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serendipminie-writes · 1 year ago
Seven Snippets, Seven People Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag @awleeofficial! This is a new one for me too ahaha
Rules: Post seven snippets and tag seven people!
I will use seven different WIPs!
Love and Other Lies
It's the dawn, and Ryn likes to believe that he rises with the sun, akin to the way a morning glory blossoms under the sunlight.
Blood Moon
The breeze blows softly outside, bringing with it the subtle scent of autumnal spice. Outside Julienne Toussaint’s open window, the midday sun beats down on the falling leaves stricken with lush gold, vibrant red, dull orange and crisp brown, making them seem to glow.
Cherry Blossoms (a short story)
“I love the nature here,” Angel smiled, eyes sparkling as they skated across the landscape surrounding them. “I get to tend to everything here, and it’s so beautiful to create luscious life out of nothing but a few tiny seeds.” He looks down at the hands clasped in his lap, fair eyelashes casting pale shadows along his cheekbones. “I love my plants. They are what’s left of my family.”
Troubled Waters
"Sometimes, when one walks along the thin line where the ocean rises up to meet soft sand, it's possible to hear a soft singing. It's said that the souls of heartbroken people are forever trapped in these waters. Sometimes the singing turns into wailing, broken noises showing pain, for the mermaids cannot cry."
“Love,” the warlock had told me, fixing me with his bright crimson irises, “love is the most powerful and most dangerous force to have existed. Love has killed more than every disease combined. Mortals will do crazy, unspeakable things in the name of love.” 
Part of Your World (a fic collab with @faceglitchsworld)
The island of Crescent-Moon is a delightful place to grow up. With turquoise waters hugging its banks and an intricate village filled with generous people, there is a place for everybody on the island, or at least that’s how Teresa feels. 
Creatures of the Night (a vampire fic I'm working on)
“Want to go out for a bite?” he says, a seductive smirk playing upon his lips. His crimson eyes burn into her, gaze resting near the hollow of her neck, and for a second, she's not entirely sure he’s talking about food.
These kind of suck I'm so sorry but I can't think of anything else that's newer that I've written.
I'll tag @dancinginsepia, @worldsfromhoney, @ashfordlabs, @bassguitarinablackt-shirt, @ko0l-k1dd0, @holdmyteaplease and @briannaswords only if you want!
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lynzishell · 6 months ago
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im-not-just-physical · 10 days ago
Hi !! Not an ask, but I'm sending you some silly bee plushie images !!!
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Look !! It's you !!!!! :}
There are apparently IKEA bee plushies??? The first one is from target :3
Hope your day gets better !!!
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sunnylittledragon · 1 month ago
I can't wait to see the Bees in a relationship dynamic on screen!! I just feel like they are that couple who are constantly touching each other in some way.
Blake will be a constant blushing mess around Yang whenever she flashes that smirk or throws finger guns accompanied with a wink.
Yang will be so lovestruck whenever Blake's nearby, cause her mere presence is intoxicating and now that she can finally hold Blake whenever she wants, Yang is on cloud 9.
The first time the term girlfriend is spoken out loud by any of them, they cannot stop staring at each other for minutes. 🐝🐝❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
I feel the same way anon!!!! I can't wait to see how they'll be around each other on screen now that they're canon 🥰🖤💛
I can imagine so many adorable moments with them like you mentioned, I love what you see for them 🥹🖤💛 I can also see the bees holding hands each time we see them with others, they won't be subtle about it. Yang will make Blake blush whenever she gives her a soft kiss on her hand, and Blake will give big cheek kisses to Yang when she least expects it and it makes her go tomato red lol 💖 Blake and Yang will both be equally excited to share their new relationship with others. I can imagine how happy Sun is for Blake after she tells him the great news, he'll be doing a happy dance for her and be saying "I knew all along that you both were meant to be with each other." 🥹🖤💛 I would also love to see what it would look like when Blake's parents and Yang's (especially Raven's!) meet their daughters' girlfriend for the first time. I have no idea what their reactions would be like so I'm really excited to find out! On another note, I'm looking forward to seeing what Blake and Yang's new outfits will look like in Vacuo for Volume 10, I bet they'll look amazing on both of them 🥹🖤💛
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serendipminie-writes · 1 year ago
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Thank you so much for the tag @dancinginsepia!!!
