#because she wants Tairn to know
haveihitanerve · 2 months
Okay but Andarna saying “and I do dearly wish to be like him.” Absolutely fucking broke me 😭
Like she purposefully makes her scales look black like Tairn’s because she wants to be like him she wants her dad to see her and be proud of her and she wants to look like him and just like ahhhhh 😭 I love her so much and don’t worry little one Tairn sees you, his little Golden One
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skyfallscotland · 3 months
Ok so Rebecca did a one hour panel today in Sydney with Lynette Noni hosting, where she asked questions and then they opened it to fans. I've kind of summarised the things I haven't seen mentioned over and over, but I don't frequent the subreddit anymore or use TikTok, so there might be overlap. In any case, it's long. Settle in. I've sectioned it into plot/character relevant first, then themes and interesting facts about her and her writing. Basically, you all came with me. 💗
• In book three (and every book thereafter) we'll be going to more and more new places. She specifically worded it as "watching the map expand" whether that's significant or not, I don't know. (I was thinking Isle Kingdoms for OS, but maybe that's just my wishful thinking).
• She implied Jack will have a reason (explained) for uh...being a power-hungry prick? lol
• She's hella defensive of Dain, which I love. #DainApologistsClub 😌 Some highlights include:
"You guys give Dain so much shit for the same thing Xaden does. You really do and you're so fast to forgive Xaden and not Dain. Why? Is it because he's hot?"
And, "when push comes to shove, all Dain did—yes he violated her boundaries, as does Xaden—but all he did was trust his dad when his best friend no longer spoke to him. That's it."
"When Dain looks at her (in the interrogation chamber) and says 'if you had just told me, none of this would have happened', he's not just talking about the interrogation, he's talking about Liam, he's talking about if she had just trusted him (in Fourth Wing) it never would have happened." 😢
• She was asked about Liam's appearance in the interrogation chamber and definitively put to rest any signet theories involving that. "She's so alone in that moment and...I don't read fan theories but sometimes they reach my ears; she's completely disconnected from her magic in that moment, she can't even reach out for Tairn or Andarna, which are the bonds that are actually most important to her. She can't reach out for Xaden. And that's the one person who would have prevented that from happening the last year, so it's natural that's who her mind would summon."
• She's thought about a spin-off series, but she's just trying to survive this series.
• Someone asked her if there'd be any redemption and romance for Jack Barlowe and honestly, thanks guys, I don't think she's ever coming back to this country 💀 ("Are you getting enough sleep? Uh...I mean, from his prison cell maybe? No.")
• Someone asked "what is Garrick's signet and why hasn't it been shown yet?" (shoutout to this girl, she's the real MVP) to which Rebecca said "it's very much in book three, I love it."
• Someone asked about the orange dragons and unpredictability re: Amber, Jack, Varrish and then Imogen and Brennan. Rebecca said some dragons might look for traits like their own and some look for balance because it's a partnership; and that Brennan as a strategist needed that little bit of unpredictability in his life (lol, I think he got it).
• She didn't always plan for Violet to have two dragons. Originally it was going to be one (Tairn) and the editor had hoped that she would sway towards a weaker, smaller dragon and she thought that was a little too close to Abraxos in ToG, and so they compromised and gave her both. She also went on to say she doesn't like overpowered heroines and since Tairn is extremely powerful, Andarna balanced that out. (I'm not...I'm not sure how that works out? But that's what was said.)
• We are definitely going to find out more about the original six (and Lynette asked if that was a spin-off possibility and was shushed, so she's thought about it at least, but I get the idea she's thought about a lot of possibilities 😂)
• There's no timeframe for the release of the final two books.
• Someone asked if Violet's dad was Malek to which she was kind of shocked. He's not a god, guys. And low-key I JUST WANT TO KNOW HIS NAME. 😤
• On Sgaeyl: "You do (get more of her) but holy crap is she pissed. So—I'll tell you that about Onyx Storm—she is really, really mad at Xaden and she's not exactly speaking to him at the moment. So it's hard for her to speak into that bond when she's not speaking to him." 💔
• She was asked about the Violet dated Halden theory (which was fucking hilarious because the poor girl misspoke and asked if Xaden dated the prince and we were all really confused about which TikToks the poor thing had seen (note to self: consider cam/xaden), anyway after we got to the bottom of that, Rebecca replied, "I think you should read the third book." Which I'm taking to mean, the man is making a damn appearance and we're gonna find out for ourselves 👀 Hey, if I'm lucky maybe we'll even find out his surname
• Finally she said she has EP on the Amazon series, they've all been exceptionally protective of it and that she's happy with how it's going (they're not near casting yet and she doesn't want to really comment on that ever, to leave each role open to as diverse a cast as possible). She said the production team has come to the signings in LA to meet readers and see what they love and are passionate about when it comes to the series to make sure that's honoured.
"Like I mean, I've seen certain...like what can I say without getting tackled to the ground? Let's just say they've already taken steps to make sure that what you guys love about the story is envisioned and that it's not run amok. And I'm very happy with it, they're super protective of it." Which could just be me reading into it, but the first place my brain went was the dragons 👀🐉 and the CGI or whatever.
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• She was asked about where the inspiration for the universe came from and she said that when her Entangled decided they were going to do romantasy they asked her for five pitches and Fourth Wing was one of them (she won't say what the others were because she might still write them someday). She said she likes the fated mates trope but she wondered what that would look like if the dragons were the ones mated, not the humans and the humans who couldn't stand each other were forced to be around each other because of this. 
• Her first ever book was romantasy but it didn't sell
• She's never really written enemies to lovers before.
• She likes found family themes because she was raised in a military family and moved around a lot, so that makes it hard to keep in touch with your extended family, and after she married her husband and became a military wife, it was their found family that was there for her—it was her found family who helped her move her house, who sat with her when her husband was injured in Iraq, etc, so she thinks it's very important to show that your family is also the people you choose and that can be just as strong as any blood tie.
• She was asked (by Lynette) why she wanted to show death and the reality of war and she said, "I've been surrounded by it. My husband's been at war since 2003, he spent 22 years in the army, first as a 19 Delta cavalry scout and then ten years as an apache pilot and we buried our friends. And I saw what it did to him, and I saw what it did to our friends, I saw what it did to our children, to us, and I love being able to examine it from a fantasy perspective just because I think fantasy gives us a unique environment from which to critique our own world by viewing it through the lens of another. And I've always delved into those themes as to why we do this to each other and where is there hope to stop it?"
• As an author her favourite scenes in Fourth Wing were the dagger stealing scene (very important to their chemistry and romantic development—"she's the only person he's taught ever, how to actually kill him") and the first kiss scene.
In Iron Flame it was the interrogation scene and how that ends with Dain and Xaden and everything coming together.
When asked about a similar scene from Onyx Storm that elicited the same strong emotion from her she said "you're not gonna like it" and that's it 💀
• She would consider writing fantasy again after she's done with the Empyrean world, maybe one of her other pitches, but she won't truly think about it until she's survived this one.
• She spoke about the "kill your darlings" writing advice and how if you love a scene but it doesn't move the plot, you've gotta cut it, and how she did that with the final scene in Fourth Wing, which was originally 7k words of Violet POV pulling information out of Xaden.
• When asked about fan theories she actually said something I found a little sad. "I don't listen to fan theories. One, I'm not on TikTok—it's a little bit more important for me to be alive than to listen to what other people think they know about me, and two, I don't ever want fan theories to bleed into my writing."
〰️ And that's it! If anyone's going tomorrow, please voice record the whole thing and report back lmao 🙏 🫶🏼
ETA: part two is here, x
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marvelsmylife · 2 months
The Long Lost Archeron Sister Chapter 1: Life At Basgiath War College
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron!reader, Xaden Riorson x Archeron!reader
Plot: A glimpse into your life at Basgiath and your complicated relationship with Xaden Riorson.
A/n for obvious reasons Violet has a different dragon in this story since the reader is bonded to Tairn. I also decided not to include Cat in this story because I felt like there would be too many characters in this story.
ACOTAR Masterlist
Fourth Wing Masterlist
TLLAS Masterlist
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You thought you had a pretty normal childhood growing up. You had parents who loved you and siblings whom you very rarely fought with. Of course, you knew you were adopted from a very young age. Mostly because you looked nothing like the rest of the family, but they all loved you just the same.
While you got along with your three siblings, you were the closest to Brennan because he felt the need to protect you from everything and everyone. He would defend you when people would tease you because you were adopted. He would respond to those bullies with “Our family chose y/n, you’re family is stuck with you.” This would result in the bully crying to their parents, and they would demand Brennan apologize for his words. Of course, your parents defended Brennan’s actions and scolded the parents for raising their children the way they did.
So you were devastated when Brennan was killed during the war. You were like a zombie roaming around and caused your family to worry you were going to do something to yourself. You only got worse when your father passed away shortly after Brennan’s death.
You became a shell of yourself, and no one, not even Violet (who always managed to make you smile) could get you back to how you once were. Because of that, Lilith thought it would be best to train you so you could become a rider when it was time for you to attend Basgiath. She knew you wanted to enroll in the healer quadrant but felt like you might excel as a rider like her, Brennan, and now Mira.
