#because she is a goober seen future
xxlianastarfoxx · 8 months
I remember making Valonia for having damaged program. I thought it wasn't right way to do and unsure of my ideas stuff.
But then after the came GlitchX stream about questions explain about pill babies.
I was like "Oh, so I was doing the right way all along"
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thewertsearch · 5 months
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Sometimes I really do forget these kids are thirteen.
We’ve never seen Karkat sincerely apologize for his shit before.
Jade might not be in a position to appreciate it, but this is a moment of genuine personal growth for him, and I'm honestly kind of proud of the little goober.
Wait, this is a little confusing. So he's saying that Jade is going to be annoyed by the Past Karkat nonsense, but she hasn't been annoyed by it yet.
Specifically, she's not yet aware that Karkat knows it annoys her.
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However, she made her feelings on the matter abundantly clear in their previous conversation. She's fully aware that Karkat's aware that she hates this Trollian shit.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting it? The phrasing is deliberately confusing, so I'm only 90% sure I've got the right end of the stick here.
And that, I believe, is a wrap on Project Trolling.
There's no more antagonism left in any of the trolls - or at least, they're no longer antagonizing the kids specifically because of the Mistake. Instead, they simply treat them with the same belligerence as their Alternian compatriots - and if that's not camaraderie, I don't know what is.
Project Trolling is dead. It's finally transitioned, truly and completely, into Project Friendship - my favourite emotion of all.
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Yes <3
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ok so.. i got a lot of new followers because of my rainworld art so.. these are my comic (possibly future game) characters! Behind the Kingdom's walls is a story about war, friendship, love, loss, overcoming your fears and much more.. if youre interested please check out my other posts at #btkw .. and for my long time goobers, you might not recognize some of the characters.. so! Nail went through a re-design (the green guy) his body also changed but here it cant be seen, the person on the left is The Termite King (people often call him TTK for short, and inhabitants of the Termite Kingdom just say The King.) and on the left is... someone very important to Eve... who she hasnt seen in a long time now, is she even still alive?
anyway kids drugs aint cool i do not recommend (eve probably doesnt recommend them either after this experience)
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catinflight · 7 months
Here's Ashley and bert, because why not (Sorry if it's low quality / things dont make sense or if there's any weird spelling mistakes, ect). It's late, and I'm Uber sleepy😭😭 ill try to elaborate more if asked)
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Ashley is part of the main survivor group holed up somewhere (I haven't decided), along with most of the other none infected, she's doing her best to document and assist suna with scout work but sadly she doesn't have any actual weapons to help fight back (not yet atleast) so she mostly sticks to the sidelines. I'll probably use her journal entries to showcase more information about the au and the other survivors, but for now I'll just write down the basic stuff
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Bert knows a lot more than he lets on. He was found a patrol team searching for resources around some vacant and priorly undiscovered set of underground facilities. he was nearly catatonic and refused to make direct eye contact with anyone. Since then, he has gotten better, though not by much. He picked up a few documents from the lab and since has been weirdly protective and fidgety with them since.
Aaaaaand now some good ending future goobers for funsies, because silly
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Suna may seem relatively intact, but that's mostly because her armor took most of the brunt from attacks, though that doesn't mean she hasn't seen some stuff, but atleast she managed to create, somewhat of a cure, for the infection Though it can't help everyone, at least some people don't have to die, right?
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Aki is kinda weird, because not only has he managed to recover from his infection without exposure to the cure, but he somehow managed to integrate it into his own systems, (think getting the cold, but instead of getting sick you mutate it and it gives you superpowers,) though that does come with the drawback of retaining minor symptoms and looking half meganized, this is mostly because Y.D.M (in severe infections) forces a robots system to work in its most extreme states, and for aki, thats when he's meganized, now he mainly focuses on helping suna with curing and reforming people. Suna isn't very fond of this, as she's seen aki takes it too far, often skipping days of sleep and forgetting to recharge while trying to help cure infected. At some extreme points, collapsing with exhaustion, thankfully suna is always keeping an eye on him.
And I would draw daini,
But uh, he kinda
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Who knows maybe I will after all? I mean this is supposed to be the good ending right?
I'll nap on it and see what happens, though if I draw him, I'll have to draw skullman too, cus' yknow, LORE
Anyway, yeah, thank you for reading this small lore dump teehee (I'll draw more characters next time and have less text, I promise 😭😭)
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frog-doctor · 2 months
combined spr x homestuck brainrot has led me to begin classpeculating. SO. allow me to yap
i just wanna say scriptliss is absolutely doombound. like weve seen that guys life and its absolutely full of disaster and suffering . like he was in shackles at some point its not even subtle
id like to say hes a mage due to the sheer amount of brunt hes experienced from all sides of his aspect. genuinely i feel so bad for him he did nothing to deserve that much grief in his life ;; ljke yes he was an edgy little goober in pr2 but are we REALLY gonna punish him for having a little emo phase. dude just wanted to make the most of his immortality cmon man. BOOOOO pr2 protag 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
tess is absolutely voidbound. hes a seer of void, inviting understanding through his aspect and going mad because of it, resulting in him succumbing to the whims of 1x1x1x1, the lord of void.
dusekkar is a space player, and a damn good one too. he created paper robloxia dude. we wouldnt have the damn story without him.