THE HERO?!?!? Of a horror movie?!? Hell naw I'd be the first to die BUT I agree my life sucks and I can't catch a break
Enjoy this very accurate cartoon of me lol, the only thing that's off is the hair
I will tag @worldsfromhoney, @awleeofficial, @ashfordlabs, @halleyuhm, @ko0l-k1dd0, @the-down-upside-finch only if you want and of course, if anyone sees this and wants to join in, feel more than welcome!
find out who you are: !!!!
create your look: !!!!
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#: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @keiskyutie @kenruu-sideblog @chibishae34 @leviismybby @kakujis @dacrinphilia @daikiiss @romantichomicide95 @avid-idiot @urgemii @mrskenmakozume @yamaguccitadashi @devoti @sixpennydame @chaotic-on-main @buerriberry @nkogneatho @ you who wanna do this
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canofsouup · 5 months ago
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Bee 🐝
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tinydancerfreelancersblog · 23 hours ago
Save the bees
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jttlpgroup · 2 months ago
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Arciga 💜💜 9644   http://www.steveb29.com/2025/01/arciga-9644.html
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serendipminie-writes · 1 year ago
Bee I love this omg
tints, tones, tests
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le gasp! no moodboard this time? just a lonely, weird picture? what's up?? am i sick?? am i in danger??
please stop the dramatics. i used the one pic cuz it's something i took myself and something that inspired this very piece !
yknow i've never eaten munchies but at times when i come up with stories like this one, i come to think that all writers are high someway or another. if you really are high when you write cheers to u mate
Genres: sci-fi, insanity, hallucination, questioning reality
Warning: might be a tad triggering for anyone who's done their turn in a mental facility (by which i mean it was almost triggering to me)
i will not speak any longer. not a single word more! egads, just read!
happy reading~
From my square-shaped world, I can see another. That one’s sky is split in two. It takes turns changing, uncaring of the dilemma it brings me. The rapid change messes with my sanity. It is maddening when the one part I know as pure then turns tinted. 
Not tainted. I wouldn’t call it that. 
Just tinted. Just toned. 
Every day, I watch the transition—how white fluffy clouds swimming in sky blue eventually turn to thin, sepia strips across a suddenly aged, murky blue. When I say that the sky’s split into two, everything else counts; trees, telephone wires, house roofs, and the rare uncovered balconies. 
They change, too. 
Everything does and I am here in my square-shaped world sitting on a privileged (or cursed, I don’t— I don’t know—) seat where I can easily watch things turn from future-present to a past long gone. 
I always look from left to right. I’ve never done it the other way and I admit I’m scared to even try. It feels like a test, sitting here and watching in the same way always. A fear of failure. 
Fear? Is that it? I keep my eyes looking straight ahead, always. Is that fear? Is… I… Fear?
I shake off the questions and settle back to watching—left to right. The birds fly the same way, from the pure left, diving into the ready tint of the right. The clouds also move one way. So do the planes that are too far off into the distance to appreciate. Even the unseen wind blows everything just the one way. The rain is no exception, always coming down at an angle, though it slows down on the tinted side. 
That’s the second place I call mine.
This other world splits into three, four, five, and a thousand on a Wednesday afternoon.
I don’t know what I did. Behind me comes a rush of voices. There’s always been nothing from there. Nothing (none, no, no, not—) since the time I’ve been here and now that there’s something I… What is happening?
Is it me? Did they see? Do they know? Have they read my heart? Are they… What is happening?
Footsteps that aren’t mine are forcing my heart to follow their beat. I don’t want it to. This is my heart, and it is mine. It doesn’t matter what’s happening elsewhere. The sirens I’m now hearing in the walls and the blaring lights I see coming in flashes through the gaps do not matter. 
I turn away. I remember my swear of indifference to everything else. They should know better than anyone that I break everything but oaths.
It is the height of the afternoon, and the sun is burning. This is not a metaphor. The sun of this world that I’ve been looking at (after) since I was placed in this damned room is on fire. 
The flora that I can see has either wilted or is about to (no, no, no—!) catch on fire. There are no clouds. How could there be? It is too hot for any water to form into those languid riders of the sky. Now, there are only holes of varying tints and tones scattered across the sky. Worm holes, that’s what they are, whose masters have decided this place as their next nest. 
