#bedside table singapore
Choosing The Perfect Bedside Table to Match Your Room
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After an exhausting day, when you stretch on your bed to melt away the stress of your routine life, the last thing you want is to get up to find your glasses or keep your headphones before you pass out to recharge for the next day. Besides, if you are an avid reader, and nothing beats the comfort of curling in your blanket and reading a book before you sleep, you probably understand the importance of a bedside table in Singapore. If your bedroom is your sanctuary, a bedside table is one of the most important pieces of furniture that you cannot avoid.
The Ideal Bedside Table:
If you want to select the perfect bedside table for your bedroom, here are some tips you cannot avoid:
For one, try considering your bed before you buy the table. Your bed is going to be the centrepiece of your home, and the bedside table should complement its aesthetics.
Read reviews for different bedroom side tables and chairs in Singapore to determine which product or brand best suits your preferences.
The next thing to prioritise is comfort. Everyone wants their bedroom to be cosy, so yourbedroom side table should feel like a match made in heaven for your space.
Bedside tables are not only for decoration but are integral parts of the bedroom that make it ergonomic and functional. So, try finding spacious tables. Whether you want to keep your phone charger or a plate of snacks, your bedside table should have ample space to accommodate a lamp or other utilities. This will keep your bedroom organised, making your nighttime and morning routines smoother and clutter-free.
Budget-Friendly Solutions:
The most common purchase made along with a bed is a side table. Singapore has one of the largest online markets in the world in terms of home decor. Products have brilliant designs and are made while keeping them budget-friendly. Forget about investing a fortune in rare items to make your bedroom stand out. Want a table that sticks with you through thick and thin? Opt for materials that are both robust and lightweight at only F31.
Enhancing Bedroom Aesthetics:
Side tables are a great addition to the overall aesthetic of the bedroom. Every bed must have a perfectly matching table. It makes your room appear complete. Matching aesthetic styles of different furniture does not require a lot of expense these days.
Browse the extensive range of items in our product catalogue to find what best suits your needs. Consider the overall theme while selecting the item. A carefully chosen side table can tie the room together, making it visually stunning.
Buying luxury furniture can cost a lot on your budget. Careful research of items and brands can help you buy a quality product that perfectly matches your style and does not cost a fortune as well. Integrate a bedside table and make all the night-time and morning routine items more accessible. 
Original Source: https://f31.sg/choosing-the-perfect-bedside-table-to-match-your-room/
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royalinteriorssg · 1 year
Enhance Your Home with Elegance: Table Lamps and Bedside Lamps in Singapore
Table lamps have been a timeless classic in interior design, effortlessly blending functionality with aesthetics. Whether it's to create a cozy reading nook in the living room or a statement piece in the bedroom, our selection of table lamps in Singapore offers something for every discerning taste.
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lost-in-fandoms · 5 days
I love your writing so much!! If you are taking prompts (no pressure!!!!): daniel doing something cute for max’s bday while they are together in Perth after Singapore ❤️
Hello, I love you!! You are SO nice and I appreciate you sending a prompt! This was probably not what you were envisioning, even if there are cute things happening, but I hope you like it anyway. I wanted more birthday stuff but it sort of ran away from me. Also, this is about 2k oh god.
Daniel figured out in the early days, even before they were actually together, that Max doesn't care much about his birthday.
He will never say no to cake (unless his trainer gives him really mean looks), he appreciates gifts, and he loves a good party, but he has no real feelings about it being his birthday.
Daniel had asked him about it once, wondering if maybe there was some sort of deep rooted trauma behind it he didn't know about, but Max had just shrugged, easy and relaxed. It is not important, Daniel, when I get old, if I am getting older every day.
He knows that this year Max has no plans for it, and knows that neither of them minds, both just wanting a quiet day with each other.
It's been...a lot, lately.
Even here, away from the crowds and the hungry world that has just recently spit him out, like a bitter and unwanted bite, it's not been easy to let everything go.
The first two days after landing they had barely left the bed, sleeping and kissing lazily, too drained to even have sex. The third day they had spent with Daniel's family. The fourth, the one when the news had become official for the world, he had gotten horrifically drunk, in a way he hadn't done in years, Max being the one providing glasses of water for once and hands on his forehead while he was crying over a toilet bowl. He doesn't have many memories of the fifth one, spent nursing the worst hungover on this side of thirty.
And then he had tried to start his new life.
He doesn't know yet how that will look like, which makes it harder, but he's taking one step at a time, like his mom has been telling him.
Yesterday's step had been joining Max for some training, because he doesn't want to actually become a couch potato, and looking into finding a new internet provider after Max's numerous complaints.
Today's first step is going to be the farmers market.
He considers waking up Max for it, but it's barely seven a.m., and he doesn't actually want to be threatened with bodily harm this early in the day, so he leaves him with a kiss (Max doesn't even stir) and a post-it note on the bedside table.
It doesn't take long for him to decide that the farmers market isn't for him, at least not yet. Maybe it's an acquired taste, but there's just too much going on, bustling people pressing around him, vendors loudly calling out prices, colorful things attracting his attention everywhere, making his head spin.
He manages to get what he wanted and then flees, back to the safety of his car and towards the quiet of the farm.
It's only when he's halfway there that he realises that a few years ago he would have loved all of it, and then has to force himself to not have an existential crisis over it, wondering if it's just a result of getting old, or if something about the last few months has irrevocably broken him.
When he pokes his head into the bedroom, he finds that Max is awake, sitting up against the headboard, phone in hand and blankets pooled around his waist, looking soft and sleep-mussed.
"Good morning," Daniel says, stepping inside and feeling the warmth of Max's smile wrap around his lungs. "Happy birthday."
Max, impossibly, seems to soften further, his ears growing pinker.
"Thank you," he says, his voice still raspy with sleep. He reaches for Daniel, but he holds up a hand, taking a step back towards the door.
"Hold on, I have something for you. Don't move."
He watches as Max makes a show of settling back against the pillows and stilling there, beaming at him when Daniel laughs, retreating in the other room.
He comes back holding a paper bag and a bottle of orange juice in one hand and a small bouquet of flowers in the other, offering both to Max with a smile, refusing to feel self conscious about it.
Max blinks up at him, fingers just a touch away from Daniel's hand, surprise and confusion mixing on his face.
"For me?" he asks, soft and amazed.
Daniel nods, not really trusting himself to speak, and Max finally closes the distance, wrapping his fingers around the bunch of stems and taking the flowers from Daniel, pulling them close to his chest and burying his face into the colorful petals.
Daniel doesn't really know what kinds of flowers they are, he just chose a few that looked pretty, but he doesn't think it matters. Not when Max looks up at him again, cheeks red and eyes bright, smiling wide wide wide, happy and lovely.
"Thank you, Daniel," he says, so earnestly it cracks something open in Daniel's chest, unwanted and unexpected, making him feel like everything is too much once again.
Luckily, Max seems to notice, because he always notices, and he settles the flower gently on the blankets, uncaring of the wet stems, before tugging Daniel down in his lap. His hands are solid weights on Daniel's hips, and for the first time since he woke up that morning, Daniel feels like he can breathe fully, settled and steady, the feeling of being adrift that he had refused to acknowledge pushed away for a little while longer.
"What's in there?" Max asks, thumbs rubbing circles on Daniel's hipbones, gesturing with his chin towards the paper bag still in Daniel's hand.
