#beel's probably hungry again
caindiis · 1 year
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minor card edit/redesigns pt2 :)
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opiopal · 3 months
The demon brothers don’t know much about humans, right? So I can imagine that the more they learn the more anxious they become about everything.
At some point Mc had a strict bedtime after the brothers learned that if humans go to long without sleep they can just completely loose their minds! And they don’t want that to happen! Eventually Mc has to have a family meeting and explain to them all that it’s ok if a human stays up pass 9:30. They let up but are still very worried about their human.
And another time Mc comes home to the HOL practically baby proofed after the brothers learned how easily a human can break or fracture something. Once again Mc has to call a family meeting to explain that yes, they may be stupid, but they’ve clearly never stuck anything in a socket at their grown age. So there’s no need to be worried about them hurting themself around the house.
Then they learn that humans should drink at least 8 cups of water a day, there’s suddenly more water than food in the kitchen. So, AGAIN, mc has to explain to them that not only is that a myth, but that they don’t need to worry about them eating or drinking to little. Especially since every meal feels like a buffet.
So basically there’s just a whole month of demon anxiety towards their human and a whole lot of family meetings, eventually mc just has to sit them all down and have them ask questions about humans.
Mammon: do humans seriously eat soap when they’re bored!?
Mc: no. That was both a stupid trend a few years ago and also a weird punishment for kids who cuss.
Beel: is it true you will eat yourself if you don’t have enough food?
Mc: no, if someone is eating themself to stop being hungry, then they probably haven’t eaten in a LONG time.
Levi: I’ve heard if some humans wear something for to long their skin will grow around it!
Mc: that… is actually true-
Collective gasp
Mc: WAIT- STOP. that will only happen if someone has something on for at least over a YEAR. Which I do NOT. And have NOT. Worn anything for THAT LONG without taking it off.
Collective sign of relief
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daytaker · 9 months
The Gang React to You Ignoring Them
"How childish. They'll have forgotten by the end of the day."
By the end of the day, however, Lucifer has reached his fucking limit. But his pride will not only prevent him from begging you to knock it off-- it will prevent him from even acknowledging in your presence that he is remotely bothered.
He probably goes to vent to Diavolo -- that is to say, visit him for tea and offhandedly comment about your immaturity for pulling such a stunt, knowing that he'll just contact you and beg for him.
"Oh no you don't! MC! MC! MC! MC! MC! Hey! MC! MC! Hey! MC!"
He will follow you wherever you go. At first he thinks he's hilarious, being an absolute pain in the ass, but the longer it goes on, the more dejected he gets. His energy level tanks and soon he's just lying on top of the nearest piece of furniture and whining for you to stop it.
If you manage to get him off of you long enough to escape him, he will just text you.
Mammon: MC Mammon: MC Mammon: Hey MC Mammon: Hey Mammon: MC
If you block him, he will just text someone else until that person becomes so annoyed that THEY beg you to stop.
When you finally give in, he pretends like he didn't even care that much. It was just a little joke between pals, right? Haha!
"So this is how easy it is for you to just toss me aside like a piece of garbage."
Levi will take this extremely personally. Depending on why you're ignoring him, he might blame himself and enter a spiral of self-hate. He'll hole up in his room, refusing to leave until you finally come in and either apologize or forgive him, whichever is appropriate.
He'll spend a few moody minutes acting like it's too late for that, but soon he'll be on the verge of tears, making you to swear on a copy of The Tale of the Seven Lords that you will never pull that kind of thing again.
"Really? Is this what it's come to? You understand how pathetic this makes you look, don't you?"
Like Lucifer, he won't be too bothered at first, assuming you'll get over things relatively soon. But if nothing has changed within an hour or two, he'll start to get testy. He'll send a text, sit in the same room as you and stare a hole through your head, and if you're still ignoring him after a while of that, he'll storm up to his room.
Depending on how emotionally charged the incident was that led to you ignoring him, he will be more or less capable of fending off an explosion of temper. Most likely, any acknowledgement you toss his way will ease the tension, so it might be a good idea to just shoot him a text asking him not to destroy the house, please.
"But it's impossible to ignore me! You can't look away from a face like mine! See?"
I don't think you can ignore Asmo. Being the literal Avatar of Lust with powers to charm and an intense need to be admired and adored, he simply exudes an aura that demands attention. You should probably come up with a different strategy of attack.
"...Are you mad at me?"
Why would you do that to him? How could you be so cruel?
If you did do it, it would probably confuse and sadden him. Confusion and sorrow both make him feel hungry, so he will go ahead and start eating his feelings within an hour of the silent treatment. Even if you're content to allow this to continue, the other six demons in the house aren't, and you will ultimately have no choice but to make up with Beel.
belphie.exe has stopped responding
Considering you'd already forgiven him for the whole murder thing, he can't comprehend how you've become so mad at him that you'd go so far as to give him the cold shoulder. He won't know how to respond at first, but he will quickly become an angry, sulky ball curled up under the blankets on his bed. If it takes more than a few hours for you to come crawling back to him, things will start to change. Belphie will return to the common areas of the house, acting mostly the same as usual, and he will not spare you a second glance. Even if you stop ignoring him, well, two can play this game, and Belphie is absolutely petty enough to drag this one out.
After a day or two of you trying to talk to him, he'll relent. He'll feel kind of guilty, having worked through most of his anger while ignoring you. He'll probably text you a lot for the next day or two, just to ease some of his anxieties.
"I don't understand."
You can't do that. That's illegal. Next character.
"Hehe. What a troublemaker."
Barbatos likes it when you ignore him sometimes.
Barbatos will not change his behavior at all, ever. You could spend the rest of your life ignoring him, and he would simply accept it as one of those unfortunate circumstances life sometimes throws his way. He would prefer it if things didn't go down that way, though. Basically, he'll let you come to him whenever you've gotten over whatever it is you're upset about. What a king.
"Hmm? Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Solomon will act pretty much the same as usual around you too. He'll point out that you're ignoring him to whoever else happens to be around and bemoan the situation, but he won't actively appeal to you. Instead, he'll orchestrate a scenario that traps you in a situation where he is the only person you can go to for help. As soon as you do that, he'll act as if nothing ever happened. If you resume the silent treatment, well, he can always come up with another scenario.
Are you still sure it's a good idea?
"I didn't realize you were so upset. I'm sorry (that/if) I hurt you."
Simeon will either immediately understand why you are doing this, in which case he will apologize (using "that") or he will have absolutely no idea what's going on, and he'll still apologize (using "if") to be on the safe side.
If you don't show any signs of breaking, he'll enlist Luke's help to make you an apology dessert of some sort. And how can you stay mad at him when he's offering you angel food cake with such a sad expression?
Wh- Whaaa...?! How dare you ignore him! That's so mean! It must be all the demonic influences rubbing off on you! Stop it! Stop it or he's going to tell Simeon!
And then he'll go and tell Simeon. Simeon will probably tell him to just wait until you've calmed down. If he thinks you're being unreasonable, though, he'll probably have a talk with you himself. Really? Pulling the silent treatment on an actual child? Sure, he's a millennium old, but he's still a child.
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temis-de-leon · 6 months
MC with a selfish best friend
MC mourning the loss of a long toxic friendship with the help of the brothers.
Characters: demon brothers and fem!MC (written as platonic, but could be read as romantic)
Masterlist , Part 2 (kind of)
CW: continued discussion about weight gain and weight loss, eating as a coping mechanism, obssesive and manipulative behaviour, emotional blackmail, a glimpse of animal neglect, a tiny nod at suicide, MC trying to hide her feelings, anxiety, TLC from the brothers
A/N: kind of self insert because I'm writing my own experience, so this isn't the most relatable MC. Still, I hope you enjoy it! Remember I'm not a native english speaker, so there might be some grammar mistakes.
Back then, not that long ago, MC was completely sure she wouldn’t go any further in life. She was stuck in college, in her family and her friend group. There was a dynamic she could work through and, although it could be better, she wasn’t one to complain.
It was a flooded basement with filthy water, but at least it lacked rats.
She just needed some time to start working on herself. Go to therapy, lose some weight maybe? Start cooking again and stop wasting money on fast food. She did use to enjoy spending time in the kitchen and experimenting, after all, but the only things she cooked during her last months in the human realm were mugcakes and pasta. Not necessarily nutritious, but easy to make.
Thank god she had her best friend.
Her companion in the basement, the one with the flashlight.
MC wished she let her hold her hand too.
“She’s overthinking again. Not good”
“Look who’s talking”
“Hey! It was just a joke!”
“Should we talk to her?”
“Maybe when she comes back, else we’ll give her a heart attack”
“Yeah, Lucifer would kill us”
“Oh, so now we’re doing this for Lucifer?”
“Don’t be selfish, Mammon”
“Who ya calling selfish?”
MC listened carefully, softly smiling at Beel and Levi’s voices drowning Mammon’s in an almost silent screaming match.
She couldn’t see them from her position, her upper body completely sprawled over the armrest and her line of sight lost in the ashes of the chimney. The fire cracked, threatening to die in front of her, but it was difficult to get up when her body weighted so much. She was tired and hungry and nauseous and even the idea of sitting straight sent bile to her mouth.
Then someone walked into the common room, shushing harshly and getting the other brothers to cease their fighting. Whoever it was, probably Lucifer or Satan, must have thought she was asleep.
So MC closed her eyes, hiding her face in the crook of her arm and basking in the comfortable silence. She could hear them still; the shuffle of cards, a plastic wrapper, buttons and joysticks.
The newcomer got close to her, covering her body with a blanket and sitting at her feet before opening a book. There was enough space in the couch for at least two more people, but MC still curled up, trying to make more room for him. She stopped in her tracks when he grabbed her ankle in a gentle grip, a gesture that brought some warmth where her pants didn’t reach.
Would someone add another log for the fire? Everyone seemed too comfortable to move.
At least the blanket was thick. Pure hellish wool or something, because every animal in the Devildom was just a bigger scarier version of those in the human realm. It was also, however, softer than any type of textile she could’ve ever find back home, so the creature could spit fire for all she cared.
Suddenly, the brother caressing her ankle tightened his grip for a short moment, demanding her attention. When MC opened her eyes, she found Satan smiling at her with no one else in the room. She must’ve fallen asleep after all.
“Dinner is ready”
He let her stretch, unconsciously comparing her to a cat when she arched her back and cracked every possible bone in her body. Satan wondered if that ever hurt, but MC seemed to enjoy it very much whenever she had the occasion to do so, like when they came home from classes after a long day or when they bought groceries for the whole week and Beel. 
“Did you not sleep well last night?”
“Not for a while, no”
“Is that so? Something troubling you, MC? Anything I can help with?”
“I don’t know”
She sounded sincere, but Satan didn’t buy it. Only a month had passed since MC came back to the Devildom, looking a bit more tired than when she left at the end of the first year of the program, and she’d acted ecstatic when she learnt she would be living with them again.
He was sure the problem relied in her human phone, something she didn’t have last year and Diavolo had kindly allowed her to keep.
All of his brothers, even the eldest, were greatly impressed when MC showed them how she unlocked the device with her fingerprints, as well as the human versions of Devilgram, Deviltube and Akuzon. That was a fun day, but time passed and soon the phone became an inconvenience. Someone at the other side of the line was taking their beloved human’s time, leaving her exhausted in the aftermath of their conversations and, if Satan vision’s was correct, teary eyed.
That would not continue. Not on his watch.
“We’ll look into it in another moment. Right now, let’s go with the others. Aren’t you hungry?”
“God, yes!”
They both chuckled and he forced his thoughts away. They could wait for the time being.
Beel didn’t judge her, but she didn’t feel as happy as she thought she would whenever they sneaked in the kitchen at the late hours of the night.
Opening the fridge door with slow movements, trying not to make noise while taking plates or bowls and eating in silence between giggles and short whispers brought a sort of familiarity. And Beel never judged MC. Why would he? He ate even more than her. He’d keep going long after she was finished, full enough to want to puke everything, and MC would feel a wicked satisfaction knowing that no matter how much she ate, there was someone that would eat much more.
Those nights she’d go to bed feeling sick and greasy, too regretful and high on sugar to be tired. Then, by morning, she’d force herself to eat breakfast and go on with her day just to get whatever sense of normality she could reach.
Although, lately, things had been slightly different.
They still got together at night and filled their mouths to the brim, but Beel was adamant about MC going to the gym with him when the morning came, before everyone was out of bed. Of course she’d said no since the beginning, but he kept insisting, saying she didn’t have to exercise if she didn’t want to.
MC still said no.
Then Asmodeus put his input.
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, hon’, but you aren’t getting your 8 hours of sleep and you’re adding calories during the night. That’s horrible for your skin!”
And had it been her mother saying that, MC would’ve lashed out, rejecting opinions she’d been hearing for years over and over and over again, but this was Asmo. The Avatar of Lust. The most beautiful demon in the entire Devildom. MC guessed she wasn’t being fair to her mother, who also loved her and hated seeing her so sick and tired all the time, when it was Asmo she couldn’t ignore.
“I get anxious when I go to bed” she finally confessed.
MC could feel Satan’s eyes on her, but he stayed silent.
“Spend the night with me” intervened Belphie with an honest smile, a muted worry in his eyes “I could make you so tired you wouldn’t want to get out of bed”
“No way!”
Everyone looked at Mammon and several sighs filled the room. The demon, although deeply blushing, kept talking with an overbearing smugness.
“If someone’s gonna sleep with her, it’s gonna be me! Don’t worry MC, the Great Mammon will chase the nightmares away!”
“I think sleeping with you would give her nightmares, actually”
Mammon turned to Levi, ready to swing at his brother, but MC talked before the fight started.
“It’s not nightmares, Mams, I just feel anxious. You know, like, I can’t stop thinking”
“About what?”
She looked at Satan, who was staring at her with a calculating glance, surely remembering what she told him days before when she fell asleep on the couch.
“I don’t know… Everything, I guess”
All of them stayed silent, ignoring what they were previously doing. It didn’t feel uncomfortable, but MC wished someone said anything.
Of course, Mammon spoke first.
“Well, that’s a lot”
“No shit, you moron”
Levi finally got smacked and the rest of them went back to do their own thing, letting MC’s lack of sleep behind. A part of her wanted to keep the conversation going, but she felt too embarrassed when she tried to open her mouth again, especially having Satan looking at her like a hawk.
You don't want me to stare at you? I want to. What's the problem?
She achieved to ignore him in the end.
That night she stayed in her room, pacing, chewing her sweatshirt’s aglet while humming that Phineas and Ferb’s song and turning her headphone’s volume to the maximum with a different music threatening to deteriorate her hearing.
Anything to distract herself and not go to the kitchen.
Finally, hours after bidding the brothers goodnight, MC threw herself on the bed. Her feet were aching, its footprints surely engraved in the carpet, and she forgot to take her headphones off, making the position uncomfortable, but the important thing was that she didn’t have the need to eat anymore.
However, Beel still knocked her door at dawn.
MC stared at him when she opened, bleary-eyed and mouth as dry as cotton, the hem of her pyjama pants so high they looked like pantaloons. He, on the other hand, was completely awake and seemed ready to conquer the day.
“Before you say anything, I’m not going to the gym today”
There was a heavy silence for a couple of seconds.
“Then why did you wake me up? We have classes tomorrow”
Beel stared at her with a worried expression.
“We don’t. It’s Saturday”
She could’ve sleep longer? MC wished she was mad at him, but his puppy stare was hypnotizing.
“I want to go for a walk today. And I want you to come with me”
He lowered his gaze for a moment, biting his cheek while waiting for an answer. MC turned around and looked at the window, still unable to decipher what time it was by looking at the sky.
There were a few things MC missed from the human realm. The sun was one of them.
“We could go to the park, feed some birds and then have breakfast somewhere else. I swear I won’t eat the seeds this time"
She chuckled, rolling her eyes when he smiled back. Then she looked down at the rolled pants and her bare legs.
“Is it cold?”
“I don’t think so, but you can borrow my jacket”
MC sighed and rubbed her eyes, waiting until the white spots disappeared before walking towards her closet. She wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again, she knew that.
“Let me change and then we’re going. But you owe me one, Beel!”
His smile was too wide for him to answer.
Breakfast with Beel ended up lasting three whole hours, which was understandable, and they spent the whole time talking about nothing and almost everything, both of them clearly avoiding the subject of her sleeping habits.
MC really did want to talk about it, but then again, what did she want to talk about exactly? She had trouble falling asleep, yes, and she’d gone back to eating her feelings, but she couldn’t point out the reason. Her nights were filled with paranoia, making her revaluate every piece of interaction she’d had since she got back home from the Devildom months ago. Did she spoke correctly? Did people understand that she was just studying abroad and not begging for attention?
She hoped her best friend dropped those accusations. MC would never stoop so low. Just thinking about it brought tears to her eyes.
“Don’t you want anything else?”
MC looked at Beel and the stack of plates surrounding him at the table, mugs and cardboard boxes stained with chocolate, whipped cream and frosting. Her side of the booth was much cleaner, but when she lowered her gaze the only thing she could think of were mugcakes and pasta and the taste of bile in her mouth at the sight of her bloated stomach.
“No, I’m fine”
She knew he loved her. She knew she could talk to him and he would listen and maybe even hold her hand, but the small restaurant was already filled with demons and witches and whatnot and MC knew she’d only be able to sob the moment she’d open her mouth, so she stayed quiet.
Beel nodded, going back to his food with a strange calmness. Maybe he was close to being full?
