#beeb answers
bumblerubee · 1 year
for the art ask thing. every third question. except on 15 you actually do have to provide your ip address along with your street address
FUCKKKK not my ip address along with my street address :[
3. What ideas come from when you were little
honestly probably most of them. not necessarily 'little' but my two main stories and ocs in them that i float around in my head every so often came from when i was in middle school
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously
NOT REALLY I THINK...? i think for subconscious stuff its more like music that i then cant help but think of my ocs with. anything design wise is either on purpose from a clear inspiration or just not thought of at all until someone else tells me hehe
9. What are your file name conventions
i havent named a single procreate file on my ipad in weeks i am not fucking joking. but when i save them on my computer to post theyre usually something like '[x] doodle' or '[x] yay' and then i just have to add a number at the end if this is the 50th time ive drawn [x]
12. Easiest part of body to draw
PROBABLY HAIR? its so fun to me honestly cause you can do a lot with it. hands also arent that bad really though im not gonna say theyre easy but theyre fun when you know what youre doing
15. *Where* do you draw
anywhere. everywhere. all at once. typically in my room though at my desk [smiles]
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
honestly not much since i just draw digitally but i do think that moving stuff back home earlier this year Did break my drawing tablet which kills the bee
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
once again EVERYTHING... i love simplistic art styles. i love detailed art styles. realistic ones. cartoony ones. theyre all fucking good baby
24. Do your references include stock images
most of my references tend to be fashion ones but i really tend to use stock images for hands and such
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
SOMETIMES i should really do that more. ill either just draw a bunch of random wiggly curly lines or just do some more simple little doodles.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
all of them. but really id just point to these ones below. i kinda wanna redraw that summer doodle though cause its in my old art style
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princessanneftw · 8 months
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Princess Anne, Patron of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, visiting Nottingham West Primary Care Network at Eastwood Primary Care Centre in Nottinghamshire on 6 February 2024
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docholligay · 1 month
beeb: Crying in her bedroom Jill: What is troubling you, my lady?
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pedrospatch · 10 months
okay, i THINK i know what welcome to the world is but i'd be forever grateful for a teensy bit more 💙🤲🏽
BEAAAAA my love thank you 🤍 also ‘tis the one you’re thinking of i changed the title lmao
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toastedclownery · 8 months
I have so many thoughts about Us and Them (characters) and Beebs and I can articulate NONE
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havockingboo · 1 year
i looooooooove the way u draw beebs so much every time i come to ur blog i go to ur top posts nd look at ur beebs drawings
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what a guy <3
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wildicycomet · 8 months
are you an anti anti
Anon, I know this is probably bait but I invite you to look at my numerous reblogged posts/tags and answer this question yourself. I'm guessing you saw one of those posts and made an assumption based off them, so I think you know which ones I'm referring to.
I also want you to think about what you think that term means. I suspect, based on the wording of this ask (or the fact that you sent it at all), that you think it means something other than what it means.
If you come off anon and want to discuss this in DMs, asks, or replies, I can do so, but otherwise I'm not really sure it's worth having a lengthy debate when I'm not even sure we follow the same definitions of key terms or that you're acting in good faith.
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banglatown · 1 year
Hi I really want to hit my ex up but she’s blocked me I really want to speak to her though so what should I do???
don’t don’t don’t don’t don’tdon’tdon’tdon’tdon’tdon’tdon’tdon’t DO NOT reach out to her PLS
pls just move on
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bumblerubee · 2 years
also you used timeline instead of dashboard. twitter user.
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pureposer · 2 years
I want to be verbally degraded by haz :(
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I'm so behind on asks skkfjdksbf I need to take care of that before I go to bed tonight
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skyjynxart · 1 year
So the porn bots are getting blazes approved but we can't listen to our userbase and refrain from making needless negative changes to the site.
I see I see.
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escapetodreamworld · 2 years
✅️-what's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
answered here
🙋🏻‍♀️-do any irl people know you write fanfic?
