#because one day we'll all end up in the dirt
mclarenviolet · 1 year
Cherry Wine
Astarion x GN!Reader
Warnings: Brief mention of blood/hunting, shameless flirting and a smidge of fluff
WC: 500+
A/N: Continuing the trend of naming my Astarion fics after Hozier songs because the combination is ✨chef's kiss✨ As always I try to keep reader gender neutral but as I haven't proofread this one particularly well please let me know if there's any slip ups!
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You enter the firelit camp after your evening bathe in the nearby river, glad to have washed away the intense grime of the bog you'd been traversing for the last few days. You cast your gaze over to where Astarion lounges against a log, wine bottle in hand, his crimson eyes already fixed on you with a mischievous glint.
"Well, well, well," he purrs, a smug smile tugging at his lips. "If it isn't my favorite person in this whole wretched world."
You roll your eyes, failing in your attempt to hide your smile from the handsome vampire. "Spare me your flattery, Astarion. I might just faint from the shock."
He chuckles, his fingers idly tracing patterns in the dirt. "Oh darling, your heart can surely handle a few well-placed compliments from time to time."
You settle down beside him, your shoulder brushing against his. "And what makes you so certain that I'm not immune to your charms?"
Astarion leans in closer, his lips just a breath away from your ear. "Because, my dear, I've seen the way your cheeks flush whenever I grace you with my presence."
You fight back a laugh, shaking your head. "You're impossible, you know that?"
He grins, his gaze smoldering as it meets yours. "Ah, but you love every bit of it."
You feign exasperation, throwing up your hands in mock defeat. "Fine, you win. I'm utterly captivated by your snark. Happy now?"
Astarion's laughter is low and melodic, "Delighted, actually."
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As the night wears on, the camp grows quiet, your companions settling down in their tents, undoubtedly exhausted from what felt like endless days of battling amidst that miserable bog. Astarion however stays firmly planted by your side, silver hair seemingly glowing in the moonlight as he stares up towards the stars.
"You know," his tone soft, "despite my 'snark' as you so eloquently put it, I really do quite enjoy our time together."
Your heart skips a beat as his playful façade gives way to a vulnerability that takes you by surprise. "I know." your voice equally gentle.
He leans slowly towards you, gaze meeting yours once more, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "And if I were to do something that's shockingly out of character, would you be too surprised to stop me?"
Your breath hitches as his fingers brush against your jaw. "I guess we'll just have to find out."
And with that, his lips capture yours in a passionate kiss fueled by weeks of teasing and flirtatious banter, of stolen glances and lingering touches.
Astarion's arms wrap around you, pulling you closer as the kiss deepens, his fingers tangling in your hair. You can taste the coppery tang of whichever creature he hunted earlier mingled with the cherry wine he's been leisurely sipping on all evening, a mixture you find unexpectedly intoxicating.
When the kiss finally breaks, you both pull away, breathless and dazed. Astarion's confident smirk fades into a genuine smile, his inquisitive eyes searching yours.
"Surprised?" he asks, his voice a low whisper.
You grin, all too aware that Astarion's keen hearing must be picking up the way your heart pounds in your chest. "Very."
He leans in to press another kiss to your lips, his fingers tracing absent patterns on your back. "Well, my dear, prepare to be surprised more often."
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A/N: Welcome to another episode of Violet doesn't know how to end her fics 😌 Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated as always 💕
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icaruspendragon · 11 months
im sorry to ask but i dont know what else to do—how did you do it how did you dig yourself out because it feels like i am choking on dirt and people keep shoveling it onto me and i miss her so much and i dont know how to make this feeling stop. she was my best friend. ive never lived in a world without her before. how did you do it. how are you doing it
grief is so hard and so heavy when we first meet it. it feels like all our arms will ever hold for the rest of forever. and it is, in a sense. once we pick it up, we never really set it down. not fully.
and I don't think it gets lighter, I think we somehow, impossibly, get stronger.
there's lots of metaphors for grief. that's one of them. another one I like to use is that it feels like you're in the grave with them. like lazarus. like yourself. waiting for someone to raise you from the dead. to raise you both.
I've learned a lot about crawling out of the grave. more than I would have ever wanted to learn. like how emptiness is actually quite heavy. or how to pretend like you feel half-alive. but I think the most important thing I've learned is that somedays, we inexplicably end up back in it. and that sucks.
because we just spent months clawing our way through the bugs and the earth. because our soldier-hands have finally breached the surface. because the sun is finally caressing our hell-fresh faces. because for the first time in months we feel like we can finally breath. and then, suddenly, we're right back in the terrible thick of it.
those days make it feel like I'm sisyphus and grave dirt is my rock. or like I'm prometheus and the darkness is my eagle.
but then it's tuesday.
which is to say my brother died on my 25th birthday, a monday. and that day is now a memory that's fuzzy around the edges. single snapshots I know are connected, but I couldn't tell you how. I remember my mother standing in my bedroom and tears and family and phone calls and cleaning my living room because I didn't know what to do with my hands. I remember going to my grandmothers and my phone vibrating off the table and leaving to go get coffee because I couldn't sit still. I remember joking, trying to joke. trying to do whatever I could to make sense of that impossible day. I remember checking my phone and reading and rereading the messages, a mixed bag of congratulations for surviving another year and condolences that my brother didn't, I remember not knowing how to respond to any of them. so I didn't. I remember being surrounded by so many people doing nothing but extending love and kindness to me and never feeling more alone. the world was ending and I was alone. I thought that day would go on forever.
but it didn't.
it ended, as all things do. monday was over and my first day as an only child was done.
and suddenly it was tuesday. and everything was different but also exactly the same.
it was tuesday and my brother was dead. I was so heavy when I woke up that first tuesday. so heavy and confused. I thought the world had ended. it surely felt like it had. but it hadn't. because the world couldn't have ended on monday.
not if it was tuesday.
it was tuesday and my brother was dead but the world wasn't ending. monday should have been our demise, but it wasn't. and it hasn't. and it won't. because just as sure as we have mondays, we'll always have tuesdays.
that's something I've taken a strange comfort in, knowing that we'll always have tuesdays.
the feeling never stops. but I think that's okay. because you're only feeling that way because there was love first. and as much as what I felt on that first tuesday hurts, as much as it suffocates, as much as it consumes, I'd take the hurt and the suffocation and the consumption because the love I felt first will always, always be worth it.
tuesdays will always be worth it.
like yeah, if I loved less, it wouldn't hurt this bad. but I don't want to live in a world where I have to love less. where I was loved less.
I'll take the pain. I'll take the grave days. I'll take the rock. I'll take the eagle. I'll take apocalyptic, earthshaking mondays. I'll take every last wretched bit because goddamn what a miracle it is to love so bad it hurts this big.
I hold that love, his love for me and my love for him, a love that's now become our love in the cage of my ribs while I'm in the cage of the grave. and I dig.
it's monday and I dig.
I dig.
and then tuesday comes.
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axolotlbottle · 2 months
❝Like father, like son❞
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Art done by my bestie @jester0jpeg !! We both made our own versions / lore of the postal dudes & postal series!!
Postal dude 1 with his son (little kid-postal dude 2! Who we call "the postal kid!").
We actually gave them names, too! (Sorry, they're not P names, but I could care less. Feel free to call them Postal dude and Postal kid if it bothers you that much).
PD1's name is Michael Toddhunter, and his son's (PD2) name is Aster Toddhunter (hehe get it? As in "disaster").
Preface: This takes place AFTER the first postal game. This is an AU of sorts, so just erase the ending of the game + a bunch of other things, and have Michael fuck off somewhere, nobody ever knowing his identity so he gets away with everything. That was a "TLDR" explanation of it. We could maybe explain this better on a different post in the future.
Anyways! Here's some lore we have about them:
Michael is the Command Sergeant Major for U.S army's RI Arsenal. Yes, he did serve in the army before going postal in the first game. Don't ask how he got up to that rank because god knows I don't know either.
He and Aster live in the Quad cities, Illinois, aka some fuck ass midwestern region of cities that only gets some attention from the John deere company that hogs the area. Fuck john deere.
Michael is a single dad. He somehow managed to win all custody over Aster. He doesn't talk about his ex-gf.
They live in a house that's next to a trailer park, so they're not exactly dirt fuckin' poor but they ain't buying branded food either. They're still trailer park trash without living directly in the trailer park though.
Michael has tried to give Aster some sense of normality (sorta) but Aster clearly is not cut out to be a normal child. He's very rowdy, violent, and bullies the neighborhood kids (if you get the reference, you're cool).
Michael calls Aster "My little wild thing" (reference to Aster's favorite book; where the wild things are).
When Aster was 5, for Christmas, Michael gifted him a black cat he bought for $10 at the pet store ( he didn't question it). Michael cruelly didn't think the cat would last long, but that cat might as well outlive him. Aster named the cat "Kostroma" and has shoved his dad's guns up it's ass and used it as a silencer to shoot at beer bottles in their backyard. Kostroma hasn't died (nor appears to be scarred or traumatized), no matter what Aster has put him through. He's like some weird immortal cat (who surprisedly loves Aster as much as Aster loves him). Michael and Aster don't question it.
Aster loves uncrustables. His addiction literaly is grape jelly uncrustables. He has to have one once a day or else he'll start wreaking havoc in the neighborhood.
Michael brings Aster to work sometimes (usually when Aster gets kicked out of school or is being too insufferable for the neighborhood). He can't help it, and it's not like anybody can give him shit for it.
That's all we'll share for now!! Hopefully we'll post more in the future!! Me and my bestie have been working on this since like late May, and we plan to continue to work on it >;). I'll leave ya'll with this doodle I did of Kostroma cat.
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Burning the Candle at Both Ends
This is my first time writing for COD, but I've watched some clips and read some fics so I hope I do him justice.
Part one of The Way the Stars Love the Heavens series.
Contains: Fluff, non-sexual bed-sharing, unresolved feelings. Not beta read.
Follow #the way the stars love the heavens for updates
1.7K words
A translator's work is never done.
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"Any luck?" It was the question you had been dreading for hours, you were no closer to cracking the horrible mess of coded communications and the frustration was driving you insane.
