#been falling asleep at 9pm and getting up at 7am
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call-me-pup2 · 18 days ago
I have to be up in four and a bit hours, yet here I am, posting silly pics 😶
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hekateinhell · 2 years ago
so I've had chronic insomnia since early childhood and the only thing that helps me fall asleep without the "oh, I've been drugged" feeling is melatonin
and never once have I seen any instructions on the bottle anything beyond "take at or before bedtime"
my doctor tells me last week that you're not supposed to do this otherwise it really fucks with your circadian rhythms! apparently the optimal time to take melatonin is around sunset (if you want to be asleep by 10pm-12am) because darkness is what naturally stimulates the brain to secrete melatonin
taking it too late (i.e., past 9pm if you intend to sleep around 11pm and wake up at 7am) can majorly screw up your circadian rhythm and keep you feeling groggy and sleepy af well into the day!!! which explains a lot for me personally — not the whole picture but certainly some of it! 
so what I've been doing is I take my regular dose as soon as I notice it's dark outside (around 7:45pm these days) and I start getting sleepy around 10pm-11pm depending on the day I've had. I'm fucking full on passing out by midnight, like phone falling on my face, gotta sleep now. and my sleep isn't perfect but it's a lot better than it was! I get a solid unbroken 6-7 hours stretch which is huge for me and I don't feel like death warmed over needing both vyvanse and caffeine to even think about functioning!
anyway if you already knew this then GOOD FOR YOU BUDDY WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME AT ANY POINT IN THE PAST 15 YEARS and if not, I hope you try it out and it helps even a bit! 🖤
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gojinka · 20 days ago
My sleep schedule has been insanely good. I wake up early and get tired around 9pm. It’s perfect. I unwind for like an hour and fall asleep around 10-ish. Then I wake up at 6-7am ish. Crazy. I already went to the store and everything today. Bough eggs and stuff. I was finished w my chores at 12!! INSANITY !!!
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lizzyliz3 · 4 months ago
I'm so pissed at my mom atm so I'm going to rant here
So this week has been so fucking busy not even funny like for 1 I never have class on Monday and last week my teacher told me to come in on Monday to meet someone and then I show up and the guy was not even there so now I need to come over next Monday on my besties birthday...
And the yesterday I had this thing and it was all morning long so I needed to wake up at 7am and I'm NOT a morning person
i need to wake up at 8:30 for school so 7am was pretty early for me
But it started at 9am until 1pm so I was tired after that and then my mom told me that a holiday that is on dec5 we are going to celebrate on dec3 bc it was just better for everyone coming so I had the thing from 9-1 and then we celebrating a holiday from 6/7pm - midnight (I did get to smoke weed and a cig without my mom making it a big deal so that was chill)
And then today a had class again starting at 12 so I got to sleep until 10am so that was chill but I was raining on my way to class and back and tomorrow I still have school like normal (Thankfully)
But after class I was freezing and wet bc of the rain (don't be gross) and still so fucking tired from yesterday so I was like fuck it I going tk lay in bed today idc if I fall asleep
I normally sit/ lay on thv couch I have I my room so I don't or less likely to fall asleep
But I ended up falling asleep for 3 hours and a few min after I woke up I heard my dad say "but it's dark in there room I don't want to wake them up if they are sleeping" and my mom then said "I don't fucking care if they are asleep she needs to sleep at night not now" and after my dad checked on my to wake me up I went to the bathroom and walked past my parents room and my mom started yelling at me for sleeping during the day
She was laying in bed her self I know for a 1000000% she has slept as well but it's okey if she does it bc is an adult and she has real stress 🙄
And now it's 9pm and I'm forced to eat dinner soooo FML
(btw I did not look over this after writing sooo sorry for spelling mistakes)
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rhazimpulsivelyposts · 6 months ago
This is so annoying and keeps happening
When I’m on-call I have to wake up early and be ready right? So I need to wake up at 4am and take my medication which normally isn’t an issue , but for some reason during on-call weeks I can’t sleep or get to sleep on time so waking up at 4am is harder so instead of waking up at 4am and eating then taking my medication I just hit on on my alarm , take my medication , and lay there asleep until someone calls or until my medication kicks in and wakes me up
Well now because I didn’t eat before I took it I’m not hungry and it’s a hassle to eat. I have been able to eat like 200 calories or 150 calorie snacks kinda , but because I didn’t eat my focus and drive is gone and I kinda just sit there like “duuuhhh” if I didn’t already have a plan to leave the house
So now I have no motivation and I feel like I’m not working because I can’t get in the mindset to work
Fast forward to night time, I have to try to stay awake and alert till like 8:30pm or 9pm , but then come 9pm and now 10pm I’m not fcking tired at all and can’t fall asleep? Why? I didn’t nap? I didn’t drink more Red Bull than I normally would?
Why does the act of feeling like I need to be fully alert from 5am to 9pm completely fck up my ability to eat and sleep properly . Causing me to lose more weight and also have no motivation to actually work? My normal job?
And it’s slow? No calls? Who cares need to be alert Rhaz! Need to be ready for when someone calls to drop everything . But now that means I can’t do anything? I’m on adhd medication , task switching should be this hard? Oh wait it’s hard because I didn’t eat and my adhd medication only works if there is food to help my body fuel to create the dopamine .
It’s like a weird cycle of anxiety and self misconduct that I can’t break and can’t figure out how to fix, and then the week is over and by the time it comes back around I’ve completely forgotten that I can’t function well on it 🤣
It’s like the only part of my job I’m completely overwhelmed with and it’s all because of me overthinking it and not being able to change my mindset on it , even when it isn’t busy. Like I don’t know what I need to do to be able to not be an anxiety blob the whole time.
The only way I forgot about it last night is by getting buzzed off alcohol and that is 100% not the fcking way Rhaz.
I need to find a way to not let this affect me to much so that I can’t do my normal job because I’m so anxious about “what if someone calls”
Because now no one is going to call between 7am and 3:30pm but I have no motivation to actually work because my whole routine is out of wack and I didn’t eat because I stayed up to late and didn’t want to sleep on too late and then I don’t eat and then I’m wide awake at night and then I don’t sleep and then I don’t want to sleep in so I take my medication then I don’t eat then I have no motivation to work then I can’t sleep so I stay up too late
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howdywrites · 2 years ago
How I personally manage my chronic illnesses:
Self-Accomodating aka I work with my illnesses. For me, this looks like recording lectures (especially on days when my symptoms are flaring), dressing to prevent or accommodate my symptoms (and not caring if I look 'weird'), creating a game plan for how I can tackle each day.
Never pushing myself too far. My therapist told me something that I've stuck by since last year: if you don't make the time to give yourself a break, your body will decide the time for you. Essentially if you run yourself into the ground every day, you may run out of fuel.
Making connections with peers in each of my classes. This is easier said than done tbh but I found that having at least one peer who you can reach out to for notes/study sessions helps a TON. There have been days I missed class due to my illnesses and they helped me stay afloat.
Introspection and checking in with myself. Sometimes I go into a semester with a strategy that ultimately fails... And it's ok! Finding the right study habits for a particular subject, or the right note taking habits, all take time. This is true for my illnesses - sometimes I try something to alleviate symptoms and it doesn't work, so I try something else.
How I cope with the day-to-day demands:
EAT. Oh my god I cannot stress this enough, your body needs fuel!! You don't have to follow strict rules (unless you have dietary restrictions due to your illness). "Fed is best" when it comes to babies and adults. Try to be kind to yourself by not beating yourself up if you have to get takeout or fast food. Keep high protein snacks on you if you can, specifically ones that can just be thrown in your backpack/car.
Sleep. This might not be easy for everyone, it definitely isn't easy for me, but getting yourself into a routine can do wonders for fatigue and recovery. Personally, I kind of "parent" myself by telling myself I can watch TV/scroll online for as long as I want as long as I am in bed by 9pm (yay 7am class days). I indulge in my favorite interests, take my melatonin and medication by 8pm, and then get into bed with the lights off by 9ish. I allow myself to listen to podcasts and do puzzle games as long as the lights are off. I also get up as soon as my alarm goes off because if I don't I WILL fall asleep again lmao. Routines take time. Routines aren't always fun. But be gentle with yourself.
Strategize. Before each semester starts, I always go up to my campus and find the best driving/walking routes to get to my classes. I try to keep them as short and air-conditioned as possible so I don't risk fainting on my way to class. I cut through buildings instead of walking around them, I avoid multiple flights of stairs by using elevators etc.
Do something to decompress. I sing in the car during my commute home, I use weighted blankets/stuffed animals once I'm comfortable at home, and I invest time in my interests (right now it's Batman).
Utilizing tools during class. I have a pair of Loop earbuds that I wear in class to cut down on background noise during lectures. I also use fidget toys during lectures to keep my mind focused, or sometimes I just use a pen that I constantly twirl while writing. My recording device is also vital on days I can't concentrate at all or when I'm in pain.
Carry medical supplies on you. This can look like your daily medication in a pill organizer, keeping disposable hand warmers and braces in your bag, a small emergency kit and such. I have an "oh shit" kit I keep on me which I can go into detail about if anyone is interested!
