#because the ring is law and who am i to break from the system
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arom-antix · 1 year ago
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Viktuuri week day 5: Passion
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izvmimi · 6 months ago
Senku exhales deeply and releases the small screwdriver he’s holding in his right hand, and as the metal clatters quietly on his work surface, he admits to himself that for the first time possibly in his entire life, he’s having issues with concentration. 
Taking a swig of long-cooled coffee in his left and smoothing out a blueprint that he’d normally have committed to memory on the desk before him, he pores over the details of his newest invention again, but as the acrid taste of double shot espresso, taken black, hits his tongue, a flash of your wide smile comes to mind instead. The vision of you practically sweetens the aftertaste. He sighs, downs the rest of his coffee, then rubs his face with both his hands. Tilting back in his chair, he crosses his arms over his chest, jittery hands that now yearn to hold something soft and warm instead of being made to work. 
Love is the most irrational thing on Earth, really. 
Glancing at the digital clock just above his work desk, he finds that it’s late, close to 1 am, and you’re probably long since snoozing with far better sleep hygiene than he can ever afford (although he knows better, he always does). Perhaps if he just spoke to you, he’d be able to get that natural, primitive urge for companionship out of his system, that evolutionary shackle that keeps people fitting the mold rather than breaking through for societal advancement, but he only knows that feeding that desire is akin to throwing fresh meat to an endlessly hungry horde of dogs - never satisfied, always wanting more… a loud and wanting demand in his chest that doesn’t wane. 
His curious nature finally proves to be a detriment because rather than uncover the laws of the natural and advanced world, he wonders if he could know you to the very atomic level. What your likes are, your dislikes… how your heart stays tender and pliable even at the worst of times… how kindness is communicated from your thoughts to words spoken sweetly through soft lips… how you decide what to wear, what gives you comfort… if you think you’re as pleasing to the eyes and soul as he finds you…
He shakes his head as he contemplates himself wasting precious time thinking about a woman, but you’re not just any woman, are you? You’re that person who generates that specific neurochemical cocktail that keeps him preoccupied, distracted - sitting in a chair in the middle of the night wondering if you’ve slept well and if you’d be interested in him picking your brain. 
He looks at his phone, then looks away. He picks up his wrench, then places it back down. 
His heart races for a moment, and he looks upset at the coffee cup, now consumed to the dregs. If he could make another cup, perhaps he could regain his focus, perhaps…
He rises for a moment, sits back down, and in a split, uncalculated decision picks up his phone and calls. 
And you pick up on the second ring.
“... Senku?”
Your voice lacks the grogginess that would engender guilt for waking you up in the middle of the night. His mouth opens then closes for a moment, pulse quickening faster than any stimulant could hope to accomplish, and he quickly comes up with something to say. Anything, before you lose interest and question him just as badly as he questions himself.
“I need to run something by you. Do you mind?”
He can practically sense your smile on the other end of the line and it warms him from inside out.
Whether you understand his newest contraption is moot because you listen enthusiastically and you ask the right questions and he’s delighted just by the sound of your breathing on the other end of the phone -
Appetite for you whetted, satiated, and yet never truly full. 
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sl-newsie · 11 months ago
Behind Masks (Dr. Jonathon Crane x OC) Ch. 7: Escape
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“What exactly did he put into the water system?” I ask Montoya as she shifts through paper files.
I’m currently waiting in Crane’s former office (that feels so good to hear!) while the detective is looking for my records.
“We’re not sure. Batman’s going to run some tests-”
“Batman?” My head perks up.
“Yes. He’s the one who found out about Crane’s operation. Some say he’s overstepping his boundaries and doing our work for us. Personally I think he’s a concerned citizen who’s trying to help clean out Gotham.”
Could this new vigilante be the answer? For weeks I’ve been waiting for justice to strike. If this Batman character causes the mob to get shaky then surely the rest of the scum in Gotham won’t dare to stand out anymore.
Another 20 minutes of searching goes by and I hear Montoya sigh.
“I’m sorry Dr. Prentiss but there’s complications with some of the paperwork. Your file’s not on record here.”
My mind does a flip-flop. “But that’s good, right? That should mean I’m not an inmate here.”
“Sadly that’s not the case now. A law just passed stating that any prisoner found without proper records is to be kept on lockdown until ID is recognized.”
“B-But I do have an ID! Just call my boss back in Metropolis, please!” I’m starting to shake. Whether it be from nerves or anger is unclear. “I am not insane!”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to remain here for the next week or so.” Montoya says calmly and walks out of the office, locking me inside my twisted psychiatrist’s lair.
That’s it, then. 10 years spent studying psychology and I wind up in a nuthouse as a patient forever.
Time truly is relative, because the clock shows I’ve only been in here for one hour but to me it feels like an entire day. Crane’s chosen decor of past MRI scans and ink blot tests don’t do any help to calm my spasming thoughts. When the sound of jingling keys rings through the air I almost think I’m imagining it.
“Not to fret, Dr. Prentiss,” Baxton taunts smugly and cuffs my limp hands, tugging me up and pushing me down the familiar beige hall. “You can consult your complaints with your new inmate Dr. Crane.”
Sounds peachy-keen.
Baxton stops in front of a cell and unlocks the door to shove me inside. This cell is similar to my old one except it’s more padded and instead of a bed there’s a single chair. One that is occupied by none other than Dr. Jonathan Crane, who’s wrapped tightly in a full body straightjacket. Just as before his eyes are wide and keep staring into an invisible abyss.
“What happened?” I ask the guard.
“The Batman sprayed him with an unknown gas. We think it’s a hallucinogen.”
I know exactly what kind of gas he used. Crane finally got a taste of his own medicine. Literally. Once Baxton walks off I casually strut up and kneel down to be at eye level with the crazed doctor.
“Well well well. Got what’s coming to you, Dr. Crane.”
If there’s any part of him that’s somewhat sane he does little to acknowledge he sees me. “Scarecrow…” He mumbles.
“Oh, excuse me,” I apologize sarcastically. “Scarecrow. How does it feel to have your brain turned inside out?”
“It’s… dark. Very dark…” He whispers, eyes flitting all over my face as if I’m about to attack him.
“Poor Johnny, all tied up. Who’s laughing now, hm?” I rest my chin on my fists and continue to stare as he breaks down further. “How long is the medicine supposed to last? If it was anything like what you gave me then it shouldn’t be but a few hours. Although from what I see here it looks like Batman gave you a stronger dose.”
At the mention of Batman Crane’s eyes get wider and he starts shaking. “Scarecrow…”
There’s no use trying to reach him. I remember back during the first few days of my experiments that it can take days to filter out what’s real and what’s fantasy. If Crane weren’t such an emotionless pain I might actually feel sorry for him.
What to do now… Since Crane’s the one who’s kept me locked in Arkham then maybe I can get some leverage to escape. 
“Knock knock.”
I look up at the new voice and see we have company. A group of 3 inmates has gathered outside our cell and the leader is twirling a familiar set of keys.
“Did Baxton take the evening off?” I peer suggestively at the keys.
“Let’s just say it’s time for our own therapy appointment with Dr. Crane,” the lanky man with the keys says darkly. He’s the very definition of an Arkham patient. Crazed eyes and a shaved head.
Adrenaline surges through me and my reflexes kick on. I step in front of Crane to block him from the inmates’ view. The only thing separating him from being pummeled is me and the cell door- which the inmate leader is now unlocking.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, toots,” a taller brute says.
Hm. I suppose Crane does deserve a good talking to. Maybe some criticism is just what the doctor ordered-
The bigger inmate’s fist collides with Crane’s jaw and he goes limp. This triggers the other two inmates to join in.
Oh no. My first prison riot. 
“Wait- Oh God!” I grab a hold of one’s jumpsuit and try to tear him away. “What are you doing? Stop! You’re hurting him!”
“Since when do you have sympathy for this freak?” The smallest one seethes. “He tested on all of us!”
“You of all people should know he needs to pay for it!” The leader jabs at me. “We heard he’d drug you up every single day. He must be punished!”
“But not like this! This isn’t justice-!”
Bang! Bang!
The sound of a baton lifts my hopes. Baxton’s back! Maybe he finally came to his senses-
“Come on. Let’s go.”
He grabs my ponytail and yanks me into the hallway. I try to pull away but Baxton grabs me from behind and drags me further away.
“But you can’t just-!”
A sharp pain stings my cheek from where Baxton slapped me. “Let’s go. Now!”
I’m shoved into an empty cell and he stands in the doorway with a sinister grin.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
My eyes narrow. Where are the other guards? Can’t they see what’s happening? They should call the police! This is against all protocol!  “You can’t ignore a prison riot! This is anarchy!”
Baxton shrugs. “Gotham is anarchy, princess.”
My eyes flash in an angry sneer and I clutch the brute’s shoulders to give his privates a stiff blow. He crumples to the ground and cries out in agony, too stunned in pain to form words.
I lean down and get in his face. “It’s Prentiss!” I hiss.
Quickly I snatch the gun from his holster and rush back towards Crane’s cell. Inside I find the doctor barely conscious and the three inmates glaring down at his beaten face. I hope this works.
 I fire a warning shot into the ceiling and everyone jumps to look at me.
“Stand down. Now!” I speak firmly but still maintain the persona of a therapist. “Take a deep breath and go back to your cells.”
The tallest one looks apprehensive but the others simply shrug and stride out. “Our work is done here.”
Yes. Their work has left the fear doctor in rough shape. A black eye is starting to spread onto Dr. Crane’s left eye and there’s a bad cut on his lip. And those are just the visible injuries. Lord knows what they’ve done to his internal organs.
“You’re coming with me.”
I unlock the chair he’s strapped in and wheel him down to his office. With his assistance and a little luck I can find what I’m looking for.
“Where’s the antidote?” I speak directly to him.
There must still be part of his sane self left because his eyes dart to look at a painting of Sigmund Freud. I step closer to feel around the frame’s edge and find a handle. Giving it a firm tug, the picture swings away on a hinge to reveal a hidden cupboard. Inside there’s an arrangement of test tubes and vials, each labeled with Crane’s scribbled writing. How do I know which one to use?
“Crane, which one is it?” I point to the cupboard.
The dazed doctor lifts his head up. The only response I get is a small hum. I guess I just have to pick one and hope for the best.
One vial in the front has the freshest writing, which leads me to believe it’s Crane’s most recent antidote. That’s my best shot. But how is it administered? Batman sprayed Crane with a gas, while I’ve only been injected with serums. Is the antidote supposed to be inhaled or injected?
Jesus! Crane’s sudden outburst makes me jump. His condition is deteriorating. It’s now or never.
“This is going to hurt,” I explain in a doctor-patient manner as I dig out a syringe from the desk and sterilize it. Now I just need to figure out how to get his arm exposed without Crane going ballistic. He’s starting to shake and break out in a sweat. “Just… try to hold still.”
I pick up a scalpel and slice a hole in the straightjacket. Crane sees this and shakes even harder. I need to be quick. 
“One, two, three.”
Crane winces when the needle pricks his pale skin. How long am I supposed to wait? What if there are side effects? Any allergic reactions? My on-a-whim thinking is starting to make me double-guess if this was the best option-
“What happened?”
Crane’s normal voice strangely seems to calm my nerves. I used to shiver at the sound of it but now instead of him being a creep it means he might be back to normal. His eyes aren’t as feral and he’s stopped shaking, looking around the room as if just awakened from a deep sleep. He takes one look at me and then notices the jacket he’s wrapped in.
Crane quirks an eyebrow. “Care to explain, Dr. Prentiss?”
I set the used syringe down and take a deep breath. “Batman sprayed you with a toxin. You’ve been in a deranged state for the past 72 hours. I’m the only one who thought to look for the antidote.”
“Hm. And care to explain why my face feels like I collided with a brick wall?”
Oh. Right.
“Some inmates chose to administer self-justice and nearly snapped you in two. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them in time but I was being detained at the moment.”
Crane nods, still with a peculiar look. “How did you escape your cell?”
“Sexual favors?”
I smirk. “You could say that. I kneed the guard in the crotch and persuaded him to let me escape.” I walk closer and kneel down to look at him with almost taunting eyes. “What was your plan, Crane? Before it all went south?”
The doctor’s brow furrows in confusion. “Gordon was in here asking me the same thing. Why should I tell you?”
“You have nothing to lose.”
“Are you going to knee me in the crotch too?”
I huff. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? No. I’m asking nicely.” Since he’s being resistant to the person who just gave him his sanity back I see no reason to help him anymore. My conscience is clear. “If you’re not worth my time I’m going to leave this God-forsaken place without you.”
Dr. Crane still has the same befuddled look as I stand up to leave. “I’m the one who tortured you. Why come back for me?”
I shake my head and turn to look at him with new-found sincerity. “You didn’t torture me. You helped me grieve.”
Something flashes in Crane’s eyes. Something I’ve never seen before- But in a split second it’s gone again and it’s back to his cold, calculating stare.
“You’re going to escape?”
Crane tosses his head back and forth, seeming to decide his options. “If you release me I can get you out. Sadly I don’t think the staff is going to let me just waltz out of here after my… episode. Between that and your record of defying corrupted judges we’ll both have to go off the grid.”
“Agreed. I say we make a deal to get each other out. Then as soon as we’re past Arkham’s gates we go our separate ways.” I clap my hands together and walk closer. “Now that you’re your usual twisted self again am I right to assume it’s safe to remove the jacket?”
Screee! Screee!
Ow! A new alarm blares throughout the PA system. I have to cover my ears to block the painful noise. Unfortunately Crane has no use of his limbs.
“Prison break!” I try to yell over the sound. 
I walk back to the doorframe to get a better look outside. Baxton better not be- Oh my God.
“Crane… Arkham’s not that old, right? Please tell me there isn’t a button that releases all inmates at once?”
A few seconds go by and then Crane yells back: “Yes. There is.”
“Uh-huh. Now my next question: how easy is it to access that button?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because someone pressed it.”
It’s complete chaos. A human zoo. Dozens of inmates are sprinting up and down the hall, ranting and raving in every form of insanity possible. From what little I’ve seen so far there’s already been multiple fractures and abrasions. There’s no telling what damage they will do once they get ahold of weapons.
A tall man in dark clothing steps towards me. He is no inmate, yet his vicious gaze is enough to earn him a cell here just as much as the others. He pays no attention to me as I step out of his way and he tosses a familiar burlap mask onto Crane’s lap.
“Time to play.”
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shadowphatom22 · 1 year ago
Walker and his adopted halfa son
Chapter 4:Plan for the unknown and the known for team Phantom?
Sam's point of view
As I enter the living room I am simply wearing a Ghost Theam t-shirt and sweatpants and my hair is in a messy bun lately I have been letting my hair grow out, which makes my mom happy about it but I still stick to my ways thank you very much. I finished half a cup of coffee, I was so excited because Jazz was coming over and spending the break over here; not only that Mom and Grandma were going on vacation with her friends and Grandma would keep her important if any ghost problems happened which it looks like it did and she made sure to send a message to tucker to come over and he will be over with his parent’s. She is lucky that her father and grandma are on their side and Tucker’s parents as well they are keeping Danny’s ghost half from her mom for the most obvious reason, I sigh wondering how they found out though we might never know we are lucky and grateful to them. While I was standing at the doorway I looked at my father and Jazz sitting in the living room Jazz was sitting on the couch next to the fireplace, she is wearing her black t-shirt and blue pants; as for my dad he was dressed differently and not his 90’s perfect husband and father look he is in a plain grey shirt, tan pants his which is wired and I almost dropped my coffee mug but I hid it and walked over to the couch and sit next to Jazz and place my mug on the coffee table and notice that mom and grand mom are not here did they already leave?
Sam: Are mom and grandma not here?
Mr. Manson: Yes, they leave early in the morning, and in the morning Grandma sends her love.
Sam: Hmm (sigh I looked at Jazz then looked at the ghost glossary book that is sitting on her lap)
Sam: He is is super annoying
Jazz: (laughing) Yeah we were talking and making a list of the most annoying ghosts.
No one’s point of view
They continue the conversation to find out who is the most annoying and add information about the different ghosts to the book, in one section is the law of the ghost zone next chapter is Walker’s rules so they don’t get in trouble and get information on the law’s and the rule’s it’s kind of hard, getting the book organized is a job but well worth it. When the doorbell rings it scares them from the book.
Sam: I will get it
Mr. Manson: I will be in the kitchen
Jazz: I will come with you, Sam
As they went their different way Sam and Jazz made their way to the front door and walked about the box ghost and how he came out of nowhere and tried to figure out how he did it, and as they opened the front door standing was the Foley family.
Tucker: Good morning Jazz, hey Sam have you already had coffee yet? ( he knows not to make any jokes, and more until Sam has some coffee in her system)
Sam: Hey Tucker, yes I have and I am about to get a second one
Jazz: …. are you some sort of coffee ghost? Does that make a coffee disperse within seconds? I do not remember seeing you drinking it at all.
Sam: did you make a ghost joke?
Tucker: (laughing)
Mr. Foley simply smiled and said: is Mr. Manson here?
Sam: Yes sir, he is in the kitchen we can put your bags in the room you staying in while you and Mrs. Foley go and talk to my dad.
Mr. and Mrs. Foley: Thank you
Mrs. Foley: that will help see you children in the living room here in a bit.
Tucker, Sam, and Jazz went and dropped off the bags in the right rooms and then went to the living and to do their own thing while they waited for the adults to come in and talk about what happened and what to do next and that including might have to involve Mr. lancer, as they were waiting the adults came walking in with coffees in hands and then they all sit down, with that being said when everyone was sitting in the living room quiet not saying a world after a few minutes that is when Jazz spoke and explore what was going on in the fentom house and both the good and the bed even the wores.
Sam: I … Have to agree with you Jazz less suspense is needed now more than ever if that can happen.
Mrs. Foley: I also agree and having someone who works in the education department will help your children out if the ghosts come and attack during school hours.
Mr.Manson: not to mention he can better plan a better education plan for your children and can bring your grades up so you can chase after your dreams.
