#beforever slander
in-the-dollpalace · 3 years
Rating Kit’s entire collection
We are finally back with another ratings post! I’m sorry i can’t do these more often, they take a lot of time and energy, so I’m usually to busy to sit down and make them, now nearly a whole year has passed since i started this series!
 But thats alright, because we only have 5 more to go after this one, and hopefully i can do them more often after this. I thought about removing unessasary commentary, but alot of you said you liked it, so i kept it in.
anyway i guess lets get into it! since i go in order of the year it takes place, its kit’s turn!
Doll and meet outfits
1. original meet outfit
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doll: 10/10 I love her short bob! it really helps reflect her time periods fashion trends so well!
outfit: 8/10 I don’t particually care for this outfit, but i do love how true it is to the time period and the detail that the skirt is supposed to be made of a flour sack.
2. beforever meet outfit
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4/10 what the hell is this. I mean it is a subjectively cute dress, but it doesnt fit kit’s story at all! It is way to modern, but even if it is historically accurate, that type of printed fabric and decoration would be way to expensive for the kitterages to buy for an everyday dress for her.
3. original meet accesories
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10/10 omg cute! i’ve said it before, and will say it again. I love historical coins!
4. beforever meet accesories
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5/10 its so... empty. now there is nothing to put in her purse :(
School collection
1. school dress
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9/10 again, not really my personal favorite but i do love the little... flower boquets? (not for sure what they are the pic is to blurry)
2. book bag and supplies
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10/10 i love the dog binder
3. swivel chair and desk
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10/10 I always love seeing how the girl’s desks have evolved and changed depending on their setting. It’s become a niche interest of mine.
4. school lunch
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10/10 i love the tin lunch box with the train!
holiday collection
1. christmas dress
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10/10 so festive and cute! I adore the dog pin on her collar
2. Aviator doll
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10/10 I havn’t had the chance to read her books yet, but i heard she likes amelia earhart? if so, that is such an amazing interest!
3. Waffle iron
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9/10 I like the little recipe cards, and the holly branches too but idk if those were actually included. My only gripe with this is that kit’s iron should have been square shaped, the round ones were a bit more expensive in the 30s.
4. typewriter set
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10/10 I always have had an interest in typewriters. Like i said before, i havn;t read her books yet, who is the photo of?
Birthday collection
1. birthday dress
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10/10 it looks like a green version of annie’s dress!
2. grace the dog
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10/10 i’ve always wanted a dog like this
3. party treats
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8/10 i don’t really like this set, but i do like the cute cake.
4. glasswear and linens
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10/10 reminds me of my grandmas house, probably because she grew up when this was popular lmao
5. table and chairs
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10/10 this is one of my favorite table and chair sets they have made
Summer collection
1. overalls 
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10/10 hello lgbt community
2. hobo camp supplies
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10/10 i’d buy this just for the binoculars tbh
winter collection
1. coat
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10/10 looks cute!
2. hat and mittens
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9/10 wish they came with the coat
3. photography set
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10/10 i love everything about this set
bedtime collection
1. beach pajamas and slippers
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10/10 aw it looks like a little sailor suit!
2. sriped nightie
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8/10 I beleive this one is based on her movie? I don’t like it as much as her original pjs
3. day bed and bedding
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9/10 not a fan of the green and pink combo but still like the bed overall
4. bedtime extras
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10/10 omg the old timey phone!!!
5. trunk
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10/10 its good as far as trunks go. Although i wonder how much it can actually hold?
extra outfits
1.  treehouse outfit
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10/10 cute, but it kinda reminds me of southpark 💀
2. baseball fan outfit
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10/10 i like how the also gave her an interest in baseball
3. beach outfit
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9/10 cute, but the goggles have me hollaring 💀
4. school skirt set
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8/10 its very pretty, but looks like something an adult would wear back then, not a kid.
5. play suit
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10/10 so cute
4. summer dress
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8/10 i absolutely adore this dress, but i feel like this one is a bit to expensive/girly for kit (unless mrs. kitterage made it?)
extra accessories
1. beach chair
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10/10 i’ve never seen one of these chairs in real life funnily enough
2. cookstove
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10/10 looks just like the one i found in my grandmas storage room
3. produce and preserves
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10/10 cottagecore vibes
4. washday set
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10/10 my #1 post from this year with the most notes was talking about this set
5. holiday baking set
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10/10 i love baking, so seeing vintage baking stuff reminds me of looking through old cookbooks.