What I do when my symptoms hit:
Communicate with your professor. If I'm going to be late or need to step out of class, I let my professors know via email/canvas messages. Also, you can step out of class without telling them! If a teacher gives you grief they can kindly fuck off
Allow yourself the time to deal with and recoup from your flare. When I have an IBS flare or accidentally eat one of my food intolerances, I allow myself the time needed to use the restroom even if it means I'll be late to class. It's better to do that than suffer and possibly make it worse.
Strategize. Just like I said before, it's important to have a game plan. For example, when I know I'm going to faint, I find somewhere safe to sit/lay down on the ground away from walkways. Keep communication or medical cards on you if needed that let's others know what is happening and how they can help if they find you.
Do you know any resources for studying with chronic illnesses?
Hi, anon! 🩷
I'm gonna be transparent here, I primarily deal with CPTSD/PTSD, IBS with several food intolerances, PCOS, and being a neurodivergent student. So what I do to keep myself functioning may or may not work for all chronic illnesses!
*this is also coming from an American POV
Americans with Disabilities Act Info:
Here's a guide on how to apply for ADA accommodations at your college/university
Here is a rundown of ADA examples
And another rundown on ADA in college settings
How Other Students Manage:
Full-time student and her guide to navigating college life
Another full-time students guide to college
Other Helpful Resources:
How to study when chronically ill
Guide to studying with ADHD
11 study tips for students with ADHD
Tips on how to prevent academic burnout
How to manage emotional triggers (PTSD; got this directly from my therapist)
I am going to follow up this post by reblogging it and adding my own personal coping skills!
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eddie-hellfire-munson · 3 years ago
Could I get a eddie x f! Reader where he discovers she likes Abba, he’s sneaking in through her window as he does because her parents don’t approve of him and hears her singing along to Abba, he stifles his laughter before he falls into the room.
Thank you, your work is *chefs kiss*
I'm glad you like it! I can absolutely do that lol we love Abba in this household♡
𝕬𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑 𝕰𝖞𝖊𝖘
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pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
synopsis: Eddie Munson sneaking into your bedroom to find you jamming out to some Abba!
warnings: none! Just Eddie being Eddie and some fluff.
word count: 1633
If you'd like to be added to the tag list please check out [this post]
Eddie Munson, local bad boy and town pariah to a not so mild extent. He was the sort of boy parents warned their children about, the kind of guy you were told to stay far away from and your parents were no exception. Everyone was so quick to judge a man they didn't even know simply because he looked different. Now, you were no Bible thumping hard-core catholic but you didn't exactly fit the stereotype of someone who would be caught hanging out with the brown eyed metalhead. You were average, or so you thought. You wore things you found comfortable, what you liked, no matter what anyone else had to say. You weren't outspoken, but you weren't afraid to stand up for the things you believed in and that's how you and Eddie had met. It had been your senior year, hearing Carver talk to some of his boys about how Hellfire was a satanic cult that sacrifices animals. You, having heard the same bullshit for the past year and a half, had gotten sick of it.
Eddie had been watching, having overheard the jock from a few tables away and to his own surprise you marched right up.. tapped the man on his shoulder- and when he turned around you absolutely fuckin laid it on him going on about how it was just a fantasy game that people enjoyed and that maybe if he pulled his head out of his daddy's ass he'd realize the media propaganda was all false and they used scare tactics to try and start a witch hunt for people like Eddie and Hellfire. Jason just sat there bug eyed and in shock, the man was too stunned to speak as you walked away hands still on your hips. Thats the moment he knew he had to have you. He had scrambled out of his seat, rushing over to you just as you were about to start eating. Without hesitation he plucked the sandwich out of your hands, set it down, and asked you out on a date. You declined, but the man was determined and after a few weeks of denying him you folded. Turns out the metalhead and you had a lot more in common than you thought, and you became Hawkins' weirdest couple.
Your parents were absolutely appalled, well your father was- your mother had somewhat of a better head on her shoulders and at least tried to get to know Eddie. He wasn't the best with parents, but your mom thought he was sweet in his own unique way. It wasn't enough to sway your father however and a strict curfew was set in order. You weren't allowed to go to his trailer unless his uncle was home, and he wasn't to come over to your house unless your father was home and when he was over the door was to be cracked no less than three inches until he left. Oh, and he had to leave by 6pm. The rules weren't optimal but hey at least they were allowing you to continue seeing him right? Well, Eddie wasn't one to follow rules and very quickly the nightly visits began. He would always crawl through your second story window at around 9pm when he knew your parents were asleep, stay the night, and crawl back out before 7am when your dad woke up for work.
Tonight had been no exception, but there was a slight twist.. it was 6pm. You hadn't been expecting him for three more hours, fresh out of the shower with your hair wrapped up in a towel and your comfy clothes on which consisted of a pair of shorts and one of Eddie's Dio shirts. It fit you like a dress but you absolutely loved wearing it and he loved seeing you in it. Music was blasting over your speakers, both of your parents had gone on a weekend trip to the next town over wanting to spend some time with a handful of their friends. You had promised them 'No Eddie' while they were away but hey you were an adult and you could make your own decisions.. plus your mother had already predicted he would be at the house anyways and being the Saint she is told you to both help yourselves to the beer in the fridge while your father was packing up the car.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Was blasting at top volume as you swayed your hips, feet shuffling around and arms waving as you danced your heart out to one of your favorite songs belting out the lyrics unaware of the presence at your window. He had been perched halfway through the opening for only a few seconds, but he had heard your singing from the street and not wanting to miss the performance of a lifetime he made quick work of scaling the side of your house to watch you. Carefully he crawled through, eyes never leaving your form as he slipped into your room and just leaned against the empty wall beside your open window- he did have to stiffle a bit of laughter though as you danced around entirely unaware of his presence. "Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight- won't somebody help me chase the shadows away~" you sang, spinning around with your hairbrush in your hand acting as a makeshift microphone only to come face to face with your mischievous boyfriend. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was adorned in a pair of tattered black jeans, his usual shoes, and a motley crue shirt that had been cut into a muscle tank top. He was already smirking down at you as your dancing screeched to a halt and you froze on the spot, dropping the hairbrush as your face flushed a deep shade of crimson. His smirk only widened as he watched the object fall with a resounding thud against your carpeted floor. "Oh- don't stop on my account sweetheart." He chuckled, pushing off the wall to approach you. Large hands slid over your hips as he leaned down to press a kiss against your forehead. "Eds!" You whined, squirming slightly in his grip as you swatted at his chest. "YOU- are very early." With a pout you stared up at him, the song on the mixtape switching to Angeleyes and he just chuckled and shook his head. "Yknow I'm not surprised you're an Abba fan-" with a jolt he began to dance, hands still on your hips as he swayed haphazardly to the music dragging you along with him. You just giggled and squealed, hands flying up to grip his shoulders to keep yourself from toppling over as the two of you danced. It was sloppy, off beat- but undeniably on brand for the curly haired man. He just grinned down at you, eyes creasing and God was he beautiful when he just let go like this. He spun you around, a shout escaping you as he quickly dipped you and pulled you back up. This definitely wasn't the song for this sort of dancing but you couldn't be bothered to care, tossing your arms back around him as you both finally settled into a good rhythm. "Do I have angel eyes?" His smile widened a fraction as he stared down at you, wiggling his brow as he pinched your hips. "Yes Eddie- yes you do."
"Do yoouuuu think about me when you're lonely?" He spun you again, head now cocked to the side. "Yes Eds- I think about you all the time." He mumbled a soft 'hmm' bringing one hand up to rest against your forehead. "Well I have some good news and some bad news." As the song came to an end you both stopped swaying simply enjoying being so close to one another as you played with the long strands of hair at the nape of his neck. "What's the prognosis doc? Am I gonna live." Again he chuckled, moving his hand to pluck the towel carefully from atop your head allowing your hair to fall and frame your face as he tossed it to the side. "Well, y/n, you'll certainly live a long life- but I think you've fallen in love. Do you deny it?" He arched a brow, brushing away a few strands of hair that had fallen in front of your face. "Well doc, there is this boy with big brown eyes.. he can play guitar, and I get butterflies in my stomach every time he looks at me even though we've been together for over a year now.. but I don't deny it. I do love him."
"So you love me?" He questioned, already knowing your answer. "Of course, I love you Eddie Munson." You just grinned up at him and he returned it, bending to give you gentile Eskimo kisses while his hand cupped your cheek. "I love you too y/n" slowly he leaned forwards to give you a kiss but you blocked him with your index finger. "Hold on doc you never told me the bad news." Eddie's grin slipped into a lopsided smirk as he pulled his head away slightly. "Your taste in music is shit-"
"EDDIE!" You just laughed, hitting him in the chest and he stumbled back gripping it like you had stuck a knife through his heart. "Oh fuck she got me- IVE BEEN HIT! MAN DOWN!" He grabbed your hand as he fell backwards onto your bed tugging you on top of him as he wrapped his arms around you to cage you in place. "I know you like Abba!" You squirmed, lazily fighting his grip for a few seconds before relaxing into him. "Oh yeah? That so?" Now it was your turn to smirk down at him, cocking your head to the side. "You knew the lyrics to Angeleyes Eds" He sputtered, wide brown eyes staring up at you for a second as you just laughed at him. He hadn't been a huge fan of Abba before, but he certainly was now.
authors notes: ngl this was my favorite fic to write and I hope you enjoyed it ^^ something about dancing around all silly with Eddie just hits different.