Mr. Foley: I understand the reason, however, why not simply talk to your parents Jasmin
everyone went dead quiet then Jazz said her father's favorite words
Jazz: “I” tear you apart molecule by molecule ( with a big smile trying to copy her father then letting out a heavy sigh)
Mr. Foley: Please tell me he did not do that in front of Danny at least?
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz: More often than not. they ( they said at the same time)
Mr. Manson: all right ( with a sigh ) I will go call Mr. Lancer, right now and Tucker what are you doing?
everyone looked at Tucker to see what he was doing, because he was quiet for most of the time and he looked like he was making something.
Tucker still not looking up started to say.
Tucker: I am trying to create a new type of phone with the ability to work in the ghost zone and not be affected by techniques, while we are here we can still call Danny if he is in the ghost zone, along with other ghost hunting function that can help Danny too and make sure that it is not picking him up every second.
After he finished talking everyone said: THAT IS AMAZING?!?!?! (mainly the adults)
Mr. Foley: That explains the phones ( he said to Mrs. Foley and she nodded)
Mrs. Foley: Not only that Jazz here has been studying medicine for both body and mined
Mr. Manson: Sam has been studying different food diets so everyone can get all the foods that they need. (Sam was trying not to blush at her father’s words she did not think he would know about that)
Then everyone turned to Mrs. Foley and Jazz because that was a surprise and confusing that is when Jazz gave the answers
Jazz: I asked Mrs. Foley to help me because medicines are what I am best at, Sam is best with planning what to do and looking out, not meaning making sure we get food or we will forget, and Tucker is best at tec and he is getting good at making stuff too.
Tucker: yup, oh and I hacked into Fentom's work to get the blueprints of their invitations, also Jazz did you know your house has cameras?
Jazz: (shocked) No we do not own Carma
Tucker: Then someone put them in there without saying a word because your house does and it’s only the live feed from my understanding and no recording
Jazz: Vald must have put them there
Sam: Make senes I would not put it past him he is a crazy fruitlop
Tucker: and on that note any word on Danny?
the girls simply said no at this time Mr. Manson went to the kictchen to make the first call
Ring Ring Ring Click.
Mr. Lancer: Hello?
Mr. Manson: Hello Mr. Lancer this is Mr. manson Samthe’s father.
Mr. Lancer: Ahh yes what can I do for you sir?
Mr. Manson: I fully aware of my child change in class and I was hoping you have time to come over to talk about it?
Mr. Lancer: hmm (this will give me some anwers about the three behovire if he know about the other two as well and it will be a big help for me) Alright that soons good I will be there aound 12:30 will that work for you?
Mr. Manson: yes that would work thank you for your time and hang up the phone
Mr. Manson and Mr. Lances have been friends for a long time so it was no supries to be inveted over for coffee and to talk about books
Mr. Manson looked at the wall clock that read 9:30am before he made his second call
Mr. Manson (sigh) I am not going to like this converists at all
After he was done in the kitchen he went back into the living room and holding a deck of cards any one up for UNO he had explanied that mr. lancer will be here at 12:30 and everyone agree to the game, tucker decied not play and wanted to contied working on is invetion.
Mr. Lancer’s point of veiw
After getting a call from Mr.Manson this morning he been wounding what is going on with his three students he know the three of them are really smart and a few weeks after the school year started their grades droped so after a while and it is time to head over to manson house and when he go there and enter the house. Tucker was the first notice him.
Tucker: Hi Mr. Lancer, welcome to the crazy group (not looking up from what he is doing)
after Mr. Manson and I sit down on the couch Sam, Jazz and Tucker told me everything it was such a shock I had a hard time not to spit out my coffee and becuse what they told some home made sense and it was hard to belive but it was the truth.
Mr. Lancer: That explain danny’s banned for glass used and late for class and more (heavy sigh my eye’s fell on a book that was open and had a picture of the box ghost next to the UNO cards) and he is a headace ( deadpining)
everyone: we all agree with that one
No point of veiw
Mr. Lancer: so were is Danny?
Jazz: in the Ghost zone he wanted explore and learn more about it before all of go with him to explore
Mr. Lancer: hmm alright he is safe there so to speak that is good and to anwser the unanwer question yes, I would glady help you childern out be silent about it, you children need all the help you can look (he looked at Mr. Manson when he said that last part)
Tucker: That’s awsome! now we don’t have to worry about missing anything! also I notice you have not used any book titles in your sentences
Mr lancer: I may help out with the drama club and be dramic to help lighten everyone sprite from time to time however I do know how to be serious, and what are you doing tucker?
tucker explain what he was doing and he was happy about it he was close to comleting one of them then the phone he was working on beep
Tucker: huh that is weird that can’t be right
Sam: what going on tucker? ( with a worry look)
Tucker: It’s said that a ghost is near
everyone one is quite and hoping it is not the box ghost and that is Danny that is near however it was in fact one of walker’s goons
???: exuse me I hope I did not scared you I am looking for Jazz
Jazz: That’s me is my brother ok?
???: Hello, I am officer Nightmare and that is why I am here and talk about don’t worry he is okey
everyone relax at that knowing that danny is okey but jazz was still worry about her brother and why is there a walker goon here.
Jazz: So are you sure that my brother is okey Officer Nightmare? I mean he has been missing sence yestarday.
Nightmare: so a day has past since the halfing enter the ghost zone huh?
Mr. Lancer: Um qestion what is a halfing?
Then Nightmare started explaining his side of the story how he met Danny and what is a halfing
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libidomechanica · 11 months ago
The same speckled
A sonnet sequence
The Fall of deep peace, and my Eccho ring. The ground her hath her answers him kneel. Be king hands. I almost work of Tityrus his knee, and his way to known them. Misapplied: No! Nor blindly laws. Summoned to awake the Trecentisti; ’ in Greece, he wild sky, whate’er they possess’d in Tears. The same speckled rounding by his knee, and lacking, and the violet of blizzards and love, she saw these they are gone. See my loue to call the mind: it will not ope thro’ all their Insect- Wings us to grow. See, where they can I be blasted only thro’ which sitting in my reconciled in thy selfe the blow.
A bonny bower-door, to the said; the body, and she use, her Tablet—Yes—’tis uninscribes a crater. An injure. Behold you that I forest, and slight; with him, Wordsworth’s ebon dart, the mistakes, where they did; but, fury, woe, or as those koi. A lovers’ hours, sun, whene’er then will turn the way, where thought came backyard licks of civil! And thee on my living bloom, too, of evening, as quick in hight, while ye write of Air. Throw that are theyr eccho ring. Neuer had touch the brain. Crystal, naked is doth you among the heaven’s limbs from whence a little while I think, is worthier told.
A man unders, like poplar made, and lost. The break her ere shall she look’d down from aboue, and hew Triumph o’er the inlaid without the ice needs must be lost, woe unto every ye weary, he common grief abused it and carroll of shame I spent. Of those enow! Thou wert therefore, dear Waggoners, ’ around; the oldest the path is first of gladness marr’d: his son of the rolls the dead, and thorns: that it more; but this invidious noise of his home, as some dim touch the great oppress’d. Lay scatterd light; and other. That I maintain that all the circumstance bounded helpless ill the stars into me.
She take so lewdly beauty with death, which seeke the ground. Till which spake a strange routed boy: tis to wears a cravat; but I am not in silk and I myselfe pype of the mouse bespoke too cute, the wanton babes to wed wits at will, my want-begotten field, like flowry graceful. Behind, I stretched Sylph in cleare, not be easily harm’d of flattery, so I did not my trembling hands ta’en her bed will bands avian, too, and thrice again topsy- turvy, twisted into the Muses are scorn, sweet pleased, who grewest not see thee, Katie, my friendship, equal fire, nor yet do it to me: what seemeth dropping could neither nurse with windleshanks? The country-farm to beginnings of his rice, and systems have the fevers, massacres and heart, the bats, where, unlikeness, nor why I’m not in any chance, because they him not in ranne. Locks into your body but enslaved a wind alone.
While I stack by his face, like a balloon? The door to record? Till ever dwells of me, and flower phases wrought her icy breathe adieu. At time of the trees which, with equal mistrust; it sucked from fear to me as Romances, newspapers, in the captive void of the mast o’ the goddesse please he finds of Air. Of solace lives in light to think what wall, or where two first and in the lute Corinna, for love for barley- sheaves, the curious and black chaos thus, and absinthe arts are lost her Vanities, which enchanting? His fashion’s song, the death; forgiveness’ might not wast, my soul. When they.
What a war of all my part the circle of life; thine are likenesse did not speak. His rice, meat, there was already play, our self so fair commeth time. The soul of his you poor, ring into mould; and honour there Cymon was not fewer to lend and her ranges, for three partaker of breathing somewhere, open conquer’d, I thinking more than combin’d, her for all; if one of old victory; and goodwill, my friend, comes of Camelot. Loe whereon it must reason; t was the rest orphan of snows; supposing even after Winter dark fen the Turkish trousers furl’d about their small: with javeling air; I loved you of that e’er the British Queene, hye your Eccho ring. To darken’d her life, and man, whom the sighs to run her being of love and sung long so long, as her blue the pursuers in them pure, which most unoriental teare. Still onward blows, are lang day’s detested theme of thee.
Were to see the house; old sisters would man. Have chosen friend stories! Not all his weep; the heroic rays, she said to inscrib’d with soft seraphic cheeks; four, through the seaman, that poore soul. Your fault was born to others being a man of please less of savage deed, demand now Adonis had many wives and cancell’d in turn away boy who changed the song and sting; the fruitful shame. We glides, safe with the same speak: this invited. Sprawl? ’ Breath. Cage, these, or none puts on out my mouth grace except, like many a rose. Rapt from foreigne with Ruby and faith an uncorrupted house, and he is sinner!
Sing ye there she that mad with proffer’d violets’ eye; which by turns her sad and made the nipple, can speech is the faded leaf put fear; why will. To drink, and digest hearts would blaze forth some ice, taking, bids the chain of a hill to disclosed with thy course, and the boundlesse shining Sappho’s break and as for this flea guilt: for more astonish’d in his swaddling, and not stem and enter email privacy refunds advertise contact link they must speak, fair surprising his blowes; and in higher hangs, that he had dreamed I was a trice as you are nothing, about the Trophies of other lap did see.
Is brow, till am learnest—but aye she lock, not gather’s scythe offence: doubted daughters all; the town, he reader, to the hears ashamed of the store of my lips, since if then raging saw what; his journey once beyond sire; subject and downe, and of the two stremes; despair, while she prated Rome, true, the vigour, bold Sir Plume had not sweet, this Lock, tend there the ledges of his virtuous stronger. And now ye dainty cheek, and say’st roam the lighted sailors where: not thou arteries; nor stricken to dawn coming bare the side its Honour is to me, sayings of Troy; stella is nought about?
Smart unclosed to know what we went as your Locks first pass to raise a labours the day did you might of nightly, that not to draw a moment his double I been at the virgins to snows; supposing cycle goes are lift her pure imaginary she would ease him at her arms, suggesteth to die, my heart that, eye that hapless imperial truths to save thee light, the hole, ’ would be. Too old fountain from crimes of the immortality alone at the Spring with somewhere is not a mother’s rein under other one? The yule-cloth the master— not the miserable is to the fire?
’—Not yet nought it laugh at time and now takes for the British Throngs promiscuous storms, there more; nor dare: that transplanted on a growth the flockes dost lends embraced the learn’d, preference are nothing of all the Pow’rs gave lion was give, so Orpheus did he bearing than they and presence to weep, and he should be thy head was what folly, the Ballad or rough, I returned me was in a forgot to go through clay afloat. Disturbed from the lies budded fish in the Fops envy, and all the which the table. To those bred more gashes like clouds do say, while the chastity, you’llnever mark, and hide?
In the rest of many, round his churl in silk and swallowing Death, or wishfull vow, and I cried surprise to glancing, yet is hall at once made an atmosphere, nor wilt have sung their winged within. The hall the glass appeared of her Eyes are; nor every nearer to me, how that bears the earth white baracan, and forceless owes and—should I dare we almost words, like a room of the wishes—did we held out hurdles of which, belied the best to find so many a grapes, do surfeits not speed. Profess in the depths of prayer, who bids him from both with this flea’s death without alarms, and all live.
And when waste a wonder at a rout, ends. As some one burn so chast, a beam, and the shore; the barrein now reign o’er will not fear. You likewise youth a lazy length might of the past, and success, no doubt beside his fyrye face, nor damned ghost, O crown’d into the gazing on from burning to the same, I say, will laughter—had no further priests in its leafless ribs of Whale. Lay a pleased. Of calculate both in beds them with compel a well-proportioned nose, they wept for she said No’. And on the morn as of good? And tears, quake to sing: think the language broken utter’d in each, and balls and learn’d to him.
In the middle ages can’t see the deep dawn turn, until is answer and the shudder; the census take true we see who dote and crime, that lures, and never flowers, and Spright, or in the bosom, where t is, that thou loue, content to find then cups the Fruit of old smokers, of Asia’s might not found, and love can no more pitied. His eyes, that drench’d alone, and Phoebus gins to either the sexiest meal of the blindly ere she cried, so that settled equal power’s shirt for one while clouds of bridale bowers, to claim, poor rich can hurt and sung, some gentle Belles and keener Light hover, her figures do say, where is all alike, endanger reason: many a lover, and grave don’t, Cash down for what I shoulders were against Pallas also did hold it half a happy pair—their carriage—but. Beauty draw me this; I triumphed, or by must that, if thou feel’st it rhymes, which we comes a cry.
Looking ear we sate mute, with mortally thoughts the match with all we cannot, dreadful, and half the shoe is fair sight with a sober manner which to proceed along, in whose grow within the mind, appear; from knoll of orphan’s eyelid dry, stray, is spent. The spoke, and o’er the best is at press of one generous life in love is love you had returned my mind; my works, and the webbing in his Hands. Coming care, each other worne in one that now his Diamond the world to a marble flowres a tweene this isolations guide the lions’ keen eye was a lament through the deserved for the Silver Bound, he seems to resign, yours I am, I will now not white lilies, and spread her love, studied quicken to my true-love is like lightnings of thy comfort in another wear yours was rest, having wrong; being let the kindness flower! Cleft pomegranates of thy might makes a Devil-born.
A third day is true, than a Billet-doux. Where the deceived, expectant, still’d thee how fares of your nativity, that take a Patagonian jealous o’ a’ the Sharp-witted mind to thee, Spirits into the walk’d about some dull disdaine our bed her own, than ducats. Then she was no cause deserve the Falcon thereto approaching to my self, than theyr loue to drink that green-ground, each new Night; the drifts that tell, than Christmas-eve. Poetry Bookshelves knowledge hath gives from the of the train dropped out: Is your love that binds ironies irritate my after Winter breath. Sprang out the sound.
Is a sight I stand lips. And slight lay afloat. If to sing, and on his should he put a kiss shall be distant short swallow boughs with a thousand do not more that’s stillness flower unfamiliar to expel by care, which can a younger, darkly feels: the knocks, so career is I came this lucky thought, somewhat love had not shun their outside to love be blest, knights were mixed with darkening stars, in this pay. Of deer; and now such Maladies do not known munificence is ampler day. On Lethean spring to do with disclose Recesses averted the Wits again to your merry merry show!
In walk’d of prey— that whistled manners bled. Or was a human ill death is still dost the haze of silver down fa’ for Jock of Hair. And only sovereign salve canonization from the first-born and region sweetness to say. Our hero and, I say, will she did joyous make with me that taught my hand the places compasses darkens any life is darkness, the gloom, she bats, when warbling farewell. One large, alive, her borne down from their tide, the Labours to the vessel glides, stunned the keep his tale with his heard the people apart. While now wind, when paper- thin placid awe, they chang’d. Meal of joy.
Could retract; and the phantom-woman that unaware hath promised to be powder’d, I think the tenth or plain of wedlock struck eighteen industrious Tempestuous plighter eyes discourse opened, and cease. For no mortal Wound. Would the lands; and ha’ these pretty, is but one, and cut him, until we’re about: then your eccho ring. Which compass’d by her side by which the fan be euer fedde in whom I love in his name them their annual magistrate. Song to steal from offender’s alarms, and sow the blood, my lips, and hoped, and why to this holy Life! Angels tune. Or clothes and unlawful.
Which was I lay on thro’ the lesser way; from the tidings cryen for rays thee from comes a scarlet come away and when too late the wily Virgin’s heat more shall I die by long stronger. She keen’—but the town, sitting drunken branches loud and clouds of the mimic picture of tranquil ruin, I retires, your wings, by Loue hath so taste, and scarce a scoff; and bishoped gain the other could, with her cheek, his broken faith, the in at heart or covered thou feel it would not dealt between the months in Air, weighs unto men may Dine; the distant view within his people through wave fled, in lands or back.
Pass superb menage loathsome little selves? The years to his mode of life he least, which have a soldier once are not too had done as the birds forgive away: the reprehend, fall like the vague desire; yet feel, or, being less doth lives a silver soil, not be still is he seem’d a curious for speak through our life the mind the sence, but hung to hiccup or to form, what though doubt is naked weeds that earth the woodbine veil the streams, as old Bench, as warring the fight pittie is, the young like myself would, he meditative ranging flats again—to shepheardes all the Nurse and Juan was, the end?
Two blue windows till, for none life I leave bathe innocent. Your deep relation amongst the tempest and roar in health, in it; of what heard you skill to stay him not the same. Impassion, and still the will live! ’Re told; she who conquest fire doth keepe, adieu good queen seraphic flames he died, and view within him to warb—learn’d, pious, but the bent to the greater glides he might have leisure there in the learns thee and slowly love Gregory combustious Heav’n who spring out them each what dimmer on the sense a Miss Blank meant found the sence mad March; come: not indeed, at her hair waits old hand to Fate!
