#because once Jeongin joins
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skzoologist · 1 year ago
Unfamiliarity [four]
word count: ~13, 2k
genre: Hybrid AU, no pairings
warnings: panic attacks, heavy signs of PTSD, even heavier hints of being experimented at, past abuse, occasional curse words, hurt/comfort, the inability to recognise and process emotions well, fear of doctors and needles
summary: Bae was making good progress at healing, but then the others decided to house another trauma-magnet.
a/n: Hey-ho! I SO BADLY wanted to post it on Han day, because he finally appears in it, but I was late like, 8 minutes. I am devastated. But at least it still makes sense to read on Felix day, because he channels his babygirl energy in this chapter dangerously well. As promised, here is an even longer chapter, as compensation for disappearing last time, I hope you'll enjoy. At this rate I won't even hit 10 chapters, the story will end because I keep posting over 10k word long chapters...
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
previous II masterlist II next
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“Aagh, the female lead is so stupid! How can she not see he loves her?! It’s painfully obvious!”
I nodded at the raging feline next to me, my arm stolen to be held by him as usual, the motion not even surprising me anymore. Although I did hush him a bit, not wanting to wake anyone up with our late-night program. We usually did it after the human had gone into their room, so I could safely come out of my den without running into them.
Originally, everyone sat together on this sofa, but as the night kept going on and it became later and later, they left one by one, leaving only me and Jin sitting here. Neither of us had a normal sleeping routine, so it wasn’t unusual, really. There were times when the others woke up, only to find us still watching the TV, Jin ranting about something that happened and me silently nodding along, commenting occasionally.
Today seemed to be like that as well, the room slowly brightening around us, our faces not illuminated only by the artificial light of the TV anymore.
It was Lino who joined us first; he usually woke up early to prepare a few things in the kitchen so he could use them to cook breakfast and later lunch with. It never took him too long, his form draped over ours not long after. Being a feline, this usually meant we were his pillows as well; he liked taking short naps throughout the day wherever he deemed it comfortable to do so.
Binnie was usually the next to wake, but only because he went out to train. He would not return for an hour or so, his sweat-drenched form usually disappearing down the halls quickly for a shower.
That was why Channie joined us before him most of the time, Lixie snoring away in one of the rooms peacefully still. Sometimes, they switched up the orders they arrived in; rarely Channie even stayed up with me and Jin when his insomnia acted up. But no matter when, the wolf would always worm his way between my and the felines’ cuddling form. A lot of the time it meant picking someone up and plopping them in his lap; today it was Lino’s turn it seemed.
Lixie’s footsteps reached my ears right as Binnie closed the bathroom door, my attention from Jin’s rant stolen.
“The male lead is just as stupid as the female lead, it’s like they were made for each other. How can she not see the sacred dagger is with him? And how can he not see she is the reincarnation he had been searching for?!” - the agitated leopard half-shouted, making wild gestures with his free hand and tail. “Good mornin’. Another all-nighter?” - Lixie’s even deeper morning voice greeted us and we confirmed his suspicion after greeting him back.
The sleepy snow leopard didn’t even need an invitation to join us, he immediately circled around the sofa and plopped next to the animatedly talking feline. Soon after the little pika sat with us as well, making the pack complete and content; his fresh citrus scent mixing with the bountiful forest’s, calming my nerves slightly, something I appreciated.
Because for the past episode or two, Channie and Lino had been stealing glances at me, their forms strangely tense.
I knew why, of course I did.
It was around the time I would go back to my den, to avoid running into the last inhabitant of the house.
I simply ignored their gazes, my eyes focused on the TV and Jin’s hold on my arm. Lino had his feet draped over my lap too and I gently squeezed one of his calves, hoping it would ease his mind just a bit.
It didn’t take long for the others to catch on too, all except Jin, who was way too engrossed in his TV show. Glances were thrown back and forth, bodies agitatedly shifting around in place. The notion did nothing to help with my own nerves, causing me to gently push Lino’s feet away and drag the drama-loving leopard into my lap. He didn’t protest much, just a surprised little sound leaving his lips before settling into my hold, quiet purrs reverberating in his chest soon after. I nuzzled into his neck, the scent of charcoal and paint familiar and soothing; that underlying cleanness almost non-existent by now.
I could feel his calm pulse, the blood leisurely pumping through his veins. It had a nice rhythm to it; the vein throbbing thrice, no, twice every second.
The newly appeared footsteps halted, their owner frozen behind the couch somewhere.
Then they picked up again, softer, quieter.
I gently squeezed the now still feline in my arms, eyes slowly opening to look up from his shoulder, only to be met with the gaze of the human. I nodded at them, gaining a nod back in return. The atmosphere warmed up instantly, everyone around us heaving out a silent breath, as if they forgot how to breathe previously. I simply flicked one of my ears, not fully understanding the reason for their behaviour.
“Ah, good morning, Jisoo-ya. Sleep well?” - Channie’s voice broke the veil of silence, pushing the attention onto the human alone. “Mh, yes, thank you. What about you guys?” - the human answered back, his voice on the deeper side of the spectrum compared to the average human. “We did, except these two idiots -Lino pointed at us-. You’re off to work, right? Breakfast is on the table, eat well before leaving.” - the cat answered him, voice stern as the human just airily laughed and scratched at his neck.
The human thanked Lino and left for the kitchen, his lanky form leaving us to pay attention to the TV show once more.
It was quiet between us.
The male in the kitchen didn’t seem threatening at first glance, really. He had relatively short brown hair that turned golden under the sun, dark pools for eyes that seemed suspiciously warm, and a tall stature, but he always stood in a way to not seem threatening; his form was always open, never guarded. His scent was weird too, just like everything else about him: freshly cut grass with an underlying hint of sweetness.
He didn’t look at me weirdly either after the initial surprise and shock of seeing me still here, he simply acknowledged my presence and talked to the others. No side-glances in my direction, or pitying looks, nothing. He looked at me the way he looked at everyone else, and that scared me to my marrow.
Because he looked at them with so much adoration and love, it hurt.
I nuzzled into Jin’s neck instead, feeling that calming rhythm once more instead. He curled his tail stronger around my right leg in response, body completely lax in my hold. It drew out an elated growl from my throat, only for it to collide with his own happy purrs. Or should I say two separate purring sounds? Because Lixie decided to join in too, his body completely pressed into my side. I pressed my nose into his neck too, cavity-inducing sweetness flooding my senses immediately. He craned his neck further to the side, granting me better access as I nuzzled into him even more.
A kick to my leg on the other side interrupted me.
“Yah, get a room you three, jesus.” - Lino shouted, a playful smirk sitting on his lips.
I merely glared back at him, until I realised what his words meant. My ears and cheeks instantly gained a red colour, embarrassment flooding my veins as I released Jin from my hold, leaning back from the felines as much as I could.
W-we didn’t-...I wasn’t–
“Minho, you interrupted their bonding time, you menace!” - Channie laughed as he playfully slapped the sly cat, who was laughing so hard he almost fell off the couch altogether. “B-but the look on his f-face, haha. It was worth it, oh my god. Even you can’t deny that, Chan hyung.” “Ah, well…   Cough   Of course we know you guys weren’t doing…that…   Sigh   I swear to god Lee Know, if you traumatised Bae with this so much he will never try to bond with us ever again, you will change rooms with Felix and bunk with me.” “NooooOOOoooO, anything but that! Let me gooo, you old man!”
“What’s happening here?” - Binnie suddenly asked, his form standing in front of the couch, observing the wrestling duo on the floor.
We merely shrugged, my eyes wandering away as I was still completely embarrassed.
“So you don’t know why you’re so red then, hmm, Bae hyung?” - he sang in a higher pitched voice, merely causing my blush to deepen. “Minho hyung teased him, saying we needed to ‘get a room’ for ourselves. Now he won’t look at us, or even touch us, look.” - Lixie explained, his hand nearing mine, but I hastily pulled it towards my chest, whole body scooting away from them -as much as it could with Jin still in my lap-. “Tch, he’s just jealous, don’t listen to him.” “I’m not! Yah, sToP–” “Yes he is. Now come here.”
With that, the little pika plopped right next to me, cornering me in with the two felines. Channie and Lino were still tangled up on the floor, the wolf having that menace of a cat in his hold. I simply froze up, not seeing any way I could escape from this.
Binnie just laid his head on my shoulder, careful to not put his entire weight on top of me.
“Oh yea, Changbinnie hyung, where were you?” - Lixie asked, his hands finding one of mine and gingerly massaging it, no matter how much I tried to wiggle out of his hold. “Ah, since you all were too busy, I said bye to Jisoo-ya. Helped him with his bags too.” - he casually replied, never once taking his head off of my shoulder. “What! He left already?! I wanted to say bye too…” “Ah, me too…” - Jin commented, worming his way back into my lap properly. “Well, we can all greet him when he gets home, how about that instead?” - butted in Channie, having finally finished wrestling with the sly cat.
I just silently watched as they happily made plans, their love for this human apparent. How could they trust him so easily? It made no sense to me, at all.
“Alright, let’s go and eat breakfast now, otherwise none of you will get lunch later. No, don’t look at me like that Hyunjin, off you go now. That episode of your drama can wait for you after you get back.” - Lino sternly said, ushering us away from the couch towards the kitchen.
While we all sat down around the table, he took out bowls from the fridge and some the microwave -its sound still unpleasant- and placed them in the middle of the table. Their contents all differed, so you could pick and choose from the ones you liked. I gathered some meat and rice with my sticks, not in the mood for vegetables at the moment. 
Although the second I took my eyes off my plate, pieces of food appeared on it: some egg, steamed vegetables, things like that. When I looked to my left and right, the obvious culprits just giggled and continued stuffing their faces with the contents of their own bowls. As if their tails weren’t contently swaying behind them, these dummies.
They did this a lot, actually, placing food pieces on my plate. With the others, they bickered over it, stealing each others’ food as if their life depended on it, but with me, it was the total opposite. And when I tried to give them back, they shot me down so fast, I could only blink in response. So with a silent sigh, I ate everything on my plate, even as the portion nearly doubled in size.
“Alright, who wants to play some Monopoly?” - Lixie asked after we all finished, used bowls and sticks now clean and drying.
The others immediately perked up, fighting spirit burning in their eyes. The snow leopard raced to get the mentioned game, the others bounding over towards the couch, pushing things around so we could all sit at the table in the middle comfortably. I sat down with them, the game now being unboxed on the table.
“I wanna be the boot.” - I muttered while snatching the aforementioned figure, excited to play the game after many years.
I looked up, only to be met with confused gazes. I tilted my head at them, ears flopping around with the motion.
“Don’t you need to choose one to play? I always liked this one. Ah, you wanted it?” - I asked, offering the metal figure to them.
Silence greeted me back, making my eyebrows only draw closer towards each other.
“Ah, uh, no, baby, you can have the boot. Then, everyone knows how to play I assume? Bae, Hyunjin?” - Channie finally answered with a pointed stare at the others, me and Jin nodding at the question directed towards us.
And thus, the long and arduous journey of us playing Monopoly started.
By the end, there was money thrown everywhere, the board was flipped upside down -courtesy of Lixie, who was crying on the floor under the table-. Lino was minutes away from murdering a very boastful Hyunjin -who had somehow won, even though he almost went bankrupt several times-, had a very tired looking Channie not held the cat back. Changbin simply gave up playing halfway, pouting and stuffing his face with snacks while watching us from the couch. And I was just a silent spectator of it all, because I was in jail 90% of the game.
Or, you know, some regular, fun Monopoly times.
I sighed in amusement, silently picking up the thrown away game pieces from the floor -some of them were even near the stairs and the kitchen, impressive-. The figures and little house pieces went into one hand, the paper money and cards into the other. Once my hands were full, I crawled back towards where I originally sat and placed everything down, turning around to gather more. This cycle needed to be done a few times before I collected them all, then I started assorting the money and cards out. Same coloured ones went into the same pile, and soon enough, I was done and ready to put them all away into the box.
By the time the others stopped their shenanigans, I was done packing up the game completely, now sitting next to a sulking Lixie and caressing his forehead. He hit his head on the table when he tried to sit up, the spot slightly red and angry. With how many times this had happened, you would think he did something unforgivable against these pieces of wood.
“Lix, look here.” - the wolf said, his fingers swiftly putting a bandaid onto the leopard’s forehead. “Be more careful mate, I’m afraid you’ll get permanent brain damage at this rate.” “Oi, it ain’t that bad.” “Felix, last week you hit your head so hard, there was a bump on it for several days.” - Binnie commented, earning a glare from the injured feline. “Oh come on…” “Hey, at least you can join Bae in the clumsy club.” - it was Lino this time, earning both of our glares as a reward.
Had Jin not stopped me from getting up, I would have pounced on that kitty cat.
Realising how late it had gotten, Lino went to make lunch, everyone else piling on top of the couch, Channie joining them after putting away the board game. I sat with them as well, although a bit further away this time, having had enough physical contact for a while. 
“Wait, Bae hyung, you’re not helping Minho hyung this time?” - Lixie sweetly asked from Binnie’s hold.
I merely shook my head in response, still not over the cat’s teasing comment.
“Hang on, baby, are you pouting?” “No.” - I said but as I looked away, my eyes locked with the working feline’s in the kitchen, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Oh he definitely is!” - he shouted, making my ears burn in embarrassment.
I could only cover my face with my hands to hide, pulling my tail up to it as well for maximum coverage.
What was with them and making me absolutely and completely flustered lately?
Channie only giggled at my reaction, saying something along the lines of ‘shy baby’, Lixie and Binnie joining him. Jin wasn’t far behind, quickly realising he liked seeing me like this as well, much to my demise.
Weighing my choices, I immediately realised staying in the living room was to my disadvantage, so I hastily stood up -wobbling and almost hitting the arm of the couch on my way- and went into the kitchen. Dealing with one sly cat was still easier than dealing with four teasing hybrids.
"Look who showed up." - he greeted me, mischief flashing in his eyes.
I only glanced in his direction as a response, too tired to do anything else. As if sensing it, he stopped with the comments and teasing, peacefully telling me what to do in the kitchen.
We started gaining a certain rhythm the past few weeks, one we easily fell back into. 
Thanks to it, the food was done in no time, the table ready and made. We quickly called the others to eat, lunch going much like how breakfast did. Maybe there was a bit more bickering than usual, everyone still feeling the effects of that Monopoly game, but nothing too tragic happened.
Soon enough we were on that sofa again, a sappy romance movie playing on the TV, like it usually did. I swear, if it wasn't Jin's series, then it was some kind of random, romance movie. Nothing else.
Its story was bland, not too bad, but not that good either. My interest quickly diminished, not helping the sudden feeling of exhaustion that swept over me. Not having slept for the night finally caught up to me, pulling my eyelids closed even as I fought against it.
But I couldn't win, sleep taking over me, head lolling onto the back of the couch.
Soft murmurs woke me up, the voices hushed and soft around me.
“Hyung, you knew this was coming sooner or later, we have to tell him.” “I know, I know, but…” “Chan hyung, it’s gonna be alright. He’s not as fragile as you think.”
The wolf merely sighed, as if the weight of the world sat upon his shoulders. I raised an arm to rub at my eyes before opening them, seeing everyone gathered together a small distance away from me. A quick stretch later I gazed up at them with a tilted head, not understanding, nor liking how tense they all seemed as they slowly approached me.
“Baby, you know how you’re part of our pack, right?” - Channie asked, his hands gingerly taking mine into their hold.
I nodded back with uncertainty, because even though I had a hard time wrapping my head around it, they always made sure I knew. I had no idea why they decided to accept me, the concept foreign to me, but every single time I thought about it, warmth spread through my veins.
It still felt like a lie to me.
“And because you are, we value your opinion too. So… how would you feel about a potential new pack member?”
A new… what now?
I glanced at Jin, the latest addition to the pack. It felt natural to have him around by now, his presence soothing, if not chaotic at times with his dramatic personality.
But it wasn’t always like that.
It pained me to remember the days we avoided the other, how he flinched whenever our gazes met. The way my body tensed up even against my will whenever I caught a whiff of his scent, how it reminded me of times I wished I could forget.
What if the other hybrid would react like that as well?
As if sensing my spiralling thoughts, the wolf gently squeezed my hands.
“Jisoo-ssi met a hybrid in the rehabilitation centre. We already met him one by one, but we don’t want to continue with things until we know you’re fine with it. He’s a sweet little squirrel hybrid, timid for sure, but he would never judge you, if that’s what you’re afraid of.” “Mhm, you don’t have to be scared of that, Bae hyung. He doesn’t care about how you look like, or what you smell like. Right, Hyunjinnie?” - Lixie added in as he sat down on my other side, the taller leopard humming in response. “He likes to eat and he’s not afraid of this house cat. What more proof do you need?” “What’s that supposed to mean, you little pika?” “Nothing!” “Guys, not now.”
The two immediately shut up at the wolf’s warning, only continuing to glare at each other.
“Will…you guys come too?” - my voice was quiet, unsure if I had the right to ask this of them. “Of course we will! As a matter of fact, we were thinking that we could visit him right now, if ya wanted to. Jisoo-ssi’s already there, waiting for our answer.” - Channie enthusiastically answered, his hand ruffling my hair aggressively.
Everyone started excitedly rushing around the place, each going to their rooms to get ready as fast as they could. I followed their example, walking up towards my room to change into a different set of loose pants and a hoodie. Maybe I could wear that red one? Or maybe that black one, with the thumb holes?
After a few minutes of thinking, I settled on the comforting black hoodie that now draped over my tall form, ready to depart.
Arriving back at the living room, mostly everyone was there, except Jin, who was still unable to decide between two shirts. Lixie just rolled his eyes and went to help him, the pair arriving back not even a minute later. Soon we were walking towards the car after getting our shoes on -such an uncomfortable thing, really-, and off we went towards that centre thing, sadly only after the wolf put that dreaded collar on me.
Fitted with a hat and a mask once more, I stepped out of the vehicle, only to have my arm immediately snatched by Lino. He didn’t even spare me a glance, just started walking towards the entrance of the building once everyone was ready to go. 
And holy shit, there were a lot of people inside.
Everything hit me at once: the cacophony of smells, the rushing form of humans and hybrids, the sounds that bled together in disharmony.
It was all too much, my body already protesting and begging me to turn around and run away; to just shut down silently in a corner, surrounded by walls.
“Come on, this way baby.” - rang Channie’s soothing voice through my ears over the chaos, grounding my overwhelmed self.
His warm hand gently pushed on my rigid back, urging me forward along with the two hybrids holding my hands; they led me through the sea of people, their human now standing before us in a much less crowded space. 
“Everyone okay, nothing happened while coming here?” - the tall human said -he was taller than even Hyunjin, i noticed-, worried eyes sweeping over all our forms.  “No, no, we’re okay, no need to worry.” - the wolf replied, his hand still resting between my shoulder blades. “You’re always such a worrywart, Chan hyung has driven a lot of times before, have some faith in him.” - Lixie butted in, swinging our conjoined hands quite happily. “Yea, besides, we’re not children!” - at Changbin’s comment, the human levelled at him a stare so cold, the words froze into his shrinking form.
They all just laughed at his misery, some even doubling over and wheezing for air.
“Now that you all laughed yourselves out, kids, let’s go before we grow old just standing here. Wouldn’t wanna worry our little squirrel either, now would we?” - the human sent a wide smile at us and walked away, his steps seemingly confident in their path.
The walls along our journey were colourful, vibrant, hand-painted symbols and figures cluttering their forms. The overhead lights were warm, not too bright, but not too dim either; my eyes quickly adjusted to them without the need to squint or blink excessively. The air was fresh, a slight breeze pushing past our walking forms, carrying along the confusing mess of scents.
I… didn’t expect this.
Where was the white, the dull walls, the blindingly bright cold light, the stuffy, clean air? The quiet, neverending halls, the thick doors? 
Where was it all?
“...ople can enter, 4 of you will have to stay behind, sorry.” - a different human’s voice slowly registered in my mind, body immediately going fully rigid once more.
When did this one appear?
“Oh, it’s alright, I’ll stay behind with Hyunjin, Felix and Changbin hyung. You three can go in, how about that?” - their human answered, his gaze landing on us.
Channie and Minho responded, a squeeze on my hand and a little push on my back was all I got before I was ushered into a small room, the only occupant already up and walking around nervously. Lino squeezed my hand once more before letting go and joining the unknown hybrid, the two interacting as if they were long lost friends. My presence was momentarily forgotten by the duo, something I used to my advantage in observing this new place and hybrid.
The air was filled with the salty smell of the ocean, as if it was trying to drag me down and drown me in its depths. I didn’t need to take a deeper breath to feel it, my sensitive nose able to feel it even with the smallest intake of air; just the thought alone made my stomach roll violently. The source of the smell was the jumpy little squirrel; small little ears peeking from his mop of dark brown hair, a bushy tail curled up behind him. They all shared light colours, like grey and white, immediately tickling me strangely.
Usually squirrels were some type of brown or red coloured, maybe even black. But he had a different colour scheme, one that for some reason didn’t sit well with me. One that was slightly familiar, but not fully? It was weird, really weird.
Before I could dwell on it more, the wolf -who i had forgotten about in all honesty- led me to a chair, wordlessly telling me to sit down. I abided, even though we were closer to the two conversing hybrids now as a result, causing my body to shudder. I wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, but a whisper of ‘Is he okay?’ hit my ears, causing my brows to furrow. Was the squirrel talking about me?
“Baby, I’ll get you some water, stay here, I’ll be right back.” “N-no, don’t–” - I tried to say, but why did my voice waver and shake so much?
Oh… my whole body was shaking.
“Jisung-ssi, can we move some of your things from a corner of the room? Preferably one that has the least of your scent.” “Y-yea, uh, l-lemme help, here.”
There was some shuffling and moving around as I desperately clung to Channie, his familiar scent my last line of defence before I completely gave up and emptied my stomach then and there. He held me close, hand rubbing little circles into my shoulder, providing me the minimum of comfort he could.
Why was this happening to me? Again?
Was I so weak that being in a new place caused me to crumble and become undone so easily? Was I really?
I hated this so much. So, so much.
“Alright baby, I’m gonna pick you up, is that alright?” - his gentle voice asked and I merely nodded, too busy trying to control my body and not appear any weaker in front of them, if that was even possible.
True to his words, he picked me up, my body gingerly placed in an empty corner of the room, the walls feeling nice and cool as I pressed into them for more. In that chase of the calming cold, I let my head fall back with closed eyes, no doubt messing up the hat that sat upon it. But I really did not care about that at the moment, not at all, that was the least of my worries.
Feeling that the walls had more or less warmed up thanks to my feverish skin, I let my head fall onto my knees that were pulled close to my chest, the position slightly helping me with my nausea.
“Bae, can you hear me?” - Lino’s voice reached my ears, a hum leaving my lips as a response.
“Baby, do you want to leave the room?” “Nno… outside worse… nausea” - I somehow gritted out and opened my eyes, not feeling the room spinning anymore.
Worried gazes and scents greeted me back, only causing my ears to push into my head under the hat even more in guilt.
“Sorry, am good now.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, baby, you did nothing wrong. Do you need anything to make you feel better?”
I merely shook my head as an answer, the guilt not dissipating in the slightest.
I felt like a burden, always needing some type of care and special attention. They couldn’t go out with me and not worry, someone always having to be by my side and literally hold my hand.
It was frustrating.
I was frustrated with myself.
“Y-you know, it always helps me to cuddle with a plushie after an episode. The bigger, fluffier, better smelling, the better. I would lend you one, but that would be uh… quite counterproductive, dontcha think?” - the squirrel quietly said, his far away sitting form almost in the middle of the room; his comment made a sweetly mellow smelling hoodie appear in my arms, my appendages gathering the fabric together in a ball and cuddling it.
“Counting my breathing and tapping to it also helps. Sometimes it gives nice ideas for songs too, heh.” - and he was right, silently following my breathing did smooth it out a bit.
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath of the hoodie in my arms, I could feel my pulse calming and the knot in my stomach slightly unwinding. It wouldn’t become completely undone, no, not when I was not in my den, my home, but being in this room was still a much better choice than being out in that busy hallway.
Opening my eyes once more, I inhaled that comforting scent yet again and looked at the owner of the hoodie. His expression softened out, eyes slightly crinkling up in happiness. His scent sweetened, taking me to that flower field I loved so much.
And that field was surrounded by the vast forest, moss and other creatures abundant in it. It felt freeing, something I desperately needed in this closed off building. And Chan gave it to me, his dimples peeking out as a reward when I glanced at him.
My chest felt lighter, the room becoming brighter.
But through it all, the underlying smell of salt and wind and rain remained there.
Glancing at the last occupant of the room, my eyes met with the squirrel’s, his dark ones lighting up in response. He smiled, lips turning heart-shaped and I just didn’t understand.
Why was he so happy? Was it because I looked at him?
I could only tilt my head in confusion before nodding at him from behind the hoodie in my arms, thankful for his advice. He let out a breath he held, his form sagging as he laid down on the floor. The other two next to me lightly laughed at his reaction, their forms sagging a bit too and sitting down heavily on the floor from their crouched position.
I had no idea what was happening, but they smelled fine and they were laughing and smiling, so I guessed it was okay. Even though it made no sense to me.
“Bae, you sure ya don’t need anything?” - Chan asked once more, Lino looking at me as well.
I just shook my head, but then realised something.
“Go, calm the others down. They smell panicked. Worried.” - I grated out, my throat still clogged up and voice raspy.
I didn’t need to tell them twice, Chan was out the door in an instant, his surprise from my statement wearing off quickly. I could hear them through the wall, my worry proven to be right. As Chan was speaking, their scents slowly turned back to their normal state, becoming less sour and tainted.
It allowed me to let out a sigh of relief, my brows letting up a little.
“Bae, did you smell them?” - Lino’s soft voice cut through the silence, gathering my attention immediately. “Mhm.” “I’m always amazed by how impressive that nose of yours is. We couldn’t, not even Chan. And he’s the pack leader.”
Ah, so that was why the wolf looked so surprised initially. I nodded back at the cat back slowly, unsure what to make of this. But before I could think more on the matter, the smell of sand and sun picked up, the little squirrel in the centre of my attention.
“Ah, s-sorry, I just wanted to stand up and stretch a bit. I won’t go closer, promise!” - the herbivore quickly added in, his arms flailing around in panic.
I gently shook my head in response, silently telling him that it was fine. I could handle the smells for now, Lino’s hoodie strong enough to deter them until I could fight them off by myself. But if that skittish boy made himself panic even more, causing his smell to become the epitome of salt and storm, I would probably empty my stomach sooner rather than later.
So I looked next to me, at the sitting form of our cat, and I made sure to look into his eyes, then look back at the squirrel a few times. His eyebrows furrowed, mouthing an ‘Are you sure?’, but I nodded at him firmly.
With a last squeeze of my arm, he stood up and went to the squirrel, dragging him to the bed in a half-hug. They plopped onto it with a force, only thanks to Lino.
“E-eh? But, but the wolf, he-” “Will be fine, Han. He asked me to come to you. See? No need to be afraid. Told you he will like you.”
They whispered back and forth, probably thinking I couldn’t hear them. But I could, my ears flicking once or twice in response, messing up the hat even further. Their conversation went away from me quickly though, venturing into the territory of everyday topics and similar interests. I tuned them out soon after I realised that, not wanting to eavesdrop.
There was no need for that now.
The door opening stole my attention, my head craning to the side to see the wolf creeping in, quickly shutting the door gently after he squeezed himself through. His face lit up when he saw I was already watching him, those dimples of his apparent.
“Hiii baby, how’re you doin’?” - he sang out as he sat back next to me, the lush forest back with full force in my senses.
Before I could even hum in response, he playfully glared at me, making me huff.
“Fine.” - I replied instead vocally, not happy about the situation. “Good job baby. Brought you some water, in case you actually needed it.”
I thanked him quietly and took the offered bottle, my limbs aching from the sudden movement. The joints groaned and popped, my muscles tensed and relaxed. My position suddenly felt uncomfortable, everything ached and protested. Still, I took the bottle and with a satisfying pop, it was open, the contents downed in a matter of seconds.
Licking my lips to catch an escaping droplet, I wiped my face with the sleeve of my own hoodie and put down the now empty bottle onto the ground. I felt fine enough, my stomach not rolling in waves of nausea, so I gently stood up and watched the two on the bed cuddle and talk.
“You can join them, ya kno’.” - Chan’s whisper entered my ears, his form next to me as he gently grabbed my shoulders.
I glanced at him, then back at the two.
“Or ya can stay here. It’s fine.”
With a squeeze, he finished what he wanted to say and grabbed the empty water bottle, going to the little trash can on the other side of the room to dispose of it.
But I stayed in my spot.
The two hybrids seemed to be absorbed in their own world, their scents happy and content. Their eyes shined in the other’s presence, their smiles just a bit brighter.
When they caught me staring, they directed those smiles at me, the squirrel even shyly waving in my direction. My eyes widened in surprise, but I tried to wave back, my hand half-raised and stiff. They both laughed at that, but no malice was in it. No, the sound was light as it rang through the air, as if we were home in our den, the pack together and having fun.
A knock broke the serene atmosphere.
Their human peeked his head in, searching for Chan and looking at him with an apologetic expression as he whispered a ‘We need to go, sorry.’ to him. The wolf nodded back, then the door closed again and we were alone in the heavy atmosphere.
I watched as Lino said goodbye to the little herbivore, the latter looking really sad. But the cat ruffled his hair and promised him that he would come back soon, improving the mood a little.
The wolf was next, playfully tousling the squirrel’s hair as well, promising him the same thing. With a final hug, they were done, all eyes set on me.
I waved at the little hybrid, slightly dreading going out to the hallways again. He waved back with a small smile, something sad hidden on his face.
The other two hybrids walked to the door, looking at me expectantly to join them.
And yet, I didn’t.
No, I looked back at the sad little boy on the bed and walked up to him, fidgeting slightly in my spot once I reached him. He looked up at me, eyes wide and glistening.
“Can I… Can I ask for something of yours?” - my voice was so quiet, it was a miracle he heard it at all. “Oh uh, of course, what would you like?” - he quickly answered after he got over his surprise, expression brightening.
“Just. Just something that has your scent on it.” - I muttered out, embarrassed of my request.
His whole face lit up after a few seconds, quickly standing up and scrambling around for something to give me. Eventually he settled on a big plushie, just the right size for cuddling. He shyly extended it towards me, and I took it, equally embarrassed. I was sure my cheeks were gradually heating up with every second, and gosh did I not want the others to see it. I wouldn’t be able to escape their teasing…
Hugging it to my chest in my arms, the smell of sunshine and salt hit me, along with the scent of mellow flowers. Only then did I realise I was still clutching onto Lino’s hoodie as if it was my lifeline, my knuckles white from the force. I quickly relaxed my hold, nodding in thanks to the little herbivore and taking a last glance at his now much brighter expression as he waved at us.
The door closed and the chaotic arrangement of smells was back, making me lean down and bury my nose into Lino’s hoodie that was draped partly over the plushie. Looking up afterwards, I was met with the playful look on Lino and Chan’s faces, and the surprised and somehow betrayed look on everyone else’s.
I tilted my head at that, not sure why they looked at me like that. Their human merely chuckled, pushing Lix into my direction. That broke the boy out of his stupor, quickly coming up to me and looking into my eyes with his own sparkling ones.
“Is that Jisung’s? Is that plushie Jisung’s, Hyung? Is it?” - he rambled out and I lightly nodded at that, holding it out for him to take if he wanted to.
The boy snatched it quickly, looking at it and back up at me in disbelief.
“Channie hyung, are ya sure Bae hyung is fine? He didn’t hit his head or… he didn’t get any permanent side effects or anything…?” “I can assure you Lixie, that is the Bae you’ve known from the beginning.” - the wolf answered back, a playful lilt in his voice.
Lix looked at the cat next, disbelief still evident on his face. But Lino merely nodded, amused by the whole shenanigans in front of him. A hand was suddenly on my forehead, my out of place hat not helping in blocking it.
“You don’t feel hot either. That can only mean one thing: Hyung, you betrayed us! You like him more than us!” - there went Jin with his theatrics, looking hurt.
I quickly learned that he was just faking it, his scent easily betraying his true mood. And he was just mildly annoyed, if at all. But behind his tall form was a pouting little pika, his arms crossed in front of his chest and his lower lip jutting out. He was half turned away from me, his usually fresh scent a bit too sour.
Was he… was he actually hurt by my actions?
He kept glancing at me and away, but as he saw my expression he suddenly walked in front of me and hugged me, his face smushed into my chest.
“Stupid Bae hyung, I’m not actually angry at you. But I do require cuddles from you when we get home! As payback!” - his voice was loud, even muffled. “Hey, me too!” - Lix butted in, quickly catching up to the situation. “Me three!” - Jin shouted in as well, making me start to dread going home. “Yah, don’t leave us out! Right, Minho?” - Chan said as he giggled, Lino sighing because he knew he couldn’t back out of this one.
And that cat enjoyed it anyway, he just denied it. I could tell.
Glancing over their forms, my eyes reached their human’s, his expression gentle and warm. When he noticed I was watching him, his smile widened a tad bit before he looked away, telling the others that it was time to go home. They whined a bit, but eventually started following the human, Lix taking his hand and swinging it around happily. This drew a laugh out of the human, but his grip only tightened on the feline’s small hand. The excited feline’s scent sweetened impossibly, his happiness apparent to everyone around them.
Changbin went to the other side of the human, chatting with the two, a big smile on his face. He hooked his little pinky together with the human’s, the latter quickly accepting it without hesitation. The herbivore’s scent was the freshest I had ever felt, the citrus mixing with the candy and happily wafting through the air.
That was when I’d truly realised just how important that human was to them.
My eyes drifted to that familiar hand holding mine, the motion feeling a bit wrong now. Would they leave me if I disliked their human? Would they force me out, just because of that? What would they do if I accidentally attacked him when I wasn’t myself? When the terrors of my past choked the life out of me?
What would they do then?
As if sensing my thoughts, I felt a small squeeze on my hand. Looking up, I saw that he wasn’t looking at me, no, he was invested in talking with the other three in front of us, but the way his grip subtly tightened felt good. It felt comforting, as if I was needed.
Looking to my other side, where my other arm was clutched at, I saw Jin. His hold was gentle, careful to not twist the hoodie out of my hold against my chest. He occasionally ran his thumb over my arm, going back and forth in a soothing motion. Maybe he did it unconsciously, or maybe he didn’t, but I appreciated it nonetheless.
