#because yeah new orleans became his home
transjudas · 2 months
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Here in New Orleans.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
58 - Family Certainty Does Change
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Part 59
Family is More than Blood
@melvia-ito @vavafaure1994 @kmc1989 @tallrock35
“Are we going somewhere?” Klaus came inside our bedroom inside the mansion seeing me close a suitcase with some clothes for about a week.  I decided the school was currently safe and that gave me time to think through what had happened between me and my twin brother. 
Shaking my head I picked up my phone showing him the screen with an airplane ticket to New Orleans appearing on it. “I’m going to Orleans to face my brother and apologize.” 
“You’re brother who cussed you out because he had to fall in love with a hybrid werewolf then thought he could face someone more powerful than an Original once he became a heretic.  In the end somehow pissed at you because that bloke can't have children anymore. Forgive me for asking but why would you try to make up with him?” 
Putting a hand on my hip I sent him a slight glare. “Remind me again what you did when you had a fight with one of your siblings. Oh right you dagger them. Unfortunately I can't do that so an actual apology is the way to go for me.” 
“Rae, that's not what I meant.  My point was "are you sure he'll want to see you?” 
My hybrid husband had a point in his question.  For 5 years my brother hadn’t talked to me.  For 5 years his daughter had ran back here so she could attend school with her friends which I knew had to only make him more angry with me, but he hasn't returned to force Andrea back home either. “My mother used to say never to go to sleep angry.  I have to try and make things right between me and my brother.  I don't want an entire century to pass by and we're still not 
speaking to each other.” 
“I'll call Caroline and tell her we're taking a little trip.  Our kids are getting old enough now that they should be able to handle things here for a few days.” Klaus took out his phone going to the vampire blonde leaving me to finish the packing I needed to do. 
The trip from the airport and into a rented car making the drive into the city to visit Cami first before I went to go comfort my brother and possibly see my second daughter who takes care of my grandchild that I haven’t seen for a while.  Walking into the bar the familiar blonde was running around taking different orders from people seeing us rushing around the bar island to greet us. “Raelyn! Klaus! I didn’t know you two were coming into town.” 
“Yeah I felt it was time to travel back to Orleans for a little bit.  And this time it’s under somewhat happier circumstances.” I hugged the vampire blonde who belonged to my former sire line. 
She wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace. “I saw your brother walking in the Quarter a few days ago.  I tried to talk with him but he just walked the other way. Has something happened between you two?” 
“We had a fight five years ago that kinda broke us apart for some time.  I’m here to hopefully fix that between us.” 
Klaus picked a glass of whiskey that a different bartender had brought him where the three of us sat down at a nearby table to continue our current conversation. “If this was a fight between me and my siblings I would have daggered them for cussing me out the way Jacob did to my wife.” 
“I guess he should be thankful that they only work on an Original.” Cami nervously chuckles. 
Bringing my glass of bourbon to my lips I took a long drink. “Anyway the fight was about him not being able to have more kids like Nik and I magically can.  When I had black magic in my grasp he asked me to use it on him but I refused.  Next thing I knew he left Virginia and came here with Alina and her family.” 
“Well I hope everything goes good for you.” She smiled before we saw more people entering the bar wanting drinks. 
Raising myself to my feet I slipped her a twenty dollar bill leaving her with my husband vamping away once I wasn’t around too many people who would see me use my supernatural powers. “Thanks for the luck, Cami.  I’ll see you two later.  I’m going to find my brother - J! Jacob! Jacob - gah!” I called out into the area standing outside their old hunting cabin that they still owned living in the bayou rather than in the busy city.  I kept calling his name until pain shot through my head causing me to drop to one knee. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Rae?” My twin brother's voice came out of the front door of the cabin with his left hand raised in the air where I knew he was using magic. 
Holding the side of my head I struggled to get my words out too focused on the massive headache. “Jacob, I’m here to talk - not to fight you.  Ahh! Ventuce.” Moving my hand from my head I launched a spell at my brother knocking him onto his back giving me the chance to scramble to my feet.   Jacob vamped behind me and wrapped one arm around my neck holding my back against his front about to snap my neck until I used another spell doing a flip causing him to get thrown onto his back and my freehand pressing down on his chest. “Demeter.  Do you give up yet, J.  I’m better at defense magic than you are.” 
He bared his teeth at me kicking me in the leg launching me onto my back like I had done to him. “Metar - I’ve been practicing, sister.” 
“Uhh! Jacob , I am not going to fight you.  I came here to apologize for not trying to find a way to help you have more children.” 
He glared at me shaking his head no. “You’re just saying what I want to hear.  Tenebris lapsus.” 
“Enough of this - imperium monstrum, immobilus!” He had managed to pop both my knees where I bent them back into place.  Until he tried to vamp away but I froze him in a boundary spell trapping him. 
He struggles to move watching me slowly walk up to the edge of the force field. “Rae, go away. I don’t want to see you.” 
“What if I told you I might have a way to give you and Hayley another child?” 
My brother made a confused face reminding me that I used to be a witch who only used light magic until I met my husband and faced his mother. “You said the only way was through dark magic.  You’re telling me you’d go through that risk for me.” 
“You’re my brother.  I can’t not have you in my life, especially now that we are both immortal and stuck with each other forever.  So do you want to hear my reckless plan or not?” I snapped back at him until I heard footsteps coming out onto the wooden porch causing me to turn my head in that direction. 
The figure that stepped out onto the porch was Alina, holding another baby boy in her arms.  The infant 
had dark black hair like Jackson but my daughter Alina’s eyes.  “Mom, what are you doing here?” She simply stood there with Xavier standing behind her leg. 
“Momma, who is she?” Xavier asked and my heart nearly broke realizing she hadn’t talked about me to her firstborn son.  Maybe I should have just stayed back at the Salvatore School. 
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memelover1024 · 1 year
The Original Hunter - Part 4
Eight Months Later
Y/N lay on the Virginia Beach, basking in the sunlight. Her favorite book, Dante’s Inferno in her hands and Elijah's shirt under head as a pillow. She looked up and saw Elijah sitting on the sand with baby Hope showing her all the tiny shells in the sand. Little Hope was only 3 months old but she was the smartest baby you’d ever met. Hayley was sunbathing on a towel a few feet away and Klaus was rubbing lotion into carolines back, for what reason she didn't know. Vampires can't get sunburnt but it was none of her business. Elijah got up and handed Hope to Caroline and announced he was going to go for a swim in the water. “I'll join you.” Hayley said, hopping to her feet and following Elijah to the water, Y/N thought that was a bit weird because she didn’t look like she had any intention of getting up a second ago but she thought nothing of it. She went back to reading her book when a few minutes later she heard her husband's laughter. She looked up, expecting to see him watching Hope do something cute to Klaus do something stupid but instead she was faced witht he sight of her husband knee deep in the water, chasing Hayley and splashing her in the waves. She felt a pang of jealousy hit her in a huge wave, bigger than any before her in the ocean. With that wave came the all too familiar sadness that came with feeling as though she wasn’t enough, that she’d be replaced and had no idea what she could have done to have made her so insignificant. She quickly shoved that though out of her mind though, she was just being stupid. Elijah loved her, she knew without a doubt that he did. He would do that to her. He would never do that to her.
On the car ride back to the house they were staying in, Y/N sat with her head on Elijah's shoulder. “I was thinking that when we get back to New Orleans you could take up a bigger role in everything, you’re a queen. The people need to see you, know your doing something.” he told her ‘I was actually thinking that when we got back I could maybe start hunting again, nothing too big but maybe a couple of local or close-by jobs.” “Yeah, I can have an office set up next to mine on the third floor, with great lighting.” Y/N looked at Elijah, he was looking at something on his phone, probably texting someone at home,checking up. ‘Did he even hear me?’ she thought to herself. Y/N mentally facepalmed, of course he did, he was being kind and offering to make her an office to do her hunting research.
Y/N stepped out of the shower, the bathroom fogging up with steam. She grabbed a towel, dried off and put lotion on and went into the bedroom to put on some clothes. Odd, she thought. Elijah wasn’t there. Just around 10 minutes ago he was sitting on the bed reading. He must have left to go get something she supposed. She got dressed in her pajamas and sat on the bed and continued to read Dante's Inferno. She got lost in the book, but when she finally came back to reality she noted that he still wasn’t back. ‘Oh goodness Y/N. you’re being too clingy today. What the hell?’ she mentally scolded herself, but the uneasy feeling in her stomach didn't let up. She got out of bed and went to go find Elijah. She checked the library of the large house they were renting for vacation, he wasn’t there. ‘Of course he wouldn’t be. He has a book in our room.’ She then checked the kitchen, then the living room, then the dining room, then Hope’s room, then she checked with Klaus and Caroline. No where. It then occurred to her that, maybe he was talking to Hayley, they had become good friends in the months since Hope was born and Hayley became a hybrid. She went up towards Hayley’s room. When she arrived the door was already several inches ajar so she didn't bother to knock. She doesn’t know that she will later regret that decision. She walks in to find her husband and her friend kissing, pressed up against Hayley’s dresser. The two jump and turn to look at her but she's already gone. She ran to her room and packed her things as quickly as possible. Elijah followed her and pleaded. She doesn’t hear him though. She feels like she's underwater, overwhelmed and suffocating. She didn’t hear his pleads or excuses as she left.
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Don’t Mess With The Queen
Characters: Klaus Mikaelson x Hybrid!Reader
Word count: ~1.7k
Warnings: none
Request by anonymous: Could u do a imagine where the reader is friends with the mystic falls gang and is a werewolf and finds out that she and klaus r mates?
Summary: People who you want to call your friends are planning on killing the love of your life. It’s your job to show them who’s really the boss.
Author’s Note: This is a female!reader. I did change this request a tad, but I hope you like it! I haven’t written for TVD in a while now, so please bear with me on this. After asking a few people, I have decided to end this on a fluffy note. I did write an angsty alternate ending, but I don’t know if the anon who requested wanted that or not.
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No one knows why you’re really here. They all think you’re their friend, so they feel comfortable disclosing their plan right in front of you. You want to be friends with them because they seem like genuinely nice people, but they are so fueled by rage and revenge that they’ll do anything to get it… even plotting against your mate, your sire, the love of your life.
Stefan and Damon have spent their entire life fighting each other and putting their noses in places where it doesn’t belong. Elena and Caroline have always been the people who want to fix others, to make them better even if there is nothing wrong with them. Bonnie is always stuck in the middle of everyone’s problems, putting herself and others in danger for no reason.
“So, what’s the plan here?” Elena asks, taking out the last bit of weapons she has stashed in the Boarding House.
“First thing we need to do is pick a location. When is Klaus most vulnerable?” Stefan asks.
“Yeah, the last time we did that, Elijah betrayed us. That moonrock or whatever was our only chance to get him at his weakest.”
“You were one of Klaus’ bitches. What do you think?” Damon asks and turns to you.
“What?” you ask, pulling back from your own thoughts.
“You spent over two years sired to him before Tyler saved you. You must know things that can help here,” Elena says.
What she says is true. You were sired to Klaus for two years, but not in the way they believe. You were sired to him in the beginning when you were first turned by Klaus’ mother. You were a werewolf that was in the same village as Klaus and his family. You two became fast friends, always leaning on each other whenever his abusive father and your abusive mother decided to make you two their toys.
Everything was going fine until one of your own decided to kill the youngest member of the Mikaelson family. There was a family friend of Esther, Tatia, that she used her blood in a spell that would make them the Original vampires. Klaus wanted you to have the same thing, so without his parents knowing, he gave you some of that wine. You were the first-ever turned hybrid that came from a spell.
You and Klaus have spent every moment together ever since. What the gang of Mystic Falls doesn’t know is just how old you are. They think you were just another hybrid that he made with Elena’s blood, stuck with him against your will. Tyler found your pack in the mountains and proceeded to unsire every single one of Klaus’ hybrids. When Tyler got to you, that’s when you started to catch onto what he was doing.
If Tyler wanted to desperately to save you, then you were going to act like you wanted to be saved. You came to Mystic Falls and befriended the vampires in the town. Now, they all think that you hate Klaus as much as they do when really, you’re just as in love with him as you were when you first met him.
“He really liked hiding out in the woods, though, they’re usually on werewolf territory, so good luck trying to get there. It’s probably why you can never find him. The werewolves will get to you before he does. He hears chatter in the wind and he moves to another pack site.”
“That’s smart,” Caroline comments.
“Yeah, so you’re not going to find him there.”
“Guys, we need to figure out something, or else more people are going to get hurt,” Elena says. Sometimes, you really want to kill her so you don’t have to hear her speak. “Klaus needs to die.”
Hearing them talk about killing the love of your life enrages you a little bit. You could take every single person in here without breaking a sweat, but you don’t turn to violence just yet. You take out your phone to let Klaus know exactly what they’re planning. You’d be a bad girlfriend if you let them attack without warning him.
They’re planning on killing you, my love.
It’s cute if they think they can.
They seem hell-bent on figuring it out.
I’m not afraid of them if that’s what you’re worried about. They can’t hurt me even with their best player.
I’m worried someone is going to get very hurt. What should I tell them?
Tell them where I am. Let them come. If it’s a war they want, I’m only happy to provide.
Are you sure?
I’m always sure, love.
You put your phone away and look at the small group, getting up to join the elite circle.
“I do know where Klaus lives.”
“That would have been nice to know a little earlier, don’t you think?” Damon sneers.
“Damon, don’t,” Stefan butts in. “Where is he?”
“New Orleans. That place is crawling with witches and vampires, but he and his family are stationed there.”
“How do you know this?”
“Because he took me there once. The witches will know once you arrive, but most of them are scared of Klaus anyway that they’ll help you blend in. Everyone from that town knows the Mikaelsons are royalty, but their castle doesn’t have a lot of guards protecting it. If you want to get to him, that’s where you want to do it.”
“How do you know all of this? This seems awfully suspicious for someone who isn’t sired to him anymore.”
“He still thinks I am. He’ll call me every day and ask for something. He figures if he has a hybrid in another state that I can do his dirty work for him elsewhere. You want to get Klaus? That’s how you’re going to do it.”
“She does have a point. Better to take this fight to his turf than ours. He’s more comfortable there,” Stefan points out.
Now that they know a location, it didn’t take long for them to come up with a plan of attack. Of course, you told everything to Klaus as soon as you were on the plane to get to New Orleans. He told you not to worry about a thing because he’ll plan a little something for their arrival.
No one messes with the King and his Queen.
When you land in New Orleans, the gang is eager to carry out their plan of attack. Just like you said, the town is crawling with witches who sense you the minute you landed. Every single witch knows you by heart, so they’re confused why you’re with them and not with Klaus. Your love must have only told them the basic information instead of what was really going on.
“Okay, where is this son of a bitch?” Damon asks.
“The French Quarter is where he likes to hang out. You’ll want to start there. Caroline and Elena will blend in more since they’ve never been here, but you two might stick out like a sore thumb. Just be prepared. If anything, I know these guys so let me do the talking.” You pause right in front of the group and turn to Bonnie. “And Bonnie? These guys know you’re a Bennett witch. Try not to do magic unless absolutely necessary. Klaus has a thing with witches.”
You lead the group into the French Quarter while keeping your head down to avoid conflict. The group follows your lead until you reach the middle of the place you call home.
“Stay here,” you say and leave the group on your own.
You approach the small bar within the Quarter, and lean over the counter a tad, looking at the bartender.
“Is Klaus here?”
“I’m right here,” you hear your lover’s voice. You and the Mystic Falls gang turn to see him standing in one of the many doorways that enter the French Quarter. “I hear you’re looking for me?”
“Where in the world did you hear that?” Damon asks, giving you a side glare. You step away from the group and speed over to Klaus, standing just a tad behind him. He smirks and doesn’t break eye contact with the older brother. “Traitor.”
“It isn’t a betrayal if I was never on your side to begin with,” you state.
“What are you doing? You’re not sired to him anymore,” Stefan tries to appeal to you.
“My sire bond wore off in the tenth century. I’m a lot older than you think I am. I really did want to be your friend, but you’re all so driven by rage and revenge that you can’t leave us alone until we’re fixed to the standards set by you. Next time you plan to kill someone, you should think twice about who you let into your home.”
“We should get going,” Elena whispers.
“Always the level-headed one, Elena. Too bad you can’t,” Klaus grins.
Stefan and Damon try to leave using their vampire speed, but they are blocked by the spell put there from the witches in this town. It’s like a big spell to trap the four vampires and the one witch inside. Caroline steps into the sun and immediately screams in pain, seeking the shade to calm her burning skin.
“My daylight ring isn’t working.”
“Yes, you’re all trapped here. For how long is still yet to be determined. Welcome to the French Quarter ladies and gentlemen,” Klaus chuckles.
“I can’t use my magic,” Bonnie panics.
“The next time you even think about going after Klaus, I won’t be so nice,” you say.
Klaus wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close, whispering something into your ear.
“Pardon us, we have other business to tend to.”
Klaus leads you away from the group, and only when you two are alone, does he turn you so that you’re facing him.
“You can relax, Klaus, no one is going to hurt you. Not as long as I am alive.”
“I can take care of myself, love,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, but isn’t it better when I do it?”
“Always and forever, my love,” you whisper.
You lean in and press your lips to his, showing him just how much you love him.
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wanna be tagged? add yourself to this document! if your tag doesn’t work, find out why! (not sure how much i will write for this fandom, but add yourself if you want!)
@essie1876​ @choosemyname​ @cuddlyklaus​ @sotmperrie​ @akshi8278​ @chynarosep101​ @gh0stgurl​ @littlemissslytherinprincess​ @honeybums-blog​ @kendall-michele​ @tdntu0​ @miraclesoflove​ @nasatonie​ @thelazywitchphotographer​
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l-r-christian · 3 years
One-Shot: Male Reader Is Hope's Fraternal Twin Brother, And Is Ignored By The Mikaelsons. Because He Is Born Human( He Isn't But His True Nature Didn't Awake Yet).
