dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
Flashing Lights
It's the same terminal, he realizes, that Jinki held him up in during his first trip to Paris. 
Jinki will survive and if things turn out okay, maybe, just maybe, the other will join him and Rever can finally stop looking for things he doesn't want. 
An overhead speaker announces his take-off and he lets out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. This is it. This could be...This could be the end of whatever the hell it is he's made for himself on Jeju. 
And he's okay with that. 
He's okay with going home to bright lights and loud noises and constant desire because maybe Jinki will follow him and if he doesn't...Rever hasn't really thought about that. 
It isn't an option. 
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
I have a few para ideas that are pretty damn gorgeous but since I don’t feel like sifting through people to find a willing partner just leave the prompt you want on this post and I’ll write it for you. If you have any questions, you can just ask me. 
Flashing Lights
Stuck on You
Tragedy Bound
I Don't Want to be Alone, Not Again. 
Lock the Doors
Teachers pet
Really just a prime example of Ashley being too lazy to send out questions tbqh. I'm doing the same for Kibum when I wake up so look out for that. 
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
xmen-jinki replied to your post: (/comes up behind the other and hugs him from behind, resting his head on the other’s shoulder) Soooo tired… (/closes his eyes and smiles) You’re so warm. (/is acting like he never left)
(/tilts his head at the other) but I never left. (/grins) I was locked up in my room this weekend. I just needed time to myself to get over what happened. I feel oddly refreshed. (/smiles) Did you listen to the song? Get the flowers?
Yes I got the stupid song. (/grumbling a little even though he's undoubtedly happy to see the other) You could have just told me you needed some alone time sweetie, I can accept that. (/pouts a little before getting over it quickly, leaning up to kiss the others cheek) However, I am glad you're back. (/smiles softly) I'm sorry I made you think. 
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
Rever can only pout when the other reaches out and touches his forehead, the motion obviously made to bring him out of his own thoughts but he's having a hard time believing it's working. In all honesty, he's nearly positive he's too far gone at this point. 
But Chuck probably doesn't realize what his thoughts are focused on, nor does he particularly care, Rever thinks. 
"Yea, I'm good. I just got distracted." He sighs lightly, settling back into his seat and letting one his legs fall from the crossed position. "I have a really terrible attention span sweetie." Rever fidgets a little in his seat. 
"Do you ever just get super distracted for no good reason and then when you try to get on track you just get more distracted because of the original distraction until you're balancing like, six distractions at one fucking time because you just can't think properly? Well that's like, me, all the time and I really am trying to work on it but it's so hard." Rever cuts himself off with a heavy sigh, frustration leaking into the burst of air.
He's rambling again. 
It's not as if he's trying to get some form of help out of Chuck with this outburst, really, he just couldn't contain it anymore. It had to come out at some point and Rever's just lucky more didn't tumble out with the initial force. 
two sugars, please
Between the hum of the taxi’s engine and the gentle rocking back and forth as the car moved through traffic, Chuck found his eyes drifting closed. Yup. The moment he was beneath a massage therapist’s fingers, he’d be out like a light. 
Rever’s voice made him blink open his eyes and he sat up to look at the man.
“I said,” he began, showing the slightest bit of irritation with having to constantly repeat himself, “are you going to let a big and strong man fondle you beneath the towel today?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
He scrutinized his friend’s face, immediately noticing the look in his eyes, the tone of his voice. Something was wrong. Not that Rever would tell him what that was, he knew, but his unending nosiness had him asking anyone.
“Hun, what the fuck?” He blurted out, turning in his seat a little to stare at him. “You okay in there?” He asked, tapping Rever’s forehead with a finger.
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
(/comes up behind the other and hugs him from behind, resting his head on the other's shoulder) Soooo tired... (/closes his eyes and smiles) You're so warm. (/is acting like he never left)
(/jerks away for a moment until he realizes it's jinki and relaxes-only briefly) Jinki? What the hell, where were you? (/turns instantly, taking in the others exhaustion and stupid grin and wonders why jinki disappears randomly and thinks it's okay) 
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
This is a notice from Take a Chance on Happiness Flower Shop. You have been sent an order from a customer and it is now ready to be dropped off (viewed)! Please contact us for information! 
