially for visitors interested in Egypt's military history.
Furthermore, the mission also discovered a long bronze sword bearing the cartouche of King Ramesses II, and a number of other objects that give insight into the daily life, beliefs, and fighting tactics of the fortress occupants. These included several weapons and hunting tools, jewelry, items of personal hygiene, and protective charms. Finds like these make places like Tell El-Abqain popular in Egypt Day Tours, especially for those tourists who want to see something a bit different from the usual pyramids and temples.
One of the sensational discoveries was that of burying a cow-a very ancient representative of strength, abundance, and prosperity. These were two blocks of limestone with hieroglyphic inscriptions on one; the titles of King Ramesses II were located, a half-bronze ring with an image of god Amun-Horakhty, two necklaces in faience with carnelian, shaped like pomegranate flowers. These relics make this place a wonder stop during Egypt Day Tours from Cairo for exposure to Egypt's less-explored sites, which are rich in history.
The Abqain Fortress dates back to the 19th Dynasty, during King Ramesses II’s reign. It remained in use until the Greco-Roman period. This discovery provides invaluable insight into the evolution of Egypt’s military strategies and religious beliefs. The fortress could also be a unique addition to Egypt Easter Tours, offering visitors an opportunity to explore an off-the-beaten-path historical site during their holiday in Egypt.
In addition, for those arriving on cruise ships, Egypt Shore Excursions can be organized to include this fortress in their tour so that history buffs can witness firsthand the ancient military history of Egypt. The site of Tell El-Abqain, with its intriguing discoveries, adds weight to Egypt's tourism portfolio, making it a key destination for anyone willing to unravel the mysteries of the past.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 2 months ago
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A “New Delta” in the Desert
Part of a major push to green Egypt’s deserts, the New Delta project aims to transform 2.2 million feddans (9,240 square kilometers, or 3,500 square miles) of mostly barren desert west of the Nile Delta into productive farmland. The OLI (Operational Land Imager) and OLI-2 on Landsat 8 and 9 captured this pair of images showing the expansion of green landscapes in parts of the Alexandria and Beheira governorates in November 2018 (top) and November 2024 (lower).
Much of the new development is spread along a highway that connects El Dabba on Egypt’s north coast to Cairo. Note the canal extending northeastward from the upper left of the image. With the help of several pumping stations, this waterway transports wastewater from a holding lake in Alexandria to a new treatment plant to the south. Completed in 2023, it can process 7.5 million cubic meters of wastewater per day, enough to make it the largest wastewater and sludge treatment plant in the world, according to Guinness World Records.
Plans call for recycled water from the plant to feed into irrigation networks that supply the proliferating croplands in the area, but the system will not provide all the water that thirsty crops need. Pumped groundwater and water from a canal that connects to the Rosetta Branch of the Nile are also important sources of water for the region.
New farmland is also appearing in many other parts of Egypt. Boston University researchers used decades of observations from Landsat satellites to map areas where agricultural lands spread, were lost to urbanization, or abandoned between 1987 and 2019. They mapped 16,000 square kilometers of new farmland in Egypt, mostly in the Nile River valley and delta near existing agriculture. Over the same period, farmers abandoned 1,700 square kilometers, and new development occurred on 2,300 square kilometers of farmland. The results can be explored in this interactive map.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Adam Voiland.
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weaponsaremypassion · 6 months ago
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mariammaher · 6 months ago
Se volete godere di pace e tranquillità nei più bei deserti e oasi egiziane, come il Deserto Bianco, l'Oasi di Siwa e l'Oasi di Bahariya, prenotate subito i vostri tour solo con Cairo Top Tours!