the only thing separating him from the lord class imho is the fact that the plot book was granted to him as a wish from sphara, and not something inherent to his existence. hes a potent space player, yes, but most of his narrative power comes from an artefact, leading me to believe hes someone moreso capable of handling his aspect with grace and finesse.
maids start out as relying on others for their aspect, and their challenge is to begin relying on themselves for it (thanks dahni). dusekkar relied on sphara granting him the plot book; now he does all the work himself. well. did, i suppose. until spr happened lmfao . so id peg dusekkar as a maid of space (heheheh made of space. pumkin head)
lanter is a time player because i said so. /lh
honestly? he just gives me time vibes. hes the typa dude whod march inexorably towards doom and he seems like a realist to me. plus he talks a lot about the past and about the future of robloxia, so im gonna put him down as a sylph of time. he understands it and invites creation through it, meddling (telling the player about dusekkars past) and inspiring the player to save probloxia from antagons clutches
rozanda is a thief of light. self explanatory.
wiscara is a witch of light. you cant tell me shes not jade harleys more ambitious, hyperactive cousin. like. be for real. shes kinda like rozanda . wacky but not downright evil
sphara? muse of time, i think. dont ask me why, it just works. she invites time and embodies it passively. shes a walking time capsule dude you cant tell me im wrong. also isnt she literally god also like . + in her death (COUGH really long nap) she invites wacky shenanigans throughout time (past, present, future) etc
antagon is a little shit, but more importantly hes a prince of sorts, taking a very active pessimistic destruction role in spr. im not quite sure what set of aspects he embodies, but im certain he either:
a) destroys life whilst shadowing doom
b) destroys hope whilst shadowing rage
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sketching-pasketti · 6 months
I’ve been looking for your blog for so long because of you thinking that fnaf and creepypasta exist together, and I also do!! So, I was wondering if you could elaborate on that. If not, that’s totally fine!! Have a great day.😸
I would love to elaborate on this!
For most of the characters it's a "I've seen/heard of you before but nothing else" type of relationship.
I'd like to think that because FNAF is set in Utah most of the characters have never interacted face to face, they've heard of the pastas when they've either been declared missing, dead, or wanted
Longer elaboration under the cut
So William and Henry being the old men that they are heard of Sally as soon as she went missing, now since Henry's the only one out of the two of them with a heart he wanted to help locate her. But William can make a pretty decent argument of "We have a whole business to run, we are not looking for a child"
Oh yeah Slender also likes to kill and kidnap children, William's heard it all and he doesn't believe Slender exists, but Mrs. Afton has seen him before, so she knows
Fast forward to the early 80s and Tim's gonna have a birthday party at Fazbear's! Or so he thought, thanks William. Yeah 6 missing children and the owner's son dying due to an animatronic in just like 2 weeks? World Record winning Afton over here ruined little Timothy's big day
84, bye bye Elizabeth :). And Mrs. Afton :(. What other reason do you need to not go any animatronic-hosting restaurant anymore? Especially when it's the one restaurant where the robots are designed specifically to kill children? Tim's parents clearly didn't need anymore reason, neither did Brian's.
Everyone's heard of the bite of 87 so we're not gonna talk about that since SL happens like right after it and probably not the best headline to make, Michael, but you tried. Oh yeah, somewhere around this point they find out that Sally's dead.
FNAF 1 barely exists for like half a second and then we go 30 years into the future to 2017 (Also I'm pretty sure William got springlocked sometime in 87). So now most of the pastas are actively being goofy, and some are starting to move into the mansion.
YAY Fazbear's Fright burns down, Jeff saw it, best night of his life if you ask him. After that it's all quiet on the FNAF front for a few years but with the pastas it's absolute chaos, Zalgo's now being the goofiest goober and restarting ancient shit that Slender no longer gives a flying fuck about.
Yippitee yippitee hooray, FNAF's back on the menu, boys. Except no one really cares about PizzaSim and UCN, so we're ignoring them. Anything after those happen way too late and the pastas are not as active anymore.
So I think I should clarify that most of the Creepypasta shenanigans are happening in or around the Midwest/Southwest area, not anywhere near Utah
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invisiblegarters · 7 months
Okay it's been a minute since I've liveblogged but here we go.
LOL I love how surprised Ongsa's two friends are that she's related to Alpha. Badass that she is. And hahaha at the Stars (honestly it just doesn't feel like a GMMTV show for me without one of the J's popping up at some point, so I was delighted to see AJ here (I think it's the shows I pick but really, one or the other of them seems to be in everything I watch these days)).
Aw poor Ongsa. Still reeling from the realization that Sun thinks she's a dude. Poor awkward baby I love her.
Not a fan of the way Mawin is being presented. Please let it wind up being better than that.
Okay I love Ongsa's two friends.
Look at the cat photo Ongsa you know you want to.
Why do I love the idea of a cursed Astronomy Club so much?
Everyone in this show is so cute. Does Mawin have a thing for Tin? And Luna's determination to have her astronomy club is - sing it with me, kids - super cute. I haven't seen her and Aylin interact yet but I already know I'm gonna love them, just because Luna is so damn bubbly and sweet I can't see her doing anything but embracing Aylin just as she is, which I love for Aylin honestly. That girl deserves someone who loves her because of who she is, not in spite of it.
And yep, I'm gonna love them.
Oh Ongsa. Tangled webs etc. But I won't pretend that I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan.
Ongsa...just...delete the Instagram account. Why are you throwing your phone away you little weirdo? Who even does that? This girl is so dramatic and ridiculous hahaha.
