#beefy!alpha!bucky barnes imagines
imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Unburdened: Part 11
A/N: slight smut in the second half
Soft textured blankets lined the bed, purposefully draped across the mattress to create a dense layer of cushion and warmth. The chosen blankets had been enhanced with soft and light grazing of essential oils and scents that would help ease the formative symptoms of a powerful heat cycle that would set in likely in the early hours of the morning.
Bucky was almost certain to a fault that by the time you woke up, you would be in the beginning thicket of the cycle that would bring both of you together as mates.
He was almost certain, and in his certainty, had come a compulsion to make and create a safe place for you and himself to be together. He intended to create it as a surprise, he had wanted to make you a nest as a sign of good faith that he could be the kind of alpha you needed and deserved. He desired to do everything he could to provide for you as a good alpha should.
He had done what he could, used what materials had been here and what he had brought with him to create this nest. He used your favourite blanket on the base, the first layer of comfort for you to indulge yourself with before he added the next layers. Bucky had found softer pillows in the storage room of the small basement, and after dusting them off and cleaning them, he replaced the firmer ones. He had draped soft and airy cotton sheets above the bed to create the feeling of a cove that you could have crawled into, almost like it was a den. With the roof structured and the walls crafted with the same kind of sheets he had used for the roof, Bucky had found and strung warm fairy lights above the bed to illuminate the cove in a delicate glow.
When he was done, when he finally perfected the nest he had made for you, he departed the bedroom to find you. You had made your desire to go outside and explore the immediate surroundings known, and Bucky had only allowed you to leave when you promised headily that you would stay close and not be long. It was just enough time for Bucky to create the nest and prepare it for you.
“Y/N,” he called your name after stepping outside and taking the few steps down the porch to the front of the cabin, “are you around?”
He heard movement from the right of the cabin, and he could detect the surging growth of your scent as you drew closer. He knew you were approaching your heat, he knew his suspicion and approximation of when it would arrive was right. You would be in the throes of your heat by tomorrow morning, and the start of the cycle would bring you and Bucky together as a mated pair.
“I’m here.” You stepped through the tree line, your fingers moving close to your chest in reply to his question.
Upon seeing you Bucky had physically relaxed and let out the breath he was holding in, the tension in his shoulders relaxing. He had let out a breath of air in a huff watching you carefully as you made your way toward him before you had stopped a foot away. You were facing him head-on, your hands covered in soft gloves and an oversized toque on your head to stave off the chill this morning that had settled over the area.
You had stolen his jacket from the hook just inside the door, wrapping yourself in the thick flannel and fleece that had brought you comfort in more ways than just warmth. You had been scenting his jacket as if it was himself, Bucky could detect the mix of yours and his as it clung to the patterned fabric. His scent was surrounding you. It was clinging to your flesh and it was woven into your hair that was freely hanging down, even beneath the toque. Bucky had found himself incredibly pleased by the idea of his scent coating and covering you like a blanket, draped and integrated into your clothes and hair. It was innate, the way his entire body seemed to preen at the idea of you being his so wholly and completely.
It was instinctual to be pleased by you and his scent becoming one kind of life force. It was instinctual and so was the soft purr that had been building in his chest and throat, the sound simultaneously soft and powerful.
The sound of his purr had caught you off guard. It had made you falter, rendering you unable to do much of anything but blink and breathe as you tried to process what had just happened. He could see you, he could see the wheels in your head turning as you rendered and registered the sound that left his lips, and only after a moment had you been pulled from the daze you were in.
“You purred.” You signed to Bucky, a wide and breathtaking grin forming on your face. “You purred! That’s amazing!”
You had bound toward him, closing what little distance there was, and snaked your arms around his shoulders. You hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek with an excitement that was as addictive as it was influential. Your happiness for Bucky and his soft purring had heightened his happiness for you in a cycle that seemed to repeat itself.
You were happy that he was happy, and it was the most powerful jolt to his entire being as an alpha. That marker of your happiness due to his happiness was incredibly telling about the two of you as a whole.
“You’re cold.” He muttered into your ear, slipping his arms around your waist to steady you and give you a boost of body heat. “You should come inside.”
“My heart,” you pulled back to be able to sign your reply to him, “is coming quick. I get colder-“
“-Before you get hotter.” Bucky had continued for you, stating what he had known to be a fact. “We should go in.”
“It’s beautiful.” Your fingers grazed his chest, continuing your sign language as you described the area around you. “Everything here is so…peaceful.”
“It’s relaxing.” Bucky cupped your cheek, slowly brushing his thumb back and forth against your chilled cheeks. “Are you hungry? You should eat, you need to stock up on your energy.”
“I am a little.” You mouthed and signed simultaneously, working in tangency to communicate. “And in desperate need of hot chocolate. Want some?”
“You should let me make it for you.” Bucky dropped his hand to the small of your back, astutely directing you back toward the cabin’s entrance.
He held the door open for you, letting you pass and then locking the door behind you both. He subtly studied you while you took your boots off and set them aside, and then removed Bucky’s flannel jacket. You hung it on the hook with nimble fingers, and then you looked back at him with a smile on your face.
“Hot chocolate,” Bucky’s lips twitched and were quickly pulled into a half-smile, “with little marshmallows?”
“And cinnamon.” You squeaked after signing, one of the few sounds you could make that Bucky had interpreted as the closest thing to a chirp.
“Wanna help?” he motioned you toward the kitchen with the tilt of his head, letting you pass again.
You had moved past him with such fluidity, such natural ease in the space, it made Bucky think of the dream he had of you and your future. The kind of domestic bliss he never thought he could have had, and here was the beginning of it. It was laid out before him, the foundations of the endearing life he wanted.
Bucky felt it as if it was the beginning of the winding tale, he felt as though he was standing above the written pages of a book studying and searching the pages of his own story.
You were here, and this place would be your future home.
You were with Bucky, and he would be the best damn alpha he could be for you.
Bucky knew he would be a good alpha, he knew he would be a good father and a good mate. He had felt it deep within himself, the promise and the internal vow he made to be everything you needed.
He owed it to himself, and he owed it to you.
“I love it here.” Your fingers moved seamlessly, conveying your message to Bucky while you were busying yourself with steaming milk.
“It’s quiet, it’s perfect.” Bucky stood close to you, watching you with nothing less than pure devotion.
In the coming hours, you would be affected by the thick and potent force of your heat, and your heat would set off his rut.
In the few hours that would come and go between now and the start of your heat, you and Bucky would spend the night talking. You would conform to one another and relax, preparing for the upcoming storm.
Moments had passed, minutes turned to hours and the sun had already begun to set.
After hot chocolate and food, Bucky and you had returned to the living room where you settled yourselves upon the couch.
The rest of the late afternoon and evening was spent in constant contact. You had shifted your position a few times from where you first started when you were sitting next to Bucky before you had settled yourself in his lap and rested your head against his shoulder.
You would ultimately end up draped across the couch with your head resting on his lap, sighing airily when he stroked your hair and purred softly.
“Bucky,” you tapped your fingers against his thigh, your yawns becoming far more frequent, “can we go to bed?”
“Yes, baby,” Bucky muttered softly, his voice bringing you comfort and security. “I made you a nest.”
“You made me a nest?” You sat up and questioned him, your fingers fluttering as you signed your message to him.
“I hope you like it.” He had remained nervous, running his fingers through his hair. “I tried-“
You had bound like a deer from the couch, unexpectedly running up the stairs with a vigour that had surprised him. Bucky himself had been languidly rising to his feet to follow after you, listening to the soft little sounds that you could make, the squeaks that had presented themselves as chirps.
When he had come upon you in the bedroom, Bucky had stood back in order to observe you at the moment that had transcended itself. He didn’t quite find himself as elated with the nest as he had hoped when he first started making it, however, now that he had seen you in the room it had all changed.
Bucky was quick to learn from your scent and the soft squeaks that rolled from your tongue that you hadn’t just appreciated the nest, but you loved it. He could feel your emotional shifts, he could recognize the spike in your scent that was an indication of how pleased you were about it all. There was no doubt that Bucky had done good, that he had made something you appreciated.
“Thank you, Bucky.” You had turned toward him giving him a physical confirmation of your appreciation for what he had done, for taking the initiative and creating something you had fond comfort in.
“Is it good?” Bucky had spoken and signed simultaneously, knowing that his voice as your future alpha was as comforting as it was invigorating.
“It’s perfect.” You had slowly stepped toward him, your fingers fluttering as you formed your message and communicated silently. “You are a good man.”
When you had stepped toward him you rest your hand upon his chest, your palm flush against him to feel his heartbeat against you. Your eyes met his, the freeing exchange of desire, deeply rooted care reflecting back and forth between you two was just another reiteration that you two were good together.
You two were made for each other.
“Come with me.” You moved your lips to the silent words, mouthing your message while signing. “Come sit with me.”
You grabbed his vibranium hand to lead him to the nest he created. You had led him to the bed to push him to the mattress while you had stood before him. He couldn’t have looked away even if he was taking his last breath, he would have had to look at you.
“You are a good alpha,” your message was delivered with your fingers moving delicately close to his chest, “you are everything I’ve ever needed.”
You stepped between his legs, your hands meeting his shoulders before you raised your right hand and stroked his hair at the nape of his neck. Bucky had leaned forward and rested his head against you, inhaling and exhaling slowly to fill his lungs with every note of your scent. He had filled himself with you as you stroked his hair, gently scraping your nails against his scalp in slow circles.
“I promise,” Bucky turned his head to place a slew of soft kisses against your stomach and all that he could reach without moving, “I am going to keep you safe. I’m going to take care of you how you need. I’m going to be a good alpha, I’m going to give us the life we both deserve.”
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Bucky had woken before you did to the feel of heat radiating through his plain cotton shirt and the dampness of the top blanket that was quickly becoming a vessel for the first symptoms of your heat. He didn’t dare wake you up before he rolled over and checked the time and pulled himself from bed to get you water.
He had moved as quietly as possible, taking one slow step at a time until he had gotten to the lower level of the cabin. As he touched the bottom, he cast a look over his shoulder waiting to hear any sign of you waking up. With reassurance that you were still sleeping, Bucky had shuffled to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a few of the still-sealed bottles of water, tucking them under his arm. When he had closed the fridge again and turned back to face the staircase, he had heard the sound of you waking up to be hit with your heat. The sound of rustling and the creak of the floor as you got off the bed had been what spurred Bucky to head back.
He had taken the steps two at a time until he had come to the landing, and then he had stopped. He could catch the twisted spikes of your heat and the sudden shift from light and airy to intoxicating and mouth-watering. It was your heat and the change it had on your scent that had afflicted Bucky with the powerful punch of his cycle. It had landed straight in his gut, the jab of an omega in heat that he had recognized as his.
His hindbrain, and likely yours as well, were driving you to not just be together but to give in to the other completely.
Bucky’s long strides took him straight into the bedroom where he had seen the discarded blankets and had been hit with the powerful jolt of your heat. It had slammed into him with the force of a brick wall, the contrasting shift was impossible to ignore and Bucky had no sooner thrown the bottles of water to the bed when you had stumbled out of the bathroom.
“Please…” you mouthed the words, hands tugging on one of his shirts you had borrowed. “Bucky. Hurts.”
“I’m here.” He stepped toward you, meeting you halfway and catching you when you stumbled into his arms. “Let’s get you to bed and then I’ll help you.”
He led you back to the mattress and laid you down, his hands running up and down your waist and hips feeling you quake beneath his touch. His fingertips, both flesh and metal, had dipped and curled against your flesh to bring you temporary relief, even though you would be needing more soon.
“Bucky please…” you pleaded again, barely getting the message across due to your shaking fingers. “Please-!”
Bucky had cooed softly, getting on the bed before you with one leg on either side of yours. He had hovered above you, studying you as you clenched your jaw with need and desire, your body flooded with all-powerful heat. Bucky had reached out toward you, resting one hand against your barely clothed left breast while the other hand grabbed and twisted the material of his shirt that you had borrowed.
“I’m going to take care of you.” He promised you, tugging the shirt up your belly to the bottom of your breasts. “I’m going to make you feel good.”
He had dropped his head and placed soft open-mouthed kisses on your flesh, trailing his lips and sequential heat from his flesh lower to your hips and pelvis. His actions were soft, they were rooted with desire and gentility as he tasted your skin and the reactive scent that lingered. There was no rush for him, no need to dive in immediately, not when he wanted to make this experience pleasant for you.
He could feel the draw of your heat on his own body, kickstarting the primordial and preternatural shift from an alpha who was watching his omega settle into her heat, to an alpha who was directly thrown into a rut because of his omegas heat.
And still, despite the rut that was going to start taking control of him, Bucky was not going to rush this moment for you.
“Tongue,” your hand resting against his head, one-handedly communicating with him, “I need to feel your tongue.”
“I know it hurts, I know what you need.” He muttered against the inside of your thighs, using his tongue to help clean and taste the slick that had been pouring from your puffy pussy lips. It was as if he was tasting honey pure and unfiltered upon his tongue, the way that your slick juices that were steadily being produced as a drive to make him sink into your cunt was unhindered.
