edwardcullenisavirgin · 10 months
I have insomnia and a wild imagination with almost no practical writing skills BUT IMAGINE:
In the books Edward tells Bella that the meadow is like his thing. His little solo hang out spot. Because he can’t hear anyones minds there.
One day he’s brooding and sparkling (something he seems to be an expert in). He’s examining all of the bugs and trees around him. Then he hears a faint babbling,
I can’t believe I decided to come up here alone, I’m tried and bored. Worst of both worlds….
He can’t believe what he’s hearing. Whoever it is has to be close. He panics. If he was a human his blood pressure would be skyrocketing. Sitting there, sparkling, alone, in the middle of the woods… like a creep. He jets to the eastern corner of the meadow, hoping that whoever was hiking didn’t see the flashing disco ball. He starts to walk at a cool casual pace of a worn-down hiker. He starts back to the trail that most rational humans are on. Then the lurking hiker strikes again loudly,
All because of a stupid bet. Lauren is the cruelest creature on planet earth. She knows I’m too competitive for my own good. Mike didn’t even say anything either, just sat there like a bumbling idiot with drool brimming over his bottom lip.
He faintly recognized the names of the ‘in-crowd’ at Forks High School. Their minds always seemed to be throwing daggers at each other when a bet was made. The faceless hiker morphed into someone he knew all too well. Jessica Stanley most likely, Mike seemed to dominate her air waves. He hoped that she wasn’t close, an interaction with her in the middle of the woods would get the Cullen name on the front page of the local newspaper. He continued on the path praying to a God he was certain he wouldn’t ever meet. Her thoughts had drifted from frustrated to profane. He began to think that maybe himself AND Jessica were damned for good. He ambled through the forest performatively awkward. All the while darting from any sun-invaded patches of mud and moss. He stepped on a branch, snapping it cacophonously. In this moment, he resented trees and their byproducts, including this betrayer of a branch. Jessica’s thought swirled with possibilities,
I really hope that was the wind or something. Who am I fooling, this is one of the nicest days we’ve had in such a long time. Oh my god, okay Jess breath, maybe it was an animal. Fuck, it could be a really scary animal, like a bear, or a wolf… What if it’s them? They wouldn’t try to scare me out here, how would they find me. Shit… what if someone who wasn’t them found me.
Her pace quickened as she called out, “Lauren, Tyler, Mike… Guys if this is you please just say something. I’m gonna freak out if it’s you! You’ll never ever be forgiven. AND you won’t be allowed to steal my pop tarts in the morning anymore” That’ll get Tyler at least, she thought snidely.
Edward, typically annoyed by this girl, felt horrid. He didn’t want to scare her, let alone call attention to himself. But he knew that he had to find where she was and make sure that she hadn’t gone into cardiac arrest. He took one quick sharp inhale, letting his senses guide him. The only thing he enjoys about vampirism, besides the speed, is the compass-like nose. (Little does this guys know Miss Bella Swan is coming to town, and he will take that back)
He found Jessica quickly, she was about 157 paces away from where he was. She had found a boulder to rest on, and based on the quickness of her heart and the raggedness of her breath… Jess was crying. Jasper would’ve been a useful resource right now.
Edward walked up, performatively out of breath, using dew stuck on the trees as his fake sweat. He came up slowly, calculated making sure his presence alone didn’t cause a heart attack. He inhaled and exhaled a little louder than he felt necessary. He chuckled internally as he thought about the humans in gym class next to Emmett. He was glad that this had gotten her attention, as his next move was going to be tripping… on purpose, a completely foreign concept to him. It was showtime now, as he took one last big breath before interacting with Jessica.
“Oh jeez! Didn’t see you there— wait Jessica?” He hadn’t interacted with her one time since his family moved to Forks. Alice called her ‘trouble with a really good hair routine’. Fingers crossed she believes the ruse.
She quickly wiped her fresh tears from her cheeks to see who had recognized her. “Edward Cullen?! What the hell are you doing up here?” Oh wow, I haven’t seen him this up close before. I didn’t know people that hot could sweat.
Phew. The first ploy was past. Edward kept a running list of tips for human appearances, fake sweat was the newest addition. “I could ask you the same thing. I’ve been hiking for—I don’t know how long. Jasper and Emmett, my brothers, made a bet that I couldn’t find my way back to the bottom in under an hour. I’m too competitive for my own good I guess.” Using this excuse was a last minute stroke of genius. It would not only make Jessica feel a little bit better about her predicament, but was totally believable. What could she say about him that wasn’t true of herself?
“You too?!” Jessica’s voice raised in volume and pitch. Relief colored her thoughts, there was nothing Jessica hated more than admitting her slips. “My friends pulled the same shit on me. I can’t believe I fell for it again. My mom always tells me that showing-off is a serious fault. But I can’t help it when Mi— sorry am I blathering?” God, this boy has me turning into even more of a motor-mouth than normal. I shouldn’t even utter the name Mike in front of him. It’s like blasphemy.
