#because theyre more or less friends now and Matts just a good guy
emry-stars · 4 months
I don't have any coherent thoughts about it but it's been a full year and I haven't stopped thinking about Matt quietly covering for Andrew/helping Andrew feel out a place or person by mentioning "his partner Dan" and clowning on whoever takes it badly
They're gym buddies and Andrew deserves to make more friends I think
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dykeseesgod · 10 months
none of the dog sees god characters are popular theyre all weirdo loser freaks no one likes but the majority of them are too self centered to even realize this. my reasoning 👇 (ITS REALLY LONG AND THERE ARE MULTIPLE IMAGES. WARNING)
ok this has kinda like always been how i interpreted things and then i looked literally anywhere else where people are talking about dog sees god and all the summaries are like pigpen and charlie brown and peppermint patty and marcie are COOL and POPULAR and BULLY the UNDERLING that is SCHROEDER. and that just like. doesnt feel right? like narratively that feels incorrect so im going to explain this now.
first ok. so this is also like a completely separate pet peeve of mine but the text literally never says that cb and matt play football like literally every single fucking source everywhere says. like matts page on the villains wiki says one of his hobbies is playing football and like. no???? they never???? say that????? like ok. we know their school HAS a football team (beethoven mentions it in the vipers nest) and we know cb and matt play SOME sport (matt mentions that they "shower together after practice" in the hangover) but the connection is never explicitly drawn between the two. in FACT beethovens line about the football team (below)
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kind of like. goes against the idea that cb and matt are on the football team??? like hes talking to cb here i feel like if beethoven were to mention even sarcastically ogling a group that cb is apart of hed make some kind of comment about it. like this is before their whole thing gets resolved theyre still fighting when he says this line it would make complete sense for cb to say something about this. and like ok its peanuts right like just reminding everyone that its peanuts. you know what sport it would make more sense that charlie fucking brown plays like you know what sport it would seem logical for him to play oh i dont know fucking BASEBALL????? im realizing now that this is like a lot less relevant to my original idea than i thought but i still want to keep it here. i think its just kinda like. its not canon that theyre super popular stars of the football team for all we know they could be playing fucking tennis the fact that they play A Sport doesnt make them well liked. also it literally never says at any point that theyre even good even if they are on the football team they could be the worst players we dont fucking know!!! need i remind you of charlie browns only* experience with football
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*besides youre in the super bowl charlie brown but that specials bad so were ignoring it. and its not like he was good at football in that either
and if you buy into the idea that they play baseball (which you should baseball is such an integral part of peanuts it makes the most sense) charlie brown (and pigpen for what its worth. also like everyone else too) is DOGSHIT at baseball like its an entire decades long running joke how fucking awful they are at baseball. "maybe he practiced and got better" hes terrible to his bones practice does nothing. heart
ok onto more substantial points. so if you buy into the interpretation that their childhood was just literally normal peanuts (which you should because its very funny) then you can assume that these guys have all known eachother since elementary school (and even if you dont there are multiple lines that reference them being friends as kids so point still stands). but also by virtue of dsg being a peanuts parody and a lot of the comedy just coming from "haha that s like from the comic strip :)" (I WILL TALK ABOUT THE INHERENT TRAGEDY OF THIS LATER) besides like. one guy. every single character mentioned is an established peanuts character. and like idk about you but my highschool is a LOT bigger than my elementary school. like. there are substantially more people there. what im trying to say that while not impossible it is fucking WEIRD to have a decently sized friendgroup that has not changed the slightest bit in almost a decade. what im getting at is these bitches are INSULAR!!!!!!!! they are extremely hyperfocused on an only think about people from their childhoods. i will get back to this
LETS TALK ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK CAN WE TALK ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK PLEASE GOD MAC IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK ALL DAY ok so this scene. woof. ok. this is where the majority of my reasoning for this comes from. first, i want to draw attention to the fact that frieda, the girl that tricia and marcy make fun of so frequently, is another goddamn peanuts character. and so another elementary school friend. it just doesnt end with these bitches do you think about anything else!!!!!!
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if tricia and marcy had any kind of actual social standing, them constantly gossiping and shittalking frieda would matter to her. being so constantly and relentlessly made fun of by popular people would have an impact (hi yes i know youre thinking of beethoven ignore him for now were gonna come back to him). but it doesnt! frieda doesnt care about what tricia and marcy think of her, why would she? theyre just those two girls from elementary school who are angry all the time. friedas on the outside, shes not apart of this. the only student mentioned thats not a peanuts character? thats her boyfriend. she is the only window into the world of normalcy
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THIS^^ THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE LINE THAT GAVE ME THIS WHOLE IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE. im fairly certain the purpose of this line is to place doubt in our minds on whether or not what we assumed the entire play is actually true. which its not!!! of course this isnt the cool table, all these people do is argue an gossip an stew in their own misery!!!!
ummmm lighting round of things that support my point. if they really were these ultimate cool all powerful popular kids why the hell are they still friends with van. van is a burnout stoner with a sister in an psych ward. considering the things they pounce on to make fun of, this is MORE than enough to completely open fire. but theyre not gonnaaaaa because theyre in the same boat as him!!!!! van and them are on the same level of popularity!!!!!! ummalso THE PARTY the party. the only other guests mentioned to be at this party are franklin (another peanuts character, another childhood friend) and fucking RERUN ? in the comics rerun is established to be MUCH younger than the main cast, even younger than sally, who is mostly shown to be in kindergarten, meaning hed be in middle school at the MOST. and its not like this is a party at vans house and his brother just happens to be there NO!!! THIS IS MARCYS PARTY HE BROUGHT RERUN WITH HIM LITERALLY WHY IS RERUN THERE. THIS PARTY FUCKING SUCKS I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL.
were coming back to beethoven now the thing is that hes in the exact same boat as everyone else. while we do know that its not just the main cast that are outwardly homophobic ("i only got called a queer 3 times ^_^!") it is consistently shown that the main perpetrators are the main cast, much more so than anyone else. beethoven posits that the only reason cb only got called queer is because everyones scared hell beat them up, but i do think its worth considering that the main cast are the only ones who would ever enact actual violence. beethoven is in the same situation, but moreso by force than by choice. hes forced to relive reminders of traumatic childhood events and forced to cling to the past BECAUSE the people that target him used to be his friends. theres a reason they were the only people in peer counseling.
like i said, there is a certain tragedy that comes with dsg being a peanuts parody. its because of the referential comedy that bert royal created a cast of characters so self centered and so hung up on the past that theyre still extremely fixated on the kinds of people they were and the drama they had and their feelings about eachother from when they were literally fucking 8 years old. and isnt that jsut so much more thematically interesting than "oohh popular kid bully gay unpopular kid ooohhhh" theyre all unreliable narrators!!!!!!!! theyre all sick freaks and everyone knows it!!!!!!!! there is no possible justification for their actions, theyre hypocrites plain and simple.
or maybe im reading into everything too much idk its 1 am im talking about the fucking peanuts yaoi fag play. bye
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment post for aew dynamite 5/4/22
i wanted jeff hardy to win but was so sure bobby was going to win anyway. glad at the results and lmao @ cole's face
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once again i love yuta's street fighter theme REGAL EXCUSE ME LMFAO??? ok hes definitely trying to get excalibur to crack on purpose. scrummy scrummy scrumptious regal was making that horny bcc video ive been trying to avoid because i wont be respectful about it not enough 4 u "regal: whats the point of being a professional wrestler if you cant get the shit kicked outta you" yea ok the worst part is that with that one bit with yuta on evil uno's vlog im reasonable sure theyre aware of what theyre doing with this behavior. ???: "[moxleys] making someone's heart sing [with this violence]" regal: "mine" lmao damn moxley going all out hes throwing him at every out-of-the-ring surface he possibly can i seriously love the triple beatdown at the end of BCC matches and so does the crowd. yes! yes! yes! yes! love these violence perverts
people are rooting for evil christian. i dunno anythin bout him but want to see it. i love it when people go evil jungle boy gettin spicy himself. good love to see it
keith lee: dubious
wardlow time!! i say hes wearing full black now because hes ready for mjf's funeral lemme see this tall guy lmfao mjf and the mid five. mjf is such a clown hes great wardlow moonsault... love 2 see it wow just one powerbomb? restraint YEAH WARDLOW!!! ooooo we're moving on with the plot??? LMFAO "wardlow's gonna kiiiiill you ♫" mjf you cant fool me twice youre not gonna fight wardlow straight up e_e contract signing... long island... hm
whoa hangman is here. i thought he had covid. is he done with that? that was fast omg dissin on punk? toughguy over here whoaaaaa hangman!!!
damn dont be puttin two bad bitches up against each other. every international wrestler can be a cool
santana time!!! i love hearing 2.0 matt talk for the JAS intro hes such a goof my friend's comment here covers my reaction LMAO
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stealing the camera-- lol what a good bit oh man that was a cool backroll from santana these 2.99 counts are taking days off my lifespan nooooo!! not the distracted ref lowblow!!!!! people chanting for eddie while hes still recovering from that devastating fireball attack they keep on bringing up the NUMBERS. who is going to join pnp+eddie to even it out? who could possibly?????
oh my god billy LMFAO i love the gunn club and the acclaimed
oh shes still in the ring with death triangle... that was a weird break to put two promos then, even if jade's outfit placated some of our immediate rage while obviously i want to see evil julia hart i can also stand behind a "i dont want to be evil julia hart. not like this" thing too. its the kind of self indulgent story i can imagine myself writing as a teen, but it ultimately depends on what else they do with it. it can still end up going in a lame direction. i too am impatient, however. i do think its funny how im seeing a 50/50 mix of "damn wish that were me" and "i do Not like this treatment of julia" opinions tho
the heights in this dante martin vs rey fenix match. 20 foot vertical leaps "couldve gone for the cover. just saying 😒" shush jr. i want to see the flips
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oh shit samoa joe is gonna fight the jonker
thunder rosa :)c :o serena deeb... this back and forth is a little bit corny but like. mid corny? it either needed to be more corny or less corny whoa... double or nothin showdown
im watching this match but boy is this crowd dead quiet. lmao @ jr's russian leg sweep comment getting shut down :o roh title...