Glancing slightly behind me, I was met with Chan, the plushie I got from the little squirrel under one of his arms -why and how it ended up with him, i had no idea-. He smiled at me brightly, his dimples fully on display. It eased the knot in my chest, his expression softening. His hand reached towards my head, fixing my hat and brushing a few stray strands of hair out of my face. His eyes roamed over my form and with a satisfied hum, he turned towards the others and told them we were ready to go.
When did we stop and for how long had we been standing there, I had not the slightest idea.
I only blinked at them as I was tugged away by my arms, soon sitting in that hateful car and speeding off towards home.
The next few days after our visit to the little squirrel went by uneventfully. Mostly.
I spent my days in the presence of others, like I usually did. I watched his shows with Jin, providing him company. I cooked with Lino, even though he teased me and for some reason seemed really interested in my bottom. Changbin and Felix usually stole me away from the others for cuddles, sometimes even at night. And Chan…
Well, Chan felt stressed.
His scent was off, the forest drowning in rain and the roots rotting. I could feel it immediately, the smell hitting me after he disappeared to talk with the human. And I suspected he knew it too, because he had been avoiding me as much as he could. No more was the cuddly, giggly wolf, there was only an awkward, colder version in its place.
I hated it.
So the next time I caught a glance of the human -because Channie shut himself in a room-, I decided to take action. Carefully extracting the sleeping snow leopard off my form, I hastily strode towards the kitchen where my target resided. He was getting himself a cup of water, but he must not have heard me, because as he turned around, he almost immediately dropped it.
“Jesus christ, you fucking scared me.” - he whispered out, a hand clutching his chest in panic.
I apologised, my ears lowering towards my head in guilt. It was never my intention to scare him, I just wanted to talk, nothing else.
“Don’t worry, I’m just a scaredy cat. The others like to tease me for it actually.” - he chuckled out, waving his hand in the air in a dismissive manner, causing me to relax a bit.
“So, what brings you here?”
I looked at him as he was watching me, sipping on his drink and waiting for my reply patiently. He didn’t seem annoyed or angry, his faint scent still the same, giving me enough courage to actually ask him what I had wanted to.
“3 days ago, what did you talk about with Chan?”
He lowered his cup, his expression dimming immediately. His eyes had a sad glint in them, even though his lips were slightly curled up.
“So you noticed, huh? Agh, Channie hyung, you always make stupid decisions when trying to protect others. Come, I’ll tell you.” - he grunted out, a hand messing up his hair in stress.
I raised an eyebrow, not understanding why we needed to change rooms, but followed him nonetheless.
His smaller form led the way into one of the boys’ rooms, hand still messing with his hair, all the while muttering light profanities at the wolf and the situation. It was a bit amusing, to be quite honest, because he wasn’t truly angry. No, he still smelled like cut grass next to a candy shop, even if it was a bit sour now, as if the shop closed for the day.
“  Sigh  The reason why he’s avoiding you is because some problems came up… regarding you. No, no, not with you, just about you! Don’t look like a kicked puppy, please!” - he said as he leaned against the door, arms frantically flailing around at the end.
Before I really had any chance to think about what he said and start thinking how they might be planning on getting rid of me, he continued.
“Remember when you were out clothes shopping with the boys? Apparently you caught the eye of a few people, desperate to learn more about you and your species. They’ve gone so far as to approach me about buying you when we went to visit Ji. The fucking gall of those people. Had Hyune and the others not been there, I would have punched them in the face straight up. That’s what we’ve been working on, just me and Chan. But they’re really persistent, no matter what we do, they keep making a scene on the internet. It’s giving me a headache, in all honesty. Chan’s avoiding you because he didn’t want you to know, to worry and potentially have an attack. You already have enough on your plate, he didn’t want to add more onto it.”
The human, no, Jisoo rambled on, massaging his head in frustration and exhaustion. Now that I paid more attention, there were dark circles under his eyes, his skin was even paler than usual and his voice quiet, borderline whispering.
I felt…conflicted, weird.
He… he’s been protecting me this whole time, and I was afraid he was planning on doing the exact opposite of that. Just the thought made me push my ears into my head, tail lifeless and between my legs. My lips curved slightly downwards, my chest feeling heavy with emotions.
He did all that, even though…
“Bae hyung?”
Even though he probably knew what I had done. What I had been running from all this time.
“Hey, do you need me to call one of them here for you? Just sit down, please.”
It hurt.
“You knew all this time, didn’t you?” - my voice whispered out, eyes cast downwards and hands clutching my hoodie. “Knew what?” - he asked back, voice now impossibly soft. “You never asked questions. Not about my species, my presence in this house, your house, and not about my previous owners. Even though you must have gotten access to my files after the checkup.”
His legs entered my downcast vision, a hand slowly reaching towards mine. I could have stepped away at any given chance, but… I didn’t. No, I simply stood there, letting him take one of my hands into his, allowing him to gently cradle it.
“I do.”
He didn’t say anything more. No, he just stood there in silence, holding my hand and drawing shapes in it as my vision blurred and lower lip wobbled.
Jisoo said nothing as he allowed me, a murderer, to silently cry in the room, giving me comfort I didn’t deserve.
After that fateful day, Jisoo must have told Chan about what happened, because the wolf just stopped avoiding me completely. He greeted me with an apologetic smile, allowing me to wrestle him into my lap with a huff.
Fucking idiot, worrying me and the others.
Because while they knew about the situation, what he’s been dealing with, they were still incredibly worried and wanted to help. Help, that finally wasn’t rejected by him, lightening up the atmosphere immediately.
So as we were just sitting on the living room’s couch, Channie in my lap as I completely engulfed his giggling form, he and the others were talking about possible solutions for the thorn in their side. I didn’t understand a lot of it, only some computer-related words making sense to me.
“What if we just dox them?” “Felix, we can’t just do that!” - Chan immediately shot down the idea, causing the others to groan in protest.
I just sighed and buried my head into his neck, unwanted wisps of past conversations and scenarios popping into my head. Back when I wasn’t like this, when I had a stable job and a clear future.
“Just let them be.”
Getting no response, I looked up from my hiding place and was met with surprised and confused expressions.
“Baby, we can’t just do that. It’s your life on the line.” “Yeah, what makes you say that?” - Felix asked me, his brows furrowed and lips slightly jutted out in a pout.
I sighed out at what the two said, tired of this already.
“My face and ears were hidden, right? Then it’s fine, they can’t recognise me. Besides, if you really won’t sell me, they’ll give up eventually, just keep rejecting them.” - I replied, head laying on Channie’s shoulder as a wave of exhaustion hit me. “Oh my god, I’ve never heard him speak so much.” - Lino added in, a genuine shocked expression sitting on his face along with the others’.
I furrowed my brows at that, rolling my eyes in response. First I didn’t speak enough, then I spoke too much.
“Good job baby, I’m so proud of ya!” - the wolf giggled out as he wriggled in my hold, reversing it even against my protests.
Eventually I accepted my fate, laying in his arms as he cooed at me. Although that proved to be the wrong decision, as the others came to their senses and piled on top of me. Even that menace of a cat, only to slap my bottom and earn a strangled sound out of me. I couldn’t retaliate or stop him even if I wanted to, Channie and the others basically held me down as they snuggled into me, as if they wanted to crawl into my skin.
Needless to say, the felines started purring immediately in the cuddle pile, while Channie let out elated growls and Binnie just happily absorbed it all, occasionally giving out his own short, high-pitched chirps. Their scents enveloped me, allowing me to take a moment and walk in my favourite place and relax.
My eyes crinkled as I saw the trees were now enveloped in sunlight, the rot in their roots now nowhere to be found. Even though the wind sometimes picked up, it was quickly balanced out by the scent of sugar and citrus it carried along. They danced around in the air as I ran, following a path that I took so many times that I knew it by heart, just to arrive in that flower field with an easel in the middle. The flowers were still mellow, their colour faint and pastel. But they were constantly there, livening up the place with their presence. The easel had a canvas on it, paint tubes sitting on the little shelf at the bottom. The white fabric had splotches of colour, all different, yet harmonising perfectly.
It was my safe haven.
The thought wasn’t scary anymore, I was happy that I had a place I could call my own. To call people my own.
No, I wasn’t afraid of that, not anymore. Only the thought of what I would sacrifice for them froze the blood in my veins.
Because deep down, I already knew the answer.
When I awoke, I found myself on the couch, a blanket draped over my form. The room was plunged into darkness, only the soft light of the moon illuminating the furniture.
I was alone, the warmth of the others having lost disappeared, yet the blanket still smelled strongly of them.
Slowly sitting up, my joints cracked and popped, making a satisfied sigh leave my form. I draped the blanket over my shoulders, its scent giving me a sense of comfort. As I silently padded over to the kitchen -my throat was absolutely parched-, I thought over what to do.
Sleep eluded me the moment I opened my eyes, having slept over most of the afternoon, so that was out of the question. Watching something on the TV was also in a similar situation, because I was afraid it would wake someone up accidentally. And also because they still wouldn’t let me use the remote by myself. I had no idea why.
But then a ray of moonlight caught my eye, its faint, bluish shine drawing my gaze to its source. The moon looked alluring, its form full and radiant.
Not even a minute later I found myself on the patio, sitting down on the small stairs that led to the lush grass and laying against the railing next to me.
It was peaceful, something I never really had the chance to just… admire. To take a moment, sit down and relax, enjoy what was around me.
Living on the streets was stressful.
But now, I didn’t have to worry about that anymore, something still hard to believe. The others worked hard everyday to drill it into my head, so it wasn’t a foreign concept anymore, but still.
I could just sit down and gaze at the moon whenever I wanted to, not needing to look over my shoulder every second. So I did exactly that, letting my mind wander around from topic to topic, creating new worlds and stories.
I didn’t even know how long I had been sitting there, until the scent of charcoal and paint caught my attention, the sound of footsteps soon following. My ears flicked in response, my body still relaxed, knowing it was just Jin and I was safe.
He soundlessly sat down onto a chair behind me, granting me a silent companion for the night. I didn’t mind, his presence soothing on the cold night, thankful that he didn’t cuddle up to me. I hit my limit for the day with that last one.
As I was connecting the stars in my mind, creating different shapes, the sound of graphite on paper hit my ears, soft strokes leaving a trail on the paper. It wasn’t hard to guess that Jin was the source, probably sketching something out as inspiration hit him.
His scent was strong, as if he himself was turning into a work of art, an obvious sign of his elated mood. It drew a small smile on my face, my tail swishing a few times lazily on the wooden boards.
That was how we spent our time, me, silently gazing at the sky and the slowly rising sun, him, silently sketching. We existed in each other’s presence, taking a break from the chaos that the group usually brought with itself.
But even the most tranquil of times had to be broken, as the sun had completely risen and woken the others up, based on the soft taps of socked feet I started hearing.
“Come on Dal hyung, let’s go greet the others.” - Jin suggested, making me stand up and follow him out, his little dimples peeking out as he smiled at me brightly.
I didn’t even question the name he used, his smile was way too cute to possibly ruin.
“Oh, good morning. How was your night?” - surprisingly Jisoo asked, surprised at our forms coming in from the backyard. “Morning! It was good, we were stargazing the whole night.” - Jin answered for us as I just nodded in response. “Sounds good boys. Little reminder that we’ll be picking up Ji to foster today, so don’t be late please. And Bae hyung, don’t forget your appointment. Bring anything comforting with you for it, but the doc needs to check if your injuries are properly healed. Have fun, I’ll see you guys later.” - with a headpat for Jin and a smile for me, he dashed out the door, seemingly in a hurry.
The others heard it and hurried to say goodbye to him, either in the form of a hug or a headpat. Felix even almost fell down, he was so determined to get that hug in. I almost laughed at him, almost.
Knowing that I couldn’t escape that visit because of the doctor, I headed up to my den and gathered a few things up. First was the squirrel’s plushie, placed away on the table, so it wouldn’t have any other scent sticking to it too much. I didn’t want to bring it with me, but I needed to smell it, so I wouldn’t get immediately overwhelmed by the herbivore himself. But that was why I asked for the plushie in the first place, to get used to his scent and not have an accident like with Jin. And it worked, the salt and sun wasn’t tainted by the smell of rotting seaweed and fish. It was very faint, so I was satisfied.
Secondly, I laid out my comfort hoodie that was stashed away in a box. I put it there because it was scented by everyone and I was afraid it would disappear if I left it with my other clothes. But the more I thought about that visit, the more nervous I became, so I opted to just put the clothing on instead, letting its big form engulf me.
It only took one sniff for my shoulders to start relaxing, my thoughts straying away from those darker places.
Grabbing the round plushie -it was a white rabbit, extremely soft and plush-, I went out of my room to join the others, knowing it was time for breakfast soon and Lino would barge into my den no problem.
The moment they saw me, everyone greeted me, Lix waddling up to me and making grabby hands, eyes still full of sleep and dreams. I sighed lightly, a small smile on my face as I knew what this meant already, witnessing him doing it to the others plenty of times. He just never asked me of this.
I threw the plushie onto the couch, my arms now empty and already lifting up the feline, placing him onto my hips. His limbs instantly latched onto me, purrs erupting from his chest as he nuzzled into my neck. I pat his back a few times, going to join the others as I greeted them with a little nod.
“Damn, I’m jealous.”
“Yah, me too.”
“Me three.”
“We can eat snow leopard steak tonight.”
I couldn’t help, but step back and shield the already sleeping boy in my arms, horrified eyes fixated on the feline brandishing a knife. He quickly put it down, striding towards me with raised and open hands.
“I was joking, just joking, jagi. Go and sit at the table with the others, breakfast will be done soon, okay?” - he apologetically whispered out, tucking a strand of hair away from my face. 
I nodded, cheeks heated as I silently took my seat with the little feline in my hold.
“Lix, hey, Lixie, wake up.” - I tried to gently nudge him awake, but he only groaned and buried his face deeper into my chest, earning a sigh from me.
I knew how he got in the early morning, I witnessed it a few times already after all. He was basically stuck to you, as if you were his personal radiator.
So I simply wrestled his limbs off of me -with great force, even though he was still half asleep- and turned him around in my lap, so he was facing the table as well.
The others just gaped at us, mainly me, as the boy in my lap just widely blinked up at me before a bright smile broke out on his freckled cheeks.
“Okay so you just need to make grabby hands at him. Now we know the strategy.” - the wolf said, as if it was the most normal thing to blurt out. “Didn’t think it would be this easy, but here we are. I wanna be the next.” “That’s unfair, Hyunjin, I wanted to be!” - Binnie shouted out, making me slightly startle from the volume. “You were too slow, get fucked.” “Hey! Language!” “Oh come on Chan, just shut up and eat. You two as well.” - Lino exclaimed with a pointed look, having finished with bringing out the food.
I was already busy with filling up my plate, all with things that Lix liked and made his eyes sparkle. It drew a little chuckle out of me, because I basically had to feed him, seeing as he refused to eat on his own. Every bite earned a delighted hum from him, his tail happily curling around in the air.
Being so absorbed in feeding him and watching his reactions, I had forgotten to eat, thus I found myself face-to-face with a piece of food. It was Lino, something that didn’t surprise me, because he did this a lot. It was his silent way of taking care of the other, so I accepted the food with no complaints. His scent sweetened, earning a little hum from me.
“Look, Dal hyung’s tail is wagging so much. I’ve never seen it like that before.” - Bin whispered to Channie, the two’s eyes trained on my form.
I instantly looked behind and sure enough, he was right. Blood rushed to my cheeks, my tail stilling as I willed it to do so and fed Lixie the last of his food. He leaned against me, content purrs never stopping leaving his chest. I slightly tightened my hold on his waist, my other arm collecting food for myself. Even though Lino fed me -and the others a bit too, even though they were jealous-, I was still hungry.
“Babyyy, why did you stop? It was sooo cute!” - Channie whined, deepening the blush on my cheeks. “You’re going to turn him into a tomato at this rate, Chan hyung.” - Jin butted in, snickering. “Oh as if you aren’t part of this!” “You’re damn right I am.” “Lix, you can borrow that sweater I never let you have if you let me have your place.” - Binnie took the chance while the other two bickered. “Deal.”
That was how I found myself with a pika stuck to me on the couch after we all finished eating, the small herbivore not letting me go even when I went to get some water from the kitchen. No, he was just like Lixie, while Channie and Jin pouted on the other end of the couch. Lino just watched it with amusement in his eyes, taking some pictures for future blackmail against all of us.
I just let it happen at that point, ready to accept that I would not be left alone for the rest of the day.
And I was right, because when I went to help Lino in the kitchen with lunch, I had to do so with a pika stuck to my torso. I managed, but thanks to that I couldn’t dodge all of Lino’s slaps, his satisfied chuckles still ringing in my ears.
They would be the death of me, I was certain.
I was only let go when it was time to go, my mind having forgotten about that due to all the shenanigans that had happened. My pulse immediately picked up slightly, only rising while I went and changed my pants into something else that I could wear outside.
The collar I had to wear didn’t help.
Once again I found myself standing before that hybrid rehabilitation centre, fitted with a mask and a hat, one of my hands held by Lino.
In we went as a group, the young ones leading the way, while Chan brought up the back. It was the usual setup, me in the centre somewhere, supported and comforted by everyone’s presence. My stomach was rolling from the presence of people and all the smell, the thought of what was going to happen soon not helping the slightest.
But I followed them silently, obediently. I had no choice, but to.
“Did anything happen while I was away?” - Jisoo asked, his eyes looking over our forms critically and meticulously. “Dal hyung cheated on me!” - I could only stare with wide eyes at Jin, caught by surprise, while the human just laughed. “And how did that happen, Hyunjin hyung?” “First of all, if you call me so formally once more, I will have revenge. Second of all, he cuddled AND fed Felix! Then he cuddled Changbin! Can you believe that??” “Sorry, sorry, it just feels wrong to not call you guys like this. Forgive me Hyune.” - Jisoo laughed, bending over to gasp for air as the others laughed with him, Jin’s theatrics amusing them.
Not me though, I would have ran away and dug myself a grave had Lino not been holding my hand so tight, his knuckles were turning white.
After everyone calmed down and teased me until I swore my ears were red under my hat, the human asked me something weird.
“And Bae hyung, how do you like the name Hyune came up with?” - his eyes were warm and held no malice, only some teasing lights could be seen shining in them.
Ah, so Jin really did give it to me.
I merely smiled, eyes turning into crescents as I looked at the floor, not giving them a verbal response. But they knew, they could tell what my answer was. I felt it.
“Alright, I’ll get the papers done then. Let’s go, before they usher us out for lazing around and being in the way.” - Jisoo instructed lightheartedly, leading the way down a hallway.
We took different turns than last time, but the place remained the same; colourful walls illuminated by warm lights, fresh air being let in by huge windows littered on them. It allowed me to stay relaxed just enough to not bolt, my shoulders hunched as I squeezed Lino’s hand for reassurance. He responded every single time, not late even by a second.
“Baby, do you want someone to go in with you?” - Channie asked, his voice low and soothing.
I instantly nodded, hesitantly grabbing onto his shirt. He smiled, taking that hand in his and rubbing over my knuckles gently. He talked to the others for a bit, but I zoned out as I was focusing on my breathing, trying to not let my body shake and panic consume me.
It would be fine, it was just a quick checkup, nothing more.
“Ah, Bae-ssi, there you are. I assume you arrived fine?” - the doctor greeted me enthusiastically, but his eyes drifted towards my companion as the question left his lips. “We did, don’t worry, doctor. Thank you for accepting us.” - the wolf replied, bowing. “Oh come on Chan-ssi, I keep telling you not to be so uptight, but you’re so stubborn. I’m just doing my job, nothing special. This treatment should be the norm, so shush. Now, Bae-ssi, please sit down with your back facing me and pull up your hoodie.”
I did as the human instructed, Channie’s form in front of me as my eyes were cast down towards the floor, his hands massaging my shoulders. I felt some light touches along my back and heard the human hum sometimes, but nothing else happened. Then he asked me to face him, his hands now hovering near my head.
Thankfully he only touched me if it was purely necessary, the wolf behind me helping him with getting my hair out the way most of the time. I was grateful for that, the knot in my stomach not tightening more thanks to his actions.
“Alright, I can happily announce that you’re completely healed, only the faintest of scars remaining in some places. You wouldn’t even notice them if you didn’t know they were there. Really, Bae-ssi, your healing factor is amazing. Now, any discomfort, pain or anything that I should know about? Have you been alright?” - the human said in a cheerful voice, his chair rolling along the floor as he was searching around for something on his desk.
I hummed in denial, after all, I felt completely fine. Even my throat seemed to have recovered, speech not painful anymore. I still preferred non-verbal communication, much to the dismay of the others.
The human hummed in reply, accepting my answer. But then my vision directed upwards, my eyes staring into Channie’s. He smiled at me, his eyes warm nebulas I could get lost in and I almost did as his thumbs gently went back and forth on my skin.
I heard the wheels on the human’s chair squeak as he rolled back over, but the wolf didn’t let go of my head to let me look. Not even as my sleeve was rolled up, no, his hold on me was firm as he changed position and came to my other side in front of me, pushing my head into his abdomen.
That left a weird feeling in my chest, my heart starting to hammer in its little cage.
And then I felt a stinging sensation in my arm.
My body immediately tensed up, hands flying towards him, desperately trying to push him away by gripping onto his hoodie, even as he tightened his grip on me. But I couldn’t win against him, not when one of my hands was held in place, another sting following the previous one.
My mind was spiralling, taking me back to places I didn’t want to ever go back to.
The fabric on my back was suddenly too thin, as if nothing was there, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed. Feeling the clean air on my skin always meant one thing, the thing I despised the most. I desperately wanted to get out, to push my back against the wall or run away, but they always caught me.
Not my back, please, anything but–
“ –by, baby, you’re okay. It’s over, you’re here with me. Take deep breaths with me, just like I taught you. In, then out. Yes, like that, good job! In, and then, out.” - Channie’s voice entered my ears, drowning out the screams I had heard in my head.
His scent was strong, the dirt and moss overpowering my senses as the picture of white walls and cold lights disintegrated, replaced by darkness as my face was still smushed into his hoodie. A hand was gently carding through my hair, his lips murmuring comforting nothings into my ears. I flicked them in response, my tail swishing once.
I was alright.
In a few short seconds we were out, Channie thanking the human, the latter only smiling and waving at us. I didn’t do much, I only remembered holding the wolf’s hand, following him out the door and towards the others, who smelled a bit worried seeing us.
“What happened?” - it was their human, Jisoo, who asked what was on all their minds. “What we feared was true… The doctor gave him a slight dose of something to help him relax, that’s why he’s a bit out of it now.” - Channie’s hand never left mine, his thumb only stroking gently over my knuckles.
Immediately the others surrounded me, worry oozing out of their every pore. It saddened me, how their scents were sour, the flowers trampled over and the easel knocked over. With every inhale I felt it, my heart cracking in response.
My body finally responded to my calls, letting out a low growl and a whine, letting them know it was okay. They responded within the same heartbeat, chirps and growls entering my ears. Their scents let up a bit, satisfied for now after hearing me.
And I was fine, until I remembered my back was still wide open, the thought itching me wrong.
Thus I walked in front of Jin and picked him up on my back, a surprised yelp leaving his lips in response. He latched onto me, confused, but letting me do my own thing. The others were similar, but they let it go with a small laugh.
I felt safer this way, something primal inside me satisfied for now.
“Alright, we’re here. Let’s take Ji home, even if only for a few weeks, shall we?” - Jisoo said, a smile as he looked at us before opening the door.
The scent of the ocean hit me, my eyes greeted with an excited little squirrel. He bounded over to us, the clothes on him a bit too big for his stature as they practically consumed him alive. His lips were in that heart-shaped smile, his hand waving excitedly as he went over to hug practically everyone. When he was coming towards me, Jin hopped off my back quickly, making me confused and a bit hurt.
“Woah, are you okay? Your pupils are wide open.” - the squirrel rambled out, his eyes wide as they stared into mine.
I blinked and looked away, nodding as I turned towards Jin, wanting an explanation. Instead I felt a weight hit my back, my arms quickly flying up to support the little herbivore that practically flew onto my back. The others panicked, ready to catch him in case I threw him off or anything, but…
I didn’t.
His presence was fine, surprisingly familiar. There was a connection between us, one that reminded me of Jin.
And as he leaned onto my shoulder, our cheeks touching, I finally realised why.
He had that extremely faint smell of clean and antiseptic, making me realise why his colours struck me weirdly. He was like me and Jin, well, like one of us, making my lips curve downwards.
I was hoping I was wrong. I was so, so hopeful…
And yet, here we were, walking through colourful hallways as I was carrying him on my back, silently listening to him and the others converse. They chatted as if it was normal, as if somehow this little squirrel had been the part of the pack all along. They immediately clicked, like puzzle pieces of the same picture.
“How can you guys not be on him all the time? He smells like hot cocoa you drink on a snowy winter day in front of a fireplace, all cosy and bundled up.” “That’s the thing, we are. You just need to use your puppy eyes on Bae and you’ve already won.” - Binnie answered the squirrel’s question, making me whip my head towards him.
They were talking about me AND outing me right under my nose??
“Hey, look, we’re right.” “No more snacks for you.” - I answered the pika, making him whine and fruitlessly beg me to change my mind.
Amidst all that, I smelled a human rushing towards us, its footsteps echoing down the hall. I let out a growl, my stance wide and ready in case of anything. The others immediately quieted down, standing next to or behind me, alert.
Just as it was about to touch Jisoo, I growled once more, the sound frightening the poor thing.
“Uh, s-sorry, but Jisoo-yah, I’ve been looking for you. I know you already have like six hybrids and you just took one in to foster, but I am BEGGING you, take this one puppy with you. He’s constantly causing trouble, pranking us and I’m losing my mind!”
Sorry, what now?
next chapter
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bbokicidal · 1 month ago
skz + sharing
you know what i'm talkin' about. [re-upload from @chvnlix!]
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MDNI (18+) - Sexual Content, Pure Smut, literally no fluff. Just sex.
genre: smut pairing: ot8 [duos] x implied fem!reader warnings: sharing is caring <3
I have to thank one of my LOVELY anons who reblogged a LOT of my work - thank you, angel!! you're doing us all a great service by gathering these so I can repost them for others to see once more <333 hahaha
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chris will share you with any of the boys - after a certain point in your relationship. it starts because of the younger aussie ogling you when you come to visit them during dance practice - and later that night chris found him outside his bedroom mid-fuck, pulling open the door to drag the other man inside and gesture to your bare body on his bed. you're panting, chest heaving and eyes lidded as you stare over at felix. he's choked up with pink cheeks, but only ten minutes later he's throat deep eating your pussy until you're gasping and choking on your tears. chris, ultimately after that, is more than happy to watch and help the others please you the same way he does. felix is more often than not the one popping around when he hears you two fucking, though. (and minho. minho comes along a lot, too.)
minho will share you with hyunjin. the two share the same lookdown on you sexually. you're smaller than them in every way, so they're both more than happy to pin you against the sheets and fuck into you until you're braindead and your eyes are rolling back into your skull. though minho isn't one to just sit back - he needs to be involved, either fucking your face while hyune takes your pussy or sucking marks over your tits while hyune eats you out with your thighs squeezing around his head. and they're absolutely going to take turns flipping you around and holding you down by your throat as they use you like you're nothing but a free use slut.
changbin will share you with jeongin. it's something about watching the youngest of the group fuck a woman who's older - and hearing him call you noona is just too cute. he's more the type to watch while it happens, absolutely in awe at the way you take charge with jeongin but not with him. you'll ride the maknae until he's damn near in tears, the mattress caving each time and bouncing and squeaking under your movements - or you'll sit on jeongin's face and rock your hips back and forth until he's sputtering and drooling and clawing at your thighs for air, which you absolutely won't give him until his ears are pink.
hyunjin will share you with changbin. hyune takes pride in his arms, in his strength and being able to hold you up while he fucks into you - but watching changbin do it is something else. it makes a rouse of jealousy stir in his chest the first time he invites the older man to fuck with you two, but the jealousy just fuels his lust and he ends up being more rough than ever. changbin is happy to kiss over your body and up your throat while hyunjin holds you by the wrists, pounding into you from behind and keeping you sat up on your knees as you whine. only when you're really putty in their hands is when he'll hand you over, knowing he did that to you - put you in that state - before letting changbin pick you up and press your back to the wall to fuck up into you.
jisung will share you with felix. the sunshine twins take pride in being able to take care of you together, and felix loves it so much when jisung hints at letting him in the bedroom with you. he'll sit back at first and let felix worship over your body until you're squirming and begging for one of their cocks - or both - before moving to your side to whisper sweet nothings and join in on the worshipping. jisung'll get more mushy than ever, fucking into you so sweetly and letting felix use your mouth or your hands or whatever he wants, before letting him have his own turn. one at a time, just to be gentle with you. and they'll both cover you in cum and grin when you're giggling, claiming you're not done and want to keep going. (though they're soft now, that doesn't mean there isn't times they'll invite you to the studio during late hours and fuck you on the couch or up against the desk.)
felix will share you with minho. he's more than happy to start things off and get your clothes on the floor before getting to the good stuff - and minho is too impatient to sit back and just watch the entire thing. he'll let you know he wants you by pressing his cock straining in his jeans right up against your hip, caging you between himself and felix while sucking marks all over your skin. he's the type to leave his presence on you - and felix doesn't seem to mind it at all. they'll fuck into you at the same time, either spitroasting or dp if you're down for it - and though felix would be alright with being done whenever, minho is the type to force multiple orgasms from you until he's satisfied. it leads to long, long nights.
seungmin will share you with jisung. it's a different dynamic, the two. seungmin is happy to shove you around and onto the bed, watching you trip over yourself and let him pull your shorts right off you to land a few hard smacks against your ass. he likes to watch you squirm - and so does jisung, of course. but he'll knead at the handprints seungmin left on you and caress over them to soothe the sting. the dynamic is also different in the sense that jisung is a needy lover. he'll rut into you like a rabbit wanting to breed, barely even pulling out before hitting your cervix with the tip of his cock. he refuses to be so far from you, too impatient and wanting to pull out all the way and leaving you moaning loud; choking and gasping and bouncing back and forth against the mattress beneath you. and when seungmin finally gets his turn it'll be the complete opposite - smooth and long strokes that make you whining for him to go just a little faster - which he of course won't listen to.
jeongin will share you with seungmin. mean, mean, mean. rough dominant men that press the side of your face into the wall, holding you by the back of your neck and slapping your ass so hard that your cheeks are pink and burning by the time they're done. the types to chuckle about it all and barely say anything to you the entire time they fuck you, using your throat until it's raw and you're drooling, tears streaking down your cheeks and jaw sore from being slack. jeongin will let seungmin do whatever he wants - use you however he wants, whatever hole, however fast. and he's the type to keep you busy and occupied even when seungmin is fucking into you, one leg thrown over his shoulder while jeongin keeps his index and middle fingers pushing down on your tongue as you stare up at him with tears in your eyes. he'll coo and watch spit pool, sliding down your cheeks while you gag and whine.
© chvnmax [re-uploaded by @ bbokicidal ]
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i-dared-myself · 1 month ago
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Stray Kids x reader
Requested by anonymous: hello, ash! would it be good if i request something, pls? i was thinking of a 9th member au with skz, could you maybe write a compilation of scenarios in which the reader is made uncomfortable and how the guys help her through it? idk if you'll do this, i hope it's not too much!
You love your job, that much you were certain of. You love your fans, as well. You work so hard in every dance and every song.
So when you step out on stage your heart swells in pride to see the thousands of Stays. Knowing that your group went from nothing to this is incredible.
And they’re all here to see you.
Well- not just you. The other members are just as, if not more, important than you. 
But at any given moment, thousands of eyes could be on you.
You had done many concerts before this. You had preformed more times than you could count. It had never bothered you before, and yet here you were.
You stand there in your concert attire, makeup and hair done. You look good and you know it, but what if people online didn’t think so? What if you were being recorded right now because there was a hair out of place?
“Hey.” Felix ducks down, using his body to cover the two of you from the crowd. “What’s going on?”
You force a smile, gripping at your shirt. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
Chan says something into a microphone, and the crowd roars. You make a move to join the others, but Felix’s hand wraps around your wrist gently. He tugs you back to him and looks you in the eyes.
“You look good,” he says simply. He smiles and his freckles scrunch up in the Felix-way that makes you want to grin as well. “We all know that.”
Your voice seems to catch in your throat as you try to respond. You cough. “But… What if I do something wrong?”
“You’re won’t, first of all,” he firmly says. “And secondly, we mess up all the time. Stay still loves us. It makes us human and that’s what they love about us.”
You nod slowly and take a deep breath. “Yeah. The best memes are made when we… Yeah.”
Felix releases you. “Ready?”
You trail after him to the group, smiling as brightly as you can. After a minute it turns into a genuine expression, and you know you love your job.
The concert goes by with very minimal mistakes. You have as much fun as you hope the fans do, and the guys all collapse into a pile next to you when you’re done.
“Gimme,” Hyunjin rasps to Jeongin. The younger man gets the message and hands him his water bottle.
“Good job, everyone,” Chan praises. He stretches out his joints and groans. 
“Getting too old for this?” Seungmin arches an eyebrow teasingly.
Chan scowls and levels a finger at him. “Watch your mouth.”
You’re covered in sweat and feel sticky. You check the time and notice it’s very late. “I want to go shower at the dorms. Are we leaving soon?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” Chan does a head count for some reason before guiding the group to the van. You clamber inside and pull your phone out, wanting to see what everyone thought of the concert.
“You did great,” Minho mutters quietly. His voice is low enough that only you can hear it. 
His words make your stomach tumble. You don’t get told often that you did good. Everything always what you could’ve done better. What someone else could have done better.
You really aren’t in the mood for recording, but you sit patiently as your makeup is applied and your hair is manipulated. You’re given a set of clothes and once you put it on, you exit the changing room and rejoin the others.
“Uh,” Changbin begins, averting his eyes, “that’s an interesting outfit.”
You’re confused, but look down at yourself for the first time after rushing through getting dressed. It’s definitely the most revealing thing you’ve worn for recordings, and you’re not sure if you feel comfortable with that. 
You’re not one to judge those for what you wear, but this is different. This is your job. This is where you’re supposed to be professional, and you have to wear… this.
It has what can only be described as a boob window. You tug it up uncomfortably, before down again when some of your stomach is shown.
The miniskirt is just as bad, to a level where you want to hide. You’re used to having to wear clothing similar to this, but never this bad.
Changbin adjusts his T-shirt. “Uh… Are you good with that?”
You nod.
The stylists know what they’re doing, right?
It would be rude to question them, right?
You walk to Hyunjin’s side and stand in place next to him. The set of instructions for the shoot are given, and all you can focus on is your outfit.
