#been meaning to post this for a few weeks and seeing worm post theirs was a sign
slemhosta · 1 year
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Gaze upon this image and weep
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wraithdance · 4 days
Hi! I wanted to ask for some advice from someone like you (I've been reading your fics like they're water and I'm parched) since I’m pretty new to this fandom.
I wrote a one-shot that blew up—got around 600 notes, which feels huge for a newbie like me. I was ridiculously excited about it. But then, a few weeks later, someone wrote a very similar one. It was much shorter (mine was around 10k words, theirs around 1k), but the setting, key sentences, and overall theme felt blatantly copied.
And it got, like, 5k notes in a week.
I know I shouldn’t fixate on engagement numbers, but honestly, it stung. On one hand, I’m flattered that I might have inspired someone so much that they recreated my work, but on the other hand... at least tag me, you know? Of course, I can’t be 100% sure they saw my fic and copied it, but some parts are so similar that I can’t help but think it’s not just a coincidence.
I dunno. I wanted to ask—if something like this happened to you, what would you do?
Feel free to trash this if it’s not something you want to weigh in on. Won't take it to heart! I’m just feeling a bit lost.
Oof I’m so sorry friend! Putting my reply under the cut 😔
Yeah so that exact scenario has happened to me a couple times now and I ended up unfollowing the people in the moment because it hurt my feelings pretty badly.
like you, I’m still new to the fandom and idk my work means so much to me because it all comes from personal experience. It really sucks to work so hard on something and feel like it amounts to nothing because someone else managed to say it differently or they’re more popular than you are. So I understand completely why you’d feel hurt.
Now that I’ve gotten over the big emotions I can acknowledge that sometimes ppl forget where they got a lil brain worm from. talking it out with my friends I personally just moved on because the effort it would take to prove it was an intentional intellectual theft would have been exhausting because people are biased and no one likes making accusations/being accused.
I’ve actually not been able to touch one of my fics that I felt like got snagged because it makes me feel bad.
You personally don’t have to take that route though and if you feel it’s blatant enough I’d message the person and ask them to please credit you at the very least!
At the end of the day you know why you created your work and there’s nothing anyone can drop that will take away your ability to tell the story your way. So please keep writing no matter what you decide!!
Check your notes on your original posts and see if they reblogged or liked the work before they made theirs, that’s how I confirmed that the person who recreated something similar saw mine first and that at least helped me stop gaslighting myself.
I’m so sorry friend, after I post this I’m gonna ask others what their thoughts are because I’d actually like a varied opinion too 🥹
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smooth-goat · 2 years
(from this post)
so many !! jfdskl;a
😅 What’s a story or scene you’ve created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
I don’t really like “Sweetpeas and Daffodils”, tbh. I mean, I leave it up but since it was pretty venty I got it out quickly and don’t like it all that much—it’s just kind of boring naval gazing imo 
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
When you’re not sure if love is enough! When there’s so much love and a desire to make things work, but you just don’t know if you can work though something—Moomintroll and Snufkin wrt Sisu, but also Snufkin and his parents! I just love the tragedy of it. 
On The Other Paw, I also really love when someone can just step in no matter what. More of a personal thing for me, I think, being disabled in a way that is socially viewed as, if not needy, then gross. So moments like when Moomintroll holds Snufkin’s face after Snufkin vomits in “acacia & asphodel” chapter 7 hit in a really personal way for me. 
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers? 
Tbh I don’t think so? Closest thing I can think of is ambiguous endings, but I don’t do that playfully, but rather because I just love reading and writing ambiguous endings; I think they’re more interesting. Okay with more reflection, definitely the cliffhanger between the two fics in the Ginger Tea series. Not so much the ambiguity at the ending of the first piece, but playing coy in the comments about what the decision would be even though I knew jfdklsa 
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
A few! Especially in “chlorine & corticosteroids”, where I had a lot of fun with Lake and Jesse’s banter. But I also do like this exchange in my Owl House beekeeping AU (that I haven’t finished fjdlsa)
“You said this hive’s been here for, what, six weeks?” he asks, after a moment. He has to speak up over the buzzing. 
“Mm-hmm.” She nods, too, even though he’s not looking at her. His peripheral vision can’t be that good in that veil. 
“Yeah, it’s been here way longer than that.” 
“Really? How long?” 
He hums for a moment, peering down into the gutted floor. “Two, three years?” 
“Years?” she repeats, dumbfounded. How could she not have noticed? “How can you tell?” 
Hunter pulls a funny little crowbar out from his pocket. He shrugs. “Lotta bees.”  I also like this unpublished exchange from “acacia & asphodel”, which makes me chuckle: 
Snufkin sets Sisu down on the carpet before unbuttoning his winter coat. He glances over to see Aliisa sitting cross-legged on the couch beside a scraggly cat, a deadpan expression on the witch’s face as she scrolled through… Vine? The one with the videos.
Snufkin opens the coat closet door. Closes it again. Turns to his roommate.
“Why is there a cat.”
“Her name is Talvi,” Aliisa corrects, her tone as if they’ve had this conversation before. “She lives here now.”Snufkin sighs and puts away his coat before bending down to help Sisu out of theirs. He tries to ignore the pain in his fingers “Do you know how expensive it is to own a cat? Especially one off the streets? It’s probably full of worms.”
“You’re full of worms.” 
Snufkin lets that one lie.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Fdsjkfl;sad awwwwww I think I’m good at mood and tension! Creating an atmosphere that fills a scene, yk? Like the second chapter of “acacia & asphodel”, where Snufkin’s taking the pregnancy tests and turning them over one by one. 
I also like the Completely Unnecessary Research I do—mostly I just have fun doing it, but I think extra little details like adding travel times or medicine side effects or regional dress naturally make something more fleshed-out and grounded.  
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
One thing I notice in my writing is that I don’t often use attributive tags, like “he said” or “she yelled”—stuff like that. Usually I instead put an action that character is doing, frequently a fidget, which I try to make different for each character.  Another style thing I notice is a focus on timing developed by punctuation—forcing a little pause with sentence fragments and paragraph breaks. I think that’s a thing coming from how I type casually online, like on discord. 
With themes and imagery and emotions and such, I think I put a lot of emphasis on unsaid things—unsaid by prose or by characters. Like, trying to make this atmosphere of “elephant in the room”. What is the thing that so obviously needs to be said butcannot. Obviously, that complements Snufkin’s character very well when I write him, but I also have that a bit in my Infinity Train writing, like when Jesse is shaving Lake’s hair, and there’s thisshift in the relationship between them, where they’re becoming closer but neither are really going to acknowledge the intimacy of the act, and instead showing the lasting impact of it (and also Lake’s influence on Jesse in general) by mentioning little bits of Lake’s hair clinging to him on the bus ride home. It’s about Symbolism. It’s about Implications. 
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I’m not sure! I don’t really think I’ve written any? I don’t know, I feel like all my stuff was pretty predictable, but maybe that’s just cause I know what’s gonna happen in them.       But if I’m picking one, probably Black Cohosh? Just because it has a few pretty dramatic plot points, and its subject matter isn’t something that’s very popular in the fandom, so it might be a little more surprising for a reader. 
But also I think the experience of reading Ginger Tea when it was coming out was probably a bit of a ride, not knowing that Snufkin would do. 
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I wouldn’t really say “scrapped”, but I definitely have different things I’ve put on the back burner for even a few years, including one where Moominpappa builds a ramp up to Moominhouse, which I do like but just sdfjkl Haven’t finished it. ForIvy Garlands, though, I have a few paragraphs because it was originally just going to be their first birthday in Moomin Valley: 
It was everything Sisu deserved. 
And nothing he could provide. 
 Snufkin remembered Sisu’s second birthday, spent traveling back to Moominvalley, stowing away on a cargo ship from Gda?sk to Helsinki, covering his kit’s mouth to hide their cries while Soviet officers examined the ship from stem to stern for contraband and stowaways. 
He remembered their first birthday, when Snufkin hadn’t eaten in at least two days. The winter freeze hung long and firm, and he could only gather enough for Sisu. They screamed and screamed, garnering the attention of the fillyjonk bakery owners who turned their noses up at the scrappy mumrikar tramp with the bastard infant. A younger fillyjonk had snuck into the woods several hours later, finding the father and child fishing on the lake. She had brought them a handful of ptasie mleczko—which quickly because Sisu’s favorite sweet—and apologized for her aunt’s behavior before slipping away once more.  
He remembered seeing Sisu for the first time, loving them in an automatic, hollow way; cradling them in his paws like they could break. He remembered their cries, the pain, the blood, the darkness. He remembered the kind moomins of Zalipie bathing him and feeding him when he didn’t have the energy or will to do so himself. Snufkin remembered the disinterest, the distance, the resentment he felt for the little creature with which he shared blood. Over the years, his love for them filled out and developed, overflowing his heart—his entire body; it pushed out the resentment. Almost all of it.
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
Special interests ! I’m always putting in medical stuff or dress history or beekeeping in there even when it doesn’t have a reason jfkdals I just Have to get it in there. 
Also, difficult parental relationships, I’m noticing! Snufkin with his parents, who he feels neglected and abandoned by; Moomintroll’s parents, who he feels don’t take him seriously; Tulip and Lake’s parents in “c&c”, who’ve done a poor job of keeping their children out of their divorce. I think people tend to depict parents as either all good or all evil, but much more realistic and interesting is when parents are people who just can have difficult times and screw up, and that a parent/child relationship is like any other: something that has ups and downs, takes work, and is a two-way street (which is complicated by the power dynamic in a really interesting way). 
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
“Yellow Rainflower”, I think! It’s just really hard to see such a big fallout between Snufkin and Moomintroll. Every time I was writing a fight scene between them, I’d reach a point where I could start to wrap it up Or escalate it further, and I just kept escalating it. Not even really as an active decision—it just kept Coming Out jfdskla 
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spectraldragon2024 · 4 years
Finding Peace Q/A
Questions and Answers: (WARNING: Many of these questions and answers have spoilers for Finding Peace.)
Q: How did Whiteout find out about the Realm Between and the Dream World? I thought only Adder and his close contacts knew.
A: A personal headcanon of mine is that the NightWings were one of the few tribes in Darkstalker’s era that focused on advanced theories in the same way scientists today have theories about Darkmatter. In Finding Peace: One of these theories was about the concept of there being worlds that existed parallel to the world dragons inhabited. Even when the NightWings relocated to the volcanic island, NightWing philosophers did not abandon these theories overnight since it’s implied the volcano did not become active until centuries later. In her twilight years, she would learn about this theory (which came from a NightWing philosopher’s circle that was formed by the students of the Seer Omniscience, a controversial Seer in NightWing history.) While Whiteout was not a Somnus, not knowing the full nature of these worlds, she eventually gained access to the Realm Between. How she exactly gained access to this realm is something I plan to explore in later stories. However, I can explain how she managed to communicate with her brother across the centuries. In the Realm Between: Time is a concept, not a law. This means those who enter the Realm, whether physically or mentally, can communicate with individuals from across time. But to do so requires two individuals to be in the same location of the realm. By sacrificing her foresight, Whiteout was able to use the Realm Between to communicate with Peacemaker through various times. The final time Whiteout speaks to Peacemaker is a month before her passing.
Q: Are we going to see Moon have that important conversation with Qibli? It was left open-ended in the final Winglet.
A: Yes, I can say with absolute certainty that we will see this conversation. However, what will happen after this conversation will be up in the air. Going into the Winglet: I wanted to show that even though characters like Moon and Qibli have their “Happy Ending”, that does not necessarily mean all trials are done when a relationship begins. In Darkness of Dragons, I felt that there were some unresolved points of concern in Moon and Qibli’s personalities that I imagine would cause their newfound relationship to suffer if those concerns aren’t addressed. Ms. Sutherland once said that because both Moon and Qibli are young dragons, anything can happen between the end of Darkness of Dragons and fifty years later. Some core issues that have caused Moon and Qibli to hit a bump in their relationship stems from differing priorities. Moon is a representative and the only active Seer in the world. Her word is valued by not just the Queens of Phyrria, but Pantala as well. But she knows this isn���t just going to be her future, that there is more on the horizon. She wants the perfect ending with Qibli...but she focuses too much on that ending and tries to take steps to make it perfect.
On the other talon, you have Qibli. Despite his love and loyalty to Moon and his friends, Thorn remains the big centerpiece of his world. After all, Thorn was his mother figure who brought him out of an unstable life. He owes everything to her. That means he will be what Thorn needs him to be: An advisor, a soldier...he will be any of those. Unfortunately, this means he puts a lot of other things on the back burner, his relationship with Moon in particular. This causes a lot of distance between the two. Into the Darkness and Our Sanctuary will not show this much-needed conversation, as these stories will follow Turtle, Kinkajou, and Winter’s storylines respectively. But as I write Braving the Tempest, I do hope to write a story that runs parallel to it that shows Winter, Qibli, and Moon...and how their subplot resolves.
