#because one thing about me is i'm always going to make a connection to frozen pines lmao
kitnjon · 5 hours
I would love if you could recommend some newer modern Jonsa fics!!!!
Hi anon, Sure! Some modern AU's I am reading/read this year
You tend the ash, and I’ll tend the pine by @eruherdiriel
“Are we really never gonna talk about it?” Arya snaps. “We’re all gonna pretend everything is normal and happy when Sansa just got divorced?” “Statistically, it is normal,” Bran says. “The divorce rate is something like—” “It’s not normal! Not for this family, and not for Sansa. True love, forever and always, that’s Sansa.” “Jon isn’t the person she married,” Catelyn chides. “Not anymore.” — Sansa and Jon get divorced, but fully untangling their lives is impossible.
2. all eyes on us by @theshipshipper
Sansa is one of the biggest popstars on the planet, Jon is among the top streamers in Westeros -- and the internet goes wild when their well-hidden connection is uncovered.
3. frozen pines by @cellsshapedlikestars
It hits Jon, then - the sharp smell of ozone. A scent that years ago, he’d become all too familiar with. The aftermath of a lightning strike, the burning of wires. Electricity heavy in the air. The hair on his arms still stands on end. The scar on his hand feels tight. His heart is still pounding. It’s just a storm coming, he tells himself. He’s in White Harbor, not Eastwatch. It’s just a storm. or, the Exclusion Zone spreads for the first time in almost fifty years, with Sansa trapped inside. Jon will do whatever it takes to get her out.
4. tell me, what's the perfect time? by @prclainivrysteel
"I'm Jon," he reaches out for a handshake, "I probably should've led with that." "Yeah, probably," she replies, fighting against the goofy-looking smile that threatens to take over her face, "I'm Sansa." She slips her hand into his. His fingers are calloused, but the way he touches her is gentle. The cold press of his rings sends a pleasant shudder down Sansa's body, making her toes tingle. Jon softly repeats her name. The tips of his ears are red, most likely from the chilly, September winds. He looks away for a brief moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before meeting her gaze once more. "That’s pretty."
5. how she died by @cellsshapedlikestars
She's buried on a cold, dreary day in late January. That’s all Jon can seem to think about at the funeral. It’s too cold, the sky is too grey. Bleak and barren; there isn’t even snow. It’s an inane, intrusive thought. It could rain, at least, he thinks. The sky should weep for her. The universe should mourn. It doesn’t make sense. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t understand why anyone would murder Sansa Stark.
6. i'm on fire by @cellsshapedlikestars
“Okay,” she says, voice shaking. “I’ll do it. I’ll order an escort.” “Are you sure?” Randa asks, eyes wide like she doesn’t think Sansa is. It only makes Sansa’s teeth grind together. “Yes, I’m sure,” she grits out. If Harry wants an open relationship, she’s going to give it to him.
7. trojan horse by @cellsshapedlikestars
He’s only known her for an hour, but he’s pretty sure he’s in love with her.
8. Attorney–Client Privilege by @kit-kat21
No one in her family had ever done this before. Her parents were true soulmates. Sansa hated to admit that she partially blamed them for giving her such high expectations of marriage and love. Her brother and his wife, Jeyne (Westerling), had just celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary. None of her grandparents, aunts or uncles had ever been divorced. Sansa Stark was the first in her whole family to have this distinct honor. So there was no one she could ask for help or advice. When she told her parents that she wanted to file first, Ned and Catelyn did what they did with all of their children when one of them came to them. They dove right in and helped the best they could. Googling divorce lawyers seemed to be the only thing they could do and from there, they read reviews because just like restaurants and hair salons, divorce lawyers were online-reviewed, too.
9. snow angels by @kingsansa
He finds, as the hairs on the back of his neck rise, as his heart completely fucking nosedives, that her voice is lower than he remembers, but unmistakable all of the same. Sansa Stark stands in the hallway of his shitty, hole-in-the-wall, egregiously outdated bar; unmistakable.
10. Later Nights by @justadram
Her husband, Jon Snow, might be in his off-season--blessedly. But with the Summer Olympics around the corner, her late-night Olympic show producer, Tyrion Lannister, hasn't forgotten about the unlikely Team USA star and their recording-setting ratings in 2022. He has his sights set on a triumphant rematch between the newlyweds any way he can get it.
11. We Run the Gamut (Let's Run Away) by @hilarychuff
Boy and girl meet. Live parallel lives. And, one day, they start to come together. Scenes inspired by all the different types of love for the Jonsa Valentine's Day Event 2024.
12. Touch me, I’m going to scream by @eruherdiriel
He’s one building away when he sees her—auburn hair in two neat French braids, a grey peacoat on, and hands in green fleece gloves holding a shopping bag that looks heavy. Sansa Stark is walking up the steps of the triple-decker, leaving a sleek, black sedan idling by the curb. Flustered, Jon jogs the rest of the way and reaches the steps just as Sansa raises a hand to ring the buzzer. “Hey,” he says, and she stops her motion. When she turns to him, Sansa’s eyes go wide. “Are you all right?” — Jon and Sansa—how touch evolves between them over the years.
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softpine · 4 months
Is this a safe space... I kind of don't get the Insidious joke? The post is funny but I'm also like ???
i think this was the first use of this meme format, but if not, it's still a good example of one
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the movie insidious (2010) is about a child who falls into a mysterious coma after his family begins to notice strange ghostly happenings in their new home. they later find out that the kid is astral projecting (his soul is leaving his body and traveling to a different dimension, one populated only by the dead)
the joke i made is because this movie has a somewhat similar plot to frozen pines, which i never knew until i watched the movie the other day. but if we acknowledge that insidious exists as a movie in the frozen pines universe, we can imagine that caroline, beth, and danny might have seen insidious themselves, while their own son was also in an unexplainable coma with strange ghostly happenings around him. in which case, beth would dismiss it as fiction, danny would get a tiny bit paranoid, and caroline would be. as the meme states. zonked out of her gourd. therefore,
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i hope that helps fjksjfds
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evilminji · 1 year
Okay, as I have mentioned, I'm Ace AF. And you know that plot line in kids cartoons where the alien or foreign Warrior Royalty just sort of *violently kicks down door in full armor* "We Will Marry."? I?? Always said:
"Sure!" (#OhThankFUCK!)
Like what do you mean "No"? The powerful, attractive, monarch that is very into you has travel a great distance JUST to marry you! Now you don't have to date! They seem nice! You can skip the whole "trying to find a life partner" awkwardness.
So, Sudden New Fiancee(tm) how we doing this? Blended customs? Two weddings? One in your peoples traditions, one in mine? Should we invite your family? Tell me more about yourself.
God, this solves just... SO MUCH for me? No having to make small talk. No "do they like me?" Or "am I reading the signs here right?" No failed dates! It's positively ideal! AND they announced why they were qualified, in a VERY impressive show of power and prestige, when they arrived! Good lineage AND accomplished!! Very nice.
Don't get why everyone's so upset.
Sure the "we leave at once" thing that usually follows would have to be discussed, but that's what you DO as spouses. Really guys, it's like you think I'm incapable of common sense here.
And you know who probably agrees with me? Damian Wayne.
Hell is other people, INDEED. You expect him to just... randomly go up to people and try Courting them? What do you MEAN it's "creepy" to compile portfolios on eligible individuals of worthy bloodlines? How ELSE is he supposed to know if they are worth attempting to talk too?!
There are BILLIONS of humans on this gods forsaken rock, Richard! Is he supposed to just GUESS? Gamble and hope for LUCK? This is a MARRIAGE not a "best friends club"!
Then? Danny showes up.
Gotham heard her baby talking. Heard her KING being harassed by clearly plotting Observants and power hungry ghosts MANY times his age. Connected some dots. Formed themselves a new OTP.
Danny says "Fuck It". Worst he can say is No. According to Gotham, he is neither Shy not the meek obedient sort. Is in fact, VERY stabby. So if he's not interested he'll no doubt be BRUTALLY clear about that.
So? Danny gets Fright Knight. Go get him a horse. Someone fetch Cujo some armor. He's been told the guy like weapons and animals.
He goes FULL Regalia. Armor of solid night sky. Cape of frost and stardust. Crown like crack in reality itself, through which the cosmos gleam and shift. He gets a horse from the far frozen. They're wooly and carnivorous. Gets THE most impressive sword he can find to wear.
It's gonna be a gift, since he doesn't need it.
He does the whole "rend the skies open" thing. Fan fair and knights. Every title he's ever been given, no matter how embarrassing he find them in reality. And announces his intentions. Declares that ONLY Damian Wayne, aka. Robin, is WORTHY to Marry Him. And (in the traditional Ghost proposal of "either accept or tell me to fuck off" /w violence) Demands Damian accept his offer of Marriage.
Right there.
In front of EVERYBODY. And yes, ESPECIALLY the Bats. Who are making glitching, vaguely threatening DEMONIC NOISES. Because? You... you THREATEN the BABY? Death. Ten thousand years DEATH.
People are :O ing and backing away from the visible heatwave of unadulterated FURY being put off by Batman. Danny is nano-second from every bone his ANCESTORS had being reduced to a fine paste.
Then? Damian consider him... considers the sword being thrust in his direction, still held aloft in a steady and armored hand... contemplates those titles for a second...
And goes: "Acceptable. Very well, but I have demands."
N..... Nani the FUCK? Says local Bat-Dad. No??? You are NOT GETTING MARRIED.
Try to stop him. He very obviously IS, according to Damian, the man brought him a kick ass sword and has a giant green dog. Is the king of an ENTIRE REALITY. Yes, he realizes he probably COULD do better... but frankly? This one's cute. But if it upset you so... extended engagement. There. Happy?
NO! Because the JLA Dark are LOSING THEIR SHIT. Damian is still UNDERAGE. We don't even know how OLD this being is! NO MARRIAGE.
Damian is unimpressed. A whole six months? That he's likely already LIVED thanks to various timeloops, temporal shenanigans, and reality warping bits of fuckery? You're reaching.
Just? Marriage Meet Cute.
@hdgnj @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
It was halfway through his shift the next day, just after he'd come back from lunch, that the anonymous tip came through. Dick had frozen when he heard it, but only slightly because the others were brushing it off as a prank call.
"'Blockbuster's after someone named Oracle,'" Officer Diaz had scoffed, "What a joke. Aren't kids supposed to know that their stupid prank calls clog the system? What if someone who actually had useful information had needed to call, huh?"
Dick didn't mention that that isn't how the tip system works, nor did he eve attempt to scold the officer for brushing it off, no matter how stupid it seemed. No, instead, he was stuck in his thoughts.
Blockbuster is after Oracle. Why is he after Oracle? It doesn't make sense! No one in Bludhaven, save for himself, should no who she is! Besides, he'd kept all of the attention on himself. No one was able to even think about the heroes or rogues in Gotham without him knowing! Or, so he'd thought. How does Blockbuster know Oracle's name? More importantly at the moment was who sent the tip.
There was another scoff from one of the others. Did he say that out loud? "Look, I know you're new and everything, but shouldn't you know the mean of 'anonymous'?"
He forced himself out of his head, rubbing his neck with his left hand with a fake smile. "Yeah, I do. I guess I'm just a bit out of it today."
"Well, get your head back in the game," Detective Soames snapped, hitting a file on the back of Dick's head, "File that for me, then file the rest on my desk."
"Yes, sir," Dick took the file, ignoring the snickers and snide remarks from his coworkers.
He knows he's not going to be able to fully focus on anything for the rest of the day, possibly not even until after he finds out who sent that tip and how Blockbuster knows Oracle's name.
Oracle. Dick knows she can handle herself, but he doesn't like the fact that anyone knows her name. Not even B knows about Oracle! Babs had spent so much time and energy keeping her online persona from B so that she could have at least something of her own that Dick had taken it upon himself to erase traces connecting him to Oracle. She didn't deserve to have Batman on her ass, nor did she deserve to have Nightwing's enemies go after her!
He shook himself back into the present with a soft sigh. He'll call Barbra as soon as he gets home.
"Danny!" Dick calls into the apartment, knowing full well that the kid is in the kitchen, "I'm home!"
"Welcome back," Danny responds from where he's standing at the stove. He, Dick realizes, does not sound happy.
He hangs his coat up on the hooks he installed beside the door, his shoes going on the rack below them. "You good? You sound a bit upset?"
"I am upset." Danny, after getting comfortable around him, has stopped sugar-coating his words, being brutally honest. Dick blinks. "I was going to message Tim, but I saw a lack of apologies from you."
Oh. Dick had meant to do what Danny said last night and apologise to that Tim kid for snapping at him, but he had been a lot more tired than usual and it had slipped his mind. "I was going to use my phone?"
"You don't have his number."
Another thing Dick had come to learn about Danny in the few weeks they'd been living together was that he can't be lied to. He somehow picks up on lies, so even Dick's best efforts - that have fooled even Batman! - are always thwarted.
"I meant to," Dick said, sitting on one of the new barstools at he island counter, "But I was really tired last night."
Danny sighed. "Because you were out longer than you're now used to." He turned the burner off, moving the pan to sit on the hotpad beside it. "You're body's gotten used to only being out for eight hours during the day and six hours at night. You going out for eight hours last night wore you out more than usual because you're no longer used to your seventeen hour work days."
Dick tilted his head, accepting the bowl of soup he was given. "But it's only been a few weeks?"
"It only takes eighteen days for your body to get used to a routine." He said, placing a bowl of homemade rolls on the island. "After about sixty-six days, it becomes habitual."
"But it hasn't been sixty-six days."
"No, but it has been twenty-one days."
He hesitated for a moment. "Has it really been only that long?" Then, "Have you been counting?"
Danny blushed, sitting beside Dick with his own bowl of soup. "I've been keeping track of your schedule, which means I gotta keep a calendar. I haven't been counting on purpose."
Dick smiled, eating the soup. As usual, it was really good. The first week of Danny's stay, he'd asked where he'd learned to cook, but Danny had given a non-answer, saying only that his parents couldn't make anything edible that wasn't fudge or cookies.