“That’s interesting,” Hyunjin says, unable to hide his disdain. His upper lip curls before he smoothes out his expression. “That’s… Wow.”
“I know.” You swallow and fiddle with the fabric again. “Is it that bad?”
Hyunjin nods. “Yes. Very.”
You curl into yourself, shoulders slumping. “Thanks, Hyunjin.”
“The colour compliments your eyes,” he mutters once he catches the look on your face. Hyunjin hooks an arm over your shoulder to pull you closer to him. “I think you look good.”
“But she’s not comfortable,” Seungmin bluntly says. He gives Hyunjin a dirty look. “Obviously.”
“No! I’m fine!” You wave your hands in a desperate attempt to gather their attention before they went rampaging to the stylists. “They worked hard!”
“Yeah, but do you want people to see you in that?” Seungmin questions. When you falter over a response, he sighs. “Boundaries are important, even at work.”
Hyunjin hums. “He’s right. And that shirt is ugly anyways.”
Jisung approaches, scowling slightly. “Aren’t we starting soon? Where are the others?”
“In a little bit. They’re still finishing preparations.” Jeongin leans down to touch his toes. 
“Hey.” Seungmin pokes Jisung. “Give her your shirt.”
Jisung flinches back, clutching at his torso. “What? Why?”
“She doesn’t like hers.” Hyunjin pinches the material of Jisung’s clothing. “Too much skin.”
“I’m not wearing anything under this shirt.” Jisung winces and rolls out his shoulders. “Do we…”
Jeongin scoffs. “Wow. You’re not going to give her your shirt? You just want to stare at boobs, don’t you? You’re so misogynistic.”
“That’s not what that means.” You press a hand to your forehead. “Jeongin-“
“Fine then!” Jisung huffs. He strips his shirt off and flings it at you, putting his hands on his hips defiantly. “Happy? I love women!”
The staff all stare at him in confusion, while a couple of them shield their eyes with their hands.
“Jisung-“ You hold out his clothes, but Seungmin blocks you.
“Put it on!” Seungmin orders.
“But what about me?” Jisung pouts. “I can’t just be half-naked for the recording.”
“I mean, you could…” Hyunjin trails off. “Stay would love it.”
You step into a changing room, returning with Jisung’s shirt on. You hand him yours, which he struggles to put on. He keeps sticking his arms through the boob window, and Jeongin has to help him dress.
“It’s horrifying,” Hyunjin announces once Jisung is finished. 
“I think you look good,” Felix vaguely says as he walks past. He’s staring at his phone.
“Which one of us?” Jisung puffs out his chest in what’s clearly an attempt to make you smile.
It works.
Felix glances up, eyes widening. “Are you allowed to wear that?”
“They put her in it, so it’s their fault.” Hyunjin shrugs and runs his tongue over his front teeth. “What about the miniskirt?”
“I’m not wearing that!” Jisung hisses. “This is bad enough!”
“Felix!” Hyunjin sings, chasing after the other man. Felix looks back over his shoulder before sprinting away.
So when Chan returns to the group, Changbin following closely behind, he taps his chin.
“The stylists are getting very… unique,” he carefully says. Chan’s eyes flick over Jisung in your shirt, and Felix, who had been wrestled into the miniskirt. 
You frown, wearing Felix’s baggy pants. “Sorry. I can- I can put it back on if you want.”
Chan waves a hand, expression softening. “It’s fine. The camera we needed for the water scene broke anyway. We’re going home.”
Felix grumbles to Changbin about the stupid skirt as they trudge off to the van. Chan catches your arm before you can leave with them.
“And I’ll tell the staff that you aren’t okay with those clothes for filming,” he assures you softly. “Tell us if you’re ever uncomfortable with something, okay?”
“I will,” you promise him.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Long days were normal. Many long days with a lack of sleep were not. Chan usually tried to give everyone enough rest and time to themselves, but the last couple of days had been stressful.
So you find yourself with nine hours of sleep in the last three days. You have no idea how you’re even functioning, let alone cheery enough for a fan meet.
You’re seated across from a girl with curly brown hair. Her gaze keeps darting from your face, down to her lap nervously.
As you uncap your pen, you smile as warmly as you can. Considering the circumstances, that is. The lack of sleep and pure exhaustion were really getting to you.
“I- I saw the clips of your latest concert,” she nervously says. “I- You’re very good.”
“Thank you.” You scribble your signature out on what she wanted before sliding it across the table. “Anything else to sign?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I- You and Felix are close.”
Your tired brain couldn’t tell where she was going with this. So you hum. “Yeah. We are.”
She seems giddy at that. “R-Really?”
“Yeah. We all are.” You look over to your right, where Changbin appears in deep discussion with a fan about… bald eagles?
“But like… Close i-in which way?” She crosses one leg over the other.
You still can’t understand what she’s saying. It’s not wise of an idol to interact with someone and have no clue what’s happening, but here you are.
“Uh, a lot,” is all you respond with. “Do you have a favourite song, or album?”
“But Felix g-grabbed your arm the other day.” Her head ducks down again as her cheeks flush. “I- I saw videos of it.”
“Oh!” Your eyebrows shoot up with the realization. “Um- Have you ever been to one of our concerts before?”
“You l-look happy together.” She ignores your question.
“So… Chk Chk Boom?” you weakly say. “It’s pretty good, right?”
She doesn’t seem to get the hint. “He smiles at y-you often.”
“Did I hear someone talking about me?” Felix teases as he bends down. He props his elbows down on the table, some of his hair falling into his face. 
“What are you doing over here?” you ask in bewilderment. Isn’t he supposed to be doing his own signings?
“I figured you could use the company.” 
Which is code for: You needed help so I’m here.
You relax into your chair, leaning back. “I appreciate it.”
“So what were we chatting about?” Felix asks, more alert than you for some reason. You blame it on the energy drinks he chugged with Jeongin.
The rest of the meeting goes by smoothly. When everyone loads into the van, Changbin makes room for you in the seat next to him.
“You okay?” he gently inquires. 
You nod and let your eyes flutter shut. “Just miss sleeping.”
Changbin chuckles lowly. “Yeah, so do I.”
“Don’t worry, everyone will get their naps,” Chan calls from the front. “Our schedule is free for the next week.”
Jisung whoops, and Hyunjin covers his ears and whines from beside him. 
“That means actually sleeping,” Chan sternly says. “Jisung, I’m talking to you. Don’t binge an entire show in a night.”
Seungmin rolls his eyes. “We all know he’s going to do it anyway.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Minho ominously mutters.
Everyone side-eyes him.
“What are you going to do?” you warily question him. 
Minho’s eyes glint. “That’s for me to know and for him to find out.”
Jisung clears his throat. “I think I’m going to bed early tonight. Anyone else doing the same?”
You shake your head and sigh. “No, I have a live to do.”
The others all murmur their excuses, while Minho narrows his eyes at you. You shift nervously under his gaze.
When you get off to your room, you make sure to brush out your hair. When prop your phone up and sit on your bed, tucking your legs beneath you.
You greet the fans as they come pouring in, making sure to touch on the topic on the fan meeting. You talk for a little bit about how grateful you are for everyone coming, before moving on to just chatting.
It’s always odd doing a live by yourself. There’s no engaging with someone else, and you have to either read off comments, or come up with conversation.
You’re too tired for the latter, so you go with the former.
“Aw, my hair looks nice?” You beam at your phone, reaching up to your head. “Thank you very much.”
You read over a couple more rolls of comments on the screen before settling on another one to respond to. “No, I won’t give you spoilers. Nice try, though.”
You scrunch your nose up and adjust how you’re sitting. Everyone is going on about a new meme of Jeongin falling out of his chair. Some are asking you to recreate it, while others are asking if he’s okay.
“Yes, he’s fine,” you answer breezily. “It takes more than that to hurt him. He’s tougher than he looks.”
And time goes on. Your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, but you don’t want to turn it off. The more content you give them now, the less they’ll talk about you and Felix.
If any shipping gets too popular, you have to do damage control and-
“Hello, Stay!” Minho waves with both hands as he pops into frame. He blinks a couple times as the comments scream his name before his lips curl into a smile.
“What are you doing here?” You scoot over in case he wants to sit with you.
Minho remains standing. “It’s getting late. Do you know what time it is?”
There’s a string of people talking about air fryers, now. Others are warning you to run.
You straighten. “No, sorry. Is it really that late?”
“It’s past midnight,” he scolds gently. “It’s bed time. I already have Jisung sleeping, and it’s your turn.”
“But…” You don’t know how to voice your concerns. It feels as if speaking your worries aloud will make them true.
Minho says the goodbyes to your phone before shutting the live off. He scoops your phone up and slips it into your pocket before lifting you over his shoulder.
“Minho!” you shriek as he marches out the door. “What are you doing?”
“Rumours come with the job,” he says. He bounces you once, cutting off your protests. “The amount of times I’m shipped with Jisung is immense, but we’re fine. These things happen.”
“Yeah, there’s lots of that stuff.” You go limp and let him dump you in the bathroom. As soon as you’re on your feet, he hands you your toothbrush.
“See?” Minho raises an eyebrow. “You’ll be fine. And even if it does get out of hand, I’m sure Hyunjin would be glad to do something to get the attention off you.”
“You’re right,” you say around the toothbrush in your mouth. Minho waits patiently for you to spit into the sink before you’re back in his grasp.
“I don’t see why you made such a big deal about this,” you grumble as you change into pyjamas. His back is to you as you do so. “Why was Jisung so scared?”
He smirks at you, facing you again. “Wanna find out?”
You stare at him momentarily before sliding beneath your sheets. “Good night.”
“Good night.” Minho pulls the blankets up to your chin. He walks to the door, holding up your phone. “You’ll get this back in the morning after a chat with Chan about positive thinking.”
You groan and throw your head against the pillows. “You really are cruel!”
Minho laughs before flicking your lights off. He shuts the door softly.
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hyunjiiza · 10 days ago
hint: lover with a dollar sign | . ᯓ 🍵 ݁‧ ᵔ
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➜ he’s a loser ! ୨୧ skz members and what type of cute loner they’d be . | contents : drug use , fem reader implied ᰋ wc ; 1633 . ꉂ ot8 .ᐟ
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。 ᰋ 𓂃 | i’m not pushing any of these narratives onto them, it’s just dif scenarios i wanted to write them in ! this is a bit of an older work from my other account but i’m moving here so hi
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chan as the 𐔌 stoner loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
shows up to school smelling like weed but no one cares because he does all his work and never causes trouble
you make eye contact with him for the first time in the parking lot while he’s smoking, he falls in love when you smile and wave
turns down everyone that hits on him after that
when he finally musters up the courage to talk to you all he can do is tap your shoulder in the same parking lot he first saw you and ask if you smoke
no matter your answer, he asks to get to know you better
follows you around like a bodyguard after that
never ever lets you carry your own bag and always makes sure you have something to eat for lunch whether he has to pay for you or not
pretty smart in most subjects so you have study dates often because he just likes your presence
won’t smoke around you if you don’t like it
never posts anything besides you and aesthetic pictures he takes
isn’t the type to fight but he will if someone disrespects you, but they back off because of his size before it gets to that point
hyunjin as the 𐔌 artsy loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
has one black pen and one red pen that he abuses every day
pays attention for the most part but occasionally gets distracted doodling in his notebooks
def has drawings all over his hands
the first time he noticed you was in art class and he thought you were so pretty he started drawing you
you glance over and he’s mortified when he realizes he probably looks like a creep
too nervous to go up to you and explain so he leaves you a note with little drawings all over (plus the drawing of you) and a replacement of the pink gel pen he notices you using all the time
gets super nervous when he sees you walking up to him the next day
you ask him to partner up for a project and thank him for the drawing
ends up kissing you at your last project session
asks you out with the most thoughtful basket filled with things you like and a letter with another drawing of you and almost cries when you don’t answer right away
does everything for you after you get together
the art teacher is yalls biggest fan
has no one else to cling to so he’s all over you 24/7
gives nasty glares to men who simply look at you
felix as the 𐔌 fashion design loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
like hyunjin, spends most of his time sketching out designs in his scrap book where he keeps all his miniature fabric samples in
sulks because there’s no fashion club for him to join
is initially drawn to you because of an outfit you wore that he loves
eventually asks where you got your top when you wear it again and his heartstrings pull at the way you answer so sweetly and compliment his hair
after that the two of you gradually got closer and closer
you help him learn to sew and he starts planning marriage then and there (he wants to help design your wedding dress)
sews matching patches on your backpacks
you catch him texting his best friend that lives abroad about you
gets so nervous he cries
you tell him you feel the same way and he cries even harder
just gets even clingier once you end up together
loves kissing you and laying together while he sketches
takes you out whenever you want and spoils you rotten because he has rich parents
matching outfits = fire insta pics
jeongin as the 𐔌 sour patch loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
never talks to anyone so everyone thinks he’s mean but he’s really an angel
your elective teacher makes your class do a secret santa and he gets you
he gives you oddly specific gifts (he has a massive crush on you and overhears you telling your friends your wishlist) and includes a note sweet talking you
you go up to him and thank him with a kiss on the cheek and he turns red
he asks you to hang out and pays for brunch and the cutest pottery painting date
gets the teacher to move you two to sit next to each other
everyone’s a little surprised when they see how he’s so gentle with you
decides he needs to get over himself and ask you out and gets you a pandora charm bracelet and a pretty bouquet of flowers
pampers you with your favorite snacks or meals randomly, refills of makeup you use, randomly does your homework for you
flips off ur exes and flexes on them when you aren’t looking then turns around to kiss you
is at your house 24/7 because he can’t breathe without you but is supportive when you go out with your friends or need a solo day
loves going to the beach with you and carrying you so your feet don’t get sandy
jisung as the 𐔌 nerdy loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
has good grades and the teachers remember his name because his work is always on time
eats alone in the library because he has no one to sit with
you walk in on him while picking up a book you need and he’s super embarrassed (he’s had a crush on you since middle school)
you ask to sit with him because you think he’s cute and he trips over his words answering you
you spend lunch with him every day after that and he starts packing a lunch for you too
accidentally confesses he has a fat crush on you when you ask if he has a girlfriend
he starts rambling after and shuts up when he notices you’re giggling at him
you kiss him and he swears his lifelong dream has come true
is the sweetest boyfriend ever
does all your homework for you and insists it’s really no problem
drives you to and from school every day because “that’s what boyfriends are for”
never looks at anyone but you and writes down threats and shoves them in guys lockers when they hit on you
minho as the 𐔌 gym loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
purposefully gets his free period after his weightlifting class so he can spend two periods working out
isn’t really shy, just doesn’t like anyone enough to have friends
girls check him out occasionally but he always ignores them
catches you freaking out when you have no clothes to change in and offers you his shirt because he thinks you’re cute
uses that as an excuse to mess with you
“if i can bench your weight you owe me a date”
spoiler, he can.
makes sure to tell you you don’t really owe him anything and he’s just messing with you
you agree to the date and he picks you up and takes you on a surprisingly thoughtful date
drive around town, food and watching the sunset, takes your pictures next to pretty flowers and keeps his arm around you the whole time
asks you if you really have to go when he’s dropping you off
walks you to your door and gives you a hug (he’s never dated anyone and too scared to kiss you)
texts you that he had a really good time and he would “work to make you his”
it doesn’t take much work and he kisses you right after he asks you to be his
is way too proud of his build and wears sleeveless shirts just to scare anyone that looks at you
carries you around any chance he gets
seungmin as the 𐔌 music lover loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
walks around with his headphones in 24/7
hums to himself quietly while he studies
you ask him about a song he was humming and he’s surprised you were talking to him
you think he hates you till he smiles at you when you walk into class
makes you a playlist to make his move on you
doesn’t know how to tell you he likes you at all so he just kinda teases you to flirt with you
takes you to a record store at lunch because he wanted to show you the spot
stares at you a little too hard so you ask him if he wants a kiss as a joke
says yes and moves your hair out of your face, you guys have a make out sesh and only stop when the owner clears his throat awkwardly at the both of you
you make him go back inside alone and buy you the vinyl you want
he comes back out with it and 5 more that you didn’t wanna ask for but knows you wanted anyway
you skip the rest of the day and go to his house and use his record player
you fall asleep on him and he takes 0.5s of you
shares his headphones with you, but doesn’t share his food (until you make a sad face at him and he gives in instantly. works every time.)
changbin as the 𐔌 sweetheart loner .ᐟ ˚ ੭
all of his professors adore him, all the school staff does at this point
has the maximum hours of community service that he can have but won’t stop helping around where he can
notices you from the start because he thinks you’re pretty, but really starts liking you when he sees you volunteer at an elementary school
accidentally scares you coming up behind you when you’re hanging a banner
you guys start helping at the same places and make a tradition of hanging up banners together
after a while he figures he might as well just tell you how he feels, is elated when you hug him and tell him the feelings mutual
confesses that he was actually really nervous and gets flustered when you tease him about it because he thinks you’re the prettiest
when you ask why he never hangs out with anyone he says he doesn’t like people with unpure hearts and that’s why he loves you so much
definitely takes you out and buys you guys matching stuff
married couple
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. ᯓ 🍵 ݁‧ ᵔ | @0sunshinecryptid0 @jinnieboosworld @lixies-favorite-cookie @zelinkcrossing @hwanqluvs @hyunjiiza @hyunnisa @eastjonowhere @nxtt2-u @pixie-felix @smlbch @tricky-ritz @yaniluvs @pigeonseatmayo @transparentheartcollection | [༝༚] @hyunjiiza 1:37 am
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lixies-favorite-cookie · 6 months ago
Skz as red flags
Chan, who professes his undying love—even after a week of radio silence.
Minho, who becomes concerningly aggressive every time you have a minor dispute.
Changbin, who begs you to join him at the gym, only to nit-pick every little detail once you do.
Hyunjin, who dramatizes his every move—especially when he accuses you of cheating.
Han, who is so insecure about your relationship that he cries when you go out and won't stop texting you until you come home.
Felix, who is so anxious about confrontation that he just can't defend you in groups; you're fine with that, until a group of guys keeps hitting on you, and Felix isn't doing anything.
Seungmin, who completely ignores you for days, even weeks, after an argument—just because he believes he's right.
Jeongin, who is unwilling to compromise on your need for skinship—and his lack thereof.
little a/n just in case... yall this is just something silly I posted okay please don't take anything too seriously 😭
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sheerfreesia007 · 7 months ago
Mouth To Mouth
Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Word count: 2,473
Content warnings: Fluff
Summary: Lee Know is not a fan of the water, it’s a known fact in your group of friends. What happens when he pushes himself to enjoy the pool all because of that delicious bikini you’re wearing?
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Hyunjin screamed as Changbin grabbed him around the waist and lifted him high above the water before slamming him back into the water. Lee Know stared at them as his top lip curled slightly with distaste while watching as the pool water splashed all the way out of the pool and onto the pool deck near the lounge chair that he was laying on. Chan had decided that because it had been such high temperatures lately that they all needed to cool off at the pool much to Lee Know’s displeasure. 
While the other boys had been more than happy to go to the pool Lee Know, who didn’t know how to swim would be perfectly fine by just sunning himself on the lounge chairs. And once they had all gotten to the pool that’s what he had done, he had set up camp on the plushiest lounge chair and moved the umbrella to the perfect position to allow just enough sunlight onto the chair that wouldn’t bother him as he relaxed. Finally when he had the Bluetooth speaker set up playing upbeat songs and everything was to his liking he laid back on the lounge chair softly shut his eyes behind his dark sunglasses before he let himself relax in the streaming warm sunlight feeling the warmth start to make his limbs turn into jelly.
Just as he was beginning to doze off he heard the door for the locker rooms open and shut once more causing him to turn his head lazily towards the sound to see who would interrupt their peace. His eyes widened behind his sunglasses as he spotted you striding along the pool deck in front of the lounge chairs as the boys all began cheering your name when they spotted you. Lee Know watched silently behind his sunglasses as you grinned at the boys in the pool and waved at them as your own dark sunglasses sat perched perfectly on your face. Seungmin and Jeongin began trailing you through the water as you kept walking towards Lee Know as you laughed at their antics. His eyes darted up and down your body feeling an entirely different warmth start to fill him making him shift on the chair. You were wearing a flowy floral print baggy cover up that hid your body from his view but your bare legs made his mouth water before he bit his bottom lip when he spotted your platform sandals on your feet. You looked so sexy in your pool outfit that it was nearly distracting to him but because his sunglasses were so dark he didn’t have to worry about you catching him staring at you thankfully. He was able to look his fill of you without you being the wiser. When you came to a stop next to his lounge chair you grinned down at him before setting your tote bag down on the lounge chair next to his.
“Hi Lee Know! Not swimming today?” you asked him pleasantly as you slipped your sunglasses off your face and tossed them into your bag.
“I can’t swim Jagi.” he reminded you and you furrowed your brow at him for a moment concerned at his words.
“Oh, I forgot about that. Sorry.” you said softly sounding dejected and Lee Know instantly wanted to take his words back since they caused you worry. He had been smitten with you ever since Han had introduced you to the group almost a year ago stating that you had met him at a Studio Ghibli convention. You had easily joined the group with how laid back you were in nature always going along with the flow of the group helping balance out all the high energy boys. It had been about a month into knowing you that he knew he was attracted to you and only two months into knowing you that he knew he had already fallen hard for you. There were so many sides to you and Lee Know loved slowly discovering all of them while he spent time with you. Like now, you looked so worried about the fact that he couldn’t swim that your forehead was wrinkled cutely with your concern that he felt the biggest urge to place a kiss there to ease your concern. But he wouldn’t do that, he wasn’t sure if you would appreciate that or would deny his affection for you. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you, especially if you would tell him that you didn’t feel the same way about him as he does you.
“I’m more than happy to laze about and take a cat nap up here.” he reassured you and you chuckled softly at his words causing his heart to thud heavily in his chest. You were so pretty on any regular day but when you smiled or laughed it was like you shone from within for him. He loved pulling smiles and happy laughs from you, it became like a game or competition for him to see how many he could pull from you in one hang out. Once he had gotten up to twenty smiles and nine laughs in one night and he had gone to bed on cloud nine that night after making you laugh so hard that you had to lean into his side to keep yourself upright on the couch he shared with you.
“Well if you want to come swim with us, just come find me. I’ll make sure you’re okay in there.” you tell him kindly and he smiles widely at your concern for him. He then watches with bated breath as you reach down to the hem of your cover up and pull it slowly up your body slowly revealing your body to him. The way you sensually move in front of him makes his breath stutter in his chest as his eyes drink in the show that you’re giving him. Your bare thighs catch his attention first, the expanse of delicious skin has him salivating and Lee Know shifts in his seat as he tries to drag his eyes away from you. But as you drag your cover up slowly up your body his eyes are right back zeroed in on your body. He bites his bottom lip when he watches your pretty mint floral bikini bottom is revealed to him. You just look so stunning in the pretty bikini that he can’t keep his eyes off you, but soon your stomach is revealed to him and he feels his eyes widen slightly as he spots a very intricate moon tattoo decorating one side of your torso while a sparkling moon belly button piercing twinkles in the sunlight. His mind is still short circuiting about your tattoo and belly button piercing when you finally slip the cover up off your body revealing the bikini top that covers your chest. He’s melting into the lounge chair now as he sees the full picture that is your body and he’s not okay right now.
Lee Know’s reaction to seeing your bikini is nearly visceral as he jerks with the almost insatiable urge to lunge for you. He wants to wrap his arms around your body and pull you close so that you’re flush against his hard eager body as he devours you with his mouth. His eyes are dancing up and down your body trying to soak all of it in as much as he can but soon you’re turning from him to face the pool and he feels as if the sun has been hidden behind dark clouds. There’s no longer any warmth as he watches you stride to the pool and excitedly jump into the pool as Seungmin and Jeongin cheer loudly.
Scoffing softly at how easily you fall into the excitement of the pool day with the boys he keeps his eyes trained on you never wanting to stop looking. He watches as you move through the water greeting each of the boys and swimming around with Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin a little bit. Jealousy rises swiftly within him as he watches you sidle up to Han as he leans against the side of the pool and without even thinking he’s standing from his lounge chair and moving to the edge of the pool. He quickly sits and slips his legs into the water grimacing slightly but when he hears your soft laughter from across the pool his eyes dart over to you to see you and Han getting splashed by Hyunjin as he rushes after a fleeing Felix and Jeongin.
He watches surprised as you look over at him with a shocked happy look on your face before you swim over to stand in front of his legs. You’re smiling up at him as he slowly slides into the pool and feels his chest tighten with desire for you as his eyes darts down your body. His mouth waters as he watches water droplets race down your skin to the material of your bikini, what he wouldn’t do to chase those droplets with his tongue. He flinches slightly when Chan and Changbin begin splashing each other not far from him and you step closer to him gently grabbing onto his arm before pulling away from the fighting boys. He stares at your sweet smile as you guide him over to the steps of the pool and you lounge back on them before looking at him expectantly and he does the same taking a spot next to you.
”Are you okay?” You ask him sweetly and he smirks softly before nodding his head. He’s loving having all of your attention on him and he scoots closer to you on the step that you’re sharing.
”I’m okay Jagi.” He says softly while leaning towards you to speak to you. “Besides you’re here with me just in case.” He watches as your cheeks flush lightly with how close he is to you and he feels his heart begin to race. Are you blushing because of how close he is to you? Are you affected by his proximity? He can feel himself start to grow excited with the possibilities when suddenly Seungmin calls out for you causing you to turn your head to him. Lee Know scowls softly at the younger man who smirks at him knowingly before he starts waving you over to him and Jeongin. You move to get up but Lee Know quickly reaches out to you and grabs your hand which causes you to look back at him concerned for a moment before you smile softly at him.
”C’mon Lee Know, Seungmin and Jeongin want to have a race.” You tell him happily before moving closer to him. “Be the judge of the race for us. I promise you’ll be fine.” You reassure him and he smiles at your naivety of the situation before he nods his head and follows after you through the water towards the younger boys. Seungmin scoffs softly at his presence and Lee Know glares at him heatedly.
”So two laps from one end to the other.” Seungmin proudly announces and Lee Know slowly lets go of your hand as he leans against the pool wall as you eagerly nod your head at Seungmin’s rules for the race. You, Seungmin, and Jeongin all move to get into formation as Lee Know watches at the side of the pool with his hand raised. He watches as your eyes dart over to his before you wink cheekily at him just as he yells out for the three of you to begin.
Lee Know watches as you easily begin to swim through the water, his eyes watch you avidly as your body slices through the water. He can see your lean muscles moving under your skin as you propel your body through the water quickly. Seungmin has a bit of a lead on you as Jeongin keeps pace with you but suddenly you’re pulling ahead of Seungmin as your legs kick faster giving you that extra bit of speed.
He’s so focused on watching you that he doesn’t hear Chan and Changbin behind him wrestling in the water. Suddenly he’s being knocked into the water and their wrestling forces him below the water. His body twists and turns until he’s dizzy as his mouth opens sucking in some water. He begins to panic as his lungs protest with the swallowed water, his vision starts to black around the edges before he feels arms wrap around his torso and begin to tug him up towards the surface.
There’s shouting and Lee Know still feels dizzy as he’s lifted out of the pool and laid on the pool deck. He coughs up the water before laying back on the ground and feels shadows dance across his shut eyelids as his hearing comes into focus.
”Get out of the way Han!” You cry out sounding worried and suddenly all the sun is blocked out from his eyelids. “Lee Know! Lee Know, wake up! Shit!” You call out while shaking his shoulders but Lee Know gives himself a moment to gather his bearings before he hears other voices call out.
”Is he okay?!” Cries out Felix worriedly from his side and Lee Know flinches at how loud he sounds.
”I don’t know Felix, he’s not waking up. I think I have to give him mouth to mouth. He has a pulse but I don’t think he’s breathing.” You respond urgently and Lee Know feels as if his soul has left his body at the idea of you placing your lips to his. Your fingers press under his chin and tilt his head back before your fingers come up and pinch his nose closed. Lee Know flutters his eyes open and stares up at the worried faces of his friends who all gasp as their eyes widen at seeing him perfectly fine. 
He then shuts his eyes as you lean over him and he feels your lips press against his. He groans loudly at the feeling before he reaches up and cups the back of your head to keep you pressed to his mouth as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You squeal and pull back in shock, Lee Know guiltily stares up into your shocked eyes before they narrow slightly and a smirk slips onto your face.
”If you wanted to kiss me all you had to do was ask like a normal person.” You grumble out to him before leaning back towards him cupping his face before your mouth slants against his once more. Lee Know groans loudly once more as he kisses you back and all of his friends all grumble and make gagging noises as Lee Know flips them off while he continues kissing you.                                   
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samanthacastano02 · 7 days ago
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He calls you clingy - Bang Chan
Bang Chan x FemReader
Trigger Warnings: Cussing, sickness, hospitalization, angry Chan, angry skz (at Chan), protective Hannah, medical inaccuracy, throwing up, surgery, probably more. 
Word Count: 6.6k 
Summary: You have been dating Chan for two years, you were on tour with him and were in Australia with him. You had been feeling sick but didn’t know why, you had gone to Chan for comfort but he got angry at you and called you clingy. When you start to feel more sick you don’t go to him for help, but end up going to Hannah. It’s not until you end up in the hospital that Chan realizes that something is seriously wrong. Will things be ok between the two of you or will things be over for good? 
Lee Know | Seo Changbin | Hwang Hyunjin | Han Jisung | Lee Felix | Kim Seungmin | Yang Jeongin |
Screenshot Count: 9
Photo's not mine (Except for texting screenshots), credit goes to photographers
I had met Chan three years ago but had been dating him for two years. Those have been the best two years of my life. He has been so sweet and caring, always taking care of my needs and wanting to make sure I’m happy. I loved him with all of my heart and I knew that he felt the same, but recently he had been super stressed because the company had been on his ass because of their upcoming comeback and their upcoming tour. I was doing my best to support him and be there for him in any way that I can, I made sure to help keep his and Innie’s dorm room clean, I made sure to cook for the boys so that they had good and healthy meals and I tried to make sure that Channie got as much sleep as he could. 
Their tour had started back in August and they were all super stressed, thanks to my job I was able to travel around with them. I was staying out of the way as much as I could so that I didn’t add even more stress to Chan, I knew how stressful touring could be for him and he didn’t need the stress of his girlfriend added onto the stress of tour and managing seven other guys. I knew that he was looking forward to seeing his family when they were in Australia. I had only ever met his family once, and from what I could tell they liked me but I still wanted them to actually like me because one day I wanted to marry their son. The one good thing is that Hannah, his younger sister absolutely adored me and she and I talked almost every day. 
When she heard that I would be joining them in Australia she was over the moon, threatening to steal me from Chan the entire time. I laughed at that, Chan did as well but it didn’t seem like his normal laugh and I didn’t know how to feel about it. He seemed more agitated than normal and I didn’t know what to do about that. I didn’t want to over step because I knew that this was his space and his element because he’s been on tour before. I’m hoping that once Channie gets to see his family he’ll be better because I know that he hasn’t seen them in forever and I also know that he misses them. 
In Australia: 
I can tell that Chan is in a little bit of a better mood with the knowledge that he’ll get to see his family in a few hours. I'm also excited because I’ll get to see them again and I’ll get to see Hannah, and she’s been begging for me to come visit her even if Chan couldn’t come with me. After the boys all got set up and comfortable at the house the company rented for them, Chan and I were able to go and visit his family. I was super excited but it almost seemed like Chan was annoyed that I was going with him. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but I didn’t want to upset him at the same time. 
“Channie, are you excited to see your family?” I ask Chan as he drives him and I to his parents house.
“Yeah I am. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten to see them.”
“I’m sure that they are just as excited to see you.”
“Yea.” His response was shorter than I expected, we didn’t talk for the rest of the drive. 
When we arrived at his parents house, they were already waiting outside for us, waiting to greet us with open arms. I waited off to the side while he greeted his parents, watching as he finally got to see his family. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I watched the happy reunion, when he finally let go of his parents they made their way over to me and gave me the tightest hug ever. Before I could even turn around I could hear Hannah yelling my name as she was running towards me, I barely had time to prepare myself as she was barreling into me. 
“Y/n, you’re finally here!!” Hannah yells, hugging me.
“Hi, Hannah. It’s so good to finally see you again.” “We are so hanging out while you are here. Forget about my brother.” 
“Do I even get a hug?” Chan asks, pretending to be offended, or I hope that he’s pretending to be offended 
“Of course you do, I just had to give my favorite girl a hug.” Hannah answers her brother as she gives him a hug. 
“While you two are staying with us, you guys can stay in Chris’s old childhood bedroom. We made sure it was all set up and ready for you.” Chris’s mom mentioned when the hello’s were all said and done.
“Aw, thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” I respond to Jessica as she leads us into the house. 
After we got settled in and had dinner we all had settled into the living room, Chan was on the floor getting some love from Berry. I was sneakily getting some photos of it, he was having the time of his life finally getting to be with her and I could tell that she was also excited to see him. As it got later, I could tell that Chan wasn’t ready for bed but I was getting tired so I kissed him on the head before heading up to his room. I ignored it when he slightly pulled away from the kiss, ever since we left Korea, he had been acting so weird and I didn’t know why or what to do about it but I didn’t want to mention anything while we were with his family. 
I don’t know what time Chan came to bed but I woke up in the middle of the night to him holding me, I felt cramping in my stomach and was super nauseous. I worked slowly to crawl out of the bed so that I didn’t wake up Chan, once I was out of the bed I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I don’t know how long I was in there before slowly making my way back into Chan’s room, when I got back into bed Chan rolled over and pulled me back into him. 
“You were gone for a minute, are you feeling ok?” He asked, slightly concerned.
“Yeah, I think so. I didn’t feel good, but I feel better now.”
“Do you need anything from me?” He wakes up slightly more.
“No, I think I’m ok. If I need anything I’ll get it.”
“No love, if you need anything please tell me.” “Alright, alright. If I need anything I will tell you.” 
“Thank you.”
The next morning, when I woke up I still felt sick but I didn’t want to ruin Chan’s concert and I also didn’t want to worry him. So I did my best to hide the amount of pain that I was in, but as the day progressed and we got closer to having to leave for the concert the pain got even worse. I didn’t know what was wrong and it was starting to scare me, I knew that I should say something but I couldn’t. I couldn’t take the attention off of Chan, it was his moment, it was his day and my needs could wait until after the concert. If things got to be too bad, I could always leave early and go to the ER on my own. I didn’t need to worry Chan when he should be spending time with his family. While waiting for things to get ready, I tried to find comfort by cuddling with Chan. Any time that he needed to go and do something I would follow him, wanting his warmth and comfort, especially when I don’t feel good. But after a while, it seemed that he got tired of the fact that I was so attached to him, following him everywhere and not giving him the space that he wanted. He ended up pulling me to the side, away from the guys and his family. 