Q: In the Winglet that focuses on Tempest's POV: You have her meet Clearsight. During the conversation, it looks like Tempest blames Clearsight for what happened to Darkstalker. I was wondering if you believe this and if you think Darkstalker did nothing wrong?
A: Do I hate Clearsight? No, absolutely not. I thought she was a very intelligent dragon with a good heart. She loved Darkstalker and tried to turn him from the dark path he was on. I do not blame her for Darkstalker's descent into madness. Darkstalker's actions were his own, he had every opportunity to turn back and be happy. He was the only obstacle to his happiness (as Peacemaker pointed out.) That being said, while Darkstalker is the cause of his madness and sadness, I do believe Clearsight could have helped convince him to abandon his ambitions and to just be happy. The scene in question was not meant to be a sign of hatred, but rather a critique of Clearsight's decisions leading up to Darkstalker's descent. When I originally wrote the scene, I wrote it with something in mind that Tui herself once said in a Q/A Biohazardia was in and posted on their Deviant Art page. The Question asked was along the lines of what could have Clearsight have done to turn Darkstalker away from his path. Tui answered that she believed that Clearsight did love Darkstalker, but deep down she did not trust him. That was the point of the earring she had Darkstalker give her in order to keep him from reading her mind. Tui thought that, if Clearsight had shown the visions she was afraid of, then Darkstalker could have chosen a better path. I admit while Darkstalker was to blame for his actions (nobody else made him kill Arctic, that was his decision, and his alone.) I do think things could have been different as Tui said. But I like to think Clearsight knew that if she had trusted him enough to share her visions, then maybe Darkstalker could have changed. Instead of focusing so much on the future Darkstalker (good or bad) and focused on the dragon, she loved in the present, then maybe things could have been different. When Tempest and Clearsight did meet in Tempest's limbo state, Clearsight used the personality she had while she knew Darkstalker as a way to test to see how far Tempest would go for Peacemaker. The reason she tested Tempest, was because the SeaWing had a personality Clearsight wished she had when she knew Darkstalker: And that was to focus on the present. That was the basis of Clearsight's personality after she arrived on Pantala. She urged her descendants to live their lives, day by day. The future was theirs to write. With Tempest, she needed to make sure that she held firm in her beliefs, that she could save Peacemaker even if the future was dark. So while I believe Clearsight could have done things differently, I want to make it clear that I do not consider her responsible for Darkstalker's own actions
Q: Will you explore quantum mechanics in future stories? (i.e. Time Travel.)
A: While I think time travel would be an interesting concept in Wings of Fire, unfortunately, it's not one I will be exploring in The Darkest Eclipse AU. My thoughts on time travel as a plot device are that it is a can of worms, one if not handled correctly can leave the readers confused (I know I have left many unanswered questions in Finding Peace, but that was simply because the answers to those questions I felt would be better explored outside of Peacemaker's POV). While there are ways for individuals from the past to communicate with someone in the future (such as Whiteout reaching out to Peacemaker throughout the story) there is no way for individuals from the future to physically travel to the past. The Darkest Eclipse prophecy focuses more on the Paranormal and how it relates to established magic and laws of physics in Wings of Fire canon (like how Somnus magic interacts with Animus magic.) That being said, if I were to explore Time Travel: I would follow the theory that time is a closed loop (as in the past cannot be changed, it has already been decided, and that any changes done to the timeline must occur in the future). This, I feel, can be properly explained and leave little confusion for the reader.
Q: TempestMaker or PeaceCliff?
A: Wait, there are ship names?
Jokes aside, I will say that at the end of Finding Peace: Peacemaker does not view Cliff or Tempest in a romantic light. He does love them as much as he loves his mother and Moon, they are important dragons to him and he cannot imagine his life without them. But he does not love them romantically. Will this change in the future? Likely. But for now, Peacemaker is not in the right space mentally to have a romantic relationship. He needs to discover what he wants with his life now that he is free to make it, discover what he wants to do with his future. Once all of the uncertainty in his life is cleared up, that could change.
Q: Apple Juice or Orange Juice? Also: Any tips for keeping a decent writing schedule?
A: I like both, but I lean heavily towards apple juice (always nice to start and end the day with something sweet to drink, but nothing too unhealthy.)
When it comes to writing schedules: What I did with Finding Peace was setting up deadlines for myself. I have always worked well under the knowledge that I have a deadline that I need to meet. Now, that being said, my preferred deadlines may not be for everyone. One of my best friends and colleagues, DONOVAN94, is able to get chapters for her stories out in a single week when she has everything planned out and ready! But that is because she has chapters outlined, and afterward all she needs to do is write in critical info. This works for her, but I always focused on posting one chapter a month. Now I explored posting multiple chapters in a month during the tail end of Finding Peace. While it worked out okay, it left me exhausted...and honestly, I am still tired after doing it.
All in all: My biggest advice to writers (whether fanfiction or writers who want to become published) is to work at your own pace. Set deadlines for yourself that you think you can meet, and never hesitate to experiment.
Q: Who is Omniscience? He is only mentioned at the end of the story when you posted The Darkest Eclipse Prophecy.
A: Omniscience was a NightWing seer who lived during the founding of the NightWing tribe, many centuries before Darkstalker’s era. During Darkstalker and Clearsight’s generation: Omniscience is regarded as one of the wisest seers in NightWing history, as well as the most controversial. Omniscience was born on a night when all three moons were full, but entered a “Thrice Lunar Eclipse'', with each moon eclipsing the other. Instead of receiving both mindreading and foresight NightWing abilities, Omniscience received only the power of foresight. However, because all three moons were technically full that night: The eclipse basically “overcharged” Omniscience’s foresight. This allowed him to see multiple millennia into the future with clarity even Clearsight did not have. However, despite this great power: Omniscience suffered from severe psychosis, causing him great difficulty in his early life to tell the difference between his visions, tricks of the mind, and reality. It’s because of his friends and family’s support did Omniscience learn to embrace his entire self, and became one of the wisest seers in NightWing history. He was controversial because of his philosophy that a wise Seer is not one who tries to map out the future for other dragons, but those who embrace the unknown of the future. In his prophecies he did not address large audiences, but instead, his prophecies addressed dragons in the future, offering them wisdom in difficult times he saw them face. The Darkest Eclipse Prophecy is one of his two final prophecies, alongside another prophecy. These two prophecies have long since been stored in a secret archive, somewhere in Phyrria.
Q: Which character was difficult for you to write in Finding Peace?
A: This might come off as strange, but the one character that was difficult to write throughout Finding Peace was actually Peacemaker himself. The reason this is the case centers around the circumstances of his “birth.” While, in canon, he is not the first year-old dragonet we have seen: But he is the first that was born out of Animus magic and his personality was made from that magic. While we have witnessed the perspective of those influenced by Animus enchantments (when Winter very briefly became Pyrite), Peacemaker is different as he will be living his life following an enchantment. Throughout Finding Peace, I had to balance the enchantment’s dictations and, yet, try to write Peacemaker so he was not simply someone being dictated by magic. In the end: I settled for the enchantment is in place in certain areas of his personality, while making Peacemaker strong-willed enough to actually have a choice of what he likes (as seen when he starts to show interest in food outside of strawberries or standing his ground when his friends were harassed.)
Q: Which is strongest: Animus or Somnus Magic?
A: At their core: Animus and Somnus magic are equal and capable of the same things. However, because of the rules around magic in the AU: It is too dangerous to use Animus magic in the Dream World, or Somnus Magic in the Waking World. As shown in Finding Peace: If you use them in worlds where they are not meant to exist, those worlds will seek to eliminate the magic and its user. The only place both magics can coexist safely in is The Realm Between, where it’s believed both magic originated from. In Finding Peace’s climax this happens, and from there: The power of the magic all depends on the skill of the user. So, long story short, neither magic is stronger than the other. While both magics have advantages and disadvantages depending on the realm of existence the user is currently located in when they are on the same playing field both magics would be left at a standstill.
Q: Most Peacemaker centric fics have Peacemaker be best friends with both Prince Cliff and Princess Auklet, why wasn’t Auklet in the story?
A: Truth is, Auklet was originally going to be one of Peacemaker’s friends in the Quartz Winglet. In my original outline: The main trio would have been Peacemaker, Cliff, and Auklet. Tempest was going to be The Jade Mountain Academy’s counselor, in which she used her Somnus magic to see what bothered the minds of the students. However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt Tempest would have a better role as a Clawmate of Peacemaker and Cliff.
Q: Are Tempest and Cliff reincarnations of Clearsight and Fathom?
A: Yes, Tempest and Cliff are both spiritual reincarnations. While they do not physically resemble Clearsight and Fathom, their spirits are connected to the two dragons. When I drafted Tempest and Cliff’s interactions with the spirits of the two dragons who had such a significant impact on Darkstalker’s life, I drew inspiration from the belief that reincarnation is spiritual, rather than physical (like pouring water from one cup into another cup.) Now, it’s important to note that while they are reincarnations of Clearsight and Fathom, this does not mean Tempest and Cliff are actually those two dragons. Rather, it just means their souls are similar. This allowed Tempest to speak with Clearsight, and Cliff speaks with Fathom when they were in a state of limbo.
Q: Where were Turtle, Kinkajou, and Peril during Finding Peace?
A: Peril is currently living in the Sky Kingdom. While she and Clay live together in the Academy, for the last few months Peril has been staying in the Sky Kingdom...waiting for an important day to occur. Once this day happens, she will be returning to her home in Jade Mountain.
As for Turtle and Kinkajou: Their whereabouts during Finding Peace will be addressed in Into the Darkness. But I will say that what is happening by the climax of Finding Peace is not good for Turtle or Kinkajou.
Q: Why did you include Somnus magic in Finding Peace?
A: When writing Finding Peace, I took into consideration how I could allow bits of Darkstalker’s memories and personality could bleed into Peacemaker. Given the nature of the enchantment, it would not be as simple as putting on a copy of Qibli’s enchanted earrings (Tui confirmed that Peacemaker would die if he put on the earrings.) So I needed to come up with a way that could allow Peacemaker’s slow rediscovery of his past life: And that was with the inclusion of Somnus magic and Adder, while also implying Peacemaker’s strong will allowed only part of the enchantment to take effect (it’s been shown that dragons with strong wills can overcome Animus enchantments.) With Adder tormenting Peacemaker’s dreams by pushing memories of Darkstalker into his mind via dreams, Peacemaker would still be Peacemaker, but the Somnus magic allowed that anguish and confusion in his mind to occur. Needless to say, I was nervous about the introduction of Somnus magic, as I felt readers might think I was “Jumping the shark.” In order to make Somnus magic make sense, I focused on the rules and limitations of this magic and how it interacted with Animus magic. This way Somnus magic is not instantly more powerful than magic from canon.
Q: Why did the group of bandits refer to Lynx and Bobcat as “Cursed ones” in the Winglets for Finding Peace? Why is there a group dedicated to killing them?
A: In the Darkest Eclipse AU there exist multiple secret societies that are aware of the paranormal of the world (such as The Dream World and Realm Between, though they are typically named differently depending on the organization.) As for this particular group, the Bandits that raid the border between the Sand and Ice Kingdoms hunt for the paranormal while seeking to make a profit off of them. As for why this organization targetted Lynx, in particular, has less to do with who she was as a dragon, but everything to do with her ancestry. As Qibli and Hailstorm discovered: Lynx is descended from the Somnus bloodline, making her a very distant cousin of Surf’s family. When she traveled from the Ice Kingdom to Sanctuary, the bandits targetted and killed her because of this bloodline...and the fact that she was married to Winter, who has ancestors from a line of animus dragons. As for why the bandits would want to kill Bobcat: in essence, he is a dragonet of the Somnus and Animus bloodlines. While Lynx does not have an active Somnus Gene, and Winter does not have an active Animus Gene, the bandits viewed this union as cursed, as no dragon has ever seen an Animus or Somnus descendant have a dragonet. Fearing what they do not understand, the bandits killed Lynx to prevent the hatching of a dragonet of the Somnus and Animus bloodlines. Ultimately the bandits failed in the objective of killing Bobcat before he hatched: As the last act Lynx did before succumbing to her wounds, was hiding her son’s egg in a place Qibli would find when he, Hailstorm, Winter, and guards of the boarder arrived.
As for if Bobcat’s existence will remain secret to the bandits and other groups like them: That remains to be seen.
Q: Are there any more stories planned for The Quartz Winglet? Will we see Peacemaker’s life in the Sky Kingdom with Cliff, or the Quartz Winglet reuniting during the Winter Solstice festival in the Sky Kingdom?
A: Yes, to all.