"No." You sighed at Soap's face, his easy smile wasn't helping, it was almost like he found your frustration assuming. "I'm trying Latin next. You know this is a job for an analyst right? I don't really know what I'm doing here."
He shook his head. "I have faith. You're the best translator we got. I was stopping by to tell you that we'll be gone for the next forty-eight hours, we gotta leave the wire for something."
You gave him a nod and turned back to your screen. "Ok then, I'll be here, like I always am. I'll be lucky to get away from this thing with all the work you've sent my way."
Soap chuckled. "We gotta keep you busy, if you get bored, you might take your talent elsewhere." He paused and looked around, checking that you were still alone before jutting his head towards the common room where everyone else was enjoying some downtime before the jump. "But we both know there are other things keeping you here."
You turned away from the screen and shot him a pointed look. "Shut up, you promised you wouldn't bring that up again."
He raised his hands as he pushed himself off the corner of your desk. "Just saying."
He walked away without another word, and you turned back to letters as they unscrambled at a snail's pace. It was going to be a long night.
Knock knock
"Come in Simon." You knew that knock well, the two short raps were the only ones that you ever heard, no one else bothered. 
He parked himself in the same spot that Soap did, on the corner of your desk, but unlike Soap, Ghost leaned his huge frame over into your personal space as he looked over the monitor. "You look like you're making some headway." 
You sighed and leaned back in the chair, rubbing your face as tiredness slowly set in. "I am three per cent closer than before." 
"That's three per cent better than you were an hour ago." He could be so gruff sometimes. He turned from the screen and towards you but made no move to back away. "I was just coming to say goodbye." 
You nodded, he was close enough that you could smell his shower gel under the gun oil and cordite coming off his uniform. "Yeah, be safe." 
Despite the mask, you could tell he was smiling. "Don't work too hard love. The world's not going to end if you get some rest." 
You fought the urge to smile and reached out to shove him playfully, but he didn't budge. "Says the man who never takes his mask off." 
He shook his head and stood up and his massive hand landed on your shoulder. "We'll be back in two days." 
You drummed your fingers on the desk and nodded. "Of course. I'll see you soon." 
His hand lingered for a moment and silence filled the room, times like this, where something hung in the air between the two of you were becoming all too common. "Yeah, see you soon." 
Ghost was tired and his body ached, it had been two days of non-stop work and all he wanted to do was go back to base and sleep. The humvees pulled into the vehicle bay and he climbed out, watching as the others dispersed while Soap stayed behind. "You gonna see y/n before you hit the hay?"
Ghost shrugged. "Don't know, I figured she'd be in bed about this time."
"You know that won't be true, it sounds to me that you're avoiding her." Of course he was, he was covered in blood, sweat and dirt and he stunk to high heaven.
He sighed and almost rolled his eyes. "I'll go see but she won't be awake."
Soap crossed his arms over his chest. "How do you know that?"
"Because I asked her to get some rest." He knew that meant nothing, but still, he hoped you do it for him, he did ask nicely.
The look Soap gave him had Ghost walking away, knowing that if he stayed any longer, Soap would start asking questions he wasn't ready to answer.
Despite the weight of the exhaustion he felt, he got a second wind when he saw the light coming out from under your office door. He walked right by and into the kitchen, then plucked your favourite MRE out of the cupboard and threw it in the warmer before making his way to your office.
He knocked on the door twice and your raspy, sleepy voice came through the wood. "Come in."
You were in different clothes but he could see how tried you were, your eyes red and ringed with heavy bags. "You been to bed?"
You nodded. "I tried but the alarm went off, they changed the code again so I'm back at it."
He shook his head and raised the green bag. "I brought you food."
You reached out with a grateful sigh and took it from him. "You have no idea how much I need this." His mask crinkled with a smile and he sat down on the only other chair in the room. You looked him over and gave him a slight smile. "How was the op?" You could smell the blood on him but you wouldn't dare say anything, you didn't want him to leave.
"It was what it was." Part of him wanted to elaborate, to tell you about the shit he saw, but he didn't want that in your head too, even if you knew you'd listen.
You tucked into the food, the hot meal was perfect and you couldn't fight back a moan as it started to sate the hunger you didn't know you had. Ghost's chest rose sharply but you didn't say anything, and he looked at the pouch in your hand. "Good?"
You nodded. "Amazing. Thank you."
You wished he'd take the mask off, sure he had nice eyes but seeing his full face would have been better. He pushed himself up, reached over and tapped the desk. "Now that you're all fed, I'm gonna clean up and get some rest. If I don't hear you open your door within the hour, I'm coming to get you."
You sighed. "Yes, yes, I know, I need to sleep."
He shook his head and opened the door, looking over his shoulder to get the last word in. "That you do."
Ghost took extra time in the shower, the hot water soothing his body as the blood and dirt washed down the drain. In the steam, he wondered to himself why he was being such a coward, it was as plain as day how you felt about him, yet he couldn't voice the return of your feelings. Maybe he was worried about what it would mean for your friendship but deep down, he knew nothing would really change, just the fact that he had said the words out loud.
He turned off the water and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt, knowing that the halls of the pod that held the 141's dorm rooms and your office would be empty was enough that his mask was unnecessary. He thought about heading to his room, knowing he would hear you through your shared wall if you decided to listen and get some sleep, but he knew you and decided to check your office first.
Light was still coming from under the door, but for once, he didn't knock. He pushed open the door with the same careful quiet that he used out on a mission and smiled to himself when he found you curled up in your chair fast asleep. He knew the meal would have you off in dreamland, and part of him was happy that it was like this, although he was loathed to admit why.
He placed one arm under your knees and the other around your back and lifted you into his arms, carrying you the short way to your dorm, knowing there was no way you'd rouse with how tired you were. But when he came to your door and pulled the handle, it didn't move and he was at an impasse. Sure, he could root around in your pockets for your keys but that would wake you up and he didn't want to do that.
He thought back to when, in a drunk haze after a celebration, you accidentally found yourself in his bed, muttering about the wrong door before falling asleep on top of him. He reasoned to himself that you'd had shared a bed before, so this time wouldn't be any different before he opened his door and went inside.
He placed you on the bed, climbed next to you and pulled the covers over your body, the tight space forcing him close to you. He sighed as his second wind left him and rested his head on the pillow, looking over your sleeping face with a smile. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair off your face, caught up in the moment until your eyes blinked open. "Is this a dream?"
"No." He desperately hoped you wouldn't get up.
"Oh good, you're pretty."He let out a genuine chuckle, his chest filling with warmth as your hand landed on his cheek. "Do you want me to go back to my room?"
There was no way in hell he was going to say yes, not a single part of him wanted that. "No, you can stay, I didn't want to wake you looking for your keys."
You sighed and nuzzled closer into his chest, his arms wrapping around your body to hold you in his embrace. "Thank you, I'm think I'm too tired to move anyway."
"That's alright love, I got to look after my favourite girl." He had no idea what all this meant, not your confession at finally seeing his face nor the fact the your warmth against him was making him feel things he wouldn't dare voice. "Goodnight y/n."
Your lack of a reply and the slow up and down of your chest was enough of a reply for him to take the leap, and he pressed his lips to the top of your head as he spoke. "I love you."
Part 2
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iamatinydinosaur · 8 months
I really like your Branch x little sibling reader requests, and I don't know if you request are open, but if they are, I was wondering could you do one based on the first film, where lil sib is taken by chef along with the snack pack (maybe because they heard the commotion and were trying to help people) and obviously they're saved in the end and everything turns out ok, just the perfect mix of angst and fluff, if thats ok, please and thank you.
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A/N: Guess what it's my birthday in a week!!! 23rd of January and I'm not ready!!
🐾Branch x Sister Reader🐾
You hear screams. You promised Branch you wouldn't go near the party, but you couldn't just sit here while there was danger. You jumped down the tree you were stargazing in and ran towards the commotion. You saw the cook Bergen put the last member of the Snack Pack in her fanny pack. You gasped, watching the cook go for Poppy. You ran full speed and shoved her out of the way.
Poppy skidded across the dirt, colliding with another Troll. Poppy propped herself up with her hands looking up at the cook and watched in horror as she saw you get grabbed by the cook. You looked terrified. "Branch!" You screamed, but it was muffled because she shut the zipper of her fanny pack. Poppy knew Branch was gonna brag he was right, but as soon as he finds out you got taken. She's dead.
"Branch! Branch! Branch!" Poppy yelled banging on the rock outside his bunker. "I told you I'm not coming to your party!" Branch glared at Poppy. "Branch it's your sister." Poppy mattered. "She got captured saving me." Poppy gasped as Branch pulled her into his Bunker. "She what!" Branch shouted. "I'm sorry, she wasn't even at the Party." Poppy said. "What did I tell you! I told you that the Bergens would find us. But you didn't listen! Now the only thing in my life that gives me meaning has been taken!" Branch screamed, punching a wall. Poppy watched as Branch broke down. You were all he had left and now you're gone. "I'm going to rescue them and Y/N. Please come with me." Poppy pleaded. "Fine. But only for her." Branch grumbled going to pack supplies.
The whole journey was hard. Not for the dangers. For Branch being so cold to Poppy. He knew that the Bergens would come one day. He just couldn't believe you got taken. Ever since your Brothers left you two and Grandma died, you two only had each other. It hurt him so much with everything that happened, but it hit you worse. You lost your colors too. But you were more depressed than Branch. You had only started opening up recently, becoming your old self. Now you're gone.
The two Trolls sat around a camp fire. Poppy looked at Branch, feeling really guilty. Branch has his head in his hands as he thought about you. "Branch we'll get her back." Poppy whispered. "How do you know that Poppy. She's all I have. You don't understand what we have gone through! What she has gone through! Now she's been taken by her biggest fear. All because you guys wanted to be so happy and Party all the time!" Branch burst into tears. He couldn't lose you. Poppy got up and hugged Branch. He would normally push her away but he just let her hold him while he broke.
"Branch!" You exclaimed as you saw him and Poppy in front of your cage. Branch ran over to you. He grabbed your face as he inspected it. He stared at your features. You started crying, you thought you'd never see him again. "Please let's get them out of this!" Branch said. Him and Poppy opened the gate to the cage. You sprinted out and ran into the arms of your big brother crying. The whole time you were in there you couldn't stop having flashbacks to the day Grandma died. You've been having constant panic attacks. The snack pack tried consoling you. However, they knew you just needed your Brother.
