mxihi · 1 year
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Day 1 ~ Wind-Up Tarutaru ! I love the little faceplant they do. It makes me want to play XI and get demolished by goblins outside San d'Oria..... This was requested by @beefbroganoff !
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karoiseka · 3 months
WIP File Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet (or sketch, if for artwork) or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @newty! Most of my stuff doesn't have names, but let's see if I can get a few down!
Reunion (....yes I'm still working on it, maybe I'll finish it up before patch and do pics as soon as tools are back up!)
Proposal (started a prompt for Wondrous tails, stopped for now with distractions)
And Three Makes a Chorus (Ch 2 from Raha's view)
I'll put this as a random grab bag of a line from something I have like 3 lines written of--very random. (I have like 4 little little things started that I have no idea if they're ever going to go anywhere/or so early in my attempting to write again that they need to be fully re-written at this point. The other three I want to finish)
gonna tag some ffxiv friends that Bri didn't!!! @autumnslance, @eva-cybele, @elveny, @beefbroganoff
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rigidparadise · 1 year
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watching @beefbroganoff​ play as mr x and his insane cheeks
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burgeaux · 1 year
OOOOOHHHHHH gimme the beef boys and free my soul I wanna eat meat on a little roll and drift away……………
hello tumblr user beefbroganoff
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faerantstory · 2 years
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jimtheviking · 2 years
Okay, so @nenyabusiness tagged me. Those of you who’ve been here a while know what to do. If not, follow my lead.
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
last song: Against Me! - Baby, I’m an Anarchist
last show: Sveriges Mästerkock, S1. Because I need to improve my ear for Swedish and cooking shows are useful for that.
currently watching: Sveriges Mästerkock. See above.
currently reading: So much. Most recently, though, Red Seas under Red Skies, book 2 of the Lies of Locke Lamora series by Scott Lynch
current obsession: How much I disliked the Dark Knight questline in Final Fantasy XIV
Tagging @notasapleasure, @kyanmaaaa, @beefbroganoff, @bisexual-bifurcations, @catofthecanals289, @canwriteitbetterthanueverfeltit, @kkelenca, @elenilote, and yeah that’s about all I can be arsed to do right now. Back to work.
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puddimilk · 2 years
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@beefbroganoff​ Yeah the top pic I tried to incorporate all the elements i liked but it feels flat ;w; I’m starting to doubt my choices a lot and kinda wishing i could scrap and start over but I also really like... the shaggy green hair Y-Y  I’ll try another pass at the top design when i have the chance!
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nuclearanomaly · 3 years
🚿, 👢
🚿 - Song the muse might sing in the shower
me: what is semi applicable in a ffxiv scenario for this answer my brain: pa-paya
👢 - Traveling/wandering music.
I have been playing some skyrim on the side recently, after many years, and when this theme cropped up as I was was hit with how much I had loved this track the first time I heard it, and how, now, it has some really good Nini energy.
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birdymuses · 3 years
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“Sorry, we’re closed.”
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captainbaddecisions · 4 years
HOLY shit that Max Landis take is a pile of shit
I don’t wanna really focus on the take itself but saying Poison Ivy is misguided is incredibly stupid and condescending.
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corvidry · 4 years
Balter + any combo of pearls
balter (v.) - to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment
Words: 1,688 Fandom: Steven Universe AO3 Link: (x)
"No one's told us to dance," Yellow offered helpfully.
"I know," came Blue's soft reply. Yellow frowned at the brevity of it.
"Then why?"
"Why not?"
If her, then why not us?
Blue Pearl settled at her station in the silent corridor, tipping her nose downward toward her companion in greeting.  Yellow Pearl raised her eyebrows in response, but neither one spoke. They fell into the usual wordless reverie, each largely minding their own business as expected of them.
It wasn't that they never talked during these things.  Indeed, lately their Diamonds' meetings had a habit of growing heated and running rather long, but a pearl left to her own devices at this level of frequency tended to run out of material quickly.  There wasn't much gossip to be had today that hadn't been had yesterday or the day before.  With so much constant conference between their courts, Blue sincerely wished she had more to say. She'd been friends with Yellow Pearl for thousands of years, but never once had they had this degree of leisure with one another.
A glance back to Yellow revealed that she had chosen to busy herself with one of her holo-screens today. There must have been some clerical task she could take care of with all this free time, but Blue couldn't think of anything for her own sake. No, it would be a long day of standing for her.  Silently she wished she could come up with something similar to do. Any excuse to take out her own screen and draw a little.  Lately all she had wanted to do was draw.