Pfft this is not a curse Ongsa you are just suffering the consequences for being dramatic af. Who throws a whole phone away to keep themselves from not-so-much-accidentally-anymore catfishing their crush?
Also, Ongsa my darling, you are just kind of a mess in general - I say two seconds before her friends do, too. It's true though.
Aw Luna really is the cutest. Aylin is totally joining that club.
Oof I do feel bad for Sun though. It sucks to feel like you're making a connection with someone and then they just disappear.
This curse thing is ridiculous I love it so much.
Latte is the cutest. Alpha is correct. She is also a very good big sis, even if she likes to pretend otherwise.
Ongsa you goober. I love this girl so much.
WHY is the Ton is Ongsa's ex thing so funny to me.
This continues to be the cutest thing. I will say that I would like a grittier, nastier GL the same way we have been getting them with BL of late, but I also know that the gateway to getting that kind of content is The Cute. And I have no objections to The Cute either. I just hope this takes off and paves the way for even more GL in future.
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metalkitty21 · 8 months
Apollo Justice
just finished Apollo Justice and what a game! Even while going into it with some knowledge it was still such an exciting and enjoyable game!
So you guys get to suffer with me going into details about my thoughts of the case /hj
all details under cut!
Case 1: Turnabout Trump
I went into this case knowing that Phoenix was the defendant and that was it. Kristoph was such a dick in the best way possible and probably my favourite villain of ace attorney. He's such a villain, even in just this first case. Phoenix is a good defendant, Payne is...well Payne, and Trucy is adorable and no one can stop me from loving her. Olga is a great witness. She goes from adorable Russian gal to a fucking pirate, what else do you want in a gal?
Case 2: Turnabout Corner
Worst case of the game, but not horrendous. The mixture of the a murder and theft is a cool idea, I don't know the panty aspect of it wasnt completely needed. Wocky is probably my favourite defendant of the entire game. He's a goofy goober who just loves his fiancé and didn't know he was dying. I was so happy when he appeared in credits enjoying life with his family to the fullest. Eldoon was brilliant, despite the pun name, he was a fun guy, with a dog called Spoon, a mascot called Salty and gave me the betray of the century when he took the ramen wig off. Anita(?) was an okay villain. Nothing special. Stickler didn't ruin the case, but he made it a little hard to deal with at times. Ema's return was nice, but this was my first experience with her since I never played Rise from the Ashes. The forensic stuff was fun and she ended up being one of my favourite characters! Klavier is golden! He takes the cake for the gayness introduce in Ace Attorney history and just flirts with Apollo the entire game and I fucking love this man to no end.
Case 3: Turnabout Serenade
I went into Serenade knowing a lot, like Machi wasn't blind, it was Lamroir who was, I even knew Daryan was the killer. Yet this case, despite all the hate it gets, is my absolute favourite case of this game. The events happening with the lyrics is such a good concept and execution so well. Daryan was a pretty good villain, and his murder attempt on Lamroir was unexpected ans I like they included it. Machi was a bit meh honestly. Lamroir though, she was great. Such a good character with all the twists and turns and just a character as a whole she's amazing! (We'll get back to her) the mixing board was a tad annoying at times but hunting through to find the gunshots while Lamroir was singing was such a good choice to make.
Case 4: Turnabout Sucession
In trust AA fansion, the final case is brilliant, but sometime holds it back and we'll talk about him last. The case seven years ago was absolutely painful to do because of the knowledge the evidence was forged. Zak was fun, baby Trucy was extra cute, FUCKING GUMSHOE, Valent is probably one of my favourite characters because of this case, he's such a good character. The incident was Thalassa is honestly heartbreaking and that fact she's fucking ALIVE AND LAMROIR is such a good twist (which I called because I'd seen Trucy's mother before and thought Lamroir looked similar) but a good twist nonetheless. Valent was fun in Serenade and was even more fun in Case 4. The actual case for Case 4 thought was great. Being a ploy by Kristoph that ended up because delayed seven years because Vera wanted the stamp was brilliant and actually made a lot of sense. Klavier broke my heart, and Kristoph breakdown was satisfying as fuck. the MASON system was so fun, my part part of the case. It was confusing at times, but I'm also stupid, so. Hopping between past and future and having it explain by a camera in Phoenix's hat is such a good explanation. Yet...
spark Brushel...ruined everything. he's a bad character and not a fun witness at all, but he would have been manageable if he stayed in the first day of the court BUT HE KEEPS COMING BACK AND IT FUCKING SUCKS
Overall View
It's a great game! Would recommend! Apollo, Trucy, Klavier, and Valent are probably my favourite new characters from AJAA Case rankings are Case 3, Case 4, Case 1, Case 2. Favourite defendant is Wocky, closely fellowed by Vera and Zak. Guilt love fucking slaps
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
youre doing your part to bring attention to niche taleblr characters that need more love <3
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Thank you so much anon i wanted to answer sooner but i decided to have fun with it— Anyways let me use this as an excuse to show off designs (headshots?) for some characters I consider pretty niche that I’ve done a lot of stuff with— Maloney and Maxwell are only here for comparison, they’re actually pretty utilized characters. So. Some details (these will include my headcanons) below the cut—
~ Details and HCs ~
- Poppy Soup, granddaughter of Chakalata Soup and close friend of Sally Acachalla, only 1/4th-ghost and is basically a living person outside of not needing to breathe and an immunity to some things— including fire and radiation.