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ismailambouombouo7 · 6 months ago
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myrachidh · 6 months ago
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Bayhops Blossom ~ Ipomoea pes-caprae ~ Beach Morning Glory ~ Goat's Foot ~ Patatran ~ Patate à Durand ~ Patate-bord de Mer ~ Liane Rampante ~ Beheira Province, Egypt
#BayhopsBlossom #Ipomoea #Ipomeapes-caprae #BeachMorningGlory #Goat'sFoot #Patatran #PatateÀDurand #Patate-bordDeMer #LianeRampante #BeheiraProvince #Egypt #Blossom #blooms #flowers #plants #flowersofinstagram #macrophotography #macros ~ https://www.flickr.com/photos/rachidh/albums
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moataz357 · 6 months ago
Quartéis militares e esconderijos de armas descobertos no sítio arqueológico de Tell al-Abqa'in, na província de Beheira
A equipa de arqueologia egípcia do Conselho Superior de Envelhecimento, dirigida pelo Dr. Ahmed Said Al- Kharadly, descobriu um conjunto de unidades arquitectónicas de quartéis militares para cães e armazéns para munições, alimentos e géneros alimentícios do período do Novo Reino, durante escavações arqueológicas na área arqueológica de Tell Al- Abqa'in, em Hosh Essa, na província de Beheira. O Dr. Mohamed Ismail Khaled, Secretário-Geral do Conselho Supremo da Antiguidade, explicou o significado desta descoberta, uma vez que confirma o significado literal e arqueológico do forte Al- Abqa'in, que é um dos pontos de atenção de serviço do antigo exército egípcio na estrada militar ocidental para cobrir as fronteiras do noroeste do Egito dos ataques das linhas líbias e dos povos do oceano, indicando que as unidades arquitectónicas descobertas têm uma disposição regular e estão divididas em dois grupos análogos em termos de desenho arquitetónico, separados por um pequeno corredor, o que indica a imaginação do antigo mestre egípcio e a sua capacidade de explorar os rudimentos do terreno circundante e de os aclimatar para servir os seus coloridos propósitos. o egito tem bens e lugares muito antigos e, entre os lugares antigos e os túmulos e templos, tem lugares verdadeiramente belos e condicionantes que se pode experimentar e, se decidir experimentá-los, tem muitas passagens e tectos especiais com vistas maravilhosas e passagens instigantes e informações que tem de saber que não se encontram em nenhum lugar do mundo, apenas no egito. mundo, apenas no Egito, estas passagens e estruturas que nos fazem ver esta exploração e muitos bens que eles montaram e que nos mostrarão muitos bens que nos mostram o grande Egito antigo e lugares bonitos como a passagem do Nilo e muitas cidades bonitas no Oceano Vermelho, Luxor, Assuão, Alexandria, Sharm El Sheikh e Hurghada, e mais  excursões de um dia ao Egito que lhe permitirão aprender sobre a cultura de diferentes metrópoles no Egito, oferecendo uma coleção diferente de passagens e pacotes de viagem ao Egito, mostrando a fascinante história do Egito e as pedras naturais que têm mais do que uma ordem como  excursões de um dia ao luxor  descobrir os incríveis tesouros deixados pelos antigos egípcios. Poderá visitar tabernáculos emocionais como o Templo de Karnak e o Templo de Luxor, bem como ver os tesouros nos sepulcros reais no Vale dos Senhores.  pacotes de viagem para o Egito  permite-lhe testemunhar a Terra Dourada do Egito. Visite os pontos literais mágicos, explore a civilização egípcia e observe as maravilhosas aglomerações de Gizé e os tabernáculos milagrosos de Luxor e Aswan cercados por uma bela natureza que tem mais de uma ordem como  passeios de luxo no Egito  esteja pronto para ter serviços de alta qualidade durante seus mandatos em cada Egito, e os elegantes hospícios e velas do Nilo para ter um tempo atraente no Egito.  Passeios à beira mar no Egito são uma assiduidade em crescimento rápido e um dos exemplos elegantes do turismo de massas no Egito. Os nossos especialistas ajudá-lo-ão a ter os mais fantásticos períodos de porto do Egito em todas as metrópoles instigantes, incluindo Cairo, Luxor, Sharm el-Sheikh, Alexandria e outras, com as elegantes ofertas de estadia no Egito, que têm mais do que uma ordem, como  excursões em terra de Alexandria  ee uma das maiores e mais importantes galerias do mundo, a excursão ao Museu Egípcio, os magníficos aglomerados de Gizé, a Grande Esfinge, que é uma posição de impressão popular, e a galeria ao ar livre localizada no ponto onde Memphis se encontrava anteriormente.