Edward couldn’t help but cock his head to the side at that last thought. But Jessica took it as a response to what she said aloud. “No, don’t apologize. I’m sure you’re just as lonely as I’ve been up here. Talking to the birds and the trees can only be so entertaining.” Jessica giggled the kind of giggle she only pulled out in front of Mike. Alice was not joking when she said that Jessica was trouble. Maybe Alice saw this moment in a vision, maybe she didn’t tell Edward on purpose. He rarely interacts with the humans, but Alice finds them endearing. This was an unavoidable interaction, no wonder she wouldn’t have told him. Edward had to think of something to get him out of here as soon as possible. “Do you want to try and find our way back?” He, of course, knew the way back. but Jessica didn’t need to know that.
“Yeah that would be great. If anymore mud gets on my shoes they’ll be cinderblocks by the time we get back.” Hehehe ‘we’… I wonder would it be Jedward? Ew that’s ugly. Would it be Edica? Oh my god that sounds like a bacterial infection.
Edward started to get worried about this treacherous hike back, and not because of the terrain… “How did this bet even come about? I don’t really know your friends that well, so I wanna know what led to this.” He already knew exactly how the events transpired, but he also knew that Jessica could talk a mile a minute…
“Oh my god! Be glad you don’t know my friends. Besides Angela, they’re all demonic, I swear. They’re like a little group of vampires feeding on my misery” If Edwards heart could beat, it would’ve done a backflip. The dew on his forehead started to feel a little too real. Jessica continued, “No better than that, when they’re together they’re like one messed up Frankenstein who’s life goal is to drive me mad. Lauren is the brain of course. She’s always had some weird vendetta against me I swear…” Jessica continued on about Lauren, then ran through the rest of her friends names until they didn’t sound like real words anymore. At points, Edward would sigh quietly when he was ahead, or roll his eyes when he was behind. But he felt grateful, because this would save him from having to think on the spot about his family of vampires.
When they finally reached the bottom Jessica’s thoughts had taken a turn for the worst. Imagining their life together, their perfect June wedding, how many kids they would have, what the house would look like. Edwards mind felt like it was running a marathon just to filter out what she was actually saying versus thinking. Then she blurted out,
“Do you wanna come to the diner with me this Saturday. I don’t really know what you like to eat or anything, but an all-American diner is always safe.” She smiled shyly. Edward admired her vulnerability. She was very confident, and that was something nobody could ignore. Then he felt extremely awkward. He had come across many girls who thought about him as a prospect. But no girl had talked to him long enough to come around to asking.
“I— uh. Well, actually I have something planned with my family that Saturday. It’s supposed to be nice, so I think we’re gonna go camping.” This excuse always worked on the humans. They knew too little to clock it as anything but ‘rich-kid activity’ according to Mike.
“Oh, okay. Well, if Saturday doesn’t work, then we can try to plan for Monday?” I might sound desperate, but he is simply too fine to give up easy.
Again, Jessica struck with the confidence. Some might say overconfidence, but things typically panned out for her. “I’m sorry Jess— can I call you Jess?’ she nodded curiously, ‘I really don’t date, you seem great. But I just don’t.” He felt a little mean for turning her down, but if he didn’t soon she would continue relentlessly.
A pang of bitterness crept into Jessica’s thoughts, What? I thought the eyelash trick would work on him! How can he not see how much of a catch I am. Cool style, impeccable hair, perfect grades did I mention impeccable hair. Whatever, an hour ago I was crying over Mike. Guess we’re back to square one.
“Oh… gotcha. Sorry for being so forward, that’s just how I am with everyone so…” The conversation died out awkwardly. She fumbled with her keys in her hands, eyeing her nearest escape. Edward spoke up first to ease the tension,
“I can walk you to your car, just so no bears get you or anything” he laughed to himself referencing her previous inner thoughts.
“Thanks, for this and for walking with me back. You’re not as bad as I thought. No offense, but your aura screams ‘don’t look at me, don’t talk to me’” Jessica laughed carefully, measuring Edwards expression, making sure her joke landed. Edward was laughing, but because she hit the nail on the head. Typically he wouldn’t ever talk to Jessica, or any of his ‘peers’ if that’s what you could cal them. But today, the combination of her misery and his pity made for an interesting conversation.
“No problem, if you take a left and then a quick right you should be back at the beach,” Edward said simply, hoping to end the interaction quickly. He closed her car door and waved as her music blared and her thoughts began to fade away. He hoped that she didn’t realize his car was nowhere to be found, with no brothers waiting for him.
A year later he recounted this story to an extremely curious Bella. She liked Jessica enough, but felt like her and Jess had some tension because of her r relationship with Edward. She told Edward she thought she had a bad case of ‘sour grapes’. He laughed and said, “You’re half right, but she’s actually nice when she wants to be. She’s just always been everyone’s first pick. Until you came around.” They smiled at each other, but both felt bad. She was a great catch, and she deserved to be with someone they liked. So they schemed and schemed to get her and Mike finally together their senior year.
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jakealexpasko · 2 years
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Before Twilight. Photo by Jaque. jakealexpasko.com
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osakiakiko · 5 years
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#sunsetdrive #beforetwilight https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YTXzVBOnY/?igshid=f230ov1cn77g
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nogoidea · 7 years
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A beautiful sunset after the rain. In Penzance, Cornwall. #sunset #clouds #penzance #cornwall #sea #seaside #harbour #port #england #uk #scenic #view #beforetwilight (at Penzance, Cornwall)
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themissemkay · 7 years
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Fourth of July beforeTwilight
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