After they had both finished eating, Dick's portions and appetite being larger than Danny's because of the calories he burns as Nightwing, they settled into a nice quiet. Dick had changed from his uniform into sweats and a T-shirt while Danny had chosen a movie. Then, Dick cleaned up dinner and Danny changed into a hoodie and sweats.
"We still need to take you shopping," Dick pointed out when they were both sitting on the couch, ready to start the movie.
Danny shook his head. "Letting me stay here is already enough. Besides, your old clothes work perfectly fine."
"But you're room's so empty! And my clothes don't even fit you!"
There was a pause like Danny was thinking. Dick had the feeling he might not like whatever was going to be said next.
He was right.
"I'll let you take me shopping next week," Danny agreed, "if we go to Gotham tomorrow so that you can apologise to Tim in person."
Dick's jaw twitched. He didn't want to go to Gotham. Going to Gotham meant that he'd inevitably run into Bruce. He wanted to stay far away from that man.
Then again, he'd promised Alfred to come by some time. And, it'd be nice to see Barbra and Jim again. Maybe he could have Alfred make sure Bruce wouldn't be in the Manor?
"So?" Danny promted.
He sighed. "You're evil, y'know that?"
His grin said it all. "I could be so much worse."
"Please don't."
"Don't give me a reason."
Part 9 Part 11
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oreolemur · 4 months
Yandere Short Story- Megumi Fushiguro
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Murdering your lover, Megumi stood in front of you emotionless. "Don't look at me like that", he said, walking towards you. You stared at the bloody knife in his hands as you backed away. "M-Megumi? I thought we were friends", you said. "Friends?" the man scoffed before giving a cold chuckle. "We're much more than that. You and I are connected in a way that can never be broken. I murdered him because he kept getting in the way of our love." He takes a step closer to you, a twisted grin forming on his face. "Please put the knife down", you begged. "Or what? Are you going to run away from me? I killed him for us and instead of telling me how much you appreciate my gesture, you act like I'm the bad guy. How do you expect me to feel, huh?" Megumi said angrily, his eyes locked onto yours. 
Your back hit the wall. "Please don't", you cried, dropping to your knees. Megumi approached and knelt down, placing his hand on your cheek.  He leaned closer, his cold green eyes looking into yours. "Tell me you love me," he whispered. "I know you do, deep down, so say it.". He brushed his fingers across your cheek, waiting for your response. You shook your head, "I-I can't", you cried even more. Megumi sighed in disappointment before grabbing you by the throat, his fingers wrapping tightly around your neck. "You're just like everyone else, always saying things that don't match your true feelings. You know you love me and yet you lie to me. Why is it so hard for you to admit?" He leaned in and whispered into your ear. "I'll give you a choice...say you love me or else". You grabbed his hand, attempting to pull it off.
The man chuckled, tightening his grip around your throat. "Ah-ah-ah, don't fight it. You're making this much harder than it needs to be," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Just say the three little words”. Your vision started to become blurry. "I...love you". Megumi smirked, his eyes lighting up at your words. He slowly loosened his grip on your throat, allowing you to breathe again. "Was that so hard, bunny?" he teased. "Now, I want you to prove it to me. Show me how much you mean those words." He forced you to your feet, handing you the knife. Megumi pointed at your lover's body. "Cut his head off", he whispered. You stared at the lifeless body, your heart beating rapidly. You hesitated, but Megumi's hand on your shoulder compelled you to move. As you approached the corpse, you stood over your dead boyfriend, sobbing. "My love", you whined. Megumi's cold breath sent shivers down your spine as he whispered into your ear, "He doesn't deserve your tears. He never loved you as much as I do. This is just the beginning of our love story, bunny”. 
You held the knife tightly as you were frozen. "I can't". The man sighed in annoyance, his patience wearing thin. "You're really testing my limits. I thought you said you loved me. Do you doubt my feelings for you? Fine. If you can't do it, then let me help you." As he reached for the knife, a spark flared in your eyes. Megumi held your arm firmly, forcing it near your lover's neck. "Stop! No!", you screamed, feeling the knife cut through your boyfriend's throat. "Good girl. See? I knew you loved me more." He whispered into your ear, watching you cut off your boyfriend's head. "Now, can't you admit that you're in love with me? No one will break us apart." He chuckled, placing kisses along your neck. "Your love for me is deeper than any love you've ever felt. That's why I chose you. You're the only one I trust." 
Once the job was done, you dropped the knife. "Why would you make me do that?", you asked, eyes filled with shock. "Why? Simple. We're destined to be together and your love belongs solely to me now," he said, gently brushing a strand of hair out of your face. "I did it for us. Don't you see? Your love, your soul, everything about you belongs to me now. There's no going back now, bunny. You're mine." He chuckled softly before wrapping his arms around you, holding you tightly against his chest. "Let go of me!", you shouted, pushing him away. You ran into the bedroom, locking the door behind you. 
He sighed in annoyance, kicking the bedroom door hard. "You can't hide from me, bunny. You know I love you more than anything in this world." He said through the door, his voice low and firm. "But don't think locking that door will stop me. I'll break it down if I have to”. You moved away from the door, heading towards the window. "Open damnit", you gritted. As you tried opening it, you noticed it was locked. Megumi had already planned ahead, determined to keep you under his control. "Don't bother trying to escape through there." His firm voice echoed from behind the door. "You're mine, bunny. You're not going anywhere”.  The sound of Megumi's banging became more frantic as he desperately wanted to get in. You looked all over the room, searching for a tool to use to break the window.
You spotted a sturdy lamp on the bedside table. With determination, you picked it up and threw it hard against the window, shattering the glass. However, before you could fully escape, a loud crash filled the room as the bedroom door gave way. Standing in the doorway, Megumi's gaze fixated on you fiercely. "You foolish girl, did you really think you could escape from me?".  As you tried to escape, Megumi leaped forward, grabbing your ankle. He dragged you back into the room, his grip tight and unyielding. "You're not going anywhere. You're mine," he growls, pinning you down on the bed. "You'll never run from our love”. You tried to fight back, "Leave me alone!", you shouted. "You're crazy!". 
Despite your resistance, he held you firmly in place.  "You say I'm crazy? Maybe I am, but only because I'm madly in love with you. I'd do anything for you, bunny. Can't you understand that?" He leaned closer, his breath grazing your skin. "You're driving me insane. All I want is to keep you close, forever. You can't resist this connection we share”. Megumi got off you, flipping you over onto your stomach. He pinned your arms behind your back as he pulled your pants down. You felt his hard cock through his jeans. Your body squirmed all over the place. “Stop moving”, Megumi demanded. You ignored his order, not giving up. 
The more you moved, the more your ass came in contact with his boner. The man’s face reddened. He loved the way your ass jiggled against his pelvis. You heard the buckling of his belt. “Megumi, please”, you begged. He pulled down his pants, resting his cock on your plumped ass. The man slowly jerked himself off. “You don’t realize how much I love you”, he groaned. He rubbed his cock against your wet folds, forcing himself inside. You gasped at the stretch. Megumi gently inserted all of his length into you. “Fuck”, he whispered. With one hard thrust, he slammed his hips into you. “Ow”, you whimpered. He grabbed hold of your hair, making you raise up just enough for him to speak beside your ear. “Tell me you love me”, he said. You kept quiet, being too distracted by him fucking you. 
Megumi yanked your head back again. “Say it, bunny”, he said. “Tell me you love me”. The pain from the hair pulling made you speak. “I…love…you”, you said between each thrust he gave you. The man pushed you back onto the mattress. Megumi placed his palm in the center of your back, pinning you down again. He fucked you harder, making sure that you took every inch of him. Your walls clenched around his dick as he slid in and out of you. Your voice was high pitched as you moaned into the sheets. “M-Megumi”, you whined. Your cries went unheard as he pumped his cock into you at a faster pace. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he fucked his orgasm out. “I want you to carry my kids”, he groaned, spilling his seed into you. Megumi pulled out of you, leaving a trail of cum to leak out of your pussy. He turned you on your back, grabbing your face.  He pressed his lips against yours, then whispered into your ear. “Aren’t you glad he’s dead?”.
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bedtimegiraffe · 6 months
I finally figured out why all the party members in Book 2 come out as so frustratingly self-focused to me.
It's not because they're all struggling with their own stuff. It's all about shelving your agenda- that thing in a relationship where you go, 'You need my support right now, so we're going to worry about my thing later.'
And MC does this constantly.
I just barely escaped death and found out a year passed, but is Kade recovered from the Shadow Court?
I just almost drowned, but it's time to comfort this owlbear cub and unpack Valax's trauma!
I just almost died twice to the Ash Empress, but is Nia coping with being corrupted okay?
Which can be okay. Shelving your agenda is part of a healthy relationship of any kind.
The problem is that no one does it back. I think Tyril and Nia kind of sum up the whole group's attitude:
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But I don't think MC was ever going to be 'ready.' Someone else was always going to have to 'unshelve' it for them and make an effort to put the focus on MC.
Now, adventurers don't tend to be particularly well adjusted people. The full party has got maybe 1.5 healthy childhoods and 4 living parents between them (judged pretty generously). But it still feels like the others can't get it together enough to ask if MC is okay. Not that MC really makes it easy! I see MC as someone who is so used to pushing their feelings down to focus on whatever work is in front of them, they almost can't access their own emotions.
Which is why we had the brief glimpses of panic and the breakdown moment in Chapter 17. I think the breakdown makes sense mechanically. Kade is the one character your MC is guaranteed to have a strong connection to and this way it's not gated behind any diamond choices (like some really crucial character moments with Aerin and Valax, no I'm not bitter about it). But that makes it feel like the whole party has been neglecting MC while Kade immediately sees MC and goes, "Dude, you are not okay. Talk to me.'
And MC tries to turn it into comforting Kade! Kade has to actively argue with MC to make them actually acknowledge that they're having a hard time.
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MC for some reason can't or won't talk about their own trauma and Kade (who's only been around for 5 minutes) is the one who has to actively force the issue for MC's own good. Which is not a great look for the rest of the found family.
Afterward, Mal and Nia both seem to address it without really getting the point. Mal says, "We know things didn't go the way any of us wanted." (Which could mean... anything. But I'm feeling generous.)
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Protecting MC from death is not an equivalent exchange to talking about feelings! It is in fact dodging the feelings by focusing on practicalities again! Y'all better get it together in Book 3, I swear.
Overall, MC constantly delays addressing their own vulnerability and issues to focus on everyone else. And the others don't know how to do the same thing for MC, so the pattern just gets more engrained and damaging.
Except for Kade, my perfect boy.
Sources (they're fun, I promise!):
Screenshots from Neckrone Shen's playthroughs of Blades on YouTube, my go-to for whenever I can't remember something or don't have the screenshots myself.
I think @oh-so-youre-a-nerd's incredible piece 'Take Take Take' kept rattling around in my head until I figured out how to articulate why it felt this way: https://www.tumblr.com/oh-so-youre-a-nerd/736449955360899072/take-take-take?source=share
The language of 'shelving your agenda' came from the very good Cinema Therapy video about Kristoff from Frozen:
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nemo-in-wonderland · 3 months
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"I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we've no idea what we've got until we lose it And no amount of love will keep it around If we don't choose it And I don't know what's got its teeth in me But I'm about to bite back in anger No amount of self-sought fury Will bring back the glory of innocence
My, my, those eyes like fire I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre Come now, bite through these wires I'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired Reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire
I have traveled far beyond the path of reason Take me back to Eden Take me back to Eden"
"Take Me Back To Eden" - Sleep Token
You remember how, the other day, I wrote about how Aranea would eventually meet her demise a few centuries after the events of BG3?
Well, you know that with me, angst and fluff go hands in hands, so I wanted to draw the moment Mephisto found Aranea, mere moments before she is to pass. And he knows that she is going to pass, because he already can feel her soul drawn to himself, reaching for him, as part of their contract. So, before this happens, he brought her to the small garden of rocky trees and crystals that he created for her when she joined him in Cania and became his consort.
As for HOW Aranea has met her end, I like to imagine that it was always her desire for revenge that got her, and her inability to let go of grudges just lead her to a poor decision that, eventually, brought to her demise.
Her grudge against the Dream Guardian, who he was, and how he tricked her into taking her late husband form, was something that Aranea NEVER forgot nor forgive. It was something done deliberately, something that brought her excruciating pain (born out of hope and longing) even if her frozen heart was already in Mephisto's hands, and she could never look past it, not even if the Dream Guardian was the reason she didn't become an Illithid.
So, after the events of Baldur's Gate, she would go her way to find him again, with all the intent to make him pay for what he did (I know, I know, the retribution might be disproportionate, but considering that this happened after Aranea spent a whole century reaping souls for Mephisto, her morals are a tad skewed).
So, considering that the reason for Aranea's death is once more connected to the reason why she sought Mephistopheles' help in the first place, I decided to go down the symbolic route, and give her a garment that resembled the one she had the first time she invoked Mephisto, in a sort of cruel irony.
As for who is taunting Mephisto...well.👀👀👀👀 (but gods, I loved drawing Mephisto so pissed, if anything because drawing all sort of strong emotions is truly a treat for me eheheh).
BUT BUT BUT. This is just one outcome, and not even the canonical one! You know how all the characters have different endings in BG3?? Same thing applies to Aranea as well, I promise! THERE IS PLENTY OF AU WHERE SHE IS ALIVE AND WELL, WREAKING CHAOS ALL AROUND THE NINE HELLS (and Faerun as well lolol), and to be honest, my most favourite outcome among them all. I *live* for a trickster immortal fiend, Consort of Mephisto lolol. (plus, while I explore various possibilities, in my brain all my characters are alive forever, lolol)
I promise that the next artwork with Aranea and Mephisto will be a JOYOUS one (fluff? SMLUFF? who knows, but it will completely devoid of Angst. Only 100% Pure Smluff of Certified Origin lololol).