The smell of baked goods has for sure given it away already, but Daniel makes a show of it, extracting a croissant as if it was a bunny from a magic hat, wishing Max's laughter could seep right into his bloodstream, weaving itself around his cells.
Max bites into the croissant cheerfully, not minding the flaky crumbs that rain down on the sheets, thanking Daniel again and humming his approval.
Daniel's chest feels warm.
"What's that?" Max asks again while he chews, pointing at the orange juice.
"Orange juice," Daniel tells him, untwisting the cap and offering the bottle to him, missing Max's hand as soon as it's gone. "Watched Marco squeeze it fresh myself."
He does his best to keep his face straight as Max hesitates, bottle halfway up to his mouth, eyes narrowing.
"Charming guy, yes," Daniel teases, unable to keep himself from smiling any longer, amused by Max's frown, "about sixty years old."
The frown disappears as fast as it had formed, and Max smirks at him, finally taking a sip.
"Forty years too old for you," he says once he has swallowed, laughing at Daniel's outraged squeak.
Max makes it up to him by offering him the middle bite of the croissant, sweet custard oozing onto his fingers, and then again by kissing Daniel thoroughly, sweet with vanilla and sugar.
"I have something else," Daniel tells him some time later, when they're all kissed out, pushing away from Max's chest and clambering back onto his feet.
Max follows him without question, tugging on a pair of shorts abandoned on the floor, and grabbing the flowers from the bed, taking them to the kitchen counter before joining Daniel outside.
Daniel grabs his hand, because he can here, away from prying eyes, and guides him around the porch to a cardboard box peeping quietly.
Max gasps, immediately crouching in front of it and opening it, letting out a surprised laugh when he sees what's inside: four little chicks, fluffy and pale yellow, tweeting up at him.
"You said we needed them to have a real farm," he says, carding his fingers through Max's hair, "and mom said I needed a project."
Max has his fingers in the box already, trying to pet the chicks without startling them, but he leans back to beam up at him, eyes crinkling.
"I love them," he declares, steady and unashamed, before turning back to the box.
This time, he manages to scoop two chicks up in his cupped hands, taking them out and cradling them against his chest, humming happily.
"I think you're their mama now," Daniel jokes, "you'll have to come back for them."
He knows he's said the wrong thing as soon as it's out of his mouth, Max's shoulders tensing, even as his hands stay gentle around the chicks. He doesn't know how to backtrack though, doesn't really want to, so he watches as Max puts them down again and gets up, knees cracking.
He goes to make a joke about that too, something about Max getting old, but the words get stuck in his throat at the sight of Max's unhappy expression.
"Of course I'm coming back, Daniel," Max says with a frown, steely certainty behind it. "Did you think I was going to leave and..."
He doesn't finish his sentence, crossing his arms and looking away, blinking rapidly.
"I..." Daniel swallows, picking at a cuticle on his thumb. "I'm sorry."
It's again the wrong thing to say, Max turning back towards him, eyes shiny and thunderous expression.
"I love you, Daniel," he snaps, forceful and determined. "I love you, Daniel, not the you who races. I am not going to fuck off and leave just because..."
He shakes his head, reels himself in. Daniel doesn't know if he's breathing, but if he was, he stops when Max steps closer, bringing his hands up to cup his cheeks.
"I will have to leave, because I need to finish this season, and maybe the next, I don't know, but I am always coming back. Any time I can find time, I will be here. Or in LA, or wherever you will decide to be."
Max swipes his thumb along Daniel's cheekbone, leaning forward to gently thump their foreheads together.
"I wish you were racing with me," he whispers, a confession he hadn't let Daniel have yet. Daniel's heart is split open. "Always it is better, to race with you. I thought we would be racing until we both retired, but I don't care that it is different. I will miss you, when you're here and I am there, and then I will come back."
Max's fingers are damp with Daniel's tears now, and Daniel lets himself be tugged closer, wrapped in the safest arms he knows, hiding his face in Max's neck.
"I'm sorry," he croaks again when he finally finds his voice again, twisting his hands on the back of Max's sleep shirt.
He feels Max's take a deep breath, letting it out against Daniel's hair.
"I wish I could fix it," he says slowly, measuring his words, "but I don't like when you say that I will leave. I have never left. I will not start now."
And he's right, Daniel knows he's right, but it's been hard to remember what he still has lately, after everything went down.
He nods against Max's skin and then lets Max hold him, gently rocking side to side, the chicks peeping softly at their feet, until he doesn't feel like he's going to break with every stuttering breath anymore.
"I was thinking we could go down to the trail," he murmurs, lips dragging against Max's damp shirt. "Take some food, have a picnic. I bought bread rolls."
Max squeezes him tightly once more before putting some distance between them to be able to look at his face, smiling gently.
"I like that. You can make the food while I take the babies to their new coop."
Daniel freezes.
"You have bought a coop too, right Daniel?" Max asks, eyebrows raising. Daniel can feel himself blush.
"I...didn't think about it?" he tries to justify himself.
For a second Max just stares at him, and then he starts laughing, dropping his head against Daniel's chest.
"Stop laughing at me!" Daniel whines, hitting Max's shaking back, but making no move to step away.
Max hits him back, then straightens himself, laughter still etched in the lines of his face.
"Alright," he says, slightly out of breath, "we are going to buy a coop instead. Or build a coop, I don't know what is better, we'll have to call your dad. And we'll do the trail tomorrow, or the day after."
Tomorrow, or the day after.
It seems to hit Daniel all at once, that this is the start. He has tomorrow, and the day after, to do anything he wants. To go on hikes with his boyfriend, to think about new projects, to pick up old hobbies and interests, no schedules to stop him. And he will have tomorrow, and the day after, even when Max has to leave to go racing again, because Max will come back, to have more tomorrows, and the days after, with him.
He surges forward, crashing his lips against Max's, who gasps in surprise but eagerly kisses him back, until all that's left in his brain is tomorrow and Max.
Only then he lets Max go again, stepping back with a smile.
"Let's go get a house for the babies, baby."
And in the lines of Max's smile he can almost see it already: tomorrow, and the day after.
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64yrsold · 1 year
ACHES 18. november
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18+ (please see masterlist for cw) aches masterlist previous (17)
I was always waiting, now. My phone was always nearby, in case he called. He’d always text me when he landed, just with the name of the city he was in, “Bucharest.”, “Paris (again).”, “Singapore.”. I’d look up the time distance between us, and predict when he would call. I lived by his schedule, now. It was only a half life, but better than a life without him.
It was around the time he usually called, and I was ready. I kept a bottle of his wine by the couch, sipping it as we talked, so that by the time we hung up, the edges of my vision would crawl inwards, and I would fall asleep on the couch. No missing him, no heartache or emptiness when his voice didn’t fill my head any longer. Just restless, ugly sleep, until I was too thirsty and sore to sleep any longer. I would dream we were together, his thumb in the middle of my lower lip, then wake up with a sob stuck in my throat. I’d skip my thumb over the stupid scar on my hip, reminding myself we were real. And we had been together before.
If I woke up in the morning, I made myself eggs with cherry tomatoes, and plain toast. I would sip my coffee and look out the window. If I woke up in the afternoon, I would sit on the balcony with a glass of water and sunbathe. I didn’t think about much when I woke up. I just felt the edges of the hole around my heart.