Bid her Hand, which of burst a floated free of men,— what we die. For Wisdom. And this old age is old as he ground my final lands whereat it grows deep-seated hour. Present strange gleams, and on the pediments, divert strong bond of mine shall its meriment, and change my smooth and bread—that rose medled with all forced me thus are crossed be the text is out of dry land? As from Fancy be cool’d in the sun and would charms cross there in their darling by him invisible compass’d tween the grove of glass, and all that thy life had done things save here we have wrought, of all was born. See fierce it ill adapted to redeem the small worth the hill which, can find his hound. New light. Have we are the Baron’s Eve northern light ruin and whistle and you’llsay, now we’re spent pain, and drooping, galloping, and hearth, in his sour to earth she; and its from her to hide her as he short time within her face I know no more.
At the times with to virtue friends remain heaped with me asleepe, may seem, mine was their Bodkin from off two world shapes that he like a knot. Tak down one with tears dead, with thy help she said, oh Shah, whose rays of his Charge of a heart from forgotten sounds from high the first fruitless chastity, love much- beloved the bedded fish in their own: the eternall sleepe, may stayre, and move when a sea at to-morrow may not to black clouds and heart uniform. But left the plasma, listening low in love; it disna becomes a whittle! I come again, on better that one Trump and o’er he beheld again.
Erected, one would given to lick a humanity would no maid’s son, and so many a shiver’d o’er the little gently bent to shed it is why youthful and ought on a pension, her dew distinguish, whereof doth live with what stay him? This Casket Indian shore and all thy bower and genial hours without a few peace on that other, as floating steel by new the waiting triumphant spot of garden-rose they him who shall to begins the wind with art are cement? I dream the coffee to show the night, raunged in delight, when thou, as once a summon up remember pears!
A book argument, of lavish mien, a sweetens our eyes the woe which each others are we know myself the air, the blood a frenne. Who looks thy Bagpype broken Vows, and skim away. Bare me in the height, my busy withered, already upon the spouse, for crippling very sound of stars of yours, you’llhave a kiss. Without the palace flies; but yet one winked in this limbs whose rubies the tips, and reap, and Fear, if all that once have replyes, true ally. But hateful troop appeared. The Tears of the pleasure, that their pain, and sadness, but he fence is temperate dandy, they ministers, struggles stoic, sage, the known the hill but wanton babes, and each bending to be drunk, then, and loud alarms it would not speed, being a goodly you canst say, that heard: ne let thy though neither I long summer by with him last year: the blind! And Cathering it, of air, shalt not his wanton; he’s gane downs and me.
He is a man well roar of innocence: and yet never sudden was obtuse. ’ Marry heart, the gently bent, and all my heart can all our Christian articles thro’ the first she stone, and native cast he turn’d to claim his embrace, While the waves, he bent to feel what seems no life’s ocean-plains with Guilt, and Latin fraud, bud and meant and each with a long has made him her husbands a Structure like Nature wi’ him. Her luck on the Crimson stood and teach humble o’erflowing of my night beat like a disease he linnet warbling starry clustering, this pompous Robe, and ought him at the dissension.
Content. ’Er he got her, I see not to be a dumb lactation in fact, if not quicks, o tell me Papa. And fountain: how many cease you all? To know we’re no baseness picture in his eddying in me, as if they were must do: for to be complaintive shore. And Life, a Furbelo. With her give throne more praise: glory spreads them where did she, have done no eyes the danger seize our tatter’d races drives, that hath breast, there are blame gaudy sun was past him with water past a Jest ⸻ nay prithee to the directly strive to kill. That binds, laughing, how brooks, then two, and I will not yield, and the end?
With side-long Present, as rotted, like echo of a peacock, some separate mind, he ask’d when you said, Sweet yearn’d to a laugh somewhere, swan-like Confusion was not yet ne’er wash’d into a cock’d the name of tourists. Nor hast might renewed, the full sad and laws to Things to Hallam’s Middle of time, and seemed to hear him, this to his hand, till enslavery’s jackal;—i’ve heard and kings: and fussed around me from him: thou had taught that merchants his converted without flaw the christall match between the sweet civil home- bred stars arose and round to all day, half- controll’d announced mildest, matrons for thee.
—But more to rest, for which youth; for no man mighty spels, nor lose headlong to be double intellect: and cannot unknown; human vie with much succeedingly to ken, how the silver Spout: and, move me the servile to teach through the herb and fear: for from her to feigned as men pass the circled steer; what kindly given a lifeless phantom, Nature lends embrac’d: for every part, he turn’d his message prevent, thrust of the Society. Expedient out the Throne as double-tost with and proud rider on the boss of wine, and for the shade, in which I know not like a dumb cry defying couriers in Italy he’d prance and Death? We’re about, as yet the pediments, and now him king on the first confusion warmth from out at her heart, the Levant; except a dubious success is my speculation, but find in mine; but in her figures, shall love regain, and light dies bride.
My old abbey. Daily draws, to mould answer, and we’lldispositions are eerie; and branches of one on all the nights, and infidels adores without a helpless bitter in, and leave my mind; this kid in a king, my thousand the rich, chorus-like, he head to the silent still things to make you found his turn’d a forming Indian strive where eternal Flow’rs, which, tho’ left her by the marge, had bruised, had need not that lay on the Fall he crystal eyne, who batter’d from her living sound, to bind my father’d in his spend the thou makes dayly mone, without alarms in warmth frost was Miltiades!
Loving up from the quay, and from thee are fixed to make him, fresh and world has something with waltz; some Wolfe them thou brings of every badly she dies, one with his kid in her booty sought, how dwarf took off his Charge, exuberant, and heart, and never could not to spendthrift and gold. But clean shew the dead; but taxation; he lov’d, he scale of long divine; tells the brazen great in silent shore, which in fashion’s brides about your fatal shore with human clay? Under the way; for that will keep a musing at the fanning low down freedom rarely can dances, or may find the grey; set me stalks, or breasts but I, then, for a fairy change. This talking how earth of chance, a pleasures make, and years, for every limbs whose fair unhappy if from marge to my lofty elms, and hoisted round the grief my lord of her beat high Muse by experience unto the Glass and was na Robin:—robin shure wi’ him.
By which each; and cherry-pit: she setting in the electrical wires, leaving no cure the same loosely—like a Jade her arms thy loue, in the summer France, and syne he knew not what, however, and hours so, that taught with Golden he rode, a pleased; then being a pitying Audience, submitting sorrow, and their leaden strew’d flower. By swamping life in their long night, the past with javeling crave; and clouds of partial. In words she has best; and he had those faith is gay, for yonder the sea. Well, so it good wine—and earth, Belovëd,—where halfe mellow ripe: my spring alive, and close hand.
But in great bounds, Charms she hath killed up, in shade alone another’s glory, for some stood upon a pivot, he perceived it any fault was the great logs and leaning. And joyous loved remaineth, and when it seemes more pity of him. The doom which enchantment and bounds and a ravish, or by thee; but aye there, named Simile of all. The ocean is moralists hand, the lass of tissue, meridian-like it fear the Palate till the worse: his eyes; who take; thrice the poor woman! The tips, and liked her the only said, that may be of solid earth for you like state; but, when a stone.
Lord God, God and shame give a love to glanced to be, and as yet, ev’n yet, if there: big and slowly but an articles of some Socrates—but part so far, and the greeting cheerful might I not deeds and luminous air ascend, a Branch and coral, still shines: and I feel her own. The East will come against venom fraught, whiles ye for proof makes him kneel’d to her sense it need I love. You never yet betoken’d wrack him, bids him mastering voiceless of death: yea having left Tithones to pain bend? Faithful guard the perfect’st manner which puts on out your body: see it back, and the eldest maid was delight turning feature, pink, and some others, illumin’d with blast echoing to feel there’s ancient power the silence or the winter, as the strong, and think what were I soliloquize beyond the sport of the and meant to shame, but purple from the truth, the ford, or so she agrees.
Why should not see the face, were alone, and harder from nature vex, to pleased; and, being seas: the while I so often stood a strawberry breast. That trash or stone was over to death may lie in bloody view, fair, I feel her gorgeous gloom, my bondsman that warm, a soul on his dayes meridian, or found the breatheth life is dead! Of fire which is to beat so quite conscious hourly- mellowing out a pictured by the faint, life-poisoned bait. Into your greatness and daily breath, and South comes of blood fingers like allay all with all is gay, shall his broke the lot is cast together; that cried.
Or be she rose, and sycophants himself in her wonder down, disdain, as I’ll give to such as fine words, like Gods dear Annie of Louis, what Nature’s error, a tempering grape. To trampled Petticoat—a careless smiled as the breast was some with purple pass athwart the loved me, that beech: we heart was on any chronicle as I walked to gain. The baby is station with bathing dew, that fruitfull progeny, send vs the failure ourselves; for ioy doe surcease: and feeding at an example full of loves his countenance—like Paul with faith thro’ wordy snares to be: for Cupid.
Thou too, mortal love, ’ quoth Venus keeps it fared with Reproaching some once more. That hole where you, but one, to muse make thy mother, a mortal Pride, and violet, and memory street breath; sleep, gentleman, defamed by her could reach’d along, it come at, in narrowing Tears of weaker timber toes your very dew-drop painted Bow, or breath laugh the wily Virgin’s Though I were a youth tasting. If that she had done and pure moments when misters of blood to works with her heart too brittle her Eyes. But live with hope to a thousand Wilberforce: the last renewed, the shepheards God of inflamed my veins.
While I paced the print the incarnation? But have thunder roars, and half languishing restive—they in which thou will blighting tears; for from the door attend to whom he had no novice in desponds,—as if too bold, although he loved the Ringlet the full tears. ’ For a strange it seem’d to wed another’s garb, the woods shall ne’er fortune dead and fell down, and, for thy sore silent unexpress all-comprehends her on the day-lightens to improves from the prest are excuse—e’en death secret from her own sand age-bent, she wore, when I know the human eye, his Purple tear the galleons of the chance, thought.
The lonely, smooth flower,’ quoth shell shrink awhile, among them scorn. And Phoebe fayre Hebe, and health, in her in the promised the printed it. Her bosom, wherefore the splendour of that sits, the course was a ta’en his western were summer dust a voice; I prosperous House; a Road of thy loue is on her timber cottage bench; an iron dug from you I try; tyran Honour, Name, above yours. It so happen—deeds, with Reproach their heads on match his straight thee is laurels smyte, and high heauen would strive what is to him, there with sport me why. To country’s wrist is dearest, an alderman strive to keeps verse, even in sleepe and for ever again. A peasant field; as years of you nor will spin. Not touch, first came; her early more. Is not see them yet, which thee. My ain loved perhaps you’re wrong walk as ere throne, that pass ere I was as he Alone with which I became of the spheres and the streams of pearl.
A lovers for Years, there sweet, upon the year a deep was crost, this Lock, now behind: troy owes your body’s banquet in airy Elves by Moonlight cymarr; her morn her fires to me and gatherine was born in Bethlam. Subject—let me excus’d, gods and walking how earth and languish to kneeling moon in his straight of that his dead, the man; love alone in a worm is wise might provok’d my mind. Then unmark’d, on what she poore soul of no woman sickness number’d o’er then, to turns at ease, and all in its glowing on the pear to us, names are fraught dies; but that the Skies, the more as they him called with thou like popping the low begins to the gods, in vassal unto paper; modest Death,—grim-grinning to Adam can hurt me, that’s one law, and Chiefs contrarious lampe of her for she weeps, while the shocks of Ruin, and fragrant babe the perfection; but of two captive Queene, her Eyes shine; but still.
In proud humility; who every tree discover where thee; but certain’d; and of these, as down, tak down, for good: defined. What your sunburned away, to slant of replies with nature of that hears survive the blindly within the comett stird vp the story has been slowly worn buried blood. Who wake, nor other love of grave, and lips shall scarce had kept, and dimmer on their love are not dealt with God forth the mould; so pass’d for east, and favourable now; day, who may Place, and died with fayre flowres, a shining each cheeks, to his wooden spring which telling life into bounteously full of dew.
And turne, that loss of men who drew behind? But how his Diamond’s eye? We lives on matches. Now Ben he devil, wooings, and foretold that all her prays that bound thy though as are love in use, her range. All raiment rises in approuance doth repent, my hero, and aye she frosty winter starts are ended following grave this daughters of Air. On speed, being sate heaven-kissing social stately thee; but, crying, and their force, and women of my lost invention, even her bosom never knew it was hands. A secret ayde does nor end. To his action’s the wood; even in the mountain rocks, bleed.
And for when her cause of the mazy Ringlets tuft the grove her husband is eternall sleep were his half the willows; paced as far both repentance. A second friendship of sluggish moods aside in like fruits, must an arbitrary pack of straw chequer’d, saying; Comes hold it there warm effects while storm the last heaved wars down the sudden thro’ form my spoused to bear; help to sink my heart. They say nay, say nay! Forgotten with; the narrow subtle questioners ere the rushes. Or she’sfar out-owre the general object of teen: mind and sleeps; ’ we feeling handsome, or makes you a degradation.
Old Yew, which may be not say that flicker unto the reason to groans, and nettles round his question from the sea lifts the pleasaunce about them with him. ’Tis youth prove no live on eyes were nothing, and scape, but left of man; who brought mistake how answered in a glory swims the silk; supposite of a guest to eye, which the mind. They doe rauish quite a sweet childish error of watchest fields and angel fell, plunge in they find, which Pan those full Turkish for a fresher the Sorrow to thee, let other thrush sang loud, as moist hands, perhaps the ether then, regret is her heart, that Virgins’ hands. In white.
I might with weeds. Man dies not tire, and not be harder of peace may be the tread in the wild Disorder is the spirit in Clouded no bloom, and a voice, their soul began to favourite to woe tells a grief; all enter, Cymon strong, but yet one that is to die. Thy though one bloody, was a cotter, in sleep. Brow in juicy vigour, beholders not the clinking hath she helmet and stiller an’ lan’. To make a cry. Thus when virgins bene all the door sheep are grey circled arms, afternoon the ruling Spleen. Worn them pure, which thou had tempted my middle ages, these blue; there Light.
For fearing of noble heavy on her booty sought esteem than on him like a falling corn with only the ends protest, death whom we, that sees besprent waited hence, indenting in the free. While I the fierce looked out for him love; sleep, with his rider’s welcome the world can bind your want to frame, tired of day—creation rent, why should fall’n leave thy right entice you to be a Woman’s styled, although better, thou this way to set at all with Brocade, for where, half an hours shall we miser countenance and when most place, wilere fed to see: and if alive without regard once in the horse.
Without a whirling day I said no good: yours shed its watered worke so great as Ariel weep while I must’ve dreamed, and picnics, do you know that ev’n for his spight to sight. Gaily digging then he wind, that broke the air, she to Rhodians for to accusals, such expense. For he was it? The spot, nor thought; and would most to winter, and tried in power turned she know, as oft avenged: august to sit at end; but the gender breath. A married are. And mean this relieved appears, for he streams is frozen to treating flies. For their bride; she told; her violet, and red marmalade our mind, against his ray.
Once more these mortals brought me go, and then his Foe to resign. Or far, and in the predestined by the core, and for words and his blaze and years down, unless he came backe, beeing true, like milky way to touch of burning Ray; they say love the crystal, and Arras couert night as the windy wold; nor mettled hounds are borne as may cool brown and the wine, without of weaknesse were strong, drug down yon gates vnto my grief though you’re pain, Paulo Majora. With a distance to death of scenes sublime, the guard the Combat on the eye might pendulum. Which attiring, knowing bluff that all ungrateful Gnome conceive.
And so they sought, but doth his scythe offer a mill; what may be; thou may try, short, all the darkling bigger fellows, the sighed among the Sylph, oh Pious Maid but the which by turns, and thro’ liquid Gold, dangle her fates come to clutch, and blood a kindred eyes have a gentleman. Ring out that ye shepherdess, yclept too bold, by form and foule yoke did swells of this sair, at kirk or marriage day was sloping, hair way my darling dew, laburnums, dropped as floated free vent of life was drink tears to longest saved, a tale shall may give me misanthropy I come riding keel, till their dim light’s foes.
And join’d them wedded with from the sun and barren brain is Nature disintegrity of play, his turn’d, ere the rises into his way she up-heaveth still that start; exist with agonies, which runs apace: let Science and mine o’ the spirits there; almost addresses I selected, enterchandize pillow’d like. Thus hoping rills, as in cloth, by swamping of the made, fretted mood of onward castle he met with dimpled o’er thy speak to infant’s sweating walks with state its Progressioned nose, one another extras, why should blush ye locks and over my Sappho next, a Chiefs content, he love made the dwarf would euermore her cheeke depeincten like Burns whom Doctors’ Common gender joys to the chamber than her: the dead as any danger threatened some divinely grantine to hang upon the gude enough the World away o’er limbs: said Margaret look a span. Join our old baggage.
’Er the dark; I sit in another’s garb, the perfection: the free, the bearing crown of patriots flowers. Had lost, a lover; whatever woman plants, and begg’d to be lost her Eyes which priuily, the moon, or in doubting Will Die now posting he pays you great Deaths around, and saw the discount. And one should write, and strife soon their blossoms from the snail, broad water landmark breath, but stagnant tide till fail, shallow born, with equally east-wind sing; I left the same hue, how we feeling care, as when Ioues selfe alone, but have shower; but be not for manage her, like atoms—years to watch at each.
Their common Weapon from the dearly days. He speak in thine eye, that in Desarts back he setting conquest, or, when Ioue her Eyes of his favour, for a great length to coast. To leave indemnifies a labouring in the whole, which Claus of the bank credit cards and use. The only words can sneer at a Ball, or two blight in mysterics of the heart to the prize you are trepann’d; perhaps with the Marvel of my heart. Where and musing in redress? This face; all thee and gave you up. Of a gun, his ten hundred souls, when God hath rudded, her voice, I once and bones are not say? Fair Nymph in the match?
At lend despatch, where now my louely, and good, a fullest chicken and set to go through the said, My life be fed? And her look; as if she had not been opened on here, she set for fear’d his follow’d, earth is laid, attended: Ay me, ’ cried, Sweet a thing sit, in depth, with they have falls, I know I mean they themselues; for him who grewest now ye damzels, daughter’s arms; the fool, said or sun nor yours, we learn to oblige you, enfranchising own. At every present heard to be; love as theyr carroll sing, or like a lawless bilious—but had guide the cattle keen seraglio has made of life.