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faelapis · 5 years
i'm so glad ian jq confirmed that the diamonds aren't redeemed and haven't changed at all, i'm so tired of your takes and its good to see that canon is actually behind me. they're bad and not redeemed. steven was manipulating them and theyre never gonna get better :)
right, i forgot liking a tweet, which people do from a myriad of reasons - from an ex-crew member who did not work on (most of) s5 - outweighs everything said,  done, and expressed by the creator and synthesis of the crew as a whole.
i guess it also outweighs the show itself, which is so far-removed from steven “manipulating” them that it’s almost farcical. steven is completely upfront with them - he tells them he’s not pink, and he wants them to help the corrupted gems. which the diamonds do, for plenty of reasons. it’s not just because they want to hang out with ‘pink’. white wasn’t even there for that suggestion.
if you know how to read tone and body language, you could tell that’s not something steven said to be sly. that’s something he earnestly felt in the moment. it’s hard to manipulate people after you’ve already said you want their help, they already agreed, and you didn’t suggest hanging out until way later.
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like… the show is subtle at times, yes. but it’s not impossible to tell whether someone’s lying or expressing their genuine feelings.
but yeah, sure. let’s throw all of that out the window, because youtube and tumblr are persistently horny to be validated to say Diamonds Bad / SU doesn’t Actually forgive. thank you for showing me the light. i am forever grateful /s.
i guess because of this, we’ve also gotta take every piece of ship art from every crew member as Forever Canon, even if RS hasn’t expressed approval, and none of those sentiments have actually made it into the show. anything a crew member *likes* is now canon. so i guess lapidot, amedot and pearlmethyst are all canon, that’s gonna delight and irritate a lot of people. oh and lapis has also been getting it on with jasper in secret, that’s Really gonna upset people, but there’s nothing we can do about it! someone clicked ‘like’, so i guess that must reflect the Crew Consensus of Canon!
i guess the only “real” problem is, that’s gonna make this “diamonds bad” take really contradictory in a world where this also exists:
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so, uh… have fun figuring that one out.
this is a matter of interpretation, but if you really think every tweet liked by one of the crew’s members is canon, rather than canon being created by both the synthesis of crew discussion & the final word belonging to rebecca sugar, then… maybe consider that you’re cherrypicking. also, it could be a distinction between being “in the process” of evolving vs having “already” evolved. or just not thought through, because again, it’s just liking a tweet. defending a thing you used to work on. which is Very easy to do.
one thing i do know is, i highly doubt it was saying the diamonds are irredeemable. or that SU is less forgiving than you think. there’s a mild distinction in the tweet even i agree with, which is between “steven also had his own reasons” vs “steven did it Only because he wanted to be their friend” - the latter of which is false. he wanted to heal corrupted gems.
but that doesn’t mean the diamonds aren’t evolving. they are.
steven literally acknowledges that himself - “you guys have really gotten better at showing affection” is textual confirmation that they have changed. they can be imperfect and still make an effort to become better people.
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“change your mind” was called that for a reason. much like spinel, white diamond internally realizes she was wrong, and works to change. that’s reinforced by the newly released “the tale of steven” book by rebecca sugar, aka the person who ian himself has said is the true arbiter of canon.
like. it’s very “for the kids at home”, so… here’s white, indeed realizing she was wrong, and spelling it out for you:
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at their lowest point, steven always tries to be compassionate towards the diamonds. he doesn’t leave anyone in despair after their “was i wrong all along?” realization. he offers them hope, empathy and cooperation.
in that scenario, i really don’t care whether or not you wanna strictly define that as “redemption”. some people use that term way stricter than others. what i care about is whether the characters are given A) hope, B) change, and C) a happier ending than is traditional for a ‘villain’.
whether or not you think they’re fully redeemed or just trying to change… to me, that’s a distinction without a thematic difference. the overarching story remains the same - the diamonds are going to be fine. they’re trying to be better, and their current actions are having positive effects. that’s good.
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in the movie, steven leaves homeworld because he wants to live peacefully after saving the galaxy. he was being smothered by the other diamonds, yes, but he’s didn’t go cuz he was secretly punking them the whole time. & he’s the one who needs to learn he’s not entitled to a “happily ever after”. he can’t leave anyone behind. steven has to keep trying every day, to help as many people as possible. everything will keep changing, including people around him.
so… in that spirit, if the diamonds aren’t fully redeemed, then neither are anyone. you gotta keep growing to be your best self.
matt burnett - one of the head writers throughout all five seasons, and whose words have been reflected both by the show and by RS herself - said it best: there are no strict heroes or villains in this show. everyone are much more complicated than that.
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genderfluidkevinday · 6 years
genderfluid kevin day headcanons bc i can do what i want and also i have the perfect url to spread my “please representation” propaganda. 
“how did you know?”
because in the quiet of nights when kevin is supposed to be asleep but he cant, not really, when his heart is still pounding from practice and every breath riko makes him terrified of being caught, he reads what he stole from the public library and it says sometimes people do not fit into the gender they were assigned and
because by sneaking searches on the internet when he can, kevin finds words. dangerous, un-raven-like words for how to love someone and how to be yourself. he finds words that mean you are not alone. 
because he wakes up one day and demands to be the queen of exy, to be seen as what he is. the best. more powerful than the king. (not entirely cisgender?)
because it feels right. 
because in the quiet between exy and family, kevin day has the time and the love to have the quiet understanding that this is who kevin day is. 
it’s kinda a shitty realization process to go through- kevin starts questioning in the ravens, then immediately goes “No TM !” and internalizes all those feelings 
kevin internalizes All the feelings, always ! compartmentalizing!
bisexuality? put it in a box!
gender identity? put it in a box!
feeling crushing inferiority? put it in a box!
mom died tragically? put it in a box!
ur dad isnt here? put it-
jesus fuck these headcanons were supposed to be happy and it got SO derailed 2 points in
post canon, kevin starts to become more comfortable w every aspect of himself, and finally takes the time to have a gender crisis
and then, immediately, decides it was all ridiculous and he was actually a cisgender all along !
he does the dumb thing i did. which is spend about a month going “lmao i’m cis but i wish i wasn’t, i don’t need a gender!” while badly ignoring his gender crisis
it’s renee who finally helps kevin out a little
kevin, dumbass: pfft, gender is stupid, but i’m cis so whatever! renee, nb lesbian icon: are you sure? kevin, having a crisis:
renee actually sends kevin a bunch of links to pages that have lots of words, and “what gender are you” quizes, and dumb memes about being trans/nonbinary and it shouldn’t help as much as it does. 
renee is the first person kevin quietly texts at like, 2 am, and goes, “uh, can you use they, i think?”
her response is, obviously, “of course!”
so they’re like, pretty sure they’re not cis, but they bounce around labels for about a week before they end up settling on genderfluid. 
sometimes kevin day is a boy, with loud opinions and soft hands. sometimes kevin day is a girl, with messy hair and a bright smile. sometimes kevin day is neither, with clumsy limbs and determined eyes
(however- kevin day can always outclass any striker on a court.) 
it just feels right, in a way nothing else did. 
theyre like,,, super nervous about coming out, like, they can’t even come up with the courage to tell their dad they’re bi, how the fuck are they gonna end up telling anyone else? solution! don’t.
except kevin is becoming more comfortable with every aspect of themself, and being casually bisexual around the foxes (nicky makes one too many jokes about kevin’s “”hetero guy crush”” on jeremy and they end up snapping “bitch i’m bi there’s nothing hetero about it.” and nicky is immediately like !!!!!!!!!!!!!) (but thats another post)
so kevin, with the growing comfort that yes, you can be non-heterosexual and non-cisgender and still be fucking amazing at exy, they start to come out
it’s a slow process because when they tried to do it all at once, they got tongue tied and just walked away without saying anything. so they end up doing it individually. 
allison first (because renee can be there and give support AND bc allison is also A Trans), and kevin whispers, “so, I’m genderfluid.”
allison, casually: what are your pronouns? kevin: she/her. i’m a girl today. allison, with all the softness of someone who has been there: do you want me to do your makeup? kevin, with all the softness of someone who’s new to this: maybe one day.
after allison is andrew+neil, because they spend so much time together at night practice it’s inevitable it comes up
and by that i mean kevin screams halfway through night practice “THIS IS GENDERFLUIDPHOBIA” because andrew keeps blocking her shots. 
andrew flips her off.
neil asks if thats an actual term.
kevin says to fuck off and keep practicing.
next is wymack. 
oh boy. 
so kevin isn’t even sure how to be a good son- she has no idea how to go about being a good daughter. she has no clue how to be a good child. 
she doesn’t know if wymack even wants that.
but she goes to him after practice and he snaps, “what is it?” in a voice thats maybe a little less gruff than usual
and she says, “i’m genderfluid.”
he stares at her for a while.
she continues, “i’m a girl today, actually, and i just thought you should know.”
wymack asks, “you’ll tell me when it changes, right?”
kevin nods and leaves. 
its a start.
telling jean feels like a really big deal, but in hindsight its about fifteen minutes of bad puns that follow an awkwardly worded coming out. 
kevin: so like... guys right jean: yes? kevin: what if... i wasn’t one jean: are you trying to come out to me? kevin: is it working?
the rest of the monsters follows after that- aaron obviously doesnt understand, but he doesnt say anything rude. (he looks into it later). nicky, immediately, takes a supportive role.
nicky: I’M GONNA STAPLE A GENDERFLUID FLAG TO MY FACE THATS HOW MUCH I SUPPORT YOU kevin, softly: please don’t how would you play exy.
matt and dan get a less official coming out, because kevin isn’t sure how to be friends with them at all. but they manage a “so, i’m not a guy, actually, i’m genderfluid, and right now i don’t have a gender.”
dan gives them a set of pronoun bracelets for their birthday and matt gives them a book about the history of the nonbinary community and yeah, maybe this is how to be friends.
the baby foxes don’t get to find out. kevin doesn’t trust them as much, and isn’t ready to be... out out. 
kevin has absolutely no desire to change their name, at all.
kevin: why would i change my name i’m an ICON.