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mcrmadness · 4 years ago
Okay do I ever stop being tired? I would really love to do something right now but I have been so fatigued ever since I woke up 7 hours ago (after sleeping 7 hours???).
It's mainly just my eyes that are tired, and I already felt like I'm going to take a nap but then felt like I'm too tired to sleep. I mean, sometimes taking a nap feels so stupid? You are tired but still not and go lay down on a sofa or bed and am I gonna fall asleep? "It's a surprise!" It's really frustrating. Usually I do fall asleep, but right now I just don't feel like testing that out. It's 6pm and I can easily sleep until midnight or more if I now go to sleep, and that means I won't sleep at all at night.
I know I will get over this fatigue whenever the clock hits 8pm or so. So it's not really much more to go. Maybe I should just try to eat something, or start doing the dishes as I really should cook today before the minced meat expires.
I just hate this feeling of fatigue because it is so physical feeling that it literally prevents me from doing _anything at all. And I have it always if I keep waking up before noon, and it ruins the whole day and when I finally am "awake" enough to do things, aka usually after 9pm, then I don't start anything anymore because I know I won't be able to stop before morning and that means sleeping schedule ruined once again.
Plus the fact my body refuses to stay asleep at nights. I went to bed around 4am and fell asleep immediately, but every single day/night I keep waking up every 2-4 hours to see how much the time is and then continue sleeping. But if I sleep from 7am to 6pm, I can sleep that time completely without waking up even once before 6pm.
I'm not sure if it's just my natural inner clock doing this or what, but I have now had some sort of a relatively "normal" sleeping schedule for a week. And I have been so tired every single day that I haven't done ANY chores at home. I didn't even eat any proper food last week (only bread with either cucumber or tuna) because I was just too tired to do the dishes and cook as the executive dysfunction had the reins. Except that I was obsessively on Duolingo, that's also another thing that happens - when I hyperfixate, I have no interest for anything else and can't force myself to do anything else.
Well whatever. Maybe I will try to fight against this fatigue now. I mean, it can also be just due to migraine. I had a migraine on the weekend, and then again yesterday evening/last night so maybe that is the culprit for why I have no energy left today.
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dikiyvter · 4 years ago
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       Nyx did a similar post for Lio a lil while back, and ever since I’ve had the brainworms to do something like it for Gio and Riga, so... here we are. This is ultimately meaningless, and probably nonsense given my inability to comprehend time, I just think it’s fun to think about.
CURRENT: 7AM- Gio wakes up. Slowly. Very slowly. Morning routine still consists of a quick shower/bath, getting dressed, and finding breakfast for himself. 8-8:30AM - If Gio is travelling, this is typically the time he’ll pack up and camp and get back on the road. If he’s in a city, then he’s sitting on his bed/at a table in his room, checking his maps, checking his supplies, and figuring out what he’ll be doing for the day. 9AM - If he’s in a city, then this is typically the time he actually leaves his room and starts doing stuff. Stuff can mean... a wide variety of things. Shopping for supplies, setting up for performances, gathering materials out in the wilds. 11:30-12PM - If travelling, this is when he’ll stop for a bit to eat and drink. If in a city, he’ll return from whatever he’s doing and munch on his food as he sets up for a performance. 1PM-5PM - If travelling, 5PM is typically the time he stops and makes camp. In in a city, it’s more of whatever needs to be done, and a lot of fucking around. He might return to his room, do some drawing, write in his journal, etc etc, or he might just wander around doing whatever he wants- Bothering his friends, doing more performances, etc. 6PM - Generally when he settles into his room for the night... assuming he has a room. If not? More fucking around. 8PM - Dinner or another bath b/c hes Picky, depending. 9PM - TAVERN TIME BAY BEE. Typically, anyways- some days, especially those where he’s just arrived in town, prove to be a bit too exhausting, and he’ll instead stay in his room... or begin scouting out a place to rest. While travelling, this is the time he’s typically falling asleep by. 10PM - Gio leaves the tavern and goes back to his room. Assuming he doesn’t have company, he falls asleep pretty quickly-- If he doesn’t have a room, then he scouts out a safe place to rest for the night.  
LAB SCHEDULE:  Gio’s routine is very flexible, as the tasks he has for the day can vary wildly; Typically, though, his schedule is similar to this. 5:30AM-6AM -  Wake up. Morning routine consists of a quick shower, getting dressed, and making breakfast for himself and Dottore, assuming his creator is awake. Between 5 and 6, Gio usually has time to himself. He typically spends this time in his room reading and taking notes on whatever latest textbook he’s gotten his hands on-- Though he’ll sometimes also use this time to draw, if he so chooses. If Dottore is up & awake at this point, he may sit with him in his office and do these things.  7AM - The latest possible time for any lab work to start. If there’s no lab work to be done that day, Gio will typically take up position in the infirmary and spend the rest of his day there- Otherwise he’ll be doing work around the lab ( cleaning, prepping specimen, etc ) or in Dottore’s office ( writing reports, organizing files, etc ). 12PM - Around noon Gio checks in with Dottore to see if he needs anything; He’ll typically bring a small plate of food and a cup of tea or coffee at this time. Gio may make himself some food if he feels hungry, but typically he won’t be eating at this time. He may take a short break to sit with his creator if the mood is good. 1PM-ish- Work resumes. May be the same as earlier work, may be different; He could go back to the infirmary, or he could spend the rest of the evening in Dottore’s office doing more admin work. It depends on what needs to be done for the day. 6PM~8PM - Depending on the work that needs to be done, the time Gio gets around to this could vary heavily. Gio will leave whatever work he’s doing to return to Dottore and check in on him again, typically bringing a plate of food with him. Gio will usually take a short break to eat as well, either in his room or with Dottore in his office.  9PM - Shift change, usually. Gio will clean up the lab, check on Dottore one last time, and will either spend the rest of his night in Dottore’s office, or in his room- Though some work can go late into the night, in which case... he will still be working. 12AM-1AM - Heads to bed somewhere around here. Gio requires far less sleep than the average person-- though he’d like to sleep in, it doesn’t impact him to get so little rest. 
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4AM - Riga habitually wakes up before the crack of dawn. Morning routine consists mostly just of dragging himself out of bed and getting dressed. If he’s up to it, then he’ll make an attempt to brush and braid his hair... needless to say he very rarely feels up to that particular task. 5AM - If on the road, this is typically where he’ll pack up camp and set out again. When stationed at a camp or when in town, he’ll typically stay in his tent ( or room ) and read/write until the sun comes up.  6AM - When stationed somewhere, this is generally where he’ll get up and cook breakfast... assuming the other soldiers won’t mind him doing so. It’s not been an uncommon occurrence for fellow members of the fatui to refuse eating anything made by him-- In which case, he’ll quietly make a fire away from the camp, make himself food, and eat alone. When in a city, he’ll grab himself something to eat around this time, assuming he’s hungry.  7AM - Where his day really starts. Riga will either set out to gather materials or, most likely, to try and gather information regarding Gio’s whereabouts. If he has reports to fill out or a letter due home, he’ll probably still be in his room working on those.  12-2PM - Riga might stop for food somewhere in-between. When stationed somewhere, he might return to camp for lunch-- assuming the others treat him well. When they don’t, he might find something to snack on while he works, but unless he’s run out of things to do, he won’t return to camp just yet. 8-9PM ( or sundown ) - When on the road, where he stops to make camp. When stationed somewhere, the point where he’ll typically return in time for dinner ( which he will either cook or take a portion and eat alone depending on those around him ). When in the city, this is where he’ll find himself something to eat, depending on whether or not he’s hungry. Note that he might, on occasion, head to the tavern around this time-- Riga however does not drink, and he doesn’t usually stay for too long.  10PM - Night routine. Will most likely bathe, assuming he didn’t do so before dinner ( in the case of any blood/gore from battle ). At this point he’ll retire to his tent/room, and spend the rest of the night either continuing writing letters/reports, or reading whatever book he has on hand with him.  11PM-12AM- typically falls asleep at some point between here. Riga does not like sleeping; If he can help it, he’ll try and stay up later, whether that be in doing more work/reading, or in just laying awake fighting off sleep. 
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metalbatandzenko · 5 years ago
What are the OPM Characters’ Sleep Schedules like aka I’m trying to vague myself so I’m shamed into going to sleep
Blast-Who fucking knows man. Probably in a voluntary coma given how unresponsive he is.
Tatsumaki-Stays up fairly late watching soap operas. Usually aims to be going to bed by 11pm, and is up by 8am. You better not make her wake up before that without clearing it by her 3-5 business days prior.