Branch held you tightly. "I'm never letting you go again." Branch whispered burying his head in your hair. He was so happy to finally have you back. "I know you told me to stay away. But I heard screams. I couldn't just let them be in dang-" You started but Branch shushed you. "Hey I'm not mad. I'm proud. Despite being terrified of Bergens you still risked your life to save Poppy from one. I'm so proud of you." He whispered.
From now on you're never allowed to leave his side or sight.
A/N: I hope you liked it. I love writing Branch as a protective big brother I have so much fun.
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nobodylikety · 7 months
Cat hybrid! Liz 🐈
Yeah I knooow it's been a while, I was kinda busy and had a bloody writers block,,, BUT HERE I AM, back with my blurbs and thoughts about hybrid! IVE, this time with Liz and her orange cat bevahior
tags: cat hybrid! liz x fem! reader, hybrid AU, fluff.
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Cat hybrid! Liz is an absolute homebody! This house cat will hardly want to leave her home and go places, because inside her home are you, the rest of hybrid! IVE, her bed and all the food she can ask for.
Cat hybrid! Liz's swimming skills are as good as a sinking brick <3 she's not a very good swimmer, because cats themselves are not very fond of water. And as for bathing? no way. If it occurs to you that it's bath time, chances are Liz will demand some good cuddles afterwards.
Cat hybrid! Liz has orange cat energy, she's absolutely chaotic and goofy! Not only is she constantly fighting with Puppy!Yujin over silly things, but they are also accomplices and sometimes get into trouble together, because together they are twice as love bugs and the sweetest little cat and puppy, although not very bright! <3
+ like all orange cats, she's the most cuddly and goofy fuzzball. And when she's near you? she runs towards you, with her tail wagging all happy and for sure she tripped at least 3 times and ran into 2 walls, in the process of TRYING to get on your lap. She's such a good girl, kinda silly, but good girl 🩷
Cat hybrid! Liz lacks feline grace and agility…because her orange cat vibe is stronger. She can't jump, she can't climb…she always falls. BUT if she hears you open a bag of chips anywhere, she won't hesitate to ask for her portion (or steal it  ^_^ ♡)
Cat hybrid! Liz has a habit of flopping up on the sofa and looking at you intently, with big eyes, wagging her tail in anticipation, all serious and predatory attitude,,, before giving you the silliest, most affectionate headbutt out of nowhere <3
🐱 ، ゚ฅ 。 [ Kitty shenanigans ]
Liz always finds unique ways to get into trouble, but she never fails to be the most adorable and affectionate kitty you'll ever meet.
Not a day goes by that Liz doesn't get into trouble. Like that time when Liz and you were playing together in the garden, and Liz started chasing the butterfly she'd found with such enthusiasm that she ended up tripping over a flower pot and falling face first into the middle of some flowers. And what did Liz do? she got up, shook the dirt off her fluffy ears and looked at you with an innocent expression, as if nothing had happened.
With that silly little smile, the same one she always does.
Or that other time, when Liz was trying to catch a fly buzzing near the window, but she jumped so hard that she ended up hitting the glass, leaving a little nose smudge on the glass.
Or like now, with the most frequent mischief that takes place almost every morning, and always in the kitchen.
You're preparing toast for breakfast, when Liz decides it's an excellent idea to hop across the table to inspect your culinary work. So with an air of elegance she tries to land gracefully, but instead of it, she trips over her own tail and falls face first into the tray of eggs, scattering them all over the kitchen. And of course, not before knocking over the pile of frying pans and pots, creating a chaotic clatter.
"Don't worry, Liz," you say with a chuckle as you help her up. "I think we'll have scrambled eggs this morning."
"Meow," she replies, looking up at you with innocent eyes, as if it's your fault.
Because It's never her fault, it's always yours.
And that sometimes makes you want to wrap Liz in cotton, to stop her from endangering her own life in her own stupid way. Liz really is a bit of a rebel, even when she's not actively trying to get into trouble.
But... you have to accept her for who she is, and if you're honest with yourself, there's something incredibly endearing about this goofy, sensitive, lovable little cat (who attempts to break herself more than once a day) that's part of your life.
Because even after a day full of stumbles and falls, when you sit on the sofa and enjoy the peace and quiet of home, with Liz purring softly as you stroke her head, her sweet gaze and carefree, goofy attitude reminds you of how wonderfully special she is.
So despite all the misadventures, you wouldn't for a moment change your life filled with Liz's antics.
Cat hybrid! Liz 's love language is giving you the goofiest headbutts and being dumb with you! (she has a weird sense of humor) so Liz is always tripping, falling, flopping clumsily on you, just for the sake of showing you her love for you!
Wants your attention? climbs the ledge closest to you, and before falling gracefully next to you, trips and falls on your head.
She's going to climb on your lap? miscalculates and ends up with her head stuck in the sofa.
She's going to purr you to lull you to sleep? she chokes on a hairball before she even opens her mouth.
And the list goes on, because Cat hybrid! Liz is an adorable bundle of leggy nonsense, and she loves you with all her heart. ♡
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apocalypseornaw · 6 months
Soulmate AU Series- Benny
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Benny Lafitte x Reader
You and your soulmate have the same tattoo
@decadentstrangernacho I swear I didn't forget this!!!
An anchor of all things, marking your right wrist from the day you'd turned eighteen. Your soulmark, the one sure way you had of knowing who your soulmate was should you ever meet them. What a crock. If the myth was true and Zeus was the one responsible for splitting souls in half and forcing them to try to seek out their missing part you wouldn't given him the satisfaction of playing into the game.
You wore a leather cuff around your wrist, covering the mark. You knew for a fact someone could be happy without ever meeting their soulmate, hell you'd seen first hand the pain Sam had gone through when his mark faded after Jess, the pain Bobby had still been in from Karen's death and how insane John went after losing Mary.
Most hunters had taken to covering their marks, whether with cuffs like you and Dean or in some other way. Your life was destined bloody, brutal and short. Why drag some poor idiot down with you?
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When Dean got blasted to purgatory you and Sam ended up splitting ways for a few months. He needed a break but you knew if you ever stopped hunting and gave yourself time to break you may not ever pull yourself back together.
Almost a year passed when one night while you were crashing in one of Bobby's many cabins you got a call from Sam saying you needed to meet him as soon as possible. You never would've dreamed Dean was waiting with him.
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You and the boys quickly settled back into the routine the three of you had gotten used to over years of hunting together. It worked so why try to fix it?
One night after a particularly bloody hunt you were washing your hands in the sink of the hotel the three of you had picked while Dean waited for you to stitch his arm. You glanced up and realized he was standing in the doorway, holding your bandana to the wound but his eyes were glued to your bare wrist "Dean, you good?" You asked him as you dried your hands off. Sam had already put your shoulder back in place and cleaned up well enough to go after food so it was just the two of you.
He shook his head almost as if he had been in a trance "Yeah, I'm good sweetheart" you narrowed your eyes "Either you're lying or having more ptsd from purgatory. Which is it?" He shrugged "I'm exhausted and starving" you laughed at his words "See? Easy enough to tell me what's really wrong"
Dean didn't want you to know he was staring at your soulmark because for the last year he'd been staring at the matching one. Hell you still didn't know exactly how he'd gotten out of purgatory. He'd told Sam the entire story and even introduced him to Benny the weekend you'd gone to help Jody out but happened to leave out the part about Benny being your soulmate. How the hell should he approach the fact when he knew that your aunt had gotten killed by a nest and that was when Bobby had found you? Hell you'd hated the soulmark since it first appeared, even trying to get a tattoo over it.
He sat still while you put three stitches in his arm then cleaned the wound about the time Sam came walking back in the door. Sam wanted to tell you about Benny but would he if he knew?
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You laid across the backseat of the impala laughing as Dean purposely sang along badly to the radio just to make Sam groan. You weren't sure where the three of you were headed because both of them were being dodgy about it but you didn't care. You trusted them fully and if they said there was a case, there was a case.
You'd almost dozed off when you heard Dean's voice and thought at first he was talking to Sam but then he said "Yeah, we'll meet ya there" who? Were the three of you backing another hunter? And what was bad enough to warrant four sets boots on the dirt?
About an hour later you felt the impala lurch to a stop and sat up to see where you were. It looked like you'd headed south, were you in Louisiana?
The impala was parked in front of a gumbo shack. You motioned towards it with your hand "What are we doing here Dean?" He glanced back at you and shrugged "Don't know about you but I'm getting hungry. Figured we'd stop for a bite"
You weren't sure what the two of them was up to but you noticed him and Sam exchange a loaded look. "Is something going on?" You asked and was met with two innocent shrugs that were anything but. You wanted to argue more but your stomach growled and Dean grinned victoriously.
You followed the two of them into the doors of the gumbo shack. Music played from an old jukebox but whatever was cooking smelled amazing. You spotted a pretty brunette woman at the register who greeted the three of you warmly and said to sit anywhere.
You picked a corner booth, giving the boys the wall and putting your back to the room. Any other time you'd insist on your back to the wall but with them you knew you were safe.
You felt a familiar prickling at the back of your neck but ignored it when the pretty brunette walked over. Her name tag said Elizabeth and you could see Dean's dimples he was grinning so hard. "What can I get for you three?" She asked, her accent telling you she was from around here. You glanced at the menu then back at her "It all looks good. Any recommendations?"
She smiled warmly "looking for a sandwich or something filling?" You cut your eyes at Dean "We've been on the road a while so I'd say something filling" she nodded "Then I'd say the gumbo. It's my favorite" "All we needed to know. Three gumbos" she wrote down on her order pad then looked at the boys "Drinks?" "Tea" all three of you echoed. She laughed "Love an easy table. Roy will bring it over if I'm busy"
You watched her walk off then glanced back at Dean "If you don't try to get her number I am" he laughed "You're always eager on the button to bust me aren't ya?" You shrugged with a grin.
While you waited on your food you glanced around the inside of the restaurant. There were a few other patrons but your eyes landed on the man at the grill. He was around Dean's height, maybe a couple inches shorter but damn was he broad. He turned as if he could feel his eyes on you and when his blue eyes locked onto yours you felt your face warm. He was really good looking but you hated getting caught checking someone out.