WAIT i lied,,, they change their middle name to kayleigh. 
the first time kevin gets invited to a girls night, she cries
its a surprise, which is hard to plan- girls nights are always on tuesdays, so they have to wait for a tuesday where kevin is free and feels like a girl
renee casually mentions that they have a history book that kevin might like, so she should come pick it up
and then in the dorm, dan and allison are setting up a movie and popcorn and renee is getting her nails painted. dan waves kevin over and tells her to pick a movie, allison tells her to pick out a nail polish, and renee actually does have a history book for her.
kevin finally accepts a make over from allison. 
she cries like five times that night and tries to brush it off as nothing but... kevin can finally exist in a space, and feel welcome, and also feel... wanted.
it’s a good feeling
kevin, wearing a crop top with the genderfluid flag on it, painting renee’s nails as they watch the trojans game: lmao can you imagine thinking i was cis? what was i thinking? i was so dumb lol.  renee, sweetly: no it was a perfectly normal reaction to being raised in a cisnormative society, and i’m very proud of you for figuring out that it wasn’t right for you kevin: dammit renee why do you have to be so kind and supportive just let me make jokes about my moron-ness in PEACE 
kevin day is the fucking QUEEN of exy !!!!!!! she’s better than you and you know it. 
each and every day kevin day hears misogonistic comments towards female exy players and each and every day kevin day wants to scream B I T C H in their face
he wanted to do this even before he figured out he was genderfluid bc kevin day drank respect women juice before realizing he was also drinking sometimes i am women juice
kevin actually 100% hates dresses a lot bc they can never find any that are a good texture and its Sensory Hell, and also you cant play exy in them?? what the fuck??? 
they end up liking crop tops and short shorts, and a few kinds of makeup, but skirts and dresses are dumb and itchy actually 
kevin goes on an impassioned rant about this at LEAST once a month
you know that really good feeling when you wake up one day and you realize you’re happier knowing who you are and maybe it’s rough and maybe it’s not perfect but you get to know who you are and your friends respect and love you for who you are and you start to realize you love knowing you too????????
kevin day is genderfluid and this is my hill to die on thank you and good night
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coughmadicine · 6 years
Good Enough
Frank Castle x reader
words: 1.8k warnings: slight praise kink, SMUT, fluff, sub-ish Frank, Frank bein a softy summary: Frank doesn't understand how you could like him compared to Matt Murdock etc. when he thinks he's a monster so you show him just how good he is.
a/n: 1st Frank Castle fic but ugh i love this man so much. His character is perfect and he's a good man through and through and i just want him to see it. Please request:)
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It was quite a long night, not to say that it wasn’t fun, but sometimes being normal was exhausting. You longed to just go back to your apartment and watch a movie with your boyfriend, in peace and quiet.
Matt and Foggy had helped you out with a legal predicament and you felt it necessary to repay them in drinks. They, along with Karen, were the closest thing you and Frank got to friends. They aided your domestic facade greatly and admittedly they were fun to be around, but you couldn’t deny the pull back to your regular situation.
You looked to Frank who had gone off to fetch another round. He hadn’t spoken much tonight, granted he never really does. The two of you didn’t need words, but it was a bit awkward around Matt for obvious reasons. When he returned passing the beers around you made eye contact. He looked tired, Matt had also been helping Frank at night and that always seemed to make him exhausted.
You yawned as you began to sip on your fresh beer.
“I think this is my last drink guys, I’ve had a great night and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Really I do.”
“No problem Y/N seriously you're our friend, we only wish you’d come around more often,” Foggy said.
“Oh come on we see each other enough,” you grinned. “Yeah when either you or Frank’s asses need saving,” Karen giggled.
Frank wrapped his arm around you pulling you closer in the booth.
“Yeah right! I recall helping you pretty recently,” you argued recalling the time Karen needed advice from you about asking Matt out.
“Touché,” she rolled her eyes.
After a while longer of chit chatting you finished your beer and decided to call it a night. Frank offered a few words and the two of you left into the New York air.
“You were having fun we could’ve stayed longer,” Frank said absentmindedly pulling you closer to him.
“Nah I didn’t want to ‘sides I know you’re tired.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah,” you smirked, “I know Matt always makes you incredibly exhausted what with his do-good ways and hope.”
“I don’t get why you stick around you know that?”
His words caused you to stop and turn to him. He felt like he wasn’t good enough for you like he was tainting you in some way.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” “People like Red, they’re good. I’m clearly not-“
“Frank, you think I give a fuck about any of that? That law abiding citizen shit? There is nothing wrong about what you do, I admire everything about you. I’m not looking for a picket fence life with a husband who works 9 to 5, I knew what I signed up for and I’m still here for that Frank. I fucking love you, you got that?”
“Jeez Y/L/N when you put it like that,” he mumbled.
The both of you began to walk again, but what he said weighed on you. You knew his response was just good enough to finish the conversation, yet you felt he was still doubtful. He would always say shit about how “he didn’t deserve you” and he’d “understand if you left”, but in some ways, you were just as dirty as him. You were no saint and he knew it too.
When you were inside of your apartment you both kicked your boots off. You headed to the fridge and grabbed a water. He walked into your guys’ bedroom and you heard the shower begin to run.
While you waited for him you changed into an old t-shirt of his and crawled into bed. You couldn’t help thinking about what he felt. You didn’t need him to speak to get across what he needed but he rarely let himself get emotional. He’d express his love for you and say it too, but you knew he kept the other feelings hidden, the ones where he’s scared etc.
The shower finally shut off and he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. His back was faced to you as he reached into the dresser for a pair of sweatpants. You stood from the bed and moved behind him. Your hands flitting to his shoulder blades and crisscrossing across his scars. He tensed but relaxed immediately as you slowly moved along his back.
“You know I love you Frank.” “I know.” “And you know you’re good enough,” you continued. “Yeah, I just-“ “No Frank, you’re good. I don’t care about any of the bad shit you do, every bit of you is good.”
He inhaled, his shoulders rising. You pulled on him to face you. When he did your hand went up to grasp his bicep and your face slid into the crook in his neck.
“You’re so good, you’re good to me and that old lady in 23 who is always breaking things in her apartment, but it’s really just an excuse to have you in there because she thinks you’re handsome. You do good every night, and killing people doesn’t make you any less.”
As you continued to speak you kissed his collarbone softly.
“I don’t deserve you,” He whispered. “I think the same thing Frank.”
You looked into his eyes and he leaned into you more. He leaned into your hands and the way you caressed him. He didn't have to say it that he needed this, you just knew. You tugged gently at the towel on his waist until it fell. You inhaled deeply, his breath mingling with yours as he pulled you in for a kiss. The kiss was deep and solid. His lips moving languidly but firmly on yours. Your hands continued to work on his shoulders. His own grabbed at your waist and then dipped to the small of your back pulling you more into him.
He was rarely vulnerable, but here with him standing naked in front of you, you felt it. You felt him surrendering himself to you and you couldn’t be more enthralled. You grinned on his lips, biting his lower lip softly, earning a deep groan from him.
Sex with Frank was usually raw and controlling. You couldn’t lie that being fucked roughly from behind and spanked right now sounded amazing, but that’s not what Frank needed at the moment.
Cautiously you moved your hand down his chest as the kiss deepened. Your nails scraped on the indents of his abs until you reached just above his thigh. He grunted deeply and you could feel his cock twitch upwards. You pulled away for breath and quickly removed yourself of his shirt leaving you in just your panties.
His gaze fixed to your breasts, your nipples peaking at his gaze and the cool air. His calloused hands moved to grab them. He kneaded them and tweaked them causing you to keen towards him, soft moans leaving your lips.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him to kiss you again, deeper this time. You slowly shifted until the back of his knees were at the bed and you were in front of him. He sat and looked at you waiting to see what you would do.
“Fuck Frank you’re beautiful,” you murmured kissing him again with the same fervor. He grunted again his hips slightly snapping up from the bed. You grabbed his hand that caressed your cheek and moved it to your clothed pussy.
“See how wet I am, fuck, a-all for you.”