But no, it wasn’t that.
MC gasped when she felt his foot weakly tapping hers before going under it to support its weight. A small comfort, like the prelude of a long awaited hug.
He didn’t know how much she appreciated it.
Winter had already reached the Devildom the day MC opened her closet and stared at her clothes. No matter what she chose, everything was at least a size bigger.
She guessed finally going to the gym with Beel did have some payoff.
“Is something wrong, MC?”
Asmo turned the lights of her bathroom off, walking where she was silently standing while staring at the discarded clothes around her.
“You don’t feel like dressing up today? We can stay home and do some self-care if you want”
MC turned around to look at him with gratitude. She knew how much he wanted to go shopping, especially with her. Finals ended just the day before and everyone had been so occupied they’d barely seen each other outside classes and meal times.
“Don’t worry, it’s not that. It’s just that… everything feels wrong. I think I lost weight”
He chuckled at her revelation, hugging her waist and kissing her cheek between giggles.
“You’re taking care of yourself, silly! Whatever are you doing with Beel in the gym, I wonder…?”
She laughed and lightly hit his arm, showing no ill intent, and Asmo smiled in response, not bothering to hide his lewd expression.
“Don’t be nasty!”
 “Oh, I’m just joking! But you know what this means, right? We get to renew your whole closet!”
MC turned around again, perfectly knowing that she could either spent her monthly allowance on clothes or start thinking on how she could rock the oversize streetwear style.
She sighed, trying to hide her smile with no success before speaking again. Asmo’s eyes were stuck on her.
“Very well, then” she wasn’t finish talking yet when the demon clapped his hands and jumped in excitement “I’ll trust your criteria”
He gasped and hit her arm in return.
“As you should!”
“So… how do I look?”
Mammon whistled, clapping and signalling her to turn around in response. Once she did a little twirl, he clapped even harder, not stopping even when she blushed in embarrassment and ran towards him to stop his overly excited appreciation.
“You look mighty fine, MC!”
“Has anyone ever told you how hot you look?”
They were both laughing, her chasing him all around his room with burning cheeks and a gigantic smile.
The shopping bags waited patiently at the door, half of them already empty with a pile of clothes folded on the couch. Mammon had insisted on a private catwalk the moment he learnt she’d gone shopping with Asmo, his offense completely gone barely half an hour after starting the show in his room.
Every time she changed in his opened closet he’d cover his eyes with his hands and every time she came out with a new outfit he’d scream praises like a madman.
MC wasn’t used to this level of compliments and he sure was making it hard to stay calm.
“C’mon, go change again!”
“You’re acting insane right now, Mams”
She was smiling like crazy and her cheeks were hurting, but she didn’t want it to stop. When was the last time someone had been this hyped over her looking pretty? She couldn’t remember.
Then her phone rang.
MC stopped smiling when she saw the name on the screen.
She thought about answering and spoiling a nice evening because of a sour one-sided conversation. Was it worth it? Sure her friend could wait a couple more hours, right? She’d survived without MC the whole year she spent at the Devildom uncommunicated, after all.
“Is it The Unnameable?”
MC stared at her phone for one more second before turning around to look at Mammon, who was kneeling on the couch with his arms crossed over the backrest, eyes peeking with curiosity and another feeling she couldn’t identify.
“The Unname… Robdemor??”
He nodded, blushing and looking away.
“Yeah. You know, like, her name brings bad luck or some shit”
“She doesn’t bring bad luck”
MC didn’t sound as convincing as she wanted to and Mammon’s incredulity proved her point.
“Don’t be stupid, MC”
The pot calling the kettle back, she wanted to say, but no words came to her mouth. She was being stupid, wasn’t she? Everyone at the house already knew what to expect whenever her phone ringed or vibrated and they always did their best to distract her so she could leave the damn thing behind. She suspected Belphie even turned it off at one point.
Staring at her feet, trying to voice her feelings, MC talked again.  
“She just… needs me sometimes”
Mammon got up, going around the couch to reach her. He looked flabbergasted, eyes opened wide and a myriad of words stuck in his throat.
The phone stopped ringing, but soon a flood of messages interrupted the silence to call for her attention instead. When she looked back at Mammon, he had frustration in his eyes.
She decided then she couldn’t bear to see him like this, so serious and reasonable. Was it too late to go back to chasing each other, laughing while trying new clothes? She’d been capable of keeping her feelings to herself since she could remember, but Mammon wouldn’t let her do that and she feared the moment the rest of the brothers decided enough was enough too.
God, she needed to talk, but not right now. Talking would make it real and she still wasn’t strong enough for the whole situation to be real.
In a matter of seconds her eyes were watering and she felt as if her throat had thorns stuck in her flesh, but before she could do anything about it there were arms wrapping around her. MC wasted no time hugging Mammon back, trying her hardest not to spoil any tears. The tags in the back of her new shirt poked her skin, making her squirm and get even closer to Mammon’s body.
He was rocking her side to side while petting her hair and there was no doubt he’d deny the whole ordeal happening afterwards, but she let herself enjoy the feeling anyways. It was nice being taken care of.
It was the first time MC had gone to bed so early since before college. Her eyelids felt heavy and the bed was soft and comfortable, at least three blankets shielding her from the cold outside that froze her window and sunk her room in darkness.
But she couldn’t stop staring at her phone.
She’d turned the vibration off days ago, but that didn’t stop the notifications from showing up on the lock screen and, although she could also take care of that, MC still wanted to be able to read the messages without needing to open the app.
Her best friend talked about everything, good or bad. Mostly bad. How she thought her boyfriend was cheating on her, even when she was the one cheating on him, how much she was eating because there was no one to stop her, how tired she was to even clean her cat’s litter box. She’d say if MC were there everything would be so much better, she wouldn’t feel so lonely.
She didn’t ask about MC once.
“You’re thinking so hard it’s giving me a headache”
MC’s body violently jerked at Belphie’s voice.
He’d entered the room in silence, closing the door and approaching her bed without making any noise. Seeing her freaking out made him snicker, but he was too tired to fully laugh and simply laid down next to her.
“Jesus, Belphie”
“No, just me”
“Ha ha ha”
Her sarcasm didn’t affect him in the slightest. MC watched as he closed his eyes and offered his hand to held hers in a firm grasp, probably not wanting to let her go during the night.
“Turn that damn thing off” he growled against the pillow when a new message showed up.
“I’ve seen you sleep on the ground before; you can’t complain about some light”
“Watch me”
She thought he was just joking, challenging her like a small child would, but Belphie managed to surprise her when he rolled over her body, grabbed the phone and threw it to the other side of the room.
He shushed, sealing her lips under his hand before hugging her body with all four limbs, trapping her under the covers.
MC could’ve complained and hit him until he let her go to retrieve the phone, but that would’ve meant pissing him off and staring at the screen for another hour or until her friend decided it was time to show some interest in MC’s life.
So that’s what it was.
That simple, uh?
MC waited for something to happen at her epiphany. Nausea, panic, heavy breathing. Instead, she felt an overpowering sense of relief. Her heartbeat evened and the frown she didn’t know she had in her forehead disappeared.
No headache, no memories. For once, no nothing.
“You’re not dying, aren’t you?”
Belphie’s head rose, looking at her with suspicion, but her eyes were stuck in the ceiling.
“Why? Would you feel guilty?
He stood over her then, pouting and frowning, and MC had to stop herself from laughing.
“Okay, you know what? I already said I was sorry. You can’t hold that against me for the rest of your life”
“I will as long as I can get something out of it”
“You’re evil”
“Said the demon”
His head fell face first on the pillow with a thud and if she didn’t know him any better, she’d be worried about him suffocating to death during the night.
“Why did you ask that, tho?” MC finally talked.
“Your heart stopped for a second” he shrugged and mumbled, his hold on her hand stronger than before.
“Oh… Well… Don’t worry. I’m okay”
“Are you sure?”
No, not really, but she didn’t want to talk about it in that moment. Maybe another time, when her speech wasn’t slurred due to sleep and she could organize her thoughts with a clear mind.
She hummed as an answer before speaking one last time.
“Goodnight, Belphie”
“Sweet dreams, MC”
He’d make sure of that.
MC had been quiet for a while. Not out of sadness nor ire, but something much more private. Something that left her pensive and still, staring into nothing with a serious expression. She laughed and talked with the brothers and, from what he heard, she enjoyed going to the gym with Beel, but Lucifer knew there was another factor escaping his reach.
Whatever it was, it changed MC for the better, so he was happy.
Even when the strangest ideas crossed her mind.
“I think I’m going to cut my hair”
He looked at her, clicking his tongue in disapproval when he saw her sitting sideways in one of the chairs with her feet resting in the other. She had a book resting in her lap. How long had she been looking at him and not reading?
“May I ask why?”
“I need a change”
Lucifer stared, taking his glasses off before crossing his arms over the document he was previously reading. MC got up and walked, zigzagging her way towards his desk as if she was drunk, but she looked as hopeful as ever.
“Did something happen?”
She nodded, ignoring his question right after.
“One of these days I’m just gonna… grab a glass of wine, go to the bathroom and bam! Haircut”
He raised an eyebrow, trying to hide a smile at her words. He hadn’t seen her so playful in months and the sudden change felt like a breath of fresh air.
“Do you even like wine, MC?”
“That’s not the point”
“And you shouldn’t use scissors while drunk, especially near your head” he ignored her “If it’s money you’re worried about, I can pay for a good hairdresser”
She laughed and shook her head, partially sitting on the desk. They stayed silent for a few seconds and Lucifer let himself observe her, how she bit her bottom lip deep in thought and how her fingers intertwined with a certain force. She was probably hurting herself at that point.
“I just really need a change”
He could tell there was more she wanted to say, but that seemed to be enough for the moment. The silence afterwards felt full with comfort.
“That’s fine”
MC nodded and sent him a small smile before going back to the chair, this time sitting with her knees stuck to her chest, but before he could put his glasses on to continue his work, she spoke again.
“Here’s what we’re going to do: I cut my hair in the bathroom and then you take me to the hairdresser to style it. Sounds good?”
“Are you going to drink while using the scissors?”
“I’m not a child, Lucifer”
“Might as well”
“Just joking” he laughed, but MC could tell there was some seriousness behind his smile.
“I drink wine, I cut my hair and you check I don’t stab myself on accident, how about that?”
Lucifer pondered about it, envisioning himself behind her and watching over her reflection in the mirror, a bottle of wine in the countertop and another of Demonus waiting for them in the music room. She’d be the one to clean the aftermath, that bit was obvious, but something told him she wouldn’t really care about that.
The more he thought about it, the less strength he had to fight it. She could’ve asked Asmodeus or Mammon, but she asked him. MC wanted him to be with her during her progress, as stupid as the method was.
“Sounds like a plan to me, MC”
Her smile at his words was worth millions.
It wasn’t until several hours had passed that MC wondered if Levi invited her to his room with a hidden motive in mind.
The anime came out less than a day ago and she’d never even seen an ad about it, but he’d thoroughly claimed it was made for her.
And she could see why he would say that, honestly.
Sure, no ancient dying star granted her any mystical powers that allowed her to soar the skies or wear an alarmingly short sparkly dress; and she didn’t have an animal sidekick or a romantic interest that only appeared at night for some reason. She didn’t have an arch nemesis either, but she did have the closest thing.
MC was the selfish one, apparently, because how could she? How could MC have the audacity to ignore her best friend’s messages in her desperate times of need? Her boyfriend broke up with her because he discovered the cheating and no one was there to remind her of feeding the cat, neither to monitor her diet nor to fix the consequences of her bad decisions. She was in the lowest point of her life and MC dared to lose weight and spend time with her new friends? Outrageous!
MC unlocked her phone and stared in silence at the new text and voice messages, as well as some missed calls.
You disappoint me, MC.
After all I did for you?
I’ll die and it’ll be your fault.
I’ll die and I’ll make sure you’re the one to discover my body.
You’ll never be able to forget about me then.
You’re disgusting.
MC stared at the screen, not knowing if she should laugh or cry about it. In the end she chuckled and forced down the sting in her throat.
The TV in front of her suddenly turned into a kaleidoscope and she squinted as the heroine jumped from platform to platform, blasting her wand and singing spells. If she understood correctly, the cheery character was fighting her way through the first big boss of the season, her friends close behind her.
She could feel Levi’s eyes on her, no doubt studying her reactions to see if she liked the anime as much as he did.
“Hey, Henry!”
MC turned to look at him and smiled brightly at his rosy cheeks. She expected him to explain some hidden lore or the meaning behind the soundtrack, but he surprised her with his next words.
“I haven’t told you yet, but your hair looks so cool!”
“Oh!” she widely opened her eyes in appreciation, showing her teeth in a beaming smile right after “Thanks, Levi!”
“You look… eh… upgraded. Well, no, not upgraded. Erm…” he avoided her gaze for the next few seconds before pausing the anime, letting the room go back to silence. MC kept quiet, trying not to laugh at his awkwardness so he wouldn’t misunderstand the situation.
“You look really pretty, MC. Even better than her”
Levi nodded at the TV and MC stared at the heroine, the pause conveniently showing her winning pose. Big sparkly eyes winking at her and a knowing smile occupying half of her face, as if she was approving Levi’s affirmation.
MC felt the need to cry right then and there, but she held it in.
Her phone lighted up one last time before she grabbed it and turned it off in anger. She had a couple of seconds before the screen permanently went back to black, letting her read the last message.
Who do you think you are? How could you do this to me?
MC seethed. She knew who she was, even if she was still learning. Her hands itched and she forced herself not to throw the phone on the ground with all her strength. She still needed it to talk to other friends and relatives, after all.
After an entire minute filled with tense silence, MC spoke, suddenly meek and shy.
 “Hey Lev…”
He was staring her with caring eyes, unsure of what to do or what to say.
Fortunately, for the first time in a long while, MC knew what she needed to do. For herself and no one else.
“Would you help me change my phone number?”
She could write down the numbers of those she cared about the most and send a message asking them not to share hers without her permission.
Take care of her arch nemesis without destroying the entire world. Accept the help of people who showed joy at her improvement. Buy new clothes, change her style, cut her hair.
God, walking without that heavy weight on her shoulders would be difficult and painful, but she’d rather die before letting her ex best friend destroy her will and power one last time.
She laughed with a choke and Levi gasped her name.
She was crying.
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Requested: @deludedprime
Word Count: 9,425
Part 2
Summary: You have gone through the same story of meeting everyone multiple times now. Every time, at the end, everyone ends up meeting their end. You're trying to prevent that by going through it all once again. But, old habits die hard and the characters start to notice when you know a bit too much about them. Obey Me Brothers and Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon Short writings for Luke, Thirteen, Mephisto, and Raphael
You opened your eyes and took in a deep breath. You were standing in the assembly room of RAD with seven people who you knew very well looking at you. But while you looked at them with familiarity, they stared at you with neutral expressions. All except Lord Diavolo who was standing in front of you looking at you with a smile. You wondered if he knew how much joy his smile brought to others.
“Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N,” he stated. Those were the words that have started your journey three times now. Or was it four? With everything that has happened between you and the brothers, you’ve lost track of how many times you’ve been in this situation.
Diavolo continued to give his brief explanation of who he was and where you were. Then, someone else said, “I will explain everything to you.” You turned towards the eldest demon and took in his appearance. He seemed indifferent towards you and though it hurt to see him like this, it made sense.
The Lucifer you had come to know had been so kind and caring. He was an amazing right hand to Lord Diavolo and an even better older brother. You never once doubted your place in his life, so much so, that it was easy to forget how cold he once was to you - as if you were an inconvenience that he had to put up with to satisfy Diavolo.
Diavolo and Lucifer fell into an easy conversation, the strong friendship clear even then when you were supposed to be completely clueless as to what was happening and who they were.
Lucifer began to explain the exchange student program, but you tuned him out. You were scanning the room looking at the others who were there, their gaze set on you. Two of the brothers weren’t there. 
As if on cue, Lucifer stated, “You need someone to look after you and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon. He’s the Avatar of Greed and…how should I put it…? Oh well, you’ll understand soon enough.”
“Now then…we still need to introduce our new friend to your brothers, Lucifer. And it’s probably better that you do that instead of me, wouldn’t you say?” Diavolo questioned, giving Lucifer a small smile.
“Yes, as much as I dread the idea of doing so, you’re right,” Lucifer replied. “Oh, come now. Really? You should be honored to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!” Asmo chimed in.
“This one here is Asmodeus. He’s the fifth eldest. He is the Avatar of Lust,” Lucifer continued, not even acknowledging Asmo’s remark. “Wh…I can’t believe you just totally ignored what I said! And not only that, you referred to me as this one. How rude!” Asmo stated.
“Hmph. At least he didn’t ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?” Satan added, refusing to look at Lucifer. “That one there is Satan, the fourth eldest of us. At first glance, he may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving,” Lucifer told you. 
“Aha, so I’m that one, am I? Nice to meet you, Y/N. I am Satan, the Avatar of Wrath,” Satan introduced, giving you a polite smile. His polite smile disguised the anger that you knew was hiding behind his eyes.
“Now, the one there with the very grumpy look on his face is Beelzebub. He’s the sixth oldest,” Lucifer proceeded, ignoring his brothers’ side comments. “Lucifer, I’m hungry,” Beel replied. The statement almost made you laugh considering the amount of times you had heard it before. It was like his catchphrase.
