#before the devil breaks you
turquoisebooks · 2 years
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lottiesoka · 5 months
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mlm and wlw dreamwalking solidarity
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vavuska · 2 years
I'm still mad with Libba Brey for murdering Mabel.
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shy-and-reserved · 2 years
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libinih28 · 2 years
If you like the diviners series by libba bray, you should definitely read thistlefoot by gennarose nethercott. They both are fantasy stories about one thing while the prose in between is focused on prejudice and racism (thistlefoot specifically attacks antisemitism) and it's written beautifully. I find myself highlighting on almost every page <3
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
WHAT: A fanworks bingo celebrating Jewish (and Jew-ish) characters across any and all fandoms. Write fanfiction and/or create graphics (moodboards, edits, vids, whatever you like) to fill prompts on this overall bingo card. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, submit your fills to the AO3 collection and/or post them on Tumblr to be reblogged and added to the Bingo Masterpost.
WHY: Jewish characters and Jewish fans are often overlooked or erased during the Winter Holiday Season in favor of "Secret Santa" exchanges, Christmas-themed fics, and the idea that ~Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas~ (which spoiler for all fics in this bingo: it's not). This panfandom Bingo challenge is to celebrate Hanukkah on its own terms and give Jewish characters and fans a place to breathe. :)
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gyokujyn · 6 months
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | April 2nd » Prompts: Bucky Barnes for @catws-anniversary
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger
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stardustprompts · 2 years
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before the devil breaks you  (  book 3 of the diviners series  )  -   libby bray  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying   tw ;  death ,  violence 
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‘the last thing we need is a panic. panic breeds danger.’
‘i’ve never pretended I wasn’t looking out for myself.’
‘we’ve got bigger fish to fry. bigger than you and me. can we agree on that?’
‘I hate to say it, but you’re making sense.’
‘what do you care? it’s not like you want me, right?’
‘incredible. you actually worked up a little angry spit in the corner of your mouth right there.’
‘i’d rather have you on my side than against me.’
‘I know what it is to lose someone. but when they’re gone, they’re gone. we learn to live without them. to let go. to move forward.’
‘i’m just not accustomed to trusting people.’
‘you know there’s a ghost after you, don’t you?’
‘don’t lose hope. you anchor me. if you lose hope, well, I might, too.’
‘rules exist for a reason. even within disobedience, we need order.’
‘I am my own person. and I wish you could see me, the true me.’
‘I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know what you’d think of me.’
‘not a day goes by that I don’t regret that choice.’
‘do you think I’m selfish?’
‘oh, I see. It only counts if everyone knows about it.’
‘don’t you get enough attention?’
‘if this kills me I’ll never forgive you.’
‘when did you develop a conscience?’
‘I hate having a conscience. very inconvenient.’
‘you can’t bring back what’s gone.’
‘you said you wanted the truth. well truth is complicated.’
‘it’s the truth. ignore it at your peril.’
‘it feels like there’s this hole in the center of me, and I keep trying to fill it but I don’t know how. like there’s a part of me that’s just been erased.’
‘I got no story. i’m making it up as I go along.’
‘i’m glad I’m part of your story.’
‘it was honest. that’s how much I love you.’
‘you wanna be real friends or pretend friends?’
‘from this day forward, you are a ghost to me. I don’t even see you.’
‘are you saying that to give me to heebie - jeebies? because if you are, it’s working.’
‘expect the worst is my motto. saves on disappointment.’
‘that’s how you behave like a human. take notes so you can remember.’
‘do you think some places just hold onto evil? that you can’t paint it or wash it away? it lives on, no matter what you build on top?’
‘I don’t know if I want to kiss you or kill you.’
‘I love you. I want to save us both. come with me.’
‘i’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to stay. I can’t expect you to risk your life for me.’
‘I don’t like basements. nothing good happens in basements.’
‘you’re sad and you’re lying about it.’
‘everybody lies. it’s how we get along in this world.’
‘I don’t talk about sad things.’
‘you’re not wicked. somebody is, but it’s not you.’
‘I thought you didn’t want to be with me.’
‘does that mean you do want to be with me?’
‘where’d you learn to do that? I wanna send that person a thank-you note.’
‘why be a man when you can be a king?’
‘do you imagine you can rid yourself of me? you have created me!’
‘will you always have to steal what you want?’
‘perhaps you enjoy going through life invisible, though I suspect you yearn for much more.’
‘where does power lie? in wealth? in titles?’
‘it’s so hard to know what the truth is. it shifts, depending on who’s telling it and when.’
‘that is a lie you tell yourself so you can sleep at night!’
‘stop telling me what I have a right to feel and start telling me the truth!’