The moment didn't go unnoticed by Dean who whistled low "Sweetheart are you claiming everyone in here today?" Refusing to let him see you blush you rolled your eyes "Why not?" He laughed and poor Sam looked just done with you both.
You were emailing Garth when you felt a shiver go up your back and looked up to see the man who'd been cooking was sitting bowls down in front of Dean and Sam. You met his eyes and he gave you a warm smile "Enjoy darling"
He extended his right hand to place a bowl in front of you but his sleeve was rolled up to his elbow exposing his wrist and the anchor marking. You froze staring at his wrist as the prickle ran across your back again.
You looked from the man to Dean, realization sitting in that this was your soulmate and he was a vampire. He gave the slightest shake of his head and you felt like you'd been dipped in ice water. He knew, both things. You felt tears spring to your eyes and looked at Sam but he looked just as guilty. "Guessing you still haven't told her?" The man asked and you started to shake your head. The two people you trusted had lied to you and apparently whatever God was responsible for soulmates had a sick sense of humor.
You stood up, shoving past the vampire and headed for the door. You felt like you were going to be sick.
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“Why did you think springing all this on her was a good idea Dean?” Sam and Benny both had been under the impression he'd told you everything but it turned out he hadn't told you anything.
Dean shrugged “She couldn't attack him in a restaurant Sammy! I mean we know her thing with vamps, was there any good way of her reacting here?” Benny shook his head, feeling oddly protective of you even after only meeting you once “She shouldn't have found out like that” he snapped.
Dean cut his eyes at him, raising an eyebrow but Sam laughed lightly “He's met her now, it's his instincts to protect her” Dean nodded slowly “Soulmate shit is weird” then added “Sam track her phone we gotta find her”
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Ok maybe storming off on foot in a town you didn't know with no money and only a handgun was a bad idea but how could they hide this from you?
You unsnapped the cuff as you walked, staring at the anchor. Why a vampire? And how had Sam and Dean met him and why hadn't they taken care of him before ever having the chance to find out he was your soulmate?
You shook your head and snapped it back. You needed to call them but you were still pissed.
You weren't sure how long or how far you walked before you heard the familiar rumble of the impala's engine pulling up next to you.
You stopped walking and heard Dean's voice “Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Please just get in and I'll tell you the entire story” you spun to face the car and realized it was only him “Where's Sam?” “With Benny. Now please get in”
You were hurt yeah but deep down you knew you could trust Dean with your entire life. You could give him the chance to explain even if it had better be the mount Everest of explanations.
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About an hour later you and Dean were pulling up to a small cabin. When he parked you hesitated, picking at the cuff on your wrist “All I'm promising is to introduce myself. I trust you enough to trust him” he nodded “All I ask”
You climbed out the car behind Dean and followed him to the porch before realizing Sam and Benny were sitting on it watching the two of you. They stood as you got closer.
Dean looked from you to Benny before formally introducing the two of you. You took a deep breath before extending your hand. The moment Benny shook it there was a feeling like electricity that hit your mark. He must have felt it too. “Darling I didn't know Dean hadn't told you about me. I wouldn't have agreed to ambush you with this. I don't expect anything from you I just wanted to meet you once Dean told me about you, after he saw my mark or well after he saw my mark and fully trusted me”
Like you'd noticed before he was good looking, broad with bright blue eyes and a crooked smile that made your heart flip and that accent was a killer. You almost forgot about him being a vampire, almost. “I didn't mean to react like that but me and vampires don't have a good track record” he nodded “Sam filled me in on your aunt”
You reached for his right hand and he gladly gave it to you, watching as you lightly traced the anchor on his skin “I have no clue why a hunter and a vampire were chosen for each other” he shrugged “When I was human and even after I was turned I figured I didn't have a soulmate because there was no mark but then this showed up”
You looked up at him “When?” When he told you how long the mark had been there you laughed “That was when I turned eighteen. So your soulmark showed up while you were in purgatory?” He nodded “Didn't figure I'd ever have a chance of meeting you until Dean landed there”
You realized you still had his hand so you dropped it gently before offering him a smile “Guess you're not that bad. You helped Dean, you don't feed off humans and you're not ugly” he laughed at that “And you're downright beautiful”
You shook your head “Easy Lafitte on the sweet talk” “Yes ma'am” he teased and you shook your head “I can offer you my friendship, if anything more comes we'll cross that bridge when we get to it but for now we can get to know each other” he smiled “I'd like nothing more”
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persephonememes · 7 months
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
" how you been? "
" what does it mean? "
" i am stuck between my anger and the blame that i can't face "
" i miss the way you laugh "
" but you know how it gets out here "
" you got all my love "
" if you need me dear, i'm the same as i was "
" it's all okay, there ain't a drop of bad blood "
" i just hope that your scars heal "
" i was scared to death "
" i'll never let you go "
" i don't get much sleep most nights "
" i'm seeing you in every dream "
" i'll love you when the oceans dry "
" i'll love you when the rivers freeze "
" don't you know there's a coffin buried under the garden "
" i'm in the process of clearing out cobwebs "
" someday i'm gonna be somebody people want "
" it's been a long year "
" would we survive in a horror movie? "
" i wanna love you 'till we're food for the worms to eat "
" i know every route in this county "
" i'll tell you where not to speed "
" honey, come over "
" no one will tempt you, we know you got sober "
" it's yours if you want it "
" i've been ready for you to come home "
" i didn't think to ask you where you'd gone "
" why'd you go? "
" i haven't drank in six months on the dot "
" don't you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on? "
" the last time i drank i was face down passed out there on your lawn "
" are we all just pulling you down? "
" remember telling me that you thought you were cursed? "
" love is fast asleep on a dirt road with your head on my shoulder "
" those things I miss but know are never coming back "
" if i was empty space and you were formless shape we'd fit "
" i'm still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them "
" i know there are worse ways to stay alive "
" why is pain so damn impatient? "
" the last that i heard you were down in new orleans "
" i worry for you. you worry for me. "
" it's fine if we know we won't change "
" i'm leaving this town "
" i know that you're fearing the end "
" i only tell truth when I'm sure that I'm lying "
" how have you been and are you bored yet? "
" time moves so damn slow "
" i stopped caring about a month ago since then it's been smooth sailing "
" i would leave if only i could find a reason "
" i got dreams but i can't make myself believe them "
" i don't want to say goodbye "
" i'm still here with you "
" for a minute the world seems so simple "
" who was i to watch you wilt? "
" i promise to be there this time "
" i'm naming the stars in the sky after you "
" i'm remembering i promised to forget you now "
" it's all the same, anyways "
" i ain't proud of all the punches that i've thrown "
" i gave your name as my emergency phone call "
" i'd die for you "
" why do you do this to yourself? "
" this place had a heartbeat in its day "
" it just ain't that simple, it never was "
" we'll drink to new year's "
" i'm not ready to let go yet "
" now the weight of the world ain't so bad "
" i saw the end, it looks just like the middle "
" who am I to complain? "
" now the pain's different. it still exists, it just escapes different. "
" don't you cancel any plans "
" all lights turned off can be turned on "
" i'll drive all night "
" don't be discouraged "
" i've been exactly where you are "
" if you could see yourself like this, you'd have never tried it "
" won't you stay with me? "
" i even gave up driving after nightfall "
" i'm ain't angry at you, love "
" i'll be waiting for you "
" we spent so long just getting by "
" i'm not a city girl "
" it still has a lot of meaning to me because i grew up there "
" it's a small community of people that really look out for each other "
" last time i was in the back of a cop car, i fell in love "
" it's all the same anyway "
" let's drive for no reason "
" honey, it's starting to storm "
" i won't be alone for the rest of my life "
" i broke a bone that never healed in my hand "
" so when i hold you close, i might loosen my grip. but i won't ever let you go. "
" but i won't ever let you go "
" remember when we called the cops 'cause you got too high and you got scared? "
" could you imagine that? "
" i'm running out of tears to cry "
" maybe something's changing me "
" you love me and i don't know why "
" i only call you once a week "
" does it bite at your edges? "
" do you lie awake restless? "
" this town's the same as you left it "
" your page was blank, but i read it "
" i stare out that hallowed ocean as if to pick a fight "
" for the dreams my old man dreamt for me, lay on the other side "
" we're overdue for a revival "
" we spent so long just getting by "
" who the hell likes living just to die? "
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pendarling · 1 year
As Assumed🥀
CW: language
Hero stumbled backward and observed the scene in front of them. It wasn't every day they dealt with the pesky Antihero now and then. Their grey morals and deliberate betrayals made it difficult to trust them over time. Villain had even made a few comments on their strange behaviour, but the sneaky son of a bitch was at it again today.
That would all change; Hero stared at the bleeding persona leaning up against the brick wall behind them, their lips chapped and eyes boring a hole into their face. It was ridiculous that Antihero thought they could win; the only person who's ever gotten one over them so far was Villain, and quite frankly, it was only because Hero let them.
If they weren't so devilishly handsome, well…
Antihero smirked poorly, their breathing slow and shallow, "What's the matter? Don't tell me you've given up."
This one was particularly cocky.
They scoffed in response and fixed their hair, charmed at their attempt at hurting them with false words. "Look at you." The Antihero was utterly covered in bruises, their suit torn in edges and a face full of scars. "I think we both know how this will end."
Hero watched them as they spat to their side and fixed their posture again. "We'll see." Hero heard them cough and lounged again to finish the job, their weapon aimed straight at their chest. Antihero side-stepped it, but not until they were nicked.
A swift punch to their gut sent them back, and Hero's eyes lit up proudly as they collapsed. "What was that?" They mockingly smiled back.
Antihero felt their legs shake under their weight before giving in; their blood began trailing against the cemented ground.
"You…" they looked up dazed, the light beaming in their direction as Hero stood tall. "you're… evil."
"Hmm… is that so?" They aimed at them again, ready to finish their job, when a swift wind grabbed Hero and tossed them away. Their back fell against the hard building, eyes widening in shock. They couldn't breathe, and just for a second, they felt a devastating presence overwhelm them.
