#begonia nakamura
nurseprigs · 1 year
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"Strawberries are small, red, sweet fruit covered in seed. They grow in spring and are quite unusual to be found." Dalton whispered. Although he wanted to help Begonia, they both knew that talking loudly scared the fish away. "Tomato is a big, red fruit. A fruit, not a vegetable! They grow in summer and are also quite unusual to be found… what about autumn? Can you think of anything that grows in autumn?"
Begonia tried and tried to think about anything... anything that grew in the fall…
"Grapes! They are purple orb fruits. Very juicy and extremely common in Valeree."
The girl was so excited that she answered the question almost by singing so loudly that probably all the fish and birds heard it.
"Snowdrop grows in winter… it's quite unusual because it's one of the only flowers that survives the cold."
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Begonia started to pull in her fishing rod as soon as she felt resistance. Unfortunately, her screaming scared off all the big fish.
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bluemoondust · 3 years
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Yantober Masterlist
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Note: I may be able to do some days over others because my top priority is the Kinktober prompts. This is just for fun! Yantober prompts are based from this list!
|| Day 2 || Lovesick - Cosmo Spellman (Twisted Wonderland)
|| Day 3 || Drool - Bruce (Non Fandom)
|| Day 4 || Weapon - Eve (Non Fandom)
|| Day 5 || Obsession - Deacon (Non Fandom)
|| Day 6 || Blood - Rowan Nucifera (RWBY)
|| Day 7 || Accident - Ruth Darnell (Danganronpa)
|| Day 8 || Stalking - Ohara Tomoko (Danganronpa)
|| Day 9 || Love Letter - Takahashi Gō (Danganronpa)
|| Day 10 || Bad End - Basil Spellman (Twisted Wonderland)
|| Day 11 || Broken - Emil Ambrosius (Twisted Wonderland)
|| Day 12 || Lovely - Hugh (Non Fandom)
|| Day 13 || Sweet - Nakamura Yuuma (Danganronpa)
|| Day 14 || Bitter - Sapphire Arvensis (RWBY)
|| Day 15 || Fantasy - Clove (Non Fandom)
|| Day 16 || Heart - Morpheus Null (Twisted Wonderland)
|| Day 17 || Date - Tessa (Non Fandom)
|| Day 18 || Locked - Quinton "Quinn" Wisteria (RWBY)
|| Day 19 || Tears - Jason Soleil (Danganronpa)
|| Day 20 || Kiss - Samuel Moreau (Danganronpa)
|| Day 21 || Touch - Cassius (Non Fandom)
|| Day 22 || Confession - Baishō Kōsuke (Danganronpa)
|| Day 23 || Secret - Nikolai Constantine (Danganronpa)
|| Day 24 || Desperate - Bertram (Non Fandom)
|| Day 25 || Lonely - Rasmus Lisianthus (Twisted Wonderland)
|| Day 26 || Good End - Himura Enoki (Danganronpa)
|| Day 27 || Escape - Dustin Sparks (Danganronpa)
|| Day 28 || Longing - Isamu Hiroyuki (BNHA)
|| Day 29 || Fear - Vincent (Non Fandom)
|| Day 30 || Nightmare - Poppy Begonia (RWBY)
|| Day 31 || Eternity - Kikotsu Miyu (BNHA)
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deckspair · 5 years
Once You See You Can't Unsee | Junshu | Execution Reaction
At some point, Junshu had ceased sobbing. Tears still ran clear down her face, like a broken faucet. No point in trying to pretend she didn't cry when the others had already seen it. From the position on her knees Junshu looked up, watching with forced eyes as Ukiyo-maemi was executed. It was horrific, but... she'd been here before, already. With all the other monsters who had been executed. A sinking feeling settles in her stomach when she processes that she's just simply used to this. 
She doesn’t blame Neo for passing out. Frankly, Junshu kind of wishes she could just do that too. 
"How..." Her voice is weak, why? Why can't she compose herself, goddamnit! She's the leader, she's always been the leader, she needs to stay strong for everyone else. With a shaky hand, she places her palms on the top of the trail stand, but makes no effort to pick herself up yet. Junshu fixates her attention to the begonias, and continues, "How have we managed to do this... four times now?" 
"That's not normal. This isn't normal. Aren't we Hope's Peak students? The best and brightest, leading the future into a new hope?" The words are garbled together, repeating the phrases she could only distantly remember now. Honestly, she didn't ever care that much for Hope's Peak Academy. But it stood for something good, something pure, something that-- something that they sure as hell didn't have. 
Junshu huffs, and begins to lift her body back to it's feet. She's still not looking at anyone, with the wetness of her cheeks still shimmering in the light (a slight amber tinge to the light, too, from the fire Ukiyo-maemi had just burned in, moments ago). "Four. There's been four of these... these god damn trials, and we've done nothing to successfully stop them. How is that even possible? What…” Her body shakes some more, but this time, the cry comes out as a laugh. “When? When will you people stop killing each other? It’s not that hard! It is actually the easiest thing to do, to not kill a person.” 
