#because why am I getting hung up on an old friend who hurt me when I’ve got this bright life I’m living now?
insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
0 notes
munsonsmixtapes · 5 months
Wanna Bet?
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tattoo artist!Eddie x tattoo artist!reader
Summary: You don't like Eddie, but he's going to convince you that you do, even if it takes a bet to prove it.
This takes places in the year 2,000!
word count: 4k
Part One
You stared at the door in front of you, the hours that were painted onto it staring back at you. Maybe if you had stood there long enough, the place would’ve closed and you could just leave. You didn’t know why you were so nervous. You had more tattoos than anyone you knew so this one should’ve been a breeze. 
Maybe it was because it was a new place. There were new people you didn’t really know yet. The tattoo shop where you had worked had shut down because of a fire and you were still in shock because of it. So not only had you lost your job, but the appointment you had set up with Kip, the owner, had been canceled. He was the only one you trusted so you were hesitant when he had given you a referral. You didn’t care if it was a friend of his, you were still nervous as shit. 
Your hand rested on the door handle. You couldn’t get yourself to open it, bile climbing up your throat. You were terrified to say the least, anxiety coursing through you as you thought of every possible thing that could’ve gone wrong. 
You had your consultation with Gareth weeks ago and had called to reschedule because you had been scared, but now you were ready. It was just a small tattoo and Gareth had assured you that he’d go easy on you and you could take as many breaks as you wanted. You were looking forward to working with him despite your nervousness. 
You finally went inside and the whole place was very tidy despite the sketchy looking exterior. It definitely seemed like whoever owned the place knew exactly how to make people feel comfortable. There was a seating area by the front door with a large couch and a coffee table with a bunch of magazines spread out on it neatly. 
A coffee bar was sitting by the front desk, complete with a freshly brewed pot and an array of mugs that fit the aesthetic of the building. There were also different types of sweeteners and a small refrigerator that was filled with many different brands of bottled water as well as multiple different flavors of coffee creamer. 
The walls were covered in framed sketches and you wished you had the time to look at them all, fascinated by the details of each one. Rock music was playing loudly over the speakers and it was a song that you had recognized from the radio. 
You walked up to the reception desk and the same guy you had remembered from before was behind it typing away on the computer. He looked up at you and gave you a bright smile as if you were old friends. 
He was on the phone with who you assumed was a customer and it didn’t seem to be going well just from hearing his side of the conversation. 
“Yes, I am so sorry, Rebecca. Believe me, it won’t happen again. Yes, he knows all about it. Yes, I’ll tell him. You have my word. Alright. Buh-bye.” He hung up the phone and brought his attention to you, a bright smile on his face. 
“Hey, so sorry about that. Welcome in,” he greeted, his honey eyes shining bright from the sun shining through the window. “How can I help you?” 
“I have an appointment.” You gave him your first and last name and he typed some stuff into the computer before looking back up at you. You eyed him and couldn’t help but notice how out of place he looked there. He didn’t have a single tattoo on him and looked like he would’ve been scared to actually step foot into the building. 
“Alright, y/n,” his smile widened and you wondered if his cheeks ever hurt from doing that as often as he seemed to do. “If you’ll follow me, we can-“ His words were cut off by the front door opening. It was slammed shut so loudly that the frames on the wall rattled. Whoever had just entered had wanted to make an entrance and it clearly had worked since everyone had turned to see what all the commotion was about. Both you and the receptionist turned to see for yourselves to see the most beautiful man you had ever laid your eyes on. 
“I’m back, baby,” he announced, holding his arms out. Your eyes trailed down his body from his long curly hair to his black combat boots. He was so attractive and you wondered how you had never seen him before. You definitely would have remembered him if you had. The receptionist made a beeline for him as well as a few of the employees. It was clear that the man had been gone a while considering everyone’s reaction to him. He must have been pretty popular around there. 
“Steve, hug me, honey,” he pulled ‘Steve’ into his arms and pressed a kiss to his cheek only for Steve to rub it away in response. Despite his disgust, you could hear a little giggle fall from his mouth. Was this man God? He must have been because no one would react that way to a mediocre man, would they? At least, you hoped not. You hoped they all had higher standards than that. 
He took a drag of the cigarette he was holding and flashed you a smile before crossing the floor to the desk. The smoke passed through his lips and into the air and he titled his head down, his eyes locking onto yours. 
You knew his type just by looking at him. He was the life of the party. The kind of guy who thought that everyone was into him just because of his giant ego. And they were into him because of the way he carried himself. Like he didn’t give a damn about anything. And he didn’t. Not even the people who he claimed to be friends with. 
You could see him eyeing you when he stepped behind the desk, going through the envelopes that had been sitting on top of it. When most men checked you out, you’d pull your shirt down to show them a little cleavage, but for this guy, you just wrapped your cardigan around yourself, wanting to hide your body. He didn’t seem amused but wasn’t backing off. 
It was as if seeing the man had brought your confidence back. Like you were no longer the shy woman you had been just moments ago. Being around men who were full of themselves tended to do that to you. It was as if you felt the need to one up them, having more confidence than they did. You wanted to show that you had superiority. 
You turned your back to him, looking at the frames on the wall as you waited for your appointment to get straightened away. You didn’t have anywhere to be until you had to work later that night so you supposed that you could’ve waited just a bit longer. 
Your eyes locked onto one in particular. It was a sunflower and you normally wouldn’t have noticed it if it hadn’t stood out amongst all the other images that were far more dark subject matter. It was pretty and so realistic, like you could have reached out and plucked it from the painting. 
“Who’s the babe?” Eddie leaned over to Steve, whispering so he was the only one who could hear him. They both looked at you and you just avoided them, still looking at the frames. 
“She’s a client,” Steve replied, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He loved the guy, but sometimes he couldn’t help but think that Eddie was nothing but a pig. “Jesus, Eddie. You just got back home and already can’t keep your dick in your pants?” 
“I’m human,” Eddie smirked, his eyes moving down to your ass, admiring the shape of it before turning back to Steve. “Sue me. I mean, look at her man,” he referred to you with his hand. “Look at that ass.” He leaned closer to Steve, pulling his lip between his teeth as he turned back to you to get another glimpse. 
“Did you miss the word ‘client’ coming out of my mouth? I’m serious, Ed, you can’t keep sleeping with them. It not only makes you look bad, it also makes the company look bad.” 
The shop had gotten multiple phone calls that Steve had the unfortunate pleasure of being on the receiving end of because that had been the phone number he has given the people he had slept with because he hadn’t deemed them important enough to give them his home number. 
Not only that, but Steve had walked in on too many of Eddie’s “meetings” in his office and was sick of the guy making a habit of it. Could he have not slept with them in his car or at his house like a normal person? 
He was getting tired of the new persona Eddie had taken on as he had gotten more popular. It was fine when he had gotten the motorcycle and when he flirted a little with the clients to make them more comfortable, but he drew the line at him acting like the complete dickhead he had become, using people for their bodies just to throw them away when he was done. 
“I just want to-“
“You want to what?” Steve cut him off “Seduce her?”
“Maybe,” Eddie rounded the desk. “We’ll see where it goes.” Steve grabbed onto the back of his jacket and pulled him back, causing Eddie to let out a yelp. 
“Not so fast,” Steve shook his head. 
“I just want to say hi,” Eddie held his hands up in defense even though the both of them knew that he was lying. 
“Saying ‘hi’ leads to flirting which leads to seducing which leads to ‘your place or mine’ which leads to you saying you’ll call and then you never do. I’ve been keeping a tally of all the people who have called here because you were an ass.” Steve held up the notebook he had been writing it and Eddie’s eyes widened. 
“Five, ten, fifteen, twenty-“ Eddie counted of the tallies to himself, not even trying to hold back his smile.  
“Forty-five, Eddie,” Steve cut him off with a glare. 
“Forty-five,” Eddie repeated, a smirk kicking up at the corner of his rosy lips. 
“And this is just with clients,” he sighed, throwing the book down “Look, you can fuck whoever you want as long as they’re not seeking business from us.” 
“No,” he pointed at his friend with the pencil he was holding. “If I find out that you did anything but greet her as the owner, I swear to god I will castrate you.” Eddie’s eyes widened at Steve’s threat but only for a second before his smirk took over again. 
“But what if-“
“No, this isn’t a challenge. I mean it, if you even so much as bat your eyelashes at her, I’m going to make sure that you can never use your dick again.”
“Are you coming on to me?” Eddie batted his eyelashes. That had only happened once and they both just decided that they were better off as friends. “Damn, Stevie. I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” Steve had felt that way about Eddie once upon a time, but not anymore. Especially not since Eddie started solely thinking with his dick. 
“You’re disgusting,” Steve glared before turning back to the computer. “Now leave me alone.” 
“Happy to.” Eddie rounded the desk and made a beeline to you. He had no intention of keeping Steve’s promise and seeing the look you gave him only made him want to flirt with you even more. He had to do what he could to get the sour look off of your face. 
Unbeknownst to Eddie, you had heard his entire conversation with Steve, neither of them quite knowing what an “inside voice” was. It didn’t surprise you that Eddie would fuck anyone who was human, and it especially didn’t surprise you that most of them were clients. If you hadn’t already gone through the consultation, you would have walked right out of there. 
Fat chance if he thought he was going to get with you, but you were going to have some fun with him first. You were going to knock him down a few pegs. It was what he deserved for having whoever he wanted just because he was famous in the tattoo industry. 
“Hi,” he propped himself against the wall and you had to hold back a laugh at his flirting attempt. How could that have worked on anyone? 
“Hi,” you nodded towards him then turned back to face the frames. 
“I’m Eddie,” he put his hand out to shake and you reluctantly took it, not wanting to be rude to owner of the establishment no matter how much you wanted to tell him to fuck off. 
“Y/n,” you replied and his smile got wider. You had to admit that it was really nice. You could see at least how that worked for him. 
“Y/n,” he nodded, saying it slowly, focusing on each syllable as they fell from his lips. “That’s pretty.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here. And trust me, I’d remember someone as smokin’ as you.” That didn’t actually work on people, did it? That didn’t actually get him into people’s pants. 
“If anyone’s smokin’ here, it’s you,” you winked and wondered how you could have submitted your name to the Academy to be nominated for an Oscar for your performance. 
“So what brings you here, darlin’?” He crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy. He almost looked  adorable. Almost. 
“I have an appointment with Gareth.” Of fucking course. Eddie took a vacation and now Gareth was getting all the pretty girls. Sometimes, life just wasn’t fair. 
“Oh,” he nodded. “I can take you to him.” 
“Okay, Edwin.” You walked ahead of him to head to wherever Gareth could have possibly been and Eddie took another opportunity to stare at your ass. The way your jeans clung to it. The way it moved when you walked. He needed to feel it, skin against skin. He just knew that it would have been soft. He desperately wanted to give it a little slap, but even he knew that wouldn’t have been appropriate. Even for him 
“It’s Eddie,” he corrected and you didn’t bother to look back at him when you spoke. 
“Sure, Eduardo.” He wasn’t used to women acting this way and he’d have been lying if he said he didn’t like it. He actually thought it was kind of hot. 
He was right behind you when you stopped abruptly at Gareth’s station. Eddie had been so busy staring that ran right into you and had to grab onto your shoulders to stop the both of you from falling to the floor. 
He let out a chuckle but you just ignored him, keeping your attention on Gareth. His face lit up when he saw you and he couldn’t help but smile as well. You hadn’t forgotten your flirty consultation and the way he looked at you from across the desk. Like he had wanted to take you right there and you would have let him. 
You had imagined running your hands through his curly hair, pressing your lips to his roughly, sticking your tongue into his mouth. Hearing his moans when you touched him in just the right spots. 
Eddie looked between the two of you and he didn’t like what he saw. The way you were smiling at each other, the flirty glint in your eyes. Whatever was going on had to be nipped right in the bud. If he couldn’t have you, no could. Not even Gareth. Especially not Gareth. 
“Hey, cutie,” you greeted, resting your hands on his table and Gareth just blushed. He wasn’t used to getting attention from people, at least not romantically. And when you had showed up and openly flirted with him, he could have sworn it was a joke. But seeing you then, he realized that you hadn’t been joking at all. 
“Hey,” he responded, a small smile forming on his lips. “How are you?”
“I’m great. And you?”
“I’m fantastic. Especially now that you’re here.” You giggled at his words, causing his blush to get pinker. Eddie watched the two of you for a bit longer then looked around the room for a trash can he could throw up in. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” You leaned closer and Eddie quickly turned away. No way in hell he was subjecting himself to seeing the two of you kiss. 
“Well, I’m ready when you are,” Gareth smiled and sat down in his chair, rolling it closer to the bench. 
“I’m ready now,” you nodded, sitting on the bench and Eddie took that as a sign to actually do his tasks that he had been putting off for far too long. 
“Gareth,” you gasped as you looked at your fresh ink in the mirror. It was a Sting from Lord of the rings and it was exactly what you wanted. He was somehow able to get it exactly how you imagined it. “This is fucking amazing.” 
“Really? You like it?” He had a sheepish smile on his face that you could see perfectly in the reflection. He was just so cute. And sweet. The complete opposite of the other guys you had been with. The complete opposite of Eddie. 
“I love it.” You turned around to face him and before you could stop yourself, you were throwing yourself into his arms. They were quick to wrap around your waist tightly. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he smiled, making no move to let go of you. “I’m glad it was what you wanted.” 
