#before the elections even
jaythelay · 1 month
Dump's outta ammo.
1. He tried to start a rumor of Biden coming back. He then, very exceptionally poorly, tried to insert this talking point in the middle of a completely different rally. This, made him look like he has dementia. But make no mistake, the issue was nobody believed him literally instantly, and everyone forgot he even said it the week/day prior because he never built it up. He then immedietely dropped the "Biden's coming back" bit afterwards. Making him look far more dementia riddled than previous.
2. He's trying to claim nobody know's Kamala Harris' last name. Only reason to try this angle is because you're outta ammo and wanted to somehow make her name less recognizable in the moment. But soon after, much like with point 1, he went in too early before it could spread and become common, and thus, had to drop that angle entirely aswell, causing more dementia awareness of himself.
It's like he wanted an instant "her emails" or "his laptop" angle without any time or work at fucking all.
The goal is make shit up til something sticks but it's so old and tired and he's incapable of patience. If it doesn't immedietely work, he jumps to another made up point. Much like with point 1 and 2, point 0 was "Kamala ain't black" which he then, also, abandoned when it didn't immedietly stick.
His cohorts are trying to make it stick but if you call them weird they get reeeeeal defensive and forget what the conversation was, so, the points aren't sticking at all.
3. Him almost getting shot by one of his own party absolutely scared the shit out of him. It's partly why he's sending Vance out. Let him get shot next time, not Dump. Regardless of accuracy on that bit, the fact remains, Republican voters Scared Donald Trump from going to rallies, and Vance is a bodyshield for his weak ass.
4. On top of all this is the stunning double fact: One, is that we all collectively moved on from the republican shooting dump situation, because republican violence is so normalized, and second, his rallies are shrinking Because Even The People Find Them Too Dangerous.
Turns out guns are a problem for republicans. But unlike kids in school, they have the choice not to go to a dangerous republican gathering.
All this to culminate in my theory: R's will drop Dump 2 months in and just accept the losses by replacing him with god knows who probably RFK tbh. They know his goose is completely cooked if he loses, and presently? He's losing. Publically and Loudly.
He's scared as fuck right now and R's eat each other for any social weakness they can create. Dump looks weaker than inch thin frozen piss like my god Cruz has more of a spine now and it may be entirely due to age.
You also have his core fanbae (white supremecists) starting to turn on him. There's leak after leak of stuff he's saying none of it new but desperately old and tried and thus nothing sticks for his fanbase. Every poll has him losing hard, worst of all? To a Bi-Racial Woman. His voters hate her but hate a weak man more. (see how they view trans issues)
He himself will never ever drop out. But his party Absolutely Will Kick Him Out Guaranteed. And we'll see a very bizarre flop in the narrative about Dump from R talking heads. Suddenly when he's gone, they can be honest about him. (Like dems with Biden, literally already, as I called it probably a year ago now)
All this to say, Ya'll if he doesn't have a stroke or some shit, it's either his voter base or cohorts that'll ensure one for him. I kinda feel like most of the political violence that'll come out when Dump loses, will turn inward near immedietely, likely, towards himself.
I mean, they didn't make gallows with a dems name on em, and they did kill some cops, just saying they appear to go after their own when they're in crowds. That and a single gunshot sent them all running, and a single black man completely diverted their attention from their actual goals simply by being black. Literal Toddlers are more successful in any of their goals.
NONE of this is to placate. Vote Kamala, vote Third Party. Just don't not vote. Don't let this opportunity slip away, Dems actually trying is a first in a lifetime, keep that momentum going, and stop allowing bullshit based on party affiliation. God damn RFK the starved brain word dude is considered dem, we deserve better than Biden or RFK, and Kamala/Walz is a hell of a start.
Vote. But ensure you crush R's voting spirit.
We don't need nazis voting for nazis. Ya don't have to sell Kamala/Walz to R's, you need to make R's and Dump appear as weak as they've always been, that's what is working best, because their image is actually everything, we saw it with Rittenhouse and Rogan. Immedietely flip flop because their image was made weak.