“Be careful. Xaden Riorson is also attending this year with you. He might want to kill you for what mom did to his dad,” Mira warned you on your first day before she pulled you into a hug, “I love you, I know you’re going to do great in the riders quadrant. You’ve been preparing for years for this moment.”
Mira was right. You did fantastic in your first year at Besgiath; the only bad moments you had involved Xaden.
It all started when you crossed the parapet. You had just finished crossing when you heard a female screaming behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you spot a girl with a rebellion relic on her arm hanging off the parapet. Without thinking, you ran towards her and managed to help her up before making it to the other side again.
As soon as you did, you were pushed to the side by a tall, tan, muscular guy. You immediately noticed a rebellion relic on his arm and put two and two together that he was checking on the girl who almost fell. “Excuse me,” you said under your breath, but the guy managed to hear you.
“What did you say?” the guy asked with an angry expression on his face.
You knew you should not start drama on the first day, but you turned around and said, “Excuse me. You say that when you want someone to get out of your way. Instead of pushing past people.”
“Yeah. Well, I wanted to make sure you didn’t do anything to her.”
You were ready to argue when you heard a man clearing his throat, “Sorrengail, what is going on here.” Looking over, you spotted Colonel Aetos with his arms crossed.
“Sorrengail?” the guy had a surprised look on his face.
Colonel Aetos looked at the guy and replied, “Yes, Riorson. Sorrengail, as in general Sorrengail’s daughter.”
Fuck was all you thought when you realized Colonel Aetos announced who your mother was. You were also freaking out that you were arguing with the one guy Mira told you to stay away from.
“Nothing Colonel Aetos. We were just finished crossing the parapet,” you replied while holding your head high and tried not to show you were freaking out internally.
Colonel Aetos looked you straight in the eye to see if you were lying. When he couldn’t detect if you were lying, he nodded before leaving. As soon as he was gone, Xaden glared at you and said, “Stay out of my way,” before storming away with the other marked ones.
You tried your best to avoid Xaden as much as you could. Unfortunately, it seemed the universe wanted to make your life difficult because no matter how hard you tried, you kept running into Xaden. At first, all he did was glare at you, but over the following weeks, it shifted into him taunting you if you made a small mistake.
Things only got more complicated when you discovered that your dragon was mated to Xaden’s dragon. You glared at Tarin when you found out and shut them tight when you heard Xaden’s voice. “Let’s see how long you last before Tairn has to find a new rider,” Xaden taunted before mounting Sgaeyl.
“Do you wish for me to get rid of your enemy?” Tairn asks once Xaden and Sgaeyl are gone.
You tried to suppress a laugh at Tairn’s request, “Sgaeyl will get mad you killed her rider.”
“She’ll get over it. There are a lot of riders who are not bonded to dragons yet. She can pick from them,” you let out a loud laugh at Tairn’s response.
“As much as I wish for you to do that, I’d rather not give the marked ones another reason to hate me,” you replied before you mounted Tairn and shot up into the sky.
Your second year was when your relationship changed from hatred for one another into lust. It was somewhere in mid-September when you and Xaden first slept together. What was supposed to train for upcoming challenges turned into something more when you managed to pin Xaden onto the mat.
Before you had a chance to second guess your decision, you leaned in and kissed Xaden. Xaden was more than happy to kiss you back and started groping your ass. You were ready to remove your leathers when Xaden stopped you. “Not here,” Xaden groaned into your chest while you moved against him, “not unless you want someone to walk in on us.”
You were more than happy to be dragged into his room, where you proceeded to have sex until you were exhausted. It had been a long time since you had sex with anyone, so you were enjoying every second of it. Once you caught your breath, you decided that it was time to leave. As soon as you got up and started getting dressed again, Xaden asked, “Where are you going?”
“To my room?” you replied, a confused look on your face, “where else would I go?”
Sitting up, Xaden had a scowl on his face, “You’re not going anywhere. It’s late, and might I remind you, people are still trying to kill you so they can bond with Tairn.”
You mentally cursed yourself because you knew he was right, “So what am I supposed to do? Spend the night here?” Your eyes widened when Xaden just pats his bed, “holy shit, I was kidding. It’s one thing to fuck; it’s another to sleep together after sex.”
“Well, I’m not kidding, so come back to bed. You can sneak out in the morning if you want, but you’re not leaving this room tonight.” Xaden moved his sheets so you could get back into his bed.
You wanted to continue arguing with Xaden, but you knew it was a lost cause, so you decided to climb back on his bed. “I still hate you,” you grumbled.
“You weren’t saying that when I was fucking a few minutes ago,” Xaden teased as he held you against his chest and drifted off to sleep. 
You wish you could say that was the first and last time you had sex with Xaden; it wasn’t. What followed was a very challenging relationship that lasted for the rest of the year. Each time you thought you were in a good place with Xaden, you discovered he was lying. Which would result in you breaking up with him and him asking for another chance. 
It wasn’t until your third year that your and Xaden’s relationship started to stabilize. Part of you felt like Violet had something to do with it. With her being forced into the rider’s quadrant by your mother, you found yourself looking after her. It crushed you at times, watching as she went through the same challenges you faced in your first year. You made sure to give her the book Brennan wrote for Mira like Mira gave it to you on your first day.
You also made sure that no one killed her the entire year like they tried with you during your first year. Of course, you also roped in Xaden’s friends to help and suggested one of his friends from first year follow her around just in case. You knew you were being over the top, but you had already lost two family members, and you didn’t want to lose more.
Of course, the trust you built with Xaden went down the drain the day you found out Brennan was alive, and he knew the entire time. You screamed at Xaden; if the events during war games hadn’t happened, would he have eventually told you that your brother was alive. He tried to tell you that he wanted to tell you the truth but that Brennan told him not to.
Because of that, you didn’t speak or acknowledge Xaden’s existence for weeks after graduation. You wanted to be stationed as far away from Xaden as possible. Unfortunately, because Sgaeyl and Tairn are mated, they need to be by each other’s side. Which was unfortunate for you because that meant you had to be around Xaden.
Xaden spent weeks trying to work through your rough patch, and his hard work paid off nine weeks later. He promised to be completely honest with you and even offered to answer any questions you had for him about his past. 
You were happy to take him up on his offer and spent three weeks asking him questions you were dying to ask him, but he always shut down. The big one was if he truly loved you. “Yes,” Xaden replied while caressing your face, “you are the first and only woman I’ll ever love.”
Hearing that finally put your mind at ease and allowed Xaden to kiss you. Of course, Xaden took things further than kissing quickly, seeing as you refused to be touched by him for weeks. He repeatedly groaned about how much he missed you and hearing your whimpers because of the pleasure he brought you.
That night was different than other nights you’ve had since you were stationed at Samara. You had a dream you used to have daily when you first got to Basgiath and bonded with Tairn and Andarna. 
You were hyperventilating and covered in sweat when you woke up in the middle of the night. “What’s wrong?” Xaden asked in a groggy state.
“I had that dream again. The one where I’m being hugged by two other girls, one looking exactly like me. Then a man ripped me away from them before handing me to my father, and the other girls called after me,” you replied, holding Xaden’s blanket against your chest. “I feel like it isn’t a dream. I feel like they are memories, but the last time I talked to my mom, she said I was an only child and that my parents gave me away because they couldn’t afford to take care of me.”
Xaden sat up and kissed your shoulder, “I hate to be that guy, but there is a strong chance your mother is lying to you. Are you sure your parents didn’t have someone erase your memories when you were a child?”
You were about to reply when you heard Tairn’s voice, "Young one, your sister’s in trouble. Surie can’t locate her, and their line of communication has been blocked. We have to go now before it’s too late."
You began to panic at Tairn’s words and shot out of Xaden’s bed, “What’s wrong?” Xaden asked as he watched you get dressed.
“My sister's in trouble. Tairn said Surie can’t get ahold of Violet.” You replied, “I don’t care if I get punished for this. Need to find my sister.”
Xaden didn’t have to think twice before getting up and started getting dressed. “Go pack up your stuff. I’m going to go tell Garrick we’re leaving and give him the option to come with us or stay if he wishes. We’ll meet you in your room, ok?”
“Ok,” you replied, kissing Xaden before you packed to your room.
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rosemarysage · 3 months
Hello everybody! I’m trying to compile all the information we got about Onyx storm so it's easier to find. So below I have written everything Rebecca has said at recent events that I think could be relevant to OS or the next books. I left out the stuff I didn’t think was relevant like the T.V. show and personal questions about Rebecca. The links are at the bottom. The first two are from an audio recording. Many thanks to Tumblr user Skyfallscotland for posting the audio. I haven’t been able to find recordings for the Perth show and some of the other dates from these so if you have any information from them please let me know and I can update the post. I intend to add the older interviews later but I wanted to get this one up because we got lots of juicy details from the panels.
Fourth wing and iron flame spoilers
Sydney panel 6/22/24 Saturday
She has deviated from the Synopsis she made for the series
She knows what the last scene of the series will be
We will see more of the world in OS and the following books. The map is representative of what Violet knows so it will expand as Violet learns more.
Jack Barlowe is around and serves a purpose. He likely won’t be a main character. Rebecca likes bad characters to have a reason for doing bad things. Jack has always wanted power.