“It’s perfect. Really.” Gareth had never gotten that kind of reaction from one of his clients. They usually just thanked him and paid before leaving. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, pulling away from him. “That was totally inappropriate.” 
“No,” he assured you. “It’s okay. I…liked it.” 
“Well, good.”
“C‘mon,” he nodded his head towards the front of the shop. “Let’s get your care instructions.”
You followed him to the front desk where Steve was still typing away on the computer. Eddie was beside him, going through some envelopes. He looked up at you and Gareth and didn’t miss your close proximity, your shoulders touching. He supposed that if you ended up with anyone, it should have been Gareth. He would have treated you right and wouldn’t have just wanted to fuck you like Eddie did. 
Eddie didn’t do relationships. He just liked to get laid and have no other connection to the people. That was the only way he could do it. Thinking about being romantic with someone made him feel gross. It made him want to laugh. He only had enough love in his life for his few friends and Wayne. 
You didn’t do relationships either, but you felt like if you played your cards right, you’d be able to start something with Gareth. He was sweet and he liked you and you didn’t get that weird feeling in your gut when you were around him. That feeling that always told you that the person was bad news. And it was always right. Maybe Gareth would end up being the right guy for you. Or maybe he wouldn’t, but you were willing to find out. 
“Well, let me see!” Steve exclaimed and you turned around, stepping closer to the desk. He leaned over it to get a better look, a wide smile spreading over his face. “That’s sick…what is it?”
“C’mon, Steve. It’s from Lord of the Rings,” Eddie replied. 
“That’s what it’s from?” Gareth asked, turning to you. “I thought it was just a dagger.”
“It’s Sting. It was an Elven short-sword made in Gondolin during the First Age,” you told them. 
“Bilbo discovered it in the year TA2941 in a Troll-hoard, and used it during the Quest of Erebor,” Eddie finished, a smirk forming on his lips. He had met many women who like Lord of the Rings and had even done a few tattoos, but he liked the fact that you were so passionate about it. 
“God, you guys are such fucking nerds,” Steve scoffed. “How do you know that from memory?”
“How do you not?” You and Eddie asked in unison, causing you both to laugh. 
“Alright,” Steve turned to you. “Your total is going to be-“
“Actually, it’s on the house, right Stevie?” Gareth asked and Steve just let out a sigh. 
“Sure, I uh, I guess it’s on the house.” With how many times Eddie had done the same thing, the company had surely lost a lot of money, but Steve supposed he could make an exception. Gareth had been shot down so many times that Steve thought he at least deserved to let one girl get her tattoo for free. 
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you shook your head vigorously. You always wanted to make sure that people were getting paid properly for their work. Especially tattoo artists because that kind of thing took a lot of time and patience. “I think Gareth should be compensated for his hard work.” 
“I can be compensated in other ways,” Gareth winked at you and Eddie feigned throwing up while Steve smiled. He was just happy that the guy was finally getting some attention. He always seemed to fade into the background when Eddie was around. People always seemed to care about him and Steve felt bad for Gareth. That he was always stuck in his best friend’s shadow. He hated it for him. 
“Sounds like a plan,” you winked back. “Maybe I could repay you tonight.” Gareth liked that idea. He liked that idea a lot.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Eddie put his hand over his mouth and disappeared behind the door that was behind him. 
“I’d like that,” Gareth nodded, stepping towards you, the two of you completely ignoring Eddie. He was just jealous that he wasn’t on the receiving end of the flirting this time. He was always a sore loser even though he frequently tried to deny it. He loved Gareth. Like a brother, even. But he couldn’t help but feel jealous that the guy was getting your attention. He didn’t know why, but the fact that you didn’t seem to be interested in him only made him want to try harder. He wanted to prove himself that he could get you into bed. 
You grabbed a blank piece of paper and pen from the desk and scribbled down your phone number and address before handing it to him. He took it from you and quickly took his cell phone out of his pocket, quickly typing in the numbers and saving it under a cutesy nickname. 
“So you’ll come over after you get done here?”
“I definitely will,” he nodded.
“Great,” you smiled and Gareth could have sworn that he was feeling his knees giving out. You then leaned closer to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight, Emerson.”
After you were all set, you pulled Gareth into a lingering hug then exited the shop, the man watching you through the glass as you headed down the street. He had only had a few conversations with you and was already down bad. Why did he have to always fall so easily? He knew that you’d drop him for Eddie with one bat of his lashes so he didn’t even know why he was trying. 
Maybe he was wrong. Maybe you really did like him. Maybe this wasn’t all just an elaborate plan for you to get to Eddie like he had thought. He couldn’t even keep track of how many times that had happened to him and he was sick of it. What was wrong with him? Cleary something since he was never anyone’s first choice. But for once, he was yours. He was your first choice and he couldn’t have been more elated about it. 
You got to your car and was shocked to find Eddie leaning against it. He was smoking a cigarette and you hated how you kind of found it hot. But only kind of. He was leaning against the driver’s seat door, preventing you from getting in it and he looked like he had no intention of leaving any time soon. He gave you his signature smile and you smiled back, not wanting to show just how much he was getting to you. 
“So,” he spoke, blowing the smoke from his mouth and it wafted right into your face, causing you to cough. “You and Emerson, huh?” He used his cigarette to point to the building. 
“Yes,” you nodded, waving the smoke away from your face. “But I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” You crossed your arms over your chest, wondering why he cared so much. He could have anyone he wanted from what you had heard so you weren’t sure why he was so set on hitting on an almost taken woman.
“It’s my business because Gareth is my best friend and I’ll be damned if anyone hurts him.” He pushed off of the car and stood directly in front of you, attempting to look intimidating, but fell flat. You weren’t scared of anything, especially not Eddie Munson. 
Eddie really didn’t care who Gareth spent his time with, especially not romantically, but you weren’t one of the soft, innocent looking girls that the guy usually went for. Eddie just wanted to make sure that you were good for him. And maybe the way of seeing whether or not that was true was sleeping with you, but that was going to take a lot more effort than usual. But Eddie always liked a challenge. 
Usually, showing a woman just what she was missing after the initial shut down wasn’t a problem. He turned on the charm and was as nice as possible until he got what he wanted. He didn’t know why you wouldn’t just give in. He was sure that he could make you feel much more than Gareth ever could and he’d do it so much better. Gareth was less experienced than him and was seriously lacking in flirting skills so stealing you away would have been a breeze. It wouldn’t be long before you were racing into his arms, telling him that you had been wrong all along. And he couldn’t wait. 
“If anyone’s hurting Gareth, it’s you,” you crossed your arms over your chest. Those words stung Eddie more than they should have, but he wasn’t going to show it. “You just can’t stand the fact that someone prefers him over you. Gareth is sweet and caring and guess what? He’s also much more of a man than you will ever be. So fuck off and go find someone else to screw with because it sure as hell won’t be me.” You pushed him out of the way and got into your car before pulling out of your parking space and heading down the road. 
Eddie watched in shock as you drove away. No one had even spoken to him like that and he’d have been lying if he said that if didn’t make his dick hard. What was wrong with him? He hadn’t always been a pig. Once upon a time, he was actually a nice guy, but then he got just a sliver of fame in the tattoo industry and thought he could treat everyone any way he wanted. He had quickly become the kind of guy that he had usually despised and didn’t even care that his friends were getting tired of him. 
It was like an addiction. He had slept with one person and then another and then another and it was like he couldn’t stop. Now he couldn’t go a couple weeks without having someone between his sheets. It was getting to the point that he didn’t even really enjoy it, but he was so desperate for attention that he’d take home anyone that he could just so he wouldn’t have to sleep by himself and be alone with his thoughts. 
Eddie hung his head and reluctantly headed back inside. Gareth was still at the front desk and Eddie gave him a glare before heading to his office for some much needed alone time. He couldn’t let Gareth know that he had gotten to him. That would have just been embarrassing. Eddie thought that he was better than him in every way and didn’t like that he had gotten the girl for once. He had lost and hated the way the rejection felt. It was like a stab to the heart and he finally knew how his best friend had felt watching him leave with all of those different people. It was torture, but that still didn’t mean that he was just going to let him have you. He still had a point to prove, no matter what it took.
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randoms-fandoms · 6 months
Hi! Would I be able to request Marcy Wu x Fem!Reader who goes and ASKS HER to play Creatures and Caverns or Watch War of the Warlocks? (She deserves it! 🥺)
Absolutely! I do not know anything about the game, but I’ll try my best <3
Warnings: a little bit of canon typical calamity trio toxicity, but with the reader thrown into the mix :)
Relationships: pre-established Marcy Wu x (female) reader
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Marcy Wu had been your best friend for years. Of course you didn’t predate Sasha, and certainly not Anne— but what you had was more special. More tender than the loud, fierce friendship the three shared. Your bond surpassed platonic feelings, at least on your end.
Your feelings were clear. You loved Marcy. You had for years now, though this more painful edge had only recently developed.
When Marcy kept you up all night on the phone, crying because Sasha had chosen to invite Anne to something and not her, of course you felt compassionate. You also felt angry. Not because of your lost sleep, but angry on Marcy’s behalf. Why even tell her about the activity if you’re not gonna invite her?
Whenever you all hung out as a group, something that happened more often now that the school year had began, you didn’t miss how the excited grin on Marcy’s face would fade when she noticed Anne and Sasha weren’t paying attention to what she was talking about. You just bit your tongue and engaged in Marcy’s story, trying to cheer her up.
It nearly pushed you over the edge when you noticed Marcy had cut off all of her colorful friendship bracelets. “Anne said that’s why people make fun of me in P.E— its not really a thing people wear anymore.” She explained casually, shrugging, as if it didn’t matter. Her arms looked bare and lonely.
You tried not to hate them, you really did— Marcy loves Anne and Sasha, I’m sure they’re actually nice… but you were just so frustrated that they were unintentionally ignoring the funniest, smartest, kindest person in the world.
A mean little part of you was kind of glad that their friendship seemed to be struggling. You hated it every time Marcy was hurt by them, but at the same time, you felt a small bit of joy in being the one to comfort her.
All these conflicting feelings were eating you alive. You couldn’t stop thinking about Marcy, everything you saw reminded you of her.
One weekend, you were cleaning your room when you found an old set of dice that hadn’t been used in a while— they were a birthday gift from years ago, but you hadn’t played creatures and caverns in what felt like forever. I bet Marcy would have fun with this, you thought with a smile.
The next think you knew you were pacing your room with a ringing phone to your ear, heart beating in your throat. You didn’t know why you were nervous; you hung out with Marcy all the time— but this would be the first time she came to your house. You usually hung out at her house.
Marcy picked up the phone after two rings. “Hey, how’s it going?” She asked. You could hear the smile in her voice.
“Um, hi Marcy! I’m good, I was just, uh—“ you looked down at the small bag of dice in your hand. “Are you busy today?”
“No, never.” She said with a little laugh. “I’m free pretty much every weekend.”
You nodded to yourself. “…Do you want to come over and play creatures and caverns with me?”
Marcy gasped. “Of course!” She exclaimed. “You have no idea how happy I am—“ you heard a crash on the other end of the line. She must have gotten up too fast and tripped. “I-I’ll be over in just a minute! Text me your address!”
You smiled wide, excited to see her. “I will! See you soon!”
The room felt too quiet when you hung up the phone. You already missed her. After texting her your address (and receiving a string of happy emojis in response), you looked up and came back to reality— I should get ready.
You surprised yourself by how quickly you got dressed. A cute shirt from a concert you had been to over the summer and a comfortable pair of shorts. You looked over yourself in the bathroom mirror and smiled.
You were glad you were already close to being done with your cleaning when you got distracted— all you had to do was make your bed, which didn’t take long.
Marcy arrived quickly. She looked out of breath when you opened the door, face flushed and breathing hard as she unbuckled her bicycle helmet. “Hi!” She said, smiling wide.
Her excitement made you happy. “Hey, Marcy! Come on in.” You stepped aside to let Marcy in. She took off her shoes and left them by the door.
“Um… thanks for inviting me over!”
“Of course! You’re the first person I thought of when I found these.” You pulled the bag of dice out of your pocket and felt yourself smile automatically when Marcy’s face lit up.
She took the bag from you and opened it, beaming. “Oh my gosh, this is a limited edition set! Where did you get it? They stopped making these forever ago!”
“I got them for a birthday present.” You replied, trying to remember all those years ago. “My parents must have found them in a secondhand store or something. Anyway…”
“I brought all my stuff, and plenty of paper. This is perfect! We could design up our own caverns, and do a whole campaign together!” Marcy looked up at you, still super excited. You felt a twinge of guilt upon realizing that you didn’t really know what she was talking about.
“Um… Marcy? You might have to teach me how to play.” You said, laughing nervously. “Is that okay? I’ve never actually played a game of creatures and caverns before.”
Marcy’s smile turned into something softer. “Of course! I’d be happy to teach you! Let’s start by setting up the board…“
The rest of the afternoon, you had more fun than you’d ever had in your life playing a tabletop game— Marcy was just so full of energy, cheering with excitement, eyes glimmering with joy when she laughed. She was adorable, you thought, and you couldn’t help but flirt with her a little— in your own special way, nerdy and sweet, just the way you knew she’d like.
“You know a lot about this game— you must have played a ton of campaigns!” You praised, watching a blush spread over Marcy’s smiling face.