No, I've sorta mentioned it once or twice but its been so subtle to goes over their heads
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havockingboo · 1 year
*beeb with wavy hair* NEVER HAD WANTED TO MARRY THIS MAN SO BADLY! The way you draw him is just AHHHHHHH 💞 💞 💞 💞
GIGGLES KICKS MY FEET it’s what he deserves 💕
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could we do hothners daughter (10-13) in there when hailey dies, and when she sees hotch just jumps into hos arms so so fast! you can end there or do like a time skip where shes getting nightmares and just sleeps with het dad as he comforts her!!! love your writting🤍
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Aaron Hotchner x Daughter reader
Request : could we do hothners daughter (10-13) in there when hailey dies, and when she sees hotch just jumps into hos arms so so fast! you can end there or do like a time skip where shes getting nightmares and just sleeps with het dad as he comforts her!!! love your writting🤍
So sorry for not updating for a while, I finally have a week off from college to write!
I do love writing Aaron Hotchner x child readers.
Lots of angst in this one like usual
Third person pov...
They were supposed to be safe from Foyet. Haley, Jack and 12 year old Y/N where in witness protection, Y/N was out with her Mum and Brother.
Jack and Y/N are walking together when Haleys phone goes off, stopping she gasps making Y/N look up at her Mum worried. "What's wrong mum?" She asks, Haley looks down at her daughter and tries not to cry.
She couldn't tell her kids their dad was dead. She smiles at her ans brushes her hair off her forehead. "Nothing sweetie but we have to get home quickly" she tells her daughter, the three get back to their car and drive home.
Once they get to their own home Haley sends Jack and Y/N off to play in the living room while she waits for the new marshal to appear.
Aftwr a couple of minutes Y/N stood up to go to the bathroom, as she left the door bell went, Haley answered it and in came George Foyet.
Y/N had begged her dad to show her what Foyet looked like just incase before they went into witness protection.
As Y/N walked back to the living room she heard a man's voice, she didn't recognise it. Tiptoeing silently towards the door she looked through a crack in it and gasps at the man.
"Foyet" she whispers to herself, the killer was currently playing with her little brother while her mum stood infront of them. Haley makes eye contact with her daughter.
She shakes her head slightly, telling her daughter to stay out of the living room, Y/N nods and hears her mum talk to someone on the phone.
"Aaron your okay?" Gaps Haley, Y/N eyes widened it was her Dad. Her parents talk a while with Foyet looking over at them a couple times.
"Haley, are Y/N and Jack there?" He asks
"Yes, Aaron what is going on?" Asks Haley, Hotch hesitates "hes Foyet, he's there to kill you, I'm sorry I couldn't stop him Haley" Says Hotch voice full of emotion.
Haley holds back her tears as Aaron tell Jack to 'work the case with him' Jack leaves the room running into Y/N who helps him hide before going back to her mum.
On her way back downstairs she goes into the kicken and grabs one of the big kichen knifes, hiding it in her waistband the 13 year old goes to the living room.
Suddenly three gunshots are heard, Y/Ns eyes widen with horror she runs back downstairs into living room and slams the door open forgetting about Foyet.
She cries with anguish as she spots her mum on the floor lifeless. "Mum! No nono you can't die no Mummy!" She cries hugging the body tightly.
The phone next to her is silent, the team had beeb listening into it, Hotch hates how sad his daughters voice sounds through the phone.
As she hugs her mum she feels a tap on the shoudler, wide eyed she jumps back away from her mum and away from tjr killer.
"Well well well, what have we here Hotchs daughter, cute thing you are" he tells the girl, shaking in fear Y/N stands up facing the man.
"You killed her you bastard!" She screams tears rolling down her eyes as she watched the sick basterd smirk at her. "I did, you and your brother will be next!" He yells before trying to grab her.
Y/N ducks and moves towards the door, she had to keep him downstairs. Turning around she looks for something to throw and remembers the knife in her waistband.
Holding it put at arms length she keeps the man infront of her. "You wknt find him I won't let you" she tells the man, Foyet on smirks and walks towards the teen.
Suddenly Y/N wakes up screaming murder, she whips her head around the dark room still screaming. Legs tangled in thr sheets the young girl desperately tries to stand up and run.