- Goober, friend of Poppy’s, employee of Chakalata’s, sibling of Katrina and J.Roast— worked for Chakalata in life and died at an incident at Chakalata’s restaurant, his death was basically the last straw for OG PIE’s patience for the ghost chef. Only about 19 when he died
- Ronnie Boast, Early PIE member and the youngest on the team— managed to last a little while with just him, Ghost, and Toast before suddenly going missing. Ghost and Toast assumed the ghost hunting got to him, but he was actually abducted by Prince Fang, who he managed to piss off. He’s a dragon now and is honestly just as confused as everyone else
- Johnny Roast, Early PIE member and brother of Katrina, because Kat and Ghost would do stupid things together, Roast heavily believes he was with her when she died and is keeping it secret because he played some part in it. He’s mostly just mad in general and lashing out at anyone he can justify… he just really needs therapy.
- Gregory.Gregory, father of James Maloney, but not Sam… also an alien. Separated from Maloney when he was too young to remember and has been trying to reunite with him for ages. Skilled with devices, bad with people.
- James Maloney, borderline a main character, there’s a whole arc where he’s temporarily dead after sacrificing his life to prevent the world from ending. Sally’s cousin!
- Sam Maloney, James’s younger brother through adoption and employee to Darth Calculus. Unlike many people in his employ, Sam recognizes there is something severely wrong with DC and is actively working against him. Has a son!
- Princeton Quagmire, ex-fiancée of Kermit (Acachalla?) and “arch nemeses”/former member of the Acachalla gang, also allegedly a time traveller. Honestly, you’d think a time traveller would do a better job at not working with a future mass murderer, but no one said he was smart I suppose. Canonically possibly has a daughter he doesn’t know about.
- Jose x4, boyfriend? Husband? Of Papa Acachalla from almost 200 years ago, very dead. He sees his dead as being the fault of Papa and is actively working to spite him, a true vengeful spirit.
- Maxwell Acachalla, borderline a main character, constantly haunting the Acachallas— in my canon, Maxwell is not a vengeful spirit, and he doesn’t actually know why he’s still around and not in some afterlife. Been just saying things for so long he’s actually started believing himself.
- Jeremy Acachalla, Papa Acachalla’s older brother, if you’ve seen Everything Everywhere All at Once, what happened to him is basically that but worse and harder to deal with. Either way, he previously had a dangerous responsibility, failed, and is facing the consequences of that.
- Kermit “the Claw”, cousin to Papa and Maxwell, in my canon he was a previous victim to Jimmy Casket who wasn’t as lucky as ghost as to have times where he had complete control of his body and mind. Originally a survivalist without much mind toward theft outside of necessity, he slowly became consumed by bloodlust (bc Casket) to the point where he no longer distinguished friend from foe and starting attacking innocents. Currently very dead.
I tried to hint things with the eyes— people who are normal have pupils, people who are in some way undead but not fully a ghost have irises but no pupil, Maloney and Gregory have fully black irises bc birds, and something else (like cracks perhaps) represent like. Basically, they’re a ghost and something is wrong. They’ve been cursed, they’re losing themselves, yadda yadda something like that. Princeton is an exception here bc i forgot what i was doing haha…
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humblemooncat · 2 years
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This is still my absolute favorite head bonk screenshot and I will use it again for the theme of love if I want to. No one can stop me.
#MiqoMarch - Day 21, Love
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Since I have no way currently to get new shots of him with his husbands, I will share these old ones along with shots I took of dialogue and moments where Ki'to here just could not contain his love and I just had to capture it.
I figure that way you can see love through his eyes.
Also, spoilers ahead. I can't mention everything unless I give some spoilers. But! Everything is in chronological order, so you can skip any parts you have yet to see!
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Finally got to sit down and just have a quiet moment with Aymeric.
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Starlight '22 spoilers. Gods, who let this man look so cute in that outfit? I need to thank them. (Also ngl seeing Aymeric being so sweet with a child made Ki'to's heart swell)
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This ain't just about the husbands, btw. Soft Uri had me on the floor in my feels. I love him so much.
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✨ S h e ✨
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This still reads like a proposal to me. This was when Ki'to knew he was in it for the long haul.
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When these goobers walked in unannounced with bags of food in their arms, this boy was so godsdamned happy. Dinner with the gang is one of his favorite things.
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Hyth has a special place in Ki'to's heart. I like to think it's because Azem really loved him as well, and that love carried across shards.
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The relief this gave Ki'to was immense. He never wanted to burden the others with his troubles because he knew they had their own. So Raha telling him this eased so much tension within him. And instead of walking away like he does in the cutscene, Ki'to asked him to stay so they could talk. In all honesty, this was probably the most loved he'd felt in a while. His struggles were seen and acknowledged, and his lover made sure he felt comfortable sharing them.
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Being an inspiration to young adventurers made him extremely happy. If he can inspire generations after him to go out, explore, and learn about the world around them, then maybe Eitherys could be a kinder place in the future.
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Gods, this man loved Venat/Hydaelyn with his whole heart. The way she saw the world was so beautiful to him. He wished things could have been different so she could see the world as it is now, but she went out on her own terms and he respects that. Though to say their battle brought him happiness would be a lie. She'd been there every step of the way and he wept for her before being unceremoniously dragged out of the aetherial sea.