“That’s too bad. Now behave yourself,” Lucifer replied. Beel let out a small sigh before telling you, “I’m Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony.” Beel then went on to daydream - most likely about the food he was planning on eating as soon as he was out of the meeting.
“So - there are seven of us brothers in all. I am the eldest. Mammon, the second oldest of us, will be here soon. My other brothers aren’t here at the moment, but…well, we can get to them later. All in good time,” Lucifer explained.
“During your stay in the Devildom, the seven brothers will lend you their strength. To keep you safe, you are to stay with them at the House of Lamentation,” Diavolo explained before he and Lucifer made sure to add their numbers to your D.D.D. They even had you call Mammon to show that you knew how to use it.
Right after that, Mammon entered the assembly hall. Lucifer let out a small sigh before telling you, “Well, you’ve got that done now, and it seems the idiot has arrived.” 
Mammon walked up to you and Lucifer before saying, “HEY! Just who do you think you are, human? You’ve got a lotta nerve summoning the Great Mammon! Listen up, because I’m only gonna say this once. If you value your life, then you’ll hand over all of your money now! And anything else of value you too! Otherwise, I’ll wipe that stupid, happy-go-lucky look right off your face…by eatin’ you! Startin’ at your head and working my way down, until-.”
“Mammon shut up or I’ll punch you,” Lucifer stated simply before punching his younger brother. “GAH, OWW! Hey, what’s the big idea? I thought you were actually gonna give me a chance to shut up before punching me!” Mammon replied. You stifled a laugh as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. Same old Mammon.
“Y/N, Mammon here is the Avatar of Greed. He governs and oversees all forms of it. Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, the wealth evaporates. They’re left without a Grimm to their name,” Satan explained.
“And he’s also a masochist. That part’s important,” Asmo added and you watched as the second-eldest glared at the fifth-born. You could tell that Mammon wanted to say something to him but Lucifer beat him to the punch. “Indeed. And it just so happens I have a job for my masochist of a brother,” Lucifer said. 
“Y’all stop telling lies! I ain’t asked for that punch, and I AIN’T a masochist!” Mammon defended, shooting his brothers an angry look. Lucifer paid no attention to it though as he told him, “Mammon, you are going to be in charge of seeing to this human’s needs during this whole exchange. I expect your full cooperation”
“What?! Why me?!” Mammon complained. “Aww, lucky you, Mammon! I’m so jealous…” Asmo said with a small frown. “All right, then why don’t YOU do it, Asmodeus?!” Mammon retorted.
“What? Hell no, too lazy…” Asmo replied. “I thought you were jealous of me?!” Mammon questioned. “Just give up, Mammon. There’s no getting out of this. You know you can’t refuse a direct command from Lucifer, correct?” Satan replied.
“But why does it have to be me?! What about Beel? Why can’t he do it?!” Mammon asked. “This isn’t a job we can entrust to Beel. We might as well ask him to eat this human,” Asmo replied.  “Mm, yeah, I can’t promise I wouldn’t,” Beel added.
“You’re useless, you know that?!” Mammon told his younger sibling. “...Mammon?” Lucifer stated, controlling the anger that was beginning to blossom. “...Wh-What?” Mammon asked. A dark aura surrounded Lucifer as he told him, “Surely, you’re not going to tell me that you object to this arrangement, are you?” Lucifer questioned.
Mammon completely tensed up at Lucifer’s words before saying, “Ugh…I hate you guys! Every last one of ya!” Mammon paused for a moment before continuing to say, “Fine…FINE! I’ll do it, okay?!”
Mammon then turned to you and told you, “All right, human, listen up. As much as I don’t want to look after you, I’ve got no choice. It’s a huge pain in the ass, and I’m too important for this kind of thing, but Lucifer told me to do it, so I will. But in return you better make sure you don’t cause me any trouble, got it?!”
This was the scene that marked the start of your journey in the Devildom…several times now. You hated it every time. The way that Lucifer looked at you like he could care less about you. The way Mammon treated you like you were a burden. The way that Levi refused to leave his room. The way that Satan was so angry all of the time towards everyone. The way that Asmo only wanted to charm you instead of getting to know you. The way Beel looked at you as nothing more than a snack. And the way Belphie was locked up in the attic. Not even Diavolo or Barbatos looked towards you with a hint of care.
You thought about the previous times you had been in this scenario. It had always ended the same - with you losing everyone you loved. Losing the people you had come to care so much about hurt much worse than never having them in the first place.
So you managed to find a way to the beginning. To start all over and pray that you could find a way to stop the tragic end that occurred. You would do whatever it took to save everyone. 
It didn’t matter if they didn’t know who you were. It didn’t matter if you had to put all of your energy into making them love you again. If it meant they would be okay in the end, you would do it over and over again until you got it right.
But, you had already experienced all of this. You already knew most things about the people you were closest to. Was it even possible to try and do this without them realizing something was amiss?
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Lucifer had always been hard to get to know at first. He didn’t know you and he wasn’t sure he wanted to get to know you. Diavolo wanted to strengthen the bonds between the three realms. That was the only reason you were in the Devildom.
And in one year, you would be heading back to the human world. None of them would see you again. So what was the point in talking to you and forming any kind of connection? 
In fact, he was even wary about his brothers’ growing friendships with you. Especially when they began making pacts with you. How had you managed to find a way into their hearts so quickly?
The more time he spent around you though, he began to understand the charm that you had. He came to know your kind-hearted nature and dared to let himself begin to care. 
So much so that when you decided to join him in his study while he was doing paperwork, he allowed you to stay. He stayed silent as you picked up a stack of papers and began to look through them.
When you grabbed a pen, he opened his mouth to say something. Those were important documents and they had to be filed correctly. But he stopped himself when he saw you filling out every box correctly - as if you had done it a hundred times.
Lucifer’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you finished that document and moved on to the next, effortlessly filling that one out as well. One by one you went through the stack while Lucifer watched you incredulously.
He was sure he had never allowed you into his study before. He had never shown you the paperwork, let alone explained which one was what. So, how were you doing this? Some of the documents were even written in different languages!
You sat down your pen as you finished the stack and gave Lucifer a small smile. “Hopefully that helped you some,” you told him.
Lucifer found himself naturally returning the smile as you stood up from his desk. “I’ll go make you some tea,” you offered, beginning to walk towards the door of the study.
Did you ever stop giving? Well, Lucifer had to admit that a cup of tea did sound nice right now. On top of that, he didn’t want to turn down your offer when you were being so kind. But, he was pretty specific about his tea.
“Y/N, could you make it-,” Lucifer began to stay but you stopped him. “On the stronger side?” you finished for him.
Lucifer’s eyes widened and you paused for a moment as you realized what you had done. You took a breath before putting on a fake smile and telling him, “You just seem like the type that likes his tea stronger than most.” You then quickly disappeared into the kitchen to make the tea.
Meanwhile, Lucifer was left sitting in his study to ponder the words you had spoken. Even if he had a tell that indicated that he liked his tea strong, there was no tell in the world that he could have given to instruct you on how to fill out the paperwork. Something wasn’t right.
When you returned with his tea, it only furthered Lucifer’s suspicions as it was made exactly right. No one - except Barbatos and himself - had ever managed to make it exactly how he liked it.
And when you left the study for the final time that night, he couldn’t help but wonder - who exactly were you?
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It took Mammon a bit longer than the others to notice anything suspicious.
The two of you spent a lot of time together since he was the one in charge of watching you. So you would think that he’d be the first to pick up on it if something strange was happening. 
But the truth was Mammon was so distracted by his feelings for you when you were in his presence that nothing else processed in his mind. All he could think about was keeping his cool and not letting the way he felt about you be exposed.
So, he never thought twice about the moments where you accidentally slipped up.
The two of you were at the casino and Mammon was so desperate to impress you with his gambling abilities. But, he was having a bit of a rough night. And every time he tried even harder to win, he fell into a worse position.
You had seen Mammon’s tricks many times in the casino and realized what he was doing wrong. You whispered the strategy in his ear and Mammon’s eyes widened. That was it! That’s exactly what he needed to do to win. 
He proceeded with your plan and smiled proudly as he finally won. You assumed you would be questioned on how you knew that tactic. Not many would have. But, Mammon didn’t say anything. He just assumed you were really good at gambling, which only made you more perfect for him. He was curious to see what other tricks you had up your sleeve and he didn’t want to scare you off by interrogating you.
The thing that did tip Mammon off was when you decided to wash his prized possession - the Demonio 666 Lexura.
Mammon didn’t let anyone touch his car except himself. He claimed he was the only one who “knew how to treat her right.”
But in your past experiences with Mammon, you knew how much he loved it when the car was clean. And he even showed you how to do it properly once. You used to surprise him with cleaning it and it always brought such a big smile to his face when he would look her over and not see a speck of dirt.
He also used specific cleaning materials on it so that it always had that shiny new car smell. In Mammon’s opinion, it was one of his favorite scents.
Nonetheless, this Mammon had never talked to you about his car. He never showed you how to clean her. And he certainly never allowed you to touch her.
Mammon wouldn’t get mad at you. You were too special to him. But, he did almost have a heart attack when he saw you next to his car, a rag in your hand.
He quickly ran up the stairs and said, “Oi! Human! What are ya doin’?”
You turned to face Mammon and gave him a small smile before telling him, “I thought I would clean your car for you.”
It was a nice gesture, really. And Mammon appreciated it. But, he had a very specific way of doing it. And as his mind was trying to find a way to tell you this without coming off rude, his eyes scanned the area.
That’s when he saw the cleaning materials you used. It was the exact same brand that he always bought. He never kept any on hand though which meant that you went out and chose to buy those specific items.
Mammon quickly began inspecting his car. His favorite smell overwhelmed his senses and his car now looked immaculate. How did you know?
At the end of it, all Mammon could say was ‘thank you’. But, deep down, Mammon felt weird. Like he was having a deja vu experience. 
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You were a normie. So of course Levi wouldn’t want to hang out with you. Why would he?
Except he was incredibly interested in getting to know you. He coudn’t help it! There are so many things that Levi’s obsessed with that came from the human world and he had a hundred questions for you.
But his self-deprecating thoughts kept him from approaching you for fear of rejection. So he resorted to insulting you and pretty much acting completely indifferent towards you.
But, then you beat him in the TSL contest and he attacked you. He felt very bad afterward. Leave it to him to drive someone else away.
He approached you afterward to offer up a pact with him as an apology. It’s not like you would want to make a pact with him anyway. It was just the only thing he could think of to make it up to you.
When you agreed to make a pact with him, Levi was both shocked and surprisingly happy. He didn’t think having a pact with a normie would affect him this much. But there was just something about you. 
Levi used the pact as an excuse to spend more time with you. He asked you so many questions about the anime and manga he liked. There was no way you could know all of them, but somehow you did.
You answered all of Levi’s questions and not just with basic answers. You had conversations with him about it. Maybe you were an otaku like him. There’s no way you could know this much without being one.
Levi invited you to his room more and more often to hang out. Though you had to make sure not to tell the others. He couldn’t have them finding out.
Levi had been a little suspicious about the amount of knowledge you had on the things that he liked. But he wasn’t in a position to question you about it.
He invited you over to play a new game that had just been released in the Devildom. Technically it was an early release so there was hardly any information on the game.
Levi had been so excited to play it, but he heard that it was one of the hardest games that had ever been made and it was impossible to complete without a second player.
The two of you began playing and you both picked it up pretty easily. Well, Levi had picked it up pretty easily. You had already played the game countless times in the past and knew exactly what you were doing.
When you reached the final boss of the area, Levi let out a nervous sigh before pressing start. He was getting eaten alive. He couldn’t hit a single attack. He just kept getting countered and then hit. 
His health bar went down rapidly until his character died and he let out a frustrated sigh. He turned to face you, expecting you to be wearing the same expression, but you weren’t.
Levi covered his mouth and let out a startled noise as he watched your character on the screen. You knew the attack pattern and dodged every single one. Your fingers were moving at an unbelievable rate but what shocked Levi was your expression. You didn’t even look like you were trying.
There was no way you could be doing this having never played the game before. He refused to believe it. There was something he was missing.
The words “YOU WIN” appeared on the screen and you let out a satisfied chuckle as you set your controller down.
You turned to face Levi and saw the shock in his eyes as he stared at you. “I’ve just played a game like this before,” you told him with a small smile.
He was not buying it. Either you were a video game ninja, or there was something that you weren't telling him.
Either way, he was going to figure it out.
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Satan was very aloof compared to his other brothers. He wasn’t a shut-in like Levi, he just preferred to keep to himself. He found that solitary was better than company most times - especially when it came to his brothers. Because of that, he didn’t really spend any time with you. 
He knew the basics. Things that Lucifer forced all of his brothers to know before you got to the Devildom. And, he tried to be polite when he did find himself in a conversation with you. 
He observed your relationship with his brothers. How they had all fallen under your spell to the point where you made pacts with four out of the seven of them. He was impressed by your abilities, but he promised himself he wouldn’t fall for the same trick.
That was until he saw you as an opportunity to get underneath Lucifer’s skin. He knew that it was bothering Lucifer how easily you were making pacts with the brothers. Satan making a pact with you would be icing on the cake. 
He never felt more angry or rejected when you refused to make a pact with him. Why didn’t you want him? You wanted to make a pact with everyone else - so why not him?
At the end of all of it though, Satan admired your strength to say no to him and potentially put yourself in harm’s way. He appreciated you for helping him see the value in his relationship with Lucifer. And he still got to make a pact with you - the right way.
Since he was a little late to the party, Satan was desperate to spend more time with you. He started becoming jealous when he saw you hanging out with his brothers instead of him and that led to him inviting you to his room.
He wanted to spend some time reading with you and was more than happy when you agreed to it with enthusiasm. He was surprised you were willing to spend a quiet evening with him instead of going to the club with Asmo or going gambling with Mammon.
He chose a book for the two of you to read and you got about a quarter of the way through when the book mentioned a specific curse. But, it didn’t explain what that curse did. It was bothering Satan so you decided to take it upon yourself to look for the curse.
You quickly moved around his room, knowing exactly which pile had the curse and spell books. You knew how far down the pile the book was and managed to pull it out effortlessly without causing the tower to tumble.
Satan was in pure shock. To every other person, his room looked like a cluttered disaster. It looked like his books were carelessly strewn about. But, he had an organizational system. He knew where every book he had was and even had them categorized in a specific order.
But, how did you know what that system was? This was the first time you had been in his room long enough to be able to actually look around; and, he never told anyone else about the way he organized his books so you couldn’t have overheard it. 
Satan’s eyes radiated with curiosity as he watched you come back and sit down next to him. You had the page opened to curse already. It was as if you had already read the book and knew where it was in the book.
You read the curse description out to Satan and then looked up to see him staring at you. His gaze caused you to pause for a moment as you asked, “What?”
Satan immediately reacted, trying to pull himself out of his thoughts. “It’s nothing. It’s just not a lot of people would be able to find their way around my room,” he replied.
It was natural to you. After you learned his system, it made complete sense to you. But you realized you weren’t supposed to know his system at this stage in your relationship. You were now panicking as you tried to come up with some explanation. 
You gave him a small smile before telling him, “That book was one of the ones you threw at Lucifer and I just happened to catch a glimpse of it.”
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Asmo knew there was something different about you from the moment he met you. He tried to charm you once then. The moment got interrupted by Lucifer but Asmo could feel the resistance from you.
He tried again at the Demon Lord’s Castle only to once again be disappointed and intrigued by the results. What about you made it so that you could resist him - something no one else had ever been able to do?
Then he felt your power when you summoned him. It was something he had never felt before.
As a demon, things can get pretty boring and repetitive. The same club, the same drinks, the same succubi who wanted Asmo to take them home for the night. So when he felt the power you had - and the effect your power had on him - Asmo felt excited for the first time in a long time.
He had to get to know you more and what better way than by making a pact with you?
He told himself that he wouldn’t. That his other brothers had a moment of weakness when they made a pact with you. But, after that moment, he realized how easily it was to fall for your charm.
Asmo wanted to do everything with you after making a pact. He wanted to do your make-up and hair, go shopping with you, go out with you. Anything and everything he could think of.
Asmo was a fashion icon for a reason. He had very specific rules he followed when choosing an outfit to wear. He had a whole chart in his head of which colors went with each other, which fabrics were good for the current weather, and which hairstyles went with those fabrics.
Each of his looks was planned out to the very last detail. He had it all memorized so easily. So, when you asked him for help choosing your outfit for the night, he was more than happy to do so.
He didn’t tell you about the intricacies of it. It would be far too much for you to try and understand all at once. He was just planning on going through the chart in his head as you went through your different outfits.
So, when you began going through Asmo’s checklist, he froze. You were talking about the fabrics and the colors. The shoes that would match the outfit but not match the hairstyle you were planning. The weather affecting your outfit. You were checking every single one of his boxes.
Had Asmo told you about his checklist without realizing it? His head felt like it was starting to spin the more he thought about it. 
“Okay, I think this outfit meets all of the criteria. What do you think?” you asked Asmo, smiling at him as you showed him what you picked out. 
Asmo quickly snapped back into reality giving you a nod. “It’s perfect!” he replied.
As much as Asmo wanted to question you on your fashion knowledge, he left it alone for now. He’s always known there was something different about you, and this just proved his point.
You were special in a very fascinating way and he enjoyed finding out your unique quirks on his own. He didn’t want to push anything. He wanted to experience them firsthand.
You were the first person to make him feel something stronger than lust and he was going to savor every moment he could when this emotion presented itself.