Her door is then opened and the light switched on, standing in the doorway was her Dad. Seeing his daughter crying and panicking he jumps into action.
He makes sure she sees its him before moving towards the 14 year old, it had been 2 year since the death of her mum and facing the reaper.
Every night she gets horrible vivid night terrors of that day, she hasn't be able to sleep since. Hotch begins to comfort his distraught daughter.
The man runs over to his daughter and sits on the bed holding his daughters hands tightly in his giving her pressure to help ground her.
"N/N its me its Dad, your safe remember the reaper is dead, he can't hurt you anymore." He tells the girl, Y/N shakes her head and cries in his arms.
Holding her tightly he's reminded of that day...
It wasn't until half an hour later when he arrived at his own home, dread filled his heart as walked inside to see his exwife shot.
Suddenly the sounds of grunting and screaming could be hear, the man sprint off if the direction and sees his daughter fighting for her life against Foyet.
"Y/N!" He yells emptying his clip into Foyet, when he was down Y/N leaps into her Dads arms and cries she cries and cries and cries.
It took a while for her to be okay and let go of her Dad, after that she was taken out of school for a few months to recover and started seeing a shrink.
Since then Y/N hadn't been the same, rocking back and forth Hotch rubs a comforting hand up his daughter back.
Slowly her breathing returned to normal and she could breath again. "Dad?" She calls, Hotch hums and continues comforting her. "C-can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks
Hotch kisses he forehead. "Of course you can sweetie" he whispers before picking her up and wrapping her in her blankets, they then leave her room Hotch turns off thr light and walk to his room.
As they do they walk past Jack's room, Hotch was lucky Jack had been staying with Jessica while he looked after Y/N, he didn't want him to have to listen to her screaming all night.
When they got to his room he pulled back the coverd and tucked his little girl in before getting in beside her, once he was under the covers Y/N curls up against her dad and falls into a finally restful sleep.
Smiling softly Hotch wishes her good night and falls into a dreamless sleep.
The end!
Hope you liked this oenshot, so sorry for the wait, as usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1233
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munsonsprincess11111 · 9 months
But he's my goof
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Eddie has beeb dating you for 5 months.in his friend's eyes Eddie has no game.so one day Eddie walks over to the hellfire table and Gareth is sat batching about not having a girlfriend so he askes Eddie how he pulled u. Honestly Eddie doesn't know so he asks u.
You and Eddie have been dating happily for 5 months. He loves you. You love him. You go in dates. You go to his gigs at the hideout even stay after closing and help him out. You go to hellfire. But there's one thing the club can't get there head around. How Eddie actually managed to pull you.
Your grungy. Your pretty. Your smart. You like metal music. How did Eddie pull someone so perfect. The man walked into a mirror in drama class once. So how.
"I'm gonna die alone. Women hate me." Gareth complains for the sixth time this week about not having a girlfriend. It's only Wednesday. Eddie walks over placing his lunch box on the table. "What's he bitching about now?" HE askes.
"He's saying he's gonna die alone cause no girls wanna date him." Jeff answers. Eddie nods and looks at Gareth. "What about tilly she would date you." Eddie askes throwing a pretzel in the air trying to catch it in his mouth but missing.
"How did you pull y/n?" Gareth says not even noticing he'd said his thought. Eddie shoots Gareth a glare and the rest of hellfire look at Gareth. Everyone can see Gareth realise what he said. The instant regret in his face.
"NO fucking clue." Eddie says going back to throwing pretzels tryna catch them in his mouth. Failing again. Everyone at the table look at Eddie as he replied calmly. He looked up at there shocked faces.
"What I don't. I'm a complete dope. I'm known as the town freak. I'm als kid. No one in school likes me. I dress like I'm homeless. I smoke. I occasionally drink. I'm failing. N I'm really fucking stupid." Eddie says getting cut off.
"Who's really fucking stupid?" You ask walking up behind Eddie as he throws a pretzel not noticing you. You grab it in your hand and eat it yourself smirking at your boyfriend who has furrowed brows.
"First. I'm really fucking stupid. Second. MY PRETZEL!" Eddie says looking up at you. You kiss his quickly and then sit next to him.