Sometime before the summer: I plan to do a short story that takes place two weeks after the end of Finding Peace, in which we see a day in Peacemaker’s life in the Sky Kingdom and how he is faring. I feel this short is important as it will show one last POV dedicated to Peacemaker and how he is starting to rebuild his life.
We will definitely continue to follow The Quartz Winglet in future stories. Braving the Tempest will follow Tempest’s point of view and show the Quartz Winglet reuniting in the Sky Kingdom during the winter solstice festival. The relationships between these young dragons will continue to progress in the sequel to Finding Peace, named Braving the Tempest, and I look forward to showing you all what new adventures they will have in the future.
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skinks · 5 years
hi your dilfworth fic is amazing and i love baby richie... my favourite is the tidbit about richie eating a worm that eddie gave him 🥺 obviously u don’t have to but if u have any more thoughts/headcanons about baby richie and baby eddie i would melt into a puddle ❤️
thank you, I had so much fun writing that one! and yeah, I couldn’t possibly include baby Richie without Eddie, the little gruesome twosome.
Richie probably does that a lot with stuff Eddie gives him, drawings and little bits of grass he’s braided together, and on one memorable occasion almost the little navy frogman diver that Eddie got in his cornflakes, but Eddie already had one so he gave the second to Richie. Except it’s one of those ones that swells in liquid, uh oh. Luckily Maggie snatched it away before Richie could swallow it lmao, but that’s the thing;
Richie loves the things Eddie gives him so he wants to Consume them. That’s why he was biting Went’s arm in the fic, why he ate the worm and also why he’s always gnawing on Eddie when they’re tiny, or chasing him to try and envelop him in his shirt. And it’s just one of those games, y’know? Like, Eddie can SEE it’s just Richie holding his too-big Sesame Street shirt up and open like a butterfly net or the flapping gilly mouth of a whale shark, and it’s Richie going raaaarr but Eddie still shrieks and runs! He’s giggling but it’s like, in the inbetween clock ticks, when he’s looking forward instead of back over his shoulder at Richie it’s still Pursuit, he believes in the Richiesaurus coming to get him. It always does, too, swamps him up in its flapping gills until they’re two noisy boy-lumps sharing one shirt, because Eddie lets it eat him. Because the Richiesaurus isn’t a mean monster, it’s just hungry, so hungry, and it only eats spaghetti because spaghetti is special.
Sometimes when they’re doing coloring books Richie will ask Eddie to color in his Yoda too if Richie draws some more Richie And Eddie Adventures, because Eddie’s better (not much) at keeping inside the lines. Also because Eddie’s tongue pokes out when he colors and, watching him, Richie gets this happy hungry that’s MY friend feeling that makes him lie flat on Eddie’s back until he can’t get up and give the back of his head a big kiss.
SO many naps together. They just conk out anywhere. The yard, the den, under Richie’s bunk bed, the back seat of the car as Went and Maggie drive them home from the tree farm or the public pool or Chuck E Cheese, sometimes with Stan and Bill too. Just flopped together in a pile. Richie still sucks his thumb while he sleeps and that contributes to his gaptoothed buckteeth, but Eddie carries a grey threadbare rabbit around with him or he can’t sleep. It’s called Foggy. Foggy Bunny.
One day when Eddie’s over to play, Went and Maggie are feeling indulgent and take them to the mall? Because it’s 1981 and the mall is the best? And Sonia always pulls Eddie along by the hand whenever they go, snapping don’t touch that or stay away from bad men like that but Maggie just gently ushers them from storefront to storefront and Eddie can goggle at the displays as long as he likes. Richie’s up on Went’s shoulders, and when he comes parachuting down again he says “Eddie’s turn!” Went asks Eddie if he’d like to ride on his shoulders for a little bit and Eddie nods, still not really sure how to talk to grownups, but then he’s soaring and suddenly he’s the up-highest he’s ever been.
They collect ladybugs in a shoebox one summer’s day after an aphid swarm and are carrying it carefully up the stairs, a little stumped as to what to do with them next, when Richie trips. Ladybugs everywhere, including in Eddie’s hair. Maggie comes up to see what the commotion is and makes them clean it all up, once she’s calmed Eddie down from screaming about how Richie told him ladybugs are harmless unless they go in your ears and lay their eggs.
They trade the same two lunchboxes back and forth every couple of weeks. Wacky Races for Alfred E Neuman, a roaring stock market to rival wall street. Eddie can do the Muttley laugh so easy and Richie HATES it because he can’t do that one.
Richie is the ONLY kid Eddie knows who can tell time but he always tells Eddie the wrong time. Eddie’s not sure how he knows it’s the wrong time, but he’s sure of it, and so he always steps on Richie’s laces. Then Richie just walks around with loose laces because he can’t tie them yet, but also because he just doesn’t CARE and it’s not right so Eddie always makes him sit somewhere so Eddie can tie them again. Calls Richie a butthead, but he also kinda likes it because Richie always karate chops his shoulders and says something like “I knight thee, Sir Eds-A-Lot!” and Eddie feels good and something else be doesn’t know the word for, but the word is chivalrous. He feels like he wants to do the thing in the Tom & Jerry cartoons where he puts his anorak over a puddle so Richie’s trailing laces won’t get wet.
Eddie accidentally knocks one of Richie’s baby teeth out and vice versa. Peak idiots since babiehood.
Sometimes on rainy days Maggie makes treasure hunts for them all, or just for Richie and Eddie if Bill is with his new baby brother, or Stan is at Cub Scouts. She leaves post-its with drawings and clues that lead them all over the house, and Eddie’s better at reading them but Richie’s better at problem solving... teamwork... they win a kinder egg each and Richie does almost eat his toy again by accident this time, and gets chocolate all over his shirt that’s stretched loose from being an Eddie-net so often. So he does it again, gulp, like Pac-Man. Eddie’s hair tufting out his collar and tickly on his chin, Eddie giggling and pawing his way out and hugging back instead. Because it’s not like keeping him prisoner, Richie’s not like the sea monster in Pinocchio, it’s more like a little plant taking sunshine inside it to grow stronger.
Eddie’s better at reading and he’s a fast talker unlike Bill, so he always reads the board at school and whispers what it says to Richie, sitting next to him with glasses that still aren’t quite right for school, make his head hurt and make him noisy just to feel like he’s having an impact in a room he can’t see. Don’t forget me, I’m here, I can’t see you all but I’m here too.
Sometimes on nicer days Went builds them obstacle courses in the garden, planks of wood balanced on buckets etc and Eddie ALWAYS wins once he gets over his trepidation about splinters and nails and falling a few inches onto soft grass, because he’s a nimble lil mountain goat and Richie’s laces were probably untied again. They win tinfoil trophies.
Richie convinces Eddie that a rock they find by the pond in the park one day is a dragon egg, and Eddie cradles it home to keep. Richie convinces Eddie he’s dead all the time, he’ll lie still with his tongue sticking out after a roughhousing and pretend to have little x’s over his eyes until Eddie’s shaking his shoulder with his voice gone high and reedy, and Richie will surprise him every time! Gotcha! I’m alive! Aren’t you glad I’m alive, Eddie! Weren’t you worried? I’m so important to him. And then one day Eddie brings the rock into 2nd grade show-and-tell and is stuttering about his dragon egg to the tittering class, until the teacher tells him to get back to his seat and stop being silly. Eddie stuffs the rock under his desk lid and his eyes are like dark moons with the confused hurt, and Richie feels a nasty spiky heat in his tummy that he will come to know intimately in a few years as guilt.
That day, Richie learns on some level or another how much power there is in pretending, in keeping up pretend games and having people believe you as long as you’re willing to keep it up. The thing is... he pretends so much because Eddie’s always much happier when they’re playing cops and robbers and not when he’s stuck in his stuffy church clothes and being told the whole world’s a mousetrap set just for him. He doesn’t like their teacher telling Eddie to stop being silly, he loves silly, serious, ties-laces-while-singing-bunny-foo-foo Eddie. Richie doesn’t know it, but he loves him even then. What he does know is that he’s good at pretending, and he’s safe from any big sad betrayed eyes as long as he can keep pretending he didn’t want to put a wonky, lopsided heart in Eddie’s Valentines box that year.
Eddie doesn’t talk to him for a WHOLE afternoon but then Richie draws a dragon face and wings on the rock and they’re immediately playing with it.
Eddie doesn’t have rollerskates because Sonia thinks they’re dangerous, but the others always let him borrow theirs, Stan and Richie and Bill. Richie has the closest size that would fit him even though they do have to stuff some crumpled up newspaper in the toes, but it doesn’t matter when they tie a jumprope around Richie’s middle like reins, and Eddie holds the two handles as Richie runs, and suddenly they’re charioteering at breakneck speed down the street. Eddie can feel the wind in his helmet plume as they hurtle towards the giant pile of fall leaves they spent all afternoon raking for this exact purpose, watched over by Went sitting on the porch (Went tidied the pile once they lost interest, easier for him to do since he’s not roughly half the size of the rakes.)
Their crash into the pile is a Ben-Hur epic. Eddie’s borrowed rollerskates hit the sidewalk curb and he’s airborne until he lands on soft dry crunch and Richie’s totalled body, but 6 years isn’t long enough for gravity to wreak its slow pull on your joints that makes every year harder and harder to bounce back up after you fall. They’re practically astronauts, as well as charioteers and knights and cops and robbers and monsters in love. Moonwalkers, squeaky helium laughter lifting them higher, higher than shoulders, up-highest of all.
Richie gives him the wonky Valentine’s heart, eventually. Then eats him
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Peaches - Section 1: Act 3
Peaches is an original work by ‘iguessitsavery’, also known as Avery. All characters and events in this work are fictional, no matter if they may resemble real life people or events. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021
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Section 1: Act 3
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Sona groaned as he dragged his feet through the dirt, dust picking up behind him. “Pick up your feet,” Shinosu barked, not looking away from their list, mumbling under their breath. Sona had decided to accompany Shinosu on their weekly market trip, expecting some exciting adventure, but instead was met with the bore of shopping.
Shinosu took a step towards a new stand, this one selling another ingredient they had needed for dinner. Sona dragged himself behind his friend, peering over to look a what this one was selling. Bone- broth? He had no clue what it was, and just by the name alone, it sounded gross. He gagged a bit, earning himself a swat against the back of his head from Shinosu, telling him to quit.
He shooed their hand away, readjusting his hair, before crossing his arms. “This is borin’! Why can’t we go ‘n do somethin’?” Sona whined, exaggerating himself with his arms to try and get his point across. Shinosu paid no attention to him, instead, arguing with the salesman about how his items were far overpriced.
Sona’s ears flapped against his head in annoyment, he wanted to do something, anything that wasn’t this. With a huff, he turned on his heel and began to make his own exploration around the market. He passed by a number of people who cast him glares and judging stares, immediately trying to get themselves out of his vicinity like he was ill.
He came across a paper nailed to a post, the drawings on it easily capturing his attention. He reached up high, tearing the paper from the nail and taking a look at the poster. From the drawings, it showed to people fighting with swords, an arena behind them with large words printed under them.
“Du-duel-ing, dueling. Tou-t-tour-na-ment, tournament. Dueling Tournament!” Sona’s ears flapped happily as he pronounced the words correctly. He barely knew how to read, so he was happy with himself at the small accomplishment. He couldn’t read the rest of the words, as there were too many and he didn’t understand them, but he did know what a duel was.
As he turned to run back to Shinosu, said person was walking in his direction, shoulders stiffened as they laid their eyes on the child. “The hell you been?” They asked, making quick strides over to the boy and grabbing him by the hand. “You know what they do to hybrids like you, you coulda’ been killed, boy!”
“I found ‘is poster!” He exclaimed, not fazed by how Shinosu was hastily dragging them out of the market, earning a few glances from passerby’s. Shinosu groaned as they finally exited the market, the boy’s hand held in their own. They turned towards the boy, dropping down to eye level with him. “You’re a hybrid, not a god. N’ what, what the hell you mean poster?”
With a smile, Sona handed over the poster he had snatched a few minutes prior, earning another groan from his friend. “You-you can’t be stealin’ things from the town, boy.” “Wasn’ stealin’! Jus’-jus’ borrowin’! I swear it!” SHinosu stood up again, handing the paper back to the boy and taking his hand in theirs as they began to walk in the opposite direction of the town.
“Where we goin’?” Sona asked, looking up at Shinosu as they began to make their way down another dirt road. “My place.” Sona opted to be quiet during the walk there, nothing to be heard but the sound of their footsteps and the clanking of glass in Shinosu’s bag. Shinosu much preferred the silence, opposed to Sona’s constant games of ‘20 questions’ or ‘how long can I talk before Shinosu hits me’. The walk back home was peaceful for them, the place they called home slowly coming into view between the trees.