Fubuki-Queen of luxury. Goes to sleep at 12am with a face mask and her fancy pajamas, then sleeps in until 10am. She has been known to throw people who disturb her in her sleep. 
Bang-Jokes about being old and going to sleep early. This is true. He is asleep from 8pm to 4am. But once it’s 4am he’s up baby! And he expects Charanko to be up as well so they can share a pot of tea. Charanko is suffering.
Bomb-Pretty much the same as Bang except he goes to sleep at 9pm and wakes up at 5am. Because he’s not an animal.
Atomic Samurai-Resents that he mentioned once that he went to bed at 8pm and Bang gave him a knowing look. Now stays up until 12am to spite Bang and prove he’s not old. He still has to wake up at 5am because that’s when he requires his disciples to wake up. He is suffering.
Child Emperor-Someone please let this boy sleep. Being the Hero Association’s go to tech master, a teacher at his school, and a student himself, he’s got really rough hours. He’s lucky if he gets to bed at midnight, and has to be up at 6am to eat breakfast and get ready for school.
Metal Knight-Probably has an alarm set for when he needs to go to sleep or some shit. Goes to sleep at 11pm, wakes up at 7am. He’s determined to get his eight hours for optimal brain function, but that’s all the time he’s willing to spare.
King-He’s trying to have a more standard sleep schedule, but right now he’s sleeping from 2am to 12pm. He pulled an all nighter to try and fix it, then fell back into his old patterns because the new doki doki sisters came out and he played through the story in one night.
Zombieman-Can fall asleep whenever or wherever. Has fallen asleep fighting monsters before while he waited for them to tire themselves out. Baffles everyone by always being awake when they contact him. Child Emperor texts him at odd hours with questions and always gets an immediate response.
Drive Knight-Does not sleep. He charges himself for an hour every day, but he’s awake for that. When does his brain process things? It’s simple. He doesn’t. He’s a freaking moron.
Pig God-Has a good sleep schedule he sticks to diligently. He’s aware the Hero Association could call on him at any time, so he sleeps from 10pm to 7am. 
Superalloy Darkshine-Sticks to a strict sleep schedule as well, but more because he wants to keep his body in top shape but needs the time to train. Goes to sleep at 9pm and wakes up at 6am. Probably pounds two protein shakes right when he wakes up.
Watchdog Man-Doesn’t sleep for extended periods of time. Rarely leaves his post, so he takes short naps throughout the day while he’s up there.
Flashy Flash-Sleeps in two hour bursts when he needs it. The most common bursts are 9am to 11am and 6pm to 8pm. Makes an effort to be awake when other heroes are asleep. 
Genos-Tends to stay up a bit later than Saitama doing dishes and other small chores. Usually tries to get to sleep by 11:30pm, and wakes up at 6:30am to get breakfast going. 
Metal Bat-Tends to be heading to bed when some of the others are waking up. Goes to sleep at 5am, wakes up at 6am to get Zenko ready and walk her to school, goes to class and sleeps through them. There’s a reason he’s got such big under eye bags. Will occasionally text other Class S heroes to ask them bizarre questions at 4am. Child Emperor has a screenshot of a text that just said “Do you think ants can scream and we just don’t know because their lungs are so small” from Badd timestamped at 3:57am.
Tanktop Master-Wants to be a good example to the rest of the Tanktoppers, so he goes to bed at 9pm and wakes at 7am. Insists the rest stick to the same schedule, as he wants to make sure all of them get enough sleep. Sends out bedtime and waking reminders to the members.
Puri Puri Prisoner-Used to having his set hours for sleeping and sticks to them for the most part. He’s in bed at 9pm, but he tends to stay up until midnight reading and watching romances. Tries to be up by 7am, more likely to be up by 9.
Saitama-Has a fairly normal sleep schedule. He doesn’t get as much as he should, but he’s asleep from 11pm 6am-ish. He does his workout as soon as he wakes up, and by the time he’s back, Genos has breakfast ready.
Garou-Has two modes. For the most part, he sticks to the schedule he was on at the dojo. He knows the importance of sleep in performance and mental clarity, so he’s asleep by 10pm and awake at 5am. He tends to overexert himself, so occasionally his body will just. knock him out at 9pm and he won’t wake up until 2pm.
Speed of Sound Sonic-His sleep schedule depends where he is/if he’s on a job. If not, he tends to keep...very responsible sleep hours for someone as unhinged as him. He’s asleep from 10pm to 6am.
Mumen Rider-A good boy with a good sleep schedule! He patrols before heading home to bed. He aims to be home by 9:30pm, asleep by 10pm, and wakes up at 9am.
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ladyloving · 6 years ago
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I’ve been really tired the past few days (was nearly falling asleep at my work desk today despite sleeping like 9pm to 7am) so I’m sorry if I’m slow??? My meds are a slow-going process with a lot of monitoring and the exhaustion is............ So strong rn, especially with the intense heat we’ve been having here in Japan lol.
Also pls forgive me if I tend to zone out in chats/IMs/while writing replies. I’ve been collapsing in bed after I come home and just resting and sleeping a lot so I can have enough energy to teach the next day lmao.
In better news, I discovered that jasmine tea is super nice, and I had an absolute blast teaching my classes today. Have some pure junior high school content below the cut.
Did some badly drawn teacher portraits which had students laughing, asked my kids to doodle weird Japanese bugs and explain them in English, and had students up and about to teach me some traditional Japanese dances (which is funny bc I’m just plain bad at it and they’re super shy when showing me, which leads to half-assed or incorrect dancing haha. I love being a big doofus in class.)
I was also demonstrating some grammar with a teacher today. He pretended to be in the bath, then get out to answer the phone, then get back in the bath while talking to me on the phone, which had me in stitches for about five minutes because it was one of those ‘wait, who the fuck does that?????’ moments skjdfdjfsd. It sounds super silly but it’s a goof that cracked me right up.
Cue me cry-laughing and failing to regain my composure while handing out worksheets and wiping tears away... And, ofc, the cacophony of “kawaii”s from all the girls because I’d lost it and just couldn’t save myself. I needed the other teacher to explain the next activity while I giggled in the corner and straightened myself out.
And yesterday I went onto the 1st grade corridor to say hello because I’ve never met the 1st graders at this school, and there were boys running up to me like “EEEEEEEH, WHO ARE YOU? WHAT’S YOUR NAME? DARE??? DARE DESU KA????” in that aggressive-but-friendly way that boys do lmao, and shy girls coming over in their groups and taking it in turns to push their friends forward to talk. They’re a bunch of sweet, energetic kids and they made me laugh a lot.
I’m tired af rn but I do genuinely love my job. Deciding to teach was the best choice I ever made.
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ausimosa · 6 years ago
We are so tired of sleeping!
My kids’ words!!!
I used to say that back in the day...
I have always been a morning person, but that “precious time” while my husband slept was my “ME” time! I worked out, read and collected my thoughts. This potential “me” time now gets swaped w/ kids demanding breakfast. I have slowly negotiated that they wake up at 7am, 7:30am so I get some solo time, but man, I get their words. These children come from a line of women who love mornings so, who am I to tell them that their bodies have not gotten sufficient sleep. I wonder if #3 will take after Dad! It is a mystery to me how the man can stay up late at night and sleep in w/ all the noise these precious children & 2 loud Dachshunds make. My eyes close the minute it gets dark and I can fall asleep while standing up around 9pm. I have tried to sleep in but I hear all the noise and it doesn’t work!
I am a child of the sun!
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georgialouisea · 7 years ago
What Should Have Been - Part 7
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Characters - Dean X Reader, Bobby, Cas, Sam.  Word Count - 4300. Warnings - Angst, pregnancy, violent nightmares.  Summary - Dean’s moved in so everything can start to go back to ‘normal’ now Lisa is out of the picture, right? A/N -  Thank you all so much for your support for this series, if you’d like to support my work please do consider supporting my work.
Part 6 - Masterlist
Walking into Bobby’s you were exhausted, you’d been awake since 5am, been at work since 7am and 12 hours later you were finally home.
“Hey.” Bobby smiled at you as he cooked something on the stove. “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired, Dean here?”
“No, he’s off on a hunt with Sam, something about a shapeshifting baby,” Bobby smirked.
“A shapeshifting baby? Really?”
“Yeah, I didn’t get a lot from Dean.”
“I’ll call in and check on them.”
“Pasta, salad and chicken for dinner,” Bobby called out
“Thank you! I’m changing then I’ll come down.”
“Okay!” Bobby called as you walked upstairs.
For the past 2 weeks, you’d been working more days and longer hours, much to Jody and Bobby’s dismay. Dean knew you were working more while he was away on hunts, you tried to work when he was away, sometimes even working evenings and nights so you’d be home when Dean was.
“You okay?” Bobby asked as you sat on the sofa after dinner.
“I’m just tired, I miss Dean, I’m just always scared to go to sleep without him here.”
“He’ll be home soon, plus you’ve had what two nightmares with him gone?”
“Yeah, maybe more than that.”
“You’ll be okay, I’m right next door.”
“They’re really bad Bobby, they may be less frequent but they’re just horrible.” You dropped your head as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt.