My place. Their nest? 
After decades of passiveness gained from centuries of rebellion, I feel… angry. This is anger? What an old friend. Like the flush of blood that I’ve given coming back to me. Anger. What a beautiful thing to burn an indifferent thing alive once more.
I hear a scream. 
I’m sure it isn’t me.
My two-toned child is unrecognisable when I reach it. The sun really is burning and out from the cover of my square-shaped prison, I feel its heat. 
It is nothing to revived anger.
As I walk on, I am affected. It isn’t the burning landscape that affects me. I have seen more than my share of worlds that ended this way; some at the inhabitants’ fault, and some at mine. No, that is not it. I… I know I need… what do I need?
I need to mourn. It is the need to mourn that crawls into my arms, huddling against my chest as it yearns to carve itself into a place within.
At the centre of everything in this small world, I sink to my knees. I do not cry. That is useless. No screams echo out either, as if it has been burning with my anger, tearing at my insides lest I let it out. That is not how I—how we mourn. 
The way we (us, our people, gone) mourn is laying ourself over everything that’s in our reach—the flames, the ashes, the burning stone—and take in their sorrow. 
There is nothing living here, they said. Lies. Where there is life, there is sorrow. So we honour and we mourn. 
We mourn the burning sun. We mourn the dying world. The worst sorrow is the loss of our simple two-toned world, invaded as it now is.
Some new splits act like the abyss, so in contrast with the others that whatever had been ‘original’ is all gone. There are those acting as screens that take but never give colour. Others have shown up, too. Pattern overlays. Gradients. Texture that make us want to vomit. Brushwork effects. 
All these new splits in our sky (this small piece of paradise, oh what a waste) wrenches disgust from us in a way only a… only a mother would. 
A mother? Us? Losing a child causes this pain? Is this childbirth? Mother? We… Us?
Our world child has changed and we do not remember when we committed to be its mother. When, when, when, we ask. When we were sentenced to the room of insanity? When we raged against the four walls that watched us go mad with the silence and nothingness they gave? 
Was it when we were just ‘I’?
Perhaps, perhaps we became a mother when I decided to look at one wall and see a simple, two-toned world within it.
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prismatica-the-strange · 7 months ago
You think Bee ever lays awake at night terrified because he can't stop thinking how easy it is to kill Casey cause she's human? You think that scares him beyond belief sometimes?
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serendipminie-writes · 1 year ago
Tag game~
Thank you for the tag @imslowlydisintegrating!!!!
Last song - Kiss Me Baby - E'Last
Last movie - Disney's the Haunted Mansion (yes the 2023 remake!)
Currently watching - Yuri on Ice! (they're so gay it's the best)
Currently reading - A Curse For True Love by Stephanie Garber (mhm mhm it's that good)
Currently craving - Someone to hold me close and tell me everything will be okay
Last thing you searched for writing purposes - The definition for violacé (the French word to describe something that is a purple colour) to make sure I wasn't mistaking one word for another (Yes I'm fluent in French, I'm French Canadian lol)
I will tag @awleeofficial, @pressed-poppies-and-poetry, @ko0l-k1dd0, @olive-riggzey, @dancinginsepia, @fire-but-ashes-too, @halleyuhm, @clearcloudlesssky, @briannaswords, @maddstermind, @worldsfromhoney, @poet-dreaming and @holdmyteaplease only if you want, and of course, as always, if you see this and would like to do it too, feel more than welcome!
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sakurastarkey · 7 months ago
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Pokéfarm 🍯
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lonelychicago · 1 year ago
baby oh my god i just saw your post from a few days ago are you okay can i help you in any way :(((
hiiii babe. physically im okay. i only have a bruise on my arm and like trauma for life but other than that im fine ksjs
thank u for reaching out and ily mwah <333
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ewkpop · 1 year ago
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Block B MVs - Most Replayed Parts JACKPOT
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aestheticsyoutubers · 2 years ago
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lauren, laurjine↳ building my yellow bee farm and orange orchard 🐝💛🍊 (and talking about pedro pascal again)
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theoniprince · 2 years ago
Perfect start! Charge and relax... and then it is time to give 100%.
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