“Bucky!” You tapped his head, signing his name with one hand as desperation had become you. “Please!”
He ran his hands up and around your thighs before cupping the back of your legs to pull you closer to himself. He had brushed his lips against the inside of your thighs, occasionally nipping at your flesh while his fingers dusted over your puffy pussy lips. He felt you squirming, he felt your desire and although he couldn’t hear the sound of your pleasure, he knew you had felt it. He had felt every surge and pulse between you two, every emotion meeting the other until it was a delirious mess that hovered like fog.
“I need to be sure, it’s not too late to change your mind,” Bucky questioned you again, he wanted the confirmation that would bring him a reiterated assurance that you wanted him as your mate.
“Yes,” you nodded your head, your sign language a stark reminder that you wanted him as much as he had wanted you, “I want this and is want you.”
“I’ll be everything you need,” Bucky mumbled against your thighs, creating and verbalizing a vow before he had even attempted to put his lips on your dripping pussy. “I’ll give you everything you want. I’ll be good for you.”
You brushed your hand down his hair, stealing his attention from his task. You locked eyes with him and smiled through the haze, casting him an irrevocable look of pure unadulterated affection and desire It was your promise in a way. It was your curated vow that you too, old care for Bucky as he had cared for you.
“I love you.” He mumbled against the inside of your thigh, unafraid to let the words fall from his tongue. “I love you, Y/N.”
It was the pivotal moment the two of you had been expecting, when Bucky’s tongue had met your soaked flesh and your hand gripped his hair.
It was what both of you wanted; what you’d both needed.
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @daydreaminginthechaos @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @valsworldofcreativity @rainbowkisses31 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @undecidedsworld @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @mansaaay @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72
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aikaterini-drag · 10 months
Smiles and Smooches
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Summary: You get drunk and demand kisses and hugs from your boyfriend. He is more than happy to please you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader (no mention of y/n)
Warnings: no smut, takes place during tfatws, boyfriend Bucky, emotional security, fluff, kisses.
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The night carried a pleasant breeze, the stars twinkling. You and Bucky sat close together under the dimmed light of a cozy booth at your favorite bar. The hum of laughter and clinking glasses surrounded you. And tonight, you were a little tipsier than usual. You had consumed two of your favorite cocktails— despite your boyfriend’s advice to take it slow. Bucky, unlike you, couldn't get drunk no matter how hard he tried, thanks to his super soldier genes. He had finished the last sips of your drink, attempting to prevent you from feeling sick later on.
Thankfully, you were feeling fine. Only slightly drunk and blissfully happy inside.
With flushed cheeks and a captivating smile, you shifted on your chair and leaned toward him.
"You know, babe," you slurred slightly, "you're like... seriously the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Bucky couldn't help but half-laugh. “I told you, you shouldn’t have ordered that second drink, sweets. You’re drunk.”
“I’m fine.” You hiccuped and hugged his arm. “It’s not my fault you’re superman.”
“Super-soldier,” he corrected with another half laugh.
“Tsk… is the same. You’re my strong, virile man. And I love you!”
He grinned and gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
You beamed at him, your fingers tracing patterns on his bionic hand. "No, I love you more! Seriously, you're, like, super super cute. I mean, like, cuter than, like, a basket of puppies."
He chuckled at your comparison. “What an adorable declaration of love.”
“You’re adorable.” Your breath ghosted over his lips. “My adorable James. My Bucky.”
He smiled and kissed across your forehead. “Well, that’s debatable. I have the most adorable girl in the world right here with me."
Your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink. "Can I have a hug? Please? You give the best hugs."
Who was he to deny you? He eagerly wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. You melted into his embrace, your head resting on his chest, your fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt. You popped a button and he chuckled and gripped your hands gently.
“No funny business, sweets.”
You pouted. “Want to kiss you. Everywhere.”
He kneaded your hair. “We’re in a bar full of people.”
“Then let’s go home,” you said as your mouth trailed a path of warmth along his unshaven jawline.
“I’m not letting you drink ever again. You get turned into a little kiss monster.”
You giggled. “Your kiss monster.”
“Mine. Always.” He hummed, his voice a warm murmur.
“Take me home, sarge.”
“Home it is, my sweet.”
After taking care of the bill, he held you up, his arms wounding around you to steady you. You still felt a little tipsy but you were also so happy and warm, holding him close, inhaling his fresh masculine scent. Holding you protectively against him, he led the way to the apartment you shared.
As they walked, he glanced at you. “Why did you drink so much, sweets? You dislike it.”
You sighed and clutched his arm. “I’m just sad you’re going on another mission. I don’t want you to be hurt. I meant to have one drink but… I lost control a bit, I guess.”
Bucky stopped and cupped your flushed face. “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. You know I’ve got this.”
“So what if you’re good at it? Does that mean you have to risk your life without concerns?” Tears welled up in your eyes. “What if something happens to you?”
Exhaling, he drew you into a tight embrace. “I’ll be careful, I promise. You know I’ll always come back to you.”
You nestled into his arms, suppressing a sob. “I just hate seeing you go into danger again.”
“I know, sweetheart. But it’s what I do. And I do it to protect people like you, people I care about,” he said, pressing gentle kisses on your moist cheeks. “Don’t cry. I’ll be counting the minutes until I can come back to you.”
“Promise?” You gazed up at him, searching his ocean eyes for reassurance.
“I promise.”
“My Bucky,” you said, caressing his face. “I love you,” you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.
He held you tighter, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Love you too, more than words can express, sweets.”
With his arms wrapped around you, you stayed there for a while, holding each other, kissing lazily. His lips brushed against yours repeatedly, his tongue coaxing your mouth apart and slipping inside. He consumed you, with his touches and his warmth, until there was nothing left but his warm gentle touches and the assurance that everything would be alright.
Follow for more content 🩵 Reblogs or any other kind of support are greatly appreciated. Hugs and kisses 🩷
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sad-not-glad · 9 months
Just some ramblings
I love getting to see Bucky post recovery in fics. Getting the happy slow life he deserves, pretty little housewife (you) and a tiny chubby-cheeked baby. White picket fence, holidays, Barnses family reunions, because we all know Bucky would adore that. Welcoming a cat and another one of his mini-me’s, maybe two.
But what about after that? His oldest’s graduation, his youngest’s? I want Bucky who struggles to watch his babies move out, I want Bucky who is devastated to watch them leave but even happier to see them thrive. What about when he becomes a granddad?
So here is old man Bucky becoming a granddad after getting the domestic bliss he deserves.
It’s his birthday. What number, Bucky didn’t know, he stopped keeping track too long ago. Far more important was the roudy group of his grown children, scattered around the living room with their partners and childhood friends, extended family and the like. It’s been nothing short of perfect, great food and nice weather with all his favorite people shoved into one house.
All except for one, that is.
‘Little’ Eliana, the youngest of the bunch and the only girl. Even though she’s a happy and healthy 25 years old, she was still doted on by all the men, brothers and Bucky alike. She was the princess, the baby, the littlest duck in the row- despite being married for 3 years already. So it really shouldn’t have been as surprising as it was to him, but Bucky still saw a grinning little girl with dirty hands when he looked at her. Eliana arrived with husband in tow fashionably late, her present tucked away to the back to the pile amidst the chaos of being greeted. Bucky, being the birthday Dad, got the first and longest hug naturally. One that he savored, tucking his little girl into his arms and holding her close. He still couldn’t believe where life had taken him, finding his soulmate and settling down. Getting to watch his outstanding children grow and prosper in ways he never imagined, everything he never believed he deserved. But it was his anyways, and he had no idea just how much more amazing his life was about to become.
Every year Bucky insisted he didn’t need any gifts. He was the happiest he could imagine with just his family, all safe and sound in the same house. Yet every year, he got to unwrap a mounting pile of presents that just keep getting better. So far he got a new watch from his son, which was amazing. Something he had been really needing too. A cat tree from the other son, two new mugs, the softest blanket he had even felt. Slowly the pile went from huge, to decent, until there was only one left. Eliana’s, a tiny little black box topped with a cute golden ribbon. She always had adored her father’s arm, hours of her childhood spent marveling at the metal. Now the fascination presented itself in his gift wrapping, or the black wedding band on her finger. A mimic of the engraving he had done when he married you.
She passes it over with a nervous smile, immediately curling back into her husband’s side. Bucky took the gift with a grin and a thank you, settling back and carefully peeling away the paper. You’re watching over his shoulder when he opens the lid, tossing it to the side and revealing the contents within. A little folded square of fabric. He pulled it out, confusion clear on his face as he turned it over. He unfolded it, taking a second to process just what he was looking at.
A tiny baby onesie, and written across the front was ‘I’m not spoiled, my Granddad just loves me”. He blinked, turning it over in his hands and re-reading the words, then reading them again. You had already put together the dots, leaping from your spot next to him with a surprised shriek. For Bucky, it was taking a while to really set in, eyes locked on the little outfit in his hands.
His daughter was…pregnant?
He was going to be a grandfather?
…He’s going to be a grandfather!
The tears are falling before the poor man even realizes he’s crying. Because after everything he had done, all the pain and suffering caused, Bucky was lucky enough to now be a grandfather. He looked up when legs appearing in his blurry vision, and there she was. The girl he had read stories to every night, kissed her boo-boos and held her hand. The girl who he raised into a wonderful young woman, smiling at him with giddy excitement. Excitement over having a child of her own, creating her own family to love and cherish. His chest was practically bursting with emotions, all of them pouring out with his tears and laughter as he stood to sweep her in his arms again.
And needless to say, the onesie spoke the truth. If you think this man spoiled his children, it’s a whole other ball game with his grandkids. His wallet is their atm, stealing them away for weekends with Pop-Pop, giving them memories to cherish forever. He cries holding his first granddaughter after she’s born. He cries when the second and third come, and he’s inconsolable when your eldest son reveals the name of his own firstborn. Andrew Bucky Barnes, the fifth grandchild he gets to welcome.
Pop-pop who picks up his kiddos early from school just because he missed them
Pop-pop who never misses a thing. Holidays, birthdays, graduations.
Pop-pop who always has the best stories, the warmest hugs, and the fluffiest pet cat.
Pop-pop who all his grand-babies adore just as much as he adores them.
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@sindirimba tagged me to share the first parts of some fanfic wips that I’m working on (and this is my first formal invite to do something like this since those old quizzes on DeviantArt, so I feel all deeply flattered and warm and fuzzy about it already and thank you bb! ❤) Here we go! (There’s also some nsfw bits in the description of some of these)
1.) (Slipping And Sliding, TOG)
Booker didn’t really have too many concerns brewing in his head as he sleepily squirmed around on his back under the beautiful blazing Hawaiian sun and aimlessly batted around the idea of joining in with everybody but Yitzhak on their completely naked sunbathing idea or asking Lykon, Andy, or Joe more questions about the only immortal teammate he hadn’t met yet with himself.
He was kinda leaning towards a No on both accounts. Well, maybe less so on the being naked around other people part.
(A lightly battered and deep fried in being handled ex-convict trama!Booker being the baby immortal of the poly!group just before he gets to meet an also very immortal and huminoid at times but shapeshifting kraken Nile for the first time! As you can imagine, I’m planning on him getting to be lovingly, tenderly, and very consensually getting tentacle dicked down by Nile)
2.) (When A Curse Isn’t Really A Curse, TOG)
In retrospect, Booker could absolutely identify the moment that he had  fucked up and stuffed a massive hairball into his first unnatural life beyond his original one’s wildest nightmares two hundred and fifty years ago. 
He could also firmly think, if not say that he regretted the terrible things he had done and tried to steal from the admittedly pretty brave black female soldier that had turned out to be both a witch and another alpha when she had snuck back from the rear end of Napoleon's army all those years ago in order to cut Booker’s frozen and feebly reviving body down from the gallows that he had been hanged and killed on.
Booker could sure as shit meow his tattered little heart out about it into the world, though.
(Another one of my unpublished goes at Omegaverse!TOG with an all alpha crew and a lot of slowly growing animal transformation curses, magical road trips, humour, and Booker and Nile having a Lovers To Enemies Back To Lovers Again moment. It also features Andy as the unlucky lady who got cursed by an entirely different witch and who was Booker’s steed as the notorious man eatting french mare Lisette back in the day, since that whole story just seems SO Andy. I actually have the first chapter of this completed! Might turn into Booker/Andy/Nile)
3.) (Not Exactly Shocking, MCU)
Steve already knew that his mom probably wouldn’t probably be shocked that he and Natasha could find two exceptionally beefy pretty boys to date and eventually become one of the horniest, Jewish, and trans as fuck foursomes to ever make the absolutely horrific racist and homophobic antisemites of New York pee themselves just a little.
(Or a lot.)
(Just started working on this today, actually, with a modern day fully trans!Quartet of Natasha Romanoff/Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes getting together with each other for the first time. Absolutely inspired by that cute fucking skit where that guy has the Grindr sound as his text alert for his buddy so he can match make for him, but with the that these four would absolutely take somebody carrying out an injustice as beating the shit out of somebody rallying cry/mating call)
I had so much fun with this! ❤ I’d love to tag @aimmyarrowshigh , @possumwoodpie , and @flamingo-queen-writes with this, but no pressure either way!