Drawing, of course, was not a new activity for the pearl, but lately it had taken on new life for her.  There was a scene that continued to play in Blue's mind, one she had tried to draw over and over, but never quite could capture correctly. If only she could draw, there would be plenty of time to try and recreate it. To recreate…
The outcome must have been quite bad, she supposed, if pearls weren't being taken into meetings anymore.  
The scene that consumed her, of course, was the same scene that consumed her Diamond. The very moment that left her standing at this entryway for the last several cycles in a row.  She had been lucky enough to see it with her very own eyes. The Earth, the Palanquin, the Quartz…
…the pearl.
Blue had encountered this pearl before, of course, but she needn't say so. Not if nobody was asking.  
And anyway, a pearl behaving in such a disgraceful way was hardly recognizable to begin with.
Except, that wasn't true at all, was it?  No, not at all, and that was what brought the scene once again to the forefront of Blue's mind.  This strange and alien pearl was so familiar in her movement that the violence of it all seemed to melt away from Blue's perception even as the fight continued in full force.  The purposeful swing of her sword, the elegant sway of her stride as she rounded on the next assailant. If Blue hadn't known better, she would have sworn the renegade was dancing. A pearl like any other, helpless to the tune of her own body.
The sight of her stirred something in Blue that she couldn't quite name, a litany of questions flooding her mind all at once. They would continue to pour into every quiet moment and every idle thought. Even now, cycles after the carnage, those questions persisted. How could she capture a pearl like that on her canvas?
How could there be a pearl like that to capture?
Without meaning to, Blue raised her arm. She mimicked the sword in one slow, fluid motion. If a pearl could become something so alien to her understanding, yet still dance like one of them, then…
What were any of them capable of?
A soft snicker cut through her reverie and Blue settled back into idleness to regard her companion.  Evidently Yellow Pearl had been paying her more mind than she realized.
"What are you doing?"
What, indeed.
"I was thinking of…dancing." The azure pearl's reply came slow and hesitant.  Traitorously sincere in its simplicity.  Yellow Pearl set her brow skeptically.
"Dancing?" she asked. She shifted with an impatient huff as though waiting for clarification, but Blue Pearl offered none, instead raising her arm to demonstrate once again the fluid motion of the renegade's sword.
At this, both turned their gaze instinctively to the entrance of the corridor, waiting for some Diamond or another to emerge and condone the foreign movement. An instant passed, then another. No such Diamond came.
Blue did not ask if her companion recognized the motion, but surely she did. By now every pearl knew this story inside and out.  Sensing the meaning, Yellow began to fidget.
"No one's told us to dance," Yellow offered helpfully.
"I know," came Blue's soft reply. Yellow frowned at the brevity of it.
"Then why?"
"Why not?"
If her, then why not us?
Yellow Pearl seemed to consider this, brushing canary curls from her cheek as she worried the point of her chin with her fingers. There were plenty of reasons, of course. Any pearl could summon a million reasons not to do just about anything, but Yellow seemed to be searching in the other direction.
"Who would have you dance like that?" Yellow asked after a long moment of consideration. Blue noted the absence of her usual contrarian attitude and smiled. Genuine interest was a rarity between them for fancies such as these.
"I suppose…I would," Blue replied, her smile growing conspiratorial. She did a conservative twirl, swinging her splayed fingers toward Yellow with refined grace. She had meant it to be more aggressive, but such a movement proved too unfamiliar for a first attempt.
"You would?" Yellow asked with a snort. She seemed utterly tickled by the notion. "In that case, how would you have me dance?"
Blue frowned at this, retracting her hand. No, she hadn't intended to play the Diamond in this scenario. That wasn't her meaning at all. She sought to clarify.
"How would you have you dance?" Blue asked.  Her voice was soft, cautious in its clear suggestion.
Yellow tilted her head as though she hadn't thought of anything quite like that before. She risked a glance toward the entrance once again before regarding Blue fully.
"Well, if you were to dance like that, then I suppose I'd have to--"
Yellow punctuated with a leap backward as though avoiding a blow, landing with a well-practiced flourish.
"Something like that," she finished, her voice giddy, but uncharacteristically hushed.
The move had been less of a leap and more a stiff hop as the threat of being observed loomed ever present in each of their minds. Silently, they agreed to step exactly four paces away from the corridor entrance. Near enough for plausible deniability, far enough for some cobble-headed delusion of privacy. For a pearl, four paces may as well be a long way.