He teased your folds through the cloth and you could feel him smirk on your lips. You quickly discarded you panties and moved to straddle him on the bed. He scooted back farther to accommodate you. You were a moaning mess now as his fingers began to stroke your cunt. His thumb working your clit and two fingers shallowly pushing into you.
“Shit, oh god,” you moaned as you felt him working you closer.
But this was about him. You were going slow for him, to prove to him that he was good and worth everything. You grabbed his wrist to stop him and then moved your hand to his cock. A bead of precum slowly leaked out and your hand worked slowly on him. You pulled deep grunts from him before you moved to position him at your entrance.
“You’re so good to me,” you moaned, your mouth moving towards his ear where you tugged at.
He grunted as you slowly pushed down on him until he was fully sheathed in your tight cunt. Your breathing was labored focusing on how full you were.
“Fuck I love your cock, you fill me so well. I-“
His lips crashed into yours again. You pushed up on your knees slightly and began to swivel up and down on him. Both of your grunted as cursed as you began fucking yourself onto him at a slow but forceful pace.
His lips moved to suck marks onto your neck and then your chest, then finally your tits.
“Oh god, Frank- I’m so close shit,” you moaned.
His name was repeatedly leaving your lips and he began to buck his hips to meet your thrusts as your walls fluttered around his cock.
“Fuck Y/N I love you.” He grunted louder.
His cock was spasming just as you felt the bundle of nerves tighten in your abdomen to the point of breaking. You felt his every thrust and relished in the thickness of it. Your hands reached at his shoulders digging in as you sped up yet again. You were bounding on him now chanting his name. He grunted and bit your shoulder just as you walls clenched around him. You came at that moment and sobbed his cock twitching and then filling you as he followed you into bliss.
“You’re so good,” you said once more and kissed his shoulder.
You slowly got up off your knees and pulled away from him. Your legs shook as his cock left you. You wiped the both of you clean and then crawled into bed. He followed you and grabbed you, pulling you into his chest. He kissed your forehead then tucked you under his chin.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” “For what?” “Reminding me I’m not always a monster,” he said casually. “In my eyes you never were.” “I love you.” “I love you too Frank.”
He kissed you again and then flipped on the tv. Neither of you liked total silence at night and the soft flicker of the tv was calming. You got lightly absorbed into the show as you watched from his chest.
“Y/N?” “Hmmm,” you mumbled with your face pressed against him. “I’m fucking you into the sheets tomorrow morning and then making you breakfast.” “I was counting on that,” you kissed his pec.
You both chuckled softly and then resumed your silence. Sleep overtook you both.
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detectivehole · 5 years
Go comic feral, i followed this blog for a rEASOn and it's bc i like to hear your random vents and rants and also you reblog cool stuff. But i digress, go comic feral i am hERE for it
PETER PARKER BEING RICH IS STUPID  he didnt even ern what he has himself it was nt even himn he wasnt in his body maybe if i had got to see him start fron nothing to being a cool ceo or whatever id be able to stand it but nooooooo he just GOT is for nothing so it feels stupid like “ha ha what if like tony stark haha” its DUMB and i haven’t read a spider man comic for a long time
deadpool/spiderman crossover comic bad. feels out of character a lot. funny concept and full of funny jokes but as far as characterization its bad in my opinion- was made to capitalize off the hype of the ship and we all know it
don cates should be banned from writing comics bc he fucking sucks and ill never forgive him for what he did/tried to do to venom
deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good dea
the venom movie was a lot of fun but it was very ooc a lot HOWEVER seeing some of the cut scenes and scripts you can see that it used to be actually fairly in character for the comics but a lot of scenes with eddie establishing himself as not actually the most nicest of guys (not that eddie isnt a nice guy deep down but he is a good amount fucked up with a big ol hero complex and a problem with ‘i can do no wrong” mentality sometimes) were cut and considering how the fandom for the movie treats him i can see why the cut those bits out bc i dont think movie goers would have liked him as much wich is a shame bc he is a good guy at the end of the day just fucked up
straight white male comic fans are the worst people in the world and breaking their fingers is a daydream i indulge in 
matt murdock is a himbo
foggy nelson is a good man who deserves better friends
i can tell what deadpool comics someone has read based on how they characterize wade in their fan works and i have a 80% success rate with it. the most common was the daniel way run but now its the spider-man/deadpool crossover series
soulda used miles for the mcu spidey instead of cannibalizing his story for parts like they did. dick move, Disney
mcu bad
i think just the idea of dc’s Red Tool is fucking hilarious but i dont like his character at all
batman and superman should fuck but they wont :/
matt and foggy should to but the comic industry is afraid of making long running characters lgbt bc theyre WEAK
deadpool need a canon bf they cant keep telling us hes pan and not showing us for reals- hell he could just go on one date or be shown having a one night stand or something- something beyond a damn joke
cable gay. no i will not listen to any other opinions.
im excited to read moon knight i have a book waiting i just have to finish my current one
SCUD the disposable assassin is the most underrated comic EVER and i LOVE IT however i think it ended stupid and bad however it went on fucking hiatus for like a decade and then was rapped up really fast so any ending is a godsend
i desperately want a long-form stand alone series abt wanda wilson bc shes the perfect foil for a good Feral Dumbass Woman comic. think abt it; shell sell immediately bc of recognizable brand, and then she can just go on violent stupid adventures without any of the other dp corps. it doenst have to line up with any canon i just want insane lady dp adventure comic. this is an unreasonable dream but mine none the less
i though that agent venom was stupid
tank girl is fucking amazing and i love it i never understand whats going on and i enjoy the confusion
reading early hulk comics feels like watching a weird, poorly produced old black and white sci-fi soap
there needs to be better, more easily accessed, official reading-order guides published and posted on the walls of comic shops everywhere
the 80s and 90s were the best time for marvel comics and no one can tell me otherwise. that was peak comic time
the worst time for comics was the 2000s and early 2010s
sometimes i am shocked by the art that gets the editors pass in comics. some of it is so bad and im not even talking about the disproportionate ladies
the lego marvel and dc movies are way better than the live action movies and im not even being sarcastic
seriously the 2000s made some horrible comics
i feel like committing acts of mass violence every time someone says comics arnt real reading/stories/implies theyre worth less of any value than a novel
i read the first deadpool comic i got so much that the art itself is so ingrained in my mind that people have shown my just the corners of panels and ive identified them correctly
i distinctly remember the first time the woman at the book store stopped asking me for parental permission to buy the comics i was getting (12yos) because i went there so often that she just remembered who i was and that the adult would say its fine
i refuse to talk about comics with people at cons because i am gatekept or flirted with every single time no matter what and there is no in between. and yea its because i have tits. youd think that eventually theyd learn but gross comic men never do and all the others have adopted the same policy as me so the closest i come to positive comic interaction at cons is standing in the same vicinity as another chick, looking at the same section, and the kinda smiling at each other
i think the avengers are boring. really really boring. the x-men are way better
i related to gwenpool too much when she first started and it scared/offended me so i stopped reading for a while until her character developed more and we stooped being so similar
i have spider-man bedding. i picked it out only a few months ago. its good it makes me feel cool in a very uncool way
watching spider-man as a kid made me wanna be a scientist. watching batman as a kid made me want to do martial arts. i ended up failing chemistry and falling on my face a lot instead.
i had a huge venom toy and a huge spiderman toy as a kid and while i did make them fight a lot i also made them hug just as much. i wanted them to be friends
on that note PETER IS MEAN TO THE SYMBIOTE NOW AND HE DONT EVEN HAVE A REASON NO MORE hes just such a dick about criminal reform eddie and the symbiote aint special with this- he says he believes people can be better but he really doesnt show it. he tends to think people are set in their ways and while this makes sense forthe most part considering how much hewas bullied as a kid/adult (that also contributes to his mild “i protect my own” mentality  tho at least he consciously fights that one) it stil pisses me off
i can think way more but i need to sleep i think
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
Hello, Haddock! Now that Voltron (sadly) ended, how would you rank the seasons? Also, could you tell how many times you've rewatched them?
Hey there, friend! WAY happy to chat Voltron and all its seasons!
Unlike most fandom culture, I’m not a chronic rewatcher, and the default assumption is that I’ve only seen any show once. It’s rare for me to see shows more than once, honestly, even ones I love. I certainly will be watching VLD more times, but because of my normal watching habits, I’ve seen a large portion of the show only once. I’ve seen S1 probably about 5 times, S2 thrice, S3-4 twice, and S5+ once. I’ve seen “The Last Stand” from S7 twice.
These are rankings based somewhat upon my emotional attachments and not simply objective elements like narrative structure! XD I already know my preferences are going to be different than lots of people in the VLD fandom, haha. These rankings are also based on memory, which is pretty strong admittedly for VLD, but it leaves room to change with a rewatch.
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Let’s be clear: I don’t dislike Season 8 and there’s much I enjoy. Give it up for S8 love!!! Standout episodes to me include “Launch Date,” “The Prisoner’s Dilemma,” and “Day Forty-Seven.” The women going shopping together and Pidge dressing as 1980s Darrell Stoker made my life. Not to mention… it was fun spending time with the MFEs; they didn’t take a disproportionate amount of time, but gave us good moments to make us love them. I’m thankful for the S8 ending giving us both a sense of wrap-up for the plot conflicts, but also looking forward to what our Paladins will do to rejuvenate the galaxy. There’s much I’m thankful for with S8.