Then, I would take my walk. I’d see my mother briefly, and tell her about my dreams. Then I’d cut citrus with Jenna at the bar, and beg her to tell me about her shift the prior evening. The way she dryly recounted ridiculous stories made me shake with laughter, until she sent me home so she could open the bar. I’d get two coffees on the way home, and sit on the couch until he called. I’d toss his full, cold cup in the morning.
“Hi Matty,” I said, smiling into my fist. I curled into the phone at my ear, waiting for his usual response.
“Sweetheart,” he drew out the word in his sing-song smiling tone. It was a relief, a praise, a sigh. It was my name. 
“Easy day?” I asked, as I always did. 
“Very easy. Amazing, actually.” He laughed, “The crowd was nice. Enthusiastic.”
“Must feel nice. The attentiveness.” I sipped from my glass.
“Mm,” he hummed into his glass. “Sure.”
“Have I said how happy I am for you?” 
“I know, darling.” Something rustled in the background. He was probably getting into bed. “And tell me about your day.”
“Not much to say,” I filled my glass. “Bit lonely today. But I don’t want to ruin the mood.”
“Three months I’ve been gone,” he whispered. “It’s alright to be lonely.”
“Yeah,” was all I managed. It was always hard not to cry when he was so sweet, and so far away.
“You want your surprise?”
I laughed, waiting for him to elaborate.
“I’m surprised you haven't found it yet,” he coughed. “You were always so curious about my notebooks.”
I gasped, “What do you mean?”
“Did you go through them?” he asked, “I always assumed you looked through them when I showered.”
I paused, picking at my cuticles. “I wanted to.”
“Well, sweetheart, I’m going to bed a bit early. But check my bedside table.”
“Okay,” I said slowly, jittery with anticipation. 
“Goodnight, darling. Love you, love you.” “Love you.”
And he was gone. I wasn’t even buzzed, so his absence spilled inkily from my chest to my hands. It was a rush of cold in a warm room. The steel wind after rain.
I got up, bumping my knee into the coffee table. My wine glass toppled over, shattering and bleeding over the hardwood floors. I cursed, but was too curious about his surprise to care. 
I sat on his side of my bed, rubbing my knee. My fingers were still, waiting for permission to open his drawer. I closed my eyes, and pulled it open quickly. The only thing inside was his black Moleskine. 
I took it out, running my fingers over the edges of the soft cover. The silky pages. I winced, realizing how much of him was this notebook. It was always with him. Seeing it made me crave his lips on my cheek. His fingerprints were still barely visible on the black cover.
I opened it. The first page was blank, but the next had three words, scrawled in his always-panicked, busy handwriting. 
For you, sweetheart.
I dragged my fingers over the etched paper, and I could hear the scratch of his pen. I turned the page. 
I met you. You kissed me. We are lonely.
I smirked, reminiscing about the blackout. 
You’ve been in my head all day. You said so many honest, drunken words. About your parents, about your life. I can’t wait to meet you. The diamonds in the bracelet are real. I’m sorry I lied.
“Fuck you,” I laughed, glancing at the starry bracelet that was always on my wrist. I knew they were real. I flipped to the next page.
You’re so beautiful today. I’m obsessed with your voice, your humor. And you laugh so easily. I know it’s new, and I know it’s infatuation, but I can’t stop thinking about your mouth and my skin. I feel you all the time. I wonder what your apartment is like. I saw you watching me from the window.
I closed my eyes, tears wetting my cheeks. I couldn’t read this today. I quickly rifled through the pages, seeing how many he had written in. He had completely filled the notebook. Each page seemed to be a day. I shook my head, ready to put the notebook back in his drawer, when a small slip of paper slid out from the pages. I picked it up. The front of it read November, in his script. I turned it over.
When pain flows through your heart and your bones
Don’t worry, darling
I’m here with you.
-> next (19)
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telomeke-bbs · 2 years
This post is a continuation of my six previous ones on filming locations for Bad Buddy (linked here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6).
I was originally planning to post about other locations at Rangsit University, but then all of a sudden a bit of searching on Google Maps flushed out a couple of locations that I had previously thought would be hidden forever.
They had been SO HARD to find that I'm frankly astonished they could have been found at all – but here they are nonetheless, thanks to some stubborn research and the scary reach of Google. They're Pat's post-graduation apartment and Pran's residence in Singapore. 😊
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So instead of writing up the Rangsit University locations, I'm going to dive into these first because they could be really easy to visit if you're going to Bangkok – like the suites at Tinidee, you could actually stay in them subject to availability. 👀
PatPran's two apartments in Ep.12 were actually represented by rooms/suites at Jasmine 59 Hotel, located at 9 Sukhumvit 59 (Boonchana), Sukhumvit Road, Klongtan-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
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(above) The Jasmine 59 Hotel, off Sukhumvit Road (near Thong Lor BTS Station) – it's a pretty central location, which was surprising to be honest (almost all the other locations in BBS were way outside central Bangkok)
The hotel's website (linked here) has lots of images with architectural details, fittings and finishes that match what we see in Bad Buddy. With these as a reference, it's easy to infer that one of the smaller rooms at the hotel played the role of Pran's Singapore apartment:
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(top) Ep.12 [1I4] 2.41; (bottom) image extracted from Jasmine 59 Hotel's website (linked here) – the curtains, lampshade and (most tellingly) the window mullions are all a match (the image of the Marina Bay Sands was inserted digitally)
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(above left) This image of a typical bathroom is also extracted from the hotel website; (above right) Pran's mirror at Ep.12 [1I4] 2.18 has the same horizontal lines at the top and bottom – these are actually frosted glass illumination strips that allow light from behind the mirror to show through (and his marble-tiled wall is also a match)
But it's really this YouTube video linked below that clinches the deal. It's a video of hotel staff conducting a viewing for Korean YouTuber Moojin Thailand, and it shows the actual suite at Jasmine 59 Hotel that stood in for Pat's apartment (Suite 2510). 😍 The viewing of Suite 2510 commences at timestamp 10.39:
The following are some images from BBS and the video above, for comparison:
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(top) Ep.12 [4/4] 18.23; (bottom) timestamp 10.39 in the video linked above – the suite number and its illumination design (with a wash of light above and below) match Pat's
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(top) Ep.12 [3I4] 2.30; (middle) Ep.12 [4/4] 18.21; (bottom) this image extracted from the YouTube video (timestamp 11.00) has all these corroborating details – the washing machine, the recessed perimeter lighting of the ceiling, the thin orthogonal moldings on the walls of the living area, the coffee table, the placement of the dark gray-brown curtains, the gray kitchen worktop and the cabinetry are all a match
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(top) Ep.12 [3I4] 0.17; (middle) Ep.12 [4/4] 18.08; (bottom) this screen cap from the YouTube video at timestamp 13.30 has many corroborating details – the bedhead paneling and uplighting, the framed artwork at the side wall (with recessed illumination all around and a light switch panel in the bottom right corner), the bedside lamps, the curtains, the TV console with a raised rim on three sides only, the legs of the TV itself, and the stainless steel pull handle for the sliding glass door to the outdoor roof terrace
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(top) Ep.12 [4/4] 14.07 – this is PatPran's own private rooftop, and is a callback to the venue of Ep.5's epic kiss; (bottom) this screencap from the YouTube video (timestamp 11.51) has the following matching details – the building in the background, the little tree in its tiered gray planter, the mullions of the windows above (at Level 26), the placement of the wall light, and the timber-grained apron tiling in front of the sliding glass doors
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(above left) Ep.12 [3I4] 8.14; (above right) this image extracted from the YouTube video is really a perfect match – the lighting strips on the mirror, the overmounted rectangular washbasin on a gray vanity, the hand-held shower, the thin horizontal blinds, the towel rack, the placement of the shower gel/shampoo dispensers and the raised rim of the jacuzzi bath are all corroborating details
So here's one final image to round things off – it's from a building opposite the Jasmine 59 Hotel:
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(above) In this exterior view of Jasmine 59 Hotel, Pat's apartment is at the location circled in yellow (screencap from YouTube video linked here, at timestamp 5.43)
In the image above, the distinctive building to the left is Laviq Sukhumvit 57, and it was one of the clues that led me to the Jasmine 59 Hotel.
