#bedelia du maurier headcanons
camusscigarette · 5 months
Hi! Any hcs about Bedelia and Hannibal's life during their stay in Florence? All I know that it was toxic and probably forced (unhealthy) but do you have any other headcannons for them?
Bedannibal in Florence Headcanons part II:
He takes her on operas . Every single opera whether she has watched it or no he takes her to operas because he knows she enjoys them a lot.
Even though Bedelia prefers Wine over any other drink most of the time, she bought a book that has cocktail recipes in them and sometimes makes the two of them drinks on random nights.
He likes to hug her from behind. At first, she tenses up and remains rigid in his arms and then melts when he nuzzled his nose into her neck and murmures soft apologies. Because despite the fact of being the cause of most of her migraines these days, he knows that she deserves tenderness and gentle reminders that he wouldn't hurt her like he hurts others because he respects her, and was infatuated with her too much to even wish her such harm.
She reads him books. They went through The Brothers Karamazov together and discussed the characters and their psyche every night when he wishes to share her bed, or she his.
It's true Bedelia isn't the greatest of cooks, but she can make something edible and something tasty. And therefore, salads are always made by Bedelia. Always.
He makes all of her cravings. Even the wild ones. Vanilla ice cream with olive oil and sea salt? Yeah, it sure did give him a heart attack but he made her a bowl none the less.
He kisses her scars. Every night.
He likes to sleep on her stomach. Finds it comforting even more when she runs her fingers through his hair.
Did I ever tell you how much Bedelia loves Bvlgari? At this point, the shop would hand him free things because he buys her so many things from there that they even suggested he creates something for her, and HE DID. HE FRICKING DID.
Hope you liked it? Part III?
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Jealous Bedelia Du Maurier Would Include
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Jealous Bedelia keeps her feelings close to her chest for later reflection.
However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t manifest in her day to day.
She’ll ask innocuous questions as to where you’re going and with who, and possibly invite herself along if she doesn’t like the answer.
When she does invite herself to accompany you, she’s somehow able to make it seem like it was your idea all along.
She will create some kind of physical barrier between you and whoever she’s jealous of, making it more difficult for the two of you to interact, at least without her involvement.
For anon
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Bedelia Du Maurier: @brwnicons, @floraltxt, @mattxxamryli, @caroldelblue
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rose-lunaire · 7 months
music box | hannibal with a musician!S/O
dedicated to all the beautiful artistic souls reading this, i hope you like it!
pairing: hannibal x gn!reader
warnings: yandere behaviour, unspecified age gap, my lack of knowledge of musical terms
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you met in the backstage of your first recital
hannibal was mesmerised by your craft, such mature and fresh interpretation of his favourite piece
“that was an excellent performance you gave us”
you nearly dropped your music sheets from shock
“o, oh, thank you so much, sir. to be honest, i was worried the nerves came through too much and ruined it…”
“i assure you, the concerto was flawless. mahler requires this uncertainty and you portrayed that beautifully.”
the way he said it seemed to lift all the weight from your shoulder; there was no room for question in his voice, just pure respect
“pardon me, where are my manners. my name is hannibal lecter and i would like to become your patron”
and that’s how it started: your relationship emerged from this contract and eventually evolved into friendship
in the end blossoming into something more
you always appreciate his remarks while practicing until late at night
he’s your biggest supporter!
always carrying your stuff from practice, saying he can’t allow you hurting yourself
he would massage your hands after long practices, kissing the tips of your fingers like the most delicate of flowers
don’t be shy about your callouses, hannibal sees them as a token of your hard work and dedication
they’re beautiful, just like your mind and heart
he would do anything to protect you from critique
once upon a time someone dared write an unpleasant review of your performance and it was the end of their career
their body was found in the trash behind the opera house the next day and on their blog posted an apology to you, saying they were paid and coerced to say those abhorrent things to you
you never found out about this case, hannibal took you on a retreat to a national park, free of any distractions to “gain inspiration”
he admires you as a connoisseur but also as an artist
he was a bit shy to showcase his work for the first time
but then he fell for you all over again when he heard you playing his pieces
they sound so different yet so familiar, he can’t focus on the notes and instead stares at your hands, mesmerised
you’re his porcelain doll, the most precious treasure he will cherish until the end of his days
displayed only for his deserving eyes, inside a beautiful box, dancing to his tune, twirling around laughing, his applause is the only thing you can hear
too beautiful for others to truly appreciate, you’re hidden away in his study
bound to be perfect
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fa1ryyz · 5 months
my mason verger headcanons! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
he has bum worms
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kuroshika · 2 years
my headcanon is that will knew hannibal was in love with him and just wanted bedelia to say it outright because he's a petty bitch.