That said, S8 isn’t my jam as much as other seasons. I’m not much of a shipper and I wasn’t into the Allurance, nor did I get pulled into the magic-heavy plot conflict with Haggar and her Alteans. And while S7 does give great screen time to Allura, it felt a little less like an ensemble cast and more like a spotlight on her. Enemies’ minds changed too fast for me to feel realistic, and the magic-wonky plot didn’t feel as gripping and intense as S7. It’s the reason I’m placing S8 here: from my own preferences, I attached with other seasons more.
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For whatever reason, S5 didn’t make as much of an impression on me as other seasons. I wasn’t as invested in concepts like “Kral Zera” and “White Lion.” Given as S5 is an odd numbered season in the middle portion of Voltron, it has an innate disadvantage: it’s written in all but name as the first half of a season, which means story arc ending payoffs wouldn’t happen until S6. I also feel like S5 is where plot writing is at one of its most tangled or muddied, given as there’s lots being juggled and introduced conflict-wise and lore-wise and universe-wise and character-wise.
However, S5 - like all seasons - gives us cool stuff. We got Matt (one of my favorite characters) participating in an adventure, lots of Lotor screentime, and a callout to 1980s DOTU that I never thought they’d be able to turn into a good episode (“White Lion”). And!!! We get to meet!!! KROLIA!!!
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I have particularly fond attachment to S3. This is the season where I started getting actively involved in Voltron fandom discourse, giving my own take on Project Kuron theories. This is the season that gave us the first glimpse of the Classic Voltron formation - Keith in Black, Lance in Red, Pidge in Green, Allura in Blue, Hunk in Yellow. I felt a thrill go through me as Keith, for the first time, said “Form Voltron!” Also… Lance really stepping up to show his leadership potential??? So good. And this is the season where we meet Lotor, another long-anticipated character… and oh my goodness is his character introduction gold. So there’s lots of stuff I hold strong affinity for in S3.
The reason I have to rank Season 3 back here is because it’s more about the Paladins floundering around than anything else. It’s meant to create a new sense of chaos and instability… their leader Shiro is gone, and now there are new unexpected threats like Lotor to handle. However, at the same time, since half of the season is just the Paladins floundering around not knowing how to work together, it makes me less attached to particular episodes. None of the episodes are favorites or standouts to me on their own. There’s lots of cool moments throughout S3, but I think the only episode I notably emotionally attach to is “The Journey.” But still? Good season!
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I can’t believe I have this amazing season all the way back here. I want it to be higher, except that I do have to rank other seasons above this one. 
Season 1 is what gets everything started. It sets the stage for what Voltron’s all about, teaching us about lions and robeasts and Zarkon and the Galaxy Garrison and all that good stuff from 1980s nostalgia… all the while creating a new vibe and energy to the franchise. In retrospect, S1 feels much calmer and less high-stakes than the rest of the series (especially post S2). However, it’s a solid season with good episodes that never feel less solid and good. We get great Hunk material with him finding conviction; great Shiro and Pidge moments as they share different worries over the abduction; hilarious Keith and Lance clashes; lots and lots and lots of good things. It’s a very solid season, especially once we launch off Arus.
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If you want to know how tight my season rankings are to each other, S6 was almost listed second place.
I attach to specific episodes in particular for S6. I love the visuals in “Razor’s Edge.” I died howling with laughter in “Monsters & Mana.” I fell into so many emotional feels regarding Keith and Shiro in “The Black Paladins.” We get one of the all-time best emotional, action-oriented episodes of VLD… and one of the most amazing, hysterical filler episodes in S6. Despite being seven episodes long, S6 is an incredible ride and adventure start to end. It’s hard to believe so much occurred in that amount of time!
There’s hoards of great stuff in this season. We get the Kuron arc resolved, with lots of emotional content between Keith and Shiro. We get the Lotor arc resolved, learning whether or not he can be trusted, with great Lotor and Allura time. We get Keith returning to the Paladins. We get the introduction of Romelle, which all DOTU lovers have been waiting for forever.
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I have to put VLD S4 here because of its emotional power. There are damned AMAZING moments this season, alongside some of my favorite episodes and moments of all time. I know I and some of the other fans aren’t huge on “The Voltron Show!” But fuck it, guys, S4 gave us “Reunion” and “A New Defender”!!!
Matt is a delight this season, from his first meeting of Allura, to his tour around the Castle of Lions with Pidge, to his technological connections with his sister and Hunk, to his participation in the Rebels’ fighting forces. We also get some of the funniest moments for me in Voltron, between learning how to milk Kaltenecker and seeing HOW Pidge finally managed to rig up the video game system.
Then there’s the opposite end of the emotional spectrum. “Reunion” is the single most emotional episode in all of Voltron for me. Even though I’d seen screencaps of Matt prior to watching S4, I felt as shocked and heartbroken as Pidge to come to his gravestone. There’s so much POWER to this gravestone scene; it’s one of the moments that resonates with me the most even after I’ve finished the whole show. It might even be my Number One FAVORITE moment in the entire show. It’s not my place to analyze that scene here, but DAMN. 
Furthermore, the climax with the battle of Naxzela was INTENSE, with Keith almost sacrificing himself getting me screaming. That was such a great battle and climactic moment in VLD. This was a great culminating moment, in which the series has officially built up from a small team to a universe-wide conflict.
We get standout moments with Keith being badass with the blades, Matt taking initiative, Pidge seeking out her family, Allura helping Voltron flee the gravity field, Kuron becoming increasingly more suspicious. VLD S4 ramps everything up from the emotions to the excitement, resulting in an awesome and intense six episodes.
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It’s really hard for me to put this as second place instead of first place. I originally had it in first place. I want it to be first place. I LOVE the second half of S7 so much. This is, possibly, my favorite season from an emotional standpoint because wow.
It’s all-around outstanding. S7 showed us how far the Paladins have come as heroes; they operate with great teamwork, skill, and professionalism that is oh-so-cool to see on screen. They’re still the characters we love and cherish, but they’ve grown SO MUCH since their first days on Voltron. This is fully-fledged heroes doing fully-fledged battles and it’s GREAT.
S7 gives us standout moments to so many characters, including Hunk, Shiro, Sam, Colleen, Veronica, and Keith. We even get some good adventure time with Romelle! And as far as character interactions are concerned, we get touching moments between Keith and Lance, Keith and Hunk, and so many other combinations.
The story raises the stakes to higher levels than ever before, with an emotional and exciting conquest of Earth. There’s nothing more horrible and high-stakes to audiences than a homefront war. We feel extreme pain for Hunk with fears for his family, and Shiro for the loss of Adam. We feel the great sense of danger and desperation starting with “The Last Stand.” We feel the drama of a long and extended climax fighting for Earth’s freedom, including moments where the Paladins control the Lions outside their body (so cool), Shiro commands the ATLAS (SO cool), and the ATLAS also transforms into a fighting robot (SO FREAKING COOL!). This has some of the most exciting, badass stuff of Voltron ever. I love it.
Highlight episodes for me are “The Last Stand” (two episodes without the Paladins about Earth fighting for its freedom? this was fucking amazing), “Trial By Fire,” and “Lions’ Pride.” Essentially - all of the second half of the season.
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Season 2 is probably THE MOST solid season in all of VLD. 
Almost every episode is good, memorable, fun, lovable, enjoyable, classic. It highlights the full ensemble cast. It creates an EXTREMELY exciting, exhilarating, fun climax. It is a strong narrative season, cleanly and proudly finishing the first 26 episode long arc for VLD. This season shows VLD at its best. Since it consistently delivers, there’s nowhere else S2 belongs except the top.
We get great Shiro time, what with his arc spent learning to trust Black… leading to him being a badass unlocking the Lion’s wings and taking Zarkon’s bayard. We get great Pidge time, whether it’s her freaking out over video games or drawing deeper into the beauty of the world - technology and biology both. We get great Keith time, with him fighting for answers in the Blade of Marmora and infiltrating Zarkon’s base in an extremely dangerous mission. We get great Hunk time, between unlocking his Lion’s claws and taking initiative in the Weblum adventure. We get great Lance moments, where he shows us he truly can be a sharpshooter for the team. We get great Allura moments, especially in how she fought against Haggar in the finale. This season rocks it for EVERY Paladin.
Not only does every individual Paladin get good spotlighting, but S2 also rocks it with character interactions. How Allura handles Keith being Galra is a memorable moment of character development for both of them. How Hunk and Keith interact in “The Belly of the Weblum” is a delight. How Shiro loses his cool with Slav is hysterical. I can never complain to Lance and Hunk combinations, like in “The Depths.” And of course every episode focused on Keith and Shiro gives us good feels.
Standout episodes for S2 include “The Ark of Taujeer” (THE COLORS), “The Blade of Marmora,” “Blackout,” “Space Mall.” I cannot believe I watched an episode where the character dressed as space pirates and rode on a flying cow to escape a mall cop. That happened. It’s a delight. And S2 kept rocking it with the humor, down to Pidge creating all her Paladin buddies out of space junk and imitating them. But S2 also gives us some of the most memorable moments of VLD storytelling, what with “The Blade of Marmora.” That episode is a staple for many reasons. Not to mention… all of S2 works together cohesively for the long-term arc structure.
And then there’s the climax. So well-done. So exciting. So immersive. So intense. So cool. So badass. Great colors, great flow, great plot, great everything start to end. I was in a THRILL at the end of S2 because this climax was so unbelievably fun. In retrospect it’s got competition with S7, and S7 probably takes the cake now… but fuck it, S2′s end will always be awesome.
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Every single season in VLD gives me something to be excited about. There are things to love each step of the journey. I’m thankful for every episode from S1 to S8. 