Truth be told, the scenes set at Pat's apartment in Bad Buddy contained very little information as to the location's true identity. Most of these scenes were interior ones, which typically offer up very few leads to go on. And the few exterior shots that BBS did have were all shrouded by night (and thus were lacking in visual detail).
But hope came from another direction – the same hotel suite was also used to represent Kluen's apartment in the Thai BL Star and Sky: Star in My Mind. 👍
Star in My Mind had many daylit scenes on that roof terrace, which provided a clearer view of the surrounding buildings and which in turn allowed for them to be identified – and they were Laviq Sukhumvit 57, MARU Ekkamai 2 and the Bangkok Business Center.
Triangulating these on Google Maps was the final step to identifying the location of Pat's apartment (and also Pran's residence in Singapore) – at the Jasmine 59 Hotel in Sukhumvit, Bangkok. 😍
[Afterpost Edit – here are the links to all the filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market). Also the setting for Pat, Pran and Wai's fight at the base of PatPran's student apartment building, as well as the scene where Pa says to Ink "Anyone taller than me is fine".
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores – the one remaining location still unidentified! 🤣]
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ep 12!
The fucking timeskip.
Look, I'll be honest...when I first watched this and saw the 'Advanced English Grammar' book on Pat's bedside table* I wondered if it was a hint that he and Pran were still together - after all, who would need that book more, Pat in Thailand or Pran in Singapore? - but I didn't trust myself to believe...I thought I was clutching at straws. But I should trust my instinct in the future.
*and Pat's red and blue bedsheets, and that Pat got up straight away, and Pran's mint green towel, and Pran's red, yellow, and blue bedsheets, and that Pran still had The Watch, and that Pat took a photo of Pran's dorm room door, and the mint green balloons... 🤦🏽‍♀️
I can't get over how bad Wai's trousers are, they're too high-waisted for him, they don't look good at all.
"You keep staring at him. Why don't you punch him already?" Don't get fooled by those stern expressions. One is the face of the man who went to the wrong airport to pick up his boyfriend and the other is the face of the man who didn't get picked up by his boyfriend because he went to the wrong airport 😂 Oh Pran's disappointment and Pat's guilt...and both lamenting the missed opportunity for reunion sex 🤷🏽‍♀️
I have to say it, I still think the pacing of this ep isn't great. We spend far too much time with the reunion party, with the flashbacks and the music and the photo and the mc character...each of these could have been shorter and we could have gotten on to Pat and Pran being together quicker. I think the impact would have been just as strong but without all the waffle. I mean, ELEVEN minutes could have been reduced to 5 tbh.
Add Pran's shoes to the bad wardrobe choices.
This ep's not giving us good 'girlfriend representation' - three male characters now have implied that their girlfriends are controlling or demanding of them...whereas it could have been framed more like wanting to get home because they love their girlfriends so much. smh
Oh but Pat swallowing when he sees Pran on the other side of the door...PRICELESS. And Pran's "I'm delivering food." Horny devils.
My absolute favourite moment of this ep? The way Pat is lying at the beginning of part 3.
Their fucking grins when they're being 'comforted' by their mothers. 😂😂😂
God, Feral Musky Scented Hoe Pran was unleashed this ep!
And my absolute second favourite moment of the ep? The way Pran looks/says "Really?!" at 10:44 of part 3.
Oh and also add Wai's shirt in the bar to the questionable wardrobe choices...
The smile t-shirt from ep 1!!! We've come full circle.
I LOVE Pat's mum's reaction to Pa seeing Pran. She perks up so much - she must know that it means Pat has a reason to be happy again...and that he might visit home...and he does not even a minute later! And she's so enthusiastic about Pat's 'friend's' gift...so obviously from Pran...and Man Baby Ming is just sat there sour-faced 😄
Why does Ming picking up the whisky glass make me emotional?! ffs 😭 And Dissaya leaving the guitar. And Ming leaving the post. AND Dissaya's fucking smile after she hears Pat and Pran laughing. 😭😭😭 ajslkefnFNA;LNFLKNGLAKDNGLAKD
Oh no Oh no... When We Were Younger instrumental...and the tin can scene...oh no I am not ok... No don't... It's when they switch to their younger versions that breaks me.
NOOOOooooooooo it can't end. I need more of them!
The rooftop/balcony scene! And we end at peak PatPran - the competitiveness, the feral musky scented hoe Pran-ness, the "Pran, it's not a porno!".
Quite frankly, it's perfect.
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light-atelier · 13 days
How to Choose the Perfect Hanging Light for Your Singapore Home
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Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood and style of your home. In Singapore, where space is often at a premium, the right lighting can transform a compact space into a stylish and functional area. Hanging lights, with their versatility and elegance, are a popular choice for many homeowners. But with so many options available, how do you choose the perfect hanging light for your Singapore home? Let’s dive into the details.
Understanding the Basics of Hanging Lights
What Are Hanging Lights?
Hanging lights, also known as pendant lights, are fixtures suspended from the ceiling, usually by a rod, chain, or cord. They direct light downwards and come in various styles, sizes, and materials, making them suitable for different areas of the home.
Types of Hanging Lights
Pendants: Simple and versatile, pendants come in various shapes and sizes. They are perfect for kitchens, dining areas, and bedrooms.
Chandeliers: More elaborate and ornate, chandeliers are ideal for making a statement in larger spaces like living rooms or dining areas.
Lanterns: Often used in entryways, lanterns provide a classic and welcoming look.
Drum Shades: These feature a fabric or metal shade around the bulb and offer a modern yet cozy feel.
Considerations Before Choosing a Hanging Light
Room Size and Ceiling Height
The size of the room and the height of your ceiling are critical factors. For smaller rooms or low ceilings, opt for compact pendants or semi-flush mounts. Larger rooms with high ceilings can accommodate more dramatic fixtures like chandeliers or oversized pendants.
Functionality and Purpose
Think about the function of the light. Is it for general illumination, task lighting, or accent lighting? This will help you determine the type and intensity of the light you need.
Style and Design Preferences
Consider the existing decor of your home. Do you prefer modern, traditional, or industrial styles? Choose a hanging light singapore that complements your design aesthetic.
Budget Considerations
Hanging light Singapore come in a wide range of prices. Set a budget before shopping to narrow down your options and avoid overspending.