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I cannot even begin to describe the complex emotions running through Ki'to's mind at this point...
There was a S I G N I F I C A N T pause before he answered G'raha here. I hovered on the lower option for like 5 minutes.
"You can't do this to me. Not again..."
It's what he wanted to say. 'You can't sacrifice yourself again. I've watched you seal yourself away, try to cast yourself out with the light of multiple Wardens, be consumed by crystal, and now you want me to watch your very aether be dispersed?'
But in the end he chose to give him strength. 'I can't be selfish when we've come this far...'
Even when Devotion overtook him as he made his climb with the twins, Azem's crystal never left his hand. Stuck as far into his glove's palm as possible. If he was able. If fate allowed. He would summon them all back. He had to.
This shot was taken out of love because he wanted to cling to his words. His promises. The light of hope that they could be realized.
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And here's the relief.
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And lastly, he was happy to see that Meteion finally got her happier ending. She deserved it.
In lieu of being able to just make a post about his husbands and the love they share, I thought I would share the moments where you could see the people and things that he loved through his eyes.
Hopefully that translated well, and that you enjoyed!
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truegoober · 2 years
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Well hello my goobs, goobers, and goobettes! To think that this would be my first post on this account is wacky, then again I have no idea what else I would have posted. Also I know I may be like five years late to this but how was I supposed to know I’d get motivation five years in the future!
Anywho, I dogified these two because I can’t draw humans very well. I mean I can try but I’m still learning. Also, I feel like everyone catifies everything but no one ever dogifies anything. So I had to break tradition. Though I may already have Warriorfied Twdg before…
So Louis is a Doberman/Afghan hound mix. I think the Doberman aspect sticks out more. And Violet is a Saluki. Whether she’s a mixed breed or not can be up to you. I plan to do more of these in the future, and I’ll probably do Clementine and AJ next. Theses two were pretty easy to do. I tried to make Violet have her bad posture, cuz we all have seen it sis. But idk how well it shows up. Also her pin was kinda a pain cuz I couldn’t see the text of it. So I just put the funky rainbow instead. Louis was easy though!
And I’m aware there should be more versions of the refs. For example Louis can determinantly get shot in his shoulder. And then both of them with the whole losing a finger thing. But I didn’t feel like making a lot of refs lmao.
Also also! This is my first time properly using Tumblr. So if it seems like I don’t know what I’m doing, that’s because you’re correct. Anyways, have a good rest of your day/night!
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plum-pitt · 2 months
More rottmnt headcanons!!!!
This time for my silly billies, or more accurately, the main cast outside of the teetlz. I’ll probably have less to say on them than the core four, but there’s a few things about these goobers i’ve just GOT to throw out there. Oh also go look at my previous post in this series (this is where i talk about the turtles!) if you haven’t it’s pretty neat. psst! i’ve got another in the works going over character dynamics so keep an eye out for that
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Casey Junior: Typically goes by CJ to avoid confusion, whether the J stands for Jones or Junior is up for debate. Trans fella, He/Him. I think about elderqueer!Future Leo helping him figure his egg shit out in the middle of the apocalypse all the time and it brings me great joy, (Watch Future!Donnie whip out old recordings of leo’s crackly ass second puberty voice whenever CJ gets insecure about his💀). Spends half his time in present day NYC seeing people’s faces and going “Damn, did i watch that person die as a kid or am i trippin?”. Since his name got shortened to CJ, a lot of people have taken to shortening it further to “Cee-j” which ended up inspiring his vigilante name; Siege. (I’ve literally never seen anyone try to give any Casey’s vigilante persona an actual name before so there ya go, no further reasoning beyond ‘it sounds cool’). Got adopted by Future!Casey, after being taken to a resistance base camp by his mortally wounded Bio!dad who basically dropped dead on arrival. (Hey it’s like Links backstory in ocarina of time but like- he gets a mom and 4 turtle dads instead of a tree)
April O’Neil: bisexual but with a strong fem preference, and She/Her! Naturally gravitated towards the field of journalism because unlike her previous jobs, being surrounded by weird shit is actually pretty beneficial when you’re trynna report on interesting stuff! It’s actually this shift in career focus that helps her feel less insecure about how weird her life, and by extension, she, is. I mean hey it’s payin the bills, hard to resent that. The first turtle she met was Donnie, the guys were playing basketball when Don missed a pass and the ball bounced away so he had to go get it, only to run into April for the first time. Ofc the first thing she pointed out wasn’t his emerald complexion or stinky sewer smell, but that he was wearing jupiter jim merch, and the rest was history. The turtles all feel bummed about how busy she is since going to college, but want also support their big sis too much to make a stink about it, they know she misses them too. I like to think Leo just portals into her dorm sometimes and her completely normal ass roommate who came from out of town just had to deal with that with 0 explanation given.
Splinter: This right here is a textbook example of an eternal disaster bisexual in action. Jesus fuck this rat can fit so many mental disorders in him. His combined mommy and daddy issues ensured he’d only romantically pursue the most red flag ridden mfs on earth for all time *cough cough* BIG MAMA *cough cough* Because he had bad vision problems post mutation (Rats actually have really bad eyesight irl so i feel like that could be a side affect of being mutated into one) he went out of his way to properly color code the turtles early on so he wouldn’t mix them up. When he first took in the turtles his ass did not know they were sentient (his only points of comparison for them were Draxum’s feral lab experiments) and basically treated them like more like pets up until Raph started talking and he realized “oh shit i’m a father of four now fuck” (this is also why he called them colors to begin with, their names didn’t matter too much if they couldn’t understand them) Once he figured out they were actually kids he finally gave them real names, but he still calls them by color out of habit and now they’re more like silly nicknames. Everything his kids think they get away with without him knowing he 100% knows about. He may be past his prime but his ninja instincts and dad bullshit detector are sharp as ever.