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Beel isn’t a very particular demon. He doesn’t have specific systems or ways of doing things. He just goes with the flow most of the time. 
His mind was predominantly occupied with the thought of food. And, when he wasn’t eating, he was either at school, working out, or spending time with you or one of his brothers.
So he didn’t really have any extra time to find a hobby where he could make a system and he didn’t have any prized possessions like Mammon’s car.
Food was theoretically his hobby and even then, he didn’t care what he was eating. He didn’t need it to be a five-star dish where every spice was carefully added in. Preferably, he just didn’t want to eat Solomon’s cooking.
But, if it was the only food around him, he would eat it with no problem. He wouldn’t even question what was in it. In all honesty, he was probably better off not knowing.
So, when Beel noticed things were a bit suspicious, it wasn’t because you did something specific for him. It was because of how well you knew his routine. 
You had come to know exactly when Beel would be hungry and you liked being prepared with a snack or meal at those times.
The first couple of times you did it, Beel thought it was because he was being physically active. Because you gave him a snack after his Fangol game or after he came back to the House of Lamentation after a workout session.
But, then it progressed. He would be in the middle of class and his stomach would rumble. Before he could even think he was hungry, you would be handing him something to eat.
He would be in the middle of studying and you would continuously make sure he was fed without him having to ask.
And on top of all that, you knew what his favorite food and drinks were and you made sure he was able to have those items whenever he wanted.
It was a welcome gesture. After all, when you’re eating constantly, nothing ever really stands out in flavor. So when he’s able to eat something he really enjoys - it’s like a special treat for him.
You and Beel were watching a movie in your room when he finally asked you. He had already eaten all of the snacks he brought but something was missing. He was craving something…sweet?
Without taking your eyes off the movie, you pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it to Beel. You acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You didn’t even blink when you did it.
But Beel was completely surprised. “How did you know that I wanted that?” Beel asked, taking the chocolate bar from you.
You finally looked away from the movie to see the confusion in Beel’s eyes. “It only makes sense to have something sweet after all that popcorn,” you replied nonchalantly.
“But, you always know what I want when I want it,” Beel pressed on. He had held his tongue for a little too long and now he just wanted an answer. 
You paused as you tried to figure out what to say when a brilliant idea came to mind. 
“The student council did a survey on everyone’s favorite foods for lunches at the cafeteria. That’s how I know what you like. And, you get hungry every day at about the same time. So after the first couple of days, I figured out when you would be hungry.”
It was a simple explanation, but it satisfied Beel. At least for now.
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Belphie was always a bit suspicious about you. Not only were you a human, but while he was locked up in the attic, you had no problem calling him out.
You knew every lie he was going to tell you before he could even say the words. 
He wanted to make himself look better to you so that you would help him. But, when he went to tell you a sob story, you told him to cut the act and just be honest with you. What were you? A human lie detector?
To be honest, Belphie was starting to get a bit frustrated with you when he realized he couldn’t say anything but the truth. 
You knew that he hated humans and that he was going to kill you the first chance he got. But, you still agreed to help him. Why? Belphie determined there must be something wrong with you mentally.
How did you know so much about him in the first place? He figured Beel must have told you some things about him. It was the only thing that made sense.
You did as Belphie had asked and managed to make pacts with his brothers. And the second the door to the attic was open, he did as you knew he would and attacked you.
But hold on a second…did you just dodge his attack? He tried once again only for you to move quickly out of the way. Now, the other brothers had heard the commotion and had come to your rescue before Belphie could lay a hand on you.
How did you know his attack pattern? How did you know the exact moment he was coming for you?
Your foresight stands out the most to Belphie. To the point where he can’t help but wonder if his brothers had picked up on it as well. 
He wanted to understand how you knew so much about him without knowing him so he started spending more time around you. He started noticing the small details about what you liked and didn’t like.
He noticed the way that you knew exactly how he liked to lie down when he was taking a nap. What his favorite pillow was and the perfect temperature for a good rest.
You knew he liked stargazing and that his favorite food was sushi. You even surprised him with movie tickets once. Did Beel tell you all this information about him? Is that how you knew?
Belphie was having a particularly restless night and decided to leave his and Beel’s shared room to try the bed in the attic. He grabbed his favorite pillow and made his way out into the hallway.
He just so happened to bump into you and looked at you curiously. “What are you doing up so late?” he asked. You shrugged your shoulders in response before questioning, “Can’t sleep, huh?”
Whenever Belphie was leaving the twin’s bedroom you knew he was having a hard time falling asleep. Belphie nodded his head and you gently took his hand before leading him up to the attic.
Did he tell you he wanted to come up here? You got onto the bed before motioning for Belphie to join you. He was skeptical at first. This would be the first he was this close to you and he wasn’t sure how to react.
But you knew this was a surefire way to get Belphie to relax and go to sleep. So you urged him once again to get in the bed.
He did this time, lying down next to you. You guided him so that he was lying on your chest, his arms wrapped around you. Your scent overwhelmed him in a comforting way and he felt all of his tension release when you began running your fingers through his hair.
The warmth of your body added to his relaxation and he found himself quickly starting to fall asleep. It was strange to him. He had never laid like this with you before. Yet - it felt like it was the most natural thing in the world.  
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Diavolo kept a careful eye on you whenever he could. You were his exchange student after all. He trusted Lucifer with the task of making sure you were safe from harm. But, at the same time, he wanted to ensure your safety himself.
Something about you drew him in. He was supposed to remain impartial towards the exchange students. He couldn’t favor them in any way. If he did, it wouldn’t be a proper test to see if humans and angels could adjust to life in the Devildom.
He had the power to give you everything you could ever desire. But he needed you to experience things on your own. And although he couldn’t show you any favoritism, that didn’t stop his growing feelings for you. It didn’t stop the curiosity he had about you.
He would notice the way you were with the brothers. You fit in perfectly with them - as if you were a missing piece in their puzzle.
You knew everything about them. How to keep Mammon from falling for pyramid schemes. How to get Levi to spend more time out of his room. How to calm Satan’s rage. How to get Asmo to look beyond his appearance. How to satisfy Beel’s hunger. And how to motivate Belphie to stay awake for longer.
Diavolo could see the way you had even managed to get to Lucifer when the two of you were dancing at one of his balls. Lucifer was genuinely smiling and Diavolo was…jealous.
When he realized that he was jealous of the seven demon brothers, Diavolo made it a point to spend more time with you. He wanted to get to know you and he wasn’t going to let his royal duties stand in the way of it.
He invited you out to dinner with him and the two of you were having a great time. Diavolo felt like he could really open up to you. So he told you some of the worries he was having about becoming the King of the Devildom.
He expected you to be a great listener, but he never expected you to help him so much. You knew all the right words to say.
You knew the history of the Devildom and what the leaders before him had done - including his father. You talked about his aspirations that he had yet to even share with Barbatos or Lucifer.
You made him see things in a light he never would have thought of. And, at the end of your speech, when you placed your hand on top of his, feelings overwhelmed Diavolo.
He didn’t know how you knew so much about the Devildom. Maybe Satan had been helping you study. And he didn’t know how you knew so much about his dreams for the Devildom. Maybe you were just blessed with big dreams like he was.
He was a bit skeptical of it all. He believed there was no way that you could know so much about everyone after being a random human who was chosen to come to RAD. There were too many coincidences and instances where you knew things you shouldn’t. 
He wanted to explore further and find an answer to his questions. But, at the end of the day, all that mattered was that he believed you truly belonged in the Devildom with all of them.
And when your hand touched his, it was the first time he had felt so much joy and love for one person. That was a feeling he wasn’t going to let go of.
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Barbatos is the most wary of you. His ability is to see both the past and the future and to alter realities as he sees fit. So, whenever something suspicious is happening that involves time as a construct itself, he senses it.
He keeps a close eye on you. He couldn’t say what it was for sure that was different about you. You didn’t seem like you were from the past. Your aura didn’t match those he had met who had traveled to the future.
But, you definitely didn’t seem like you were truly from the present. He was on the same page as Lord Diavolo. There were far too many coincidences for one to chalk it up to you just being particularly intuitive. 
He wasn’t sure if you were using a spell or a curse. But he was positive you were either from the future or from a different reality. He didn’t say anything to anyone else though.
Getting others involved in the affair of time almost always resulted in dire consequences. He did try to figure it all out on his own though. Why were you there?
He could tell you weren’t a threat to the others. You seemed to genuinely care about them. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be spending as much time with them or doing the things that make them happy.
He came to the conclusion that this wasn’t the first time you had gotten to know them. He could see it in your eyes. The slightly tired look when you had to pretend like you didn’t know something. He imagined it was exhausting.
But, why would you be here if you already knew everyone? He studied your body language more. The way you were so happy just to be around everyone. The sad look in your eyes when they left. Almost heartbroken
Because it reminded you of a time when they left for good. So, that’s it then. One - or from the look in your eyes - all of them had met their end and you were here trying to prevent that.
Barbatos had to will himself not to open the door in his room to see what happened. Sometimes it was better not to know.
You and he had a chance to talk alone after the retreat at the castle. You offered to help Barbatos clean up the mess the others had left. And, even though he had a very specific way of doing things, he allowed you to help. This was his opportunity to try and find out more information from you.
When you started cleaning though, he was at a loss for words. You were doing everything perfectly, exactly in the order that he would do it. But in order for you to know that - you and he must have gotten quite close.
Barbatos’ mind began to race. He knew you were close to the others but he never thought he would have been one to fall for you as well. 
“Is everything okay?” you asked him and he immediately concealed whatever emotions he was feeling with a smile. 
“Yes, I’m just surprised by your efficiency,” Barbatos replied.
The fact that you had come either from the future or another reality meant that his time could be limited.
And now he was going to make sure to make the most of it. He wanted to get to know you the way the others had before it was too late.
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Solomon knew more than he let on most of the time. He liked being the mysterious figure and keeping everyone on their toes.
He could tell that you had an immense potential for magic from the first moment he met you.
Everyone told him that you had no magical capabilities and that you were just a normal human. But he could see that was a lie, even if you couldn’t.
It was his mission to release that potential, but he had to be smart about it. He wanted you to find out about it on your own. He would just be there to give you a gentle nudge in the right direction when the time called for it.
He didn’t get much alone time with you, thanks to the brothers, so he had to watch your growth from afar.
He would study you in classes, watching as you would effortlessly perform whatever spell or curse the instructor had asked you to. Solomon knew that you would be able to perform them, but what he found intriguing was the expression you wore while doing them.
Your eyes looked slightly zoned out as you half-heartedly spoke the words. Sometimes gesturing lazily while you said the spell. You looked bored. As if you had already performed all these spells before.
It only piqued Solomon’s interest more and he eventually asked you to be his apprentice. He couldn’t be more happy when you accepted.
Solomon taught you some basic spells and was amused when you performed them easily. He moved onto the more intricate ones thinking he’d finally be able to challenge you. But he was shell-shocked when you performed them almost as easily. No magical capabilities? Whoever wrote that fact down about you got it all wrong.
Solomon decided to move on to something a bit more challenging - cooking. 
“Oh, that’s okay, I’m actually a great cook. How about you teach me how to do teleportation magic instead?” you asked, a hopeful gleam in your eyes.
“Now, Y/N, cooking is an important part of learning magic. A lot of curses require specific ingredients. Though I usually like to mix mine and see what happens!” Solomon responded with a smile as he began pulling out various items. 
“I usually just add things as I feel like it, but I do have one dish in particular where I actually follow a recipe,” Solomon added.
“Let me guess, you call it the Solomon Special?” you asked. Solomon looked shocked as he asked, “How did you know?”
“Lucky guess,” you replied, grabbing ingredients and throwing them into the pot. You were making it without Solomon even telling you how to do it. And you didn’t get a single thing wrong. 
That was impossible. This was his secret recipe. He had never shared it with anyone. In fact, the only reason he was about to share it with you was to impress you with his cooking skills.
“And done! Now let’s get out of the kitchen,” you said, leading him out of the room. Solomon trailed behind you. Something definitely wasn’t right here.
Solomon started paying more attention to you when you performed magic. He was trying to comprehend how you knew about a secret that was so “special” to him. 
He would use his own magical abilities to try and find the answers he was looking for. He could tell that you had a secret and he was dying to find out what it was.
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Simeon had many things in his life that he kept from others. When you lived as long as he had, you witnessed many things that weren’t always pleasant to share with others.
Because of this, he got used to not sharing things. He always put on a smile and had a positive outlook towards things in life. 
He found a creative outlet to express his emotions - writing. And he used the stories he created to tell the secrets he held and wrote under a pen name so that he didn’t expose the truth. 
He was happy like that. He never felt the need to tell others about his past experiences or how he felt about them…Until he met you. A random human who others claimed wasn’t capable of anything significant.
Yet, from the moment he saw you, he felt something stir within him. He felt a connection to you unlike one he had ever felt before.
Your beauty caught him off guard and he was even more surprised when your kindness surpassed his own. How could a human be so perfect?
Simeon knew he was in trouble when it came to you. You were someone he could risk losing everything for.
Because of that, he did what he could to keep his distance. He was always nice to you and talked to you when you were around the others. But, he didn’t go out of his way to get alone time with you. He was afraid of what would happen if he did. 
But, then you said something to him that made him freeze. He had mentioned something to you about having writer’s block and your response was innocent. You were just trying to be friendly. But, it made Simeon begin to question you. 
“I’m sure you’ll get the motivation to write again soon. You have so much talent. Just look at how popular TSL has become!” you told him, doing your best to encourage him.
There was only one problem. He hadn’t told anyone that he was the author of that series. And, you had only come to know about TSL after you came to the Devildom. After you met him. So, how did you know?
The secret was out. The things he had been trying so hard to conceal were revealed. Yet, he didn’t feel the way he thought he would. You had spoken to him about his book with so much kindness in your heart. There was no judgment, there were no questions. 
The smile you gave Simeon attracted him even more as his mind raced. There was no explanation as to why you knew that information. 
The logical thing would be to question you about how you knew it. Especially considering this wasn’t the first time that you’ve known something you shouldn’t have. 
And although that was the logical thing to do. The only thing Simeon could think about was how he wanted to tell you more about himself.
To finally relieve the weight he’s been carrying around for as long as he could remember. Because he knew that you would listen to him and never make him feel bad for it. He knew that you were special.
The others weren’t the only ones who noticed your strange behavior. It wasn’t hard to see that you had a special talent for knowing about them and their likes and dislikes.
Luke got an example of this almost right away. He took a liking to your kindness immediately. All things considered, you were a remarkable human and he enjoyed spending time with you. 
He also believed that if you spent too much time with the demons then they would find a way to taint your soul. He was an angel after all and could see your virtue. Virtue that he didn’t want to change because of your time here in the Devildom.
He followed Simeon around in an attempt to warn you about the demons. He had finally seen you and opened his mouth to say something when you surprised him.
You held up a slice of Barbatos' Signature Cake. Luke immediately froze as he looked at the piece of cake in your hand.
He would never ask Barbatos - a demon - for the cake himself. Yet it was one of his guilty pleasures. He loved the combination of flavors the dessert provided.
“We were at the Demon Lord’s Castle, and Barbatos was serving his cake. I made sure to grab you a piece,” you told Luke with a small smile.
Had he said he liked Barbatos' dessert before? It couldn’t have just been a lucky guess. Why would you specifically go out of your way to save him a slice unless you knew how much he liked it. 
Luke was considered “young” for an angel so he was still learning some things. But he knew enough to know that there was something more going on than you were letting on.
You and Thirteen had been talking about one of the many adventures you had gone on with the brothers.
She had heard a rumor about it and asked you for the full story. So, you gladly indulged her request, giving her all the awful details about the trouble that befell you.
Thirteen thoroughly enjoyed the tale, especially how high stakes it was. It was truly a life-or-death situation.
She couldn’t help but imagine how if she had been there she would have had the perfect trap to get out of that situation.
As if reading her mind, you stated, “If only we had your Devouring D.D.D. trap.” Thirteen was surprised that you had stated what she was thinking.
But she was even more surprised at the trap you had mentioned. She only thought of it a few days prior and hadn’t told anyone about the idea. She hadn’t even started planning out all of the logistics for it.
So, how did you know about it? Could you read minds or something?
Thirteen knew there was something different about you because she could see how shiny your soul was.
But, there was more to you than just a shiny soul and she wanted to know what it was. Maybe she could use one of her traps to find out?
Mephisto didn’t really come into contact with you. His royal duties kept him pretty busy. And he wouldn’t dare slack off and risk looking bad in front of Lord Diavolo just to chat with the new human student.
But, he wasn’t oblivious to the way everyone acted around you. He could see that you were more than just a simple human.
What really sold it for him though was when he was planning on making those terrible stickers of Lord Diavolo and Lucifer. 
Mammon had recruited him for the Lucifer sticker and Mephisto gladly agreed. He was happy to be involved with something that might embarrass Lucifer.
They had all sworn secrecy to each other because they knew if news got out then they would be in big trouble.
Mephisto ensured that the brothers hadn’t told anyone. He was going to share the Lucifer sticker anonymously after school that day. He was quite proud of it. It was Lucifer riding a white unicorn. He believed it was quite clever.
You were passing Mephisto on your way out of the class and you told him, “You should make the unicorn pink and purple.”
Mephisto let out a small gasp at your words. Had one of the brothers leaked their plan? There was no way they could have. Mephisto had been keeping a careful eye on them all day.