It Left Him Filled Wit Loneliness, And Anger At His Family, And Twin. One Day, While Walking In The Woods Getting Home He Gets Attacked By A Vampire, And It Causes Him To Awake His True Nature As A Hellhound.
He Kills The Vampire, And It Leaves Him With Shock That He Isn't Human, And Is Happy He's Not Vulnerable.
So Y/n Gets Home, And The Mikealsons Aren't Home, Y/n Decides To Leave And Train Himself To His Full Potential.
Freya And Hope Can't Track Him Down Due To Y/n Being Immune To Anything Witch Related.
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Yo dudes Imma make this so sad just angst though and though. I also did a bit of mixing of Teen Wolf's Hellhound and some of my own ideas.
Warnings: Heavy angst
Human was what Y/N was unlike his younger twin Hope who was in all sense all powerful. Ever since their birth Y/N was over shadowed by Hope as he didn't understand when it happen but his family began to ignore him and favor Hope. As the once proud Klaus showing off his first born son was now ignored his son and all his attention was on Hope.
"Not now Y/N, Hope needs my help." Was what Y/N heard over the years as he got older, now while Hope took after Hayley. Y/N was more like their father than anyone care to notice as the boy loved art like his father, had mostly Klaus's features but more dangerously Y/N inherited Klaus's temper something Marcel learned the hard.
"Y/N is only human Marcel. He can't harm you." Rebekah told the vampire after Marcel had told her that the boy had stabbed him the throat with a butter knife. At age seventeen now Y/N was used to being alone and having anger for his family how they seemly pretend he wasn't a Mikaelson.
"Where ya going kiddo?" Marcel asked seeing the teen putting on his shoes and had his backpack with him. Y/N looked at the vampire with a glare as Marcel was used to the anger in the boys eyes and mentally cursed the Mikaelsons for not keeping an eye on boy as there was nothing more dangerous than an angry Mikaelson with nothing to lose.
"Why would you care? Do yourself a favor and stop caring for the useless Mikaelson." Y/N tells Marcel anger bleeding though his words as he left the compound and headed for the woods. The woods was where Y/N spent most of his time to draw or to let his anger out but like his father he still held onto it. Y/N sat drawing weird circles that he had been seeing in his dreams lately then got up seeing it was getting dark and as he walked home he was attacked by two vampires.
"Man Klaus is going to pay. And what better way than to drain his kid and leaving the body on his door step."
"Yeah I guess he should have kept a better eye on the weakling." The vampire holding Y/N said and a flood of anger filled Y/N just as the vampire sank his fangs into the boy's neck when there was a sudden burning. The vampire let the boy go pushing roughly as he screamed and Y/N watch the vampire burst into flames.
"What do you do to my friend brat." Vampire two growled grabbing Y/N by his throat and the boy growled deeply as his eyes flashed red. The anger of years being ignored and loneliness was let loose as Y/N tore the heart from the vampire's chest. As things calmed down Y/N was surprised and stared as his hands as happiness bubbled in his chest as he realized he wasn't useless and maybe his family would care for him again.
"Dad! Mom!" Y/N shouted running into the compound with a grin that fell as he noticed he could hear everything but his family. Y/N found they left him so he made up his mind grabbing a bigger backpack his packed his things and didn't bother to leave a note.
"Fine I'll leave and get stronger without them if they don't want me then fine." Y/N growled as he left his childhood home not looking back. Two months, it took two months for someone in the family to notice that Y/N wasn't around but they brushed it off as the human boy was with Marcel but no he was in the mountains of Montana with an older man that Y/N ran into his week away from home. The man whose name was Alias, was an Hellhound that was almost as old as the boy's family and Alias took the boy in trained him to control his hound form and hellfire which when Y/N learned he could do that the boy was excited.
"Calm yourself pup." Alias told him as he had the boy sit in front of a fire the first day of training. At first Alias was annoyed with Y/N at first but the boy grew on him and the older Hellhound became a father figure to Y/N.
"Hey Al why are in the mountains?" Y/N asked following the man.
"Going to train you in the cold so you could control molten lava veins. From there we are going to wake your full potential, pup."
"Why the cold?"
"Can't risk you burning yourself until you get control." Alias tells Y/N as they came up to a cabin. While in New Orleans Hope and Freya was trying to find the older twin with a locater spell but so far they came up with nothing.
"Where could he be Elijah?" Klaus growled pacing angry that his first born was gone. Elijah watched Klaus closely while Kol called Davina to come help.
"I understand you are upset Niklaus but we will find the boy." Elijah said as Hayley came in crossing her arms.
"The wolves lost his scent just out of the city." Hayley said getting everyone's attention as they hoped they could find the boy soon. A year passed and Y/N had unlocked his full potential and had bested Alias many times in training. But sadly the boy's father figure had passed and Alias had passed his family Crest to the boy asking him to spead his ashes in New Orleans.
"Don't worry about me, pup. You'll fine as you are strong." Alias told Y/N the night he passed as their foreheads touched and in his honor Y/N howled and swore he hear othe Hellhounds howled too. Y/N walked though the streets of New Orleans carrying the urn holding Alias's ashes while on his way home Y/N had ran into other Hellhounds apologize for his lost and if he needed anything they were happy to help.
"Y/N?" Y/N heard Hope's voice and he turned saw his sister who shocked to see him. Y/N was no long thin and kinda scrawny, he was now lean with muscles with five a clock shadow on his nice jaw line.
"Hope." Y/N said his tone not welcoming surprising Hope as she eyes looked at the urn in his arms. Someone called out for Hope making her turn to see who it was then looked back to find Y/N gone and pulled out her phone calling Hayley.
"Mom, I found Y/N."
"May you find peace dad." Y/N said speading Alias's ashes in the bayou at a cabin the old hound had and left to Y/N.
"Here I thought I was your father?" Klaus said smirking stepping out from the tree line and Y/N looked over his shoulder seeing his father.
"You stopped being my father when I turned six." Y/N said looking back out at the lake as Klaus frowned watching his son. There was something was different about his son and Klaus couldn't put his finger on it but he was going to find out. Y/N was annoyed that suddenly his family would come out to see him while just shut them out and they still didn't know he was a Hellhound.
"How you have fallen hybrid. Your son hates you and now your dau ......." the vampire was cut off by a huge black hound jumped on his chest growling as it tore his thoat out. The hound had glowing orange eyes as it growled killing the rest of the vampires saving Hope and Klaus.
"Is it a wolf, dad?" Hope asked watching the hound look back at them as something about it was haunting.
"No. It is bigger than a wolf." Klaus said as it ran off and both followed it to find it was Y/N come morning.
"Fuck." Y/N muttered rolling his sore shoulders as he still wasn't used to shifting at night going inside to take a cold shower to cool down. Y/N sat down studying a few old books he gotten on his travels as his door opened and Klaus walked in with Elijah and Hayley following.
"Yes please come in Klaus." Y/N said annoyed not looking up from his book.
"You have failed to me you are a Hellhound."
"Because it was none of your business. I made it clear I want nothing to do with any of you."
"Then why come home?"
"If you must know Hayley, I am carrying after my father as protector." Y/N told Hayley there was anger in his voice as Elijah saw the anger in the young Hellhound's eyes that reminded the older Original of Klaus.
"Yeah, now If you excuse me I got work to do." Y/N said walking out leaving them as they realize they had years of anger and loneliness to undo from the young man unsure if Y/N will ever forgive the family.
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caseyhastings20 · 2 years
The Mysterious Mikaelson
"Let's play something! I'm getting bored." Natasha suggests. "Yeah let's play truth and dare!" Tony suggest making the rest of the avengers groan. "oh come on man! We are not teenagers!" Sam whines. "Come on! It'll be fun." Nat supports Tony. "Fine! okay Steve, truth or dare?"  Rhodey asks. "Truth?" Steve hesitates. "Okay, Have you ever kissed a man?" Rhodey asks making Steve blush. "yeah!" Steve replies making everyone look at him in surprise. "What? who? when?" Everyone started asking. "Hey you only said one question I'm not answering any other questions." Steve defends. After a few rounds when everyone had at least had gotten their chance except bucky. "Okay, Manchurian candidate, your turn, truth or dare?" Tony asks. "Uh.. truth." Bucky says. "Okay, Tell us about that girl you were seeing during the war. You never let me meet her." Steve says. "Ooh, A secret girlfriend! Tell us more." Nat says interested. "Its nothing guys. Just a girl I went on a few dates with." Bucky says. "No, It was not that, stop lying. you used to talk about her like she was some sort of angel, you even once said that you are going to marry her. Why do you keep her so much of a secret?" Steve says. "Because I lost her and now I can't get her back so what's the point of talking about her especially when it only causes pain." Bucky almost yells at Steve. Realising his pain everybody backed off. "What's her name?" Tony asks "Huh?" Bucky says. "What's her name? Come on tell me maybe I can find where she is. She might be alive, maybe in an old age home, but finding what happened to her might give you some closure." Tony says to which Steve along with others agreed. "Come on Bucky, tell us. It might be good for your guilt which I know you are feeling because I felt the same." Steve softly says to him. "Isabelle, Isabelle Mikaelson. That's her name." Bucky says. "Okay, Friday look for Isabelle Mikaelson." Tony says "Sir, There is no Isabelle Mikaelson born around the time." Friday replies. Fridays answer makes everyone confused. "Where was she from maybe we can get a something on that." Tony asks " She had a british accent but she always said that she lived in New Orleans." Bucky says which makes everyone look at him. "What?" bucky asks "Nothing its just weird, lived in New Orleans but had a british accent." Nat says. "Boss, There is still nothing that I can find." Friday says. "Whoa Bucky your girl just became more and more mysterious." Sam laughs making bucky glare at him. "Okay, how did she looked? Paint a mental picture" Nat suggests. "She had raven hair, blue eyes, about five eight tall, she always looked so mysterious and had a mischievous look in her eyes, she was different you know." bucky says. "Yeah yeah we know she was not like other girls!" Nat mocks him. "No No, not in that sense, I mean she really was different like even in that time period she was just as badass then you are now with all that training but always had that aura of superiority like we were all just toys for her. She herself sometimes would say that she is a uh.. psychotic maniac." Bucky said. "What the hell Man! you fell in love with a psychopath?" Rhodey says astonished. "You didn't meet her Rhodey, she was just amazing and so charming that even after being a psychopath you would have been smitten with her." Bucky defend himself. "Like you were?" Tony says. "Not just me Tony, so many more. " Bucky says. "Man that's dark." Rhodey comments "She would say, Don't underestimate the allure of darkness Bucky, even the purest hearts are drawn to it." Bucky says with a dreaming look in his eyes. "Well that's true, looks like your girl was quite intelligent." Tony says. "Did she had a brother?" Sam suddenly asks making everyone look at him in confusion even bucky. "What?" Bucky replies. "A brother, did she had a brother?" Sam repeats. "Yeah she had many brothers." Bucky says. "No, did she had a twin brother?" Sam asks again. "Oh Yeah, she did had a twin brother his name was k-" Sam completes him "Kol Mikaelson." making Bucky's eyes go wide. "Yeah that's what she said. Wait do you know something about her." Bucky asks. "Oh My God! Oh My God! " Sam keeps on repeating. "Sam! Tell us! What is it?" Nat snaps at him. "The Mikaelson family is a legend." Sam says. "What kind of legend?" Tony asks. "It is said that when people first came to the land now known as New Orleans it was just a small colony but The Mikaelson family turned the small colony into the now known as New Orleans." Sam explains. "So you are saying that Bucky girlfriend from the forties belong is a descendant of The Mikaelson family?"  Nat says. "Oh my god this is turning into such a good mystery!" Tony exclaims making many people glare at him. "No Nat! This is the legend The Mikaelson family is said to be still alive." Sam replies. "What do you mean still alive." Tony asks interested. "They never died, none of then even had kids and for three centuries they lived there not looking a day older than the first they arrived in the city." Sam says. "Oh my god! This amazing! Wait does that mean the she might be still alive?" Tony asks. ""Maybe who knows." Sam says. "Wait how do even know this is the truth. It cloud be just some sort of stupid legend." Bucky argues. "Oh I know! Friday show the painting made in 1803 in New Orleans Named ' The Merciless Queen' by Charlus Black ( A/N Just a random thing I made don't mind) Friday shows them the pictures making bucky choke. "What the hell! Are you sure this was made in 1803? Because that is her. That is Isabelle" Bucky yells astonished. "Yes Mr Barnes, I have shown the right painting." Friday replies while everyone else are too shocked to say anything. "But how is this even possible?" Bucky whispers. "Whatever it is man, I am not going to stop until I find out how." Tony replies. "Oh come Tony! you are just doing it because you love a challenge and a mysterious challenge is just you favourite thing." Nat says. " Oh please Natashalie everyone love a good mystery." Tony replies. "yeah you are right." Nat replies. "damn it"
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Can, I have a one-shot where Mother Nature(Elizabeth Reaser) brings Henrik back to life after a month the Mikealsons become Vampires.
To become the first, and only one of his kind a hybrid of a hellhound, and witch. He is a guardian of the supernatural world, and it's his duty to make sure the supernatural world remains a secret to the mortal world by Mother Nature.
So, Henrik realizes he can't back to his family because they will react negatively to his resurrection.
Henrik travels around the world for a thousand years during his duty becoming a legend, and myth to the supernatural world.
So, Mother Nature sends Henrik to New Orleans to take a break from his duty, and relax from serving her faithfully for a thousand years.
Knowing, his family is in New Orleans.
The Mikealsons call him Henrik but his full name is Y/n Henrik Mikealson.
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Let's go boys!
Warnings: Fluff, death, Reader being protective big brother, Mikaelsons being protective
A/N: I had too much fun writing this and I think I would do more Mikaelson sibling reader fics. I had so so many ideas for this I apologize for taking so long on this
It was cruel and heartbreaking with the hand you got as you told your younger twin brother that he and Klaus shouldn't see the wolves. But Henrik wanted to as he always loved being around Klaus as he was closest to Kol, Klaus and Rebekah while you were closer to Elijah.
You were the oldest twin of 20 minutes, you were more responsible while Henrik was care free. You were worried so you followed after always taking care of your younger twin as you always looked after Henrik.
"Isn't this great Y/N!?" Henrik said looking in awe of the city as you drove though New Orleans as you got a much needed break. Harbingers of death was what you and Henrik became when Mother Nature brought you both back finding it unfair with how young you both were when you both died.
Over a thousand years you both served Mother Nature faithfully while Henrik wanted to find your siblings. You had to remind him that they might not take it well that you both are alive.
"Yes now Henrik try to stay out of trouble."
"I always do bro." Henrik tells you as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Really? Because I swear there is Hellhound/witch that always have to save his twin Banshee brother because he gets hisself into danger."
"Okay okay I get." Henrik laughed as you drove smiling glad that Henrik was happy after one mission was a little rough on him. Then again being kidnapped by witches that tried to drain his magic you didn't think Henrik would bounce back so quickly.
"So many supernatural creatures."
"Yeah....careful the witches will be our biggest problem." You say pulling up to a townhouse you both would be staying in during your little get away.
It took a only a day for Henrik to get into some form of trouble as you both went out to get a few drinks. You were keeping an eye on Henrik as he played pool while you sat at the bar flirting with a vampire named Josh.
"So you always dressed like you are from the 20s?" Josh asked lightly teasing you making you laugh.
"I fell in love with the style." You tell him with a smirk when your ears picked up Henrik's whistle. You and Henrik made up single's to give one another if the other was in danger most of yours was whistle base.
"I need to go." You say rushing out the door leaving behind a confused Josh who followed after you. You found Henrik in an alley about to be bitten by a vampire when you tore his heart out.
"What hell?!"
"Hello gents, I'm Y/N and you have made the mistake of attacking my baby brother."
"Hey! I am not a baby." Henrik said from behind you as your eye glowed red looking at the vampires as they attacked you. The last vampire dropped dead as you stood cleaning your hands with a handkerchief then looked at Henrik.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah. Thanks bro." Henrik says as you made sure he was alright before taking him home. It didn't take long for word to get out about dead vampires missing hearts and nearly burnt.
"Niklaus, I swear your paranoia is going to get you killed." Elijah said watching the hybrid paced as the others came in annoyed that Klaus had called them while they were busy.
"There is a new threat."
"We don't know that for sure. All we know is the vampires had clearly attacked something stronger."
"Yes and that something is a threat to this family." Klaus tells Elijah who rolled his eyes as the others agreed that Klaus was being paranoid. While they had heard of what happened to the vampires, Elijah was more worried about witches as they were chatting than something big was coming with help of the Ancestors.
"Wouldn't said threat come after us by now?"
"Do not mock me, Rebekah." Klaus growled looking at his siblings as the others still just brushed it off as him be paranoid and focused on the witches.
You walked though the autumn festival watching Henrik closely as he ran ahead looking at all of the stalls. You kept an ear out listening as you didn't trust none of the witches and the vampires were getting on your bad list for attacking Henrik the other night.
Elijah stopped walking when a familiar scent reached his nose one he hadn't smelled in centuries and looked stopping as he felt the air leave him. Elijah felt his eyes water when he saw both you and Henrik and couldn't help but felt like the witches was pulling some kind of trick.
Elijah noted you both hadn't really aged a day and planned to go the witches for answers as he couldn't believe that his baby brothers were alive. Elijah was snapped out of his thoughts when Hayley grabbed his hand.
"Elijah, you okay?" Hayley asked as Elijah looked back finding you and Henrik gone as if you both weren't there in the first place.
You panted having grabbing Henrik when you saw Elijah that he noticed you both which you were quick to grab Henrik to run.
"Why can't we see Elijah? You and he was so close."
"Henrik, I already told you why. They think we are dead and to show up like 'Hello, we are your long dead siblings.' is a bad idea."
"Henrik no." You told your brother trying to ignore the pain on Henrik's face and you sighed looking at him. You gave him a soft smile pulling him in a hug feeling Henrik hug back.
"You know I love you right? I just want to keep you safe."