A worried voice broke through the air as Hero opened their eyes against the settling dust to scan the area.
"Antihero!" It was Villain's voice. Hero could pick it out of a crowd.
They slowly sat up from the debris and stared at the scene before them.
Villain rushed to Antihero's side and knelt beside them. There was something crucial to their interaction, though; Hero furrowed their brows with confusion. They couldn't recall the concerned feature etched on Villain's face before.
They watched as Villain slowly moved the dirt from Antihero with a motion so swift and delicate they could've sworn that was something only Villain had done to them. So what… what was it that they were looking at here?
Antihero laughed softly, their smile curling into Villain's palm that carefully caressed their cheek, "Worried about me? That stupid expression doesn't suit you at all."
"I thought I told you to stop being so reckless." Villain ran their thumb against them.
What is it?
What is it that made Hero's heart burn? Something tightly squeezed their throat and pinned them down.
Hero's gaze couldn't stop taking in the scene before them. Why was Villain so sweet to Antihero? Wasn't such an action not reserved just for them?
Their mind tormented them with images of their past interactions, conversations, and games. It led Hero to conclude that they took it the wrong way. It was never about them, was it?
Everything up to this point right here… it wasn't fair.
But Hero was so confident that no one else had tried to make their heart flutter as much as Villain. When they were in the midst of a battle, it was always Villain who wanted to fight them first. Villain had always admired their strength rather. Nobody else but them. Them.
Hero felt their cheeks flush; it wasn't flirting. How could they have misinterpreted that?
All their years of crime fighting, looking forward to their next interaction and coming up with wittier words than them had all come down to this? Had Hero become so disillusioned to believe these false realities that it pushed their career?
Their heart started pounding in their chest as they watched Villain stand and take their stance. There was a very protective demeanour surrounding them. Hero could tell. That was the same way Villain would stand when protecting them against other villains. At least, they thought it was.
They crawled back to their feet, struggling to hold the burning tears begging to reveal themselves. They bit their lip to slow their breathing down.
Don't do it, not here.
"Ready to pick up where you left off?" Villain gave them a sharp grin.
A taunting grin.
Hero's fists tightened, a cold glare piercing the other. They wouldn't let Villain fool them again. Enough. These stupid thoughts consumed them and made Hero forget what they were about. No more holding back, no more chatting them up. This was a fight.
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Icarian (allow the ground to find its brutal way to me)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Summary: Steve is running through the forest. He can feel his hunter closing in.
A/N: Thiiiiiis is some sort of attempt at writing something... Halloweeny? Spooky? Suspenseful? Idk. I was thinking I would try to write some Halloween esque fics throughout the month, but we'll see if I'll write more than this heh. Hope you like it!
Words: 1.3k
Steve was doing his best to not trip over tree roots that had infested the ground of the forest. Seriously, he couldn’t remember it ever being this bad. Only when he was running, which he currently was, when the roots were death traps more than nuisances. Of course that was when they decided to appear. Just his luck.
Heart in his throat, Steve jumped over a fallen tree branch, wondering if the forest was out to get him as much as his hunter was. It was strange that it was just during moments of complete panic that his mind managed to produce coherent thoughts in between all his absolutely jumbled ones. It was nearly funny, hearing the logical ones amidst the screaming and cursing, because that was all that he managed to really think as he ran through the semi-darkness. That and the occasional hunch that told him in what direction to run in, as if that would help. As if he wouldn’t get completely obliterated before managing to get out of this godforsaken forest.
Yet all the time spent among these trees, dates and mischief and the occasional need to just get away, led his feet in what he knew was the most suitable direction. Even though his mind and body were freaking out entirely, one part of him was doing its utmost to get him through this with as few scratches as possible. He could hear his hunter closing in and took a left, going deeper into the forest toward thicker trees, hoping to lose him enough that the noise and movement of the bushes wouldn’t matter. That his panicked gasps for air wouldn’t be audible.
He wasn’t sure how the hell he’d ended up here anyway. A day as any other, foggy and muggy, not at all the fall weather they were used to. Maybe the fog was what had resulted in this chase, was what had given Steve time to flee in the first place and get this far without being caught. But the fog was also making him uncertain, feeling as if he would trip over stones at any turn. Slowing him down, or so he assumed. His form wasn’t what it had been in high school, but he’d run away from enough monsters to know what adrenaline could do.
The mugginess was making his shirt cling to his chest, a piece of hair stuck to his forehead. “It’ll be fine,” Dusting had said, shoving a tree branch out of the way and letting it go before Steve had been able to get past it.
“You’re an asshole,” he’d replied, just narrowing missed having his fucking face whipped. “This will end badly, I’m telling you.”
“Since when were you a pu-”
“Shit, fuck!” The memory was interrupted by his ankle slamming into something and he fell headfirst toward the ground, finding himself lucky to land on something soft. He could imagine how easily he would come out of this with a stick through his eyeball, blood everywhere, excruciating pain turning him into nothing but wailing. But all he got was a scrape over his wrist where he tried and failed to catch himself against mossy bark. He lay there, for a moment, allowing himself to whimper through his heavy breathing once before falling silent. Listening. Knowing damn well no one could’ve missed that fall. Or?
The forest was quiet, sans the occasional rattling of leaves high above, and Steve tried to press his body as flatly against the forest floor as he could. All he could smell were leaves and dirt, all he could feel was the thudding of his ankle and the hammering of his heart.
“You’re not scared, are you?” That voice, only heard in his head, was inevitably Dustin’s, although the tone was different. The tone was playful in a way Dustin never was. Not accusing enough to be Robin’s, although she would probably have told him to stop being a wimp, too. Although he had Eddie’s voice entirely memorized he was grateful it wasn’t his, even though the words so obviously were. Steve’s heart was already frantic enough from the chase.
This was ridiculous. He was never speaking to Dustin again once he got out of here.
The sound of a twig breaking was what made him scramble to his feet again, realizing that if he was to be stagnant he couldn’t do it there, on semi-open ground, and so he started lugging his body through the trees again, his ankle protesting slightly but otherwise seeming uninjured. The fog seemed to have cleared up slightly, or maybe he had simply gotten used to it. It felt as if he’d been running for hours, but he knew it had barely been ten minutes. He couldn’t even have gotten very far. Was running in circles for all he knew.
“It will be fun,” Dustin had said, dumping his bag on the ground as the group gathered around him. “A trial of endurance. Of speed. Of survival skills.”
“Now you’re overdoing it,” Lucas had said and Steve had been glad someone else was voicing their disapproval. But Eddie had seemed excited, and so Steve hadn’t protested again. He was kind of regretting it now.
“You nervous?” Eddie had asked him quietly, breath against Steve’s cheek. Steve had shaken his head, had acted tough about it. But of course he’d been nervous, and now he regretted not being honest. It made him feel pathetic, tripping through the forest, hunted for fucking sport. How he’d survived literal monsters in the past he couldn’t explain.
He stopped in his tracks just before falling over a fallen tree, cursing under his breath as he tried to climb over it quickly. Too many obstacles in too little time. He felt as if his hunter was breathing down his neck now, and he turned around only to prove to himself that it wasn’t the case, and ended up with a hand around his arm dragging him back over the stem.
He screamed in surprise, then in slight terror, and then, finally, in panic as fingers dug into his abdomen, making his whole body twitch against Eddie’s. When Steve got a glimpse of him through his ticklish laughter, he saw that he was just as flushed as him.
“Fifteen minutes,” Eddie said, stilling his fingers and leaning down to press his lips to Steve’s temple. “You might survive.”
“I’ve survived before,” Steve said, feeling grumpy. “That’s why I don’t get this exercise.”
“Eh, it’s good to hone your skills.”
“And entertain the kids.”
“That too.” Eddie curled his fingers over his belly again and Steve tried to shove him away, but the way they’d landed had Eddie hovering over him and it made it harder to get away. “But now you’re at the mercy of the tickle monster.”
“You’re so annoying.” It might’ve sounded serious had Steve not been giggling, exhausted, ticklish, glad this stupid experience was over. “Not there-”
“Oh here?”
Eddie laughed, but left his belly alone. Unfortunately it only meant he moved upward, to the sides of his ribs, making Steve squirm into the earth beneath him, feet kicking, profanities flying. But it was all nearly - nearly - worth it when Eddie kissed him, the two of them entangled for as long as they felt they could get away with it.
“Did you fall before?” Eddie asked once he’d helped him up, brushing leaves off of him. “I thought I saw your tumble out of sight.”
Steve sighed. “I did. It fuckin’ hurt.” Not that much, but he felt he needed some sort of sympathy after being dragged into this. “I thought you’d catch up.”
“I got confused and stopped, but heard you once you got up again.”
Steve hummed. He felt as if Eddie had paused on purpose to let him catch his breath, but didn’t call him out on it. “You be the prey next time. See how you like it.”
“Sweetheart.” A hand around Steve’s waist. “There’s nothing I’d like more than to be chased by you.”
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authormars · 5 months
listen if it was abt what I want it would be all of them . take a random guess/pick one you love the most and bless us with war au-
We'll go with the heaven one, as that one has an actual, well thought out story (and Barb doesn't die in this version)
Heaven and Hell are at war (Thanks Demon King!!) Diavolo is around 20k years old (4k years younger than he is in my normal au) and Lucifer is around 19k.
Before the war, there's a meeting to try and get them to make peace again. There, Diavolo meets Lucifer for the first time. They happen to stand near each other before the meeting and Diavolo immediately thinks "SAINTS AND SINNERS HES GORGEOUS"
Lucifer is an archangel at this point, so he's very, very powerful and is always around the other three (Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel) When he catches Diavolo staring, he glares at him and goes "What do you want, demon"
Diavolo's immediate thought was to reply "Your hand in marriage" but he knew better. He simply awkwardly smiled and looked away.
Skip a head a couple hundred years, war is waging, Hell is losing (as they do) Diavolo is out on the battlefield, enjoying fighting, killing angels and such. Though, Barb stops him from killing a certain six angels when he crosses their path.
