#behavior wise
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atomic-rattz · 7 months ago
Why si my school handin out laptops to kids like i know for a fact these kids cant be trusted when they can barely go one second without fighting
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alexythimya · 2 months ago
My worst groups being in the middle of the day is I guess good bc I'm kind of flung into it midday w.o having to think about it much
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cherryphobe · 5 months ago
My friends cat fucking survived being bit in the face by a rattlesnake with NO ANTIVENOM & since he is okay & healing I am legally allowed to make fun of how fucking stupid & swollen she looked immediately after it happened
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Lmao & Lol even...
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aspensforestofstars · 3 months ago
The Sun and its Lights
° summary: You are the Sun, and they are your Light. To them, nothing matters more than your will.
° warnings: unhealthy behavior and coping mechanisms, possessive and obsessive behavior, description of addiction/withdrawal, cult-like/zealous/fanatic behavior.
○ note 1: I'm putting emphasis on the unhealthy/cult behavior. These two are.. unhinged, to put it simply.
° note 2: considering making this a series..
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Belle and Wise were always.. different. Everyone knew that. Even their beloved teacher knew there was just something.. off about them.
Smiles that never reached dull eyes. Dull eyes didn't sparkle until they looked to the sun and looked to the light. Quiet murmurings to something no one could see or hear.
When the old Eridu fell, and New Eridu came to be, it was easy for them to cover it all up.
Until, of course, you finally came.
You, who had such an enticing warmth that it was overwhelming. You're a constant source of watching, of guidance, of care and want. Even when they're guiding an Agent on a mission, you are there.
It's as if you're whispering in their mind. Guiding their fingers, what to say, how to act.
You're always there.
If they are Phaethon, then you are Helios. You are the Sun. They are the Light.
They are your light.
It's the small details. The small sun stickers placed around each of their rooms, matching sun necklaces. The way they will slowly go on and on about all sorts of things about the sun, revolving around one being; Helios.
To them, the Hollows are a product of your will. A test to humanity, and while most of humanity failed, you had decided that New Eridu would live. And for that, they are forever grateful.
Belle and Wise know that everyone is ignorant of your glory. You are above in the sky every day.. and yet people do not even give you a glance.
You are Existence, you are Inevitable. You are light and dark, the sun and the moon, and these people just ignore you.
They ignore you, they scorn you, they rage for what you took for what you destroyed.
Belle wants to rage and shout. It's a trial. Why can't they see? New Eridu is blessed to be alive, under your constant gaze, your light, and life. It's Wise who reminds her they are just blind, that not everyone deserves to be as blessed as they are.
Your warmth is like a constant embrace. Like gentle hands guiding them, pushing them to where they need to go. It's like a rush, they could feel every command. Words being whispered in their ears and coming out with no effort.
When you're gone, it's like the Sun has gone out.
It's cold. It's freezing. They hate it, hate when your warmth leaves.
Belle stays up later than she usually does. Prayers, whispers, offerings, anything. She just wants you to come back.
Wise doesn't sleep at all. Just watching the moon, and sometimes, just cursing it.
Is it the reason why you leave? Why you do not watch them all the time?
He hates it. She hates it.
They hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Your light should never perish, never die. You are the Sun, you are Helios. The sun should never vanish, never go.
Why do you go?
Are they trials? Because if so, they will gladly weather them.
They can keep themselves composed in public, for the most part. So what if Belle gets a little jittery without your overwhelming warmth, or Wise's hands can't stop shaking with anxiety when you don't return at your usual time.
When you do return, it's a blissful weight and control. Shackles that they love.
They are your puppets, your Proxies. They are Phaethon. Carries of your will.
They explore the Hollows to learn more about them, yes, but it learn why you made them. Clearly, as punishment, yes. But why, why why why. What sins did the past commit?
What sins did they commit, so your loyal Lights will never commit the sins.
They just love you so much.
Belle wants to spread your good name, but Wise knows better. They need to wait.
Wait until your warmth and influence spread. And then, soon, very soon..
All will know Helios.
Just as things should be.
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dykedvonte · 1 year ago
My only defense of conceptual follower Benny is that he was a warrior nomad and a raider, that still has it in him if we take the All Roads comic into consideration, and how he is not like a real dainty soft hand city slicker, cause it’s mostly an act.
So in scenarios where he is forced to travel with the Courier I 100% think he’d be like “What do ya mean you can’t scale a mountain, pussycat? Watch how the pros do it.” And then you see him scuttle up a cliff face scarily fast only to have to save him when he bumps into a Cazador nest.
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deadbaguette · 4 months ago
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Ugh this guy is the only person I’ve been able to properly draw for the past few days and it’s getting my nerves
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artuurle · 2 months ago
1. The idea of reanimated Click Clack hidden away and just editing all the time while not seeing Thespius very often is sad as hell oh my god. Imagine coming back wrong, KNOWING that something is wrong but you don’t know exactly what, and the only person you see suddenly stops seeing you.
2. Poor Huzzle! Thespius is missing and now It has realized that Thespius did something and then just…hid it away without telling anyone like some kind of failed pottery item or something.
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Yeah, It's kinda hard For Thespius to visit for long because after a short while it starts making him a bit of a miserable wreck, it also cements to Cliff's mind he's just doing something to make the god hate him he cant quite pick up on. 100% one of those situations that's like a festering ourobourical wound. When Thespius left he assumed it's because of something he did, was his editing too harsh or did he miss a cue? Completely unaware the god was absolutely wracked with guilt and mourning.
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Huzzle is completely normal and Doesn't want to start biting it promises. Hey Thespius come a little closer. don't worry about it.