6. scooter
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10/10 this is possibly the most iconic thing in her whol collection. even if you don’t know much about her collection, you know this.
movie outfits
1. floral dress
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9/10 maybe unpopular, but i actually like this dress on her. it feels just the right amount of “kit” without being to frilly
2. treehouse
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10/10 so cute
3. reporter dress
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10/10 same as i said with the first one
4. reporter accessories
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10/10 it fits right in with her collection
1 reporter dress
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7/10 i like it but it just feels.. off?
2. photographer outfit
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0/10 what the frick frack, paddy wack, cracker jack, thumbtack is this shit??? what the hell was ag thinking? not only is it ugly as hell, but it also, again, does not fit her character or story at all. It looks like something a 5 year old wear where to easter sunday church service in 2012.
3. chicken keeping set
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4/10 again with the pastels? is this supposed to fill the viod left by her old overall set? why AG, why.
4. one peice pajamas
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3/10 ugly color and pattern
5. play dress
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6/10 actually kinda cute. a breath of fresh air after the last 3. But still not very fitting  for her.
6. mini golf outfit
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5/10 i want to like it but i don’t. like i said, I havn’t read her books, does she ever play mini golf?
7. christmas outfit
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4/10 definantly christmassy, but its just a cheap copy of her old dress, but worse. also the fabric is a ripoff of addy’s dress.
8. gardening outfit
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5/10 well its at least better than the last overall outfit, but thats a low bar.
Beforever accesories
1. bed and bedding
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4/10 its a weird, vibrant version of her old bed. my eyes are watering
2. radio set
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8/10 alright, i admit that i like this one
3. christmas stocking
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9/10 this is cute. still knocked a point off just because im mad about beforever >:(
4. garden accessories
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6/10 cheap knockoff version of her produce and perserves set
5. garden stand
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5/10 no comment
ruthies collection
1. doll and meet outfit
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10/10 love ruthie. i know that she would have rocked half the outfits in this post. (not #2 of beforever though. that should be burned)
2. meet accesories
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10/10 very cute
3. play outfit
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8/10 i don’t know how to feel
4. satin pjs
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10/10 ruthies pjs walked so that rebecca’s pjs could run
5. christmas dress
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10/10 it has a similar vibe to samantha’s christmas dress, yall know what i mean?
That’s all! As we have seen again, beforever has absolutely massacered my girls. I hope AG restores her old collection, but thats laughable considering their antics lately. I hope y’all liked this post!
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in-the-dollpalace · 3 years
Rating Samantha’s Entire collection
I got my laptop back today which means that i can make really long posts easily again! So i decided to finally do Samanthas collection
Meet outfit and doll
1. original meet outfit
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10/10 I love it, I want one just like it
2. beforever meet outfit
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8/10 because I really like it alot but not as a meet outfit. If it was a different part of her collection I would give it a 10/10
3. Original meet accesories
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10/10 love them so much
4. beforever meet accesories
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7/10 they are okay but i dont like the headband
School collection
1. school dress
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8/10 pretty much just her meet outfit in a different color, in fact in her concept art this was her meet outfit. I do like the dress though.
2. tea tin lunchbox
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10/10 im in love with the tiny gingerbread man
3. book strap and supplies
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10/10 the compisition book is so cool
4. school desk
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11/10 Ive always loved her desk the most. The wrought iron details are just so beautiful.
Holiday collection
1. Christmas dress
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10/10 I will forever and always love the holiday dresses
2. Nutcracker doll
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10/10 You guys know I love dolls for dolls, and this is no exception. I also love the nutcracker alot too!
3. Christmas music box
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7/10 I don’t like that it only played one song instead of all of them listed inside
Birthday collection
1. Spring pinafore and circlet
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10/10 so beautiful
2. teddy bear
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10/10 so cute and cuddly!
3. Wicker table and chairs
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10/10 I love wicker furniture. It comes in and out of style every few decades, but for me it is timeless.