The interviewer asked her not to do a redemption arc for Jack and Rebecca said “Noted”
Dain represents the love you thought you wanted when you were younger
When Dain says, “If you had just told me none of this would have happened” in the interrogation chamber he’s not just talking about the interrogation but also Liam’s death and everything else.
Violet is completely disconnected from her magic in the interrogation chamber. She can’t reach out to her dragons or Xaden. Rebecca said that Violet's mind summoned Liam because he was her protector.
The interrogation scene ending with Dain and Xaden was the driving point of the writing process. There is a scene in OS that elicits similar emotions and Rebecca said we aren’t going to like it
Jack likely won’t have a romantic relationship. He’s also probably not “the real enemies to lovers arc”
Garrick's signet is in book three
A rider doesn’t necessarily have the same traits as their dragon's color, sometimes they have the opposite and need their dragon to counter them. Brennan is a tactician and needs unpredictably and Imogen is a wild card. The dragon rider bond is kind of like a marriage.
Her editor got her to add Andarna. She is there to balance Tairns' massive power.
Someone asked if we would hear more about the first six and Andarna and she said “Maybe” is a funny voice
Violet’s dad is not Malek.
Sgaeyl is pissed at Xaden and is not speaking to him at the moment. She also mentioned the bond between them.
Someone accidentally asked if Xaden dated the prince instead of Violet. After they figured that out she said, “I think you should read the third book”
Sydney panel 6/24/24 Monday
She deviated from the plan for OS concerning a character's death.
Jack is an example of the hunger for power and what happens when you aren’t selected for the power you think you deserve
She expected us to figure out the second signet. Her editor asked her if it needed another line to make it clear and she said no they would get it.
The Taylor songs that describe OS are Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me and So It Goes.
Someone asked,” Have you considered doing a prequel on the first six or how the empyrean came about or will this be revealed in further books?” and she skipped it
Melbourne 6/25/24
The interviewer asked, “Do we already have a reference to Onyx that will reveal the title's meaning to us” Rebecca passed
The interviewer asked if we would get another POV from Xaden or anyone else and Rebecca said that she has established a record of showing a little bit of what Xaden is thinking.
She that we have already learned Violet's second signet
The interview asked if Garrick would realize Imogen is into him and Rebecca asked what makes us think he doesn’t know
When asked if we would learn more about Father Sorrengails research about feathertails she said “Maybe” again in a funny voice
Onyx Storm is very Rep coded. She listened to So it Goes a lot while writing OS.
In the interrogation scene, she is cut off from her magic so her mind “pulls” someone who protected her
The interviewer asked if Xaden and Sgaeyl were still bonded and she said, “Next time on fourth wing”
She was asked if Xaden and Violet are endgame and she passed and then said “I write romances”
Her favorite thing about Violet in OS is that she has one goal and she doesn’t care what stands in her way.
Seattle March
Sgaeyl is pissed and not speaking to Xaden
Xaden won’t get more POVs until he quits keeping secrets. His problems with Sgaeyl will be explored externally. The interviewer said that Xaden keeps secrets about things other an Aretia and Rebecca said, “Naturally”. Violet is way better at keeping secrets in OS. She’s in her reputation era.
A lot of things were set up in Fourth Wing that didn’t come into effect in Iron Flame that will in the upcoming books.
We should expect about the same amount of Xaden’s POVs in future books, namely end chapters and bonus chapters.
Rebecca said, “There is a correlation between less and less dragons bonding  and more and more dragons saying what we are doing is wrong”
We will learn Violet’s father's name and more about him.
Xaden’s mom’s story will come up in later books.
The other three quadrants can drop out or change quadrants. Only the riders don’t allow this.
Rebecca said in an Instagram comment that she wrote a line referencing Xaden and the boys moving Violet’s armoire in OS.
Melbourne 6/25
Seattle March
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litnerdwrites · 4 months
Did Jack Barlow Know? If so, who else knew and how?
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Okay, so hear me out! We know this likely means that either Andarna is linked to this mysterious weapon. We don't know if means she knows where to find it/activate it, if she is the weapon, or if a rider that bonded her species of dragon was what wiped them out. Either way, it's safe to say that it all relates back to her in some way.
We also know that Jack Barlow was a Venin before he crossed the parapet, right? And in Kaori's classes, he was very interested in Tairn. Then, during Threshing, his number one goal was to kill Andarna (which isn't smart given where he was). Also, by the end of Iron Flame, he was somehow controlling Baide. Not, seemingly, dissimilar to how Varrash described influencing a dragon instead of allowing it to influence you.
His interest in Tairn is most likely because he wanted to bond a powerful dragon for the Venin to use, or for him to control. He wanted to influence Tairn the way he did Baide, maybe even syphon power from him, and by proxy, Sgaeyl.
He was also weirdly obsessed with Killing Andarna during Threshing, which, at the time, just could be attributed to arrogance, disrespectfulness and self-centredness, which was on brand for him. But now that we know what he is, and what he was doing all along, it's safe to say there could be other Venin in the wards.
There's so much speculation regarding Violet's potential Venin heritage, from either her mother or father's side. Lilith's rank and position means that she and Violet's dad had been close to the hatching grounds for a while. Violet's father specifically was researching Feathertails, and he died one or two years before the start of the book, when Violet was about 18. What else happened when Violet was 18? Andarna. She hatched when Violet was 18, possibly before her father even died.
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Who's to say how many other Venin there are within the Wards. There are likely to even be a couple, like VIolet's dad, that were within a four hour flight radius to said wards. If Volet's dad felt Andarna hatch, then any other near by Venin could have too. Going back to his research for a moment, it's worth mentioning, how would he be able to study Feathertail effectively? The only way for there to be information about them in his research that isn't common knowledge, is either, a) he had access to very restricted texts (like the King's personal collection), which seems unlikely, or b) to have seen a feathertail.
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If nothing else, I think Andarna knows something of the research he did. Perhaps he even met her for himself. When Varrish was questioning Violet about it, Tairn confirms that he doesn't know about it, but Andarna? The author makes a point to tell us that she went silent. Not that she wasn't there, or grew uninterested, or even went to sleep. She was there, she was listening, but she didn't respond.
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By now, I think it's safe to say that she knows something. Throughout the books, Andarna drops hints to her secrets, without outright saying them, or lying about them. She prefers lying by omission, which, towards the end of the first book, Tairn points out to her, can be just as bad. It still seems to be her preferred method of secret keeping, though. Like how she's not like the other juveniles, or how she'd be the head of her own den, all indicating that she really isn't. She's a whole other species, and already the head of her own den.
I think Andarna knows something about the Venin, and about Violet's dad, in which case, it's possible he also knew, somehow, that Andarna would chose Violet. I'm not sure how likely that would be, and would depend on how much Andarna knows of this research.
However, I'm confident that she's the key to stopping the Venin in one form or the other. I also think that, somehow, the Venin knows this too. Either through Violet's dad, who may or may not have had contact with Andarna, or knew of her, at the very least, or through another Venin in Basgaith.
So, finally, going back to Jack Fucking Barlow, the root of this discussion, did he know about all of this? We know he was sent to destroy the wards, but was hellbent on killing Andarna during Threshing.
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Powerful dragons can tell what a hatchlings colour will be, before they mature. Is it possible that powerful Venin can too? If there was a Venin near the wards, powerful enough, would they be able to tell as well? It's possible that a Venin inside the wards reported back to a higher rank, about Andarna's hatching, or that a Sage or General to learn about the dragon hatchlings through other Venin, or people like Violet's dad.
If they did, then they could Know what Andarna is. They'd know how she's different, how she's the key to stopping them, and perhaps even the key to their victory. Could it be that the Venin sent Jack to, not only destroy the wards, but to kill Andarna before she became a threat? If the higher ups amongst Venin didn't know, then did Jack figure it out on his own, and do it to earn The Sage's approval? Based on how desperate they are to capture Violet for The Sage, they seem pretty obsessed with proving themselves. Jack might have wanted to become a strong rider to gain the acknowledgment or promotion from The Sage, and later decided to kill Andarna while he was at it.
It's possible that that's the reason that The Sage wants Violet so badly. If you can't beat them, join them. Or have them join you by turning the love of their life into a monster, and using him to kidnap or manipulate them into joining your cause because they're the biggest threat to you and your kind. Perhaps they want her to manipulate Andarna the way Jack did with Baide or Varrish claimed to do with Solas, since it was Andarna, or her kind, that ended the war 600 years ago.
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fourthwingfanclub · 8 months
Violets Second Signet **Spoiler Warning**
Ok, after a long time thinking about this, and reading Iron Flame 4 times I think I am ready to theorize my idea for Violets second signet.
Let's start by summarizing what we know.
I have seen that some people have speculated that her signet is Distance wielder because she asked Xaden if that was his. While I don't think that was just brought up without a purpose, I don't think that would be her signet. (I think Aaric might end up being that).
I also think Violet's signet is going to be something that either we have never seen before, or very rare. This power comes from Andarna, she's a special breed of Dragon that has been basically extinct for 650 years.
Signets are based on the rider, and what they need most at their core. Violet needs information, Facts.
It is also mentioned many times that Violet has a mind of a scribe and the heart of a rider. I think this is important, more important than we know yet.