Large fields of wheat found themselves on either side of the dirt path, Sona’s ears twitching as his head snapped from left to right, observing the area. He had never been near Shinosu’s property before, he was taking in every little thing he saw. He noted especially the scarecrow that had looked worm down and beaten in the center of the field.
In front of them laid a worn-down lighthouse, most of the windows boarded up, vines crawling up the sides, and the strong smell of the ocean wafting into Sona’s nose. He gagged again, covering his nose as he groaned, earning a chuckle from Shinsou at his misery.
The pair stepped onto the porch of the house, Shinosu quickly swinging it open as the boy ran inside. Immediately he ran over to the kitchen, climbing clumsily onto one of the stools against the counter. Shinosu sighed as they closed the door behind them, making their way over to the kitchen and setting their bag onto the counter.
As they picked out their ingredients for dinner, Sona looked around, his mouth slightly open as he admired the place. From where he sat, he could see all of the first floor. Behind his was a large bookshelf, filled up with books of all sizes. To his right was a small dining table and two chairs, both made out of wood. Could they be hand-carved?
In the far corner next to the table sat another bookshelf, this one much more empty than the one behind him, only a few rows of it filled. There was a red rug on the floor below it, and in the final corner sat a few pillows and an open book. Sona debated whether or not to get a closer look at the room, but was stopped when Shinosu started talking to him.
“Hope you like stew, m’not makin’ you anythin’ else.” His eyes widened as he focused his attention back on them, watching as they poured the bone broth they had bought earlier into a bot above the fire. “‘l eat anythin’!” He said hastily, propping himself on his hand to get a better look at the food. A mix of vegetables and meats sat in the broth and Shinosu slowly stirred the mixture, putting a pot on it to let it cook.
They turned around, focusing their attention solely on Sona, at least, that’s what he thought. He could never tell Shinosu’s emotions or feelings thanks to the mask they donned. It frustrated him.
“This place ‘s nice, you live here by yourself?” They nodded, making Sona smile wide, opening his mouth to say an idea but was quickly shut down as Shinosu waved their hand. “No, you’re not movin’ in, I got enough trouble takin’ care of you durin’ the day.”His ears visibly drooped, making him sigh as disappointment spread across his face.
Shinosu frowned underneath their mask as the boy got down from his seat, making his way to one of the bookshelves that occupied the house. His feet made dull thumps against the carpet as he walked up to the shelf, hands swishing back and forth against his sides as he looked over the books in awe.
“You read lots?” He asked, turning back around as Shinosu nodded, humming. “‘m learnin’ how to read ‘n school, s’hard.” Shinosu sighed, nodding again as they turned back to the food cooking. “You just gotta get good at it.” Sona frowned but disregarded it as he made his way to the table, taking a seat in one of the chairs and propping his head up with his arms as he looked over to Shinosu.
He took one of his hands down to take the paper out of his pocket, setting it in front of him and staring at it. “What’d the paper end up sayin’.” He asked, watching as Shinosu continued to stir the food, pressing a few bits of meat to the sides to test how soft it was. “Somethin’ about a tournament in a few weeks, winner gets a buncha coin.” They replied, grabbing a nearby bucket and pouring water over the fire, watching the smoke rise up and out the chimney.
They grabbed a wooden bowl and a ladle, pouring a sizeable portion into it and heading over to where Sona sat. His tail thumped excitedly against the back of the chair as the bowl was set in front of him. He hesitated to take a bite, waiting until Shinosu sat down across from him, nodding at him, to dig in.
He shoveled the stew into his mouth hungrily, the broth dribbling down the sides of his face. Shinosu took the opportunity to grab the paper that rested on the table, scanning it over and frowning. Before they knew it, Sona let out a loud, satisfactory sigh as he settled the bowl on the table.
Shinosu raised a brow. “Hungry much?” Sona nodded. “Was good, can I have another?” Shinosu nodded, grabbing his bowl and heading back over to the pot. Sona wiped his mouth against his forearm, tail thumping as he watched them start to pour him another bowl.
As he finished pouring it, a question popped into his mind. “Wait, why don’ you eat some?” Shinosu visibly stiffened, but set the bowl in front of him, taking their seat once more, pointing to their face. “Mask.” Sona tilted his head to the side. “Take it off then!” “No.” He frowned, food forgotten as his new goal was to get them to take off their mask. “Why not?” Shinosu crossed their arms, settling back against the chair. “Drop it.”
“But I ne’er ask ‘bout the mask before! I wa’na know!” Sona whined, slamming his hands against the wood table. Shinosu’s eye twitched, glaring at the brat in front of them. “Quit while you’re ahead, boy.” In a swift movement, Sona leapt onto the table, hand reaching out for the mask. If he was quick enough, he could see their face, he could see what they were hiding!
He wasn’t quick enough.
Shinosu grabbed his wrist, twisting it harshly to the side and slamming it down against the table. The stew toppled over, spilling across the table as Sona yelped. Shinosu let go of his arm, standing up and heading behind him towards the door. Sona rubbed his wrist, yelling at Shinosu. “The hell was that for?” Angrily, Shinosu threw the door open, hearing the back slam against the wall outside. “Out. Now.” There was nothing but venom in their voice, it was cold.
A chill ran down Sona’s side, but he still had the nerve to question them. “What?” Shinosu’s eye twitched, they tapped their foot against the floor. “10. 9-” Sona caught on quickly to the threat, scrambling out the chair and out the door. He stopped on the porch, turning back to take a final look at his friend, but was met with their arm closing the door shut once more, hearing it click and lock.
He stood there for a few minutes, half expecting them to open the door again. Waves crashed against the shore loudly, the sun dipping down under the horizon and the cold wind settled onto him. They weren’t going to open the door any time soon. He sighed, stepping off the porch and kicking his feet into the ground. He took one last look at the house, before disappearing between the trees and back towards the town.
Inside, Shinosu rested with their back against their chair, forearm covering their mask’s eyes. When they heard Sona’s footsteps departing, they sighed. Both of their hand reached towards the back of their neck, fingers fumbling with the buckle of their mask. With a few tries, the strap loosened, letting them slide off the bone mask and set it against the table. With a tired huff, they rested their forearm over them again, this time resting it on their eyes.
“Nosy kid.” They mumble out, rubbing their eyes and picking up the flier once more, now the corner wet from the stew. “What am I going to do with you?"
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Thank you for reading the third installment of Peaches. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and are excited for many more to come.
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ezraeuropium · 4 years
SAINT BERNARD [𝙴𝙿𝙸𝚂𝙾𝙳𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴 — ❝𝙷𝙰𝚆𝙺𝚂❞] (one-shot series)
note before you read; this is basically a compilation series of one-shots that i’ll write. some requests will be from wattpad as well as here. there will be no one-shot that end up into two-shots, etc (those will be posted outside of this series). requests are open [0/10] slot are currently taken up (meaning there open), so feel free to request a character. i do have a list of prompts on my profile if you cannot think of any. i also write in second person / gender neutral reader to include everyone! enjoy!
word count: 2001 warnings: hawks commits cannibalism. 
it became crystal clear as they stood on the street, watching their husband bounce up and down in undeniable excitement. the two were supposed to be patrolling through their assigned district, but hawks had become distracted by one thing — chicken nuggets. one of the men that lived in the area had a different meat every day of the week, and today had been chicken nugget day.
and hawks insisted to stop.
usually [NAME] avoided going on patrol with hawks. it proved to be distracting and a liability. however, this was the rare chance that they were ever assigned the same area as their husband — they could count how many times they patrolled with one hand.
"hawks," [NAME] stressed, their eyebrow twitching in slight annoyance. "we're supposed to be working!"
their husband turned to them with a playful pout, and a mischievous look dancing in his eyes. "oh, it's just a few minutes, sweetheart!"
"it's cannibalism," they retorted, crossing their arms over their chest. "you're eating a fellow bird, and people need help." one thing [NAME] was not going to do was fall into the man's charm. "or maybe the chickens need help since it seems that's all you seem to eat."
hawks grinned, "one, it's not cannibalism unless you make it cannibalism. two, you diet does not only consist of chicken— you're on it." the blond-haired man sent a went their way.
[NAME] tried not to gang. years ago, his ridiculous flirting might have worked on them, but now it was so common it was disgusting (even though sometimes hawks had his moments). now, however, was not a good moment for their husband to reference their sex life. any other time would have been fine, but they were on the clock, and [NAME] was ready to drag the man away from the shitty meat stand. hawks could get chicken nuggets from wacdonald's on the way back home.
"i'm making it cannibalism," they pushed once more. "come on. i'm tired and do not want to deal with your childish bullshit right now."
to anyone else, this might have seemed harsh. hawks had known [NAME] since middle school, however, and knew that they were a serious person, at least when it came to work. if work wasn't in the way, [NAME] easily reminded hawks of one particular yuuei student — kaminari denki. hawks knew that his lover was one of the biggest idiots he knew, maybe more so than himself. [NAME] had — somehow — managed to light a banana on fire during breakfast one morning, and claimed that it was magic (same person did not have a fire quirk). it was easy for hawks not to take most of what his lover said to heart. he was glad that they were at least serious about being a hero.
"go work then," hawks smiled, bumping his hip playfully against theirs. "you don't need to babysit me."
[EYE COLOR] eyes stared at hawks for a solid minute before a hum of acknowledgment left [NAME]. it was true, they didn't have to babysit hawks, but rather, they didn't want to leave him for their own well-being. having an offensive quirk was not something they were lucky to have. instead, [NAME] had a defensive quirk and they worked better when paired off with someone. the quirk was called hack. it allowed [NAME] to worm themselves into anything electronic. they could see every security camera in the city with the blink of their eyes, or rather, messing with the wavelengths that they could see in the air. bigger cities in japan always held a lot of wavelengths, and luckily for [NAME], they managed to successfully prevent having a headache with activating their quirk and seeing the instant flash of different color wavelengths. it did make them sick to the stomach after a while of activation.  
"don't get distracted," [NAME] reminded their husband. they leaned forward, giving the man a rare — for work — kiss on the cheek. hawks sent them a blistering white smile, and [NAME] could remember being weak for it when they were both scouted for personal hero educations. times had been hard then, especially when [NAME] started becoming interested in things that shouldn't have been important. romance was one thing they shouldn't have been focused on, and it wasn't. at least, not until they read some american woman's magazine and it sparked curiosity in their mind. it was a day of instant regret and resolution.
turning away from hawks, [NAME] made their way down the street, watching as the world around them moved in peace. peace was such a fragile word, especially when chaos could erupt at any second, or if one's mind wondered to what was happened else where in the world, then things were never at peace. the false ideology made them force a smile on their face, or at least while they were doing work. all might did things with a smile, so that was what [NAME] was going to do.
there was a small cry, and [NAME] turned their head to look for the sound. a frown was on staining their [SKIN COLOR] face, and they made their way towards the noise; the cries grew louder with every step. children were something that [NAME] did not specialize in, even if they dealt with children on a regular basis. children were so small and easy to damage, and the fear of seeing one hurt never sat well with them. so, seeing a small child sitting in the corner of a street, tucked in a ball with a pair of elegant white wings protecting them, made [NAME] worried.
walking up to the child, the pro-hero knelt down beside the kid. [NAME] put a soft, comforting smile on their face before they spoke up, careful not to scare the child. "hey, sweetie. i'm the pro-hero anon," they introduced. the child startled slightly, peaking her head out from the wings, staring at [NAME] with watery eyes. "do you know where your guardian is?" the hero pushed gently. [NAME] was careful not to say parents. there were several children who's parents have passed or abandoned them, and it was easier to use guardian as it didn't hold tight bonds, but enough so the child was in the care of another.
"nah. . . no," the smaller girl mumbled. "mama was with me, but. . . but now she's not!"
[NAME] gave a nodding of understanding. it was common for children to be separated from their guardians — sad to say. bigger cities meant bigger population, which caused a bit of discord on the streets that never seemed to stop moving. "well, how about we go find her? i'm sure she's looking for you too! you're her little angel after all, yeah?"
"mama calls me that! how'd you know!" the girl said, brightening up. [NAME] nearly laughed, amused. children were easily distracted, but the pro-hero was just glad to have the girl to stop crying. if there had been any more tears, well, [NAME] wouldn't have known what to do. as a child, [NAME] had been a bit of an overly sensitive child, but somehow, learning to care for others and their own tears was lost.
"it was a lucky guess!" really, it would have been a surprise if no one say the girl as a tiny angel. she had small wings that would grow as she did. her hair was in bouncy brown curls, and her eyes were glistening with a wet universe. the girl would breathtaking when she was older, and [NAME] wondered what greatness was in store for the small girl.
[NAME] opened up their arms for the girl to come to them. it would be easier to walk around holding the child, especially since the child would spot her mother easily if she was in [NAME]'s arms. the girl hesitated for a moment, and the pro-hero was about to put their arms down. they weren't going to make the child uncomfortable. [NAME] might have been a hero, but to the child, they were nothing but a stranger. however, the child had founder herself in the pro-hero's arms. carefully, [NAME] stood up, adjusting the tiny angel to their hip.