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Pairing: Alpha Beefy Bucky x Female Mutant Reader
Summary: Being paired off with Bucky Barnes on a mission was hard enough. Hell, the two of you being a part of Hydra a long time ago was already hard enough. But when the two of you are forced to seek shelter in an Avengers safehouse, it gets even worse.
Because there's only one freaking bed.
Will you survive the night with the grumpy Alpha by your side? Or will you rip your hair out?
Who knows. The nights are unpredictable.
What you do know is, is that Bucky Barnes is too fucking hot for his damn good.
Maybe you just might pull your hair out.
Warnings: Heavy A/B/O dynamics. Mentions of past torture from Hydra for both Bucky and the Reader. This Bucky is sort of a mix between CW!Bucky, (hence the beefy!Bucky), but also TFATWS!Bucky bc I love grumpy old man, sassy Bucky. Some angst/hurt/comfort, because I'm a hoe for angst. No heats/ruts in this lil fic, just good ole rough smut. Some biting and some mild blood too. This sex would be considered unprotected irl, but in the a/b/o verse, I don't think you'd need protection??? Who knows. Italics are for when Bucky and the Reader are talking in Russian. The Reader also has a nightmare, which ties back in with the whole mention of past torture from Hydra. If I missed any other warnings in this, let me know and I'll make sure to add them!
Additional Notes: This was written for @agentofbarnes's writing challenge! Congrats on 7k, Zee! I'm sorry this took so long. I started writing this in July, and let it marinate for far too long. But it's here now. I hope you enjoy!
All writing mistakes in this fic are mine, as usual.
Word Count: 4,602
This was absolute pure fucking hell.
As you and the former Winter Soldier, James "Bucky" Barnes himself stared at the front door of one of the safehouses for the Avengers in case of emergencies, you couldn't help make eye contact with him.
Great. This was just great.
No one, not even Clint had told you that it would be snowing in freaking January in rural Ohio, of all places.
Then again, you had faintly remembered doing gymnastics before you had been taken by Hydra with some arrogant Alpha guy named Lance. He had been a real pain in your ass and you remembered you had made him cry once. After you had escaped from Hydra, you had bumped into him again. Funnily enough, he was still just as scared of you as he was all those years ago. Which, you know, was nice.
But what was not nice was the Alpha that was currently looking back at you. James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky, Buck, White Panther, Jesus, Bionic Staring Machine- (the last three nicknames, all given to him by the Alpha Sam Wilson himself), scowled at you. His blue eyes even narrowed at you.
You wouldn't call what you and Bucky had a friendship. You two weren't even enemies. Heck, colleagues? Teammates? That was just putting it lightly, the relationship you had with the Alpha. Even when you had been captured and brainwashed into serving Hydra, the two of you had never crossed paths. It had been only after Hydra had fallen, did the two of you actually meet in person. Other than that, nothing. Nada. Nope. No with a capital N.O.
"Come on, let's go." Bucky all but grumbled. Realizing he didn't have the key to get inside, he looked at you. Like you had the key or something.
"James, I don't have the key." Bucky groaned. "Do you have a bobby pin, Omega? Something?" He asked in Russian. You plucked a bobby pin from your hair. A stray piece of hair fell. Putting the flat side in, you managed to unlock the door. You turned to look at him, giving him a toothy grin.
"Learned that from Pit Pocketing for Dummies, 101."
Bucky rolled his eyes at that. You just sniggered as you opened the door, greeted by cool air smacking against your face.
It made you shiver.
Because, unlike Bucky, you did not have any of that good ole supersoldier serum in your veins.
You were a mutant that could control water. Sometimes, you wished that you had the ability to control fire, because then, at least you could be warm in such dire situations such as these.
Taking your shoes off and putting them at the door, you surveyed the place.
It was a small house. Like a cozy little cottage. Probably only had at least two rooms at the max. It certainly gave off that vibe. There was a fireplace in the living room. A fully furnished kitchen, complete with a little wooden table with benches instead of individual chairs near the window.
Your grip on your bag of clothes became tighter as you realized that you needed to take a shower. Your stomach grumbled, alerting Bucky that you were hungry. Your comms had died. The two of you could contact no one until you charged them.
Which meant for at least tonight, or whenever the snowstorm outside stopped, you only had Bucky Barnes for company.
Well. That certainly would be pleasant.
"Go and shower first. I'll make dinner."
After your shower, you walked back into the kitchen, your sweet smell that reminded Bucky of deserts that his Ma used to make for him and his younger sisters back in Brooklyn drifted towards his nose. Thanks to the serum, he had already smelled it a mile away.
Cinamon rolls. Apple turnovers. Apple pies. Pumpkin pies. Bucky felt his Alpha rumble at the smell. Even Winter stirred at the familiar scent he loved so much.
When Bucky had gotten the trigger words wiped away from him due to Princess Shuri's genius, the Winter Soldier hadn't gone away from him. Rather, Winter had become a part of Bucky. Winter had been what Bucky became to survive Hydra. Winter was Bucky, only darker. More possessive. The deepest, darkest thing of him that the Wakandan Elders had helped him find again and reconcile with.
It was during times like this, making dinner in the kitchen that reminded him so much of his time back in Wakanda. Taking care of his farm and his pet goats, (that he sadly couldn't bring back with him when coming back to America), that he missed the most. It was domestic, in a way. He could almost feed into the fantasy, the thought that you were his Omega, his Bondmate, and that he was just making dinner for you.
From an outsider's perspective, it might've looked like Bucky didn't like you. That he just tolerated you. Treated you like how he treated everyone else in his life.
But it was the contrary.
He liked you.
He liked you very, very much. Other than Steve, Natalia, and heck, even the winged pigeon- you were one of the only people to truly understand him. You were probably even on the same playing field as Natalia, because you knew what it was like to be controlled by the Russian government. You held him at an arm's length at most, and you never treated him like he was some fragile, broken man. When you treated his wounds, you never fretted like other Omega's. Nor did you dottle. Ask him if he was okay every five seconds. It was disappointing in a way.
Bucky turned his head, just as you hopped yourself onto the counter, away from the conduction stove.
The smell of butter pasta was filling your nose. You watched with rapt attention as Bucky shut off the stove, grabbed the freshly grated cheese, and dumping it in. To hell with calories. Stirring quickly for a few seconds, he stopped. Turning his head to look at you, he gave you a low smirk. His scent of something sandalwood, oceany filling your nose. It made your Omega preen.
"Get some bowls, will ya doll? And forks too." Hopping off of the countertops, he heard a chirping, yet sarcastic reply.
"Yes, Sarge."
He felt his pants tighten at the thought. Hearing you grab all of the stuff, he swallowed.
Not that he would tell you that.
"Oh, you've gotta be fucking with me."
So, as luck would have it. There weren't two bedrooms.
There was only one.
Not only that, the entire room was fully furnished. A closet was on the left side of the door, against the wall. There was a window and just a bit to right, in the middle of the room, was a queen-sized bed, all made up with all the fluffiest blankets, comforters, and pillows imaginable.
"And you're sure this is the only room?" Bucky said. "Yeah! It's the only one, James. It's either this or the couch. And I'm not sleeping on the couch. It's too cold. Whoever built this safehouse didn't have any heaters built in either. Fuck, is this how I die? Freezing to death?" Your voice was getting higher with concern.
Bucky just rolled his eyes.
"No, doll. You're not to freeze to death. We're going to share that bed."
You turned your head towards him like he had just grown a second head. "What?" you exclaimed. "No. No, no, no. Noooo. James. Nu-uh. Uh-uh. I'm not going to sleep with you in my tank top and underwear. the least you've seen me in is a pair of short shorts and a tank top."
Bucky inhaled deeply through his nostrils.
Get yourself together Barnes.
Don't throw her over your shoulder.
Don't do that.
"You're a water mutant, doll. You're not a fire mutant. You aren't a supersoldier either. I'm not letting you freeze to death. I'll keep you warm all night. Better yet, don't sleep in your tank top and shorts. Our body heats will do just fine." Bucky snapped at you. You were still trying to collect your thoughts.
And then the realization, the reality of your situation, smacked you right across the face.
Bucky was asking you to sleep naked.
With him.
In the same frigging bed together.
Oh you were going to die. You were going to die and go up to wherever other spirits went to after they died. You weren't really all that religious nor spiritual.
But tonight though?
Yeah. Maybe you believed. Maybe a little.
Just the slightest bit.
"Okay, okay," you grumbled, "I won't wear any clothes. Better yet, I'll even give you a show. That'll even out the odds, James."
He was just oh so warm.
Your back was flush against his front, feeling skin-on-skin.
You had stopped shivering about an hour ago.
Bucky had scouted the safehouse, to see if there was actually a heater, in case you had missed anything.
There were no heaters in the safehouse.
Absolutely none.
Not to mention, all of the blankets weren't as thick. From what Bucky had observed a few hours ago after dinner while you had tackled the task of doing the dishes, was that the safe house had been abandoned for a while. It was either that, or nobody had stocked this place up for a while.
He had chosen the latter.
With his strong arms wrapped around your stomach, he pulled you close. You were asleep. Dead asleep. Bucky felt and saw your body rise up and down as you slept, your breaths all evened out.
It was nice, almost. Outside was quiet. Bucky could hear other than your breathing only the soft wind blowing due to the snowstorm outside.
For a moment, Bucky was lulled into a sense of calm. His mind was clear. His Alpha and Winter were quiet. He didn't have to fret. Or look over his shoulder. Didn't have to second guess himself or his actions anymore.
And then he heard it.
Soft whimpers coming from the sweet-smelling Omega that he was currently holding in his arms. You had begun to squirm, arms thrashing out. Your legs smacked on his knees, trying to desperately claw yourself free from his tightening grip on you.
"... I'll be good... just don't chuck me in the freezer again... please sir... I hate it there... please don't chuck me in the freezer, please..." you were sobbing in your sleep. You started to blubber, continually trying to claw yourself out of Bucky's grip. The metal plates of his Vibrainum arm shifted as his metal fingers tightened around your stomach. Bucky knew not to apply too much pressure on you- you weren't like him, Steve, or Natalia. You didn't have the serum in you.
"Doll? Hey, doll. C'mon, wake up. It's not real." Bucky tried shaking you awake to no avail. You had continued to thrash in his arms.
Sniffling loudly, your Omega was thrashing in her cage, in the confines of your mind. She was whispering, yelling at you to wake up.
"Omega. Wake up."
Bucky didn't mean to use his Tone. But you were being so hysterical, shaking, and crying to the point where it was beginning to worry him. Your sweet scent had begun to twist and turn into something more burnt. Singed. It made his eyes water.
You stopped thrashing in his grip. Your body froze up at his use of his Tone. Your Omega stopped throwing her temper tantrum too. She had paused for a second.
Her Alpha had given her a Command.
So why wouldn't she listen?
Peering from her cage in the confines of your mind, she sighed happily.
Alpha. Alpha cares about us. She whispered in your ear.
Slowly returning to consciousness, you struggled to know where you were for a second.
You had been having a nightmare.
A full-fledged nightmare.
You hadn't had one of those in a while.
"... Where am I?" Your voice was gentle but confused.
You still didn't know if you were still in that godforsaken Hydra facility or not. But you just wanted to make sure.
"Here, doll. You're here with me. We're in Ohio, remember? Sharin' one bed together cause I don't wanna be a bad Alpha and letcha freeze to death." Bucky said.
You couldn't help it. You snuggled into him, hearing a deep rumble coming from his chest. Bucky's Alpha was pleased. Very pleased. Winter was quiet. Which surprised Bucky. The little shit was usually more vocal about his own needs these days.
For a moment, it felt okay. You felt that weird fog lifting. Your brain slowly settling in your current surroundings. Your sweet, filling scent that had twisted and burnt into something smoky and burnt was slowly wearing off.
You were still a little shaken up. You could still hear your screaming echoing in your head. Your voice trembling, and because you didn't know if you were still stuck in the facility, "How long?"
"Not long."
Bucky watched as you lifted your head up, blinking once. And then twice. And then again, just to be sure.
Your body felt like it still wasn't physically here. Your body still felt like it was back in the cryo chamber, stuck in that damn freezer. Bucky watched your chest heave up and down. Taking in deep breaths.
Then you flopped right back into your previous spot, your back facing his front. Bucky pulled you back with his metal arm. You heard the metal plates in his arm readjust and move. You couldn't help it. Your vagina throbbed at the sound. Chewing on your bottom lip, you wiggled a little bit.
A deep rumble had come from Bucky.
The metal-armed Alpha had pushed a little bit of his weight down on you. Making you feel all warm and safe with the sandalwood and salty scent wrapped all around you like a cocoon.
You wiggled up against him again, trying to get comfortable. Your eyes closed.
A deep groan came from Bucky.
Was he asleep?
You stopped moving.
Another groan came from Bucky. His arms were wrapped around you. Not tightly, but still. It was kinda nice in a way. You could feel every muscle on his broad chest against your back.
Maybe Bucky had the right idea to sleep naked after all.
You shifted again. Trying to wiggle out a little out of the embrace.
