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geekbroll · 5 years ago
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Beetlejuice comics ad - Tom & Jerry Big Book 1 - Harvey Comics September 1992 . Advertising for: 1 - Beetlejuice Crimebusters on the Haunt #1 - Harvey Comics September 1992 2 - Beetlejuice Elliot Mess and the Unwashables #2 - Harvey Comics October 1992 3 - Beetlejuice Elliot Mess and the Unwashables #3 - Harvey Comics November 1992 .     . #beetlejuice #beetlejuicecomics #harveycomics #crimebustersonthehaunt #ElliotMessandtheUnwashables #harvey #tomandjerry #tomandjerrycomics #comics #comicads #comiccovers #cartoons #cartooncomics #cartooncharacters #timburton #elliotmess #elliotness #crimebusters #ghostbusters #crimebusters #elliotnesscomics #crimecomics (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9SdKZhDNk/?igshid=7ueiagxi2pgg
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venture-someplace-scary · 3 years ago
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I hate being so busy and not being able to work on my projects.  Still, I finally got the next installment of ‘Neitherworld Problems’ ready for your enjoyment.   As a bonus, I added my original rough draft that I made, uhhhh, at least five years ago.  
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deliascrystals · 5 years ago
Daddy's moving forward, daddy didn't lose a mom💔
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sincitycollections · 7 years ago
Official Warner Brothers' Ready Player One - Dreamer Trailer
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https://youtu.be/kQ7R4nlME78 Spoilers below for Ready Player One Ready Player One is the apotheosis of a rising trend in film that we might refer to as “recognition cinema” — the phenomenon of trying to please an audience by including brief references to other pieces of fiction. It’s common in — though by no means restricted to — superhero movies, which will commonly drop hints or include cameos that demonstrate a connection to elements the viewers might remember from comic-book source material or separate movies in the same shared universe. Typically, such references are given some room to breathe so the crowd can go wild at the excitement of recognizing what the filmmakers are implying. Not so in Ready Player One. In Steven Spielberg’s latest picture, there are dozens upon dozens of pop-culture references in dialogue and mise-en-scène; so many that a single pair of human eyes is incapable of catching them all. Here, we’ve attempted to list as many of them as we could notice and scribble down in the darkened theater. Let us know in the comments if you find ones we missed, of which there are surely more than a few. Here Are All the References in Ready Player One* Minecraft: The popular video game is one the many worlds gamers in the film can visit as part of the OASIS virtual-reality system. (Find Minecraft Games & Merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/MinecraftStuffEbay) Batman: The protagonist, Wade Watts, tells us one can hang out with a virtual Batman inside OASIS, and we see him climbing Mount Everest. The Batmobile from the 1960s Batman TV show is seen in a virtual race. (Find Batman comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BatmanComics) The Joker: Wade’s virtual avatar is briefly modded to look like the Batman villain. Someone else in a Joker avatar hangs out in a virtual nightclub. (Find Joker comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JokerComics) Harley Quinn: Seen in the virtual nightclub. (Find Harley Quinn comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HarleyQuinnComics) A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy Krueger seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find A Nightmare on Elmstreet comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/NightmareOnElmStreetComics) Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find Friday the 13th comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FridayThe13thComics) Star Trek: OASIS creator James Halliday has a Star Trek–themed funeral. Later, we see a Klingon bat’leth weapon on a windowsill. (Find Star Trek comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StarTrekComics) Street Fighter: Logo seen in a marketplace for gamers. Characters Ryu and Chun-Li make appearances as player avatars in fights. A character uses Ryu’s famed “hadouken” fireball to attack someone. (Find Street Fighter comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StreetFighterComics) Speed Racer: Speed’s car, the Mach 5, is seen in a virtual race. (Find Speed Racer comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpeedRacerComics) Bigfoot: The famous monster truck is seen in a virtual race. (Find Bigfoot comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BigFootComics) Back to the Future: Wade drives a virtual DeLorean. A modified Rubik’s Cube called a Zemeckis Cube (named after Back to the Future director Robert Zemeckis) allows a character to travel back in time. (Find Back to the Future comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BackToTheFutureComics) Tron: A light-cycle is seen in a virtual race. (Find Tron comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TronComics) Akira: A motorcycle modeled after Kaneda’s is seen in a virtual race. (Find Akira comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AkiraComicsEbay) Jurassic Park: The T. rex is seen as an obstacle in a virtual race. (Find Jurassic Park comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JurassicParkComics) King Kong: Seen in as an obstacle in a virtual race. (Find King Kong comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/KingKongComics) Last Action Hero: Characters race past a marquee advertising a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character. (Find The Last Action Hero movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/LastActionHeroStuff) The Iron Giant: The titular robot is a weapon built by Wade’s friend Aech. (Find Iron Giant comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/IronGiantComics) Battlestar Galactica: The 1970s version of the Galactica ship is seen as a virtual toy. (Find Battlestar Galactica comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BSGComics) Alien: A chestburster is used by Wade’s love interest, Artemis. (Find Alien comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AliensComics) Aliens: Space-marine spaceship the Sulaco is seen as a virtual toy. (Find Alien toys on eBay - http://bit.ly/AliensStuff) Silent Running: Spaceship Valley Forge is seen as a virtual toy. (Find the Silent Running movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/SilentRunningStuff) Dune: The planet Arrakis is mentioned as a virtual destination. (Find Dune comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DuneComics) Goldeneye: The video game is mentioned as Halliday’s favorite. (He prefers the “slappers only” mode.) (Find the Goldeneye N64 video game on eBay - http://bit.ly/GoldeneyeN64Game) Superman: Wade’s avatar is briefly modded to look like Clark Kent. (Find Superman comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SupermanComics) Spider-Man: Wade mentions that he was given an alliterative name to sound like Spidey’s alter ego Peter Parker or … (Find Spider-Man comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/Spider-ManComics) The Incredible Hulk: … the Hulk’s, Bruce Banner. (Find Incredible Hulk comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/IncredibleHulkComics) Looney Tunes: Young Halliday is seen near a Marvin the Martian toy. (Find Looney Tunes comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/LooneyTunesComics) Space Invaders: Halliday is repeatedly seen wearing a shirt advertising the game. (Find Space Invaders shirts on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpaceInvadersStuff) Asteroids: Mentioned by Halliday’s business partner, Ogden Morrow. (Find Asteroids games on eBay - http://bit.ly/AsteroidsStuff) Galaga: Poster for the game seen in Halliday and Morrow’s offices. (Find Galaga games & merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/GalagaStuff) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure: Halliday mentions the film. (Find Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BillAndTedsComics) Star Wars: Stormtroopers briefly seen as avatars in a battle royale. R2-D2 toy seen on a floor. (Find Star Wars comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StarWarsComicsEbay) Borderlands: Unspecified game accoutrements available in a virtual marketplace. (Find Borderlands comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BorderlandsComics) Overwatch: Unspecified game accoutrements available in a virtual marketplace. (Find Overwatch comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/OverwatchComics) War of the Worlds: A crashed Martian ship is the site of a virtual meeting. (Find War of the Worlds comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/WarOfTheWorldsComics) Tootsie Pop: A character mentions the candy as a metaphor. (Find Tootsie Pops on eBay - http://bit.ly/TootsiePops) Knight Rider: The car, KITT, is briefly seen. (Find Knight Rider comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/KnightRiderComics) Beetlejuice: Title character seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Beetlejuice comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BeetlejuiceComics) Mortal Kombat: Goro seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Mortal Kombat comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MortalKombatComics) The Dark Crystal: Mentioned by Halliday. (Find The Dark Crystal comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheDarkCrystalComics) Citizen Kane: Multiple references to Rosebud. (Find the Citizen Kane movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/CitizenKaneStuff) Purple Rain: Wade briefly dresses as Prince’s character. (Find Prince comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/PurpleRainStuffEbay) Mad Max: Mentioned. (Find Mad Max comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MadMaxComicsEbay) Gremlins: Graffiti related to the film briefly seen. (Find Gremlins merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/GremlinsStuff) Christine: The titular car from the 1983 Stephen King adaptation is seen in a virtual race. (Find Stephen King comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StephenKingComics) “Thriller” music video: Wade briefly dresses as Michael Jackson’s character. (Find Michael Jackson comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MichaelJacksonComics) Duran Duran: Wade briefly dresses as a band member. (Find Duran Duran comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DuranDuranStuff) The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension: Wade dresses as the title character for an extended period of time. (Find Buckaroo Banzai comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BuckarooBanzaiComics) Battletoads: Titular toads seen as avatars. (Find Battletoads comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BattletoadsStuff) Saturday Night Fever: An extended dance sequence is based on the film, complete with Bee Gees soundtrack. (Find Saturday Night Fever comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SaturdayNightFeverStuff) The Breakfast Club: Mentioned by the villain, Nolan Sorrento. (Find The Breakfast Club comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BreakfastClubStuff) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: Mentioned by Sorrento. (Find Ferris Bueller's Day Off comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FerrisBuellersDayOffStuff) Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Mentioned by Wade. (Find Fast Times at Ridgemont High comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FastTimesAtRidgemontHighStuff) Animal House: Mentioned by Wade. (Find Animal House comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AnimalHouseStuff) Robotron: Mentioned by Sorrento. (Find Robotron comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/RobotronStuff) Joy Division: Band T-shirt seen on Art3mis’s real-life body. (Find Joy Division comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JoyDivisionStuff) Dungeons and Dragons: A virtual space is named after the role-playing game’s creator, Gary Gygax. A 20-sided die is briefly seen. (Find Dungeons and Dragons comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DAndDComics) The Fly: The 1986 remake is