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strnilolover · 1 month
BFF!Reader x BFF!Matt Sturniolo (Best friends to lovers)
Warnings: very slight suggestive (like non-existent), small mention of death, a little bit of heartbreak, fluff
A/N: This is in the readers Pov and matts! pink is the reader; blue is matt and the purple at the bottom is basically both of them. @her-favorite told me to post this cause why the hell not lol. I absolutely love friends to lovers' tropes, but I have never tried to write anything about them SO if this sucks I'm sorry :,)
“The day we met. Frozen, I held my breath. Right from the start I knew that I found a home. For my heart beats fast. Colors and promises.”
The day that I had met him, it felt like my whole world had stopped. Those hypnotic blue eyes held me captive, burying my soul so far in them it felt like home. We did everything together, promising things to one another that we knew could probably never be. But that’s what made our world feel more alive, that’s what made it feel so bright.
“How to be brave. How can I love when I’m afraid to fall?”
I never plucked up the courage to tell him, even when I had the chance to. It felt like a joke, that if I were to become vulnerable for just a moment, everything we had built would come crumbling down in a heartbeat. So I locked it in a cage, tossing the key far away, hoping maybe one day I could get it back.
“Watching you stand alone. All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer.”
But, as my eyes watched him, standing in the pouring rain after his girlfriend broke up with him. Coming to me first before anyone else, spoke to me on another level words couldn’t explain. So I took my chance, stepping closer to his soaked frame. Grabbing his face, pulling it closer to my own as I connected our lips in a small wet kiss.
“I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I’ll love you for a thousand more.”
His lips molded to mine in return. Grabbing my hips and pulling me closer as his frame pushed through my front door. He was hesitant at first, like I was doing this out of pity. But the way my lips moved against his, sloppy and desperate, told him otherwise. The cage opened after I promised to keep it locked so many years ago.
“Time stands still. Beauty and all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything take away. What’s standing in front of me. Every breath, every hour has come to this.”
She was breathtaking. Her frame standing in front of me as the rain poured over my body. I didn’t know who else to go to, her being the first one that popped into my mind as everything crumbled around me. I told her she left me, and she looked at me, those beautiful orbs full of pity and sadness. She stepped to me, grabbing my face and putting her lips to mine, eyes wide, I kissed back. Grabbing her hips hesitantly as I pushed my way through the door to her home. I thought this was because she felt bad, but as she kissed me harder, I knew it wasn’t.
“One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I’ll love you for a thousand more.”
I pulled her closer to me as she tried to pull away. Holding her to my wet body, whispering how much I loved her and how I always have. She grabbed me back, whispering the same confessions to me as her eyes looked into mine. Smiling, I kissed her again. Our bodies slowly making their way to her room as our clothes were disregarded on the floor, tangling our limbs in her sheets for the rest of the night.
“Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years. I’ll love you for a thousand more.”
We felt like one finally. Our missing pieces find their places in all the missing spots. We spent the rest of our lives together, finding comfort in one another until our bodies were laid to rest. Even in the afterlife, we loved each other for a thousand years.
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mammalsofaction · 29 days
39. Perryshmirtz kissing as....time runs out
From the prompt list here.
Sugar, we're going down swingin'
Rating: T
Relationship: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Angst, ambiguous ending, human Perry the Platypus, OWCA Files AU, PTSD flashbacks
A/N: Bit of a cliche but I loved getting to stretch my minute made writing muscles again. I considered a fluffy alt but I know Lex loves a bit of grief in her morning coffee.
Canon compliant to my Human Perry lore. Eve had been his sister (Ferb's biological mother), who died in the line of action about 12 years ago here.
There was something to be said, Perry thinks, of panicking.
(Every sound rang clear as crystal, as murky as dirt. He can feel his own pulse beating beneath his skin like every artery connected straight to his heart. It’s almost tranquil.
We've been here before.)
"Agent P," Harry yelled. It's difficult to hear over the sound of falling rubble, and the blaring alarms resonating through the inside of the volcano, and through the sheer rushing of blood through his ears. "Please, we need to leave!"
"Perry?" Heinz whispered. Perry looks up to him then, numbed of all feeling, save for the bleeding wound on his hip, stinging enough to remind him that he was, at least, still alive. He's looking up, he's staring, but he's not quite seeing. Perhaps physically, they were all trapped inside the lair of an alchemist madman, set to collapse above his head any minute, and to be fair it is all terribly exciting. But Perry was, in truth, bearing down a steel doorframe of an old warehouse stinking of gunpowder, dust and sweat, cradling two small bodies against himself, praying for the mercy of a God he doesn't believe in for a few minutes he could no longer afford 20 years ago.
"Can you walk?" Heinz asked. Right, yes, because he'd asked that question too, that fateful night of fire and gunpowder. What had Eve said to him then?
I can fight. He signed, and he pushes himself off, handing over the briefcase containing what they'd all come here for. The evidence, the antidote, the killing blow. Go, I'll catch up.
(He'd thought about what she'd said, there, in hindsight. He thinks it was meant to be funny. That was how she defaulted to things, on account of Perry not having a single humerous bone in his body, in stark comparison. She was the good cop.
We'd learned to fight before we'd learned how to walk, that was what she always said. There was pride in that, to mask the sadness underneath.)
The henchbots kick against the hinges of the only door holding them back, and bolts come flying. It won't be too long now. Heinz had frozen, briefcase pressed into his chest as he stares a bit dumbly at how Perry attempts to hold himself up, checking the ammo of his guns, so Perry gives him a little push to emphasize his point. He catches Perry's outstretched hand, instead.
"You can't be serious." He hissed, and Perry shook his head. "Come on."
There was only one pod left out of here, and Karen and Maggie had taken the only other one. Between their bulk, the briefcase, and the sheer speed they had to push for in order to make the gate closing any minute now, Perry would only slow them down.
Go, Perry said, and for a second his guard comes crashing down. His hand trembles, pressed against the side of his chest, and it is closest he'll ever get to a wobbly lip. Please?
"You-," Heinz said, but with one mighty kick the door finally bangs open under the assault of manic steel feet. Heinz flinched, but Perry opened fire, trigger finger cool and steady. Two simple headshots. He had 5 bullets left, and a mob to deal with.
"Guys, come on!"
"I'm not leaving you here." Heinz hissed, the grip on Perry's wrist almost crushing. "We're leaving together, or I'm not going anywhere, you hear me?"
Oh, Heinz.
As rubble falls and crushes the control panel of the exit gates behind them, and the echo of a dozen feet barrels down the corridor, Perry tugs him closer, and their lips meet like an electric shock, still every bit of a thrill as the first. He feels it tingle right down to the tips of his toes, and slick swipe of his tongue down on Heinz's bottom lip like a promise.
They part with a gentle smacking sound, breathing the same air. Perry wants to remember this. He wants to leave on a good note.
"Perry," Heinz chokes, either on dust or on his own heart. "What do you-,"
I'll catch up. Perry lies, and presses on the trigger for the grappling hook on his belt. Heinz grunts, wide eyed, as it latches on the exit way of the foyer, right next to Harry himself, and Perry treats himself to one last look of his baby blue eyes wide open in fury as it pulls him back hip first.
5 bullets. Perry uses one of them to shoot a hairline fracture down the side of the wall, and the support beam keeping the lighting features aloft gives up the ghost. No way out. No way back in.
"Counting down, lair self destruct." The robotic overhead intercom announces, pleasant and calm. "T minus 10 seconds."
"Trespasser located." The henchbots declare, stepping into the foyer, falling apart. Perhaps one of them. Perhaps a bunch of them at once. He can hardly tell--blood seeps down his side in rivulets, and his head feels heavier by the minute. The edges of his vision begins to blur, and he can't quite tell what's up from down.
But Perry's got a gun in a steady hand, and he's got 4 bullets.
"Resistance is futile." The bots warn, the last of their cogs whirring. It's all appropriately dramatic.
Perry grins.
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Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 18
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Chapters: 18/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader  Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn’t utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics
Tagging: @number-0-iz, @emarich7, @jaziona92. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the next updates, let me know! I noticed that Tumblr sometimes won't let me tag everyone for some unknown reason, so if it comes to that I can at least send you a message to notify you.
You can also read this on AO3 if you feel more comfortable!
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While on one hand your work in Cape Kennedy was progressing without any hiccup, the situation with the Vortex was beginning to escalate and deteriorate at a very alarming rate. But there was only so much that you, as a mere mortal, could do to assist.
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The Corinthian lounged in his chair, his unsettlingly perfect smile unwavering as he examined you through his disconcerting, mirrored sunglasses. You stayed as motionless as a still lake, frozen and unflinching, with your heart pounding intensely in your chest.
Even though fear engulfed you and the Nightmare instilled a chilling sense of dread, you were determined not to present yourself as vulnerable or an easy prey.
"Well, look who we have here," he remarked, settling comfortably and flashing his trademark grin. "Do you remember me?”
"Naturally," you replied, your tone distant and firm. "Thanks for the drink, but I must admit I'm not really into the Black Russian Cocktail.”
He let out a chuckle, seemingly entertained by your biting response. "Ah, such a shame. I thought it might be to your taste,” he said, his voice silky, laced with feigned charm. "But I assure you, I'm not just here to buy you a drink. In fact, I'm more interested in...conversation.”
A shiver coursed down your spine, but you held your stance, your hand reaching for the Moonstone necklace as a form of support. "What do you want, Corinthian?" you questioned, managing to keep your voice steady despite the terror simmering within you.
His grin broadened at the mention of his name. "Straight to the point. I like that.”
He leaned slightly forward, cautious not to breach the invisible protective barrier that the necklace symbolized. "I just happened to be in the area and saw a familiar face. It's always nice to catch up with old acquaintances.”
You narrowed your eyes, not letting his nonchalant demeanor fool you. "Acquaintances? Is that what we are now? Because the last time we met, I didn't even know your name.”
The Corinthian shrugged, pretending indifference. "Names are overrated. It's what lies beneath that's truly interesting. Speaking of which,” His gaze shifted to the pendant in your hand. "That's a beautiful Dreamstone you're wearing there.”
As an entity crafted by Morpheus himself, you speculated it would be easy for him to sense his master's essence residing in the stone. The crystal had not yet shone any light, but it likely wouldn't trigger as long as a secure distance was maintained.
Given his aim to stay under the radar, it was certainly unthinkable to do anything that might catch Morpheus' attention.
Despite this, you were not ready to lower your defenses. You gripped the pendant tighter, your knuckles whitening, until you were overpowered by a terrible uncertainty.
The pendant housed Morpheus' energy, the identical one he employed to craft his subjects. All of them, Dreams and Nightmares alike, including the Corinthian. Would it even function against that creature, or was it destined to stay inactive in the presence of its creator's power?
However, understanding Morpheus as you did, you figured that he wouldn't leave anything to chance.
"You stay away from me," you warned, your voice low but fervent.
He lifted his hands in a mocking gesture of surrender. "Easy there. I'm not looking for trouble. Just a friendly chat. After all, it's not every day you run into someone who's so... special."
His tone bordered on teasing, but underneath it lurked a layer of menace.
You shot him a stern look, your heart maintaining its rapid pace. "Why are you really here?”
The Corinthian's smile remained, but a spark of irritation flickered across his face. "Let's just say I'm here on business. But you, my dear, seem to have stumbled into something far bigger than you realize. I wonder...do you even know what you're protecting yourself from?”
You offered no response, your silence serving as a testament to your fear and resolve.
The Corinthian reclined again, his expression contemplative. "You know, the Dreaming is a fascinating place. Full of wonders and horrors alike. It's a shame, really, that some of us can't ever truly escape it.”
Your fingers traced the contours of the Moonstone, deriving fortitude from Morpheus' gift.
You looked intently at him, your jaw set rigidly. "You were meant to stay. The Waking World is not the place for you.”
The Corinthian chuckled with a predatory glint that seemed to emerge on the dark lenses. “Ah, but the Waking World is so much more entertaining. So many unsuspecting souls, so many dreams to twist and shatter. The Dreaming can be quite confining, don’t you think?”
"You're playing a dangerous game here. You know that sooner or later he's going to find you, right?”
He laughed once more, a sound lacking any semblance of mirth. "Oh, but I have plans, my dear. Grand plans. And they don't include being sent back to the Dreaming like a misbehaving pet.”
His presence was deeply disturbing, stirring an urge in you to eradicate him instantly. It would be so easy; you had the means to inform Morpheus, to signal him that his nightmare had reappeared before your eyes. Yet, despite your impulse to act, you were held back by the bustling public scene, brimming with humans immersed in their own lives.
“Dreams are fragile things. And even the most powerful can crumble under the right pressure.”
You swallowed hard. "Be that as it may, you can't hide from your master forever.”
"That won't be necessary.”
At that moment, the suspicion began to creep into your mind that he was not only aware of the forming Vortex, but also harbored intentions of exploiting Rose for his own gain. Perhaps that could provide an explanation for the persistent feeling in your gut.
Alternatively, it could be your paranoia casting a cloud over your perception, and his presence in Cape Kennedy might not be related to the girl at all. However, his hints towards a grandiose scheme were undeniable, and whatever he was plotting, it was improbable that it would result in anything remotely beneficial.
Your phone began to vibrate and ring on the table, breaking the tense silence yet escalating your alertness. Andrew's name lit up on the screen, and despite your strong desire to extricate yourself from that situation, your body didn’t budge.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?”
Your eyes blazed with defiance. "Just so we’re clear, I won't let you harm anyone. Especially not him.”
It was a daring move on your part. What could a mere mortal such as yourself, lacking any supernatural abilities and unaware of this Nightmare's true potential, realistically hope to achieve against such monster?
“We’ll see about that.”
The Corinthian maintained his malevolent smirk, as he rose from his chair and smoothed out his jacket. The ringing of your phone ceased, the screen going dark. "Well, it's been delightful catching up, but I must be going. Places to be, people to see, dreams to corrupt. You know how it is.”
He made a motion to leave, but then halted, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Oh, and one more thing. Give my regards to Dream. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon.”
Your blood ran cold as he continued speaking, gradually advancing towards the door.