Well, none of the people still alive had killed anyone, had they? That counted for something. Except, those who hadn’t voted for Spiderbot… Ukiyo-maemi’s blood was on their hands. If they had just had a unanimous majority… Junshu gripped her podium so tightly her knuckles were losing color, and when she spoke again, her voice was a loud, uneven cry. “I have tried, I have tried so, so hard to do something, to give you all something, and none of it has been enough to stop this! I…” She gasped for air, her voice cracking under her own pressure. “I can’t save anyone! N-not a single person! Ten people are dead! Ten--...” 
Junshu breathes in audibly, a tremor in her inhale. She looked around the circle, the survivors, sizing them up independently. There was Neo, passed out in Shinbou’s arms. He was almost peaceful, now-- hard to believe the same boy was filled with such rage only moments ago. Shinbou was kind, but so… passive. Except now, at the trial, they had been forceful, hadn’t they? And everyone and listened to their demands, but when Junshu reasonably suggests they DON’T let the clear liar and threat wield a tool that could be used for murder, she needs to ‘tone it down’ some. Yeah, speaking of, Kiyuu didn’t even deserve her thoughts. Screw that guy. Chouko… god, she had always been so lazy, and uncooperative, and the reveal of her real talent didn’t stop her from being difficult at times. Mizuo, he still had his secrets, didn’t he? What had happened with his boyfriend? She didn’t really know that clown at all, just like she didn’t know Ukiyo-maemi, or Nakamura, or Matsumoto, or Minami. Who’s to say this wouldn’t happen a fifth time? Who’s to stay she wouldn’t be betrayed again? 
She glances towards Akira last, her breath hitching her throat. Could she even trust Akira still? Of course she could. But wasn’t that just more of the naivety everyone liked to scold her for? In the end, you couldn’t really ever know who you could trust, right? “God, god, what am I thinking?” Junshu interrupts her internal monologue to speak again, gripping the sides of her head and unrustling her hair. 
A shadow falls over Junshu’s face, light no longer coming into her eyes. “What the hell is wrong with me? Before… before I came here, I could handle anything. Any student, and problem, anything. But… this! You! You people! Why…” Her voice cracks again, and she takes a moment to breath. “Why do you keep dying?!” 
Had she missed something? Had she overlooked something obvious? Should she had been more forceful, and not let anyone get away with their crap? Should she have recognized the threats beforehand? Junshu, truly, honestly, thought she had done everything she could. Then… why? 
She freezes, her hands leaving her head and going back to the podium in a firm grip. “It’s. It’s not me.” Junshu whispers. Where other people talking? Trying to reach out to her? She wasn’t listening. Right now, she was getting out all the thoughts in her head as they came to her. The shadow on her face worsens, twisting away from fear and going into something much worst. Junshu’s expression wasn’t just scared, it was lost, and angry, and … hopeless. 
“You… you people… you’ll just keep going, no matter how many people die, aren’t you?” Junshu can’t help but laugh a little. “Who cares… if we had the chance to save one person. You’ll all just keep distrusting each other, and… and fighting, and killing each other as soon as those bots give you the slightest push…”  
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(Art By Oclarina)
"You're all fucking monsters!" She rocked forward, the podium keeping her in place. Laughter escapes into her voice in her hysteria, but there’s no smile. “You- all of you, I can’t trust any of you!” Was she talking in circles? Hadn’t she just scolded them for not trusting each other? It all made perfect sense to Junshu, though, somewhere in that monochrome moralistic brain of hers. 
As soon as the elevator lets them, Junshu is getting the hell out of dodge. She couldn’t be here much longer.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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Begonia Nakamura wasted no time opening her presents. That was the first Watcher 'Day she could remember, and she would be forever grateful that Kylie Deon tried to make it unforgettable.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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Begonia Nakamura became a teenager in the fall of year three. Her desire to be alone surrounded by animals continued to accompany the young woman, who gained the loner trait. The time had come to find her place in the world, and she couldn't wait.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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No one knew it at the time, but those late summer minutes while everyone got wet and laughed would etch in the minds and hearts of those involved for a long, long time.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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As the adults' conversation continued in the dining room, Felicia found Emmanuel in the room she now knew so well.
"No dog. Cat!"
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"You look fabulous, Dulce. So do Alex and Felicia."
"You're very generous Kylie. I've decided that now that we've moved into the new house and the simoleons are no longer an issue, I've made new clothes for everyone at the house."
"It's always good to see you Alex. I hope you're having fun with your work at the park." Commented Begonia.
"I wouldn't say fun, but definitely satisfied."