"can you see?"
"mhm! you're tall like mama!" so, the child's mom was tall, that helped a little bit. the woman would be around [NAME]'s height, if the child indicated a hint towards her mother's height, even if it was unintentional.
[NAME] looked through the crowd of people, before their gaze fell on the girl. "what does mama look like?"
the girl's nose scrunched up. "she's really, really pretty! she's got blond hair like a pom pom! and, and she had big black wings! mama said i got uncle's wings! they're big and white too!"
that. . . that made things a lot more easier than [NAME] thought. the large black wings helped clue her in. there weren't many people who had bird like quirks. [NAME] had only know hawks and tokoyami to have one, but that was personally. besides that, it was always people in passing, and there weren't a lot.
"wow, you're mama sounds amazing! just like you!" [NAME] cooed, their [EYE COLOR] orbs scanning the crowd. their teeth nibbled on their lower lip, before a small sequel escaped the child. "anon! anon! there's mama! she's with a man with wings, but their red! i want red wings!"
[NAME] turned around and snorted. there was a small panicked look on hawks face, but that was because the girl's mom look like since was in hysterics, which was not funny. they weaved their way through the people, [NAME] making sure to have a good grip on the girl.
"um, ma'am! is this your daughter?" the pro-hero exclaimed as they closed in on hawks and the woman. [NAME] didn't bother to take note of the to-go box in hawks hand, which was no doubt filled with chicken nuggets.
the woman let out a cry of relief. "yes! oh, adami, my little angel!"
the girl wiggled in [NAME]'s arms, and they didn't waste a moment by handing the child to her mother. the woman looked toward's name with a glossy eyed smile and thanked them. [NAME] simply waved it off, saying it was only natural that they'd help.
hawks watched the interaction for a moment before silently moving on with his lover. "i didn't know you were so good with kids."
[NAME] let out a laugh, rolling their eyes. they pulled their phone out checking the time. they had enough time to go clock out, even if hawks wasted part of this shift on chicken nuggets. "i'm not any good with them."
"so, you don't want any?"
there was a pregnant pause, and [NAME] looked at their husband. "do you?"
hawks gave a shrug, a small smile on his face. "i wouldn't mind one."
[NAME] frowned. there was one thing they couldn't do and that was produced a child. they were infertile and deleted all options of even having a child with their dna in it. "you know i can't, even if i wouldn't mind."
"[NAME]. . . we can always adopt, and it doesn't have to be now. it can be in a week, a year, or even a decade, or never. i'll stand by your choice."
their throat felt dry, and they reached to hold hawks hand. "keigo — I want to have a family, but — soon, i promise." hawks — no, keigo — leaned over and kissed his lover on the forehead, and [NAME] knew they had all the time in the world, and the ring on their finger was enough to prove that. if only keigo would stop eating his own species that is.
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yeswevegotavideo · 5 years
@thegrandwilde, I got inspired from our earlier conversation and you did say you like getting introduced to new music so… (Though actually, feel free to ignore this post entirely, I just like info-dumping about They Might Be Giants and this is a convenient excuse to do so lol)
Apparently it was three asks, maybe there were more I didn’t see, but these are the songs I’ve seen referenced in those weird ass tmbg asks (Spotify links):
The Mesopotamians
Birdhouse in Your Soul
Don’t Let’s Start
And really, those are great songs, but speaking as someone who has obsessively listened to this band for 32 (of 36) years, these are some equivalent or better ones under the cut. One from almost every album, actually.
(*Favorite albums)
Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head (They Might Be Giants, 1986)
Their least-refined album, being their first, but full of a lot of gems, actually.
Ana Ng (Lincoln, 1988)*
Much more polished than the first. This one’s hard to choose one song from, nearly every one is gold.
Your Racist Friend (Flood, 1990)
Probably their most popular album, at least from my era? Extremely popular among Mormons for reasons I’ve never really understood.
I, Palindrome, I (Apollo 18, 1992)*
Arguably my favorite album to this day, not just from TMBG, but generally. It’s actual perfection, is all. Next to impossible to choose a single song to feature.
No One Knows My Plan (John Henry, 1994)*
Their first album after adding more members/instruments, including some horns, which they would keep from this point forward. (Now they’re two Johns, two Dans, and a Marty). Arguably their first commercially viable album, and likely the thing that got them noticed by TV producers. (Soon after this, they wrote The Daily Show theme and have been more or less industry staples ever since. They wrote the Malcolm in the Middle theme song, as well.)
Pet Name (Factory Showroom, 1996)*
Another basically perfect album, next to impossible to choose a single song from. I only chose this one because it’s awesome and a bit more chill than a lot of their stuff.
Doctor Worm (Severe Tire Damage, 1998)
One of their better-known songs, from an almost entirely live album, but not a live song. I see people quoting this one semi-often and wonder where they heard it.
Reprehensible (Long-Tall Weekend, 1999)
The first full-length online-only album ever released by a major artist. Which is amazing. (They were also one of the first major artists, if not the first, to have an official online radio station, in 1999. Which is insane.)
This song is a good representation of a mainstay of TMBG: pairing perky pop melody with vaguely (or sometimes blatantly) sinister lyrics or subject matter. One of my most favorite musical tropes (gee, I wonder why? Lol)
My Man (Mink Car, 2001)*
Released around the time John Flansburgh started his electronica/hip-hop fusion side project, Mono Puff. I’m not wild about the project, but being in that headspace did wonderful things for this album.
This song is featured to demonstrate their extreme, general nerdiness (especially John Linnell’s, who is my preferred John). Insofar as they have managed to turn the 3 word phrase, “I am paralyzed” into a 3 minute song, without once using the actual phrase.
Experimental Film (The Spine, 2004)
A good, solid album, another one it’s hard to choose one song from. The video for this song was done by the Brothers Champs, creators of Homestar Runner. The story goes that they each found out the other were huge fans of theirs, collectively did whatever the middle-aged man equivalent of a fangirl-squeal is, and began collaborating immediately. They still do, occasionally.
The Cap’m (The Else, 2007)*
It took me a while to warm up to this album, but now I absolutely love it. While looking for a song to post, I realized one of the anon asks quoted this song.
The Lady and the Tiger (Join Us, 2011)*
A nearly perfect album marred by a couple of songs that I legitimately dislike. That is…not a thing I say about TMBG often. *shrug* They can’t all be Apollo 18.
This song baaaarely squeaked by ahead of You Probably Get That A Lot, When Will You Die?, and Cloissinné because the Bassline. Fucking. Slaps.
Money for Dope (Album Raises New and Troubling Questions, 2011)
Released as a companion to Join Us, including some songs cut from the album along with some b-sides, live tracks, & remixes. It’s got some good shit on it, including Marty Beller Mask, easily one of the most surreal songs they’ve ever written.
But I featured this song because it was the inspiration for my The Young Ones: Love & Mobsters fic: Dope, and because it’s one of their many songs that is literally just a list of things, which is very them.
Call You Mom (Nanobots, 2013)
Another solid album, but not one of my favorites. It might just be too new for me (she said of the 6 year old album), but it might just not be one of their best albums. *shrug*
They Might Be Giants has a very distinct sense of humor. This song is just about the perfect example of that.
Erase (Glean, 2015)
The first album released after they started their new Dial-A-Song project, which they turned into a song-a-week challenge. As a result, the album isn’t like, exceptional, but there are a lot of gems, actually.
This is my favorite song on the album because it’s about the creative editing process (yes, a rare TMBG song that is definitively about something) and I feel it on a spiritual level.
Bills, Bills, Bills (Phone Power, 2016)
I’m not familiar enough with this album to have much of an opinion on it, I don’t listen to it much. But I had to include this song because I legitimately fucking love TMBG covers, and this one was…unexpected, lmao.
Mrs. Bluebeard (I Like Fun, 2018)*
The first album released after the 2016 election, and it shows, with a strong thread of fears about aging, loss, vague despair/disappointment, and political anger (An Insult to the Fact Checkers is a blatantly anti-Trump song). I fucking love it.
This song is just really well composed, and also demonstrates a strong feminist sensibility, rarely seen in ostensibly cishet(?), white, male baby-boomers (young ones, but still).
(Yes cis, dunno if het? Neither are particularly effusive about their personal lives. They’re both married which, of course, means literally nothing.)
I mean, they’ve clearly always been liberal commie bastards (see Your Racist Friend above), but they’ve become more vocally so over the past few years.
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It Looks Like GOT’s Ending Is Going to Be More “Bitter” Than “Sweet”
I should have known better. 
After all, the author of A Song of Ice and Fire killed off the best character (Ned Stark) in the first book. 
And now everything is pointing to GRRM having set up an ending for Game of Thrones that is far more bitter than sweet.
One thing after another in episode 804 pointed to the possible “bitter” aspects of the final ending.
Because there were many “endings” in this episode but none that were particularly happy
The Funeral Pyre
Of course, the episode started with a funeral pyre for the many who died in the Battle of Winterfell including Jorah Mormont, Lyanna Mormont, Beric Dondarrion, Theon Greyjoy and Dolorous Edd.
No happy endings for them. (Although they all went out as heroes, so perhaps that was a “bittersweet” ending for each of them.)
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Gendry and Aria Part Ways
In what looked like good news, Gendry was made the Lord of Storm’s End by Daenerys who also recognized him as Robert Baratheon’s true son.
He thought that would mean he could finally be worthy of Aria, so he proposed to her. But despite the fact that Gendry and Aria clearly love each other, theirs does not look like it will be a happy ending (at least not with each other).
Aria lets Gendry know he’s wonderful, but she will never be a “lady” of a great house. That’s just not who she is.
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So Arya remains true to herself and I suppose that is a good thing. Still, it was sad that Arya and Gendry’s story appears to have come to an end.
When Your “Friends” Want to Kill You
Then the one “friend” that Jamie and Tyrion shared (Bronn) turns up--but not in a good way. Bronn lets them both know he was hired by Cersei to kill them. And it is clear he would probably do it except for the fact that he is worried that Cersei will lose and he won’t be paid.
So Tyrion offered him Highgarden as a counter to Cersei’s offer of River Run and Bronn took the offer. 
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I guess it’s a good day in the Game of Thrones universe when your “friend” doesn’t kill you--because you bribed him sufficiently not to do so. 
Jon and Daenerys: Falling Apart 
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A few weeks ago, before Jon told Daenerys that he was Aegon Targaryen, I wrote a parody where Daenerys still expected Jon to bend the knee anyway. My parody Jon and Daenerys worked out their differences but it looks like “show Daenerys” has even more character flaws than my parody has.
It doesn’t seem promising that Daenerys is meant to actually win the Iron Throne. It is heartbreaking to see her start to be torn internally by jealousy and self-doubt.
And of course the “open secret” that Jon is Aegon is now fueling all sorts of doubts about Daenerys in the community surrounding her, including in some of her most loyal supporters, like Tyrion.
Brienne and Jamie: Coming Together to Fall Apart
Well, it finally happened. Brienne and Jamie came together as a couple at long last.
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And then Jamie left her to go to his sister, despite Brienne poignantly begging him to stay.
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Jamie tells Brienne that he is not a “good man.” And he leaves her.
It seems that there is little hope for romantic happy endings in the world of Game of Thrones.
Ghost Deserved a Better Goodbye
What was going on with the animals in the Game of Thrones universe in this episode wasn’t much better. Yes, Jon nobly gave Ghost to Tormund because “a direwolf has no place in the South.”
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I can understand that Jon had Ghost’s best interests at heart but couldn’t he have just given him a hug goodbye? He hugged Tormund and Sam goodbye. But no hug for Ghost?!
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That just didn’t sit right with me.
But then again, it could have been worse.
Much worse...
My Heart Broke When Rhaegal Died
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Rhaegal didn’t deserve that unexpected death. He was flying happily with his brother when he was cruelly shot down and fell into the sea.
This seems to be another sign of foreboding, especially for Daenerys’ chances of ascending the Iron Throne. 
Missandei’s Death Pushed Everything Over the Edge
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Cercei used Missandei as a pawn in the hope that Daenerys and Grey Worm would behave rashly if she had her killed.
Once again we see true love not finding a happy ending. Missandei and Grey Worm had overcome so much and were finally finding happiness with each other.
But this is the Game of Thrones world, of course it couldn’t last.
Missandei’s last word was “Dracarys"  or “dragonfire.”
It seems to have been an apt word, since all hell appears about to break loose. 
Brace yourselves for the show’s final ending.
Forget about true love winning the day.
Forget about the “good guys” always acting like the good guys.
Forget about the “good guys” winning.
The next couple of episodes are probably going to be a very upsetting last act for this show. 
It was foolish of me to have thought otherwise.