“Enjoy your stay in Cape Kennedy, sweetheart. And remember, nightmares can follow you anywhere.”
With that, the Corinthian vanished into the bustle of the street, leaving you in solitude at the bar, your thoughts spiraling out of control.
You exhaled a prolonged, trembling breath of relief as soon as you found yourself alone at the table, your fingers finally releasing their grip on the Dreamstone. The fact that he left you entirely untouched, without even attempting to lay a finger on you, could signify a multitude of possibilities. Was he planning to toy with you a bit longer before erasing your existence from this world? Did he have intentions of annihilating the entire human race, you included, all in one sweep?
When your phone rang again, you jumped in your seat. You allowed the call to continue for a few more seconds, swallowing down your anxiety and only answering it when you were certain you could muster up your voice.
"Andrew, hi.”
"Oh, Y/N, you answered! I'm nearly there.”
"Yeah, I inadvertently left my phone on silent," you feigned. "I'm on my way.”
"Oh hey, is everything alright? You sound strange...”
Apparently, you weren't very good at concealing it.
"I'm fine! Just a bit tired, it seems the jet lag is really taking a toll on me now.”
Fortunately, Andrew seemed to accept your excuse. "Ah yes, of course! Sorry for having you run around like this.”
You swiftly settled the bill for your drink, leaving the undesirable Black Russian Cocktail abandoned on the table. "No need to apologize, I came here specifically for this.”
"Yeah, but I'm not in any hurry at the moment. So if you need to take things slower, just let me know, okay?”
You smiled, exiting the bar and crossing the street, breathing in the refreshing salty air. "Of course, but don't worry!”
"Right. I've just arrived. Are you nearby?”
"Yes, literally five minutes away.”
"Great! I'll hang up now, see you in a moment!”
As you slipped your phone back into your bag, you were taken by a sudden wave of calm and contentment, simply from Andrew's display of kindness and concern. Given the extremely negative energy you had absorbed from the Corinthian, the positivity radiating from your newly-acquired friend served to completely dispel the Nightmare's impact on you.
Nevertheless, the situation was not to be underestimated. Even though Morpheus might have been unaware, the possibility of his own creation plotting to obliterate not just the Dreaming but also the Waking World was a grave matter. It was vital that he be apprised of the looming threats he was up against.
Unfortunately, given his perpetual sense of duty, there was a fear that this revelation might exacerbate his self-blame. The notion of you coming across the Corinthian in London had already caused him significant distress, to the extent that you were fearful of his reaction to finding out that the Nightmare had, in essence, posed an indirect threat to you.
No, it was preferable to keep this information to yourself for the time being. Having a line of communication with the King of Dreams, you had the capability to reach out and converse with him if the need arose. Thus, as you spotted Andrew awaiting you on the most picturesque beach of Cape Kennedy, you made a silent pledge to yourself to monitor Rose as closely as possible, ensuring that no harm would befall the girl and, by extension, all of you.
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Andrew couldn't have come up with a better idea. He intended for you to experience the magnificence of Cape Kennedy up close, guiding you on one of the most serene strolls you'd ever taken in your life. The melody of the sea was enchanting, the sky was unblemished, and the ocean was astoundingly beautiful. Owing to the Beach Land that was a frequent destination in your dreams, you had cultivated a deep fondness for the ocean.
Once again, he transported you back to his quarters for a thorough work assessment and outline. Charlotte was even more ebullient than the previous day, welcoming you with a warm hug and presenting another tray of fresh beverages and snacks, which you gladly accepted. Andrew had already given his approval to your drafts and the requested modifications, so technically, a large part of your job was already completed. What Andrew sought from you now was counsel on the overall presentations, along with guidance regarding the advertising strategy.
You were so immersed in the task at hand, surrounded by stacks of papers as you both scribbled notes and laid out plans on your laptops, that time slipped away unnoticed. Dinner had come and gone in what felt like an instant, the sky transitioning from daylight to a dark canvas speckled with twinkling stars amidst your ongoing conversations.
As the day came to a close, Andrew drove you back to Hal's B&B, suggesting you get some rest before the next briefing. A tranquil night was upon you, underscored by the calming whispers of rustling leaves and cricket melodies.
Yet, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something could emerge from the shadows unexpectedly at any moment.
Your footsteps reverberated along the pathway leading to the front door. As you pushed it open, the sound of Hal's voice drifted from nearby.
“There’s not much to do in Cape Kennedy after dark. Or during the day for that matter.”
You stopped in your tracks. His voice resonated with an unmistakable undertone of exhaustion and defeat.
“That’s kinda what I like about it,” Rose retorted in response. “I was thinking, maybe I should move back.”
“Why? To do what?”
The tone of Hal's inquiry made his disapproval abundantly clear.
“I don’t know. Before my mom died, I was gonna go to grad school… and try to become a writer.”
Nonetheless, Rose appeared unperturbed and relaxed, exuding an air of tranquility.
“But maybe it’s like you and New York.”
“God. I hope not.”
“No, I mean, your life is here,” she corrected. “You have this house, people who love you. You’ve got Dolly.”
You generally refrained from eavesdropping, but you felt that interrupting at that juncture would be incredibly inappropriate. Thus, you remained standing outside, right before the slightly open door.
“Rose, do you think I wanna be here? Cleaning after Barbie and Ken? Don’t get me wrong, I love them, they’re great. But if Broadway called tomorrow, I would sell this fucking house.”
The palpable sorrow in his voice touched a nerve. You had experienced similar sentiments once, longing to discard everything you had in pursuit of the fulfilling life you aspired to lead.
“And I would never think about any of these people ever again.”
There was a pause, followed by Hal's voice resuming once again.
“Go to grad school, write a novel… about me, but do it now while I’m still cute enough to play myself in the movie.”
Rose's soft chuckle was barely audible, but the joy it conveyed was unmistakable. It mirrored the enjoyment you felt, prompting a quiet smile to spread across your face.
“’Cause this, was never my dream.”
Soon after, Rose withdrew to the room she shared with Lyta to turn in for the night. Hal continued to clean up the area, the sound of glasses clinking against each other echoing throughout the room. Truth be told, you were keen to have a one-on-one chat with the girl as you hadn't yet gotten a proper chance to explain your encounter. But in that moment, you felt an overwhelming urge to give Hal some words of support, a growing desire in your heart that you simply couldn't overlook.
At last, you walked inside, gently closing the door behind you and advancing towards Hal, who was gathering the last vestiges of the drinks the others had left behind. Catching sight of you, he performed a graceful twirl and greeted you with a smile as radiant as the sun.
"Hi! I haven’t seen you all day. Has your work with Andrew been keeping you on your toes?”
"Somewhat, but things are progressing quite well," you responded.
"Oh, I'm certain. With your talent and his qualities, I can only anticipate the best.”
Shadowing his movements, you nervously bit your lower lip. "Speaking of talent, I couldn't help but overhear your exchange with Rose.”
Hal halted, clutching the empty tray in his hands. "Well, it was just, you know, something I needed to get out of my chest.”
You nodded in understanding. "We need that sometimes. But allow me to remind you that you already have everything you need within your grasp.”
He let out a sigh. "If only, my dear.”
"No, I'm serious. Maybe I don't have the right to say this, given we just met yesterday. And I understand this might sound like empty encouragement from someone who doesn't fully get your struggle. But you are so much more than this life you're discontented with.”
He had already talked about his aspirations with you - his dream to take center stage in Broadway's grandest shows, to become a celebrated star whose name would be remembered by all. Observing how his present life was constricting him, you felt an irresistible need to emulate your mother and extend as much consolation as you could.
You were no deity, no monarch of dreams. But he was a reflection of your past self and everything that persona embodied. Though you understood you were not your mother, you were at least confident in knowing the right words to express.
Hal's shoulders sagged and the new smile he offered was imbued with sadness and resignation. "Y/N, you're so kind to say that. But do you really think anyone would consider a Drag like me?”
"Hal, I witnessed your performance last night. Your voice is spectacular, and your stage presence was so mesmerizing that I couldn’t even blink while watching you.”
"Thanks, darling, But that won't exactly open the doors to Broadway for me.”
You shook your head in disagreement. "You don’t know that.”
He persisted in his skepticism, his countenance marked by desolation, as he found it impossible to conceive a more promising future for himself. You couldn't simply stand by and accept his surrender to circumstances.
“I mean, look at me. I am a living testament to how a life that once felt riddled with misery can transform into everything you've ever dreamed of.”
"Yes, and I love having you here right now. But I'm not like you, Y/N. All I can do is wait and hope that this endless cycle will take a different direction. Rather sooner than later.”
His pessimism didn't surprise you. After all, there was a time when you too were unwilling to believe in the possibility of betterment, bracing for nothing but disaster despite your father's and Hob's efforts to help you see things from a different angle.
"Or, you could cultivate this talent of yours and follow your dreams. Don't let it go to waste, you truly deserve to shine,” you said, giving his arm a gentle squeeze.
At that moment, something unusual occurred. A warmth emanated from your heart, appearing to radiate along his sleeve. Hal's face transitioned into one filled with wonder and surprise, staring at you as if he'd just seen a miracle unfold right before his eyes.
"Hal, you have your own individuality that defines who you are now, and also who you can become if you don’t give up.”
This time, he seemed to contemplate it, diverting his gaze and pursing his lips. "You do have a unique flair for words, don't you?” he noted, breaking into another bright smile and letting out a profound sigh.
He wasn't the first to compliment your communication skills, which evidently played a significant role in your professional success.
Still, you couldn't help but feel that it wasn't merely a perk you had acquired, but more so a family trait that you had inherited from birth.
"I try, at least.”
"Keep doing that, and you'll go really far in life.”
You chuckled, releasing him and slipping off your jacket. Somehow, as soon as you moved away, it felt like the enchantment had shattered, returning the atmosphere to its prior, ordinary state.
“Just give it some thought,” you suggested.
"Oh, I will. Maybe a good dream will stir some inspiration tonight.”
As you approached the stairs, gradually ascending the first few steps, you flashed a playful yet sincere wink in his direction. "Dreams have the power to do just that.”
If only he, or anyone else for that matter, could comprehend the depth of that truth. If only they could marvel at the wonders that the King of Dreams could bestow upon each one of them, had they dared to ask.
How had the mortal realm managed to endure an entire century devoid of the Dreaming? How had you navigated through countless silent, barren, desolate nights?
However, the elements within the dream realm could be as breathtaking as they were daunting. There were beings as mighty as the Corinthian, who had transformed what was meant to merely mirror humanity's deepest fears into a tangible nightmare in the Waking World.
Upon finding the plush comfort of your bed, you attempted to expunge all traces of those convoluted emotions from your gut. As you drifted off to sleep, you could only wish to find yourself enveloped by the dream figures you held so dear, all except Morpheus who, much to your chagrin, was preoccupied with the quest to locate his Dream and Nightmares.
One of which was tremendously close to all of you in the mortal realm.
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As you leisurely strolled along the beach, your father's hand in yours, your younger self dipped her toes into the moist sand along the shoreline. You felt incredibly small and unburdened, reminiscent of the times you used to visit the seaside many years ago. The beach was tranquil, with no one else in sight, just you and your father gathering exquisite seashells and breathing in the refreshing air.
"Be careful there," he teased. "Or else you'll run out of space in that bucket.”
"I can't help myself," you replied cheerfully. "There are so many seashells, I want to collect them all.”
"This really is the best place in the world, innit?”
You nodded emphatically. "Of course it is, we're in the Dreaming.”
It was fascinating how a part of you maintained awareness, while another part seemed to have been transported back to the innocence and simplicity of your childhood.
"Beautiful. Simply beautiful," he observed.
The day was idyllic, reflecting the splendor of the dreamworld. You watched your small fingers digging into the damp sand, extracting more seashells and stones, each one glittering under the sun like a precious jewel.
But it was not reality, it was merely an illusion, a façade on the verge of shattering before your eyes.
Suddenly, a distant rumbling echoed in the sky, a sound that wasn't a novel occurrence.
"What was that?”
Your father appeared completely unconcerned, disregarding the approaching roar entirely. "Mh? What are you referring to, darling?”
“That sound.”
"What sound? All I can hear is the ocean.”
You stopped, causing your father to pause his strides as well. With the bucket's handle clenched tightly in your small fist, you focused on discerning the subtle noises in your surroundings.
Indeed, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, leading you to conclude that what you had heard was merely conjured by your imagination.
Until a colossal fissure, which jolted the entire landscape, emerged in the sand, a hair's breadth away from your father's feet.
"Dad!" You cried out. "We need to get away from here, now!”
“Mh? Whatever do you mean?”
With a trembling index finger, you pointed towards the ominous crack. Despite your frantic warning, he continued to smile - a wide, almost terrifying grin that you had never seen before.
You released his hand, the bucket falling to the ground. "You're not real. None of this is. It's all just a dream,” you repeated to yourself.
"Is that so? Well, I suppose I can't let you leave now.”
What on earth?!
You started to retreat, but he made no move to follow. Your dream father stood there, statue-like, tilting his head and staring at you with an utterly blank expression. You could feel the chaos mounting in you, the urgency to flee and awaken. The crack continued its course, spreading around your father like tree roots.
Paralyzed, you could only watch the horrifying scene unfold in front of you. The sky turned ominously dark and the ocean receded, only to rise again and form a gigantic wave. It towered over you, threatening to crash down imminently.
And then, a hand clamped down onto your shoulder, compelling you to pivot around. Your face, no longer that of a child, was reflected in the Corinthian's round black lenses.
“Give my regards to Dream. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again v͔̠ͬ͝e͕̰̥̦̐ͥͪ̇̓͊ͭ͊ͧ̏̕͢r̵̡͕͕̮͉͙̯̅̇̄ͣ̊̑y̲̼͋͐̓ͅ s̱̭͔̪̩̳̜̹͕̹̩͙̙̪̗̤ͮ̊ͥ̏ͮ͋́͗ͧ̐̽͘͜͟͝͠ͅǫ̷̷̛̙̫̞̳̮͆̒͐̐ͯ͛͡ǫ̙ṇ̵̆ͬ̓͘_̛̬̣̻͙̐̅ͥ̓ͪ̃_̵̶̝̣̝̈̆ͣ̍̉.”