What a ride this journey has been.
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writingdreamdaddy · 6 years
Oh! A new blog! Hello, im glad people are still producing ddadds content :) Id like to request maybe, like. How the dads spend a free day woth dadsona? Like. Theyre all busy and have their own things going on, but what happens when its just a random day, their kids are away for whatever reason (maybe a sleep over or something) and they suddenly find themselves with unexpected free time?
Ahhh i love this kinda stuff! I hope i did the ask some justice. (All the kids are out of it except River because she’s a baby and the best thing in the game)
               Theoverhang’s beauty never ceased to amaze you. Every season, any time of day, itwas the most beautiful spot. Usually Robert would take you here late at night whenhe couldn’t sleep or needed a distraction. Lately he took you up here just tospend time with you and recollect himself. As he recovered, you two came uphere earlier and earlier as his sleep schedule slowly started to get back in rhythm.You two hadn’t been able to spend much time together as of late with Amandacoming home for break and Robert making trips up to Val’s, but eventually youtwo found time; when you did, he took you to the overhang. Spending time withRobert was always cherished. It was simple, it was calm, and today it was 7pm.The days were shorter, and the sun was setting, covering the dying leaves in agolden hue. Many yellow and orange leaves still clung to trees, some mixed onthe ground with the brown leafs or floated in the bay below. Robert told youhis favorite season was fall because the dead wood was good for whittling andplentiful. Definitely not because he kinda liked the color yellow, thedrive up to the overhang was breathtaking with the color change, and watchingBetsy play in the leaf piles or eat them was the cutest thing in the world. Youtwo were sitting in the back of his pickup truck with an ugly thick wool red blanketcovering you two. He wanted to come up here to spend time with you, so he wasn’twhittling or broodily staring off into the distance. Instead you two had discussionsabout this, that, and the other thing, with long breaks of silence in between. Hewas healthier and happier and laughing. Nothing made you smile bigger. When thesun nearly disappeared into the bay, you scooted a little closer to him andrested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled youthat much closer. “Sorry we haven’t spent a lot of time together,” your voicewas raspy and tired. When you looked up at Robert, he was watching thecity light up with a small smirk on his face. With that, the two of you sat in silenceonce more, enjoying the time together.
Matt –
               Matexited his kitchen with two steaming mugs and handed one to you. The roads werecovered in ice with an overnight snow storm and nearly every shop and everyschool was closed; that included the Coffee Spoon. Camensita wanted to spendher snow day playing outside with the other kids, and Mat wanted to spend hiswith you. Nothing special was planned since it was so last minute, but a Pixarmovie was picked out and he put extra marshmallows in your hot cocoa. It was aday spent on the couch wrapped in several blankets, eating left over Chinesefood, and laughing at the movies you two picked out. Spending time with you wasthe most relaxing thing Mat could do. He didn’t get many days off, and eventhough you visited him at the Coffee Spoon often, time like this was stillprecious. You couldn’t cuddle up on the couch the entire day at work. He couldn’tlaugh loudly and critique every movie that played at work, and he most definitely could not kiss you the way hedoes at home, at work.
               You andJoseph were on the dock. It was mother’s day weekend so the kids were with Marytoday. It was the first day Joseph had nothing to do in weeks. This Saturday was the only day he had off until Churchservice tomorrow. You both had your pants rolled up and your legs were hangingof the edge as you looked out into the water. He was exhausted and stressed outbeyond belief, which is why you dragged him out here. You were going to forcehim to relax damnit. Usually when youtwo had free time like this you would actually go on the boat, or go out fordinner, or just sit in his backyard and talk by a fire. Today was different. Atfirst it was nice and silent, just sitting next to each other and enjoying oneanother’s company. Then you scooted closer to him and you two exchanged a kissor two and you’d tell a fact about whales every now and then. You two startedgossiping about the neighbors and Joseph would start venting about everythingand everyone. You two talked the day away before retreating to the boat forsome drinks and much needed sleep. The free day wasn’t spent doing anythingextravagant, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t perfect.
               Springbreak was a blessing to Hugo. He had nowhere to be and nothing to grade, andthis year was his ex-husbands turn to take Ernest on vacation. That left himwith a little over a week to do whateverhe wanted, within the legal system of course. That mostly meant watching old wrestling matches he had recorded or writing like he usually does, but this time he was only in hisunderwear, and he was only in his underwear all the time. He got boredimmediately though and anxiously waited for your day off to come. When it finally did,he wanted to do everything. He justwanted to get out of the house. So you two went to the movies, the museum, shopping,and ended it with a lovely dinner. It was an exhausting day for both of you.The two of you wound up at your house since Hugo was still a little stir-crazy.You had changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, and Hugo changed into a shirtyou lent him. The two of you laid in bed, you were playing with his hair andlaughing at the comments he made, or the facts he told. You curled up next tohim and shut your eyes but continued to talk about why The Undertaker and JohnCena were overrated with him. And this was the part of the day he remembered.Sure, the movie was fun, and the amount of useless knowledge you had aboutrandom things was entertaining in the museum, and yeah the sunglasses youbought today were absolutely ridiculous and made him laugh on the ride home when you wore them proudly. But it was watching you tiredly smileup at him, attempting to braid his hair and failing horribly, and you gentlykissing him goodnight. That’s what he took away from today.
               Tonightwas date night and Lucien had left to spend the night at some friend’s house;the stars were aligning. It had been weeks since you two had gotten together todo something stupidly romantic and he was going to make it special. He cleanedthe house, cooked your favorite meal, and set his table with the finest thingshe owned. The night went by smoothly; eating and drinking and enjoying theothers company as if no time had passed. He didn’t want it to end so quickly.Dinner was done, the dishes were done, and the closing hour of the date wascoming up. He dreaded the thought of you leaving. The animal shelter has beenbusy as of late, which is great! It just eats up any available time he has, andthe chance of your schedule lining up with his, on date night. It was a miracle that was going by too fast. You werechatting away on the couch, talking about Amanda, work, and everything thatcame into your conscious stream of thought. He missed this, missed you. So when you got up to leave, heimmediately asked if you wanted to spend the night, to which you gladlyaccepted. That’s when Damien realized he spent most of the date worrying aboutit ending rather than enjoying it, so he was going to soak in every momentforward. You two got ready for bed together and made it as extravagant aspossible. The two of you would take a bubble bath together with face-masks onand wine in hand. You laughed together and talked about life and how busy it hadgotten. When you got out the conversation would continue while laying on top ofthe bed. It was well past midnight by the time you two finally got in thecovers and went to sleep with smiles on your faces.
               Heneeded a day off. Even after the talk you guys had about him working himselftoo hard and not doing enough for himself, he was still the busy workout dadwho did everything. Just a little less than he did before. You had convincedhim to take a day off the weekend the kids were going to softball camp. Theidea of another camping trip sounded fun but needed some time to prepare for itwhich neither of you did. Nothing was packed, and finding a babysitter forRiver on such short notice would be even more stressful. He needed to dosomething other than work at his house or work at the gym. It was nice outsideso the thought of going for a walk crossed you lips, going out for dinnercrossed his, and so on and so forth. You sat on the deck chairs in Craig’s backyard trying to come up with a plan. Craig had River bouncing on his knee whileshe played with her stuffed capybara and you watched from where you wereseated. You two were always on the move, always going somewhere or doingsomething. Granted, it was fun to go to softball games, to smugly tell the momsafterwards that Craig wasn’t single anymore, going out for dinner, all of that.It was rare to get free time together, but it was rarer to get free timetogether and use it doing nothing. Soyou laid back in your seat and talked with Craig and occasionally babbled withRiver. You two lounged in the backyard well past Craig’s/River’s usual naptimeas he would tell you over and over while taking another sip of his drink but never doing anything to further the protest.Stories were told, River was played with, and time was wasted perfectly.
               Youwanted to give mini golf another shot. It was embarrassing how bad you did lasttime you went with Brian, Daisy, and Amanda. To redeem yourself, you droveBrian back to the Mini Golf Place while Daisy was at a sleepover and Amanda wasin school. The kids were the real reason you lost, they were a distraction iswhat you told Brian. You two spent hours at the golf course, you lined up everyshot you made and used extra precaution before doing anything. By the time thegame was over, Brian lost and it was definitely not because he let you win. Theride home was you reliving your highlights from the day and Brian smiling andcommenting how great you were. You were something else, but Brian wouldn’t haveit any other way. Seeing you proud of yourself was look he’d love to see youwear every day.