Cassandra Jones: Raging, feral, She/Her, lesbian. Adhd, emphasis on the H. Has at least 1 parent but they are not very active in her life, i mean at least i hope not bc goddam if they’re knowingly letting their kid lead a gang of girlsscouts and get wrapped up in a murder cult then i’ve got some serious questions. Look to Lieutenant and Brute as pseudo parental figures, though it’s largely unreciprocated even if they do somewhat care for her safety at the very least. One of the very few people (outwardly at least) to not at all be changed by the apocalypse. She’s still just as if not more trigger happy and crackheaded during the end of the world than she was before, she is nothing if not consistent. Willingly signs off on Future!Donnie giving CJ the chainsaw hockey stick at like 5 years old, it’s only Leo stepping in to nip that at the bud that prevented that disaster waiting to happen. Adopted CJ basically onsight. She was the one there when his bio-dad showed up and died right in front of the base, saw the baby, scooped him up, and that was that.
Draxum: This man a walking queer coded disney renaissance villain and u think i’m NOT gonna hit him with the gay stick? blasphemy. He/Him, also i read this fic that made him Tamil and i fucked with it heavy so now it lives in my brain rent free. (Go read the But First They Must Catch You series by mudlarkspur on ao3 it’s like my favorite separated au of all the ones i’ve read and i’ve read A LOT of those mfs). Definitely was a lil bit smitten w Lou Jitsu, at least before he rocked his shit and destroyed his life’s work weather or not this starts rearing its head again following his reconciliation with a certain rat man remains to be seen. Began training Mikey in the mystic arts post movie to help him control his powers but eventually somehow also acquired Donnie as a protege (They bond over their shared love of terrorism). Hes not very good at dad stuff like showing affection, but his way of showing it definitely entails giving them the knowledge and skills to take care of themselves should the need arise. Made peace-ish with Leo post movie, after a lengthy dr feelings sesh, Leo still brings up the roof incident all the time though just to fuck with him bc he’s a petty cunt whom i adore.
Aight that’s all i got for now, lmk if you wanna hear about any other characters or just share your own headcanons!! It brings me joy
Have a good day :3
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robinpixels · 2 years
Aloy x ikrie?!??! 👁👁
Continuing w these from yesterday!
ask meme here!!
who is more likely to hurt the other?
...Aloy, probably. I've talked about these two most with @emotionalsupportpuma (HI JORDAN <3) and we've come to note that Aloy and Ikrie both have very similar traumas (i.e. abandonment issues up the whazoo) but we interpreted they deal with it very differently.
While Aloy bottles up her emotions and essentially seeks to run from them by keeping herself busy, keeping her distance, being more wary before opening up to people, if Ikrie finds someone who wants to be around her she'll tend to cling. Which in the beginning would unnerve Aloy, who's always having to be on the go and is so used to running, which would hurt Ikrie, which...yeah, it's a big ol' snowball of Ouch if it ever gets rolling.
who is emotionally stronger?
I feel like the both of them are....coping about the same, right now. That is to say, not WELL, but--
who is physically stronger?
I feel like they're both pretty evenly matched here since they have similar skillsets!
who is more likely to break a bone? 
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Haven't seen much of a sharp tongue from Ikrie, so I'm not sure what she's capable of. I don't thnk she'd actively try to get a rise out of Aloy.
Aloy meanwhile has...the most incendiary thoughts come to mind if they're in a heated argument because she's used to defending herself that way but, I doubt she'd actually let loose for fear of hurting Ikrie.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? 
I can see Ikrie doing this most of the time, though vice versa Ikrie being so in her head and thinking the argument through and Aloy coming up to her to admit she was out of line.
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
Both, for each other! Self-sacrificial little shits, the two of them.
who is in constant need of comfort? 
Ikrie at first, to make sure it really is that Aloy wants to stay around her. Then Aloy, as she gets a bit more comfortable depending on other people to take care of her too.
who gets more jealous? 
Ikrie, though she tries not to let it get to her. A lot of people are looking at her partner and although she'd let it happen if that's what Aloy wanted she's quietly dreading her leaving for good for another.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
Aloy--she's a busy girl, got things to do all over. But she'll always find time to wander back into the Cut to see Ikrie again.
who will propose? 
Aloy!! And Ikrie won't expect it KFJDLDL:SKFJDFSKL
who has the most difficult parents?
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
I don't really see them and PDA being a thing, aside from light playful shoving or just walking side by side.
who comes up for the other all the time? 
Aloy, since Ikrie's in the Cut for the forseeable future.
who hogs the blankets? 
ALOY. Girl isn't used to the colddddd
who gets more sad? 
I'd say both have their fair share of Sad Boi Hours
who is better at cheering the other up? 
Ikrie can pep talk Aloy up pretty effectively, but also the other way round where Loysie can just. Be such a goober when she's completely relaxed and it instantly always perking up Ikrie's mood because she feels so honoured to be able to see this side of her.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Both of them!!
who is more streetwise?