His voice echoed all around you, reverberating in your ears and becoming distorted. The tidal wave crashed, engulfing everything in its path and wiping it all away. You were caught in a maelstrom, spinning uncontrollably, gasping for breath in the underwater whirlwind.
Awakening with a jolt, you kicked off the covers and sat bolt upright, pressing your back against the pillow. Panting, anxious and disoriented, you looked around to anchor yourself and dispel the remnants of your dream hung in the air, creating hypnagogic illusions of shadowy figures and wavering walls. It took a moment of deep, calming breaths and a run of your fingers through your tousled hair to bring your racing heart back to its normal rhythm.
Morpheus was absent, and the idea of slipping back into slumber was out of the question for now. You sprang to your feet, slipped into your cozy slippers, and draped a long open cardigan over your pajamas. A hot cup of tea, you thought, might just be the remedy to calm your frazzled nerves and restore your sense of lucidity.
Making an effort to keep the noise low, you stepped out of your room and gingerly made your way down the dimly lit hallway. You arrived at the main staircase, cautiously descending, with one hand instinctively placed on your chest where the feeling of water filling your lungs persisted.
Distractedly, you moved forward, and the light turned on in the dining room immediatly piqued your curiosity. The table was decorated with a tray full of traditional British biscuits, and a hot teapot was perched on it. A hefty figure was seated in front of the nocturnal treat, humming contentedly while relishing it.
“Oh, hello Miss Y/N! What are you doing up at this hour?”
You smiled, observing his apparent fondness for his cane, which he seemed to carry with him wherever he went.
"I can't fall asleep," you answered. "What about you?”
"I was reading, lost track of time again. I brewed a spot of Chamomile, fancy a cup yourself?”
Given the state your nightmare had put you in, the prospect of a calming cup of Chamomile tea indeed seemed heavenly.
“Yes, please," you agreed. "I would appreciate that.”
"But of course! Would you mind having a sit? I’ll be right back.”
His warm and courteous manners always uplifted your spirits. Even the way he carried himself was full of grace and poise.
The soft sound of him rummaging through the cupboard reached your ears as he pulled out a vacant mug from the kitchen. Upon his return, he presented you with some of his biscuits with a sincere smile, and you felt like a spoiled child in need of a sweet snack to alleviate the tension. Had he possibly discerned your distress?
“Do you often make tea in the middle of the night?” You asked.
The corners of his lips curled upward even more, his mustache following the movement. “Old habits, I suppose. There's something comforting about it, don't you think?”
“Yeah. It reminds me of home.”
Gilbert sat down beside you, spooning a generous amount of sugar into his cup, now promptly refilled. "Feeling a touch of homesickness, are you?”
"Oh, it's more about the folks I hold dear back there. You know, family, friends.”
Gilbert savored a new sip of his Chamomile, licking his dampened lips and appreciating the warm brew. "And a dashing young chap too, perhaps?”
You held back a chuckle, finding "young chap" to be a rather amusing term for someone of Morpheus' stature.
"Let's say there is, in some sense.”
"Splendid. I won’t pry then.”
You truly pondered where this man originated from with his old-world sophistication.
The warmth of the beverage slid down your throat, finally dispelling that dreadful feeling of suffocation. "I love reading, too. It's unfortunate that I no longer have enough time to dedicate to it, but I’m passionate about my job."
"Yes, I did catch a few snippets. You work in the fashion industry, don't you?”
"That's correct. I'm a Fashion Designer, so I handle all aspects of the creative process and general promotion.”
Gilbert cast his gaze downwards, seemingly deep in contemplation. "Creative, that's marvellous. You know, it reminds me of someone I used to know a while back.”
“Really? Someone special?”
"Ah, my dear. He was the very heart of the place I hail from.”
"He’s not anymore?”
Gilbert grew nostalgic. "Oh no, he is. He'd been away for a very long time, you see. Without him, my homeland lost its essence. I left because I wanted to... embark on new experiences, I would say.”
You had a multitude of questions, but given your limited familiarity with the man, you didn't want to overstep any boundaries. You hypothesized that he originated from a quaint English town, and the person he spoke so warmly about was possibly a revered clergyman or a commoner cherished by many.
"Do you plan on returning?" You asked.
"Eventually, yes. I never intended to leave my place, I simply... needed to explore… more of this world.”
His explanation was notably vague, giving you the sense that he was carefully choosing his words to sidestep other topics he seemed less eager to discuss.
But ultimately, that was just a part of his charm.
"I understand. Thank you for sharing, Gilbert.”
"A pleasure, Miss Y/N.”
As you both continued to enjoy the Chamomile and savor the tasty biscuits he had provided, a momentary silence fell between you. Oddly enough, it didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable; instead, it nurtured a feeling of closeness. His presence was soothing, organic, and serene. You could faintly detect an aroma of damp moss and lush greenery emanating from him, along with hints of apples, sea ozone, musk and sandalwood.
Even though you were indoors, your mind was conjuring up the image of a lush green oasis. Unknown to you, the dreadful thoughts of your nightmare had entirely faded from your consciousness.
That was, until he posed the subsequent question, interrupting your mental imagery.
"You said you can’t fall asleep. Is something troubling you, my dear?”
Setting your mug aside, you aligned your back more straight against your chair. "I woke up from a nightmare earlier. It was quite unsettling.”
"Oh dear," he expressed. “Are you all right?”
"To be honest, I’m a little worried about something. But I can’t tell if my feelings are warranted, or if I'm just making everything more complex than it needs to be.”
Gilbert lapsed into a thoughtful silence again, absentmindedly twirling the spoon in his tea.
"Dreams can reveal a fair bit about your-" he cleared his throat. "-our own selves. Our worries, longings, even our darkest truths. They can be quite revealing, in their own cryptic manner.”
For some reason, he seemed to possess knowledge far beyond what any typical human being should. But considering the significant time he spent engrossed in books, his extensive cultural understanding was not surprising to you.
"It's weird, isn't it? Dreams can manifest the most beautiful visions one could ever see, yet sometimes, they can be so frightful that they make you want to never fall asleep again.”
He guffawed. "I've seen my fair share of unusual dreams. Each one is a journey, wouldn't you agree?”
You, more than anyone else, could attest to the spectacular travels one could undertake through their dreams.
But those very dreams you loved deeply, those realms and magical constructs, if not the Dreaming as a whole, were seemingly endangered by a force equally formidable.
As unsettling as the nightmare had been, you couldn't let it deter you from delving into your subconscious mind.
“I do, actually. It’s a little tough, though.”
"Isn't it just? This world's a grand old place, my dear. Just as many marvels to be found as there are true horrors to behold.”
You bobbed your head in agreement, gazing at the remnants of your Chamomile. "You're so right Gilbert. I wish I could remove a thing or two from my memory.”
"I daresay. But isn't that also part of what makes you... well, human?”
His point held weight, considering the lessons you had acquired over the years. All those hardships, all the adversities you had to surmount. Even Morpheus confined to that cage, isolated, insulted, and forgotten. Had you not witnessed all that, you would have entirely overlooked his existence, and inevitably lost the opportunity to understand what it meant to love and be loved by him.
Every fear, all the concerns, all the wonderings and questions. They all contributed to your growth and shaped who you wanted to become.
"Thanks, Gilbert," you voiced softly, "I really like talking to you.”
"Absolute pleasure, Y/N. Whenever you fancy a chat, I'm here to lend an ear.”
Having finished the Chamomile and nibbled the last crumb of your biscuits, you gathered the empty mugs and plates onto the tray. Gilbert generously offered his help, which you politely declined, allowing him to retreat to his attic for some rest (or to indulge in more reading).
You let the water run at the bare minimum, washing the mugs and plates with utmost care. You returned everything to its proper place, gently closing the cupboard's door to preserve the quiet. Gilbert's footsteps were soft and deliberate, until the surroundings became so silent that you couldn't hear a fly.
It was still early, and you didn't know how long Morpheus would take to conduct his investigation. All you could wish for was that no hindrances had appeared in his way.
As you slid back under the covers and settled onto the mattress, you grabbed your phone and plugged in your earbuds. You swiped across the screen, rifling through your saved playlists until you found the specific track you were looking for.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑨𝒏𝒙𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒇
You used to play these melodies when contending with your chronic insomnia, and even if they weren't particularly helpful at the time, you still cherished the calming sounds they produced. And so, you pressed the play button, adjusting the volume to a moderate level, getting yourself comfortable and closing your eyes.
The soft music echoed in your ears like liquid gold. You felt weightless and cleansed, as if the bed had vanished beneath you. When sleep claimed you once more, you felt comforted and at peace, journeying through a variety of pleasant dreams.
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The fact that you had no pressing obligations the following day was a stroke of good luck, for when morning arrived, you were still blissfully asleep in your bed. The Dreaming appeared to be just as it always was, granting you unrestricted exploration. You took a serene stroll in the most beautiful meadow you had ever seen, crossed a forest bathed in hues of pinks and reds, and even engaged in conversation with a chatty deer you encountered along the way. At times, the things appearing around you looked odd and somewhat nonsensical, but it didn't particularly bother you.
And then, you were enveloped in a sea of stars, to the extent that you found yourself traversing an actual galaxy. Even though you were walking, you couldn't see any physical ground under your feet.
You weren't sure of your destination, but the energy pulsating through the paradisiacal landscape motivated you to continue, and you simply couldn't resist the call. The dress you wore, so lengthy that it trailed behind you like a royal gown, was imbued with the brilliance of stars and the swirling cosmos.
All that stunning beauty made your thoughts drift towards Morpheus, and you realized how much you longed to see him again.
Distant voices began to form and resonate from the far end of the nebula, where a powerful blue light flashed and expanded. You quickened your pace, walking briskly, until the light became almost blinding, compelling you to raise your hands in front of your face.
And it was fortunate that you did, because a few moments later, you collided with something hard and icy, as solid as marble.
The galactic spectacle had completely dissolved, replaced by a radiant blue fog that began to thin out and dissipate. The pillar in front of you obstructed your view, but it didn't take long for you to recognize the castle's throne room.
How were you able to locate that place again without Morpheus’ explicit invitation?
And then, you recalled his earlier words, assuring you that you were always welcome in his castle. Could it be that this had inherently given you unlimited access to it?
“Do you have any idea what his life is like in the Waking World?”
A woman was speaking, but you couldn't identify her.
“Humans cannot live in dreams.”
“As long as he stayed there, the child had no life. Nor the chance for one.”
Sensing that you were amidst something significant, you moved your body slightly to the side to survey the unfolding scene. Morpheus, as handsome and majestic as ever, stood a few steps above Lucienne and another figure, a well-defined woman who was clearly far from human. Her skin was dark, akin to a desaturated purple, adorned with fuchsia streaks that pulsed like faint lightning. Her entire body seemed alive, displaying a kaleidoscopic effect that resembled liquid shadows.
“The boy is being abused,” the creature stated. “He’s suffering.”
“You abused that suffering,” Morpheus counteracted. “To build a Dreaming you could rule.”
And then it struck you, the realization that the non-human figure was one of the Dreams Morpheus had been trying to find. Or, to be more precise, one of his Nightmares.
“I had no wish to rule.”
She didn't seem terrifying to you. Even her appearance, while peculiar and potentially intimidating, was actually quite enchanting to look at.
Unlike the Corinthian, which was ironic considering that he bore more resemblance to a man than anything else.
“I merely wish to be a Dream and not a Nightmare. To inspire rather than to freighten.”
The nightmare was seething with anger, filled with pain and grudge against her master.
Lucienne was attentively listening, without uttering a word.
“The choice is not yours to make,” Morpheus responded, calm and unyielding. “We do not choose to be created. Nor do we choose how we are made.”
His statement stirred thoughts in your head. Did he ever contemplate why he came into this universe, the purpose of his birth, his initial creation? Did he ever consider being someone else, something else, instead of perpetually fulfilling his role as the King of the Dreaming?
“That is true,” affirmed the Nightmare with a smirk. “But we can change.”
“No. We are, each of us, born with responsibilities. Even I am not free to choose to be other than I am. Nor is anyone.”
If anything, this only provided an answer to your inner query. Ever since the day you met him, you hadn't considered that his duties and what he embodied could be as heavy as a boulder to him. You knew he had to make exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, decisions. But what if, deep down, he wished to cast aside his metaphorical crown and hand over his realm to another?
“If that were true, why did all the other Dreams and Nightmares choose to leave this place when you had gone away?”
“Not all of us chose to leave, and nearly all have returned,” Lucienne finally interjected.
The creature turned to look at the librarian. “Do you think they came back out of love?” Then, once again, she redirected her focus to her creator. “Or because they were afraid of what you would do to them if they did not?”
You were cognizant of Morpheus' capacity for aloofness and command, and he had even admitted his past errors to you. But as inflexible as he could be, was it truly so erroneous to aim for maintaining proper order within his realm, if it also meant safeguarding the Waking World and its denizens?
“Because I am not afraid.”
You could sense the change in the atmosphere, which had abruptly become chilly and foreboding. Morpheus pivoted completely, fixing the Nightmare with a defiant glare. “You should be.”
You leaned forward just a bit more, taking care to remain unnoticed by any of them. It's quite humorous how you continually landed yourself in undesirable circumstances, which obliged you to stay concealed and listen in on others.
“A Nightmare’s purpose is to reveal a dreamer’s fears, that they may face them.”
You might have been wrong, but even from where you were, you noticed a reddish tint in his eyes. He was in pain.
And also, he was enraged.
His shadow started to shift, advancing along the stairs and extending out, stretching right towards where the Nightmare was positioned.
“Perhaps a few thousand years in the darkness will reveal your fears.”
The shadow made contact with her feet, and the moment it did, she began to pulverize and disappear. Her legs slimmed down, disintegrating like ash, and the rest of her body followed the same fate.
