I’d Rather Be Digging
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I am the Queer, Neurodivergent, Jew-ish Asian with too many piercings that conservatives fear | Archaeologist in training | they/them | 22 | art account: @threeapplesfromthesky | archaeology blog @digging-time-w-kaz
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 minutes ago
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killing-time-w-kaz · 5 minutes ago
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
is anyone else still experiencing a bit of whiplash at how extreme the general opinion over the terms “yaoi” “yuri” and “fujoshi” have turned around in the past, like, two years
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
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This machine allows anyone to work for minimum wage for as long as they like. Turning the crank on the side releases one penny every 4.97 seconds, for a total of $7.25 per hour. This corresponds to minimum wage for a person in New York. This piece is brilliant on multiple levels, particularly as social commentary. Without a doubt, most people who started operating the machine for fun would quickly grow disheartened and stop when realizing just how little they’re earning by turning this mindless crank. A person would then conceivably realize that this is what nearly two million people in the United States do every day…at much harder jobs than turning a crank. This turns the piece into a simple, yet effective argument for raising the minimum wage.
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
The bimbo feminism girls who love Legally Blonde really missed like the whole point of the movie. The point is that she's not a brainless bimbo. She saves the day with her knowledge of haircare, sure, but she got in the room by going to law school. You cannot reduce that movie down to "Girl knowledge saves the day!" because the perm wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't spent the entire rest of the movie working her ass off in an unrelated field. The feminist angle is that she can have girly interests and also be smart, not that having girly interests is feminist in itself
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
I've been seeing a lot of goyim go "this must have been what it was like when the holocaust first started. Look at all these (insert various non jewish groups) being oppressed!!!"
And it pisses me off. Like ignoring that most people making those posts have posted antisemitism themselves, I'm just!!!!
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
the fact that webkinz named a species "googles" and never backed down from it is really funny to me because like. nintendo changed the dialogue of a throwaway npc in a zelda game once because she said "yahoo!" and they were scared they'd get sued by yahoo but ganz is just like. yeah no we don't care if google is the biggest search engine and owns an obscene amount of sites and properties. thats our funny platypus so.
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
Something I think a lot of us are missing:
You can think that Hamas stan from Columbia violated the terms of his green card and does deserve to have it revoked under due process at the same time that you acknowledge that it was not revoked under due process and the circumstances surrounding the revocation have chilling and dangerous affects to protesters nationally.
Yes, this asshole flagrantly violated the terms of his green card. That does not make it any less terrifying that trump is setting up "violating the terms of one's green card" as a crime that ICE can suspend due process over.
Let me put this another way. I'm against the death penalty. Blanket, full stop. I don't care if the person sentenced to death is a grisly, remorseless torturer. I do not believe any human being should be executed as punishment of a crime, full stop. Supporting abolishment of the death penalty requires moral consistency: the ability to hold firm on one's values of human rights even for the worst humans imaginable. In order to fight for the innocent men of color who are sentenced to die because of planted evidence, you MUST also fight for every single death row inmate. You cannot carve out exceptions on who deserves human rights without becoming the fascist you insist you hate the most.
Two seemingly disparate things can and must be held true at the same time.
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
mahmoud khalid deserves due process and the right to a fair trial because he is a permanent resident and green card holder. those rights are guaranteed by the constitution. i do not agree with him AND he has rights.
more than anything, the trump admin making an example out of him is deeply immoral and deeply evil. they are citing “jewish safety” so they can set us up to be scapegoats for his fascism. they’re parading around his arrest with “shalom” to make us scapegoats. he wants the people to blame us for his fascism. cause after all if the people are angry at the jews and hating the jews, he can keep being evil while everyone is distracted.
this is state sponsored antisemitism in the united states. do not get it twisted. he’s not promoting “jewish safety” he is setting us up for the next bloodbath
you don’t have to agree with him or be an apologist for his cause to see what this admin is doing and how dangerous things are about to get here
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
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"They build their morality on the backs of dead Jews and then abuse living ones for failing to draw their conclusions from our own dead."
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
2,300-Year-Old Plush Bird from the Altai Mountains of Siberia, c.400-300 BCE: this figure was crafted with a felt body and reindeer-fur stuffing, all of which remains intact
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This plush bird was sealed within the frozen barrows of Pazyryk, Siberia, for more than two millennia, where a unique microclimate enabled it to be preserved. The permafrost ice lense formation that runs below the barrows provided an insulating layer, preventing the soil from heating during the summer and allowing it to quickly freeze during the winter; these conditions produced a separate microclimate within the stone walls of the barrows themselves, thereby aiding in the preservation of the artifacts inside.
This is just one of the many well-preserved artifacts that have been found at Pazyryk. These artifacts are attributed to the Scythian/Altaic cultures.
Currently housed at the Hermitage Museum.
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
I saw an otter briefly hop on top of a babirusa at the zoo and when the stranger standing next to me heard my camera shutter click he turned to me with this look of immense relief, put his hand to his chest, and said in a dead serious tone “oh thank christ someone caught that on film”
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
the most insane double casting i’ve heard of is ophelia and horatio being played by the same actress. the implications of that drive me crazy
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
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killing-time-w-kaz · 2 days ago
We're curing HIV.
I ... I don't have words for how much that hits me like a blow to the sternum, every single time.
Every single time.
I never thought we'd be here, but here we are.
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