Ikrie when it comes to the Banuk, Aloy in general.
who is more wise?
Ikrie, 100%. She's spent a lot of time just. On her own. With her own thoughts. Oh god.
who’s the shyest? 
Ikrie, if travelling outside the Cut--needs a bit of time to acclimate to how everyone else does things before relaxing.
who boasts about the other more? 
Aloy has many words of praise for Ikrie, but have you HEARD the flowery shit Ikrie lays down as casual speak? Girl is a SONGSTRESS
who sits on who’s lap? 
They wrestle for it. Loser has to be the chair
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Heya, just curious about you're opinion on Princess Mindy from the Spongebob movie.
To me, I think she's adorable and I really love her personality as well as design-wise. Just wish they'd show her more often though but, also I've found out that Sherm, her designer, confirmed that she was 13-14 years old. So, she's like the only SB character that has a canon age unless there are others that I am not aware of.
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Oh about Mindy not showing up. There's a reason. There is a firewall between the main series and the movie. Some contract issues with paramount caused it. Basically the main series cannot reference the movie for 10 years. The contract is up and the show occasionally references the movie. Patrick working at the Goofy Goober ice cream parlor. Its a good opportunity to bring back Mindy.
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But it's an explaination as to why she didn't show up for so long.
She does make a brief cameo in Spongebob's Big Birthday Blowout!! She's seen in the background holding a present :)
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It's funny because I never noticed her until recently. I was too busy hyperfocusing Slappy since this was his big debut. Weirding out both Larry and the audience while simultaneously stealing my heart✨
Jokes aside. I really like her too!! She's so sweet and lovely. I remember as a kid especially adoring her. There should be an episode where they bring her back. Obviously not with Scarlett Johansson voicing her. They'd probs find someone who sounds alike tho.
I wanna see her interact with Triton since he should be her brother right? Mindy takes more after her mom. She looks the closest to queen Amphitrite minus the blue skin.
Triton gave up his birthright to the throne so he's definitely older than her. He spent most of his life locked away so he likely doesn't even know he has a sister. It woulr make for a good episode. Mindy however happily accepts her right as the future heir to the throne. Tbh I wanna see them interact. I feel like their ideals would clash.
Though in the end I can see them getting along. Mindy isn't like her father Neptune who's a brute of a ruler and rather passive about his subjects. Mindy actually cares. Triton often clashed with his father because he cared too much. He wanted to help. He wanted to cure diseases. Neptune crushed his spirits badly and triton really doesn't care for helping sea creatures anymore.
After the episode Clash of Triton. Neptune definitely has had a change of heart and you can see it with how Mindy behaves. Her kindness and thoughtfulness still isn't super embraced but Neptune treats her a lot better than Triton and tries his best to understand her compassion even if he doesn't always agree.
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This would make for an excellent episode premise and I am here for it. Plus an episode where they go to Atlantis (not like the one in Atlantis Squarepantis or Atlantic city) and see all the mermaid fish and Greek/roman gods and goddesses of the sea? I'm def down for it. Makes a good special.
As for Mindy's age. I'm iffy about it. It feels wrong? As a kid I always assumed she was in her late teens or older. Sherm is the one who designed her (he even uploaded her concept designs too) but ehhh.. The reason why I'm iffy is because Spongebob and Patrick is the same age. Spongebob is clearly and constantly stated that he's an adult. So Patrick definitely is too. It feels so wrong if you say Mindy is 13/14 and have Patrick wholeass crushing on her. Eww.
Even with Spongebob's birthday of 1986 and using the date of the movie (2004) where the characters would've been 18. It's still so wrong.
I'd like to imagine the age thing is miscommunication amongst artists. I'm being generous about Patrick possibly being 18 considering the 1st SB movie takes place in the future so they're likely waaaaay older than that.
Yeah I'd take Mindy's age with a grain of salt. It adds a weirder tone to the movie. Plus Sherm assumed Spongebob and Patrick are actual kids which is inaccurate to Hillenburg's idea where they're like Laurel and Hardy. Adults who tend to goof off and act childish but still have responsibilities. So uhh yeah 👍
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
i just finished reading hold my hand and through the night after stumbling across the teaser for cool anymore and i’m so deeply in love with them and so so excited for the full fic to be posted !! i haven’t found the drive to write in general for a long time but just reading all three of your works and seeing how real the characters and relationship feel and how genuine the fears, insecurities, confessions of love, growth in terms of allowing yourself to be vulnerable…it just made want to dust off my google drive and find something to use as practice to start writing again.
i know this isn’t really giving real feedback or anything but i just wanted to share🥺 i literally was yelling in my head when the teaser was done because i wanted more and i will be ready to read as soon as it’s ready and posted. i hope you’re having a good day/afternoon/night and that you know you’re appreciated, seen, valued, loved and that you are so WORTH loving.🤍
Hold on hold on hold on hold on. First of all. You are the first to come to my ask with a review and I just wanna say how much I appreciate you and thank you for taking the time to say anything. Like I’m actually crying I’m so happy no joke. So thank you 💜
Second thank you for loving my goofy goober babies. They’re so precious to me and I’m so happy people are falling in love with them. It’s my goal to write them as realistic as possible. They’re not perfect. They have flaws (as will be shown in Cool Anymore and future works) and it’s a constant work in progress.