"That's good to hear." Henrique interrupted. "Gustav Morris said the park would be ready by winter, hopefully the date stays on track."
"Perhaps a little earlier, Mr. Deon. I believe there may be an opening in the autumn."
"It really is something to be proud of, Alexander." Recognized Dalton Lewis.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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As everyone gathered to celebrate Emmanuel Edwards' birthday, Felicia Morris was too enamored with the toy she found in the backyard of the Founders' House to join the sims inside the house.
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"The kids are growing up so fast… Alex is almost a man and I can't even imagine watching my Felicia grow up… I think to me she will forever be my baby."
"I know that feeling, dear Dulce. In a few weeks Emmanuel will go to school. School! He's so grown up… it's a good thing I have Juliette to keep me busy. The house is so quiet without Begonia and Emmanuel."
"Begonia will soon grow too." Dalton Lewis said. "I'm thinking of trying to find somewhere inhabited around Valeree… I'll make sure she has a good man to look after her."
"There's still plenty of time Mr. Lewis, we don't need to be too hasty." Kylie replied. "We'll have Alex's wedding first."
"Wedding? I don't want to get married."
"Of course you do, my son. You say that now because you haven't met anyone who makes your heart race."
"My mother, please…"
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"Uncle Henrique, do people change their names when they grow up?"
"No, they change their names when they get married."
"I heard you and mommy Kylie say that Emmanuel is going to change his name on his birthday."
"Oh, that's because I made an unforgivable mistake when he was born, but I'll make it right tonight."
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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"We need to be quiet, Emmanuel."
Begonia whispered while making the sign of silence with her finger in front of her mouth.
"Juliette is like a fish. If she hears a noise, she'll freak out and cry. You don't want to hear her cry, do you?"
The sound of healthy lungs filled the room. Begonia hadn't had a very good night of sleep since Juliette was born, the two started to share a room and the little one liked to show, more than once, that her lungs worked. Perhaps her bad mood was a result of the short night's sleep… Begonia really wanted to yell at Emmanuel.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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"Hello Begonia! Enjoying your summer break? I think you can go fishing with me now. The fish have certainly missed you."
"Hello Mr. Lewis! Unfortunately I haven't gotten to enjoy my summer break. I didn't do so well on the school test and I'll need to retake it… no summer break for now."
Begonia was really sad. Although she liked school, she wanted to be able to go back to doing what she loved to do, like fishing with Dalton and playing with Alex.
"I'll help you study for your next test."
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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School wasn't as much fun as Begonia imagined. It was actually a place where she spent a lot of time alone with Professor Charlie Burton writing and reading books when what she wanted was to be outside fishing. Realizing the difficult days that the young girl faced, that morning Kylie returned home with Leo Hancock, the Morris's youngest cat. Now he was Begonia's to keep and care for, but even that prospect didn't make the young girl really happy.
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It didn't take Leo Hancock long to feel at home. Surrounded by animal enthusiast Begonia, cat lover Kylie and affectionate Emmanuel, there was no other place in the world he wanted to be.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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First day of Valeree Elementary School
Begonia Nakamura
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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Alexander Hancock and Begonia Nakamura received Chocolate' Day gifts. As promised, Dalton Lewis took the two to fishing and the three ate chocolate all afternoon.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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"Can we go fishing today? Alex can join us…"
"Certainly we can, baby-flower. You'll soon have more important things to occupy your time than fishing, so let's enjoy it while there's still time."
"What kind of important things?"
"School is certainly one of them. It won't be long before you're a teenager and then the cooking classes begin, the search for a future husband, the wedding planning, the kids… let's go fishing while we can."
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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Begonia finally went to meet Felicia Morris, the new addition to the Morris family and Alex's sister. To her surprise, the baby wasn't surprised by her singing skills and started crying as if her lungs depended on it.
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nurseprigs · 1 year
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"Aunt Kylie, can you blow out the candles so I can have a piece of the cake?" Spoke a very impatient Begonia.
The sound of laughter filled the house while Henrique and Dulce couldn't hold back the dose of joy.
"She needs to make a wish. Birthday wishes are the most special one." Henrique replied.
"What are you going to wish for, aunt Kylie?"
"Since birthday wishes come true very quickly, I'm going to wish for happiness."
"Now blow out the candles, aunt Kylie. I want cake."
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"Happy birthday!" said all at once
"Thanks! Begonia, I need you to help me. I'm going to cut the cake and in the meantime, take care of Emmanuel. He's been putting everything in his mouth lately."
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"Come sit here, if we behave, we're going to have cake soon. Delicious chocolate flavored cake. You'll love it because everyone loves cake. If you ask your mom, she can bake one for your birthday!"
Emmanuel sat obediently, not because he understood a word Begonia was saying, but because he never contradicted the little flower.
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