"I know....love you too brother."
That night was chilly as you and Henrik had dinner then headed for bed when you woke to a scream and quickly headed for Henrik's room.
"Fuck." You growled seeing the bed empty then quickly headed to find your brother. You heard another scream and ran killed the vampire that almost touched Henrik.
"Henrik?" You panted kneeling next to him looking seeing a dead body then focused by on Henrik.
"Y/N....where ar....."
"And you said my paranoia was unfounded Elijah." Henrik was cut off by Klaus and you muttered fuck under your breath looking seeing Klaus and Elijah standing there. It happened in a blur making Henrik call out your name when Klaus had attacked you grabbing you by your thoat.
"Who are you?" Klaus growled lowly as your eyes flashed red growling back throwing Klaus back then placed yourself between Henrik and Elijah.
"Don't touch him."
"Y/N....it's okay."
"No Henrik it is not. You saw an omen and not we have to explain to them how we are alive." You tell Henrik as both Elijah and Klaus sucked in breath surprised.
Your older brothers had mixed feelings see you and Henrik alive but all they knew was that their baby brothers were alive. You sighed running your fingers though your hair as Elijah caught a glimpse of the family Crest tattoo on your wrist.
"What did you see Hen?"
"Dad....he tried to kill me. Dad was saying became a monster and was blaming Nik." Henrik tells you making you freeze as you knew of Mikael's need to kill their children thanks to Mother Nature as she made sure that you two stayed out of Mikael's line of slight.
"Y/N?" Elijah whispered his hand on your shoulder as Klaus picked up Henrik see how he was only out dressed in pajamas. You looked up at your older brother seeing his mocha eyes soft filled with worry.
"I can't believe this! Not are our brothers are alive but Mikael as well?!" Rebekah shouted pacing as Elijah was treating the wounds on Henrik's feet while you groaned already annoyed.
"It seems the Ancestors made a deal with our homicidal father." Klaus says pouring a drink as Freya was doing a locater spell to find Mikael.
"I just wanted a vacation not this." You huffed as Henrik frowned looking at you as Hayley came walking in carrying Hope with Jackson close behind.
"What is this I hear that Mikael is alive?"
"Hayley meet our baby brothers Henrik and Y/N." Klaus says ignoring her question as Henrik smiled at her while you had your head back giving her a two finger wave.
"Klaus answer my question!"
"Yes. Not like you could do anything." You said getting Hayley's attention as she passed Hope to Rebekah her eyes flashing.
"I am a hybrid stronger than you witch."
"Hellhound stronger than hybrid." You say not bothered still annoyed as Klaus smirked sipping his drink as Elijah sighed. Hayley huffed sitting down as everyone made a plan to take out Mikael.
After the Mikael mess that leaded to an Esther mess you all headed back to the Abattoir to relax. Henrik sat with Rebekah and Kol telling a story of one of your missions you both went on.
"Yeah Y/N came in and like took out 20 vampires."
"Hen it was only 10." You said eyes closed laying on the couch head in Elijah's lap feeling him run his fingers though your hair much like when you were younger.
"Y/N is being humble about it." Henrik said smiling making you huff as Elijah chuckled still running his fingers through your hair lulling you to sleep.
"Maybe I should take on our baby brother to see if he really is that strong."
"Bring it Nik. I'll beat your ass." You mumbled eyes feeling heavy as Klaus laughed lightly as Elijah smiled gently moving his fingers slower. Henrik yawned feeling tired seeing you fall asleep.
"How about a movie now that everything is calm?"
"Go ahead Freya." Elijah says softly as everyone settled in getting comfortable. The family was together again, finally whole again as Elijah looked to Klaus both silently promised to be sure they wouldn't lose the youngest Mikaelsons again.
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the Original Vampire | Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!reader
Requested by @nalledimessi​ / Summary: You finally tell the truth to your supernatural killing brothers; you’re dating the Original vampire Elijah Mikaelson. 
A/N: I’m so sorry for the wait, had some things come up at home. I hope you enjoy!! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
*oh my this gif; he’s a freaking hottie UGH
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“What is your story?” Elijah asked as his fingers ran up and down your arm. You were laying on his chest between the sheets of his bed. 
You hummed as you stared up to him with a soft smile, your index finger caressing his cheek, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” You whispered against his lips. 
He chuckles, pulling you closer against his chest, “That’s such a cliche.” 
You sat up next him, holding the sheet against your chest, “If I did tell you, you’d never forgive me.. You wouldn’t look at me the same.” 
He furrows his eyebrows as he stares at you, “It can’t be that bad.” He sits up and leans back against the headboard and reaches for your hand, but you pull away, tears already forming. 
“I should go.” 
Elijah is confused with the change of emotion in you. The two of you had been dating for close to three months now. He’d met you in a bar located in the French Quarter and the two of you had been inseparable since. 
You hated lying to him like this. You knew his secret; He was a vampire, an original vampire. The same one you and your brothers were hunting at the moment. You, Dean and Sam had drove down to New Orleans after hearing word vampires were taking over the French Quarter. So far during the two months, you’d killed 2 vampires and were no closer to killing the original vampires. Thanks to you. You’d kept your brothers away this long, sending them in the opposite direction. 
You were really going to kill Elijah that night you met him. That was your plan but he’d shown you a side of him, the good side that you couldn’t believe he was this evil vampire everyone spoke about. 
“You don’t have to go so soon.” He reaches for your arm, stopping you, “What is bothering you?” 
You shook your head, slipping your arm from his grasp, “It’d be better to be kept a secret.” You gave him a begging look, “Please just let this go.” 
He gives you a nod and waves his hand toward the door, “Then go.” 
You silently thanked him and hurried to get dressed.
“Will you still come to the party this evening? You are my date.” He asks, getting dressed himself. 
Shit. You’d completely forgot about the party tonight. You wondered if you could get passed your brothers tonight to attend. “Yes, I’ll be there.” 
Elijah came to your side after you’d completely dressed and put his hand on your cheek, “You can tell me anything.” 
“Not this.” 
“Where the hell have you been?” Dean stood from his seat at the table, anger written all over his face. 
You shrugged him off, tossing your jacket on the bed, “I was following a lead.” 
“We were worried sick.” Sam closes his laptop in front of him, “We tried calling and you didn’t answer.” 
“Sorry.” You mumble, sitting on the bed to slip your shoes off, “Phone died.” 
“Well, we got a good lead.” Dean tosses the paper next to you, “Hope you brought a fancy dress with you.” 
You picked up the piece of paper and read it over. 
“Cause we’re going to a party tonight.” Dean smirks. 
It was a poster for the same party you’d be attending tonight with Elijah. The same party that the Mikaelson’s were throwing at their home. Oh this wasn’t good at all. 
“Go get ready. We leave in an hour.” Sam orders. 
“We can’t go to this party.” You stand and look between the both of them, “We’d be walking straight to our death.” There would be multiple vampires there, you just knew it. 
Dean waves you off, “I think we’ll be fine.” 
“No, I don’t think you guys understand.” 
They have a look of confusion on their face, “Please. Elaborate.” 
“Yes please, elaborate, little sister.” Dean huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Never mind.” You shook your head, “forget I said anything.” You head for the bathroom but Sam stops you, “Is there something you know that we dont?”
You shook your head, “No.” 
“You wouldn’t lie to us, would you?” Dean asks, skeptical. 
“Fuck you, Dean.” Looking between the two, “I’m going to get ready.” 
Sam and Dean made sure you were packing heat underneath your dress. Mostly wooden bullet filled guns and a couple wooden stakes in case you were to run into a vampire. How were you supposed to walk in there and not be spotted by Elijah? it was his family’s party and he’d be expecting you, looking for you in the crowd. 
You knew as soon as Sam and Dean laid eyes on one of the Mikaelson’s, they’d be dead. Oh god, what did you get yourself into? 
You followed behind the two brothers, sick to your stomach. You just had a feeling this night wouldn’t end well. “Should we get a drink first?” You suggested. 
Dean nods, “I could use a drink.” He lead the two of you toward the bar and was preoccupied by ordering, giving you time to look over the place. You spotted him instantly at the balcony above the courtyard. He hadn’t noticed you just yet. 
“Going to find a bathroom.” you said to Sam, who gave a nod, “Be careful.” His attention was then back toward the bar.
You quickly slipped through the crowd, looking back up where you’d spotted Elijah. He was already looking down at you with a smile. You returned the smile and headed up the stairs toward him. 
“You look stunning.” He compliments, leaning in for a kiss, but you’ve grabbed his arm and lead him toward his bedroom, “This morning wasn’t enough for you?” 
“We need to talk.” You quickly turned around to shut the french doors behind you. “I don’t have time but you and your family are in trouble.” 
“In trouble? What the hell is going on?” 
You glanced back at the door, Sam and Dean would be looking for you soon, “Elijah..” 
“Tell me why my family is in trouble.” He growled, becoming protective of his family and taking a step toward you. 
“I’m not who you think I am.” 
“Then tell me who you are.” He didn’t know if he could harm you if it came down to it. His heart was yours and the thought of harming you in anyway, made him sick. “I told you earlier, you can tell me anything, my love.” He gently caresses your cheek with his knuckles, “Who are you?” 
Your eyes became glossy as you stared up at him, “We.. me and my brothers are hunters. We hunt the supernatural and we got word of vampires taking over the French Quarter. The night we met, I was going to kill you but you showed such.. such a different side of what I thought vampires were. You showed me compassion and kindness.” You let out a soft sob, “I fell for you, Elijah and I couldn’t do it. I’ve tried to push them in the opposite direction from you and your family, but they saw the poster and they’re here.” 
He couldn’t help but grow angry at what you’d just told him. You lied to him, betrayed him. “you lied to me.” He took a step away from you. 
“Elijah please.. I wanted to tell you.” You begged, “I wanted to tell you so many times but I just didn’t know how.” 
“You betrayed me. Me and my family. We opened our home to you! We trusted you.” 
“Elijah, please. You have to know keeping you and your family safe was my main priority. I’ve kept them in the opposite direction so they wouldn’t find you. I’ve been feeding them the wrong information for weeks.” 
“Why not tell me the truth? Why lie to me?” 
“Because if you knew the truth you would have killed them.. or killed me. I couldn’t risk my family getting hurt either. But I wanted to protect both your family and mine.”
“So they are here now to kill my family? You brought them here?” 
You shook your head, “I would never. They saw the posters Rebekah put up this morning about the party.” 
“I wish you would have told me the truth sooner.” Pulling out the phone he starts to dial Klaus’ number to warn him. 
“Elijah I’m so sorry.” You let out a soft sob and hung your head. 
“Shh shh..” He gathers you in his free arm. He could see the hurt on your face and deep down he knew if you’d wanted to kill him, you’d done it already. “It’s alright.” He kisses the top of your head. 
“Niklaus-” He started but was interrupted as Sam and Dean bursted into the room, guns drawn, “get away from her!” 
Elijah went into protective mode, pushing your body behind is. 
“No-” You tried to interject, but it was too late. Sam pulled the trigger and the wooden bullet went straight through Elijah’s heart. You watched as he landed on his back with a thump, his body going grey with death.  
“No!” You cried out, “No! What did you do?!” You dropped to your knees next to Elijah, “No No no..” You gripped his hand in yours, laying your head on his chest and sobbed. This is what you’d tried to protect him from but you’d failed. You failed him. 
“Get away from him, y/n!” Dean ordered. 
“What the hell are you doing!” Sam went to grab you by the arms but you shook him off, falling back at Elijah’s side, “You killed him!” 
“Yeah I did!” Sam yells back, “That was the damn plan!” 
“What the hell is your problem?” Dean asks, reaching for you. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Your hands gripped Elijah’s shirt, your head going to his chest, “I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry Elijah.” 
Dean and Sam had no idea what was going on and were confused with your outburst. Why were you crying over this mans, not man but vampire’s body? You’d think they’d killed the love of your life. 
“Oh my god.” Sam is the first to realize it, but Dean lags behind, “What?” 
Elijah gasps as he comes back to life, your name the first thing on his lips, “y/n” 
Your hands went to his face as the grey disappeared, “oh Elijah.. what is.. you’re alive?” Your hand went to his heart. The wound was still opened. 
He growls in pain as he pulls the bullet from his chest, examining it, “It’s not white oak.” Tossing it away from him, the wound healing, “You can’t kill an original vampire without white oak.” 
Sam and Dean are flabbergasted, that was not in any of their books. “You’re alive.” You sobbed, wrapping your arms around him, “I thought I lost you.” 
“Shh.. it’s alright my love.” He wipes a tear from your cheek, “I’m alright.” 
“What in the hell is going on?” Dean is still not caught up. 
“You’ve been screwing with our investigation this whole time, haven’t you?” Sam asked as he put the gun back in his holster, “Leading us in the wrong direction?” 
Elijah slowly pulled himself off the ground and helped you to your feet, “I love him, Sam.” 
“you gotta be fucking kidding me.” Dean growls, “you in love with a vampire?!” 
You flinched at his outburst. Elijah’s arm protectively wraps around you, “He’s been nothing but compassionate and kind.. He’s not like the stories dad would tell you. He’s a good man and yeah I love him.” 
Dean starts toward you but Sam grabs him by the shoulder, “Don’t Dean.” 
“You’re not on her side.” Dean looks at Sam in disbelief, “You can’t be okay with our little sister being in love with a vampire!” 
“She loves him, Dean, what the hell are we supposed to do?! We kill him, she’d never forgive us.” Sam looks at Elijah, “You love her?” 
Elijah looks down at you with such admiration and wipes a stray tear from your cheek, “With everything I have.” 
Sam takes a step toward Elijah, giving him a warning point of his finger, “If.. If one hair on her head is ever injured because of you, mark my words, the next bullet that goes through you will not be wood. It will be white oak.” 
Dean can’t believe his eyes. His little sister in love with an original vampire and his brother just going along with it. Saying it’s okay. Deep down he knew Sam was right; if they were to kill him, you’d never forgive them and they would lose another family member. You and Sam were all Dean had left and he couldn’t lose either of you. He steps up beside Sam, “That warning comes from me too.” That was his way of giving you his approval. 
Stepping away you gather Dean in a hug. His body stiffens at the affection but he returns the hug, “Thank you.” 
“I’ll kill him y/n. I’ll kill him if he hurts you.” He whispers to you. 
You nodded, “I know.” You give him a soft smile and then turn to Sam, giving him a hug. 
“We’re going to head back to Kansas. I assume you’re staying here?” Sam asks. 
You nod and return to Elijah’s side, “I’m staying here.” 
Elijah holds his hand out toward Sam, “If you two ever need help on a hunt, I’m willing to lend a hand.” 
“We won’t need it.” Dean grumbles as Sam shakes his hand and thanks him for the offer. 
Dean doesn’t shake his hand right away and Sam nudges him, “Fine, whatever.” He huffs with a shake of Elijah’s hand. 
Sam and Dean returned to Kansas to find another case while you stayed with Elijah in New Orleans. It felt like a cloud had been lifted from your shoulders. No more lying to Elijah or your brothers; Everything was out in the open and you’d had their approval which made it even better. 
Supernatural tag list: @fanficscuziranout​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @hollymac79​ , @akshi8278​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @idkhaylijah​ , @dpaccione​ , @corishirogane3​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals tag list: @thefandomplace​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @somewhatasoftbaddie , @toomuchtv95​ , @losers-club6​ , @daddydobrockk ,  @idkhaylijah​ , @harpersmariano​ , @dpaccione​ , @hellotvshowtrash​ , @akshi8278​
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biisexualemma · 4 years
blood. klaus mikaelson
word count: 2159
warnings: mention of blood and tiny bit of swearing
requested: nope
plot: you and klaus butt heads until you.. don’t
a/n: this has been sitting around for ages, i wrote it months and months ago but i really like it and hopefully you do to! i have so many imagines already written (for everyone except oscar i’m afraid which is why the requests take so long) and waiting to be posted! so will probs be posting quite a bit for the time being. anyway, hope u enjoy!
"oh," you stopped. your eyes followed from his head to his toes, you'd never seen so much blood. klaus stopped before he could bump into you. he wasn't expecting to see you before he'd cleaned himself up. his mouth opened as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out.
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"hey," you mumbled, trying to ease any tension.
you hadn't seen klaus since you argued a couple hours ago. you were living with the mikaelson's while you were in town, you had known them for a pretty long time, they were always very accommodating whenever you needed it. you first met in mystic falls when you were young, and caught up with the salvatores. klaus had taken a liking to you, and you became fast friends despite his gruesome reputation.
but since he uprooted his family to new orleans, you didn't see him as much as you wanted to.
you'd been arguing about nothing. you'd be out late the night before with kol drinking, and you had an unfortunate encounter with another vampire. kol handled of course, but not before you received some bumps and bruises. but you were fine, you didn't think it was a big enough deal to tell klaus. but he did, apparently. he was pretty mad at you when you tried to argue it was none of his business whether you were safe or not. and klaus stormed out and you hadn't seen him since.
you knew klaus liked to let off a little steam, but he looked like he'd been up to much worse.
he didn't look so angry anymore, he looked tired.
"is—is that your blood?" your head tilted slightly. you almost wanted it to be his blood, because you certainly didn't want it to be anyone else's. you weren't scared of klaus, he'd never done anything to warrant you being scared of him. you'd heard stories, mainly from damon and stefan, but you never really paid attention. klaus was nice to you, so it didn't matter to you how he used to behave.
klaus glanced down at his hands, soaked in blood, along with his shirt and his neck and his face. "no," he gulped. "this happens to be the blood of your enemies."
your furrowed your brows. "my enemies? i don't think i have any enemies."
"that man," klaus spoke again. "the one that tried to harm you just last night. he was a part of a bigger group, preying on drunk, human girls. i took care of them."
your mouth hung open slightly. klaus looked away, he couldn't bear another argument with you about his murderous tendencies or his uncontrollable temper. he was sick of you looking at him like that, like he had two heads.