“What is going on with you today?” Chan asked me as soon as we were alone.
“What do you mean?”
“You have been attached to my hip all day, I get you didn’t feel good last night but jesus. I have not had a minute to breathe.”
“I’m sorry.” “You have been up my ass all day, I need space.”
“I’m sorry Channie, I just haven’t felt good. You make me comfy so I went to you for comfort, I didn’t mean to overwhelm you.”
“There is a difference between wanting comfort from me y/n and being clingy, and dammit y/n you are being so damn clingy. It’s making me question why the fuck I even asked you to come on this tour in the first place.” 
“I mean seriously y/n. You are always there. I don’t think there has gone a day where I haven’t seen you since this fucking tour started, I know you said you were somewhat clingy when we first started dating but this is a whole different level of clingy.”
“Chris, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be clingy.”
“Just give me some fucking space.” I go to respond but I feel a sharp shooting pain in my right side, the kind of pain that takes my breath away and I don’t have the chance to even respond to Chan before he’s walking out of the room. 
I don’t try to call out to him because I know that it’ll just anger him even more and I don’t want to make him even more angry before he has to perform. Tears well up in my eyes and I’m left struggling to find my way to a place to sit down, I don’t hear anyone enter the room. I stumble trying to make it to where I know there’s a couch, I feel hands on my arms helping me to the couch. The tears are streaming down my cheeks so hard and fast now that I can’t make out who it was that helped me, until they speak to me asking if I was ok and if I needed anything. 
“Y/nnie, are you ok?” Felix’s deep but comforting voice sounded from my right side. I tried to respond but the pain was so bad that all I could do was sob. 
“Felix, I really think that we need to get Channie Hyung.” Han’s voice sounds from my left.
“NO, please don’t bother him.” I panic when I hear that they want to get Chan.
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Why don’t you want us to get him? Why are you crying so hard?” Felix asks, sounding even more worried. 
“H-he and I-I got into a huge fight and I don’t want to cause him any more trouble. P-please don’t bother him. I’ll be ok.” 
“Y/n, I’ve never seen you cry this hard. It’s scaring me.” Han says as he rubs my back.
“I just have some cramping. That time of the month must have come sooner than I thought, it caught me off guard. I’ll be ok, boys, I promise.” I try to reassure them.
“Alright y/nnie, I’ll believe you but if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask either of us for help, ok?” Felix says, making sure that I know I can ask him for help.
“I know, now go. You guys have to go on soon. I’m just going to lay down here for a while, maybe take a nap and see how I feel about half way through the concert.” “Alright, if we can’t help, don’t hesitate to ask one of the staff for help. They’ll be able to either help you or get one of us to be able to help you.” ‘Alright, I promise that if I need help for any reason I will either ask the staff or you two for help, ok.” I say, still crying pretty heavily.
“Get some rest y/nnie.” both Felix and Han say as they walk out of the room. 
I lay down, still crying, I don’t know how long I was laying down but at some point I must have fallen asleep because soon I woke up in even more pain than I was in before. All of it was centralized on my right side, I cried out in pain, feeling like I was going to pass out from the pain. Through the waves of pain I texted the one person I could think of who might be able to help me right now, because as much as I wanted to ask the staff or the boys I knew that they were all busy with the concert and I wasn’t about to do anything to piss Chan off anymore than he already was. Through blurred vision I texted Hannah. 
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I listen to Hannah and text Han to see if he can help me to the back entrance of the stadium so that Hannah doesn’t have to worry about security. Thankfully when I text him, he responds right away. 
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Before another response comes in from Han he’s bursting into the room and he looks concerned and terrified. I try to reassure him that I’m ok but another wave of pain hits me and I try to keep the tears from falling. But it doesn’t work, Han doesn’t say anything and rushes out of the room. I don’t try to call after him, when he returns he has Chan in tow, if I wasn’t in so much pain I would have cringed at the fact that he went and got Chan. 
“What’s wrong now?” Chan asks, clearly upset about the fact that I’m crying. 
“Chan, I’m sorry that Han went and got you. It’s nothing to worry about, go back and watch the boys perform.” I grit out through the pain, tears still streaming down my face. 
“Well I’m here now, so why did Han come get me in a panic?” 
“I told him not to, he didn’t need to bother you Chan. I’m sorry that he bothered you Chan.”
“Jesus Christ y/n, will you just tell me why the fuck you are crying and why Han came to get me.” I jump slightly at his angry tone.
“Chan Hyung, calm down. There’s no need to get angry at her.” Han tries to defend me, but it just makes Chan even more angry.
“Fuck y/n, I asked for space and you couldn’t even give me that. You just had to get the boys involved.” 
“Chan she didn’t get me involved, it’s clear that she’s in pain.” Han tries to reason with Chan. 
“Whatever, unless it’s life threatening I’m going to go watch the boys perform. Y/n I’ll deal with you later, because for some reason you cannot find it in yourself to not be clingy for half a night.”
“Chan, what the fuck.” Han looks at Chan mortified. 
“Han, mind your manners.”
“Not when you speak to your girlfriend like that.”
“I am your Hyung, you will show respect.”
“And she is your girlfriend and you aren’t showing her any respect. So fuck you, Chris, leave. I will help your girlfriend. She doesn’t need whatever negative energy you have right now.” Han ignored Chan as he walked over to me, helping me stand but when a wave of pain caused my legs to buckle he lifted me and carried me out of the room, towards the back of the arena where we would wait for Hannah until she got here. 
While we waited, Han tried his best to help alleviate the pain but it didn’t do much. I was in so much pain now that I was sobbing, staff around us were concerned about what was going on but didn’t ask and Han didn’t offer up any reason as to why I was sobbing so hard. When Hannah finally pulled up, he immediately got me into her front seat, telling her to break as many traffic laws as possible, call ahead and explain what was happening because something was seriously wrong and I needed to get to the ER as soon as possible. As soon as he saw Hannah and I drive away he was rushing back inside to confront Chan, and let the others know about what had happened. 
Han’s POV:
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Once I texted the groupchat, I walked around the backstage area until I found where Chan Hyung was. I don’t know what happened between him and his girlfriend but I don’t care what it was, it doesn’t give him the right to ever treat his girlfriend the way that he did. He said that we should always treat the people we care about with respect and the way he treated her was not with respect. When I finally find him, he’s at the drink cooler getting a water, I can tell that he’s still angry and honestly at this point I’m glad that he is because fuck him for how he treated y/n. She is an angel and has done nothing but love him and that’s how he treated her? Fuck that, he doesn’t get to get away with that, even if he is my Hyung. When he spots me, I can see the anger return to his eyes ten fold. 
“Han, we need to talk. Now.” He gestures to the room where y/n had been resting.
“Yes, we do.” I follow him into the room, leaving the door open enough for someone to hear in case someone passes by. I don’t think Chan would ever hurt me but still. 
“What the fuck was that? Disrespecting me in front of my girlfriend?”
“Chan Hyung, respect goes both ways. Y/n couldn’t stand up for herself at the time and you were disrespecting her.”
“It is not your place to decide whether or not I was respecting her or not.”
“She was in obvious pain and you were yelling at her.” 
“She was being dramatic to get you on her side because of our fight.”
“No Chris, no she wasn’t.” “Han, I will not say it again. Watch your manners. She was acting, she has been so fucking clingy this entire tour and then today it has been ten times worse, I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t do anything without her being right fucking there.” “She was in pain, Chris. She went to you for comfort and you called her Clingy.” “Chan Hyung called y/nnie clingy?” Minho asks from the doorway, having just finished his solo.
“Yes. I was in here to bring her out back so that Hannah could pick her up. I was worried because she mentioned going to the ER so I went to get Chan Hyung and he walked in talking about how he asked for space and how she couldn’t even give him that and that she was clingy.” I explain to Minho, forgetting that I hadn’t told Chan that y/n was going to the ER. 
“Y/nnie is going to the ER?” Minho asks worried about y/n’s health.
“Y/n called my fucking sister?” Chan asks, angry that y/n bothered his sister.
“She was in so much pain Minho Hyung that I had to carry her out to Hannah’s car, her legs buckled from the pain.” I respond to Minho, ignoring Chan completely.
“She’s fucking acting to get attention. Because I wouldn’t give her attention, she’s trying to get attention from everyone else.” Chan tries to cut in, I go to respond but Minho, usually respectful of Chan but extremely protective of y/n answers before I can. 
“Chan Hyung, kindly shut the fuck up. When in your entire relationship has y/n ever acted out in an attempt to get someone’s attention? When has she ever acted this way?” Minho asks Chan angrily. Chan, shocked that Minho talked to him this way, doesn't know how to respond, so he just walks out of the room. Minho, worried about y/n, creates a groupchat with everyone but Chan so that the others are aware of what’s going on.
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As I’m about to go back onto stage, and before I hand my phone over to one of the managers, I get a message from Hannah that makes my stomach drop to my feet 
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Your POV:
Hannah had called ahead to the hospital, letting them know that we were coming and what my symptoms were. When we got there they were waiting for me with a gurney, they didn’t wait for Hannah, they rushed me back into the ER. I was in so much pain now that I didn’t even know what was happening to me, so out of it that I could barely respond to the questions that they were asking me. Finally they allowed Hannah to come back into the room with me and she was able to answer some of the questions for me. When they took me for some of the tests, she was able to answer any of the unanswered text messages from the guys. There were none from Chan, and that pissed her off. They started an iv on me and soon were taking me off to get a ct scan, because all of the symptoms that I had given them sounded like I had appendicitis and they were worried that my appendix had ruptured. They never ended up taking me back into the emergency room, room that they had me in initially, they had to take me into emergency surgery because when they looked at the ct they saw that my appendix had ruptured and was leaking toxins into my body. While they prepared me for surgery they went back into the room where Hannah was and explained to her what was happening.
Hannah’s POV:
While y/n had gone to get her ct, I tried my best to respond to any messages that she had gotten from any of the guys. It was maybe 20 minutes later when the nurse came back into the room, without y/n. I tried to look around for her but I couldn’t see her, and the nurse looked concerned. 
“Where’s y/n?” I asked the nurse.
“Y/n is being prepped for surgery.”
“What?” “When we got the results of her CT scan, it showed that her appendix had ruptured.” “Oh god.” “If she had waited any longer to come in, things could have been much worse for her. She’s not out of the woods yet, but her odds are a little bit better now.” “Thank you for letting me know. Should I wait here for her to get out of surgery, or is there somewhere else?”
“Because it ruptured, she will have to stay overnight for observation. So I will take you to her hospital room.” “Thank you.” “Of course, just follow me.”
I get up and follow her, worried about y/n and what will happen to her and wondering if Chan knew about what was happening. I let Han know, so I knew that he would let the others know, but I knew that I should probably text my brother. Just let him know that his girlfriend was here and that she was in surgery. But when I went to text him, I already had a text from him and it was not what I was expecting. 
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I don’t respond to any more of his texts because soon, they bring y/n back in from her surgery. She’s still out and they mention that she might still be out for a while due to the pain meds that they have her on, I let the others know that she was out of surgery and then put my phone away so that I could focus my attention on y/n. I wanted to be aware in case she woke up and needed me for anything, I also knew that the boys would let Chan know and would get here on their own. 
Bang Chan’s POV: 
I was putting away my gear for tonight's concert when I.N came up to me, he looked concerned and almost worried about the fact that he was going to have to talk to me. I stopped what I was doing so that I could give him my full attention, I hadn’t checked my phone since my last conversation with Han. 
“Channie Hyung, have you checked your phone recently?”
“No, why?” “Hannah, has been trying to text you.” “She has?” “It’s about y/n.” “Jesus, not this again.” “Chan, I respect you but this is getting out of hand. Why are you treating y/n this way? If you are so sick and tired of her, why not just end things? Why continue to get annoyed with her, and treat her the way that you have been?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you not see the way that you have been treating her?” “No? I haven’t been treating her any differently than I do when we are home.” I look at I.n confused.
“Yes you do. You get annoyed with her super easily, you don’t want to spend as much time with her, you try to spend as much time away from her as possible now.”
“That’s not true.” “But it is Chan. You have gotten annoyed with her for every little thing, she has begun to distance herself from the group Chan.” 
“I haven’t been doing that, have I?” “Chan, you know I respect you as a leader. But if you continue to treat y/n like this, you are going to lose her, if you haven’t already. This might have been her final straw.”
“That can’t be true.” “You need to try to make it up to her before she gets out of the hospital. So go, we will finish up here.” “Thank you, Innie. I owe you one.”
“No, you owe the guys one because they only sent me because they know you have a soft spot for me. If I had it my way, you would be cleaning up on your own while we went to see her.” “You're really pissed with me aren’t you.” “Yeah, I am. You disrespected Mom. She has done so much for you and this group and this is how you repaid her. She didn’t deserve this, you’ll be lucky if she stays with your dumbass. You also owe an apology to Han and Minho Hyung who tried to get it into your thick head that you were being an ass and you disrespected them and pulled the leader card on them.” “Your right Innie, I do owe them an apology. And once I get my girl back, I will give them a huge apology.” “Good, now go get your girl.”
I don’t respond to innie and instead run out to one of the cars that we had rented. Rushing to one of the 24 hour marts that were close to the hospital that y/n was at, before rushing to y/n. I didn’t want to show up empty handed. I knew that Hannah was upset with me and she had every right to be upset with me, y/n had an even bigger reason to be upset with me. I was an ass to her and when she came to me for comfort, I turned her away and called her clingy. God, how could I have called her clingy? She is the least clingy person that I know and I had the audacity to call her clingy. 
When I got to the hospital after stopping by the store, I ran up to her room as quickly as I could. Before I could enter her room, Hannah stopped me. I could tell that she was not happy with me, she must have been talking with the others and they must have told her what happened. 
“Hannah, please let me see her.” I practically beg my younger sister.
“Why should I?” 
“I know I was an ass to her, I want to apologize.” “You don’t deserve that angel of a woman, but for some unknown reason she wants you.”
“You're right Hannah, I don’t deserve her. I’ve never deserved her, especially after how I’ve treated her today.”
“No you don’t deserve her after how you’ve been treating her this entire tour but she’s been too nice to even talk to you about how much it’s been affecting her. Because she doesn’t want to cause more issues for you, she didn’t want to be even more of an issue for you.” “What?”
“You have been an ass to her since August, but she’s kept it to herself because she loves you and didn’t want to add more stress to you. And the one day that she needed your support, you blew up on her and called her clingy. So please, do tell me why I should let you in to see her?” “You’re right, I shouldn’t get to see her but I am begging you to let me make this right.” “You are lucky that I love her and that she still wants to be with you.” “Thank you, Hannah.”
Your POV: 
I wake up, still in pain but nowhere near the same amount of pain that I had been in when I had passed out? Did I pass out, I don’t recognize where I am. As I look around the room I am in I realize that I’m in a hospital room. When I look down, I see that I still have an iv in my arm, I also feel a heavy weight in my hand. I see that it’s another hand, a hand that doesn’t belong to me. I follow the hand and see that it belongs to Chan, the poor man is slumped over in a chair next to my bed holding onto my hand tightly but not enough to hurt. I move my hand, trying to wake him up but not enough to startle him, but he still startles awake when he does wake up. 
“Y/n! You’re awake!” Chan jumps up when he sees that I’m awake.
“What are you doing here?”
“I heard what happened, I’m so sorry.” “You don’t have to be here Chan, it’s fine. You wanted your space.” “Baby, I am so sorry that I said that to you. I didn’t mean it.”
“But you did, otherwise you wouldn’t have said it.” “No love, I didn’t mean it. I was stressed and I took it out on you. I shouldn’t have done that and I regret it so much.” “Chan, you called me clingy. I needed help and you called me clingy. I thought I could rely on you and I couldn’t.” “Yes, you can rely on me. I promise that you can.”
“How can I trust that I can rely on you?”
“Give me the chance to prove that you can rely on me. Please love.” “I don’t know if I can trust you again.” “Give me the chance to prove it, please baby please.” Chan practically begs me. 
“You get one chance, Chan. If you mess up again, that’s it. I’m done.” “I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that you can trust me.”
After I was released from the hospital Chan spared no effort in making sure I knew how sorry he was and was so attentive that it almost got tiring but I had missed how caring he was before the tour. It was like seeing the old Chan again, the boys and Hannah gave him shit for being an ass to me and made sure he knew that he was in the wrong, he had to apologise to both Han and Minho. It was interesting to see him apologize to them, but you could tell that he was truly sorry and that he felt bad for how he had treated them. 
When we left Chan’s parents house I wasn’t allowed to lift anything, so the boys carried everything for me. Chan kept me close to him, even in the airport which was odd for us because normally when we travelled he still kept space between us because he didn’t want me to get bombarded by fans even though they did know about us. With me having surgery, he kept me close to his side, with Changbin and Hyunjin on my side and in front of me to try and protect me as much as possible from injuring my incision. The entire rest of the tour he continued to prove that he was sorry and that he would never treat me that way again. At the end of the day, he gave me permission to and I quote ‘hit him with a car’ if he ever dared to treat me that way again. 
When we got to the last stop of the tour, he wanted to take me on a date. Because of how busy he had been, we hadn’t much time to spend just the two of us. So I happily agreed, dressing up in a cute dress while he dressed up in a nice pair of jeans and a nice button down. He took me out to dinner, and after we went on a walk. 
“Love, I just want to thank you again for giving me another chance to show you how sorry I am for the way that I treated you.” Chan said as he pulled me to a stop in front of him.
“You’ve proven yourself Channie.”
“Still, thank you baby.” I don’t know what to say to him so I wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. 
He doesn’t say anything, resting his head on my head while I keep my arms tightly wrapped around him. The trust isn’t all the way back but it’s starting to come back, and I know that one day that trust will be stronger than it was before. I love him with all of my heart and I want him to know that. So I surprise him by leaning up, kissing him on the lips, I hear his breath catch in shock before he kisses me back. I wrap my arms around his neck while his arms around my waist, pulling me into him and deepening the kiss. 
“Love, I want to make you a promise.” Chan says as he presses his head to my head.
“What’s that love?”
“I want to promise that I will always love you, I will never treat you the way I did from August to October. You mean everything to me.” “You mean everything to me too, Channie.”
He leans down to kiss me again, when he kisses me this time I swear it’s different than every other time. I love this man with everything that I have and things may not be perfect but I know that everything will be ok in the end. 
Lee Know | Seo Changbin | Hwang Hyunjin | Han Jisung | Lee Felix | Kim Seungmin | Yang Jeongin |
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httpdwaekki · 4 months ago
massage | l.m. - s.c. - h.h. - y.j.
summary: you're sore and stressed but luckily your boy is there to help. collab w/ @giddyfatherchris <3
wc | ss: 5.4k | 5
warnings: fem! reader, use of noona (jeongin), nudity (not sexual), descriptions of pain, definitely typos bc i wrote most of these a long time ago, probably more but you get the generally consensus.
a/n: i would like to give ilya a formal apology for how long it took me to write these, truly an egregious amount of time LMAO. but she never rushed me once and i love n appreciate that more than she knows. also made these way longer than they needed to be but, anyway! i hope you all enjoy, remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3. (also sorry if the writing style feels different for some, i wrote these months apart so it might get weird lol)
please consider donating to this fundraiser!
part 1 | my library
banners by cafekitsune
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(photos are not mine! credit to owners!)
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wc: 1.5k | ss: 1
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you didn’t argue it further knowing it was futile.
he wraps an arm around your waist as you both say your goodbyes, helping you walk back to the car. you were both spending the day with his members, chan had found a new trail he wanted to explore, inviting all the members and you to tag along.
about half way into the trail your ankle started to flare up, causing you to start limping. it was an old injury that just didn’t heal correctly so being on it for long periods of time causes pain as well as swelling. you tried to hide it because you were having a good time but minho clocked it almost immediately.
once you were sat in the car, minho rounded the car, popping the trunk of the car to grab something. he opens the door, sitting while placing a bag in your lap before starting the car. “what’s this?” you asked softly, opening the bag.
“i figured your feet would hurt after walking for so long so i brought comfier shoes for you.” he explains as you pull out your crocs and a pair of soft socks. you stick out your bottom lip, heart warming from the kind gesture. you kick your old shoes off, replacing them with the softer pair, placing the old ones back in the bag.
“thank you 자기야.” leaning over, giving him a kiss on his slightly pink cheek, settling back in your chair. he smiles, putting the car in gear before grabbing your hand, looking into your eyes as he places a kiss to the back of it. “anything for you.” he whispers against your skin, dropping your joined hands in his lap before taking his foot off the brake.
the ride home was silent beside the music softly playing in the background as minho drove. you leaned towards him, hissing as your ankle and foot began to feel tender. he squeezes your hand, placing a kiss to it, rubbing soothing circles to the back of it.
“we’ll be home soon 야기.” you nod, trying not to think about the throbbing pain, focusing more on the passing landscape. 
soon the car pulls up to your shared apartment, luckily there was an open spot in front of your building. you unbuckle your seatbelt, reaching for the door handle, letting go of his hand before he grabs it again. you pause, looking at him confused, “what’s wrong?” you ask softly.
“just wait a second, let me help you.” he waits for a response, big eyes staring into yours. you nod, allowing him to help. he smiles, placing one last kiss to the back of your hand before unbuckling, making his way to your side.
he opens the door, pointing to the bag by your feet, “let me take that first.” you hand it over before carefully scooting to the edge of the seat. he puts the bag on his back before reaching down for you.
you take his hands, planting your feet on the ground, hissing at the slight pressure you put on the sore appendage. “take your time, okay? don’t push it.” he says, rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand once more. you nod, taking a deep breath before carefully standing up.
he helps pull up the extra weight, helping you lean against him a bit once at your full height. once you move out of the way, you push the door closed as minho adjusted his grip on your waist.
“ready?” you nod, smiling as you slowly limp your way to your door, suddenly thankful you lived on the first floor. he quickly unlocks the door, placing the bag to the side before slipping off his shoes.
“do you need help?” he asks, pointing to your feet still in your crocs. you shake your head before holding onto his arm, slipping your feet out of the shoes cautiously. he helps you to your room where he sits you down on the bed before opening the closet.
“do you wanna take a shower now or later?” he asks, rummaging through clothes for something more comfortable for both of you to change into. you thought about it for a second, knowing you probably should, but just wanting to relax and stay off your foot.
“i’ll shower a little later, once it starts feeling better.” you respond as he walks over with two sets of clothes in hand. he places yours down next to you, “do you want help getting changed?” you nod your head before answering, “maybe with the shorts, please.” you smiled up at him.
“of course 야기.” he says, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead while reaching for your shorts. he taps your thigh, then his shoulder, causing you to stand up, balancing on his shoulder.
“i’m gonna unbutton these now, okay?” he asks, his fingers brushing the metal of your pants. you nod before he undoes the button, pulling down the zipper, sliding his hands into the fabric, pulling it down your legs.
you lift each leg to let him take the fabric off them, wincing as you put pressure on the hurt one. he kisses the leg of your hurt ankle, rubbing it softly as he tosses your pants to the side. he grabs the shorts on the edge of your bed, getting them ready for you to step in safely.
“ just one more time 자기야 .” he says, waiting for you to step into them. you adjust your grip on his shoulders one last time before stepping into it. you bite your lip in pain, as you slip the second leg into the fabric, letting him pull them up your legs completely. 
he places a kiss to each thigh before you sit back down. “thank you, min.” you smile before he gets up, leaving a kiss on your lips as he goes. “anything for you, 야기.” he smiles back before grabbing his stack of clothes on the bed.“i’ll be right back okay?” you nod and watch as he walks into the bathroom not bothering to shut the door. 
you slip off your shirt, replacing it with a softer, bigger one, throwing the old fabric in the same direction as your pants. you get up to walk (limp) your way to the kitchen to grab a cold compress before you relax.
you made it to the door before minho leaves the bathroom. “what do you think you’re doing?” he asks from the doorway, his hands full of medicine, lotions and wraps. “i’m going to get a cold compress from the freezer?” you ask in a small voice, feeling like a kid that got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“sit back down before you make it worse please.” he scolds, pointing to the bed as best he could with full arms. “but i-” you cut yourself dramatically points to the bed once more. you sigh, shuffling your way back to the bed, where you sit down once more.
he walks over, setting everything down on the foot of the bed before gently grabbing your leg, slotting himself between them, placing the hurt one on his lap. he grabs the medicated lotion, lightly massaging the swollen area.
“oh that feels nice.” you sigh, sinking into the pillows behind you as he continues his work. he does that for a good 15 minutes, pausing when he hits a particularly sore spot before continuing with a softer touch.
you didn’t realize you had fallen asleep until he finishes wrapping up your foot and ankle, grabbing a pillow to place under it. “i’ll be right back love.” he whispers, placing a kiss to your hair before leaving the room.
he comes in a few moments later, with more supplies in hand. he places a water bottle, snack and medicine bottle on your bedside table before, carefully placing the compress to your ankle. he gently presses down, pulling a sigh from you as you feel the cold seep through the wrap.
he grabs the snack bar, opening it before handing it to you, who happily takes a bite out of the sweet bar. he opens the bottle of water, trading with you once you finish your snack. he watches you take a couple sips before opening the medicine bottle, holding out 2 pills for you.
you take them from him, putting them in your mouth as he grabs the trash to throw out. he enters the room once again with another water bottle, placing it next to yours.
he grabs a blanket carefully laying it on top of you before making his way to the other side of the bed. he turns on the show you’re watching together before settling in next to you, wrapping his arms around you.
“thank you for taking care of me, my love.” you whispering, leaning into him, placing a kiss to the arm closest to you. he tightens his arms around you, placing a kiss to your hair, “anything for you, 자기야 .” you smile, melting into him, where you both stay for the rest of the night.
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wc: 1.1k | ss: 1
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you weren’t technically lying, you were tired. you didn’t tell the whole truth either.
it was your fault, truly, you worked out yesterday, didn’t properly stretch and you certainly didn’t drink enough water after your workout. you were so worried about some work to finish up that you forgot about it.
so unfortunately this led to you getting a charley horse in not one, but both calves. you had woken up this morning, stretched and both of your calves immediately seized up. the pain was immediate and lasted for about a minute.
you probably should’ve told bin but, you didn’t feel like getting lectured on top of everything else you had going on. plus, he had enough going on, he didn’t need to worry about your silly little muscle cramp.
you were moving around-semi fine. it did hurt to walk and your legs feel super tight but it was nothing to worry about- and certainly not for changbin to stress over. that was short-lived however, as soon as he arrived at your apartment, he clocked you immediately.
“what did you do?” he asked as soon as you opened the door.
“what? no hi baby! how are you? how was your day?” you pouted. “all i get is a what did you do?” you said in your best bini impression. “yeah it is because you hurt my baby and not even you can get away with that.” he shot back.
you roll your eyes at his comment. “will you at least get inside before you chastise me.” you widen the door to allow him to pass. once inside, he sets his bag and keys down while kicking off his shoes.
“so?” he asks, looking at you. “i just got a charley horse bin, i’m fine.” you reassure him softly. you saw it in his face as soon as the words left your mouth.
you quickly raise your hand as he opens his mouth. “i know, i don’t want to hear bin please, i just want to lay down.” you say, feeling defeated and tired. “okay bunny.” he sighed, grabbing your hand, placing it around his waist before wrapping his arms around you.
you both stay there for a minute before bini pulls away, places a kiss on your cheek. “can i carry you to bed?” you nod before he picks you up bridal style, pulling a squeak from you in surprise. you quickly wrap your arms around his neck and he carries you to your room.
he carefully lays you down on your soft mattress before walking into your bathroom. he walks back out, massage oil and towel in his hand.
you move to sit up, giving him space, getting ready to give him a massage. but when you look up, he’s just staring at you, almost hurt.
“what are you doing?”
you tilt your head in confusion. “sitting up to give you a massage.” you say, eyes big as you look at him. he walks over to you shaking his head, “no bunny, lay back, i’m giving you one.” he sets the folded towel and oil at the edge of the bed before moving your leg to sit.
“but i told you i’d give you one.” you mumbled, your eyes following his movements. “did you really think i’d make you give me one when you’re clearly tired and hurting?” you look down as you realized how silly it sounded.
“baby,” he places a gentle hand to your cheek, forcing you to look at you. “why don’t you ever let me take care of you?” he asked, eyes filled with love and concern. you shrug, “i’m just not used to asking for or receiving it i guess.”
his thumb gently rubs the soft skin of your cheek, “will you let me take care of you please?” he asks softly.his thumb gently rubs the soft skin of your cheek, “will you let me take care of you please?” he asks softly.
you give him a small nod. “okay.” he smiles, leaning forward to cover your face in kisses, before you giggle, softly pushing him away. “binnie!” you squeak. “okay okay.” he giggles, backing away.
he goes to help you lay back but not before stealing one last kiss. you try to act annoyed but your smile gives you away. “do you want to watch frieren?” he asks as he helps you move your pillows and blanket to get comfy.
“yes please.” you reply, fixing the soft blanket he placed over you. he hands you the remote for the tv before sitting down, placing your legs atop his. he puts the towel under your legs before putting some of the oil in his hands, gently rubbing the tight muscle.
“let me know if it hurts okay?” you give him a quick nod and smile before pressing play, snuggling under the soft fabric. he adds a little more pressure, you let out a small noise, the muscle feeling tender.
he immediately stops, “are you okay?” you nod, giving him a reassuring smile. “it’s just tender, it feels good though.” he guy, understanding, continue his massage, a tad bit lighter.
you both stay like that for at least 20 minutes, binnie switching legs half way through. it only took a few of those twenty to drift off, not fully sleeping but definitely not conscious.
until binnie stopped his movements, gently wiping away the excess oil. you open your eyes and look down, admiring the sweet boy in front of you.
once finished with the task at hand he meets your eyes and pauses. you give him a sleepy smile before making grabby hands to him. he giggles, moving your legs, throwing the towel to side, carefully laying on top of you.
you wrap your arms around him as he places kisses all of your face, pulling giggles from you in the process.
he stops for a moment and admires you, “what?” you ask softly. he shakes his head, “you know i love you right? and i’ll always be here to take care of you.” he’s looking at you with so much love. you nod your head, bring one hand to his soft cheek.
“i know, baby, and you know the same goes for your right?” your thumb gently rubbing the skin as he nods. he quickly leans down, placing a loving kiss to your plush lips before rolling over, pulling you into his chest.
he pulls a blanket over both of you, letting you get comfy, handing you your plushie before wrapping his arms around you. “love you so much bunny, okay?” he reassures once more, placing a kiss to your temple.
you sink further into him, placing a kiss above his heart, “you love you too, my binnie, so much.”
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to say you felt overwhelmed was an understatement.
you knew hyunjin would do anything for you, he’d drop everything if you asked him too. however, you never did, always worrying about burdening or annoying him no matter how much you preached the opposite.
you were stressed out, in pain and on top of that feeling so guilty. because not only did you cancel on your boyfriend and his friends but now, you made your boyfriend also cancel on his friends.
so now here you were, sitting on your couch, still in your work clothes, tears streaming down your face as the guilt, stress and pain overwhelmed your senses. 
so much so that you were unaware of said boyfriend using his key to enter your apartment.
he was immediately alarmed by the uneven breathing coming from your couch. he made quick work of discarding his shoes and bags before finding the source of the noise.
“hey, hey, angel what’s going on?”
he rounded the furniture as shot up, looking at him. “i’m sorry.” you sobbed, covering your face in the process. he quickly makes his way to you, kneeling in front of you, one hand on your head, thumb brushing your forehead.
second hand gently rubbing the arm closest to him. “hey, what’s going on, hm? what are you apologizing for?” you feel him rest his chin on your shoulder.
you shake your head slightly, feeling suffocated under all the negative emotions. “breathe baby, breathe.” he pulls your hands from your face in an attempt to help you breathe better.
“can you sit up for me?” he whispers, thumb still rubbing soothing circles on your forehead. you shake your head, “it hurts.” you whimper, turning to face him.
“your back?” you nod, unshed tears gather in your eyes. he leans forward, placing a kiss to your forehead. “okay, will you let me help you? i just wanna help you feel better but you gotta sit up okay?” 
he can see the stress in your face, “it’ll be okay, okay? i promise. i just wanna get you to the bathroom so i can run you a bath okay?” you’d be lying if you said that didn’t sound divine.
you nod your head slightly, prompting him to give you a kiss before readjusting. “okay my baby, i’m gonna help you sit up before you stand okay?” 
“okay.” you nod, already holding your breath in preparation. he gives you his arm to hold as you pull yourself up. he gives you a countdown before pulling you up, moving your legs to the side of the couch.
you hiss in pain as you finally sit up, “you did so good for me baby.” he places a kiss to your temple. he stands, putting a hand out for you to grab.
you prepare yourself to follow him, as you grab his hand, taking a deep breath before pulling yourself up, “ow.” you whimpered before stumbling into him.
he catches you before you can fall, bringing you into his arms. a few tears shed as the pain shoots through your lower back, gripping hyunjin’s hand, letting out a few labored breaths..
he rubs your back gently and your head. rests against him, trying to breathe through the pain. “you’re doing so good baby, you’re halfway there. let me know when you’re ready.” you nod your head, taking one last deep breath.
“okay, i’m ready” you mumble. he turns as you grab his arm to hold as you walk. you focus on your breathing the whole way to the bathroom before he helps you lean against the counter.
“do you think you can stay like this while i get the bath ready?” he asks, eyes filled with concern and worry. you nod, giving him a small smile, “thank you hyune.” you say, bringing a hand up to rub his cheek.
“anything for you my love.” he says before grabbing your hand, placing a kiss to your palm.
you watch as he sets up the bath, starting the water, making it as hot as he can take it before adding the epsom salt and bubbles. once everything was added he made his way over to you. 
“i’m gonna help you undress okay?” you nod your head before carefully lifting your arms. he grabs the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head, tossing it to the side.
he reaches behind you, undoing the clasp to your bra, kissing each shoulder and he pulls the straps down. “my beautiful muse.” he hums, giving your bra the same fate as your shirt.
you shiver, feeling exposed but the movement once again made the pain shoot up your spine. “ah.” you hiss, taking a deep breath once more. “i know baby, i’m sorry. just a little longer.” 
he makes quick work of unbuttoning your jeans, cautiously pulling them down each leg. once they were pulled down, he did the same with your underwear. “okay hold my shoulder while i take them off.”
once he feels your hands grip his shoulders, he taps one leg, prompting you to lift it. he does the same to the other leg before once again tossing the fabric aside.