So then how did you-?
Wait, you were right! Pink and purple would look much better and only further Lucifer’s embarrassment. Thanks, Y/N.
Not even Raphael was safe from your knowledge. He visited the Devildom rarely and his trips were usually so few and far between.
He had only talked to you on a few occasions and during those times, you didn’t really have any personal conversations.
Most of the information Raphael knew about you was because of what he heard from the others. 
And he was sure that it was the same way for you when it came to him. 
So, he was completely awestruck when Simeon handed him a present from you. Simeon had been visiting the Celestial Realm and you asked him to bring Raphael a present for you. 
Raphael opened it to see a beautiful spear enclosed. It was made from a very rare material that could only be found in the Devildom. It was said to have the potential to inflict ten times more damage than the one he currently had.
He never voiced this wish to anyone though. It was something he held as a secret in his heart because he was afraid that the other angels would look at him in disdain for wanting to acquire something from the Devildom.
Raphael ran his fingers over the spear. You must have some kind of mental telepathy abilities. The others had told him you were special but he didn’t see the extent of it until now.
You were not an ordinary human.
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rae-writes · 2 years
don’t mind me~ [role reversal]
om brothers x poly!reader
wc : 3.k
warnings : nsfw
synopsis : why should they keep their hands to themselves if you’re dating all 7 of them?
a/n : role reversal you say? why don’t mind if I do-
first ver.  
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Just the feel of his presence behind you is enough to make you falter in the conversation, pact tingling faintly at the acknowledgement of his pride. Lucifer’s fingers curl around your wrist in greeting, thumbing at your sped-up pulse, while his lips place slow, open mouthed kisses against your shoulder. The sensation is sensual- sinful - as he moves to your other shoulder, and the goosebumps that follow almost make him purr. By now, you’re fumbling and stuttering, trembling hands clenched as you try desperately not to feed into Lucifer’s ego, but when you feel the lightest brush of his teeth over your skin, your eyes tear away from whoever you were talking to- conversation be damned. What was supposed to be a stern look turns almost pleading when it meets his sly one, and at the sight of his smirk peeking over your shoulder, you swear you’d do anything he wanted.
Mammon was trying to fucking talk, thank you very much- He is so upset at his brother for ruining ‘his mc time’ and if he didn’t get so mad at the sight in front of him, he would’ve thrown a fit. Instead, he’ll just settle for stealing Luci’s credit card
Oh…sure, he wasn’t excited about the conversation or anything…!!! When his brain processes just how sensual the scene is and how just a few kisses have you making that face, Levi is fleeing with his heart pounding and his face blistering…oh what he wouldn’t give to be that bold
Satan’s glad he wasn’t holding anything or he would’ve broken it. How dare Lucifer interrupt your conversation? Stupid smug bastard…though on second thought, the fourth born thinks he’ll join in- he’s gotta make sure the front of you is loved too
Asmo is a giggling mess- he’s practically floating at seeing all your cute reactions. The way your body shivers at Lucifer’s touch, the pretty blush blossoming across your face, it’s all right up his alley. Ruined conversation forgotten, he could sit and watch this the entire day!
The sixth born doesn’t really complain- he was probably hungry anyway, so he’s content just letting Lucifer do what he wants; despite that, Beel stays rooted to his spot for a while, not being able to look away from your pretty reactions until your eyes meet his (making him blush at being caught)
Unlike Mammon, Belphie will throw a fit with no qualms about it. He doesn’t give a damn- he wants all your attention to be on him again! And while he does appreciate you trying to keep the conversation going, he doesn’t want your divided attention, he wants it all!
You don’t pay any attention to the feel of him kneading the flesh of your hips, which makes Mammon bristle in annoyance. Deft hands make their way up to your waist, prodding briefly at the ticklish spots, before finding purchase along your chest. His fingers brush over your nipples, nails scratching lightly at the base of your throat, and the chuckle he lets out when you shiver is absolutely dangerous. Still irritated that you’re continuing with the conversation, Mammon’s hands move back down- only this time they go past your hips. You trail off a bit, confused at what he’s doing, but when a sharp slap is delivered to one of your thighs, the words leave your mind in favor of focusing on his triumphant blue hues. He’ll proudly bare his teeth, smug about finally getting your attention; his hands, too, celebrate by grabbing your ass possessively— go on, Mc. Finish your conversation. What was it about again?
If he wasn’t so tired of Mammon’s bullshit, Lucifer would smack him upside the head, but alas. Even so, he’ll keep the conversation going as long as you’re able just so he can piss off his little brother (and maybe make you a bit more flustered) 
Levi actually hisses at Mammon, though it clearly does little to stop anything. Could be the avatar of irritation with how annoyed he looks, but not with you, Mc, of course not! He’ll just go sulk off till you’re done..that’s- that’s fine…
Good thing he’s behind you, or Satan’s tail would’ve knocked the shit outta- anyway, the fourth born doesn’t really appreciate being interrupted, so out of petty spite he’ll just stand there with a clenched jaw until Mammon is done
Oh my! Asmo certainly doesn’t mind this side of Mammon’s greed- just look at how cute your shocked expression is! He’ll get closer, trailing his fingers along your features teasingly; let’s see just what the party duo can do together, hm?
Beel’s more concerned about Mammon slapping your thigh over anything else, but once he sees you’re perfectly fine, he’ll relax again. He’s content with just picking the conversation up later but maybe a kiss before he leaves? Please? 
Ohoho, no. No, no, no— Belphie is not happy with this in the slightest. Those are his thighs you’re slapping Mammon, thank you very much. He has no problem slapping Mammon’s hand in retaliation and will growl in displeasure until your attention is back on him (or will fall asleep at your feet so you can’t go anywhere)
Despite his shy nature, Levi can’t help the envy that shoots through him, so you aren’t surprised when he begins to tug at your sleeve mid-conversation. He practically whines when you hold a finger up, desperately wanting your attention on him; surely you won’t mind if he just…With a gasp, you stare at Levi completely bewildered when he yanks you to him by the waist, feeling his arms slither around you and tighten. Even though he’s the one who initiated it, he’ll bury his face into your shoulder out of pure embarrassment and busy his mouth by placing soft bites everywhere. One of your legs gets trapped between his as he ruts against your thigh, keening loudly into the crook of your neck. Forgetting all about the other person present, Levi’ll start whimpering and begging, pleading you to pay attention to him. Y-you love him, r-right?! He n-needs you, p-please! And once your hands place themselves on his hips to help his movements, cooing in his ear about being a good boy, he cries out loudly, envy finally satisfied.
Lucifer blinks, not really expecting Levi to do something like that. A bit proud of his brother for being so bold, though that doesn’t excuse ruining his conversation…he’ll overlook it just this once, however
You know when cats meow angrily and it’s more funny than taken seriously? Yeah, that was Mammon. He was appalled that Levi would interrupt the two of you like this— absolutely betrayed when you began coddling his younger brother…maybe there’s some room left for him, too? 
Impressed at the boldness, Satan smirks and tilts his head, audibly teasing his older brother and laughing when you grin. He doesn’t mind the ended conversation as much as he thought he would- making fun of Levi like this is entertaining in itself 
Go, Levi! That’s what Asmo likes to see, his adorable big brother finally getting out of his shell! He’ll actually slot himself behind you, cheerfully adding fire to the flaming inferno that is Levi’s red face
He’s gonna be honest…Beel didn’t even realize at first. It was normal for his brother to have his head buried in your neck, but when he caught on to your small giggles, he blinked and began blushing. Wow, Levi, you’re really going for it, huh? Good for you
Internally throwing a fit and outwardly seething, because fuck that’s a really good idea. Belphie glares at Levi’s back for the longest time before he catches your knowing eye and stammers when you pat your other thigh- sure, he’ll join, if you’re offering (like you can’t see the sheer joy that crosses his features when you do)
As a hopeless romantic, it’s only natural for Satan to be a gentleman, so he’ll stand beside you quietly while you’re in conversation. An arm wraps itself around your shoulders lovingly— but it’s all an act. His tail is sneakily slipping past your bottoms, pushing into you without a moment’s hesitation. The concern on his face when you choke up your words is broadway performance perfection and the glare you send him does nothing but make him shove his tail deeper inside you. Your conversation is nothing but stuttered words on your end, though save for the blush, you aren’t as affected as he’d like you to be. That won’t do. Satan gives you even more of his tail, purposefully ramming against the spot inside you that makes your knees buckle. His arm will tighten to keep you upright, smirk shining with smugness. He can’t stop his eyes from darkening when you bite down on his hand and he promises this conversation will be the last thing on your mind once he’s through with you.
Lucifer’s silent rage could rival Satan’s at this point- and it’s honestly funny how alike they are sometimes; Lucifer will stand there out of petty spite and start playing with you as well to see who you pay more attention to. Let the competition begin, Satan. Hope you can keep up
The rate at which Mammon’s blood pressure spikes should be an emergency. Whaat the fuck, Satan?! T-that’s a b-bit too..far…oh, your expressions are so pretty though…alright, he supposes he can forgive the ruined conversation- as long as ya let him stay and watch 
Levi is on the floor, face hidden, and hand slamming against the ground to try and gain some composure. This is something he’s dreamed of doing and there Satan is, doing it like it’s natural. ‘s so not fair!…a-ah, don’t mind his tail sliding up your leg…two feels better than one, doesn’t it? 
Squealing is all that can be heard from Asmo— what a good use of your tail! He’s almost jealous he can’t do that himself, though his brother looks simply ravishing while he does! Azzy will give you a fleeting kiss, wagging his fingers as he settles down for the show
Again, Beel wasn’t paying much attention to Satan himself. When your knees give out, though, he helps steady you with a hand on your lower belly- and only when he feels the faint bulge- does he realize what his brother is doing. It makes Beel flush down to his lower neck and stutter; he’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done…
Belphie ends the conversation before you do, throwing a silent fit because he can’t do that with his tail. It’s almost comical- the way he’s pouting- and if you weren’t so distracted, he knows you’d be laughing at him. The thought makes him huff and storm up to the attic— he’ll be back for you later
Asmo rarely joins a conversation, finding it boring if your focus isn’t on him, but he doesn’t mind entertaining himself while you’re occupied. Perfectly manicured hands will grasp yours, fiddling with your digits until you wiggle them in acknowledgment. Only then does a charming smile break out on his face- a warning, if you will - before he’s taking your fingers in his mouth. Asmo runs a bit warmer than most, so the feeling is shockingly hot and wet. The brief look you cast his way makes him purr and gives him the initiative to push your fingers deeper— he wants to choke on them; Azzy doesn’t have a gag reflex necessarily, but it still makes his eyes roll white when they hit the back of his throat. Instead of receiving your full attention like he anticipated, all he gets is your fingers massaging his tongue, pressing down until saliva pools. Without even glancing at him, still continuing with the conversation, he feels himself flush against his will and choke out a moan when you grin. He won’t be moving until you’re well satisfied, so he better get comfy.
Is debating whether or not to simply just walk away because Lucifer is just so done with his brother’s shit. The mischievous glint in your eyes makes him think twice, instead choosing to watch you humiliate Azzy with a sadistic grin. He’ll leave eventually, but not until Asmo is crying from embarrassment 
Mammon grimaces at the loud sounds Asmo is making, side-eyeing him with intent to kill. He loves his whore brother, don’t get him wrong, but that doesn’t mean he has to be a whore on Mammon’s Mc time!…Pft- just look at the embarrassed look on Asmo’s face! Let him take a picture real quick— 
Shy baby Levi is fully ready to curl up on the floor and either melt or die; how can one person be that confident?! And the way you’re continuing the conversation makes Levi even more of a mess, faintly wishing you’d make him your little toy too, though he’d never admit it out loud (unless maybe you asked) 
Satan’s gotten good at tuning out his annoying brothers, so as long as you keep gagging him like that, the fourth born doesn’t mind; he appreciates you keeping your attention on him. Maybe he’ll award you with his own fingers? Open up, love, Tannie’s got a treat for you
Beel doesn’t understand why Asmo enjoys having your fingers in his mouth so much, so he’s just a bit confused. He’d love to try, it seems kind of fun actually…huh? oral fixation? Hmm…sure, give him your other hand and he’ll find out- don’t mind if he scrapes your fingers with his teeth though. He won’t bite, promise
Excuse you, Asmo, Belphie was trying to woo Mc into taking a nap with him dammit- move! He will push you down the stairs— actually..stay there, he’s quite enjoying the humiliated tears that are forming. Please, Mc, make him cry harder. It’s funny
His intention is never to spoil your conversation, but Beel just gets so hungry sometimes and food isn’t always enough to cure it. He’ll approach you and crouch down, running soothing hands up and down your legs, massaging your thighs until you pet his hair lovingly. At your affection, he beams and buries his face in your crotch area. Skirt, shorts, pants- whatever- he just wants to feel your warmth pressing against his face. It also doesn’t help that he’s got a more advanced sense of smell, so the scent of you makes his mouth water and his arms tighten around your legs. The thought of getting a taste of what’s behind your clothing alone is enough to satiate his hunger a small amount, but it’s the subtle way your fingers press into his scalp that has him pushing closer and mouthing at you. In just a few seconds, the fabric is damp with his saliva, and while that can’t be a comfortable feeling, Beel can’t stop. He thinks he can actually taste you now, his favorite flavor that’s so so close— only some scraps of clothing shutting him off from what he really wants. He’s not above begging and he’ll look up at you with something akin to a pout, nuzzling in between your thighs. The warning tug you give his hair causes him to growl; do it again, Mc. Harder. You’ll need something to hold on to, anyway.
Thankful that his younger brother is quiet, Lucifer chooses to just ignore it and continue with the conversation until it’s finished; by that point, though, the first born is quite interested in the subtle expressions you’re making, so he’ll think of something to keep said conversation going— anything
Mammon can’t even get mad at his little brother- he just looks so innocent and he actually apologizes for ruining the conversation. Even the greedy second born can’t argue with that. He supposes he’ll just go hang out in your room till Beel is done…you’ll have to pay him back later, ya know?
Personally, Levi thinks he’ll just go scream into his pillow, thanks. When you catch his hand as he’s leaving though, he can’t really help the whine that leaves him nor the speed in which he’s also getting on his knees for you. Levi’ll just get comfy with his arms around one of your legs and his head resting on your thigh (but only as long as you pet his hair)
Like his older brother, Satan can’t exactly get mad at Beel, so honestly he doesn’t even know what to do at first. While thinking of a response, Satan focuses his attention on the way your hips roll slightly against the redhead’s mouth and decides he’ll just watch for now
Asmo is grinning from ear to ear, like the smug, shit-eating kind that’s oh so rare on his pretty face. He’s so tickled at Beel’s rather desperate display, he’ll just stand there giddily before he finally skips off to go run a bath. Don’t worry- you can join him when you’re done here
Belphie won’t mind his twin’s intrusion, carrying on your conversation with no issue. When you begin getting distracted, he’ll simply walk behind you and circle his arms around your waist to hold you still as Beel gets his fill— of course, he’ll want a turn too, but he doesn’t care to wait
Being an absolute brat by nature, Belphie simply cuts off your chance at continuing the conversation. His face will only be in your line of sight briefly before his lips are on yours, uncaring of who he interrupted or what you were even talking about; he wants you, so he’ll have you. His tongue will smoothly push its way into your mouth and take over, grinning ever so slightly when yours immediately tangles with his. It’s like there’s no one else there as he wraps one of his hands around your throat, squeezing lightly until he hears you moan. He has no shame in the way he pulls you closer, slotting one of his legs between yours, nor does he mind when spit begins dribbling down his or your chin— Belphie likes it. He likes it messy because you look so undeniably his. Slowly, he’ll break away- almost giving in when you chase him with a whine -but will still make his way to your neck. His lips barely brush over the skin before he’s pulling back entirely and giving you a cocky grin. Oh, he’ll continue, you just have to follow him first.