mentioned as a film Halliday once saw. (Find The Fly comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheFlyComics) Say Anything: Mentioned as a film Halliday once saw. (Find Say Anything comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SayAnythingStuff) Simon Says: The classic toy is seen as a possession of Halliday’s. (Find Simon comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SimonSaysStuff) Thundercats: Wade wears a belt referencing the show. (Find Thundercats comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ThundercatsComics) Hello Kitty: A sticker for the brand is seen on a motorcycle. (Find Hello Kitty comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HelloKittyComics) The Shining: An extended sequence is set in a replica of the Overlook Hotel. (Find The Shinning comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheShinningStuff) Punk’d: Aech mentions “being punk’d.” (Find Punk'd comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/PunkdStuff) Nancy Drew: Mentioned by a character. (Find Nancy Drew comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/NancyDrewComics) Atari 2600: Becomes a crucial plot point when it’s revealed that Halliday has hidden a key to beating OASIS in a virtual version of one of the antiquated system’s games. (Find the Atari 2600 on eBay - http://bit.ly/Atari2600Ebay) Centipede: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Centipede Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/CentipedeAtari2600) Pitfall: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Pitfall Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/PitfallAtari2600) Swordquest: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Swordquest Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/SwordquestAtari2600) Motorcross: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Motorcross Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/MotorcrossAtari2600) Adventure: An Atari 2600 game that is crucial to the ending. (Find the Adventure Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/AdventureAtari2600) Spawn: Seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find Spawn comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpawnComics) Child’s Play: Chucky is used as a weapon during a battle royale. (Find Child's Play comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ChildsPlayComics) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The versions of the characters from the recent film reboot are seen as avatars during a battle royale. (Find Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TNMTComics) Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla: Sorrento morphs into Mechagodzilla during a battle royale. (Find Godzilla comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/GodzillaComicsEbay) Gundam: Wade’s ally Daito morphs into a Gundam robot during a battle royale. (Find Gundam comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/GundamComics) Madballs: A madball is used as a weapon in a battle royale. (Find Madball comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MadballsComics) Terminator 2: Judgment Day: While sinking into a pit of lava, the Iron Giant gives a thumbs up. (Find Terminator comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TerminatorComics) Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Wade uses the Holy Hand Grenade in a virtual fight. (Find Monty Python & the Holy Grail Stuff on eBay - http://bit.ly/MontyPythonHolyGrailStuff) Mario Kart: Aech jokingly mentions the game during a car chase. (Find Mario comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MarioKartStuff) Joust: Poster for the game seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Joust comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JoustStuff) Raiders of the Lost Ark: Poster for the film seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Raiders of the Lost Ark comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/RaidersLostArkStuff) Forbidden Planet: Toy robot from the film seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Forbidden Planet comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ForbiddenPlanetComics) Pac-Man: Poster for the game seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Pac-Man comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/Pac-ManStuff) 2112: Poster for the Rush album is seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find 2112 comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/2112Stuff) The A-Team: Van seen in a virtual race. (Find The A-Team comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/A-TeamComics) Halo: Soldiers seen as a group’s avatars. (Find Halo comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HaloComics) Sonic the Hedgehog: Title character seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Sonic the Hedghog comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SonicTheHedgehogComics)   Source Read the full article
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venture-someplace-scary · 4 years ago
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Today’s prompt “Truth or Scare” for Beetz N’ Deetz Week, presented me with the opportunity to work on one of my Neitherworld Problems comics. I’ve had this one waiting in the wings for a few years and didn’t have the chance to color and post it until now. Making these comics have been a blast and so are the prompts from @itsaship-literally
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sincitycollections · 7 years ago
Official Warner Brothers' Ready Player One - See The Future Trailer