A deep growl rumbled from Bucky. His grip on you tightened. You squirmed against him again.
Voice gravelly, "Stop moving."
Your eyes flew open.
He was awake.
And you had been-
Letting out a hiss, Bucky pushed his entire weight onto you and grinded his half-hard cock against your ass cheeks. Not even caring about if his entire weight would crush you, because of the serum.
He saw red.
Pure absolute red.
You choked. A needy little whimper filled the room.
Bucky's metal hand traveled down, all the way down to your pussy, his knee pushing your legs apart. You were panting in anticipation, eyes wide as saucers. His metal fingers were shoved deep, all the way to the knuckles. A pitiful whine left your lips. A needy whine too.
When he entered you, a choked sob escaped from your lips. Your hands curled into fists, eyes rolling into the back of your head as the formerly brainwashed assassin let out a growl.
"So sick and tired of you teasin' me," was what the former Winter Soldier growled under his breath, hissing at the way your cunt wrapped around him. Slick was smeared around your inner thighs, and you couldn't help but sob at the feeling of being so full.
Bucky was groaning above you, his hands nearing shaking.
Never had he ever thought he could ever get to do this again.
Because Bucky very much still liked sex. He very much so was a sexual creature. Being inside you gave him flashes of his life before Hydra. It made him remember a much skinner, smaller Steve. A much duller, war-stricken Brooklyn. It made him remember the giggles of Omegas. It made him remember his Ma's cooking growing up. Rebecca's giggles in his ears. Just like the old times.
Not for the first time in his life, he didn't feel trapped.
He felt free.
This was freeing to him.
And when he began to move, position his hips against your back, smacking roughly. Good enough to leave marks in the morning.
Wet, squishing noise echoed noisily every time he bottomed out of you. Every thrust in, filling you, completing you. It sent you gasping and crying out into the pillows. His hands- both metal and flesh, reached under you, to grab ahold of your breasts in a tight grip that only made you sob for more.
"More, more, more, please James, please-"
Something snapped in him.
Bucky had never felt this feral before. The last time he felt this feral had been the hours when he first presented.
You whined loudly when he slid out of you, crying out at the empty feeling. Your Omega screeched in alarm.
Why had her Alpha stopped? Why?
Grabbing ahold of your legs, he lifted them up. Before he thrusted back in again, filling you up to the brim. It was deeper than last time, and his cock hit that spongy part. Hit your g-spot so good that you screamed into the pillows.
You were coming. You were coming so fast, that deep coil inside you snapping like a bomb wire being cut that you never got the chance to feel your programs. Your body jolted, spasmed. Your legs lifted off of the bed or at least tried to. Bucky's body weight was still keeping you down. So all you could do was grip the bedsheets when Bucky started to pound into you again, taking all he could.
You couldn't help yourself. You glanced back, just to take a glimpse of him.
James Buchanan Barnes looked downright feral and your pussy clenched around him deeper at the sight. as if she knew.
Every thrust made him go deeper, hitting your cervix every time. It made your second orgasm piggyback off of your first one, sobbing into the pillows. It was only when your second orgasm came, your walls clenching down onto his cock that Bucky's teeth sank into your shoulder, shattering, breaking the skin there. The taste of copper filling his mouth. Bucky let out a grunt as he came. Filling you up with so much of his jizz that he was sure it would drip from you tomorrow morning.
Bucky lifted his mouth from your shoulder.
Pants filled the room as the two of you tried to regain yourselves.
Bucky shifted, moving off of you and lying beside you. His eyes weren't black anymore. They were back to their normal blue. They reminded you of the sea in the morning on a peaceful day.
Your hand came to touch his face. Your hand faltered, trembled though. Because you were nervous.
"It's okay," his voice was deeper, huskier. It made your pussy throb. "You can touch me. It's okay."
Your hands came to touch, cup his jaw. You leaned in, pressing your lips against his. His lips were soft. Your lips moved together, his tongue slipping into your mouth. The kiss became deeper. You hadn't expected it to become deeper. You had been just going for an innocent kiss.
You swore.
Like- you really did.
You didn't expect to be fully making out with James Buchanan Barnes.
But it wasn't like you were complaining though.
Because you weren't.
Bucky was the first one to pull away. He could see how red, bruised your lips looked. He didn't recoil from your gentle touch on his face. He welcomed it. He truly did. Hands holding your hips, he looked at you.
His lips traveled down to your mating gland. He touched over it with his tongue, giving it a broad lick. His teeth sank in, piercing the skin.
Your ears popped. You cried out. His grip on your hips didn't falter.
"Yes, yes, yes," you gasped. Bucky lifted his mouth up from your gland, before sinking his teeth back in and biting again. Making his mark all that deeper.
It was only when he lifted his mouth from your gland, wiped your blood off of him with the blanket did you come at him, sinking your teeth into his gland. It made him grunt, even groan. His flesh hand came to your head, pushing your head down, making you sink your teeth even deeper into his gland.
"Yesss," hissed Bucky, his flesh hand sinking into your hair, gripping it. "Deeper, doll. Go deeper."
Winter and his Alpha completely agreed.
You were theirs.
After what seemed an eternity, you lifted your head up. Wiping your mouth on the blanket, you spoke.
"I missed you. What did you do to get us paired on this mission? I thought I was going with Sam," you said to your Alpha. A smirk stretched over Bucky's lips. "Ah," your Alpha said, still smirking, "I might've put something in his drink to make him vomit his guts out. He got sick."
A noise came from you.
"You gave him food poisoning? James!" You scolded him. Bucky leaned back against the headboard. "Don't worry doll, it'll wear off when we come back to the Compound. Bird Brain won't even know what hit him."
You shook your head in disbelief.
"You're unbelievable, Sasha. Did you teach Natalia that trick, too? Hmm? She and all of your Widow students?"
Bucky was still grinning ear to ear at you when he responded back.
"Well little bird, someone had to teach them. After all, I was their teacher. They all called me Yasha. Speaking of my Widow students..." he trailed off in Russian. You looked at him.
"You've contacted one of the KBG? About that leaked Russian tape with the orange man that is, unfortunately, our President?" He asked you. You nodded. "Yeah, Sasha. Everything's going as planned. Although, I think assassinating the orange man would've been a much better option. We would've gone in there and made it a done deal by now! Fuckin' Steve and his righteous self." You grumbled unhappily.
"Hmm. It would've been great as a date night. Don't you think, doll?" Bucky drawled. You gave a serious nod.
"Although... seeing him freak out on Twitter is much, much better. The tea is better when it's hot." You grinned. Bucky just let out a sigh.
"I'm restricting your phone privileges. And your TV privileges. You need to stop watching those drama channels, Mega."
A noise of deep discomfort came from you.
"Sasha!" you whined, "then what will I do while you're gone on missions?"
"Wait for me to come back?" Bucky suggested. You just sighed. Even shook your head in fondest. You happily snuggled up to your Alpha, your nose rubbing up against your Mate's gland. "I always wait for you to come back, Sasha. I wait and I worry. I love you, James."
A deep rumble came from your Mate.
"I love you too, Little Omega."
Your head peeked up.
"So, can we tell the rest of the team when I leak the tape?" You asked, your eyes glimmering with mischief.
Bucky burst out laughing.
"Yes, yes, yes. We can tell them once you've wreaked havoc, Omega."
"Good." You were nodding seriously, in complete agreement. "It'll be fun. And... also, I forgot to tell you."
The joyful expression on Bucky's face was suddenly replaced with one of worry.
"What? What is it?" He asked gently. "When you were gone for your last mission two months ago... I... I came off of my suppressants. I'm ready, James. I want a family with you."
Shock flickered over Bucky's face. And then he was shoving you back into the bed with a shriek coming from you.
"When's your pre-heat?" He demanded.
You felt it. A cramp. It made you whimper.
"N-Now, James. Now," you stammered. Your Alpha pulled your legs apart roughly before he thrusted back into you, making you gasp.
"Say it," he hissed. "Say you want it. Say you want my knot. Say you want my pups."
"I want it, James." Your voice was a low whisper, even staggering a little bit. "I want your knot. I want your pups. Please. Please, Sasha."
His hands, both metal, and flesh gripped your shoulder tight as that vein of his neck nearly popped. His eyes were black with want. Soon, his Rut would be upon him and he'd breed you. Put his pup in you. You'd carry his pup. He'd have the pack that Winter and his Alpha desperately wanted after all these years.
A whine came from you when he pulled out, only to let out a scream when he thrusted back in. Hitting that part of you that made your eyes roll into the back of your head. Your mouth fell open, but no words came out.
His pace was brutal, not even letting you hold onto him. Your hands were left to grip the bedsheets again. You gripped them so tight that your knuckles turned white and you thought that they were going to pop.
Bucky continued to push, continued to shove his ejaculate deeper and deeper inside of you. A mixture of your slick and his ejaculate smeared all over your thighs and trickled down your legs, and you just didn't know what was happening. Your hindbrain was telling you that this was what was needed. That your designation wanted, nay, demanded this. After all the shit you had gone through, your Omega had found her Alpha and now, now she was determined to have a family. Have the pack she desperately desired.
A harsh thrust made you sob.
"You're mine now. I waited for you for so long. Wanted you for so long. You're mine now. Got my Mark. Got my clothes in your nest. Gonna give you my name. Gonna give you my pups. You're mine. All mine. Say you're mine. Say it!"
You came screaming. Your orgasm making you see white. Bucky continued slamming into you, the wet, squishing noises coming from your pussy becoming louder and louder the more he pushed in. Your teeth sank into his flesh shoulder, shattering and piercing the skin there. You tasted copper in your mouth.
Bucky came with a shout. He shoved you back completely, making you shriek. And then he was leaning in again, sinking his teeth into your gland. Making another deep mark. It made you fall limp into the bed as his knot swelled, locking the two of you in place.
He lifted his head.
Being inside you... knotted inside of you... it was bliss. It was just as good as cockwarming. His cock all nestled deep inside of you whenever you two would sneak off to sleep together.
"Bite me again. Give me your mark, Omega." he panted. Slowly, your head went up, you slowly sat up, before taking in a deep breath and sinking your teeth back into his gland.
You had brought Bucky home. He held you tight, whispering in your ear how much he loved you and how much of a good Omega you were.
"I love you Omega." His voice was rough.
Lifting your head from his gland. Blood still trickling down the corners of your mouth. You offered him a smile. A genuine one. One that made his stomach all fluttery.
"I love you too, Alpha."
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lalahbug · 3 years
Fic Rec
From Nov 2021 to Jan 2022
This is my 2nd Fic Rec list. 1st one here.  If I have more than 5 fic recs from the same author they will get their own little section. These are not in any order, I do tend to binge certain writers and that’s why they may have way more than someone else, but everyone on here is very talented~!  Some of these works have sensitive or dark themes, please be sure to read warnings on all individual works!