In one battle, Diavolo encounters two of the archangels, Michael and Lucifer. He manages to get into a fight with Lucifer (mainly for his own fun) but then manages to defeat him. The other angels retreat, not realizing they left one of their own behind, and Diavolo takes him as a prisoner of war (which both sides are doing)
Lucifer is not happy to be locked up in a room, in the basement of the castle, in Devildom. But he can't do anything because magical handcuffs prevent him from using magic. Diavolo visits him all the time, growing fond of him (though Lucifer seems to hate him more every time)
Diavolo's father suggests they do an experiment on him. See what happens when an angel indulges in sin.
Diavolo does the easy one first. Wrath. He steps inside of Lucifer's room and allows him to fight him, allowing him to win, on occasion. Then, gluttony. A starving man loves a feast (and ignores his virtues).
Diavolo took notice that Lucifer's pearly white wings had begun to grey, and not from dirt given the angel cleaned them every day.
Diavolo continued with each sin, slowly watching his favorite angel descend from heaven, slowly becoming corrupt and sinful.
The final two proved to be difficult. Lust and sloth. Lucifer's wings were nearly black, one sin should do the trick. Yet, the angel never seemed to stop doing anything. He would pace or talk or scratch at the walls. Anything to keep him busy. So, Diavolo resorted to lust.
It took weeks of befriending the angel, then months of getting him to fall in love with him. Once he had finally turned his wings black, the war was lost and heaven wanted its angels back.
Heaven was not happy when Lucifer returned, wings as black as night. But the Father said what happened was out of his control, so he was allowed to stay.
Lucifer found himself strangely missing Devildom. He didn't have to worry there about being the perfect angel. Around Diavolo, he didn't have to care as much about anything.
And when Lilith happened, Lucifer fought and lost and fell
In the end, Diavolo got his favorite angel and Lucifer got his prince.
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threadbaresweater · 8 days
All the Arlin lore I could scrounge up (for now):
When we first move in together, we live in a little single wide trailer on a massive plot of land in the middle of nowhere at the end of a long dirt road. There's meadowgrass and trees and wildflowers everywhere, some horses and a dairy cow and chickens. We make/hunt a lot of our own food and live a very simple, off the grid kind of life. Sometimes I'll go with him on his work trips, sometimes he'll take a break and we'll stock up the old winnebago, load up the dogs, and go driving somewhere on our own. We've seen all of the lower 48 states, but the west is our favorite. He always brings something back for me when he's gone for a few days. There are trinkets all over the house that I have to rotate out now and then. As much as I love his thoughtfulness, he's also very much a packrat and it would break his heart if I ever got rid of anything he bought for me. A lot of our furniture is vintage or hand-me down stuff. We rarely wear shoes. Arthur cuts the grass on his riding lawnmower in cutoff jean shorts and his hat with a marlboro hanging from his lips. We love having friends over for weekend long get-togethers (think swimming in the pond, barbecues, beer, and lots of cheap lawn chairs). He teaches me to shoot a gun, I teach him to play his favorite tunes on the piano. It's a comfortable, intrinsically happy existence that brings me SO much comfort.
And then we begin to build our family. We wait about 3 years, then we talk about me going off the pill. I'm pregnant within the first month.
Our first baby's name is Beatrice, after his mother. She has bright blue eyes like her father and a fiery temperament from day one. Arthur can't believe his eyes when he holds her for the first time. He didn't think he'd ever get the chance to live a "normal" life, let alone start a family with someone who found him worthy and loveable enough to marry and settle down with. Beatrice is meant to be an only child, but the moment he meets her and experiences firsthand what it's like to be a father, he wants more. Not to mention, he loves to see his woman barefoot and pregnant, swollen and waddling around with his child cooking in her belly. Rumor has it he also likes the idea of getting her pregnant just for the act itself, but that's between him and his wife.
So then, we have Charles, a calm and peaceful little boy with big hazel eyes and a sweet disposition. Less than a year later there's Margaret and Mason, the twins, and two years after that, Jenny is born. Strong, handsome, smart children. They have mama's heart and daddy's resourcefulness. Arthur is a stern but loving father. Teaches them about respect and hard work, but also how to have fun when the day is done. Together, we teach them about love and teamwork and what family and loyalty to a cause really means.Years pass, and life is happy and full– total balls to the wall insane sometimes, but a ton of fun. We're well into our 40's when the last child- Leah- is born. She is tiny and fragile. Our miracle baby, against all odds.
On his most lonely nights when the need for each other is mighty strong, he'll video call from the bunk, but not before making sure all the windows are covered and he's tucked away from any prying eyes at the truck stop. When he does come home I make him go straight to the shower and I'll put his clothes on a heavy duty washer cycle while the kids are running feral through the backyard. We sit down to a family dinner and end the night with a little bonfire and smores in the backyard, and after the kids pass out he shows me just how much he missed me. He sleeps like a rock- well past noon the next day. and then he's on the road again the next day before the sun comes up.
@pastelle-rabbit and @wifesuguru tagging you because you asked 😘
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
The grabbed | vance hopper x f!reader
Chapter five
Warnings- allusion to rape, murder, child abduction, pedophilia, the grabber
Previous > next
2 days
I woke up my body curled up into a ball, my head still laid on Vance's lap. His arms sat around my torso and his head leaned over to the side qw if it was sat on his shoulder. His long eyelashes laid against his cheeks as he snored slightly. His chest rising and falling with every breath. He was absolutely beautiful even with the dirt and blood on his face. How did nobody ever realize it, his blue eyes (that were practically the he exact color of the ocean), and his long eyelashes paired together oh my god.
I stared up at the sleeping boy, my heart stopped, finally realizing what I was thinking. Vance hopper..and beautiful in the same sentence. No one would ever think of that. But somehow it fit, it fit together if you didn't know his personality and just looked at him. God he was beautiful, so god damn beautiful. Most girls spent their time swooning over bruce, (guilty) or even Richard Brookes (an 11th grader) but somehow no one noticed vance. Maybe it was because of his violent tendencies. But I call bullshit, Richard Brooke got into several fights even trying to fight a teacher. But no one ever said anything about that? Richard Brooke's had soft brown eyes and curly brown hair that could fool even the most aware of people that he was a sweetheart, while vance, vance always had a scowl on his face, he listened to punk rock, and had long hair. Definitely wouldn't fool anyone. Most girls even swooned for the bad boys in tv shows vance was definitely the definition of bad boy. He always sported a Jean vest, had a pocket knife in his left pocket at all times, and beat anyone who looked sideways at him. Look Im not saying I like vance or anything, I'm just saying he's attractive that's it!
Then vance began to stir, he must've felt me staring because just as fast as vance began to stir his eyes opened. "What the hell are you staring at?" He grumbled his voice deep from sleep. "Nothing" I muttered as I began to sit up. I pushed myself against the wall next to vance. "We should pull the wire out from over there and set it up" he said pointing to the wall next to me. I nodded slowly and began to push myself up off of the mattress and onto my feet. As soon as I was stood up vance held out his hand for help up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up with a grunt. When he was finally on his feet he stumbled a bit before gaining back his balance. "Shit I was sitting there for a long time" Vance muttered as he rubbed at his eyes. "Where is it? I can get it" I said. Vance pointed to a space between the floor and the wall. "That's where it starts" I nodded and began to walk over to the wall.
I kneeled down next to the wall and stuck my finger into the area until I felt a cord. I then began to pull, I pulled a small bit out before grabbing with both hands and standing up. I Walked backwards and pulled, and pulled until it all came out. It was about 2 yards long. "Okay we'll set it up over there" he said pointing towards the small hallway that led to the bathroom. I nodded and began to drag it. I turned the corner to see a carpet covering what I assumed was the hole vance has dug. "Be carful" Vance mumbled. I kneeled down yet again and stuck the cord slightly through a hook in the wall and then pulled a bit so I could set the other end across from me. Then I moved to the other side repeating the process tillthe cord was sitting on the floor unseen, so later on I could just pull and easily put albert down. I pushed myself up off of the floor and began to walk over towards the black phone that sat on the wall next to the mattress.
I grabbed the phone off of the receiver and began to pull at the cord. "What the hell are you doing?" Vance muttered as he began to walk towards me. "We could use this" i grunted as I finally tore the cord away from the phone. I then began to pull again until it tore away from the receiver. I then handed the cord to Vance. "Why are you giving me this?" Vance asked his eyebrows furrowed together. "You're gonna use it" i replied, as I stared into his eyes. "I'm going to distract him and when I give you a signal you're gonna come up behind him and strangle him" I said a random feeling of anger washing over me. We were going to kill him, we weren't just going to try. We were going to kill him. He stared at me his eyes bouncing from side to side like he was confused. "Do you understand?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure" he muttered before walking back over to the mattress, shoving the cord into his pocket, and falling back onto the mattress. "You're bossy...you know that right?" Vance muttered as he ran his hands through his knotted up blonde hair. "I just don't want to die" i replied as I threw the phone up into the air and then caught it, the phone making a slapping sound against my palm. "Well we're not so stop thinking like that" Vance replied. I rolled my eyes and said "I know" as I also fell back onto the mattress with a sigh.
3rd pov
It was weird, so weird without y/n. No one had found any clues to where she was. They had questioned both her uncle, and dad. Nothing. Albert was pretty confident in his acting skills, normally he'd only be questioned once, just a few questions. Like 'have you seen this boy' or 'do you have any idea where he is' but now there was several. Still no one knew. Not even his brother and he was overjoyed. He was confident that this was going to be two simple and easy kills. He didn't feel bad, she shouldn't have been so noisy. Yeah he'd miss hers bit, but not because she was his niece, because how easy it was to get to her.
Y/n's mom had come down from Durango and to say she was pissed was an understatement.
"How the hell could you lose our daughter max!" She shouted. "I wasn't here, I wasn't here okay! Albert, albert was supposed to watch her!" Max cried out. He already felt bad, so bad. He didn't know where she was or what was happening to her right now. He just want to grab y/n up in his arms and say how sorry he was. For how he was gone most of the time, how he let this happen to her. "That's not an exuse! You should spend less time out doing drugs, and more time taking care of our daughter!"