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https://youtu.be/wTlCS-awjCQ Spoilers below for Ready Player One Ready Player One is the apotheosis of a rising trend in film that we might refer to as “recognition cinema” — the phenomenon of trying to please an audience by including brief references to other pieces of fiction. It’s common in — though by no means restricted to — superhero movies, which will commonly drop hints or include cameos that demonstrate a connection to elements the viewers might remember from comic-book source material or separate movies in the same shared universe. Typically, such references are given some room to breathe so the crowd can go wild at the excitement of recognizing what the filmmakers are implying. Not so in Ready Player One. In Steven Spielberg’s latest picture, there are dozens upon dozens of pop-culture references in dialogue and mise-en-scène; so many that a single pair of human eyes is incapable of catching them all. Here, we’ve attempted to list as many of them as we could notice and scribble down in the darkened theater. Let us know in the comments if you find ones we missed, of which there are surely more than a few. Here Are All the References in Ready Player One* Minecraft: The popular video game is one the many worlds gamers in the film can visit as part of the OASIS virtual-reality system. (Find Minecraft Games & Merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/MinecraftStuffEbay) Batman: The protagonist, Wade Watts, tells us one can hang out with a virtual Batman inside OASIS, and we see him climbing Mount Everest. The Batmobile from the 1960s Batman TV show is seen in a virtual race. (Find Batman comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BatmanComics) The Joker: Wade’s virtual avatar is briefly modded to look like the Batman villain. Someone else in a Joker avatar hangs out in a virtual nightclub. (Find Joker comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JokerComics) Harley Quinn: Seen in the virtual nightclub. (Find Harley Quinn comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HarleyQuinnComics) A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy Krueger seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find A Nightmare on Elmstreet comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/NightmareOnElmStreetComics) Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find Friday the 13th comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FridayThe13thComics) Star Trek: OASIS creator James Halliday has a Star Trek–themed funeral. Later, we see a Klingon bat’leth weapon on a windowsill. (Find Star Trek comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StarTrekComics) Street Fighter: Logo seen in a marketplace for gamers. Characters Ryu and Chun-Li make appearances as player avatars in fights. A character uses Ryu’s famed “hadouken” fireball to attack someone. (Find Street Fighter comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StreetFighterComics) Speed Racer: Speed’s car, the Mach 5, is seen in a virtual race. (Find Speed Racer comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpeedRacerComics) Bigfoot: The famous monster truck is seen in a virtual race. (Find Bigfoot comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BigFootComics) Back to the Future: Wade drives a virtual DeLorean. A modified Rubik’s Cube called a Zemeckis Cube (named after Back to the Future director Robert Zemeckis) allows a character to travel back in time. (Find Back to the Future comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BackToTheFutureComics) Tron: A light-cycle is seen in a virtual race. (Find Tron comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TronComics) Akira: A motorcycle modeled after Kaneda’s is seen in a virtual race. (Find Akira comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AkiraComicsEbay) Jurassic Park: The T. rex is seen as an obstacle in a virtual race. (Find Jurassic Park comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JurassicParkComics) King Kong: Seen in as an obstacle in a virtual race. (Find King Kong comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/KingKongComics) Last Action Hero: Characters race past a marquee advertising a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character. (Find The Last Action Hero movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/LastActionHeroStuff) The Iron Giant: The titular robot is a weapon built by Wade’s friend Aech. (Find Iron Giant comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/IronGiantComics) Battlestar Galactica: The 1970s version of the Galactica ship is seen as a virtual toy. (Find Battlestar Galactica comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BSGComics) Alien: A chestburster is used by Wade’s love interest, Artemis. (Find Alien comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AliensComics) Aliens: Space-marine spaceship the Sulaco is seen as a virtual toy. (Find Alien toys on eBay - http://bit.ly/AliensStuff) Silent Running: Spaceship Valley Forge is seen as a virtual toy. (Find the Silent Running movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/SilentRunningStuff) Dune: The planet Arrakis is mentioned as a virtual destination. (Find Dune comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DuneComics) Goldeneye: The video game is mentioned as Halliday’s favorite. (He prefers the “slappers only” mode.) (Find the Goldeneye N64 video game on eBay - http://bit.ly/GoldeneyeN64Game) Superman: Wade’s avatar is briefly modded to look like Clark Kent. (Find Superman comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SupermanComics) Spider-Man: Wade mentions that he was given an alliterative name to sound like Spidey’s alter ego Peter Parker or … (Find Spider-Man comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/Spider-ManComics) The Incredible Hulk: … the Hulk’s, Bruce Banner. (Find Incredible Hulk comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/IncredibleHulkComics) Looney Tunes: Young Halliday is seen near a Marvin the Martian toy. (Find Looney Tunes comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/LooneyTunesComics) Space Invaders: Halliday is repeatedly seen wearing a shirt advertising the game. (Find Space Invaders shirts on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpaceInvadersStuff) Asteroids: Mentioned by Halliday’s business partner, Ogden Morrow. (Find Asteroids games on eBay - http://bit.ly/AsteroidsStuff) Galaga: Poster for the game seen in Halliday and Morrow’s offices. (Find Galaga games & merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/GalagaStuff) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure: Halliday mentions the film. (Find Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BillAndTedsComics) Star Wars: Stormtroopers briefly seen as avatars in a battle royale. R2-D2 toy seen on a floor. (Find Star Wars comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StarWarsComicsEbay) Borderlands: Unspecified game accoutrements available in a virtual marketplace. (Find Borderlands comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BorderlandsComics) Overwatch: Unspecified game accoutrements available in a virtual marketplace. (Find Overwatch comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/OverwatchComics) War of the Worlds: A crashed Martian ship is the site of a virtual meeting. (Find War of the Worlds comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/WarOfTheWorldsComics) Tootsie Pop: A character mentions the candy as a metaphor. (Find Tootsie Pops on eBay - http://bit.ly/TootsiePops) Knight Rider: The car, KITT, is briefly seen. (Find Knight Rider comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/KnightRiderComics) Beetlejuice: Title character seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Beetlejuice comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BeetlejuiceComics) Mortal Kombat: Goro seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Mortal Kombat comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MortalKombatComics) The Dark Crystal: Mentioned by Halliday. (Find The Dark Crystal comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheDarkCrystalComics) Citizen Kane: Multiple references to Rosebud. (Find the Citizen Kane movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/CitizenKaneStuff) Purple Rain: Wade briefly dresses as Prince’s character. (Find Prince comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/PurpleRainStuffEbay) Mad Max: Mentioned. (Find Mad Max comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MadMaxComicsEbay) Gremlins: Graffiti related to the film briefly seen. (Find Gremlins merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/GremlinsStuff) Christine: The titular car from the 1983 Stephen King adaptation is seen in a virtual race. (Find Stephen King comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StephenKingComics) “Thriller” music video: Wade briefly dresses as Michael Jackson’s character. (Find Michael Jackson comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MichaelJacksonComics) Duran Duran: Wade briefly dresses as a band member. (Find Duran Duran comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DuranDuranStuff) The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension: Wade dresses as the title character for an extended period of time. (Find Buckaroo Banzai comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BuckarooBanzaiComics) Battletoads: Titular toads seen as avatars. (Find Battletoads comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BattletoadsStuff) Saturday Night Fever: An extended dance sequence is based on the film, complete with Bee Gees soundtrack. (Find Saturday Night Fever comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SaturdayNightFeverStuff) The Breakfast Club: Mentioned by the villain, Nolan Sorrento. (Find The Breakfast Club comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BreakfastClubStuff) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: Mentioned by Sorrento. (Find Ferris Bueller's Day Off comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FerrisBuellersDayOffStuff) Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Mentioned by Wade. (Find Fast Times at Ridgemont High comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FastTimesAtRidgemontHighStuff) Animal House: Mentioned by Wade. (Find Animal House comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AnimalHouseStuff) Robotron: Mentioned by Sorrento. (Find Robotron comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/RobotronStuff) Joy Division: Band T-shirt seen on Art3mis’s real-life body. (Find Joy Division comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JoyDivisionStuff) Dungeons and Dragons: A virtual space is named after the role-playing game’s creator, Gary Gygax. A 20-sided die is briefly seen. (Find Dungeons and Dragons comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DAndDComics) The Fly: The 1986 remake is mentioned as a film Halliday once saw. (Find The Fly comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheFlyComics) Say Anything: Mentioned as a film Halliday once saw. (Find Say Anything comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SayAnythingStuff) Simon Says: The classic toy is seen as a possession of Halliday’s. (Find Simon comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SimonSaysStuff) Thundercats: Wade wears a belt referencing the show. (Find Thundercats comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ThundercatsComics) Hello Kitty: A sticker for the brand is seen on a motorcycle. (Find Hello Kitty comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HelloKittyComics) The Shining: An extended sequence is set in a replica of the Overlook Hotel. (Find The Shinning comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheShinningStuff) Punk’d: Aech mentions “being punk’d.” (Find Punk'd comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/PunkdStuff) Nancy Drew: Mentioned by a character. (Find Nancy Drew comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/NancyDrewComics) Atari 2600: Becomes a crucial plot point when it’s revealed that Halliday has hidden a key to beating OASIS in a virtual version of one of the antiquated system’s games. (Find the Atari 2600 on eBay - http://bit.ly/Atari2600Ebay) Centipede: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Centipede Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/CentipedeAtari2600) Pitfall: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Pitfall Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/PitfallAtari2600) Swordquest: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Swordquest Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/SwordquestAtari2600) Motorcross: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Motorcross Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/MotorcrossAtari2600) Adventure: An Atari 2600 game that is crucial to the ending. (Find the Adventure Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/AdventureAtari2600) Spawn: Seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find Spawn comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpawnComics) Child’s