Goosebumps by Cherienymphe, there was a Tumblr link but it’s not working, so try the Ao3~  Bucky Barnes
Eye Contact by Bee -  Jake Jensen @beelicious-barnes​
Cheesy by Bee - Bucky Barnes
Early Christmas Dinner by Bee -  Jake Jensen
Yours by Jade -  Bucky Barnes @jadedvibes​
The Interrogation by Rose -  Lee  Bodecker @gogolucky13​
Mean It by Rose -  Bucky Barnes
Mending Hearts by Stephanie - Bucky Barnes @bucky-soldat​
Dreamland by Nora -  Bucky Barnes @bucksfucks​
Faking It Masterlist by Nora - Bucky Barnes
A Taste by Thanatosfic - Steve Rogers @thanatosfic​
Can I Come Over? by Fineanddandy - Chris Evans @fineanddandy​
Ari Roommate; Let’s be Roomies and Baby Girl by Fineanddandy
Bucky wants to start a family by Darcy - Bucky Barnes @metalbuckaroo​
Sweet Nothings Part 1 by Darcy - Bucky Barnes (ongoing series)
Sweatshirt by Darcy - Bucky Barnes
Creature by Giorno -  Bucky Barnes @giorno-plays-piano​
Crow’s Marriage by Giorno - Peter Parker
Desperate Affairs Masterlist by Jennifer @georgiapeach30513​
The North Princess & The Seven Men Series Masterlist by Jennifer
Labeled by Bones - Bucky Barnes @boxofbonesfic​
Good Bones Masterlist by Bones - Jake Jensen and Andy Barber
Mistletoe by Bones - Curtis Everett
Second Heartbeat by Bones - Steve and Bucky
Dark Bucky by Lau @sweeterthanthis​
Easily Repair by Navy - Charles Blackwood @navybrat817​
Lose Control by Navy - Bucky Barnes
Wake Up Call by Navy - Nick Fowler
Soft Spot by Navy - Nick Fowler
Deliverance by BrandyCranby - Curtis Everett @brandycranby​​
Polar by Brittany - Ari Levinson @avintagekiss24​​
Druig Headcanon by Ashley @musiccutiepatooty​​
Jealous by Alina - Druig @sargeant-bxrnes​
Curtis Imagine by Amber @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
Home by Mary - Lee Bodecker @ladyfallonavenger​​
Arvin Russell Drabble by Roo @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​​
Flutter Masterlist by Bee - Destroyer Chris @babyboibucky​​
For the First Time by Jo - Bucky Barnes @jobean12-blog​​
Spread by Jo - Bucky Barnes
Tumblr media
Fics from Star @angrythingstarlight​​
Construction Work Bucky. Drabble 1, Drabble 2, Drabble 3 - Bucky Barnes
On My Tongue - Bucky Barnes
Mafia!DILF! Bucky - Bucky Barnes
Alpha! Ari, Steve, and Chris(Destroyer) kinks imagine
Mafia Men and their bondage favorites imagine - Nick, Bucky, Ari, and Steve
Lumberjack!Steve Rogers imagine (favorite poistion)
Let Us Take Care of You - Mafia! STUCKY
Just a Scratch - Mafia Bucky Barnes
It All Belongs to You - Beefy Biker Bucky Barnes
Beefy Biker Bucky comforting crying Gorgeous 
Biker Ari Get to Know Him, and him trying to get permission
Breeds of Men headcanon
Chubby Camboy Bucky Barnes
Camboy Steve Rogers
Angry Mafia Ari
Beefy Lumberjack Alpha Bucky
Alpha Bucky and his rut
Alphas Chasing you to breed you
When Mafia Ari throws you over his shoulder
Ari AU’s and their Shibari Kink
Lumberjack Bucky and Teacher Reader, Part 1 and Part 2
Chubby Baker Bucky’s Nutritional Facts 
Pussy Whipped Mafia Bucky
Beefy Alpha Steve
Mafia Nick Fowler
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Fics from River  @river-soul​
Soft!Dark King Curtis + Corruption Kink -  Curtis Everett
Who Says You Can’t Go Home -  Curtis Everett
My Home is You, Part 1 and Part 2 - Curtis Everett - ongoing series
Jake Jensen Headcanon
Three’s a Crowd Masterlist - Frank Adler and Ari Levinson
Best Laid Plans - Steve Rogers
To Build a Home - Soft Dark Andy Barber
My Home is You Masterlist (ongoing series)
Property Damage Part 1, and Part 2 
Fake Dating Trope with different CE Characters
Plans Pending 1, just start yet amazing ongoing series
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Fics from Synth @syntheticavenger​
Can’t Explain It - Jake Jensen
Turn the Tables - Dennis Baker
Ransom Drysdale imagine 
Old Habits -  Curtis Everett
Love Me Harder Part 1 and Part 2 (bonus drabble)- Jake Jensen (ongoing series)
Crawling in the Dark - Winter Solider 
Bartender Ari Levinson x Innocent Reader
Mr. July ongoing series. Teaser     Part 1    Part 2    Date Drabble - Steve Rogers
Something Pure and True - Bucky Barnes
Fragile - Series Masterlist - Steve Rogers
Heart of Glass Series Masterlist (ongoing) - Curtis Everett
Dark Curtis drabble
Heart-Shaped Box - Ari Levinson
All For Us - Frank Adler 
Dark Vampire Curtis 
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Fics from Jen @sapphirescrolls-deactivated2022 who has deactivated so I’m linking my Fic Recs for her through her Ao3 here. You can find Jen on Ao3 under StarryNighty
The Appointment - Andy Barber
Arvin Russel Headcanon 
Small Spaces - Bucky Barnes
Coffee - Bruce Banner
Catfish - August Walker
Daisies - Bucky Barnes
Back Home - Bucky Barnes
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carelessannie · 3 years
Dark/Hydra Steve x Bucky - Breeding kink/ Cum denail (a/b/o)
Thank you anon for the horniest prompt I’ve gotten so far— I honestly sat up last night just thinking about this.
(I didn’t do the cum denial though... hope everything else is pretty satisfying...)
Plus, I’m really excited to write some Stucky, so thank you anon!
Warnings: general Hydra Trash Party warnings, dubcon and coercion, omegaverse, forced heat/rut, drugging, captivity, breeding and forced pregnancy, identity porn, mild violence
“The Omega’s in there."
Bucky hears the muted instruction, and tried to shrink against the wall. The cell they threw him in is small, mostly white with tall walls and chrome vents. He’s not sure how long he’s been here, how many hours or days since he was taken from his and Steve’s apartment— drugged and brought here.
He’s well versed in enduring captivity, he has to be. Three tours with the Army Rangers and a day job working for Nick Fury don’t provide him room for anything else. He’s more concerned for his mate— the sweet, beefy Alpha who is more than likely captive in a nearby room, an innocent bystander in Hydra’s nazi quest to dominate... humanity, probably. Bucky’s lost track.
Five men file into the room, and Bucky studies each of them, surprised when the last one is devastatingly familiar.
“Steve! Thank god you’re alright. Did they hurt—"
He’s kicked in the side roughly by one of the Hydra agents, throwing him violently back to the cell floor. He coughs, hacking up a wad of blood that he spits at their feet. Rude.
“Quiet, Agent Barnes, and listen. We’ve brought you the perfect Alpha, able to provide us with the vital results we need. He will stay with you until extraction."
The man speaking nods to the others, quickly backing away and out the door until it’s just Steve left standing in the cell, face drawn and conflicted.
When the door shuts, Bucky stumbles to his feet and into Steve’s arms. The Alpha scents so clinical, distressed and empty, but Bucky still burrows close and holds him tight.
“I’m so sorry Steve, I should have told you... I should never have put you in danger."
Steve strokes his hair and presses a kiss into the crown of his head, “It’s okay Buck, we’ll get through it."
They end up sitting together in a corner of the cell, wrapped in each other’s arms as Bucky fills him in, sharing details about his job and the possible rescue that could be coming for them. Steve listens and nods along, his face drawn and worried as Bucky keeps explaining, trying to comfort him.
“I know Director Fury will assume Hydra took us. They’ll probably come for us in the next 48 hours."
“What if they don’t, Buck?” Steve holds him closer, scenting under his ear, “They told me what they want extracted."
Bucky stutters, “O-oh, what... what is it?"
There’s silences as Steve ducks his head, face riddled with an array of emotion, “They want a pup."
“So... vital results is actually code for..."
“A baby, yes. They told me... if we don’t fuck by Friday, they’ll send in another Alpha to do the job."
There’s an underlying growl to Steve’s words that makes Bucky shiver, wiggling closer at the possessive display by his Alpha.
“We’re gonna be okay, Steve. Shield will come for us tomorrow or the day after, and we won’t have to think about that."
It will be fine.
They take Steve from him soon after, injecting both of them with a blue liquid before leading Steve back out the door, away from Bucky. It’s probably a day later when Steve is dumped back in his cell, thankfully unmarked and mentally sound. He feels half way to insane in this white cell— he can’t imagine how a civilian would feel.
It’s a few hours before they take him again, and both of them spend it wrapped together, finding comfort in each other’s arms. They inject the blue liquid again before leaving, taking Steve away and leaving Bucky alone.
Day three is when Bucky starts to worry. He wakes up sweaty, his stomach in knots and heart pounding— usual signs for his heat, even though it isn’t due for another month. Dammit. Not only that, but there’s been no sign of rescue, not even a hint of being saved. Bucky spends most of the day pacing the room— looking for a way out and trying to work a plan of escape.
He keeps getting distracted, thinking of the steady heat building in his gut, and curses his damn Omega biology.
It only gets worse when Steve’s thrown in with him. Bucky’s hair stands on end, crouching low as the scent of Alpha rut hits him full force. There’s no where to go, no where to run.
“Omega,” the Alpha rumbles, stalking closer and pinning Bucky up against the wall. He tries to resist his instincts, telling him to submit and roll over and show his throat. He growls in response and tries to shove the Alpha off— Steve, it’s Steve— but his wrists are easily trapped above his head, displaying the full length of his body for the Alpha to take.
His Alpha ducks down and fits his teeth over Bucky’s neck, right where they’d planned on putting a mating bite during his next heat. Fuck, “Steve, Alpha,” he whimpers, already drowning in his instincts, “I think they drugged us, Steve."
Steve nods, still holding Bucky in place, and he murmurs, “M’sorry, Buck,” against his pulse point.
Bucky pulls back, holding his Alpha’s face in his hands, “It’s okay. Not your fault. I was ready to be yours anyways."
A tear trickles out of Steve’s eye, betraying his despair and emotion. He gives Bucky a sad smile, a brief moment of humanity, before turning them and pushing Bucky to the floor.
The rough movement shocks Bucky’s instincts. Both of their scents flare, combining together into a viral, fertile mix of Alpha and Omega, perfect for each other. Bucky lands on his hands and knees, stretching his back temptingly as he feels Steve hook fingers into his waistband, ripping the cotton pants clean off his body.
“Alpha, please,” he begs, high and whiney, as Steve yanks him closer, baring his dripping, needy hole to the cool, cell air. There’s a wet slapping noise— most likely Steve touching his own dick— before a blunt pressure pushes at his rim, forcing it’s way inside.
Bucky cries out, half in shock and half in pleasure. He knew an Alpha’s rut could get violent, but he didn’t expect the abruptness, the complete lack of prep as Steve starts shoving himself in. He pulls Bucky back with a snarl, spearing the Omega open wide on his cock, before withdrawing and snapping himself back in, hips pressed flush together.
They both howl this time, Bucky’s body desperately clenching against the intrusion as his Alpha sets a relentless pace, fucking into Bucky harder and faster than they have done in the past. After having a moment to adjust, Bucky goes limp in Steve’s bruising grip— sinking into the floor and arching his back instinctively.
His smaller, Omega cock is dripping steadily onto the floor, betraying the insistent arousal of his heat. Steve’s knot is steadily expanding and teasing Bucky’s rim, so close to filling him, to blowing wide inside.
There’s an arm around his chest, pulling him up on his knees as Steve’s thrusts slow, grinding his knot against Bucky’s entrance until it slips in, locking them together. The width of it settles against Bucky’s sweet spot, pressing incessantly, as he pants in Bucky’s ear, “Come on, come for me, Omega, come on."
Bucky shudders, a sudden pain blooming in his shoulder as Steve bites down, bonding them together, and he falls over the edge. He trembles in his Alpha’s arms as they come together, their orgasms working to synch their emotions, their souls, into a sweet harmony.
They settle together on the ground, Steve curled up behind him. Bucky can feel him pumping load after load into his womb, filling him, putting a pup in his belly. He breathes deep and settles back into their bond— horrified to suddenly feel despair, agony and guilt radiating off his Alpha.
“S-steve? What’s wrong— are you okay?"
A sobbing hiccup follows, and Steve holds him tighter, whispering a litany of, “I’m sorry, Buck— I couldn’t... I’m so sorry, Omega,” into his hair.
It’s concerning. Bucky lets his Alpha hold him, trying to send reassurances through the bond as the knot goes down. He can’t imagine what has the Alpha so upset, feeling responsible, but they promised to get through this together. They will get through this together.
Almost the moment his knot deflates and they pull apart, the cell doors are opening, allowing five Hydra agents to file in. Steve jumps in front of Bucky, guarding his vulnerable mate from the agents.
“Stand down, Captain."
Steve freezes, looking between the agent and Bucky, before lowering his guard and standing to his feet. He tucks his softened cock back into his pants and stands at attention, and Bucky just stares, horrified.
“... Steve?"
They ignore him, turning to his Alpha, “Well done, Captain. You may return to your quarters."
“Alpha!” Bucky yells, trying to get Steve’s attention as the Alpha walks towards the door, eyes wide and expression devastated.
Before he leaves the room, Steve turns, suddenly, and meets Bucky’s eyes, “I didn’t have a choice.” They push him from the room before he can say any more, and Bucky can feel the deep, devastating guilt through their bond.
Bucky shakes his head. No. There’s no way his Alpha, his Stevie, could be working with Hydra.
His horror must show in his face because the agent in front of him laughs, “We thought you were better than this, Agent Barnes. But there is a reason why Captain Hydra is our greatest Asset."
They leave him there, in a puddle of their shared release, alone and undressed. And he gave them everything, told Steve everything. His mate for almost a year was just building trust, getting close, and now they have him. By the new mating bond bleeding from his neck, by the seed most likely catching in his womb, tying him to Steve with their shared pup.
He feels furious. He feels defeated. Everything in him wilts, melting in a heap of grief and anger in the same corner Steve just breaded him in, knocked him up and left him.
But most of all, he feels Steve’s guilt, strong and deep through the bond, calling to him. Begging for his forgiveness.
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arianajbb · 4 years
💕 stay by @you-are-my-sanctuary
A road trip to Arizona goes wrong when you catch the attention of a familiar looking dark haired man with steely blue eyes.
💕 Tell Him, Not Me by @zsiopao
here y/n l/n lands a role in a new television series that will put her relationship to the test.
💕Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
💕 What Could’ve Been by @you-are-my-sanctuary
Steve stays in the past when returning the stones, leaving you behind and erasing everything you two were to each other. Decades pass and he wonders if he made the right decision. Especially since the memories of you still lingers in his mind years after.
💕  Let Your Spirit Fly by @starlightcrystalline
At the end of a long week, all you want is to get home. Fate has other ideas.