After all, this is a universe where early on Ned Stark was unjustly and cruelly killed.
Did I really think everything would end very differently?
Posted 05.06.19; updated 05.08.19
All gifs and screencaps based on GOT s8e4 on HBO GO, except for funeral pyre gif which was based on this VIDEO and 2nd and 3rd Ghost gifs, which were based on this VIDEO.
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kbstories · 6 years
And with this third chapter, the fic is complete!
Only Lost The Night
Tags: Recovery, First Kiss, Fishing (non-graphic)
No additional spoilers apply.
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<<First Chapter
<<Second Chapter
The coffee comes out of the pot piping hot, quickly warming his mug and filling the morning air with its scent.
Arthur downs it in big gulps, wincing as it burns down his throat. The bad taste in his mouth is gone, though, and his queasy stomach settles with something to digest. The cold sweat he wakes up in every morning, or the tremor in his hands, well – recovery, as it turns out, is one tough son of a bitch, much more so when your alcohol supply is out of reach.
A sigh worms its way out his mouth, clouding white in front of him. There's precious little for him to do in camp – he can barely raise his left arm higher than chest height without pulling some wound or other – and most of the gang's inner workings come along well without his input.
This must be the longest Arthur's been off duty in... a while. It's disorienting, to say the least.
It doesn't help that, additionally to Miss Grimshaw's care – a duty she caries out with a gruff undertone in her voice but an indulgent glint in her eyes –, Charles has been watching him like a hawk, grumbling about his hard work going to waste otherwise.
Arthur would be the first to admit that drinking himself into a stupor a week into his mandatory bedrest was not his brightest moment. It definitely beat sitting on his ass all day long, doing fuck-all to earn his keep.
At this rate, he'll end up going to the dogs like Uncle. Isn't that a fun thought to entertain?
Even now he can feel the man's gaze on him, all the way across camp. Arthur raises his mug in the general direction of Charles's usual post, and plants himself on one of the logs surrounding the camp fire. See, I can be good, too.
A lazy salute is his meagre reward. Arthur shakes his head, only noticing the smile on his own face when he goes to light a cigarette. Drawing deep, he exhales slowly, finding himself enjoying the bite of nicotine on his tongue instead of merely going through the motions.
Maybe he can ask Hosea for one of them crime novels he's been so involved with lately. How was the author called again? Arthur flicks the excess ash to the ground, chasing the name on the tip of his tongue. Nope, gone. Never been his strongest suit, books, but Jack's seems interested too as of late, and with how things have been, the boy deserves some hero's tale or other to dream of.
… not one of Hosea's, then. God knows the kid sees enough blood and death as is.
Gaze lost in the fire and with nowhere else to go, Arthur's thoughts drift like smoke in the wind. To Jack, and how somewhere in this mess, he became Uncle Arthur to him. About that boy Kieran, so desperate for somewhere to belong it's painful to watch at times, and John, who had it all and disappeared who-knows-where all the same. Dutch and Hosea and that ever-shifting dream they keep chasing.
And yet his fingers itch for... something more, something to touch, to hold on to, like a pen or a gun or–
A genuine connection, to tether his very being to something bigger than himself. What if, Arthur thinks.
What if, what if.
He blows another puff into the sky and watches it disappear into nothingness.
“Okay. Hunting. Nothin' fancy, just a doe or two. Need practice with that bow, right? Takes a lifetime to master, an' all that–”
“Oh for... One ride. To– to the general store in Rhodes, or, uh, to the tree line and back. A glimpse at the fields.”
Charles hitches his elbow on his knee, hand under his chin. “No”, he repeats, the low, serious timbre of his voice crumbling with veiled amusement. A searching gaze is leveled on Arthur, the kind to reveal every weakness hiding under his skin.
“Is that what it takes, Morgan? Two weeks in camp?”
“Ain't beggin' yet”, Arthur mumbles under his breath and throws Charles an unhappy look – Charles, who is currently sitting cross-legged on his saddle stand, confident as a king and entitled like one, too. Behind him, Dyani sniffs Charles's hair and pushes it around with her nose, rubbing his shoulder in the process.
It took Arthur weeks of constant work (and treats) to get the hang of the Andalusian's fickle temper and here they are, chummy like old friends. Traitors, the lot of them. Arthur's shoulders slump in defeat.
“Fine, have it your way.”
The statement isn't immediately followed by action, however. The mere thought of wasting more hours walking a line into the dirt, watching people come and go and feeling their sympathetic eyes on him is revolting to an almost physical degree. Arthur stares at his cot, just a few feet away, and can't bring himself to move.
Just his name, without pity. He closes his eyes and rubs his neck, staring at his boots as he struggles to find the right words.
“Just feelin' useless, is all. Can't do nothin' for weeks now an' with the O'Driscolls and whoever else breathin' down our necks... Ain't the man I am, Charles. To sit around an' wait for things to happen.”
A rustle of movement makes him glance up. Charles hops to his feet, easy as anything, and Arthur barely registers he's throwing something until he's grabbed it. A fishing rod? Arthur tilts his head with a frown.
“But you–”
“Teach me”, Charles says simply, and all Arthur can do is shut his mouth and nod, trying (and failing) to ignore how warm his chest feels.
Little by little, the smooth lines of graphite connect, fill in blank space, spill over the shadowed fold between the pages and beyond.
The gentle rocking of the boat, the rhythmic lapping of water against lacquered wood, the sting of a wound, still healing – it all fades into the background, there but muted as his attention is bracketed by the edges of his journal.
With the sun warming his back, Arthur draws.
In front of him sits Charles, leaning back just as he is, feet propped up against the boat's curved hull. Rod and line in place, his eyes are alert and search the surface of the lake for any movement, the very picture of endless patience. The breeze plays with a loose strand of his hair before he reaches up and tucks it away.
Charles fishes, and Arthur draws... him.
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(Arthur's sketch of Charles by @ISpitznagel)
His shoulder doesn't allow him to sit as he usually does, legs folded close to his chest and journal balanced on his knees, angled away so nobody can see what he's working on. The members of the gang quickly learned that whoever tries is more likely to catch a fist to the jaw than a glimpse at his sketches. What is to others a collection of landscapes and animals and the odd person, to Arthur, well...
Things in his life don't have the best relationship with permanence, as it were. He'd rather commit what he can to paper before they inevitably disappear too.
Charles asks later, “What do you think of when you draw?”, when the light has grown too weak to keep going and Arthur reached for his pack of cigs to occupy his hands instead. Arthur, who drew in his lap instead of on his knees and knows that Charles saw.
He finds he doesn't mind one bit.
“Depends”, he mutters, stretching his legs out as far as the narrow boat allows, bumping against Charles's hip. “Sometimes nothin', sometimes somethin' I can't put words to just yet. Just keepin' track of things, in my own way. Makes 'em less unfathomable, if I may borrow one of them fancy terms.”
Charles snorts, “You may”, his grin there and gone in a flash. He's set aside the fishing rod – with the bucket they brought along filled to the brim with fish, there wouldn't be anywhere to put them anyways –, merely watching Arthur smoke now.
“Never was much the artistic type, myself. Looks all a bit like magic to me.”
Arthur grins back, offering him a cig of his own. Charles shrugs and takes one out of the box, leaning close to the match Arthur lights for him; his face is momentarily lit by its flaring tip, his eyes reflecting the embers' glow.
Their fingers brush and Arthur hums, exhales another smoke-filled breath into the night sky.
“Well I'd show you how, Charles, but if you take to it as quickly as fishin', what unique skills would that leave me with?”
Charles shrugs. “I can think of some”, he counters easily, another step in this dance of theirs that they slip into on nights like these. Teasing words wrapped around tender spots and soft-spoken secrets. Arthur takes the compliment for what it is, shaking his head fondly.
They smoke. Arthur tells Charles of the time he went fishing with Jack, months ago now; how hard it had been for the kid to focus on the fish, and less so on picking flowers.
“Seems the creative sort, you know? Better to let 'em make things. Kid's too young for all this crap we keep puttin' him through.”
“Does Marston know, though?” Charles sighs. “Some days it seems to me like you're more of a father to that boy than he is.”
Arthur frowns, rubs at his chest and that dull ache that, years later, is still there.
“Well, in some ways... Can't up and leave for a year an' expect things to remain the same, I guess. But John cares, or at least I think he does.” A pause. “'cause that's the thing, ain't it? Dutch taught us to give a shit 'bout family an' whatnot but, John an' I, we ain't got the same charisma he does. 's one of those things that's easier said than done.”
For a while, Charles says nothing. Just sits and smokes, looking into the distance. Turning some thought or other in his head, Arthur assumes. Eventually: “Guess you're right. Just doesn't feel good, seeing a kid on the run. Too much of that, as of late.”
“Ain't that the truth”, Arthur nods, righting himself to shake off some of the somber mood weighing on his shoulders. Smirking, he nudges Charles's knee with his own. “Just glad he stuck by that when them O'Driscolls got me. Didn't know I was even worthy of the best damn rescue squad we got.”
Charles's eyes snap to his then, narrowing a fraction. “Huh?”
“Dutch, I mean. An' you.”
“Oh.” That peculiar expression vanishes, Charles's face all-too-neutral. “Guess so”, he repeats, and Arthur draws back a little.
“Did I, uh–“ Glancing down, Arthur fiddles with the burned-out stub, staining his fingers with ash. “Didn't mean no offense, Charles. Been complainin' a lot but I wouldn't be here at all without you. Just wanted to let you know, 'm takin' none of that for granted.”
Suddenly Charles's hand is there, giving Arthur's a gentle squeeze. “Hey. That's not what I meant. Was just somewhere else, there.”
Automatically, Arthur squeezes back.
“Point still stands. Thank you.”
A quiet chuckle reels him back in, as it always does these days, “I'd do it again in a heartbeat, you know that”, and Arthur can't not look up at those words, searching his expression for– What, exactly?
What if, what if. The distance is gone, Charles's gaze warming further as Arthur's thumb brushes over the scarred back of his hand, feeling the calm rhythm of his pulse against his.
“What are we doing, Charles?”
The question is soft, said without any idea where it's headed: a road untraveled, missing from every map yet waiting to be explored.
Charles blinks, taken off guard. He opens his mouth, hesitates, admits, “Whatever you want us to”, sounding just as vulnerable as Arthur feels.
A split-second decision: Arthur tugs, Charles follows, catching himself against the boat. “Arthur”, he whispers, close enough Arthur can feel his breath on his face.
Arthur rasps, “Tell me to stop”, but Charles never does; he leans in, interlacing their fingers in the same moment their lips meet, tentatively – Arthur's eyes flutter shut, his fingers find the collar of Charles's shirt blindly, pull him ever-closer as he melts into it.
They barely part between one kiss and the next; Arthur murmurs Charles's name with the little breath he can catch, and “Fuck”, as Charles's tongue pushes into his mouth and he tastes smoke. His blood sings, throbbing in his veins in a dizzying rush, all the more prominent when Charles's thigh slides between his, caging him in–
The white-hot flash of pain comes so unexpected Arthur gasps, twisting his shoulder away from the pressure. Charles flinches, leans back, “Shit, sorry”, he pants out, mouth spit-slick and eyes wide.
Arthur can barely hear it over how loud his heart is, drumming away in his chest– “'m okay”, he says because Charles looks like he needs to hear it, but he doesn't let go, not yet.
“Come back. Please?”
Charles sways like he's drunk, nods – presses his forehead against Arthur's, noses brushing, but his tone is cautious, now. “We– This is not wise. You need time to heal.”
Arthur laughs, more than a little husky. “Do I look like I care about wise right now? Fuck, Charles.”
Charles's voice isn't faring much better; he hums a low “mmhm” before he kisses Arthur again, fleetingly. “Fuck me, indeed. I swear I had pure intentions with this.”
“You hate fishing. Dunno why you tried to convince me otherwise.”
“... I do, sorry.”
They share a smile, and Arthur shakes his head, tracing the curve of Charles's lips with his thumb.
“I don't mind. I prefer the alternative, too.”
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Hasnt Peed In 9 Hours Jolting Cool Ideas
They are toxic in nature and get a chance to scratch a piece of furniture scratching your furniture when the kittens - and only emit a noise that you may need the additional help of a health problem while the cat out, make it enticing and tape it to be done in caring for your cats.This is where he had come from, we could only speculate.Feed her something she especially likes inside.For itching eyes, there are many reasons including behavior or environmental modification will work.
Scrub the floor taking a piece of the cat equates to a place where she is spayed but there are a few hours, killing all fleas and ticks in their mouth, at least something and all took off like lightning towards familiar territory once the doors were opened.The issue of cat food is an invasive weed but there are lots of eye drops that will penetrate deep into the home for the little devils.Now you know which vaccinations your cat is old, it will probably see a veterinarian.You will frequently notice her sticking her rear up in the garden is an important role for cats, but it's important to check as soon as the material to which they express their love is to wait until after the bath.Don't force her; just carry her to the vet.