Genuinely. I know it’s in my notes for hold my hand but I stopped writing over a decade ago for so many reasons and only came back like a few months ago just to read. Hence the url name. But it wasn’t until my bby @chryblossomjjk posted her first fic Imagine that I was like okay look at her. She’s putting herself out there and she’s so gosh darn good and I’m never gonna write again but she encouraged me regardless and when that inspo finally hit she was right there for me. So if that makes me your Kiki, I’m freaking honored. Write if you wanna write. Never force it. And do it for you and only you bby 💜
Thank you again, love. I hope you enjoy it when it’s posted and if you want, I can tag you when it’s up.
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could you write douxie falling in love at first sight with wizard!reader? thank you!
(Would like people to make their asks more Valentiney or Valentines Day specific please. As a writer I'll take creative liberty and say that this is around Valentine's day but the ask box isn't just open. The ask box is only open for QnA O.C asks Valentines related requests. Thanks! :D)
~ Maybe it's because love is in the air and he's always been a romantic, maybe it's because you seem like his type and the universe is willing you to be together, or maybe he's just a hopeless fool who's gotten a crush but Hisirdoux finds himself instantly smitten when he first sees you.
~ Zoe finds Hisirdouxes lovesick behavior something between disgusting and hilarious to be honest. Your one of her workers and depsite the trying job you always have a chipper attitude and a gentle smile as you work. She was half convinced you were a robot when you started. With how you present yourself and all but she's seen you eat and drink so that theory was quickly thrown out the window as you became friends. Looking back on some of your earlier reactions you honestly remind Zoe of Douxie so when he sees you and asks about you she finds it cute.
~ Douxie begins bumping into you more. Well seeing you around more. Since it's near Valentine's Day people are buying Hex tech for their partners or getting upgrades for themselves as a treat all over town.
~ Zoe told him your powers involve something with space and energy. Your main job other than fixing the occasional broken monitor or taking vexxing house calls is to deliver things for Zoe since teleportation is your magical expertise.
~ Your good at hiding your magic, teleporting in allies and creating wormholes to travel through when no ones looking. But Douxie begins to see your magic since he's looking for it. He notices you around town skullcandy headphones in as you carry around boxes or a clipboard delivering or checking on various things for Hex tech. He just thinks your amazing. The more he sees you, the more he begins to fall in love.
~ You have a kind heart and your passion for magic and your job is admirable. He also can't help but notice you have an artistic soul. With the way you always listen to music while you work, or hover when your doing a job at Arcadias museum. Zoe says you spend a lot of time there, looking to the past to get creative inspiration for the present.
~ Douxie thinks this watching you from afar is getting well to put it lightly, a bit stalkerish and tries to stop but he can't. He wants to talk to you he's just nervous. He hasn't liked many people and as smooth as he is on the regular he isn't very suave when it comes to someone he genuinely likes. It doesn't help that you have very badass magic. The young wizard could watch you teleport all day.
~ As your boss and both your friends Zoe can't watch this shit show anymore. You've seen Douxie around and have admitted to Zoe about having a little crush menawhile Douxie is full blown in love.
~ Beginning to plot, the pink haired mage doesn't want either of you alone on Valentine's Day with it fastly approaching. So to help the poor goober out she recruits Archie to try and set you up with Douxie in secret. After all Douxie is a romantic, he's a good guy with a kind heart and your both single and have shown interest in each other.
~ Hisirdoux is mortified at the idea of Zoe pulling strings to orchestrate a meet cute but Archie only encourages Zoes meddling behavior agreeing you'd both be a good match. Kinda feeling pressure but also really wanting to meet you Doxuie relents to their schemes.
~ However despite Zoe and Archies efforts it seems life is thrawting them. Or maybe your magic just makes it hard to predict where you'll be with how your always zipping about. Every time they try and make a meet cute happen Douxie gets nervous and bails or you leave on an errand before they can get you two in the same room together.
~ Valentines Day has come and Zoe decides it's time to cut her losses as Archie also steps back letting the universe figure it out. The familiar goes to Zoes office to nap as Hisirdoux decides to get a coffee and spend his Valentine's alone.
~ Your both at Arcadias famous coffee cafe when it finally happens. Stepping up to Order Hisirdoux pauses as you and him both say the same order at the same time. Spiced latte. Laughing at the fact you both like the same drink and he's not going to be alone on Valentine's, he insists on paying for the coffee and smiling you let him.
~ Sitting down together on your day off you enjoy talking with Douxie. Apparently you'd been trying to meet the mage but you'd been having some difficulty. By traveling through your little worm holes you could see brief images of the future but because of unpredictable space lapses you aren't always able to land exactly where you need or want. It wasn't a coincidence Hisirdoux had seen you so much it was just a pain to try and meet him when your magic could be unreliable.
~ You both found it hysterical how others were trying to push you together when you'd both been trying to gain the courage to walk up to each other and meet by yourselves. Apprentally your timing on temporal rifts was right but Zoe and Archies interference is what threw you off every time.
~ Deciding that since you had the time now and neither of you had dates you spend the rest of Valentine's Day getting to know each other. He tells you about Camelot and his experience with Merlin while you explain your powers more in depth and show him a few tricks. All in all it's a good day and you end up exchanging phone numbers and a small kiss.
~ When you walk into work the next day with a big smile and Hisirdoux follows some hours later to visit you on break Zoe smirks before she highfives Archie. Job well done.
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