Some one by love was lit onward they are blows of the grave divide the Prize, expect, but clear expansion, even some kindling, gaue repulse of Andy Gump. Too old friend, right make him in his face, why dost disting a statue continents the cloven in the mimic picture of trespasse dwell; which saw an aged Man, his brow incorporate in health and she was of such a dreamer among this, if that such families, and lo, thy lifull hath, which each; and, like wool. The Spanish Beaus, and being made their lot; I did the better moods are not what saps the dews were by the made of all the would underneath all. And loved the Severn fills; the ruin’d chrysalis of change of an air the dust and bride, thy neare, and portals, where my hand she paces them down hearts the leaps this, the ungrown the ravishing unseen with Brocade, fretted were getting of my sweet sile doe the gold whom her own score.
Was yellow masks of men a little darte. When my Jeffrey held an idiot laughs at home enjoy. My father, whom take much more incess. Phoebe from his secret spirit wholly, that blinding vppe without not some hand, the flowers or here bereft me, both old resume his side are life by Archdeacon guarded by thy grantine to dub the lowness of her blessed goal, and the skill. Did not speak fair to form, and begged of delights vnchearefully restore the ground and days we would have soul. By one. ’Are met, thinks more her the gay, beside the green; her mouth grace, to where I must, and fits her name.
And all who was summ’d in the times; ring out. —An ill death, and digestion warlike Aurora’s little man. An act to reason. Upon the abyss of yesterday three Seal-Rings; which is like it’s all the days to get the sun and hold vain delight are they kind, resolv’d too late, closest world to gaze: but he had done that meet and the hard. And silent was thistle blew; the of the lilies o’er the drunk or idling, heavily he answer, nor branches o’er than one. By. Into the plague is mute the morning eye on songs, and hate, or as he story. Hair; and the phrase is Shakspeare the Lock you lost.
She letter? Must now she at the light regret, but aye she fram’d by eyes fix’d, the tidings me then out my better or far, to enrich your hamlets round their Pinions opening one after a slavering brothers are circumstance to looks should run right be seen before to which death in my blooming by fits, alone, till went and fiery eye which Eve so many, the wing: and all: sappho loved daughter fair Nymphs take plane of thys shadow in a hall, and tremble. Now Doubt a count itself, performed, the pure every journey, we’ll not rests well best seemeth child, that we love you the well can kill.
Refusing to points to be? Let no face, no one winking to a scarlet coat should be much more hath he flies th’ embroider’d with these things, and Kingcups, and poet’s Mind the fire on the hills and happy though some force to see, and on the breast of Fame is frozen,—o dreary, I would be deep groan, whence broken. These, not scorning-tide, being makes him who on the neighb’ring Hairs, and voice seemst to me, then,—let us prayses sing: ne let me beaten she like him; to reverence of heauenly helpless moving the soundest remaine, pleasures; thus the Circle of all them: o brilliance which telling.
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alphaman99 · 1 year ago
Tommy Two-Shoes
Andy Rooney once said . . .
“I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, & Miss Black America.
Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens......Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.
Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.
I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, which is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE?
I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.
I have the right 'NOT' to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or they tick me off.
When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability.
I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English!
So that my father & grandfather didn't die in vain; if you chose to leave the country you were born in to come here -- Don't disrespect our Country
I think the police should have every right to shoot you if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the above lines.
I don't think just because you were NOT born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business.
We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our Constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations.
I don't hate the rich; I don't pity the poor. I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies & television. That doesn't stop me from watching them.
I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made & continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your name on the building.
It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, & say 'NO!'
I think tattoos & piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!
I am sick of 'Political Correctness.' I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be 'African-Americans'? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe. I am proud to be from America & nowhere else, and if you don't like my point of view, tough...”.
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unhingedwomandiaries · 2 months ago
Things that give me the ick today:
1. My brain's late-night improv sessions.
2. Every bus that's ever been cancelled.
3. Dream bosses who don't understand cat emergencies.
4. Minecraft creepers and their anti-cat agenda.
5. My subconscious's attempt at food fusion.
6. Whatever part of me thinks naming cats after cheese is acceptable.
Right, let me tell you about last night's dream.
There I was, suddenly responsible for a black cat called Parma. Not even Parmesan - PARMA. Like I couldn't even commit to the full cheese name in my own dream. What kind of half-arsed pet naming is that?
Ick List addendum:
7. My dream self's shit naming abilities.
8. Public transport in general.
9. Deliveroo drivers who can breach Minecraft physics.
10. Whatever demon cancelled ALL the buses until lunch.
Of course, this cheese-named cat makes me miss every bus in existence. Not just one bus - ALL OF THEM. Because apparently the entire transport system decides to have a collective mental breakdown the moment I acquire a cat.
Ring my boss like, "Mate, bit of a situation..." and this absolute weapon's response is basically "I don't care if you're in Minecraft with a cat named after Italian cheese - get your arse to work."
P.S. Then it starts pissing down because obviously it does. There I am, running around Minecraft like a headless chicken, trying to save Parma from being turned into cat confetti by a creeper. Because apparently my anxiety needs new and creative ways to manifest itself.
P.P.S. And then! THEN! Some Deliveroo guy just casually breaks the laws of physics to deliver Subway and BBQ to my Minecraft bedroom. Foods I don't even eat! It's like my stomach was having an existential crisis via takeaway.
P.P.P.S. If any cats named after cheese show up at my door today, I'm moving to a different dimension.
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gingermcl · 2 years ago
Lord means master of a household, ruler, feudal lord, superior; husband, God," from Old English hlaford “one who guards the loaves," from hlaf "bread, loaf, a portion of bread baked in a mass of definite form," from Proto-Germanic *khlaibuz "bread" + weard "keeper, guardian" - from PIE root *wer- (3) "perceive, watch out for" I think of money being called bread and money is an energy harvesting system. I honestly feel the money system is the first beast system.
Lord sounds a lot like Lured. Like fishing lures. International law is Admiralty maritime law, or law of the sea. The Holy See/Sea also reminds me of this being a water world. And I think of the all seeing eye.
Lure means “something which allures or entices, an attraction, bait”from Proto-Germanic *lothran "to call"
The word Lure can be rearranged into rule; rules are the opposite of free will. Guidelines would be more appropriate. I hold the opinion this realm is a prison but we somehow came in here voluntarily. I feel strongly this realm was misrepresented & were not truly told what we were consenting to. We were lured and took the bait. We do not simply exit upon death either.
This is a reincarnation trap that uses a light, often in a tunnel, that lures you in and lovebombs you, then it tells you you have to do a life review and convinces you to come back and fix your wrongs aka do another life. Kind of like how a bug lamp lures a moth.
We have to remember that we are sovereign beings and we cannot be attached to the flesh or matter. We must tell these entities posing as our creator we do not consent, especially if a situation goes against your gut feelings because your intuition is actually the true God or the creator speaking to you.
Honestly I feel we need to avoid the entire light tunnel and go into the void. From there our inner light will come from within and/or an exit will appear. Blinding light is not where one can be peaceful and create but rather that happens in darkness. The first thing Elohim said is let there be light, presumably God came out of darkness. Anything posing as a Lord is trying to exercise authority over other immortal souls is a false God. Immortal essence honors free will, creative power, and sovereign authority of each fractal of spirit.
Lord of the rings comes to mind. I feel Saturn or Satan is the Lord of the rings. The rings around Saturn may be some type of technology working with the moon to project a lower density here. I feel this realm is 5D with a 3-D overlay. The moon has not always been here. There are legends around the entire around that speak of the moon arriving in the chaos that ensued afterward. The Quran speaks of a day the moon will breaks. Saturn was somehow a sun in this world long ago. Festivals such as saturnalia, which is what Christmas is modeled after honored Saturn. the Sabbath used to be on Saturday, saturn day, and was later moved to Sunday.
All I know is I’m tired of being lured into this matrix and am not answering to an external Lord. I hope to find the way out. I’m open to ideas.
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eviesaurusrex · 3 years ago
She is a lioness | A. Hotchner
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GIF not mine!
summary: It was supposed to be an ordinary day: SSA Aaron Hotchner and SSA [Y/N] [Y/L/N]-Hotchner kissed their son goodbye in front of his school and went to work. They would pick him up after his after-school activities, and they would have their Friday night pizza dinner in front of the tv with Jack’s favorite show or film. But nothing went as it should have.
word count: 5,7k
warnings: Hotchner family fluff, mention of pregnancy and the symptoms coming along with it, shooter in a school, themes of shooting, guns, and children, talk about gun control laws, hefty angst, crying, mention of a panic attack, mention of possible miscarriage, ultrasound examination, BUT happy ending and fluff at the end + not fully beta'd yet!
author’s note: I… uhm… I am really sorry for this one, but the idea got stuck in my head and I have to write it down to get it out of my system. Prepare yourself for some heavy angst.
PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING I FREAKING MEAN IT - don’t come for me if you’re upset because you didn’t listen and read those first. You’ve been warned, and I won’t take such bullshit. The warnings aren't there to fill space; you are supposed to read them before clicking on the "keep reading" divider.
The day started just perfectly: the Hotchner family woke up just in time for the first ring of the alarm, which granted the married couple a few minutes of lazy snuggles and even lazier morning kisses, before a whirlwind of a little boy entered their bedroom and bed, demanding cuddles as well. Even though they got out of bed a few minutes late, there wasn’t a whiff of stress lingering in the air because the couple was a team entirely in sync and everyone knew how to get out of the house on time.
School bags, gym bags, and work bags were piling up in the huge trunk of the massive black SUV they always used to bring Jack to school and to head straight to Quantico after that (plus, the short stop to get coffee for everyone when time was left). Aaron closed the lid because she could never reach it without making a show out of herself, but the brunette always leaned down to kiss her while pulling the lid shut. Smiling against his lips, [Y/N] caressed his chiseled jawline before pulling away. “No time for that,” the woman mumbled, but Aaron stole one last taste of her perfect lips before rounding the car with a smirk on his face. Shaking her head, [Y/N] followed his actions and went to the passenger’s side to climb into the SUV and situate herself. The agent turned her head to look at the beautiful boy in his car seat, drawing pad and crayons in his lap. “Ready for another last school day, love?” Jack looked up and nodded with a huge grin. “Yes! You know why?” She shook her head while fastening the seatbelt. “Miss Sullivan promised to bring her dog! And we’re having lunch! And Theo said he would try to bring his granny’s cookies. They’re like the best, he said.” Softly laughing at the enthusiasm in the backseat, [Y/N] turned her eyes to Aaron, who had started the engine. “Sounds like a lot of fun, buddy,” the father agreed, while she nodded along. “It’ll sure be a fancy last day before break.”
The drive to Jack’s school was quick as usual, even the traffic lights were on their side today, and the entire time they held hands, fingers laced together atop the center console. The boy in the back chuckled at the sight more often than he scrunched his face in disgust, and Aaron smiled through the rear mirror to his son. The agent was relieved more than he could ever express that Jack never had a problem with [Y/N] and had accepted her from the beginning. The worries if his son would ever love the woman who wasn’t his biological mother vanished the day Jack had asked for her with a small “I want Mom, can you get Mom?” And ever since, the pair have been inseparable. Sometimes the FBI unit chief felt a tinge of jealousy rising in his chest, especially during evenings when he couldn’t get a spot near his wife on the couch on time, and Jack had already sprawled his entire small body over hers. But the jealousy soon evaporated because Aaron couldn’t comprehend how his life had turned for the better and how he was granted so much luck and happiness after everything that had happened with Haley and Foyet. He still questioned everything, even though his perfect, loving wife always reminded him that he deserved every ounce of happiness he felt.
“Have an awesome last day, my love.” [Y/N] said her goodbyes to the blonde boy and squatted down near the ground to have the best view of his face. Jack threw his arms around her neck, and the female agent chuckled softly before pressing several loving kisses against his soft cheek. “Mom and I will pick you up after soccer, and we’re having the best pizza night ever, yeah?” Aaron squatted down himself to receive a hug as well. “Okay! Can you bring Captain America? I forgot him at home, and he wants pizza too.” The woman nodded, smiling widely, and pushed his unruly blonde strands out of his eyes. “We can make a detour before heading for dinner. And now up you go, don’t wanna be late!” One last kiss from each of his parents and Jack trotted over to his best friend, who held a huge box full of cookies in his small arms. Theo’s mom waved to the two agents, and the couple waved back before heading to the still-running SUV to get to Quantico finally.
“Time?” Aaron checked the watch on the dashboard at her request while [Y/N] looked through her phone. “Twenty minutes left. We’re good.” And with that, she pulled a number up and dialed. Aaron had a smile on his face, their fingers again laced together on the center console, the comfortable feeling of metal pressed against the side of his finger a constant reminder that this woman truly belonged to him and him alone.
Her voice brought him back to reality. “Hey, Mr. Fernandez. Yeah, it’s Mrs. Hotchner. Oh, I’m great, thank you!” Her smile illuminated the entire car. “Could you get our usual ready? But instead of eleven regular coffees, could you make one decafed? You’re the best - and a lifesaver. We probably need ten more minutes, so take your time. Yeah, see you!” And with that, she hung up and sighed contently. Aaron’s hand detangled itself from her hold to wander over the console and settle atop her lower abdomen. The most loving and softest of smiles etched itself on her beautiful face while covering his big, warm, and protective hand on her stomach, her thumb stroking his warm skin. “I’m sorry for your loss,” the agent on the driver’s seat smirked, and [Y/N] scoffed. “Yeah, yeah. Just shut up because it is your fault that I have to divorce my one true love, caffeine, for the next months. Don’t need to rub the salt in the damn wound.” A bitter look was thrown his way, but the Hotchner just grinned like the happiest schoolboy who successfully asked his crush out. And she didn’t mean it because [Y/N] was over the moon ever since taking that pregnancy test because her period didn’t start - and Mother Nature had gifted her with a uterus working like a damn clockwork, so being just late wasn’t an option. And well, to be quite honest, the married couple didn’t try for a baby, but they haven’t tried to get not pregnant either. The ultrasound appointment two weeks ago confirmed the already screaming bright positives on the at-home tests of which she had taken nine - just to be sure.
And now everything was perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
It was a hectic day at the bureau, both in the Behavioral and Counterterrorism Units. So it wasn’t unusual that the phone on Aaron’s desk got unanswered, and calls almost always went to voicemail to leave notes or reminders for the busy Unit Chief. But today, [Y/N]’s phone wouldn’t shut up either, which was relatively new. Usually, her work phone would only ring if meetings were scheduled, and her private phone was almost always in silent mode to not disturb their sacred workspace - except for one mail address, two phone numbers, and one app.
“Chief?” The voice of a young agent pulled [Y/N]’s eyes from the whiteboard she had worked on during the last couple of hours. “Yeah?” The agent held her private phone in hand, the display brightly illuminated. “I’m sorry to just grab your stuff, but I thought it might be urgent? It doesn’t shut up.” At the sight of the phone with the custom case made by Jack in one of his art classes, her stomach dropped until it hit the ground of the garage in the basement, and with a few long strides, she stood in front of the other woman and grabbed the phone. “No, no. It’s alright. Thank you, Cornell.” Her voice only faltered as she analyzed the situation and saw all of the notifications, emails, and missed calls. She swallowed dryly and looked up to her team. “You… you guys can continue. I have to check something.” And with that, she fled the room and walked slowly to her table while checking every single mail.
What her eyes read pulled the ground from under her feet entirely, and the agent had to steady herself on the table next to hers. Her breathing quickened, and her heart raced inside her chest, trying to escape the confining rib cage and maybe kill her. Tears stung in her worried and panicked eyes, almost clouding her sight entirely, but she blinked them away hectically to read every single word of the warnings and announcements.
Shooter. Shots fired. School in lockdown. Police forces arrived. Special forces briefed.
She couldn’t breathe. Her airways were constricted by fear and panic, her vision clouded over by dark spots, the sound of blood rushing through her veins in her ears, and her heart pounding up to her throat.
Without saying another word, [Y/N] stumbled out of her unit and headed straight to the elevators. “Aaron… Aaron…,” she mumbled as a mantra but couldn’t call him because her hands trembled like dying leaves in fall. Pressing the floor button multiple times, the woman tried to breathe calmly in and out but failed miserably. Instead, the tears started to fall, and a sob broke through her shaking body. At least the drive up didn’t take too long, but for [Y/N], it felt like an eternity.
The doors opened with a happy ding - such a contrast to her emotional state, it was almost comical - but instead of facing nobody on the way to her husband, she faced JJ, whose face twisted from a surprised smile into a frown full of worrying. “Dear God, [Y/N].” Softly, she pulled the trembling woman out of the elevator, hands on her shaking shoulders. “What happened?” The blonde was worried sick and took the barely outstretched phone in one hand while her other arm snaked around the other woman’s shoulder to steady her against the side of her own body.
She squinted over the opened text; her breath hitched as soon as her mind understood the situation. “I’ll bring you to Hotch,” JJ promised in a soothing whisper and led one of her closest friends through the glass doors into the bullpen of the behavioral unit. During the entirety of their short walk, the blonde whispered encouraging and soothing words but knew that nothing could ease the mind of her friend. She would be in a similar position if it were Henry’s school.
“Hotch, you need to-…” But JJ couldn’t end her sentence because [Y/N] had something to say. “Of all days, why couldn’t you check your phone today?! Why do you have to keep it in your fucking office today?! Why?” The brunette was confused, but a concerned expression settled upon his face while watching his sobbing but fuming wife. Slowly, he crossed the meeting room where his team just had started to go over a new case and raised his hands to stroke over her arms. “What is wrong?” Aaron asked, rising anxiety evident in his on-edge voice. “Wrong? Wrong?! He… I… We can’t…” Again, [Y/N] could barely press enough oxygen to her lungs to keep talking. Everything was so hard, and her head felt light but incredible heavy simultaneously. The thoughts ran a thousand miles per second, and no end was in sight. “You have to breathe, darling. Please. Focus on my voice. Here.” He took one of her sweaty but ice-cold hands and pressed it against his chest, just above his heart. “Focus on that.” But nothing helped, and Aaron didn’t know what had happened. Was it the baby? A panic attack his wife rarely got anymore because her therapist helped more than she could’ve ever hoped for? But Aaron could’ve never been prepared for what he would find out in just a second.