"oh," you were confused. klaus was mad at you the last time you saw him, and now he comes home telling you he's taken care of your enemies. "uh— i guess they deserved what they got."
klaus nodded. "if you don't mind, love, i'm going to clean myself up," he motioned to move past you, and you stepped out of his way, your mind was all over the place.
"wait," you grabbed his hand before he walked away. you quickly pulled away when he turned around, noticing the blood transferred now onto your fingers. you always hated the smell of blood. you pushed the thought aside. "are you still mad at me?"
he furrowed his brows. "no," he shook his head. "it wasn't your fault. those men were pigs."
you nodded, recalling what had occurred with the man the night before. you'd only lost kol for a split second. "right," you felt a twinge where the cut on your temple lay, your mind wandered. klaus noticed your lack of concentration.
"i was mad at myself," he admitted. his eyes were locked on you, boring into you. "i try to keep you safe. and you got hurt."
you shook your head, adjusting your attention to klaus's face again. "you weren't to know," you shrugged. you noticed klaus's eyes drifting from your eyes, to the cut on your forehead. you lifted your hand and touched the sore, scrunching up your nose a little. "it's not even that bad," you shrugged. klaus wasn't comforted by any of this though. "kol found me before things got too messed up."
"my stupid little brother should never have left your side," klaus snapped.
"klaus, come on," you pleaded. you couldn't get into this with him again. you couldn't handle him when he was angry, he was unreasonable. "if it wasn't for your stupid little brother i'd probably be dead in an alleyway somewhere—"
"enough," he stopped you.
"i'm just saying," you sighed, getting nowhere once again with klaus. he was so stubborn and angry all the time. "maybe you should just go take a shower."
his jaw clenched, taking one last look at you before turning away again and heading to take a shower as you suggested.
you knocked gently. "hey," pushing the door open that led to his bedroom, you saw him sat in his armchair, a drink in his hand. "sorry to interrupt."
he shook his head. "you're not," he gulped what was left in his glass, before standing to meet you at his door. "what?" he frowned when you looked down at your feet. "what's wrong?"
"nothing," you shook your head quickly after hearing the urgency in his voice. you ran your fingers through your hair, pulling at the ends like you did when you were uncomfortable. "i just wanted to apologise."
"apologise?" he repeated. "to me?"
"yes— obviously to you," your eyes met with his. he looked calmer than he had done in a while. you sighed. "i was being rude earlier, and i never thanked you for looking out for me."
klaus glanced away for a second. "you don't need to explain yourself to me."
"i know. but still," you shrugged. "i'm sorry."
he paused before he answered again. "don't be. we both spoke without thinking."
you nodded. you wanted to tell him. you weren't sure whether it was the way he was looking at you, or how he'd behaved in the past twenty four hours, or if it was just you overthinking again. you opened your mouth to speak but thought against it. you didn't want to open a can of worms. if klaus wanted to cross that bridge with you, you were sure he would've done it already.
"ok," you mumbled instead of what you really wanted to say. you took a step back. "i'm gonna go now."
"you sure?" klaus wore a slight smile. he always knew when you were holding your tongue. but this time, it was better for the both of you if you held your tongue. "you sure you don't want to confess your undying love for me while we're at it?" he was joking, but it still caught you off guard. clearly your face showed it. "kidding, love."
you let out a strained bout of laughter, taking a couple steps further back so you could leave his room. "good one," was all you could think of to say. "see ya'," you turned to leave quickly before this got any more uncomfortable, but when you did, klaus was standing in front of you again. startled, you hit his chest. "i hate it when you speed around like that."
"what just happened?" he queried, his eyebrows furrowed with a small confused smile on his lips. you tried to walk around him but he stopped you. his hand touched your waist and you pulled away. he frowned.
"i don't wanna talk about it right now," you admitted.
"wait," he pleaded, standing in your way when you tried to move around him again. he really didn't understand half the things you did. he wanted you to be able to talk to him. "is this because of that joke?"
"leave it alone, klaus," you huffed.
of course you had feelings for him. it was impossible not to. but he definitely didn't need to know about it. you two were good as friends, and if he'd ever felt the same way towards you he surely would've said something before now. so there was no need to get into it with him. it would only mess things up.
"what? did you actually want to confess your undying love for me? it was a joke, love," he let out a short laugh, confused by the way you were acting so suddenly towards him. then the thought occurred to him. "oh."
"yeah," you looked away from him for a second, sighing when he backed up. he hadn't expected this from you. you knew he would react like this, which is exactly why you hadn't planned on telling him.
"oh," he repeated.
"hey," you frowned, shaking your head. "don't worry about it. i know you're a loner type and i also know you don't feel that way about me. so, don't worry," it killed you to say it but you knew it was true. you told yourself the same thing every time you felt yourself feel things for him. it was your way of talking yourself out of it. though it hadn't worked so far.
"wait— i—" it was the first time you'd actually seen klaus speechless. he really had no clue. "you fancy me?" he let out a choked laugh.
"alright," you scoffed. "no need to be mean about it," you really couldn't see what he was thinking. he looked like a mixture of emotions.
"no," he shook his head. "i always thought you indifferent," he wore a teasing smile on his lips now, one you'd seen many times before. "i always thought you had a thing for my little brother."
"kol?" you frowned, letting out a small laugh. "ew, no."
"interesting," he was trying to process it. you continued to wear a frown, you didn't know where he was going with any of this.
"i'm gonna go before you make fun of me anymore," you moved around him, but he grabbed your wrist before you got far. you groaned. "klaus, what? you've had your fun with it, but it's really just mean to tease me about it."
he shook his head with that same small smile. "i've always fancied you, love.”
your face softened, klaus melted watching you react to his words. your hands fell to your side. "don't tease me."
"i promise you, i'm not."
"what?" you stated, rather than questioning. you shook your head. it was your turn to be stunned now. you never expected this from him. you dreamt of him feeling this same, but you'd always convinced yourself he never would. "i never thought you'd feel the same. klaus, your the most self-isolating person i've ever met. you could've hinted something to me so i'd know."
"sorry," he snorted. "i thought murdering a group of men for bothering you was hint enough."
you opened your mouth but closed it again quickly. "yeah," you nodded. "i guess you're right. i just didn't see it."
"are we all up to speed now?" he checked. you smiled softly, nodding.
"i guess so," you didn't know how to act now.
"good. can i kiss you now?" you nodded, freezing once klaus wasted no time in stepping closer to you. his hands cupped your face, his lips pressing to yours. you gasped softly, your hands moving to his shirt, you fisted the material and pulled him closer to you, deepening the kiss. he backed you up until you hit a wall, his hands moving to either side of your head. you moaned softly, your hands moving to his shoulders, gripping them tight to hold yourself up.
finally you pulled away to catch a breath, klaus moving his lips to your neck, where he peppered you with kisses. your chest was moving up and down pretty fast, the smile on your face growing.
you ran your fingers through his hair. "i wish i'd slipped up sooner, holy shit," you laughed, his face moving back up to yours and kissing your lips once more sweetly.
he hummed contently, a smirk on his lips. you took him all in. "i could get used to this."
"you," his hands slipped onto your waist, pinning you against the wall. "are beautiful," his fingers slipping under your shirt, running across your skin. "i don't think i've met anyone who puts up with me quite like you do."
you laughed, rolling your eyes. "yeah, you're kind of a handful," he squeezed your sides, causing you to squeal. he laughed, enjoying this side of you so much more already.
"watch it," he teased.
"kidding," you muttered, you leaned forward slightly, your lips almost touching his. "i wouldn't have you any other way."
klaus was in disbelief that someone could be so perfect. you knew him inside and out and you were still completely here for him. he loved you for it.
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
Samtember 23: Happy Birthday
2193 Words | Rated G | For @samwilsonfest
Sam felt like he was missing something when he woke up this morning. But he shrugged it off, thinking that if it was important, it would come to him eventually. So he went on his usual run, came back home to shower, make himself coffee before heading out to the base to train Joaquin. All the while, he kept getting the sense that he was forgetting something important.
As he flew up in the air with Joaquin behind him, he heard the younger man's voice in his ear...
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Sam. Happy birthday to you," he sang. "Sam, get to the ground, I want to show you something."
"Show me what?" Sam asked.
"Can't tell you, man. It's a surprise."
Sam rolled his eyes behind his goggles and dove towards the ground. When he got to his feet, he looked around and found a couple of guys from the air force standing around, looking up at the sky. Curious, Sam looked up too, and his eyes widened. Joaquin had written "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM," in the sky.
"Happy birthday, Sam."
"Happy birthday, Cap."
The air force guys wished him.
When Joaquin got back to the ground, he gave Sam a broad smile and pulled him into a hug, much to Sam's surprise. "Happy birthday, Cap!"
"Thanks, man," Sam awkwardly pat him on the back.
"Wanna get lunch? My treat," said Joaquin.
Sam contemplated the offer. He didn't have to do anything for the rest of the day and he was far from home, so it would be nice not to spend his birthday alone.
They ended up at a bar, although it was only 1 PM. After a cheeseburger, a couple of beers, and a great conversation with Joaquin, Sam was a happy camper. Once they finished lunch, Joaquin headed to the bathroom, giving Sam time to finally look at his phone.
"Shit," he hissed when he realized he had 20 missed calls from Sarah as well as 5 messages asking him to call her back.
Figuring that Sarah must want to wish him on his birthday, he called her back.
"Sam! Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all morning!"
"Hello to you too, sis," Sam chuckled. "Sorry, I was a little busy--"
"Sam, I need you to come home."
Sam sat up straight, the buzz of the beer immediately wearing off when he heard the worry in his sister's voice. "What's wrong?"
"Can't tell you that over the phone. Could you please just come back today?"
"I- I can't drive. I've been drinking."
"It's only 2 PM there! Can't you catch a flight? I'll pick you up from New Orleans."
"Okay," Sam replied. "Yeah, okay, I'll be there. Whatever this is, can't it wait till tomorrow?"
"No, it's really urgent, Sam. I'm kinda in a whole lotta trouble."
"Shit, Sarah. What did you do?" Sam rubbed his forehead.
"Just get here!" Sarah said before hanging up.
"Everything okay?"
Sam looked up to find Joaquin giving him a concerned look.
"It's my sister. She's in some kinda trouble. She needs me home right away."
"Damn," said Joaquin. "What you gonna do now?"
"Head home." Sam sighed as he looked up flights on Google.
"You driving?" Joaquin asked.
"Been drinking, Joaquin. Can't drive," Sam replied, although he felt much sober now.
"I could drive you! A road trip will be nice!"
"You've been drinking too, buddy," Sam reminded him. Joaquin looked visibly disappointed, but he nodded. Sam booked the flight and got up from his seat. "Thanks for lunch, man. This was great. Let's catch up when I get back."
With that, he gave Joaquin a quick hug before heading back to his apartment to pack.
On the plane, Sam tried to relax but he couldn’t.
“You alright there?” Sam’s neighbor asked.
Sam tried not to groan. So the person beside him was a talker. “Yeah, I’m good,” Sam replied and finally looked over at the person. He had to do a double-take because the guy looked so much like Steve. But that wasn’t all. Sam had actually seen him somewhere before.
“Wait… Don’t I know you?” Both the guy and Sam asked at the same time. The guy laughed and shook his head.
“I’m Toby,” he introduced himself.
“You’re the guy that plays Steve Rogers on the Broadway show…” Sam trailed off. Sam felt a pang in his heart as he continued to watch the guy.
“Yeah and you’re the real Captain America,” the guy -Toby- said, giving him a smile. “Sorry, this must be really weird,” he continued.
“You have no idea.” Sam laughed humorlessly and shook his head.
“Can I ask you something?” Toby asked.
“No, he was a terrible singer,” Sam replied.
Toby looked confused for a second before he burst out laughing. “You a mind reader too, huh? Is that your superpower?”
“I wish,” Sam scoffed. “No, but really, what was your question?”
“Is he on the moon?” A smirk spread across Toby’s lips.
“Yeah, he’s totally on the moon. Just chilling up there. I actually fly up there every uh-- Monday and Thursday and we hang out.” Sam rolled his eyes.
That made Toby laugh even more. “Man, you’re hilarious,” as his laughter died down, a serious look spread across his face, “Can I make this even weirder?” He asked.
Sam raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t reply.
“Happy birthday,” said Toby.
“How did you--”
“I follow you. Quite extensively,” Toby replied, visibly cringing. “I am kind of a huge fanboy.”
Sam blinked at him and tried to find the right words. He was flattered… but also weirded out.
“And now you look like you’re looking for an escape route.” Toby awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “And that wasn’t even the weird part.”
“There’s more?” Sam asked, surprised.
“Yeah, I was going to ask if you would like to go out with me sometime?”
“Oh…” Sam mumbled. “Look, I’m flattered but…”
“But it’s weird. Dating your potentially dead best friend’s look alike?”
“Yeah, something like that,” Sam laughed awkwardly. “I wish the circumstances were different cause you’re a very good-looking guy. Besides, I live in D.C. and you live in New York… it wouldn’t work.” Speaking of New York, Sam looked down at his phone and realized he had no calls or messages from Bucky. He felt another pang in his heart. Did Bucky forget it was Sam’s birthday? Sam could forgive Sarah for forgetting since she was stressed out, but Bucky had no excuse.
“Hello?” Toby brought Sam out of his thoughts and Sam looked over at him to find the guy giving him a curious look. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. And sorry again.”
“Oh, don’t sweat it. Can I have your phone?” Toby asked.
Sam looked at him suspiciously, but then he unlocked his phone and gave it to the actor.
“That’s my number. If you ever wanna watch the show, just hit me up and I’ll leave you the tickets. Or if you ever just wanna hang out, lemme know.” The guy gave him a charming smile that resembled Steve’s before handing over his phone.
They landed soon and Toby wished Sam a happy birthday once again before they parted ways.
Sam’s phone rang as he made his way to the exit and he quickly took it out, only to find it was Sharon. He tried not to sound disappointed as he answered the phone, “Hey Sharon.”
“Happy birthday, Sam,” she said, making Sam smile.
“Thanks,” Sam replied.
“Where are you? I was hoping to take you out to dinner tonight. Figured you wouldn’t want to be on your own on your birthday.”
“I’m in Louisiana,” Sam replied. “Just landed here.”
“Oh wow. That wasn’t in your plan until yesterday.”
“Plans changed,” Sam replied, shrugging, although she couldn’t see him.
“Well, I owe you dinner then,” said Sharon. “Catch up with me when you get back?”
“Will do.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up by the time Sam got to the exit. Sam then called up Sarah. “Where are you?” He asked.
“I’m almost there,” Sarah replied.
Sarah was there 5 minutes later and when Sam opened the passenger door to get in, he heard part of the conversation she was having on the phone. “I’m on my way,” she said to someone. “I swear Bu-- Bonnie, if you mess this up--”
Sam frowned at that. He was so sure Sarah was about to say Bucky.
“What, you too old to give your sister a hug now?” Sarah asked after she hung up.
Sam rolled his eyes at her dramatics and reached over to hug her. “How you doing?” He asked.
“I could be better,” Sarah replied.
Sam pulled apart and gave her a sympathetic look. “You wanna tell me what’s going on now?” He asked as she pulled out of the loading zone.
“When we get home,” Sarah replied. “Can we talk about something else for now?”
“Okay,” Sam sighed and let it go. For now.
They talked about Sam’s Cap job. Sarah seemed proud of him. She even said so multiple times, which made Sam smile throughout their ride to Delacroix.
“So who’s Bonnie and why were you threatening her?” Sam asked as they pulled up in the driveway.
“Oh, she’s just one of the moms in PTA. We have a fundraiser coming up but it’s hard to leave her in charge of things.” Sarah replied as she typed away on her phone.
“Then why do you?” Sam asked as he got out of the car and grabbed his backpack.
“I ask myself the same question,” Sarah mumbled under her breath, but Sam still heard it.
The house was eerily quiet when Sam and Sarah got inside. “Where are the boys?” Sam asked. But then he heard noises in the backyard and immediately became alert. “Is there someone back there?” Sam asked.
“Why don’t you go check it out?” Sarah suggested.
Her nonchalance took Sam aback but he said nothing as he made his way towards the backdoor.
“Shit!” Sam almost fell back when a group of about 30 people greeted him in the backyard. “What is happening?” Sam asked, dumbfounded.
“Your birthday, that’s what, Uncle Sam!” AJ laughed as he and Cass came over and hugged him. “Happy birthday, Uncle Sam,” both kids wished him at the same time.
Sam felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Sarah smiling broadly at him. “Happy birthday, Sam,” she wished him but couldn’t give him a hug as she was holding his birthday cake. So Sam gave her a side hug instead.
“Is Bucky here too?” He asked when he noticed the Oreo cake Sarah was holding.
“Yeah, he’s in the back there, trying but failing to grill,” she laughed. “Go get him while I get the cake set up.”
Sam nodded and made his way through the crowd, greeting and talking to pretty much everyone.
“So this is why I didn’t get any calls or messages from you,” Sam said when he finally got to Bucky.
Bucky turned around and smirked at him. “Had I known you were waiting for my call, Wilson--”
“I wasn’t!” Sam answered a little quicker than necessary.
“Right…” Bucky trailed off. “Well, get over here so I can wish you!”
“Alright, bossy,” Sam shook his head before walking over to Bucky and giving him a tight hug.
“Happy birthday, Sam,” Bucky said, hugging him back.
They pulled apart but stayed close together, Sam’s eyes briefly trailing down to Bucky’s lips.
“You gonna kiss me?” Bucky asked.
Sam immediately looked up at him. “What? No!”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did,” Bucky replied.
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Sam laughed and moved away from him. “So you and Sarah plan this?”
“The boys came up with the idea. Sarah called me up last week and asked if I was in. Of course, I was.”
“You came all the way from New York, just to prepare for my surprise birthday party?” Sam asked, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Don’t look too happy. I did it for Sarah and the boys.”
“Right…” Sam trailed off, rolling his eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Nothing does. You’re kinda in my thoughts all the time.”