I think Violet can process events and information in slow motion. I think she can see everything around her happening, giving her time to process and record the events within her mind. While this doesn't seem significant, to Violet its everything. There are a few events that's stood out to me that made me think this.
First, when she reviews what Aiofe wrote and admits she missed some things. Also, Jesinia mentions that stories can change depending on who is transcribing them. Violet is mad about the amount of information that has been forgotten or changed due to scribes hiding the Venin from Navarre. She would want to recount everything correctly.
“Absolutely.” I nod, then take the notebook and skim Aoife’s neat handwriting. It’s amazingly accurate, with little details I’d missed, like the two infantry cadets who’d offered to be the healers’ aides because that’s their job for the squad. They have designated roles for each mission. I set it down on top of the book I’m returning to sign. “This is incredible.” “Glad to hear it’s accurate.” She glances over her shoulder, as if checking to see if we’re alone, which we are. “The tricky thing is to capture the truth and not just an interpretation. Stories can change depending on who tells them.”
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (p. 224). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
Second, the way some of the events and wording were portrayed made me suspicious that these were written a specific way. They were very detailed catching events that were happening in seconds or described as happening in slow motion. I think we see some clues to this being her signet once we get to Part 2 of the book and Andarna is awake and Channeling. We know Violets first signet showed up right after she started channeling with Tairn (that first kiss with Xaden), so it would make sense that she could have been showing signs of her second signet without realizing it. I don't think she was fully able to wield until the final battle though. My reasoning for this is if she was, even if she was unaware, Tairn would have sensed her pulling power from another source and wielding. If he did during the battle, we won't know that until the 3rd book since we don't get much info on events once battle has ended.
Examples of her signet showing up prior to final battle as follows...
Time slows to sluggish heartbeats as I watch him reach for the ground.
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (p. 567). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
Everything somehow slows and yet happens at once.
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (p. 597). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
Time slows to heartbeats, my breath freezing in my heated chest. Then the wyvern crosses the invisible barrier, and my heart stops beating altogether as its wings flap once. Twice.
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (p. 745). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
During the battle, two events really stood out - when Violet was waiting for the Venin to come upon them and worried about her friends. She says they have 10 seconds maybe. It is then described in detail all the events taking place a second at a time. Shes following this dagger being repaired while simultaneously aware of everything and everyone around her. She is able to gather copious amounts of information in a short, small amount of time.
One. Ridoc waves his hands at my right, holding a dagger that’s been snapped in two. Shit, if his only remaining blade is broken—I blink when the pieces disappear. He wasn’t waving at me. Two. Snapping my head to the left, I find the pieces already in Rhiannon’s hands as Feirge dives to where Sliseag hovers beneath. Three. Feirge flies alongside Sliseag, and Rhiannon tosses the pieces. Four. To Sawyer’s credit, he catches them. Five. Sgaeyl rises to take Feirge’s place, and I lock eyes with Xaden only long enough to see that he’s unharmed. Blood both drips from Sgaeyl’s mouth and runs in rain-driven rivulets down the side of Xaden’s face, but I instinctively know it’s not his and focus on the imminent threat. Six. Breathe. I have to breathe through the firestorm in my chest or I’ll burn out. It’s not that I don’t recognize the signs: the trembling, the heat, the fatigue. It’s just that they don’t matter. Everyone I love is on this field. Seven. They’re almost on us, and I look down at the ward chamber, where Marbh stands watch with a Blue Clubtail I don’t recognize and a vague shape I hope is Andarna, and when a flash of sunlight reflects on the dagger in Sawyer’s hand, it disappears again, Feirge already on the move. Eight. “Dajalair is frustrated by the unflyable conditions,” Tairn relays as Feirge rises alongside Aotrom. Nine. “Tell them they’re more efficient guarding the courtyard and incoming wounded than struggling with waterlogged wings,” I note. “They’d be a liability up here right now, not an asset.” The dagger changes hands, and Ridoc is once again armed. I grin at how seamlessly we work as a team, then face the coming tidal wave. Ten. “You’re beginning to think—” Tairn starts. “Like Brennan?” I suggest as the wyvern enter our airspace. “Like Tairn,” Sgaeyl answers,
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (pp. 827-828). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
The last scene that made me think this was when Sawyer and Aotrom was being attacked by multiple wyverns. Violet is able to assess the situation, gather the information, which gave her the opportunity to save her friends. I think this speaks directly to the battle at Resson, her world had been so turned upside down with the realization that everything she knew was false she was unable to fully piece together the information she did know about how wyvern is made from Venin, she feels responsible for Liam.
We’re almost there, but everything happens so fucking fast that it’s as if the rest of the world slows down. In one heartbeat, the closest wyvern opens its jaws. In the second, it blasts green fire across Sliseag and Sawyer dives backward out of the seat, narrowly avoiding being burned to death and rolling down Sliseag’s spine with a smoking boot. In the third, it completes its assault, snapping at Sliseag’s exposed side. Sawyer kicks at the gaping jaws to save his dragon from the bite, but in the next, he takes it himself, his leg disappearing between the wyvern’s massive teeth.
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (p. 833). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
With that I leave you with this blurb from Xaden
“You have to find your center again, Violet. I can’t do it for you.” He holds my gaze, letting his words sink in, before adding, “You are a creature of logic and facts, and everything you know got turned upside down and shaken. You’ll never know how truly sorry I am for that. But you can’t just sit there and hope. You want it to change, then you have to figure it out, just like Gauntlet. You’re the only one who can.”
Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame (The Empyrean Book 2) (p. 663). Entangled Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.
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angstywaifu · 2 months
The Lost Sister - Part 39
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Ophelia Riorson)
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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Minutes later we’re all stood with our dragons on the ridgeline, surveying what awaits us below. There was a high chance none of us would walk out of here, but we couldn’t leave those people down there to die. Leadership wanted to test our loyalty, see where we really stood. Which apparently was flying to Eltuval and leaving everyone here to die. If that’s how they wanted me to prove my loyalty to a cause that hide the truth and lied to it’s people then fuck them. We we’re trained to fight and protect our people, not let them die.
”Promise me you’ll run if this starts going south.” Garrick says quietly from behind me, somehow approaching without me noticing.
”You know I can’t do that.” I say as I turn my head to look at him. “If today is the day I meet Malek, then today is that day. I’m not running. And I know you aren’t either.”
He nods slowly. “But at least one of us could survive this.”
”And then what? I go back to Basgiath where they’ll lock me away or kill me? No thank you.” I say as I turn back to the town below us. “We can do this.”
Out of the corner of my eyes I catch the look he gives me. He doesn’t think we can make it out of this. At least not all of us. If two can level a whole city… What could four do? I honestly didn’t want to find out, my hand tightening around the dagger’s Xaden had given to me as we left the garrison. And even if we did survive…. what would await us back at Basgiath? Another thing I didn’t want to find out. But depending how this went, those we’re our options. And I felt like either way I wasn’t surviving.
”I hope you’re right.” He says solemnly as he looks at me.
”I hope so to.” I say quietly.
We have to go little one. Mealladh informs me as the others start to mount up.
Garrick must receive the same information from Chradh, nodding his head slightly before turning to me. Both of us look at each other, not sure what to say to each other. Neither of us wanting to say goodbye, because we don’t want this to be goodbye. But there’s a chance it could be. There’s a chance this could be. Garrick pulls a small box from a pocket on his jacket, shoving it into my hands before pulling me into a quick and deep kiss as our dragons huff behind us.
”Just in case something happens…. hold onto this for me. And if I don’t make it….” He whispers against my lips.
”No. You will make it.” I tell him sternly as I grip onto the box.
I try and fail to shove the box back into his hands before he turns and mounts Chradh. Leaving me to safely place the box in the pocket of my flight jacket, before I turn and mount Mealladh. She wastes no time, and as soon as I’m seated and secure she launches into the air as Chradh and Fuil follow us as we dip into a deep dive down into the valley. My eyes scan the perimeter, looking for anything we could use to our advantage. Below us the screams of people fill my ears as they try and rush to safety beyond the outpost gates.
Have the others found anything yet? I ask Mealladh as we soar past a tower which I’m pretty sure has a venin stationed on top.
Not yet. Mealladh informs me solemnly.
We needed to find something fast. The venin we’re already proving their strength. Most of the town already in ruin. And who knew when that Wyvern we had spotted would return. As if on queue two Wyvern appear over the tree line, one heading for Violet and Tairn, the other heading straight for us. I’m hit with a wave of familiarity as I see the Wyvern properly for the first time. It’s colour is almost identical to most of Mealladh, the only exception to being the red tips to her wings, tail and horns, as well as the bright white alone her back. But if you weren’t looking at how many legs she had and just saw her fly above, she could almost be mistaken for the Wyvern heading straight for us. Mealladh throws us into another drop as the Wyvern skims past us, the heat of it’s flames narrowly missing us as I see blue light up the sky above me. I turn to see it disappear beyond the tree line again. Clearly I wasn’t it’s focus right now.
Soleil and Fuil have found a mine entrance we can evacuate everyone out. Mealladh informs me as we do another loop of the outpost.
Get me close to the ground, I’ll help them get everyone out.