If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of Lucifer’s patience thinning. He won’t give his little brother the satisfaction of breaking it, however, so he’ll just calmly tell you to come see him later while he goes to seethe quietly in his study 
Mammon is not surprised (but still irritated) at Belphie’s sheer audacity. He could easily break it up, but he’s always spoiled the twins, so he’ll give you a kiss- making sure his tongue grazes yours- before backing down. Don’t get him wrong, though, he’ll be waitin for ya in your room 
[cue boss music] : enter Leviathan, Avatar of Envy. His health meter’s already knocked down by this as he again wishes he could be that bold, b-but he’s totally getting Belphie back for this! He slinks back to his room with a plan…and a request for you to come game with him after
Satan has two reactions and no in between. He’s either pissed at the blatant interruption and will leave or he’ll grin at your flushed face and join his partner in crime, taking to your left side while they take turns swapping spit with you (hoping Lucifer will catch them on his way through the halls)
Who is Asmo to disagree with simply taking what you want? Good job, Belphie! Though he does think they spoil him too much, Asmo will blow a kiss, maybe take a quick picture or two, and leave his baby brother to it (do tell him all about it later)
Beel blinks in surprise before smiling a bit, playfully poking fun at his twin for being needy. There’s a cute blush high on his cheeks as he shuffles closer, silently asking to join. Once he’s settled behind you, though, his shyness completely disappears while he focuses on nibbling your neck 
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princessozera · 6 months
so, random thought, there's a good chance the demon bros inadvertently harmed mc in some capacity just because human and demon limits are so vastly different, and the main human any have had contact with is Solomon, whose humanity is somewhat debatable. mc might act like they're invincible, but they are human in the end, and human durability is largely that we can keep going after almost any injury, not that we don't get injured
like Lucifer strings them up as he would his brothers, forgetting (assume he's really tired or stressed or whatever) that doing so puts a lot of pressure on the body and can cause actual damage instead of just being annoying like it is to his brothers. depending on how exactly he ties them up it'd change the effects but it's never gonna be great for them
Mammon running away from shenanigans with them and he tugs on their hand a bit too hard and fast to get them safely around a corner and dislocates their shoulder in the process because force = mass x speed and Mammon is a speedy boy. or he's running from Lucifer and slams into them at top speed, and if they can't protect their head from the wall/floor you know Mams is freaking out because mc is all out of it and there's so much blood and he doesn't care how Lucifer punishes him as long as he makes sure mc is alright
otaku Levi with his nonexistent sleep schedule doesn't realise just how badly sleep deprivation affects humans. paranoia, weakened immune system, depersonalisation, all the way to sleep deprivation psychosis. you go 96 hours or 4 days without sleep and lemme tell you, you ain't properly attached to reality anymore. been there, done that, would not recommend. there were bugs crawling all over my arms and legs and shadow people whispering. fucking sucked, and I was constantly shaking so I kept dropping stuff
if anyone knows about human durability, at least in theory, it's Satan, but the avatar of wrath can be emotionally charged. he really didn't mean to hurt them, but he was trying so hard not to lose it that day and as he led mc out of his room so they wouldn't be caught in the inevitable explosion, his deadly sharp claws nicked their skin. the wounds were mostly superficial— hurt like a bitch but no major arteries were damaged— but there was quite a lot of blood and Satan felt sick in a way he never had before. humans scar easily, a useful trait to close open wounds quickly, but Satan hates that he was the cause of those raised lines
Asmo is probably best at remembering since he hangs out with Solomon and has had human lovers before, but he is mostly around Solomon who cannot die. so he doesn't always remember what is and isn't toxic for humans, especially since a lot of poisons are used in medicines at lower doses and a lot of things we need to live are poisonous if we consume enough. it'd only take one slip up to put mc in hospital, and of course they don't blame him but he begs Satan to teach him as much as he can so it never happens again
you know Beel would try his best to remember, and he'd feel horribly guilty if he ever hurt mc, but he's big and strong even by demon standards and can eat anything that isn't Solomon's cooking. there's a few ways this one could go— sharing food with them that's toxic to humans, hugging them a bit too hard, mc giving him their food and going hungry, they work out together and they get hurt... take your pick
and Belphie knows all too well how fragile mc is, so he's very careful with his demonic strength around them. he already killed them once with barely any effort. but one day he wakes up from napping with mc to find he held them too hard and they're bruising. maybe his arm curled around their neck as it bloomed black and blue once again. Belphie doesn't nap with them for a while after that
! ANON! 💕💕💕💕
I don't know how you sniped me from across the highway but whump/injuries are exactly my cup of obsession and I've thought about this forever- i just never really had enough to make a full post. I LOVE your ideas and I hope you dont mind me bouncing some of my own off them;
Lucifer and his funny little habit of hanging his brothers 💕 Say he takes pity on MC, makes sure they're right side up, nothing around the neck and only tied beneath the arms and around the legs. Plans to take them down in 5 minutes, really it was meant to be the pet equivalent of air jail. But a call here, difficulties there and 5 minutes turn to 10 and then it slips to 15. It's so little time, absolutely nothing compared to the nights he's left Mammon up over the banister.
So why are there screams in the hall? Why are Asmo, Mammon and Levi on the phone with Solomon, Barbatos, and Simeon respectively? He doesn't understand why they don't immediatley drop MC down, only catching the tail end of Solomon explaing something called "suspension trauma" to Asmo. When they do get MC down, even from a distance he can see the color is almost completely gone from their face, while their legs are a few shades darker. He watches Satan mouth out the count for MC's pulse, quick and staggering. When MC wakes, they can't seem to take a proper breath- gasping, clutching their chest, tearing up and confused. There isn't much more any of them can do, other than stand back and hand MC over to Barbatos and Solomon.
In a movie, it would be considered slapstick comedy, the way that Mammon skid around a corner full speed, carpet pulling under his feet , hip checking the wall as he ran away from Lucifer. In a movie it would be hilarious they way him and MC crashed, sending them literally flying back, head bouncing off the wall, swirls in their eyes and stars dancing around their head. In a movie they would only need to shake it off and get up to yell at him, with Lucifer standing back and watching in smug satisfaction.
But there wasn't anything funny about this, MC slumped in his arms, blood turning his tshirt into a darker shade of black, making it tacky and stick onto his skin. They're awake, sort of? But their pupils aren't the same size, and the speech is slurred. There's a truce as Lucifer heals MC, and they get them to a proper doctor.
Mammon gets better at ducking and weaving around MC, it even helps him evade Lucifer better. But MC doesn't escape the dislocated shoulders, and unwanted popping of their knuckles when Mammon holds their hand too hard. Neither had known that after the first dislocation, its a lot easier to dislocate your should again. It's never intentional, but it always hurts- MC tries to breathe through it if there is an urgency, but Mammon catches the way they pointedly look away, trying to blink the tears away, and knows that he's- once again- failed to keep MC out of harm.
Levi being MC's energy drink dealer. He doesnt know why they dont but their own, but he has plenty so he ultimately doesnt mind sharing. They're not attached at the hip so he doesnt see how little sleep MC is getting, a single can carrying them through 2 whole days. They know its time to 1-up again when their heart stops sounding like helicopter blades.
He finds them on the floor of their room, rubbing their arms raw with the hard bristle brush Asmo uses to buff his horns, babbling incoherently to themselves.
With Satan the physical is NEVER intentional, as much as he used to rage in the early days of the fall, the thought of hurting MC didn't sit well with him. But tiny nicks are so easy to cause when even his regular nails are sharper than a humans'. If MC can keep their reactions subtle, it wont be until Satan is laying in their lap that he notices the "freckles" on their arms don't quite lay flat.
When you're used to fast reflexes, you don't think twice about slamming a door in someone's face. Someone (MC) who was too close and now has a broken, bloody nose. Now whenever the snore in their sleep, or their nose whistles when they laugh too hard, Satan remembers opening the door to MC doubled over, blood leaking from between their fingers as they tried to put pressure on the bridge of their nose.
Dosage and concentration.
Asmo is vaugely familiar with these terms- SPF strength, alcohol proofing, acidity in his skin care. He's had so many spa nights with Solomon that he doesn't think twice about sharing his skin care routine with MC as well. Powders, gels, creams, exfoliants. Some a bit too harsh, MC's skin turns warm and flush, so he thinks their skin is sensitive. He'd ask for help caring for his wings and horns. MC goes in with their bare hands to get a good scrub, attributing the burn to the rough edges and upturned edges of Asmo's horns. It feels like icyhot, so it must be working. When they're done, Asmo tries to take the rest of the cream off their hands to apply to his hands, but they both scream as a visible layer of skin from MC starts peeling off as well. The acid having fulling numbed and killed off most of the senses in MC's hand, had started to deteriorate the skin, and its by some small blessing that MC hadnt already applied it to their face. It takes a panicked called to Solomon to get the feeling back into MC's hands, but it still takes weeks for the skin to grow back on to their hands. The pain of bandages on raw muscle is excruciating, and Asmo sticks to them like glue, fully taking the blame for their condition.
Beel and Belphie have another trauma to share as twins- nearly killing MC in their sleep! Beel doesnt understand how heavy an unconcious body can be, and being as large as he is, this becomes a problem the first time him and MC share a bed. He falls asleep with an arm draped over them, but exhaustion from practice has him rolling on to them. Even if not entirely covering them, the weight on their chest makes it hard to breathe and MC soon drops nicities and is trying their damnest to get him off or at least wake him up. Its a panicked use of the pacts to call another brother that saves them, and Beel cant sleep for the rest of the night.
Belphie doesn't have as many night terrors these days, but they can still get bad. Usually sleeping with MC can keep these dreams at bay, but on nights that they dont, he wakes up to find MC tossed onto the floor or squeezed between him and the wall. On the worsts of these nights, he woke up to MC screaming, having wrapped a hand and tail so tightly around their arm that it shattered in 2 places.
(Can I also offer a beel and belphie alternative: MC wanting to match Beel's stamina/ gym workout time and getting muscle deterioration. Belphie wanting a sleeping partner so he messes up their sleeping cycles, 10+ hrs asleep, accidentally depriving them of light, water, and food, causing a depressive episode)
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soul-of-the-sanada · 29 days
Obey Me - roadtrips
I was stuck in the car for 9 hours driving from Louisiana to Tennessee and I started thinking about the brothers from Obey Me and roadtrips. So here are a few hcs I came up with during my time hanging out in the passenger seat.
Lucifer- always the driver. Doesn't need the GPS bc he memorized the directions. He's just that good. Unless specifically requested, he's not playing any music. Completely dead silent like a psychopath. MC really has to beg for him to relent and when he does, it's going to be something soft and chill. Doesn't care for road trip games, but will begrudgingly play along if asked by mc. No stopping unless it's on his itinerary or someone Really has to go to the bathroom.  His number one road trip need is company, he hates to go alone.
Mammon-loves to drive, but doesn't have to. He likes having energy drinks readily available, especially for long trips. Expects his shotgun to navigate. Likes high energy, bass heavy music,something that really gets him going. Gets too distracted for road trip games. Wants to make a million sidestops. His number one road trip need is music, he can't stand the silence.
Leviathan- 100% passenger princess. Cannot be depended on for navigation. He's usually got his head buried in a handheld game or manga. If he gets to pick the music, it's his weeb shit. He doesn't care about side stops, he's barely paying attention. If he had his way, he'd still be at home, buried alive in his room. His number one road trip need is simply to be left alone until he gets where he's going.
Satan- he doesn't mind driving, but he'd rather shotgun. He's got GPS running nonstop because he doesn't trust anyone else to navigate (unless it's lucifer, but he'd rather it be ANYONE else with him). He would like to listen to classical music while driving, or an audio book if he can. He's too busy following the GPS to stop anywhere. His number one road trip need is no traffic.
Asmo- not even a passenger princess. They're sprawled in the backseat taking up as much room as they can, whether it's the or their stuff spread everywhere. Probably livestreaming the entire time (how many times can we do x before y loses their shit and turns this car around?). Definitely did a 'get ready with me/us' and bugged their brothers to share tips and tricks for road trip travel with the camera. Pop music blaring. Only wants to stop if it's for something trendy or they really need to pee. Their number one road trip need is an audience, whether it be in the car or online
Beel- he's more comfortable driving. Makes him feel useful. Definitely depends on someone to navigate for him. He will let anyone pick the music, I think his prefernce would be nu metal or hard rock, something with growly vocals. He'll stop whenever he feels like someone needs to stretch or they might be feeling even the tiniest bit hungry or thirsty. You don't even have to ask. His number one road trip need is snacks.
Belphie-definitely asleep in the backseat. Absolutely no help with navigation but also isn't the one who's going to ask to stop 1837373 times because... He's asleep. Might wake up if there's a traffic jam, but he's just gonna look around, realize he's definitely not made it to his destination and then he's out again. If he absolutely had to be involved, he's going to complain the entire time. his number one road trip need is an empty backseat to stretch out on as much as possible.
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fullofbees · 3 months
Obey Me Brothers with an AroAce MC!
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I know it's technically July 1st but shhhhhhhhh
CW: None!
»»----------► Reader is Gender Neutral
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He would be the most nonchalant about it. When you first come out to him, he lifts his head from the desk, staring at you confused. You sweat, about to overexplain before he interrupts you with a question. 
“Will this affect our relationship as it exists now?”   You shake your head, “Of course not, I’m more than content.”  He nods, returning to the paperwork on his desk, the silence only broken by the scribbles of his pen. You remain in place, now the one staring in confusion.  When he notices you haven’t left, he raises his head, “Everything alright?”  “I’m just shocked. Most people have a few... follow-up questions.”  Lucifer shrugs, “Lust isn’t my department.” 
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He would first ask a million questions trying to understand. It’s not that I don’t think Mammon couldn’t understand, I think it’s more that he genuinely does not care what you identify as, but he wants to learn about you so he’s going to pester you about it. So long as you remain his friend, and he gets to retain his bragging rights as your first demon, you’ll always be cool. 
You try to keep up as he drags you down the street.   “Mammon, why do I need to go the casino with you again?”  The demons rolls his eyes like you just asked the most ridiculous question in the world, “Pffft! You’re my lucky charm of course.”   “I am not playing the slots for you!”  You almost ram straight into his back when he abruptly stops.   “Don’t need ya to. I’ll be sure ta win with an ace up my sleeve!”   Now its your turn to roll your eyes, at least so you don’t have to look at his smug face. It’ll only encourage him. 
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When you first explain your orientation to Levi, he is excited. You know Levi gets easily flustered when it comes to emotions, but he’s made great strides to let you see his vulnerability, so in the end you decided to show yours too. It still doesn’t mean you were expecting him to start on another anime ramble. 
“That makes so much sense!! I mean in My Whole Life I’ve Been a Cat but A Wizard Recently Made Me Human and Now I Have to Attend High School Where a Pack of Dogs Is Out to Get Me Because I’m The Adopted Daughter of Their Rival Gang Leader, the protagonist never receives a love interest! I totally thought they were retconning the manga when they had her turning down every declaration of love but her being aroace would fit the storyline so much better--” 
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Already understands; you don’t even have to explain the terms to him. 
“Wait, you.. Know what I’m talking about?”  The demon glances up at you from his book, “That is what I just said.”  “Wha- from what- how?” You hate blathering incoherently, especially in front of Satan, but his reaction is not what you were expecting.  The demon raises his book so that you can see the cover, “Sherlock Holmes.”  You process the comical nature of this interaction before quipping back, “Yes, I suppose it is elementary.” 
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Would probably go overboard in his support. Of course he means well, he’s just excited!! He goes out of his way to stay up-to-date on the tea news of the community; and honestly, he probably finds you the most obscure pride merch. 
“You should let me paint your nails the colors of the flag, hon!”  You stare down at your plain, dry nailbeds. They are definitely overdue some TLC.  “I don’t know if I want to be that on the nose about it...”  “Oh hush, I’ve never disappointed you before, have I?” He says with a giggle and a wink, “C’mon, chop chop! Off to my studio!”   “You mean your room?” You tease.  “Studiiiioo~”  
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Finds out because he overheard you discussing the garlic bread and cake memes.  
“Aroace cake.... sound delicious, what’s in it?” The hungry demon asks just after his signature stomach growl.  “It’s not a real cake, Beel,” says Levi.  The poor demon’s face drops, now pouting as he looks down at his aching stomach.   “Beel, you okay?”  He dejectedly sulks out of the room and towards the kitchen, muttering to himself about the cake being a lie. 
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I think Belphie would understand it to a startling degree. He has never had any serious relationships himself, finding that he already feels fulfilled with his friends and family. Perhaps you can help him explore this new revelation.  
“Mmm, it must be nice, actually. Less time wasted, more time for naps.”  “I never thought of it like that before... I should take more naps.”  He nods with a sleepy grin, patting the cushion next to him, “Who needs a thirst trap when you can have your first nap?” 
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•••✦ ❤ ✦••• Submit A Request •••✦ ❤ ✦•••
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A/N: Happy Pride Month from your fellow aroace author! Wishing you all the best <3
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anikasheep · 1 year
Pre-Period cuddle
Warnings: AFAB!MC, English is not my first language and it's not beta read, don't like don't read.
Anyway, I picture that Devildom is colder than the human world.
And your temperature lower when your period near, you would be more clingy and want some warm physical touch.
At first, you're only buy some plushie to help yourself through the process.
But, since you started adjusting Devildom and familia with those brothers. You started to indulge yourself.
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Actually, you and Mammon just THAT close that you can't even wait until you leave the RAD.
You rash on the road, spotted Mammon and Levi bicking with each other again.
And you hug your first demon from behind, your arms snake around his waist and hooked your fingers so he can't struggle out.
"O..Oi! Human! I told ya several times, aren't you listening at all? Don't just hug me so suddenly, you're just gonna freak me out!"
"Sowwy Mammon, I just want to cuddle with you."
You nuzzle your head into his back and giggled when Mammon didn't flinch away.
Mammon pet your head and sighed.
"There there, ya just can't stop yourself, don't ya? Ha...I would indulge you this time since I am THE GREAT MAMMON!"
"Thank you Mammon... You're so warm and I luw your fragrance..."
Your mumble made the Avatar of Greed blushed harder, he didn't say anything, just hold you and down the staors.
"Normie..." Levi shook his head and stormed behind you two.
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This giant teddy bear welcomes your cuddle at ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE!!
You started to feel the pain in your lower abdomen and the most private spot.
And the strong wind in RAD made you more uncomfortable.
"Beel!" You called him while you ran into him and buried your face into his chest.
Yiu sighed and nuzzled in the heaven of the warm.
Beel's hand cupped and ruffled your hair instinctively.
"What's wrong, MC? Are you hungry?"
"No...just cold and wanna cuddle with you."
Beel hummed, the next moment, you found you were lifted up, Beel's left arm supported you and his left hand brushed your inner knees when he kept walking.
You lay your head against his chest, your arms around his neck.
"Then we cuddle, MC. You can sleep when you are tired, I will carry you."