Sam opened and closed his mouth a few times but no words came out.
“I’m as the kids say ‘a simp for you’” Bucky snickered at his own terrible joke.
Sam put his hand behind Bucky’s head and pulled him in to kiss him. Bucky seemed surprised at first but then he kissed him back.
When they pulled apart, Sam smiled at Bucky. “Now come on. Time for my terrible Oreo cake.”
“Hey! It’s the best cake out there!” Bucky protested. “And this time I made it myself.” He added, much to Sam’s surprise.
“I didn’t have a death wish on my birthday,” Sam joked.
“Haha hilarious,” Bucky said with a roll of his eyes.
“I’m a grade-A comedian!” Sam winked at him.
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the-underworld-aes · 2 years
Mafia 3
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Okay so I’m gonna take the L and admit I’ve never played the other 2 games, I just watched the cut-scene movies on YouTube, and while I enjoyed the story and characters of the first 2, when I watched Mafia 3′s it DID something to me. So I actually went out and got the game so I can play it all myself.
First things first, I’m gonna wonder why people seem to hate this game so much until the day I die, sure it’s glitchy but not as bad as any Bethesda glitch I’ve seen and nothing game breaking, more or less just funny stuff like “lol that cop car exploded in the middle of the street. I’m gucci tho.”. I really like the time-period cause I actually like learning about the 60′s in American history because SO MUCH important stuff was set in motion back then. Others seem to not like how it’s nt focused on the Italian Mafia anymore and...sure?? I guess?? I mean they’re still there, you’re allied with some Italians while taking out the bigger Italian crime family (I think they’re mad that the protag is black and it’s an important part of the game tbh) And another complaint I see a lot is the games too repetitive, I think that’s the lamest excuse personally. I played this after I beat Far Cry 6, and honestly? It was NICE! I like being able to sneak and take people down, or just blow up everything!  Maybe it’s cause I’m autistic perhaps (ASD gang rise up!) but having a pattern was nice for me, I have a specific way of playing and it was fun. Hell, I’ve beat the game twice already cause it felt nice to play.
I know this game came out in 2016 and I’m way late to the party, I became aware of the Mafia series in 2021 and finally played Mafia 3 in March 2022. And I need to be physically restrained from playing it a third time lol.
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Anyways onto the story and characters (SPOILERS BTW)
The story is so 😩👌💦💕 I love crime stories, I love historical fiction (sometimes...), I love seeing racists get CRUSHED, I love the time period, I love the music. It’s just AAHHHH so good!!!
Sure I guess a black Vietnam vet cruising around in 1960′s New Orleans isn't what you’d think when you imagine “American Mafia” but that’s a you problem at this rate, I’m having a great time.
I did like Tommy Angelo, and Vito Scaletta too, but Lincoln Clay is honestly my favorite of the 3 and I wish people looked at him and appreciated him more. Imma say something real controversial here: I know Vito is the fan favorite, he’s unofficially the face of the series now and while I DO LIKE HIM, I think... he makes a better side character in Mafia 3 (also low-key irritated Lincoln gets thrown to the wayside while everyone rushes to Vito). That’s just my personal opinion... also my man aged like milk, how is he 10 years younger than the Irish man dying of liver cancer and yet Burke has his hair color still while Vito looks so chewed up? lmao anyways yeah I do like Vito, when I pick up my kickback from him I always leave saying “Bye Peepaw!!”
Anyways, Lincoln comes back home from Vietnam and is ready to see his adopted family again, Sammy and Ellis Robinson (Father and Brother), Father James Ballard (Raised him in the orphanage before he got adopted and sticks around) and his other friends, Danny Burke and Giorgi Marcano. Without getting too much into it, Giorgi is the son of Sal Marcano, boss of the Marcano Crime Family (Which has power over Sammy Robinson and his Black Mob). Giorgi was friends with Lincoln, Ellis and Danny, but this whole time Sal had him playing the long game of eventually screwing them all over. It ends with Giorgi, Sal and an associate of the Dixie Mafia betraying them all after a job they did together (For Sammy to pay back Sal). Giorgi shoots Lincoln in the head, leaves him for dead, kills Danny, Richie Doucet (Dixie mafia) stabs Ellis to death and Sal shoots Sammy in the back. They burn down Sammy’s bar and in the flames Father James ran in looking for survivors and found Lincoln clinging onto life. Lincoln survives, but he lost his family, friends and was betrayed by someone he thought he could trust. And now he’s got the scar to prove it.
This ignites his revenge quest to wipe out the Marcano Crime family, and all the damage they’ve done to him, his community (Delray Hollow) and eventually the mess he’s made for his soon-to-be under bosses. And while he’s doing that he’s sworn to build up a crime family of his own and needs people he can fully trust.
When he’s recovering from the gunshot wound to the head, he tells Father James to call his old friend and contact from Vietnam, Donovan, who is currently working for the C.I.A. He drops everything and shows up willing to help Lincoln with his goal (btw their friendship is so great, it’s so sad Lincoln lost everyone but he’s got Donovan still and the writers did so great with their chemistry *chefs kiss*). While Lincoln’s recovering, Giorgi lets the Dixie Mafia move into Delray Hollow and turn it inside out. Donovan tracks down possible allies for Lincoln to get in touch with by the time he’s recovered.
The Under bosses:
Delray Hollow: Ran by Cassandra and her Haitian mob. (She’s also called the “Voodoo Queen” btw and she runs a Voodoo shop) You meet Cassandra  first and it’s a shaky start, Sammy’s Black Mob has been fighting with the Haitians beforehand so she has many reasons to not trust Lincoln, but since then now the Dixie Mafia took over, thanks to the Marcanos and is greatly harming the community with human trafficking and she wants them wiped out and she can’t do it alone. Cassandra has some painful history with the Dixie Mafia and she wants nothing more than to see them all dead.
River Row: Ran by Vito Scaletta and his Italian mob (that's loyal to him at least). After everything that happened in 2nd game, Vito found his way down here and had to work with Sal Marcano as one of his lieutenants, Vito’s miserable and Sal hates him but can;t do anything about it cause Leo Galante put him there. Sal did put Grecco, his nephew, into River Row to mess things up from the inside and make it look like Vito’s fault so Sal can finally have an excuse to put a hit out on him to not anger the Commission. Being screwed over and wanting to get back, Vito agrees to help Lincoln because this is personal for him too.
Point Verdun: Ran by Thomas Burke and his Irish mob. He did have a deal worked out with Marcanos prior, but at some point there was a failed shipment of Burke’s end and that made Sal insert someone else to take over his rackets, Barbieri, who brutally took over a crippled Burke’s leg. And after Danny, his son’s murder, Burke’s been spiraling into alcoholism and constant grief. He wants nothing more than to make Barbieri suffer for what he did to him and for the Marcanos to burn for murdering his son. Which makes him eventually side with Lincoln.
Thoughts and extra on the bosses: They all got folks that work under them as their own lieutenants, Cassandra has Emmanuel Lazare, Vito has Alma Diaz and Burke has his own daughter, Nicki Burke.  Unlike the other 2, Lincoln is actually friends with Nicki and they all used to hang out together. She’s mourning the loss of her younger brother and it’s clear there’s some tension between her and her father.
Nicki’s actually a lesbian and comes out to Lincoln, she even has a girlfriend. Burke already kind of knows somehow and does not approve of it, but they still have to work together, so it causes inner personal problems. ALSO SIDENOTE: It was kind of refreshing seeing gay characters in a crime based video game, Nicki is a lesbian, Lincoln is a supportive ally (may or may not be bi/pan himself cause of his response to Nicki after she asks him about his thoughts...) and in one of the DLC’s, there's a side character named Oscar who’s a gay Vietnam vet and Lincoln gives him a job at the renovated Sammy’s bar.
While they may be side characters, I still appreciated it, and because of that dialogue between him and Nicki, it does strongly suggest he might be bisexual, so I’m def taking it and running with it. You can play a bi protag at least and I love my bisexual headcanons.
The Main Antagonists:
Sal Marcano: Sal is the Don of The Marcano Crime family. He does have a pretty interesting history and how he got to where he is now. I won’t deny that, but he’s a master of fucking over people he works with just because they were deemed useless. He did it to Sammy, once Sammy was having problems with the Haitians and short on his kickback, that was his death sentence along with his sons. He was doing it to Burke, who had a shipment go missing and that was a sign he needed an immediate replacement. Working on Vito, who just hated him and was willing to mess up his whole rackets just so he can be allowed to put a hit on him. And let’s not forget his racism at all, he knowingly works with the Southern Union and the Dixie Mafia that do lynchings/hate crimes and specifically target the black folk in New Bordeaux. He keeps using slurs when talking about Lincoln. So...yeah. This dude sucks lol.
Giorgi Marcano: Sal’s only son and the Under boss of the Marcano Crime Family, unlike his dad, he was given his life on a silver platter and is a typical spoiled rich kid with a gun who thinks he owns everyone. Hey may have been Lincoln’s “friend” at one point, but either he was playing a long game or that friendship was truly one sided if he could be fine with shooting him in the head when the time came. (I’m looking at everyone sideways who stan him btw). He worked with Ritchie Doucet, the leader of the Dixie Mafia and let them take over Delray Hollow to abuse and traffic folks in the community there after he thought Lincoln was dead. Racist little spoiled brat with access to weapons and a Daddy’s boy. I hate this rat. In his dying breath, he could have tried to make peace with Lincoln and apologize or something, but it was clear he never saw Lincoln like that at all.
YES I AM LOOKING AT PEOPLE SIDEWAYS IF I SEE PEOPLE STAN GIORGI, SHIP HIM WITH LINCOLN OR TRY TO SOFTEN HIM UP IN ANYWAY. I’VE HAD IT, YOU’RE ALL ON A LIST NOW!...anyways. There’s a whole lot of Capos and Lieutenants that work under them but I’m not really gonna get into em all.
There’s other characters and the DLC’s now I can get to instead.
Father James Ballard: Ran the orphanage before it got shut down and has known Lincoln since he was a child. Kind of an Uncle figure. WW2 Vet and kept close to the Robinson’s. Now....why I understand why he doesn't want Lincoln to go down the path he does go down....cause seeing a loved one do that kind of stuff is painful... I also...REAALLLY...don’t like him.  A whole family got wiped out, Lincoln lost so much and is scarred from it, the people that did the killings are also ruining the Hollow and making it worse. If Lincoln did just, after healing, decide to listen to Father James and not do anything, things would have been WORSE. The Marcanos would have full control, the Dixie Mafia would have free reign, The Southern Union would have gotten stronger. AND IT’S DOUBLY INFURIATING IN ONE THE DLC’S: THE SIGN OF THE TIMES! Lincoln’s adopted family was killed, Father James knew them, sure they were a mob but they were still individual people who loved and cared for each other. And yet he wants Lincoln to let go of his revenge and just leave. BUT THEN THERE’S THIS CREEPY ASS WHITE SUPREMACIST CULT THAT FUCKS UP A WHITE GIRL WHO’S A COMPLETE STRANGER AND THE JAMES IS LIKE “Okay Lincoln, take them out.” AND IT’S JUST SO-...no diss to the white girl though, Anna, she was a victim and it’s tragic what happens in her story, but idk man. James bothers me.
John Donovan: I already talked about him a little bit, but him and Lincoln met in Vietnam where Lincoln was assigned to work with him on an ops mission for the C.I.A. Lincoln learned a lot, including psychological warfare which he uses against the Marcanos later. They eventually got really close, to the point that John dropped everything and ruined his C.I.A career to work with Lincoln in building his own crime empire. He’s a fun character, he’s very chaotic, and him and Lincoln bounce off each other really well, no wild card/straight man dynamic, they’re both wild cards in their own right. I think the game is trying to frame Father James and Donovan as the Angel and Devil on Lincoln’s shoulders and, like, sure, okay, Father James is like “Don’t do it!” while Donovan is like “LETS FUCKIN GOOO!” and neither character really likes each other. James is priest and John is an atheist so the usual clash there too. I’ve made my thoughts clear on James. Donovan though is just willing to do the most for Lincoln and in a DLC he asks him for his help with his own problems that’s started before they even met. And Lincoln gladly helps him. It’s a real “I’m here for you and I hope when the time comes you’re here for me” kinda friendship. Anyways, despite leaving the C.I.A and becomes involved in criminal organizations, John is dead-set to find out who really organized the JFK assassination and finds that Sal Marcano has ties to politicians and others in the country to he goes off on his own manhunt. It’s a fun time. Good time. Don’t watch live political hearings on TV at the time though cause you might see someone get blasted.
The DLC’s
Sign of the Times: A creepy cult called the “Ensanglante” infests the burned remains of Sammy’s bar and Lincoln and Father James discover this on their way to pay the old place a visit. A young girl runs out terrified and men chase after her. After James takes the girl to a safe place and Lincoln investigates what they were doing in the bar. The learn the girl is named Anna McGee and the cult was doing a ritual in the bar because of the past human suffering in there, the murder of Lincoln’s family. The Ensanglante preforms rituals in places where people have suffered, like old slave market areas, a middle school that burned down, a plantation house etc. It’s run by a woman named Bonnie Harless who indoctrinated Anna into the cult through manipulation and promising she’ll be loved. It just left Anna abused and out of her own mind and miserable. This side story isn't really crime orientated, but it’s taking down a creepy racist cult and it gets really trippy sometimes. In my Father James bit I said a little about this already. Bonnie is a creepy bitch and off her rocker, Anna’s story is so tragic what happens to her. The cult does get wiped out and after that Lincoln meets with his aunt Lily and they restore Sammy’s bar into a functioning club again and as a memorial to Sammy and Ellis. 
Faster, Baby!: You go to Sinclair Parish, a sun-down town outside of New Bordeaux that’s run by a corrupt Sheriff “Slim” Beaumont, who wants to keep the town white, even if that means making people who oppose him disappear. There’s civil rights activists who are ran by another of one of Lincoln’s allies in the main game, “The Voice” (Charles Laveau). One of their members who was carrying the evidence that they compiled against was murdered by the sheriff and they need to get it. The Voice’s daughter, Roxy joins and works alongside Lincoln to take down this entire corrupt police force with the help of her friend, M.J, another Vietnam vet who just wants to see his hometown become better. A pretty fun DLC, a lot of car chaos and destruction, brings ACAB to a whole new level. Lincoln and Roxy kinda got a thing going on (I think Lincoln likes girls who bully him lol), and it is pretty cute, especially near the end of the story, Lincoln hears something he really needed to hear to give him comfort and it’s pretty sweet (WELL IT WOULD BE SWEET IF ROXY DIDN'T IMMEDIATELY LEAVE BACK FOR GEORGIA RIGHT AFTER SHE GOT SOME DICK FROM HIM 😭). Not crime focused either, but a lot of fun and with M.J you can actually grow weed and make new strands to actually sell to the districts you take over in the main game. Roxy’s cool, even if it does kinda hurt if I think too much that she just said all the right things to get into Lincoln’s pants but....I’m not gonna judge her either cause he really...👀💦. She’s got a really cool car you get when you beat the story. M.J is cool, Vietnam vet, turned pot smoking/growing, racism fighting hippie. You also get a hippie van from him later when level up the grow operations, and I love me some hippie vans.
Stones Unturned: Donovan calls onto Lincoln for his help once someone from his past starts showing up in New Bordeaux and stirs up some shit. You meet one of Donovan’s old allies, a former C.I.A agent now turned bounty hunter Robert Marshall and he joins in the hunt down for Conner Aldridge. You learn more about John and Connor’s history, they used to work together and be friends but Connor turned his back on America and started feeding intel to the NVA. Eventually John found out and they had a violent falling out. Aldridge’s face got scarred and Donovan’s hand got really messed up. Aldridge’s main goal is to sell information on the U.S to all their enemies, from Vietnam to Cuba. There’s a lot of heavy weapons in this DLC and military grade vehicles. You even leave New Bordeaux to somewhere in Cuba to infiltrate a bunker to get the warhead and hunt down Aldridge. Very much more of a war/action plot than a crime plot, even though I guess John’s brand of shady is better than Connor’s brand of shady (??), still very fun to see more interactions with Lincoln and Donovan. Lincoln even forces him to open up more, that’s how we learn more about Aldridge (I still think he’s hiding more from Lincoln cause that anger felt more visceral...hmm). You first reach Cuba and it’s BEAAUUTTIFULLL, the water is so blue omg it’s so pretty. Robert Marshall is a weird guy, I see why him and John are friends. He’s a little unhinged but over all he’s friendly??in his own weird little way. You actually get bounty hunting missions from, only 3 though, once you’re back in town, and he offers this pretty handy sniping service. Connor as a villain is something alright, not saying he’s a bad character but I do wish there was more information you could have uncovered with Donovan. And he’s pretty nihilistic about the war and America and stuff and as someone who personally is pessimistic about how America is now...uhh...can’t say I blame him. Though selling weapons to people who wanna blast us to the Fallout Universe, that’s not cool. Nooo nope no sir, don’t like that. Anyways, the DLC is a good time. Less of a heavy story than the other 2 which is good cause I don’t wanna feel totally miserable lol
The order in which the DLC’s came out isn't an indicator of a timeline either, there’s no real set timeline in the game. Just the main plot begins during Mardi Gras in 1968, Lincoln needs his time to recover, and the only other indicator is on Anna’s gravestone so I’m assuming at least Sign of the Times is the first one and takes place when Lincoln’s trying to get his under bosses together. That’s a me thing tho, I’m a stickler for timelines and stuff like that.
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Lestat de Lioncourt - A playlist
So, guess who made a Lestat Playlist (like there aren't enough already) and decided to sit down for 4-6 hours to find some excerpt corresponding with each song? Featuring 80s and 90s music (clearly showing my age...) as well as many european songs and showtunes. Enjoy!
1. Cathedrals – Ramin Karimloo (Original by Jump, Little Children)
In the cathedrals of New York and Rome There is a feeling that you should just go home And spend the lifetime finding out just where that is
And that was not a good year for me. I was wandering aimlessly. I was sick of things. I was furious with myself that the „beauty“ of life wasn't sustaining me, wasn't making my loneliness bearable.