That's all a theory, a politic theory. Thank. go now.
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fly-chicken · 2 months
This feels like a good time to remind people of the 1981 Regan assassination attempt and the fallout was republicans turning out in droves to re-elect him as well as popularity in polls surging positively
Especially since trump is not original and all his ideas seem to be torn from Regans playbook or other global autocratic dictators
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ms-demeanor · 2 months
making my own post because nobody needs my bullshit on their post:
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Reblog 1:
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Reblog 2:
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My response:
The IRA blogs were here and they were active and they were quite popular; their posting patterns did not match normal tumblr users (i was followed by lagonegirl and followed back only to be put off by the account reblogging the same five or ten posts every hour for a day before selecting another five or ten posts to reblog hourly the next day - it was clear engagement bait).
Tumblr has never been as transparent about these accounts as both Twitter and Facebook were, but several of the accounts had shared names across platforms and you can find a significant amount of data that was released by both facebook (ex: ads purchased by the IRA accounts) and twitter (over three million tweets from IRA accounts). Academic researchers have published papers on the data released from facebook and twitter. Several papers. So many papers. Soooooo many papers. We have a LOT of direct evidence that you can explore for yourself that there were hundreds (possibly thousands) of IRA accounts that were created on Facebook and Twitter. Of those accounts, some shared usernames across platforms, and of those accounts, a few had tumblr accounts that posted the same content on twitter and tumblr.
To quote a buzzfeed news article from the time:
The Russian-run Tumblr accounts used the same, or very similar, usernames as the account names contained on a list of confirmed IRA accounts Twitter submitted to congressional investigators. In some cases, the Tumblr and Twitter account has the same profile image or linked to each other in their bios. Some IRA Tumblrs and Twitter accounts also cross-promoted content between platforms, further linking them together.
Current tumblr user @ alwaysbewoke (who I don't want to tag because I'm sure he's got better things to do) is interviewed in that article and talks about following one of the blogs identified by tumblr as an IRA blog that had a matching account on twitter identified as an IRA account but unfollowing when the left-leaning blog supposedly run by a black creator started rooting for trump in the election.
Dr. Jonathan Albright is heavily quoted in the article; the data review he collaborated on is one of the only reviews of this subject that includes data from Tumblr and Reddit.
One of the claims that I've seen is that tumblr just deleted funny black people, but these were blogs with thousands of followers on tumblr who never recreated, never popped up on another social media site, never started a reddit account after getting banned; nobody ever showed up saying "hey this is 4mysquad, I got banned on tumblr and twitter, follow me to pillowfort". These very popular blogs got deleted and, as far as I know, nobody ever popped up claiming to be a person who was deleted - and it's not like tumblr users haven't figured out how to evade bans.
What you are doing when you make posts saying that the IRA accounts on tumblr never existed is *absolving tumblr of guilt for their utter lack of transparency.*
Tumblr is not the only tech company that has tried to fly under the radar as its larger counterparts face regular scrutiny in Congress and in the press. Earlier this month, Reddit revealed it too had deleted hundreds of accounts with ties to the Internet Research Agency. A WIRED investigation found more than a thousand links to Russian propaganda websites are still live on Reddit, and unearthed two suspicious accounts that Reddit immediately shut down.
So should you believe what Tumblr says? No, because Tumblr has been functionally fucking silent on this issue and the information about this subject aside from the list of blogs has come from the hard work of data scientists, journalists, and researchers.
(For the record; some of those bot accounts that were recorded by Dr. Albright also had Google+ accounts in 2017 - there is every possibility that they had myspace accounts).
Now, the reason that I'm popping onto this post as an annoyed anarchist is that I was tracking a similar group of blogs for a while and was discussing them and I stopped precisely because of the galaxy-brained liberals who are now trying to dunk on communists for criticizing electoralism. One of the people who was following my project was one of the ones who started calling out the "joe biden kills dogs" posts as disinfo and I realized they were using some of the guidelines I'd written up to "identify" misinformation and that is very a rock fucking stupid approach to what was clearly a leftist making jokes and was horrified and realized there was no way that I could continue documenting what I was documenting without someone attempting to call actual leftists russian bots.