She was scared, but at the same time, she held his stare with bravery and pride.
And you could see that she was teetering on the edge of tears, burdened by the spectrum of missed opportunities.
“Better that than to make others afraid,” she said at the very end. “Even a Nightmare can dream, my lord.”
With widened eyes and a dropped jaw, you watched in sheer disbelief as the creature dissolved right before your sight. Morpheus stood as an image of defeat, quietly enduring the loss of one of his own creations.
“Even a Nightmare can dream.”
In your trance-like state, the only thought that surfaced was, blimey.
Even Lucienne was clearly distraught. How had things managed to escalate to this extent? Why did events have to take that horrific twist, landing Morpheus in such a tough spot? Why all the anguish, the torment, the catastrophe?
Only one name came to mind; Roderick freaking Burgess. What would the scenario be if Morpheus was never captured? If the Dreaming was never deserted, and if his subjects never abandoned their duties?
“You feel her punishment was unjust?”
The way Morpheus immediately sought Lucienne's approval with an expression akin to witnessing his raven’s murder once again (oh, you didn't even want to remember that, much less think about anything happening to Matthew) left you instantly heartbroken.
Lucienne contemplated her reply, then she freed her hands from their entwined position behind her back. “I used to be something else. Before you made me your librarian. We all chance, sir. Even you, perhaps. One day.”
Oh no.
His response was unsurprising. Even though his voice echoed gentleness and respect, you could perceive the bitterness lacing each word he spoke following that.
“Lucienne, I realize that in my absence, you were compelled to make decisions in my stead, and I am grateful to you.”
You sensed that a 'but' was forthcoming.
“But I am back now.” There it was. “You may return to the library.”
That was a lot to take in all at once, and given your empathetic nature, you rapidly absorbed the torrent of emotions floating in the atmosphere. You observed the sorrow in Lucienne's eyes, the despair of feeling obsolete to her King. She retreated with measured steps, leaving Morpheus standing rigid on the staircase.
The regret was unmistakable. His frequent blinking, the strain in his jaw, his hands curling into tight fists.
You let out a sigh, bumping your forehead against the column. If only you could do something, anything, to magically erase all that pain from their hearts. If only-
"I am sorry," he said unexpectedly. "I did not wish for you to witness that.”
Oh. Oh. Of course he was talking to you. You were in the Dreaming, right in the center of his dwelling. It was only to be expected that he would be aware of your presence in his castle, considering you were practically a whisker's breadth away.
With caution, you stepped out of your hiding spot, your gown trailing behind as you moved towards the King of Dreams. The fabric maintained its shimmer, harmoniously matching the cosmic ceiling overhead and the inner lining of his coat.
"I'm the one who should apologize," you declared. "I just wanted to see you, I didn't expect to end up here.”
The instant his eyes met yours, a flicker of astonishment and surprise colored his face. He watched you as if spellbound, descending the staircase to meet you midway. When you halted, merely inches from his face, you gave him one of those smiles he cherished the most.
You were clueless about the depth of his love for you in that moment, of how you looked every bit a queen, his queen, gracefully moving in your natural surroundings.
Your dream dresses were a mirror of your inner self, each more beautiful than the last.
"Wrong place at the wrong time, as we humans like to say," you continued. "Did you know I was here all along?”
“You thought I did not?”
He lowered his tear-brimmed gaze, the tips of his cool fingers tentatively grazing yours."Are you not scared of me?”
It was difficult to fathom that he was still unsure, questioning the genuineness of your feelings for him. But upon reflection, you couldn't truly fault him.
You shook your head. "My love, I could never be afraid of you. You should know that by now.”
His hands were always so tender, so delicate, and yet so sturdy. His hands rested around your waist, only to glide upwards and adhere to your skin, the dress granting him an ample view of your back. He held you close against his chest, and you melted in his embrace.
“Do you not think Lucienne is correct? About change, about me?”
"Morpheus, I wouldn't want to change a thing about you. I think this entire matter should be handled with care, from all perspectives.”
He displayed a pouting expression, gently rubbing his forehead against yours. “I have my duties.”
“I know.”
And these obligations were eating him up from the inside. Encaged in a glass cell for a century, he neglected his realm and failed to guard the very humanity that triggered the destructionn of the Dreaming to start with. However, upon witnessing the magnitude of his role, you began to doubt whether his sacrifice was worth it. Ruling over the dream domain and protecting the mortal world shouldn't provoke such deep anguish. It was consuming him, devouring his essence.
"Don't be too harsh on Lucienne, though," you advised. "She's the most dedicated being I have ever met, but I’m sure you are aware of that.”
"I am.”
It was quite a shame that she had no clue of the magnitude of his high regard for her.
"You see, when you were still confined to that cage, I had a dream. It was one of my first experiences in this realm, and somehow, I found myself here. In this very same room.”
He listened quietly, his hands softly gliding down to your lower back.
"I was lost. Everything was in ruins, devoid of life. But Lucienne was here, aimlessly roaming the castle, and she found me. The sight of a human standing in the midst of your throne room took her by surprise, after such a long time.”
The way she sustained and persevered for over a century remained a mystery. She deserved a dedicated monument.
"She was so alone, Morpheus. She was waiting for you to return.”
None of his words were intended to diminish her. Lucienne held significant value to Morpheus, not only as a trustworthy librarian but also as a competent collaborator within his domain. He only adopted a defensive stance when the topic of change surfaced, a concept he struggled to grasp given the nature of his own existence.
"And, about the Nightmare you punished...”
The fact that he still wished for her name to be acknowledged despite his conduct, did not elude your notice.
"I don’t know what happened, and if she did wrong you, it's in your rights to restore the original state of things. But... she appeared honest about her feelings, about her wish to become a Dream. Is there truly nothing you can do about it?”
For an instant, you were apprehensive that he might reproach you merely for daring to discuss matters you didn't completely understand.
But his eyes held nothing but tenderness for you. "Y/N, she was made to be a Nightmare. In order to make her into a Dream, she would need to be undone and recreated.”
"But isn't that a part of any creative process? Altering things that already exist, but no longer fulfill their original purpose?”
“It is different.”
Your smile broadened as you caressed his cheek. "I know that I can't compare what you do with my work in the Waking World. Your subjects have a function that accompanies humans through their personal journeys. But, consider this: everything we make, whether it be clothes, art, music, movies, or novels, it all influences us in one way or another.”
He furrowed his brows, mulling over your words and attempting to decipher the implications of your statement.
"Sometimes, an artist might choose to redraw an old piece to make it better. A writer might opt to remake an entire chapter if it doesn't align with their envisioned perfection A composer could discard a fresh song and reconstruct it from scratch just for that note they didn’t get right. An entire dress can be taken apart, mended, and redesigned.”
Your focus moved to the location where Gault had once been. You could still observe traces of smoke and ash spiraling around the room.
"Gault wasn’t a mistake, Morpheus. She just wanted to be understood, regardless of how wrong that might be.”
He stayed silent, tracing your line of sight as he swallowed.
"Ah, but I'm only human. So, what could I possibly know, right?”
And then, he flashed a small grin. It was almost unnoticeable, barely distinguishable, but just clear enough for you to catch it.
“No, you are observant. Your words are truly valuable.”
You weren't expecting him to affirm your truth, nor to retract the punishment imposed on Gault and reinstate her to her rightful place. But that was acceptable. Because you realized that Morpheus was not simply disregarding your viewpoints.
“You are valuable, too.”
You ran your nails along the collar of his coat, savoring the clear contact, the softness of the material.
"I need you to understand that you're not alone in this. You have Lucienne, Matthew. Even Able and Cain, despite the latter's rough character. And naturally, you have me.”
For him, it was tough to believe that a genuine support system existed behind him. Given all the trials he had to withstand, the burdens he shouldered away from others, and the solitary grief he faced after the loss of his son.
Even now, distancing himself from Lucienne and dispatching his creation into the darkest void, were not measures he felt particularly prideful or content about.
He smiled. "Having you by my side is more than I could ever hope for or deserve, my love.”
You craved him as much as you needed the blood flowing in your veins. You longed for the sound of his voice, so low, smooth, and resonant, his words overflowing with love and adoration for you.
He kissed you, slowly yet assertively, before pulling away and letting you go. But now that he had a moment of tranquility with you, as the day on the other side had just commenced, he wanted you to savor every last minute in the Dreaming, before you ventured back to your world and he proceeded with his investigations.
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The final moments in the Dreaming had been unforgettable, with Morpheus guiding you through parts of the castle you hadn't yet explored. But before you fully succumbed to the pre-awakening haze, you chose to contradict your prior decision and confessed that the Corinthian was, in fact, in Cape Kennedy.
The realization that his nightmare had encountered you for a second time, unbeknownst to him and with all the potential dangers it could entail, inevitably sent Morpheus’ mood spiraling downwards all over again. For a moment, you feared that he might harbor resentment towards you for not summoning him at that time. However, when you explained how cunning the Corinthian had been by choosing to meet you in a public place filled with mortals, the Endless pronounced that you had acted prudently.
Morpheus also confirmed that the Corinthian had evidently been drawn by the Vortex herself. That also signified that, should he locate her, things could potentially escalate to an irreversible point for all of you. Therefore, he tried to convince you to head back home, with the aim of keeping you shielded from both Rose's power and the Nightmare's grasp.
Regrettably, you had to reject his suggestion, as your work was far too important for you to merely abandon it. Morpheus attempted to argue, but eventually, he let the topic rest. He made a solemn promise to utilize all his resources and abilities to ensure your safety, insisting that you alert him immediately should anything unusual, or even remotely dangerous, occur in your presence.
Admittedly, having Morpheus concerned for you amidst all that he was grappling with did make you feel quite guilty. Nevertheless, there was no way you could leave Andrew in the middle of the project without a valid excuse. Morpheus understood the amount of effort you had invested in establishing your current career, and the last thing he wanted was for you to lose all that you had achieved.
By the time you woke up, everyone else was already bustling about town attending to their own affairs. The only exception was Lyta who, conversely, was strangely sick and confined to her room, not making an appearance even once.
You seized that day off as a chance to recuperate, with the lingering effects of jet lag still draining you, and the remnants of your tumultuous night further exhausting you. It was approximately lunch time when you noticed Rose crossing the threshold, her fatigued, baffled expression indicating that something was drastically amiss.
"Oh, Y/N, hi," she said in a distracted manner. "Is Lyta still in her room?”
"I believe so, she was feeling under the weather earlier when I knocked. But, on that note, are you okay?”
Rose shook her head, offering a feeble smile. "I don’t even know, to be honest.”
You could only speculate that what kept her outdoors that morning was linked to her brother Jed. Clearly, things didn't pan out as she had hoped.
"Come on. let's talk," you encouraged her, softly draping your arm around her shoulders and ushering her upstairs.
"Oh, there's no need to, I mean-”
"Yes, Rose. There is," you corrected. "There's something I need to share with you.”
You were aware that Morpheus would have preferred to keep you as distant as possible from everything the girl embodied, but you couldn't just ignore her when she looked so afflicted.
And despite her apparent eagerness to retreat to her room, she consented, trailing behind you and stepping into your chamber without any protest.
You let her settle on your bed, which was still partly unkempt, and you took a seat next to her. "Firstly, tell me what happened."
You noticed her hesitation, stumbling over her words. "Well, I actually found Jed. I went there because I wanted to speak to his foster parents, to see him, and possibly bring him home with me.”
"Let me guess, they didn't permit you to.”
She sighed. "Even worse.”
"Y/N, I... I went there and the police were swarming all around the house. I found out that the couple is dead, and Jed is nowhere to be found.”
Out of all the things you thought she might say, that was definitely not one of them.
“Wait, what?!”
"I know, it's insane!”
"But, do they know how they died? Was it an accident? Were they killed in their own home?”
How could she be so close to reuniting with her brother after so many years, only to have him slip even further away?
Right then and there, your intuition flared up more intensely than before. Something was undeniably wrong. What were the odds of that happening?
"I have no idea. The police didn't want to disclose any information. I wasn't even allowed near the house.”
You gently placed your hand on her back, moving it up and down in a comforting motion. "I'm so sorry Rose. The silver lining is that he wasn't there, so he's at least unharmed. Right?”
"But now, I don't even know where to start looking.”
What kind of comfort could you give her in a situation like that?
"Y/N, you said there was something you wanted to tell me. But... could you answer a question for me?”
“Of course.”
She pressed her lips together, staring at you with a hint of apprehension. “"Are you real? I mean, you're human, right? I'm not just imagining you.”
You laughed. "I am very much real, I assure you.”
"It's just... you were in my dream. I met you before actually seeing you in real life.”
You nodded. “You did.”
"So... how...?”
You clasped her hand, which felt somewhat cold and trembly. She appeared so fragile and delicate, how could she contain such a potent power capable of not only shattering the Dreaming, but also penetrating its walls and affecting the Waking World?
"Rose, I'm sure you know the answer to that.”
She blinked a few times, permitting you to gently squeeze her hand. “I think so. And you?”
She was testing the waters, probing to see what you might potentially know or be oblivious of.
You couldn't find any valid reason to not tell the truth about it.
“Yes, Rose. I know you are the Vortex.”
For a moment, she appeared flabbergasted, not really anticipating your forthrightness. She stood, pacing back and forth a few times, only to raise her voice in desperation.
"Who are you, really? What's going on?”
Her outburst was more than justifiable. She was separated from brother when she was a teenager, never having the chance to see him ever since. Then, her mother passed away just before she could uncover the true nature residing within her, which could endanger her life, due to the need to eliminate any direct threat against an Endless' realm.
It was unfair, you thought to yourself. She deserved better than what life had dealt her.
"I'm simply Y/N,” you replied. “A human being just like you. Nothing more and nothing less.”
“But how do you know I’m the Vortex?”
Was it even permissible for you to divulge your relationship with Morpheus? Could you be open about your association with his realm?
In the end, you carefully opted to omit the major details.
"I am acquainted with the King of Dreams."
"You know Lord Morpheus?”