"And why are we talking about Eddie stupidity?" You ask taking another one of Eddie's pretzels.
"Well she's y/n she can answer. Y/n? How the fuck did I pull you?" Eddie askes looking her seriously in the eyes.
Everyone's eyes are on you. "Expand..." You say looking at Eddie and only Eddie.
"Like Gareth can't get a girlfriend. However. The town freak who's failing school who everyone hates and is failing school manages to get the most perfect girlfriend in the world." Eddie says handing u a mini pretzel.
"Yeah what the fuck you see in munson?" Gareth askes. Everyone's eyes back on Gareth. Eddie throws a pretzel and it hits him in the head. You giggle at Eddie.
"First. Your the most perfect boyfriend eds. Second. I dunno he's hot. Funny. N is nice to me." You say looking at Eddie. Eddie smiles at your response. Then Gareth speaks again.
"But he's a complete dopey goof." Everyone looking at him again as he can not shut up. Your still looking at Eddie who's death glaring Gareth.
"But he's my goof." You say quietly Eddie then looking back at you his face immediately changing to smiling. He takes your hand in his leans over and places a sloppy kiss on your lips making his friend's make gagging noises. "I love you" he whispers kissing your neck. "I love you too" you whisper back.
Eddie then sits back in his seat pulling your chair closer to him so he can put his arm around your shoulders. 10 minutes later a girl approaches the hellfire table. "HEY your Gareth right?" She askes Gareth. He nods looking at the table with a look of panic on his face.
"Umm I'm in your science class. Names Emily." She says smiling. "Yeah I know hi Emily." HE answers looking flustered.
"I was wondering if you'd wanna maybe go on a date this Saturday?" She askes smiling at Gareth. Gareth looks to his friends everyone eyes on him. Him still looking flustered. "Well answer the lovely lady Gareth. So sorry. He's a pussy when it comes to girls." Eddie says teasing the boy.
You lift your head from his shoulder and hit his chest. He puts his hands up in defeat before putting his arm back around your shoulder pulling you back into his side.
"Umm yeah sure. I can pick you up around 6 we could go get food?" Gareth askes playing eith his fingers.
"Sounds great I'll give u my address tomorrow. See you then." Emily says waving smiling and walking off. The table goes silent as everyone stares at Gareth. "Eddie?" Gareth askes. "Mm?" Eddie answers looking confused.
"Who asked who out with you and y/n." HE askes Eddie.
"We hung out a lot and one day she was talking snd I just kissed her. And KABOOM. Relationship ship." Eddie says smirking his arm still around you.
"Your absolutely unbelievable." You say with your head on his shoulder.
"Funny you told me that last night when I made you-" Eddie speaks tryna be smug but you slap your hand over his mouth.
"I'm leaving. See you all tomorrow." You say getting up taking your hand of Eddie's mouth. "Wait wait wait." Eddie says getting up to running off. Then running back to get his stuff.
The tables watching you walk off as Eddie grabbed his stuff. "Whyd she wipe her hands on her jeans?" Dustin and Gareth ask in sync. Eddie looks up going to run. "Cause I licked her hand." HE says before running after you. Earning grunts and groans of disgust from the table. "Y/n baby! It was a joke common trouble.!" HE shouts after you.
"I STILL DONT SEE HOW THAT PULLED HER." Gareth half yells painting at Eddie. Eddie heard and gave him the middle finger as he ran out the door. The doors were glass and you were stood outside of them. They could see you both.
Eddie dropped his stuff bringing his hands to your waist kissing you. Pushing you against the wall. Your hands went around his neck keeping him close and then in his hair.
Nancy being stood next to Mike hearing what Gareth had to say was able to answer for you. "Because he loves her and is not afraid to show it. And she loves him and all his weird tweeks."
They all look back at you to see Eddie picking his lunch box up and handing it to you. You look at him confused. Then he throws you Iver his shoulder. Your laughing. And attempting to keep some hold on him as Eddie walks off with you over his shoulder.
"He's her goof. And they love eachother. A hole fucking lot."
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