His soft voice and warmth lured you into the depth of peaceful darkness.
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It's rare for you to sleep in the meeting.
But you couldn't help yourself, you just felt drowsy and tired.
The meeting was like usual ones, Satan was the one suggested, Mammon would complain that they always adopt his idea, Beel would listen while eating, Asmo and Levi would be busy with their D.D.D and Levi would ask if he can leave the meeting early, Belphie would just sleeping through the whole meeting.
Normally, you'd be the one to help Lucifer put his younger brothers into their places, but today...
You could barely hear what they were discussing. Those voices were some kind of lullaby to you, you felt safe, and hard to resist the invitation of the Sleeping.
You chose to close your eyes for several seconds.
The lack of your cheerful and soothing voice earned Lucifer and Diavolo's attention. The Avatar of Pride found that you were dozing off, he frowned cause he knew you must be too tired to keep awake for some reason. And you went to bed early last night so it's not the case of enjoying your night and now no energy. But if Diavolo can't stand this and if he wants to let Barbatos 'take care' all of you... Lucifer peered at the prince, he found that Diavolo was admiring your sleeping face. His face might still be serious, but Lucifer could see Diavolo had hearts and sparkles of adoration in his golden eyes. Mammon probably noticed that the human had dared to fall asleep in a bunch of demons, he lowered his volume. Belphie shared his pillow with you, he patted your head softly and kissed your hair. Then he snuggled the other half of the pillow before he napped again. "Should we wake MC up?" Asmo whispered Diavolo waved his head. "Well, I think it's better to let them sleep longer, can you bring my coat and cover on MC please, Barbatos." "Understand, my lord." The dark red LARGE coat from Diavolo covered your whole body, then you hummed and nuzzled under the silky fabric. Asmo snapped several pictures and whispered-yelled "Awww, they're so adorable when they sleep!" Lucifer sighed though his stares softened when they landed on the sweet yet innocent lamb just showed their weekness to the dense of the beasts. "Wake them up after 15 minutes, and keep your voice down." The brothers all nodded in silence.
When you wake up, you realize that you're carried by someone.
The spicy yet comfortable fragrance scent and the raven black hair already tell you who is carrying you.
You mumble his name, try to blink those sleepnesses away.
"We nearly got home, MC. You don't have to step down right now."
"...Sorry, I slept through the meeting."
"Did you sleep well?"
The firstborn didn't change his tender tone, so you assumed that he was not angry about this accident. Still, you told yourself that you won't let this happen again.
Lucifer's kindness isn't unlimited and can't be taken for granted..
"Diavolo enjoyed this small accident, and you're not being well, do you, MC?"
You nodded, the warmth from Lucifer easing the pain in your abdomen, and you swallowed your embarrassment and shyness.
"Yeah...my period is supposed to visit me this week, and the natural biological system costs me more energy to deal with..."
"To deal with... what?"
Now you feel the heat on your cheeks from your neck.
"The blood and nutritious for the baby... when the female human doesn't impregnate, her body would refresh those old blood and send it out of the body. "
Lucifer didn't say anything, his steps were unstable for a second but became normal quickly.
He put you down when you stand in front of the House of Lamentation. You thank him and ghost to your room quickly.
"Well, I think it's time to regain that knowledge about female human physiology and how to take care of them when they are in period."
Lucifer murmured to himself.
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matenrou-fan · 2 years
Could you do beel going down to his fem s/o please? I’m in love with your writing!
Beel going down to his fem! darling
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ahhh thank you, you such a sweetheart <3 here you are ~
femreader, overstimulation, mention of crempie;;
-Despite his not being that experienced in naughty things, you would have a great experience with him.
-I mean, come on, this man loves to eat and all plates after him are so clean as he tries to savor every last crumb. So of course he would send you to heaven with such deft tongue. Beel has a skill, but he just needs to direct this energy in another way..
-Long but fast and hot licks, as he can't pull away from your cunt even for a moment, even to make a sigh as your flavor is just so addicting. His movements quickly become really sloppy, as he just can't control himself, sucking and licking in thirst for more of your juices.
-He didn't talk that much during this, as his mouth was too busy with your trembling folds, maybe just a few small comments about how great you taste.
"Mm.. s/o.. It's so good.." - his voice shaking, so quiet but passionate, more like a low growl of a hungry predator. He breathed heavily, looking at his little trembling prey for a moment, and just now noticing how beautiful you look, with those dim half closed eyes, unfocused and full of lust, with those cheeks, so red like a raspberry pie.. Beel was surprisingly pleased with how much you also enjoyed that, as he was a little bit ashamed of himself for being so out of control and greedy.. But it looks like he can continue..?
-Your pussy is now his favorite dish. Lucifer is probably amazed why every time Beel stays overnight in your room the fridge stays full the next morning. Everyone gets used to the fact that half of the products are missing after Beel's midnight snack, as no one knows that now, when he wakes up in the middle of night, he doesn't smell the food from the kitchen.
-Sweet scent of your hair, of your perfume that you were using in the evening, and this soft delicious smell of your body itself.. This is the only thing he feels as he's already under blankets, almost tearing apart your panties and pressing his drooling tongue to your tasty folds.
-You wake up just to see him eating you out with such pure bliss on his face, Beel is still half asleep and you can't even stop him… Yes, Lucifer always asks you to prevent him from eating everything from the fridge but nothing in this goddamn fridge was as delicious as your trembling wet folds so there's no way Beel will let you go before you cum at least two or three times. Only after that he would calm down a little and fall asleep again, without any memory of it while you are trying to catch your breath, your clit still pulsing from such a pleasurable force.
-So yeah, he's a sucker for your juices, always would lick every drop, pushing his tongue inside you as deep as he can, enjoying the way your hot walls clenched around him.
-Of course he bites too. All your thighs now in hickeys and small bites as Beel just can't control this urge to taste you a little bit more, your soft skin just so yummy.. It's both from his hunger and from a strange wish to mark you as his property. He is always a little bit protective and jealous when it's about something that he really likes, so he wants everyone to know that you already have a loyal man who is always ready to please you.
-Sometimes Beel gets so carried away he can't even hear you or anything around, his hands holding your thighs so tightly as he lifts your hips up so only your upper back and head are on the mattress, mouth glued to your pussy as he licks deep inside you. You can try to struggle or squirm as much as you want, Beel is too buff so you will not escape this greedy tongue as he keeps pressing his tongue to your clit with such passion and neediness like he didn't eat or drink for several days.
-Don't like any teasing as he's too addicted to your flavor and no less needy than you are. But you always end up being overstimulated after, as he can't let you take a break from him until he will satisfy his hunger. And by this time your clit is so sensitive, throbbing from every move of his tongue, burning sensation between your thighs keep increasing as you quickly reach your next climax. Your voice starts to be husky from all these deep moans, your pussy pulsing as Beel sucking your cum with groans, happy that you give him some more..
-You can grab and pull his hair but he would only enjoy that, it's kinda tickling him but your arms are too weak now to actually hurt him, so no, you will not stop him with that, maybe only spark his passion even more.
-It's like, you know.. when you have dinner and turn away for a second just to notice that your pet is trying to steal something from your plate. You will never pull this small piece from their mouth as they bite it with all their strength like if all their lives depend on this. The same story about dogs and random things that they find on the floor and don't want to let go. And the same story with Beel and your pussy as he just doesn't want to lose even a second when he has a chance to get down to you.
-If you're too tired after this, he would be glad to just cuddle with you or bring a glass of water so you will calm down. After all, he is no less pleased than you are now, looking at you with such loving and caring gaze, you have never seen him so fed up and satisfied, even after parties in Demon Lord's Castle.
-But if you want some more, be ready for sloppy fast sex, as Beel can't control himself now. He is always trying to be gentle and careful as he is afraid to break you with his size and length, but your pussy feels so good after he eats you out. He holds you tightly, deep groans tickling your ear and send shivers down your spine right to your core, making you clench around his twitching dick even more.
-"S/o.. You always feel so good.. Please.. Please, can I cum inside, please.." - he always becomes so whiny, almost begging as nothing feels as good as your pulsing hot cunt, every time you squeeze his cock with your walls it feels like you are almost sucking him inside you even more. Don't your pussy also want him to cum inside, to be filled? You keep clenching around him so hard it's hurt to thrust in you, aren't you asking for it?
-Can't say that he likes risk and everything, but he definitely went down on you in the living room and library several times just because it was too hard to resist sudden urge. Beel never knows how to control his bottomless stomach and now he also doesn't know how to control his mouth that starts watering everytime he sees you in a skirt, especially if you wear only socks, not stockings, and your soft delicious skin on thighs is open for him.
-Oh yes. And of course in the kitchen too when you try to prevent him from eating Asmo's donuts or Mammon's tarts. Well, if he can't have food he would quench his hunger with something else, so now instead of plates with dishes you are the one meal that is being served on a table for him to enjoy.
-It's hard to control your voice as he is even more greedy than usual, probably because the only view of your pussy makes him starve. Also he's a little bit angry that you interrupted his dinner so he would eat you out for a long time today, as his hunger slowly turned into thirst, Beel needs more of this sweet nectar of yours..
-"Mm, no.. I'm not finished yet.." - he growls when you try to pull him away, grasping to his red hair. His gaze, so obsessed and wild, makes you shiver, as you never see him like that before. Despite Beel being so wild and ravenous when he goes down to you, today he looks even more feral, with such deep husky breath and passionate burning eyes. But you can't help but enjoy that possessive side of him, feeling as your pussy starts throbbing more under his hungry gaze.
-Your strength was only enough for a small weak whisper, as you asked him to at least move to your room that was near the kitchen. Without a second thought he grabs you, caring in the privacy of your room and locking the door behind him so no one would interrupt him again, from his main, favorite dish, that was already so wet and juicy just for him..
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cerberus-new-owner · 24 days
sooooo my friend made a few headcannons?? i genuinley have no idea what to call them buuuuuuuut
these are like their initial reactions to the characters and what they thought of them (both typed up and the photo of the paper with the assumption head cannnon things)
sooooooooooo here's
My Friends reactions to the obey me cast (plus my own little comments)
(in the order they chose)
Diavolo the neo nazi. (hitlers slut type shit) (i litterally cannot joke about this they acctuallly wrote this and its because of his red unifom and the weird badge pocket situation)
Beelzebub the chronic McDonalds eater. (i love him btw) (they really like beel and lovingly refer to him as 'the ginger')
Lucifer the fucking attention whore (my no swearing streak is NOT broken this is their words)
Mammon the chronic Temu + Shein user. (no comment)
Asmodeus the Gen-z slang user. ("omg slayy you ate yass") (i fully agree with this)
Belphegor the "im not hungry here beel eat my leftovers man" (and immediently after you hear this "omnomnamomnom-") (heckin died watching them write this)
Leviathan the Gen-Alpha slang user. ("What the sigma..?") (again i do agree to an extent)
Satan the "...LEVIATHAN, SIGMA IS A MATH TERM." (hehehehehheheeh i just got the joke lol)
Luke the baby. He's a bub & we love him. (... he's voiced by a grown man i fucKING SWEAR-) (again no swear streak is not broken)
Barbatos the "i put coke in my tea to get thru tha day." (probably has at some point)
Simeon the chronically horny. he's just HORNY. (oop... i mean most of the simeon fans are buuuuuuuut......)
Solomon the "i try to make people like me with shitty potions." (true so, so true)
them- "Satan, im sorry, kinda looks like he drinks dishsoap."
later on
me-"Tha butlerrr"
The photo of the page (im sorry about the quality and how light the colour they used for simeon is lol)
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heheheheheheeh dishsoap
Oooooooo spooky masterlisttttt
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devildomsoup · 1 year
I’ve got a request! (If it’s possible for you to write it of course hehe)
What if everybody has a mark that unites them with their other half? Everybody has found their other half except the brothers, that’s until they notice the MC has the same mark as them after they’ve been living in the HoL for a while.
I think it could be really cute lol
When The Stars Align.
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Genre: Fluff
Characters: The demon brothers
Type: Scenario
MC: gender neutral they/them
A/N: Hope you like it. Also why does tumblr move my text around >:(
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Everyone has a so-called “other half.” Everyone is supposed to have one. 
But when days turn into years and years turn into millennials you lose hope.
The brothers lost hope ages ago. Their other half never appeared. All they had was a mark on their skin to remind them of what could have been but never would be. As much as it pained the seven demons, they eventually came to live with it. They could not keep dreaming of something that did not exist. Eventually, the pain in their hearts became nothing but a dull ache.
That was until MC arrived. 
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He had yet again dragged MC with him for a nap. Belphegor was currently snuggled tightly around MC. Letting out a satisfied yawn he nuzzled his face into the crook of MC’s neck, in response let out a quiet laugh. This was not anything out of the ordinary. MC was just mindlessly stroking Belphegor's hair as they stared at the ceiling above them. It was like a giant weighted blanket was wrapped around them. They could barely move with the way Belphegor had wrapped his limbs around them.
“Belphie I need to get up my feet are sleeping.” 
Belphegor only groaned repose but did not try to stop MC from wiggling their way out of his grip. Cracking one eye open he watched as MC stretched their arms over their head. That was when he noticed something. There, right above their hip was a tiny star.
“I did not know you had a tattoo above your hip,” Belphegor mumbled.
It looked a lot like the mark that was supposed to unite him with his other half. But surely it was just a coincidence, right? There was no way he would not have noticed it sooner if MC truly was his other half, right?
“Oh, that’s not a tattoo. I’ve had it since birth,” MC said casually.
Belphegor’s entire body was buzzing. He was wide awake now. Abruptly sitting up. Belphegor barely managed to prevent himself from falling out of bed.
“Can you repeat that?” Belphegor asked.
“It’s not a tattoo. I’ve had it since birth,” MC repeated with a confused tone.
It was them. Belphegor found them. After all these years he finally found his other half. He almost tackled them to the ground with the force he hugged them.
“I finally found you.”
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Mc was quietly watching Beelzebub rummage through the fridge. It was late at night, and they had been awoken by the sound of someone raiding the fridge. 
“Beel, it's super late.”
Beelzebub turned his head in MC’s direction, swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth.
“Sorry, I got hungry.”
“I know. But could you keep it down a bit? Lucifer will hear you if you are too loud, you know,” MC said with a yawn.
Beelzebub gave a small nod and continued his fridge raid. MC shuffled over to the kitchen counter and leaned against it. They were watching Beelzebub with sleepy eyes. It did not take long before MC sat down on the floor tiredly leaning their head against the kitchen counter. They decided to close their eyes just for a bit. 
MC dozed off in mere seconds sleeping with their face squeezed against the kitchen counter. Beelzebub let out a quiet hum as he brushed the crumbs off his hands. It did not look very comfortable to sleep like that. Beelzebub decided that it was probably best to get MC to bed so they could get some proper rest.   
Beelzebub picked MC up and made his way to MC’s bedroom. The sleeve of MC’s T-shirt moved upwards revealing a star. Beelzebub stopped in his tracks. Was that what he thought it was?
Beelzebub gently shook MC awake who responded with a confused grumble.
“MC what’s that on your arm?” Beelzebub asked as he gestured to the star.
"Huh? Oh, that’s like a birthmark or something. It’s been there since forever,” MC responded tiredly.
Beelzebub blinked a few times and moved his gauze from the star to MC’s face and then back to the star. An enormous smile spread across Beelzebub’s face. It was truly them. It was not just something he imagined.
MC was the person he had been searching for all along.
“Hey MC, would it be okay if I slept in your bed tonight?”
“Sure did you have another nightmare?” MC asked.
Beelzebub only shook his head in response; he just wanted to stay close to MC. stay close to his other half.   
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It was a peaceful Saturday in the House of Lamentation. Asmodeus and MC were hanging out in Asmodeus' room talking about this and that. 
“You should have seen him, Asmo. Never in my life did I expect to see Simeon in a R.A.D uniform,” MC said, kicking their feet around.
 “Aww I wish I could have seen it,” Asmodeus responded.
The two of them were currently sprawled across Asmodeus’ large bed. Their conversion had included many different topics, but they were currently talking about the exchange students from the Celestial Realm. 
“That reminds me, I got this new eyeshadow palette with celestial gold in it. Would you mind if I tried it on you?” Asmodeus asked.
MC got up from where they had been sitting and moved over to the vanity table in Asmodeus' room. One thing was for sure MC’s makeup was going to look amazing if it was Asmodeus doing it. Taking a seat at the matching stool Mc spun around on it so they were facing Asmodeus.
“You are going to look amazing with these colours. You already look amazing but this is going to be the cherry on top,” Asmodeus said in a singsong voice getting the makeup brushes he needed. 
After gathering what he needed Asmodeus immediately got to work. Working with pressure and eagerness it was quite a pleasant experience to have Asmodeus do your makeup.  
“I love how you draw a little star under your left eye, it’s so cute.”
“It’s something I was born with,” MC hummed.
The movement of the makeup brush came to a halt. ASmodes could not believe his ears. Was MC his other half? Was he actually able to find them? for so long he had thought that finding his other half would never happen yet here they were.
MC wondered why Asmodeus had stopped but before they could ask a pair of arms wrapped around them.
“I thought I was going to be alone forever,” Asmodeus whispered.
“Don’t be silly you have me you know,” MC said gently embracing him
“I know,” Asmodeus responded, hugging MC tighter. 
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This had to be one of the best ways to spend your time at least if you ask Satan. He was currently playing with cats alongside MC. About 12 cats were fooling around in a big patch of grass. Satan had brought a few cat toys with him which he and MC were currently throwing around for the cats to catch.