“Yes. Very well in fact.”
She returned to the mattress, allowing her body to slump onto it like a sack of potatoes. Her eyes clamped shut, and she took a deep inhalation, only to exhale it out.
"Rose, I wish I could tell you more about why or how you became a Vortex, but not even Morpheus himself has an explanation. All I can say to you is that you need to be careful.”
"All I do is sleep, and all of a sudden I'm in everyone's dream.”
How dreadful it must feel, to intrude upon your friends' subconscious and probe their minds against their will.
"You haven't come across a man with blond hair and dark round sunglasses, have you?”
"No, not that I can recall," she specified. “Why?”
With Matthew keeping a watchful eye on her during the day, you knew that she at least had some form of protection from the Dream Lord. But was that truly sufficient to keep the Nightmare at a safe distance from her?
You couldn't afford to give her one more cause for alarm. She couldn't find out about that creature tailing her, aiming to use her Vortex abilities to annihilate the Dreaming and take complete control over humanity. It was such a hefty load for you alone, understanding how dark and warped the minds of mortals could be and how readily they could be remolded.
For the moment, you wanted her to concentrate solely on her brother, who seemed to be entirely missing, if not kidnapped by someone malevolent for all you knew.
"Let's just hope it never comes to that.”
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You blinked a few times, clearing the haze from your brain, as you peered into the distance at what appeared to be a barren wasteland, gloomy and parched. It was dark and cold, reminiscent of a swamp.
What was that place, and why did it evoke a sense of déjà vu?
You glanced around, took a few steps forward, and inhaled the aroma of earth and decaying vegetation. Nothing was there apart from some patches of mud, scattered algae and rocks that either looked shattered or flipped over.
"Yep, I'm afraid so.”
A voice from behind caused you to startle, but when you spun on your feet, nobody was there except for a deer, watching you with a pair of large, glossy black eyes.
"Oh come on. Don't say you don't remember me.”
You were completely disoriented, unable to even recall your own name. But then, as time progressed and the gears in your mind kicked back into action, everything fell back into place.
You knelt down, gently patting the deer's head. "Of course I remember you. I'm sorry, it took me a moment to realize I was dreaming. I must have dozed off on the couch...”
The animal smiled. "Eh, it happens sometimes. No big deal. But I'm glad you're back. Things are really getting messy over here.”
“Messy? What do you mean?”
The deer's expression morphed into one of puzzlement. "Are you serious? Can't you see the state of this place?”
"I do see it," you responded. "Where exactly are we? I know this is the Dreaming, but...”
"Y/N," the deer advanced. "You know where you are.”
That proclamation sent a chill down your spine, and as soon as you looked up, attempting to detect any sign of what the deer was referring to, the surroundings trembled and shook violently. You heard the loud noise of something fracturing, splitting apart. And then you saw it, the same crack from your nightmare, widening and branching out. It continued to broaden, wildly seizing the landscape around you.
The deer was correct, you knew exactly where you were. Merely contemplating it caused your heart to plummet, and your stomach to coil into a painful knot, tugging from every direction.
Without a shadow of a doubt, you were in the Beach Land. Except now, it was just land, bereft of beach, water, and signs of life.
“No… please tell me this isn’t real. Tell me this is another nightmare.”
The deer sighed. "It is a nightmare, in a sense. But I'm afraid this is simply what the Dreaming is starting to look like. All of it.”
You slumped onto the ground, letting your arms hang limply at your sides. "The Vortex did this?”
“I assume so.”
Was your proximity to Rose that late morning in any way accountable for such a significant, vital part of your dream life, to be completely eradicated? Or had she caused such a disruption recently that your nightmare delivered the final blow?
You didn't have the time to figure out an answer, because another earthquake rattled everything again. It was fierce, horrifying, and certainly not something you wanted to see worsen any further.
"You need to leave," the deer told you. "Exit this place before it's too late.”
"But this is a dream, right? Nothing can physically harm me here.”
"That's not the main problem. If the Vortex strengthens, you could be disconnected from this land, if not the Dreaming itself.”
Could it really be possible that Rose accidentally set off something so grave? You dismissed the thought; the idea of losing the Dreaming was unbearable. Morpheus. Lucienne. Abel and Cain. Goldie. How could you ever bear to be separated from them all, from the love of your life?
"Go, Y/N. Wake up now. Or else he'll never forgive me.”
“Wait, did you-”
“ሠ𐌀ኡ𐌄 𐌵የ!”
Your eyes flew open, and all you could see was the ceiling of Hal's B&B main hall. No peculiar noises, no tremors of the earth. But you, on the other hand, were profoundly rattled, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest.
And that, wasn't even the full extent of what you were about to confront.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 19 (coming soon) ->
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erikiara80 · 3 months
Stranger Things and Wayward Pines parallels
I started watching Wayward Pines after @chirpsythismorning made this post, and I'm sure other people have already talked about it. The Duffers co-produced that show and also wrote some episodes.
Here some of the parallels that intrigue me the most. There will be spoilers, of course.
Wayward Pines is set in 4028-4032. An ambitious scientist, David Pilcher, discovers that the human DNA is mutating, so he and his sister Pam come up with a plan to save humanity. Pilcher builds a town, abducts a few selected, puts them in cryo hibernation, and then they all sleep for centuries, while the world collapses and a process of evolution mutates the human race into Abbies (Abberations)
First thing I noticed: many characters say that they woke up in Wayward Pines after a car accident, including the main character, Ethan Burke, a Secret Service Agent who was investigating the disappearance of two federal agents.
This makes me think about my theory that everything changed after a car chase/accident in 1976, here and here. And here what I think happened to Will and El in that accident (TW: mention of drowning and suffocation)
Hell and "Paradise"
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Pilcher tells Ethan the truth about their little town: "You didn't think Wayward Pines ran itself, did you?"
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Owens: "You didn't think we were working out of a shed, did you?" (In Wayward Pines, they find a tunnel system under a shed)
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There are some very interesting parallels between Pilcher and his sister, Nurse Pam, and Brenner and Terry. We'll see if there's some surprise about Terry, if she was really just a student, or there's something more.
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I always thought that this photo hinted at something, a deeper connection between Mama and Papa. Like the two Bonsai Trees books in Terry's house and Brenner's bonsai in S4 seem to imply.
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When Pam starts to have doubts about their project, David orders her to be put back into cryo-suspension.
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Pam gives Theresa a key card to help her find answers. Henry gives El a key card, too.
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CJ plays chess, like Henry and El. For centuries CJ was the custodian of all the frozen, sleeping people in the mountain. He would wake up periodically for a brief period of time, to make sure that systems were online and that the facility was well cared for, and then he would go back to sleep himself. Every time he wakes up, he plays chess and talks to his girlfriend, but she's not really there...
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And then there is Jason Higgins, who definitely makes me think about Henry Creel. Jason is the "chosen one", the kid that was raised by the Pilcher siblings to become the leader of Wayward Pines and what is left of humanity. He always felt different, he wanted to explore new lands...
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Henry becoming an explorer.
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And then this. In The First Shadow there are creepy vibes between Henry and his mother, and in S3 Robin and Steve talk about Back to the future and Lorraine being attracted to her own son, Marty.
Jason is in a relationship with Kerry Campbell, but he doesn't know that she is actually his mother! This is possible because he was awakened from cryo-sleep and grew up, while Kerry kept sleeping. Also, Pilcher lied about his family. He wanted to adopt Jason, the son of a pregnant student, but when she lost the baby, Pilcher and his sister adopted Kerry's baby.
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So, we also have something similar to the "babies switched at birth" thing that has been hinted a lot on Stranger Things. In the newspaper article in 1x08, Terry's story is Joyce's story, word by word, so...
I will make a post about Back to future and the possible meaning of Steve and Robin's dialogue about Lorraine being attracted to her son, and Steve not calling Fox's character Marty, but Alex P. Keaton, another character played by Fox. There's a lot to say!
Anyway, on Stranger Things, the characters have said that something's wrong (Nancy to Murray: "Your timeline is wrong", and Hopper in the play: "My timeline is off") So, IF they are stuck in a time loop and we're dealing with many timelines, there could be some big surprise, even something similar to the Jason-Kerry plot twist. Similar, not the same.
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vshthestmpede · 2 years
Hello ✨ requesting a how knives would react to reader showing him interest and affection 🤍 based on the manga, he’s always wanted a deep connection with humans as a kid so does this make him feel any specific kind of way ? This precious plant baby is hard headed im sure 🥺
knives + a whole new feeling
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word count; 610
warnings; awkwardness, but overall adorable dorkiness
note; tysm for requesting!! i'm currently reading the manga and all of the characters are growing on me, especially knives! he really does seem like he's just super misguided n just wants to do the right thing in his mind. still getting a feel for writing knives so please feel free to critique <3
cross-posted to ao3
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you were tentative to approach knives lately and he had picked up on this. usually you were always trying to get his attention, to spend time with him even when he pushed you away. at first, he kept pushing the feeling of worry away and told himself that it was nothing.
as one quiet day turned into a week, knives found himself growing more worried about you and pondered what could've caused this sudden change in behavior.
have i been too mean to them? did i say the wrong thing?
he would try to cut the thoughts before they got too out of hand, reminding himself of who he was and what he should be focusing on: the plants. however, it was almost impossible not to notice how lonely it got without you constantly around.
maybe that's why he found himself gravitating towards your room and maybe that's why he was staring at the closed door, fist frozen inches from it.
is this a good idea? he faltered for a second, then regained his posture. it won't hurt to ask them what's been going on. humans love talking about their feelings. just a few minutes and then back to normal. right? yeah, great, so just kno-
knives almost screamed when you opened your door suddenly, stumbling backwards. you jumped at the unexpected presence, covering your heart with your hand as you let out a shaky sigh.
"jeez, you really scared me," you managed and knives gulped, a sudden nervousness washing over him. "is there something you needed?"
fidgeting with the long sleeves of his cloak, knives couldn't seem to shake this odd feeling no matter how he tried. you raised an eyebrow and looked up and down the hallway before stepping back into your room, offering the haven of privacy to him as well.
"thank you," he murmured as he slipped by you into your room, watching you as you closed the door and took a seat on the edge of your bed.
"c'mon, sit." you patted the spot next to you, to which he obliged silently. "now, what's bothering you?"
knives cleared his throat, avoiding your gaze as he spoke, "well, i haven't really. . .seen you around and i, um, have been wondering what you've been up to."
you snorted into your hand but as soon as knives turned to furrow his brow at you, you burst into laughter. he stared at you as you fell back onto the bed, gasping for air.
"i'm sorry? what's so funny, (name)?" knives peered down at you and you wiped your eyes, regaining your composure. "did i say something?"
"no, no," you assured, "i'm just laughing at myself. i thought i was annoying you, knives, with all my affectionate advances so i decided to take a step back."
"affectionate? you -"
he stopped short, all the pieces in his brain clicking into place. the little gifts you've been bringing, the times you'd stick around late to listen to his rambling, the way you would go out of your way to spend time with him?
"oh my god, why didn't you say something sooner?" an embarrassed warmth spread over his cheeks rapidly and you sat up, poking him in the face.
"because i wasn't sure you felt that way about me," you admitted, pinching his reddened cheek playfully. "so, now that it's out in the open, is everything okay?"
"i'd like you to keep doing the affectionate stuff," he admitted meekly. "it makes me feel. . .warm inside. wanted. a feeling i didn't know existed. please, continue?"
"gladly," you responded quietly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "expect more than what i've done before, okay?"
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foxhopfics · 6 months
Jason Todd as a Fox instead of a Bat
Request for anon! I took a little bit to turn this over in my brain because the timeline for aftg is so tight and Jason's timelines are... All over the place. So for reference purposes, I'm calling this an AU where after coming back from the Lazarus pit, he was still trained by Ra's Al Ghul and Talia, however instead of returning to Gotham to become the Red Hood, he takes a detour, quits his life of crime, and signs up for exy. (It's a bit of a stretch but I think I make it work. This also lowkey made me end up shipping Kevin and Jason) I'm putting this under a readmore because it accidentally got SUPER long
Jason was first introduced to exy as a pastime sport the trainees from the league of assassins would play. It's good for endurance training, muscle building, etc. etc. and it seemed like a good outlet, so he gave it a shot
His portfolio, much like Neil's, came in the form of a video. He copied and stole the security camera footage from the court they used.
As he gets more into exy he also starts to learn about the teams that are out there and kind of realizes he's not doomed to a life of crime. He can escape this, if he's smart.
And the Foxes are an underdog team. Not many eyes will be on them, so it will be easier to remain hidden if anyone comes looking for him.
The next week, he gets an acceptance email from the school, and a "welcome to the team, see you in a month!" message from a man named David Wymack
(Little did Jason know David would become more of a father to him than Bruce ever was.)
Things aren't exactly rough when he gets there, but he's definitely lived in more pleasant places. The dorm rooms are just fine by him, but the other members of the exy team make him jumpy
Most of them ignore him at first, and he kindly reciprocates.
They get along well enough in practice, Jason preferring to use his larger stature to play a good, solid defense. He's great at planting himself in the way of the oncoming strikers, and they always underestimate his speed because of his size.
(He was always taught to defend and protect, after all...)
It's not until about the events of TFC when Neil starts to bring the team together that Jason really starts to get to know everyone. Kind of reluctantly, since he was happy being on his own with a provided cover story.
But Neil pushes and he gives like a broken dam. There's still that little kid somewhere stuck in there that wishes someone would just care for him.
Eventually he starts to open up on his own to the others, ending up really connecting with Kevin. Kevin and him were both raised by men who wanted the best from them, expected no less, and met disappointment with hard, frozen stairs.
Jason could count on his fingers the times Bruce had smiled at him or told him "good job". Kevin couldn't even name one time the Moriyamas ever did.
And as he opens up he begins to see his family in the faces of his new friends. He sees the bubbly positivity in Nicky that reminds him of Steph. He's hearing the same logical calculations that Tim would make come from Aaron's mouth instead. He sees Dick in every move Matt makes, both of them born for teamwork and support. He sees a flicker of Renee out of the corner of his eye and for a second can swear it's Cass.