4. Lemonade set
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9/10 so beautiful and fancy, but where is the lemonade? I feel like they could have put a removable yellow block in the shape of the pitcher, idk how to describe it. I hope you guys know what im talking about lmao
5. birthday treats
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10/10 I really love the fans! I always wanted one of those.
Summer collection
1. Middy outfit
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15/10 she looks so absolutely cute!! I forgot that those sailor suits were popular in this time period!
2. nature paraphernalia
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10/10 I love the butterflies and the magnifing glass!
3. summer amusments
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10/10 The little paintset omg!!!
Winter collection
1. Plaid cape and muffs
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10/10 absolutely charming
2. winter amusments
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10/10 The paper dolls and accessories!!!
3. ice skates
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10/10 love them
Bedtime collections
1. Nightgown
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10/10 you guys already know i love nightgowns that look like this
2. Robe and slippers
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9/10 I like it overall but i dont like the pattern very much
3. Nightime nessisities
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8/10 this is kinda bare for its price BUT wizard of oz is one of my fave books so my girl sammy has taste.
4. bed 
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10/10 I like the fancy bed frame
Limited edition and short story outfits
1. Bathing suit 
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8/10 I love the straw hat but imagining actually swiming in this makes me feel ill
2. Talent show dress
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8/10 really cute but not my favorite
Extra outfits
1. Play outfit
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10/10 I like how she is holding the wizard of oz because this dress kind of gives me dorothy vibes
2. Travel duster
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10/10 this gives me a mix of mary poppins and chitty chitty bang bang vibes
3. Lawn party outfit
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10/10 this dress is just so beautiful
4. Bicycling outfit
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10/10 YES FINALLY SOME PANTS! I love dresses but some pants every once and a while are great! It was actually very scandolous for women to wear pants until the 50s and even then they didnt become completely normalized until the 70s
5. bird watching outfit
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10/10 the binoculars!!!!!
6. Velvet dress
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11/10 i want this dress (i actually want all of them but i want this one the most lmfao)
Extra Items
1. Jip the dog
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10/10 very cute!
2. 3 wheeled bicycle
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8/10 I wish the front wheel was comically big like they actually were back then lmao
Movie outfit and accesories
1. bridesmaid dress
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9/10 its cute but im sorry it looks like what the mom in mary poppins wears lmfao
2. Wedding accesories
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10/10 the cake is very beautiful
3. Holiday coat
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8/10 its lovely but im sorry i like her original coat better.
4. holiday sleigh
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10/10 so fun and festive!
Beforever outfits
1. frilly frock
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3/10 im sorry but what the hell is this
2. bicycling outfit
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6/10 eh, its alright but very bad in comparison to the original
3. fancy coat
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7/10 what in the cruella de ville is this
4. nightgown
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4/10 this looks like a nightgown a grown woman in the 1940s would wear. this is just completely wrong.
5. holiday dress
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8/10 this is a wierd plaid version of her old dress
 6. flower picking dress
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5/10 its cute but it looks so cheap
7. special day dress
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8/10 this is one of her only beforever items i like, but what special day does she wear this for? her birthday? the wedding? what?
Beforever accesories
1.  ice cream parlor
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7/10 this looks alot cheaper than i remember it looking :(
2. bed
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4/10 this looks like something a modern little girl who is obessed with princesses would have in thier bedroom, not samantha
3. bike
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3/10 why did they give her a modern bike???
4. gazebo
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7/10 ok this is kinda cute tho
5. Jip
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8/10 who is this? This isnt jip, this is a completly different dog lmao. it is kinda cute tho so...
Nellies collection
1. Doll and meet dress
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10/10 i like how they gave her the outfit she gets in her better life and not the tragic part.
2. meet accesories
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10/10 very cute
3. Christmas dress
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7/10 I really want to like it, but i dont :(
4. holiday coat
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9/10 okay this is cute!
5. spring party outfit
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9/10 its nice
6. modern irish dance outfit of today
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10/10 I can get behind teaching kids about irish culture through nellie!
7. pajamas
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8/10 I wish it was a nightgown that matched sams but this is alright too
Well, thats all! 
Overall, I really loved samanthas collection, it it was near perfect. but beforever was just a mess.
 I hope you all enjoyed, and I ll see you all next time!
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in-the-dollpalace · 3 years
What are your favorite collections you have rated so far?
I really liked samanthas alot (not her beforever one tho)
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