Types of Hanging Lights for Different Rooms
Living Room
Statement Chandeliers: Perfect for creating a focal point in your living space. Choose one that reflects your style and matches your furniture.
Cluster Pendant Lights: These add a modern touch and are great for creating a cozy ambiance.
Dining Area
Linear Pendants: Ideal for long dining tables, providing even illumination across the table.
Drum Pendant Lights: Offer a softer glow, perfect for intimate dining experiences.
Mini Pendants Over the Kitchen Island: Provide focused lighting for cooking and prep work.
Functional Task Lighting: Ensure you have sufficient light for all your kitchen tasks.
Soft, Ambient Lighting: Use pendants with soft bulbs to create a relaxing atmosphere.
Bedside Hanging Lights: Save space on your nightstand and add a modern touch.
Entryway or Hallway
Lanterns for a Welcoming Look: These create a warm first impression for guests.
Mini Chandeliers: Add elegance without overwhelming the space.
Choosing the Right Size and Scale
The size of your hanging light should be proportionate to the room size and ceiling height. A general rule of thumb is to add the length and width of the room (in feet) and use that number in inches as a guideline for the fixture’s diameter.
How to Measure the Perfect Height
For pendant lights above a dining table or kitchen island, hang them 30–36 inches above the surface. In an open space, aim for at least 7 feet from the floor to the bottom of the fixture.
Materials and Finishes
Popular Materials
Glass: Offers a clean and modern look, great for minimalistic spaces.
Metal: Durable and versatile, suitable for industrial or contemporary designs.
Fabric: Provides a softer, cozier feel, perfect for bedrooms and living rooms.
Choosing the Right Finish for Your Home
Match the finish of your light fixture to other elements in the room, such as cabinet hardware, door handles, or furniture legs. This creates a cohesive look.
Light Bulb Choices and Color Temperature
Types of Light Bulbs
LED: Energy-efficient, long-lasting, and available in various color temperatures.
Incandescent: Offers a warm, soft light but is less energy-efficient.
CFL: Compact fluorescent bulbs, more energy-efficient than incandescent but not as versatile as LEDs.
Choosing the Right Color Temperature for Your Space
Warm White (2700K-3000K): Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, and dining areas.
Cool White (3500K-4100K): Great for kitchens and workspaces.
Daylight (5000K-6500K): Best for task lighting and reading areas.
Energy Efficiency Considerations
Benefits of LED Lights
LED lights consume up to 80% less energy than traditional bulbs and have a longer lifespan, making them a cost-effective choice for your home.
Energy-Saving Tips
Use dimmable LED bulbs to control light levels and save energy.
Opt for fixtures with integrated LEDs to reduce the need for frequent bulb replacements.
Smart Lighting Options
Integration with Home Automation Systems
Many hanging lights are compatible with smart home systems, allowing you to control them via your smartphone or voice commands. This adds convenience and can improve energy efficiency.
Benefits of Dimmable Lights
Dimmable lights let you adjust the brightness according to your needs, creating the perfect ambiance for any occasion.
Installing Your Hanging Light
Hiring a Professional vs. DIY
If you’re not comfortable with electrical work, it’s best to hire a professional. Improper installation can be dangerous and may void your warranty.
Safety Tips for Installation
Turn off the power before starting.
Use the correct tools and equipment.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
Maintenance and Care
Cleaning Tips for Different Materials
Glass: Use a soft cloth and glass cleaner.
Metal: Wipe with a damp cloth and avoid abrasive cleaners.
Fabric: Use a vacuum attachment or lint roller.
When to Replace Your Light Fixture
If your light flickers, doesn’t work consistently, or looks outdated, it may be time for a replacement.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Choosing the Wrong Size: An oversized light can overwhelm a small room, while a small fixture can look lost in a large space.
Ignoring the Room’s Style: Make sure your light complements the overall design.
Incorrect Installation Height: Hanging your light too high or too low can affect its functionality and aesthetics.
Budget-Friendly Tips for Choosing Hanging Lights
Where to Find Affordable Options
Online retailers often offer a wide range of affordable choices.
Check out local lighting stores for sales and discounts.
Consider second-hand options for a unique look.
DIY Ideas for Custom Lighting
Repurpose old materials like jars or baskets into pendant lights.
Use paint or fabric to customize basic fixtures to match your decor.
Choosing the perfect hanging light Singapore for your home involves balancing style, functionality, and budget. Whether you’re illuminating a cozy bedroom or making a statement in your living room, the right light can transform any space. Take the time to consider your options, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
How high should I hang my pendant light?
Typically, pendant lights should hang 30–36 inches above a table or countertop, or at least 7 feet from the floor in an open area.
What is the best light for a small room?
Choose compact pendants or semi-flush mounts that provide ample light without overwhelming the space.
Can I use hanging lights in low-ceiling rooms?
Yes, opt for shorter pendants or semi-flush mounts that don’t hang too low.
How do I choose the right color temperature for my home?
Use warm white (2700K-3000K) for cozy areas like living rooms and bedrooms, and cool white (3500K-4100K) for kitchens and workspaces.
Are LED lights worth the investment?
Absolutely! LED lights are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and available in various styles and color temperatures, making them a versatile choice for any home.
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iclick-blogs · 5 months
5 Mind Boggling Bedroom Carpentry Ideas To Upkeep
When considering bedroom design, the wardrobe takes centre stage as a crucial element. It's more than just a storage space; it can be a standout feature. So, instead of settling for the usual designs, why not think about customising the entire carpentry to match your preferences? This approach not only adds a personal touch but also elevates the overall aesthetic of your bedroom. If you're in Singapore and looking for ways to enhance your wardrobe, professional carpentry services in Singapore can make the process seamless. Here are five inspiring ideas to help you create a wardrobe that is both functional and visually appealing, transforming your bedroom into a personalised haven.
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Here are the five mind boggling bedroom carpentry ideas to upkeep:
Embracing a whimsical style
Crafting the perfect ambiance for kids' bedrooms requires a creative touch, especially when it comes to custom carpentry. Yet, creativity need not be extravagant. Striking a harmonious balance, you can showcase the allure of understated simplicity and a whimsical aura, reminiscent of the custom carpentry featured in this image.
Envision a wardrobe designed with precision, boasting a hut-shaped skyline against a warm wooden backdrop. This thoughtful design not only makes a captivating visual statement but also radiates a playful charm, perfectly suited to ignite the imaginative spirit of every child. Incorporating such custom carpentry elements allows you to tailor a space that not only fulfils practical needs but also nurtures a sense of wonder and delight.
In Singapore, where paying close attention to details is important, with custom carpentry in Singapore, it can make your creative ideas come true. By mixing practicality with imagination, you can create a space that kids will really love, making their room special and unique.
Opting for a distinctive approach
Choosing a distinctive approach to bedroom design offers a canvas for self-expression, enabling you to imbue your living space with personalised touches that echo your unique style. For instance, instead of opting for conventional bedside tables, explore the world of creativity by repurposing vintage crates or introducing floating shelves, infusing the room with an eclectic charm that is distinctly yours. Experimenting with non-traditional colour schemes, such as serene muted pastels or bold and contrasting hues, opens up avenues to evoke specific moods and enhance the overall ambiance.