She gets us as low as she can, banking as I time my jump perfectly, rolling to break my fall as I land on the ground. Around me everything is in chaos. People are rushing everywhere, trying to get their loved ones and get out. Debris lines the street from the various buildings the venin have already attacked or destroyed. I look up to see Garrick and Bodhi further up the street directing everyone down to me, towards the mine entrance. To my right the street is in chaos, these people not knowing where to head for safety.
”Down here!” I yell out to them, the ones closest to me looking at me as I point towards the mine where Liam and Soleil are ushering people in as quickly as they can.
I run further into the street, shoving through the crowd as best I can, trying to get more people to follow the rest. But between the screaming, the roars of the dragons and Wyvern they barely hear me. A stray bolt of lightening not helping as it hits a nearby building, showering us in debris. I need more people to help me direct them to safety. But everyone else is too focused on getting to their own safety to help. Wait. I don’t need more people. Not real people anyway. I close my eyes and focus as I reach out with my mind as I’m hit with the over whelming feeling of panic and fear. I imagine the street is lined with other riders, all yelling and telling them to head to the old mine shaft where it’s safe. Immediately I feel a slight dip in the panic of those around me. The slight bit of hope that there’s a way out not too far away. I open my eyes to see the townspeople helping each other. Directing those they can along with the fake riders I’ve called upon. Good, we can get them to safety. I rush down more streets, helping those who have fallen or gotten injured along the way. Passing them onto other townspeople who can help them get to that mine. Before long the streets start to empty as they all make their way down.
Soleil and Fuil are dead. Mealladh’s grim voice speaks in my head. You need to get off the ground and back to me.
What happened? I ask, as I come to a stop in the middle of the street.
Venin draw power from the ground. One of them started channelling and killed them. I need you to get somewhere I can land little one. There’s another one not far from you. I can’t have you meeting the same fate.
Where? Where is it? I demand.
I need to make sure Garrick is safe. If it’s near him.
Mealladh goes silent, clearly hearing my thoughts.
Tell me it’s not near him! I yell down the bond as panic sets in.
I can’t do that little one.
I immediately break into a run as I shove my shield up, heading back towards the street I’d seen him on when I’d first landed. But when I get there he’s nowhere to be seen. Bodhi also missing. I look back down the the mine to see the ground drained of its colour. That must be where the Venin had drawn power. It’s as if it drained the life out of everything. I need to find him and fast.
I turn back to where I had seen them both earlier, running up the street that heads towards the centre of the outpost. Above me Tairn flies over head, trying to get the attention of the Wyvern heading towards where I’m running. The direction I am certain Garrick and Bodhi are. Finally I make it to the centre of outpost, and right in the centre is Garrick. His daggers gripped tightly in his hands as he faces off against the Venin standing in the middle of the rubble that use to be the tower. It’s attention shifts to me, and I feel my magic flair in response as his red eyes meet mine.
The same feeling I’d had when we crossed the border of the wards coming back. Almost as if responding to the Venin in front of me. Garrick follows it’s gaze, his eyes widening as he see’s me standing there. And that’s all it takes for the Venin to make it’s move. Their hand directing the Wyvern soaring over us to head right for Garrick.
It feels as if everything slows down as I watch two Wyvern bank towards us. Towards Garrick. Their mouths opening just like a Dragon’s before it unleashes it’s fire. And I know just like a Dragon’s there is no surviving it. I reach out as if I can pull or push him out of harms way, out of the danger that is fast approaching. Reaching for that part of my signet that can. But instead I feel something else. Something else rushes through me, a cold dead feeling rushing through me instead. It almost feels like…
This is what I imagine death would feel like. The cold, dead feeling rushing up through me from the ground before it ripples out through my hands, extending towards the Wyverns behind Garrick. It almost looks like smoke… no shadows as it leaves my body and traverses over the centre of the outpost. Just as I see the blue glow ignite in the back of their throats, the shadow passes around Garrick and meets it mark on the Wyverns. Instantly the Wyverns howl in pain as their bodies start to shrivel up as they drop to the ground. Their bodies disintegrating into a cloud of dust as they meet the ground.
The venin turns to me, their red eyes wide with shock as they stare at my shaking hands. Just like I am. What was that? What had I done? The cold, dead feeling still lingering in my body. Almost as if it had drained the life out of me as well. And I think it has. Something isn’t right. Something is very wrong. The cold feeling getting worse by the second. Before a burning feeling starts in my stomach. I lurch forward as I start coughing uncontrollably. Something wet hitting my hand as I go to stifle it. As I remove my shaking hand from my mouth, I look down to see my hand is covered in blood. My body going finally giving into the cold and dead feeling that has consumed me as I fall into darkness.
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko @krowiathemythologynerd @callsign-blue @1islessthan3books @side-angel @wolfbc97 @just-an-ace-elf
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justallihere · 6 months
Hi bestie,
the school librarian x kindergarten teacher has now become my brain rot and I'm thinking of so many potential scenarios/conversations
Idk if you've seen those tik toks where kids ask their teacher the most out-of-pocket questions like Are you married? Are you going to marry Miss Violet, why are you so old, etc
or if its Christmas time X: What presents would you get for someone you care about? and the kids are like "Better style bc all you wear is black and hearing aids bc you're old Mr Xaden" LMAO
Imagine a kid who gets easily overstimulated and likes to hide away in the library since its quiet and Xaden is frantically looking for this missing child and is ready to go mama bear to find this kid
imagine a career day and Violet asks her siblings to come help, Brennan is a surgeon, Mira is in the AirForce and they try to intimidate Xaden bc he's dating their baby sister 😭
No like it’s taken over my life 😭 I’ve got it and SITQ both open and I’ve just been flipping back and forth all day
Xaden would be so good with kids, he’s for sure the type of person to talk to five year olds like they’re grown adults and they LOVE it. They love him. They call him Mr. X and he constantly has at least one child holding his hand. One look and they stop doing whatever bad thing they’re not supposed to be doing. When they do crafts and the kids don’t want to take them home they all march down to the library and give them to Miss Vi and of course she loves the art and has a whole wall dedicated to it but she’s also glaring over their heads at him for bringing all this GLITTER around her BOOKS. He bugs her during lunch or his free period and puts away the books on the shelves she’s too short to reach and walks her to her car at the end of the day. Also he sneaks his dog in sometimes, and Sgaeyl is a perfectly behaved angel who always seems to know exactly which kid is having a bad day and she sits next to them. Xaden tries to set up doggy play dates between her and Tairn and Andarna and Violet won’t agree because she thinks he’s just teasing her
And yes, the kids know he has the world’s biggest, most pathetic crush on Violet
Some nosy-ass kid: “Are you married to Miss Violet?”
Xaden: “buddy if I was married to Miss Violet you’d know”
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callsign-rogueone · 7 months
letters from samara - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x reader (Angel!) part of my Valentine’s Day celly! 💕 words: 1.0k 🏷: FOURTH WING AND IRON FLAME SPOILERS, part of my Garrick and Angel series, so read that first for context! no other warnings, just kinda soft and sad.
Someone drops a thick envelope onto the table in front of you. “From Samara. They said it was important.”
Samara. Brennan had told you that’s where Garrick and Xaden are. Your hands shake as you open the seal, but you relax at the familiar slant of Garrick’s handwriting. 
My angel,
I will start with what I know you’re most worried about: I am alive, I am safe, and so is X. He’s brooding in the corner of the room right now -- he’s not taking it well being apart from Vi, but command has allowed them visits every two weeks for Tairn and Sgaeyl’s sakes. 
We both miss you more than words can describe. I wish I could have said goodbye before we left, or that we could have taken you with us, but X wouldn’t hear arguments from anyone. I have never seen him that serious about anything before. 
I’m so sorry, angel. For all of it, everything. You didn’t deserve to be put through any of that, and I know how deeply it hurt you. It was terrifying to see you that way, so drained and cold. I can’t imagine what it felt like. 
Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, my love. You are the most kindhearted person I’ve ever known, and I love that about you, but you have to think of your own needs as well. You deserve peace and rest, especially now. Sleep in as long as you want, make time for your meditation. I’m sure the gardens would appreciate your attention as well; I swear you could make roses grow in dry sand as long as you smiled at them every day. 
I couldn’t bear to burn anything of yours, knowing that your heart still beats. I kept the things I thought to be most important to you and took them here with me. I will return them to you as soon as I can, but they are a comfort to me now — my room here feels like it did at Basgiath, with little touches of you scattered around. I keep watching the door, thinking that any moment you’ll come knocking to walk to class with me, or if I reach across the bed in the morning, you’ll be beside me again. I don’t know when I’ll see you next, but I know in my heart that I will. There is nothing and no-one that could keep me from you. 
Yours always,
On the sheet below, another.
Until I can lay by your side and tell you about my days, I’ll keep writing to you about them instead.
Being here feels like being a fresh cadet all over again, but different -- bottom of the food chain, getting the shifts nobody wants, but at least we don’t have to constantly prove our strength like we did in our first year at Basgiath, and we already have our dragons. 
One of Chradh’s relatives is here, which is cool. I think they’re cousins? They look damn near identical. I walked up to the wrong one on the flight line the other day -- thankfully the guy has a better sense of humor than Chradh, but I’m never making that mistake again.