“there we go, i’m gonna help you get in then i’ll join you okay?” you nod before grabbing his hands once more.
he helps you step in, holding you steady as you sit down. you let out a sigh of relief as the hot water soothed your spine. you lean back, hyune placing a kiss to your temple before leaving you.
he searches through your cabinet before grabbing the massage oil, placing it to the side of the tub. he quick undresses, as you slowly shift forward, giving him space behind you.
he shuts off the water before he steps in, carefully sitting behind you. you go to sit back before he stops you. “hold on baby, i’m gonna try and massage it a bit okay?”
you pout, “but that’s my job.” he shaked his head, dark hair swishing back and forth with it. “not today, today i’m here to make you feel better.” he says before putting some oil hands, warming it up a bit.
“can you lean forward a bit or does it hurt?” you slowly cross you legs before carefully leaning forward. you felt a slight stretch in your lower back, letting out a sigh. hyunjin’s hands lay against your back, thumbs rubbing soft circles.
“you okay baby?” you nod a bit. “i’m good.” you mumble, trying to relax a bit more. hyunjin’s hands glide across your back with ease, stopping at each knot, giving it extra attention.
you were basically falling asleep when he came across a particularly sore spot, a gasp from you. he immediately stops his hands, resting them on your back.
“i’m sorry, baby.” you shake your head. “it’s okay, just a little tender now.” he places his hands on your sides, pulling you back slightly, carefully bringing you to him.
you gently lay against his back, sighing as you feel the hot water surround you from the shift. he wraps his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer, placing a kiss to the side of you head.
“i wish you would’ve told me it was this bad.” he mumbles into your ear, playing with the bubbles around you.
you lean your head against his, “i’m sorry.” you play with his fingers, stopping his movements in the bubbles. “you have so much going on and i didn’t wanna add to that.”
you felt his head shift next to you. “hey,” you turn your head to him, “no matter what i have going on, i wanna be there for you when you’re hurting okay?”
you swallow the lump in your throat, nodding your head. “promise?” he asks, taking his hand to grab yours, lacing your fingers together. “i promise.” you lean fully into him, basking in the moment.
once the water ran cold, hyunjin helped you out of the tub, and into some comfy clothes. once he got you settled in your bed with your heating pad, he ordered dinner before joining you in bed. 
and that is how you stayed for the rest of the night (apart from hyunjin grabbing your food) wrapped in the arms of your favorite boy, feeling much better than before.
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you were were getting ahead on some prep for your bakery when jeongin texted you. you started wrapping up the strawberries you prepped for the cheesecakes the next day, dating them before going to put them in the cooler.
but as you turned around, container of red fruit in hand, you felt a jolt of pain in your knee before it gave out. luckily you were close enough to the countertop you were able to set the fruits down safely before finding your footing.
you look down and find your knee to find it swollen, fighting against the fabric of your pants. you sigh gently massaging it, hissing slightly as a shock of pain spreads through your knee. you place weight on your knee, finding it stronger than before but still weak.
you carefully making way your way to the cooler placing them gently inside. you turn around, placing your hands on your hips, looking at the kitchen around you, feeling proud of what you accomplished.
you were also thanking your past self for asking ryujin to clean the floors before she left because there’s no way you would’ve been able to. you made your way over to your work station, wiping down the table and discarding your trash. 
you turn off all the lights, and headed out the door just in time to see jeongin’s car pull around the corner. you waved and gave him a smile, locking the door behind you. you walked to the car trying (and failing) to hide your limp.
seeing this jeongin immediately parked the car, getting out to meet you halfway. “hi bubba.” you smiled as he approached you. “hi noona,” he gives you a quick hug and peck on the side of your head before pulling away.
“what’s going on with your knee?” he asks, voice laced with concern. “nothing, it’s just a little sore-” he cuts you off. “noona, i love you but if you say it's nothing to worry about i’m gonna lose it.” you giggle and shake your head.
“there’s nothing to worry about, my knee gets like that every once and a while i’m okay.” you smile, trying to ease his concern. “i’d believe that if i didn’t just watch you limp over here.” he says, folding his arms, raising an eyebrow.
“ while i appreciate the concern,” you smile, you unfold his arms, sliding your hands in his, “i promise i am fine, it’s just a little swollen and sore. nothing a little ice and aspirin can’t fix.” you place a kiss on his cheek, moving to get to the car.
well at least you were trying to until your knee gave out once more, causing you to stumble. he catches you before you can fall, wrapping an arm around your waist, “woah! okay y/n, that’s not normal!” he exclaims, helping you stand.
“okay it looks bad but i promise it’s fine, i have it under control.” you tried reassure him, but he wasn’t buying it. “y/n.” his tone was stern and his eyes were worried. you sighed, knowing what had to be done. “i know.” you whispered, looking down. “but i can’t afford to go right now.” he sighed, pulling you into him, placing his arms around you.
“peach, you gotta get this checked out please, you’re making me worried.”  you feel a slight sting behind your eyes, turning your face into his neck, wrapping your arms around him. “don’t worry about the money, okay? but we gotta get this figured out before it gets worse.” he whispers next to your ear, placing a kiss there.
you nod, taking a deep breath, pulling back looking at him. “okay, i’ll call tomorrow.” he smiles, placing a kiss on your temple. “okay good, now let’s go home hm?” you sniffle nodding. “yes please.”
he walks you to the car, helping you in the car, closing the door and making his way to the driver’s side. he grabs your hand, placing it on your thigh as he started the journey home. once he pulls into the parking lot of your complex, helps you out of the car.
“we’re gonna take it slow okay?” you go to open your mouth but quickly shut it, seeing the stern look on his face. you grab the hand he holds out, slowly make your way up the flight of stairs, one by one.
once making it into the apartment, you both kick off shoes, making your way into your room. “go shower, i’ll grab your clothes and towel for you.” he squeezes your hand as you part ways. you slowly make your way to your ensuite while he heads to your closet.
you turn on the water, making sure it’s set to warm the ridding yourself of your work clothes. once naked, you double check the temperature of the water before carefully stepping in, making sure to find your balance against the wall. 
you heard a knock on the door before it opens, “peach?” he calls out, “i got your towel and some comfy clothes for you, i’m gonna set them on the counter okay?” you hear as he places the collection on the counter. “okay, thank you i.n-ah.” your heart warms at the act, wondering how you got so lucky. he takes a seat on the toilet, taking out his phone, scrolling through a delivery app.
“noona, what do you want for dinner?” he asks, “i was thinking ramen.” you can’t help the smile on your face as you sit under the water. “that sounds perfect.” 
you both fall into casual conversation as you finish your shower and he finishes your order. you turn off the water and peek around the curtain, finding jeongin standing with your towel in hand. you reach your hand but he pulls it away before you can. he leans forward, “kiss please.” he purses his lips, waiting.
you giggle, rolling your eyes before giving him a quick kiss, “pleasure doing business with you.” he smiles, handing you the soft fabric. you wrap the towel around you, stepping out of the shower as jeongin walks about into your room, giving you privacy to get dressed.
you quickly dry off, carefully getting dressed, leaning on the sink to put on your shorts. you walk back into your room to find jeongin on your bed with lotion and massage oil next to him.
he smiles as you enter the room, patting the spot next to him, signaling you to take a seat. you make your way over, sitting against the pillows, being mindful of your knee. once settled he moves to sit in front of you, gently placing your leg on top of his.
“which one?” he asks, holding up the two bottles. “uh, the oil, but only a little please.” he nods, knowing you hate the feeling of anything greasy. he gets to work gently rubbing your knee, making sure to not apply too much pressure.
you both sit in silence while he worked his magic. you took in his side profile, taking this opportunity to truly take in his appearance. his soft skin, his boba eyes, his dimples that peak out every once in a while.
he senses someone looking at him causing him to look up, locking eyes with you. his cheeks become a light pink, “stop staring at me, weirdo.” he mumbles, continuing his task on your knee. you gasp in offense, “you're lucky my knee hurts or i’d kick you.” you pout, sinking into the pillow behind you.
he giggles before placing a kiss to your knee, moving to rub the underside of our knee. you hiss but soon relax as he works the sore muscle. you fall into conversation once more, him recounting his day as you relax further and further into the bed.
you end up falling asleep halfway through his story about hyunjin’s cuteness aggression halting dance practice once more. he looks over as soft breaths leave your lips, careful moving and placing your legs on the bed and a soft blanket over you.
placing a kiss on your forehead he leaves to prepare bowls, utensils and drinks for dinner, only waking you once it arrives. he brings it in with all other necessities to help soothe the pain in your knee, spending the rest of the night pampering you and icing your knee.
do not repost
i hope you all enjoyed! i kinda got lost in the sauce and made these alot longer than they should've lol but hopefully they're still good! please let me n ilya know what u think! love u guys <33
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mayrose713 · 25 days ago
Beautifully Cruel World-Chapter 19
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Series Masterlist | Previous | Next
ABO Non-Idol Stray Kids Universe Poly OT8 x Reader 18+ MDNI
Warnings in the Series Masterlist as well as any other information needed
Chapter 19
Y/n lays between Hyunjin and Jeongin trying not to disturb the two too much as she’s having trouble falling asleep. The movie had made her, Hyunjin, Felix and Jisung cry at the end. Felix babbling that he doesn’t want any of them leaving him, even if it’s what’s good for him in the end. Saying that he would rather die than not have any of them in his life. Changbin had to drive the truck back as Chan held Felix in the backseat as he wouldn’t stop. 
Once back at the house the alpha took the crying boy straight to bed, Jisung following after wanting to continue comforting the emotional omega. Hyunjin became attached to Y/n and wasn’t letting her go, taking her to one of the rooms with him. Jeongin after talking with Changbin, Seungmin and Minho decided to go join the two as he still was wanting to hover over his omega.
“That pup is so worried about her.” Minho mumbles to the other two after Jeongin shuts the door. 
“I get it.” Changbin looks at the door. “Ji and Lixie have never asked him to help them slip into subspace before. So Y/n asking him, he’s worried as to what was going on in her head that she needed to slip away mentally.”
“But he said it himself, she was fine during the date.” Minho reminds them.
“Maybe he sensed something during the scenting session that he didn’t know about at first but after thinking back on it more realized it.” Seungmin speaks up. “I mean, on Chan and I’s date she told me that she felt like something bad was going to happen. Was so anxious about it. She seems to be doing better now but with how her family made her think that her feelings weren’t valid, she might just be good at hiding it at this point.”
“God, don’t say that Minnie.” Changbin groans. “I don’t want to think that she might be keeping her emotions from us just so she can suffer in silence.”
“It could also just be nothing.” Minho reminds them wanting to ease their nerves.
The two nod before Changbin stretches and grabs the beta’s hand. “We should probably head to bed, it’s late.”
Seungmin looks at the remaining alpha. “Hyung, do you want to join us?”
“I will in a few.” Minho smiles. “I wanna clean up the kitchen a little bit better from dinner so there isn’t too much to do in the morning and we have stuff to cook breakfast.”
“Well don’t stay up too late.” Changbin sighs before giving him a kiss. Minho then gives Seungmin a kiss. 
“Goodnight.” Minho smiles at them and they say it back before going into one of the empty rooms. 
About an hour later after Minho is satisfied with the kitchen, he’s about to go join Changbin and Seungmin when he hears a door open and close. Y/n walking out into the living room but stops in shock when she notices the kitchen light on and looks up to see the alpha standing there watching her. 
“You okay, kitten?” He finally speaks when he notices some tear stains on her cheeks. 
“Yeah, just can’t sleep.” She sighs and instinctively leans into him when he walks over to her. 
“Come on, you’ve got your date with Binnie and Ji tomorrow, you need to sleep.” He holds her against his chest for a moment before moving them back down the hallway. “Do you want me to tuck you back in bed with the other two, or do you want to sleep in bed with me?”
“With you please.” She whispers. 
He leads her into one of the empty rooms and sits on the bed before pulling her into his lap, straddling his waist. 
“Do you wanna talk for a bit? Tell me what's on your mind that’s keeping you up?” He nudges her chin to look at him but frowns as she still avoids eye contact and stays quiet. “Minnie, told me that you were anxious on your guy's date because you felt like something bad is going to happen. Wanna tell me about that?” 
She sighs and hesitates for a moment. “I don’t know what it is. I just keep having this feeling that something’s going to happen.” She looks at him finally, tears brimming her waterline. “I don’t know why. I felt it when we were out shopping. Then again at the gaming cafe.”
“Is that why you asked Innie to scent you into subspace in the car?”
She nods as tears finally shed. “The date was going so great, I was having so much fun and had loved it. But then I started getting paranoid in the parking lot and Lixie told me before about how he and Ji will sometimes ask you alphas to help them slip when they’re having a bad day or are anxious. I didn’t want the date to be ruined because I overthink too much so I asked Jeongin to do it. Wanted it to make us closer and to just not have to think for the rest of the day.”
“I get that.” He wipes away her tears. “But something we do with them is that they have to tell us first what’s wrong before we scent them into subspace. Now there are special cases for Jisung when he’s on the verge of another panic attack where we don’t question him and just do it so he doesn’t end up sub-dropping but he knows he has to talk to us afterwards when his head is clear again.” He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Now this was the first time Jeongin has ever scented anyone into subspace, probably why Felix went first. So he doesn’t know that he’s supposed to ask you guys first, and Felix probably thought that you were just wanting to know how it felt. That's what the rest of us thought.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Baby, I’m not telling you all of this so you apologize.” Minho coos and places his hand on her cheek which she leans into. “I’m telling you this because we’ve told you before not to hide anything, talk to us. No matter how big or small you might think it is, talk to us. I promise you that we will listen and remind you that it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling, okay?”
She nods and whispers. “Okay.”
“Good girl.” He then looks over at her bag that’s on the other side of the room. “Have you been taking your anxiety pills?”
She hesitates for a second as if to think whether to lie or tell the truth before sighing. “No.”
“Is there a reason why?” He tilts his head in a questioning way. “Do you feel like they aren’t helping?”
“I just keep forgetting to take them I guess.”
“I get that, they are prescribed to be taken as needed up to five times a day and not a daily thing.” Minho sits there and thinks about it for a moment. “But you do need to take them when you’re feeling anxious or paranoid so we can know if it’s working or not for you.”
“I don’t always have them with me though.”
“We’ll get you a cross body bag or something to be able to keep them in and anything else you might need whenever we’re out.” He smiles before his eyes wanders down to her neck where the collar lays and he moves his hand to play with the pendant. “I knew this would look good on you.”
“It’s so beautiful Min, thank you.” She looks at him before looking at his lips and decides to just kiss him before she chickens out.
Minho is a bit surprised at first but kisses her back, hands moving to her ass to pull her closer to him and her arms snake around his neck, hands playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He gives her a few pecks before moving his lips away from her but rests his forehead against hers and looks at her closed eyes.
“Kitten, as much as I want to keep kissing you, I won't be able to hold myself back if we continue.” He breaths a little heavily. “It’s late and you really need to be getting some sleep for your date with Changbin and Jisung tomorrow.”
“But I can’t sleep, I’m wide awake.” She whimpers and moves away from his face to give him a pout. “Please, want your bite.”
“Fuck.” The alpha groans, leaning his head back a little before tilting his head to look at her cute face. “You are going to be the death of me, baby.”
He grabs the back of her neck to kiss her again before flipping her over onto the bed on her back as he leans over her. He leaves small kisses down her jaw to her neck. He licks her scent gland just under where Felix left his mark causing her to shudder. 
“Alpha, please.” 
“Patience, kitten.” He moves back up to her lips and kisses them then nibbles on her bottom lip before pulling away again. “And you’ll need to try and keep a little quiet. The walls here are a lot thinner than at home. You don’t want to wake everyone up do you?”
“No.” Y/n whimpers as she tugs at his shirt to bring him closer. 
Minho chuckles before indulging in her neediness and kisses her as his hands roam her body. He slides under her shirt to hold her sides wanting to touch her skin. 
He pulls away again when she tries to slide his shirt off, grabbing her hands to stop her. “Are you sure? Your mind has kind of been everywhere the last few days.” 
“I am so sure, Min.” She whispers. 
“You know I love you right?” He gazes at her as he places his hands on either side of her head.
“I do know that.” She smiles. “And I love you too.”
“Good.” He kisses her lips before sitting back on his knees again and grabs the bottom of her shirt pulling it up and she helps him take it off of her. 
As soon as the fabric is discarded he dives into kissing and nibbling at her collar bone before moving down to her chest loving all the little sounds she makes as she tries to keep quiet. After leaving a few hickeys he sits back taking his shirt off before unbuttoning his pants and sliding those off too. 
Y/n watches his every movement, taking all of him in like this. She of course doesn’t miss the bulge in his boxers. She tries to reach out to touch him but he grabs her hand.
“We’ll explore that another day, right now I just need to be inside you.” She gasps as he grabs her hips and flips her over on her stomach. He lifts her hips up so she’s on her arms and knees as he pulls her shorts and underwear down. “God you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to see and touch this ass.”
He squeezes one of her asscheeks then helps her kick her shorts and underwear off her legs as she presents herself to him, arching her back a little and turning her head to look back at him.
“Please alpha.” 
He growls and tears his boxers off before lining up with her from behind. He teases her core with his member a little before shoving himself in and she squeals and moans into the mattress. 
“You okay, baby?” He leans over her back, keeping his hips still as he kisses her shoulder. 
“I’m good.” She nods. “You can move.” 
The alpha hesitates before feeling her squeeze around him making him grunt and buck his hips. He grabs the pillow nearby and brings it to her head for her to moan into then starts moving slowly in and out of her. 
“Fuck kitten.” He groans at how she feels wrapped around him.
He keeps his chest against Y/n’s back as he thrust, wanting to be as close to his omega as he can and so he can hear every noise she makes into the pillow. He continues to squeeze her ass with one hand giving the occasional spank, his other holding her hip.
Her scent starts to make him lose it as his thrusts start to falter a bit. He can feel his knot starting to grow and he leans down licking her scent gland.
“Please alpha.” She turns her head away from the pillow to beg. 
When he feels his knot lock inside her and how close she is he bites down hard on her neck just under Felix’s mark. She moans into the pillow as she comes undone around him resulting in his release in her.
Once she stops shaking he slowly releases his teeth from her neck and licks up the blood. Once her neck is clean he moves his arm under her stomach keeping her against his chest as he lays them down on their side, his knot still locked inside her. 
“You did so good for me, baby.” He strokes her hair. “Do you think you’re tired enough to sleep now?” 
“Yeah.” Y/n hums with a small nod of her head pushing her back against his chest more and snuggling into the pillow they lay on. “I love you, Minho.”
“I love you too.” He kisses her shoulder as he holds close to him. “Get some sleep.”
After the alphas knot had deflated she turns over so he slips out of her and faces him, surprising him as he thought she was about to fall asleep finally.
“What are you doing?”
“Want to bite you.” She looks up at him as innocent as ever. 
“You couldn’t wait until the morning.” He chuckles before baring his neck to her. 
Y/n nuzzles against the crook of his neck at first, so she can smell him and he starts to release some pheromones that makes her head a little fuzzy but not enough to not be aware of what she’s doing. She then bites down under the three other marks and he starts to make a rumbling noise as he pulls her closer to him again. 
After she lets go of his neck and cleans it up he moves her hair out of her face just gazing at her lovingly. “You good now?”
She smiles and nods happily. “I’m great.” 
He kisses her before pulling her to lay her head against his chest and they both don’t last long before sleep overtakes them. 
A/N: Several people were wanting Minho to claim her and here we are. Who do you guys think is next? Also I promise that Changbin's and Jisung's date is the next chapter.
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jehhskz · 2 months ago
Love Again
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she fell first, and she fell harder
summary: you just got back to Seoul, and hopefully you'll get back into his heart too
genre: romance, fluffy cliche, second chances, smut
warning: this fic contains smut, so it was made for adults only, MDNI.
jé's note: did a little something super self indulgent, if you read this, please be kind, it's my first time and english isn't my first language. huge thank you for my girlies for all the support, special thanks to @doitforbangchan & @jeonginsleftcheek for beta reading it, your words made me happy. and it got a little big, so i had to split it into 2, the link for part 2 will be at the end of part 1
divider by @saradika-graphics
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Drinks in hand, crowded dance floor and Chk Chk Boom's full volume, up next was Get Lit, and everybody screamed, you cheered with your best friend clinking glasses and sitting down.
“What are we celebrating?” A random glass clinked with yours and you looked to the side, a tall and really pretty guy smirked at you two. 
“Her promotion and return to Seoul!” Heyoon exclaimed excitedly and the boy chuckled, sitting down next to her.
“Oh really? That 's amazing!” He nodded to you and you grinned, thanking him.
“I am Tae-joon” He smiled at you two.
“Heyoon, and this is Y/N” Your best friend presented you both, you glanced at her and smirked, she had that look in her eyes.
It didn't take much talk for you to realize you were third wheeling, so you excused yourself saying you were going to the restroom. 
Once there, you fixed your makeup, applied some more lipstick and decided to walk around. The place was crowded, it felt like Felix invited all of Seoul to be here. 
You spotted the birthday boys, Felix dancing, Han and Seungmin talking with some friends, soon enough Chan and Minho showing up with some drinks to join them, Jeongin flirting with a girl, Heyoon making out with Tae-joon and Changbin dancing with a girl nearby. 
7 out of 8, you freezed on your heels, it was your 4th time walking around, if he wasn’t here he must be… 
No, no, you shook those thoughts out of your head, and even if he was sucking faces or whatever the hell could be happening behind some of those closed doors here, it was none of your business, right? It stopped being your business a while ago, 2 years to be exactly.
But it’s not like you were counting, anyway. 
You went to sit on the couch across Heyoon, Jeongin now was kissing the redhead he was talking to early. Too distracted watching people, you didn't perceive the boy who sat by your side. 
“Guess I lost my friend” He commented when he saw Heyoon waving at you before she and Tae-joon walked away. 
“Uh?” You looked at him with curiosity, and he motioned to Tae-joon. 
“Oh yeah, so did I” You slightly smiled, shrugging. You chatted for a while, you learned his name was Min Kyu, he was a software engineer, and also had the cutest dimples when he smiled. 
He asked if you wanted to dance and his dimples appeared when you said yes, so he grabbed your hand and you two headed to the crowded dance floor. As you two swang to the beat you could feel him getting closer and his hands making its way to your waist. 
Yours found their way to his shoulders, you were having fun slowly approaching each other and you could lie to yourself saying you were taking glances around to check if Heyoon was around, but this excuse failed as soon as your heart skipped a beat. 
There, leaning against the wall, looking so effortlessly handsome in his black jacket, up a white shirt and a pair of dark jeans: 8/8 you checked off your list.
He was alone? That was too good to be true. 
And it really was, because it didn't take long until Changbin appeared along with 2 girls with the tiniest skirts you've ever seen.  
He stared at you, his gaze was unreadable and all you wanted was to dig a hole on the floor right there and jump in. 
“Are you alright?” Min Kyu leaned down, you could see Hyunjin's eyes still glued on you as he spoke with one of the girls, unbothered by her hand touching his arm.
 “Yeah, just a little thirsty” You looked away from him and faced Min Kyu, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you with concern, his hands were still resting on your waist.
“Oh, wait here. I'll get us something to drink” He smiled and you nodded, watching him go away. 
You did your best to avoid looking in Hyunjin's direction, but curiosity kept taking the best of you and you had to take some glances, the girl was still there, the four of them now laughing at something Hyunjin said and you rolled your eyes. What could be so funny? 
He looked at you while he talked, he had that grin. Damn.
“Here's it, I saw you weren’t drinking beer so I brought you this instead ” Min Kyu's voice brought you back to reality and you turned to look at him, he handed you a lemon drink and you smiled as your fingers briefly brushed as you took the glass from his hand, taking a little sip and thanking him.
“Hmm, it's too loud in here, why don't we go talk outside?” You suggested, he smiled at you and then you realized the implication on your request, as you both made your way out. 
Too bad you were leaving, you didn't see Hyunjin's grin fading away. 
~ {♡} ~ 
Min Kyu guided you outside, it was nice there. Some couples were kissing on the benches while a few other people were just talking and smoking, you chuckled, comparing the contrast with the agitation from inside although you could still listen to the music coming from there. 
You two sat down at a secluded bench, talking and enjoying your drinks, you smiled and nodded at his words, deep down wishing he wouldn’t ask you anything that required an actual reply. Yeah your body was outside, but your mind was away, lost in the different scenarios that could be happening inside there.
But luckily you didn't have to worry about appearing to be rude to Min Kyu as words weren't necessary at that moment, you realized that as you watched him closing the distance between you. 
He was going to kiss you and you'd like it, of course you would. 
He was cute, he was being nice, and most important: he wasn't there talking to mini skirts bitches and letting them rub him as if he was some kind of genie in a bottle ready to grant their dirty wishes. 
The gentle touch of his hand putting a strand of your hair behind your ear brought you back to reality, you looked at him and his cute dimples as he smiled leaning closer, you closed your eyes, his lips barely inches from yours. 
Focus on him, y/n. It was happening!
Oh, sorireul jireuneun naega oh… 
You two jumped at the loud intro of Thunderous.
Min Kyu is a Stay? Really? 
Another check on your list: his cologne smelled good plus he had good taste in music. Although listening to your ex's song when you were about to kiss someone new feels a little weird, you had to admit.
His trembling hand reached for his phone inside his pocket, he rolled his eyes at the name on screen.
“Ji-an, what's up?” He looked annoyed as he heard her speaking on the other side. 
“You did what?” He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair, he was annoyed. 
“No, you're not. Say your friends goodbye, I’m going there, you're still grounded, did you forget that?” His voice was hard as he spoke his last words and ended the call. 
He turned to you, offering a shy smile. 
“I'm sorry, my sister is grounded and our parents are out of town, she thought it meant a free pass to her to get some friends over” He looked disappointed, and so did you, but you gave him an understanding smile. 
“It's alright” You gently squeezed his hand. 
“I'm sorry, maybe we can meet up another time? I'd love to see you again” He handed his phone to you and you added your number on the device before giving it back to him.
“I'd love that” You smiled as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before leaving. You watched him go and sighed, deciding to go back inside, maybe you could meet some friend there and distract your mind.
Hyunjin knew you'd be there, Felix had told him about you moving back, and it would be a lie to say he wasn't eager to see you. 
You looked pretty in your crimson dress with matching crimson soft lips that he still remembered how they felt on his own. He sighed, you looked prettier than he remembered. 
He haven't seen you during those years, all he knew from you was little snippets he overheard here and there from the boys and mutual friends. There was a boy, back in Busan, he rolled his eyes, of course there was, but it’s over now, he assumed as he watched you and Min Kyu so closely. 
Hyunjin was annoyed, he wanted to go there and ruin whatever Min Kyu’s plans were, and he was about to do it, when he was interrupted by Changbin and his friends. He sighed, he wasn't in the mood today.
Your annoyed stare caught his attention and he smirked, maybe he was in the mood today. He saw your struggle to look away, your hands clenching as the girl touched his arm, he grinned, he was having fun, until he watched you two leaving. 
Getting rid of them wasn't easy, but when he was heading outside Min Kyu passed him by, and he was in a hurry and alone. 
Hm, interesting, Hyunjin thought.
As you were crossing the door you were surprised by a collision. Your drink spilled on your dress and on the floor. 
“Oh shit! Don't you look where you're going?” You were looking down, checking your dress. “It will stain” a well known chuckle made you lift your head.
“Look who's back” He crossed his arms, smirking at you.
“Hyunjin…” Your eyes widened as you glanced at him, your breathing getting caught on your throat.
“Aren't you going to present me to your boyfriend?” He looked around, before grinning at you and you looked down.
“He's not my… damn, it's staining!” His gaze followed your desperate hand on the wet spot on the dress. 
He rolled his eyes and grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you inside making you follow him to the restroom. 
He opened the door and you two got in, after closing it behind him, he quickly kneeled down in front of you, making you gasp. 
“What are you doing?” You asked with gritted teeth.
“Cleaning up your mess, what else do you think I am doing?” He grabbed some tissues and started dabbing it on the fabric, his free hand holding your leg. 
He suddenly looked up at you, grinning. “Ohh you thought I was about to…”
You trembled slightly, looking up to the ceiling and wishing he didn't notice, but he did, his grin getting wilder.
“You really did, y/n you naugh…” His eyes sparked with mischief.
“Stop it!” You hissed and he chuckled, you grabbed the tissue from his hand and started dabbing the almost gone stain.
“You stop it!” He pushed your hand away and grabbed the tissue back, going back to his previous task, the grip on your thigh got slightly harder. 
“Are you done?” A few moments passed when you asked, looking down, the stain was gone, thank God. 
“Almost…” You watched as he dragged the tissue to your thigh, cleaning the tiny drops there. 
His lips were parted and he was taking his time as he cleaned the nonexistent drops. Your heart wanted to believe he was using a silly excuse to touch you, as you felt his fingertips brushing against your skin every so often, but your brain was telling you he was just into autopilot, cleaning up the mess he did, and for all you know it could be the alcohol playing too. 
You two were startled as the door opened suddenly, looking to the side you saw a very drunk girl step in. She looked from you to Hyunjin who was still kneeling in front of you, with his hands on your thighs and she giggled.
“Opss, am I interrupting something?” 
“No, nothing. I’m already leaving” You saw the way she was looking at him after your reply, and didn't think twice before you act as you wrapped your fingers around his wrist and pulled him to stand up. “Actually, we are leaving!” 
The drunk girl waved him goodbye and signed a “call me” as you dragged him out with you, Hyunjin laughed and you realized you were still holding him and dragging him to wherever. You let go of his hand, cheeks getting warm.
“You're still jealous of me” His tone was cocky as he stopped by your side, lifting his chin.
“You wish!” You did your best to look unbothered, crossing your arms and looking away.
“You're. You almost made me fall on face just to get me away from that girl” 
“Well, if you wanna talk to her so badly, go after her then” You said nonchalantly, but deep inside you were burning, and not in a good way.
“Awn, I forgot how cute you get when you're jealous” He squeezed your cheeks, laughing.
“Stop that!” You slapped his hands and he laughed more. “I already said I'm not” 
“Admit it. You die for me” You stared at him and it wasn't a good idea, because when he said that, he licked his lips as he nodded. 
God, you were not the strongest soldier. 
“Y/N and Hyunjin!” A drunk Felix appeared, he threw an arm over each of your shoulders, bringing you close. “Two of my favorite people!”
“C'mon, we are about to go play spin the bottle” He started dragging you two with him, but you stopped.
“Lixie, no, I can't play, I was just about to leave and…”
“She's looking for her boyfriend” Hyunjin said and Felix's lips turned down.
“I already said he's not my boyfriend!” You snapped at him.
“Perfect, so you can play” Felix clapped, grinning again and you shook your head no.
“Just a few rounds, please. You can't say no to the birthday person, it's the rule” Felix insisted as he held both of yours hands.
“Your birthday's only sunday” You scoffed.
“Well, but it's my birthday and I would like to see you play” Jisung suddenly appeared behind you, you jolted and it made Hyunjin and Felix chuckle.
“Yeah, he's right, now come with us” Felix held you by your shoulders before you could try to protest some more and guided you to where the group was.
You were nervous as you sat down on the floor and took a look around, the boys were all here, along with some of their friends, Yuna, Chaeryeong, Nabi and some other girls you didn't know yet. 
Quickly glancing at him, your heart sank when Hyunjin sat down beside you. The way those girls looked at him made your stomach twist and you wanted to get up and leave, not wanting to watch him kissing randoms. 
Felix gently squeezed your hand when you shifted on your seat, probably sensing what you were trying to do. You sighed, staying in place, he smirked, tapping your hand.
Some rounds went down and it wasn't getting any easier on your anxiety, but at least Hyunjin hasn't kissed anyone yet. 
Yet… The look on those girls' eyes when it was their turn made your stomach twist each time. 
He took glances at you every time the bottle stopped, noticing your sigh of relief, and he couldn’t help but smirk to himself, you've never been good at concealing anything, especially your feelings for him and he finds it adorable. 
But if we were being honest, he felt relief too when the bottle didn't stop at you.
It was Chaeryeong’s turn and judging by the way everybody screamed when the bottle stopped at Changbin and their heated makeout, you realized you had a lot to catch up on in your friends lives. 
Being there for a good while now, you were ready to get up and leave, when Seungmin screamed it was your turn now and you dead stared at him, a smirk crossing the menace's face.
Everybody's eyes were on you as your shaking hand grabbed the bottle and you held your breath as it spinned and spinned.
Until it lost speed and stopped at Jisung…
And then at Hyunjin. You looked up and saw Changbin's mischievous smile. It happened too quickly and it seemed like everybody was too drunk to notice when he nudged the bottle with his foot. 
Everybody cheered, well, almost everybody, you didn't see it but those girls staring at him early had pouts on their mouths, one of them - mini skirt from earlier - tried to protest but Minho quickly covered her mouth with his hand.
You turned to face him, his piercing eyes already staring at you. You were glad the music was loud, otherwise everyone would be able to hear your heart beating like drums and you looked down. 
Stereo Love came on and you rolled your eyes, it's the same song that was playing when he kissed you for the first time, ironically at this same club, only difference you didn't have expectators. 
Isn't it funny how life always found ways to mess up with you?
Hyunjin touched your chin with his slender finger, lifting your face as he leaned closer, his piercing eyes going from your eyes to your lips. You closed yours and then you felt his breath against your face, mingling with your own, his plump lips brushing against yours lightly. 
Feeling your lips being pressed against his own, your lips connected, his tongue slowly running on your bottom lip and you parted them giving him entrance. Your hands wrapped around his neck, going up to play with his hair as his hands snaked around your waist and then he swiftly placed you on his lap, making you softly moan against his lips in surprise. 
He smirked, realizing how much he missed your little sounds. One hand went on your hair, his fingers entangling on the strands and angling your head to deepen the kiss. Somebody whistled, but you didn't even notice. The only thing you noticed was the groan that escaped his throat when your nails slightly scratched the back of his neck, earning a bite on your bottom lip as response, and now the sounds were escaping from your lips again. 
Your mind was foggy as you felt his soft lips on yours.
Oh how much you missed his kisses, the taste of his lips, his scent… And from the way he was kissing you, it seemed like he missed it too. 
The kiss was hungry, as your tongues explored each other’s mouths, his grip on your hips getting harder as you pulled his hair.
It happened in a blur, in a moment you were playing a silly game, sitting on his lap, devouring each other and on the other your back was pressed against the wall, you two hidden in a corner of the club, your soft moans mixing with the music as he had his leg in between yours, one hand in your hips pulling you closer to him, pressing your bodies together and the volume on his pants was making you dizzy. 
You whined in protest when his lips left yours, chasing them again and he chuckled, giving you a peck before making a trail of kisses from your jaw to your neck, finding that spot under your ear that makes you shiver. 