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devils-yui · 3 months ago
Late night inquiry thrown into the wild here as I’m ailed in my bed at the moment:
Based on TFP, would dating a Predacon be equivalent to having like a cybertronian werewolf/lycan boyfriend situation…
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cinlat · 1 day ago
NPC Sunday. NPCunday?
tagged by @actualanxiousswampwitch thank you!
What kind of NPC would your character be? Where could you find them?
Merchant - what would they sell?
Quest Giver - what's the quest? One off or chain? The reward?
Companion - How do you unlock them? Do they have a specific companion quest line?
Rrrrrrromanceable? 😘😍💘💌⚘️🥀 What's the reward?
Regular NPC - what's their dialog?
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Merchant - what would they sell?
Weapons....probably whatever goes for contraband in that area. She's a traveling merchant, moving on before the local authority catches wind of her possibly less than legal wares and bootleg booze.
Quest Giver - what's the quest? One off or chain? The reward?
It would be a chain quest. It would begin as a drinking competition and end with you both undercover to foil a massive embezzlement scheme in the heart of the Big City™. There was probably only one bed at some point (she's a cuddler). The reward would be a massive hangover, quiet thanks from an embarrassed government, and the suggestion of never letting them see your face again. Oh, and money, but it's off the books so spend it fast.
Companion - How do you unlock them? Do they have a specific companion quest line?
That one companion that saunters in when a fight is about to start with a grin and a small arsenal. Unlock quest....see above. Fynta loves a good drinking game. You've been run out of town with a pocket full of coins you think you're free of her. But rest assured Fynta WILL find you again, probably when you're in the most precarious position. She'll make everything ten times worse but you'll eventually come out ahead. Possibly with a new skill, definitely with some new swear words.
Rrrrrrromanceable? 😘😍💘💌⚘️🥀 What's the reward?
It honestly wouldn't take much to "romance" Fynta, as in get her into bed. Be confident, challenge her to a sparring match/duel/drinking game/anything competitive. She doesn't even care who wins. The challenge is sexy as hell. She'd make for some fun one offs in the beginning but if a person is really patient and persistent, they'll never find a more loyal lover.
Regular NPC - what's their dialog?
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No pressure tags: @dingoat @kunoichi-ume @cavalier-life @koboldgirl @theacedumbass @frauleiiin @storyknitter
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arihi · 28 days ago
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I won’t go as far as to say sadness is self-obsession, but I will say that the most helpful thing my futureme letters did was create little snapshots into the past that I would read a whole year in the future and 1) hold empathy for, 2) realize that whatever was tearing me apart back then really wasn’t that big of a deal, and 3) honestly cringe a little at it. And that’s okay! Maybe I was super dramatic over this friend whose name I now barely remember. I was so worried about dropping this one uni class (that I read years in the future when I was already in law school). I was so wrapped up in myself that I couldn’t see a way out of the sad hole/spiral I flung myself into for no reason. So wrapped up in myself that I didn’t think of a me post-handling the issue. Maybe I was really sad and upset and I had a good reason to be, but maybe-not-maybe, maybe-for-real even, things wound up working out.
And maybe things I’m stressed and upset about now will wind up working out. Maybe this is a silly story or cute (in a slightly pitiful way) memory for a future version of myself. I know it’s of little comfort in the moment when you’re going through anxieties, but so much fretting comes out of stretching ourselves thin, into shapes and boxes that are really and genuinely not real, but when that clicks in your brain for the first time a lot of things start getting better.
Anyway this was going to be my Twitter post of the day but the character limit is so fucking small and here I can also ramble in the tags, so.
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babacontainsmultitudes · 1 year ago
I can't really draw what's on my mind so here is the blueprint of my vision instead:
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wi1dshxpe · 1 year ago
durge and orin being siblings has to be the best thing that ever happened to bhaal. i just know their fighting for daddy’s approval would immediately outshine any criticism they had of him. like orin is sad she killed the girl she was seeing because it was getting too serious and goes to durge for support. durge gives a solid twenty seconds of reassurance before lying about how that has never happened to them before. orin backtracks and changes her story because it was actually awesome and poetic, really! durge calls her out. the entire thing turns into a petty verbal slap fight before they can even think about how much it sucks they can’t/aren’t allowed to maintain meaningful relationships. another time durge casually laments they never have time for hobbies. orin says she doesn’t need hobbies, murder is her entire life, durge calls art her hobby, orin calls her art worship, somehow sceleritas ends up stabbed. basically the two of them successfully pivot from a valid complaint to “look dad i love murder, dad, dad, look dad i’m better at murder than my sibling.” every time any crappy aspect of being a bhaalspawn comes up
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bpd-aware · 9 months ago
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yelow-heart · 1 year ago
I've been seeing a growth on hatred towards Tubblings (Tubbo's community) in here. Aswell as some explicit hate towards Philza.
It's not a huge issue yet, but before it is: know that we don't tolerate plain hate in here and u will be reported. Tumblr HAS a report system that works.
You ARE responsible for the things you say online.
Doesn't matter if you're famous, or a public figure, or just a jane-doe. You're not just another number or comment and u will be held accountable.
Be gone trolls
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
god its always so weird seeing a shot of amy from behind and seeing that her back just has nothing on it. put some spikes on that beast
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alaritheaurora · 8 months ago
My god the suckening has stolen my fucking mind, I just said, outloud, audibly, to no one "I think I'm Viv core but definitely more Vex personality-wise"
Anyways shoutout to the Weylin twins, love those guys. 10/10 would get turned into a meature by them.
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