“Well, not exactly— I’ve always wanted to, but I’ve never had anyone to play with before! I tried getting Anne and Sash to play with me a few times, but they always get bored after one session.” She laughed awkwardly. You reclined against the edge of your bed, not sure what to say.
“…But it’s okay.” Marcy continued. “I know it’s not what they’re into, so… it’s whatever,”
You nodded, suddenly feeling a little nervous. “Um, do you think we could make this a regular thing? Playing Creatures and Caverns together?”
Marcy absolutely lit up. “Of course!” She leaned in excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. “We could play every weekend, and draw pictures of our characters!”
You fought the goofy smile that was creeping its way onto your face. “That sounds great, Marcy!” You sat perfectly still, shyly aware of how close she was now. Marcy didn’t seem to notice for a moment, then she glanced away and pulled back, clearing her throat.
“It doesn’t have to be every week if you don’t want to—“ she rushed. “I mean, I was being too… presumptuous. I think. We don’t—“
“Marcy, no!” You frowned, sitting up. “I do want to hang out and play with you as often as we can, I was just…” you realized with dismay that she had misread your shyness at the proximity as reluctance. “I was…” you tried again, too embarrassed to tell her the truth.
“Let’s go back to playing.” Marcy said, but her smile didn’t exactly reach her eyes. You decided you had to explain to her, if only to save you the guilt.
“Marcy, I need to tell you something.” You said seriously. She paused, looking up into your eyes. Ugh, she’s so pretty…
“I, ah—“ you felt your face heat up. “Um, do you want to… go on a date sometime? Or more than one date?” You watched as her mouth fell open slightly, surprised. “I really like you…” you continued, trying to fill the silence.
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you! Can you— can we be girlfriends?” Marcy asked, sounding in disbelief.
You broke into a breathless smile at the prospect. “Yeah! That sounds really great.”
“Aaaah, I’m so happy…” Marcy shook out her hands, then scooted to sit next to you. She hugged you tightly. The warmth made your heart beat a little faster, and you hoped she couldn’t feel that you were trembling slightly with nerves.
“I’m happy too,” you replied, resting your chin on the top of her head.
The two of you sat there in silence for another moment before Marcy pulled back and smiled broadly up at you. “Now can we go back to playing?”
You smiled right back, glad she felt comfortable enough to ask you that. “Of course!”
A/N: hope this was alright, sorry for the delay— I’ve been busy with irl things like funerals and school
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So it's 5am and instead of sleeping, I'm thinking about the fact that my birthday is in a week and a half, and I still have no plans or any idea of what to do, and probably everyone thinks I'm a weirdo about this at 31 years old. I kind of am.
So to explain why I'm so Weird about my birthday, let me tell you about the Year No One Came To My Birthday Party.
This sounds like something out a melodramatic teen movie. I know it does! It seems stupid to be upset about it over a decade later. But it encapsulated a lot of issues I've had with my friends at the time, and to be honest? As much as a stupid movie trope it sounds like, it hurt.
I was turning 14. My best friend had told me in advance she would be a couple hours late because she had a school thing. She's the only one excused from this bullshit.
Because an hour and forty-five minutes after people were supposed to show up, none of the like, 5 friends I had to invite had arrived yet, and I was freaking out a lil and kept staring out the window every time I heard a car and had finally retreated to my bedroom to at least be sad in private.
My parents came in and left my room at this point. Dad jokingly asked if I wanted them to go buy me friends. I genuinely do not think he meant that to be hurtful and had no idea what to do about the situation and was trying to alleviate it with humor but. Wrong thing to say! Very wrong thing!
But finally, the phone rang. For me! From one of my friends' houses, said the caller ID. Thank God. She would explain what happened and when she was coming over.
No, actually. It was a different friend, who was over at her house, with a third friend.
She made small talk with me for a bit, while I sat confusedly on the phone trying to figure out how to ask why she was there and not at my house, maybe a ten minute walk away tops.
Huh, she must have forgotten?
She asks: How is your party going?
Me: It's not. No one's here.
I remember vividly trying not to cry and sounding very angry because...well I was upset and hurt and trying to actually vocalize words in that state and that was the best I could do.
She was confused. What? What do you mean, the party isn't happening and no one is there?
I don't really remember exactly what I said after that. Basically everyone else who was supposed to be there...was hanging out together, not but not with me. Which would have been fine, but apparently instead of hanging out with me on my birthday, for my birthday party, they decided a phone call from one of them was like. The same? Not hurtful?
She hung up the phone quickly after that.
She did not, however, arrive quickly.
My best friend showed up to the party first.
About forty-five minutes later, the other three finally arrived, by car, at my house to spend my birthday with me.
So like, yeah, forgive me for being Weird about my birthday. Every year I get reminded of this again, and how the one thing I'd like to do is celebrate with people I want to hang out with, and knowing that I cannot expect or rely on that to happen, because I will get hurt.
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Captain Syverson x fem!reader
Summary: You never had a dad figure in your life, but when you meet Sy, all of the sudden you had a man who was willing to be that role model for you. But all you have to do is let him.
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: so, in case anyone remembers a sad little sob story I posted about how i was jealous because i didn't have a dad figure in my life, i turned it into an entire oneshot. Hopefully you like it. (also, I totally intended on not posting this until this weekend, but I suppose I am feeling generous today 😘 )
masterlist // henry cavill masterlist
You grew up in a female household. Your mother, your maternal grandmother and two of your aunts. No siblings. Just you and your favorite women in one house.
While it was amazing, there was one downside to it and you felt it deep in your heart: you always had this feeling you missed out on that fatherly type in your life. A role model, one your friends got for free and loved dearly. 
You always wondered why your dad abandoned you to start another family elsewhere. Weren’t you fun enough? Weren’t you pretty enough?
Weren’t you enough?
Being dropped like that, you always felt more at ease with women. You weren’t necessarily afraid of men, but minding your own business and leave men be, was the easiest way for you to go.
However, you met Sy: the most amazing and wonderful man alive. Looking gruff and slightly terrifying at first, but once you peeled off that first layer, you were met with the most amazing and sweetest man you’ve ever encountered in your entire life.
He was a friend of your friend’s boyfriend and while you two instantly clicked, there was a certain hesitation. But Sy was patient and that patience showed you his character, because it took you months before you felt secure enough to let Sy in your life. You often joked that his parents did a splendid job with him.
But then you met said family. It was the first time you saw such a close family. Three older brothers who were all married with a few little ones, a loving mother and a father.
The type of dad you never had.
Falling into an old and safe habit, you found yourself gravitating towards his mother on family gatherings and sometimes a sister-in-law. You were civil with the brothers, however you always stayed clear from the dad, afraid that he’ll intentionally or unintentionally would hurt you the most.
‘You know,’ Sy offered through the phone, ‘you could call my dad.’
You were now staring at a flat tire and you knew that if you called a tow truck, you probably were gonna get ripped off anyway and you would sell a kidney to afford the change of tire. Naturally, you called your boyfriend, who could fix everything, but he was currently stuck at work and threw that one offer in the air that you really didn’t want.
‘No,’ you said, ‘I can handle this.’
So, after you hung up, you got to work. In theory, you could do it. You watched a YouTube video and you tried to fix the tire, but you lacked the strength and nearly found yourself sniffling on your driveway after many failed attempts. 
Time went by and a car stopped in front of your driveway. You looked up, to see the infamous dad Syverson get out of his truck. ‘Hi kid,’ he said. He always called you kid when you arrived there.
‘Hi,’ you said, discreetly wiping away your tears. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Sy called me,’ he answered, ‘telling me you had a flat tire. I thought I’d drop by to ask if you need help.’
You sighed. ‘Of course he did,’ you muttered.
‘You mind?’
‘No,’ you said, ‘go knock yourself out.’
You found yourself watching him from a distance, while he changed your tire. He did every step in the tutorial you watched, but the thing was: he had strength, you didn’t.
‘You got something against me, kid?’ he finally asked. 
You shook your head. ‘No.’
‘You barely acknowledge me when you’re over,’ he said. ‘Is it something I did?’
Yes. That’s the worst part of it all. It is something he did. It’s the way he loves his sons, their wives and the grandkids. It’s how he loves his own wife. It’s how he always greeted you with a wide smile. How he even got you a little nickname he hadn’t given to anyone else. It was you who was on the receiving end of the nickname ‘kid’, not the others.
He looked up and halted his work. ‘You know,’ he says, ‘Sy told me about your own dad.’
Of course Sy would share that sob story with his parents. ‘Right.’
‘Your dad is an idiot,’ he said. 
‘True.’ You took in a breath and said: ‘I grew up around women. All I’ve known is female role models. Never had a dad-figure in my life. Guess I am just a horrible human being and incredibly jealous for seeing how others have a great dad and I don’t.’
‘That doesn’t make you a horrible person,’ he told you. ‘It makes you a normal human being. You know, I had a deadbeat dad. He barely was around and when he was, he ruined everything. I always promised myself that once I am a dad, I wouldn’t be like that.’
‘Dads fix tires,’ he continued, ‘dads cook dinner. Dads pick you up from a night out. Dads teach you about life. Dads are there for you, whether you need them or not.’
‘Not mine,’ you whispered. ‘My mom always told me to do it myself.’ 
‘I get that.’
‘I was already doing an okay job with the tire,’ you mumbled. 
‘True,’ he chuckled. Then he turned around so he was actually facing you. ‘You know, you’re dating my son, which makes you part of the family. You got a flat tire, call me. Your family needs some help fixing something? Call me. You’re family, kid.’
And you realized you hadn’t been acting like family. Instead, you always kept him at arms length, even when he tried to be family. 
Tears burned in your eyes. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t be,’ he said. ‘I just want to be that dad-figure for you. All you’ve gotta do is let me.’ He smiled reassuringly. ‘And when you are ready for that, let me know. I’ll be right here for you, kid.’
It had been three months since that conversation and a lot had happened. You were still dating Sy and ever since your little talk with his dad, it truly felt like you were part of the family now. Sy and you were closer than ever before, his dad and you were two peas in a pod. Turned out, you shared many similarities and he felt like that father figure you always wished you had. He came over to your family’s house and fixed a few things that needed fixing for a while now.
But dad Syverson still understood your wish of being independent and whenever he helped you out, he told you to watch and learn and sometimes wrote down a few tips too.
Today, you and Sy were going to a family gathering again and you could say that you were buzzing with excitement. 
‘Sy, hurry up,’ you pleaded. ‘Your dad is gonna show me how to turn on the bbq, without losing your eyebrows.’
He chuckled. ‘I swear you’re always happier to see him than me,’ he joked. You leaned against his shoulder, before he said: ‘You know, honey, I love you very much.’
‘I love you too,’ you whispered. ‘And thank you, for ignoring my stubborn ass and called your dad that faithful flat tire day.’
Sy smirked. ‘Come on, you honestly think I would let you hurt yourself, because you’re my strong-willed sweetheart and doesn’t want to ask my dad for help?’ He pressed a kiss on top of your head. ‘I… I am glad you accepted the help. It made you happier in the end.’
Dating Sy meant gaining an entire family and to say it was amazing was a gross understatement. You said your quick hi’s to his brothers, the sister-in-laws and the kids, kissing Sy’s mom, before rushing over to the backyard, where you saw Sy’s dad.
‘There she is,’ he said with a wide grin and you launched yourself in his arms. ‘Finally some common sense in the building,’ he joked.
Sy joined you not too long after, hugging his dad and he said: ‘I’ll be the first Syverson to sit through a bbq lesson from my dad.’
‘You guys never listened?’
Dad shook his head. ‘Kid, you’re the first one who voluntarily has signed up for the bbq lessons from dad Syverson,’ he told you. ‘Are you ready?’
You smiled and nodded. ‘I was born ready, dad.’
henry cavill taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @liecastillo // @mis-lil-red // @sofiebstar // @abschaffer2 // @crazybutconfidentaf // @summersong69 // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @bourbonrice // @kebabgirl67 // @eldarwen333 // @kingliam2019 // @cherry-gemz // @sillyrabbit81 // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @sunshine96love // @oddsnendsfanfics // @xuxszx // @omgkatinka // @pterodactylterrace / @peaches1958 // @pandaxnienke // @raccoon-eyed-rebel
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juviabrainrot · 1 year
hello, again - a nalu fanfic
synopsis: lucy heartfilia recently moved back to her hometown after leaving for the big city 6 years prior. she then runs into familiar faces like natsu dragneel- her old best friend- in the worst way possible. now trying to rekindle their friendship, will it develop into something more than just best friends?
chapter 3: confrontations words: 1060
last moments from chapter 2...
I started unboxing all my stuff and putting them into their respective areas.
I purposefully didn’t open the smallest box till last- the box containing all my un-mailed letters to Natsu within the past 3 years. The letters I was too scared to mail, thinking he may hate me and wouldn’t want to see them, wouldn't want to think of me more. And then now I’m back here in Magnolia, taking a more tremendous step than sending out measly letters.
I picked up the box and fiddled with it for a second. Was I ready to let go of the past, and move on to the future? Would Natsu be able to do the same? I wanna be his friend again. No- best friend.
I looked at the trash bin next to my desk, and threw away the ugly past.
Lucy pov- the next day
"Where in the world is room 2-109?" I asked Levy as we walked through the academy. School starts tomorrow, and Levy offered to give me a tour so I wouldn't be lost on my first day.
"Hmmm... well it's in the second building on the bottom floor. Who's the teacher?"