💕 painted with bruises by @harryspet
In which Bucky kidnaps you in order to get close to his enemy, Steve, but realizes that Steve isn’t the hero he used to be.
💕 Wolf, Partner, Gloves... by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
💕 Sleeping With A Friend by @wkemeup
You wake up in Bucky’s bed after a night you’re certain will only break your heart.
💕 An Unpredictable Reunion by @head-always-up-in-a-dreamworld
💕 American Boy by @quarantined-with-bucky
Request: So basically buckyxreader where she is a super successful businesswomen and awfully confident but when she’s with bucky she feels insecure as many women want him and she’s insecure of nat. Based on “American Boy” by little mix where bucky is her american boy and the other girl in the song is nat. So like angst with a happy ending (maybe smut if you’re comfortable idk idk).
💕 Uptown Girl by @brooklyns-boys
You’re a spoiled, shallow party girl who enjoys pushing any button you can find. When your parents put their foot down, giving you the choice between marrying a suitor of their choosing, or being cut off from your money, you’ll have to decide between luxury and the only person who’s ever given a damn about you.
💕 pictures of girls by @subtlebucky
you’re prepared for a fun-filled weekend with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. instead, you get a weekend with the guy who sort of rejected you and a camera. what could go wrong?
💕 don’t forget to sing by @sunmoonandbucky
You meet someone new in the most unlikely of ways during the quarantine in New York City.  An alley is six feet apart, right?
💕 bloody by @buckycuddlebuddy
he looked feral; his eyes black, face contorted in something devilish, lips blood red and shiny and the smirk on his face was promising more than he already had given.
💕 Home by @softlybarnes
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
💕 Kiss Me Better by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky has your heart, but he seems to despise you. Loki comes up with a plan to make him realize just what he’s missing.
💕 x by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky receiving his first piece of fan-mail.
💕 My Roommate’s Boyfriend by @angstysebfan
Your roommate’s boyfriend and you do not get along. You don’t even know why anymore. When your roommate has to move unexpectedly across the country, you both begrudgingly drive her car to her new home. Adventure, angst, and secrets come alive.
💕 life with tiny and beefy by @wiensrsoldier
💕 Safe Place To Land by @sunlightdances
You and Bucky are both standing up for Steve and Peggy’s wedding. Checking in at the hotel for the weekend, you’re horrified to realize there’s been a problem. A big problem.
💕 A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Female!Reader is an Omega. Alphas and Omegas are rare, and Reader’s been able to avoid alphas through sheer force of will and luck in equal parts.
💕 we’re up all night to get lucky by  @nsfwsebbie
Your soldier comes home after his prevailing victory.
💕 Jealousy Looks Good On You by @tinymalscoffee
You go to your favorite coffee shop after your date from the morning before never shows up.
💕 x by @sinner-as-saint
uni!seb having a thing for boobies.
💕 Everything by @mariessecretfantasies
💕 Stardust And Starfish by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
“Hey we kissed once in kindergarten but I haven’t seen you since and I couldn’t remember why you were so familiar.”
💕 The Flaw Of Belief by @winterdaybreak
Y/N and Bucky fight over who can be more spiteful, who hates who more. Neither really mean it, but Bucky might just win.
💕 dear... whoever by @whistlingwillows
a mandated series of long and short diary entries from the new head of R&D for Stark Industries.
💕 starring role by @baezen
in which Hollywood’s former hottest movie star faces his biggest challenge yet – proving that he’s still worth the starring role
💕 Mr. and Mrs. Barnes by @cherrypickertheory
You and your husband, Bucky, live a normal life in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Or you did, that is, until you both realize that the other is a spy.
💕 kitten by @buckycuddlebuddy
“you know,” bucky started, voice low and raspy. “i think i have spoiled you too much lately.”
💕 Summer Days by @sleepypanda27
You meet a handsome stranger at the beach.
💕 Power Over Me by @sinner-as-saint
CEO James Buchanan Barnes is a dominant. And he’s spent the last 5 years searching for his perfect submissive. Then one night, he finds you. He thinks everything will fall perfectly into place now; but he thought wrong. Turns out your unfortunate past which still haunts you to this day, and some of his enemies are, well, connected. Things go wrong. And your bond with your dom is tested in many ways…
💕 Bucky & the Beast by @thejamesoldier
💕 House Pride by @delusionalwriterr
After encountering Bucky during a Quidditch game, both of you grow attached to each other. But is the attraction enough to overcome the disapproval of your brother, Tony, and the messy past between your families?
💕 Meet Me In The Hallway by @yikeswtfmate
Y/N and Bucky have hated each other since they were children and now they’re forced to live together, whether they like it or not.
💕 Postcards by @sebbytrash
Takes place after Civil War. Bucky is your best friend but of course you’re in love with him. He goes off to travel the world and rediscover himself, sending you Postcards along the way, whilst you struggle with your feelings.
💕 x by @moteldwelling
(this isn’t a fic but it’s amazing omg)
💕 Helpless by @prongsies
Sirius loved you. Loved you enough to let you go. Loved you enough to selflessly step back, allowing you to love someone he knows could give you the love you deserved - even if it hurts.
💕 What Is, And What Should Never Be by @whoisbxcky
You wake up one morning to find yourself in an alternate reality, in which the Avengers never came to be, and your friends are living perfect civilian lives. However, things are not all they appear to be, and you find yourself facing the worst fear you never knew you had.
💕 Impaled by @revengingbarnes
You’ve been pining after Bucky for months. A compromising situation during a mission brings you a lot closer to him than you expected.
💕 Helpless For You by @sgtjbuccky
A blind date has lead you and Bucky to the fourth date. Each one proving that you’ve got it bad more than prior and it doesn’t quite matter what will happen - you will keep on falling for that handsome devil and you don’t even mind.
💕 Flowers by @bucky-the-thigh-slayer
Love can take a while, but the right love is always worth time, and some old fashioned gestures.
💕 The (not naked) pin-up calendar by @bitsandbobsandstuff
When you ask for a favor, Bucky (very) grudgingly agrees. What can you do to thank him? Return the favor, of course.
💕 Rogue Angel by @harryspet
Bucky tasks himself with deprogramming you, a former hydra soldier. Will he be able to show he cares for you as his Daddy or will your training stop you from seeing the truth.
💕 Saving The Day by @jbbmoved
On your way back home, you are being followed by a couple of creeps. When your eyes fall on the most impressive and handsome Avengers, you don’t think twice and find yourself a fake boyfriend and savior.
💕 Hidden Lagoons and Seashells by @after-avenging-hours
💕 my heart, my angel by @paintedface
valentine’s day candy grams basically show how popular you are in the school, so you expect to get none, however, one, extremely sweet one, turns up on your desk. except you have no clue who it’s from.
💕 Like Silver Glass by @thejamesoldier
Out of all the things you have seen so far in your life – a colorful plethora of alien species, artificial intelligence, an imaginative array of mutants and their abilities, cyborgs, superhumans, assassins, geniuses, etc. – merpeople fell actually pretty low on your ‘Shocking Things That Exist’ list.
💕 Holiday Heist by @avengerofyourheart
When the art gallery you manage is robbed on Christmas Eve, you suspect the handsome stranger who flirted with you earlier in the day, but instead of involving the authorities, you take matters into your own hands with surprising consequences.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Summary: He had never come across an omega without the ability to speak. He had never come across an omega who had such an effect on him, who had made him feel weak with a single glance.
You were an omega who was born without the ability to speak. At best, you could make small noises that resembled surprise or anguish, yet you’d never said a word. You were born silent; his voice had been taken from him for far too long.
When he first meets you with the rest of the team, after your brother offers his room in the tower while you try and find a job in the city, Bucky finds himself drawn to you, and you are drawn to him. He feels a connection to you, one that he didn’t think he could have after all he had been through with Hydra.
However, the more time he spends with you, the longer he’s exposed to your scent and you to his, the more open he is to become not just an alpha to omega, but as if he can finally do something beyond himself.
He feels as if this, as if you, were the one he has always been waiting for.
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aikaterini-drag · 1 year
All-consuming Love
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Summary: Bucky Barnes loves you more than anything in the world, but your love for him is just as intense. The question of who loves the other more becomes a delightful, unending exchange of devotion between two hearts intertwined.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: implied smut, boyfriend Bucky, fluff, softness, intimacy.
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In the soft, dim light of your bedroom, you and Bucky were wrapped in an intimate embrace, nestled cozily in your bed. The world outside had faded, leaving only the two of you in your private sanctuary. You had made love, twice, that night. The first time, he had rained kisses all over your skin before taking your under him, reaching deep into your heart. The second time, you rolled on top, your eager hands exploring every inch of his hard body while you drove him mad with your perfect wiggling motions.
In the end you were both spent and blissfully content.
As your cuddled, your bodies molded perfectly together, Bucky’s each contour fitting to your curves like pieces of a puzzle. You felt the gentle rise and fall of his chest against your cheek and the synchronized rhythm of your breaths, a harmonious melody that played beneath the covers.
His strong arms enveloped you, providing a sense of protection and warmth that melted your worries away. With your head resting gently on his chest, you placed your ear over his heart, listening to the reassuring, steady beat that mirrored his unwavering affection.
Your fingers intertwined, your hands clasped. He always offered you his good arm. But you shifted slightly and caressed the metal one as well, tenderly tracing its ridges and cool smoothness. You loved everything that made him. And this was you showing your love, in an unspoken conversation in which every caress, every stroke, whispered devotion and desire.
With his eyes tender with adoration, he looked deeply into your eyes and said, "You know, I love you more than anything in this world."
You smiled, your eyes gleaming with joy. "That's sweet Sergeant, but I love you more."
He raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "You think so, sweetheart? Well, I love you more than all the stars in the sky."
You leaned in closer, your voice filled with conviction. "And I love you more than the entire universe."
He laughed and pressed wet kisses all over your face which caused you to giggle softly. “I love you like crazy, like absolute crazy!”
You grinned, your fingers tracing a delicate path along his cheek. "I love you more than anyone has ever loved another."
He let out a soft breath, his eyes locked onto you. "You are spoiling my confession, young lady.”
“Why so? Can’t a woman indulge the man she loves?” You placed gentle pecks along his jawline, your lips igniting tingles with every touch.
“Sure you can,” he said, his voice deep. “But I have to do the same. You’re my precious sweetness. I love you more than anyone ever thought they could love another human being. You’re my everything.”
“There you go again! Very well, I will accept your words, Mr. Barnes,” you said, your lips brushing against the curve of his cheekbone. “Thank you, my love. You are the sweetest, most caring man in the world.”
Your love was boundless and no matter who loved whom more, your hearts were forever intertwined in a deep and enduring connection.
He responded with a trail of kisses, starting with your eyelids, then moving down to your nose, and finally capturing your lips. The passionate exchange deepened, your connection intensifying as you surrendered to the intoxicating sensations, becoming lost in each other's embrace for the third time that night.
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stevebuckyfics · 5 years
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SHRUNKYCLUNKS FIC RECS (2/10) Click the “10″ to access all the parts so far. I hope you like these, and please remember to heed tags/warnings/ratings on individual stories, and take care of yourselves! 