( or simply click here) 
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
/knocks on the door and flashes a smile when it's opened; Hello. I'm a friend of Jinki's and he wanted me to get you this because he's out of town over the weekend. /hands the disc (youtube(.)com/watch?v=eyrg6Ip51hc) over to the man he had been told to deliver it to; He also wanted me to tell you not to worry and that he'll be back soon. /gives a polite nod, backing away while doing so; I'll take my leave, then. Good bye.
(/raises a brow but takes the disc as its offered) Wait, what? (/blinks in confusion) Where's he going, did he tell you? (/can't believe Jinki would just leave without saying a word to him. He doesn't plan on letting the other simply walk away until he's spilled all that he knows) He has to have told you something? (/sounds almost desperate but he can't really care, not right now anyway)
0 notes
dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
It takes Rever a few seconds to process Jinkis words, mind slow with the lingering fear that pulses through him, draining away too slowly for his liking. Once it clicks in his head, he gives a shaky laugh, nodding carefully as he glances down at his neck. "Yea...Yea it just goes with everything, sweetie." 
He sniffles carefully but finds that whatever is blocking off his throat isn't going anywhere and breathing is becoming more and more difficult. Suddenly, as if to remind him that it's still there, his heart seems to jump up in his throat, choking him, filling his eyes with tears and all Rever sees is Jinki.
Rever reaches out carefully, wrapping arms around the others neck and pulls him close tightly, terrified that Jinki will pull away and he'll be left standing alone.
"I don't want to lose you, Jinki." 
a line of eight letters.
He smiled softly as he stared at it, “You’re…. wearing it…”
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
(/goes slightly stiff in the others hold before relaxing carefully, unwinding muscle by muscles until he's complacent, body pliant in jinkis arms) I'm not going anywhere. (/lifts his arms up carefully to hold the others face in his arms) I'm right here, okay? Nothing can hurt you. (/reaches up to kiss his nose softly, gentle in all of his actions. at this point he's not sure if he's lying or if these feelings are real but in all honesty, he doesn't much care) 
the one who took me… the one who used me… (/holds onto the other, his eyes terrified and sad as he looked at the other; shakes his head) He is always hurting me… he will always hurt me… he took everything away from me… (/wraps his arms around the other again and sighs) When you’re here, I feel safe…
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
Jinki will wait for him forever, if the other's being honest. Rever knows this is enough for him to be okay again, to push away the guilt like it never existed because now Jinki knows at least something and shouldn't that be enough? Does Rever really have to divulge his life story? 
Part of him is bursting, ready to tell everything but the rest of him, the dominant part, is terrified of spilling everything because saying it out loud means it must have really happened, right? 
And he's just not ready for that. 
"Okay." His voice is near a whisper, lump in the back of his throat making it near impossible to get words out. Rever coughs softly and tries again. "Thank you." 
a line of eight letters.
"I love you and I want you and even if I have to wait, I will,” Jinki explained, brushing the other’s hair out of his face.
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
Who? (/just as soft as jinki, pulling his arms from where they've settled around the others waist so he can gently place them on jinkis jaw) Who's in your head sweetie? (/voice soothing as he lets the other hold onto him, the only thing running through his mind being to make jinki happy again-or, at the very least, okay) He can't hurt you anymore, okay? It's all over. (/doesn't quite know who this 'he' is but he can tell he doesn't like him) 
(/holds onto the other tightly, scared that the moment he lets go, Rever will gone or he’d be back in that room; he pulls away just slightly so he can look at the other) I-I’m sorry for the way… I’m acting… I just needed to see you… (/looks down before looking back at the other, almost whispering) I can’t get him out… of my head… he’s haunting me… I’m scared…
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
(/stares for several very long seconds before blinking. if he had any intentions of clearing his mind with that blink, they were lost somewhere in the journey) .... (/he continues to stare because he's nearly positive that the other just forgot him even though he's been standing right there the whole time) You have really shitty memory sweetie. (/purses his lips carefully as he tries to decide just how to go about this) Hi. I'm Rever. You're Sanghoon. You love lights. (/breathes out) Now that that's out of the way, come with me sweetie. I have things I want to show you. (/really just wants to figure out why he's pulled so strongly into the others dreams because it doesn't really make sense and rever hates things that don't make sense) 
I'm sorry, your name is?