"Mr. Clive for Physics"
"Yikes. I heard he's kind of a bad teacher; doesn't really put much of an effort into teaching."
I sighed, "I feel like more and more teachers are turning out like that nowadays." Levy chuckled and hummed in agreement. We walked out of the first building and started walking to the second, where my last class- Mr.Clive- is.
I told Levy I was going to the store so I could get some last minute snacks to munch on for the week, but that wasn't the actual reason I was leaving. I was leaving so I could go to our spot: the place we would go when we wanted to escape everyone, and everything. It was a part of the beach that nobody went to- mostly because it had a lot of erosion separating the ocean from the dry sand.
I parked my car in the nearly empty parking lot and walked out to our spot. The sun was starting to set and the waves were settling down. It reminded me of that day that I told Natsu I was leaving.
When I got there, all the old memories came flooding back- like the time when we were 11 and Natsu got down to go to the ocean and couldn't get back up because of the erosion. He tried climbing back up and nearly got suffocated by sand when it collapsed on him. I miss his ignorance.
I sat down on the sand and watched the boats roam back and forth. It was serene. I sat there for a while until I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over to find Natsu standing there. The slight breeze was making his hair flow to the side and he hung his hand on his head trying to stop it from going crazy.
"What're... what're you doing here?" he asked. I looked down at my hands and started playing with them, "I don't really know"
He sighed and sat down a couple of feet away from me. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes, but it felt like hours.
"Did you know I was here?"
"Kinda. I saw you leave campus and figured you'd be here," he then looked at me with sad eyes, "I guess I was right."
"I guess you were" I responded, looking back at him, "So, do you still come here a lot?"
"Not really. I did at first, but after a while it was getting a little sad. I only come when I get upset or something's really bothering me."
"Am I bothering you being here? Is that why you came to our spot?" I questioned. He frowned and looked back out into the ocean, "Yeah."
"I'm... I'm sorry Natsu..." I trailed off," I'm sorry I stopped responding to your messages. I'm sorry I left so suddenly." Even with his face to the side, I could see the anger and sadness in his eyes.
"Why did you stop responding?" he asked in a hurtful tone.
I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out besides "My..."
He looked at me with visible agony written all over his face, "Your what!?"
I sighed, "My mom got sicked and died Natsu." His face softened while his eyes got larger. "Layla... died...?" he asked, perplexed.
"Yeah. About a year after we moved, she got pneumonia and died a week later. She's always had such a frail body, and that's what bit her in the butt," I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, "It was really tough at first Natsu. For a couple of weeks I could hardly get out of bed, hardly want to live. She was my rock after moving. and then she just left without saying goodbye to the world. I shut everyone out, even my dad. I just stopped talking for a while."
He frowned, "I'm sorry Lucy. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."
"No, I'm sorry Natsu. I'm the one who shut you out, and didn't even let you help- more or less let you know what was happening. I swear I wanted to talk to you, but after a while I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk to me."
He huffed a little and scooted closer to me, draping his arm over my shoulder, "It's alright."
"But it's not!" I cried, "I hurt you Natsu, and I can never come back from that! I never intended to hurt you, but I was so lost for a while and was oblivious to what was going on around me. And now I come back here out of the blue and take you by surprise. I can't imagine all the old emotions coming back up after suppressing them for so long. I'm sorry."
He wiped the tears streaming down my cheeks, giving me a sorrowful look. "It's.. fine. I understand. I was just hurt for a while, I eventually moved on."
I hugged him and dug my face into his chest, "I missed you Natsu."
"Not as much as I missed you."
I walked back into my room with a bag full of snacks and plopped down on my bed. I sandwiched my head in between my pillow and let out a loud grunt. Why was I so stupid? Why didn't I just man up and talk to him? I felt the side of my bed dip and a hand run up and down my back.
"What's up Lu?" Levy asked sincerely. I looked up at her and broke down. She held me while I wailed like a baby caressed my back. I told her everything; I told her about me leaving, my mom dying, shutting everyone out, shutting Natsu out, feeling like I hurt Natsu coming back.
She sighed, "You know, everyone makes mistakes. You were young and naive. Just because you messed up then, doesn't mean you're messing up now. You can't move on if you're still dwelling in the past. Fill those holes that you caused, and make new unforgettable memories. Remember that."
A/N: i took a few days to upload this because i was reading another fic AND TELL ME WHY THE LAST CHAPTER WAS 23K WORDS 😭 i cannot relate. anyways, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it &lt;3
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john-macnamara · 4 months
AITA for kicking my boyfriend out?
I (44m) have known my now ex-boyfriend (49 m) for the majority of my life. Unfortunately, we hit a snag when we were in our twenties, and for another nineteen years, we were constantly fighting and at most times it felt like we were in wholly different worlds. It wasn't his fault, as he was placed under the thumb of a boss who wouldn't allow him to do anything otherwise. As of January, however, we confessed our feelings during a moment of relative peace, and it wasn't long after until his boss backed off.
Due to our particular situation and the fact that his living space was paid for by his boss, he moved in with me. We have been getting used to living together, not without it's struggles. I've refused to share things I likely should have to not worry him, he's accused me of cheating with a mutual friend, we both caused problems. But I tend to give him a pass because his previous work left him severely traumatized.
And therein lies the problem. Due to the nature of how his work with his old boss began, we still are both hung up over the incident that led to it. As time has gone on, it's felt more and more like he doesn't love me for who I am right now, just the person I was when we were last separated. I had been thinking about it for a while and was considering speaking about it. And then news got out that someone had hurt me in his time away, and despite my multiple requests for him not to do anything about it, he hurt my assailant quite badly.
I was incredibly upset by this, and we ended up getting into a fight. I was angry and I said something I didn't mean. I deeply regret what I said, but I more deeply regret what happened after. I kicked him out. He had lied to me multiple times when we were fighting and had done nothing but prove he didn't even know why I was so upset.
So, am I the asshole? And if I am, how should I fix things?
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Madara Uchiha x reader
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Warning ⚠️:- teen age marriage, arrange/forced marriage, soft virginal sex, Pregnancy, very innocent reader
Please if you are not comfortable then don't read. Bye love you
You were forced to marry the Uchiha leader as his father and your father has arranged it he was very older then 4 years difference. you were 16 while he was 20.
You were very innocent. Your father only wanted money. So they give you to the Uchiha's. You hated them even tho they are your clan's best friend but you hated them and now fate has been sealed by them.
You were sitting in your wedding gown waiting for your husband who you hated very much. And you hear foot steps. He is very handsome. "sleep on the floor" he said and throwing you on the floor with one hand.
You looked at him angrily. 'so rude' Well you can't do anything about it. One thing about what your mother tell you "do as he says ".
It was very uncomfortable but you have to sleep as your husband says and then raining started and then thunderstorms. You have slept but then you heard thunder voice making you run to bed.
You go up on the bed and You hug Madara very tightly he was awaken up no doubt and knew that you were scared but still asked "what happened y/n? " he said in a very deep voice. "I-I-I am S-Scared of Thunder. P-please when rain will stop I promise I will go on the floor"
He sigh wrapping his arms around me protectively chuckling. You accidentally touch his private part. " I am sorry I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that" he looked at you angrily and grab your hair but quickly loose his grip when he sees you in pain and he realized he is not like his father.
He get on top of you " how old are you ? " It was hurting you he was very heavy... of course he will be. " Please it's hurting you are heavy" he get up and sit beside me and I also get up and sit facing him " now answer me.
" 16 " he looked at you shockingly with mouth hung opened " WHAT ? You are really 16 YEAR OLD " you nodded "how will you carry my heir Uchiha heir you are so young to be pregnant and weak uchiha child is really strong to be carried" he looked at you. You were looking at him dumbfounded 'what is he talking about?'.
" don't tell me you don't know anything about sex and how babies are made? " you have heard that word for the first time. You shake your head. He grab his forehead.
" what you know about babies " " they come from a fairy " he started to hit head on bed in frustration you tried to stop and then thunder happened so you quickly go to him. He sigh and look at her as she was so small " looks like I have to show you now "
He came close to your face and grab your neck with his large hand making more closer and kissed you. You have never kissed anyone.He then grab you easily making you sit on his lap.His and your face movie in sync. He broke the kiss.
"Remember it will hurt" laying you on bed. He kissed you again now you courage your self and kissed him back even tho didn't know how to kiss someone.
He then go to kiss your neck and found a sensitive spot. You get ghoosbumps and couldn't hold the sound that left your mouth he suck to it. He grab the ribbon but you grabbed his hand " why are taking my clothes off"
He came close to your ear " it is a part of making a baby" he put your hand away and take your clothes off. You look away in embarrassment you feel awkward to be naked Infront of someone and was insecure about your body.
" you are beautiful Don't be embarrassed" he was also take off his clothes quickly and naked he put his hand on your mouth " grab the sheets " you then felt so much pain in your lower area. Madara knew he is big and it will be hard to get inside of her.
You wanted to scream but you can't because of the hand your mouth only muffling sound was coming out of our mouth. You felt liquid running down. It was blood.
When he finally was inside he lift his hand from your mouth. You were crying looking at him. He wipe your tears and kiss ever tear.
" it's okay but I have to do this today or tomorrow" " I didn't k-knew i-it h-urt thi-ss m-much " he kissed your lips softly and connect your forehead to his. He started to move slowly and you feel pain but after a while it was a new feeling... pleasure feeling...
When he started to move. Your mouth leave a sound 'ahh'. Madara started to move fastly when he knew your Virginia is stretch. You were moaning mess.
Madara was close so you were. It was a forgein feeling. You were moaning mess. Madara came three times in your lower area.
Madara finally cum third time. He collapse on your body "you were so fucking tight". You both were breathing heavily. He kissed your neck then take nipples. " ahhh Madara please I-I-I am t-tired"
"like I would care" he keep sucking your nipples finally he was also exhausted he lay beside. You tears were running down your eyes.
Madara sees it and regret her turn to you and hug you while putting sheet upon both of you. "You are so beautiful" Madara whisper in your ear.
You smile at him. He smile back and kiss you you again blushed "this blush look so cute on your face. What if our child have this cute blush..."
Two weeks later~
Izuna,Madara mom and father were having breakfast. When Madara and you came and sit on your table. "I don't know when will I have the news from you that I am going to be grandmother and you should give me a boy or I will make Madara marry another woman." Madara glare at his mother. You held his hand.
"I will try to...." you said in a very low voice as you never said anything loudly not Infront anyone not even your husband. "Brother did the war stopped?" Izuna said changing the topic.
"don't say lame things izuna it will never stop and we will always be the strongest" Madara was going to say but his father stopped him by saying that.
Y/n wasn't feeling good as she was going to vomit as she was feeling nauseous. She quickly stand up and run towards bathroom. Madara get up and run after his little wife.
"Y/n did you eat something? Are you okay now? feeling better" Madara said in a very worried tone. You look at him with a small smile she put her small hand on his face "I found out..... Yesterday 'I am pregnant' the doctor said but where is the child" you said in a very low tone.
Madara smiled and put his hand on her stomach "here" "but how the child os staying their babies are big right?" Madara smiled "you will know soon" and helped her get up to brush her teeth. As she finish brushing her teeth. Madara slam his lips on yours and you wrap her legs around his waist. He put on sink.
You both do make out session that you learn from your husband."you don't know how much happy I am... I just hope it will be a boy..." Madara wasn't saying this because he doesn't want the daughter he will love his daughter no matter what but.....
His father won't as there parents always give superiority to a boy. As Madara sister that is dead now. His father don't even held her funeral just buried her not even caring to tell the brothers they found out on there own.
"don't worry it will be a boy".... They both go to tell them the happy news. "Better be a boy daughter-in-law" Madara father said in a harsh tone.
"IT'S NOT IN HER HAND FATHER be happy that she actually get pregnant otherwise you know how I am" Madara said in a very loud voice which surprised his mother a father. Y/n was standing behind Madara protective figure...
"Madara don't forget your manners" Madara grab your hand and take you to there room. "You haven't eat anything please let me bring you something madara".
"I am not hungry. My hunger is already killed by them" you leave his hand "I am sorry I wish I was a good wife" Madara eyes soften. "You didn't do anything love, you are fulfilling your duty" Madara smiled at her and kisses her lips softly...
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lovingdilfs · 2 years
Do you know who I am (smut)
Part 4: what now, what next, where to
Summary: after the discussion of living separate lives, it backfires when you get drunk and shows up at his house - or does it really backfires
Word count: 2816
Warnings: smut (I know y’all have been waiting) 18+, mature content, fingering, p in the v, virginity loss.
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Oh lord have mercy, the begging eyes of him!
The passage of days and weeks seemed to drag on, and the name of Elvis Presley seemed to be everywhere, appearing more frequently than you had anticipated. No matter where you went, you encountered his name, and it seemed that everything you laid your eyes on had it emblazoned upon it. This overwhelming presence only made it harder for you to cope with the absence of the person who had been a constant in your life for so long.
Despite the constant reminders of your best friend's name. You struggled to come to terms with the loss of the person who had been such a significant part of your life. You found comfort in the memories of the times you spent together, but it was never enough to fill the void that had been left. You eventually learned to open up and tell your dad everything that had happened between you or sort of, he kept on asking about where Elvis was and Why you never seem to be with him anymore.