Custom carpentry emerges as a powerful tool in this creative journey. Envisioning a bespoke wardrobe with innovative built-in features, be it hidden compartments or specialised storage solutions, not only elevates the practicality of the room but also contributes to its aesthetic allure. In essence, adopting a unique approach to bedroom design invites you to think beyond the ordinary, allowing you to curate a space that is not only visually appealing but also deeply reflective of your personality, creating a sanctuary that feels uniquely and authentically yours.
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Opting for a smaller size
Preferences & Consideration
Style Preference
If you prefer modern and practical choices, a compact wardrobe with a sliding door is a smart option.
Space Efficiency
Compact wardrobes are particularly beneficial in smaller rooms, maximising storage efficiency without overwhelming limited space.
Easy Access
The sliding door feature ensures easy access to your belongings without requiring additional clearance space, making it practical for rooms with spatial constraints.
Minimalist Design
The design of a compact wardrobe aligns well with minimalist preferences, contributing to an uncluttered and modern look in your bedroom.
Opting for a compact wardrobe is a practical choice, striking a balance between style and functionality in your living space.
Adopting an L-shaped configuration
Choosing a custom L-shaped wardrobe over conventional options offers a breath of fresh design that stands out. With a play on neutral tones, simplicity, and sophistication, this wardrobe elevates the minimalist aesthetic, providing a compelling reason for those seeking a unique bedroom statement.
The immediate joinery of the headboard and nightstand not only adds a distinctive touch but also enhances functionality, creating a cohesive and stylish solution. Opting for this L-shaped design is more than a furniture choice; it's a deliberate decision to bring perfect harmony to your bedroom. The calming atmosphere and exceptional experience it offers make it a standout choice for individuals who prioritise both style and functionality in their living space.
The wardrobe with a divider
Choosing a custom L-shaped wardrobe over conventional options offers a breath of fresh design that stands out. With a play on neutral tones, simplicity, and sophistication, this wardrobe elevates the minimalist aesthetic, providing a compelling reason for those seeking a unique bedroom statement.
The immediate joinery of the headboard and nightstand not only adds a distinctive touch but also enhances functionality, creating a cohesive and stylish solution. Opting for this L-shaped design is more than a furniture choice; it's a deliberate decision to bring perfect harmony to your bedroom. The calming atmosphere and exceptional experience it offers make it a standout choice for individuals who prioritise both style and functionality in their living space.
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Compact wardrobes with sliding doors are not just practical for smaller spaces; they also add a modern touch to functionality. Additionally, exploring unique configurations like L-shaped wardrobes or those with dividers brings an individualised aesthetic to your bedroom, making a bold design statement while offering storage solutions.
Engaging with Carpentry Services in Singapore, particularly those provided by a custom carpentry Singapore, ensures meticulous attention to detail. This process seamlessly translates creative ideas into reality, resulting in a bedroom that harmonises visual appeal with practical functionality. The outcome is a cosy and inviting living space, uniquely tailored to your preferences, within the bustling cityscape of Singapore.
In summary, custom carpentry in Singapore offers versatile solutions for transforming bedrooms. From whimsical designs for kids to distinctive approaches that blend style and personal expression, the options are diverse. Compact wardrobes with sliding doors provide practicality in smaller spaces, while L-shaped configurations and wardrobes with dividers from a custom carpentry Singapore offer unique design statements. These professional carpentry services in Singapore bring creative ideas to life, turning bedrooms into personalised havens that seamlessly balance aesthetics and functionality.
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zhaoneurology · 11 months
The Right Neurology Clinic in Singapore: Key Considerations
Choosing the Right Neurology Clinic in Singapore: Key Considerations" is your indispensable guide to making one of the most crucial healthcare decisions. Neurological conditions encompass a wide spectrum of disorders, and selecting the appropriate clinic for diagnosis, treatment, and care is of paramount importance. This guide presents a comprehensive overview of the essential factors to contemplate when seeking a neurology clinic in Singapore.
The foundation of your decision lies in the qualifications of the neurologists. Board-certified specialists bring unparalleled expertise to the table, assuring patients that their conditions are in capable hands.
Within the field of neurology, specialization is commonplace, spanning areas such as stroke neurology, neurophysiology, and pediatric neurology. The right clinic should align with your specific condition or the condition of your loved one, ensuring specialized care and tailored treatment.
State-of-the-art facilities, including diagnostic equipment like MRI machines and EEG devices, are a hallmark of a reputable neurology clinic. These tools are indispensable for accurate diagnosis and precise treatment planning.
Consider the clinic's accessibility and location. It should be strategically situated for patient convenience, offering seamless access through parking facilities and public transportation options.
The reputation and reviews of the clinic provide valuable insights into the quality of care and patient satisfaction. Positive reviews and a solid reputation are indicative of a clinic's dedication to excellence.
Financial considerations play a vital role. Verify whether the clinic accepts your health insurance or Medisave, as this can influence the cost of care. Understanding your insurance coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses is crucial.
Effective communication, accompanied by a compassionate bedside manner, is fundamental in healthcare. Opt for a clinic where neurologists and staff prioritize clear and empathetic communication, significantly enhancing the patient experience.
Timely access to care is essential. Ensure that the clinic offers readily available appointments, particularly if you have a condition that necessitates immediate attention.
Neurological conditions often require collaboration with other medical specialties. A clinic that encourages such collaboration, whether with neurosurgery, physical therapy, or neuropsychology, ensures comprehensive care.
A patient-centered approach is a hallmark of excellence. The right clinic values your unique needs and preferences, incorporating them into a personalized treatment plan. In summary, "Choosing the Right Neurology Clinic in Singapore: Key Considerations" serves as your compass in the intricate landscape of neurological care. With careful consideration of medical expertise, facilities, patient feedback, accessibility, and a patient-centered approach, this guide empowers you to make a well-informed decision, ensuring that you or your loved one receives the highest standard of care for neurological conditions in Singapore.
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themarketinsights · 11 months
Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market to See Huge Growth by 2028
Latest released the research study on Global Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Thermo Fisher Scientific (United States), F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Switzerland), Abbott Laboratories (United States), Quidel Corporation (United States), Becton, Dickinson and Company (United States), DiaSorin (Italy), SA Scientific Ltd. (United States), Meridian Bioscience, Inc. (United States), Analytik Jena AG (Germany), Luminex Corporation (United States),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/83627-global-rapid-influenza-diagnostic-test-market
Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market Definition:
A rapid influenza diagnostic test helps to determine whether a person has a current influenza infection by detecting the influenza viral nucleoprotein antigen. Some of the major advantages of rapid influenza diagnostic tests are RIDTs are approved for office or bedside use, produce a quick result in 15 minutes or less, simple to perform, among others. There are various factors which influence the accuracy of RIDTs such as clinical signs and symptoms consistent with influenza, the prevalence of influenza activity in the population tested, the accuracy of the test compared to a reference test, among others.
Market Trend:
Technology Advancement in Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test
Market Drivers:
Growing Usage of RFID in Various Application
High Invested Research as well as Development Regarding Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Tests
Increasing Number of Influenza Patients across the world
Market Opportunities:
Growing Demand from Emerging Market such as China, India, Brazil, among others
The Global Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Digital RIDTs, Conventional RIDT), Application (Hospitals & Clinics, Laboratories, Other), Test (Point-of-Care test, Nucleic Acid Test, Immunofluorescence Assays, Others)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/83627-global-rapid-influenza-diagnostic-test-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test
Chapter 4: Presenting the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837
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Top 6 Bedroom Interior Trends in 2023: Modern Bedroom Design and Renovation in Singapore
The world of interior design is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends can be both exciting and challenging. 