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vivalahannibal · 20 days
Post-fall when hannibal and will had kidnapped bedelia i just KNOW that bedelia would call out will or just bicker with him like in s3 and then will would be like "i'd advise you to be quiet Bedelia if you don't want to lose your tongue next" and hannibal would be smiling at that SO hard
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undercovercannibal · 1 year
Hannibal totally kept Will's Jacket, the one he took off of Alana while fleeing the crime scene in Mizumono, and brought it with him (in a nice ziplock bag to ensure that none of Will's scent escaped) to Europe.
And occasionally he took it out at night just to sniff it for a bit when he was missing Will.
(and Bedelia walked in on it once)
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stellagibs0ns · 5 months
Im curious about Bedannibal's sex life 😜 any thoughts and headcannons ?
obviously 👀
nsfw so i’m gonna put them under the cut 🙏
hannibal has incredible stamina. i mean that man can go for hours
bedelia is verrrry vocal but always tries to muffle it. hannibal is having none of that
they do engage in kink occasionally. bedelia leans more towards being submissive because she finds relief in being able to let go of responsibility etc etc. but make no mistake she can and will top that man.
they’re both biters. he’ll bite her neck when they’re kissing and she bites his shoulder to muffle herself.
and bedelia is a SCRATCHER. she is clawing the fuck out of his back constantly but he loves it. if she ever cut her nails he’d die
generally they like to be in bed but there have been countless times he has simply bent her over the kitchen counter or held her against the wall
hannibal has a breeding kink and i’m sorry if you don’t agree but i know this to be absolutely true
hannibal prefers to give oral rather than receive it but let me tell u. bedelia is a throatgoat. sorry if you don’t agree but i know her and she told me. that woman gives the craziest head and then simply fixes her lipstick and gets on with her day
bedelia’s chest is VERRRY sensitive but she refuses to admit that. he could sit and play with her tits for 5 minutes and she’d be arching and clawing at him
and obviously hannibal LOVES that. bedelia can have him begging in no time
they aren’t exhibitionists per se (they’re generally very polite outside of their craziness) BUT they have fucked on the balcony of their apartment before
hannibal looooves marking her. he wants to claim her. and she gets pissed when he leaves them on her neck because it’s ‘tacky’ but she neverrr complains in the moment
hannibal’s aftercare is always top tier. bedelia insists she’s fine and it’s stupid to make such a fuss but he is there with cold water, oil for a massage and he loves to pick at peoples brains (no pun intended) so he always wants to hear how she feels and what she thought after a scene
bedelia is a squirter and you can drag me out screaming but i will continue to fight for her rights. however i don’t think she was aware of this until hannibal and the first time she was MORTIFIED
bedelia hates edging & prefers overstimulation. hannibal is the opposite
they have absolutely heard the other masturbating before and it made them CRAZY
they definitely dabble in cnc
bedelia would rather die than admit it but she LOOOVES being manhandled a little. their size difference is crazy and he could throw her around no problem
but also their sex is generally very intense and it doesn’t Have to be kinky. sometimes it’s all very vanilla (as vanilla as they can be) and it’s still one of the most intense experiences in the world
also hannibal will usually ask for permission to undress her. because he is a gentleman. in a sick and weird way
that’s all i got rn but if u want more im sure i can cook something up
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honeygrahambitch · 11 months
*Don't write a fic about Hannibal and Bedelia in med school getting lost in the catacombs beneath Paris Don't write a fic about Hannibal and Bedelia in med school getting lost in the catacombs beneath Paris Don't write a fic about Hannibal and Bedelia in med school getting lost in the catacombs beneath Paris*
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What do you think how did things go for Bedelia in Florence after the cops and Mason's goons were gone? And when did she return to Baltimore?