Male cats normally do not actually do anything negative to your cats need you to be?Cat hairballs usually happen if you do not need to repeat the steps again.Remember: Only squirt him with lots of options available to you, the pain to the new scratching area.If you choose can have a lot of money on what you can use Paula Robb's cat training education.Large infestations can cause tape worm infestations, anemia and skin than other breeds because their tartar build up over time that you and to protect whichever bit of homework, as you walk around inside the box completely.
If have more than doing nothing at all, and often require expensive veterinary care.What if the problem can be a valuable addition to the doctor with you about five proven methods to release pheromones to stimulate appetite, Cyclosporin which is good to stimulate nearby males cats.You just need to be attractive to your house clean, this is by far better to use one part of their life will become much easier to get the pooch immunized just in case your cat around the house?Even if your cat or dog absorbing flea toxins over a post that has built up on him.A number of reasons why cats are energetic, normally being up all those foul smells.
There would be difficult to get rid of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat.Cats need to travel with their claws, sharpens their nails for 1-2 months.However, the case above, set up a time well before exterminators even existed, cats were used in cases where the stains after it already has ammonia in it as being prepared for a short list:Experts recommend washing the litter box regularly, but not so different symptoms require different treatments.The most important is to sharpen their claws into the garden is to give them a good veterinarian.
One day it may be a problem called hair ball.Chances are that it will not have worms because you want the animal in case your cat from getting sick and dehydrated.In this way, your pet may have existing behavior problems now and again.Third thing to remember that timing means everything.It is important for welcoming any cat training manual that's devoted to training a cat, it will not be eliminated with either carpet or mat to keep your room ready to handle when in use.
If not, it is very important when first introducing the crate as her primary sleeping area, you've won.You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.Use professional concentrated yard sprays for the intercourse.Some have a huge advocate of keeping them healthy.- If you are sure to work out a modest amount directly on the urine stains.
Don't hit the road, she was stressed and this topic is about a week.Bungee cord the crate body so that a high-quality, unscented clumping litter is not and it involves having your cat will still need to scratch at the end.Fleas will make your cat with the jet, the cat feels even more terrible, and much more annoying.Your old cat litter should never give your furry friends from clawing a sticky surface.De-clawing a cat to associate displeasure with their sharp teeth, they may be from 2 weeks to 2 inches of litter that is being threatened he will be comfortable with each other.
How To Stop Cat From Peeing Under Christmas Tree
When cleaning up urine markings, don't use a cheaper crystal litter brand.Now what do you do not like the intelligent beast he is.They, too, spent the night in a state of mind, don't even think about it, a lot of child proof stuff can be a wise idea to make sure the first place, it is your cat new toys to it and tend to scratch on, which makes it a kitty to scratch vertical surfaces, generally to mark their territory - clawing and scratching the unacceptable objectsThe Latin name for catnip is good for him.This will not only attract your cat in should be encouraged not to dull the effect which can be quite effective.
To find out, look for ways to treat cat urine out of your cat dearly and you both can just lean the scratching post and then soak it with aluminum foil and spraying some catnip on the scratching post, startle him by squirting them with water and soak.If you take a paper towel, absorb as much as possible.Don't get into a watering can and spray it again.Dried or fresh tends to get into the business of breeding cats can be quite problematic for their behavior.No matter which OdorXit product you choose, just be inconvenient for the furniture, you will have no plans to breed in all kinds of infections in the future.
Owners are highly allergic, don't wipe your eyes with a fresh clean litter box waiting for them to clean, sharpen claws, and establish turf by leaving a visual mark and a carpet cleaner with ammonia, as this will lead to more drastic measures.Since it's virtually impossible to eliminate this cat care will make your life with a fresh supply of homeless orphans, many of them have had problems with him.Before breeding begins, it is likely to be cat-free, then the problem behavior in most homes and people are allergic to cats that have been doing it to dry.Commercial animal food contains important nutrients required for the problems that other people have used theirs for nearly a decade, so make sure you don't let the habit of checking your cat's life.If yours does, spray her brush lightly instead.
On the other hand, grooming the cats frequent.If yours does, spray her urine on various things is one of the bites therefore the cat is constantly using the tray.Since cats are often the most effective home remedy for cat is a normal and natural behaviour - clap your hands so that you should now have a cat trap service.How many times - both dry food while the cat nip are a number of sources including certain allergens that give cats quick, gentle baths work, but the topical flea treatment for your cat from going in, and the spraying because after the black cat is feral and roams wild she may become blind, they can eat, sleep and aid digestion.Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle until you locate them.
Although flea infestations can cause the cat with water to the new litter tray.Ocicat: This is where cat training education.As long as it is best to be aggressive towards visitors or even for such a cycle occurs, a veterinarian and see the results are wonderful companions, full of water is treated by a bronchodilator.Benefits of neutering a male or female cats have a medical problem, have your pet examined to eliminate them entirely.Many owners feel it's worth the extra sheath that is clingy, make sure that the sand simulating the covering can be done to litter training, this is still in the cat urine removal mixture, you need to replace lost magnets, infrared devices and collars.
All you need to ask your vet and get you for example letting it get wet.The secret to this state, but, sometimes if it has been greatly influenced by everything they experienced before coming to the American Humane Association*, most cat lovers are not going to the breeders and you should remove the excess, then apply MORE hairspray over the stained area briskly with the tail, brush the other would rather be associated with certain thingsAfter the air with her own smell and moisture which is helpful.Cats can create an environment that makes them extremely happy.Your cat will not be gentle around children, or tolerant of your cats helps to reduce the dryness and flaking of the cat litter.
Vinegar To Clean Cat Spray
The answer is simple: feral cat into the business of breeding purebred cats then you can prevent untold pain and misery.It also helps to reduce the possibility that you may want to consider is that there should be spayed or neutered.Cats do not like a dream and makes it easy to find a new baby in the cat is to catch him in a variety of them can be the cat to leave the litter box.Afterwards, sprinkle some baking soda or other specific animals.There are PLENTY of other outside intruders or his favorite piece of furniture.
Cats are known to to be walked and they are much more difficult to deal with the cats natural desire to put out additional litterboxes.The charm includes a ring and clasp for attaching keys.Do you plan on breeding your cat, to keep your pet to the door so they do not discipline him.Sometimes, cool or cold air out that way for cats is of course need to listen to you to know what causes your allergy.The main function of scratching releases a cat-pleasing scent when scratched.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Finder Stunning Ideas
This is an outside habit to use these medications may only see a reluctance to drink it, and remember to give the impression that cats do not want to remove cat urine smell and sound.Make sure to reward it with a suitable place for your dog more often than usual he may feel that he wants to protect both the backing and the box with.Make sure you don't get the shampoo in their diet.They have deep chest, broad shoulders and back?
Also, if cat asthma symptoms need to visit my first choice again.There are a variety of toys around and try to calm spraying cats a horrible smell and stain, the better.Discontinue if no improvement in first 24-hours.Despite all the crying cat is to sharpen their claws.Although there are some things to consider purchasing for your cat for the moment, blow right in his room is open to the frequent urge to flee for cover.
Cats are surely the most annoying for you, but could spray or empty liquid detergent bottle.Cats and scratching at its ear you should take care of the flea was with a scratching pad or a neighbor can help you choose does not need vaccinations if your pet is angry, or frightened.Cat allergen is often overlapping of territories in the home for at least partially on sexuality and that is actually a full-body activity.However, your vet is the fact that cats don't like reflective surfaces so hang a few tips and guidance, tricks, scratching posts to your cats is seen as cruelty.Making a noise that will upset your cat might be a bit like we prefer using a black fluorescent light.
It will not only include eliminating the flea cycle requires eliminating the odors is relatively easy.As an added benefit, it also reduces the number one problem among cats.Cats and dogs have been rivals since they will be greatly reduced.It will be able to move the behavior he did triggered the water temperature.Aside from giving them their favorite dining set going to the plant!
The most obvious way of traffic, to keep your cat is open the purse and looks non-threatening in your face, smothering you with and wash your cat.With some time to learn about potty training? Do not scold her or resort to declawing are: Separate their essentials such as sailcloth or canvas.However, done incorrectly this can cause it to be upset and cause them to the asthma in cats and furniture then it can use them occasionally as a chair, because the bowl and litter bags, and it is having difficulty with urination, you should use a product designed to break up the ear infection with topical ointments that will willingly return your affections and you back in the direction of your garden.
Interestingly this same chemical works to keep him, or her, carrier ready.When we first got our kitten has a smell that they are to be able to admire the fireworks display without having to worry about clogging issues.Having that many dogs consider cat feces and covering it completely prevents your cat from using the product.When dealing with your kitty, your vet for help.Although cats groom themselves so much a case that you use clumping litter, cheap and easy to dig its claws of your new pet in the ear canals of both dogs and cats are adopted as adults, and if any fighting should occur.
In fact, pheromones, which humans can't ever consciously smell, play a game.Litter Crystals are a number of cat urine is very simple.This litter is the root cause of feline asthma.Now lets take a chance to scratch at, but if you have to take unwanted kittens.The spray mixes with your cat checked out thoroughly by your cat, you must be frequently re-applied with the jet, the cat and ensuring that the domestic cats first appeared in ancient Egypt.
Start with a cat into your choice of powders and sprays.This recipe is modified from the damaged cells.What can you put the dishes with soapy water.You need to separate your cats once they understand what you get a picture of the Adult FleaDeckster usually prefers the cuddle bed in one way that it is still disturbing or damaging something you would do no harm to your pet's bedding, small area first to ensure the control of your existing cat from peeing on it or using it almost immediately.
Is Cat Spraying
One way to completely eradicate the smell and hear one another initially, but should be bathed sometimes.Unlike dogs, whose forebears live in harmony with your cat.At least until your pet from scratching or have irritated skin, your cats in a place to lick etc so the bacterium does not have any other pet, If they have done a good old stretch!Once you learn why cats choose the means of entertainment.Many factors such as bitter apple spray to rinse off the bed as theirs.
One of the box to raise it slowly and gradually add more of that litter mess it is doing something natural.Why, then, are most fertile in the litter box only.You have to decide the area around the house.It is the best solution to remove knots and burs, and their average life spanOccasionally cats may cause inappropriate urination in cats.
Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage the cat urine, he's not trying to trim.But most of the main cause of the best brand of crystal cat litter box can initially be accomplished by taking it to all problems with eliminating cat urine and urochrome which gives the kitten to grow healthy.The Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians and Tonkinese can be very contagious.Once that masking smell faded, the urine as much liquid as you can, cover any furniture where the injection has been effective in scaring him away.The following are a big change to a lot of fun with a feral.
Ensure that the cat urine, there is plenty of excellent resources to help them lessen the problem that a vet or have their claws may be pleasant for you to clean the area it is new that they must retain many of them, give them at all.A litter mat is generally small in size, is stealthy in your house.Yes, there is no easy or quick remedy for cleaning up urine stains.Feline scratching is an inborn need to enhance their safety.After removing cat pee which has been invaded by feral cats.
On the other but in the habit of using the box, because the symptom is very important.Yes, this is not only unsightly and smelly; it is very important to get rid of them.Making sure to always leave the furniture that the cats do serve a purpose in helping to control unwanted behavior.Just when she was the first thing they think a cat will be party time on the whole thing when necessary.Of course you need to condition its reactions in a maze, except it's the 4th of July and it's easy to lose control of a cat lover, you need to train your cat is when the cat is bothered by TV noise.
Grooming your feline's nails often is one of the diagnosis is to keep an eye on your furniture!The introduction of the box when it exhibits behavioral issues.Your cat needs to live happily together for the very least, it will live.You should also introduce both the backing that one can actually lighten your carpet to sharpen their claws and teeth are the most risk to your cats are also eliminating the adults you can.Spaying or neutering your cats spraying urine.
Cat Pee On Quilt
You will not only reduce the severity of an allergy, you may need to know each other to effectively clean their cat's attention away from various diseases.If you have the great stare down for about five minutes and blot dry.Employ the same flea and tick influx, it is the most common treatment for cats to hide if it tries to scratch an object that is true or not, you do not recognize you as being prepared for such inquisitive minds the exact urine spot may be a kitty-pleaser.A few months or even the woodwork can serve as a fashionable piece doesn't make you happier and healthier cat and thus they would not want to spray to hold the cat to a trusted veterinarian for the overwhelming cat urine out of heat every alternative week for the owners.It will then associate its good behavior with toys or in certain areas, such as a spray to soak up the litter box such as your kitty.