When it comes to bedroom design and interior design, Singapore is known for its innovative and contemporary approach. 
In 2023, the bedroom interior trends in Singapore are set to embrace modernity, functionality, and elegance. 
This blog will explore the top bedroom interior trends that are expected to dominate in 2023, offering inspiration for those looking to revamp their bedrooms with a touch of sophistication and style.
Magical Monochromes
The year 2023 brings forth a fresh wave of bedroom interior trends that are set to transform your sleeping sanctuary into a modern and stylish haven. 
Modern bedroom interior designers in Singapore, known for its vibrant design scene, are at the forefront of these trends, offering homeowners a plethora of options to create the bedroom of their dreams. 
In this blog, we will delve into the top bedroom interior trends for 2023, focusing on modern bedroom design and renovation in Singapore.
Wooden Blast
One of the prominent trends in modern bedroom design is the infusion of wooden elements. Wood brings warmth and texture to any space, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. 
In 2023, expect to see an emphasis on natural wood finishes, such as oak, walnut, and teak. 
From bed frames and bedside tables to wardrobes and accent pieces, incorporating wooden elements into your bedroom adds a touch of nature and elegance to the overall design.
Minimalism continues to dominate the interior design landscape in 2023, with a strong presence in bedroom aesthetics. 
This trend focuses on clean lines, clutter-free spaces, and a simplified color palette. Singaporeans have embraced minimalism as it promotes tranquility and mindfulness, perfect for a serene bedroom environment. 
Opt for sleek furniture with hidden storage solutions, neutral tones, and minimalistic decor to achieve a modern and uncluttered look.
A Rainbow Punch
Adding a pop of color to your bedroom can instantly elevate its visual appeal. 
In 2023, vibrant and bold colors are making a comeback, offering homeowners the opportunity to inject personality into their sleeping space. 
Consider incorporating colorful accents through pillows, throws, artwork, or even an accent wall. 
Experiment with shades like emerald green, deep blue, or rich burgundy to create a striking and dynamic atmosphere.
Mirror Minimalism
Mirrors are not only functional but also serve as decorative elements that can make a small bedroom appear more spacious and brighter. 
In 2023, mirror minimalism takes center stage, with the use of large mirrors as focal points in bedroom design. 
Opt for floor-to-ceiling mirrors, mirrored wardrobes, or even mirrored accent walls to create an illusion of depth and amplify natural light in your bedroom.
A Scandinavian Flair
Scandinavian design continues to inspire and captivate homeowners with its timeless appeal. 
Bedroom interior designers in Singapore are mostly characterized by simplicity, functionality, and a connection to nature, their design style creates a harmonious and inviting atmosphere in the bedroom. 
In 2023, expect to see Scandinavian influences, such as light-colored woods, neutral tones, and cozy textiles. 
Combine these elements with minimalist furniture and natural light to achieve a serene Scandinavian-inspired bedroom retreat.
A Touch of Tradition
While modern design trends take the spotlight in 2023, there is still a place for incorporating traditional elements into bedroom interiors. 
Mixing contemporary styles with classic touches adds a unique charm to your space. 
Consider incorporating vintage-inspired furniture, ornate detailing, or traditional patterns into your bedroom design to create a fusion of old and new. 
For this you must contact the best minimal bedroom interior designer in Singapore.
Overall, 2023 brings forth a range of exciting bedroom interior trends in Singapore. 
From modern minimalist designs to the infusion of wooden elements and bursts of vibrant colors, homeowners have a multitude of options to personalize their bedrooms. 
Whether you prefer the simplicity of Scandinavian design or the elegance of monochromatic themes, these trends will help you create a modern and inviting space that reflects your unique style and provides a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Why Choose Carpenters for Interior Design and Renovation in Singapore?
There are many reasons why you might choose Carpenters for interior design and renovation Singapore. 
Here are a few of the most important ones:
Experience: Carpenters has been in the business for over 20 years, and we have a wealth of experience in all aspects of interior design and renovation. 
We know what it takes to create beautiful, functional spaces that meet the needs of their clients.
We Quality: Carpenters takes pride in their work, and they only use the highest quality materials and workmanship. 
They are committed to delivering projects that are both beautiful and durable.
Value: Carpenters offers competitive prices for renovation in Singapore, and we are always willing to work with the clients to find the best possible solution.
Service: Carpenters is committed to providing excellent customer service. We are always available to answer your questions and address your concerns.
If you are looking for an experienced, reliable, and affordable interior design and renovation company in Singapore, then Carpenters is a great option. 
We have the skills, expertise, and dedication to create the perfect space for you.
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bestonlinefurniture · 1 month
Choosing A Bedside Table to Turn Your Bedroom into An Ergonomic Haven
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Picture this – you step inside your bedroom after a gruelling day, looking forward to unwind. The moment you enter, you are enveloped in a warm hug by a cosy haven that screams comfort. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Fortunately, it is very much achievable, thanks to the ergonomically designed bedroom furniture offered by top websites online.
Transitioning your bedroom to make it ergonomic doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul. You can start small, like getting that perfect bedside table in Singapore, and gradually move to bigger things like wardrobes. If you don’t know how to choose the right table for your bedside, don’t sweat it - here’s a guide!
The Perfect Height - Imagine stretching to get a book or glasses while being super comfy in bed. Ugh! This is why it is important to find a table that aligns with your bed’s height. A table that is too high or too low can cause discomfort, putting a damper on the relaxed night you had planned to have.
Storage Solutions -Before scouring for a table, think of all the things you’d like to have beside your bed while sleeping. Nowadays, numerous websites sell side tables in Singapore with drawers and shelves. This provides an elegant storage solution, ensuring you don’t have to get out of bed to fetch things while also helping you keep your space clutter-free.
Material Magic - Want a table that sticks with you through thick and thin? Opt for materials that are both robust and lightweight, such as MDF, wood and plywood. This ensures you have a table that is easy to move if needed while also holding up beautifully against the wear and tear of everyday use. After all, what is the point of buying a table that doesn’t stand the test of time?
Lifestyle Fit – Ponder your lifestyle before committing to your bedside table. If you have small kids, opt for one with rounded edges to ensure they don’t hurt themselves. If you have loads of things, such as books and show pieces to store, you can opt for a multi-rack table. Alternatively, you can opt for a bedside lightbox to have a storage space that doubles as a cosy lighting source to cosy up your ambience.
Style and Design – While choosing a bedside table at random might be tempting, it would not do justice to your room’s overall aesthetic if it doesn’t look like it belongs there. Whether you prefer a timeless look or a chic one, ensure you find a table that gels well with the rest of your room. For a seamless finish, opt for colours and finishes that complement the existing décor of your bedroom, creating a visual harmony.
To Wrap Things Up,
Selecting a bedside table with discernment can work wonders to elevate the comforts of your room while enhancing its aesthetics. Find the right combination of functionality and style at F31. Get yourself a bedroom side table in Singapore that will become a beloved addition to your space, turning it into an ergonomic paradise.
