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yeehawkins · 3 years ago
Suctioning into your DMs to tell you to answer every question ending in 5! >:3c
DNKNFNBFDS you sly dog im personally still quite flabbergasted SUCTION CUP MAN is my blorbo
5. Do you have any expieriences with a famous person?
i met jacksepticeye when he did that omegle meetup thing WAAAAY back when! besides that i met a few ppl at comic con one year (notably charles martinet and zach callison!)
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had?
hmmm most of my dreams are very weird, but right off the top of my head the best one i had was when i got a hug from james hetfield in a music store. i was crying bc "holy shit it's him" and then he hugged me and it was a very nice hug ;-;
25. What’s your best subject?
uhhh i sure don't think i'm fantastic at any subject, but i'd like to think i'm pretty good at math!
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder?
we're gonna find out soon enough hopefully B,))
but fr i'm very sure i have, just don't know exactly what lol
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
nope oOo
55. What colour are your eyes?
greem! used to be very blue but progressively became green
uhhhh apparently there's no 65 djnskfbnjsfd whadda heck
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
my very cluttered room and also my cat sharpie!
85. What motivates you to succeed?
i'll b real with you chief, not a lot. ig the fear of failure? but even then that could just paralyze oop-
95. What would you do if you would be invisible?
sneak into ppls yards to pet their dogs
100 questions
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daisyneptune · 3 years ago
Top 5 breads!
Top 5 comfort items!
Top 5 breads: sourdough, chocolate babka, Loveless Cafe biscuits, cheddar biscuits, pao de quejio
Top 5 comfort items: I'm not sure what you mean by 'comfort items' but the top 5 things that give me comfort when I need to relax are fresh cozy pajamas, white noise app, stuffed panther I've had for about 20 years, blackout curtains, and when all else fails, melatonin
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delta-magnetic · 3 years ago
Tremonti - Do I know them already?: yes | no
(i know the name but i haven't actually heard them so marking no!)
First song youtube took me to: Marching In Time
First Impression: holy shid this goes HARD
Do I like it?: very yes lol
Would I listen to more from them?: yes!
Rate (from what I heard): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Send me a band/artist
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bewhoyouarebopeep · 6 years ago
beeyonkuh said:                                                                                                                            WHY WOULD YOU WRECK ME LIKE THIS 
Thank you for commenting, idk why I felt like making myself cry last night. I’m actually thinking of doing a multi-chapter fic based on that head canon now, and really making it a character study. 
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baamatsu · 7 years ago
Choromatsu, you really are cute, we love that about you.
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choro: b-but im not cute
choro: also i guess chemistry is ok
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dashielvlup · 7 years ago
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@Beeyonkuh: Made a @DashieXP ita bag to show my love for him and video games!! Now I just need a Dashie plushie to tie it all together.
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winterbolt · 8 years ago
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So I got the most DELIGHTFUL AND PURE package from @beeyonkuh yesterday and was busy working so I couldn't post about it until now but look?? How pure this is?? Thank you so much for the charm and all the other unexpected goodies my dude, I'm definitely gonna doodle you a thing when I get some spare time Also see that bee Karamatsu charm in the last pic? They've got more on hand so y'all should go buy yourself one right now because they're precious
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timeboundterra-reblogs · 8 years ago
@beeyonkuh Your Bee Karamatsu is cuter than official tbh.
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 years ago
10 people you want to know better
Tagged by @littleyarngoblin thanks for the tag, these are fun
Relationship status: single and refusing to mingle
Favorite colors: black is the most common color in my closet but I do like a good green, blue or purple
Favorite foods: beef pho, Mac & cheese, bubble tea
Song stuck in my head: Ito by SID
Last thing you googled: urgent care near me (I think I cracked a rib and need it checked out)
Time: dinner, I only had lunch today
Dream trip: traveling across the world, jumping countries (kinda did this over the summer, but I’d love to do it again with more countries)
Last thing you read: Skin a natural history, by Nina Jablonski (she’s a family friend of a family friend and is giving a talk at my college next week)
Last book you enjoyed reading: Dragon Empire by R F Kuang. The Poppy War is a good series
Favorite thing to cook/bake: I love making piroshki, a Russian hand pie. I also like making chocolate covered candied orange peels but those are labor intensive
Favorite craft to do in your free time: crochet and knit depending on the state of my hands
Opinion on circuses: the history is fascinating, but dark. I love the human feats but fuck animal abusing groups. I know a number of jugglers and acrobats, so I love watching that stuff but there is also a long history of exploitation
Most niche dislike:
Do you have a sense of direction: yes. I’m often in charge of navigation and will give directions on the spot. I also got around entirely new cities and countries on my own without problem this past summer, as well as knowing the general location of where I am at most times
Tagging: @error404-welp @ofbooksandstardust and @beeyonkuh
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twst-the-night-away · 3 years ago
I was tagged by @atwstedstory !