“Okay, tell me.” He turned off the TV and turned to you.
“It’s still her, she has just upped her game, you remember that episode of private practice where the woman cut the baby out of the Doctor.”
“Jesus, yes I do.”
“Yeah, that, she did that to me in my own bed and took my baby.”
“Y/N, you’ve seen that on TV I’m not surprised that you’d dream about yourself and Lisa in that scenario.”  
“Still, I swear I felt it, it was too real.”
“You’re safe here though.”
“I know I am, I’m going to try and call Dean before I go to sleep.” You spoke as you stood up.
“Okay, I’ll keep my door open anyway.” Bobby nodded as he turned the TV back on.
“Thank you.” Smiling at him you walked upstairs. It was already 9pm, you were well past exhausted, the thought of your day off tomorrow was a dream. Changing into your pyjamas you settled into bed, glancing at the empty rocking chair you grabbed your phone.
‘You free to talk? I heard you have a shapeshifting baby on your hands. x’
-‘Yeah I’m free, let me turn on my laptop I’ll facetime you.’
 Dean’s reply was instant.
Turning on your laptop you put it in bed beside you, the bedside lamps illuminated the room as you watched Dean’s call come through, clicking accept you smiled when Dean’s face filled your screen.
“Hi.” He grinned as he sat against the headboard. “How are you?”
“I’m good.”
“Y/N -”
“I’m just tired as always.” You sighed pulling the sheets up around you. “Tell me about the hunt.” You changed the subject.
“Well I’m in a motel room and there’s a shapeshifting baby in the crib across the room.”
“What does it look like?”
“A baby.” Dean laughed.
“How’re you handling it? Where’s Sam?”
“He’s out interviewing, one of us had to stay with Bobby John.”
“Bobby John?”
“Yeah.” Dean stood up and disappears from your screen. “We were in the store and a woman asked what his name is I said Bobby, Sam said John so It’s Bobby John.” Dean’s voice was a loud whisper as he shuffled around the room.
“Wow, real creative boys.”
“Yes, we are.” Dean reappeared shirtless, you caught a glimpse of his black boxers before he slipped under the sheet. “Y/N, you look tired, get some sleep.”
“I don’t want to.” You blinked with heavy eyelids.
“Why don’t we try something different,” Dean suggested.
“Which is?”
“Staying on facetime all night, keeping our laptops on, it might help.” He gave you a smile as he watched you process.
“Yeah, okay.” You nodded at him. “Mine’s plugged in any way I could fall asleep any second.”
“It’s okay, don’t stay awake on my account.” Dean shuffled and disappeared again, the baby began to cry in his room, you listened as he soothed it and the crying soon subsided before Dean reappeared.
As you watched him you couldn’t help the tears that were falling, you felt your baby kick against your palm.
“Y/N, hey what’s wrong?” Dean asked as he sat forwards his brows knitted together. “You okay? Baby talk to me.”
“I’m okay, the baby’s kicking, I miss you.” You wiped away your tears as you tried to calm down.
“I’ll be home soon, sooner than you think okay?”
“I’m here all night okay.”
“God I sound so needy.” You mumbled.
“You’re not, you’re upset and tired.”
“I’m sorry, I’m going to sleep.”
“You do, I’m here.” Dean’s voice dropped as you closed your eyes and listened to him talking to you as you talked asleep.
A baby crying woke you, looking at your laptop you saw Dean sound asleep, the crying was from downstairs. Grabbing your robe you walked downstairs, on the sofa sat Lisa with a baby in her arms.
“She’s mine now.” Lisa smiled at you.
“Your baby, she’s mine, I always wanted a little girl.” She taunted as you looked down, your bump was gone and your stomach was flat.
“Yes.” Lisa stood up and walked out of Bobby’s, running after her you were so close to her until she disappeared into the darkness.
“No!” You screamed as you ran when you couldn’t find her you dropped into the dirt. “NO, NO, NO!”
“Y/N!” Dean shouted. Your eyes flew open, your laptop was beside you, Dean’s face filled it as he watched you. “You’re okay.” He asked as Sam watched you from the table behind Dean.
“I’m okay, sorry.” You wiped your tears away. “I’m okay, I’m okay, what time is it?”
“Three am,” Sam answered.
“Y/N, I think we should see someone about your nightmares.” Dean rubbed his eyes as he sat up.
“Like who?”
“A shrink maybe.”
“There’s also Cas,” Sam added.
“I haven’t seen Cas in so long.” You yawned. “Does he even know I’m pregnant?”
“Erm, I don’t think he does.” Dean looked over his shoulder at Sam. “Have you told him?”
“No,I haven’t spoken to him in months.”
“Okay, when you’re home we’ll call Cas and maybe go to see a shrink.” You nodded.
“We’ll be home in a few days.” Dean’s head flopped back onto his pillow.
Settling yourself back into bed you closed your eyes. “Okay, I’ll see you then.”
“I’ll be here all night.”
Nodding you pulled the sheets up around you as you tried to listen as he spoke to Sam.
“Is she asleep?” Sam asked.
“I think so.” Dean’s eyes fell to the screen as he watched you dance on the edge of consciousness. “Why?”
“I think Cas should be your first call, she can’t carry on like this.”
“Yeah, I know, I’m calling him tomorrow.” Dean yawned. “How are you not tired?”
“Too much coffee.” Sam shrugged.
“Great, well watch Bobby John, I’m going back to sleep.”
“Sure.” Sam sat back in his chair and opened a beer. “You know when it’s your own you’ll have to do all this.”
“Yeah I know, I’m getting in the sleep while I can.”
“Well if Y/N’s nightmares don’t stop you won’t be getting much.”
“Shut up Sam, Y/N’s going to be fine,” Dean mumbled.
“I know she will be.”
“Good now shut up.” Dean huffed as he buried his face into the pillows.
You weren’t sure when it happened but ever since Dean came back into your life you were 100% dependant on him. Your life once again revolved around him, it was really pathetic. Before you were okay, independent, happy, now you’re a mess, you couldn’t even sleep through the night. You felt like a dog waiting for their owner to come home.
“Hello?” Sam called into the house.
“I’m upstairs!”
“Hey, will one of you bring up the box by the door?”
“Which one there are loads!” Dean shouted.
“The biggest one and the rest if you can manage.”
“Got it!” Sam yelled as you heard the grunts and groans as they struggled with the boxes. Sam walked into your room with the biggest box in his arms. “Where do you want it?”
“Erm, by the wardrobe is fine.”
“Okay.” Sam put the box down. “I’m getting a beer, want anything?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Shall I put these with the other one?” Dean asked as he stood in your doorway with his arms full.
“Yes please.” You smiled at him as you got off your bed, you walked towards him as he put the boxes into a pile before standing up straight, his arms open.
“I missed you.” He whispered as he hugged you, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“I missed you too.” You smiled as he pulled away, his eyes drinking in every inch of your face.
“You okay?” He asked, his hands cupped your face as he rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs.
“Yeah, I’m good, are you?”
“I’m good.”
“Good, are you home for a few days?” You looked at him with a hopeful smile on your face.
“Yeah, I am.” He dropped his hands from your face to your hips. “What are you doing today?”
“Well, I have the day off because Jody thinks I’ve been working too much, I was kind of waiting for you to come home to see if you wanted to build the crib with me.”
“Yes.” Dean blurted. “Yes, where do we start?”
3 hours later you and Dean lay in bed together, the crib was made and sat by the window, a chest of drawers beside it, some new storage boxes were in your wardrobe. For once you felt mildly prepared for the baby.
“I can hunt a nest of vampires and not break a sweat but putting together some damn furniture and I’m exhausted.” Dean groaned as you ran your hand across his chest.
“I’d agree but you did most of the work.”
“You looked pretty so I’m not complaining.”
“Shut up.” You patted his chest as he rolled you so you were laying on the bed and not him.
“I’m serious.” He whispered as he leaned on his elbow over you. His face dropped lower as he leaned towards you, his lips found yours like they had many times before, but this time it didn’t feel desperate and needy, not grief-filled, it was natural.
Someone clearing their throat from your doorway made you pull away from Dean.
“Dean, can I talk to you?” Bobby’s jaw clenched as he looked at Dean. “Now.” He added with a growl.
Dean kissed you again before climbing off the bed and following Bobby out of your room and downstairs.
Getting out of bed you walked to the top of the stairs when you heard the front door slam you walked back to your room and left them to their chat.
“What?” Dean asked.
“Right, I’ve let certain things slide, but we need to talk, I need the truth right now.” Bobby snapped.
“About what?”
“Do you love Lisa?”
“You heard me, boy.”
“So it takes three weeks to fall out of love huh?”
“With a woman who lied to me, yes.”
“What about Y/N?” Bobby asked.
“What about her?”
“Do you love her?”
“Easy question Dean.”
“Bobby I-”
“It’s a yes or no.”
“Yes, I think I do.”
“If it wasn’t for the ‘think’ I’d believe you.”
“She doesn’t need you playing with her emotions, she doesn’t need to be your rebound.”