Play: Chucky is used as a weapon during a battle royale. (Find Child's Play comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ChildsPlayComics) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The versions of the characters from the recent film reboot are seen as avatars during a battle royale. (Find Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TNMTComics) Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla: Sorrento morphs into Mechagodzilla during a battle royale. (Find Godzilla comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/GodzillaComicsEbay) Gundam: Wade’s ally Daito morphs into a Gundam robot during a battle royale. (Find Gundam comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/GundamComics) Madballs: A madball is used as a weapon in a battle royale. (Find Madball comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MadballsComics) Terminator 2: Judgment Day: While sinking into a pit of lava, the Iron Giant gives a thumbs up. (Find Terminator comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TerminatorComics) Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Wade uses the Holy Hand Grenade in a virtual fight. (Find Monty Python & the Holy Grail Stuff on eBay - http://bit.ly/MontyPythonHolyGrailStuff) Mario Kart: Aech jokingly mentions the game during a car chase. (Find Mario comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MarioKartStuff) Joust: Poster for the game seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Joust comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JoustStuff) Raiders of the Lost Ark: Poster for the film seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Raiders of the Lost Ark comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/RaidersLostArkStuff) Forbidden Planet: Toy robot from the film seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Forbidden Planet comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ForbiddenPlanetComics) Pac-Man: Poster for the game seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Pac-Man comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/Pac-ManStuff) 2112: Poster for the Rush album is seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find 2112 comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/2112Stuff) The A-Team: Van seen in a virtual race. (Find The A-Team comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/A-TeamComics) Halo: Soldiers seen as a group’s avatars. (Find Halo comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HaloComics) Sonic the Hedgehog: Title character seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Sonic the Hedghog comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SonicTheHedgehogComics)   Source Read the full article
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sincitycollections · 7 years ago
Warner Brothers' Ready Player One - Official Trailer #1
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https://youtu.be/Kh5FV77b5O0 Spoilers below for Ready Player One Ready Player One is the apotheosis of a rising trend in film that we might refer to as “recognition cinema” — the phenomenon of trying to please an audience by including brief references to other pieces of fiction. It’s common in — though by no means restricted to — superhero movies, which will commonly drop hints or include cameos that demonstrate a connection to elements the viewers might remember from comic-book source material or separate movies in the same shared universe. Typically, such references are given some room to breathe so the crowd can go wild at the excitement of recognizing what the filmmakers are implying. Not so in Ready Player One. In Steven Spielberg’s latest picture, there are dozens upon dozens of pop-culture references in dialogue and mise-en-scène; so many that a single pair of human eyes is incapable of catching them all. Here, we’ve attempted to list as many of them as we could notice and scribble down in the darkened theater. Let us know in the comments if you find ones we missed, of which there are surely more than a few. Here Are All the References in Ready Player One* Minecraft: The popular video game is one the many worlds gamers in the film can visit as part of the OASIS virtual-reality system. (Find Minecraft Games & Merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/MinecraftStuffEbay) Batman: The protagonist, Wade Watts, tells us one can hang out with a virtual Batman inside OASIS, and we see him climbing Mount Everest. The Batmobile from the 1960s Batman TV show is seen in a virtual race. (Find Batman comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BatmanComics) The Joker: Wade’s virtual avatar is briefly modded to look like the Batman villain. Someone else in a Joker avatar hangs out in a virtual nightclub. (Find Joker comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JokerComics) Harley Quinn: Seen in the virtual nightclub. (Find Harley Quinn comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HarleyQuinnComics) A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy Krueger seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find A Nightmare on Elmstreet comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/NightmareOnElmStreetComics) Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find Friday the 13th comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FridayThe13thComics) Star Trek: OASIS creator James Halliday has a Star Trek–themed funeral. Later, we see a Klingon bat’leth weapon on a windowsill. (Find Star Trek comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StarTrekComics) Street Fighter: Logo seen in a marketplace for gamers. Characters Ryu and Chun-Li make appearances as player avatars in fights. A character uses Ryu’s famed “hadouken” fireball to attack someone. (Find Street Fighter comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StreetFighterComics) Speed Racer: Speed’s car, the Mach 5, is seen in a virtual race. (Find Speed Racer comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpeedRacerComics) Bigfoot: The famous monster truck is seen in a virtual race. (Find Bigfoot comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BigFootComics) Back to the Future: Wade drives a virtual DeLorean. A modified Rubik’s Cube called a