#begging for attention
sparkinyoureyes · 5 months
"I really don't want you to go to work today, can't you skip work for just one day, please?"
Gripping your belt hoops tightly with a flushed face and disheveled hair, looking up at you with a dazed expression; the evidence of last night's fun peeking through my oversized T-shirt
Are you staying or leaving?
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saltball · 4 months
All of lestats ex situationships meeting louis the man who had a child with lestat domesticated him (kinda) and then left him!!? While they were begging for crumbs!!? Yeah I’d hate louis too.
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sucha-coolcat · 1 month
I’m like two steps short of making an Instagram story begging people for validation and kindness because I cannot find it in myself
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bistec-37 · 4 months
I feel like we need el bistecs story corner where i just tell you weird this about my life like when my cousin started clapping at a funeral or just all of my Spanish teacher experiences
Or if this actually gets attention I will tell the people my story at the In-N-Out (it is very good my moots can tell you)
Let me know if this appeals to you idk I’m looking for attention
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i-eat-worlds · 10 months
I’m trying to survive a family function and I’m the only queer. I’d love some whumpy asks! Tell me your ideas!
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lostdollly · 10 months
attention whore First girl second !!
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That essay from the one anon got me to thinking...What WAS Heidi's endgame back in 2019? Even if Jared never came back to defend himself and Holly was successfully bullied by Heidi's flying monkeys into staying off the internet for good, eventually the drama would have died down and people would move on from her anyway. Was she expecting another guy with a high income and/or popularity to come around feeling bad for her and pick up where Jared left her, or was she really expecting to post "I'm a victim and my ex is a really awful person" several times a week for the rest of her life and get sympathy donations for it? If she was expecting the latter, that's extremely shortsighted for her.
Keep in mind, anon, Heidi's ability to see past her own nose is next to nothing, she's shown herself time and time again to be incredibly shortsighted and refuses to look at the long term. So I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she was actually expecting to get free money by screeching about her ex husband until the end of time.
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s-squeamish · 1 year
i apologize for this in advance. so i've been watching these tiktok videos under the mommy issues tag. 80% of them is basically a "my mom asked me if i wanted to spend time with her but i said no and i feel horrible about it but i feel like it's too late for her to be my mother" bitch what????? i know this isn't huge but in all 16 years of mine i have never heard that sentence. at least she's trying unlike mine who's so childish and probably doesn't even notice or doesn't want to notice that i need her. i need and want to spend time with her. talk to her while going grocery shopping. being with her in the garden. asking about her day while taking the dog for a walk who i know means more to her than her own daughter. at least y'all's mother has realised some of her mistakes. mine just accepted the fate she created for the both of us and doesn't let me break it
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se non sai più come attirare l'attenzione, scrivigli.
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sillykay · 2 years
my desperate need for attention means i shit post on every social media app under the sun. except for snapchat. fuck snapchat.
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fictionalred · 2 years
Ephron is gone for a work thing for two days so expect me to be even more on tumblr tonight
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talk to meeeeeeeeeeeee
send me aaaaaaaaasks
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I have seen it, and you're right, he looked SO GOOD
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aphrodites-r0se · 5 months
It’s cute when dogs do it, but when I do it I’m avoided like the plague 🤡
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I've been off Tumblr for a long time, mostly because I've had some offline things going on that made me put this blog on hold, and to much more minor extent because Heidi wasn't doing much noteworthy other than her usual posting her overpriced and lace saturated garbage. That changed somewhat recently, but rather than individually respond to the flood of comments that I received, I'm just going to post the screenshots that I have.
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Different day, different topic:
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