Every rider here seemed to know exactly who we were when we arrived. Some of them have been more subtle with their distaste for us than others, but nobody’s been dumb enough to try anything -- probably because we look like we can fight, and because Sgaeyl is fucking terrifying, even more so now that she’s separated from Tairn. 
I just got off a 12-hour patrol shift, and I’m exhausted, but it’s hard to sleep without you here. I don’t think we’ve ever been apart this long in our lives. Being without either of you has never even felt like a possibility before; it’s always been us three together through the good and the bad. Someday it’ll be like that again, I know it will.
Brennan is the best mender I have ever known. If you choose, he can help you strengthen your ability, but please don’t push yourself too far. I need you to be in one piece when I get back. 
There are three more sheets underneath, one in Xaden’s rough script and two more from Garrick, the last dated four days ago -- likely the day he’d sent it. 
You realize what an incredible risk it was to write to you at all. It wouldn’t take a genius to put together that X is Xaden, that you’re hiding in Aretia, that you’d faked your death, or rather that your friends had faked it for you. How many hands did these pages pass through to reach you? How many others out there are on your side? 
You bring a hand up to cover your yawn, realizing how tired you are. The sun has gone down, a small mage light the only thing illuminating the corner of the study that you occupy. It’s likely nearing midnight.
“The letters and the books will still be there in the morning,” Tab says gently. “Sleep. You’ve had a long day.”
You look down at the torn piece of fabric you’ve been staring at for the last four hours. It has not yet sewn itself back together, no matter how hard you concentrated or “cleared your mind”, how gently you touched it. You’d even asked it nicely, but it did not dignify you with a response.
You set the letters aside for a moment, stacking up the books that you’d found in the house’s library about mending and placing them in a neat pile in the corner of the table you’ve been sitting at every evening for the last week. You fold the black cotton into quarters, setting it atop the pile -- you’ll try again tomorrow.
You can’t help but smile as you tuck the letters back into the envelope, brushing your fingers over the wax seal.
Garrick is right, this is the longest you’ve ever been apart, but as you gaze out the window into the starry sky, holding the letters he’d written you, the distance between you doesn’t seem that far.
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moon--mama · 2 months
Some more ideas I have now that I’m done reading Iron Flame:
**Andarna is the seventh breed of dragon, which means Violet’s second signet might be something that no one has seen in 600+ years. What if it’s something like “purification” and she’s able to heal venin? Sort of like healing or mending, but purifying instead.
**I expect that Xaden will attempt to tamp down the reality that the earth magic is tempting like a drug. With the issues he and Violet already have in being honest, it’s going to be a wild ride that will probably lead to a breakup at some point. This series has had far too much spice and fluff to go on another three books without some turmoil. Of course, that’s not what I want to see happen, but there aren’t any rainbows without rain.
**in a breakup scenario, or even an Evil Xaden scenario, Violet knows the ultimate secret that could utterly wreck Xaden’s life. If she let it slip that he was hiding his mind reading signet, literally no one would trust him again. His leadership would absolutely be called into question. She’s not amazing at keeping secrets, so it’s only a matter of time.
**General Sorrengail’s communication before the final chapter states “we have tried every method we know of, as you requested. There is no cure. There is only control.” It’s from a random Nolon Colbersy. This leads to several thoughts. First, why was Lilith trying to cure something? Who or what was she trying to cure? Could be a venin, could have been papa sorrengail, could be herself, or could even possibly be Violet. Second, is Colbersy alive? Third, “we know of” suggests that perhaps there’s information they don’t know—in a society that has been happily deleting and omitting information for centuries, it’s likely there’s some more info out there.
**the shared dreaming about the Sage: What if the Sage was going after both Violet and Xaden on purpose, since together they’re a crazy weapon? Since they both kept having the same nightmare, and Violet kept thinking about how real it was because it kept changing subtly, it seems like a powerful venin might be able to project themselves into a dream. The dragon crew knows very little about mind powers, since they kill off most intinsics. Maybe the Gryphon riders have some answers—but if they aren’t talking to each other about their recurring identical nightmares, it’s unlikely that they will talk to other people.
**knowing Xaden can read minds makes this series suddenly more hilarious. Think about all the times Violet thought something cringey and then Xaden responded. She has thought to herself over and over “oh? I must have accidentally said that out loud.” I was even getting annoyed that it kept happening until the big secret came out, and now it’s just funny to think about.
**another sad thought about the mind reading—Xaden and Cat were betrothed. Xaden developed new powers what, three years ago? It’s hinted that he used to be in a relationship with Cat, like an actual relationship, even though he’s now completely over her and plays it down to Violet. What if there was a sudden moment when he went to see her and he was able to read her mind for the first time? That would have put a quick end to any relationship. Poor guy was probably pretty shaken up to realize that he could now pre-scan his ladies to find out why they were interested. If they were betrothed, it’s also likely that he spent a lot of time at her uncle’s house as a little kid, so there’s probably some Riorson family memories tied up in his relationship with Cat too.
**I don’t think it’s possible that Tairn’s previous rider is alive. The dragons have that telepathic link that hurts when it’s severed. Turning venin evidently doesn’t sever dragon links, since Sgaeyl seems to be freezing Xaden out (he still has signet powers, the GPS link to Violet, etc) However, I do think it’s possible that the venin general is still alive. Xaden kept watching for his body in the river and never saw it.
**is the venin magic just a gigantic glaring plot hole? Because you can’t tell me that every single infantry person wouldn’t “reach for power” if it was there and it meant saving the lives of their friends or living through a battle.
**we never actually saw what happened when Xaden “turned” venin. There might be more that was said or done. His POV cut off when he woke up from his memory/nightmare. Do we count the dream as a memory?
**At one point, Lilith said to Violet “when you become a mother” and not “if.” I wonder if this will take an “oh no we left all the contraceptive tinctures in Basgaith” turn at some point. Are Venin still people? Can they have children? Does that make the children part Venin? Maybe we will find out.
Okay that’s all for now but I’m sure more ideas will occur to me.
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haveihitanerve · 2 months
The fact that Rebecca Yarros has Violet apologize mentally to Tairn in both books before doing something that she knows might end her because she knows it’ll kill him too and him bellowing at her to come back because he knows he won’t make it in time not because he wants to save his life but hers and I just like
Why must you do that to me?
Tairn and Violet are possibly my favorite father daughter relationship and he is amazing and her bestie and I love them and please stop having her apologize and go “I am so sorry.” Before blocking his connection and leaving him like 😭 I can’t go through that again and again
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skyfallscotland · 7 months
So this has been in my head all day and I just had to get it out. I don't know if I'll just leave it here or uh...yeah. @justallihere I want you to know you're taking FULL responsibility for this nonsense. This is your fault 🫡
(consider this some AU world where Tyrrendor successfully seceded years ago, Xaden is king, and they have their own riders academy but Tairn still bonded Violet because he lives to make Xaden's life difficult, also...violet/cam/liam has a certain appeal to it...no, someone stop me)
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“You know you can enjoy yourself while you’re here.” Violet Sorrengail says judgementally. “If you’re forced to follow me around, you may as well have some fun.” 
“I’m not forced to follow you around.” He replies immediately, shifting on his feet as his eyes scan the dark tavern, noting each of the patrons lingering by the bar. It’s true he’s not. His brother had asked and he had accepted. It’s the least he can do while they try and figure out how to deal with this—the mess that Tairn has caused, bonding a rider from Navarre.
“Sure you’re not.” There’s that judgemental tone again.
“Perhaps I just enjoy your company.” He tosses back, a hint of flirtation in his voice. Violet eyes his boyish grin before snorting, shaking her head as she picks up her drink—some sweet-looking lavender concoction. 
“And if I decide to enjoy someone else’s?” She challenges, a hint of conceit in her voice as she leans around him, nodding her head. “Like maybe Prince Cam’s? He’s been watching me since we got here.”
Liam’s head whips around and he instinctively moves to the side, shielding Violet’s body with his own as his eyes search out Navarre’s third prince. It takes a moment to find him, shrouded in darkness where he sits in the far corner of the tavern, boot on his knee as he nurses a glass of bourbon, his posture unnervingly relaxed. 
He can’t quite make out the other man’s eyes across the room, but he knows from memory they’re a deep forest green, just like the rest of his family. “Yeah, totally fine with it.” Violet says sarcastically, drawing his attention back to her. She looks pointedly at his torso and the way it’s shifted automatically to shield her from the prince’s view. 
“I’m not forced to do anything.” He insists, dragging his attention back to their conversation. “But I am here to keep you safe and that,” he shifts his eyes back to Cam, “is not safe for you—not anymore.” 
It’s entirely out of her control—out of all theirs—but Violet Sorrengail is now the key to taking down Tyrrendor, so regardless of how she might feel about it, he’s going to protect her and that means not going anywhere near Navarrian royalty. “I’ll go and see what he wants.” Liam says sternly, his hand on the shorter girl’s shoulder. “Go back to your friends.” 
Her jaw tightens and she opens her mouth like she might protest, but clearly thinks better of it. “Fine.” She rolls her eyes, swiping up her drink and turning on her heel. She tosses one final glance over her shoulder towards the dark corner the subject of their conversation is in, but otherwise doesn’t falter, storming back over to her squad.