The instant Blue felt a comfortable distance, she threw herself forward, arm outstretched like the swing of that sword, threatening to tap her newfound opponent at the nearest opportunity. Yellow caught on immediately, twirling at once out of Blue's grasp before returning  with a gentle, albeit less inspired tap of her own.  The two traded 'attacks' like this, each move more graceful and elaborate than the last, occasionally joining hands for short periods to bridge with something more traditional. It wasn't until Yellow's own panache got the best of her that their dance came crashing to a close. Sliding a little too confidently on the smooth tile floor, Yellow reached desperately for something to steady herself. Her hands found only the tulle of Blue's dressform, pulling them both to the ground in a heap.
"I've been defeated," Blue hummed, her grin wide. It was hardly the voice of a gem who had been bested in combat, but she supposed it a solid first attempt.
"Get off," Yellow huffed, pushing roughly at Blue's ribs. Blue Pearl obliged, laughing good naturedly as she began to right herself.  In spite of everything, Yellow couldn't help but laugh as well.  Something about their movements had churned the air lighter. At once they set to begin again.
Blue Pearl had just found her stride for the second time when the two stumbled to a screeching halt at sound of booming voices growing ever louder.  Their Diamonds were approaching.
"I'm telling you, Blue, all you're doing is torturing yourself. The Earth colony is a total waste.  What's the point of keeping any part of it now that--?"
The huge door the two pearls had meant to attend slid open. Two towering diamonds stepped out into the corridor.  Instantly, both pearls stood at attention, their eyes growing teary despite the elation each felt only moments ago.  As if on cue, the cause of those tears spoke out, her voice loud and shrill.
"Well she's not here." Yellow Diamond shot back. "You can't just keep clinging to that horrid little planet like it's going to bring her back."
Blue scowled, huge tears dripping from her form as she gathered her pearl in her hands. By now Blue Pearl's face had begun to flood from the close contact.
"We have to come to some agreement about this." Blue Diamond said gravely. "We're never going to reach one if you insist on being so unreasonable."
Yellow Diamond let out a scoff, motioning for her pearl to follow her.
"We'll see."
The corridor filled with the light of the warp pad before all was still once again. No more dancing, no more loud voices, just the soft sniffle of Blue Diamond standing alone with her pearl clutched gently in her hands.
"She doesn't understand," fretted the diamond to her pearl.  "Pink is worth remembering."
Blue Pearl, well versed in the role she was to play in this exchange, prepared to reach from her Diamond's grasp to wipe at the grand teardrops that would almost certainly be soaking her in the next moment or two.  
"That planet has many things worth remembering," her Diamond murmured between sobs.
Extending her hand like the elegant point of that sword, Blue Pearl resolved that she couldn't agree more.
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beefbroganoff replied to your photoset: So like. You can see how full the harbor is, and...
that’s the gene that makes it the assassin bloodline
god you’re so right. you’re so right
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quartercirclejab · 5 years
Your bluster means nothing for only a craven would claim to rate the flavobility of “FF Mascots” and yet stay silent on Moogles
oh don’t worry, they’re next
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foewreckem · 5 years
beefbroganoff replied to your photoset “She Cannot See”
they’re the crew
no!! I do not accept this crew!! @kukurubean do not hire this crew!!!!
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jimtheviking · 5 years
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@beefbroganoff replied to your post: Because I’m an adult
I dunno, I think it’s a good look to show that you care enough for yourself to put up lights for the holidays, even if only for your own enjoyment. That’s how I would see it anyway
I mean, it is literally for the Aesthetique™, as I'm not really a holiday kind of guy, but yeah.
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thecat-inthehat · 5 years
Helisent!⭐️ Hel tends to float a lot when she’s meditating. Sometimes Beef will climb into her lap because it’s wind and it feels like home. (Since they were both almost-tempered by Garuda) 
⭐️ Despite the size difference between a lallafell and a hyur, Helisent ends up learning how to really harness her wind powers with monk style fighting, something she’s been curious about. She’s never learned hand to hand, but Beef is probably the best kind of ‘mentor’ she could hope for. 
Shining!⭐️ Beef comes by a lot when she’s cooking. I think one time he came into Da Family’s house with a fresh kill, and the Sumerki’s weren’t around, so she took it off his hands and started cooking it. She ended up telling him a lot about her mothers’ cooking, and offhandedly mentioned one plant that she’d need to make a certain dish. The next time, he came by with another kill and a cutting of the plant. 
⭐️ Shining sings to him a lot. Rather, she sings in general, but she’s learned the kind of songs that Beef likes, and will happily sing for him. She also will perform any orchestrion rolls he brings back. 
Nive! ⭐️ Beef and Nive initially met via Gale and one of Nive’s Egis--specifically her Garuda Egi. The two did full on spiderman-meme and made Beef and Nive run into each other. 
⭐️ Nive and Beef bond over a love of hats. They just Do, that’s how it is. Hats galore. 
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