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goalhofer · 7 months ago
2024 olympics Egypt roster
Youssof Fahmy-Tolba (Cairo)
Jana Ali (Giza)
Mohamed Khalifa (Cairo)
Mostafa Hassan (Cairo)
Mostafa El Gamel (Giza)
Ihab Abdelrahman (Kafr Saqr)
Moustafa Mahmoud (Cairo)
Esraa Owis (Cairo)
Omar Elawady (Mina Said)
Abdelrahman Oraby (Cairo)
Yomna Ayyad (Damietta)
Samaa Ahmed (Giza)
Youssef Abouelhassan (Cairo)
Ebtissam Ahmed-Mohamed (Suez)
Mohamed Farouk (Cairo)
Ramez Sobhy (Cairo)
Malak Tawfik (Cairo)
Maha Amer (Cairo)
Nayel Nassar (San Diego County, California)
Mohammed Yasseen (Tanta)
Mahmoud Mohsen (Cairo)
Mahmoud El-Sayed (Tanta)
Abdelrahman Tolba (Alexandria)
Adham Moataz (Giza)
Yassin Khodir (Cairo)
Mohamed Saleh (Cairo)
Alaaeldin Abouelkassem (Alexandria)
Mohamed Hamza (Houston, Texas)
Ziad El-Sissy (Alexandria)
Mohamed Amer (Cairo)
Nardin Ehab (Alexandria)
Aya Hussein (Cairo)
Shirwit Gaber (Alexandria)
Sara Amr-Hossny (Brooklyn, New York)
Malak Hamza (Cairo)
Yara El-Sharkawy (Cairo)
Nada Hafez (Cairo)
Omar Mohamed (Alexandria)
Lamar Behairi (Cairo)
Jana Mahmoud (Giza)
Aliaa Saleh (Cairo)
Johara Eldeeb (Cairo)
Farida Hussein (Cairo)
Abeer Ramadan (Giza)
Ameena Sobeih (Cairo)
Malak Hamza (Cairo)
Mohamed Elmessiry (Cairo)
Mohab Abdelhak (Cairo)
Mohamed Aly (Cairo)
Yahia Omar (Giza)
Abdelrahman Abdou (Giza)
Ahmed El-Sayed (Cairo)
Ibrahim El-Masry (Cairo)
Omar El-Wakil (Cairo)
Yehia El-Deraa (Cairo)
Seif El-Deraa (Cairo)
Akram Saad (Cairo)
Ahmed Mesilhy (Cairo)
Karim Handawy (Cairo)
Ali Al-Hawwari (Abu Mina)
Mohammad Sanad (Cairo)
Youssry Samy (Sharkia)
Abdelrahman Abdelghany (Cairo)
Mohanad Shaban (Cairo)
Ahmed El-Gendy (Cairo)
Malak Ismail (Cairo)
Salma Abdelmaksoud (Cairo)
Ahmed Abdelaal (Giza)
Mohamed Kota (Mina Said)
Abdelkhalek El-Banna (Tanta)
Aly Badawy (Alexandria)
Khouloud Mansy (Alexandria)
Ibrahim Korayiem (Cairo)
Mohamed Abdelkader (Cairo)
Omar Mohamed (Alexandria)
Omar Ibrahim (Cairo)
Azmy Mehelba (Alexandria)
Remas Khalil (Cairo)
Mai Elsayed-Abuqarn (Cairo)
Nour Abbas-Mohammed (Cairo)
Amira Aboushokka (Cairo)
Hala El-Gohari (El Qanah)
Maggy Ashwamy (Cairo)
Ahmed Atef (Cairo)
Mohamed Tarek (Cairo)
Ali El Gabry (Cairo)
Hamza Hussein (Cairo)
Omar El Rakhawy (Monufia)
Amed Gadelhaq (Fayoum)
Hassam Abdelsalam (Cairo)
Mohamed Mahmoud (Cairo)
Mahmoud Hassan (Uktubar)
Ziad Zeyada (Domyat)
Osama Eltraawy (Damietta)
Ibrahim Hassan (Mina Said)
Mostafa Ahmed (Cairo)
Ahmed Abdelaal (Cairo)
Karim Hassan (Shibin El Qanater)
Ahmed Sayed (Minya)
Mohamed Elneny (El Mahalla El Kubra)
Bilal Abdelgalil (Châteauroux, France)
Mohamed Abdelsalam (Cairo)
Marwan Elkamesh (Alexandria)
Nadine Barsoum (Cairo)
Farida Abdelbary (Cairo)
Mariam Ahmed (Cairo)
Amina Elfeky (Cairo)
Salma Marei (Cairo)
Sondos Mohamed (Cairo)
Nihal Saafan (Cairo)
Hanna Heikal (Cairo)
Lojine Abdalla-Salah (Giza)
Table tennis
Mohamed El-Beiali (Dakahlia)
Youssef Abdel-Aziz (Cairo)
Omar Assar (Desouk)
Mariam Alhodaby (Cairo)
Dina Meshref (Cairo)
Hana Goda (Cairo)
Ahmed Nassar (Cairo)
Seif Eissa (Cairo)
Aya Shehata (Alexandria)
Mayar Abdel-Aziz (Cairo)
Ahmed Abdelrahman (Cairo)
Mohamed Elhaddad (Damietta)
Abdelrahman Eissa (Cairo)
Mohamed Asran (Giza)
Seifeldin Aly (Giza)
Abdelrahman Seoudy (Cairo)
Mostafa Abdelsalam-Abdelmoaty (Cairo)
Mohamed Issa (Alexandria)