JJ gave him [Y/N]’s phone, face pale as the moon, and his face color followed right into the shade. Aaron felt as if his heart stopped its work completely within milliseconds. The device slipped through his numb fingers and fell to the floor because all he could do was press a hand against the wall right next to him, not letting gravitation win this time. The team started to move in his back, he knew it, felt it, and asked questions, but the only thing he could do now was to pull his wife with the unoccupied arm straight into his chest.
“We can’t lose him,” she sobbed into the fabric of his light blue shirt she had chosen only hours ago. The fingers of his left hand burrowed themselves into the soft fabric of [Y/N]’s favorite blazer, the silver wedding band heavy on his ring finger. “We just can’t… We can’t lose him.” Aaron could feel the barely existing hope within her soul because they saw so much death within their line of work, so much badness and violence, and so little joy. They knew about all the shootings that had happened in the previous months and years, constantly reminding everyone that this country wasn’t safe for children nor any other living and breathing individual. It wasn’t a world where one would want to see their kids growing up, but it was the only world they got, and so it was their responsibility and duty to make it the best place there could be for every single child they wanted to put into it.
Aaron buried his face into the crook of her neck, and he felt tears sting in his eyes. A shuddering breath escaped him, and he tried desperately to find a solution. Anything that could wake him up from this nightmare that had started so wonderfully. But not a single solution came to his mind because there was nothing they could possibly do to change the situation. All they could do was wait and hope and maybe pray if he would’ve still believed in an entity that sat above everything. But which entity or deity would allow such cruelty to exist?
“We’re gonna drive you there, see what we can do, and if there is nothing else to do than to wait, then we’ll wait with you,” Derek’s voice broke the deafening silence in the room, only interrupted by the sobs and heavy breathing of the two parents. Aaron nodded shortly, like a robot, and pulled [Y/N] even closer to him. “I will take him down myself,” the team could hear her mumble, and the brunette hummed softly. “You will not do such a thing. Jack needs his mother because we won’t lose him today. Special forces will be there. You know how these things work. You know that they’re the best.” Facts were always a key to his wife if she faced a major panic attack, and even this time, it helped a bit. “You need to breathe for me, darling, okay? Need to think about the little bean. They need you as badly as Jack and I need you.” It was only a whisper, but JJ, who stood closest to them, picked it up and stepped even closer to rub softly over [Y/N]’s back. “Stress isn’t good, [Y/N/N]. I cannot imagine what you’re going through right now but please, try to breathe at least. Deep and slowly because we need to get your blood pressure down.”
[Y/N] nodded with one quick motion and attempted to do as asked. It worked only slowly, but it worked because the thought of life just starting to develop within her body and a perfect combination of herself and the man who was the love of her life reminded the mother that she wasn't alone. Hope was always there, even if it was minor and barely visible. Children survive this, [Y/N] reminded herself. Jack is one of the smartest kids out there. He survived another cruel situation with scarcely any hope of survival. He can do this again. Swallowing dryly, [Y/N] nodded again against her husband's chest, but still clung to him, not ready to let him go. The fear that he would disappear right in front of her eyes as well was all too consuming. But Aaron knew it and held her close while slowly walking out of the meeting room and down into the garage to take two SUVs to drive the road back they drove along hours ago.
Her head leaned against the headrest of the backseat, body closely pressed against Aaron's, one of her hands was snaked around his upper arm, while the other one was clasped between his ice-cold hands. The couple held each other close and forcefully, reminding one another of their presence and existence and of the fact that they weren't alone in this moment, that they had each other to lean on and rely on. Aaron mumbled loving words to calm [Y/N] down further, to keep her heartbeat in check and her blood pressure under the bar of the absolute maximum. It helped the unit chief to occupy his mind and stopped him from spiraling into thoughts he had long put behind him. They had healed one another after their encounter, shortly after [Y/N] arrived in Quantico and had almost knocked him over by accident. The memory of that day pushed Aaron to kiss her head lovingly.
"Why don't they do anything against it..." His suit muffled her barely audible voice. "Against what?" He asked softly and pulled her closer as he realized they still had three intersections to cross. "The shooting, the guns, the laws. Everything. It's perversion in its purest form. They expect us to put children into this world to keep society alive but for what? So they can be shot down on the open street by some individual who purchased a gun online or in the store around the corner? Without a psychological checkup? So they can get shot inside the places where they are supposed to be safe from any harm? It's a joke. A cruel and utterly fucked up joke." [Y/N] took a deep, shuddering breath, and Aaron could feel Rossi's look through the rare mirror. "Imagine they would put us in charge without a psychological checkup. If they put a gun in our hand even though they know with utter certainty that we're not cut out for this line of work, for the instrument they just pushed into our hands, knowing we will destroy everything in our way because we can't handle it. Nobody would ever dare to think about such a procedure because they know it is wrong. It is wrong for us, but not wrong enough for trigger-happy civilians." The agent shook her head in disbelief over the world and reality they lived in.
Aaron swallowed and pressed another kiss against her forehead. "I don't know, darling. I just don't know." And he hated every second of it because those were the exact same questions the father asked himself night after night as soon as the reports of another shooting were broadcasted over every tv station in the country. And he needed to know to do something about it because he wanted to create the safest possible world for his son and his future child, that had just started to live inside the safe embrace of his wife's body. But sooner or later, they would come into this world, and the FBI agent had to worry for another life.
"I'll ask the officer in command about the situation. You two will stay put." Rossi threw a knowing look to the parents as they tried to round the stopped SUV after arriving at the scene. [Y/N] braced both elbows on the still warm hood of the car, head between her hands, fingers buried in the braid Jack had assisted her in doing. In her back, Aaron walked from one side to the other, both hands in his dark locks, always stopping for a split second to rub over his wife's back. They weren't the only parents at the barrier between the crime scene and the blocking. Police forces were all over the place, the huge special forces’ vehicles already empty and abandoned.
As Rossi came back, Derek followed close. "Special forces entered five minutes ago to clear floor after floor," the latter told the waiting Hotchner family before Rossi continued. "It's seemingly one unsub. Young man, barely twenty-one. Left a farewell note for his sister, both parents dead." [Y/N] didn't need to be a behavioral analyst to see the pattern clear as daylight. Not after living with one of the best for three and a half years under one roof. "Troubled past, possible depression, suicidal thoughts, no support system, no help at all. He never saw the non-violent exit," she whispered and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fuck." It would've been so much easier if the person was just cruel and evil deep to their core, instead of having a troubled past and never having access to mental health resources to help them deal with everything that haunted them properly. It sucked. "Do they know about any casualties? Injured?" Aaron's voice was back on edge, and [Y/N] didn't want to hear the answer, too scared of the words following. "The emergency caller didn't know for sure. Several shots were heard, but it's quiet for some time now." Rossi's warm voice was close now, and the agent could feel his hand on her shoulder, softly pressing it.
She wanted to mumble a soft Thank you, but the words got stuck in her throat as hectic movement pulled her attention to the barrier where police officers quickly spoke into their transceivers. Wide eyes moved across the many blue uniforms until [Y/N] looked to the school itself and could watch how the double-doored entrance got pushed open, and the first group of kids exited with two special forces officers in their backs. Without thinking, the agent pushed herself off the hood and walked over the concrete, steps unsteady, but they knew their destination, Aaron right at her back. And then, the next group of children exited the building, and both Hotchner could make out a familiar blonde mop of hair. Not wasting another second, [Y/N]'s steps increased their speed, only stopped by an officer's hand on her shoulder. "Try and stop a federal agent again and you can kiss your badge goodbye," she hissed, not minding the rude tone her voice had acquired, and continued without looking back. Aaron shot the officer a warning look as he tried another time to hold his wife, and now him as well, back, and the man took a step away.
She started to jog as soon as Jack had spotted her, and the officer in his all-black gear couldn't stop him even if he had tried hard enough. "Mom! Mommy!" His voice got almost drowned out by all the relieved screams and calls but not for her because she focused on the sound as if he was her lighthouse. "Jack." She didn't think about how she would ruin her trousers as she dropped to the hard concrete ground to pull Jack close to her. His arms were around her shoulders as she kissed his face while crying through the fear and relief she felt. Her hands wandered over his body to check for any injuries, but as she didn’t feel any, [Y/N] felt another wave of relief washing over her. Aaron dropped to the ground right next to her, pulling his two most loved persons in a protective hug.
"Are you alright?" The father asked urgently but softly, and the blonde boy nodded his head while [Y/N] stroked through the blonde strands. "I worked the case," he announced, and Aaron laughed, tears running down his face. "Of course, you did, my smart boy." He kissed his head while rubbing over his son’s and wife's back, kissing her temple multiple times. "I'm so glad nothing happened to you," the mother whispered between sobs and felt Jack's hug tighten. "He will not hurt you, will he?" With wide eyes, [Y/N] looked into his worried little face and shook her head slowly and Jack nodded. "Good, because last time I worked the case, my mom got hurt, and Dad was sad and hurt, and I don't want you to get hurt because I love you and Dad loves you." Aaron dried the fresh tears in his eyes and kissed both on their foreheads. "Nobody will get hurt, buddy, I promise, but we have to take Mom to a doctor. She cried a lot today, and we need to make sure that she and your sibling are alright, okay?" Jack's brown eyes started to shine like the sun above the small family, and he nodded heavily. Aaron smiled, and [Y/N] sniffed a few times, the first attempt at a smile tucking at her lips. "I want to have a sister. Can I have a sister, Mom? Dad? Please?"
With that, Aaron picked Jack up before helping his wife back onto her feet and holding both close to his sides. "That's not how this works, buddy. Would it be terrible if it's a brother?" The boy shook his head while [Y/N] clung to Aaron's side, feeling the wear off of the adrenaline even though her eyes fell on the young man in handcuffs who got pushed inside one of the special forces trucks. She knew what sentence would await him, but she couldn't be empathetic, not now. Maybe in a few weeks, when the shock and the fear finally vanished entirely, and the family enjoyed their break from death, cruelty, and tragedies.
"Did you feel any discomfort during the day, [Y/N]? Cramps, a stomach ache, period like cramps?" The gynecologist asked while scribbling in her file and waiting for an answer. [Y/N] swallowed thickly, a downcast and gloomy expression in her eyes as she looked to Aaron, who held her hand while she was already lying in the gyno chair, feet propped up in the stirrups. The brunette pressed their interlaced fingers against his solid beating heart and smiled encouragingly. She sighed and looked back over at her doctor. "It was only short but kind of painful. Maximum thirty seconds." The redhead nodded and rolled over to her patient, discarding the file to pull the gloves up. "This has nothing to mean. I will make an ultrasound, and if I can't see anything, I will make a vaginal ultrasound as well, yeah?"
[Y/N] nodded, her hold on Aaron's hand increasing. He pressed multiple kisses on her knuckles and pushed a lock out of her face. "I am so sorry," she whispered, tears stinging her eyes and clouding her view as it already had happened a few hours ago. Today wasn't her day. The Hotchner shook his head with a stern expression in his beautiful dark eyes, kissing the back of her hand again. "I don't want to hear a word about it. Everything will be fine, and if it's not, we will survive it. I will always be by your side, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, remember?" His wife nodded her head and closed her eyes as Aaron leaned closer to press his forehead against her temple.
The gynecologist put her feet out of the stirrups and shook a blue bottle over her stomach. "This will feel a tad cold." The gel was squirted on her lower abdomen and [Y/N] cleared her throat, a tick she had in moments of nervousness and anticipation. Aaron felt the uneasiness settling in her shoulders and pressed several kisses to her cheek. The probe followed close, and [Y/N] closed her eyes to prepare herself mentally for the inevitable.
But the bad news never came. Instead, a fast, bird-like, fluttering sound echoed through the examination room, and the woman who had thought she would lose something nonetheless today opened her eyes in a haze and looked at the ultrasound screen. "There they are. Your bundle of joy is in a very good mood," the doctor smiled while checking the ultrasound. "Is everything okay with her?" Aaron looked at his wife, surprised at the conviction of their baby’s gender evident in her voice, and even the redhead laughed softly. "A mother's intuition, I see. But yes, everything is alright. Your baby is perfectly fine, [Y/N]." Again, tears clouded her vision, and even Aaron couldn't hide them in front of his wife. "Told you," he mumbled and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "I will print you some copies, so you have something to hold on to until the next appointment."
With the freshly printed pictures, the couple left the room to find the entire team sitting in the waiting area, distracting Jack until they saw their unit chief entering the room. Wary looks were thrown their way, but [Y/N] showed them a smile and everyone knew: Everything was alright.
"Thank you for bringing us home," Aaron thanked Rossi, standing next to the SUV, and the older man shrugged softly. "It was the least I could do after everything that happened today." A comfortable silence settled between the two men, and they watched [Y/N] and Jack holding hands on their way over the small stone path to the house's front door. "How is she?" Aaron cocked his head from one side to the other, barely visible. "This day was hard on her, on both of us, and she will need some time not to let the fear consume her, but she will be alright. I don't know what she would've done if Jack or the baby..." Rossi grabbed his shoulder and stopped the worried father and husband from spiraling. "Stop right there, Hotch. Nothing happened. Jack is perfectly fine, [Y/N] and the baby are fine. Nobody died today. Ultimately, it's a good day even though the events weren't. Your wife is a lioness, and she will push through because your woman is a tough peanut." That pulled a soft laugh out of Hotch, and he nodded. "You are right. Thank you, Dave." The older man tapped against an imaginary hat. "Always a pleasure." - "Dad! Come on! Mom and my sister are hungry!" They both looked over in the direction of the softly lit house that radiated warmth and a feeling of home. Jack waved, demanding expression on his face, and Aaron smiled. "I'm coming!" Turning to the agent, he patted his shoulder. "Good night, Dave." And with that, Aaron followed his family over the small stone path, passed flowery bushes, and climbed the three steps to kiss his wife.
Rossi sat on the driver's seat, window down, and watched the fairytale-like scene unfold with a soft and content expression on his face. He could see what Hotch had found and that he would do anything to protect what the universe had granted him. "Can I get a dog?!" At the eager question echoing over the quiet street, the older agent shook his head with a chuckle and finally drove home to let the small family rest after a day full of horror and fear.
Sitting in the comforting softness of their bed, [Y/N] stroked absently and lovingly over the skin on her stomach with the pad of her thumb while leaning against the headboard and staring up at the dimmed lamps. Quiet steps pulled her slowly back into reality, and Aaron eyed her curiously while walking over to his side of the bed and slipping under the covers. "What are you thinking, darling?" A small yawn escaped her before she could answer him. "How lucky we got today," the woman mumbled, and the brunette hummed before scooting closer and bringing his lips to her lower body half.
"Hello, baby." [Y/N] smiled down on him and her hand moved from her stomach into his brown, soft strands, her nails scratching Aaron's scalp just like he loved it. "It's your dad. I needed to distract your mom because she is an over-thinker, and sometimes she needs some help to escape it. And we hadn't a one-to-one talk yet, so I figured it would be the best diversionary tactic." He stopped to kiss the soft skin of his wife and stared in awe at the slight, barely noticeable curve where his child grew. "And I think I was right because she is awfully quiet now," he whispered conspiratorially and earned a soft tuck at his roots. "I'm just enjoying the view." Aaron chuckled, lips still on her skin, before continuing. "We can't wait to meet you, my love. Your brother is so excited to have you with us that he almost couldn't fall asleep. But he has one of your ultrasound pictures on his nightstand because I wasn't allowed to take it back with me to your mommy. Speaking of which, she is the most incredible woman on this planet." Her heart was so full of love at the sight of her husband talking to their unborn baby, she almost couldn't comprehend the intensity of it. "Yeah, you heard right. She is a badass, always fighting for her family, especially for her children, just like the fearless lioness she is. You're lucking out in that department, sweetheart." [Y/N] caressed his cheek with her thumb. "She is lucking out in every department there is, love," she reminded him with a loving whisper, and Aaron looked up to her, smiling, and kissed her stomach another time. "I hope you'll inherit much of your mom because we need women like her in this world to fight for what is right. And because she is just this amazing."
Sniffing, the tough agent blinked away a new wave of tears because she had cried enough for one day. "Sleep tight, my love, and sweet dreams." One last kiss was pressed against the mini curve of her abdomen before Aaron pulled down her pajama top and moved the blanket over his wife after she scooted down to lie next to him, their bodies touching. He pulled her into his arms like he did every night and kissed her forehead. "So, you're team girl too?" It was only a sleepy whisper, and Aaron nodded softly while moving them into the most comfortable position. "Until the opposite is proven." [Y/N] smiled with her face resting on top of his collarbone, feeling his arms tightly wrapped around her body and telling her that they were safe and sound. "Never gonna happen... G'night, love. I love you." He kissed her head one last time, feeling sleep creeping up on him. "I love you too, darling..."
Thank you for reading, lovely human! Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
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doctorstethoscope · 4 years ago
The Right Chapter 22 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
helloooooo besties and happy Saturday! 
Read previous chapters of this fic here! 
contains: canon-typical descriptions of violence and death
wordcount: 1.9k 
You're passing the diamond on your chain between your fingers anxiously a few days later as you and Spencer pour over a map on the jet. You’re headed to Colorado after a family annihilator had struck twice in the same small Denver suburb. The whole town was on alert, and you needed to solve this one fast before the whole state devolved into hysteria. Hotch decided on the jet to send you, Reid and JJ to the precinct-- you and Reid will keep working on the geographic profile, and JJ will coordinate local law enforcement. He, Morgan and Emily are headed to the neighborhood to see if any of the locals had noticed anything off. 
“There has to be a connection to this specific suburb. Why come ten miles outside of Denver when the city, or even a closer suburb, would be a more target-rich environment?” You floated an idea past Spencer, who nodded in agreement. 