"I'm trying I'm really trying"
Bruce was tired, he hadn't slept all night, all bruce could think about was her. How could he let this happen. It was his fault. He shouldn't of let her walk home by herself. Everyone was hurt by the news of y/n's disappearance, it seemed like everyone loved her. How couldn't they, she was sweet, nice, and would do anything for anyone. Bruce didn't want to go to school, he didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to wake up from this horrid nightmare. He wanted to wake up and have y/n right beside him. He wanted to wake up in a world where there was no grabber, no missing children, and most importantly no missing y/n.
Gwen Blake's dreams were starting up again. She saw things in her dreams, and the things she saw were almost always true. When griffin staggs got abducted she dreamt of a dirty basement, with a old black phone on the wall, and a mattress sat on the ground. When billy showalter went missing she dreamt of a black van, and black balloons. When vance hopper went missing she dreamt of the man who owned the van, and basement. He had brown greasy hair that went down to his chin, and a mask the mask had a sinister looking smile and devil horns. Now that y/n went missing she was dreaming of her disappearance, y/n walking down elm, the black van was parked at the end of the street.
The van obviously startled y/n because she seemed to tense up. When y/n passed the van, the man inside began to yell at her to 'get into the van'. Then y/n began to sprint down the road.
Gwen gasped as she sat up in her bed. "Gwenny you're gonna be late for school hurry up" her dad said knocking on her bedroom door. "Yes daddy."
Albert couldn't wait to kill the two kids in his basement. Yeah the thrill of keeping the kids hidden and kidnapping them was fun and all but killing them. God killing them made him feel like a god. And after killing them he could do anything and everything to their body's without them struggling. He was going to let the panic go on for a little while longer though. The thought of seeing us brother and ex sister in law panic and search for their daughter, while she was right beneath their feet was hilarious.
He made it part of his daily schedule to go check on his victims at least once a day. Just watch them, he loved to look at them. Especially when they were sleeping.
So that's what he was doing now, he snuck away from max and dawn and secretly grabbed his mask to check on y/n, and Vance. He couldn't wait to kill vance. Vance had been such a pain in the ass ever since he kidnapped him. That's why he always kept him a little bit drugged up so Vance wasn't at his full strength. Albert didn't really know when his like for killing came to be, maybe it was when he was a child killing animals in the woods, or maybe it was when he killed his first victim griffin staggs. He didn't really know he just knew the thrill and excitement from it was superior to any drug he'd ever taken.
Albert fished the key to the basement out of his pocket and placed it in the lock. He twisted the key and pushed open the door, causing it to creak. Once the door was fully opened it revealed the two teenagers sitting on the mattress. Y/n's head leaning on Vance's shoulder, and y/n's knees pulled up to her chest. Y/n had always been beautiful in alberts eyes, ever since the day he met her when she was six months old. Even now when she was covered in dirt, blood, welts, and bruises. The way she'd cling to bruce, and now vance mad albert angry. She was his not Bruce or Vance's.
"Hey" Albert said his voice going up an octave to seem comforting, sweet even. Both kids didn't answer y/n just scooted a bit closer to vance. Albert walked towards the kids and took a seat on the ground in front of them. "I-I'm sorry" y/n whispered, trying to put on her best apologetic tone and face on. "Huh?" Albert hummed, "I'm sorry..I won't tell anyone I promise please just let me go" she said as tears welled up in her eyes. Albert didn't believe her though "no can do honey I'm sorry..you're gonna tell someone I know when you're lying" he chuckled. "Ple-please I promise I won't"
Albert leaned forwards and placed his hand on y/ns cheek lightly caressing it. Y/n looked up at her uncle a confused and uncomfortable look on her face. "I'm sorry t-"
"Al! Where the hell are you!" Max shouted, albert quickly moved his hand from y/n's cheek to her mouth. He knew she'd scream. "Don't say a word or I'll gut you both" Albert whispered before standing up and shouting. "One second!" Before walking back upstairs and locking the door behind him.
"I'm sorry about y/n" Amy said as she sat down on her brothers bed. Bruce was currently curled up on his bed, crying...well he was crying he had no more left. He had cried all day and night, hoping he'd wake up and y/n would still be there. He blamed himself, he should've just asked her to stay over. "It's my fault" Bruce whispered as he buried his head into his mattress. "It's not" Amy said placing her hand on Bruce's back. "It is Amy it really is..I should've let her stay over or made mom take her home" bruce said tears finally falling down his cheeks for the first time in hours.
"They'll find her, I know they will" Bruce was really hoping they would, but he knew the odds. He knew they might never find her ever. He knew in a few months if they didn't find her they'd give up, and then another kid would go missing, and that would make the little bit of hope that she was alive go away. Everyone knew once another kid went missing the previous was dead. Once billy showalter went missing everyone knew griffin was dead, and the same once vance was taken. "Are you sure?! Cause everyone said the same with griffin, billy, and Vance. Where the hell are they! They're dead."
"Y/n's not gonna die..she strong you know that" yeah y/n was strong...but the grabber was a grown adult. Y/n could beat moose but an adult? That was near impossible. "She could beat up moose not a grown man amy" Bruce whispered. Amy rolled her eye, how could her brother just give up so fast. Amy knew y/n, she knew she'd be able to kill the grabber. She just knew it.
Gwen blake had dreamt up a lot of clues in the last 24 hours. Her brother Finney had been pretty distraught about y/n's disappearance. Finney and y/n had been friends Finney has liked y/n a lot, he talked about her just as much as he talked about Donna. Finney locked himself in his room and cried all night. Gwen really didn't know if he was sad because another kid went missing or because it was y/n who had gone missing. Her most recent dream was about the basement again. She was pissed that Jesus was giving her the same dream again. Gwen just wanted to help and Jesus was in the way of that.
"Jesus what the fuck" she said as she sat in front of her doll house with her bible, cross, and rosary sat in front of her. "I mean what the fuck, first you're giving me these clues that don't make any sense at all and now you're repeating them!" She cursed. Maybe her dreams weren't real, maybe her dad was right, and they were just her brain making up things to make her feel better about the disappearances. Maybe Jesus wasn't real, maybe he wasn't really giving these dreams as clues and she was just crazy.
She didn't want to believe that y/n was dead, she knew if she was dead Finney would be devastated. She didn't want her brother to be sad anymore, she hated seeing Finney sad. He stayed locked up in his room, the only sounds coming from his room were sobs. She knew a similar situation was happening at the yamada house hold. Amy had told her, Bruce didn't even want to eat.
Gwen thought the grabber looked a lot like y/n's uncle. Yeah she only saw albert Shaw a handful of times but the guy she saw in her dream has the same length hair, and wore similar clothing. She also knew that albert owned a black van. But why would albert take his own niece. Everyone knew albert absolutely adored his niece, they were more like father, and daughter than y/n was with her own dad. Alberts van did look a lot like the van in her dream. And she couldn't deny the striking resemblance. Same hair color and length. But why would he even think of kidnapping y/n, why would he need to.
Maybe she found something or someone she wasn't supposed to.
@ellemfaoh @lanadelraystan @crustlover @graywrites20 @colbysbrocks @dopepersonacloudllama @ahmya-4 @edenthebean @tw-inkl-e-tit-s @vancehopperhasangerissues1978
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Meet me in the Hallway
His debut's opening track - first taste the world had of solo Harry Styles. MMIH drew a line under 1D, telling the listener to not expect a teen popstar. It's slow and is still one of his more vulnerable songs.
You can hear the influence of Pink Floyd's Breathe in MMIH. Harry has long listed Pink Floyd as an influence, and he has a tattoo for the Dark side of the Moon Album cover, of which Breathe is the opening track. On 29 September 2016, while finalising his first album, Harry gave a 10 song mix tape to Another Man, Breathe was the first song.
It likens love to addiction, and includes not communicating with his partner, similar to Fine Line and Clean. It also has similarities to Only Angel. It was later referenced by both Harry and Taylor's songs about each other.
When was it written
MMIH, Kiwi and Sweet Creature were the first songs written for the album, in LA between February and May 2016. MMIH and Kiwi are in this photo of the album taking shape from before Harry cut his hair for Dunkirk.
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Live performances and emotional range
Harry hasn't played it live since July 2018, it has emotional range:
Taylor was in London, in Hampstead Health start of 2018. Harry writes Fine Line (Jan 2018) & Taylor - Cruel Summer (mid-2018).
9 March - Joe and Taylor look miserable in the US Joe hikes in dark jeans and nikes, and again in London April 8.
11 March - Harry's tour starts again and MMIH was particularly hard to perform. In Copenhagen 19 March 2018, he turned away and left:
23-30 June - Taylor 1 week break in the US, now both in the US.
1 July - He smirks in the same song and sings "Running with you" rather than thieves:
The next week, Taylor and Joe were uncharacteristically papped in Turks and Caicos. That night, Harry talked to a fan who fell in love to MMIH. He then broke up with Camille shortly after and wrote Cherry and Falling.
Meet me in the hallway Meet me in the hallway I just left the bedroom Give me some morphine Is there any more to do?
In Only Angel Harry sings about breaking a knuckle on her bedroom door, driven by hunger, here he is overwhelmed with sadness mixed with desire.
Hallways are mentioned in many Haylor songs
Harry and Taylor have stayed in the same hotel many times, when they dated they did in NY and have both attended many international awards, like the 2013 NRG awards in Cannes.
Harry likens his attraction to his muse as a heroin addition. Taylor later sang in Death by a thousand cuts Taylor refers to this "Gave up on me like I was a bad drug".
Taylor had previously likened getting over Harry to recovering from a drug addiction in the closing track of 1989, Clean. "Ten months sober, I must admit / Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it / Ten months older, I won't give in / Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it"
Just let me know I'll be at the door, at the door Hoping you'll come around Just let me know I'll be on the floor, on the floor Maybe we'll work it out I gotta get better, gotta get better I gotta get better, gotta get better I gotta get better, gotta get better And maybe we'll work it out
"Maybe we'll work it out" is almost a precursor to the chorus and end of Fine Line's uncertain "We'll be alright"
He's aware the person does not feel the same about him but is hoping that will change. Also similar to Fine Line, here is willing to be on the floor for her, whereas in the later Fine Line with great vulnerability he sings "I don't want to fight you / And I don't want to sleep in the dirt"
I walked the streets all day Running with the thieves Cause you left me in the hallway (Give me some more) Just take the pain away
Harry is lost and searching for a way to take his mind off his muse or find answers.