Mohamed Hassan (Cairo)
Mohamed Masoud (Alexandria)
Hossam Abdalla (Cairo)
Reda Haikal (Cairo)
Marwa Abdelhady (Cairo)
Doaa Elghobashy (Beheira)
Karim Abokahla (Dakahlia)
Abdelrahman El-Sayed (Cairo)
Halima Abbas (Alexandria)
Neama Said (Ismailia)
Sara Ahmed (Al-Huaniya)
Mostafa El-Ders (Monofiya)
Moamen Mohamed (Cairo)
Mahmoud Abdelrahman (Kalyobiya)
Mohamed Gabr (Cairo)
Gamal Mohamed (Cairo)
Amr Hussen (Cairo)
Diaaeldin Gouda (Cairo)
Mohamed El-Sayed (Alexandria)
Mohamed Metwally (Cairo)
Abdellatif Mohamed (Dakahlia)
Nada Mohamed (Corsier-Sur-Vevey, Switzerland)
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adroitextrusion · 8 months ago
Exporter of Multi Layer Blown Film Machine in Egypt
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Adroit Extrusion is an Exporter of Multi Layer Blown Film Machine in Egypt. We Manufacture multi-layer blown film machines in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Adroit Extrusion is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Monolayer Blown Film, ABA and AB Blown Film Machine, and MultiLayer Blown Film Machines. We offer various types of Multi Layer Blown Film Machine: 7/5 Layer Barrier 5 Layer POD 3 Layer Blown Film Plant Multilayer blown film technology employs the co-extrusion of multiple polymer resin layers to produce a unified composite film. Each layer offers unique attributes such as barrier capabilities, strength, and optical qualities. This innovative process expands the horizons of film manufacturing, enabling precise customization for diverse applications. Manufacturers can utilize different polymers in each layer, harnessing their specific properties to enhance the overall film. This versatility facilitates the creation of films that boast combined strengths such as durability, flexibility, exceptional barrier protection, and heat resistance. Multilayer blown film technology thus empowers industries to achieve tailored solutions that meet exacting standards and fulfill varied application requirements effectively. Adroit Extrusion is an Exporter of Multi Layer Blown Film Machine in Egypt including locations like Alexandria, Aswan, Assiut, Beheira, Beni Suef, Cairo, Dakahlia, Damietta, Fayoum, Gharbia, Giza, Ismailia, Kafr el-Sheikh, Matrouh, Minya, Menofia, New Valley, North Sinai, Port Said, Qualyubia, Qena, Red Sea, Al-Sharqia, Soha, South Sinai, Suez, Luxor. Contact us today to explore how our multi-layer blown film machines can elevate your packaging solutions with advanced technology and versatility. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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hssshheees · 9 months ago
plage sidi abdelrahman بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن
عندما يتعلق الأمر بالاسترخاء والهروب من ضجيج الحياة اليومية، فإن قرية بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن تعتبر واحدة من الوجهات السياحية الساحرة التي تقع على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​في مصر. تتميز بجمال طبيعي لا يُضاهى وشواطئ رملية ذهبية تمتد على مسافة طويلة، تعتبر بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن واحة للهدوء والاسترخاء. في هذا المقال، سنكتشف سحر هذه الوجهة السياحية الرائعة، ونستكشف ما تقدمه من مزايا وأنشطة ترفيهية للزوار الباحثين عن تجربة فريدة ومميزة.