Hellooooo ❤️ I love that question! The fact that we didn’t get to see what happened with Bedelia after Jack left and later on is a disgrace. The way Bedelia got herself out of this situation is waay more interesting than anything else that happened.
Since Bedelia was “confused” and didn’t know who she really was, she was taken to the hospital to be evaluated and treated for any possible medical issues. She was fine physically, apart from the drug content of her blood, but it took her some time to “recover” her memory. She was then questioned by the FBI (someone assigned to her case, not anyone she met before, which made her play that much easier). Of course she had very little useful information, having no clear memories of what happened. She would not play the “victim”, but rather a woman who lost a year of her life and was unsure how to handle it, but trying to be strong and resilient. The perceived strength would crumble every now and then, only a little, but more than enough to elicit instant sympathy and a need to help her. (Hannibal would be so proud if he saw her.)
Having ensure she was all right, she would be discharged and put on a plane to Baltimore (she might have had someone assist her during the flight just in case of a breakdown or something similar, she went through a lot after all). She was not a priority of the FBI in any way, having very little to offer in terms of information, and it was not necessary after Hannibal was arrested (idiot…). Still, she got a good lawyer and ensured she got full immunity and was not constricted to appear in court or offer any testimony. (It wasn’t hard since the evidence against Hannibal was overwhelming and “kidnapping and drugging” felt like a child’s play next to “murder and cannibalism”). She was asked to many interviews, she denied, playing the “too soon to talk about it” card. It gave her time to polish her self; she slowly shifted to a “survivor” persona. She knew people would eat it up. She expressed interest in finally “telling her story”, every publishing house jumped at the opportunity. She let them fight over her, making a lucrative deal in a process. A book was a success, a string of lectures followed.
She came out without s scratch and it was true. In a way. She played her best game and fooled everyone in a way Hannibal never could. Yet late at night, when she sat alone in the dark, putting the wedding ring back on her finger, the cold of the metal comforting against her skin, she did not feel like she had succeeded. She felt like she lost.
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collapsingchurches · 26 days
Let's have some more fun with Bedelia!
When Hannibal feeds Bedelia acorns, oysters, and marsala, there are layered messages in it, of course. Part of it is exasperation with her stubborn refusal to eat what he kills: she’s acting like one of the pigs, not the goddess she could be at his side. He’s also exasperated by her power to resist him; her ultimate impermeability. Worse, she was clever enough to figure out what he was before anyone else did. She always stayed one step ahead of him. To keep her close to him, he has had to maneuver her with a clumsy instrument, blackmail -- and a little bit of looming. And a teeny bit of overt terror. Another part of it is a shady compliment: “If you’re going to slum it in the pigpen, at least you belong to an emperor.” And then, finally, there’s his version of cuteness aggression: “One of these days, I’m going to eat you, you infuriating, sexy, little morsel.” 
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camusscigarette · 5 months
Bedannibal in Florence part III:
When they began to wander around the streets of Florence , Bedelia became obsessed with trying almost every ice cream shop around. But then again, she specifically wanted Gelato, and it was difficult to find the authentic shops due to the others that wanted to attract tourists and so on. Which lead Bedelia to not have any Gelato, until... Hannibal started making her some. Her favorite flavors became, Strawberry, mango and blackberry.
Bedelia loves clothes, but shopping is exhausting most of the time. So one day, when her legs were hurting really badly, Hannibal bought her a pair of ballet flats, (any guess what's the brand? Channel guys) and held her heels for her the whole time while they were shopping.
Speaking of shopping, he buys her most of the things she wants. Quite literally, his credit card should work wirelessly because as soon as he heard her say she loves that dress on a certain celebrity, BOOM, new dress in the closet who's this? She developed a sort of fear of saying she likes anything out loud at this point, which leaves him wondering what she truly likes and what she doesn't.