I wanted to join them. Always do want to join them and never do. „Go home,“ he whispered. - Prince Lestat
(I actually feel like there are quotes that would correspond to this song in every one of the books and indeed have not yet found any other song that captures the general spirit of The Vampire Chronicles as perfectly.)
2. Edge of Seventeen – Stevie Nicks
Well, I went today Maybe I will go again tomorrow Yeah yeah, well, the music there Well, it was hauntingly familiar Well, I see you doing what I try to do for me With the words from a poet and a voice from a choir And a melody, and nothing else mattered
He sat next to me, hugging me and asking me why I was crying, and though I couldn't tell him, I could see that he was overwhelmed that his music had produced this effect. There was no sarcasm or bitterness in him now. I think he carried me home that night. And the next morning I was standing in the crooked stone street in front of his father's shop, tossing pebbles up at his window. When he stuck his head out, I said: „Do you want to come down and go on with our conversation?“ - The Vampire Lestat
3. I ain't scared of lightning – Tom McRae
No I ain't scared of lightning And thunder never killed I was born in a summer storm and I live there still
I wasn't part of the world that cringed at such things. And with a smile, I realized that I was of that dark ilk that makes others cringe. Slowly and with great pleasure, I laughed.
And the labor that brought it forth was rapture such as I have never known. - The Vampire Lestat
4. Junge Roemer – Falco (Young Romans – Full Translation)
Don't ask for new old values See white light, see only feeling The night is ours till morning We play every game Don't ever let this journey end The doing comes only from the being Only from dimensions, that Are worth illusions and sensations Give me more, give me more, give me more...
... and again she laughed. „Ah, but we are splendid devils, aren't we?“ „Hunters of the Savage Garden,“ I said. „Then let's go into Paris,“ she said. - The Vampire Lestat
5. Running up that hill – Candy Says (Original by Kate Bush
If I only could, I'd make a deal with God, And I'd get him to swap our places, Be running up that road, Be running up that hill, Be running up that building,
„Not even with Nicolas?“ „No, god, no!“ I looked at her. She nodded slightly as if she approved of this answer. „Why not with Nicolas?“ she asked. I wanted this to stop. „Because he's young,“ I said, „and he has life before him.“ - The Vampire Lestat
6. Florence – Notre Dame de Paris (Full Translation)
The little things always triumph over the large And literature will kill architecture The school books will kill the cathedrals The Bible will kill the Church, and man will kill God This will kill that
„I never lived in it. I push against the glass. But how do I get in?“ „I can't tell you that,“ I said. „You have to study this age,“ Gabrielle interrupted. Her voice was calm but commanding. He looked towards her as she spoke. „You have to understand the age,“ she continued, „through its literature and its music and its art. You have come up out of the earth, as you yourself put it. Now live in the world.“ No answer from him. Flash of Nicki's ravaged flat with all its books on the floor. Western civilization in heaps. - The Vampire Lestat
7. Go your own way – Fleetwood Mac
Loving you isn't the right thing to do How can I ever change things that I feel
If I could maybe I'd give you my world How can I when you won't take it from me
You can go your own way You can call it another lonely day
„Keep your promise,“ she said. And quite suddenly I knew this was our last moment. I knew it and I could do nothing to change it. „Gabrielle!“ I whispered. But she was already gone. - The Vampire Lestat
8. Désenchantée – Olympe (Original by Myléne Farmer - Full Translation)
If death is a mystery Life isn't exactly tender If heaven has a hell Then heaven can still wait for me Tell me how to handle this headwind Nothing makes sense anymore, nothing's fine
Laughter. That insane music. That din, that dissonance, that never ending shrill articulation of the meaninglessness... Am I awake? Am I asleep? I am sure of one thing. I am a monster. And because I lie in torment in the earth, certain human beings move on through the narrow pass of life unmolested. - The Vampire Lestat
9. A kind of magic – Queen
The bell that rings inside your mind Is challenging the doors of time It's a kind of magic The waiting seems eternity The day will dawn of sanity
And quite completely I understood that it was looking for me, this sound, it was seeking me out.
Blood like light itself, liquid fire.
It seemed beneath the roar of the flow he spoke. He said again: „Drink, my young one, my wounded one.“ I felt his heart swell, his body undulate, and we were sealed against each other. I think I heard myself say: „Marius.“ And he answered: „Yes.“ - The Vampire Lestat
10. La quête – Bruno Pelletier (French version of „The Impossible Dream“ from Man of La Mancha)
To try when your arms are too weary To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest To follow that star Ooh, no matter how hopeless No matter how far
I would remain in New Orleans if New Orleans could only manage to remain. Whatever I suffered should be lessened in this lawless place, whatever I craved should give me more pleasure once I had it in my grasp. And there were moments on that first night in this fetid little paradise when I prayed that in spite of all my secret power, I was somehow kin to every mortal man. - The Vampire Lestat
11. Wicked Game – Chris Isaak
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
Yet Louis gained a hold over me far more powerful than Nicolas had ever had. Even in his cruelest moments, Louis touched the tenderness in me, seducing me with his staggering dependence, his infatuation with my every gesture and every spoken word. - The Vampire Lestat
12. Do I disappoint you – Rufus Wainwright
Do I disappoint you, in just being human? And not one of the elements that you can light your cigar on Why does it always have to be fire? Why does it always have to be brimstone?
„And suppose the vampire who made you knew nothing, and the vampire before him knew nothing, and so it goes back and back, nothing proceeding from nothing, until there is nothing! And we must live with the knowledge that there is no knowledge!“ „Yes!“ he cried out suddenly, his hands out, his voice tinged with something other than anger.
And then I sensed it. He was afraid. Lestat afraid. - Interview with the Vampire
13. Ordinary World – Duran Duran
What has happened to it all? Crazy, some'd say Where is the life that I recognize? Gone away
But I won't cry for yesterday There's an ordinary world Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way To the ordinary world I will learn to survive
I do not remember when it became the twentieth century, only that everything was uglier and darker, and the beauty I'd known in the old eighteenth-century days seemed more than ever some kind of fanciful idea. - The Vampire Lestat
14. I'm still standing – Taron Egerton (Original by Elton John)
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use And did you think this fool could never win? Well look at me, I'm coming back again
But after the third night up, I was roaring around New Orleans on a big black Harley-Davidson motorcycle making plenty of noise myself. […] I was the vampire Lestat again. I was back in action. New Orleans was once again my hunting ground. - The Vampire Lestat
15. Catch my fall – Billy Idol
I have the time so I will sing, yeah I'm just a boy but I will win, yeah Lost song of lovers, fellow travelers, yeah Leave me sad and hollow out of words
It could happen to you so think for yourself If I should stumble, catch my fall, yeah
I've survived, obviously. I wouldn't be talking to you if I hadn't. And the cosmic dust has finally settled; and the small rift in the world's fabric of rational beliefs has been mended, or at least closed. I'm a little sadder for all of it, and a little meaner and a little more conscientious as well. - The Queen of the Damned
16. I want it all – Queen
I'm a man with a one track mind So much to do in one lifetime (people do you hear me) Not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies So I'm living it all, yes I'm living it all And I'm giving it all, and I'm giving it all
It is not enough any longer that my little rock band be successful. We must create a fame that will carry my name and my voice to the remotest parts of the world. - The Vampire Lestat
17. Let me entertain you – Robbie Williams
Hell is gone and heaven's here There's nothing left for you to fear Shake your arse come over here Now scream
I'm a burning effigy Of everything I used to be You're my rock of empathy, my dear
So come on let me entertain you
"I AM THE VAMPIRE LESTAT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I stepped way back from the microphone, and the sound was almost visible as it arched over the length of the oval theater, and the voice of the crowd rose even higher, louder, as if to devour the ringing sound. - The Vampire Lestat
18. La bien qui fait mal – Mozart l'Opera Rock (Full translation)
I can feel a violent urge I feel like I'm sliding towards the ground If I don't find out where this plague is coming from I adore having it under my skin Bewitched by mad ideas Suddenly all my cravings take off The desire becomes my prison Until I loose my mind
Yet I was in her arms in this chilling darkness, in the familiar scent of winter, and her blood was mine again, and it was enslaving me. When she drew away, I felt agony. - The Queen of the Damned
19. Tainted Love – Soft Cell
And you think love is to pray But I'm sorry I don't pray that way Once I ran to you Now I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not living, oh
„What do you think I am that I am so easily swayed? I was born a Queen. I have always ruled; even from the shrine I ruled." Her eyes were glazed suddenly. I heard the voices, a dull hum rising. "I ruled if only in legend; if only in the minds of those who came to me and paid me tribute. Princes who played music for me; who brought me offerings and prayers. What do you want of me now? That for you, I renounce my throne, my destiny!" What answer could I make? - The Queen of the Damned
20. Dancing in the Dark – Ruth Moody (Original by Bruce Springsteen)
They say you gotta stay hungry Hey baby, I'm just about starvin' tonight I'm dyin' for some action I'm sick of sittin' 'round here tryin' to write this book I need a love reaction Come on now, baby, gimme just one look
"I want you to put the book aside and come join us," he said. "You've been locked in here for over a month." "I go out now and then," I said. I liked looking at him, at the neon blue of his eyes.
"Do you love me now?" I asked. He smiled; oh, it was excruciating to see his face soften and brighten simultaneously when he smiled. "Yes," he said. "Want to go on a little adventure?" My heart was thudding suddenly. It would be so grand if- "Want to break the new rules?" "What in the world do you mean?" he whispered. - The Queen of the Damned
21. I want you – Savage Garden
Oh, I want you, I don't know if I need you But oh, I would die to find out
"You don't think you'll be back?" he asked. "I think you will, whether I call or not." Another little surprise. A little stab of humiliation. I smiled at him in spite of myself. He was a very interesting man. "You silver-tongued British bastard," I said. "How dare you say that to me with such condescension? Maybe I should kill you right now."
I thought of David Talbot's face, and that moment when he'd challenged me. Well, maybe he was right. I'd be back. Who said I couldn't come back and talk to him if I wanted to? - The Queen of the Damned
22. Lay your hands on me – Bon Jovi
I'm a fighter, I'm a poet, I'm a preacher I've been to school, oh baby, I've been the teacher If you show me how to get up off the ground I can show you how to fly and never ever come back down
I sat down on the bed beside him. And then I bent down and kissed his face again gently, as I had in New Orleans, liking the feel of his roughly shaven beard, just as I liked that sort of thing when I was really Lestat and I would soon have that strong masculine blood inside. I moved closer to him, when suddenly he grasped my hand, and I felt him gently push me away. „Why, David?“ I asked him. He didn't answer. He lifted his right hand and brushed my hair back out of my eyes. „I don't know,“ he whispered. „I can't. I simply can't.“ - The Tale of the Body Thief
23. 20th Century Boy – Placebo (Original by T-Rex)
I move like a cat, charge like a ram Sting like a bee, babe, I wanna be your man, hey!
He drew back with a speed that astonished me, cleaving to the wall. „Don't do this, Lestat.“ „Don't fight me, old friend. You waste your effort. You have a long night of discovery ahead.“ - The Tale of the Body Thief
24. Way down we go – KALEO
Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Whoa, we get what we deserve And way down we go
„In chains, to my friend and my scribe, I dictated these words. Come with me. Just listen to me. Don't leave me alone.“ - Memnoch the Devil
25. Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
Reach out, touch faith
"Don't tell me," Gabrielle said slurringly, "that it's a matter of faith." She sneered and shook her head. "You come like doubting Thomas to thrust your bloody fangs in the very wound." "Oh, stop, please, I beg you," I whispered. I put up my hands. "Let me try, and let him hurt me, and then be satisfied, and turn away." - The Vampire Armand
26. Papillon – Editors
Darling Just don't put down your guns yet If there really was a God here He'd have raised a hand by now Now darling You're born, get old, then die here Well that's quite enough for me We'll find our own way home somehow
"And if I spill my blood down into this coffin now," Lestat asked her, "what do you think will come back? Do you think it will be our Louis that will rise in these burnt rags? What if it's not, chérie, what if it's some wounded revenant that we must destroy?" "Choose life, Lestat," she said. - Merrick
27. Sunday Light – Choir Boy
Why, why, why, are you silent on the ride home? I'd love to see the temple with you Heavenly and bright, golden angel twisted scathing You were one of us, one of us, one of us, you were one of us
"Then come, Little Brother, take me to where you want to talk," he said, and I felt the soft squeeze of his fingers on my arm. "Why are you so kind to me?" I asked him. "You're used to people being paid to do it, aren't you?" he asked. - Blackwood Farm
28. Für mich solls rote Rosen regnen – Hildegard Knef (It should rain red roses for me - Full translation)
It should rain red roses for me All wonders should encounter me The world should rearrange itself And keep its worries to itself
I want to be a saint. I want to save souls by the millions. I want to do good far and wide. I want to fight evil! I want my life-sized statue in every church. I'm talking six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes- Wait a second. Do you know who I am? - Blood Canticle
29. Constant Craving – K. D. Lang
Even through the darkest phase Be it thick or thin Always someone marches brave Here beneath my skin And constant craving Has always been
I was hunting, thirsting though I didn't need to drink, at the mercy of the craving, the deep agonizing lust for heated pumping human blood. - Prince Lestat
30. Kalte Sterne – Jan Ammann (Cold Stars from the musical Ludwig² - Full translation)
Get up, ride home, on your horse, through your land Across the morning with your reins trailing behind you Build a castle like a dream, build it with mighty hands And it shall be named „future“
Build a castle like a dream Up from the ashes and close to the heavens Build a castle like a dream And realise the future as king
If we wanted to survive, if we wanted to inherit the millenia […] then we had to meet the future with respect as well as courage and count fear and selfishness to be small things. - Prince Lestat and the realms of Atlantis
31. C'est une belle journée – Mylene Farmer (Full translation)
I'm going to bed To bite eternity With my mouth wide open It's a beautiful day
And I felt the cold numbing shell of alienation and despair which had imprisoned me all of my life among the Undead – I felt that shell cracked, broken, and dissolved utterly into infinitesimal fragments. - Blood Communion
32. Princes of the Universe – Queen
Fly the moon and reach for the stars With my sword and head held high Got to pass the test first time, yeah I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day But I can prove them wrong 'cause I'm right first time
„I know that you meant full well to bring Rhoshamandes down, of course you did. But you had no way of knowing that you could. And no one would have predicted that you could. And with the willingness to die, you gave yourself over into his hands... and you disarmed him and destroyed him.“ – Blood Communion
And finally, because I can, a bonus track:
33. Primadonna – MARINA
And I'm sad to the core, core, core Every day is a chore, chore, chore When you give, I want more, more, more I wanna be adored
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iremelwrites · 3 years
sal fisher and jeff woods friendship headcanons
(these take place before they became killers. inspired by my most recent post)
- they met in the beginning of middle school
- after diane’s death, henry and sal moved around the country for a while before they settled in nockfell. one of the places where they lived was new orleans (yeah this doesn’t really fit into canon (or even my own fanon, for that matter) but bear with me for the sake of the au)
- they were starting sixth grade and entering middle school, which meant that it was a new environment for them both
- that was the summer when jeff discovered the emo subculture and decided to become an honorary member
- margaret was on his ass about it and constantly nagged him that he’d never find friends looking like that
- so jeff entered the middle school premises with the goal of befriending someone cool literally just to spite his mother
- people in his morning classes were okay, but still not what he was looking for
- when the time for lunch came, jeff looked for a place to sit in the crowded cafeteria and when his eyes landed on a blue haired kid in a mask and a metallica hoodie who was sitting alone, he was like
- bingo.
- he immediately sat down across from him, saying something along the lines of “awesome hoodie. i love metallica”
- sal looked at him with wide eyes for a second because he didn’t expect to be talked to during lunch, especially in a positive context. jeff was probably the first person sal had met who didn’t start their first conversation with a remark or question about the prosthetic
- they introduced themselves and talked about classic rock for a while. over the summer, jeff took the time to learn practically everything about the bands he listened to, so when sal could actually hold his ground on that topic jeff was ecstatic
- once they discovered that they both loved playing the guitar, they were like,, yeah dude we’re best friends now
- jeff didn’t ask anything about sal’s prosthetic until sal actually told him. having his own share of insecurities, jeff didn’t pry on whether it was a fashion statement or a necessary measure. besides, he didn’t care that much, since it looked cool anyway
- the two of them shared two afternoon classes and passed each other notes during them constantly bc middle school is boring you know
- they’d start hanging outside of school pretty quickly. most of the time they’d be at sal’s since margaret was always at home and insensitive as fuck, and jeff didn’t want sal to go through that
- henry is really happy that sal made a close friend. doesn’t even mind the loud ass music constantly blaring from sal’s room whenever he and jeff hang out
- they soon learn that they reeeeeally needed a friendship like one they formed. they balance each other out perfectly. sal guides jeff through his bitterness and angst with empathetic rationality. jeff encourages sal to stand up for himself and be more confident
- speaking of which, few people bothered sal in the new orleans school because jeff was always ready to throw hands. he has a lot of unprocessed anger from margaret’s narcissistic abuse and being bullied himself. he doesn’t always respond when the violence is directed at him, but when someone fucks with his best friend?? they better count their days
- one time some asshole tried removing sal’s prosthetic in the middle of a crowded hallway and jeff went literally batshit. he won, too, and even gloated about the detention he got afterwards
- sal doesn’t exactly enjoy the fact that jeff gets in fights because of him. he prefers to solve his people problems verbally, and if they get physical, oh well, he’s used to it. sal told this to jeff on multiple occasions. jeff doesn’t care.