Taylor refers to this line in "Ready for it..?" "Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me / Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry"
In Saint Paul he changed this line to running with you and did the pointing up motion he has in medicine.
We don't talk about it It's something we don't do Cause once you go without it Nothing else will do
He sang this verse at the start of the tour 2017 - but not in 2018.
After pleading his love to take the pain away and be with him.
A theme in many of their songs reflect on the lack of communication:
In Fine Line Harry sings "Spreading you open / Is the only way of knowing you" to reflect that are drawn to each other but don't communicate:
In Message in a bottle, Two Ghosts and Sunflower Vol 6 Harry and Taylor are Tongue Tied
In Wish you would he 'Still doesn't know what [Taylor] never said'
They have spoken in interviews about song being the most amazing unspoken dialogue, that they can say things in song they can't to each other.
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primus-why · 2 years
I Dream of MegOp
Okay imagine a MegOp story where they're both still at war and on one planet they touch some sort of Macguffin relic that ends up connecting their dreams? (Valveplug)
Like imagine Optimus is in recharge, and starts dreaming of a steamy scenario that just so happens to involve Megatron. That's harmless enough; this war has gone on for a very long time, and he's come to know and even respect a lot of things about the Decepticon leader... so long as it's a dream and he's not actually putting himself or his Autobots at risk, why not let his processor wander and indulge in some fantasy?
Strangely, his processor decides to conjure images of Megatron for multiple nights in a row-- don't get him wrong, it's incredibly lascivious, but it's an admittedly odd coincidence. He decides to forego his nightly rust sticks and hopes a change of diet will help him dream of something else... literally anything else.
... Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. The dreams have been going on for a couple weeks now. Optimus isn't even sure he used to dream so frequently. He tries something different and instead engages the dream Megatron in a fight as they would normally in real life... only for the scenario to morph into something straight out of those erotica he'd secretly read as a guilty pleasure from time to time back in his days as Orion Pax. It was a rush, being so thoroughly dominated and operating on pure, primal instincts like that. He briefly wondered what else he could push his mind to conjure... before stamping down on those fantasies to get ready for his work.
The real Megatron wasn't faring any better. He'd been having dreams about the Prime constantly for so many consecutive days, he seriously considered approaching Soundwave about it. Of course, even though Soundwave is his most trusted and loyal Decepticon, he couldn't bring himself to explain to his subordinate that he's been fantasizing all kinds of lustful scenarios centered around their enemy.
Ultimately he's glad he hadn't said anything, because the dreams have recently gotten very interesting...
It began with a dream about a fight, just like any other... only this time it ended with the Prime pinned beneath him, writhing in ecstasy instead of bleeding out in the dirt. Another saw Optimus giving him the remote to an interface device while the Prime attempted-- with valiant effort, Megatron mused-- to orate some nonsense speech in front of a crowd as the warlord controlled every pulse, vibration, and thrust. In one dream, Megatron sat himself on-- what he assumed to be-- Optimus' desk, demanding the Prime's attention, and Optimus responded by worshipping his whole entire frame at a slow, tender pace. It was blissful, almost like a high...
Now they were engaged in debate, probably somewhere in Vos. Seated around a large table with other representatives from their factions, Megatron enjoys countering the dreamt up banter with legitimate arguments-- he can literally do this in his recharge-- but secretly looks forward to when he and the Prime may slip away into the hall during a recess...
... Which might be coming soon, judging by Optimus' mounting frustration.
"Fine." Huffed the Autobot leader, "We'll table that discussion for now. Why don't we take a quick fuel break?"
Finally. As everyone else scattered, Megatron made his way over to the Prime.
"In an effort to continue this peaceful discourse, we ought to fuel together. Someplace a bit more private than the commissary, perhaps?" said Megatron with a grin.
But something was off. The Prime's shoulders slumped a bit, which was not the enthusiastic response he had become used to.
"What am I even doing?" Optimus let out a long sigh, "Guess that's what I get for trying something different..."
Megatron eyed the weary Prime for a moment. The gripe was obviously rhetorical, but he felt compelled to respond anyway.
"Trying something new is commendable. After all, the Decepticon movement began because we wanted to abolish the old world order. You argue that much has changed since," the warlord looked at the Prime, who met his gaze, "obviously this is true, but you'll find there are certain points we won't budge on, even today."
"I know." The Prime smiled lightly, looking away and out one of the many windows in the conference room. Megatron found himself staring as well-- when was the last time he saw a functioning Vos? He'd forgotten how beautiful the view from the city spires could be.
"Still, it seems that even in my dreams I can't sway your mind."
Megatron barked a laugh at that. "Silly Prime, that's because this is my dream."
"... Shall we--" but Megatron stopped, taken entirely off-guard by Optimus' perplexed expression.
"What did you say?"
"I was going to suggest we head back to--"
"-- No, not that, you said this was a dream. Your dream."
"I... did." Where was he going with this??
"But... this is my dream." The Prime said, letting out a nervous laugh.
"... No, it is not." Megatron said carefully, but instinctually he knew something was very wrong here.
"I think I would know my own dream!" Said Optimus, "I settled on this scenario and location before falling into recharge!"
"These dreams have felt so real! I just wanted to see if I could walk through some hypothetical peace treaty discussions, you know? Make them a bit more useful aside from getting me all hot under the hood!"
Basically they both wake up with a start, thinking 'wow that was really weird and specific' or whatever, but next time they dream they learn the truth and they wake up screaming lmao!
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hidden-elytras · 8 months
I know this is day 3 info, but i went through and compiled the quiz to consolidate the weights for the answers as I didn't notice it done here.
Everything is under a cut because it is long
Q1 - "Pick a block type" "Smooth Quartz" - 3 pt "Diamond Block" - 4 pt "Oak Wood" - 2 pt "Dirt" - 1 pt
Q2 -"Pick a floor type" "Dark Oak Planks" - 4 pt "Dirt" - 1 pt "some quartz" - 3 pt "Blackstone brick", - 2 pt
Q3 -"How do you secure your home?" "Make it all unbreakable!" - 2 pt "Create a trapped maze that leads to the entrance to confuse unwanted visitors" - 4 pt “I live in people's walls so I don't have to worry about that." - 3 pt "A locked door with a key, like a normal person." - 1 pt
Q4 -"You've been put in charge of an egg! Where do you house them?" "I give them everything I own, which isn't much but they know they're loved. I can sleep outside." - 2 pt "Build a gigantic mansion just for them, treat them like royalty!" - 4 pt "100% sealed bunker with multiple passcoded doors, no windows. If no one knows they're alive no one can kill them." - 3 pt "My child is freerange and can sleep wherever they want. " - 1 pt
Q5 -"Pick a decorative object" "Globe" - 3 pt "Painting" - 4 pt "Potted plant" - 2 pt "pop corn machine" - 1 pt
Q6 -"Pick a couch" "Red couch" - 4 pt "Purple couch" - 2 pt "Blue couch" - 3 pt "Green couch" - 4pt
Q7 -"Pick a thing to collect" "Gold" - 4 pt "Rocks" - 1 pt "Furniture" -2 pt "Classified information" - 3 pt
Q8 -"Cucurucho is coming to visit! What do you do?" "Make them a cup of tea and bake some cookies, have a nice time!" - 2 pt "I have prepared a guillotine at my front door. We will see the results soon." - 3 pt "We spend the visit in silence, but I'm fairly sure they're quietly judging my taste in furniture."- 1 pt "I answer their questions at the door and they leave, the rest of my day is uneventful." - 4pt
Q9 -"What about your garden? What's in there?" "A collection of turtles that keep breeding to a problematic amount." - 1 pt "A beautiful flower garden, carefully tended to!" - 4 pt "A lavacast stretching into the horizon. My neighbors can't stand it but no one can stop me." - 3 pt "It's a humble garden with some grass, a tree, and a pond. " - 2 pt
Q10 -"Looks like you've abducted a federation worker! What do you do?" "I keep them deep underground in a cold cell. They will never see the light of day, but they're still alive." - 3 pt "They can wander the house freely, the only thing keeping them there is their fear of what might happen if they leave. I feel bad." - 2pt "Once I get what I want from them, I kill them. When the investigators come, I serve them a wonderful meaty stew. There is no evidence." - 4 pt "Oh my god what do I do I didn't mean to end up like this and now i've gone so far I don't know how to undo my mistakes." - 1 pt
And the results:
score 40 : Potential Investor - A guest-to-be! You must have a great interest in investing into the island… How about we talk business sometime? We'll surely be able to find you a residence here that perfectly fits to your tastes!
score 37 to 39 : Cucurucho - Wow! Perfection 🙂
score 34 to 36 : S-Rank Worker - Above and beyond, you're a REALLY big deal. Usually leading things behind the scenes more, you're the reason the "machine" exists- and you decide who will be the cogs. Do you feel guilt? Or are you proud of your actions? You must've done some unsavoury things to rise up to this rank.
score 29 to 33 : A-Rank Worker - Cream of the crop! You're often leading the ranks below you, and they can depend on you to manage the place and keep things going smoothly. If they can't do it, you'll step in and do it yourself.
score 24 to 28 : B-Rank Worker - Most often in the role of the security around the island. Your colleagues and island guests can depend on you to keep the place secure and protected. If anything happens, they should be able to come to you to solve it! Stay safe out there.
score 19 to 23 : C-Rank Worker - Filling out this quiz during your break huh? Hard-working and doing your best, you're most like a C-rank worker! Put on a hard hat and your visibility gear. You've got some friends in the federation, but you're still on the road to greatness. Just keep at it, bud!
score 14 to 18 : Island Guest - You're one of the people that was invited to the island as a guest! Your chaotic and unlawful nature means you cause much trouble around the place, but your love for exploration and a great creative spirit also causes you to make some incredible structures! Please stop causing so much trouble.
score 10 to 13 : D-Rank Worker - Expendable and in great numbers, you aren't given any free will. Why were you even filling out this quiz? Get back to work.
Each answer is given a score of 1 - 4. The scores from each question is added up and then whatever range you fall under is the result you get from the quiz.
Another important note - Almost each result can be gained from multiple different answers EXCEPT for "Potential Investor" Which can only be gotten from scoring a 40.
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