While he tells him the things that have happened to them, they're met with stunned silence. But honestly, Jason is grateful for everyone to accept it and go, considering Neil's past is still chasing him. Jason's isn't, at least, not right now
It's not until after the first time Kevin and Jason end up in bed together and they're both shirtless that it really hits them both how fucked up they are. Both their bodies are littered with scars and old injuries.
But there is love and care in healing damaged things and Kevin traces his fingers along the angry lichtenberg scars left by the Lazarus pit.
Anyway they are shortly interrupted by the mob coming after Neil and Jason is basically like "jesus i could take care of this in 0.5 seconds but im not a murderer anymore and Matt has accidentally instilled a moral compass in me"
and then Neil gets fucking KIDNAPPED? and everyone gets roughed up by the crowed and gets taken to the hospital except for Jason who actually kept track of Neil during all this madness knowing there were literal people coming for him and his Vigilante Senses turned on.
NYWAY he tracks Neil to Nathan's hideout and he's basically the one who called it in because he's used to having to do such things from his time as Robin.
Basically Jason would take the place of Neil's uncle because where the fuck did HE even come from and this works better imo.
I decided I didn't want Jason to change much in the story because with his past and ESPECIALLY his time in the league of assassins, he could very easily become an OP Deus Ex Machina instead of a character in a story with ups and downs. But this also made me want to a) rewrite the whole series but i do NOT have time to do that. but also b) i may end up writing a more in depth fic about Jason and Kevin and if that accidentally evolves into a series then WHOOPS! Anyway hope you enjoyed!
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Jennifer Lee on Frozen 3 and 4 in a podcast with Heart ♡︎
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Exactly a week ago Heart dropped a podcast with Jennifer Lee discussing Wish, Disney and Frozen 3 and 4.
From 4:04 onwards they start talking about the upcoming Frozen movies. Here's the link or if you can't have a listen, have a read of what she says in response to the questions:
Heart: “And talking about characters, I have to talk about Frozen because I absolutely love Frozen... But are they coming back and will Elsa find love?”
Jen: “Well they are coming back. Big Iger himself leaked it, that we got so much story that we're working on now, it looks like it's gonna be two films. Cause it's so big where they're going next. And Elsa's got a lot to do, so, and I can't give anything away to say what's gonna happen but Anna as well. And Anna's you know, I feel very connected to her, the ordinary hero, I don't have any magic. But I'm really excited. The amazing thing to me is always how these two sisters as we start looking at their journey, they keep surprising us and telling us, showing us what they're capable of. So I'm definitely excited about where we're going.”
Heart: “So does Elsa find love?”
Jen: “I can't give anything away, I can't tell you anything. All I want to say is that anyone who thinks they've heard anything they are not true, there's no leak, nothing has left our vaulted story room and the only leak is what Bob Iger leaked himself.”
So it's clear that Frozen 3 and 4 will be one story split into two movies like previous franchises have done. That's because the story is so big and they don't want to rush it or cram it into one. This logically speaking is a very clever and wise thing to do. Everyone knows no one can enjoy a good story when it's rushed and not long enough. Disney would be the first to make its own projects, have a part 1 and 2. Marvel has done it before with Avengers Infinity War and Endgame and Sony has done it with its Spider-verse films, and there's Dune and more. I mean we all thought Frozen 2's events were big imagine what else is in store for us!
Jennifer Lee has not confirmed or denied the possibility of Elsa getting a love interest. Really we could say it's because she doesn't want to break the Hearst of those who ship Elsa with someone and those who don't, meaning the answer on whether or not she does or not will be in the movie.
Lee also tells us that Elsa and Anna will have a lot to do this time round which means we're in for a ride as the sisters themselves! Like it's exciting because this next big story is literally unpredictable. Frozen could go anywhere. So much ground is left to be explored. We can guess but I'm almost certain our guesses will be nothing like what they've got planned!
As far as leaks go there have been no leaks on either Frozen 3 or 4. So anything anyone says here or on twitter is not true! With this next story being so big to be split into two they're keeping their story room strictly sealed.
Slowly, Jennifer is keeping us fed with little details as well as subtle ones. Teasing us well but not revealing much, not even who this new director is, yet.
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big-boah · 2 years
Autistic Thing of the day:
Autistic Catatonia 😵
I made a TikTok on this too with the same info (link here!)
I wanted to talk about autistic catatonia, which isn’t something I’d heard about until I researched it on my own. When I brought it up to my doctor, she said it made perfect sense.
Autistic catatonia affects, at minimum, about ten percent of autistic people. And the best way I can describe it is “getting stuck.”
I’ve dealt with this my entire life, I plan to do something, or respond to someone, and my mind goes blank and I just can’t move. If I fight it, my anxiety goes through the roof. I can’t talk or respond, only maybe stim a little or communicate using eye contact or eye gaze. For me, it can last anywhere from a few seconds to several hours.
Unfortunately, my bodily functions still continue when I’m stuck, so I have to be guided to the bathroom, need help in the shower, and kept out of harm’s way. My partner and I both have ADHD and have a similar thing happen but can still kind of move even if it's difficult, but that’s more executive dysfunction.
This is also a little different than derealization and depersonalization in that most people still feel entirely like themselves when these episodes happen, your inside mentality is the same. I can carry on commentary in my head during these episodes and I feel like I'm myself, just stuck.
Being catatonic is almost like every cell in my body is frozen in time. I know what’s going on around me, but my brain just can’t make that connection and that spark of purposeful movement doesn’t make it outside of my own mind. I wish there was a better way to explain it.
A lot of autistic people experience this differently. Some people have this and believe it's a shutdown (which is a little different because in shutdowns usually you can communicate.)
People with mild catatonia may feel like they've "gone nonverbal" and also feel physically stuck, although others can assist you to move if needed.
A lot of people have this experience when they're frightened of experiencing high levels of overstimulation. I've always said it's like my brain pressed pause on my life, because I wouldn't.
If you know someone who goes through something like this, make sure they stay safe, hydrated, and make sure to check in on them even if they don't respond. I like when my partner acts like nothing’s up, he will just hang out with me there. Some people like touch when they get stuck while others don’t. This can happen no matter what your support need level is in general. This actually happens often enough where it increases my support need level, I need to be supervised anyway. 😅
Once I realized this was a feature of my autism, I was able to come up with a plan with my loved ones because it happens about 2-3 times a week. Ever since I started taking ADHD meds it happens less, and research has found that benzo medications can actually prevent this from happening and help the episodes. Research needs to catch up to the rest of us on this one!
But if you experience this or periods of hyperactivity where you also feel like you can't interact with others on your own command, it may be autistic catatonia.
Hopefully this helps someone! 🤟🏻
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nanasalt · 1 year
Hi, I'm genuinely curious why you have called Elsa "abusive sister"? What's your, as an Anna lover, main take on Elsa?
Context for my comment.
Realizing on a reread that you asked for an Elsa analysis and I kinda made it an Anna one. They're entwined, though -- it's hard to talk about one without the other, especially when the first question is why call Elsa abusive? The short answer is I was being very reductive in that post for the sake of brevity. The tag directly after is me saying in a quick, off-the-cuff way that Elsa's not wrong:
#see: Anna of Arendelle #suffering is good! #filial loyalty should trump logic! #dying for your abusive sister is good! #Elsa obviously has her own issues but from Anna’s pov?
Believe me when I say that I can go full Elsa apologist very easily. Send a second ask if you want to see that, actually, I do have a lot of Elsa Thoughts. The thing is, there's a ton of Elsa fans out there and Anna tends to get the short end of the stick, despite being - in my opinion - the better sister, and not for nothing, but I think Elsa would agree that Anna is a better sister.
The tragedy of Frozen is that Elsa isn't wrong to isolate herself and try to keep Anna safe, and Anna isn't wrong to sense her sister still wants to connect and try to make it happen. That's what makes it tragic. Anna's desperate attempt to reconnect at the party is what makes Elsa balk, and Elsa balking is what pushes Anna away into the arms of someone who isn't afraid to tell her she's wanted. (Of course, Hans isn't afraid because wanting her won't kill her the way Elsa is pretty sure wanting a sister will.) Anna coming back from a whirlwind of having fun - having a friend - for the first time in years and telling Elsa she wants to get married freaks Elsa out, because Elsa's about to lose her sister to some stranger! Elsa tries to get the situation under control the only way she knows, which is to get away from everyone and self-soothe, but Anna is fed up and presses the argument then and there, which sets Elsa off and reveals the depths of Elsa's problems.
But critically, Anna's not wrong, and she's not stupid.
A major theme of Anna's character is that nothing is explained to her, and she is mistreated as a result. We, the audience, understand why Elsa locks herself away. We, the audience, skip over literal years of isolation for Anna in a three-minute song. We, the audience, see Elsa's anxiety when alone or with her parents. Anna, on the other hand ... to pull from the musical, which I admittedly like more than the film:
ANNA: ... Truth is, I never knew why my parents ordered the gates shut, why the celebrations ended, or why Elsa stopped talking to me. All I ever knew was, I missed my sister. I spent years trying to figure out what I did. I begged to know, to understand, but all my parents would say is, it’s for the best.
Anna blames herself for the fact Elsa locked herself away, and Elsa does not, as far as we see in the story, disabuse Anna of that notion. Sure, you can argue it happens offscreen somewhere after the show, and I'd agree that the arc of Frozen means the girls are going to sit down and realize their parents kinda sucked and gave them both trauma, but that happens after. (Frozen 2 doesn't exist in my head. I don't hold with anything that doesn't admit their parents fucked up big time. The best you can say is they tried to help their daughter, and that is tragic too, that nobody was able to help them do it.)
From Elsa's point of view, she ran away and Anna followed - against Elsa's advice and orders. Elsa felt confident enough to let her sister in and talk about things -- and Elsa couldn't handle it. She shot Anna in the heart as a result, putting them exactly back where they were when they were kids and Elsa was the biggest danger to her sister. Elsa was right to be afraid of intimacy, she was right to protect Anna from herself. The biggest danger to Anna was always Elsa.
This verges into Hans apologism, but we're focused on the girls so stick with me: Elsa literally kills Anna in the story. Hans is a big asshole about this little, "If only there was someone out there who loved you," speech, but he didn't kill Anna. Elsa did. If Elsa hadn't shot Anna in the heart, Anna would not be dying now. If Hans was going to kill Anna, that would've been the place -- and instead he leaves her to die of the wound her sister gave her.
So how does Anna feel in that moment? Narratively, we focus on the fact Hans has been the biggest dick lately, so she's heartbroken by that, but I'd posit she's been let down by the two people she thought might want her: Elsa and Hans. At this point Anna was probably thinking she could get cured and maybe that she and Hans would fix this together.
Instead, her unending faith in her sister should have brought her to this conclusion: Elsa killed her, Hans refused to save her, and they've both abandoned her for dead. In the film, Elsa - by proxy - throws Anna off a cliff right after shooting her in the heart. She could not be more clear about locking Anna out. Hans locked her in, but all to the same effect: Elsa's curse is going to kill her.
Does it really matter why Elsa cursed her?
When I say Elsa is an abusive sister, I mean that from Anna's point of view, Elsa lashes out and hurts Anna because of her own pain. We, the audience, have the benefit of knowing why - but we, the audience, also aren't feeling our fingers freeze solid as our jaw locks up with ice, so maybe we're not getting the full effect there.
Frozen's magic system is simple: magic and emotion are the same thing. (Frozen 2 do not interact.) Elsa's powers are driven by emotion, and they can be driven to great heights or great lows. The tragedy is that she doesn't learn to channel positive emotions, so she only knows fear and anxiety, which spiral out of control as those emotions always do. That fear isn't irrational - she's afraid for her sister, she's afraid for her country, she's afraid to let people down - but it is damaging and uncontrollable.
It literally kills her sister.
Anna dies, not because she threw herself under the sword and got diced, but because she turns to ice. She dies because of Elsa's curse, which ironically saves her from being killed in a bloody way. In that moment, Elsa sees her worst fears come true: she killed her sister. In the musical, she sings:
Anna? Anna - no! This is what I feared, this is why I shut you out so long ago. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ... Look at what I've done to you.
As she realizes this, the magic begins to undo itself, not because Elsa realized the depth of her fuck up but because Anna committed an act of true love. Anna is brought back to life miraculously by her own self-sacrifice because it was pure and selfless. Which is why my final tags were:
#the narrative posits that [Anna's] suffering was good #actually. #and wanting things for herself was Bad actually
Wanting Hans, the seeming first person to value her, was wrong. Throwing herself under the sword for the sister who ignored her until she murdered her was good. In a meta sense, Anna wanting something for herself was wrong, and being blindly loyal was good. She is literally rewarded by being brought back from the dead to be a continuing loyal companion to the woman who shot her in the heart.
At the end of the day, the fact Elsa feels terrible about this both makes no difference and makes all the difference in the world. Elsa has been awful to Anna, and her being able to recognize that is what makes their relationship so compelling. The fact Elsa is also abused is important; she was locked away from society just as much! While Anna was so neglected by their parents that she spoke to paintings, Elsa was being told to just get better, keep it inside and don't freak out. Like many abused people, when Elsa grows up, she doesn't know how to form a healthy relationship at first. Her first fumbling steps end in disaster, and as musical Elsa begs:
This is all so brand new Let me first learn to crawl Before I try to walk
On one hand, that doesn't matter, because Elsa did abuse Anna for a period of time, via neglect and outright harm, up to and including murder. On the other hand, it matters more than anything, because Elsa chooses love, chooses to reconnect, finds true regret and wants to be better. Anna forgives her, because she loves her.
It's what makes the bones of this story so tragic and compelling. The love is real and the hurt is real. The difference is that both sisters choose to move past it, and I can see there being a good ending where they repair their sisterly relationship.
But for the duration of the story, and the near-decade before? Anna was abused by everyone in her family, and Elsa has to take responsibility for that before they can begin to heal.
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