“I knew it, you still like me…” He smirked against your skin as he whispered in your ear. 
God, he was so cocky… And you found it so fucking hot! 
You rolled your eyes and instead of lying you decided to shut him up by grabbing his face and kissing him again. He was taken back by your sudden attitude, but was quick to kiss you back even more intensively.
Hyunjin loved it when you got bold like this, your hand went to his shoulder, sliding down his chest and to the south. He moaned in anticipation.  
Your fingertips brushed the outline of his bulge when the annoying buzz of your phone snapped you back to reality. You jolted, withdrawing your hand and he whined, trying to grab your wrist to put your hand back in, but you were already picking your phone.
“Ignore it” His voice was muffled as he peppered kisses and nibbles at your neck. 
“I can't, it's Heyoon” You read her text telling you to go meet her at the entrance.
“Always the cockblock” He sighed, making you laugh, remembering how it was always her, the one interrupting you two. 
“I've gotta leave” There was a hint of disappointment in your voice. 
“You know, I could take you home later” His offer made your heart skip a beat, you glanced back at him.
“C'mon, I know you want that ride” And there it was, the devilish grin again while he pulled you by your waist. Your breath hitched.
~ {♡} ~ 
You clutched your staff ID badge as if you were holding a golden ticket, looking around you realized not much has changed since the last time you were here. 
The feeling was good, familiar even, as you walked down the reception of the company, staff and trainees were passing you by in a hurry and as you looked at those hopeful faces couldn’t help but wonder if one of those people belonged to the group you would be assigned for. 
The email didn't say much, actually it was only a notification that you got selected and was about to start in the following month, more details would soon be explained when you started, but as for now you knew you'd be part of a staff team. 
The adorned walls with posters of JYP’s biggest groups caught  your attention, you stopped in front of the Stray Kids one and smiled, memories passing in front of you, their singing practices, their playful banters in their dorm, their burst of laughter filling every room they were in…
Until your eyes landed on Hyunjin, and the sound of laughter gave space for the silence and the distance and then the tears, your heart shrinked and you remembered last saturday, his gaze, his plump lips, his grip… Your heart just shrinked some more. 
“Y/n?” You turned around and saw a tall man standing behind you. Nodding at him, he introduced himself.
“Nice to meet you Joo-wan” You smiled at him.
“Nice to meet you too, y/n. You'll be working with me on the staff team” Joo-wan shook your hand “C'mon, I'll show you around before taking you to meet the group” His smile was warm as he motioned for you to follow him for a little tour of the company. 
As you walked around he introduced you to some other staff members, shared some curiosities about the company, guidelines, your responsibilities, all that stuff. You read the sign up when you reach the last door: dance practice, Joo-wan stopped with his hand on the knob, turning to you and saying the last but maybe more important rule of here: do not date the idols.
Then he opened the door and walked in with you. The boys were chatting, sitting on the floor and some others on the couch while they were taking a break from practicing.
They all turned their heads to your direction. 
“Boys, come on here I want you to meet someone!” They stopped talking and looked at you, a huge smile appearing on their faces. Well, some faces, there was an expression in particular that was quite difficult to read.
“Y/N!” They came to you, Felix and Han stopping at each side and hugging you together, making you laugh, the sunshine twins were really the sweetest. 
“Hi boys” You hugged them back.
“Oh, so you already know each other?” Joo-wan looked surprised at you and them.
“I did my internship here like three years ago, and we met in the halls, I was working in another area at that time” You explained to him, the boys still attached to each side of you.
“Oh that's great y'all are familiar with each other because the group you'll be working with it's them” He smiled and your mouth fell agap, eyes widening. 
“Really?” You were truly surprised, all this time you imagined you'd be assigned to a new group, one that didn't even debut yet. Working with an already successful group as big as SKZ can feel very intimidating. 
Joo-wan and the boy chuckled seeing your surprise, his phone started ringing and he picked it out of his pocket.
“Oh, just give me a minute, I've got to pick this call” He excused himself and went out of the door with his phone in hand, the boys gathered around you.
“Welcome to the fam, y/n!” Felix hugged you tight.
“You're gonna have so much fun!” You heard Han's voice.
“Yeah, you're gonna love it!” Minho reached out and playfully ruffled up your hair and you let out a squeal, shifting away from him. 
“Minhoo, stop it!” You whined, putting your hands on your hair.
“Yeah Minho, don’t do that!” Seungmin intervened, stepping closer to you and fixing your hair.
“Thank you, Minnie” You smiled at him and his lips turned up into a mischievous smile as he ruffled up what he just fixed seconds later, chuckling “Here's it, much better” 
The boys all laughed at you as you wiggled away from him.
“You two stop or I'll ask to switch groups” You whined again and the boys laughed, watching you fix your hair.
“Just arrived and already leaving? Nuh nuh, we can't let you do that” Seungmin said shaking his head.
“Yeah baby, you signed the contract you're stuck with us now. No turning back” Changbin smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“It's like a marriage,” Said Jeongin cheekly.
“Through good and bad or whatever they say” Han chuckled when Felix completed Jeongin's phrase.
“What?” You playfully crossed your arms “I want divorce, then” 
“Not gonna happen sweetheart, should have read between the lines: this is not a 7 day trial, there's no turning back now!” Minho mischievous said.
“Guess I'm stuck…” You shrugged looking up to the ceiling. 
“Without a doubt” Changbin nodded.
“Y'all better behave then!” You crossed your arms, rolling your eyes.
“We…” Chan started, a mischievous spark on his eyes as he look at the boys “...will definitely not do that” 
“I'm not even surprised at this point” You lifted your hands and rubbed your temples. 
“C'mon, you love us” Han threw an arm over your shoulder, hugging you.
“Only on even days” You rolled your eyes and they all laughed. 
“Y/n!” Joo-wan appeared at the door, “Come with me, I'll introduce you to the rest of the team” 
“Okay” You turned back to the boys, quickly glancing at Hyunjin as you said “See you later then” They all waved you goodbye and watched you leave. 
Hyunjin pretended to not see the smirk on Felix's lips as he elbowed him. 
“Let's go back to practice” He said, already heading to turn the music back on.
~ {♡} ~ 
Your first day of work was good, spent most of your day following Joo-wan's steps, the team was amazing and very welcoming to you. From watching their interactions you learned Joo-wan's a good boss, he's hardworking and with a vision for results but also open to the others’ ideas which was nice, not like those “pushy” bosses you met previously in your past jobs. 
Also, applying for the job on JYP, you weren’t delusional to think you wouldn't come across Hyunjin, it was bound to happen sooner or later and you were fine with it.
At least that's what you said to Heyoon when you showed her the job ad. 
Did she believe in you? Of course not! 
To be honest, deep down not even you believed in yourself. The day you got the email announcing you got the job you played a whole fanfic in your head about how you two would meet again in the halls and sparks would fly like a Taylor Swift song and ta-da, just a few days later you'd be texting Heyoon saying you're back together. 
Then, Felix's birthday happened, you hadn't heard from Hyunjin the whole week after. Did he even have your number anymore? Because he didn’t ask for it saturday. 
Did he even remember what happened? Judging by the way he looked at you today, he did. 
“Stop it” You looked at Heyoon when she popped your bubble of thoughts. 
“But I'm not doing anything” You whined, putting your hands down on your lap.
“Puff, you've got that look in your face” Heyoon rolled her eyes. 
“What look?” Your eyes widened. 
“That ‘Hyunjin’ look” You could feel your cheeks burning at the accusation, but tried to sound nonchalant anyway.
“What is that even supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what it means” She grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands close, looking at them “and stop biting your nails, you're ruining the nail polish”
“Oh, I'll fix it” After seeing your teeth ripped off the tip of your nail polish you jumped out of the couch and went to your bathroom, coming back with the manicure basket and placing it on the coffee table. You picked the color you used previously.
“No, not this color, it's looking boring” She took the little basket from your hands and fished the crimson glass “Use this, much better” She shook it with a grin and put it in your hand.
“I don’t know Yoon, I think it’s a little too much for work, I usually use this one for when I’m going out” You looked at the glass uncertainty.
“Exactly! Perfect for our double date with Tae-joon and Min Kyu” She clapped and you looked at her confused.
“Uh, the text I sent you earlier? Tae wants to meet up tomorrow, and he said his friend asked about you, so…”
“Oh yeah, right. The coffee date” You vaguely remembered her text floating somewhere in the conversation you two were engaging earlier. 
“I was expecting you’d be more excited? He's so cute and has dimples!” Your friend's reaction made you chuckle.
“He is, but don’t you think it's a little weird tho? I mean… Hyunjin's tongue was inside my mouth just minutes after he left” 
“Yeah, but it was because of a silly game and it was just in your mouth because I interrupted because otherwise it would be inside your…” She teased.
“Bestie, shhh. Don't say it!” You felt your cheeks burning as you jumped and covered her mouth, muffling her laugh. 
“And he left before it happened, he had no idea anyway. Plus… It's been like forever since you've been on a proper date, you could use a little distraction…” Heyoon playfully poked your side and you jumped. “Get some d…”
“Heyoon!” You exclaimed and she laughs more.
~ {♡} ~ 
Hyunjin saw you kneeling on the floor, your cheek against the glass of the vending machine while your arm was shoved inside, he chuckled at your visible struggle and decided to walk to you. He stopped just a few steps behind you and crossed his arms, you cursed under your breath, too annoyed at the machine to realize he was there.
You pulled your arm back and smacked the machine to make the can fall, your attempt was unsuccessful. You sighed.
“C'mon, I don’t have any more money left!” You cried out, smacking it again. 
You heard chuckles and turned around, seeing Hyunjin stepping closer and you sighed. 
“Breaking stuff on your first week? Hm, I don’t think Joo-wan will like to hear about that” 
“What do you want?” 
“I just finished practice, thought I'd grab something to drink, but now I can’t because you broke the machine” 
“It was already broken when I arrived!” You complained, crossing your arms in front of your chest. 
“Yeah, right” He smirked and placed a hand on your shoulder, slightly pushing you to the side. 
You watched intently as he kneeled down in front of the machine and shoved his arm inside like you previously did, easily grabbing the Sprite that was stuck. 
He stood up and gave it to you.
“Thanks” You murmured while taking it, your fingers brushing briefly. 
He didn’t show any reaction, neither did you, but deep inside you shivered. Just like him.
You opened the can and took a sip, he watched as you leaned on the wall and grabbed your phone from your backpocket, absentmindedly scrolling. 
“You're unbelievable” He scoffed, crossing his arms.
“Excuse me?” You looked up confused at him.
“One day, you're going all octopus on me, and the other you act as if I don’t exist” His tone gave away his annoyance and the way he rolled his eyes just confirmed it.
“What? You were the one getting all handsy!” You stopped mid way from drinking your soda, side eyeing him. 
He smirked at you, grabbing the can off your hand and taking a long sip. 
You gulped as you watched his adam's apple bobbing. 
“What's so interesting for you to be ignoring me, anyways?” He grabbed your phone from your hand, looking at the screen with curiosity.
He saw you had your calendar open, various notes with work stuff related content written, as he was reading, a notification popped up and he rolled his eyes. It was a text from Min Kyu. 
“Give it back!” You tried to grab your phone back, but he turned his back to you, his fingers quickly typing something. 
“What are you doing? Give it back!” You tried to reach and pick the device from him again, but he wiggled from you and lifted his arm up, holding your phone above his head, laughing as you failed to reach.
“Oh y/n, you're not supposed to be on your phone during work hours, you know?” He shook your phone in front of you, pulling it back when you tried to pick it again.
“Last night was great, wanna meet up again Friday?” Hyunjin mocked, reading the words from Min Kyu's text to you. His gaze met yours as he continued, now reading what he replied as you “No, thanks!” 
“Oh my God, stop it!” Your cheeks were burning from embarrassment, you smacked his chest and he feigned hurt, placing his hand where you hit him. You quickly grabbed your phone back, checking to see what he really did.
“You sent it” You looked back at him surprised, for a moment you thought he was just pretending to annoy you.
“Of course I did, I was even polite, so I don’t know why you are so bothered by it” He scoffed and continued, his voice low now, as he stared at your eyes “Plus… You will be busy with me, so it's not like you will be free anyways”
“With you?” Your heart skipped a beat and you truly hoped he didn’t notice the weakness in your voice or the spark that crossed your eyes.
“Yeah, we got some stuff from the tour to discuss, we got a meeting at the studio after we record some new songs” He shrugged, speaking nonchalantly, grinning when he saw your lips turning down in a disappointment you failed to conceal in time before getting caught.
“It's written on your calendar” His tone now was teasing as he approached you, and you mentally cursed yourself, looking down.
You felt his fingers touch your chin, lifting your face up to look at him, his gaze intense as it met your eyes. 
“You thought it was just us?” Hyunjin grinned, he had a mischievous spark in his eyes as he teased you, his fingers still holding your chin.
“What? No, of course not!” You shook your head in denial and he chuckled. 
“Cute” Your heart jumped as you watched him lean closer, whispering in a secretive way, as if somebody could hear your conversation, although there were only the two of you in the hall “Maybe we could…”
“Get lost!” He shouted and you jolted, heart almost escaping up your throat. 
“What the hell?” Your hand flew to your chest, feeling your rapid heart beat. You were so entranced by him, that you didn’t see when he looked over you, spotting the heads peeking behind the wall meters away from you both.
“No, not you” He shook his head and pointed behind you “These two” 
You turned around and all you saw was a fast glimpse of the brunette and blonde hairs as they pulled back inside. 
Thanks to the sunshine twins, the mood was ruined now and you wouldn't sleep at night thinking about what Hyunjin was about to say.
Your cheeks were burning when you turned back to him and noticed Hyunjin was annoyed as he took another long sip of your soda, he jerked his head for you to look behind you again, there was Joo-wan coming with some papers in hand looking for you. 
“Thanks for the soda!” Hyunjin quickly tapped your shoulder before leaving, lifting his hand and waving the can of Sprite before chugging it as he walked to the other direction.
“Hey, that’s mine!” You screamed at him, taking one step to follow him but being stopped on your track by Joo-wan's hand on your shoulder. You heard Hyunjin's laugh as he passed through the door.
“Y/n, great to see you here. I've got some things to discuss with you…” Joo-wan was agitated as he handed you the papers, speaking fast as he listed all the details you needed to take care of: contact with stylists, location for the promo photoshoots, confirm the special appearances on tv shows, just to say a few.
“...also show the ideas for the boys and see if they want to make any changes and all that” He glanced at you giving a thumbs up “Got it?”
“Yeah yeah, I will talk with them” You nodded, trying to make mental notes from everything he said to you.
“Don't worry, soon enough you will know all those things by heart” He chuckled, giving you a reassuring smile and flexing his arm “Fighting!” 
“Fighting!” You repeated, flexing your arm too. 
“Have you tried this? It says it's supposed to give you an energy boost, they have it in the cafeteria” Joo-wan showed you the little carton on his hand, it said high on caffeine on it and you chuckled, that’s why he was so energetic.
“Oh, I think I should go and try it then” You smiled politely at him as you excused yourself, there was a long day ahead.
~ {♡} ~
It was lunch time which meant the cafeteria was quite crowded when you made your way to the line and grabbed some food. As you walked around looking for a place to sit, a loud shout caught your attention, and you turned to the left to be greeted by the boys.
“Hey new girl, come sit with us!” Changbin shouted and you laughed, making your way to their table. You sat between Chan and Jeongin, Jisung was in front of you on the opposite side with Hyunjin by his side. 
Enjoying your meals together, laughing and chatting with them felt good, just like the old good times you spent together in this same place. The cafeteria may have changed, but luckily your friendship remained the same. 
You and Hyunjin weren’t talking, but the stolen glimpses of each other sure felt like that time too, those cute early stages when you would keep looking at him, trying to get his attention and praying he would ask you out. 
“Hyunee” A girl appeared by his side and you automatically rolled your eyes and didn't see it but he noticed it and smirked. Oh, just like the old times, indeed.
“Hyun, you're meeting me up later to help me practice, right?” The girl had that tone, and it annoyed you even more. 
“Yeah, sure” He might had sounded nonchalantly but he stared directly at you when he replied, clearly with the intention of annoying you.
“He can't help you today” You nonchalantly said, shrugging.
“Excuse me?” She raised an eyebrow looking at you in disbelief. 
“He's busy with the group activities” You replied not even bothering looking at her, still eating your lunch.
“Mhm, maybe we could meet up…” She rolled her eyes at you and placed her hand on Hyunjin's arm. 
It looked like a claw squeezing the flesh and your grip on the hashi got tighter.
“Beloved? I think you didn't hear me right, so I will say it again, he's very busy, which means he has no time, okay?” Your voice was sweet, calm even, such a contrast to how you were feeling inside when you saw she wouldn’t let go of his arm.
“Plus, Jyp didn't contract dance instructors for trainees to bother idols like this, did you have any problem with choreography? Ask for their help and work harder” 
The boys looked at you in awe, including Hyunjin - who was smirking the whole time - clearly enjoying the situation, you couldn’t help it, the words were slipping off your mouth as if they had come to life. 
It wasn't jealousy. Of course not.
You’d intervene if it was with any of the boys, it was just basic etiquette, it just happened to be with Hyunjin. It's insane how it always happens to be him. 
If stares could kill, you'd fall drop dead right there. 
“Chae-hee, you're a trainee part of LuaX, right? We weren’t introduced yet, I'm y/n and I'm the…” You kept your sweet persona, even feigning a smile at her.
“Our leader” Chan said giggling at the same time you said you were their staff. 
“You… know who I am?” Chae-hee's eyes were widened in surprise, and you wanted to laugh at how her aura changed so suddenly. 
“Who doesn't?” Seungmin scoffed and Minho nodded, chuckling, he had a point. 
Chae-hee was known in the halls not only for her beauty, but also for her demeanor. She's new to the agency, just joined as a trainee at the end of last year, but already has two strikes under her name. 
“Oh sweetheart, of course I do. What type of staff would I be if I didn’t?” That was a lie, you only knew who she was because you recognized her from the pictures and tea spilled to you by other staff people. 
Honestly, it was none of your business what she’s been up to. Until now…
You looked around before leaning in, as if you were about to share a secret, and you kind of were.
“I don’t even know if I should be telling you this but you've been walking on thin ice lately” Your gaze went to her hand on his arm then back at her “I think you don’t wanna get caught on the same drama again, do you?” 
She pulled her hand off, shaking her head at you. Hyunjin and the boys quietly chuckled looking at each other, it was never so easy to get rid of Chae-hee like it was now. 
“Yeah, I thought so” You leaned back on your chair, smiling at her “This life can be quite difficult, specially for someone who haven’t debuted yet” 
Chae-hee looked down, her expression was quite hard to read, but at least she let go of his arm, so you took that as a good sign. Right? 
But then a spark crossed her eyes and she leaned in, whispering something in his ear, and you gripped the hashi again as you watched him nodding. She stood up again and looked at you with a smirk. 
“Well, guess I'm going. See you around, y/n, boys” She still had that teasing smirk as she passed you and you rolled your eyes.
“What annoying bitch” You murmured under your breath and Chan giggled and murmured he agreed.
“Wow new girl, the way you protected your man was hot” Changbin's comment made you choke on your water. 
“Oh my God, no no, he's not…” Your cheeks were burning and you placed your glass back down. 
“It didn’t see like it when you were making out at the party” Seungmin teased and the boys chuckled.
“That was just a silly game, we were drunk. Plus, Changbin kissed Chaeryeong and it doesn't mean they are dating” 
“This way you hurt my feelings” Hyunjin chuckled and you glanced at him and he stopped.
“Uh, actually we are” Changbin confessed shyly and you turned back to look at him, your mouth falling agap and you squealed.
“Okay, you gotta tell me everything!” Your enthusiasm made the boys chuckle, they missed your spontaneous reactions. Yeah, it felt good to be back. 
~ {♡} ~ 
Arriving in the agency, your hands were full as you jiggled the coffee cups you brought for the boys: a little treat for their hard work. It had been a month since you came back and things were great, well, almost everything.
New house? Beautiful.
Work? Amazing. 
Your love life? Thanks to Hyunjin, it went from 5 to 0 really quick.
You and Min Kyu were still in touch but he was super busy with work and to top that, he would be leaving for a couple days for a work trip, so you barely talked. But if you were being honest, it's not like you really cared.
Yeah, you knew this was ‘wrong’, you were tired of hearing Heyoon go off about how cute you'd look together, how Hyunjin belonged to the past, how you needed to be a strong independent woman who didn't need a man, bla bla bla, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and yours only wanted him. 
As for him, he was very aware of your feelings, ever since day one, damn ever since you laid your eyes on that cute boy who held the door for you when you arrived at the agency for the first time. He wanted you too, but he was younger and full of hormones, he was just a boy, thinking with his other head, and there were also the bans, he later would learn wasn't as black and white as it seemed, and the pressure from his building career…
You know the saying: what is a drop on a glass already full of water?
Well, in Hyunjin's perspective, it was all it took for the glass to overflow. 
‘Maybe we should stop this’, was what you told him that night, ‘Yeah, maybe we should', was his reply, and just like that, there was no you and Hyunjin anymore. You wouldn’t lie, the thought of him wanting to end things with you crossed your mind more times than you'd like to admit, and you'd cry at night and even avoid him the next day, as if this silly act would prevent you from hearing the words coming out of his mouth. 
Why were you the one saying it then? You didn't know for sure, you were stressed, drunk, and most importantly you thought he would tell you to go to sleep, tomorrow would be a new day. It's just that he didn’t, he was acting weird for days, you felt it even from the way he kissed you, something was off, but then he didn’t even ask you why, didn't even try to change your mind, he only gave you one more kiss, a “goodbye” one before he watched you go back inside your house. 
That kiss was good, unlike that other one, it gave you hope you'd wake the next day to a text from him and you’d spend the day together and this conversation never happened. But unfortunately, you woke to a thousand messages from Heyoon, telling you that he got back to the party, shortly after he left you home. 
~ {♡} ~ 
Back to the present, everyday you sacrificed those 5 more minutes of sleep to put on your makeup and get all dolled up for work, looked for excuses to talk to him or just be around him, tried to catch his attention, truly oblivious to the sunshine twins keeping up with you two like their personal kdrama.
One day during practice, Han even had the audacity to appear with some candies, handing them to Felix as he sat on the couch, both watching intently as Hyunjin was teasing you about what he was planning to do on tour:
“For real, y/n. Just imagine it, me walking in the crowd during Get Lit, stays will go crazy!” He was gesturing with his hands, his eyes sparkling and he could clearly picture the image on his head, and it wasn't of the stays going crazy, no no, it was you with fire coming from your eyes.
“Yeah, they will and that's exactly the problem!” You rolled your eyes and he chuckled softly. 
“I don’t see how giving the fans the best day of their lives could be a problem” He chuckled again.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about” You stared at him, then had a realization as he was slightly pulling his t-shirt up, a peak of his abs showing. 
“Oh my God, that's why you are hitting the gym lately, to let people feel you up!” Your eyes widened and he smirked, taking a few steps to close the distance between you, his piercing eyes locked with yours.
“Don't be jealous, y/nnie. I let you feel me up too…” His voice was low, his hands still on the hem of his t-shirt, that devilish grin appearing on his plump lips and he leaned in. 
“I'll let you feel everything” He whispered in your ear, making your cheeks burn and a shiver ran down your body.
“Oh, he's sexy” Felix murmured, eating his candy, his eyes fixated on you and Hyunjin, Han nodded, his cheeks fluffy from his mouth full of candy. Neither you or Hyunjin noticed them watching you.
Teasing you, that seemed to be Hyunjin's favorite hobby after painting, annoying you with his comments, blocking your way as you’d walk around, stealing your drinks and food, and even sending you kisses while practicing. He was having fun, especially when he could get you all flustered. 
~ {♡} ~ 
“Protein cookies n cream shake for you” You handed Changbin his beverage, he happily thanked you. 
“A strawberry frappuccino for you…” You handed Felix his and his face lighted up as he took a sip. 
“And an iced americano for you” You were about to hand Hyunjin his, when you saw he already had a cup on his hand. “Oh, you already got one” He noticed your lips slightly turning down and looked around.
“Hey Wook, you like vanilla latte?” He called the other staff who was nearby.
“Yeah, why?” Wook replied, coming closer to him.
“Here, for you” Hyunjin handed him the cup he has holding and picked yours from your hand “And this one is mine” 
“Hmm, much better, thanks y/nnie” He said after taking a sip and for a moment you wondered why he had a drink he didn’t like. 
Maybe he was in a hurry and ordered it wrong. Maybe the waiter was too busy and got it wrong. Or… Chae-hee.
Her name was written in the cup when Wook drank. You scoffed, after your first and much luckily only encounter, she had been quiet, out of sight out of mind, at least that's what you thought, but truth is that Chae-hee had been subtly around, in the coffees Hyunjin always passed up to someone at the reception, hanging on the agency at evening when everyone was gone but the boys, and she would “forget” something behind and needed to come get back. 
Neither Hyunjin or the boys told you about those things, it was just a normal day in their lives at this point, each experienced it too at some moment or better saying moments, the girls were usually trainees or newly idols and if they were lucky, they would get their way with them and that was all. He wouldn’t tell you, but despite being a bitch, Chae-hee was his type so yes he was attracted to her, and yes he was thinking about having his fun with her and he would, if he didn’t see you at the boys’ party that day. 
“What's wrong?” Hyunjin asked, nudging you after he plopped down by your side on the couch.
“Nothing, why?” The boys were all sprawling out on the floor, panting as they just finished practicing, you glanced at him, sweaty and hot in his gray sweatpants, you looked away.
“You are acting weird today, quiet even. It's so unlike you, what's worrying that pretty little head of yours?” He looked at you, leaning closer and your heart skipped a beat.
“Did I do something?” Ironically, Hyunjin didn’t have that teasing tone this time.
“What? No, of course not” You brushed off, shrugging and looking away.
He didn’t do anything and that's exactly what the problem was.
“I just had a hard time sleeping last night, that’s all” You sighed. 
“Couldn’t stop thinking about me, I see” He chuckled lightly.
“You wish!” You scoffed. Obviously he was right, you were watching vídeos of him before bed, but he didn’t need to know that. 
“I know. You don’t fool me, doll” His hand landed on your thigh casually, and you turned to him again. Your heart skipped a beat.
“So, what was it, fanfics, fancams, TikToks?” His fingertips drummed on your thigh and his eyes sparkled “Thirsty TikToks, maybe?” Hyunjin squeezed your thigh and you jolted, flustering hard and he chuckled, letting go of the flesh and giving it gentle taps. 
“It was!” Hyunjin grinned and he leaned even closer.
“Ohh y/nnie, you know you don’t need these things, I can take care of it for you. You know?” His fingers dangerously slidding to your inner thigh as he whispered “All you have to do is ask nicely”  
Your skin tingled under his touch and you were glad you chose pants instead of a skirt today, that way there was zero risk of him or anyone see the damp in your panties. Sighing under your breath, you placed your hand over his, stopping his moves.
“No, it wasn't” You murmured through gritted teeth and he chuckled, you turned away again. 
“Hey lovebirds, sucking face's only after work. Let's keep it professional, shall we?” Minho shouted at you two, and all the boys laughed, Hyunjin included. You flipped Minho off. 
“Alright, boys. Break is over, let’s start again” Chan stood up and the boys whined.
“I will get back to practice now, try not to miss me much” He playfully smacked your thigh and got up, running back to the center of the room to reunite with the boys.
~ {♡} ~
“Na-yeon isn't a good dancer, she keeps messing the routine up, Hong-jo” Chae-hee kept playing with the straw of her finished juice, sitting on the chair in front of the main staff responsible for LuaX. 
“She did pretty well at last’s week showcase” Hong-jo pushed Chae-hee's feet off her table.
“Hunf, that’s only because she knew you'd be watching, she isn't like this normally” Chae-hee leaned in, resting her face on her hands “I think you should switch our positions, let me take the center” 
“Please, please, Hong-jo. At least think about it” She put her hands together as she pleaded.
“Fine” Hong-jo sighed “Now, excuse me. I need to finish some working and you need to record with the girls” The staff tapped her on the shoulder, motioning for the girl to get off of her chair.
“Thank you, Hong-jo” Chae-hee got up in a jump and happily exited the staff's office. 
“Hey lady, don’t go there” A female voice surprised Chae-hee as she touched the restroom's door knob, she turned around with curiosity.
“The door knob is broken, you could end up stuck” The woman stopped in front of the door, pinning a warning sign. 
“Oh, I will go for another one then, thank you” The woman smiled at Chae-hee and walked away. 
Chae-hee was looking around at the posters hanging at wall, she stopped in front of the Stray Kids one, smirking while she admired Hyunjin. That was when she heard your voice from another room. 
What a coincidence, you were complaining to someone that you should slow down on the water, because now you had to go to the restroom every 10 minutes and you were afraid you'd have to leave in the middle of an important meeting that was just about to start.
An idea popped in her mind and she smirked. 
Ever since you met, everything has changed and Chae-hee noticed it, but that was okay, she wasn't stressing over it, nobody ever said No to her before, and she wouldn’t let this be the first time, but as much as she hated to admit, you were right and she had to be careful. Careful and have patience. 
Quickly, Chae-hee pulled the sign off and ran, turning the left just in time before you opened the door and stepped into the empty hall. You knocked on the door and were glad it was empty, you didn't think you’d make it until you reached the other restroom.
You got in and locked the door. Chae-hee waited a bit before going back and pinning the warning up and running away again. 
After finishing, you washed your hands and went to unlock the door, it made a muffled - tique - sound and didn't open. You tried again, nothing.
Weird, you thought to yourself, trying once more, pulling the door knob with a little force. Another tique sound, this time louder. 
You held the handle as it fell off from the door. Trying to put it back, you realized it didn't attach, oh shit.
Grabbing your phone from your backpocket, you quickly typed a message to Joo-wan, letting him know that you were stuck. You frowned when you got the notification: your message couldn’t be delivered, you sighed, trying Woo’s number, same, the group chat, nothing.
You tried calling, but it failed too. Looking down at your phone, the tiny sign of out of service was up on the screen. 
“Is there anybody here?” You screamed three times, but didn't get any response. 
There wasn't, it was morning, time of the day most of the meetings happened, which meant the staff people were in the designated rooms that of course had to be far away from where you were. 
Tried using your phone again, still out of service. The notification of the meeting popped up on the screen and you wanted to cry, wasn't just important because it was about the tour, but also you were going to present yours and the boys ideas, you needed to get out.
“Woah, watch out!” Na-yeon held a very giggly Chae-hee who stumbled on her while running.
“Na-yeon!” Chae-hee's eyes widened “What were you doing here?”
“I was about to go to the restroom and grab some water, why?” Na-yeon stared at her with curiosity. 
“Don't go there, the door's broken. Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria, I will buy you a juice” Chae-hee turned Na-yeon around and threw her arm around her shoulder, squeezing her as they walked together. 
“Oh, thanks but you really don’t need to” Na-yeon shook her head, she was confused, Chae-hee never treated her with anything, wasn’t even nice to her to be honest. 
“I insist “Chae-hee grip on her arm got slightly tighter, she had a grin on her lips “You did so well during the showcase, you'll be a star Na-yeon” 
“You thought so? Thank you, Chae-hee” Na-yeon smiled with sincerity, truly believing the older words.
“Of course, you were amazing!” And just like that, Chae-hee guided her away from the hall, and especially: away from a desperate and locked you. 
~ {♡} ~
Hyunjin was walking in circles at this point, in almost two months working there, it was the first time you didn't show up for a meeting. Thinking about it, he just realized he didn’t see you at all today.
Damn, he was missing you.
He walked around, discreetly sneaking up to the staff's office, practice rooms, cafeteria and no sight of you. The strangest part was that today was important, and it wasn't like you to miss meetings. 
“Can you stop?” Hyunjin stopped shaking his leg when Felix asked.
“Sorry” And Felix laughed, touching his own head.
“Much better, I was feeling like you were trying to make my brain fall off” He chuckled, his eyes still closed as he kept lying on Hyunjin's lap.
“Don't worry, she’s fine” Felix smirked.
“I am not worried” Hyunjin scoffed “I just find it strange, she never misses work” 
“Maybe she was busy” Felix said nonchalantly, and Hyunjin scoffed again.
“Too busy to even stop a little and come see us?” Hyunjin was quick, he almost said ‘me’ instead of ‘us’, but of course Felix knew what he meant, and chuckled.
“Yeah, right, she would never forget us like that” And Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
“Hmm, yesterday she mentioned something about not feeling so well, maybe she took the day off” Felix opened his eyes and smirked teasing his friend “Maybe we could stop by her place later, pay her a visit” 
Hyunjin noded absentmindedly, maybe Felix was right, you probably weren’t feeling too well and took a day off to rest. 
“Awn, look at him missing his girlfriend, how cute” Felix lifted his hand and pinched Hyunjin's cheek.
“Stop it” Hyunjin slapped his hand away, but his cheeks turned slightly pink from the blonde's comment. 
Meanwhile, you were still stuck. Doing your best to stay calm, you kept trying to text and call your contacts, to shout in hope someone would be passing by, but it’s been 3 hours now, and you were getting scared, it was not possible the same agency with halls that are always so full of people, suddenly be so empty today.
People were passing, but very few and they were all busy speaking with their headphones. 
You were sitting on the floor, hugging your knees, some tears rolled down your face. 
“I am stuck, somebody help, please” You sighed and then you heard some steps, you got up and started smacking the door to try to catch their attention.
But just like it appeared, the footsteps were gone, you rested your forehead against the door. Maybe you imagined it.
Chae-hee stepped away, covering her mouth to prevent her giggles to escape, she kept coming every now and then, having fun as she heard your calls for help. She was going to let you out, she wasn't mean, she just needed for you to mess up your work and as a bonus, stay away from Hyunjin too. 
She grinned, clapping her hands. It was a win/win situation for her. 
5 and half an hour in, you picked a candy you kept in your pocket, your phone battery was getting low and it was scaring you more. 
You were rolling the wrapping paper around your fingers, an attempt to calm you down when you heard some whistling and you stood up again. 
Ice cream, it was his whistle. He was here.
“Hyunjin?” You screamed, crossing your fingers it was him and he would hear you.
“Y/n?” He stopped on track, looking around.
“Hyunjin, oh my God, it's really you!” You started crying and he saw the warning on the door.
“Y/n, calm down. What's happening?” He tried to sooth you, thinking for a way to get you out.
“The door's knob came out and won't come back, I've been stuck here all day, help me, please” You cried out, Hyunjin tried to open it from the outside, but it only made a click sound and nothing, you cried again.