I've seen the post that OP is referencing [it's one where someone makes a very obvious joke about the democrat presidential ticket and people jump on to call them a bot and then someone tries to do the "AI tell me a story" thing and OP is just like "I don't want to :(", proving that they are in fact a person and not an AI] and have deeply enjoyed the humor of watching liberals a) not understand a very, VERY obvious joke and b) become the unwitting butt of a joke they were trying to make, but also I am so exhausted by watching normie dems call leftists AI bots after years of watching normie dems call real live actual leftists who hold actual political views that real people actually have, like prison abolition, russian bots.
But I am also so fucking tired of left conspiracism and how stupid it sounds when leftists dismiss a preponderance of evidence that is easily accessible and publicly available for analysis as "lol so you just trust everything tumblr tells you?"
No, dipshit, learn to click a fucking link or twelve.
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navree · 2 months
genuinely would love for some of the "both parties are the same" people to name me a single election in the entirety of the twenty first century where the outcome for the country wouldn't have been better if a democrat had won
#personal#like come on we all know shit would have been amazingly better if the supreme court hadn't couped al gore#kerry would have also been infinitely better than bush too#i'm very glad we got two years of obama rather than a mccain presidency or a romney presidency#and honestly if you think hillary would have been worse than trump or that biden has been worse than trump#or that kamala will somehow be worse than trump 2.0 as he attempts to install himself as fascist dictator for life#you're not a serious person and shouldn't be allowed outside without an adult and also should probably get smacked in the head#with a cast iron pan#every american presidential election for my entire life has very obviously been 'the democrat is infinitely better than the republican'#and has only gotten moreso as i've grown up#hell every election in general is still showing that dems are better than republicans#democrats control the house? they get stuff down#republicans control the house? they go to recess early and are legit gearing up to shut down the government in october#(of an ELECTION YEAR god please let republicans singlehandedly shut down the government a month before election day)#(as a republican tries to take back the white house please god it would be so fucking funny to watch them deal with that)#but like yeah literally vote blue no matter who because i've been alive for twenty five whole years#and in those twenty five years never once has the republican been remotely the better option or even the 'lesser of two evils' option
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woof-squiggles · 2 years
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Look, I don't have the audio of this interview so maybe there's extra context that was cut out... but it is HILARIOUS to me how defensive he got when LITERALLY no one asked.
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junebugtwin · 1 year
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what if they were happy huh?? what then!!!!
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canisalbus · 1 year
What do you think would have happened if (somehow, idk how but somehow) Machete rose to the rank of pope?
To be perfectly honest? I think most realistically he would've ruled maybe six months at best and then keeled over from stress and exhaustion.
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leupagus · 11 months
A few thoughts in re: working elections:
We need more people doing it. DESPERATELY. We are BEGGING YOU TO WORK FOR YOUR LOCAL BOARD OF ELECTIONS. In New York State, it's a four-hour training one day and then a full day on Election/Primary Day (you can also work early voting but it's not required).
If you can get those four days days off from your work, I BESEECH you to do it. We are staggeringly understaffed; 90% of our workers are over 50 and are overwhelmingly WOC. That's because these jobs are seen as menial and unglamorous, which they are.
(FTR, not one of the women I work with is retired. They have other jobs that they took off for this.) I was at my polling location for two hours after polls closed last night because of a technical issue that we didn't have enough workers to handle in a timely fashion.
It is a difficult and tedious job and you don't get paid much (you do get paid though, that's nice). It's also absolutely essential to our democracy and, not to put too fine a point on it, I'd like at least some of the people who talk politics all day to actually WORK for it.
If you can't/don't want to do it, that is totally fine—you should absolutely still care and talk about our politics and electoral issues! But please consider checking out your local BoE and attending an info meeting at least. I've met wonderful people working here; you will too.