“Dad you gotta understand, we drifted apart and that’s what people do. He wanted something and I wanted something else. It’s part of life” it hurt you to tell him because you how much he liked Elvis. Each night, the urge to pick up the phone and call Elvis grew stronger. You wanted to tell him how proud you were of him and all that he had accomplished. You longed to put aside any differences and misunderstandings, and return to being friends like in the old days. The memories of your friendship and all the good times you had shared weighed heavily on your mind, and you couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps you could fix things between you.
But each time you reached for the phone, you hesitated, uncertain if it was the right thing to do. Part of you was afraid that reaching out could only make things worse, and that the distance between you was too great to be bridged. Yet another part of you held onto hope that maybe, just maybe, you could reconcile and relive the magic of your friendship once more. The desire to reconnect with Elvis lingered on, night after night, a constant reminder of the bond that you had once shared.
After a couple of drinks with your girlfriend Maria, down at the local bar. The alcohol had made you bold, and you finally mustered the courage to call Elvis. You dialed his number with unsteady hands, eagerly anticipating the sound of his voice. But to your disappointment, nobody picked up on the other end. You hung up, feeling disheartened. You had been so sure that reaching out to Elvis was the right thing to do, and now you were faced with the reality that perhaps it was too late. But no your heart wouldn’t let you stop there. The longing to see Elvis and hear his voice one final time had become unbearable. Despite the late hour and the fact that you had been drinking, you made the impulsive decision to go to his house. You stumbled down the familiar path, the alcohol still coursing through your veins, and finally arrived at his doorstep.
You hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was the right thing to do, but the desire to see Elvis was too strong to ignore. You knocked on the door, and after a moment, a bleary-eyed Elvis answered.
“Y/N what are you doing here,” he asked while looking confused and concerned. “I-I jus *hiccup just wanes to s-s-see you again” you managed to get out with a drunken voice. "Are you drunk?" Elvis asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. You couldn't help but smile, feeling a little embarrassed. "No...maybe," you replied, feeling a little unsteady on your feet. Elvis held on to your arm, steadying you as he helped you stand. "Come on, let me get you some water," he said, his tone gentle and caring.
He filled a glass with water and handed it to you. You took a few sips, feeling the cool liquid soothe your throat. Elvis sat down across from you, his expression filled with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, and you could tell that he genuinely cared about your well-being. "Why are you here?" Elvis asked, his tone soft and curious. You took a deep breath, feeling a little overwhelmed. "I don't know," you replied truthfully, still trying to figure out why you had made the impulsive decision to come and see him. For a moment, the two of you sat in silence. You felt a sense of comfort just being near him, and you realized that you had been missing this connection in your life.
"I gotta puke," you said suddenly, breaking the silence. Elvis quickly got up from his seat and rushed you to the bathroom. You barely made it to the toilet before you started to retch.
Elvis stayed by your side, rubbing your back and holding back your hair. “Let me find ya a shirt,” he said while letting your hair down, Elvis disappeared into his room. He returned a few moments later with a clean t-shirt, “here you go honey” he said, handing you the shirt. “Thanks” As you looked up at him, you couldn't help but notice that he had grown even more handsome since the last time you saw him. His maturity showed in his features, making him even more attractive. You felt a warm rush of emotions as you gazed at him, a mix of fond memories and a longing for what could have been.
You tore your gaze away, feeling guilty for letting your thoughts wander. “Now you do that look again,” he said while chuckling.
“Huh- what do ya mean” you sounded confused, but you knew damn well what he was talking about.
“Nothing, go change, I’ll set up the couch for you,” he said while leaning against the doorframe.
"No Elvis, I have to go home," you protested. "Honey, you're too drunk to wander around now. I'll take you home first thing in the morning," he replied before walking out of the bathroom, you closed the door, but left a little gap. You were feeling a mix of emotions, but mostly relief that you were able to be close to Elvis again.
You slowly began to zip down your dress, while Elvis wandered around the house finding blankets. You let the straps fall off your shoulders, as Elvis went by the bathroom he was surprised to see you in the mirror slowly pulling your dress off. A familiar feeling was building up inside his lower stomach, the same feeling when you two kissed the night at the party. He cleared his throat, to stop himself to look any further at you. Elvis quickly looked away and continued his search for blankets. He found the blankets and went back to the living room, setting up the couch for you to sleep on.
After a few minutes, you emerged from the bathroom. “I tried to make it comfortable,” he said while looking up and down at you. “Thanks, Elvis” you sat down on the couch, the t-shirt bearable coving your underwear. Elvis couldn’t help but notice your red underwear. He cleared his throat again, trying not to let his mind wander off again “anytime honey…just say if you need anything”
And with that, he left you to rest, but his thoughts kept going back to the sight of you in the bathroom, slowly taking your dress off. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the image from his mind. “Oh god, why are you doing this to me” he whispered to himself while settling in his bed. You woke up, with dryness taken over your throat, and a headache pounding against your temples. You looked around and saw that you were in Elvis' house, and you remembered the events of the night before. You wondered how he was feeling, and whether he was angry or still upset with you. You slowly got up and made your way to the kitchen, slowly pouring a glass of water. “Oh gosh Elvis you shocked me”, “I’m sorry I can’t sleep,” Elvis said, as he leaned against the kitchen counter. The two of you stood in silence for a few moments, both lost in thought. “Is the couch comfortable?” He asked breaking the silence “well a bed would be better, but it will do for now” you replied, taking a sip from the glass of water.
He gave you that famous boyish grin, “What?” You asked in a high-pitched voice. “Nothing, it's just weird seeing you again” he looked down at his feet, “yeah, I’m sorry I just showed up here last night” you added. “No it’s fine, it's good to see you again” He looked up and smiled warmly at you. “Touché” You smiled back at him, feeling the familiar comfort of his presence.
“Elvis… are you okay?” You sat down the glass "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He replied, looking at you with a worried expression. Of course, he wasn’t fine, he wanted to tell you it all, how he missed you, how he missed your smile, how he missed your smile, how he missed seeing you in the crowd, how he missed your support before getting on stage, all he wanted was to be with you. But he messed up and you had made up your mind. "Just curious," you said as you approached him, standing inches away. You took in his scent and felt his warm breath on your forehead. "What is it that you want to know?" he asked, looking down at you with a soft expression on his face. You could see a hint of sadness in his eyes, but it was also mixed with something else, something you couldn't quite put your finger on. “How do you really feel,” you asked softly, searching for an answer in his eyes. He took a deep breath before speaking. "I feel confused, sad, and guilty," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. You could sense the weight of his emotions, and you placed a hand on his chest. You could feel the beat of his heart beneath your hand, and you took comfort in its fast rhythm.
Your lips slowly moved inches away from his, feeling the warmth breathe on your lips. “Elvis,” you said in a low voice before his lips smashed against yours, You could feel the love and regret in his touch as your bodies were pressed against each other. The kiss lasted for a moment that felt like an eternity until you finally parted, and both of you left breathless. “We really shouldn’t do this,” he said while leaving small kisses at the corner of your mouth "I know," you said softly. Elvis’s hands slowly travel around your body feeling your curves. Your arms hugged him around the neck, to deepen the kiss, and he slightly moan against your lips. You could feel him grow underneath you, as you made some friction on his pelvis.
He pulled away from the kiss to look at you, with a mixture of longing and regret in his eyes. "This isn't right," he whispered, but you could feel his body still pressed against yours, wanting to continue what had started. You looked back at him, unsure of what to say or do. His eyes were searching for an answer in your eyes, but the lust had taken over. “Oh fuck it” he whispered, smashing his lips into yours again. He lifted you up by your legs, feeling the warmth growing in between your legs “oh baby, you're soaked for me” he left that boyish smirk on his lips, and you wiped it off by kissing him. He carried you over to the couch, gently placing you down, he looked down at you, his eyes filled with desire. “Baby relax, you’re too tense… I’m not going to hurt you” He leaned down and kissed you again, his hands slowly exploring your body, sending shivers down your spine. You gave into the moment, letting yourself be consumed by the passion and desire between the two of you. As the kiss deepened, you could feel your tension melting away "Elvis," you whispered as you interspersed kisses with your words. "Promise to go slow." He hummed against your lips, letting his hands slowly move up your thigh, You could feel get lost in the moment, letting small noises out in the room as he was inches away from your throbbing cunt.
His fingers gently tap against the fabric of your underwear. He began to kiss along your jaw, finding the right spot that made you buckle your hips up against it. “Easy now baby” he whispered in your ear, pinning your hips down by his pelvis, making you feel his growth underneath his underwear. His fingers carefully slid your underwear to the slide, tenderly sliding his fingers between your wet folds, wetting his fingers with your juices. “Oh baby imma make you feel real good” he softly mumbled on your neck.
His thumb gradually moved up your sensitive clit, slowly pushing pressure on it and circling it. You clung onto him, completely lost in the moment, only able to express your pleasure through moans and gasps. “Elvis I need you”, Feeling the muscles beneath his shirt, your fingers tracing over each ridge, as you deepen the kiss, letting out soft moans. Stopping at the hem of his underwear "Are you sure about this?" He asked, gaze fixed on you.
You nodded at his words “baby you gotta use ya words” You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "Yes," you said firmly. "I want this." He smiled and leaned in for another kiss, he removed his underwear, stroking it a few times, before lining it up with your entrance, He spoke softly to you, "Okay baby, just take a deep breath and relax. It may cause some discomfort at first." You nodded, placing your hands on his chest. He slowly thrusted his hips against you, making you hiss at the feeling.
Gradually sliding inside you, letting you adjust to him. The feeling of the tightness of your walls around him was making him moan out your name. As you adjusted around him, he began to increase his pace. With each thrust, you felt the sensations intensify, unable to hold back your moans. Your fingers gripped onto his skin, each sound of pleasure escaping your lips only driving him further. “Oh keep those pretty sounds coming baby” he whispered in your ear, kissing your neck as he continued to move inside of you, “oh gosh you’re so tight” he panted out under his breath. He continued to push into you, his movements becoming more frantic as he got closer to the edge. You could feel the tension building up inside of you, a deep heat spreading throughout your body. "Elvis, I'm so close," you moaned, your voice hoarse from the intensity of the moment. In response, he increased his pace. “Come on then” as the words he panted out, it was sending you over the edge. The explosion of pleasure that hit you was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Your walls caving around him, sending him over the edge, while your walls were milking the last of his cum out of his twitching cunt inside you.
His body collapsing above your body, both of you taking a moment to catch your breath, your bodies entwined as one. The room was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and soft moans as you lay there “you were right, a bed would be better” he chuckled out. Your fingers ran through his hair, feeling his chest pumping out and down at a fast pace against your chest.
Elvis gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "You all right?" he whispered, "I feel amazing " You laughed softly, snuggling closer to him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. “Let me get ya clean up,” he said while he rose from you, handing out his hands to help you up. You felt a sense of loss as he moved away from you, but also a sense of comfort knowing that he was taking care of you. He led you to the bathroom, where he started the shower, and helped you in, gently washing away the sweat and evidence of what had just happened between the two of you. The warm water relaxed your muscles, and you leaned into him, taking comfort in his strong arms as he held you close. "I have something to admit," you said, breaking the silence. "So do I."
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Late night talks. Some Emotions, too, butthat depends on whom are you asking.
Written together with @hannahhook7744
Previous parts
Later that night, Chad turned his phone back on and was surprised to see that he had a call from his little sister, Chloe.
He made a face, wondering why the 10 year old had been calling him from her cell phone instead of the landline like she usually did.
So, he called her back after Audrey left the room to change into her pajamas. 
"Chad, Chad, Chad—" Chloe rambled quietly,  excitedly and he could practically see her bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Chad couldn’t help but smile at that.
"What’s up, you little monster?" he asked her.
"Hey! I’m not little! I’m ten!" she protested and he could very clearly picture her pouting.
"Very little. Small as a pebble," he teased her some more.
"Am not. " She pouted. "Anyways…. Why were you at the port earlier?"
"I was visiting some friends," he answered, before catching his thoughts: "How do you know I was at the port? Were you there?! You know it could be dangerous!"
He couldn’t help but spiral into overthinking.
Thinking about everything that could have gone wrong.
About everything that could have hurt his sickly little sister who'd been born with a heart defect. 
"I wasn't. Glauco and Red saw you there with Hadie's cousin." Chloe replied, trying to make him feel better. 
It didn't work.
"Anyway. Did you not tell us you were going there cause it's a secret and you might get in trouble? Cause we won't tell if it's a secret or if it will get you in trouble—" 
"It’s not a secret," said Chad, swallowing the question of what was Glauco doing at the port. As he knows Auntie Snow, she will not be pleased with that.
"You can tell whoever you like."
And the trouble part, well.
Audrey seems to be actively going for that, and who is he to argue?
"Okay! When are you coming home? I miss you!" The younger asked, stifling a yawn. 
"I’ll visit soon, yeah?" Chad promised, and immediately dropped into a worried rant, because how come she’s awake so late in the night? She should just go to sleep if she’s tired, and no, she can’t stay up as late as him –
"Okay. I love you."
She was quiet for a few minutes, causing him to think briefly that she had fallen asleep.
" Hey Chad?"
He really hoped she was okay.
"What’s up?"
"Do you think Grandpa was scared when he died?" She asked hesitantly, sounding uncharacteristically small. Making Chad wondering if she had overheard something recently that she wasn't supposed to.
"Why would you ever ask that, Chloe?"
She knew how much their grandfather meant to him. 