Zemeckis Cube (named after Back to the Future director Robert Zemeckis) allows a character to travel back in time. (Find Back to the Future comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BackToTheFutureComics) Tron: A light-cycle is seen in a virtual race. (Find Tron comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TronComics) Akira: A motorcycle modeled after Kaneda’s is seen in a virtual race. (Find Akira comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AkiraComicsEbay) Jurassic Park: The T. rex is seen as an obstacle in a virtual race. (Find Jurassic Park comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JurassicParkComics) King Kong: Seen in as an obstacle in a virtual race. (Find King Kong comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/KingKongComics) Last Action Hero: Characters race past a marquee advertising a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character. (Find The Last Action Hero movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/LastActionHeroStuff) The Iron Giant: The titular robot is a weapon built by Wade’s friend Aech. (Find Iron Giant comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/IronGiantComics) Battlestar Galactica: The 1970s version of the Galactica ship is seen as a virtual toy. (Find Battlestar Galactica comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BSGComics) Alien: A chestburster is used by Wade’s love interest, Artemis. (Find Alien comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AliensComics) Aliens: Space-marine spaceship the Sulaco is seen as a virtual toy. (Find Alien toys on eBay - http://bit.ly/AliensStuff) Silent Running: Spaceship Valley Forge is seen as a virtual toy. (Find the Silent Running movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/SilentRunningStuff) Dune: The planet Arrakis is mentioned as a virtual destination. (Find Dune comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DuneComics) Goldeneye: The video game is mentioned as Halliday’s favorite. (He prefers the “slappers only” mode.) (Find the Goldeneye N64 video game on eBay - http://bit.ly/GoldeneyeN64Game) Superman: Wade’s avatar is briefly modded to look like Clark Kent. (Find Superman comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SupermanComics) Spider-Man: Wade mentions that he was given an alliterative name to sound like Spidey’s alter ego Peter Parker or … (Find Spider-Man comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/Spider-ManComics) The Incredible Hulk: … the Hulk’s, Bruce Banner. (Find Incredible Hulk comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/IncredibleHulkComics) Looney Tunes: Young Halliday is seen near a Marvin the Martian toy. (Find Looney Tunes comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/LooneyTunesComics) Space Invaders: Halliday is repeatedly seen wearing a shirt advertising the game. (Find Space Invaders shirts on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpaceInvadersStuff) Asteroids: Mentioned by Halliday’s business partner, Ogden Morrow. (Find Asteroids games on eBay - http://bit.ly/AsteroidsStuff) Galaga: Poster for the game seen in Halliday and Morrow’s offices. (Find Galaga games & merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/GalagaStuff) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure: Halliday mentions the film. (Find Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BillAndTedsComics) Star Wars: Stormtroopers briefly seen as avatars in a battle royale. R2-D2 toy seen on a floor. (Find Star Wars comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StarWarsComicsEbay) Borderlands: Unspecified game accoutrements available in a virtual marketplace. (Find Borderlands comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BorderlandsComics) Overwatch: Unspecified game accoutrements available in a virtual marketplace. (Find Overwatch comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/OverwatchComics) War of the Worlds: A crashed Martian ship is the site of a virtual meeting. (Find War of the Worlds comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/WarOfTheWorldsComics) Tootsie Pop: A character mentions the candy as a metaphor. (Find Tootsie Pops on eBay - http://bit.ly/TootsiePops) Knight Rider: The car, KITT, is briefly seen. (Find Knight Rider comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/KnightRiderComics) Beetlejuice: Title character seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Beetlejuice comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BeetlejuiceComics) Mortal Kombat: Goro seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Mortal Kombat comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MortalKombatComics) The Dark Crystal: Mentioned by Halliday. (Find The Dark Crystal comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheDarkCrystalComics) Citizen Kane: Multiple references to Rosebud. (Find the Citizen Kane movie on eBay - http://bit.ly/CitizenKaneStuff) Purple Rain: Wade briefly dresses as Prince’s character. (Find Prince comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/PurpleRainStuffEbay) Mad Max: Mentioned. (Find Mad Max comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MadMaxComicsEbay) Gremlins: Graffiti related to the film briefly seen. (Find Gremlins merchandise on eBay - http://bit.ly/GremlinsStuff) Christine: The titular car from the 1983 Stephen King adaptation is seen in a virtual race. (Find Stephen King comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/StephenKingComics) “Thriller” music video: Wade briefly dresses as Michael Jackson’s character. (Find Michael Jackson comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MichaelJacksonComics) Duran Duran: Wade briefly dresses as a band member. (Find Duran Duran comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DuranDuranStuff) The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension: Wade dresses as the title character for an extended period of time. (Find Buckaroo Banzai comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BuckarooBanzaiComics) Battletoads: Titular toads seen as avatars. (Find Battletoads comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BattletoadsStuff) Saturday Night Fever: An extended dance sequence is based on the film, complete with