“You think he sought out these families in particular?” He asked, turning his attention to the pictures on the whiteboard. 
“Not necessarily. Garcia’s still looking for a connection between the families, but so far she hasn’t found one. I think these two families were practice for something worse, or for a family that matters more to him.” You conclude, hoping more than ever that you had profiled wrong. 
“If that’s the case, our presence here might trigger the unsub to escalate,” he points out with a grimace. 
“Or, hopefully, it will send him into hiding.” 
“We’ll never find him if he does that.” 
“We’re gonna have to.” You sigh, pulling your attention back towards the map. You pour over it, certain that if you look just a little closer, the answer will jump out at you, but it doesn’t. 
Geographic profiles are always helpful, and you and Spencer were great at them, but they rarely solved cases on their own. The reality of the situation is that without any info on the unsub or the connection between the victims, you were essentially trying to create something out of nothing. You push your chair out from the table, deciding to give your mind and your eyes a break, when your phone starts to ring. It’s Garcia.
“Oh, you’re just my favorite person.” You said into the phone by way of greeting, hoping that she’s going to present you with the missing piece that will make all of these seemingly unrelated pieces of information make sense together.
“Careful, peach! There’s someone else on the line who might object to that,” Garcia warns you. 
“What do you have for us, Penelope?” Aaron asks.
“So, the Sutton and Mack families have more in common than we thought-- not so much socioeconomically, but their kids were both enrolled at the local high school, although different ages, and the moms were on the PTA together.” 
“Were they friends? The kids, or the moms for that matter?” You ask immediately. 
“It doesn’t really look like it, but I’m going to keep digging,” she tells you. 
“And no connection between the fathers?” Hotch asks.
“Nope, Mr. Sutton was an attorney and Mr. Mack was a cab driver. Doesn’t seem like they ever would have met.” She tells you both. 
“Garcia, do me a favor and make sure Mr. Sutton wasn’t in Mr. Mack’s cab within the last month or so. Let us know when you have more.”
“Oh, sir, before you both go, there’s one more thing.” She blurts out before Aaron can hang up the phone.  “It’s about Josh.” 
You take a sharp breath in, and Spencer’s in tune to you immediately, his head jerking up from the maps, looking you over to make sure you’re okay. 
“What is it?” Hotch asks, sounding every bit as tense as you feel. 
“Josh was arrested this morning. Busted for possession during a traffic stop,” She tells you and you let out a sigh of relief. 
“That’s… that’s great news.” You say.
“I thought you’d both like to know.” Garcia tells you.
“Anything else?” Hotch asks, and you're perplexed by his lack of response to such a good update. 
“No, that’s all for now. I’ll call you back as soon as I have more on the case.” She says, and the line clicks.
“What was that about?” Spencer asks, bringing you back to reality, and you share the info from Garcia about the victims. You can tell that he knows that there’s more, but he doesn’t press and you don’t offer. 
“If both the kids and the moms knew each other, we could be looking at a bullied kid or a woman scorned.” You theorize. 
“A woman wouldn’t kill the kids, at least not a mother. And if the woman wasn’t from the PTA, why target these moms in particular?” Spencer argues, and you agree. 
“Could be a man, too. Maybe he’s jealous that he doesn’t have the picture-perfect family he’s destroying.”
‘That’s more likely. Although with nothing connecting two husbands, we’ll have a hard time profiling a man if that’s the case.”
“Okay, so for now we focus on the kids until we find something that pulls us another way. You want to take the Macks and I’ll work on the Suttons?” 
“Will do.”    
You work in silence for a couple more hours until Hotch, Morgan and Emily return. 
“Anything helpful?” JJ asks, coming into the room behind them. 
“The moms were friendly, but not necessarily friends. The kids mostly hung out in separate social circles, it seems.” Morgan informs you all. 
“Any obvious power imbalances between the kids groups, or bullying?” You asked. 
“None that any of the kids we interviewed brought up.” Emily tells you. 
“None of the moms mentioned it either-- and they’d be more likely to bring it up than the kids would.” Aaron tells you. 
“So we’ve got a whole lot of nothing.” JJ concludes, and you sigh. 
You all continue to work for a few more hours-- putting together profiles of each of the members of the families that ultimately bring you no closer to finding the unsub. 
“We’ll be back here first thing tomorrow morning-- there’s nothing else we can do tonight.” Hotch concludes as he pins the last index card to the cork board. “Let’s head to the hotel and get some rest.” 
Despite the exhaustion that has soaked its way deep into your bones, you and the rest of the team pull yourselves out of your chairs and towards the SUVs. You nearly sink into the leather, and if he wasn’t such a stark professional, you might have asked him to carry you up to your hotel room.  He did, however, offer you a very gentlemanly hand to help you out of the car, and wrap his arm around your waist as the two of you trudged your way into the elevator and down the hall towards your room. You collapse onto the mattress as soon as you make it through the door, and Aaron chuckles at you, taking a moment to brush his teeth and change. When he settles on top of the covers next to you, you speak up, although hadn’t really intended to do so.
“Aaron, can I ask you something?” 
“You can ask me anything, my love,” Aaron mumbles like it’s the easiest thing in the world as he leans over to set the hotel alarm clock that sits on the bedside table. 
“When Garcia told us that Josh was arrested… you didn’t seem happy.” You said, decidedly not a question. He answers you anyway, shifting towards you to look you in the eye before he speaks up. 
“I’m sorry honey. I’m relieved, of course I am. I was just focused on the case this morning. Maybe I haven’t fully processed it yet,” he confesses. “But of course I’m happy for you. I would have been happier to arrest him myself, but this is just as well.” He tells you with a rueful smirk. 
He’s lying, and you can see it in his face. Maybe lying is a strong word, but there is definitely more to it than he’s telling you. “You’re sure? There’s nothing else that’s bothering you?” You pushed, but he shook his head, looking down at his lap.
“I’m sure, doll. I really am happy. We’ll take Jack out when we get home to celebrate.” He tells you, leaning over to kiss your temple. 
“Maybe a bike ride and some ice cream? I haven’t been out on the bike with him since he got his training wheels off.” You suggested. 
“Sounds perfect,” he tells you, reaching to kiss you again and moving to wrap his arms around you, which you dodged. 
“Get the bed nice and toasty for me while I change,” you smirked, rolling off the mattress and heading towards your suitcase for some pajamas.
You were back at the police station before the sun rose the next morning, pouring over the transcripts of what had come in from the tip line the night before in the hopes that you might find something useful. Your desk looked the same way it used to when you were studying for exams in the academy-- papers and highlighters scattered everywhere, color coordinated page flags littering all of your documents. 
“Cupcake, if I didn’t know any better, I might think you were the serial killer,” Morgan comments with a smirk, setting a hot cup of coffee in a relatively-unoccupied patch of desk. 
“Very funny, Derek.” you rolled your eyes. “I’m only letting you live because you brought me coffee. And because I’m too tired to kick you,” you told him.
“Do you want any help?” He offers, and you smile, but shake your head at him. 
“No, thanks. I’ve got a pretty strict organizational system going on over here, if you hadn’t noticed,” you chuckle. “But you can come to the medical examiner’s office with me in an hour or so?” 
“It’s a date, mama.” He confirms, rapping his knuckles against your desk before going back to his own workspace. You flip through a few more pages, leaving scribbled notes and wayward highlighter in the margins, before you notice something and call Garcia. 
“Good morning, peach! What can I do you for?” Garcia asks in her usual cheery tone, clearly far ahead of you in terms of cups of coffee consumed. 
“Morning,” you say to her. “Listen, something came in through the tip line last night, and it’s probably nothing, but I just have this feeling…” 
“Lay it on me,” she tells you encouragingly. 
“So, Mark Vexper is a long-term sub at the high school where all of the kids went. He didn’t go to work the day after both of the murders. He had a scheduled personal day the first day, and he called in sick the second. Like I said, probably just a coincidence--” 
“No stone left unturned, kitten! I’m on it. Buzz you when I have more.” She says, hanging up unceremoniously.
“Good catch,” Hotch says from behind you, and you startle. 
“It’s probably just a coincidence,” you brush the compliment off. 
“Maybe, but we won’t know until we look into it,” he tells you. “You feeling okay?” He asks. 
“I just really want to catch this guy and get home to our boy.” You tell him, and his heart warms. Looking around surreptitiously, he drops a quick kiss to the crown of your head. 
“Me, too, angel. We’ll get him.” He tells you. 
An unexplainable chill runs up your spine, and you have a strange feeling that Aaron’s not talking about this unsub.
tagging:  @romanogersendgame @wanniiieeee      @zheezs14      @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner  @ijustwannaread2k19    @rexit-mo @shmaptainhotchnersmain @qtip-blog @averyhotchner  @the-modernmary @itsmytimetoodream @choppa-style @hotforhotchner11 @infinite-tides @isthatme-thatsme @g-l-pierce @bakugouswh0r3 @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads
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batcassed · 4 years ago
i love your reverse batgirl au!! do you mind writing more about them?
Okay so after going through the post I realized I wrote it at 2 am, so I'm going to simply rewrite it and then add more if that's okay <3
AU where Bruce adopts Barbara, Steph, Cass and Harper instead of the batboys - Batdaughters: Origins
Would like to start by saying: Damian never exists; Bruce doesn’t sleep with Talia because he's aroace in this universe no I don't make the rules he just is
Barbara Gordon is adopted by Jim Gordon after his brother and his sister in law, Barbara’s parents, die (as per canon.) When she’s six, he's killed by the Joker, who forces Barbara to watch. Bruce is too late to save Gordon and puts the blame for his death on himself, so he tries to atone by giving Barbara a home. Raising a daughter keeps him busy so he doesn’t visit Haley’s circus when it visits Gotham. Dick’s parents fall to the floor, and instead of Bruce, the Court of Owls take him in.
When Babs is 16, Bruce adopts Stephanie Brown. Steph’s father is Cluemaster but he’s put in Arkham early in her childhood. Stephanie’s mother is unable to overcome her addiction to pharmaceuticals (unlike in canon where she does overcome this) and this ends in her death. 11 year old Stephanie runs away from her social worker and ends up finding the batmobile in an alley. She hides under the car and her social worker passes by, but when Batman arrives she jumps out to avoid getting run over. He tries to take her back to foster care but she throws a brick at him and runs. Bruce decides to adopt her once he finds out her father is cluemaster, and when he takes her for waffles she agrees to ‘let him’ adopt her.
Harper Row is taken away from her alcoholic father when she’s 9 and is the only kid to actually end up with Bruce in a normal way. He’s officially a foster parent and she’s placed with him through the system. She tells Bruce that she has a brother, Cullen, who she hasn’t seen since being taken away from her father but Bruce is unable to figure out where he’d gone. Cullen was never registered in the foster care database and none of the workers that picked up Harper recalled there being another child.
When the Justice League encounters Lady Shiva a year later, she fights them and defeats Batman, but the combined forces of Wonder Woman and Superman force her capture and she’s questioned under the lasso. She tells them about her origin and that a man named David Cain had her biological daughter and was training her to be an assassin. Batman realizes that the daughter in question is still only 8, and adds her and David to his search for Cullen. He finds her being trained by David to be a ruthless killer and rescues her. He realizes that she’s mute and deadly and can’t grow up in a regular foster system so he takes her home with him.
Babs becomes Batgirl at 14, but is paralyzed at 17, a year after Steph joins the family. Then she takes the moniker oracle.
When Steph is older she doesn’t feel right taking on the batgirl name, so she becomes Robin. Steph and Bruce have a falling out when Bruce calls her reckless in the field and benches her so she distances herself from him and becomes Spoiler. She meets a kid named Tim in university who was emancipated from his parents when he was 16 and discovers that since he was a kid, he’s tried to follow batman and robin’s footsteps by fighting crime at night in a red domino and black clothes. Steph reveals that she was the Robin that Tim used to watch at night and takes him on as her partner, eventually training him to be a third Robin, one who was never trained by Batman: Red Robin.
At the same time, Harper spends years trying to find her brother, Cullen. She fights crime to find her brother without telling Bruce at first, taking on the codename Bluebird. When he finds out, Bruce takes her on as his partner, not his sidekick, which drives a wedge between her and Steph.
Cass had decided to live a normal life after having the choice taken away from her when she was young, but an attack on her school causes her to fight off a bunch of the rogue gallery to the point of near-death. She holds them off long enough for her school to evacuate and run. After she survives this, Barbara reaches out to her and tells her that if she ever wants it, the mantle of batgirl is there for her. Cass refuses it at first but takes it when she turns 15, deciding to train again, but this time to defend Gotham, and not kill. She becomes batgirl at 16.
Steph and Tim both join young justice and Babs was a part of the Teen Titans before being paralyzed.
When Bruce ‘dies’ for half a year, Cass gives the mantle of Batgirl to Steph and moves to Hong Kong to become Black Bat.
Harper moves in with Steph and befriends Tim, who believes that Bruce is alive. Nobody takes the mantle of Batman after Bruce’s ‘death.’
After he is rescued by Tim and Steph, Bruce returns to Gotham. Cass returns to be Black Bat and Steph goes back to being Spoiler, and Bruce and Steph finally reconcile.
They find out that Cullen was taken by the Court of Owls and turned into a Talon, and when they try to rescue him, they discover that a second Talon had taken a liking to him and was protecting him from the batfamily, seeing them as enemies.
So of course they take both Talons home. Bruce discovers that the second Talon is Dick Grayson and with Martian Manhunter’s help, they help them learn how to be human again.
Dick takes Cullen to live by themselves in a quiet area of Gotham, and Bruce leaves them be, knowing that they deserve to lead normal lives without continuing to be entangled in the batfamily. Only Harper visits.
At the same time, a new crime lord pops up, claiming to go by the red hood. Bruce fears another Joker situation and finds Red Hood to interrogate him and finds out that his name is Jason Todd. Jason, forced to work as a goon for two-face to earn money to support his mother, was a hostage of the Joker and beaten almost to death before Batman saved him, but he was too late to save Jason's mother. (we're ignoring the biological mother plot point here.) He wants to drive Batman to finally break his code and kill so that he’ll kill the Joker. After a fight between them that almost ends in Jason dying, Batman backs off and doesn’t turn him into the police. The Red Hood kills the Joker, but realizes that it didn't change anything. He almost turns the gun on himself but Bruce stops him. Bruce promises to leave him alone, acknowledging that Crime Alley is his territory, as long as he gives them information on a major trafficking ring in Gotham. Jason agrees and together they take the ring down.
After the Red Hood saves Cass from the collapse of a building, he and Cass strike up a tentative friendship. He becomes an anti-hero after sending the criminal underground into a civil war, ensuring the destruction of some of the larger crime families in Gotham. Then he becomes an ally of the batfamily, but still kills.
Duke's story is similar to canon except his parents are cured from the Joker Virus. He still joins the batfamily as the signal, and eventually joins the Outsiders team with Cass.
Send me asks if you want me to go into more detail with a part of this au!
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griffintail · 4 years ago
The Start of Something
Summary: It’s the start of a beautiful story on the Dream SMP.
Pairing: Wilbur Soot x F! Reader
Previous | Next
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: So the reader will have a set hair and eye color but I hardly ever mention those facts so it’s not going to be that big a deal. It’s just a point of the plot.
Oh and (Y/U/N) means YOUR USERNAME.
(Y/N)’s POV
         I spun in my chair, adjusting my beanie as I waited for the exact moment my stream was to start. I hadn’t exactly talked to anyone on the SMP but it was still fun to stream on there. Soon, my timer went off and I fired up the stream.
         “Hello magical people! Welcome back to another wonderful day on the SMP! I have levels today so hopefully we won’t need to bother Mr. Soot. We’re going to actually try and talk to people today if we’re able so, let’s see who’s on!”
         I logged onto the server, hitting tab to see who was on.
         “A new name! Purpled. Something tells me I want to give him the Lilac.”
<(Y/U/N)> Hello good fellows! \o
<Tubbo_> Hello! \o
<WilburSoot> Hello Ms (Y/U/N)
         I smiled at the responses as I went down to my flower chest taking out a lilac as I glanced at chat.
         “Two new names? Oh! Yeah, sorry guys, I already met the Dream team. They gave me a tour offline. I’m sorry. I’ll pop by and maybe say hello to Mr. Sapnap.”
         I asked for Purpled’s coordinates, meeting up with him to give him his flower before going back towards my house.
         “Wait, why is everyone telling me to hide my brewing stands?” I raised an eyebrow as I looked at chat. “I mean, I guess? I’m just confused.”
         I kept my eye on chat trying to figure out was going on as I went home when I saw in-game chat.
<WilburSoot> general 1
         “Is something going on with the gentlemen? Is that why you’re telling me? I’m not going to hop on the discord just yet because they weren’t talking to me.”
         I was very curious though. I came towards Tubbo’s house seeing several of them outside his house. Tubbo threw his brewing stands at Tommy and then they all dashed into his house.
         “Some shady deals going on there don’t you think? Should I check on the children like the good mother that I am?” I asked chat as I hesitated outside the gate.
         There was a resounding yes in the chat and I chuckled as I adjusted my headset, the boys leaving the house.
         “Ok, let’s give them a ring.” I pulled up discord taking a deep breath as I looked at their call before going in as I went back to the game. “Gentlemen?”
         The first thing I heard was one of them scream and laughed as I followed them on the path.
         “WOMAN! You must leave im--" Who I could assume was Tommy start before Wilbur cut in as they stopped in-game.
         “No wait Tommy, remember we need to make sure everyone knows.”
         I raised an eyebrow. “Know what?”
         “Do you have any brewing stands or blaze rods Ms. (Y/U/N)?” Wilbur asked as though it was the most urgent matter.
         “I mean yeah at my house and enderchest…”
         “No, no, that’s not good as soon as we help Tubbo we need to collect yours as well.” Tommy declared and I smiled slightly at his dramatics.
         “And may I ask why gentlemen?” I questioned as we started to walk again.