"I heard mama crying about my heart. She and daddy are scared I won't get to be as big as you." Chloe said, sounding the smallest bit defeated. "I don't know why. The doctor said I was fine the last time we went."
"Then you’re gonna be fine," answered Chad as firmly as he could,"Your doctor is very good and knows what he’s doing. Mom and dad you worry because they love you, yeah? They’re your parents, it’s their job to worry, even if there is nothing wrong going on."
Chad could relate to that deep worry and constant overthinking, the never-ending what-ifs.
"You’re going to be fine, sweetheart," he repeated, "Do you want to talk about something else before you fall asleep?"
She yawned again "no. I think I should go to bed before mama comes to check on me. I don't want you to get in trouble. "
"Okay, then. Goodnight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite you. Love you."
"Goodnight, Chad! I’m definitely not thinking about death anymore, thanks, and I love you too, bubba."
Chad sighed as Chloe hung up. Wondering what the hell his parents were thinking of having that conversation when Chloe was still awake as he put his phone on charge and got comfortable on the couch. 
Audrey knocked at the doorframe and when she didn’t hear any protests from Chad, she let herself in: She heard him talking on the phone and didn’t want to intrude.
She was carrying two glasses with sparkly soft pink liquid inside.
"Chad? You okay?" she asked when she saw his dejected expression.
"Fine. A bit miffed at my parents and pissed at God but that's nothing new." 
He sat up, accepting a glass from her. 
"What about you? Are you alright?"
"I’m doing fine, thank you for asking!" Audrey replied a bit too cheerfully and sipped her drink, "Wait, I think I switched our glasses."
She took the other glass and dared Chad to comment. "I can’t wait for the show to start—just imagine how my grandma will look when she finds out!"
"You'll be happy to know that I put the dominoes in place then." Chad said, sipping on his own drink. Not even bothering to hide his mischievous smile. 
Audrey matched his smile as she leaned forward and asked him to tell her more.
………Line Break…….
The crew was all waiting in the dining area on their ship, all with some form of alcohol in hand as Gonzo passed out the food that their chef mate had made. All of them more than a little curious to know if their Captain had actually agreed to the two royals' deal. 
All of their eyes kept darting to where She, Gil, and Harry were sitting and the three leaders were more aware of that fact than they let on.
But eventually, it got annoying.
Uma stabbed her knife to the table, thus effectively gaining the attention of her crew.
"I can see you chewing at your tongues, you knaves," she said, and then she smiled: "We said yes to her deal."
Silence still hung over the room, as barely anyone knew what to make of her statement.
"And if you disastrous lot can behave yourself, well, we’ve got quite a lot of people to get off their seats. And we’re taking suggestions."
The cheers broke out then.
They were almost deafening and still, Uma and her boys smiled.
This was gonna be fun. 
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real-jaune-isms · 2 years
Does... Luffy Have a Crush? Can That Happen?
[In the aftermath of Film Red, the Straw Hats are sailing onwards for new adventures. For the most part, their spirits are high, but there's a notable exception. Luffy's been sitting on top of the domed crow's nest for hours, clicking at a radio transponder the entire time trying to find a station that's still broadcasting music of the 'Diva Princess'. This is very annoying for Zoro's who's been trying to do his training in the gym just below. Finally he loses his patience and climbs up to see if his captain will knock it off.]
Zoro: The hell are you doing, Luffy?
Luffy: I wanna hear more of the music... the concert got ruined and I wanna hear what she would have been singing. All that later stuff was angry and evil music, but she wanted her voice to be for songs that make the world happy. That's the singing I like, cuz it's when she's happiest.
Zoro: *sigh* After all that chaos with the music demon, I get the feeling nobody's gonna want to broadcast her music for a while. But I'm sure one of the others here has bought her songs in a record or something, we can go ask for it and you can listen to that in the bunks.
Luffy: Yeah... I guess so.
Zoro: Heh... I know you've told us from the start how much you like musicians, but this is another level. We can always just ask Brook to play something if you need a fix...
Luffy: NO! I want to hear Uta! I haven't heard her voice in a long time, and I wanna hear her sing again.
Zoro: Right, y'knew her since you were kids. Still blows my mind that you and the world's biggest idol were close like that when you were younger.
Luffy: Yeah... Shishishi!~ She got way bigger, I was sure surprised!
Zoro: Uh huh... probably because you were kids then and she's a grown woman now? I'm sure she was surprised by who you grew up into too. Tsk... maybe she had a little crush back in the day and now it's fully swooning seeing you as a man?~
*It's absolutely a joking tease, but the deer in the headlights look on Luffy's face makes him stop laughing quickly*
Luffy: That sounds like something the old lady snake talked about when I was training with Rayleigh, and Hancock would come see me... What's it mean to have a crush? I felt happier seeing Uta that I did meeting up with other friends I hadn't seen in a while, so maybe I have a crush?
Zoro: Oh my god... this can't actually be happening right now, dammit. Well, um... does it hurt that you had to say goodbye to her so soon, and you miss her a lot even though you know she's safe with her old man?
Luffy: Yeah, my chest feels tight and I wanna hear her say bye to me again, or anything else she'd wanna say.
Zoro: Oh hell I'm really gonna have to keep explaining this to him... How the hell am I supposed to describe this, I'm not the cheesy cook...
*Suddenly he envisions blue eyes giving him a playful look and hearing a gentle 'fuhuhu~', and the samurai smiles to himself*
Zoro: If you could see her again, would you want to do anything different from how the two of you hung out before?
Luffy: Yeah, probably... I don't think I could get mad if she won another eating contest like the kind we usually play. I don't know if I'd care about losing, cuz she's so happy when she wins.
Zoro: Would you give her a hug? Tell her how happy she makes you, and how much you care about her being happy?
Luffy: I would, yeah!
Zoro: And... would you want to kiss her?
Luffy: Like you do with-
Zoro: Not the point! Is it something you feel like you want to do with Uta?
Luffy: *tries to imagine being close to Uta's face and then closing the gap and feeling her lips on his. He assumes they'll taste like chicken cuz of all their eating contests, but also like strawberries~* ...I want to.
Zoro: Then that's a crush. And I think it may turn into you loving her if you're not careful~
Luffy: I love a lotta things, why would I have to be careful about it with her?
Zoro: It's a different kind of love, the love where you wanna do those exact things and probably some others. But don't worry about it right now, let's just go down to check with the rest of the crew. We still gotta find you a record of your girlfriend singing~
Luffy: *sits where he is for another minute just smiling at the sky* Shishishi... I love Uta~
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azzie-tangerine · 11 months
Marx 2, 8, 16, 24, 37
Gooey 2, 9, 17, 26 (Dedede for the insert character here), 41
Oooh characters I don't often talk about! Or at least with Gooey.
Marx: A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I got two for you here. 1, I like Nova!Marx. Like Susie, he's part robotic. This is due to the wish he made on Nova. He technically doesn't need to blink, his eyes are glass. And his heart rate sounds more like a clock. And that teal stuff? Motor fluid.
Another headcanon I love (is it implied?) is the idea that Marx and Kirby were childhood best friends. It explains why Kirby listened to Marx's idea about getting Nova involved when the sun and moon were fighting. They trusted Marx's judgement. It makes Marx's betrayal hurt a lot more, you know?
They're on good terms now, and Marx has been (mostly) forgiven. But they're no longer as close as they used to be.
Marx: Unpopular opinion about them
Another opinion that I am unfortunately guilty of in the past. But I don't like the feralization/dumbing down of Marx's character that ppl in the fandom have done. He is chaotic, sure. But he's not stupid. He's not a wild animal that Magolor has to detain. He knows when to back off from a prank. It just takes a lot of pushing before that limit is made.
Marx: Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
This one ties into the headcanon question. Marx misses the old friendship he used to have with Kirby. He misses the days where the two just hung out. One on one. Marx's betrayal ruined that friendship. Sure, they're friendly again, Kirby still calls them friends. But Marx knows they won't ever be the same. And he kinda resents trying to take over Popstar out of boredom.
Marx: Most annoying habit
Marx in general is a very loud person. He doesn't know how to use an inside voice, or maybe he does and just likes yelling. No one quite knows. All everyone knows is that he's unbearable to hang out with for long periods of time, and no one gets how Magolor does it.
Marx: What they really think about themselves
Like Magolor, Marx has an ego. He thinks he's the funniest, best jester in Popstar. Maybe even the entire universe! He has the evidence to show that he's funny, because he always makes himself laugh! And others do too of course. And he does make pretty good schemes. And good pranks.
Gooey: A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
This one is thanks to a certain next gen au. But Gooey later learns how to use the Rainbow Sword! He did look up to Dark Matter Swordsman after all, in a way. This is a long while after Star Allies, and it does weird some citizens out that he holds the sword with his tongue. but then again, Gooey grabs everything with his tongue. He doesn't have hands.
Gooey: Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
You know that image in one of the cutscenes where Gooey's just vibing and eating a fish? That specific image. In that moment I knew I loved and related to Gooey and just vibing.
Gooey: Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I am so sorry anon. But I currently cannot think of anything that I associate with Gooey in the form of songs and such. I do associate Failboat with Gooey, but only cause the youtuber loves him.
Gooey: What they would do if stuck in an elevator with Dedede
I have the headcanon that Gooey is... wary of Dedede. Gooey was around when Dedede was a jerk, after all. Gooey remembers how mean they used to be to Kirby. And sure, Dedede has changed a lot since then. But Gooey, still being young, ends up being a little petty about it. So if they were both on an elevator, Gooey would be completely silent in a corner away from the king.
Dedede tries his best to be friendly. And Gooey warms up to him eventually.
Gooey: If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
I think Gooey would actually pick Void Termina on this one. Gooey takes a lot after Kirby, just being a lot more naive. Gooey looks up to Kirby in general. He, like his idol, wants to see the best in people. And besides, he's dark matter, and he's good! Kirby's related to them in some way, and he's good! So surely, all dark matter can be good if they wanted to? Dark Matter Swordsman could be good...
So with no hesitation, they'd resurrect the world destroyer that almost ruined the universe. Just to have lunch with them and try to convince them to be good.
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Camus (All Star) Memorial
Translator: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora)
Memorial 3 - Your Fur is Unlike Anything on this Earth
I am a dog. My name is Alexander. 
I am a male Borzoi breed.
One look at my lush, white coat and no one can doubt my pedigree.
I am a loyal dog who accompanied my master to this country from the distant Silk Palace.
“...We’re back.”
He immediately released me from my leash as soon as we walked through the front door of our home.
I, finally free, barked with joy and shook my head, feeling liberated.
I don't like restraints like leashes or reins.
Leashes, in particular, are a nuisance because they have to be worn every time I go outside.
There was never any need for such things back at the Silk Palace, and I believe a master's command alone would suffice to compel a dog such as myself to obey.
In the past, I did get a bit carried away and bumped into a passerby once, and ever since then I've always had to wear a leash.
…It’s truly a shame.
Today, I appeared on television along with my master.
There’s been more demand for this kind of work recently.
It appears it is trendy nowadays for celebrities to introduce their personal pets to the public.
I am proud to help my master in his work, and I welcome this trend.
My co-star for this occasion was the lion, Rodriguez-dono.
The work itself was simple, as I only needed to keep close to my master, but it was great to reconnect with old friends like Rodriguez-dono, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.
I generally don’t like felines, but Rodriguez-dono is an exception.
It hurts me to see how often he is misunderstood because of his appearance.
“Alexander, come.”
My master called for me, brush in hand.
Being the smart dog that I am, I immediately knew why I was summoned.
It’s time for a brushing!
“Arf! Bark bark bark bark!!”
“...Noble dogs shouldn't frolic around. It's unseemly.”
As soon as I settle in and quietly move closer to his feet, he begins to brush me.
He brushes my fur carefully with a hog-bristle brush.
I love brushing time very much.
He is a busy man, but has almost never missed a daily brushing.
My brushings are sometimes done at dog daycare facilities, but the people there are not nearly as skilled as my master. 
My master would never scrape my skin.
His gentle combing is so pleasant that it lulls me to sleep as soon as he starts.
This must be due to the difference in affection.
“...Mm. This should do nicely. Your fur is unlike anything in this world.”
He always ends our brushing session with a light pat on my back and a compliment on my fur.
I love these moments very much too.
Seeing my master's face as his eyes narrow slightly is priceless.
“Now then…”
Putting away the brush, my master rolled his shoulders and sat down on the sofa.
Is he feeling a bit down?
It seems so. He is a man who devotes every day of his life to his mission as the Queen's Sword.
It's a demanding assignment and no matter how resilient one is there are bound to be times when one feels drained.
This is where I come in. 
What is something I can do for him…?
…Got it.
On that note!
I would like to propose that we play some frisbee today!
I hurried over to my toy box, picked up the frisbee with my mouth and ran back to my master.
Frisbee makes for a wonderful pastime to help forget the sorrows of the world!
Come on, master!
Let's have fun together in the backyard!
“Bark! Bark bark bark bark!”
“...Hm? Today's not the day. I have a script I need to look over.”
He replied curtly and started reading a script as he had said he would.
How could this be….?
There’s no way… I never thought he’d turn me down for frisbee….
It comes as a great shock, but I cannot disturb my master.
I hung my head and sullenly curled up in a corner of the room一
“Um… Alexander.”
Someone called out to me.
It was the young girl who had been playing the piano just a few moments ago.
Her name is Something Nanami or other. 
She was recently brought to the tower.