“Look Satan, this one has small socks,” Mc said pointing at a black and white cat.
Satan gave a firm nod observing the cat like it was a piece of art. It was always fun to go cat-watching with Satan. The facial expressions he made were something MC rarely got to see. He truly did relax when surrounded by those small soft creatures.
There was something very special about watching The Avatar of Wrath hold a living creature so gently. The tender smile he wore made the long walk worth it. Satan had awoken MC early in the morning to drag them along on his journey to pet the cats in the Devildom. When MC asked Satan why they had to leave so early he explained that he had made a map of all the best places to pet cats. So fat they had been out and about for a good 5 hours.       
“This is one of my favourite spots. There are at least 6 or 7 cats each time I visit. We’ve really been lucky today. It's rare for there to be so many cats,” Satan said with joy as he watched the cats.
An orange cat walked over to Satan and started rubbing its head against Satan.
“That cat almost has the same mark as me!” Mc exclaimed.
“It does?”
“Yeah, the star-like shape on its chest matches the one on my finger.”
MC held their pointer finger beside the cat and sure enough, there was a star-shaped mark just like on the cat. Satan grabbed MC by the hand and moved it closer to his face staring intensely at the star shape on MC’s finger. He looked MC in the eye and then held out his own pointer finger. Just like MC Satan also had a little star on his pointer finger.
“We match,” MC said with a smile.
“Yes, we match,” Satan repeated with a gentle voice.
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“Okay, so Ruri is taller in the movies, right?”
"Yes, exactly."
Leviathan and MC were in the middle of a Ruri-chan marathon and MC was trying to remember all the information Levithan had told them before they started. 
“Do you remember why she is taller?” Leviathan asked.
“Wasn’t it because of a fight scene or something like that?”
Leviathan beamed with joy when he heard MC answer the question. It was rare for him to talk with someone who actually listened to his long rants let alone remembered the things he said. MC was clearly trying their very best to remember the thing he had told him and it made him feel all warm and fuzzy. 
MC stretched their arms over their head and let out a quiet huff.
“Can we hold a tiny break before continuing Levi? I need to use the bathroom.”
“Sure I will restock on snacks in the meantime.”
With that, both MC and Leviathan got up from where they had been sitting and left the room. MC went to the bathroom and Leviathan headed for the kitchen. Leviathan was the first one back and he patiently waited for MC’s return so they could continue their Ruru-chan marathon. When MC returned they sat down beside Leviathan and grabbed a bag of chips to munch on and so the marathon continued. 
The movie came to an end and MC flopped onto their stomach. Leviathan noticed there was a small mark on MC’s nape. 
“When did you get that tattoo?” Leviathan asked.
“The one on your nape.”
“I was born with that one,” MC answered.
“Oh okay… WAIT WHAT?!” 
Leviathan almost landed on MC when he scrambled to his feet. Was this really happening? Leviathan had given up on finding his other half almost immediately; he held no hope that he would meet someone like that. Yet here they were.
A joyous laugh could be heard from Leviathan’s room that was the sound of someone who had finally been united with their other half.  
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MC and Mammon were both very focused. They were on a mission to build a card house. So far they have not had any luck. The cards kept toppling over but they did not stop the pair from trying again. The two of them were not going to stop until they had successfully built a complete card house.
“Dammit,” Mammon cursed under his breath as the card house crumbled.
“Guess we'll just have to try again, Mammon,” MC hummed, gathering the cards from the table.
“Why is it so hard?” 
MC just shrugged in response. They had been trying to build a card house for at least an hour now. Mammon began to build a new one yet again his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth while he focused on placing the cards. Card after card was carefully placed as MC and Mammon continued to build.
They were only missing the top part now. Both Mammon and MC were holding their breath in suspense as Mammon tried to build the final floor of the card house. Just as he was about to let go of the cards the entire structure fell apart.
“Urgh and we were so close,” Mammon groaned in annoyance watching the cards on the table.
MC gave Mammon a reassuring clap on the shoulder as they started together the cards yet again. As MC handed Mammon the stack of cards he noticed a little star on their wrist which caused him to freeze up. He gently took MC by the arm and held his wrist against theirs. 
Mammon’s eyes widened in surprise when he realized that the star on his wrist matched MC’s. Before he even noticed it himself Mammon had thrown his arms around MC card house long forgotten.
“It’s really you.”
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It was late at night Lucifer was scribbling away filling out different paperwork at his desk. He let out a tired sigh as he read through the next piece of paper in the big paper pile. Lucifer was so consumed by his work that he did not even hear the quiet knock on the door or the footsteps that followed.
“You need to go to bed.”
Hearing the voice of MC, he looked up and sure enough there they stood with a less than pleased facial expression. Their hands were planted frilly on his desk preventing him from reading the papers in front of him.
“I will go to bed in just a moment. I just need to finish some paperwork,” Lucifer said hoping MC would move their hands.
“No, you need to go to bed now. Knowing you, just a moment will be 4 hours.”
“Please MC need to finish this and then I promise I will go to bed.”
“Doing that while tired will only result in poorly done paperwork and you know it,” MC huffed, not moving their hands away from Lucifer’s desk.
Lucifer ran his gloveless hands through his hair in frustration. He knew MC was right, but he could not let himself fall behind even if his body was begging him to go to bed. MC raised a brow and walked over to Lucifer's side. They grabbed him by the arm not giving the demon a chance to respond and proceeded to drag him towards his giant bed.
“Like it or not you are going to bed,” MC said firmly as they made Lucifer sit on the edge of the bed.
This was not the first time MC had forced Lucifer to go to bed, so it was no issue for them to find his pyjamas either. Handing Lucifer his pyjamas, MC turned around so he had a bit of privacy to change.
“You need to stop overworking yourself,” Mc said as they tucked Lucifer in.
It was such a strange sight. Lucifer The Avatar of Pride was being tucked in by a human who was now sitting at the edge of his bed. MC was gently stroking his hair in a calming motion and Lucifer had to admit that it was quite calming. His eyes softened as he watched MC Their nightshirt was falling off their right shoulder. He reached his hand up to fix it but stopped when he saw the star right under MC’s collarbone.
“Has that star always been there?” He asked  
MC gave him a small nod in response. Suddenly Lucifer's stomach was filled with fluttering butterflies. Had he found them? Was MC his other half? He hoped he was not just dreaming. Lucifer slowly moved his hand up to the collar of his shirt and moved it down a bit to reveal a matching star. MC blinked their eyes in surprise when they saw the star on Lucifer’s skin; it looked identical to the one they had.
“That’s strange, who would have thought we both had this?” MC said.
 “Who would have thought?” Lucifer said slowly sitting up.
MC looked at Lucifer who was giving them the gentlest smile like they were the most precious thing in the world. Lucifer gently ran his hand across MC’s cheek, a very sweet sign of affection. 
How he had lineage for the day he would finally be untied with his other half. He could not have been happier to find out that it was MC.
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obae-me · 2 years
i have a suggestion!
obey me brothers reacting to "would you still love me if I was worm?"
The age old question. I'd be glad to do some little headcanons for you! These should be cute!
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What kind of question is that?...
He's going to take it way too literally. He can't help it, he's an overthinker. "Why would you be a worm? Is it due to a curse? Then I would simply break the curse for you."
He can't quite seem to wrap his head around the scenario. Because...you are simply not a worm. Yes, he loves you, and if you were unfortunately turned into such a little creature, he would do anything in his power to turn you back.
If somehow, in some other timeline, you were once and always a worm, why would he fall in love with you then? How does one go about loving a worm?
Please help him, he's so confused.
Eventually, even if he doesn't quite get it, he'll go the gentlemanly route. "No matter what form you happen to take, I will always love you."
Eh? Why are you asking him such gushy things? But...yeah...obviously.
"I could fit ya around in my pocket then! Do you think worms would be good at stealing stuff? Eh, probably not, you'd be smaller than a Grimm. And I would hate to see ya get smushed."
He doesn't overthink it, which this time around is the right answer. Good boy, Mammon!
Of course, as much as he would continue to love you as a worm, boy, does he sure love you just as you are now.
"Just don't go plannin' on getting turned into a worm anytime soon, please. I'd have to bail ya out, and that can be costly. I'd never let you leave my side again."
Aha! He knows this one! He's been on the internet, he knows what this question is all about!
So, of course, he can say with mild confidence, that he would! "Always! No matter what shape you take, I'll always l-l-lo-love you!" Perfect! Said just like a cheesy anime line. "Just...stay away from Henry 2.0 if you become a worm, okay?"
Maybe he could keep you on his desk, so you could watch him play games and share shows together...wait...do worms even have eyes?
They don't?! Then that would be sad...but he won't go back on his answer!
But seriously, his heart probably couldn't take it if you were a worm forever. Satan might be more of a fan of those sad-ending stories, but he's not!
What a curious question...
If you were a cat, he'd obviously still love you. "Out of all the world's creatures, why a worm? Is there something about them I don't know about? No? Why don't you turn into a little kitty instead?"
He doesn't fully get the question. You'll have to explain to him that it's not about turning into a worm, but if you would still be taken care of!
Well, if that's all it's about, of course he would still care for you. Just don't eat his books please if you happen to become a bookworm.
"If you're oh-so-curious, I could probably find a spell to turn you into a worm right now."
He's just joking, but he did enjoy the look of mild panic on your face.
Of course he would!
Surprisingly enough, he answered that easily, and maybe not quite the answer you expected. "I could keep you in the garden! Oh, or maybe not, what if you got eaten?! Oh, I know! I'd get a little plant for my room and keep you there!"
He simply knows he would find you adorable no matter what!
He doesn't really know what a worm needs, but he would be willing to learn.
He'd get a special fancy plant mister and make sure even as a worm that you'd be moisturized and hydrated! Maybe he'd even make a special Devilgram for you!
"Aw, but then I wouldn't be able to kiss your cute face! Try not to become a worm if you could help it, m'kay?"
A worm?
He'd be sad if that happened and you couldn't return to normal... "Do worms eat a lot? They do? So you wouldn't go hungry? Good. Could I feed you leftovers?"
Of course he would love you no matter what you were. And he promises that he wouldn't eat you.
Don't ask why he would potentially eat a worm in the first place.
Just thinking about it all makes him seem to love you more while you remain not a worm.
He's got to make sure he can hug you and eat plenty of meals with you while you're still human.
You're such a weirdo...but sure, why not?
That's what you want to hear, right? "I bet it would be peaceful under all that dirt. Like a huge blanket. Oh...but then I wouldn't be able to sleep with you anymore. Then no, I take it back, I wouldn't love you if you were a worm."
He acts like he falls asleep right after his answer, but really, he's thinking about it further.
Worms are pretty low maintenance, right? He'd just have to make sure no one ate you or crushed you...maybe too much work then.
"If you were a worm, maybe I'd just find a way to be a worm too. Then I wouldn't have Lucifer bother me so much. Then we could just be lazy worms together."
A surprisingly sweet outcome.
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Mc stuck in a high place
who did this and why?
who taught putting the Human who is terrified of heights in a chandelier would be a remotely smart idea
he won´t help you down though
simply because you can´t cause trouble and he´s more concerned about finding who did this
depending who it is they would have to get you down
and he´s letting you punish them yourself
he will even lock the door for you and make sure they can´t run away
still doesn´t make up for the fact that he didn´t help you
he panics
who put his Human up there?!
actually how do the even fit there?
considering they are stuck on the fridge
which wouldn´t be a problem if it wasn´t for the fact that there isn´t much moving space
and you pretty much act like a cornered raccoon when someone tries to get you down from there
which means he has to either get a bunch of scratch marks and dodge your flailing limbs or let you stay up there but you will be pouty because no one helped you
very difficult decisions
actually not that difficult
considering he´s either #1 or#2 biggest Simp in this house
he would die when he had to wait for you to get down on your own
no way is he risking his life!
he knows you can get down on your own
...even if you are horribly scared
okay maybe he will be risking his life…
but if you try to attack him he will summon Lotan!
actually because of the threat of using Lotan Lucifer decided that not only does Levi have to get you down but he will also get hung from the ceiling
this is now mandatory because they can´t keep unfloding the house because Levi was upset and thought summoning Lotan was a smart idea
at least he got away with minimum scratches from you
he acts like you´re a cat stuck somewhere
which isn´t really that far off
he also tries to get you to climb down on our own with cat nip
if it works or not is up to you
in case it doesn´t work you will not be amused
but it might make you angry enough to get down on you own so it could still work
just not as anticipated
because you will just end up falling down and if Satan is unlucky directly onto him
but he got you down and you aren´t that angry so he can´t really complain
he will get revenge for you falling on him though
I would recommend not being alone for a while
yeah no
he already knows you will get down one way or another
also he doesn´t believe that you don´t have rabies
he saw you attack the last person trying to help you
and he won´t deal with that
you´re welcome to visit him when your down though
but only when you aren´t feeling murderous
he doesn´t have the time to deal with that at night
getting ready for bed already takes up enough time for him
he get´s you down really fast
which everyone appreciates because they don´t have to risk anything by helping you
but to be fair Beel partially helped because it was you and partially because you kinda blocked the fridge
but he won´t tell anybody
but if you´re grateful that Beel helped you get down you could thank him
preferably you could cook him his favourite foods
or really anything he´s hungry and not really picky :)
he also likes anything you make him
he actually put you up there so he can sleep in your bed
the only way you can get down is when you climb down yourself
which depending on where you are could be a problem
which brings up the question how he got you up there? anyway stop getting side tracked
beating up Belphie comes first and questions after
sadly by the time you managed to get on the ground he was already gone
and he wasn´t hiding in his usual nap spots
he probably sleep walked out of the house again
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 12:
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"Dad! It's time to get up!" Knocking on the door, Charlie was starting to get worried. He hadn't answered any of her calls or texts to come join them for breakfast. She even made their favorite type of pancakes as a nice little welcome treat. "Dad? I'm coming in!" 
Taking out her master key, the princess let herself in and quickly covered her nose at the strong smell that had filled the room. The smell of overripe and sour apples along with burnt honey so strong it gagged her. Quickly closing and locking the door, Charlie went to open the window to air it out only to stop. What if the smell drew people to the hotel to try and find out who it was coming from?
No. She wasn't going to mess up again. What did she do or let happen that cause this sort of reaction from her dad? And how was she going to air this place out safely?
Sitting up in bed, Lucifer looked around the room trying to wake up and focus. "Charlie...?
"Oh, thank fuck!" Rushing over to him, she sat on the edge of the bed before pushing some hair out of his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I think... I think I was wrong. A scent set me off. Luckily, it didn't trigger my heat. I'm sorry I made you worry. I thought for sure..." He was usually more careful than this. Now his gross and soured scent was probably leaking out of the room. This is why he preferred to live alone. So that he couldn't fuck up like this and bring trouble to his darling daughter.
"No! No, I'm sorry. I should have put my foot down and paid better attention. I-I... I'm not as good of an alpha as I thought..."
"Charlotte Annette Morningstar! Don't you ever say that about yourself again. I am so proud of the alpha you have grown into. You just haven't had a proper teacher seeing as your mother didn't want to teach you and left us... and as much as we love Beel and Ozzie, and their nontraditional view on second genders, that didn't really work in your favor for the basics of omega care."
Lucifer felt like he failed her as a parent. There weren't many omegas here in Hell. Not even among the Hellborn. Not to mention, as far as he knew, Lucifer himself had been the only omega angel in Heaven. That could have changed while he was gone but that meant he also wasn't taught about his own biological make up. The ones who would have the most information on this would be the sinners.
"Okay, here's what we're going to do. You head on down to breakfast while I air out my room. I'll come down and join you when I'm done. After, you will find a proper alpha teacher. I recommend a sinner you trust."
Lucifer hadn't expected this kind of reaction. After he had used his wings and a portal to air out his bedroom, he came down to join everyone for breakfast only to find everyone but Charlie looking like they were either high or drunk. When asking his darling daughter about it, she was just as surprised as he was but figured it had to do with his scent rushing out when she had opened his door earlier.
Since she grew up around it, it didn't affect her unless she was emotionally distressed. Even Alastor, the creepy bastard, was relaxed in his chair. Lucifer wasn't sure if he should be flattered or uncomfortable.
"Hey there toots~ What uh... what is that amazing smell?" Angel asked, laying boneless on the floor. "I ain't never felt this good before."
"Oh! Uh... w-well..."
"Yeah. Don't keep it a secret. I feel like I got buzzed off the best high shelf shit in all of Hell." Husk had his upper body draped over the bar, looking like he was on the verge of passing out. Unlike Vaggie who actually was passed out. At least she looked comfortable. The egg bois of Sir Pentious' were huddled around her.
Speaking of the snake. He didn't seem to be here. Though, the sounds coming from the kitchen gave away his location. Did... did Lucifer's scent make him hungry? That was a new one.
The only one who didn't seem effected by it at all was Niffty. Which made sense seeing as she was a beta. Seems like she might end up being Lucifer's saving grace when he couldn't control his scent, as much as that freaked him out. Maybe he shouldn't have brought up saving graces... every time he did, the world had to screw him over. Case in point, Alastor opening his mouth and making it so he had to go and change pants.
"Yes, Charlie. What is that smell? It is utterly delicious."
Oh. Lucifer was so screwed. Maybe he needed a vacation to the Lust or Greed Ring. Hell, he'll even visit Wrath at this point!
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