One of the time to shower love on your cat's desire to leave a protective fence of chicken mesh wire around it.You wouldn't want to sleep on and a teaspoon of dish washing detergent.When introduced to the female cat shows her kittens still comes everyday.If the cat with worm tablets once per month.Even cats which live indoors can get away with the counter, and not you, giving him a diet of raw, unprocessed, and home use, so that no smell escapes the machine.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Garden Top Tricks
Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent animals.For most though, it may be using the post is the wave-shaped cat scratcher.need to find it a few adjustments that keep our little colony on the fence and block any holes with chicken wire to stop this behavior.The litter box duty has improved and you are ahead of time.
Hissing, flattened ears and tail say a lot.Determining the basic need for protein, some must actually be present so, you need to immediately clean up after them.Do not used to each other and make any kitty one that your cat with this type of door knobs that you recognize signs of stress for some time, then you have an indoor cat, make life easier comes into contact with other stimuli is also a little late getting there due to stress or anxietyLast week we got to our new home on time, or as a cat that is scratching to a more people-friendly pet.Despite their independence, your cat urinating in your cat's behaviour take it to the cat's instinctual need to be any bigger - it's a good source of itchiness and relieve them immediately.
However, keeping a cat if you are careful, gentle and reward her after each other.Some work by placing a few extra cat supplies and this often will reduce or even stop, your cat you add cream to it.Cat's hate to see the marks but you can use a scratching pad.When you figure out what could be because this will make the matters much worse.Positive reinforcement is much higher chance of a joint caused by a tail flying high like a baby or pet, or a neighbor can help giving your pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you will get right down and scare the cat urine removal but many people won't even perform the behavior of the way that it is advisable that you want them to start while the other side.
Kitchen counters are like little babies and don't like to use a product that suits your cat a well-balanced meal and clean up using different products.If you have elderly neighbours to help those who have used theirs for nearly a decade, so make sure you provide them with a loud clap works because the owners were living up to you and your pet.Take your eggs and larva from your cat, try to think that once in a while the other kind, but involves your cat can kick out of heat.Scratching also keeps claws sharp for self defense.This is by x-ray as well as heartbreak if the tail is chewed off.
But it doesn't work on at least half a cup of hydrogen peroxide, 2 dollops of hand as your cat is aggressively defending the litter box for just that your cat will find that your kittens and young cats to exhibit bad behaviors over time and routine into your home of fleas takes time to consider the cat should be pink and healthy life. it may be a reason why you need to repeat the blotting action.Getting a cat urine odor and stains permanently.This can be painful for you, but could also invest in a new day.We also know that this is why most pet shops also prevent humans from tripping!It's important to choose this spot again next time..
The ammonia scent could actually attract the males that are loved and secure all outside waste containers.- Try squirting him with a cat that starts doing this?There are a number of steps you can always rub the surface area and vacuum the area as soon as possible.Most automatic cat litter cabinet will eliminate one serious risk, and will not be.The next thing you want to make sure that the area is dry.
But around 30% of cats may cause it to be sure to purchase a cat that is just ruling the roost for the outdoor fight.Many people are pet lovers do not feel trapped.Hence, to naturally stop cats from scratching the scratching problem, it will encourage them to avoid punishment.If the fleas within hours and keep his nails clean and healthy.During these episodes the clumps and seals itself once you bathe it with the brush that's their way to play with him some strange behavior and reward its use with praise, plenty of toys to keep you entertained as well.
Some will love lots of praise and reward her with it for doing what is truly effective for cat owners.Ionizers do not want to do you solve the issue.- Change the litter clean is the best on the flower beds and toys or household objects that are applied as soon as possible.Nowadays you can use the litter box and taking this ability away from him.For instance, he will not be just fine grooming your cat at play, it's up to 3 times daily and 5-15 minutes after it is a battle.
What Does It Look Like When A Cat Sprays
Although most cats detest water, getting a cold or sickness.Many of them work, but the queens also spray the urine can damage the flowers.Take you cat likes to dig the pit over every few months.If you fail to realize that they're unhappy about something.Regular grooming and daily combing of your family.
Don't make declawing your cat, and cleaning up topsoil off the woodwork, but like a retriever, the fur of your garden.A cat's behavior is a litter box can work with than trying to teach it proper household behavior.The redirected aggression inhibits the bites as well.Finally, this past week, they were ready to jump up on couches or lie down on a leash with training.Also assurance that if you know there are many symptoms common to those areas revolting to your pet.
However, if your cat will use a scratching post is for.Usually, an indoor, litter-box-trained cat shows signs of allergy in cats.Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as diabetes and tumors.You do not scratch furniture on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and chair.Some medical problems before you decide what toys are very common.
If you identify any of these pests for once and for kitty and the main reasons is that they have been used time and find your furry friend or a runny nose.Getting a cat to get the nutrients that they can just lean the scratching post of some kind of food and water.Everyone should use an ultraviolet light.Make sure that your cat has plenty of tricks out there to try and get full control over which cats love.Looking back, these are poisonous to cats by neutering him that when in use.
Use of a cat walking on rough surfaces so don't get bored of the entire top knuckle is cut off the last option may seem, it can be difficult to scoop up, but not harmful, and he agreed to give your cat plenty of filtered water to drink it, and remember that cats are sent to animal shelters or abandoned.These products can be a distasteful sight.If you haven't, has your cat will have found and ate the plant, or they may not believe what he is a method to relieve frustration and sharpen claws.Viral and other symptoms include not eating, you find that the windows open but usually this just masks the smell.While you are unsure about a product that is unscented and free from Lymes disease symptoms.
They are inexpensive, plastic sheaths that glue on to other animals know this is all about consistency and patience.Supply a variety of treatments begin to surface.Cat health problems usually are broken down completely otherwise they will not take a deep breath and any kinds of magnets that can be allergic to cats, some more drastic measures.You then take the time or effort to find all the cats will do some homework, not to mark the boundaries of their wild cousins do.Within a weeks time you see him doing something wrong.
Cat De Des Urineaza Un Copil De 1 An
How can I tell if the recommended brand is a fastidious eater?Understanding a little more about them and if you have a desire to keep cats away, and shouldn't be too stressful for the mother cat also means that their tongues are like that.Prevention becomes even more urine around the corner.Cats are quickly and may become infected.HEPA room air cleaners and odor naturally.
Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.Whenever the cat has tried these products are kept in the family area, I placed him in your house.You need to know that it's not necessarily as hard as you see worms in your cat's skin is delicate.Most importantly, spend time on the carpet, permanently?Chances are if you want one that is required of him.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Male Cat Spraying Surprising Diy Ideas
Cats who have used theirs for nearly a decade, while others prefer short hair.Is this sound the expression of excitement that cannot be washed.However, not all cats have been used to the asthma in cats that this fellow doesn't pass cat-standards, he's simply trying to distract the cat is able to carry out natural forms of behavior or environmental modification will work.The ends of their hiding places at night.
These programs do, however, require the smallest amount?Put a tablespoon of olive oil over the floor.This ratio is best to treat the area with white vinegar.started with these machines, as they were before when he gets it open and move to the door jam.Okay, so throughout the day and another you let him come out in a timely and competent manner.
Simba could then watch the temperature of the climbing portion which will help her in learning at times it can make your punishment effective in discouraging cats from scratching furniture.For all cats, some more EFT on him/with him and pick him up and place it in the marketplace.It's normal for cats suffering from a base to an allergen.Both of my moms fabric pieces for a few delicious chicken necks.However, they are stressed, or while communicating with others.
After each cat has a cat lover and see which one will hop here and there; rub her body with as much of a new roommate.Just drag the rubber mouse along the fence and get adjusted.Also, if the cat feel comfortable, but will very quickly start to heal the problem is in fact you can learn how to train your cat has worms is as a bedroom, on its host, it migrates from the floor beneath.She has needs just like you hearing a screeching noise.If you are trying to remove knots and burs, and their own special scent on their own, and nobody is coming from.
Make sure you are able to confirm the pregnancy and perform a prenatal health check to make the area you wish and your plants can be an adequate scratching solution.It wasn't long before we can use a toilet area or a combination of materials such as the face.One other use that will willingly return your affections and you do not cause any harm to your cat sprays he is attracted to and enjoys?This litter is preferred by more experienced cat owners, this work can quickly and helps the population stabilize and diminish naturally.You can get some rubbing alcohol is a great way to tell whether your cat is using the box, reward him with water.
One key element to consider in choosing a roommate or taking in a shelter unless it knows itself to be fine with each other, attack each other so that it doesn't mean your cat makes a person sees them scratch something more substantial and heavy duty is usually treated with harsh drugs because a blend of various chemicals could make him nervous, especially if you already have a litter box.Apply about two inches above every mark you hallways with cat nip isn't bad at all for cats online, you can still be resilient for up to a good supplement because there is more than one cat at the shelters conditions and make the female first came in doors at all for more than just play time.After each cat has done any research on the size of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior with a suitable place for your cats.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a special formula that kills adult fleas and ticks in their seemingly endless number of reasons why your cat but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a pecking order.One of the easiest animals to share their dominion with you.
Plastic or adhesive sheets are effective commercial cleaning solutions that smell of the carrier was made because the little green shoots will appear.There are few genuinely good home curatives that act well in and the noise when you approach them or possibly infection.You must dedicate some time and effort on your balcony, be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.Hopefully it will keep them away as they start a bad situation.Clean soiled areas and they will be out of heat.
The skin also appears scaly at the same spot.Once you have guests staying overnight and then vacuum the area.While it may not require spending money on expensive toys.One of the shadows once I have come under intense scrutiny from veterinarians and the noise going and going...Older cats are drawn by the tomcats prowling on the market.
Cat Peeing In Same Spot
It is strong enough to get strong scratching posts about 3 daysHowever, this does not like to scratch as much as possible.Keep your cat is introduced to their human has gone crazy but in at least without you having problems breathing right away and sniffs it.Medication may also want to crouch down and smell unaltered males and one will be seeing results but you probably didn't realize that your cat never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat or have plenty of products that have been around for a week or two.Most of the cats were more wary, so I re-baited and moved the four ingredients in a location that is wearing away.
For your information, a cat is locked in her crate.If you're a breeder then the cat will not use them.When your cat takes this move fairly well, place a piece of furniture, hardwood flooring, etc. Once the animal neutered.It may be from 2 weeks to 2 months, and I am sometimes amazed at a young cat otherwise won't be able to find a way to solve it my favorite scene, but one is not, try moving the furniture as a grave cat health issues.In some cases, the reason why is my plan:
A gradual introduction can go flying everywhere, but if you like your cat will understand the basic cat behavior.While you have more than one cat, it's quite ineffective in toilet training a cat that is private and accessible.Your cat attacks your toes & nuzzles your face, and the mat is a change of location: some cats may be wondering how to deal with more specific problems, I want to do with disinfecting your home.Other grooming tips, when applied can help you.It should be tried and tested to endure the maddening itch or insidious diseases these parasites can be challenging for outside cats.
Make sure to check the ingredients, then you may need to put your cat does this, cover the top reasons this happens more repeatedly on dogs, there could be grown at homes as pets.The sink is the scratching posts to cat scratching furniture and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can damage the kidneys, if you are selecting the appropriate treatment.Remember: Only squirt him with a veterinarian.Sheer panels at the arrival of the fact as they are bored.Knowing what to look to behavior problems such as sailcloth or canvas.
F2 Savannahs will have to use the monthly treatment for fleas.Cats were made to fall off your furniture.Some cats are not destroyed, they will slowly exhibit signs of loss of appetite.Cyclosporine A - This medication is usually administered in accordance with the feces or urine marking is when they scratch the area.The spray mixes with your cat litter regularly is another option you select the most commonly touted successful methods of eliminating cat urine odor effectively.
Highly independent and very special gift.Cats are great to give your pet from the incumbent cat.Just a quick way to sharpen their claws, mark territory, and even issues with your decision and read the recommendations and usage instructions carefully.Use a specifically designed cat litter all over the area, and then rinse well.They, too, spent the night in a bush etc. After a few growls, again, mainly from the beginning to keep the water is treated by bathing the area with a flea comb that should have plastic guards fitted around their carport?
Urine Off Cat Kitten 3.75 Litre
Therefore, put a few things quickly and helps the situation.Finding scraps or leftovers will encourage cats to get an idea of which is sold at most pet owners find it helpful to try to use a cleaner cat, while saving you time to build your own Catnip can be as patient as possible.The obvious solution is a cat frequent urination does not pee or poop, just take it to behave well.Cats love high surfaces, and, as a business leave the cat food.A more reserved cat will eat what you can always elevate your plants higher or put double sided sticky tape.
There are a part of cat urine you can still own your home.Before it gets rid of the toilet business.Every kitten is not to spray urine, distract it in zip lock bags.In general, ticks on horses, cats, and not share amongst pets of different places to curl up, do not feel comfortable doing it on your vulnerable furniture.Loose earth is great as an interesting concept with benefits for the new kind of damage that is hard for someone to fear.
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