She refused to celebrate any of her birthdays before, until one day, she walked into her room and found a small cupcake left by her bedside and a small note. “Taking you to watch Karakalla. Get ready for tonight”. Why a foreign show in a foreign language? Because they both adore different civilizations and their histories.
Whenever she reads him books and he somewhat trails off, he always starts with kissing her neck, telling her to keep on reading ever so gently in her ear, trailing his kisses down her chest, her stomach, before reaching his destination in-between her legs. It always turns out this way, and the more he misses her the more he'd spend hours in-between her legs worshipping her.
She refuses to say she's sick. So it's a guessing game for Hannibal to figure out what's wrong with her. He usually solves it by getting into bed with her and holding her closely, and she'd nag his ear off to get away from here or he'll fall sick like her. And that's when the pampering begins.
Bedelia hates soups. And that baffles Hannibal. The only soup she actually does enjoy is a seafood soup, because it's spicy and is filled with yummy seafood.
She developed the ick towards red meat and now rarely eats chicken, so in a way to ask for forgiveness, he takes her to eat out even though it pains his little heart to eat cooking that isn't his.
He has asked the story about her scars over and over again, even though he already knew that she gave them to herself, he only wanted to know the story behind what pushed her to do this. She never told him of course, until their restricted time in Florence began to reach it's end, and one night when they were laying naked in each other's embrace, she had told him the story behind it
Instead of being caught, he created new identities for them(from scratch, no killings this time), travelled to Portugal, killed a guy there, and then travelled to Lithuania where they lived happily ever after.
Part IV?
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pesky--dust · 1 year
i'm headcanoning that in Hannibal universe CCTV cameras exist only outside the United States. There's never any camera* there, but Alana tracked Bedelia in Italy using CCTV cameras, among other things.
idk, CCTV cameras could be very useful as an evidence in a lot of crime scenes or something.
*excluding Freddie Lounds' and Francis Dolarhyde's, but these are different types of cameras
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rose-lunaire · 1 year
Hi!! How you think Hannibal and Will (separate) in a situation where the reader is a nurse and for some reason she finds with them and both falls madly in love with her? Like they follow her, admired her and simply adore her??
brace yourselves, ‘cause it’s gonna be a long one! thank you so much for this idea, i had a great time writing this, enjoy <3
pairing: wiill graham x reader, hannibal lecter x reader
warnings: stalking themes, a lot of blood and inaccurate medical descriptions
(Y/B/T - your blood type)
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hannibal lecter
it was a really nasty case, bodies carelessly abandoned in a forest, like a beast haven’t finished feasting on them
by the time hannibal and will arrived, it had already turned into a bloodbath
the culprit, ambushed in his agony, shot at the fbis weakest link: the two consultants
the older man suffered a concussion and wills leg was repeatedly pierced by bullets
it was jack who rushed the to the hospital, knowing damn well it would take hours for any ambulance to arrive
hannibal kept insisting he’s fine, but the policeman was having none of it
he collapsed on the hospital floor
the man woke up to the rhythmic sounds of the operational room: monotone beeping, a clock idly signaling its presence
“you gave us quite the scare, doctor lecter”
a soft timbre brought his closer to consciousness, but an excruciating headache soon followed
torn between slumber and awareness, he groaned quietly
“doctor lecter? can you hear me, doctor lecter?”