Right for Us by wearing_tearing “You think?” Bucky snorts, pressing a kiss to Steve’s neck. “You might be Captain America, but even you can’t fight off this snowstorm.” Steve frowns. “Maybe I can.” Part 5 of Soft Stucky Week Language: English Words: 2,961 Chapters: 1/1 
Bucky Barnes and his Big Beefy Blonde by Kellyscams [Part 2] Bucky Barnes loves Big, Beefy, Blondes. What he loves most about Big, Beefy, Blondes is having no string attached sex with them. Until he meets a Big, Beefy, Blonde that just happens to be Steve Rogers – Captain America who’s only been declared alive a few months ago. This is one that could go down as Bucky’s fuck of a lifetime. That’s if he can avoid these pesky feelings that start showing up out of nowhere. Part 13 of Kells’ Fic Fest Language: English Words: 5,989 Chapters: 1/1
 Brains are Sexy by Kellyscams Bucky Barnes is ridiculously nervous about tonight. He is, after all, presenting his own exhibit at this year’s Engineering and Robotics Fair which just might land him a full scholarship at Columbia’s Engineering Program. Somehow, he’s gotta get through the presentation without passing out. When he catches eyes with a drop-dead gorgeous guy in the crowd – who smiles and nods and gives him a thumbs up – Bucky’s confidence suddenly doubles. Drop-Dead Gorgeous even stops by to check out his exhibit when Bucky’s finished with his presentation. Impressed and lavishing Bucky with compliments, Bucky decides it’s a day to be brave and ask him to join him and his friends for drinks. But there’s just something oddly familiar about this Roger fellow. Bucky’s sure he knows him from somewhere. Part 36 of Kells’ Fic Fest Language: English Words: 13,569 Chapters: 1/1 
 Like What You See by gracie137 For all the time Bucky’s spent fantasizing about meeting Captain America, he’d never imagined it would be while posing nude in front of a drawing class. Language: English Words: 7,968 Chapters: 1/1 
 Keep Calm And Enjoy Fall by stevergrsno “Ha! I told you. Stick around til the end of my shift Rogers. We’re going on an adventure and I’m going to make you fall in love with fall.” Steve cringes and Bucky looks far too pleased with his terrible pun. “That was horrible. You’re horrible. Oh my god, who lets you speak?” “I’ll have you know I’ve gotten Best Barista for six months in a row. People love me.” Aka Barista Bucky Barnes teaches Steve Rogers how to appreciate the season of pumpkin. Part 7 of Happy Steve Bingo Fills Language: English Words: 2,419 Chapters: 1/1 
 Cute Stitch Witch Discount by stevergrsno (noxlunate) He’s barely finished with his drink when Bucky appears in front of him, a cup in hand. “Our famous cocoa,” He says, setting it onto the little table next to Steve, “On the house.” Steve plucks the cup up off the table and cradles it close, inhaling the smell of chocolate and cinnamon. “Thank you,” Steve says, and then, “I can pay though, really.” “Call it the cute stitch witch discount,” Bucky says with a wink before he’s turning away and disappearing behind the counter to take care of another customer. In which Steve has magic, meets Bucky 70 years later, and as always, falls a little bit in love with him. Part 24 of Happy Steve Bingo Fills Language: English Words: 3,089 Chapters: 1/1 
 old situations (new complications) by ChibiSquirt, DrowningByDegrees-Art A soulmate AU where your soulmark is the first thing your soulmate thinks when they meet you. Bucky is a normal, Level Six SHIELD agent who stumbles into a time machine while on a mission. When he travels back sixty-four years and lands ass-up on the wartime desk of one Agent Carter, his soulmark—“Who’s that with Peggy?”—goes from fairly distinctive, as thoughts go, to maddeningly common. Language: English Words: 21,191 Chapters: 6/6 
 Lessons in Normality by relenafanel Things Steve knows about his boyfriend Bucky: How he looks with his face relaxed in sleep. That he can perfectly flip pancakes. The way he’s open about things Steve is still adapting to, like therapy and depression and sex toys and being a millennial. The way he laughs with his mouth wide open and his eyes squinted, and the cheerful way he cheats at cards and loses at laser tag. The way he seduces Steve with a knowing glint in his eye. The way Steve responds to it, stronger each time, taken by his beauty and competence and snark and compassion (or the compassionate way he boots Steve in the ass when he needs a push). Things Steve doesn’t know about his boyfriend Bucky: That he’s an undercover operative gathering intel on Hydra, SHIELD, and which Steve is affiliated with. Otherwise known as The Honey Pot AU Language: English Words: 38,002 Chapters: 11/11 
 Sergeant Hot Pants by cleo4u2 When Sergeant Bucky Barnes is assigned to temporarily take over for Maria Hill, Steve can’t quite keep his shit together. Not around Bucky, who is the hottest Alpha Steve’s ever seen. Language: English Words: 11,798 Chapters: 1/1 
 (a silent prayer) Like Dreamers Do by chicklette Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. Since the counsel has been keeping records, there has been one exception to that rule, and considering the man, no one was very surprised. After all, Captain America, ne Steve Rogers, was the exception to all the rules. So when he plunged into the Atlantic in a plane loaded with enough explosives to take out the entire Eastern Seaboard, the nation mourned him, but the counsel breathed a sigh of relief. Their perfect record - a soulmate for everyone - was intact.
When Bucky is five or six or seven, he has his first bonding dream. Language: English Words: 12,557 Chapters: 5/5
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aikaterini-drag · 6 months
Princess and the King
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Pairing: Russian Alpha Bucky x OmegaFem!Reader
Summary: Urged by a bout of jealousy, your Alpha fucks you from behind, his metal arm cradling your waist, his other hand gripping your hair.
Warnings: ‼️ MINORS DON’T INTERACT, omegaverse vibes, Russian endearments, p in v sex, hardcore, knotting, licking, nipping, unprotected sex, cockwarming.
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“Like that ‘mega?” Your Alpha panted, his balls slapping against your ass with each primal thrust. His metal arm cradled your belly, feeling where he was fucking you so deeply while his other hand gripped your nape, fingers forking in your hair.
“Alph—mhpp…” your words faded, devoured by his greedy mouth. His tongue delved inside, brushing wetly with your own. “Pl…please—ungh—hhn…"
Trembling palms gripped the hard surface of the table which was shaking precariously. Gasping and gasping, your mouth felt dry and kiss-swollen as he pumped from behind, his thighs splaying your legs wide. Your eyesight was blurry, desire making you hazy. The only thing you could focus on was the feel of him, thick and swollen, buried so deep within you that with each thrust you felt his cockhead kiss your womb.
This sex marathon had started because another Alpha had kept his eyes on you for more than normal. Said 'normal' was 3 seconds. You were shopping at the supermarket, and to add insult to injury, Bucky was standing there beside you when the Beta looked at you. That was all the more reason for Bucky to get bonkers with the puny male who had dared lay his eyes on his omega. Your Alpha was usually good at maintaining his composure but with your heat coming in a few days, he was a little more on edge than usual.
He scared off the Beta male and did not kick his ass because you distracted your Alpha with your touches, finding yourself in this delicious predicament. Shopping forgotten, he all but carried you to your apartment, devouring your lips along the way until he had you all to himself.
Worth, it. So worth it. You loved your Russian Alpha hunk, even more so when he was filled with possessiveness.
“How about you give me a third one, ‘mega?” He hent down, his chest tickling your back, his lips suckling your earlobe.
Right… he’d make you cum two times already, once while licking and fucking you with his fingers, the second on the floor with you riding him, and now, over the table, his fat cock —which seemed to never go down— spearing you again and again.
You were dripping slick, your eyes rolling to the back of your head with each glorious shift of his hips. He knew exactly how to move, how to touch and caress. Your bodies fit perfectly and mated all the more wildly.
“Close, 'mega?” He dragged his teeth over your neck, causing your walls to contract and grip his cock tighter.
Nodding, your eyes shut tightly, a moan leaving your lips.
His voice rumbled through your bedroom, rich with authority. “Look at me, моя принцесса.”
You raised your gaze to meet his, the mating bond thrumming between you, loving yet feral.
"Uhhhn, am close, so close Alpha..." you whined in desperation, unable to formulate words with his insistent fucking and the marks he left against your skin. He was everywhere, lips and teeth nipping, kissing, his hands now cupping your cheeks and splaying them open to gaze at where you were joined.
“Words.” He slapped your asscheeks. “Use them.”
“Need to… pl.. please.. a‐anghh-please, f-f-faster... need to cum!”
His cock twitched from how sweet and needy you sounded, your juices drenching his cock and balls.
With a growl, he urged you backward, tipping your head so it was resting on the curve of his shoulder. You collapsed into him while he fucked you in earnest, his warm hand playing with your sensitive breaths. His metal thumb vibrated against your clit, gathering your slick and then spreading it around your nipples.
Vision blackening, you clenched so hard around him and rode the waves of rapture that seemed to wreck you. The wet sounds of your pussy got vulgar, his husky moans joining in your own. He surged inside you with deep, frantic strokes, while mumbling praises and biting the expanse of your creamy throat and all over the mating bite that marked you as his.
“Mine." Slam. "Mine.” Slam. "Mine."
“Yours. Always.” You dug your nails into his sides and hung on as he fucked and fucked and fucked. Gods, you couldn’t take the wait any longer. You needed him to come, to knot you into oblivion.
When he finally did come, it was an explosion, his cock pulsing and erupting inside you. He fed you ropes and ropes of his Alpha seed-- it was so much it tricked down your thighs even with his knot swelling to full mast and locking you together.
Kisses were peppered on your lips while he purred and whispered words of affection and praise. My pretty princess, always taking me so well, letting me knot your pretty pink pussy and fill your greedy womb. Oh and how right he was. His cock, still throbbing and hard, caressed over all your sensitive spots.
“Feel good, ‘mega?” he asked after the cloud of desire had thinned, his hand cradling your face.
"I'm alright, Alpha."
His heart thundered against your back, just as fast as your own.
Gently he cradled the undersides of your knees and helped you back against him. Trapped on his knot, you could only whine as he lifted you against him and got seated in the nearest chair. His knot tugged at your folds but held your pussy securely. You sat down fully, your tender ass against his pelvis, your legs draped over his thick thighs. Utterly relaxed against him, you particularly enjoyed the way he cupped your breasts and pinched your nipples.
"I'm sorry. " He kissed your lips, his metal hand cool against your breast.
You whimpered and turned your head to meet his ocean eyes. “Hmm, jealousy suits you, Alpha.”
“It's not my fault for wanting to ensure that every bloody male knows his boundaries and keeps their eyes off of you.”
“So possessive. I love that about you,” you murmured, your voice a soft caress.
“Can you blame me, little ‘mega? When every fiber of my being longs to keep you as mine?”
Your lips curled into a playful smile. “I’ll always be yours, Alpha. My heart belongs to you, and you alone.”
“Моя принцесса,” he drawled, his voice a low rumble that made your pussy tighten around his pulsing knot. “Heart of my heart, light of my soul.”
With a loving smile, you reached out to brush your fingers against his unshaven cheek. “Мой король,” you whispered in broken Russian. “My King.”
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aikaterini-drag · 7 months
Heyyy guys 🩷 I’ve been off tumblr for so long, I’m sorry. It’s just hard. I feel as if I have zero inspiration and depth at what I write. Do you have any requests to suggest that might spark my imagination and help me out? Steamy, sweetly decadent and captivating? Oh and, the gift below is for you! 🥰🥰
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aikaterini-drag · 6 months
Dropping this eye candy to get your attention
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aikaterini-drag · 6 months
Chapter 16 Reminiscing
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Warnings (whole series): Violence, Non-Con Abduction, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, First Time, Emotional Sex, Protective Bucky, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soft Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Barnes Gets all the Love he deserves.
Find more chapters of the "Fading Scars" Series here ♡
Grace stirred in her slumber, distressed murmurs escaping her lips as tears traced their way down her cheeks. In her nightmare, she was running, struggling to evade a relentless barrage of bullets. Smoke, screams and pain were all around her. Her eyes were blurry, her voice hoarse from screaming. It was unbearable. She wanted it to stop, but with every passing second, the vision became more and more brutal.
More details carved deeper into her consciousness. She witnessed her mother's death, she heard her cries, her screeches. She also saw Silas, her own father, as he plunged the knife into her stomach, again and again. Her sweet mother begged her to leave while crimson blood bubbled from her lips and stomach. Grace could practically feel the sticky blood drenching her skin.
Through the veil of her nightmare, she also sensed a dark figure lurking in the shadows. The unknown presence coiled its arms around her, catching her in his arms. The person forced her away from the carnage as more gunshots rang out and she shrieked, fighting to free herself. Grace realized that the person was actually protecting her. Using the smoke to his advantage, he guided her away from the chaos and as she turned to face him, she met nothing but a pair of striking blue eyes.
She could never forget these eyes.
She knew this man.
A scream ripped itself from her throat as she woke up, eyes flying open, her face covered in tears. Panic clawed at her chest, an invisible vice constricting her lungs. She struggled to get air in her lungs and glanced around, realizing that she was in her room. The moonlight poured in from the panels of Stark Tower, setting light on her pale features.
An aching pain shot straight through her mind and she curled up in pain, clutching her head in agony. The trauma had yet to leave her and more details made it in, so vivid and terrifying that her whole frame shook. Memories and flashbacks resurfaced, every piece assembling full pictures in her mind.
Her hand shot out to the bedside table, her fingers fumbling in search of her inhaler. The plastic container finally met her grasp, and she pressed it to her lips, inhaling the restorative medication. Her heart hammered erratically against her ribcage as she processed the events one by one. As she refueled her lungs with air, she realized that James had been her savior all along. The loss of her mother had traumatized her, overwhelming stress causing her to forget his existence. Another wave of tears rolled down her eyes, her breathing heavier than before.
"Grace?" Natasha's voice sliced through the room, the agent poised with a weapon in hand. "What's wrong?"
It took Grace a few fleeting moments to respond, "I—I had a nightmare. It's nothing, really."
"You were screaming." Natasha set her firearm aside with a guarded intensity. "And you're crying," she observed. The evidence of Grace's turmoil was etched upon her face – red, swollen eyes tainted with shadows.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up," Grace managed, her voice wavering as she hastily brushed her tears away with the back of her hand.
"I'll fetch the doctor."
"No, please, it's not necessary. I've been on edge with recent events. I'll be fine."
"You can't take this lightly—"
"It was just a nightmare," Grace interrupted gently. "But it felt so vivid like I was reliving it."
"What happened? Do you want to talk to me?" Natasha said, her voice soft.
"James, he saved me five years ago, right??" Grace said, her own words bringing another layer of tears to her eyes.
Natasha let out a heavy breath. "Even I don't know how he did it."
A suffocating silence took over but was soon broken by Grace's next question. "Can you tell me what happened?"
"Silas led a group of eight men, including James. Their objective was to eliminate you and your mother." The spy paused, her gaze briefly connecting with Grace's. "I intercepted them but I got wounded, lost consciousness. I'm guessing that in the haze of the blood, you awoke something humane in the Winter Soldier."