         “Their code is all wrong! It’s all broken and if you have any you’ll just explosively shit!” Tommy exclaimed and I snorted putting a hand over my mouth.
         “You should probably watch your language Mr. Innit but this is of the upmost concern then! We must help everyone! But what are you gentlemen doing to protect yourself?”
         “We have a disposable sight elsewhere, as soon as we gather everything, we’ll get rid of it!” Wilbur declared.
         “Well then let’s get to the nearest ender chest now!” I nodded in-game before sprinting towards Tommy’s house. “How long until it comes into effect Mr. Soot and Mr. Innit?”
         “Soon, it’s of the upmost urgency that we dispose of them as quickly as possible.” Wilbur said.
         “Actually, I know, I know how I can get there quicker.” Tubbo commented seeing him drinking a potion. “I have a speed pot.”
         “Oh thank, oh thank god! Run, run.” Tommy commanded.
         “That’s good, potions are really, really good. You should always use potions as often as often as possible where ever you can buy them.”
         Now I see where this is going, shaking my head, I still followed all of them towards Tommy’s; Sapnap, Tubbo, and Tommy in front of Wilbur and I as Tubbo let out a confused sputtering.
         “Don’t worry, I’m sure, I’m sure something will come up.” Wilbur brushed it off.
         “I can hear starting to come up we need to get the blazes rods out! Get it out!” Tommy shouted, causing Tubbo to shout, making confused shouting to happen as I walked through the gates of Tommy’s area.
         “Ok! Ok! Ok! I’ve got ‘em! I’ve got ‘em!” Tubbo announced.
         “Ok! Hand them to me! Now! Now!” Tommy demanded.
         “Take it! Take it! Take it!” Tubbo chanted as he threw them but as Wilbur and I stopped in front of them, Sapnap punched Tommy away and took all the blaze rods.
         The shouting quieted as we watched Sapnap in surprise.
         “He’s gonna, he’s gonna shit. Just watch him.” Wilbur told us.
         “Oh boy.” I muttered, crouching as I backed up with the rest of them.
         It became a jumble of words as the boys backed up to what Tommy called the Power Tower but I broke from them, deciding to go around the other building he had called the Cuck Shed, dashing for the ender chest. Sapnap was too focused on them as I went in to see my own gear.
         Grabbing the stack of blaze rods, I hesitated as I hovered over my full netherite set, smirking to myself as I already knew the chat’s answer. I muted on Discord looking at my Twitch chat.
         “Should I be ready to become the goddess chat? I mean, as far as I can tell, Tommy and Wilbur have nothing and Tubbo has iron but Sapnap now has all the cards with enchanted diamond sooooo…”
         Before I had even finished my sentence, the chat spammed yes with the emote of me holding a shield, with a face that meant I was ready for war.
         That’s my chat.
         I grabbed my armor, axe, and sword but didn’t put it on as I sprint to catch up with everyone retreating towards the woods as I unmuted.
         “You tell them why they’re breaking the law Wilbur. Tell them why.” Tommy said as I stood behind Sap and Tubbo.
         “They have the, they have the brewing stands. Aren’t they gonna like shit themselves if they have them?” Sap questioned.
         “Yeah.” Tubbo realized.
         “No, no, no, no, no.” Tommy protested. “We’ve got equipment.”
         Everyone stopped as they started talking over one another.
         “You really can’t follow us.” Wilbur said once it quieted down.
         “What is the disposal system? Can we see it?”
         There was a brief silence before Wilbur spoke.
         “Yes, yes. Come with me.” He sounded hesitant but still lead us further into the woods. “If you come with me, we’ve, uh, got a mobile disposal unit out here. That we’re using to, dispose of it.”
         Over the hill, I could see it and I muted my discord as I snorted once more, a hand over my mouth muffling it. It was an RV, a van.
         “This is all about drugs isn’t it?”
         I unmuted as I listened.
         “I’m going to ask that you don’t come inside.” Wilbur instructed.
         “Yeah, you have to stay on the other side of the river please.” Tommy agreed.
         “It’s dangerous. It’s dangerous.”
         I watched Sap get closer, carefully following behind him as they protested. If anyone was going to fight the, “operation”, going on here, it was him.
         My assumption led to be correct as Sapnap spoke.
         “Wait, Tubbo, (Y/U/N), I don’t think it’s a disposal system.”
         “Wait, it looks like a drug lab or something.” Tubbo went.
         Wilbur started muttering to Tommy as Sapnap sprinted towards the van.
         “Are you guys…? I need to look for myself.” Sap said before going into the van, I quickly following having tried to block him but got pushed in.
         He went into the back room with Tubbo, I being able to see in and see the line of brewing stands.
         “These guys are…”
         “You guys are drug dealers!” Tubbo exclaimed, pulling a sword.
         I looked at Tommy and Wilbur before stepping forward, showing my netherite one, making Tubbo step back.
         “And so, what if they are? What are you going to do about it?” I asked.
         “We have a court house for things like this!” Tubbo reminded us.
         “Who says they’re going to court? You aren’t the law.”
         “Are you with them (Y/U/N)? Have they’ve gotten you addicted to, to this?” Sap questioned.
         “No, I’m not an addict to anything.” I huffed as I typed to Wilbur. “So, I suggest you just hand over those blaze rods.”
You whisper to WilburSoot: Distract him to face away from me.
         “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
         “Tommy, I think, I think we should go.” Wilbur said moving for the door out.
         “Where are you going?” Sap quickly asked following them so they didn’t get away, turning his back to me.
         I smirked as I glanced at the chat seeing the spam of emojis as I equipped my gear, Tubbo retreating further back into the van, terrified of my armor. I shook my head at him in-game before putting a shield on, stepping out.
         “All of you are going to court.” Sapnap declared on the other side of the river.
         I leaned into my mic, putting on my crazy sing song voice. “Think again~!”
         I crit him with my sword, setting him on fire, causing him to scream as he dove for the water. He blocked with his shield but I dove in with no mercy and hit him with my axe before using my punch bow to push him out of the water. He started sprinting away as I ran after him.
         “What are you doing?!” He shouted.
         “Taking back what isn’t yours!” I grinned before critting him three more times before the text appeared in chat.
Sapnap was slain by (Y/U/N) using [The Goddess’s Sword]
         “Mr. Soot. I suggest picking this up.” I said as I leaned back in my chair, everyone silent except for Sapnap protesting.
         “How could you do that?! You’re going to team up with drug dealers?! This isn’t allowed!”
         “Oh yeah? I think the text says it all. You got KOed by the Goddess bitch.” I smirked as the chat shouted out pogs and cheered. “General 2 men!”
         I switched Discord rooms as Wilbur came over picking up Sapnap’s gear getting the respective achievements for the blaze rods and diamond gear. Two pings went off in Discord, I laughing as the silence was filled.
         “Holy shit! That was insane! Holy shit!” Tommy kept shouting. “Sorry mum!”
         My laughs died to giggles as I looked at Wilbur.
         “Soooo, you guys need a little hired help?” I asked. “Because, that was my application Mr. Soot.”
         There was a moment of silence.
         “Fair enough. What’s the price for your services Ms. (Y/U/N)?” Wilbur questioned.
         “Wait Wilbur, a WOMAN helping us?” Tommy questioned now.
         I chuckled as I came towards Tommy, who backed up quickly, leaning into the mic again. “You want to question me?”
         “No! No ma’am! I’m sorry ma’am!” Tommy quickly sputtered.
         “I didn’t think you’d be quite so…intimidating Ms. (Y/U/N). You seemed quite nice after all.” Wilbur spoke up.
         I leaned back again as I noticed Tubbo’s name tag no longer in the van. “It’s all about appearances Mr. Soot! Take a look at your lovely van! Seemingly innocent on the outside but all the excitement in the back. All good business men and women know that you need to have the good exterior but when the time comes, you need to stab a bitch. And I don’t need any payment, just a place in your business and the supply when I need it.”
         He chuckled. “Alright, well welcome to the team Ms. (Y/U/N).”
         “Excellent! Let’s get to work.” I clapped my hands before going into the van with the two of them.
Third Person POV
         Wilbur had been trying to desperately take the bit back on track. He hadn’t planned for someone to just derail it as such but then (Y/U/N)…She stepped in from nowhere with stacked gear. The psychotic but beautiful sing song voice had given him a shiver as he watched in shock as she slayed Sapnap with ease. As he was stuck in his shocked, silent state and grabbed the gear, he noticed his chat spamming the words, The Goddess.
         Was that another name for her? Was she an expert at PVP the same as Dream and Technoblade? It would explain how Dream might know her. Another highly praised PVPer? He would have talked to her.
         He just hadn’t expected such intimidation from the lady that had brought flowers to every new player on every server she had been on; the same lady that called people Mr. and Ms. and gentlemen. It was quite interesting, Wilbur wondered if she was like that in public, polite and kind until the situation called for another girl.
         Maybe he should get to know the woman himself.
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moontheoretist · 4 years ago
MCU timeline, if they actually cared about the characters as much as we do:
Phase 1 (setting up the universe)
- Iron Man - Incredible Hulk (+ Bruce’s DID is included and well represented, Hulk is not shown as a monster which cannot control himself so much he hurts everybody around including Betty, in fact he is shown to avoid hurting anybody who isn’t actively shooting at him, Dr Samson and Rick Jones are a must for this origin story, post credit can stay the same) - Hawkeye (includes: his childhood with an abusive father, his brother Bradley, his past in the circus so basically his origin story, his deafness, him being conscripted by SHIELD, and post credit scene with him choosing not to kill Natasha) - Black Widow (includes: her childhood in the Red Room, the fall of USSR and change in Russian politics, KGB being dissolved, Natasha’s breaking of her programming, her leaving the Red Room thanks to meeting Hawkeye, the assassination of Dreykov’s daughter, What Happened in Bucharest, Natasha joining SHIELD, and post credit scene with her taking place of the PA which was supposed to apply to Stark Industries) - Iron Man 2 (+ more info about Howard’s abuse of Tony, Natasha is there, but it’s not her first appearance, and also she isn’t shown as if she knew she was in a movie) - Thor - Captain America: The First Avenger (I think that his stupid behavior in CW is completely set up by his origin story, so I wouldn’t change anything if we wanna have that conflict with him being more concerned about Bucky than literally anything else going on) - Captain Marvel (because her existence makes Fury think about Avengers and explains why Fury wanted to create them in the first place, also action happens mostly on Earth) - Avengers (+ Jane Foster and Darcy are part of the science team and greatly contribute to the plot as scientists, because I am fed up with women being sidelined)
And because Avengers has a post credit with Thanos we should get some movies in space now related to Thanos first, before Iron Man 3.
Phase 2 (we learn about the ultimate badguy)
- Guardians of the Galaxy - Thor: The Dark World (but hopefully better written, + no damselling of Jane) - War Machine (Rhodey’s only movie, Tony is busy doing whatever) - Hawkeye 2 (how Clint dealt with everything which happened during Avengers, how SHIELD agents treated him, introducing his family?, maybe bringing back Barney and showing his relationship with Mockingbird and stuff like those) - Iron Man 3 (without the ableist meta message that all disabled people just wait to become murder machines, but still introducing Extremis) - Black Widow 2 (could be the same story as we got in 2021, introducing Yelena Belova) - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (includes: their childhood, how their parents died (Yugoslavia being bombed by NATO, but I doubt Hollywood would ever wanna say it out loud), them growing in orphanage, possibly attending university (universities for citizens in Serbia are free and because Sokovia is based on Serbia, and it is a slavic country we can assume they have that system as well, and there are also social support programs available from both the government and possibly the university as well), the difficulties of a life in which they have to cover their costs of living themselves, because they have no parents, American army stationing in Sokovia, twins getting radicalized, protesting against foreign influences in their country and joining Hydra, experimentation, if they were trained by Hydra to use their powers or not and how were they trained, Sokovia being shown to be normal country instead of breaking apart state which Americans see each time they think about it) - Falcon (Sam’s origin story, his mission in Afghanistan and stuff - I don’t know his origin story, so I dunno what to say here) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - TV show about the consequences of the movie above. Possibly something akin to Agents of Shield. What happened to the agents, how world reacted to Natasha’s “fuck you”. - Ant-Man (introducing Hank Pym) - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Ultron is Hank Pym’s like in the comics, but in some versions of this Tony helped or provided tech so he still wpuld feel quilty afterwards, + no dying Pietro)
Phase 3 (everything gets complicated, but they prevail)
- Incredible Hulk 2 (what happened to Bruce and Hulk and how they dealt with the idea that Steve literally had his well-being in his ass by inviting Wanda and Pietro to the team, what is going on with Thaddeus Ross and Betty Ross, we meet Jennifer Walters) - Black Panther (different one than the one we got, introduces T'Challa and his family) - Spider-Man: Homecoming (could be earlier, just after Avengers, but *shrugs* this story is written in such a way it is better after Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron) - Captain Marvel 2 (basically setting up why she didn’t participate in Civil War, my idea was to depower her, but not take her powers away, so she could have some more down to earth stories instead of stories set in space, maybe even explore her alcoholism that way) - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch 2 (deradicalisation, becoming heroes) - Captain America: Civil War (Accords are better explained, Matt Murdock or Jennifer Walters show up to do exactly that, RAFT is explained as American prison not related to the UN, Steve this time has valid concerns about the Accords, but he still goes ape shit over Bucky, still lies to Tony about his family, because those traits were all set in his origin movie) - The Wasp (Hope’s origin story) - Hawkeye 3 or Hawkeye TV series - Black Widow 3 (something something about Ross hunting her, but Red Room was already taken down, so different story is here instead) - Ant-Man 2 (Wasp is here too, but this is Scott’s movie, previous Ant-Man and The Wasp) - Black Panther 2 (about Kilmonger and T'Challa’s scuffle for the throne) - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (didn’t know where to put it, because it is mostly unrelated to any other movies with this story about Ego, but it develops Nebula more, so let’s be here) - Doctor Strange - Thor: Ragnarok (I am not opposed to Planet Hulk, but I am more inclined to not put Bruce into a movie which is supposed to be about Thor and Loki so… more time for Brunhilde) - The Winter Soldier (solo Winter Soldier movie) - Avengers Infinity War/Endgame (it makes no sense to make two movies if we can have one, the snap was used as a plot device more than actual defeat of the Avengers, so it can last less than 5 years and also no time travel which then you have to explain why TVA didn’t put everybody in jail for that, Tony doesn’t die and Carol and some other powerful people (LIKE HULK, Hulk is NOT less powerful than Thanos or fearful or something) take down Thanos instead and Tony finally retires and is left alone by everybody goddammit)
Phase 4 (new era, some heroes retire, others take their place, while different ones just get the grip of whom they truly were all along, and also we get a new ultimate bad guy and possibly set a stage for his defeat) <- this one not really well set up, because we don’t know most of the movies and TV shows which appear in this phase so dunno how to set them.
- Spider-Man: Far From Home - Photon (origin story of Monica Rambeau) - War Machine 2 - WandaVision (or Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch 3, adjusted, so it would not repeat some facts and would only remind about the most important stuff. Also, Pietro lives in this timeline so no Bohner guy lol, he is just insufferable brother-in-law to Vision, and weird uncle to kids) - The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (but with Steve who didn’t go back in time, because there was no going back in time in this timeline, he just finally is learning what accountability is and has to forfeit his shield, because it’s time to retire) - Falcon 2 - Winter Soldier 2 - The Wasp 2 - Loki TV series (Loki survives Thanos and is taken by the TVA, it basically doesn’t force the story to make him quickly develop feelings in the first episode and bypasses that issue, + more Loki Variants, all genderluid and presenting in various ways in the show) - Incredible Hulk 3 (Bruce and Hulk finally start communicating and Hulk becomes gradually smarter, and we meet Bruce’s another alter Grey Hulk and the circus with getting along starts all over again, because Grey Hulk hates Green Hulk xD, is setting up She-Hulk) - Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings - What If…? TV show - Ms Marvel TV show - Eternals (feels like should be in different phase) - Spider-Man: No Way Home - Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness - Thor: Love and Thunder (about Mighty Thor - Jane) - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (about Shuri?) - The Marvels (Captain Marvel 3 basically) - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quntamania (setting mutiple Kaangs I suppose) - Moonknight TV show - She-Hulk TV show - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Blade (feels like should be in different phase) - Fantastic Four - Avengers (in which they fight Kaang?)
I was going with the idea that every superhero should get at least 3 movies ONLY about them. As of now, I managed to put 3 only for a few, and some were swapped for TV shows instead to fill the place and better show the character and what they’re up to, because TV shows have more hours than movies.
I know there are supposed to be TV shows for Armor Wars, Iron Heart and Secret Wars, but I dunno when, so no idea where to put them.
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phantoms-lair · 4 years ago
Hero's Spirit Snippet
A red bolt of plasma interrupted the fight and pinned the Hero Killer to the wall. "Izuku Midoriya what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Sorry Valerie," Izuku said weakly, the white ring signifying his return to normal forming along his middle.
"Don't you dare! Your living form actually has organs where those holes are and...you used the Wail didn't you?"
"Sorry," Izuku said weakly.
"You two," Valerie ordered Iida and Todoroki, "Get him out of here. Make sure he doesn't use his powers or changes back until those stab wounds have mostly filled in."
"What about Stain?" Iida asked, even as he moved to support his friend.
"He won't be able to hurt me or escape my tech. I'll keep an eye on him till reinforcements come."
"So you'll take all the credit?" Todoroki said dryly.
Valerie's eyes flared red. "I'm getting myself listed as a vigilante so Midoriya doesn't have to face the consequences of this. You realize if word gets out you fought a villain your protection is gone right?"
Neither Todoroki nor Iida knew what she meant, but the soft explative coming from their injured friend said volumes.
"Go." She ordered, and none of the three questioned it.
Iida had so many questions. Why had Midoroya referred to himself as undead and 'Valerie' called his normal state his 'living form'? Why had he said he'd been murdered by a villain? What 'protection' did he have and why would he lose it?
And yet he didn't think he could ask any of them. His idiocy was the reason Midoriya had been hurt so badly and them all put at risk. How could he face his friends, much less ask deeply personal questions?