/for a long time he just stares at Rever and then at the light and then at Rever again; eventually looks back at the light again and turns it on, watching the bright light as it switches through its various brightnesses; for a moment seems as though he’s going to ask something, but when his gaze finally returns to the other man, his expression is blank, shifting slowly into a bright grin./ …Hi~
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
If Rever had any intentions of answering the others question, he doesn't remember them. His attention is immediately drawn to a flower shop they pass that seems familiar for reasons he doesn't remember. 
'Someone as beautiful as you should be given flowers all the time.'
Immediately, Rever has to hold back the intense urge to gag. It's completely unlike him to find traces of people of interest in nearly everything he sees but he here he is, practically twisting himself in half to stare at the flower shop which is long out of sight. 
"Fuck my life." He mumbles darkly before turning back to face the front, eyes flickering from Chuck to the driver and then out of the windshield. "I'm sorry, what was that sweetie?" He asks sheepishly, smiling a little as if that will make up for what is shaping up to be an awful attention span. 
two sugars, please
Chuck rattled off the address to the spa as casually as if he were going home, then leaned forward in his seat enough to catch a glimpse of himself in the rear view mirror. He smoothed out his hair and removed a stray eyelash from his cheek before leaning back to face Rever.
“I’ve been here more times than I can count.” He said, nodding enthusiastically. “Almost the whole staff know me by name… but I guess if you go to any small business enough times, you’re bound to be recognized.” 
He licked at his lips, but more out of habit than any kind of seduction technique. 
“I usually go just for a mud mask here and there. I’ve got all the stuff I need at home but it’s so much easier to pay someone to do that shit for you than to do it yourself.” He shrugged, then sank back further into the seat, propping his head on it so his gaze was more focused on the ceiling than his friend. “I think out of all of their services, this is only the second or third time I’ve gotten a massage and one of those times was with hot stones… but today, I want some hands on me. Some big and strong man hands.” He giggled, then turned his attention back to Rever. “Come on, hun. You can’t keep leaving me in the dark. What are you going to get?”
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
(/more taken aback than anything and for a second he feels completely lost, like he's walked into a maze that he just can't get out of before he pushes the feeling away. he doesn't want to get out of jinki) It's okay...Sweetie, it's okay, I'm right here. (/voice soft, his hands float up tentatively, placing themselves on jinkis midback carefully) I'm not going anywhere. (/rubs circles into the others back slowly and bites down the question of what has the other so upset. hopefully jinki will tell him when he's ready and if he doesn't, then maybe rever isn't supposed to know) 
(/blinks a few times before he realizes Rever is there; jumps up and hugs the other tightly) Please don’t leave me…. please stay with me… I don’t want to be alone anymore… please (/holds onto the other tightly) I don’t care what you did or anything, but I need you…. (/trembling as he holds onto the other) I l-love you…
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
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dropped-fruitcake-blog · 12 years
It's not hard to stand silent, eyes stuck on something off to the right because Rever can't seem to turn his head to face Jinki. It's not hard to dance around the subject, beat around the bush, avoid talking about the things that hurt. He already knows how to do that, how to pretend it's all okay even though it isn't. 
"I haven't talked to my dad since I was sixteen." He blurts out, the words being the first thing he grabs onto in his jumble of thoughts. "He told me not to come back." 
After the words leave his lips he has the immediate desire to grab them back, shove them away so no one can hear them but more follow afterwards and he doesn't realize he's rambling until he's halfway through his sentence. "-Paris was so not what I expected it to be and I had to fight for this and myself and I don't even think I'm even really me anymore because I don't ever remember being so stupid about my relationships and so scared of everything." He hears, hands holding onto their counterparts tightly. 
"And I had to tell you because you're so honest about everything and I just don't know Jinki." And that's what it is. Rever just doesn't know anymore. "I don't know what to say or what to do or how to handle this. I couldn't even be honest with you..." He shakes his head slightly, losing momentum for the things he'd be fighting with since the beginning. 
"You deserve better than this." He says quietly and maybe that's the real problem. 
a line of eight letters.
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear anymore. All he knew is he did want to fix this with Rever. He didn’t want to lose him.
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