- not only is fighting a way to let out his suppressed anger, but jeff also has a very strong moral compass, and, in his eyes, anyone who hurts someone as nice as sal definitely deserves to get their shit rocked. the fact that sal is used to being a target kind of makes jeff sick, he tries to not think about that
- jeff believes that deserves to be hated by the people around him (that’s an idea margaret put in his head isn’t it). he hates everyone anyway, and doesn’t try to hide his misanthropy. it’s not a big deal if people hate him back. sal though???? jeff thinks that sal is everything he himself isn’t. smart, empathetic, and incredibly strong. the fact that after everything he went through, sal still sees the best in everyone, even the people who bully him, is something jeff admires him for almost to a saint-like degree
- sal and liu get along really well too! liu also admires him for his strength and kindness. kind of adopts him as his second little brother
- since sal is from rural new jersey, moving to a city as big as new orleans was exciting. he wanted to explore the city, especially the historical center. this worked well because jeff takes pride in being a native to new orleans and knows his way around the city. the two of them would often just take walks around town and check out interesting places
- they share a love for the supernatural, and since it’s new orleans, they explore abandoned houses and visit voodoo sites. one time, when margaret and peter were out of town, jeff, sal, liu and some of liu’s friends got together at the woods residence and used a ouija board to try and summon an ancient deity. it didn’t go well, things got creepy pretty fast
- they’d have sleepovers often, and the topic of their conversations would turn existential and philosophical at night. they’d talk about their past, their dysfunctional families, about their nightmares of things beyond their understanding and their uncertainty of the future. this is when they really connected. their troubles were practically identical and the conversations they had about them were the most fulfilling discussions they’d ever had. they knew they could trust each other with the deepest parts of their introverted minds and not be judged or misunderstood. both of them would talk for hours until passing out with a thought like “i’m so glad you and i met”
- platonic soulmates
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trekscribbles · 3 years
Triple Threat: A Stone Triplets Fic (Chapter 2)
Fandoms: Leverage/Leverage Redemption, Librarians, and Almost Paradise
Cross-Posted: Ao3 and FF
Summary: Eliot and Jake are both in the Philippines for separate jobs that turn out to be related. Kai takes the existence of Alex's brothers as a personal attack on her mental health. Ernesto happily goes along for the ride.
Read Chapter 1 here.
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Chapter 2: Double Trouble
The last time Eliot saw Alex was when they were 16 years old. Alex had been living with Uncle Danny for 6 years at that point, so the brothers didn't have much of a relationship even then, and the reunion had been awkward and tense. Jake was the one who tried to keep them together, who talked their father into hosting Christmas that year. He was the one who'd called Alex and begged him to come home for a week. Just a week.
They'd lasted three days.
At the time Eliot had blamed Alex—immature, bull-headed Alex, whose verbal and then physical fights with their father had led to his living with Uncle Danny in the first place. If he could have just learned to keep his mouth shut, most of the fights wouldn't have happened. Eliot and Jake had learned that lesson—why couldn't Alex? He always had to have the last word, no matter what the cost.
That last visit was what finally convinced Eliot to leave home. He thought about college, but eventually decided to enlist as soon as he turned 18 (without telling their father). Jake was supposed to go with him, but he'd wanted to see Alex one more time before they left. When months went by and Alex didn't come back, Eliot left both his brothers behind.
Age had given Eliot perspective, but by the time he was ready to apologize, Jake wouldn't take his calls. Alex had already joined the DEA, and a series of undercover assignments for both of them made it impossible for Eliot to reach out. And then he got involved with Moreau, and getting in touch was no longer an option. It would have put them in too much danger, and that was one thing Eliot would never do. But after a while, even that became an excuse. After he escaped Moreau, after Nate created a team and a family for him, he let the silence continue. He'd made that choice on his own.
And now apparently Alex was in the Philippines. Permanently, according to the detective who introduced herself as Kai Mendoza. That was all she would tell him (through gritted teeth, as though Eliot had committed some unforgivable sin by asking). "We have to take care of this mess," she'd grumbled. "Then we'll take you to see Alex."
She hadn't asked if Eliot wanted to see Alex, and part of him was glad for that. If he'd been given the option, he wasn't sure he'd have said yes. It would have been easy to say that he was too busy, that he couldn't stay, that it was better for them not to meet. But now that the offer was there, Eliot couldn't turn it down. One way or another, he was going to see his brother today.
Kai and her partner Ernesto drove him and the two men they'd arrested to the police station, where Eliot was firmly told to stay in the car. Kai paused after giving the order as if waiting for him to argue, even after he nodded and promised to stay put. Apparently Alex hadn't changed much since they were kids.
While the others were inside, Eliot took a few minutes to call Hardison and update him on the job. It was just the two of them on this one, with Hardison pulling the strings from somewhere in Vietnam while Eliot worked on the ground in Cebu.
Hardison picked up on the first ring. "All done? I booked you a flight back to New Orleans on—"
"I ran into a little snag," Eliot interrupted.
"What kind of snag?"
Eliot explained most of his encounter with Kai and Ernesto, but he couldn't bring himself to include the fact that he'd been mistaken for one of his long-lost triplet brothers. Hardison knew he had siblings, but Eliot hadn't ever gone into details about them. He wasn't sure what he'd say now, and he knew Hardison would have questions. Best to leave it be. He'd give Hardison a more in-depth explanation later.
"So now what?" Hardison asked.
"Now we wait and see if they can salvage the sting. If they arrest Flores, our work is done."
"And if they don't?"
"I'll let you know."
There was a pause, as if Hardison was trying to decide whether or not to voice his next thought. "Is there something else?"
Eliot sighed. He tried not to lie to Hardison or Parker, but he didn't want to have this conversation now. "Not about the job," he answered. "I'll explain later."
To his credit, Hardison didn't argue, even though he had to be burning with curiosity. "Okay. Call back when you have more to share."
It was another twenty minutes before Kai and Ernesto emerged from the police station, both wearing grim expressions. They were talking as they approached the car, and Eliot caught the tail end of their conversation through the open windows.
"I didn't want to bring him in on this," Kai was saying.
Ernesto shrugged. "We don't really have a choice anymore."
"Things get messy when his family is involved. It'll only complicate things."
Interesting. Which of his relatives had already come to the island? Evidently Eliot's family had a knack for disrupting the locals.
"Ocampo's orders," Ernesto said. He opened the passenger door and slid into the car, turning to look over his shoulder at Eliot. "We'll take you to see Alex, but you're going to have to come back to the station and explain what you were doing with Flores."
Eliot crossed his arms. "Figured you'd want to know that first."
"We do," Kai said, with a frown at her partner. "You owe the delay to Alex. He's helped us out in the past, and Ernesto thinks we should tell him you're here before he finds out from someone else."
"The surprise could kill him," Ernesto said mildly.
"You just want to see his face when we show up with his doppelganger."
"Don't you?" Ernesto asked. Kai huffed and dropped into the driver's seat.
They lapsed into silence during the drive, which Eliot appreciated. His stomach had begun an uneasy churn, though he told himself it was just because of the heat. There was nothing to be nervous about. Sure Eliot hadn't reached out, but neither had Alex. Neither had Jake, for that matter. Eliot had gone home once, just after he got out of the service, and found Jake had taken over the oil company. Their neighbors said that Jake was turning things around, digging out of debt and even managing a profit, and Eliot accepted the blessing and drove out of town without stopping by the house. It was enough that Jake was happy. He didn't need Eliot coming back and ruining things for him.
Kai pulled into the parking lot of another hotel, dodging groups of brightly dressed tourists as she went. "He owns the gift shop here at the resort," Ernesto explained, flashing a friendly smile over his shoulder. Kai didn't look at him as she got out of the car, but Eliot was happy to keep his silence. He trailed behind her as she led the way through the resort, winding around pools and umbrella-covered tables, slowing every few moments so Ernesto could greet someone. Apparently the friendliness wasn't an act—or else it was a very good one. But something about the man felt genuine, as if he couldn't be bothered to put up a front.
Kai, on the other hand... she was harder to read. Especially now that she wasn't giving Eliot anything to work with except the occasional glare.
Before long the bustle of the resort faded as concrete transitioned to sand beneath their feet. A small building rose ahead of them, still against the backdrop of gentle waves and lazy clouds. A soft breeze ruffled Eliot's hair, filling his lungs with salt and sunshine. He wanted to stop, to look out at the water and breathe in the sea spray and the silence, but the others kept walking.
No wonder Alex had picked this spot. If retirement was in Eliot's future, he could see himself in a place like this.
Ernesto reached the door, and Eliot took one last windswept breath to brace himself.
"You look nervous," Kai murmured.
No he didn't. He knew he didn't, because the only emotions he gave away were the ones he wanted people to see. And he was most definitely not nervous. But her eyes lingered on his, and something softened in her expression.
"Don't worry," she said, giving him a small, hesitant smile. "It'll be fine."
"Alex," Ernesto called, and Eliot's stomach gave another roll. This was a mistake. He shouldn't have come. He tried to back away, but Kai put her hand on his arm and cut off his retreat, guiding him inside.
The gift shop was empty besides one man restocking a rack of post cards. He stood with his back to them, but it was impossible to mistake him for anyone else. He had the same build as Eliot, the same brown hair he'd have to fight to keep straight in this humidity, the same scarred hands from years of work and fighting.
"Hey!" Alex said without turning around. "Check it out, I got new cards."
Ernesto started across the room, gesturing for Eliot to follow. "How come you didn't tell us you had a twin?"
Alex looked at him. "A twin? I don't have a tw—"
His eyes fell on Eliot, and his words died. Eliot could feel Kai watching them, waiting for a reaction, but he couldn't think of anything to say. Hey, how've you been the last 30 years? Oh, me? Well, first I was an international assassin, and now I work with a group of thieves who steal from the rich and give to the poor. I still punch people for a living though. How about you?
Something started beeping. Eliot started—no, not started, just looked around for the source—but Alex slapped his hand to his wrist and the sound stopped.
"Everything okay?" Ernesto asked. Alex made a noncommittal sound, glancing at him before returning his attention to Eliot. His eyes seemed bluer than Eliot remembered. It was probably just the lighting, but since it was the only thought that didn't spiral out of control, it was the one Eliot clung to. Blue eyes like their mother's, like the pond water in the back yard. Blue eyes that had been red with anger and hurt the last time he'd seen them.
"Which one are you?" Alex asked.
Behind him, Kai made a choking sound. Ernesto shushed her.
"But—" she sputtered. "Are there more of them?"
Eliot refocused on his brother. "You don't recognize me?"
"You both look the same," Alex deadpanned.
"Well, we're in the Philippines and I'm speaking English."
For a long moment Alex simply stared at him as if trying to read the details of their separation in his face. Then he reached out, and Eliot braced himself for the punch. He wouldn't fight back—not at first, not unless things got out of hand. He could take a hit or two, let Alex burn off some of his anger, and then try talking. They weren't 16 anymore. They could handle this like adults.
But Alex didn't hit him. His arms flashed out past Eliot's head, wrapping around his shoulders, pulling him tight. "Eliot," he murmured, crushing him in a hug that drove the breath from Eliot's lungs. He didn't care. He grabbed two fistfuls of Alex's shirt and squeezed, pressing everything he couldn't voice into the embrace.
"It's good to see you," Alex said at last, gruffly. He pulled away without taking his hands from Eliot's shoulders. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh... work."
Alex frowned at the hesitation. "What kind of work?"
Eliot sent a look over his shoulder, where Kai and Ernesto still waited. They clearly had some kind of relationship with Alex, but how far did that extend? Likely not far enough to keep from arresting Eliot for the half-dozen laws he'd broken to secure his meeting with Flores. "I'll tell you later."
"Now's as good a time as any," Kai said. "You can tell us now or at the station, whichever you prefer."
"We can give them a little longer," Ernesto argued.
"Flores is still out there. The longer we wait, the more time he has to act."
"Who's Flores?" Alex asked. He let his hands slide from Eliot's shoulders, a frown settling over his face.
Kai gave him a pointed look. "I'll tell you later."
"I think you should tell me now."
"I don't care what—"
Ernesto held his hands up, putting himself between the two of them. "Kai, we can give them a few more minutes to catch up. We'll be outside, Alex. Ten minutes." He looked at Eliot. "Then you come to the station with us. Understand?"
"Fine," Alex said. "Ten minutes. I got it."
Though Kai looked like she wanted to argue, she allowed Ernesto to guide her toward the door. "Nice friends you've got," Eliot muttered.
He'd meant it as a joke, but Alex gave a serious nod. "Yeah. They are. They're closer than some of my family."
Apparently they were going to fight after all. "I didn't know how to contact you," Eliot said.
"You're smart. You couldn't figure something out?"
"Couldn't you?" Eliot countered. "The last I heard you were undercover. Reaching out would have put you in danger."
"I'm retired now," Alex said.
"So I hear."
Alex crossed his arms over his chest. "I did try to find you. There was a rumor going around that you'd died."
"I didn't. Well, I did once, but it didn't stick."
"How long ago was that?"
"While you were still undercover."
Alex gave a frustrated growl. "Fine. We both could have done more, alright? Just... fill me in on the case."
The case was a safe topic, so Eliot embraced the change without complaint. He gave his brother the basics as he knew them: Robert Flores was looking to set up a base to smuggle drugs to the United States. Hardison had been tracking him throughout Asia, but when business kept him in Vietnam he'd contacted Eliot about finishing the job. "Should have been simple enough," Eliot said. "Set up a meeting, figure out his weakness, take him down."
"But you weren't the only one after him," Alex said. He heaved a sigh. "How mad was Kai when you showed up?"
An involuntary smile pulled at Eliot's lips. "She thought I was you. I think she wanted to kill me more than Flores's men did."
Alex chuckled, sobering a moment later. "So this is what you do? You go after international criminals?"
"More or less."
"With who? I mean—CIA? Interpol?"
"It's kind of a freelance operation."
Alex shook his head. "That doesn't make any sense."
"It's a lot to explain," Eliot said. "And I will, I promise. Soon as we have the time."
"Right." Alex gave him another long look, and a small grin appeared on his face. "It's good to see you, man. It's been too long."
Eliot didn't try to stop his answering grin. "You go by Walker now?"
"You'd already taken Mom's name. Didn't leave me with much of a choice."
"Yeah, but... Walker? As in Texas Ranger?"
Alex hissed and shot a look toward the door. "Don't say it out loud, man. I've got a reputation to keep up here."
Eliot laughed, but Ernesto chose that moment to knock and peek into the gift shop, effectively ending the conversation. "You two finished?" he called.
"For now," Alex answered. "Where's Kai?"
"She went to get some coffee. She'll be back any minute."
Alex nodded. "Good. I wanna be back before the afternoon rush."
"You're not coming," Ernesto said. "I don't think Kai can handle two of you."
Eliot folded his arms. "For the record, I'm not Alex's double. If anything he's my double. I'm older."
"By eight minutes," Alex snapped.
"That's older."
Alex huffed a wordless reply, and Eliot felt a glow of something familiar in his chest. This was an argument they'd had hundreds of times—Eliot, being the oldest, started it most often when they were kids. Jake had come next, and then Alex—Baby Alex, they called him, whenever he was being annoying. Eliot was pleased to find the joke still funny.
Even better, Alex seemed to still find it annoying. Eliot couldn't say why that felt so comforting. Maybe it was just that he was thankful to see a glimpse of the old Alex, the one he'd known before they let their father and their pride get in the way of their relationship. Maybe it was the fact that Alex was relaxed enough to have this conversation in front of Ernesto. Maybe Alex had found a team the way Eliot had.
Maybe it was a good thing he'd come here after all.
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cupofsapphics · 4 years
To All the Times I’ve Loved You (pt. 2)
Cordelia Goode x Reader
You can read part one here
Thanks to @delias-bitch-craft you now have yourselves a second part, I was just gonna leave it there but >:/ enjoy -.-
Taglist: @d14n4ol , @the-obscurity
Please let me know if you want to be added to the taglist of my fanfictions!
It’s been 5 years, 3 months, and 9 days since I left the academy to start my life all over again. It’s been great actually. I got a degree in psychology and pharmacy. I’m now a part-time psychology professor and another part-time pharmacist. Of course, just because I live a normal life, doesn’t mean I won’t practice my witch abilities. In fact, I think I’ve improved a lot since the academy. I’m able to transmute now, and much more. Life’s been good.
“So this week’s homework is to research how the brain reacts to fear and write a 5 paragraph essay on it. It’s due by Friday at the end of class.” Whew last class of the day. I may love my job, but damn is it hard. I couldn’t wait to get back home to my comfy corner and cute cat, Rose. I was so busy with thinking that I didn’t hear my phone ring.
I opened the door. “ROSE, I’M HOME!” I smiled when I heard a familiar jingle. “C’mon, you hungry? I’m gonna go fix us a snack.” Just when I was about to sit down and eat my pasta, the phone rang. Annoyed, I picked it up. It better not be one of the staff. “Hello?” “Hello, dear.” I froze. That voice. I haven’t heard that voice in years. It was Myrtle Snow. Us along with Cordelia were really close, but she had a post on the Council so, eventually, she became more busy. I was so lost in thought that I forgot to respond. “Oh hi sorry Mrytle, how may I help you?” She chuckled on the other end. “Must I always call when I need something?” I rolled my eyes with pasta in my mouth. “You usually do.” “Now, now, Y/N, don’t talk with food in your mouth. Also, I request that you come to the academy tomorrow. We need to have some arrangements.” And she hanged up. Tomorrow? How in the world was I supposed to get a flight to New Orleans by TOMORROW? Oh yeah, witch powers right. Hm, now what to do with my classes.... I have a lot of planning and packing to do.
Right, it took me about 5 years to get my life back on track and now I’ve ended right back to where I came from. Can’t a witch have a normal life without her coven calling her? Yet, here I am, back in front of the academy, after some large transmutation. I sighed. Whatever Myrtle needs, hopefully won’t be too bad. I knocked on the door. A nice-looking brunette answered the door. “Hey! I’m here because Myrtle asked me to come here for some arrangements.” The girl smiled. “Of course. My name is Zoe, do you need a tour?” I mentally laughed. “No, that won’t be necessary, I know my way around.” Zoe nodded. “Myrtle is in the living room.”