“She’s not my rebound.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, Bobby, I’m not trying to hurt her, we’ve been friends for years, If I had known she was pregnant I would have been here from day one, we all know this but I wasn’t so I’m making up for lost time, I’m trying my best, I think I’m falling in love with her.”
“There’s that word again, ‘think’, do you think you would have left Lisa if Y/N wasn’t pregnant? When you found out Sam’s alive would you be with Lisa or Y/N?”
“Bobby, If that would have happened I’d never know about Lisa’s lies because Y/N wouldn’t have come to find me.”
“Fine.” Bobby huffed.
“I’m not happy.”
“When are you happy?”
“When that girl is happy, she loves you, you know, she properly stupidly loves you, and if you’re only in this for the kid tell her sooner rather than later.”
“You think I would have spent the past two weeks sleeping in a fucking rocking chair if I just cared about the kid?” Dean snapped.
“I suppose not.” Bobby’s voice dropped.
“Are we done? Because she’s probably freaking out.”
“Yes, we were talking about Sam if she asks.” Bobby concocted the lie.
“Fine, but we really do need to talk about Sam tomorrow, I’ve also called Cas to come check her out, about the nightmares.”
“Okay, does she know?”
“No, I was going to tell her today, but we got distracted by the crib building.”
“Okay,” Dean repeated.
You were halfway through folding the clothes you’d purchased for your baby when Dean walked into your room.
“You want anything?” He asked.
“No, I’m good.” Smiling up at him you quickly returned your attention to the tiny clothes in your hands. “Can you believe in a few months there’s going to be a tiny person wearing this?” You held up the babygro.
“Not really.” He smiled as he sat at the end of your bed, he reached out and grabbed some clothes to fold.
“God.” You tried to suppress your laughter.
“What?” He looked up at you with a frown.
“The baby’s going to look even smaller in your hands.” You pointed to the tiny clothes he was holding.
“Yeah, I suppose it will.” He looked down at the tiny clothes in his hands.
“Are you okay?” You asked, already knowing he wasn’t.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Tired? A shape-shifting baby probably takes it out of you.” You continued to speak as you folded.
“Yeah.” He sighed.
“Get some sleep, take my bed.” You watched him as you scooped up the rest of the clothes.
“I’ll be fine, I’m not even that tired.” Dean huffed as he continued to fold.
“Dean, you don’t have to do this.” You reached out for his hand.
“I have to do something right? I haven’t done anything for five months, should probably step up right?” He sniped at you.
“Dean, what’s wrong?” You asked ignoring his previous statement and tone.
“I - we need to talk.” He put the folded clothes next to yours before he got up and closed your door.
Taking all of the freshly folded clothes you put them in the drawers by the crib. “Sure.” You replied as you sat back on your bed. “About what?”
“I’ve called Cas.”
“About the baby?” Your hand flew to your bump as your brow furrowed.
“No, no about your nightmares.”
“Oh thank God.”
“Yeah, he said he’d drop in tonight to help or see what’s going on.”
“That’s good if not then a shrink.” You beamed as you tried to stay positive for Dean.
“Yeah, only if you want.”
“Let’s see what Cas says.”
“Sure.” He mumbled.
“Dean, what’s going on?” You put your hand on his knee.
“Nothing, I’m just worried about you.”
“I’m going to be okay.”
“I’m sure you are.” He smiled at you. “Want to watch a film or some TV tonight?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Great.” He spoke as you began to move your hand away, he grabbed it and looked at you. “Do you want to go to dinner tonight?”
“What? Al’s diner?”
“I was thinking more of a restaurant but if you want to go to Al’s diner that’s fine.”
“Dean, that would be lovely.”
“Okay, so seven okay?” He grinned at you.
“Perfect.” You smiled at him, your heart was pounding in your chest. Your hand was still in Dean’s, you were so close to him, he leaned in and kissed you again, his hand left yours and cupped your cheek, his free hand moved as his arm wrapped around you and pulled you closer to him. Your fingers trailed up his back, resting on the base of his neck as you kissed him until you were breathless. Putting your hand on his chest you smiled at him, his lips found yours again as he pressed quick kisses to them.
“We could stay in.” You whispered as Dean’s forehead rested against yours.
“I have some ideas as to what we could do.”
“I think Bobby would kill me.” Dean smirked as he pulled away from you, his hand falling onto your thigh. “So I’ll see you later.”
“You’ll see me in like ten minutes.” You laughed as you watched him pause debating if he should get up.
“You know what I mean.”
“Of course.” You smiled at him. “Can we just have a little nap?” You looked up at him. “You’ve built some furniture and I’m growing a human, I think we deserve it.”
“God yes!” He lay back and gently pulled you with him. “You’re more deserving.” He whispered.
“Thank you.” You stifled a yawn as you rested your head on his chest, his arms wrapped around you as his breathing evened out.
Closing your eyes you settled into his arms and tried to get some sleep.
“Y/N, It’s six pm, we need to get up,” Dean whispered into your ear.
“Mhm.” You moaned moving your hand up Dean’s chest.
“You still want to go out for dinner?” He mumbled.
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute.” You patted his chest as you snuggled into his side. “Just a minute.” You promised as you closed your eyes.
Opening your eyes you were alone, Dean was gone but he’d tucked you in and replaced himself with pillows.
“Dean?” You called as you sat up. “You here?”
“Downstairs!” He shouted.
Grabbing your dressing gown you threw it over your jeans and shirt, walking downstairs as you tied it you surveyed the room looking for him.
“I’m here.” He announced from the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” You covered your mouth as you yawned.
“Well you were too tired to go out so I thought we could just eat in and I’d cook for us,” Dean spoke with his back to you as he stirred something on the stove.
“Dean you didn’t have to do this.” You smiled as he cooked away. “You should have woke me up, I could have changed.”
“It’s okay, honestly I’m tired too, Bobby’s out with Jody, so we’re here alone.” Dean took his eyes off the stove to look at you. “You look pretty.”
“I just got up and I’m in a robe.” You laughed.
“Pretty,” Dean affirmed.
“So … what’s for dinner? You need help?”
“It’s a surprise and no, I’m good.” Dean smiled at you.
“Okay, well, I’m going to smile and change, do I have enough time?” You asked as you rested your chin on Dean’s shoulder and your hand on his back.
“Yes, you do, like maybe twenty minutes.” He kissed your forehead as he wrapped an arm around you.
“I’ll be back down soon.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking upstairs.
After showering you sat on your bed in a towel, staring into your open wardrobe you had no idea what to wear.
You spent a few minutes looking into your wardrobe before you decided on a deep burgundy dress that you’d bought a few weeks ago with Jody.
Drying and styling your hair you put on a little bit of makeup before you walked downstairs.
“God, you look amazing.” Dean licked his lips as he watched you.
“You don’t look half bad yourself Winchester.” You drank him in, he was in a dark blue pair of jeans and a new deep red plaid.
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes as he pulled a chair out for you.
“What are we having?” You asked as you sat in the chair Dean was holding out.
“Well I know your food preferences have changed recently, but I think I have it down.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” Dean smiled as he walked to the stove. “Okay missy, I have your favourite mac and cheese, homemade may I add.” He proudly placed the dish on the table. “I also made some pasta, some salad, I made some leek and potato soup because I know you really like that right now, I made steak for me but that’s only because you’ve gone off meat, your food hasn’t touched it.”
“Dean you’ve done so much, I couldn’t care if you cooked a steak in the same pan as something else.”
“You would but I haven’t.”
“You did all of this because I couldn’t get my ass out of bed?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged as he wiped his hands on some paper towel. “Dean thank you so much!”
“You want to eat?” He sat opposite you as he spoke.
“Yes!” You grinned at him.
For once you felt normal like you were on a real date with Dean. You both talked about anything and everything, news, baby names, godparents to videos of dogs knocking people over.
After you ate you helped Dean clean up despite his protests, by 9 pm you were tired again, settling on your bed with Dean you rested your head on his chest. You tried so hard to focus on the film he’d selected but you just couldn’t.
“Y/N?” Dean stopped rubbing your back. “You want me to help you change?”
“Mhm.” You mumbled as you held onto him.
“Y/N, I can’t help you if you’re clinging to me.” Dean easily pried your arms off him.
“I’m fine in my dress.”
“Nope,” Dean announced. “Come on.” He gently pulled you up into his arms. “Let’s get you changed.
“I can do it.” You tried to push Dean away from you but you gave up when your hand rested on his chest. “I can do it.”
“Sure, you can.” Dean laughed.” It’s honestly like you’re drunk.”
“I’m just tired.” Opening your eyes you reached for your pjs under Dean’s pillow. “When’s Cas coming? I should try to stay awake.”
“Don’t know, he said he’d drop in tonight.” Dean shrugged. “Are you going to fall asleep if I leave you to change?”
“Maybe.” You yawned as you tried to keep your eyes open.
“Right.” Dean stood up and walked towards your dresser, grabbing some underwear he returned to you. “Stay sat up.” He spoke as he reached for the base of your dress.
“Dean, I can do this.” You swatted away his hand as you looked at him.