‘there are choices you make, things you do, that you don’t know are wrong when you do them. only time gives you that perspective.’
‘I hate you for what you’ve done. i’ll hate you till my dying day!’
‘i’m so angry. so, so angry. I want to punch at the world and keep punching, but what good would it do?’
‘I think I’ve been clear. you and I are over. it’s been over for some time.’
‘you know what? when I said you could never hurt me, I was wrong.’
‘if it’s coming for one of us, then it’s coming for all of us.’
‘you don’t know what it’s like to take another man’s life. it changes you. you can’t ever get yourself back, not the same way.’
‘I believe in this right here. I got you. you got me. we got us.’
‘sometimes I think maybe I would like to burn it all down. start over. make different rules for the world.’
‘you can’t stop evil. you can only push back as hard as you can.’
‘I adore you. the truth is, i’d be lost without you.’
‘I know what a toll thinking takes on you.’
‘why do you have to ruin everything?’
‘I don’t know if I want to be touched in that way. I don’t know if my love is a physical love.’
‘the question is this: haven’t you been hurt enough?’
‘I was trying to protect you.’
‘I knew you’d come after me. I knew you’d try to make it right.’
‘you’re gonna make a fine mother / father someday.’
‘they say that those who don’t heed the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.’
‘you thought telling them the truth would make a difference. now they just hate you for telling them the truth.’
‘people want to be safe, not free.’
‘it feels as if nothing matters. truth, honor, trying to do what’s right. none of it matters.’
‘I just need something that doesn’t feel like a lie.’
‘i’m not perfect. i’m a handful. but you know what? so are you.’
‘what if I love you and you go away?’
‘I want you to hurt. I want to see you suffer. like you made me suffer.’
‘now you’re just trying to annoy me.’
‘it felt like the time for gallant speechifying. I rose to the moment rather well, I think.’
‘I won’t let you do this.’
‘no one listens to reason. they only pay attention to force.’
‘what you’re doing isn’t change. not the kind that matters. it’s anarchy. it’s terror.’
‘I don���t know everything, but I do know this—- bombs and guns and threats—- won’t make for a better world. just a more frightened and angry one.’
‘sometimes it feels like … like the world has given up on me.’
‘I should have stopped her. I should have done something,’
‘soon I will take all you love and watch you burn.’
‘you don’t know the fire you play with.’
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hauntingblue · 7 months
I ❤️
#shanks!!!!!! always wonder what is wrong with him to be an emperor..... bc big mom is severely strong and powerful and insane since birth#kaido can't even kill himself so same thing. blackbeard has the end all be all of devil fruits and then shanks is just there.#something smells fishy#they spent all the budget on the musical now we are back with this animation ajdhak#well baby luffy cameo.... always thinking about luffy being a good swimmer.... the anchor t shirt is a foreshadowing ajdhskdjks#yasopp talking about his son.... WELL WHERE IS HE????#maybe shanks power is being an alcoholic..... who knows....#luffy calling shanks pathetic is so funny this kid has anger issues.... his powers reveal is so funny ajdkajak to this day....#i was gonna be pissed about the flashbacks but little luffy is too good#this is my fucked up theory about shanks is that he gives up his arm and his hat when luffy eats the fruit.... idk why yet ill figure it ou#lmao but HOW do you leave a kid with a devil fruit just there.... he must have known who his grandpa is or smth.... like garp muat have wen#after him for an explainatiom or smth#shanks doing two 180 spims before putting the hat on luffy... the pizzazz.... the drama.....#well what was i saying.... evil shanks or smth... hidden intentions idk.... why isnt shanks pirate king yet... suspicious....#MAKINO HAS A BABY... and back to ad breaks... another asexual reproduction specimen see.... i know i am right#REIJU GAVE LUFFY A RAID SUIT FOR SANJI AKDHAKDJKS#him wearing black clothes..... like shirt and everything....#sanji saying they already have franky to be weird akdhaks#NAMI KEPT ZEUS!!!!!!!!! FIRST SLAVE AND SANJI IS JEALOUS AKDHAKDHSKSJ 'I WAS THE FIRST SIMP!!'#but with part of her soul being away form big mom.... how.... she is coming back for that#luffy planned everytjing HAHAHAHHAHA oof bonneh on the sidelines of the paper... i know i know....#sanji realising his rep went up bc of germa ajsjahdj where is namis bounty??? and luffys????#back to the reverie.....SHIRAHOSHI IS GOING YEAAAAHHHH (bc luffy might call her weak again no other reason)#crocodile smiling at the paper... i see you#cavendish and barto spreading gossip ajdhak garp must be fuming!!!!#LUFFY IS THE FIFTH YONKOU??? ALREADY!!???? i said he has no territories....but maybe gyojin island counts#just saw a comment saying makinos child is shanks b plan in case luffy fails akdhaksjk#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 878
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lottiesoka · 5 months
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Little Warrior
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vavuska · 2 years
“Depressive,” Evie said, testing the word on her tongue. “I didn’t know there was a name for that feeling. Like there’s a rain cloud in your soul.” She knew that feeling well. Sometimes she was the life of the party. But other times she was lonely, bleak, and sick with disgust at herself, and certain that the people who said they loved her were only pretending. She called these times the “too muches”: too much feeling, like opening a door and seeing, really seeing, into some deep, existential loneliness underlying everything. When the “too muches” arrived, Evie feared that whatever hope lived inside her would drown from the storm of her own aching sadness.