He watches, waiting for her to be safely ensconced between Rhiannon and Ridoc before striding slowly to the other side of the tavern, moving easily through the Saturday evening revelry until he’s standing over a man he’s only ever seen in passing.
“Liam Mairi.” The prince’s lips tick up. He drags his eyes up over Liam’s frame as the blond rider does the same. He’s sprawled out in the chair, relaxed as could be, his knees slightly spread as he takes a long draw of liquor. “Come to threaten me away from Sorrengail?” 
“You know who I am.” It’s half statement, half question. 
“I made it my business to know.” He taps his fingers on the table in front of him. “A Tyrrish citizen attending Basgiath War College? That sort of news travels fast.” 
Liam crosses his arms over his chest. “What do you want?”
Cam’s lips tick up like that’s something amusing. “Many things.” He pauses for a moment, studying Liam’s face. “Where’s your king?” 
Liam tenses. “In Aretia. Obviously.” He tries to appear as relaxed as the prince in front of him, but he’s certain he fails. “Xaden has a country to run, unlike…some.” His tone is mocking, challenging in a way he should probably refrain from, given his status as a diplomatic representative. 
“Yes, it’s terrible being third in line. I really detest having all this free time to do whatever I like, truly.” He downs the rest of the bourbon in his glass, dropping it onto the table. “Tell me, does she know?” He climbs to his feet, circling around the table slowly, like a predator. “Do you plan on filling her in? After all, it’s only fair given the danger it puts her in—being bound to your king.”
“She doesn’t know.” Liam lowers his voice threateningly, “and you’re not going to tell her.” Blue meet forest green in a fierce glare. “Interesting that you do though,” he moves closer until there’s only an inch or two separating them. “I guess that means you’re just like the rest of your family—happy to sit back and watch the world burn.” 
That gets a reaction out of him, the younger man stepping forward with a snarl on his lips. “You know nothing about me.” He looks up into Liam’s eyes. “You riders always think yourselves so superior to everyone else.” His voice drops to a low murmur, barely audible over the revelry of the tavern. “Just because I’m not flying around on the back of a dragon, doesn’t mean I’m doing nothing.”
He’s slightly shorter than Liam but just as well built and when he steps further into the blond’s space, Liam can’t help but look. His sandy brown hair is immaculately styled, his clothes are clean and pressed, and when he glances down even the man’s boots shine. It’s obvious he doesn’t belong here but…there’s something in the way the other man holds himself—with a spine of steel—that stirs something within him. That same steel is reflected in his eyes. 
“So what are you doing?” He murmurs, the corner of his lips quirking up mockingly. “What’s your plan to help fight a war your family would stop at nothing to keep quiet?” Cam’s jaw is clenched, like he’s fighting to keep something in, rather than speak his mind. Almost against his will, Liam’s hand rises, his fingers sliding over the scruff on the other man’s jawline as he cups it gently. “All that power and what do you have to show for it?”
Cam’s lips part, his eyes roving over the blond’s face. “Nothing I can talk about here.” His green eyes are hard, unflinching as he tilts his head, pressing his cheek into Liam’s hand.
“Are you asking to get me alone?” The Tyrr’s lips curve up in a smirk.
“Would you like that?” The prince fires back.
He would actually. The shock of that revelation has him faltering, his usually unflappable composure dissipating as he stares down at the slow, arrogant smile spreading across full pink lips. 
“Tell your king I want to speak to him, Mairi.” The younger man whispers, reaching up to lace his fingers through Liam’s before removing the blond’s hand from his face. It feels like it takes an eternity for their hands to separate, his fingers sliding purposefully over Liam’s own. “Whenever that dragon of his drags him back here.” The prince turns to leave, his torso brushing Liam’s as he slides past him, far too close for it to be considered accidental. 
“And where will you be until then?” Liam enquires, his eyes dark.
Cam looks over his shoulder, a smirk on his lips. “I’ll be around.” He disappears into the crowd, going unnoticed by the rest of the taverns patrons and Liam watches him go, a dangerous, terrible curiosity stirring in his chest. 
He remains frozen for a moment, unmoving until a flash of silver catches his eye and he shakes it off, striding across the floor to rejoin his new squad.
“That looked like it went well.” There’s laughter in Violet Sorrengail’s voice and a hint of arrogance as she ribs him. “I’m glad you took care of it.” A sarcastic grin slides over her face as she lifts her drink to her lips. “I’m fine here if you need to take care of anything else.”
He stares at her, unimpressed. “Very funny.”
“Mhmm.” She hums, her eyes dancing with mischief. “First time with a man?” This woman is entirely too smart for her own good and it’s only going to cause him more and more headaches as time goes on, he just knows it. 
“I’m not into men.” He shuts her down. 
“You’re a consummate flirt, Liam Mairi.” She laughs. “I refuse to believe that.” 
But he’s not lying. Consummate flirt he may be, but he’s never been interested in anyone of the male gender…until now. Liam knows himself and his own mind well. He’s not into men, but Navarre’s third prince and his quiet arrogance, his ridiculously green eyes and the way his skin feels beneath Liam’s hands? That…that he may be into. 
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marvelsmylife · 6 months
The mated dragon dilemma
Pairing: bodhi x reader, (ex)xaden x reader
Plot: you were dating Xaden until violet came into the picture and bonded with Tairn who happens to be Sgaeyl’s mate. Not being able to see you boyfriend get close to another girl you break up and end up spending your free time with Bodhi . . . Your ex’s cousin. What happens when you discover that your dragons are actually mates and decide to explore a relationship with him. Will it be smooth sailing or will Xaden do everything possible to sabotage your relationship because he still has feelings towards you.
A/n I know this is short but this was just a little intro into the story. It’s going to get MESSY.
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Breakups are hard. Especially when you have to see your ex getting close to someone he promised he had no romantic feelings towards. You knew it was a lie. You knew it the moment you saw his interaction with Violet when she first arrived at Basgiath.
You felt as if your world crumbled when you discovered she bonded with Tairn, who happens to be mated to Sgaeyl, Xaden’s dragon. You knew no matter how many times Xaden would reassure you that nothing would happen between him and Violet, you felt like they would end up together. And even if they didn't up together, you still didn't like that they would still be permanently connected because of their dragons.
Because of that, you decided to end things with Xaden. Of course, he got angry at your explanation and tried to fight the breakup for two weeks. But not even a month later, you spotted Xaden sneaking around with Violet.
You didn’t want to be around them, so you began distancing yourself from your friends. While they didn’t like it, they understood why you were pulling away from them and left you alone.
The one person who wasn’t taking you distancing yourself from them was Bodhi.
It pained him to see you distancing yourself from them. He loved being around you and felt like something was missing in his life now that you no longer hung around. He argued with his cousin countless times about what transpired between you and always left angry when Xaden would deny that something was going on between him and Violet.
Bodhi let you have your space for two weeks before he decided to stop by your room to check on you. He was horrified when he noticed your room was a mess. You were always well-organized, so seeing your room messy made him realize something was wrong.
After many hours, Bodhi managed to get you to open up to him about what you were going through, “I hate that I still love him,” you cried against Bodhi’s chest.
“It’s normal for you to feel this way. You were together for six years,” Bodhi reassured you.
You knew he was right, but that didn’t stop you from wishing you could get rid of your feelings for Xaden instantly. “I just want to stop loving him,” you held Bodhi tighter.
“Don’t worry, that feeling will numb, and soon you’ll forget about it,” Bodhi reassured you while he tried not to let the feeling he’d been harboring for you for months resurface.
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chaoticneutraltor · 9 months
I just finished reading iron flame and I’m going insane so here are a few thoughts I had
Why did xaden assume the venin came for him??? were her nightmares really his????
Andarna is the one combined = she’s a combination of all the other dragon colours???
Is violet’s dad the sage????????? Is that why they won’t kill violet?????
Where is xaden’s mom????????
Did lilith request that nolon finds a cure for venin???? was her husband venin????? Is lilith venin because her eyes being bloodshot and bruised is referenced v v often also is that why she couldn’t imbue the wardstone because she would drain it instead????
Sgael literally kept xaden’s second signet a secret from Tairn she deserves better but also xaden can do no wrong in my eyes
Could xaden see the intentions of venin is that why he sacrificed himself and turned??
Tairn saying “I know who and what you are” WHAT IS SHE TAIRN????
They couldn’t get jack’s marks out from dain is that why violet’s hair tips always stay silver???? A venin attack when her mom was pregnant with her?????
Brennan showed up to basgiath after the wards went down is he venin?????
Xaden kept saying you’re going to be the death of me to Violet in fourth wing DID HE KNOW??????
Lilith said “you’d be surprised the things you do to save your children” did she kill violet’s dad???? or make a deal with venin is that why vi’s hair is grey????
Why was vi’s dad researching feathertails and the first six??? did leadership kill him because he found something out he shouldn’t have???
Can Sloane siphon the venin out of xaden???
Did Liam put a tracking rune in the wooden carving he gave vi of andarna????? or did xaden put a tracking rune in one of her daggers???
Was the whole point of bringing the wards down to find andarna????? is that what the venin wanted????
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noboundsforlove · 10 months
Violet Sorrengail’s Second Signet
Her second signet is light. Let me explain.