I entered the living room to be greeted with the familiar flame-like hair, whose belonged to none other than Myrtle. “Ah, my dear, I see you have arrived! How was your trip?” I chuckled. “It was rather quick. I transmuted here.” Mrytle’s eyebrows rose. “And your classes?” I grinned. “I cast a duplication spell. So right now, I’m also teaching my 3rd period class.” Mrytle smiled proudly. “I see you have developed many skills during your time away from the academy.” I nodded. “So what we’re these arrangements you wanted to talk about?”
Myrtle sighed. “I want you to teach here in the academy.” I gaped. Surely she can’t be serious. I took me so much time just to normalize myself outside of the Academy and now she’s asking me to come back? “I don’t-“ “it’s not a matter of want, Y/N. It’s for the benefit of the next generation of witches.” I sighed. I could really never argue with Mrytle’s logic. “Alright.” Mrytle smiled lightly. “Good to hear, dear. You’ll discuss further details with Cordelia.” My heart dropped. The name I so loved before I now so loathed.
I took a deep breath. I really hoped she wouldn’t recognize me cause I went through enough heartbreak shit already at the Academy. I’m just here to help new witches. I knocked. My heart fluttered when I heard a soft come in. I opened the door. There were beautiful decorated pots with plants and files organized everywhere. Classic Cordelia. Probably since I didn’t say anything, she turned her chair around to see who it was. As realization dawned on her face, her eyes started to become glassy. I sat down. I just wanted to get this over with. “Look Y/N-“ “No Cordelia, I’m not here to argue about the past. I’m here because Myrtle wants me to teach here for the new witches.” Cordelia nodded slowly. I could tell she was trying hard not to break down right now. “Of course, Zoe will give you your rooms, teaching information, and materials.” I nodded and left the room.
Cordelia’s POV
As soon as I saw Y/N, my heart broke. Her eyes were happier than before. Her hair became longer and I could feel more power radiating off of her. She really has changed. When I saw the poem she wrote, everything really made sense. All the lingering gazes and touches, the warnings. And she was right. Hank was a witch hunter and now I feel terrible for all the pain I put Y/N through. I need to sort this out. I can’t take it.
Is Cordelia sorry? Or is she just saying this for the sake that I am back? I read the news and the rumors running around. Hank as a witch hunter and dying after shooting some voodoo people in a hair salon. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Hank was actually a witch hunter. For me, a few years ago, it was just a passing theory. I sat down in my new room at the academy. I think I should just focus on teaching the new witches and about my personal life later. 
-2 weeks later-
Its been two weeks and so far my goal for washing away the past is succeeding. My #1 goal everyday was to 1. Teach my students to the best of my ability and 2. Avoid talking overly much with Cordelia. She already caused me so much pain and it took me so long to move on. I think it’s best to be careful. I usually never hold more than a 5 minute conversation with her, just to be careful. 
Cordelia’s POV
Its been 2 weeks. Two. Long. Weeks. No matter how much I tried to slowly progress into our conversation that I wanted us to have, Y/N would just excuse herself after 5 minutes! I’m getting tired of this. Something needs to be done. 
A week later, and Zoe told me that Cordelia would like to see me. I inhaled a deep breath. Transmutation was never easy when I’m nervous. if things ever get too much, I need to be able to get out of there as soon as possible. I knocked the door and heard the familiar “come in”. I gently opened the door and went in. Cordelia turned her chair around. I’m sure she wants to talk seriously so I prepare to do so myself. “Listen, Y/N, we need to talk. Over weeks, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about when you left the academy.” I stood up immediately. “As I told you the day I came to teach here, I no longer want to talk about this and move on.” Cordelia stood up too. “Till how long, Y/N? How long can you run? One day or another we’re going to have to talk about this.” I looked away to hide all my tears and pain that were held up all these years. Cordelia moved around her table. She stood in front of me, wiped my tears, and took my hands. “I’m really sorry, Y/N. I should have listened to you when you warned me about Hank. I also can never really say sorry enough for when I hurt you by marrying Hank. Why didn’t you tell me?” I sniffed. “The day you thought it was Alice, I just didn’t want to ruin it for you. So I just let you believe what you believe.” Cordelia smiled. “There is something I’ve been meaning to give you, you know.” I turned to her with a curious glance. “Close your eyes.” I rolled my eyes and closed them. A few seconds passed by, when I was met with plump, sweet lips against my own. I let out a little gasp of surprise till I came back to my senses. I kissed Cordelia back. As we drew away to catch our breaths, we exchanged smiles. To all the times we’ve loved each other and even till now, we still do. 
Oh man, I hope you really liked it. I thought it was crappy lmao. 
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alonely-dreamer · 4 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 35: Dangerous Opportunities
Summary: Mackenzie, Elijah and Klaus keep busy in New-Orleans...
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 2856
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23: Part 1 | Chapter 23: Part 2 | Chapter 23: Part 3 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 (Part 1) | Chapter 25 (Part 2) | Chapter 25 (Part 3) | Chapter 26 (Part 1) | Chapter 26 (Part 2 & 3) | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32  | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34
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I made Marcel everything that he is.
I treated him like a son.
And when my father chased me and my family from New-Orleans a hundred years ago we believed Marcel was killed.
We each mourned him in our own way.
Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived… he had thrived.
Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice, to take everything my family had built and make it his own.
Now he is living in our home.
He is sleeping in our beds.
The letter ‘M’ he stamps everywhere… it’s not for Marcel.
It’s for Mikaelson.
I want it all back.
And if I have to push him out to get it, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.
 Mackenzie’s giggles filled the room. “Stop it,” she kept repeating, but she didn’t mean it, and he knew that. They had started new games together, some even new to Elijah, as if Mackenzie was his muse inspiring him dirty little games he’d only play with her. It was innocent, at first, but soon, Mackenzie became more comfortable with him, more confident, and the stains of blood on the white bed sheets were so common now the compelled staff knew to change them almost every day. The implications of their activities only made them want each other more. Mackenzie, because she knew the effect her blood had on him, and Elijah, because he would never experience anything like this with anyone else other than her. Sure, he knew he would never love anyone the way he loved Mackenzie, but it wasn’t just about love. And that was something that made Mackenzie feel powerful. That was the reason why, sometimes, she refused to take his blood after they were done. So that she’d keep the marks. So that he knew they were there. His marks on her body. Claiming her. And she loved the way it made him feel when he saw them too.
While Mackenzie and Elijah were enjoying what both Katherine and Rebekah had called their ‘honeymoon period’, Hayley wished for death. Well, maybe not literally. But she did pretty much hate her life, and she didn’t have faith that it would get better in the next eighteen years. She was uncomfortable in every way. Not only was she pregnant with the world’s most hated supernatural creature, but her future baby’s father also was a total psychopath who didn’t see her as anything more than an incubator for his miracle baby. He had forbidden her from leaving the house where he left her to rot every day. Every day, she was left with a couple acting not unlike two hormonal teenagers around the house, in other words, alone, alone with dusty books she had no intention of reading, and a TV remote giving her access to hundreds of channels she wasn’t interested in watching at all. In other words, days passed and stayed the same, aside from the rising heat, and growing belly.
To make matters worse, when Elijah wasn’t busy eating his girlfriend (in every sense of the word), he turned into an over-protective grandpa, building the nursery from scratch, making sure she had vitamin, protein, everything a pregnant woman needs according to What To Expect When You’re Expecting, which she wouldn’t be surprised to find on his nightstand. Not only did it make her uncomfortable, and even more irritable, but it made Mackenzie self-conscious and sad, not matter how hard she was trying to hide it.
At first, Hayley thought it was jealousy. But Mackenzie was better than that. And she had no bad intentions towards Hayley, or feelings, on the contrary. After they had made sure Marcel’s secret weapon, whatever it was, could not detect Mackenzie’s powers, they had unlinked Hayley to Sophie, making the witches regret their whole plan to bring the Originals back in town, giving them enormous doubts about whether they would still go on with the plan to dethrone Marcel or not. Of course, Klaus was a threat to them now, after all they had done. Kidnapping Hayley, using his child to blackmail him… The witches were scared, and now, they had bigger problems than Marcel, and the witch community of New-Orleans was starting to turn against Sophie, who had insisted her sister’s plan would work. But Klaus didn’t attack the witches. No, Klaus was still in a suspiciously good mood. Aside from keeping Hayley locked up in the house, he was pleasant with his brother, he was pleasant with Mackenzie, and he was pleasant with Hayley, to whom his nickname little wolf had stuck. He wasn’t acting like a future father, by any means. He didn’t check on Hayley’s health, never asked how she felt or if she needed anything. He didn’t spend any time in the nursery, helping Elijah, or didn’t even talk baby names with his future baby’s mother, not that anyone had expected that from him. No. Klaus spent all his time with Marcel, and they were seemingly getting along great, greater than great, in fact, as if they were the best of friends who weren’t hiding deadly secrets from each other.
Hayley had started to worry about his behavior. What if he really enjoyed spending time with Marcel? What if he just wanted to get back at the witches? What if he didn’t care? What if… all the bad things Klaus could do, that she could think of, or even scarier, that she couldn’t even imagine. However, her worries were put to rest one day, as Klaus came back home one night with a newly made vampire named Josh.
“Josh here,” he had told them, “will be my eyes and ears. My joker, my…”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Hayley had interrupted him. “He’s your spy.”
Klaus had gotten to Josh before Marcel even had the chance to put him under vervain. The vampire was compelled thoroughly by the Original hybrid and will be the key to taking Marcel down.
Though the existence of Josh was a relief for everyone, neither his brother nor his girlfriend trusted him in any way. Not when he was in such a good mood. He was plotting something, and they had a feeling it was nothing good, for anyone.
 Mackenzie caressed Elijah’s hair, her thoughts wandering back to earlier that day, when he had taken her to one of his favorite places in New-Orleans, a once peaceful beautiful park that was now a crowded and loud playground. She sighed, moving slightly but enough for Elijah to let a drop of blood slide down on Mackenzie’s neck. It drew a red line on her slightly tanned skin and the drop came to rest down her cleavage. She ignored it, she knew he’d take care of it later. Though the maids would have to change the sheets again in the morning.
She had almost forgotten his mouth buried in her neck, his free hand moving up and down her arm, as they were lying naked in their bed, resting from their long day of exploring the city Elijah had missed so much for the past century. He drank from her, her blood, the most delicious in the entire world, like she was the Fountain of Youth herself and he was the only one who got to drink from her, the only one who had that privilege, because he was the one who had discovered her. He had been there first, explored and found her and now she was his and only his and that thought would never cease to amaze him, to make him feel like the luckiest man in the world. But right now, Mackenzie felt everything but lucky, as she was haunted by a picture that would not leave her mind. A picture of his face in that park. And the look that said it all, even though he would never say it aloud, perhaps because he didn’t know it himself. A look she knew well now as it kept coming back, every time he looked at Hayley, every time he talked about the baby, about what Klaus should be doing but wasn’t, about everything he was doing in his brother’s place. It saddened him, perhaps unknowingly, and it saddened her as she knew she could never give that to him. In truth, no one could give that to him. But as powerful as she was, she felt she should be able to do anything, and everything she could do, but that.
He was content, lying in her arms, her hand in his hair, her blood in his throat, just enjoying the moment, enjoying her. But that was not the only reason why the question took him by surprise.
“Do you want kids?”
He froze, puzzled by the question. It surprised him, not only because it seemingly came out of nowhere, but mostly because he had buried that question and that answer a long time ago deep inside of him. So deep, in fact, that it was a hidden part of him, like an obvious take away of his very existence, of every single one of his actions. So deep, that the answer was practically engraved on his bones, carved onto his heart, like an invisible dormant pain that he would never let himself feel or remember. An immortal curse that could not be enchanted away and that will torment him for the rest of his eternity. Why that question? Why here, why now?
He slowly and gently retracted his teeth from her vein, licked the blood that escaped from the wound, though he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it from bleeding as he moved away and looked up at her. She had asked the question so quietly, like a whisper, like a spell echoing in his head, losing itself in time, making his bones quiver like an earthquake would make a house shake. That question had been asked and answered centuries ago. That choice had been made for him centuries ago. That choice had been taken away from him centuries ago.
She was looking away but turned towards him as he sat up and pulled the duvet to cover them. Not because they were cold, but because the time for their adult activities was obviously over. Now, they had to have another kind of adult conversation.
“I can’t have children, you know that.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Do you? Want children of your own?”
“It doesn’t matter if I do. I can’t.”
“I know you do,” she said quietly, once again looking away, staring at that spot that didn’t exist.
“Where is this coming from?”
She shrugged. “Same place your regret is coming from…”
“I have no regret,” he replied, confused.
“You regret not being able to have children.”
“That is hardly anyone’s fault but my parents, and they are dead. There is no one to blame, though blame wouldn’t lead us anywhere.”
Her hand found his arm and her fingers caressed his skin as if touching him would fix everything.
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know… I just thought… it’s unfair Klaus gets to have a child and you don’t. He clearly has no interest in it. But you do.”
“My interest in Hayley’s pregnancy doesn’t go beyond anything an uncle wouldn’t do. Though, I am no ordinary uncle.”
“This is no ordinary family.”
“And that is why your question has no answer, my love.”
She looked back at him. He rarely used such words in front of other people, but when they were alone, when they were being intimate, he called her all sorts of sweet words. ‘My love’ being the sweetest. ‘My love’ was the answer. It meant ‘don’t ask’, ‘it’s okay’, ‘I get it’, ‘I love you too’.
 Klaus’ face tired of his never-ending smiling. However, he was motivated. Nothing would stop him from reaching his goal. Nothing ever could. And certainly not a stupid smile.
He couldn’t tell which was louder, the screams or the music, however, he had stopped caring. He was tired and annoyed, and he wanted to leave this wretched court of amateurs as soon as possible. Marcel called himself a King and had forged himself a throne, but he was just some tyrant wannabe, a little boy in a paper crown running around with his friends, bullying the weakest kids on the playground. Though he would never reproach Marcel from banishing the werewolves from the Quarter or stopping the witches from doing magic, everything that had allowed him to get to that point he had stolen from him, and that fact was like wood to a fireplace, it kept his immortal rage burning.
Perch on the balcony above the party, Klaus and Marcel stood like Kings in a court of horrors, watching their nobles feast on the buffet. Though Klaus was too old to enjoy such an obvious and basic vampire party, he had to give Marcel a nod of approval every once in a while, to keep things civil. He was bored out of his mind and had run out of things to talk about with his ‘friend’. Fortunately, Marcel had a surprise for his sire.
“I’m hosting a party.”
“Yes, you are,” the hybrid nodded, making the vampire laugh.
“No. I mean, I’m planning a party, in two days. It’s a charity dinner for some… I don’t know, charitable organization for the city.”
“I didn’t take you for the charitable type,” Klaus teased.
“Well, I got a reputation to uphold,” he replied with an amused smile. “It’s mostly an excuse to see Camille again, though.”
“Who? Ah, the bartender.”
“Yeah, the bartender,” he chuckled. “It’s a fancy dinner, just your brother’s type of things.”
“You’re inviting Elijah?” Klaus raised an eyebrow, surprised Marcel would want to be anywhere near his brother.
“Right, and his witch girlfriend, you know, what’s her name…”
“That’s right. She’s a funny little thing,” he said as he smiled at his sire accusatorily. “She’s not afraid of you.”
“Ah, she’s been through a lot.”
“Do you mean you?”
They laughed.
“I admit, I may have been less than cordial to her… more than once.”
“It’s a miracle Elijah lets you go anywhere near her.”
Klaus knew what Marcel was doing, where this was going. He had been working at it slowly, but not as subtly, for a while now. Marcel wanted Elijah gone, out of his city, no matter how, no matter what it took. He figured Klaus was his best shot, and usually he would have been correct, but not now, not anymore. If anything happened to Elijah, Mackenzie would destroy the whole city, hell, the entire state. No, Klaus had one goal, and he wasn’t going to let Marcel distract him from it.
“It’s different with her. If I kill her, he’ll stop at nothing to take me down, and I’ve tired of our little wars. The last one lasted a century and almost killed me.”
“Ah, let him have his fun. She’s mortal, they’re fleeting little things.”
Klaus chuckled, though not because he found the obvious threat funny, but the mere thought of Marcel going after Mackenzie made him want to laugh. He’d pay to see it, if only it wouldn’t result in Marcel’s certain death.
“Not this one. This one is here to stay.”
Marcel frowned and looked at the hybrid with curiosity. “You actually mean that.”
“She’s a Mikaelson, Marcel,” he nodded as he put his hand on the King’s shoulder. “You know what happens when you go after a Mikaelson.”
Marcel laughed. “Hey, I’m just talking, no harm meant, no harm meant.”
“She’d kill you before you even had a chance to see it coming.”
“See, that’s my problem,” Marcel grimaced. “Witches aren’t allowed to do magic here, and I don’t think she’s understood that.”
“What? Your secret weapon’s been shining bright recently?”
Marcel laughed as he shook his head. “No, nothing like that. It’s the attitude, Klaus. Elijah… he doesn’t respect my authority here. And neither does she.”
“Then why invite them, then? They’re happy enough on their own. Trust me, they’re unbearable to be around right now. They’re so… in love,” he said, disgust visible all over his face, making Marcel laugh whole-heartedly.
“You were never one for sentiment.”
“Right then,” Klaus sighed. “I’ll let them know.”
“I appreciate that, brother.”
Marcel tapped him twice on the shoulder before he moved towards the middle of the balcony, where he’d be best seen from downstairs, to make his usual speech. The words never changed. “Have fun”, “don’t kill too many of them”, and last but not least:
“And no matter what you do, no matter how good she smells or how pretty she looks, leave the barefoot blonde alone!”
That last part they all said together like a chant, like it was a joke. But when Marcel explained the meaning to Klaus the first night, he learnt he wasn’t joking in the least. He had puzzled out all the tiny bits of information Marcel could give him, and the hybrid knew it was no joke indeed.
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