Libba Bray, “Before the Devil Breaks You.”
Check my GoodReads for more: [X]
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evies20dollars · 2 years
Evie: Remember how I said Sam and I were going to have a calm night out for once?
Theta: Yeah
Evie: Well, we're in jail
Theta: *hangs up*
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
i am overall glad that i left comedy nerd spaces (esp since i got out while the getting was still good and i didn't have to hear other people make their bad jokes about the various creeps ousted from their thrones with credible accusations of sexual misconduct), but i do sort of mourn that an entire swath of my foundational nerd knowledge is rendered useless by exclusively staying in a space that thought john mulaney was a wholesome friendly good guy for three years until he eventually displeased them
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etherealspacejelly · 10 months
this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it
buy a pack of chapsticks and put one in the pocket of all of your coats and jackets because you always forget to bring one and chapped lips is sensory hell
leave important things where you can see them. if they go in a box or a drawer you will forget they exist
put any appointments or deadlines in your phone calendar As Soon As you get them. set a reminder for a week before, a day before, an hour before, as many as you need as often as you need them.
when that little voice in your head says "i dont need to write that down, ill remember it" that is the devil talking!!! write it down anyway!!
plan for down time. have a few hours at the end of every day to just do fun stuff like engage in your hyperfixations. even if you didnt get all of your work done that day, have the rest anyway. you probably spent the whole day beating yourself up for not doing what you Should be doing, so you still need the break.
if you never eat vegetables because its too much effort to chop and cook them, get the frozen or canned shit. it doesnt go off for ages and you just have to microwave it. theres no point buying fresh vegetables if they just keep going off and being left to rot in the bottom of your fridge
if you struggle to decide what to have for dinner every day, take the decision out of it. choose a set of meals and eat those on rotation until you get sick of them, then choose some new ones and do it again.
its not stupid if it works! our brains literally have a chemical deficiency. you are allowed to accommodate yourself. go forth and stop making your life more difficult than it has to be because "this shouldn't be this hard". it is hard, so make it easier.
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blodeuweddschild · 3 months
Beaten cuphead btw (not the dlc though) and I gotta say. Beppi the clown is fucking evil and I hate him
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lilgynt · 10 months
my moms insane she was like u were mean to me while you were working…you sent me to work with a broken foot for 3 days i’ll be mean again rn
#personal#by mean i mean rude#if she wants to see mean i can be mean#i’m not and fully possible i was mean! i probably was at several points during this last job and dads illness#but like my meanness was hey im working a full time job and am a full time care taker to my dad and this is hard#her meanness was literally preventing me from going to the fucking doctor with a broken foot#i don’t want to hold what either of us did during this year bc it was a hard time for everyone#and she struggled severly i mean for fucks sake she was doing all i was and way more being breadwinner and dads MAIN main caretaker#she had a HORRIBLE year#it just makes me so mad when she acts like i was this devil like i was struggling under a terrible company and my dads declining health and#had break downs over it or got mean bc i had very what felt like limited time outside of pelt#work#she’s not to say i was mean i just get mad about it bc she was too#she’s not wrong to say i was mean#not to say i wasn’t mean i was mean at times#and this is before asking for help getting her dressed up for her holiday party and she’s said doesn’t want to piss me off several times#and even the statement was about how me not working has been nice bc i’m not crazy anymore#but i’m still pissed off like sorry i was mean but i mean if we’re comparing meanness we fucking can cause i’m not throwing that in ur face#24/7 like do i bring up the fact i had to you remind you that you were a mess during ur dads death to realize i might be a mess during mine#sorry did i call you a bitch and blame you over ur brother fucking breakinf ur door and constantly getting angry when you would bring it up#and be like why do you even need a door#you kicked me out over fucking calling out!!!!! when i had sick time!!!!!!#you were an awful fucking person to me but i’m not throwing it in your fucking face!!!!
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