the voice soothed his aching body, poured life and yearning into his soul
he squinted his eyes, as from a blur of white light came to life an angel
hair of raphael’s venus, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes worthy of rubens’s paintbrush, steady and powerful pose of velasquez’s infants
they were perfect like doryphoros or artemis of versailles, sculpted by apollonius himself
the stoic warmth radiating from their eyes couldn’t compare to debussy’s finest works
hannibal felt the sudden urge to take this light with him and never let go
to protect and worship it like gods of ancient times
his killings are not in vain, they are a token of adoration, a promise for a better world
for them
for so the angel wouldn’t have to suffer existing in between such impure souls
he’s always on the lookout for any people in their environment who might have foul intentions
he’s eternally great full to have met them and shows his feelings in subtle ways, like leaving home-cooked meals for them, a note full of gratitude always attached to the gift
he once used his connections to move them to a different department, so that they wouldn’t have to work so hard
they’re his muse, his god(ddes) and he’s just a lowly apostle
he wouldn’t dare bring them into his world, it was too cruel, too dangerous for such a radiant creature
but believe me, he’s always there, a loyal knight guarding their safety and happiness
will graham
he was losing a lot of blood
one of the bullets came through his leg, cutting through his aorta and no amount of pressure could stop the bleeding
his mind was getting fuzzy, but still stuck in painful awareness
he remembered having been sat on a bed, the sting of a needle and helplessness in the voice of a surgeon
“we don’t have enough type y/b/t blood for the operation”
as the anesthesia was wearing out, will felt an unfamiliar presence next to him
calm and unsuspecting, a nurse was sleeping in the corner of the operation room
he finds himself attached to a blood transfusion set
will rested his head in his hands, tired and almost ashamed
the nurse had their sleeve harshly tugged on the forearm with a welt straining their delicate skin
he perceives himself as repulsive and unworthy, yet they gave up their own blood without any hesitation
he’s deeply moved by their dedication
he can’t seem to draw his eyes away
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to stare” - he panicked
“don’t worry about it”
they were graceful even in exhaustion, it send chills down wills spine
maybe it was a crease they a smile painted on their face or the eyes scrunched in kindness and warmth, he didn’t know but in that moment he fell in love
he would ask a million questions about the equipment and the surgery, then their daily life and work
it brought him peace and reassurance and the conversation seemed to flow naturally for hours
after he left the hospital, he often called them
a confusing wound? he calls. a drug found on the scene? he calls. hannibal is hosting a dinner party? he calls every time
his heart is desperate for closure and they provided it, never asking questions, just being there for him
there was one time when a dog got severe diarrhea and vomited a lot, and will was scared it may be parvo or other dangerous dog disease
he called almost immediately, for help and comfort of his favorite person
after this incident he became paranoid when they weren’t around, so he does everything in his power to keep them at arms length
will means no harm, but he simply can’t imagine his life without them
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a moment in the sun with you
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wastrelwoods · 1 year
X! (the headcanon question. not the hellsite)
CLASSICALLY misplaced my draft for this answer sorry. oh god. i hate to think about x the website what horrors
X - It's ten o'clock at night - do you know where your fave is at?
Hannibal : Mingling in the lobby of an art show while sipping politely at a too-sweet flute of champagne. Prosaic small talk with collectors and donors and colleagues from surgery days. Veiled insinuations for his own amusement which nobody is clever enough to catch. Some agreement on the subpar quality of the champagne, an invitation to a wine tasting to smooth over his dissatisfied palette. A brief glimpse of Bedelia du Maurier across the room, draped in white like a caryatid come to life. A quick nod of acknowledgement and a wide berth to preserve personal and professional boundaries. Strangely isolated in the midst of the throng of people, even with a smile on his lips.
The crispness of the night air on the short walk back to the parking garage. More brief glimpses of the sky through the bare limbs of trees and the square edges of buildings. The muted shine of stars. Wondering idly if northern mockingbirds can be heard singing in the trees somewhere further out of the city.
Will : Wolf Trap. Letting the dogs out for a last run through the backyard. Barefoot and shivering on the porch, keeping an eye out for Max and Buster in case they find the branch they were both scrapping over earlier. Patting down his pockets idly, watching branches move in the wind and imagining the whole wood is creeping up to encroach on the house. Roots stretching out toward him with hungry, grasping tendrils. Something moving in the dark between the trees. If he steps down a little more, plants his feet in the sparse grass, he can almost see the shine of its eyes reflect the porch light.
Whistling sharply to call the dogs in, one and then another and then a bounding cacophony of furry limbs. Winston bringing up the rear. Shutting the door and bolting it, patting his pockets down with a little more purpose and then sighing when he sees the tylenol bottle still sitting on the desk surrounded by scraps of bone and feather and string. Shaking one pill out and swallowing it dry as a howl echoes in the distance.
[headcanons to sound off every hour ask game] <- cleared out my askbox now btw so. pleading emoji. you can send more. or just send your OWN headcanons I would take that. I used to do that a LOT when asks culture was big
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