(taken from bluesky thread)
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starlightparks · 3 months
i watched my lady jane and it's just like!!! amazing!!! spectacular!!!
i keep seeing people saying it fulfilled what bridgerton s3 couldn't and i ardently disagree with the notion that the two need to be compared, it does scratch a similar itch (jane reminds me of eloise so much and i love eloise so of course i love jane)
but if you are in the market for a witty period drama with some of the best romantic tension ever put to screen i would highly recommend
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ray935sworld · 3 months
Dear MotoGP riders, I NEED Y'ALL to be on your GAYEST BEHAVIOR this weekend. PLEASE.
You're racing in Saxony, a state in which a party will probably gain the majority of votes (like it did at the European and local election - 31.8% for today's time that's a lot) in the state election that has been declared as "certainly right-wing extremist" by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
They are quite homophobic.
Links to my statements under the cut, they are all in German so if anyone wants more explanations/ translation please reach out
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petrichormore · 1 year
I think when q!Bad says that he wants to kill the president, or that he wants to overthrow q!Forever - he knows that President Forever and regular Forever are the same person. He knows.
When he says “I trust Forever, but not President Forever” what he means is “I trusted Forever when the power balance in our friendship was manageable and not ridiculously skewed to one side.”
What he means is “I don’t want to have to be worried about Forever throwing me in prison, and I liked my friendship with him better when I didn’t have to be concerned about that.”
What he means is “It was easier to trust a Forever without power, and I want to trust Forever again.”
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dittolicous · 2 months
i dont care where you live in the usa or w/e... if you dont vote for biden you are throwing away your vote and enabling trump. because *everyone* thinks their vote doesnt matter and piddles around because of that. hell, everyone thinks 'its only me, it wont make a difference' about THOUSANDS of things, like littering, picking seashells, taking stones from rivers, etc. and in all of those situations THEYRE FUCKING WRONG. if anything unites us, its our damn ability to think we alone are the outlier despite everything indicating otherwise.
and miss me with that 'biden is just as bad/is a murderer' shit. 1) cool, and how do you plan to change things in a mr. nazi-dictator trump world? how are you ACTIVELY making a difference? 2) CHANGE IS INCREMENTAL. the reason things suck so much is because the left keeps taking slow change as 'no change' and giving up before we can gain any momentum to make big change!
if you vote in hamas or w/e to protest... you might as well throw dirt at all those suffering innocent people. you arent saving palestine that way. that is not a helpful protest. you'll only enable trump to win by throwing away your vote. it is the one bit of actual power you have, so USE IT RIGHT! stop in-fighting for one moment! look at what is possible to achieve in reality! dreams arent fulfilled overnight!
when you feel like your vote doesnt matter, remember this - you have to try anyways
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tchaikovskaya · 5 months
in the front half of his term I have very clear memories of leftists who haven’t totally abandonned federal electoral politics (myself included) saying that Biden was setting himself up to be the most legislatively impactful [left of center] president since LBJ or even FDR. even in the face of goddamn insane right wing opposition from a very extremist congressional caucus within the GOP (and in the same vein, in the immediate wake of J6)
in the last year or so that whole sentiment has all gone to hell in a hand basket lmao he and his admin have torched an extraordinary amount of good will it’s fucking baffling.
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the-crimson · 1 year
Good job qsmp fandom
Once again, ur fucking bullshit in ability to chill out and just enjoy people acting out a story has caused a cc to step out of the rp
Bad just said on his private Twitter that he’s gonna stop with the politics for the foreseeable future because people in his chat were being unhinged and it was making rp impossible.
As a bbh main, I am so fucking ashamed of all of you who sent hate at bad or forever in Bad’s chat or were condescending to him or tried to tell him how to rp.
Sincerely fuck all of you. Learn how to behave like a fucking respectful human being
If you can’t handle a story with different moralities and philosophies and cultures then go watch Disney channel or something and stop ruining it for everyone who wants to see all this complexity.
I am so fucking mad right now
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caspercryptid · 6 months
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