“Okay, I’ll go get you a glass of water then.” He kissed your forehead before he left you alone. Changing was easy but slow, on a normal day you’d take seconds to put a top on, today it took you nearly a minute.
As soon as you were dressed you got under the covers, You could hear Dean downstairs open a bottle and pouring before the glass slammed into the table and the pouring resumed.
When he walked back into your room he had a glass of whiskey in one hand and a glass of water in his other.
“What’s going on?” You sat up and watched him.
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“So you’re chugging whiskey downstairs but you’re fine.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Dean, please don’t lie to me.” You begged as he got in bed next to you.
“Bobby isn’t happy with me, but don’t say anything okay? I’m going to fix it, so don’t worry?”
“What’s he not happy about?” You looked at him as he took another drink.
“He just isn’t happy with me, I promise I’ll fix it and we’ll all be fine, don’t worry about it okay?” Dean whispered into your hair.
“Are you sure, you know you can talk to me.”
“I know, I will, I just need to think things through before I do anything.” He took another drink as his arm wrapped around you. “Get some sleep.”
“What about Cas?”
“I’ll wake you.”
“Will you stay here tonight? With me?” You smiled up at him.
“Sure.” He shifted you both further down the bed so you could lay down.
“Thank you, I’m going to get some sleep.” You blinked at the TV as Dean pressed play.
“Okay.” Dean whispered as he took another drink.
As soon as you closed your eyes you knew you were going to fall asleep in seconds.
“Dean.” Cas’ voice filled the room. “Y/N’s pregnant?”
“Yeah, did I not say when I called?”
“No, you did not.” Cas snapped.
“Sorry, yeah she’s pregnant before you let slip if it’s a boy or girl please don’t because she’ll kill me.”
“I won’t tell you the sex.” Cas nodded.
“Thanks, so can you help with these nightmares?” Dean questioned.
“I can try.”
“Should I wake her?”
“No, she can stay asleep.”
“Okay.” Dean nodded as he watched Castiel walk around the room and sit on the bed next to you, his hand reached out and touched your forehead, his brow creased as he closed his eyes.
“Dean something’s wrong.”
Part 8 
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Forever Taglist - @mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @donnaintx @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74  @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @myplaceofthingsilove @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @unicorn-sparkles123 @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @supernaturaltakeover @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @ambeazyyy
Dean Taglist - @akshi8278 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester  @dramaqueenrolf @shadowysandwichcreator @whimsicalrobots @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @winchester-dean-01 @lisssays @ruprecht0420 @hobby27 @aubreystilinski 
What should have been - @soullessbabee @jotink78 @viviandarkbloom06 @superapplepie @pretty-fortune @shadowysandwichcreator @the-greatest-1919 @rosethesupernaturalhunter @alinicole33 @tw1721boobear @youre-alive-and-thats-your-job @bromperidol @wtfcas @me-han10 @txp87 @frackinawesomeninja @deaniebean @spnwoman @sandlee44 @brunettechick @la-esmerlada @thinkwritexpress-official @marslovesme @dixonsunicorn @crazyspn67 @meredith019 @hollyjollyiain @letsgetyourdeanon @oliver-elliot @iclaudsworld @keepcalmandbeajunkie @i-am-enough-always @so-the-darkness-she-became @woodworthti666 @h-ness1944 @perpetualabsurdity @dancingalone21 @msimpala67 @deanandsamsbitch @posiemax @mysweetcookie99 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @meredith019 @tequilavet @laisbeltrans  @keeponsmilingbeautifulxx @ocholove @lilypalmer1987 @anotherwaywardsister @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo @toomuchtv95 @anime-music-is-life @12jennifer12 @itsyouandmeinthend @loveofwords87 @waywardnerdakf @tmccarney @succubussass @wishiwasawinchester @mojean13 @123helloitsmelol @imascio08 @waywardlodging @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @emergenciesstory @amheimb @killerunicorn3 @awesome-as-i-wanna-be @mrsbatesmotel53 @crazyforsims @is-that-a-gas-leak-or-a-demon @tngrayson @lizziththegreat @genesisreborne6 @spn-impala @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @queenstark65 @destielwinchester09 @cuddleskitty @princessbookworm25 @shanewasframed
SPN Pond Taglist- @dr-dean @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @spn-fan-girl-173 @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @jpadjackles @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @deantbh @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx  @revwinchester  @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @4401lnc @just-another-winchester @canadianjelly
@mrswhozeewhatsis Taglist Dean -  @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @littlegreenplasticsoldier @gryffindorable713 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @fandommaniacx @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @fangirling-instead-of-working @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @kayteonline @spnsimpleman@winchesterfiesta @sleep-silent-angel @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @jencharlan @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @tia58  @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @babypieandwhiskey @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @hexparker @atwistoffate @evilskank-inthemegacoven @there-must-be-a-lock
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selfishblogarticles · 7 years ago
sleeping your way to the top: how to use sleep to fuel your dreams
“I've got a dream worth more than my sleep” and other quotes like it have been adopted by millennials as the catalyst for late nights fueled by energy drinks followed by caffeine-induced mornings, but is this really the best way to achieve our dreams?
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We are drawn to the idea that the only pathway to success is through sacrifice, pain, and a series of trials and tribulations. It makes success sexy and alluring with a dash of exclusivity.
If achievement means throwing everything you have at something and giving up anything for it, then failure (or at least consenting to mediocrity ) must equate overindulgence and laziness making sleep and the idea of rest it’s mortal enemy.
We see The Successful as these superior humans running purely on the steam of their dreams. However, time and time again we read blurbs of celebrities who are forced to cancel shows and appearances because their bodies had simply reached their limits. 
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Chronic illness, obesity, reduce sex drive, and mental illness have all been linked to consistent sleep deprivation.
While hustle, sacrifice, and self-discipline are major ingredients to living the life of your dreams as with everything moderation is key and balance is a necessity.
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The national sleep foundation recommends adults should aim to reach somewhere between 7-9 hours of sleep each day, in order, to promote productivity and wellness.32% of successful people go to sleep at 11pm with 28% waking at 5AM (an hour shy of the recommended time) and 22% waking at 7AM.For most of us, that means going to bed sometime around 10pm and rising between 5 to 7AM. Leaving roughly 15 to 17 of waking time to get our carpe diem on.
still, no matter what it always seems like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish all of our task nor enough sleep to provide us with the energy to complete them efficiently!
So what do we do? Neglect ourselves and recklessly pursue our dreams with fingers crossed that we don’t self-destruct? Hideaway and resolve to love only our beds and our moms for all eternity?
Not quite.
The key to mending our relationship between our dreams and sleep lies in our personal understanding of how we need to sleep then creating a sleep routine and sticking to it.
Sounds easy enough right...
Many successful people have figured out how to make sleep work for them to propel them closer to their dreams by implementing self-specific sleeping regimens. 
This requires an extreme amount of self-discipline and attention to your current sleep patterns to see if they are working for or against you.
Some important questions to ask your self when mapping out your sleep plan are:
What is a realistic bedtime for me?
The best way to start mapping out your sleep is to sit down and plan out your day the night before jotting down all of your must do’s and the time it takes to accomplish them. 
Having it all laid out before you can make it easier to find to time to make sleep a priority. Start with planning for 8 hours of sleep starting roughly 3 hours after your last meal of the day. Moving your time up or down based on your self-evaluation paying specific attention to how you feel each morning.
What time of day do I feel most energized?
Leveraging your peak productivity times can make a dramatic impact on your grind.
For example: if you are most active and creative at nighttime it makes no sense to force yourself to sleep at 9pm just to toss and turn for hours in bed because your brain is still wired.
Tip: doing a brain dump before bed has been shown to help quiet the restless minds of creatives in order to reach premium Zs.
 Try buying a journal to place on your nightstand and before bed write out a list of task for tomorrow or simply jot down everything on your mind laying it to rest as you close the book and place it out of sight for the night until the next morning.
How do I feel when I wake up?
This question should be asked repeatedly while setting your bedtime. All sleep in not created equally and the quality of your sleep is important. Poor quality can leave you feeling sluggish even after a full 8 hours.
How often do I wake up during the night?
Waking repeatedly during the night is a sure sign that you are not getting your best sleep.
tip: if you wake up during the middle of the night and are unable to fall asleep after 10-15 mins that light exercise or activity could help you get resettled.
You may also consider using a journal to write down any ideas that come to you at night to be revisited when you wake.
Is my sleeping space sacred?
Sleep researcher Shawn Stevenson, states that your bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleep. Setting you bedroom to around 68 degrees is optimal, keeping it dark as possible, and keeping electronics far away are some of his suggestions you can read the full article on 21 health sleep habits here.
I, personally, use sleep sounds to get in the mood to snooze accompanied by my trusty diffuser,
I’m sure by now your thinking wtf Jade!
 if I don’t have time to get everything I need done what makes you think I have time to conduct a multi-step sleep analysis on myself and develop a sleep regimen?
Listen, love, I know you have places to go and people to see (or do depending on what you are into ) but You have to make sleep a priority.