When it comes to relaxation and escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life, Plage Sidi Abdelrahman village is one of the enchanting tourist destinations located on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. With unparalleled natural beauty and long stretches of golden sandy beaches, Plage Sidi Abdelrahman is an oasis of tranquility and relaxation. In this article, we will explore the charm of this wonderful tourist destination and discover what it offers in terms of amenities and recreational activities for visitors seeking a unique and distinctive experience.
موقع بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن
تقع قرية بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن على بعد حوالي 200 كيلومتر شمال غرب مدينة الإسكندرية في محافظة البحيرة بمصر. تشتهر هذه الوجهة السياحية بموقعها المتميز الذي يوفر إطلالات ساحرة على البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​والشواطئ الخلابة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتميز القرية بمناخ معتدل طوال العام، مما يجعلها وجهة مثالية للزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم.
Plage Sidi Abdelrahman village is located approximately 200 kilometers northwest of Alexandria in the Beheira Governorate of Egypt. This tourist destination is renowned for its exceptional location, offering enchanting views of the Mediterranean Sea and stunning beaches. Additionally, the village boasts a moderate climate throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for visitors from around the world.
المزايا والأنشطة
توفر قرية بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن مجموعة متنوعة من المزايا والأنشطة الترفيهية التي تناسب جميع الأذواق. تتضمن هذه المزايا الفنادق الفاخرة التي توفر أفضل خدمات الضيافة والراحة للنزلاء، بالإضافة إلى الشاليهات الخاصة التي توفر للزوار خصوصية وهدوء. كما يمكن للزوار الاستمتاع بالمأكولات الشهية في المطاعم المتنوعة التي تقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الأطعمة العالمية والمحلية.
Plage Sidi Abdelrahman village offers a variety of amenities and recreational activities to suit all tastes. These amenities include luxurious hotels that provide the best hospitality services and comfort for guests, as well as private chalets that offer visitors privacy and tranquility. Visitors can also enjoy delicious cuisine at the diverse restaurants that offer a variety of international and local dishes.
ومع ذلك، يعد الشاطئ نفسه هو المعلم الرئيسي في بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن، حيث يمكن للزوار الاستمتاع بالسباحة في المياه الزرقاء الفيروزية أو الاسترخاء على الشاطئ والتمتع بأشعة الشمس الدافئة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن لهواة الرياضات المائية الاستمتاع بمجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة مثل ركوب الأمواج والغوص والتزلج على الماء، مما يجعل إقامة الزوار في بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن تجربة لا تُنسى.
However, the beach itself is the main attraction in Plage Sidi Abdelrahman, where visitors can enjoy swimming in the azure blue waters or lounging on the beach and soaking up the warm sun rays. Additionally, water sports enthusiasts can enjoy a variety of activities such as surfing, diving, and water skiing, making a stay in Plage Sidi Abdelrahman an unforgettable experience.
باختصار، تعتبر قرية بلاج سيدي عبدالرحمن واحدة من الوجهات السياحية الرائعة في مصر التي تجمع بين الجمال الطبيعي الخلاب والراحة والترفيه. بشواطئها الذهبية والمياه الزرقاء الفيروزية، plage sidi abdelrahman
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