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ash-etherwood · 7 years
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ehhhh im still rewriting this story and it'll just be some kind of 20k words intro to a way longer story that I wont continue because im lazy. (---: heres the three main characters I love them very much. they're english and im still debatin if I wanna put them in the same universe as the UNMO-guys .... it's kinda supernatural after all. (just a heads up theyre all dating)
Jack - 22 years old, almost homeless, almost jobless, lives in a small inn's basement and cleans the toilets for a living - very pansexual and everyone is his type, sadly - that's probably not his real name, nobody in real life is called jack after all (- way hotter then he was supposed to be) - kinda an alcoholic but too broke to spend anymore money on booze (and cigarettes) - remarkably bottom - wants to look edgy and like a bad boy but is actally just an awkward bitch - casually overshares in the worst possible situations - more or less accidentally killed a guy once and has been on the run since - fucking terrified of straight fuckboys - hairy - tragic backstory: abusive, homophobic dad and psychic powers that are actived by panic attacks - sometimes purposefully triggers himself to use telekinesis which fucks up his psyche pretty badly - was a fullout esper in his childhood but most of his former powers haven't shown in the past few years and he just believes he lost them - does only have ONE pair of normal jeans, the rest is sweatpants - can also talk to ghosts, but needs very special circumstances for that and usually doesn't even remember what these are - just wants an aesthetic apartment with a glass roof and a cute s/o and enough money to stay alive - wants to eat Nick's peach chapstick
Aleska Marie Heidenreich - 24 years old, polish/german/jewish mixed, actually straight for once - had straight a's in school, now studies physics (because it's smart) and literature (because it's her passion) and works part time as a waitress in some fancy expensive confectionery-café - likes baking complicated stuff and gets better at this - despite that she eats like a starving horse and should not be brought to fancy dinners; also likes to eat A LOT, is the type of girl who will empty a bucket of ice cream after a breakup (or just for fun), but only gets chubby around the hips in those phases - also dances since she was 11 and is REALLY good at it (she and her group won several prizes in her teen years) - usually seen listening to hip hop and reading kafka curled up on her couch - can never decide if she wants to look girly-sexy or sloppy-90's-grunge-skatergirl - unironically drinks tomato juice and her fave cocktail is bloody mary - horrible chain smoker, tries to quit about once a week but always fails wich leads to some kind of yoyo-effect where she will only smoke one or two cigarettes on one day and five or six on another - the darker her eye make up, the better her feeling - currently on the run from her abusive boyfriend matt who she was about to break up with when he finally snapped and hit her. still debates if she wants to go back to him or leave him for good. - no superhuman powers whatsoever and just kinda has to roll with her weird new friends
Nicholas 'Nick' Crawford - 26 years old, very tall, also very pan - came from a pretty well off family and got the full program of learning to play the piano as a child and having private classes on manners and social etiquette and all that shit - a witch with several crow familiars who are all named after kafka-protagonists (franz, karl, josef and gregor) frequently bonds with aleska over that - his appartment is full of plants and smells like a mix between a perfumery and a secret weed hideout - casually uses his knowledge about plants, herbs and potions to grow weed probably - very good with animals, complete with the "oh wow she usually doesn't like strangers!" trope - only very rarely seen not smiling at all, even if it's just a tiny smile, has a resting nice face - everything he says sounds like flirting and he is just charismatic as fuck - when he has money he wears big hats, pointy leather shoes and big glasses like some kind of gay witch; when he's broke he just runs around like a private detective in a beige trenchcoat - has horribly dry, chapped lips that often bleed and carries peach chapstick with him because of that all the time (peach is also his favourite smell and colour) - only recently came to town to look for someone there who might help him with a few old spellbooks but he seems to have forgotten about that already - basically has sympathy for EVERYONE and can't help but help people if he notices the need, even if he has better things to do, and most of the time that kindness backfires horribly
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groundramon · 6 years
Homph I finished tri and I wrote down my thoughts as I was watching because I had too many funny shitposts and nobody to share them with bc charlie hasn’t watched tri yet
PS i wont be reblogging tri spoilers (besides MINOR stuff like, digivolutions of already confirmed digivolution lines or non-spoilery shitposts, but I’ll try to tag shitposts as #tri spoilers anyways [digivolutions specific to tri ill tag as well but not ones that were already basically confirmed]) for a while so ur safe here!  I’m just gonna like everything/most things because then I can rb em to hisyaryumon lmao (also u should check out hisyaryumon....its me n charlie’s digimon blog)
EP 1:
- ok. alright. ok. good. they’re dealing with kari’s emotions now instead of just. nothing.  ok. alright. cool.  Still dont like how obscure/”artsy” they’re being with it, this is digimon not kagerou project, but ok.
- Also. I stand by tk and kari being one of the few good straight ships in digimon.  just saying.
- kari: this is my fault... me: god damn it shut up you little brat also me: god relatable ALSO me: ill take whatever display of emotions i can get
- I love how nobody believes tai is dead like.  They’re upset and worried but they’re also like “nah. he cant be. that fucking asshole just left us in our time of need” (actually only matt is the last one)
- Gabumon i would die for you also im crying and I think that’s the first time tri managed to make me fucking CRY
EP 2:
- I had thoughts but then the 02 kids happened and I entered another plane of reality.  I don’t feel real right now
- the only one I can remember is evil!gennai being a dumbass and being like “SUFFER AND SQUIRM YOU PATHETIC HUMANS AS YOU FIGHT OVER THE LAST SEAT” 1. humans are KNOWN for their ability to care for others you dumb obvious fuck and 2. is. is the entire tube going? because that tube can fit too people if they squish.  This isn’t a joke I’m serious it can.
- oh yeah also when i saw whomstever the fuck his name is (adult guy who i love but fuck names) and he was all bloodied i was like “its a cold day in hell when i see blood in digimon” (I think there was blood in an earlier ep but shh idc)
EP 3:
- didn’t nishijima start off as a fucking life coach to these kids.  What the fuck he was supposed to help them find a career not emotionally scar them by bloodily dying in front of one of them
- im realizing that the reason hackmon was always in his cloak, in the shadows, standing still is that they cannot animate him in any normal position for the life of him.  I drew him with better anatomy when i was 14 and didn’t have a tablet.  No seriously, look:
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I didn’t say it wasn’t bad, you guys are just underestimating how bad the anatomy on this poor creature is.  Why cant ppl draw dracomon or hackmon correctly imma cry
- ordinemon has the best reaction faces
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the best part about these two screenshots is that they literally cut one to the other, first the first one to the second one and then it cuts back to the first one.  They were really proud of these stupid ass expressions.
- I started overcoming my dissociation shock from the second episode and my hypercritical mind was analyzing the shit out of everything that happened (it is Not happy) but then evil!gennai called kari and evil goddess and idk if he’s exaggerating to make her feel bad or if she’s literally a fucking god of chaos and destruction and either way im like
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she did kinda like.  Watch wizardmon die, watch tai die, watch gatomon get absorbed.  The dark ocean is just a metaphor for depression and honestly if 02 wasn’t all over the fucking place I think Kari would’ve had some pretty decent development in it.  Actually you know what, I’m using that as an angle to approach Tri at now, wish me luck bc i might actually give it more leeway now
EP 4:
- I’m not dissociating but I forgot to say anything again and I already forgot what happened
- Cant believe mei is fucking dead
EP 5:
- I like to imagine that Tai got there like a few minutes ago, but he was like “well damn guess yall figured it out without me.  alright ill just. see if I need to do anything” and then meicoomon was Still Bad so he waited for when she struck just to make the most badass entrance possible.  Fucking extra ass bitch
- I forgot to write anything again but uhhh I wasn’t satisfied so anyways lets just get into the Juicy Details
Originally I was actually planning to be kinder to Tri than I expected.  Was very invested during it.  ‘Round the end of the last ep I realized hmmm no this isn’t working out.  Where are the 02 kids.  You should’ve brought them in to save the day.  That would’ve been SO cool and SO fun.  Fucking cowards.
god I’m kinda tired so I’m going to address a couple things I still had problems with, note that this isn’t everything it’s just everything I felt comfortable yelling about without rewatching past eps.  Like I forgot nishijima was all bloodied and presumably died in the last part until they brought it up and I was like “????” ALSO DID THE LADY WHO WAS HIS PARTNER OR W/E KILL HERSELF WITH THE GUN SHE FOUND, I JUST REALIZED LITERALLY AS I WAS TYPING THIS THAT SHE FOUND A GUN AND THEN I THINK IT CUT TO BLACK AND I’M
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anyways my problems:
1. They did joe. really dirty.  I’ll write a more proper rant on this sometime later (mostly bc charlie is MUCH better at talking about joe than I am) but basically I can tell you that his character development in the movies squandered his OG character development.  He’s basically an entirely different person.  Like Tri joe isn’t bad, besides being largely neglected (yes he has a whole half a movie to himself, no that doesn’t make up for it all), its just...not OG joe.  He’s a fine character just not the same character, and its NOT fine when you put the two together.
2. THEY DID THE 02 KIDS EVEN DIRTIER IM SO BITTER sorry you nostalgia-blind, money-hungry fucks at bandai, but the 02 cast is PART OF THE ADVENTURES UNIVERSE.  The only people who hate 02 are ones who like the characters but hate the mess of the storyline at the end, or are completely irrational and elitist about their love of the digimon series and would greatly re-evaluate their opinions if they watched the original series and 02 back to back.  They couldn’t even show them in some kind of group montage at the end??? Standing in the background when they call Mei???  Why couldn’t they call mei from a home phone also, but that’s a less important problem idc that much.  It was a cute scene besides the lack of 02 characters.  Whatever.  AND THE PROBLEM IS LIKE kari and tk?  This entire time???  Were like “oh they disappeared. oops” instead of being frantically searching for their lost friends???  Like i get tk and kari probably have fucking ptsd and can’t express any emotions because they watched important people die in front of their eyes at an incredibly young age but also 1. they didn’t address the ramifications of ptsd, so fuck that theory/excuse and 2. THAT??? WOULD ONLY MAKE THEM LOOK HARDER??? and put on a brave face as they look, but inside they’re so scared and so worried.  Not just “oh sweet, they were found/saved, theyre in the hospital but that’s fine” like WHAT theyre fucking assholes if that’s what they’d canonically do lmao.  God I am SO bitter over the ENTIRE thing with the 02 kids, it would’ve been BETTER if they were deleted from the fucking canon entirely.  Would I have still been bitter?  Yes.  But at least I wouldn’t be madder at TK and Kari too.