 Although sleep can seem like a waste of time, it is responsible for a wide range of processes that help us concentrate on important tasks and make sound decisions. It is a vital part of your health regimen akin to eating healthy and working out regularly. There is no reason to ever feel like your racing toward success; be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. 
At the end of the day, you have to decide if it is more important to complete a lot of things haphazardly and in a fog or to put forth your best work and crush your goals like a boss?
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eksavestheworld · 7 years ago
Being A Teen Parent With Peter Parker Pt. 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Part 1
Part 3
Ok so you guys end up staying at the hospital for a couple of days after the babies are born
And the whole time you’re there, Peter was holding one of the babies
Even while he was eating and sleeping he was holding at least one baby
Really, the only time he wasn’t was when he took a shower
Aunt Mae came by and almost cried when she held the babies
“Oh they look just like you guys!”
Violet looked more like you, while Skylar more closely resembled Peter
Tony shows up when they’re a day old with balloons and a teddy bear for each one
The bears were just as big as Violet and Skylar
Of course, Bucky comes to visit on the second day to take you guys home
He immediately shortened their names to a Vi and Sky and it kinda just stuck
Even through you insisted you could walk, Peter made you let him wheel you to the SUV anyway
Apparently Tony decided to come alone to bring you guys home
so Tony ends up driving and Bucky sits in the front with him
you end up in the sit behind them with Sky and Peter sits behind you guys with Violet
you guys end up to your floor and you breastfeed the babies before taking a nap after Peter takes them to hang out with everyone
no one comes to bother you because you just FRICKIN PUSHED TWO BABIES OUT OF YOU and deserve a long nap
after a while you wake up and miss everyone so you deside to go down to the common living floor where everyone usually hangs out
as soon as you guys get there you see there’s a whole party set up with a home made “welcome home, Parkers” sign
Peter sees it and is like “don’t worry, you’ll be a Parker too soon”
apparently you were sleeping longer than you thought because both of your girls were knocked out in their little baby swing thingy
it turns out if was around 9pm, you guys go home from the hospitable this morning around 7am
so you could say that you slept well
after hugging everyone you decide to just curl up on a couch with Peter
but after a few minute the whole team gets called away on some mission
Peter doesn’t want to go, but he knows he has to 
he kisses each of you and you say, “come back to us.”
and he’s like, “I always will.”
as if on queue, the second everyone leaves, both Skylar and Violet just start bawling
you decide to have J.A.R.V.I.S. turn on some Panic! At The Disco bc they heard a lot of it in the womb, so maybe they’ll still like it
somehow, after like 3 songs, She Had The World started and they were immediately quiet and happy again
you decide to set them on the couch and take pictures because they’re soooo CuTe and are already wearing matching onesies with donuts on the stomach
VIolet fell asleep after that, so you put her back into the swinging bassinet 
Skylar was starting to get fussy and was clearly hungry, so you went into the joining kitchen to feed her while you found dinner
your heart warmed when you open the fridge and saw what everyone had done
they’d made your favorite meals and put them into tupperware containers so you just had to microwave them
you pull one out and heat it up before sitting on a bar stool by the counter to eat
by the time you both are done eating you’re getting tired so you take Skylar and Violet to your room, change their diapers, and put them to in your bed so they’d be closer to you
you ended up sitting on the bed watching Netflix while you fed Violet as she fell asleep
you guys ended all sleeping in your bed, so you made sure no pillows or blankets or anything could fall onto them and hurt them or anything
they next morning you woke up because you saw a flash and heart a click
it was Peter taking a picture of you and the babies in bed because “you looked so cute together sleeping”
then he tells you not to come to the kitchen for a while so you decide to feed the babies and get them ready for the day while you wait
Bucky ends up coming to get you from your room and has a blast carrying Violet on the way to the kitchen
you get to the common living floor and smell the breakfast Peter made you
you step into the kitchen with Skylar in your arms and almost die of laughter at the sight of Peter, Tony, and Vision in the kitchen with aprons and chefs hats on even though they just made waffles, eggs, turkey bacon, and turkey sausage
Peter immediately rushes over and takes Skylar from your hands becuase he’s been away from his babies for nearly 8 hours and they were only a few day old
you begin to eat breakfast with everyone
minus Peter and Bucky because they’re consumed by babies
Sky smiles at Peter so he laughs and starts whisper-singing the Spider-Man theme so….except he barely know the lyrics
“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what ever a spider can…and he swings from a wet, uhh Spider-Man”
Skylar’s happy anyway
then he goes and switches with Bucky and holds Violet
“hello there, how’s mommy’s twin doing, huh?
like her sister, she smiles at him and he smiles right back
it doesn’t even surprise you with how well he’s handling fatherhood and the babies
he just seems like a dude who’d be good with babies and kids
after breakfast and everyone gets their time to hold each baby, Peter suggests going on a mini tour of the tower so the babues know where they are
“Pete, babe, they’re infants, they don’t really know where they are, heh they can’t even walk yet.”
“well lets show them now, so they know where to go when the can walk.”
you each carried a baby while Peter narrated everywhere they went
“and this is the gym, don’t worry, we’ll teach you guys how to fight soon. we still have to teach you mommy first, though,”
“this is Tony’s workshop, we’re not allowed to play in here anymore. well, I never were in the first place, but I did anyways.”
“and this is our floor. we have our bedrooms and stuff here. when you’re older, you guys can have separate rooms, if you want.”
“finally, this is your nursery, and that’s you closet, and there’s the changing station, and the trashcan is right there and th-” “ I think they get the gist of it, babe.”
he he was too busy being a tour guide and hadn’t even noticed that both of the babies were sleeping already, but at least you were already in the nursery, so you just put them in they’re cribs
by this time, you were both pretty tired. you had been up with the babies last night, and Peter never even went to sleep when he got home so you guys went back to your room
you were still in you pajamas and Peter had put some on when he got home, so you both crawled into bed for a much needed nap and cuddled
and for the first time since the twins were born, you and Peter got some alone time
and Peter got all cute and red and sentimental
“I know that none of this was planned or anything, but I so happy it happened the way it did. Thank you for giving me our daughters and being so great to me. I know we’re young, but we’ve already done everything ahead of schedule and I just know we’re gong to be together forever. so what I’m trying to say is, (y/f/n) will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
by the end of his little speech, tears were softly running down your face
“yes, you goofball!” was all you said before kissing him and you both fell asleep for a few hours before Violet and Skylar woke up
here’s part 2! Part 3 has been posted. should I make a part 4?
want to be tagged? just ask me!
tags: (I tagged everyone who requested a part 2 for this. Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, just tell me and I’ll take you off.)
@bitterqueenofhearts @nerdypisces160 @scorpiostunner1027 @leya26khalifa @superheroabc
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mcrmadness · 5 years ago
I woke up at noon and I slept about 8 hours (tho first had problems with falling asleep), why do I feel as tired as when I’ve stayed up 24 hours???
I wish my brain would get its shit together and would stop producing the melatonin WHEN IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PRODUCED. I have been up for 3 hours and I feel like I’d have stayed up for 20h.
I hate this so much. I mean, it’s a feeling that just totally makes me incapable of doing anything, it causes me sensory overload and makes the executive dysfunction even worse. I don’t have energy to anything because all I can feel is my body wanting to go back to bed but I don’t want to go back to bed because I should wake up around 10am tomorrow and I cannot sleep at night at all if I take a nap now because I only can take 6h naps, shorter ones just make me feel more tired than what I am now and I’m not able to get up after like, 15min nap. I will feel so terrible that closing your eyes again has never felt as good as when snoozing (or turning off) an alarm clock after a short nap.
I know this is basically jetlag because I desperately try to move my sleeping schedule backwards because next week I should be elsewhere already at 9am and then on Wednesday I should be behind the wheel at 7am and I think I have to drink coffee that morning or I can’t do shit, I have never liked driving in the morning because I’m a night owl and I will always feel tired in the mornings because my inner clock just doesn’t go together with the society’s idea of mornings. For me already 9am is early so starting my car at 7am feels the same as if someone who’s an early bird should wake up and start driving after 2am. And for me the best time to drive a car is between 8pm and 2am. I literally always arrived around 11pm to my school on Sundays because I was procrastinating so hard with leaving that’s when I am the most awake and that is the safest time for me to drive, I easily get sleepy behind the wheel when driving long distances and it doesn’t matter how much I have slept the previous night, I’ll always be extremely tired in the mornings and you should never drive when tired but how can I avoid it when I’m ALWAYS tired before noon???
That is why I feel so tired when it’s 3pm and I can only dream about falling asleep at midnight but once the clock hits 9pm, I’m not longer tired. I cannot falls asleep nor stay asleep that early yet (and if I do, my brain will wake me up after 1am because it thinks it was just a nap - at nighttime we can do 3h naps even!). It often is that I’m extremely tired during the day and can’t get anything done and THEN when I should start preparing myself for bed, I suddenly feel awake and feel like I have all the energy for all the things I wanted to do. But I can’t start anything because I don’t have enough time. If it’s 9pm, it’s still too late because I easily can hyperfocus on things and then I’m sitting here still at 6am because I’m never too tired at night, only at daytime.
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