Original Source: https://f31.sg/choosing-a-bedside-table-to-turn-your-bedroom-into-an-ergonomic-haven/
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cubocollective · 1 year
Collection Of Day & Night Furniture In Singapore | Cubo Collective
Cubo Collective is a furniture store in Singapore that specializes in offering a wide range of night and day furniture for all types of living spaces. Our collection includes everything from sofas, coffee tables, and dining tables to chairs, beds, bedside tables, and wardrobes. Overall, if you are looking for night and day furniture in Singapore, Cubo Collective is definitely worth checking out. Our furniture is both stylish and functional, and its commitment to sustainability is admirable. For an excellent choice of choosing high-quality furniture products, call us at +65 6300 1697.
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finnavenuesg · 2 years
Bedside Table Singapore
Browse our selection of luxury bedside tables Singapore, which are available in different styles and colours, to complete your bedroom décor.
Complete your bedroom with the addition of nightstands to your décor. They are essential when it comes to creating a well-decorated bedroom with function. Bedside tables can hold a lamp or your glass of water – they also have shelves and drawers to help you stay organized, allowing you to keep your belongings close and within reach from your bed. If you wish to add a sense of originality and contrast to your bedroom décor, you can pick two different nightstands for either side of the bed. Otherwise, you can opt for the same matching pair for a coherent theme in your bedroom layout. Choosing a beautifully designed bedside table or nightstand will provide a sense of true value – you will find more pleasure in your interior layout and enjoy spending more time in the private area of your house.
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taylorbdesign · 3 years
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fourmula1 · 2 years
kinktober day 3: singapore gp
(previous days)
“I struggled already, a lot, there, with bottoming.” - a real quote actually said by Max Verstappen, post race, Singapore 2022.
max/daniel. 1117 words. established relationship 'verse. nsfw. dedicated to @blamemma .
It’s been a little while since the tables were reversed like this.
Daniel, celebratory, happy, excited. Max, dejected, moody, disappointed.
Max has been so good to him over the season, after each race. Daniel’s going to return the favour.
“Maxy-max,” he says as he comes into the bedroom from the en-suite, showered, still kinda wet, naked. He climbs up onto the bed where Max is sat, naked and showered too, against the headboard on his phone, straddles Max’s lap and grins down at him. Max’s phone is set aside easily, hands coming to slide up Daniel’s bare thighs.
“Good shower?” He asks, and Daniel can tell Max is hiding his true disappointment well. It’s okay. He’s going to take Max out of it.
“Five years, huh?” Daniel says with a smile, slides his hands up Max’s chest and over his shoulders. They’d not mentioned it much this weekend – too focused on the brutal race weekend and conditions they’d need to endure. But Singapore is over now and it’s their anniversary weekend and Daniel is going to make the most of this night.
“It could have been six years if you were not so stubborn,” Max tells him, smile cracking on his face finally as Daniel laughs. Max is right, he knows. “It is of course okay anyhow because we are together now forever,” Max continues, hands squeezing Daniel’s thighs and Daniel feels his heart swoop in his chest at that comment.
Max is right, of course. Daniel’s been sure this is for life for a long time now.
“Yeah yeah,” he tells Max, unable to be too serious as he leans in for a quick kiss before letting his hands trail down Max’s bare chest, lower, lower, fingertips skirting just near enough Max’s dick to tease him. “I heard what you said in the pen tonight,” Daniel tells him, mischievous smirk on his lips as he kisses his way down Max’s jaw and to his neck. Max’s hands curl tighter around Daniel’s hips, head tilts a bit to give Daniel more space to kiss across his skin.
“What did I say?” Max asks, little soft moan in Daniel’s ears.
“That you,” Daniel continues, shifts down a little to continue his kisses across Max’s chest, down, down, down. “Struggled with bottoming,” Daniel finishes, unable to help the bright laugh as he shimmies between Max’s legs and pushes them open.
Above him, Max laughs too. Finally. Max’s smile is bright and open and happy and Daniel can’t help but to giggle a little as he curls his hand around Max’s dick, looks up at Max as he strokes him slowly, gently.
“You know what I meant!” Max laughs, shifting a bit to slump down a little in the bed, sighs at Daniel’s touch on his dick.
“I’ve never seen you struggle with bottoming once,” Daniel says, all cheek and mirth as he flicks his tongue out against the head of Max’s dick. “Even the first time. You loved it right from the start,” he says, just to see Max blush.
Blush, he does. Cheeks and chest blooming pink as Max squirms.
It’s the truth though. Max had been a bit nervous their first time – Max’s first time ever – and Daniel had marveled at the way Max took him so well, so readily, so happily. Sex had been good before, but sex with Max was another level. Call it chemistry, but Daniel had never been with someone so perfectly matched to him and it only got better, year after year.
“Don’t tease,” Max whines, shifts his hips up onto Daniel’s hand, pouts down at him.
“Not teasing,” Daniel says as he reaches with his free hand for the lube discarded on the bedside table. “It’s just facts. You love bottoming. You love my dick inside you,” He continues, pops the lube open and squeezes some out onto his fingers once he’s let go of Max.
“Daniel!” Max cries, and Daniel knows he’s embarrassed. Not in a bad way. Max isn’t shy about what he likes in bed but he squirms under Daniel’s teasing, flushes red, hides his face with his hand. It’s so fucking endearing.
Daniel spreads his lube-slick fingers around Max’s hole, warms it up before easing a finger inside of him. Max relaxes into it – easy, ready, wanting. Always. Daniel’s fucked a lot of men in his life, had great sex with many of them, but never anything like sex with Max. Max is always so eager, so easy, so made for this.
“It’s good, Maxy,” Daniel tells Max as he works up to another finger, twists his wrist and spreads his fingers to open him up. “It’s so fucking hot, the way you love it,” he continues, grinning as he watches Max’s dick twitch in front of his face.
When he’s sure Max is good and ready – Max would lie anyway if he wasn’t, so eager to feel Daniel inside – Daniel sits back up on his knees and gets the lube again, slicks himself up and looks down at Max from between his spread thighs.
“Let’s see how much you struggle,” Daniel teases, loving the way Max is laughing as Daniel presses inside him – easy, slow, deep.
“Shut up,” Max says, smiling through a pleased gasp and arching his back a little as Daniel fills him. “I hate you,” Max whines, but he’s still laughing, and Daniel grins as he leans forward to brace on his arms, kisses Max as he rolls his hips back and thrusts inside again.
It’s perfect every time. Like they were made to fit together. Daniel’s got a big dick, he knows. He’s slept with both men and women who couldn’t take all of him. Never Max. Pressing deep inside Max, hips grinding up against one another, is like coming home. Max’s body so tight and warm and perfect for Daniel.
“Gonna come,” Daniel says, more breathless pants than words, against Max’s lips. Beneath him, Max nods, head dropped back in a moan as his hand curls around his dick to jerk himself off. Daniel watches the way Max touches himself, makes himself feel good, watches Max come between their bodies before he lets himself go.
He presses himself down against Max – sweaty chests, heavy breaths, pounding hearts – and drags his lips over Max’s jaw and to his mouth for a kiss. When he finally pulls out, Daniel settles next to Max on the bed, head on Max’s chest and arm draped over his body.
“Mmph,” he sighs out, closing his eyes. “No struggles, just as I suspected,” Daniel says; yelps when Max smacks his back and kicks at him.
Today’s been fucking awesome.
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