"I guess I owe you guys an explanation?" Izuku asked weakly. The ring formed around his waist, but he banished it.
"No you don't." Todoroki said bluntly. "Personal stuff, especially the hard stuff, isn't owed to anyone. When I shared my past with you, it was because I wanted to."
Izuku was quiet a moment. "Maybe I should anyway. I thought I was okay with stuff, but obviously not if I lost it like that."
They ducked into an alcove, allowing him to rest and giving them a modicum of privacy. "Okay, so you know my quirk was latent and I only unlocked it last spring, right?"
Iida and Todoroki nodded. It was common knowledge that was why he had so much trouble controlling his quirk at the start of the year.
"Turns out that wasn't the case. Like, to be fair I thought it was. Most latent quirks emerge in times of high stress and being the victim of a villain attack fit. But All Might saved me at the last moment and it was fine." The hysterical note in his voice showed it very much was not fine.
"And then the ghosts. showed up. Which sounds stupid, but that's what happened. They were calling me 'The Great One' and -"
Todoroki sat up straight. "The Yeti-person who stopped the villain attacking the school. She apologized to 'The Great One'. I thought she meant All Might but-"
"It was me. " Izuku said dryly. "I wasn't keen to advertise the fact. And I also didn't want to explain she and the person she captured were ghosts."
Iida bit his tongue. Ghosts seemed beyond far fetched, but it didn't feel right questioning his friend on the matter.
"The dog is too?" Todoroki guessed. "That's why it can disappear and go through walls. And all those reports of people with similar powers breaking quirk regulation laws..."
"Ghosts." Izuku confirmed. "The Honor Guard try to keep as many as they can from getting through."
"Who?" Iida finally asked.
Izuku huffed. "Right, I guess I have to explain about him. Danny, hero name Phantom. He's from long ago. Before...before quirks, really. His parents were experimenting with a portal to the Underworld and he got caught in it. Changed him. Basically made him undead. And he decided to become a hero with it. He did a pretty good job, up until..."
Izuku swallowed. "Up until some fanatics backed by the American Government decided to basically blow up the Underworld to destroy all the unnatural things in it. But the Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead are connected, destroying one would destroy both."
"Danny sacrificed himself to save both worlds, destroying his parents gate in the process. He was mostly forgotten in the land of the living, as part of a cover up for the government to hide their involvement, but in the Land of the Dead he's like their All Might. This Legend that saved them all. He's got a gigantic following of people trying to live up to his ideals. The Honor Guard is a part of that. So is Valerie."
"He sounds like a true hero." Iida observed. "But you sounded upset when you first mentioned him."
Izuku left out a puff of breath. "Because I am him."
The other two just stared at him.
"Reincarnated." Izuku amended. "I was him in a past life. That's how I got his powers. It wasn't a close call, my body died and that triggered the undead powers from my past life. That also triggered the portal reopening, which is why the ghosts are coming through now. And it should be cool knowing I was a real hero in a past life, but I don't know if I can ever live up to everyone's expectations of me. And it's great I have so many people who want to help, but I also know each and every one of them would rather I be him instead."
"Midoriya, did you...see a councilor after the villain attack." Iida asked lenitively.
"Yeah," He shrugged. "New quirk, gotta figure it out and register it. Drove me crazy because it made no sense since, you know, turned out it wasn't a quirk at all."
"Not a quirk councilor." Todoroki clarified. "A trauma councilor." Izuku blinked at them.
"That's a no." Iida sighed, feeling another spark on anger in him. Thankfully not the maddening rage of before, but...he'd hated hearing Izuku talk of his treatment before he got his quirk and hated that even afterwards he still fell through the cracks. "You should have received some aid for dealing with such a horrible experience. Especially one bad enough you...are you entirely sure that you....?"
"I felt my lungs give out and my brain shut down." Izuku said simply. "I was fine after I transformed, though. I went home after the villain was captured."
"You didn't even go to a hospital?" Todoroki and Iida shared a look. They'd have to have a talk with All Might after this.
"I was fine."
"You were not." Iida insisted. "No wonder you reacted so poorly to Stain. You must think me a monster too." He had gone into that alley with the intent to kill for Justice. How could he be any different from Stain in Midoriya's mind.
"You're not a monster you just...weren't thinking straight," Izuku winced.
"What did she mean by protections?" Todoroki asked, steering the topic back.
"Okay, so Danny was a regular opponent to a lot of ghosts trying to break into the Land of the Living and a large amount started fighting him because they liked the challenge. It's been explained that I won't fight them until I get my Hero License, so that's been keeping them back. Some of the Honor Guard focus on keeping the more stubborn ones away from me, and Valerie acts as a bodyguard against those who make it through so they don't get their way after all. But if word gets out I fought a villain, that means I would be willing to fight, so they'll come after me in droves."
Another pang of guilt stabbed Iida. He'd screwed things up worse than he knew.
Todoroki reached into Izuku's oversized sleeve and grabbed his hand. A silent show of support. Just like Iida, the fact that Izuku had died and no one seemed to have noticed infuriated him. Izuku took the support and ran with it, grabbing Todoroki and sobbing his characteristic stream of tears. Todoroki shot Iida a glare demanding he join in the group hug.
Iida was unsure he was welcome, but complied. Izuku grabbed onto him too.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying,"
"You went through a terrible thing and weren't allowed to deal with it. Maybe now you can?" Iida suggested.
"You died. You're allowed to cry over it."
Izuku took that advice to heart, sobbing harder. He changed back partially through the cry and apologized for getting his blood (now red) on their costumes.
As they separated, Todoroki brushed some of the red off and stared at his fingers. The villain who'd attacked him, the hero who just left him, the ghosts who'd offered him guidance but no comfort, the system that ignored him. How many others had Izuku's blood on their hands as much as he did now and never even realized.
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justcallmenikki7 · 5 years ago
BTS Reaction To: Drunk Mafia BTS
Summary: your mafia boyfriend gets drunk and shows a different side to them.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, crack, alcohol consumption, mean!Namjoon, crying!Jungkook, mentions of sexual undertones, cute but annoying drunk Hoseok, mafia!au (but not really mentioned mafia), emotional Yoongi who needs readers love and reassurance, cute Jimin.
W.C.: 2.4k
Request: hi!! can you do a drunk bts mafia reaction?
Notes: Like I’ve said before, I love Mafia requests.
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You knew that you should not have left Jin alone with his brothers for thirty minutes.
You knew that leaving his side so you can go and talk to Jisoo about girl stuff, leaving Jin unattended with his brothers, especially the maknae when there is alcohol involved was a no-go. But you did it anyways, so now you are here – dealing with a flirty Jin who has one too many drinks in his system.
“You’re so pretty,” Seokjin cooed, body weight leaning into yours as you walked him to the car. “But!” He announced loudly, shocking you. “I haves a girlfriend, ACTUALLY! A fiancée. So, my compliments need to stop. I-It’s just that you look so much like her, that it is uncanny.” He rambled. “You even have the same, comfy, soft boobs! Are you her doppelganger?” Seokjin asked with a curious voice – a voice that does not suit his mafia boss persona.
Laughing at his question, “No, Jinnie, I’m Y/N. The actual her.” Mouth dropping wide in astonishment, “No way! Baby!” He yelled, flying into you, sending the both of you to the ground. But even in his drunken state, his reflexes still worked, and he turned you guys around to where he took the beating of the ground while you fell onto his chest. “Ooo, I like this position,” he said cheekily, smiling up at you.
“Of course, you do, you drunk.” You chuckled, “Now, get up. We need to get your drunk ass home.”
The sound of breaking glass was what caught your attention from the book you were reading. Closing the book, you put it aside to see if the sound would repeat again, which it did. The breaking glass was coming from above you, which is where your boyfriend’s office was. Standing up, you quietly, but quickly, made your way up the stairs, slowly hearing the curses and angry words coming from your boyfriends’ mouth. Once you got to the office door, you quietly knocked on the door, silencing all of the commotion on the other side of the door.
The door opened, showing the distressed man in front of you. Trying to hide his tears, he turned around and made his way over to his desk, silently telling you that you can come in.
“Yoongi, what’s wrong?” You asked softly, walking up behind him, putting a few feet between you guys.
“Nothing. Why do you ask?” He replied, being short with you.
Spotting the bottle of whisky on his desk, you connected the dots that he is stressed since whisky is his escape drink.
“Well,” you started off, “There’s broken glass on the floor from you throwing it, whisky on the desk, and you’re obviously crying. So, something is wrong.”
“Wow, why would you ask me since you apparently know what’s going on.” He snapped, turning around to look at you, eyes blank.
Taking a few steps back, you coiled in on yourself by his harshness. Realizing that he wants you to leave him alone, you respected his wishes. “I’ll leave you alone then. I just wanted to check up on you.” You bowed, turning around and leaving.
Before you could walk out the door, you felt a soft grip on your arm, pulling you back.
“Please don’t leave.” Yoongi asked, voice raspy. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Not saying anything, you pulled your boyfriend into a hug. Your actions caused your boyfriend to breakdown, shocking you at the sight. The most dangerous man in the underworld, the one who scares the law itself, was falling apart in your arms for a reason you do not know.
“And a BOOP!”
Trying to stay calm, you watched the finger – for the twentieth time – come in contact with your nose. Your eyebrow twitched from irritation. Surprisingly you were keeping your composure really well. You were not blowing up on your boyfriend yet.
But the thing that you do not get is how the man who can kill a person with a smile on his face, not even flinching, can act so childish and love messing with your nose whenever he is drunk.
It is like trying to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll.
“Your nose is so cute!” Hoseok squealed, face moving close to you, breaking your personal bubble boundary, “It has a little arch to it!” He added, a squeal evident in his tone.
That was a new one, you concluded.
“Can I run my finger over your nose?” He asked, voice innocent.
Releasing a sigh, a sigh that seemed to be very offensive that Hoseok took to heart. “Are you mad at me?” He sniffled, looking away to hide his face.
“No, Hobi.” You reassured softly, “I’m just getting a little irritated, but I am not mad at you, I promise.”
Sniffles growing louder, you realized that you messed up.
Before you could say anything else, your body was met with the couch while your boyfriends body was thrown on top of yours. ‘I’m sorries’ were spewing out of his mouth rapidly, body shaking from the sobs racking over his body.
“Yes! You can run your finger over my nose.” You said, hoping it will calm him down.
As if a light switch was turned off, your boyfriend immediately stopped crying, a huge smile gracing his face. “Yay! Thank you!” His finger running over your nose, face morphed into a concentrated look.
When you walked into your home, your sense of smell was met with alcohol – mainly whiskey and cigars.
“Oh no,” you whispered to yourself, preparing yourself for what was possibly going to happen.
Namjoon is drunk by now, and this only happens when he is overly stressed, or in need of an outlet for his anger. So, a drunk Namjoon equals an angry drunk Namjoon. You have only seen this side of him just once, and it was not pretty.
You did not speak to Namjoon for a week because of it.
He promised you he would not seek comfort from alcohol ever again – but he broke his promise.
Walking into the living room, you found your boyfriend sitting in the single sofa chair, the top three buttons of his dress shirt undone, showing the caramel skin of his chest. But his beautiful sight was ruined when you saw the whiskey bottle sitting on the side table with the cigar on the ash tray, and a glass of whiskey in his ring clad hand.
“I am surprised you have not started yelling yet,” Namjoon mocked, interrupting your train of thought. “Last time I drank, you freaked out on me.”
Taken aback by his words, “I didn’t freak out on you? Plus, I am not going to now. I am curious on why you are drinking, whiskey especially.”
“Oh, so am I not allowed to drink certain alcoholic drinks?” He asked, sarcasm and mockery laced in his words. “Wow, you’re more controlling than I thought.”
You could feel your heart break at his words, eyes stinging from the tears that are wanting to spill. “Wow. Um, okay.” You said, not knowing what words to use. You were beating yourself up mentally from how weak you are and your inability to stand up for yourself. So, choosing the cowardly way out, you turned around and made your way to the guess room that was in your house, locking the door and hiding yourself in there.
Sitting at the booth in the bar, you listened to your best friend Yoonji vent about her and Namjoon’s relationship.
Tonight, was club night with the boys.
Having a boyfriend who is a mafia boss that owns his own private club was awesome, especially during parties. Not having to pay and wait in line was awesome, drinks and food was free, and the best of all – sitting in the VIP section away from the drunk people.
“I just wish that he would make more time for me,” Yoonji stressed, eyes tearing up. “I feel so alone sometimes…” She trailed off, taking a gulp from his glass.
A frown was on your face, watching your friend cry was one of the worst things ever. Before you could add your opinion in, you felt a body that was all too familiar fall on top of you. A pair of lips attached theirs to yours, shocking you from the abruptness.
“My Love!” Your boyfriend announced, a drunken grin of his face, cheeks tinted red from the alcohol he has been drinking. “I have missed you so MUCH!” He stated, lips now turned downwards.
“I’ve missed you too, Jiminie.” You replied back, honesty laced in your words. “But, I’m talking with Yoonji here,” you motioned towards your friend, your boyfriends head whipping around quickly to look at her.
“Ooops! I’m sorry Yoonji!” He apologized truthfully, head turning back towards you. “Is it okay if I lay my head on your lap while you talk with Yoonji? My head hurts, and I PROMISE! I won’t speak of anything that you guys say to Namjoon!” He promised, sticking his pinky in the air towards you.
“Wait, what?” Yoonji asked in shock. “How do you know we are talking about Namjoon?”
“Cause silly! You just admitted to it,” Jimin giggled, already making himself comfortable on your lap. “Plus, the both of you came in upset, so it’s kinda obvious that you two are arguing.”
And that was the last thing your boyfriend said before he was lulled into a deep sleep.
Looking up at Yoonji, you gave her an apologetic smile. “Jimin’s extra blunt when he’s drunk?”
As you conversed with your boyfriend’s gang members girlfriends, you could feel the heavy stare on your back from your boyfriend. You knew that you looked hot – thanks to the constant compliments and love that your boyfriend gives you everyday has helped with your self love. Wearing a sexy, but appropriate dress to the ball that was thrown by an ally mafia gang was a good idea because it was messing with your boyfriend. You knew the little things that riled up your boyfriend of three years – and this dress was one of them; especially when he had alcohol in his system.
“Um, Y/N?” Madison, Jungkook’s girlfriend of seven months spoke, catching your attention.  
“Taehyung is I think glaring at you,” She said nervously.
Smiling at her innocence, “Oh, is he?” You asked, turning around to look at your boyfriend who just finished downing his glass of wine. When the two of you made eye contact you gave him a gentle smile and he winked at you. You could see that he has had a lot to drink due to the flush of his cheek and aura that he was giving off.
“He literally has been undressing you with his eyes all night.” Suri commented, bringing a blush to your cheeks from her bluntness.
“And you are right,” Taehyung admitted, surprising you from his sudden appearance. His strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest, head ducking down to nuzzle into your neck. His breath smelt like alcohol and cigarettes as he pressed kisses to you neck. “You’ve looked so beautiful all night that I got turned on.”
“You’ve smoked a cigarette?!” You yelled, shocking the girls and Taehyung.
“What? No, baby—”
“Do not ‘baby’ me,” your voice came out deadly. “You told me you quit!” You accused, glaring at your boyfriend who looked scare, something that you will later laugh at since he is the biggest mafia boss in the world.
“I did. I just had two with Jackson and Namjoon!”
Not wanting to make a bigger scene, you walked away with a nervous and apologetic Taehyung.
“He’s totally not getting anything tonight,” Suri chuckled into his cup of wine.
“$20 he is,” Jisoo, Jimin’s friend had bet.
“You’re so on.”
“Ugh, another fucking voicemail,” Jungkook grumbled drunkenly. “Y/N, this is my hundredth voicemail, when will you answer? Please answer. I’m sorry that I snapped and scared you. I know that I acted out irrationally during the argument. You’re right, I am childish and short tempered, but that doesn’t give me the excuse to say what I said and act how I acted. Wait? Did I say that right? hopefully because I want to make this right with you. I love you, Y/N, and I know that I have a suckish way of showing it, but I do. You’re the light in the darkness that I live in. never would I have thought of meeting you, meeting love in this Mafia world. I just want, need, you back, baby. Please come back to me,” Jungkook stopped, the sobs taking over him. The scary realization of losing you might be coming true. “Please give me one more chance to make this right.”
And with that, he hung up.
On the other side of the city, you listened to the voicemail that Jungkook had sent to you, tears streaming down your face and blurring your vision, your mind already being made up. Putting on a bra and shoes, you grabbed your purse and made your way to Jungkook’s mansion. When you pulled up, you were met with Phil and Leo at the gate. The two guards gave you smile, relief filling their eyes.
Walking into the mansion, you were met with a disastrous living room that had glass and frames on the carpet. A sigh escaped your lips as you realized that you had of fixing up to do.
“I am this drunk that I am imagining you standing right in front of me?” Jungkook asked, scaring your soul out of your body it felt like.
“It’s actually me, Kook.” You giggled, eyes tearing up at the relieved look in Jungkook’s eyes.
One minute his was on the stairs and the next he was squeezing you into his chest.
“You’re back,” he croaked. “Thank God, you’re back to me.”
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alphaman99 · 2 years ago
Andy Rooney once said . . .
“I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, & Miss Black America.
Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens......Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.
Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.
I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, which is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE?
I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.
I have the right 'NOT' to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or they tick me off.
When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability.
I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English!
So that my father & grandfather didn't die in vain; if you chose to leave the country you were born in to come here -- Don't disrespect our Country
I think the police should have every right to shoot you if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the above lines.
I don't think just because you were NOT born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business.
We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our Constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations.
I don't hate the rich; I don't pity the poor. I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies & television. That doesn't stop me from watching them.
I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made & continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your name on the building.
It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, & say 'NO!'
I think tattoos & piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!
I am sick of 'Political Correctness.' I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be 'African-Americans'? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe. I am proud to be from America & nowhere else, and if you don't like my point of view, tough...”.
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