Grace scrunched her brow. "And how do you know all of this?"
"For quite some time, Steve and I had kept a watchful eye on him. Hydra repeatedly brainwashed Barnes, but he always managed to prevail. It was during one of his missions as the Winter Soldier that he and Steve reconciled. From that day on, they communicated secretly, forging a plan that would end Hydra once and for all."
"James chose to hide the truth from me..." Grace muttered and slowly rubbed a hand over her chest, soothing the erratic thrumming of her heart.
"He held back because he didn't want to overwhelm you. He wanted you to remember on your own."
"Or perhaps he wanted to make sure that there were no bonds connecting us," Grace responded firmly.
"Please don't think that way," Natasha implored, her hand reaching out to gently rest on Grace's forearm.
"If only I had remembered earlier..."
Grace resisted the urge to cry, the thought of James and their shared past perching her heart like a dagger. The need to reunite with him, to thank him, to save him and come to his aid was stronger than before. He had saved her twice already and despite the torment he treated her with utter tenderness.
"Don't trouble yourself. The fact that you recalled the past is a good thing," Natasha consoled in the softest of tones.
"Yes, but now I'm hurting even more..." Grace said, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions.
"Use that pain to save him."
"Thank you, Natasha." Grace embraced her tenderly before drawing back with a faint smile. "You should go back to sleep. I've troubled you enough."
"Alright. I'll be here if you need—" Natasha's sentence was interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door. She narrowed her eyes at the sight of Braylon's head peeking through the opening. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard screams," Braylon replied matter-of-factly. "I'm Grace's bodyguard, remember?"
"Seems you arrived a bit late, Mr. Bodyguard," Natasha quipped, arching an eyebrow.
Braylon smiled. "You were talking and I didn't want to interrupt."
"I'm alright, Braylon. Go rest," Grace told him with a gentle smile.
"Not before I've made sure of it." Braylon insisted. "I brought you some milk. It'll help you relax."
"You really didn't have to go through the trouble," Grace mumbled as he approached, handing her the warm mug. "Thank you."
Braylon glanced at Natasha and suggested, "You can go ahead. I'll keep her company."
"Guys, I'm fine. Really!" Grace said, awkwardly clutching her warm milk.
"You still look a bit pale," Natasha said but a heavy yawn escaped her.
"And you're clearly sleepy. You yawned wide enough to fit a bike wheel!" Grace retorted, unable to hold back a laugh.
"Quite the comparison, I must say." As she slowly exited the room, Natasha rubbed her eyes and added, "Well, now that Braylon's here, I can rest easy."
"I'll stay for a few minutes," Braylon said, crouching beside the bed.
Grace looked down at him, eyes wide. "You're treating me like a child."
"And you should drink your milk like a good young lady," Braylon remarked nonchalantly.
"Alright, alright!" Grace said, taking big sips from her milk. "I'm almost done."
He chuckled. "No need to rush. Take your time."
"I hope Tony's paying you enough," she muttered. "You're doing far too much for me."
"I'm happy to do so." Braylon flashed her a grin. "Plus, I'm handsomely paid. More than you can imagine."
"Got it, got it," Grace smiled. "You really do love to boast."
"You smiled. Good. I wanted to help you forget... if only for a moment," Braylon's tone was stern before returning to its customary gentleness. "Your nightmares are tied to him, to the Winter Soldier."
"It's not his fault," she said. "And his name is James. James Bucky Barnes."
Braylon shrugged. "Even so, he's a fool to let you slip away."
"Are you here to gossip?"
"Delving into your personal life is one of my favorite pastimes," he quipped, offering a smug smile.
"Enough teasing. I care about James. I won't abandon him."
"But he abandoned you."
Her eyes darkened. "You wouldn't understand, and that's alright."
"Alright... I don't want to press you further. Sweet dreams, Grace." With some reluctance, he stood up. "See you tomorrow."
When she was left alone, Grace dragged the covers up to cocoon herself, curling her limbs. She felt cold and lonely. She missed the feel of his arms around her, his fingers brushing against her skin, his soothing whispers chasing away her fears. She yearned for the warmth of his touch, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, the sense of security he brought with him. Without him by her side, the night felt empty, and the silence seemed to heighten her restless thoughts.
She lay there, a solitary figure in the darkness, caught in a silent battle against her own thoughts. And as the night stretched on, her longing for his warmth and scent only deepened, a constant reminder that sleep would not visit her without James there to hold her close.
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aikaterini-drag · 6 months
Chapter 15 Wronged
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Warnings (whole series): Violence, Non-Con Abduction, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, First Time, Emotional Sex, Protective Bucky, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soft Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Barnes Gets all the Love he deserves.
Find more chapters of the "Fading Scars" Series here ♡
Almost a month had passed ever since the team of three began to infiltrate Hydra compounds. Using his experience as the Winter Soldier, Bucky guided Steve and Sam through a series of potential locations. At first, their attempts yielded no results. Five bases had been checked out, each revealing nothing but desolate remains.
But when they arrived at the HYDRA Herefordshire Facility in England, chaos erupted. Armed agents swarmed the vicinity, engaging in fierce combat on all fronts. Steve and James counterattacked from carefully chosen positions on the ground, while Sam fought from the distance, using his wings to fly above his targets. Silas was giving orders to his men from his hiding spot and engineered the perfect distraction: Rumlow.
The Hydra operative came running through a fortified wall, creating an opening with the sheer force of his body.
"Watch out! On your left!"
Sam's voice cut through the battle as Bucky turned to face Rumlow, who was charging straight at him. Bucky changed direction and ran fast down a corridor, but even with his superhuman speed, Rumlow caught up with him. Bucky found himself tackled to the ground, the impact jarring his body. His weapon was flung aside, and when he attempted to retrieve a concealed gun, Rumlow's fist collided with his nose. Strong palms clamped around his throat, Bucky's eyes narrowed, his efforts concentrated on breaking free.
But the Rumlow he was looking at was different, evil and had near-godly strength.
That meant only one thing; he had been injected with the new super soldier serum.
The serum had affected Rumlow. Though the scars on his face had disappeared, his flesh had turned unnaturally brown, too many veins protruding from his skin. With a grunt, Bucky kicked the vulnerable spot beneath his ribs, then propelled him away. Dragging himself up, he rose to his feet, retrieved his firearm, and began to fire.
"Pathetic," Rumlow sneered, skillfully evading Bucky's shots. "I'm beyond your reach now! I'm superior!"
Bucky didn't reply and rained punches, kicks and slaps against Rumlow.
"Where's your pretty girl, Soldier?" Rumlow taunted, evading a sweeping attack with a grin. "Where's your precious Grace? I've missed her."
Well aware that Rumlow was playing with his sentiments, Bucky clenched his teeth and gripped his neck with his metal hand. He forcefully slammed him to the floor and delivered a forceful kick to his abdomen. But he was careless. Rumlow thrust a knife out of his holder. James sensed the weapon a little too late and watched it in slow motion as it headed straight for his head.
"Oh no, you won't!"
Steve's scream resounded as his shield blocked the lethal attack, successfully saving Barnes. Bucky let out a sigh of relief as Cap launched himself at Rumlow with a dive-kick. The enemy lost consciousness, out of strength. Panting, James and Steve drew back and searched around for Sam.
"Sam, where are you?" Steve's voice resonated through the communication device. Most of the Hydra agents had vanished, and a sudden quiet took over.
"I'm holding up," came Sam's voice. "I've got visual on Silas. He's heading northeast, escaping. I need backup!"
Bucky and Steve pumped their legs and followed Sam's instructions, making it closer and closer to Silas. They saw his chopper and what was left of his men when an unexpected opponent lunged at them, coming out of nowhere. The sudden assailant headed straight for Bucky, tackling him backward. James grimaced, disbelief in his eyes. The man attacking him was clad in a black suit, his face hidden beneath a panther-like mask. Lethal claws extended, they pierced through Bucky's vest and scored his flesh, igniting searing pain. 
Bucky's vision went fuzzy in the corners, the venomous claws of his opponent sending him into the darkness.
Bucky blinked as his consciousness grappled with the onslaught of pain. He tried to move, only to realize that his limbs were restrained, secured by unyielding metal clamps. He was sitting in a chair– a cold, metallic contraption. Heavy clamps encircled his chest, hands, and ankles with an iron grip, rendering any movement futile. Blood trickled down his cheeks, from a gash Rumlow had carved into the flesh just inches from his left eye.
Steve and Sam were five feet away, defensive but safe. Two women were keeping them at arm's length. They were fierce-looking and intimidating. Adorned in red tabards embellished with beads, charms, and rugged leather studs, these fierce figures wielded long spears with an air of unwavering confidence.
The enigmatic warrior who had donned the panther suit had discarded his mask, his intense gaze fixed firmly upon James. The dark costume seemed out of place in this confrontation, leaving Bucky pondering the nature of these people. Why the strange suit? What sort of people were they? Were they even human?
"You're awake..." the man in black declared, his thick accent resonating with authority. "I am T'Challa, King of Wakanda and the son of the man you killed in the bombing attack."
"I didn't kill your father," Bucky said feebly, his voice glazed from the sedative.
"Your words are hollow," T'Challa responded, his tone unyielding. "You killed my father. And you shall pay for it."
"I assure you, I did not—"
"Do not deceive yourself or me," T'Challa interjected, his conviction unshakeable. "My father's blood stains your hands, and you shall answer for it!"
"You can't condemn him like that!" Sam said with a surge of frustration. "You've got it all wrong, he's not the one!"
"Then you must prove your innocence," T'Challa said to the accused with a bitter smile.
"Your accusations are misplaced," Bucky breathed out, closing his eyes then reopening them. "I wasn't even in Washington!"
"He possesses spirit, my King," Ayo, one of the women, commented with disapproval. "I like that and I shall enjoy it all the more if you give me the command to break him."
"We can solve this without being so hostile toward each other," Steve said and glared at the spear threatening his best friend. In any other situation, he would have taken his chances and attacked, but with Bucky there, he had to be cautious. "Trust us. Isn't my word enough?"
"I know you, Captain Rogers. But that is not enough."
"I swear on my shield's honor," Steve said. "Can't you at least discuss it peacefully with us?"
"The Black Panther has been a protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. Now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of King. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how can I remain indifferent to my father's death?"
"Let's reason together," Steve said. "We can find a way to uncover the truth without further conflict."
"Barnes orchestrated the explosion that claimed my father's life," T'Challa said, raw pain written in his features.
"Hydra is manipulating you, using your grief—" Steve attempted to interject.
"I don't care," T'Challa said, his voice a reflection of his turmoil.
Bucky lifted his gaze and addressed T'Challa. "Check the camera footage then."
T'Challa frowned. "What?"
"I'll prove my innocence," Bucky said. "The day your father died, I was in Vienna. Check the footage of the town of Hollabrunn. That's where I was at the time of the bombing."
For once, T'Challa looked at the man he was condemning with a look other than hate. Repressing his pain and agony, the King of Wakanda tapped the button on his watch and activated a holographic screen. Using Wakanda's unparalleled technology, the advanced algorithm scrutinized every face captured by the CCTV systems.
The display painted an unexpected truth—James Barnes had indeed been present in Vienna at the time of the bombing, confirmed by the footage from the town of Hollabrunn. And he was not alone. T'Challa witnessed him smiling and walking along the roads, a young woman embracing him fondly. Quite fondly.
A wave of confusion washed over T'Challa. "How can this be..."
Could it be that on his path to revenge, he almost convicted an innocent man?
"I'm sorry for your loss, but I didn't kill your father," Bucky said with determination.
"How do I know that you're not an imposter?" T'Challa said, but this time, he was less hostile toward him.
James let out a harsh sigh. "Seriously?"
"Someone is impersonating him!" Sam supported him. "A simple comparison is enough to prove that the man from Washington is wearing prosthetics and a wig!"
T'Challa's gaze shifted towards his female guards, who appeared to have been convinced by the evidence and said, "Where is the woman from the footage?"
"That's none of your business!" Bucky said, breathing rapidly through his nostrils. He was going through all this hell for Grace to not get hurt. He didn't bring so much pain upon himself only to ruin it.
"The woman's location must remain secret, for her safety," Steve said calmly. "Silas is actively pursuing her, and we can't risk her falling into his hands. Please listen to reason, King T'Challa. Trust us."
With a measured nod, T'Challa instructed his guards to release Barnes, willing to consider their perspective. "Who's Silas?"
Bucky sent him a nod of appreciation and answered, "Silas is the current leader of Hydra, an organization created to rule the world. Both the girl you saw in the footage and I are his targets. He's the one who set off the explosion and framed me."
"But why? What motive drove him to such an act?" T'Challa asked, his previous rage completely bleeding away.
"Because I refused to surrender and escaped with the girl."
"I... I... almost killed an innocent person..." T'Challa was struggling to come to terms with his incompetence and how he had been deceived. He wanted to apologize, but the man he had accused spoke up.
"It's alright," Bucky said. "You were misled. Work with us and I'll forget what happened today."
T'Challa nodded with a readiness to forge an alliance. "Your compassion is appreciated. I will help you in any way I can to redeem myself. Let's bring Silas down."
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