I naturally hold a higher status in this house, and she primarily handles the housework.
However, this newcomer is incompetent.
Occasionally, when my master is too busy, she will brush my coat, but her hand is too weak.
On top of that, her cooking and laundry skills pale in comparison to the work of the maids back in Silk Palace.
And yet, she's still better than that Whatever Aijima cat from before.
That cat was big and useless.
He couldn't even properly prepare my meals.
“Alexander. If you’d like…”
The young girl went on to say more.
She may be considerably better than that cat, but I am not one to readily accept someone of lower rank.
It is true that this girl carries an air of elegance akin to that of the Queen back in our home country, which is something to be commended, but I have been ordered by my master not to get too close to her.
I chose to pretend I didn't hear her, turned away and closed my eyes.
“If you'd like, I could play some frisbee with you.”
I looked up without thinking, and Something Nanami was smiling at me.
“You really want to play, right? I have time today, so what do you think…?”
Nu… Nuu….
Is this… newbie trying to trick me?
I am, however, a loyal dog, and would never do anything to betray my master's order...!
“Alexander. This is perfect. Have that woman play with you.”
“Arf! Arfarfarfarfarf!!”
Really, master!? Really, really!?
I can play, I can play, I can play!!?
“Look at how you’re wagging that tail… I’m happy you’re happy. I know you love your frisbee.”
I was so overcome with joy that I lost control of myself.
This blunder is unbecoming as my master's dog. I must be self-disciplined.
“What's with that complicated look on your face? Just go. I can't concentrate with you barking.”
Yes, gladly!!
Ah, that’s right, master! Since you are here, you too can join us...!!
“I've already told you that I can't. You’re wasting my time.”
It was inevitable. I accompanied the young girl to the backyard.
She's not as athletic as one might imagine, and caused a tremendous amount of trouble for me as soon as we started playing, but… that’s a story for another time.
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The arrival - Chapter 1
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warning : comfort , tiny angst , little emotional , fluff , making friends
next chapter , masterlist
The Earth, a planet which in the drawings, the old books, the old documents was once a beautiful blue planet. For millions of years it was, until the people exaggerated it. Now it was nothing but a dying planet that could not heal itself. Not if humans continued to live on it.
It was a sadness to see all this, a sadness she only saw in part. ,,Miss, is this going to be on the test?" she heard the question of one of her students as she moved away from the blackboard. ,,Yes, it will be, I want you all to look at the plants on page one hundred and two by the day after tomorrow. The phenotypic and genotypic structure will be covered," she explained, smiling as she heard the sighs and laughter of some.
She let her gaze wander, saw the colors passing through her vision, the light from above coming from the lamps, the little light from outside.
She had her own vision. ,,So please-," she began, but stopped when the door to her room opened. Who is that? she asked herself, not recognizing the footsteps.
They were not the happy ones of the teenagers, or the bouncing ones of the children. But neither were they the determined ones of the other teachers. They were heavier, more disciplined. ,,How can I help the military?" she asked, looking at them questioningly.
Her reluctance was subliminal in her question. She did not see it and yet her students seemed to giggle. ,,Please, students, go take a break," she said and waited until all the students had withdrawn. ,,Sorry to disturb you, Miss Wilder, could we have a few minutes?" asked a man walking towards her. Leaning against her table, she sighed.
,,Why? If you've already sought me out, you should know my dislike for you," she said snappishly, folding her arms in front of her chest. ,,We are not here because of our dislikes. We are here to make you an offer," he said, and she heard his dislike as well.
Shaking her head slightly, she reached for her bag before taking her folded cane and walking past the two. ,,No interest and stay away from me," she warned and had already put her hand on the handle when his voice went through the quiet classroom, ,,Not even if we give you a trip to Pandora and funded research as well as the opportunity to see again". She stopped.
Her hand hung over the corner of the clinic, slowly realizing what he meant. Despite all the technology on Earth, nothing was free. And getting her vision back was something she could not afford. One thing she had to accept. The possibilities that opened up.
The possible journey to the planet she had been admiring, learning about, writing her thesis about since she was a student. The planet she emptied at school in the hope that the younger ones would try to save what could be saved. The plants and animals, the miracles she heard. A paid research, with like-minded people.
The possibility of seeing again, the possibility of seeing Pandora and not the broken earth. ,,What do you want from me?" she asked and turned to the two. She didn't know if they were smiling or not.
It was all the same and yet she hated herself for her weakness. ,,They are involved in our research. You have all the resources you need on Pandora, in return you just give us some data about nature" he said almost too easily.
A simple offer, but an offer that hurt. Am I cheating myself? she asked herself, not knowing if she was. ,,You would join Doctor Augustine's research, a project with the inhabitants of the planet," he added, and even if she didn't see him, she knew he could already guess her decision. ,,Doctor Augustine...how long has she been there?" she asked another question, hoping to avert her decision.
Not to give people the satisfaction of needing her. ,,It's been a while, but it's clear that we don't want to do without you. Your studies of plants are important, despite the fact that you have never been to Pandora, and your results are a source of research, teaching and study," he said.
She shook her head again, knowing that if she did, her life would probably change. But did she want to? Of course, and yet she left her students alone. They will understand, she thought to herself, thinking about her lessons, the happy stories, the films and the lectures.
They would manage without her. ,,You don't have to read my life to me...when do we start?" she said, avoiding their gaze. Even if she did not see them, she knew that they were smiling.
Maybe she was cheating herself by working for the men she hated, the men who mined and threatened Pandora. And yet the prospect of finally going to Pandora, feeling nature, studying it, watching it.
To get her sight back. A chance to see Pandora. ,,Tomorrow morning I'll be glad to have her with me," she heard him say before he held out his hand to her. ,,I'll be at the dock," she said dismissively before walking out, leaving them both behind. Her heart was beating too fast for her own good.
The excitement flowing through her was indescribable. I'm going to see Pandora, it went through her mind and she couldn't help but smile happily.
Walking down the hallway, she was about to disappear into the teachers' lounge when she heard the quick footsteps of her students. ,,What did they want from you?" asked James, a young boy standing excitedly with the others in front of them.
Her smile faded a little. ,,I'm going to Pandora," she said and was about to start explaining when she was almost knocked over by her students. The children hugged her warmly and she could hear the sounds of joy.
She was moved by the children's congratulations and cheers. ,,You are happy for me?" she asked, slightly surprised, and stood upright without being knocked down again. ,,Of course, you have told us so many times about Pandora", ,,You must send us photos and videos",,Yes, by all means, we want to see something too" came the explanations and she couldn't help but get a few tears of joy. ,,I will definitely do it, I promise" she said and promised to send a photo to each of them.
It touched her immensely that her students were so supportive. I have achieved something she thought hopefully and was grateful for the support of her students. But not only her students, but also the other teachers and her mother were happy for her.
Her mother even baked her a cake and they both celebrated a little together. But the later it got the more nervous she became and the doubts came. ,,What if I'm useless?" she revealed one of her worries to her mother as they sat at the table and ate dinner together.
Her mother's loving gaze did not reach her, but she felt her mother's hand on her. ,,My darling, you are not useless. You are an expert, my wonderful expert. You are the best researcher I know and that Doctor Augustine is lucky to have you," her mother cheered her up before she stood up and pulled her into a hug.
,,Remember, sweetheart, you don't have a weakness, you have a gift," she heard her mother say lovingly and felt the kiss on her head. ,,Thanks mom" she said and gave her a hug before they cleaned up and washed up together. ,,A gift," she thought, smiling slightly sadly. Blind.
She had been blind since her teenage years. She knew colors, how her environment looked, how most things looked. She saw things on her own things. The colors she saw replaced her vision and the images in her head were her own imagination. But Pandora.
Would be a completely different world in the true sense of the word. ,,I'm going to bed, have a good night" she heard her mother say through the small apartment. ,,All right, good night mom," she replied and waited until she heard the door close.
A sigh came over her lips as she moved towards the small shelf. ,,Hey Dad" she said and stroked the photo that was there. ,,I won't be around for a while...I'm on Pandora you know. They need me for their research. I don't know if I'll be back to be honest. Take care of mom until I get back" she told him everything and for a moment she hoped he heard her.
He just had to hear her. She stroked the picture one last time before disappearing into her own room. Undressing and slipping into her pajamas she lay down. The blanket was warm and seemed to wrap around her like a protective embrace. ,,It will be all right," she murmured before lying down on her side and closing her eyes.
But her night was not dark, it was full of dreams, dreams with colors, strange beings, stories. It was the time when she saw again, felt the world, it was her favorite time.
As if she could switch off from everything and finally see the real wonders again. The colors in her dreams changed to colorful plants, shining trees, many different animals like she had never seen before.
The forest around her seemed endless and yet was not threatening. The forest seemed to welcome her, to watch her. ,,Come to me, my child," she heard a voice she had never heard before. Her footsteps were cautious as she walked forward, the colors seemed to never stop, always reshaping themselves. It was unbelievable.
Suddenly, something like a giant tree appeared in front of her, but it seemed to be in motion. Its branches moved up and down as if it were really alive. She wanted to move forward, it seemed as if the voice would come from there.
Before she heard a screech in the sky. Looking up in confusion, she saw that the colors were broken by bright light and an eagle was circling in the sky. But before she could observe it further, the animal swooped down straight toward her. And with the stretching of his claws he collided with her.
Opening her eyes, she found herself back in reality. Her heart beat fast, her vision calmed down and was replaced by darker colors. Not as beautifully luminous as those in her dream. ,,What was that?" she murmured questioningly and ran her hand over her face.
But her eyes were still there. The eagle had not scratched them out. How could he? It wouldn't change her vision.
Sighing, she took the blanket off herself, got up and went into the bathroom to get ready. The cold water of the shower was pleasant on her warm heated skin. It not only cooled but also seemed to take away the pain. Since her blindness, her eyes sometimes hurt, but only after dreaming.
It seemed as if her dream vision was straining her nerves too much and resisting it. It will be alright she thought as she tied the towel around herself and went back to her room to pack her things. ,,Y/n honey coffee?" she heard her mother ask at the entrance of her door before the click of the light switch sounded. ,,Coffee, and you know I don't need it," she replied, shaking her head at the lack of light from the lamp. She knew her room inside out.
Only the light made the colors seem a bit brighter which hardly changed anything. ,,I know but you like the bright things" her mother said lovingly before she started to make the coffee. Continuing to pack her things, she came out of the room dressed in her clothes a short time later.
The smell of the fresh coffee rose in her nose and she went into the kitchen. ,,Thank you" she said before taking the cup from her mother and leaning against the kitchen table. ,,How are you?" the older woman asked and took a sip of her drink as well. ,,Excited, I mean, this is the planet I always wanted to go to. It's what I studied for, but it's also scary...Pandora is dangerous," she admitted, feeling her mother's hand on her shoulder.
,,Earth is also dangerous and you have adapted. The school, the streets, our apartment. You know your way around better than anyone else. Your colors show you the way," she said, knowing how her daughter was adapting.
She learned her surroundings and remembered people. ,,I will always be with you...your father too" she reminded and the younger one heard the jingling of something metal. ,,Here, this belonged to your father," said the older one, putting the dog tag chain in her daughter's hand. ,,I can't accept this," she protested, wanting to give it back, but her mother shook her head. Instead, she put a hand on her daughter's cheek.
Tears had gathered in her mother's eyes even if she did not see them. ,, I and your father are so proud of you. Keep this close to you so we can be with you," she heard her mother's brittle voice before they hugged. ,,I promise I will," she heard back, just as touched, and she already missed the security she felt. After they both talked a little more they decided it was time. She could not be too late.
The cab they had ordered drove them to the drop-off point. It was an environment in which she was only rarely. Too many people, too loud and too confusing.
Because of the many boxes, containers and machines that were moving, she could not get a clear picture. ,,I love you and I'll take care of you," her mother said as they stood in front of the cab. The bag with her things hung over her shoulder.
The chain around her neck jingled lightly as she wrapped her mother in a final hug. ,,I will, as soon as I get there, I'll send you photos and videos, I promise," she replied, wrapping her mother in a final hug. She detached herself and unfolded her blind cane before heading for the transport vehicle.
She tried to get a picture of it, to figure it out. She dodged a machine coming toward her. She went around a crate and kept going, but at the latest when she heard a ,,Watch out!" she knew that she had almost run into something. ,,Sorry" she apologized and waited for an answer, but it didn't come.
Astonished, she turned around to find the noise. Rollers? she asked herself and tried to listen more carefully. ,,Hey, do you need help?" asked a friendly male voice. She was not quite clear as if he was below her. She looked down and carefully moved her cane forward. A wheelchair she recognized and decided to go the friendly way.
She held out her hand to him, which was accepted after a short hesitation. ,,Hi, I'm Y/n Wilder Biologist, I'm supposed to be on this transporter, you too?" she asked, smiling slightly at him.
He seemed slightly surprised by her question and cleared his throat. ,,Ehm I am Jake Sully was taken here because of my brother as a soldier as I see we are already two side groups" he tried to ease the mood a little. ,,Side groups?" she echoed and started to move again but heard him next to her.
,,Well, me in a wheelchair, you blind, that's a good team for application photos and the press," he joked, and she understood what he meant. ,,Then we are probably the cool special cases" she joked and they both smiled a little.
Together they got in and even though she didn't want to, she stuck with Jake. Better to have some eyes she thought to herself before they both stopped and waited for someone.