Bee Gees soundtrack. (Find Saturday Night Fever comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SaturdayNightFeverStuff) The Breakfast Club: Mentioned by the villain, Nolan Sorrento. (Find The Breakfast Club comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/BreakfastClubStuff) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: Mentioned by Sorrento. (Find Ferris Bueller's Day Off comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FerrisBuellersDayOffStuff) Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Mentioned by Wade. (Find Fast Times at Ridgemont High comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/FastTimesAtRidgemontHighStuff) Animal House: Mentioned by Wade. (Find Animal House comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/AnimalHouseStuff) Robotron: Mentioned by Sorrento. (Find Robotron comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/RobotronStuff) Joy Division: Band T-shirt seen on Art3mis’s real-life body. (Find Joy Division comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JoyDivisionStuff) Dungeons and Dragons: A virtual space is named after the role-playing game’s creator, Gary Gygax. A 20-sided die is briefly seen. (Find Dungeons and Dragons comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/DAndDComics) The Fly: The 1986 remake is mentioned as a film Halliday once saw. (Find The Fly comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheFlyComics) Say Anything: Mentioned as a film Halliday once saw. (Find Say Anything comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SayAnythingStuff) Simon Says: The classic toy is seen as a possession of Halliday’s. (Find Simon comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SimonSaysStuff) Thundercats: Wade wears a belt referencing the show. (Find Thundercats comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ThundercatsComics) Hello Kitty: A sticker for the brand is seen on a motorcycle. (Find Hello Kitty comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HelloKittyComics) The Shining: An extended sequence is set in a replica of the Overlook Hotel. (Find The Shinning comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TheShinningStuff) Punk’d: Aech mentions “being punk’d.” (Find Punk'd comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/PunkdStuff) Nancy Drew: Mentioned by a character. (Find Nancy Drew comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/NancyDrewComics) Atari 2600: Becomes a crucial plot point when it’s revealed that Halliday has hidden a key to beating OASIS in a virtual version of one of the antiquated system’s games. (Find the Atari 2600 on eBay - http://bit.ly/Atari2600Ebay) Centipede: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Centipede Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/CentipedeAtari2600) Pitfall: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Pitfall Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/PitfallAtari2600) Swordquest: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Swordquest Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/SwordquestAtari2600) Motorcross: An Atari 2600 game mentioned by Sorrento’s underlings. (Find the Motorcross Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/MotorcrossAtari2600) Adventure: An Atari 2600 game that is crucial to the ending. (Find the Adventure Atari 2600 game on eBay - http://bit.ly/AdventureAtari2600) Spawn: Seen as an avatar in a battle royale. (Find Spawn comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SpawnComics) Child’s Play: Chucky is used as a weapon during a battle royale. (Find Child's Play comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ChildsPlayComics) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The versions of the characters from the recent film reboot are seen as avatars during a battle royale. (Find Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TNMTComics) Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla: Sorrento morphs into Mechagodzilla during a battle royale. (Find Godzilla comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/GodzillaComicsEbay) Gundam: Wade’s ally Daito morphs into a Gundam robot during a battle royale. (Find Gundam comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/GundamComics) Madballs: A madball is used as a weapon in a battle royale. (Find Madball comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MadballsComics) Terminator 2: Judgment Day: While sinking into a pit of lava, the Iron Giant gives a thumbs up. (Find Terminator comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/TerminatorComics) Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Wade uses the Holy Hand Grenade in a virtual fight. (Find Monty Python & the Holy Grail Stuff on eBay - http://bit.ly/MontyPythonHolyGrailStuff) Mario Kart: Aech jokingly mentions the game during a car chase. (Find Mario comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/MarioKartStuff) Joust: Poster for the game seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Joust comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/JoustStuff) Raiders of the Lost Ark: Poster for the film seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Raiders of the Lost Ark comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/RaidersLostArkStuff) Forbidden Planet: Toy robot from the film seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Forbidden Planet comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/ForbiddenPlanetComics) Pac-Man: Poster for the game seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find Pac-Man comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/Pac-ManStuff) 2112: Poster for the Rush album is seen in Halliday’s childhood bedroom. (Find 2112 comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/2112Stuff) The A-Team: Van seen in a virtual race. (Find The A-Team comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/A-TeamComics) Halo: Soldiers seen as a group’s avatars. (Find Halo comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/HaloComics) Sonic the Hedgehog: Title character seen as someone’s avatar. (Find Sonic the Hedghog comics on eBay - http://bit.ly/SonicTheHedgehogComics)   Source Read the full article
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