“Okay, calm down, I will get you out” He ran his hands through his hair “Step back”
“Okay” You took a few steps back, nervously fidgeting the hem of your shirt.
Hyunjin turned the knob again, twisting it a few times before pushing the door and turning again with force, seeing it didn't work, he took a step back and kicked the door with all his strenght. 
One, two times and then the door was open. 
“Hyunjin!” All it took was just a few long strides and you threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him tight. 
“Shh, I'm here, everything's okay now” He soothed you, running his hand through your hair, holding you tight too, until your breathing calmed down.
“Why did you get in here? Didn't you read the sign?” He asked when he broke the embrace, but kept holding you by your shoulders.
“What sign? There was nothing when I came here” You wipped the tears away and turned to look at the door, seeing the warning sign that clearly wasn't there before.
“That's so weird, I don’t remember seeing this before” You tried to remember. Were you in such a hurry to use the toilette that you didn’t pay attention?
Well, you were a little distracted, so wouldn’t be strange if that was what happened. 
“Hm, maybe you slow down a little, you are working too hard” You nodded and he grabbed your wrist “Now c'mon, let’s get out of here”
“Oh wait, just a minute!” You subtly pulled your hand back and stepped in front of the mirror. 
Your eye mascara was messed up from crying and your make up was a little smudged, so you grabbed some tissues. Hyunjin crossed his arm, watching as you fixed it.
“Alright, now we can go” You turned to him when you finished.
“You're cute” He chuckled and held his hand out for you and you took it, shaking your head as you two went to the other room to pick your purse and leave. 
It felt natural. It felt good.
Chae-hee just finished her practice and was going to free you, when she saw you and Hyunjin walking at the end of the hall. He was nudging you and you both were laughing, Chae-hee groaned, that wasn't suppose to happen. 
Thinking quickly, she picked up her phone and snapped a picture. She smirked, looking at the screen.
“What are you doing?” Na-yeon stopped by her side. 
“Oh Na-yeon, isn't it obvious? I'm gathering proof” The younger looked at her with confusion and Chae-hee rolled her eyes.
“No dating in the workplace?”
“Ohh, no dating idols rule!” Na-yeon exclaimed and then murmured giggling “This one you know too well”
“What did you say?” Chae-hee snapped and Na-yeon shook her head, stopping.
“Nothing, nothing” The older side eyed her, scoffing. 
“But, who do you think are dating?” 
“Hyunjin and y/n, haven’t you just seem them?” Her face twisted in annoyance, you two were gone.
“Yeah and?” Na-yeon questioned her “They didn't see to be doing anything, but talk” 
“Oh my God, Na-yeon! Stop being so naive!” Chae-hee rubbed her temples. 
“It's obvious something’s going on, he was wrapped around my finger and now he changed after this girl came around”
If you asked Na-yeon or anyone from their circle, they would tell you a different story, but Chae-hee was mad and Na-yeon thought it would be better no disagree with her fanfic now. 
“She's his staff, she needs to talk to him. I’m sure it’s nothing” The brunette lightly rubbed the other's arm, trying to sooth.
“Hmm, should I go talk with Chan or straight to Joo-wan?” Chae-hee was thinking out loud, tapping the tip of her phone on her chin.
“Or maybe you could just leave it?” Na-yeon suggested and Chae-hee rolled her eyes.
“Na-yeon, at which side are you?” 
“Yours, of course” Na-yeon replied without even thinking “And that's why I'm telling you to let it go, I don’t want you to get in trouble” 
“Hmm, okay” Was all Chae-hee said. 
She wouldn’t leave it aside.
~ {♡} ~
“Are we close yet?” You turned to Hyunjin with curiosity.
“Almost there” He chuckled, taking a turn on the road. It was the second time you asked.
You opened the Mc Donalds bag that you were holding and picked some french fries and ate them. 
“I’m serious, we are almost there” Hyunjin chuckled when he side glanced you and saw you enjoying your fries.
“Ugh, I’m starving” You admitted and he chuckled again.
“Gimme some too” He opened his mouth and you giggled.
“Here” You took some fries and fed him, your eyes widened when he unnecessarily wrapped his lips around your fingertips, you quickly pulled your hand, flustering. 
“Uh, enough fries. We can eat more when we arrive” You said shyly and he chuckled. 
You spent the rest of the drive in silence, it felt awkward for you, but luckily it lasted just about 10 minutes until he stopped in a secluded spot. You recognized the place right away, Seokchon Park.
“Let’s sit outside” He gently tapped your thigh, his hand felt warm against your skin. 
“Hm, sit outside while wearing a skirt? I don’t think it’s a good idea” You’d regret your clothing choice today, but he just touched your thigh so you could say it was the right option.
“It's okay, there's only us here. Nobody's gonna see anything” He shrugged. 
“That's just one of the problems” You shook your head and he got it right away.
“C’mon doll, we can't properly see the stars from here. Let's go outside” He nudged your side and grinned, that grin that could convince you to do anything he wanted. 
“Fine” You sighed and his grin got wider, but then you pointed a finger at him “But no funny business!” 
“Okay, no funny business” He grinned and got out of the car, followed by you.
He helped you climb on the car hood, and you sat by his side, handing him his burger and grabbing yours. You listened intently as Hyunjin told you about the meeting and his day, as you two ate, he assured you he and the boys talked about your ideas and Joo-wan was excited to bring them to life, and it made you smile a little, you were still disappointed you couldn’t be there with them.
Hyunjin and you finished eating and were enjoying the silence, drinking your milk-shake and looking at the stars. You felt chills when you glanced at him while he wasn't looking, he looked so pretty under the moonlight.
You sighed and he looked at you, making you quickly turn away and he quietly chuckled. He observed you as you finished your milk-shake, still looking anywhere but him.
He slowly scooted closer and you kept acting unbothered, until his knee was touching yours, he quietly chuckled, finding your attempt to ignore him endearing. His hand rested on your exposed thigh, fingertips tracing lazy patterns on your skin, near your knee.
You quickly glanced down and stood still, but your skin was tingling. His hand slid further up a little, his gaze locked on you, watching intently as you kept looking away and bit the straw.
Hyunjin scooted closer, as if it was that even possible, his body almost pressing against yours, fingertips dangerously coming closer to the hem of your skirt and you sighed. 
“You didn't thank me for saving you” His voice was low, his eyes still on you.
“Of course I did!” You put your cup down and looked at him.
“Uh uh, I mean a proper thank you” He shook his head, his movements stopped but his hand kept on your thigh.
“That would be?” You raised an eyebrow, and he turned his face, poking his cheek with a mischievous smile.
Your heart could explode from his cuteness, but you tried to act nonchalantly as you leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
“Good, now?” You asked when you pulled back.
“Nuh nuh, more” He shook his head, and you chuckled slightly.
“Uhumm” He nodded, his eyes were closed and that mischievous smile was still there.
You leaned in, kissing his cheek again, and again and again as he kept saying “more”, until he started to slowly turn his head and when you realized, he was capturing your lips with his, cupping your face and you didn't try to pull back, no, instead you kissed him back, giving him sweet little kisses until you felt his tongue on your bottom lip and then entering in your mouth. 
Smiling, you felt his thumb caressing your cheek, his tongue slowly touching yours as your lips moved in sync. He tasted sweet, like strawberry, and your heart was beating so fast, you could swear he was listening. 
The minutes were going by, you whining every time he would part from you for breathing, chasing his lips again, you didn't need air, you needed him. His kisses were so good, you'd kiss him forever if he'd let you, so he would smile and give you small pecks before starting to kiss you again, loving how you craved more of him.
His hand slowly slid down from your cheek to your neck, until it reached its final destination: he lightly squeezed your breast and the soft sound that escaped your lips just pushed him to do it again, but squeezing a little harder now. Hyunjin's lips started making a trail of kisses to your jaw and you tilted your head slightly, giving him a better access to your neck, your skin was tingling as he started nibbling the sensitive spot. 
“Hm?” He hummed, lips still attached to your neck, alternating between kissing and nibbling. 
“We can't do it here…” You sighed, he was pulling the collar of your shirt down, and you knew he was about to mark you.
“Hmm, yeah… You're right” He fixed your shirt and hopped off the car. You looked at him with surprise, was he really giving up so easily?
Of course not. 
“Let’s get back inside” He held his hand out for you and helped you get down.
“Backseat, lady” You giggled when you felt his hands on your shoulder, turning you and gently guiding you to the second door, when you tried to open the passenger's one. 
“We aren’t doing anything tho…” You warned him, sliding on the seat, quickly followed by him “No funny business, remember?” 
“Right, I'm not doing anything” Hyunjin words didn't match his actions, as he held your waist and wasted no time in swiftly pulling you up on his lap. 
“Hyunjin!” You squealed in surprise and he tilted his head.
“Yeah, say my name again” He closed his eyes and smirked.
“Stop it!” You smacked his arm and he chuckled, opening his eyes and staring at yours, but then his laughing stopped, his gaze getting darker as he leaned closer.
“Don't worry, we won’t do anything. I just wanna play with it a little, and you'll let me, right?” His hands found their way on your butt, he grabbed the flesh through the fabric of your skirt, pulling you closer to him and you sighed, nodding. 
“Good girl” You clenched around nothing when you heard him saying that, his hands going to the hem of your shirt and getting under the fabric.
Feeling the warmth of your skin under his palms made him hum in satisfaction, and you regretted choosing simple cotton panties today. But it’s not like you imagined Hyunjin would be playing with the waistband of it on a random tuesday, better saying, you did, more times you'd like to admit, you just didn't think today would be the day. 
Well, at least that was okay, Hyunjin liked it when you’d wear them, ‘feels more spontaneous' like this. 
He made another trail of kisses from your jaw up to your lips, kissing you slowly as his fingers hooked on the waistband, playing with it. 
“Feel it? How much I missed you?” He groaned as he pressed his bulge on you, and you saw stars when your hips involuntarily rocked against it.
“Hmm, I'm guessing you missed me too?” He whispered and you nodded slightly.
“Let’s see how much you missed me…” And there it was, that devilish grin on his lips as his hand went to the front of your panties, fingertips brushing against your middle.
His free hand went back to pull the collar of your shirt and he darted his tongue out, slowly licking before starting sucking your skin, he felt his fingers getting wet through the fabric and Hyunjin's hum of satisfaction was easily the prettiest sound you've ever heard, better saying, the second, first was when he moaned your name. 
You shivered, letting your own hands roam over his shoulders and chest, quietly sighing and tugging his t-shirt when you felt him pressing his fingers against your panties, rubbing your pussy through the fabric. You buried your face on his shoulder, your hips moving against his fingers, you whined in annoyance.
“Is this annoying you, doll?” He teased you, grinning after giving you a small love bite that made you moan.
“Getting on the way?” And you nodded slightly, humming.
“Don't worry, Jinnie got you” He cooed and then pushed it to the side, his fingers now freely feeling you, getting soaked with your arousal.
So wet and warm. He groaned, imagining how good it would feel on his cock, and it twitched inside his boxer. 
“Is that better?” He teased, hearing your soft muffled sounds, his fingers lazily tracing figure 8's on your clit, you kissed his shoulder, nodding.
Your hand slid under his t-shirt and his breath hitched when your nails lightly scratched his abs, his fingers increasing the pace on your bundle of nerves. You leaned in and started kissing his neck.
“Wanna take care of you, too” You murmured against his skin and your hand lightly palmed his outline and he took a deep breath.
“You… don’t need to” Hyunjin whispered, deep down wishing you wouldn't listen to him. 
“Oh, but I do…” You whispered in his ear “I wanna play with it too” You cooed and bit his neck very lightly, careful because you couldn’t mark him for obvious reasons. 
He groaned, twitching under your palm and you smirked, giving it a light squeeze. Dark eyes watching intently as you took your hand to your lips and delicately licked it before slid under his sweatpants and boxers, you sighed, wishing you were somewhere else, your moves were restricted, there was so much you wanted to do to him, to kiss him, explore him, to show how much you loved him…
Hyunjin could sense your frustration and deep down it made him happy, he always loved how you��d be all over him, as if you couldn’t get enough of him. He knew he should wait, make it special and all, but you were looking so cute, sitting there under the stars and the pretty full moon, he couldn’t help it, he needed to kiss you, and once he did, he couldn’t stop too.
Eyes closed, lips brushing against each other’s, turning into passionate kisses and soon enough you both were lost into your own little world, the soft sounds filling the small space getting louder as your hand dragged up and down his length, pace in sync with his digits pressing and tracing figures in your clit. 
“Are you close?” You rested your forehead against his, eyes still closed as you whispered, breath hitching as you were rocking your hips against his fingers, feeling your climax building.
“Mhmm yeah, keep going” He groaned, hips bucking up, he was tensing up as he gripped tighter on your waist and fingers going faster.
You held tight into him as you came, his name slipping off your lips in a cry, head resting again on his shoulder, you kissed his neck, just a few more strokes and he was moaning your name as his warm release was slid down your fingers, you smiled against his skin, he held you tight too, pulling you closer and you stayed like that for a while, feeling each other’s heart beat as you calmed down. 
~ {♡} ~ 
Hyunjin drove you back home, you took a nice and warm shower, changed into new pajamas, grabbed Jiniret and slid under the covers, you were almost sleeping when your phone buzzed with the notification of a new message:
Jagiya: just got back. sleep well 😘 
Your heart jumped, he still had your number saved. You smiled, texting him and putting your phone back on the nightstand.
Drifting to sleep cuddling Jiniret, you had a good night of sleep after a long time.
Next day at the agency the stress started early in the practice room.
“Uh Chae-hee, I don’t understand what you want me to see?” Chan crossed his arms in front of his body and looked at her. 
“Here Chan, how can you not see it?” Chae-hee pointed at the screen, the picture she took of you and Hyunjin.
Had spent most of the night working with 3racha, Chan's patience was starting to wear thin for having to deal with whatever silly drama the girl was trying to start.
“Yeah, y/n and Hyunjin walking together, so?” 
“Don't you think they are too close to each other?” Chae-hee asked whispering “I mean, I was paying attention and they seem too close around the agency”
“Ah, Chae-hee, seriously?” Chan laughed “This is the ‘important’ thing you needed to talk to me about?” 
“Yeah, because…” She started, but Chan motioned for her to stop, shaking his head.
Chan threw his arm over Na-yeon and the younger blushed, taking by surprise when he side hugged her. Chae-hee’s eyes widened. 
“Does it look like Na-yeon and I are dating?” He asked her and she shook her head. 
“Good, but let’s check again, just to make sure, okay?” He kept his arm over Na-yeon and turned them to the opposite direction, asking Minho the same question.
“What? No, what is this about?” Minho chuckled and then completed “We all know that I’m Na-yeon’s type, if she was about to date anyone from here, this would be me” He smirked and she blushed harder. 
Chan chuckled, his arm leaving Na-yeon's figure and he turned back to Chae-hee. 
“See? If that was the case, not only y/n would be dating all of us, but we also would be caught into a crazy net of love affairs” He shrugged.
“Heyy, good morning everyone” You entered the room followed by Hyunjin and Jeongin, Chae-hee gritted her teeth.
As your usual routine, you were handing them their coffees.
“I asked for them to slow down the caffeine today, because I heard you Mr. have been sleeping badly lately” You handed Chan his coffee. 
“That's not fair, why only Hyunjin's has a heart on his?” Changbin whined “Y/nnie, are you playing favorites? I thought I was your bias” 
Chae-hee glanced from you to Hyunjin and then Chan, who was just laughing with the boys. 
“Binnie, gotta start exercising your brain too” Seungmin approached Changbin and turned his beverage around, showing the heart drawn on the cup. 
“Ops, my bad” Changbin's cheeks turned red, making everyone laugh.
“See? I don’t have favorites, I love you all the same” You giggled “Now, I think you owe me a chocolate frappuccino as an apology” 
“Oh girls, I'm sorry I didn’t know you'd be here, I'd bring you coffee too” You said to Chae-hee and Na-yeon.
“It's okay, there's no need to” Na-yeon smiled with sincerity to you. She liked you, never believing the stuff Chae-hee said about you, it was pretty clear to her that her colleague was just jealous.
“Here, to make your day sweet” You smiled at them, giving each a candy you picked from your purse. 
They thanked you, Na-yeon smiling and happy, contrary to Chae-hee murmuring and annoyed. 
You wouldn't lie, you weren’t pleased to see her there either, but you'd keep your distance and hopefully Hyunjin would too and everything was going to be fine. 
“Well, we should be going. C'mon Na-yeon” Chae-hee pulled Na-yeon by her arm and you had the impression the girl trembled slightly.
~ {♡} ~
“I'm glad you're coming on tour with us” Hyunjin leaned on your kitchen's island, watching your back as you worked on the oven, the delicious aroma of the treat you're making filling the air. 
“Me too, I’ve never traveled like this before, this will be fun” You replied, grabbing the pan and turning around to face him.
“Here is it!” You smiled, placing the pan on top of the counter and Hyunjin's mouth watered.
“Finally!” He grabbed the spoon he had separated by his side and was going to take some of the cream when you held his wrist. 
“Wait, wait. It’s too hot, you're gonna burn your tongue” You warned him, there was strings of foggy coming up from inside the pan.
“Oh, c'mon” He pouted, letting go of his spoon and you chuckled. He was so cute.
Heyoon was working late today, so you invited him over. The boys didn't know he was there, both agreeing to keep it just between the two of you, Hyunjin lied to them he was going to a painting class. 
They seemed to believe him, except maybe for Felix, who told him to be careful when painting the insides and giggled. That little menace, he was spending too much time with Seungmin.
You looked at him, still in his practice clothes, fluffy hair contorning his pretty face and the cutest pout ever. 
“Ughh, you're so cute, I could just eat you!” You leaned up on the counter, and your hands flew to his cheeks, squeezing them a little hard in your aggressive affection moment.
Hyunjin groaned and cupped your face, pulling up, giving you a quick peck on your lips before nibbling the bottom one, making you squeal.
“Hey, what are you doing? I said I’m the one eating!” You protested, just realizing he was pulling you up over the counter when you felt his hands on your waist, your body dragging against the cold marble, butt up in the air. 
“Not if I eat you up first” He murmured against your lips before giving you more kiss, then helped you get on your knees and then let your legs slid off, now properly sitting on the counter. 
“You're crazy, you know that?” You chuckled, your arms flew over his shoulders, pulling him closer after he parted your legs, making room for him to stand between them. 
Hyunjin chuckled and shook his head, his hands found their way on your hips, pulling you closer to him, lips brushing against yours. You closed your eyes, relishing the feeling of his soft lips, giving him sweet little kisses and nuzzling your noses together making him chuckle. 
“C'mon, let’s go to the couch” You gently pushed him and hopped off the counter, grabbing the spoons with one hand and the other grabbing his wrist, Hyunjin picked the pan and followed you to the other room.
You picked the remote control on the coffee table and lied on your back on the couch, tapping your parted legs for him to settle in between. Hyunjin smiled, lying down with his back against your chest and body settling between your legs, pulling the fluffy pink blanket over you both.
He smiled again when you hugged him, arms resting over his shoulders, fingers absentmindedly caressing his chest while you watched the opening of Mr Queen. 
“Mhmm, this is delicious” Hyunjin hummed after trying the treat you made. You leaned forward and gave a kiss on the top of his head.
“It's called brigadeiro. This girl who used to live in my building made them for me, and it was love at the first bite” You explained to him, happy he enjoyed it, the treat was perfect for moments like this.
“It's really good” Enjoying it so much, he almost forgot to feed you some brigadeiro too. 
“Jinnie, I want some too” Hyunjin chuckled, he was sure if he turned around right now, he would see a pout on your lips.
Hyunjin got a spoonful and turned around, feeding you. He smiled watching you savoring the treat, and then gave you a peck before lying back.
While caressing him, holding him while watching your favorite drama, you couldn’t help but smile, from doing the same thing cuddling Jiniret to now getting to do it with his dad, you felt your heart full of happiness. It truly felt like a dream, and wouldn’t want anyone to pinch you. 
Hours passed, the notification with a message asking if you wanted to keep watching. You looked down at him, Hyunjin was strangely quiet for a while, you soft giggled and carded your fingers through his fluffy hair.
“Hey, are you awake?” You whispered, not really wanting to wake him up, because it was good to stay like this.
Silence. You kissed the top of his head.
“Just five more minutes” He purred sleepy, eyes still closed, holding the blanket closer. You giggled and let him nap some more, caressing his hair.
“You can spend the night, if you want to” You whispered softly and he nodded, but didn't move. 
“I gotta go” He sighed after some minutes, and slowly got up, he sat and looked at you, scratching lightly. 
“Really?” You pouted and he caressed your cheek with his thumb.
“Yeah, the boys don't know I am here, and Changbin will get suspicious if I don’t come back home” He shrugged, reluctantly getting up.
“Alright, then” You got up too and walked him to the door. 
“I’ll stay another time, okay?” He said softly, cupping your cheeks and tilting your face to look at him and you nodded.
“And soon you'll get the chance to sleep with me every night” He teased about the tour and you flustered, shaking your head, making him chuckle. 
“Don't act like you aren’t all eager, counting the days…” 
“I'm not!” You tried to sound nonchalant.
“I bet you're the one responsible for booking the rooms, making sure mine's next yours…” Hyunjin had a mischievous smile while teasing you.
He was partially right, you weren’t responsible for the bookings, but you already checked how many doors until his. 
You shook your head and he took your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and pulling you close to him.
“You can't wait to put your hands on me, admit it” He whispered in your ear and then leaned back, smirking at you. 
“Hunf, I'm completely fine” You scoffed.
“Yeah, right…” He placed both your hands on his chest, tapping gently the back of them with his, piercing eyes locked on yours.
“For how long? Half an hour? 15 minutes maybe?” He teased and you stopped your hands that were already automatically running down. 
He chuckled and you smacked him.
“Stop playing me” You whined, pouting. 
“You can't keep your hands to yourself, y/nnie. It’s okay, if I was you I wouldn’t too” He teased, and honestly, he was right. 
Yeah, Hyunjin was right and you were stubborn, that's how you ended up in your little bet, he was convinced you'd lost it in 3 days, a week maximum, but you'd prove him wrong. You had plans but they were ruined, as he sent you a goodnight text and a reminder that you'd be cheating if you avoided him for the next few days.
Jagiya: [sent a picture]
You drooled when you saw the selfie he sent you, of him in his bathroom, wet hair just out of the shower, you could see the droplets running down his chest. 
Your hand was sliding down your shorts, when you saw the three dots: Hyunjin was typing.
Jagiya: remember, hands off yourself too, goodnight baby 😘
Your hand quickly came up and you scoffed. You could imagine his grin when he sent that, and you'd get rid of that really quick.
You got up and stopped in front of the mirror, the lilac short doll was pretty, you fluffied your hair, then pulled the top a little down, showing some cleavage to the camera and snapped a picture.
You: [sent a picture]
You: no touching! goodnight, jagiya 😘 
That night Hyunjin experienced his first of many blue balls.
~ {♡} ~
“Oh, they finally fixed it. Great!” You said stopping near Na-yeon, who was getting a soda from the vending machine.
“Hi, y/n. What's up?” She turned to face you, she was smiling, nevertheless it didn't reach her eyes.
“Good. Is there something wrong?” You asked her and Na-yeon's eyes widened.
“What? No, why?��� She tried to brush it off, but you saw the lilac marks on her arm as she sipped her beverage.
“Na-yeon, you're hurt. What happened?” You touched the mark and she hissed, it was recent then.
“Oh this?” Na-yeon turned her arm, looking at them and shrugging as if it was nothing “I slipped on practice, that was all” 
It didn’t look like bruises you'd get from a simple fall, you were about to try to make her tell you the truth, when the can you were holding was suddenly taken off your hand. You looked from your empty hand to the boy a few steps further.
Hyunjin, of course. Na-yeon took the chance to escape you when you shouted at him, excusing herself that she needed to go practice. 
“Na-yeon?” You called, but she just waved and kept walking.
You sighed and turned on your heels, you'd talk to her later. But you didn't see her for the rest of the day or week.
~ {♡} ~
Week 3 of the challenge was almost complete and even you were surprised with yourself. Especially with the amount of time you had been spending together.
Chae-hee had been around too, a little too much for your liking, if you were being honest, and although you weren’t saying much, your expressions and actions were loud enough for Hyunjin to know it was bothering you and he wanted to reassure you everything was fine. 
So that’s how you ended up there that friday night, you both were hanging at his place, like you've been doing lately, but something was different and you could tell from the moment he invited you.
“Cheers to me!” You raised your glass after Hyunjin poured you more soju. 
“To my balls!” He said, clinking his glass with yours and drinking the shot right away.
“Oh my God, don’t say such a thing!” You flustered, chuckling and so did him. 
Hyunjin grabbed the bottle and shook, he stuck his tongue out and poured the last few drops, pouting after as he looked at the coffee table and saw the other bottles were empty too.
“Ugh, I'm so tired” He plopped by your side and stretched his arms up then they fell on his thighs.
You didn't miss it when his hand slid dangerously to his waistband, but something clearly clicked inside his head and he pulled back, resting it on his abs. 
He almost let his intrusive thoughts win. 
Your breath hitched. You'd let yours. 
Placing your hand on his thigh, you started to rub lazy circles on the fabric, Hyunjin slid down on the couch and closed his eyes, a slight smile forming on his lips as he knew what was coming next, his cock twitched in anticipation. 
You leaned forward, lips trailing kisses on his neck and he sighed as your hand started to wander more deliberate now, reaching everywhere but where he needed you the most. He groaned. 
“My baby is tired, uh?” You cooed and he nodded.
“You've been working so hard, let y/nnie take care of you, okay?” And he purred. 
His eyes were still closed when he purred, lying there in his practice clothes, hair disheveled and pretty plump lips so inviting. And you just wanted to pounce on him right there.
You touched his cheek gently, turning his face to you and capturing his lips in a slow kiss, tongue tracing the outline before he gave you entrance, deepening the kiss. Your hand went back to his lower abs, sliding under the hem of his t-shirt and scratching your nails lightly there, earning groans from him, his bulge starting to become evident in his pants.
As you were about to slide your hand there, you stopped. The bet, Hyunjin remembered.
“Keep going” He grabbed your wrist and placed your hand there, his moan made you press your legs together.
“But what about not touching?” You whispered.
“I don’t give a damn about it, I just need you now” His eyes were dark as he bucked his hips against your hand.
And just like that, you were kneeling on the fluffy rug of his living room, fingers hooked on his sweatpants slowly dragging the piece down, revealing his black boxers. His cock strained by the fabric made your mouth water and he smirked. 
You leaned forward, licking the outline and he hissed. You did it one more time before holding the waistband between your teeth, pulling it down, using your fingers to help
He groaned, throwing his head back and there it was, glistening with precum that leaked, long and not too thick, pretty and pink, beautiful… Just like everything about him.
Hyunjin watched intently as you wetted your lips and twitched when you gave his tip a little kiss, your hand wrapped around the base, lazily stroking him a few times before licking up, wrapping your lips around the tip.
“Oh shit” His hands flew to your hair, holding it into a makeshift ponytail as you lowered your head, bobbing your head and taking more of him. 
You looked up at him, his sounds, the way he bucked his hips up, grip tightening in your hair, it was driving you insane. Your free hand played with his balls and your lips on him like you were savoring your favorite lollipop.
“Fuck, y/n” He groaned and pushed your head, the sight of you gagging on his cock made him roll his eyes to the back of his head.
Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes as you choked on him, the tip hitting the back of your throat, you bobbed your head up and down.
Doing your best to ignore your gag reflex until it got too much, you gave gentle taps on his thigh,  he loosed the grip on your hair and you lifted your head resuming in lick and sucking him again.
“Baby, I'm gonna… Oh shit” Hyunjin moaned and you sucked harder, trying to take more of him again.
Eyes locked on him, a silent plea that he was more than happy to oblige, white ropes soon enough sliding down your throat. You let him go with a pop, tongue swirling the tip, licking him clean, eyes intently watching him, with half lidded eyes staring at you, chest rapidly coming up and down. 
“That was so hot, c'mon here. Let me take care of you, too” Hyunjin beckoned with his finger and you climbed on top of him.
He tilted your head and kissed you, tasting himself on your lips as he gently moved you, pushing you to lay on the couch. Sloting between your thighs, he kept kissing you as his hand roamed over your body, until he bunched up your skirt, grinning when he saw the black lace being unveiled.
“Somebody was planning to get lucky today, uh?” He teased you, lowering himself and nibbling your inner thigh, making you whimper. 
Hyunjin made a trail of open mouth kisses on your thighs, nibbling and suckling the flesh, making sure you'd have traces of him tomorrow. Your soft sounds echoed in the room, and a moan a little louder slipped when he traced your middle with his fingers.
“Doll, you're so wet already” He teased, but feeling proud of his effect on you. 
“Jinnie…” You sighed and he chuckled softly.
“Yes?” He kept running his fingers very lightly, wetting the pads and chuckling when you'd buck your hips up, seeking for more contact.
“Oh, I see somebody's getting eager” Hyunjin teased again and pressed his thumb, forcing the fabric against your slick, making you moan.
He stopped teasing you soon, seeing your annoyed glance at him, he lowered himself between your legs and pushed the lace to the side, smirking as he saw your glistening core.
“Don't worry, doll. I won’t tease you…” His breath blowing air on your middle, you squirmed slightly “not today”
Hyunjin licked a strip up, humming as he just tasted his favorite dessert. Your heart skipped a beat as he looked at you and grabbed your wrists, guiding your hands on his hair, he loved it when you'd play with it while he'd eat you out.
Your fingers carded on his hair and he kept licking you up, teasing your entrance with his tongue before slowly tracing patterns all over your pussy, savoring you. 
“My sweet, sweet y/nnie” He hummed, gripping your thighs, fingers digging on the flesh holding you in place. 
He groaned when he teased your clit with his tongue and you slightly pulled his hair, biting your lower lip to hold back your moans. 
“Don't hold back, I wanna hear you” He said and as he wrapped his lips on your clit, sucking on the nub. Your moans echoed through the room.
“Yeah, just like that” He smirked, sucking harder.
He circled your entrance with his fingers, coating them with your juices before slowly pushing his finger in, and then a brief moment later a second slid up too, making you gasp. His fingers stopped for a moment, tongue still playing with your clit before he moved his fingers again, slowly pumping in and out of you.
“Jinnie… oh shit!” Your mind was foggy, the world slowly disappearing before your eyes, leaving just the two of you.
“So good, so fucking good” Your cries became louder as he found that sensitive spot inside you, his tongue swirling and teasing on your clit and you came without warning, shaking and gripping on his hair as you called out his name, clenching around his fingers.
He kept lapping on you until you stopped shaking, licking all your juices off you and giving your nub a final kiss before he placed your panties back in place and sat on his heels. Hyunjin smirked, admiring your disheveled figure in front of him. 
“I won” He chuckled, pulling your skirt down again, straightening the fabric, the sight of the faint lilac mark peeking under the hem made him smile. 
It took you a minute to realize what he was talking about, you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“That's not fair, you said it was okay!” You pouted and then murmured “And you touched too!” 
“Never said I could keep my hands off of you” He said flirting and your heart jumped. 
Hyunjin hovered over you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him to lay on top of you. You stayed like this for some time, just kissing him, feeling each other’s heartbeats in the silence of the house. 
Until the sound of the door being open snapped you back to reality.
“Hyunjin-a, I'm home. You better not be dressed” Changbin shouted from the door, you heard him leaving his shoes at the threshold and soon enough he appeared in front of the couch.
“Oh, you’re dressed. How disappointing” Changbin faked a pout looking at Hyunjin who laughed while greeting him. 
Changbin's eyes scanned the coffee, the empty soju's bottles catching his attention. He recalled the second pair of shoes at the threshold and then he turned to the right.
“Y/nnie, what a lovely surprise!” He had a cheeky smile that made you fluster as he greeted you when you came out of the bathroom.
~ {♡} ~ 
You smiled looking at the wave emoji shining in your calendar: the Australia concert was coming soon and luckily Joo-wan put you in the group who were going with the boys, touring could be very overwhelming behind the scenes too, as an alternative to make the work easier Joo-wan splitted the staff in teams and each would be responsible for a different portion of the tour. You were over the moon, it would be your first time in the country and it was even better to experience it with Hyunjin.
You were excited to spend the day on the beach, to meet Berry, to meet their aussie friends at the party Hannah was planning on throwing for them. Not to mention the days off they would have after.
Thinking about it made you smile. Quality time with the boy of your dreams in Australia, after all those years of working and not proper vacation? What else could you ask for? 
An email notification popped up on the screen, bursting your daydream bubble and your lips turned upside down as you read the beginning of the message: Sorry to inform, but…
There was a problem with your visa application and due to the amount of pending requests, there would be a delay in analysing and delivering your permission. You fell on your back on the mattress, texting Joo-wan and then Hyunjin, who got as upset as you were.
And just like that, your plans got swiped under by the wave. 
All your attempts to get it fixed in time didn't work, all the company did was ensure you to keep your stuff packed, because it would be ready for the Japan dates. 
In his attempt to let you somehow be ‘part of it', Hyunjin kept sending you photos and vídeos of his days there, showing you the venue, the places they visited to record the SKZ Code episodes and cute videos of Berry of course.
Jagiya: [sent a picture] 
Jagiya: check out this room, it's the fanciest, i threw my Versace robe there so now it'll be mine. 
You zoomed the picture, you've been looking for Jiniret all day, and now you found him.
You: ohh so that’s where that sneaky little ferret was, i've been looking for him everywhere 👀
Jagiya: [sent a picture]
Jagiya: he said he wanted to come on tour with his dad 
Your heart flustered as you looked at the selfie of Hyunjin hugging the plushie, pretending to kiss it. 
You: jiniret’s living his best life 🤧
~ {♡} ~ 
Hyunjin checked his phone, there were no new messages, he settled it back on the couch. It was almost show time and you've been gone since yesterday morning, which was weird because you loved to yap and didn’t even read his messages from today. 
You were up to something, Hyunjin thought. 
A knock on the door caught his attention, everyone was here and their food was delivered already. You were missing all day. 
What if?
He grinned, standing up and running to the door, so that's why you were gone. How sweet, you were planning a surprise for him. 
But Hyunjin's smile faded as soon as he opened the door.
“Chae-hee, what are you doing here?” 
“Hi, Hyun!” She had a smirk on her red lips “We came to support our favorite group!” 
Chae-hee pulled Na-yeon to stand by her side, Ha-ri and Ji-soo, the other girls from her group were behind them. 
“Wow Na-yeon, first in Seoul and now you came to watch me here too?” Minho teased her, appearing behind Hyunjin “You must really like me then” He winked at her and she blushed.