Since they both didn't know where exactly they were going. ,,Ah Miss Wilder how nice to see you here I see you already made friends.Sully your brother is waiting for you back there. For you, Miss, just go down the hall, I'll walk with you a bit" she heard the same voice of the man as yesterday.
His footsteps hadn't changed either, at least she could still make that out among all the noise. ,,Well then, Jake, I hope to see you again," she said and shook his hand in conclusion. ,,We have to fulfill the quotas," he called after her and she smiled. ,,What kind of quotas?" the soldier asked, but she waved him off. ,,You wouldn't understand a joke, so where is my capsule?" she asked and walked next to the man.
She knew that she could only reach Pandora in cyrosleep, but still. ,,Maybe I'm dreaming again" she thought when she arrived at the capsule. ,,Here's your stuff, you can give it to me, I'll stow it," he said and she suspected a slight smile on his face. ,,Thank you," she said curtly before putting her hand on the capsule.
It was cool, no wonder the metal and the special compunents were made for sleeping in space. ,,Miss would you please get ready" she heard a strange voice.
But a certain smell of disinfectant was in the air. A doctor or a nurse, she thought. ,,Sure," she said curtly and began with the preparations. Minutes later she was ready in the capsule, waiting to fall asleep and wake up on Pandora. She took a deep breath and surprisingly the capsule was comfortable.
It was quiet and the sounds of the crew's machines were barely audible. ,,Two more minutes," she heard the doctor say and tried to relax further. Her hand closed around the chain.
The metal was cool and yet reassuring. For a moment, she imagined her father. How he hugged her and saw her off with her mother. A beautiful thought.
Until it suddenly became cold. Colder than anything she had ever felt. I'm freezing alive, she thought, and even though the feeling was strange, she wasn't afraid. She would never see the end, only the surge of colors would show her the end. Taking a last breath she felt herself getting more and more tired.
Before she fell asleep surrounded not by darkness but by the same bright colors that greeted her. How long had she been lying there? How long had she been sleeping? Decades, days, minutes she did not know. But it didn't matter because she had her colors.
The colors of her dreams, the same forest. The same landscape was beautiful. She wandered through the forest, looked at the plants, saw the animals that passed her by.
Saw the bright blue sky, the clouds. ,,Pandora" came softly over her lips and she ran over a bright plant before it suddenly retracted and hid its blossom. She smiled and began to touch the other flowers and they all retracted.
She had touched the last one when a breeze passed through the forest. Blossoms and leaves were stirred up and danced around her. ,,My child, come here," she heard that voice again and looked around.
The giant tree had reappeared and was moving its branches. She walked towards it and tried to reach it. But no matter how fast she ran, the tree kept disappearing. It remained unreachable.
She suddenly heard another screech. Her gaze went to the sky where she saw the eagle again. Knowing what would happen, she hid under the large leaves of a plant.
But the eagle did not come, she heard neither the screeching nor the fluttering of its wings. She winced as she suddenly heard a crackling sound coming from behind her in the forest. Not daring to turn around, she tried to remain calm.
If she didn't move, whatever it was might stay away. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, whirling around to ward off something if possible, but she only met darkness.
Darkness that tore the ground from under her feet and made her fall. Before she suddenly opened her eyes and woke up. ,,Good morning sunshine" she heard the doctor's muffled voice before she ran her hands over her face.
Slowly the sharpness returned to her vision and the colors became clearer. I'm floating, she suddenly realized, lightly waving her arms. ,,Yup you are, well we all are to be exact" he said and she felt him pull her out of the capsule. She again rowed around a bit and felt helpless. Moving around in the spaceship with gravity was one thing.
However, without proper support it was quite another. ,,Don't worry, it won't take long to get your things and your cane, just try to navigate a little" he said carefully before she got the things in her hand. ,,All right, I can do that" she tried to encourage herself and pulled the bag over her shoulders before unfolding her staff and trying to float along something.
Despite her uncertainty, the feeling of weightlessness was a fun thing. She didn't know exactly where she was floating.
A few people avoided her, but once she caught someone with her staff. ,,So we meet again," she suddenly heard Sully's voice, who seemed to be floating around. ,,How nice that you made it. Do you know how long this will take?" she asked and continued to hold on to the metal.
,,I don't know, but I think we're about to be passed on," he said and she thought she could hear a certain sadness in his voice. ,,Is there a window around here if so could you describe Pandora to me?" she asked after a few moments of silence.
Jake seemed to look around for a moment. ,,Yeah, wait, come with me," he said, taking her by the arm and they both floated through the ship. ,,Here" he said and put his and her hand on the cold window. ,,It looks like the Earth, only less broken, more like the Earth in its prime," he described and she nodded. ,,A beautiful image," she murmured, but got no response from Jake.
The two stayed together, talking for a while. She learned about his brother's death, offered to come and they talked about their relationship.
Jake had truly become a good friend despite the fact that she had known him for so little time. She already called him that and the soldier seemed happy to have someone.
Before the two of them went to the shuttles where they sat down next to each other. Her ears were ringing from the engines, the talk of the soldiers and the commanding troop leader who was giving her an earache.
It took a few minutes for the shuttle to break through the atmosphere and begin its approach to Pandora. There were no windows in the room where they saw, which is why their colors were faded and dark. Having the mask on her face was strange.
A new feeling not necessarily oppressive but rather unfamiliar and yet she would also get used to it. ,,All right ladies I want you all to go out now and remember without the mask the planet will kill you if I don't" he shouted and the soldiers stood up.
She too unfolded her staff and waited for Jake to get into his chair. ,,Well, let's go," he said, and she nodded in agreement before they both walked down the ramp and set foot on Pandora's stone floor for the first time.
Taglist : @mooniequeen , @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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mariisntreal · 6 months
I can’t escape the feeling that I’m not smart enough. There’s more to learn, more to know, and I know nothing. I’m not a philosophy student who spends her birthday writing. I’m not an English lit student who reads every minute of the day. I barely know how to pronounce municipality (apparently, I can barely spell it either). I am a poser at heart. I listen to jazz and pretend I know everything. I answer questions with false confidence and accept the undeserved praise with open arms. But I know nothing, and I am nothing. I add documentaries and courses to my to do list, but they sit there collecting dust. If I really craved knowledge, I’d have it. But I am a poser at heart. Do I want to seem smart but not actually be smart? Is that what it is? At night I lay down and obsess over my behaviour during the day
Did I say the right things? The smart things? I dissect everything I did and said until there’s nothing left and I go to bed feeling dumber than I did when I woke up.
I read books with a dictionary by my side because of the number of words I don’t understand and have to look up. I use a dictionary instead of just googling the words on my phone because I’m a snobby, pretentious dick who wants to appear smarter. 
I have no socials, and while it’s better for my mental health, I secretly crave the surprise on peoples face when I tell them that.
“Wow, I could never! I love posting on Instagram” 
I know, that’s what makes me so much better than you. I don’t waste my time on rubbish like that. I spend my time writing and reading because I’m sooooo much smarter. Except I’m not better nor smarter. I don’t even know if my use of nor in the previous sentence was correct.
But I speak two languages! Surely that makes me a bit smarter than the average person? 
No, that’s not impressive, it would be slightly impressive if I spoke 3 or more, but who am I impressing exactly with two languages? My mother who laughs at my occasional pronunciation and spelling mistakes? Or my friends with the thick British and American accents who giggle when I let my Arab tongue slip. 
I know I’m a snob, I know I can be an asshole, but I need to fill this desire to be the smartest person in the room, the most impressive, the most interesting. I know nothing, I know nothing, I know nothing. 
It will drive me insane. 
Why can’t I know things? Like who painted that crappy old painting that’s hung in that crappy old museum. What was the technique used and what the artist wanted us to know. I don’t even have a favourite painting; my favourite movie is toy story and I have a regular degree in psych (a real smart person would have an honours degree). I’m 22 with no job and no great accomplishments. What gives me the right to demand knowledge when I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve it. 
I study the flags and states in hopes that somebody will ask me to name them, and I’ll have my moment to shine. I read the news and look up interesting articles in hopes that I’ll get to tell someone about it and impress them. 
“Oh no I actually read an article; I don’t get my news from social media like other people”
What a piece of shit.
It kills me, it hurts me that I don’t know. What am I then? What am I if not an intelligent, charming, and interesting woman? I’m nothing but a fraud, nothing but a poser. There’s nothing inside me but a tangled-up mess of different desires I’ve had in my life that have never been satisfied.
I feel so small. I don’t know why I’m like this. I don’t think I’ll change. My worth is defined by my knowledge and smarts. By grades and praise. But maybe I’m not cut out to be a smart person. Maybe smart people don’t behave this way, smart people are just smart. They don’t act, they just are. Me on the other hand, I’ve been acting since I was young. 
But I do really want to know everything. I want to see and experience everything. I want to be wise for my sake as well! Not just for others. I realize there’s a problem in me, I know something is wrong with me. I need so much approval and validation. Boo hoo. Everyone does. 
I need to become everything. 
I want to swallow the entire world. I want to become the universe. I want to be God.
Even as I write this (supposedly for myself) I imagine you, the reader, and how you’d react to it. Would you maybe highlight something and always remember it? Or would you look away unimpressed and call my work rubbish. How lame…
But I’ll try to not care, I promise I’ll try. I’ll try (and fail) to ignore the voice inside me that craves your admiration. You. Person I’ve never met. Do you think I’m smart?
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Gosh I really loved your account its very good writing and so detailed!
Well anyway let's cut to the chase I would like a matchup
Fandoms:welcome home spy family dangarompa
My appearance: I have long curly brown hair, brown eyes, I'm chubby and I'm a girl, my skin color is white, height 5'0
My sign is Pisces, and I'm infp and I'm Brazilian, I'm from the Gothic subculture
Sexuality: pansexual
Favorite colors: black, pink, purple
Age: 15 years old
My personality: I tend to make a lot of jokes and be sarcastic even at inappropriate times it's not on purpose and it's just my way of dealing with life situations I'm quite shy at first but when I get intimate I become much louder and talking about being loud I talk too loud and laugh too loud, I'm the type of person who often thinks too much before doing something and I also often do things without thinking which ends up causing me to get hurt there was even one time I ended up in the hospital because of it ,I like to be kind and polite to people but I will also treat people the same way they treat me if the person is kind to me I will be kind to them but if the person is cold to me then I will be cold to them no matter whoever the person is, I have some anger issues and I get irritated very easily so I end up being rude and talking a lot louder (and also because of these anger issues I can end up getting into some fights) I know this is a problem so I'm trying to deal with it, I'm the therapist friend I don't mind people venting to me even if I don't know the person and it's very likely that I hug the person to make them feel better since for me hugs always make things better ( but I won't hug the person if they don't feel comfortable) and as much as I can deal with other people's emotions I don't know how to deal with my own emotions and I have difficulties to vent in a healthy way that does not harm me, I I'm also a bit lazy and introverted I like to go out for fun but I need to have some time alone (it's practically a necessity), I've never been in a romantic relationship and if someone showed any interest in me it's very likely that I wouldn't I would know very well how to react and I would probably be very shy even though I don't like it but if I've been dating the person for a while I wouldn't be so shy anymore and I wouldn't have a problem flirting all the time or being bolder.
Love language: physical touch and quality time, and compliments
I like: food (mainly sweets), music (I like all musical genres), drawing, reading books, anything in the horror genre (books, movies, cartoons, etc……) animals or anything let it be cute, see criminal cases on youtube, my independence
I hate: mistreatment of animals, mathematics, clichéd and stereotyped horror movies that force me to do something I don't want to, any kind of prejudice (racism, homophobia, machismo, etc…), child abuse.
Matchup for Star!
A/n: Thank you for the request and I am deeply sorry to day that the dangaronpa part I hard written got DELETED. If you want I can do another one, but for now enjoy your match up!
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Welcome Home: Julie Joyful
When moving into the neighborhood, you weren't expecting everyone to be so friendly towards you and so communicative asking so many questions. She was asking the most, very curious about the new neighbor, wanting to know everything about you. You were shy at first to them, making very little conversation with them, but the more you hung out with her your true colors showed and she loved both sides of you.
When the two of you met, her first thought was doing your hair and styling it into different things, but she truly fell for you when you agreed to let her do those things. Many days are spent with her just doing your hair and putting it into various styles.
One of her clients disappeared out of nowhere and she doesn't know why and it's been bringing her down as of lately, but when her lovely girlfriend appears ready to comfort her. The two of you spend hours together, cuddling and talking about your guy's days trying to make the blonde go back to her old self.
She's definitely a big fan of outdoor dates and spending time in the sun, but she's a even bigger fan of dates indoors where it's just the two of you being able to sit close together with no one else around.
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Spy X Family: Yor Forger
When Yor heard one of your jokes, you were shocked not actually meaning to say something like that, but you were even more shocked when she laughed. You now make all sorts of jokes with her, some that get people to turn their heads with a questionable look, but she always laughs at them and that makes you happy.
You remember when Yor had gotten a job offering and the two of you moved in with the Forger family, it was definitely something at first. You were babysitting Anya when a bunch of people rushed in taking the two of you, but it wasn't long before your loving wife came and got the two of you
There have been times when people snap at the people they care for and it's normal, but there's also always pain and sadness when it happens. When you Snapped at Yor, you immediately realized your mistake and apologized profusely for not meaning to have done such a thing, but she didn't react angrily and instead patted your head telling you to let all of your emotions out.
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