3. I stand 100% by the notion that Digimon is not and will never be cut out to be an adults’ franchise.  It wasn’t designed for adults, and it can’t be skewered towards adults.  These particular characters were designed for kids to relate to and find entertaining.  They do not work when placed into an adult setting.  Like, can you imagine a character like Ed from FMA going to the Digimon world?  I guess in a way that’s just Marcus but like.  Just imagine the FMA cast in Digimon Adventure.  It doesn’t work.  Digimon Tri is basically that except real.  Also Data Squad was darker than Adventure so my joke doesn’t even work.
I guess my primary point is that Tri isn’t mature enough of a setup for an adult audience.  It puts a focus on being “complex” and “philosophical” instead of working within Digimon’s constraints and making something good and adult out of that.  Like!  Digimon is a fucking TOY COMMERCIAL.  Don’t give me messages about the futility of human life.  I want bad puns and emotional characters.  That’s what Digimon has ALWAYS been, and ideally always will be.  Tri could’ve made itself more mature by dealing with the ramifications of the Digital World’s events, how it affected the kids psychologically and dealing with healing old scars.  It would’ve been a more mature take on a story we loved and would use things we loved about the story already - the fact that it took so much time exploring characters’ emotions and was surprisingly mature for the time - to make itself better.  You need to take the aspects that drew adults to the show and amplify them, not just slap on a complex story and unfunny dialogue and be like “oh this is fine, right?”
It’s not that Digimon can’t exist as an adult property, its just that if it repeats what Tri did, it’s got no merit and in my eyes the franchise is dead.  If it survives I guess I’ll be happy that people can still enjoy it but I find it unsustainable and unsatisfying to fans of the older series.  Tri is just a fuckfest of highly specific nostalgia that tries too hard to appeal to old fans without capturing what made the original series so magical, and in part thats because the original series WASN’T FOR ADULTS.  I don’t know about the Digimon Story games, bc they’re T-rated so perhaps they’re a better take on an adult Digimon story than Tri?  But you either need to make your own characters and lore specifically for an adult-oriented Digimon season, or perish.  Also, please make it a series and not a group of movies.  Getting four eps every 6-9 months was hell.
I stand by saying Appmon is a more faithful Digimon season than Tri to Digimon’s original spirit.  I believe it holds more potential for success than Tri and better embodies the spirit of the older Digimon seasons.  It’s dumb, its corny, it has horrible puns, but I LOVE it because it also has a deep dark story and emotional moments.  If you dislike Tri and you agree with things I said that make it unlikeable, I highly recommend giving Appmon a chance - if you watch a few episodes and think “oh yeah, I guess this is decent” you’re going to like it.  It’s everything Digimon has always been and hopefully always will be, just with a different concept.  And hopefully the end of the series doesn’t leave a sour taste in my mouth and I have to redact this statement haha since I’m not done with it yet, but I’ve heard good things about it so I’m hoping not so.
Overall, if you watch Tri, don’t get your hopes up.  It resolves everything okay-ish but it’s a pretty forgettable anime on its own and simply doesn’t work as part of the Digimon franchise.
I am, however, pretty interested in what evil!gennai said at the end about Diaboromon and Daemon.  It raises interesting questions about the timeline too.  We know Daemon is in the dark ocean, so perhaps that’s a hint at a future project?  (They did confirm a future project btw, in conjunction with tri being over)  But what about Diaboromon?  I dont believe that Our War Game (I think thats what its called?) took place after Tri, based on the outfits and ages and stuff, but I also don’t remember the movies that well.  Could Diaboromon still be out there too?  It’s interesting.
However, because of the lackluster performance of Tri, I don’t have my hopes up and I really hope that this “next project” goes in a different direction.  Although I guess if they include the 02 kids, I’ll be somewhat less salty...
Side note, did they ever explain why the gennais went evil?  Like ?  That’s a pretty important thing.  The gennais helped SAVE the human world in 02.  And I get that apparently Tri is ignoring 02′s ending but still.  It’s shitty, because Gennai was still a good guy in the original too (and also they cant just keep is younger look and act like 02 never happened)  MAYBE its something I missed but I dont think so.  God there’s just.  So much wrong with Tri.  I’m very displeased and very bitter and I wanna get back to Appmon asap.
It’s got good moments, its got bad moments, I dont know, I don’t care.  There’s nothing wrong with you if you like it, there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you flip flop and are split like me.  I just wish Tri fulfilled its potential instead of becoming a boring mess.
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kuchipatchi69 · 8 years
aesthetic themed asks 😎 answer them all 😎
god ham ok
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?Today probably? I listen to music when I walk around campus so i kind of sing to myself
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?If I will be happy in the future lol
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?Actually making it to college
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?Everytime I go home and see my dogs lmao, i love them so much
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?I would do whatever I want tbh, no reason to not have a good time
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?uh!god i have no idea, im honestly winging it
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.Okay so we’ll do the Big Meme @chesapeakeripperWe’ve been friends for like, over 5 years and though we had a few falling outs, theyre literally my best friend lmao. Short, Salty, yet chill, and always a good time to hangout with. One of the only people I can spend more than a week with probably. Too edgy for their own good but has a compatible aesthetic and music taste. Edgy but loves folk music? A little shady, an asshole, yells at me for dabbing too much but then proceeds to dab or get mad when i dont take advantage of the good time to do it. ALSO the only person who i feel on the same level with rhythm games in general lmao
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?Oh yeah. My parents were good and I’ve realized how nice ive had it. We aren’t rich or anything but my parents always made sure we were comfortable.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?Oh god i dont even know. OH NVM YEAH, I cried in front of my vocal teacher and I feel so much closer to her honestly.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.Ok not to be gay but ham probably lol I mean? I would feel at peace probably, because I can talk to him about anything and I wouldnt have to feel nervous or anything.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?Oh yeah, I’m an open book and Most new friends reach out to me when im having a rough time so
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?Either Ham or Cain? Idk it wasnt anything too deep lmaoW Cain we just shit talk or talk about mbmbam? or pkmn cards lets be real. Cain is my bff and ham is a good guy
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?FUCK IDK ID REALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THISI’d probably tell my dad thank you and how much he meant to me
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?Great, I love them
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.“What” - anyone ever, I connect with it because I never know whats going on ever
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?“I’m out here”
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?buy a lot of anime figures and also clothes and pokemon cards
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?IT DEPENDS! I can forgive people if I can see how genuine their apology is but if its something really shitty, then probably not lol
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.Are you seriousDear newly gay Sydney (I didn't start going by Sid until highschool so),I’m glad you cut your hair off, and I actually want to cut it again. I know you cut it because you were experimenting with gender stuff, which I’m also glad you did. You can stop being so edgy and a weeb? Also stop being so into yaoi it’s Really cringey to look back on (esp bc you wrote mpreg and I’m still not proud of it S M H). I don't really remember Middle School and I’m glad because you were in your scene phase and you tried way too hard, eventually became a compulsive liar and just manipulative overall.I’m a lot gayer and more comfortable now than you are, so try not to be so fake-depressed because the real thing will hit you in a few years and yeah, you’ll want to die but its fine. Everything’s okay. This is supposed to be 200 words but i dont give a shit so heres this.Your more gay, and less uptight self, Sid
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?Oh god, punk, but tired
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.I love tattoos and want to be covered in them, and I love piercings and want love them
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?idk why this is under piercings but okI do! but I also dont! I dont wear makeup 85% of the time but I have so much makeup and I love to put it on :’)
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.Y’all.... Fall out boy has literally been there for me through all my years and have been the band I go back and listen to because I didnt share their music with anyone, and It makes me feel like I can go back to before life was so hard
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.“Who gives a shit, my dude” 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.Jonas brothers (lmao)- I dont talk to the people I went with, my first concert, I didnt even plan to go lolFall Out Boy- Literally one of the best nights of my life and I got to spend it with my cousin and I’m so gladTwenty One Pilots- Though i dont really like them anymore, I became better friends with Maizie, who has literally had my heart for so long and I love her so much. I love both her and Jacob and wish I kept up better contact with them
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say????????????? idk 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?My desk has: a makeup mirror, some cake, a lamp, pill bottles and anime figures. Its unorganized bc I dont work there
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?Lay down, turn on MBMBAM, and then play all of the puzzle games I have until I’m out of lives before going to sleep l m a o
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?I went to some guys house one time and he tried to get me to do coke (I didnt do it dont worry)
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?MY HAIR IS BRIGHT YELLOW RN I WANT IT TO BE CURLY THO
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?Cain, Ally, Maizie, Jacob and Julia probably. We could go somewhere spooky
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.To be happy-Idk im not as happy as I want to beTo be wanted- I have a lot of problems with self worth so To be happy w my appearance- Ive been overweight my whole life and I’ve always felt ugly lmao
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.Oh god I have no idea bc I usually just do makeup and go 
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?Drunk text people how sad I am
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?im not sure tbh
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?only see one person? Cain probably only bc we get along so well even tho we get on each others nerves lmao
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.BRO okay yeah I have, it ended BADLY and a lot of people know the story. Of both the platonic and not. idk tho, its a good feeling to know someone is there for you no matter what
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?yeah, I LOOK like a 12 year old boy but its fine lmao
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?Iced coffee, 6 pumps of simple syrup and half and half. Green tea smoothie or frap OR salted caramel hot chocolate. My orders are pretty normal so 
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?God, my friends. They’ve helped me so much and I could not be more thankful because I’m going through such a hard time
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