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Any of these guys could absolutely destroy me in a fist fight, especially Epel.
Most of the other folks that were tagged were ones that I would tag so ... if you wanna, have fun with it!
(Though I'm calling out @beeyonkuh in particular)
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yeehawkins · 3 years ago
Top 5 restaurants you've been to!
OOOOO GUD QUASTION! i haven't gone to like, too many places but i shall do my best lole
Red Lobster. cheddar bay biscuits my beloved. shramp my beloved
Dennys. OKOK BEFORE YOU JUDGE i fuckin, lov breakfast food alright? and this is the place for it for me
Longhorn Steakhouse. good steak ofc but also a very nice loaded potato soup omf
Charleys. ik this is just, a mall food court place but they got some BOMB philly cheesesteaks
Applebees. only rlly on this list for what they USED to have (lookin @ you, potato twisters) but they got a nice burg or steak sometimes
put “top 5” anything in my ask
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daisyneptune · 3 years ago
3, 10, 11, 33, 43, and 50 for Valentine's Day asks!
3. favorite love song? Wild is the Wind is one of my favorites, whether it's the original by Nina Simone or David Bowie's version.
10. favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate peanut butter malt. It is a CRIME how all the ice cream places around me have stopped doing malts. Bring the malt back. I needs it.
11. dinner dates or brunch dates? I've never been on a brunch date! That would be fun. I like brunch food.
33. do you fall in love easily? Not as easily as I used to, but that's a good thing, because I was an unhinged glittery pink limerent tornado in my teens and 20s.
43. favorite ABBA song?
50. what’s your dreamhouse? What I know right now: It has a cozy living room with recliners, a sofa with a chaise longue on one side, a fireplace, and an extra big TV. The bathroom has a jacuzzi bathtub and a separate shower, and a fancy Japanese toilet with all the bells and whistles. I like lots of different decor styles, but I know there have to be some Tiffany-style stained glass lamps. I'd like to live in the city, or with easy access to one, so maybe it'll have to be a condo or penthouse. (I'd actually kinda prefer that so I won't have to do yardwork. But there would be an herb garden in the kitchen and some potted plants/flowers on the balcony.)
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delta-magnetic · 3 years ago
The Hellion/Electric Eye - Judas Priest
send me 🎵
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threeapplesfromthesky · 4 years ago
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Heart pirates being silly + human Bepo
@25modifier @beeyonkuh
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baamatsu · 7 years ago
Improper Choro, why the hair tho? Please cut it.
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choro: whats wrong with my hair?
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yeehawkins · 3 years ago
For the sensory ask, 2, 9, 11, 19, 21, 22, 26!
o w o !!!
2. least favourite colour(s)?
i can't really hate on any colors bc they all neat, but i guess like, the best way i can describe them is "stinky" colors nkdfsbkjn think the color of like relish or olives, or dijon mustard
9. favourite non-musical sound?
ooooo this a good one
this is prolly a bit of an "obvious" or cop out answer but- rain! purely rain. no hail, no thunder, just the steady sound of woter falling out of the sky
11. are you very sensitive to smell?
kinda? i won't reel back or anything extreme but i've certainly had people scoff at how "sensitive" i am (will pull my shirt over my nose and maybe cough a little. seriously even the slightest wiff of cigarettes is ew)
19. do you enjoy any unusual food combinations that others find unappealing?
not like, at the moment BUT lemme tell you two regular meals for me that i ate as a child and would 100% tear up if given today (honestly been missing the first one for a while, want again)
idk if they're even that weird but:
-a sandwich that contained turkey, cheese, and ketchup. this was my lunch sammich every, single, day of my life while in skool
-hot dog (cut up), cheeto puffs, n ketchup
21. do you often rip/cut the tags off of your clothes?
i used to a lot as a kid! i don't anymore purely to keep the info on it lol (plus they don't bother me as much anymore)
22. any specific textures that bother you?
oh yes
a little odd im sure, but i'm not that big of a fan of velvet! talking non-fabric though? pottery (like a plant pot texture, not the smoof shiny pottery)
26. do you ever feel like you have a sixth sense? in what way(s)?
not really tbh? sometimes i can sorta be on the same wavelength as somebody (leslie can account for this dfjknbs clown-to-clown) but i'm no psychic
sensory asks
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