Let’s start with her first signet, back in Fourth Wing. In Chapter 22, Tairn channels to Violet for the first time. Violet describes it as a “rush of energy” that races down her spine. Then she says “Another wave ripples through me…” and continues “Something within me expands, somehow too big for my own body, too vast to be contained, and pain sears every nerve as I crack open, the sound reverberating through my skull like bones shattering. It’s as though I’ve been split at the very seams of the fabric of my being.” What’s important to note is that it comes in waves and it is painful. She then says “Energy pours in - a deluge of raw endless power…” She specifically describes it as “the energy - the power.” As continuing to course through her veins.
Fast forward to Iron Flame. Andarna wakes up from the Dreamless Sleep at the end of Chapter 37. I’m of the opinion that Violet’s second signet does not manifest until after Andarna awakes (sorry to anyone who thinks the hallucination of Liam [Ch. 35] or Rhiannon’s dagger move [Ch. 29] are a part of the second signet). Andarna is still a bit groggy when she wakes up, so she doesn’t start channeling to Violet right away. She starts channeling in Chapter 48 - you know - the “My house. My Chair. My woman.” chapter.
During this cataclysmic scene, Xaden gives Violet the conduit to hold - this is key, as I think it’s why Violet does not fully realize Andarna has started to channel. I think it starts when Violet says “With the next caress, pleasure and power crest through me, over me, in simultaneous waves that crash again and again. There’s no thunder, no strike, only the hum of energy in my hand that flares with the strokes of Xaden’s mouth and fingers.” Violet’s stream of consciousness continues that it does not end - “only the waves of infinite ecstasy that come without breaking.” She says out loud “I can’t take it” and says the waves come and come with no end in sight. She describes the “searing pleasure” that rips through her. After Xaden floods the bond, she says “I shatter, splintering into a million glittering shards of bliss as I scream out his name. Power and light course through me without burning…” and then says she feels her power crackle through the orb in her hand before settling.
The way Violet describes what she is feeling as endless waves and searing pleasure echoes the scene in Fourth Wing where Tairn starts channeling to her. It is the only spot in the book where she says that “power and light” course through her, and I think that indicates that her second signet is finally present. It’s important to note that in Chapter 40, Felix tells Violet that she “wields pure power that takes the form of lightning” because that is the form Violet is most comfortable shaping it as. I think her light signet will be similar—what she will wield is pure light, but it will take a certain form.
As Andarna reminds Violet in Chapter 53, “signets manifest according to the person wielding.” Violet is, in a metaphorical sense, light. I think her signet of power is associated with her rider heart, and her signet of light is associated with her scribe mind. Violet is outraged by being kept in the dark by her government—she wants the truth to be brought to light. This also applies to her relationship with Xaden—she constantly seeks truth, or light.
Violet is also going to need light to defeat the venin. In Chapter 53, Cat makes a comment to Violet that the fact that she doesn’t carry a torch with her says that Violet hasn’t been appropriately scared of the dark yet. At the beginning of Chapter 61, we get more context as to why Cat might be afraid of the dark—the chapter begins with a quote from Major Edvard Tiller’s Unaccredited Study of the Venin. “Though there is some debate, it is greatly believed that turning venin heightens one of the dark wielder’s senses. It is this scholar’s belief that the one responsible for the death of King Grethwild developed keener eyesight. For not even the best of His Majesty’s royal fliers could see through the darkness the venin hid within to slay our beloved king.” Violet will need light to expose the venin and then wield power in the form of lightning to defeat them.
One thought on the form the light signet could take is that Violet is a luminary. She can amplify dragon fire, and make it hotter. She might need this to be able to forge a tool or weapon out of iron, like the wardstones, the stones found in the wyvern carcasses, the Rybestad chest, or the runed stones that protected the children of the rebellion. After all, Violet is a part of the Iron Squad, and the book is called Iron Flame - perhaps the answer has been sitting in front of us all along. Violet’s second signet may just be her ability to wield iron flame.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 10 months
Ok, something has been bugging me about Dain and his signet, and I want to talk about it for a second.
I was thinking back over Fourth Wing and Iron Flame to see if there were any moments where Vi consented to having her memories read, and not only was the answer no, somethig HELLA chilling popped up when I went back to check the text.
When Xaden explains to Vi that Dain has to touch someone's face to read their memories, her response is "...that's how he always touches me" (Fourth Wing, 450). I get that Dain's signet is secret and he can't just TELL Vi what he can do when he catches her immediately after she crosses the parapet, but one of the first things he does in that scene is take her chin (Fourth Wing, 32) in his fingers. He establishes a pattern of behavior, normalizes his touching her face as a habit. And yes, it could be argued that not touching her face would also give away his signet somehow, but as the person with knowledge, Dain is responsible for the ethics of using and setting patterns around his signet. He either had to just...NOT touch her face, which child be justified by not wanting to make her look weak or come clean. But Dain "my heart is a rulebook" Aetos does neither. And what does THAT do? It puts Vi in a vulnerable as hell position with someone she thinks she is safe with.
Even take the rebellion and Athebyne out if the equation for a sec. Vi almost certainly has memories that are just simply private. Not a massive secret, not a liability, just HERS. And for a huge part of the book, she is just letting Dain touch her face, potentially opening up memories she doesn't want him to know about to his signet. That is a power dynamic so absolutely fucky that I don't have words for it. And then we circle back to the reality that Dain did cross the line and try to take memories by force in Fourth Wing--and succeeding the one time we know about got Liam and Deigh killed. And this is just the main example that we know about. I'm not ruling out that there were other examples still to come to light; we have three books to go in this series.
I honestly also wouldn't have put it past Dain to do a quick memory check when he holds Vi's face at threshing before he kisses her (Fourth Wing, 191). He was NOT happy with Xaden for interfering, and I suspect he wanted a look at what happened without Xaden's input. This is purely my theory, there's no real textual evidence, but I am sus. He also cups her face again the day after threshing (Fourth Wing, 203), which is actively a worse choice I'd he slept on it and THEN checked her memories. I also find it wildly suspicious that the next time Vi sees Dain, she is with Tairn, who actively threatens Dains life if he comes within arm's reach of Vi (Fourth Wing, 215). We know Tairn knew things Vi didn't, so was he already preventing rebellion info from sliding to leadership?
Vi herself doesn't put a hard boundary on the face touching until Dain gets offended by Xaden accusing Amber of violating the codex and goes "gimme" (Fourth Wing, 244-245), but she sets it...for a while. The math on the Athebyne thing works out to Xaden telling Vi that's where he goes on page 391, and then Violet Goddamn Sorrengail gets nostalgic for Dain at the celebration with the king and everyone's parents and let's Dain cup her cheek again on page 405. Which is really goddamn tight timing when you think about it, because he touched her face at the beginning of this party, she and Xaden have their little tete a tete on the parapet, sneak off to have great sex for the rest of the night, and the next morning they are assigned to Athebyne. So Dain literally had to corner his Dad at the party and then Colonel Aetos probably spent the rest of the night changing the war game assignments and setting up Xaden's group to be killed.
Dain Aetos likes hard rules, but not ethics. This just gets even more screwy in Iron Flame, once Varrish gets his hooks in Vi.
If one wanted to be more generous than I'm feeling, one could say that Varrish was being polite about trying to get Dain to read Vi's memories in interrogation class (Iron Flame, 228-230), but honestly the motherfucker just saw an opportunity and rolled with it. And here is where Dain having the codex shoved far enough up his ass that it comes out his mouth is actually a win, because he rules-lawyered the spirit of the codex to refuse an order, but goddamn it was a close thing. This man was REACHING FOR VI'S FACE before he stopped himself.
I'm not like...surprised that Varrish isn't teaching our boy ethics, but I'm a little surprised Vi never called Dain's ass out for his lack of ethics regarding his signet. It's possible I read the Arrows of the Queen trilogy a few too many times though.
What Dain noticeably doesn't do the SECOND time Varrish drags him into an interrogation session with Violet is hesitate. Like he so fails to hesitate that VARRISH of all people has to remind Dain that he actually was taught ethics (Iron Flame, 316).
I think he deserves to experience everything Vi shows him, but the fact that it took THAT MUCH to get his head out of his ass? Yeah, no, we are not doing a Dain Aetos redemption arc.
Because when it comes right down to it, Dain was a) a shitty friend, b) absolutely godawful at ethics and morality, c) to married to rules for his own good, and d) knowingly put Violet in a vulnerable situation vis a vis his signet. Like...its a WAR COLLEGE. You're not running around touching people's faces on the regular anyway, just DONT. TOUCH. HER. FACE. Not before she knows about your signet at the very least, and probably not without her explicit consent after that, because here's the thing: at no point in Fourth Wing or Iron Flame did Dain EVER explicitly ask permission to touch Vi. He just DID it. Right from the beginning, after parapet, at threshing, and at the party, he just put hands on her without asking. And then in Iron Flame he's ordered to explicitly against her will, and as much as I love a good rescue, it does not excuse the massive ethical and consent breaches that have become a PATTERN with Dain.
So those are my thoughts about Dain, his signet, and ethics. All I can say is, I am still extremely not here for a Dain Aetos redemption arc.
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