“Don't get into your head, their miles were just about to expire!” Jeongin said cheekly and Minho grabbed the nearest cushion and threw it at him. 
“We leave Korea to have some break from Chae-hee and she manages to appear here too. Is this what that mercury retrograde thing means?” Seungmin murmured, making Chan laugh.
“Er… girls, nice to see you here. Why don't you get inside, we just bought some pizza” Chan politely said when he appeared in the living room, it wasn't like he was pleased to see them there, but now they were and there was not much they could do.
“Oh we would love to” Chae-hee took a step and linked her arm with Hyunjin “Let’s go, Hyun. I’m starving”
~ {♡} ~
Back in Korea, you plopped down on your couch after a much needed shower, sighing, you grabbed your phone, checking the messages Hyunjin sent to you. You couldn’t help but smile at the ones asking where you were.
Heyoon's sister was moving and she recruited you both to help pack, unpack and organize her new apartment. Everytime you'd close your eyes, you saw boxes and boxes falling down in front of you like pieces of Tetris, you texted him. 
It was almost show time, you opened Instagram to see if you could find someone streaming and the first image that appeared was a picture of Sydney Opera House posted by Chae-hee. 
~ {♡} ~
The boys were flawless, as usual, and after the show there was a party waiting for them at the house. In typical Stray Kids style, the vibes were chaotic by the time they arrived from the venue. 
There was people dancing, chatting and making out, the music was blasting, the cups were always full and the boys were hyped, reunited with their friends from there, new friends they just made and even Chaeryeong appeared as a surprise for Changbin. It was fun, until somebody broke a vase and Chan decided to hide all the glasses and delicate decor before Joo-wan would choose to put an end to the party, now it was all good. 
“What are you doing?” Ha-ri's question made Chae-hee jolt. The girl appeared behind her, peeking over her shoulder.
“Oh my God, Ha-ri, don’t walk around scaring people like this” Chae-hee finished pouring the vodka in the drink she was making. 
“Hm, this looks pretty. What's it?” Ha-ri grabbed one of the cups filled with red liquid, she took a sip and almost spat. 
“Chae-hee, what did you put in here?” Her eyes widened.
“Just a little bit of vodka” Chae-hee shrugged feigning innocence and Ha-ri blinked.
“A little bit? It tastes as if you poured the whole bottle in there” 
“Oh Ha-ri, you're too dramatic” She grabbed the cup from her and took a sip, noticing her friend was right.
“See?” Ha-ri chuckled “It's energy with vodka and not vodka with energy” 
“Yeah, you're right. I'll make a new one” Chae-hee half smiled, grabbing another cup. Ha-ri turned around, missing her friend's eye roll.
“Hey, are you alone?” A blonde aussie approached Ha-ri, Chae-hee smirked, right on time.
“I'm with…” Ha-ri was about to point to the brunette, but she shook her head, Ha-ri hand fell to her side. 
Less than a minute later the boy was guiding Ha-ri to the improvised dancefloor. Chae-hee watched the scene unfold with a smile, before returning to her drinks making. 
Chae-hee looked around, near the aussie line making out with some girls, it was Na-yeon dancing with Minho. 
“Lucky bitch” Chae-hee murmured to herself, turning to the other side, then she spotted him.
Hyunjin was going to sit on the couch with Jeongin, they talked a little and then the maknae stood up, leaving him alone. Perfect.
~ Part 2 ~
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
SKZ Pack Chapter 8
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Trigger Warnings: None
2 hours to go and Chan goes to work. 3 hours to go and Y/N will be left with Jeongin, Minho and Felix. Y/N was determined to decorate the living room with Felix. Felix had started slowly pulling the boxes out to hide in his room, while the wolves got ready to go out. Hyunjin was working on Chan's assets while Jisung and Changbin worked out at the gym. Seungmin was out getting more Christmas supplies, even though he threatened Chan would spank her for it because he hates it going up early, but did Y/N care? Nope. She was ready. As soon as Chan gave her one hell of a kiss goodbye, promising he was leaving for three hours, Y/N knew her plan was going to work as soon as Felix knocked on her door. "So we need to somehow get rid of Minho," Felix whispered. "I'll lock him in the kitchen. Do you have the keys to the doors? I'll barricade the alcove." Y/N said. Felix nodded and pulled out the keys while Y/N ran down the stairs. The first one Y/N had to lock was the back door, which Minho didn't notice. Once the second door was locked Minho turned around in confusion as to why Y/N locked the door, but he ignored it and went back to his cleaning until he heard the scrape of a table come past the alcove. "What are you doing little wolf," Minho asked causing Y/N to snort with laughter. She was almost dying on the spot at his confused look. "What's going on?" Minho asked again but Y/N ignored him and dragged the corner table over and placed it between the alcoves. "Locking you in." Y/N giggled.
Minho crossed his arms and stalked closer, watching her like she was his prey. Y/N giggled trying to get him to stay back while Felix dragged the tree into the living room. "Little wolf." Minho sang. "Nuh-uh. Stay right there. All day." Y/N giggled. "If I kiss you will you tell me?" Minho asked boldly. "If I give you lots of kisses and attention and. And. And. And. Help you in the kitchen you will not get mad." Y/N begged as she looked at the wolf. "Hmm." Minho hummed and brought her chin forward, ready to kiss her when he noticed two ball balls run out the door. "What is that?" Minho asked just as Y/N pulled him into a suffocating kiss as she slid her tongue into his mouth. Minho gasped and a hot feeling swelled in his stomach as he grabbed the wall. Y/N brought her hands up into his hair pulling his head back to deepen the kiss. When Minho suddenly pulled back his saffron eyes appeared. Y/N felt nervous when she saw his eyes. Did I do something wrong? "You're such a little distraction are you not omega? Now tell me what you are up to. Hmm." Minho asked slowly. "Putting the Christmas tree up," Y/N said nervously. "Alright. Let's do it. Felix doesn't know how to put it up." Minho stated, pushing the table away so he could get through, while Y/N nervously watched him. She wondered if he was going to tell Felix to stop. Felix jumped, almost knocking the tree down when he saw Minho. "Baby, why is Minho here?" Felix asked nervously. "He said he wanted to help," Y/N said innocently, while Minho gave them a grin.
Minho pushed Felix out of the way to put the tree up, because Minho liked it a certain way. It had to be simple but elegant. While he did the tree, Y/N and Felix decorated the living room with Christmas pillows. Even the fireplace was decorated in garlands with cute little ornaments. Seungmin joined later with bags of snacks and some weird-looking ornaments he got because he was apparently under pressure in the store. Minho scolded him for that and told him to put it somewhere else so Seungmin decorated the hallway. "Shall I cook some of the snacks," Y/N asked as she took the bag into the kitchen. "No. No. I can do it." Minho said as he put the ornaments in Felix's hands. "Ya. I can cook Min. Let me cook." Y/N assured as she pushed him lightly into the room. "Did you not like my cooking on your birthday?" Y/N jested. "Yes-" "So then go and decorate. I got this." Y/N gave him a quick kiss before heading into the kitchen. Y/N looked at the foods Seungmin bought and preheated the oven while she set up some savoury snacks in the kitchen.
Y/N smiled to herself in the kitchen, as she thought back to the first time she met them. She feared them if not hated them back then and now things had changed. She felt safe with them. She loved them. She loved all of them in different ways. She loved Chan's patience and caring nature. She loved Minho's silent attentive nature that isn't always recognised as it's hidden deep within his cold façade. She loved Changbin's sense of humour and playful nature when he didn't want to do something. She loved Hyunjin, and despite him still being a closed book she loved his determination to keep her free from isolation. She loved Jisung's neediness and paranoia to get things right. She loved Felix's naiveness but his hidden strength to protect when he needed to. She loved Seungmins aloofness but also his irrevocable sexual nature. She loved Jeongin's determination to be the best alpha, but most of all she loved his protectiveness. Love was a strange thing for Y/N and she didn't think she could ever love again, but one thing she learned was you can only love once. You can only love someone once in that way. Love forms in different shapes and sizes. There is no way you can love someone different in the same way. People are far too different and hold many flaws. Even Y/N was flawed. She was flawed in many ways but her scars and wounds had started to heal. She was in a new place with new people who loved her. She felt safe.
Y/N jumped when she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist, placing their chin on her shoulder. It was Minho. He didn't say anything at first, only embracing her as he watched her put the snacks in a bowl. "Why do you look sad but feel happy?" Minho asked. "I'm happy. I was only reminiscing and thinking about how things have changed. How I feel safe here. Loved." The last part was a whisper, but Minho heard it. "You are loved, Y/N more than you ever know. I'm glad you feel safe here. You deserve to feel happy." Minho said, his voice softer than usual. "The living room is done. Chan and Hyunjin are on their way but I diverted them as I've asked them to pick up sauce." Felix stated eagerly. "We don't need sauce," Minho stated as he moved to open the cupboard where a variety of different sauces lived. "He doesn't need to know that. I wanted to watch a film with Y/N before they get here, or at least part of it since Chan is going to shout at us." Felix stated. "He won't. I'll defend it." Minho stated as he pulled Y/N towards the nicely decorated living room.
The living room was cosy and the fireplace had been lit. The sofa was nicely decorated even though Seungmin had already sprawled himself out on it with a bowl of crispy peaches. "What?" Seungmin asked. Minho ignored him and smacked his legs off so he and Y/N could sit down. It was quite awkward for Minho as this was the first time he was being openly affectionate. He allowed Y/N to sit in between his legs, cuddled up to him, while his other leg hit the floor. Felix sat next to Y/N as he flicked through Netflix to find a reasonable film while Y/N placed her legs on him, leaving a sulky puppy bunched up in the corner alone. Minho during the film would occasionally stroke Y/N's hair or rub circles on her hand, making it difficult for Y/N to concentrate on the film. Y/N was feeling a warm little bubble spread in the bottom of her stomach as she looked at the three wolves who were close to her. Even Seungmin had his hand resting on her foot so she knew he was there. "Why is there Christmas shit up," Chan called out. "Ask Minho." Seungmin and Y/N called out. "The living room looks nice. I can tell Minho did the tree." Hyunjin said as he poked his head around the wall to see the living room done up. "You did the living room! What did i-" "Ya," Minho shouted. "It's Y/N's first Christmas with us. She's allowed to celebrate early this year and we're going to make it the best Christmas. So take your grumpy self elsewhere." "Hyung calm down," Seungmin stated as he picked up half the food he dropped down himself from Minho's shouts.
Chan sighed but seeing his sweet omega's face looking disappointed at his actions made him feel guilty. It wasn't that Chan hated Christmas, it was that he didn't understand why they had to decorate two weeks before December. It made no sense. "I think it looks nice, but these blankets are awful." Hyunjin frowned in disgust. "You buy them then," Seungmin answered back. "I will. I'll take Y/N shopping soon." Hyunjin glared as he took one of the snacks off the table. "Hyunjin's right. It does look nice. I'm sorry baby." Chan apologised. He could see Minho's reasoning behind wanting to decorate early and he was right, she deserved it. She deserved better memories. "But no more decorating, please baby," Chan begged. "We're doing the kitchen tomorrow," Y/N answered and Felix grinned, causing the alpha to shake his head as he sat on the stool pressing play on the film they were watching.
Taglist for the iconic readers:
@galaxy4489 @reallychaoticwoo @leezanetheofficial @mbioooo0000 @jisungs-iced-americano @maybeimmia @hwangrfrnd@wolfo2027 @kayleefriedchicken @leamueller920 @borahae-reads @jennibahng @cookiesandcreammy @jutdwae-flower @danceonmyheyday @jc003 @hpnsfwaddict @linocz @maggicotton @jellymochii @itzreetal987 @jennibahng @vampkittenb82 @catlove83 @thatgirlangelb @pixie0627 @hyunmikim @skzdreamer13 @liv1sworld @upsidedownchaire @jutdwae-flower @danceonmyheyday @tsunderelintz @notevenheretbh1 @catlove83 @h0rnyp0t @hash2013 @emi-han @iknow-uknow-leeknow @jigglypuff3000 @aalexyuuuhm @missseoulite @ihrtlix @estella-novella @xxeiraxx @fr34k4c1dr41n
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kaciidubs · 1 year ago
Cuteness Aggression
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❣ Summary: Jeongin really brings out the cuteness aggression in people. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 915 ❣ Warnings: Poly!OT8 implied - Jeongin, Felix, and Hyunjin focused, fluff, slice of life, lighthearted teasing, slightly suggestive toward the end if you squint ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Jeongin is referred to as Innie, IN-ah, Baby Bread, and Baby, Felix is referred to as pretty boy, Hyunjin is referred to as Hyune, Reader is referred to as Noona and Sunflower, something short to break myself out of this writing slump ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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“Baby bread!”
“Ah- Stop!”
“Our Innie!”
“Stop it! Noona!”
You sighed at the sound of various footsteps advancing toward the kitchen and effectively bursting your bubble of attempting to figure out what to make for lunch.
It wasn’t long until the once empty kitchen was filled with three men, one of whom b-lining it straight for you.
“Noona, tell them to stop!” Jeongin whined, turning you away from the cabinets and attaching himself to your back like a koala, hand wrapping around your middle for further protection.
“Innie, I would love to, but I don’t even know what’s going on.” Patting his forearm lightly, you peered at the two culprits in front of you, “What’s happening here?”
“They won’t leave me alone!”
“We’re not even doing anything,” Felix beamed, though the mischief twinkling in his eyes said otherwise, “we’re just saying how cute he is!”
Hyunjin hummed along, a teasing smirk on his lips, “Our cute little baby!”
“You’re being annoying!” Huffing, Jeongin tightened his arms around you, “Felix keeps pinching my face and Hyunjin Hyung won’t stop invading my personal space - he even sniffed me!”
“It’s not my fault you smell good, you should take it as a compliment, IN-ah.”
The youngest gasped incredulously, “Oh, really? And you trying to crush me with your body weight is a compliment too?”
“Exactly! See, you’re finally catching on!”
“You’re so-”
“Okay, okay, can we not yell at each other while I’m being used as a human shield?” Quieting your lovers, you stared at the shameless duo before you, “Can you two please give Innie his space? I’m sure he knows how much you love him without being coddled all the time.”
“But look at him!” Felix gestured to the man behind you, lips pouted and pleading, “Sunshine, he’s too cute to be left alone - you know that feeling you get when you see something so adorable you can’t help but react?”
Everything suddenly clicked, and you pressed your lips together to suppress the laugh bubbling up within you.
“So… You’re telling me this is all because of cuteness aggression?”
“Yes! You see it, too, right?!” Hyunjin’s eyes sparkled as he threw his hands up, “So it’s obviously not my fault for wanting to squeeze him until he pops!”
“I mean…” Trailing off, you caught a glimpse of Jeongin’s doughy cheek and you felt a familiar swell of adoration and couldn’t help but smirk, “You’re not wrong, Hyune.”
“Noona?!” He all but wailed, his hold on you loosening, “You’re seriously taking their side? What about me?!”
You turned in his arms with a laugh, taking his face in your hands as you cooed, “No! Of course I’m on your side, baby, but…” Giving his face a squeeze, you felt a rush of joy at his squished, adorable features, “God- You’re just too cute for your own good, Innie! Look at you - I just wanna take a bite out of you like the little mochi you are!”
Leveling you with a nonplussed stare, he accepted his fate as Felix and Hyunjin quickly joined in with coos and pets of their own, a cherry blush turning his ears and cheeks at the influx of attention.
“I’m sorry, baby,” you hummed, relinquishing the squeeze of his face for a gentle hold of his jaw, “we do it because we love you, you know that, right? If you really do hate it, we have no problem with stopping, right?”
“Of course not!” Felix tacked on easily, brushing a few strands of honey brown hair behind Jeongin’s ear.
Hyunjin nuzzled his face against the side of his head, earning a groan of disdain in the process, “You know we would stop, Innie, just let us know.”
The maknae couldn’t help the smile tugging at his lips, huffing out a deep sigh, “It’s not that bad I guess… But I still don’t like the fact that you took their side, Noona.”
“Aw,” pouting up at him, you leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his lips, “I’ll make it up to you-” Clocking the glimmer in his eyes, you held your finger up, “-after I figure out what to eat, okay? You guys did come in here and ruin my train of thought.”
There was a gasp of excitement before the freckled blond looked at you, “Are you ordering out? There’s a new restaurant I’ve been dying to try since last week, and their menu looks amazing - I’ll buy!”
You grinned, nodding happily, “Alright, let’s see that menu, pretty boy.”
As he brought up the restaurant on his phone - with an equally eager Hyunjin now hanging around his shoulders - you turned your attention back to the man still in your hold, his body visibly relaxed with the decrease of hands on him.
His gaze was soft, observant as it switched from his boyfriends to you, a light caress of confusion tainting his features once he caught your awe-filled eyes. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing… You just have a real talent for being too adorable for your own good - even when you’re doing literally nothing.” Poking his nose, you shrugged lightly, “I can see why none of us can keep our hands off of you.”
Jeongin blinked at you for a moment before nodding in understanding, “Okay, I get it,” tightening his arms around your waist, a smug smirk pulled at his lips, “but when I get the same feeling from you, remember where I got it from when I’m all over you.”
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @maximumkillshot, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @specialstay, @s00buwu, @tinyelfperson, @jj-stay, @katsukis1wife, @inlovewithmusician, @keen-li, @armystay89, @main-character0, @vampcharxter, @ddyskz, @prettymiye0n, @bbgnyx, @ivyisnotokay, @bahng-chrizz, @milknhoneyracha, @hann1bee, @palindrome969, @newhope8, @softkissfelix, @luvyev, @luminouskalopsia, @kpopsstuffs, @luvyev, @starquokka, @wolfs-howling, @broken-glowsticks, @j-onedrabbles, @dawninnie, @junglyric, @piercedddriver, @sometimesleeknows, @laylasbunbunny, @dwaekkistar, @zaethefangirl
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means tumblr won't let me tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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daydreams-after-dark · 3 months ago
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Free Use Jail Cell, Extra
Dinner date with Minho
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 (final) | extra: Police Reports | Dinner date with Minho
full master list for additional installments
Police Officer Skz ot8 x female reader
Premise: A continuation of the free use jail cell series.
Word Count: this installment 4.3k approx.
Chapter Summary: You are free from the ot8 free use jail, Minho helps you out and then asks you over for dinner.
CW below the cut.
This is also in response to this ask here.
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CW: masturbation with sex toys, video sex, spanking, vaginal penetration with an object, oral sex (m rec), vaginal sex (unprotected), restraints, stretch kink (because I'm obsessed).
After he’s finished kissing you and watching you drive away, Minho heads back into the police station. He feels giddy, like a school boy who’s just had his first kiss. It's a feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time and he is both excited and fearful of it. Usually, when things start off this good, they inevitably end in disaster. But you know what he’s like when it comes to sex, and you weren’t scared off. That’s one fundamental difference from his past partners.
“Why the fuck are you smirking like that?” Says Jeongin looking up from his seat in the Chief’s office. 
Everyone is sitting around the coffee table as Chan had gathered everyone for a meeting before going home.
“Not sure what you’re talking about?” Minho grunts, taking a seat next to Jisung, and trying to act like he didn’t just have the most delicious kiss of his life.
 Chan looks at him suspiciously.
“Yeah, you’ve been a little weird ever since you and Seungmin ‘interrogated’ her.” Hyunjin adds.
“Yeah, man. And what was that back in the gang bang?” Changbin joins in.
“The fuck you talking about?” Growls Minho.
“Gees, someone’s sensitive.” Hyunjin mumbles.
“I’m talking about how soft you were with her. You barely said a fucking word, then you fucked her so… so gently. That wasn’t in her request list.” Changbin replies.
Everyone turns to MInho and he feels the cogs in their heads turning. 
“Well, Minho is good at picking up what people need, especially without them saying anything.” Offers Felix.
“That’s right.” Reiterates Chan sternly, staring directly at Minho.
Minho shifts awkwardly in his seat, feeling caught out.
“Fine. I just think he was a little too soft, that's all.” Changbin grumbles, settling back into his seat.
“Okay, boys.” Chan claps, signaling it’s time to move on. “I know we’ve only just finished our contract with Y/n, but I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss our next client and their requests.” 
But Minho is barely listening. His mind keeps going back to you. Back to the way your lips felt against his own. The way your tongue sought his. The way you hooked a leg over his arm, seeking friction against your sweet little pussy. Fuck. Focus.
“So we have several women requesting two of us at once, and a couple are just after one. I thought we could divvy up the contracts and conduct them over the same few days.”
Everyone nods in agreement. It makes sense, that way if another client seeks five or six of them then they will have availability. 
“Okay. The first is a request for two doctors. I think Seungmin and Jeongin would be good for that, yes?” He looks up at the pair and they both nod. Neither of them are new to that role. “Then a request for a fae themed scenario. I’m thinking we could use that cabin in the woods, the one we used for the kidnapping one, yeah? Felix, I think you’d be perfect.”
”No worries. I’ll get the place ready, and I’m pretty sure I saw the perfect costume online.” He makes a note on his phone to follow up.
“Good, make sure it can be sent express post. Um, a vampire request. Hyunjin?” he looks up at him and Hyunjin nods in acceptance. 
“Then there’s this one I quote ‘threesome where one guy is in me and another guy in him.’”
“Ooo ooo me!” Jisung raises his hand enthusiastically, almost jumping out of his seat.
“Alright, Jisung. Who else is happy to assist?”
Jisung turns to Minho. “Please, hyung!!! Be my partner!” He bats his eyelids at him.
“Fine.” Minho rolls his eyes. Actually he is secretly glad he does’t have to directly fuck another woman so soon after you.
“Yes!” Jisung fist pumps the air.
“Lastly, a personal trainer fantasy. Bin, you and I can take that one. Okay, everyone will receive emails with the full details, so make sure you read them thoroughly, and converse with your partner if you have one. Good job, boys. Enjoy your time off, and see you soon.”
I wonder if she likes cats? Minho is still thinking about you when he lets himself into his apartment and is greeted by his fur baby. “Hey, Soonie,” he says, squatting down and patting his cat. “You miss me, huh? It’s okay, Daddy’s home now.” 
He potters around his apartment, putting on a load of clothes washing, vacuuming, and then cooking himself a meal. All while trying not to look at his phone where he now has your phone number he stole from your file. 
At some point while he’s cooking, he finds his phone in his hand and is staring at the number.
Is it too soon to call you? Of course it is. What kind of desperate fool are you?
He sighs and locks his phone, setting it back on the countertop and resumes stirring his pot of sauce. Maybe he could ask you over for a meal? His eyes drift back to his phone. Stop. No. Fuck. You are driving him crazy. He shuts his phone away in a kitchen drawer and goes to eat his dinner.
After successfully ignoring the strong pull coming from the kitchen drawer, Minho takes a shower, rubs one out to the thought of you on the interrogation table, then settles down on his couch to open his laptop.
He sighs and rubs his eyes, willing himself to focus, while Soonie decides it's the perfect time for pats. “What a cute little pussy, hmm.” Minho coos as it tries to climb onto his laptop as he reads the notes for his upcoming threesome. But it’s not long until his eyes drift towards his kitchen, to where his phone is still sitting in the drawer.
“Fuck it”. He says, sliding out from under his cat. He can’t think of anything else but messaging or calling you. He can’t focus on this next assignment. Fuck, he could barely think about his dinner without his mind drifting off to wondering how your sweet cunt would taste.
He doesn’t care if he looks desperate. Fuck, he is desperate. He opens the drawer and pulls out his phone, and after taking a deep, grounding breath, he dials your number.
‘Resisted arrest. Force required to detain the suspect. However, once handcuffed she was extremely enthusiastic to obey. Her mouth was very skilled and cunt was cooperative.’ - Changbin
‘I will be keeping an eye on her to ensure she is arrested and questioned for any criminal activity she becomes involved in.’ - Minho
‘The suspect was easily coerced into double penetration, climaxing multiple times. She was displeased when we removed our penises from her to restrain her to the ceiling chains, but settled once we were back inside her.
The suspect is the most responsive we have encountered so far, and is definitely a favorite.’ - Hyunjin
‘How we ended up with the prettiest suspect in the world I will never know! Her pussy is the most perfect I have ever felt. So tight, warm and soaking wet.’ Han
‘CONCERNS: Detective Lee Minho.’ - Chan
“Fucking hell.” You whistle low, closing the police report. “Chief Chan is concerned with Minho?” you mumble to yourself. Was he not acting his usual self with you? Did the Chi-, Chan, know about the kiss?
You have done absolutely nothing since arriving home from the police station several hours ago. Except for looking through your file and reliving all those beautiful cocks that filled you up perfectly. You’re still buzzing from the entire experience, and you’re not quite ready to come back to reality. 
You flick to the photos Felix took of you. He was right, they are beautiful. Erotic even. You bite your lip as your eyes run over your bruises, bites marks, and injuries. You feel a pulsing sensation in your core. You need to touch yourself. Already? You say to your pussy, looking down in disbelief.
You gather all the items you need - a vibrating anal plug, lube, and your thickest dildo, and climb into bed. You moan when you press a lubed finger to your ass. As usual, it doesn’t take long until you’ve slipped a finger inside, preparing yourself to take the plug. Once you deem yourself ready, you push the plug inside and turn on the vibrator. Your breath quickens as the stretch, fullness and vibrations combined begin to send you feral.
You play with your clit. Rough, fast motions, all while your mind visualizes the photographs Felix took. You’re going to come hard and fast, but you want to prolong it. You slow your fingers right down to rubbing lazy circles on your clit, allowing your body to calm down.
You reach for the dildo and drench it in lube. Not that you need it, your pussy is absolutely dripping in arousal. You open your legs wider and push the dildo deep into your vagina. You cry out at the intrusion, your walls barely having time to adjust before you’re pulling it out and ramming it back inside you. Again, harder. You whimper from the pleasure-pain. You reach behind you and increase the speed of the anal vibrator, then you start to tug on it, stretching your anus slightly.
“Fuck!” You moan, feeling yourself about to climax. “Close. So fucking close.” You babble to yourself. You’re almost there. The point of no return. Your body tenses, your legs shake.
Your phone rings.
Your eyes shoot open and you grab your phone. Minho! A video call? Fuck. You scramble to sit up, fix your hair, and forgetting you are naked, you answer the phone.
Minho’s eyes almost pop out of his head, but he recovers quickly. “Nice tits, kitten.” He smirks.
Your arm quickly comes to cover yourself. 
“Hey, it’s not like I haven’t seen absolutely everything.” He teases. “Anyway, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time - actually, what are you doing? You’re all flushed.” His eyes narrow.
“Nothing!” You squeak. 
“I don’t believe you.” he quips.
“Okay, fine I was masturbating.” You roll your eyes.
“Really? Already? Aren’t you sore?” 
“Nope. I'm fine.”
“Show me.”
“What?” You say shocked.
“I said show me.” He repeats seriously.
Nervously, You position the camera so he can see how wet you are.
“Fuck! You’ve got a plug in. Have you come yet?” He says in disbelief.
“Nope. Was almost there when you called. It’s like you knew.” You pouted.
“Oh kitten. Fuck. Such a good girl waiting for me before coming. Or is it you can’t come without me, hmm?”
“S’hard to come without someone watching.” You sulk, playing along.
“Fuck! Lucky I called. Go on. Play with yourself.”
You start to rub your clit again. Every so often you dip your fingers inside you to gather some wetness then bring it up to your clit.
“Have you got something you can fuck yourself with?” Minho says in a deep voice. 
You reach for your thick dildo and resume fucking yourself like you were doing earlier.
“Deeper. Wanna see you take it deeper.” Minho instructs. 
You want to obey, be a good girl for him, so you push the dildo in further so it hits your cervix on every thrust. “Need to come, Minho. Need to come.” You cry, thrusting into yourself frantically. “S’close..”
“I can hear how wet you are, kitten. That’s it, rub your clit. Good girl. I want you to imagine that’s me inside you.”
“Oh, God. Oh, fuck!” You whimper. “Let me come.”
“Scream for me, y/n.”
You explode into a million pieces, screaming, just as Minho demanded. Your body shakes for what feels like an eternity as waves upon waves of pleasure wash over you.
Eventually, you collapse on your mattress in exhaustion, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you try and catch your breath.
“Fuck. You alright?” Minho laughs softly.
“No.” You choke. “So intense.”
“Well, glad I got to see that. Luckily I called when I did.”
“Why did you call?” You pick up your phone so you can look at him.
He runs his hands through his hair. “Oh yeah. So, um, the reason I actually called was to see if you maybe wanted to come over for dinner one night?”
You’re taken by surprise. Minho wants to have dinner with you?
“I mean, it’s okay if you don’t. It’s probably not wh-”
“I’d love to.” You smile.
“Yeah?” He says in disbelief.
“This looks delicious, Minho. You have lots of skills it seems.” You say grinning at the plate of pasta and bolognese in front of you. Your eyes almost roll back into your head when you take a bite. “Oh my god. This is fucking amazing!” you say with a mouthful of food. “Did you make the pasta from scratch?”
Minho smiles triumphantly. “Yes. The sauce too. Glad you like it.”
“It’s delicious.”  You grin and try your best to not scoff the entire plate down in one mouthful. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” He says gazing at you. You feel a heat flush over you. You aren’t particularly dressed up, opting for a nice top and denim shorts. You hoped it would be suitable enough for the occasion.
“Thank you. I think it’s the first time you’ve seen me in clothing?” You laugh. “You look good too.” You notice his cheeks flush a little.
“So,” You put your fork down. “How is it you came to be in your…um…profession?” You ask curiously.
Minho sits back in his chair, and pauses in thought. “Well, Chan started the business with Jisung - Han - and Changbin. Business grew quicker than they expected and so they needed to hire more staff.”
“Interesting. But what made you join?” You lean your elbows on the table, resting your chin in your hands. You’re curious to know more.
“Hmm. I suppose I thought it would make life easier, sexually speaking. It’s hard to find a partner that wants both a sex life like mine and also a sickly sweet romantic dynamic. It was too confusing for my previous partners. The ones I could see myself having a future with were put off by my tendencies. So I joined the group and got my satisfaction there. And it’s thrilling to please client’s who share similar desires. It really is.”
“But what about the sickly sweet romance? You don’t get that in the job.”
Minho shrugs. “I guess not. But at least I don’t keep being rejected by women this way.”
You can’t believe how anyone could reject Minho. He is kind and thoughtful. Very domesticated. You look around at his tidy home and then at the meal on your plate. But you get what he means. You know it too well.
“So have you got your next contract?” You ask, wiggling your eyebrows.
He cracks a huge grin. “Yeah. I do.”
“Well? What is it? What do you have to do?” Your eyes widen with enthusiasm.
“Hey, hey, Kitten.” He holds his hands up in a bid to calm you down. “That’s confidential.”
“Oh come on, it’s not like I know them. Please.” You bat your eyelids.
“Okay, fine. It’s a threesome.” he concedes.
“A threesome? Yes, go ahead. Tell me more..” You gesture for him to continue.
“The exact wording of the brief is ‘I want someone in me, and someone inside him.’ Okay maybe that wasn’t the exact wording, but you get the gist.”
Your mouth hangs open in excitement. “So you’re telling me—”
“Jisung’s going to be in the client’s vagina, and I am going to be in Jisung’s ass.” He states.
“Woah! So you guys fuck each other too?” You shriek.
“Wait! I could’ve asked for you to fuck each other? Oh man, no one told me that.” You sit back and scowl.
“Well, you’ll have to book us again.” He teases.
“I just might. So who have you fucked in the group?” You ask excitedly, taking another mouthful of pasta.
“Jisung, a few times. Chan too.” He says matter of fact.
“Chan?! No way! Has anyone fucked you?” You say with your mouth full.
“Chan. Seungmin.”
“Seungmin?” You almost choke.
“It was an experience. Although you know perfectly well how he likes to fuck an ass.”
You nod laughing, then falling quiet as the image of Seungmin inside Minho flashes through your mind. Jisung too. He’d look so pretty being ruined by Minho.
“Are you okay?” He asks, trying to meet your gaze.
“Yeah. Just trying to work out my next fantasy request for you guys. I quite like the idea of someone in me, someone in them, another in my mouth, then everyone else inside each other.”
“Do you now? I might have to keep a mental note of that.” Minho’s eyes sparkle deviously.
“That really was a delicious meal, Minho. Thank you for cooking.” You say placing your empty plate by the sink. “Would you like me to lend a hand washing up?” You start looking for dishwashing detergent and sponges.
Minho’s arms wrap around you from behind and he nuzzles his mouth into your neck. You smile at the warm gesture. 
“I’d like you to lend a hand with something else.” He whispers against your ear. “But first.” He spins you around and presses your back against the bench. “I’ve been dying to kiss these lips all night.” he smashes down on you in a heated kiss, setting your insides on fire.
He pulls back to peel your top off over your head and throws it to the side. Then he’s unclasping your bra with skilled fingers, and that’s gone from your body in a matter of moments.
You suck in a breath as he leans down to take a nipple in his mouth, nipping at it rough and urgently. Your head lolls back and you sigh. Your hands find the top of his head, weaving your fingers through his hair and pulling him closer. He bites down hard on your nipple and you whimper. Your core throbs for more of his roughness.
He comes up for air, a smear of blood across his lip, and kisses you wildly. “Turn around.” He growls, turning you so you’re facing away from him. Reaching into a drawer, he pulls out a pair of handcuffs and tugs on your arms so they are above your head. He threads the cuffs through the overhead cupboard handle and attaches them to your wrists. You tug on the restraints, but they are extremely secure, and now you are at the mercy of Detective Minho.
“Look at you.” He whispers as he cups a breast and squeezes it. “Looks like you need questioning again, hmm?” he snarls and your cunt squeezes.
Silently, he moves to the pantry, scanning the shelves. He nods when he finds what he’s looking for, a bottle of fractionated coconut oil. He takes it from the shelf and returns to resume his interrogation.
He sets the bottle of oil on the countertop and crouches behind you to yank your shorts and panties down your legs. He guides you step out of them. Leaving you naked and chained to his kitchen cupboard. 
You poke your ass out as he slides his palms up the backs of your thighs, finding their grip on your cheeks and spreading you wide. You’re dripping wet. You know it. You can feel it, and the grunt that Minho emits tells you he knows you're soaking. The need for him to touch you is too great and you make some pathetic noise. But he simply stands back up, leaving your deprived pussy untouched.
He reaches into the kitchen drawer again, pulling out a silicone spatula and places that next to the oil. Then to your delight he strips off his own clothes so he is naked too. You lick your lips and take in the magnificent form that is Lee Minho.
“Oh you like that, hmm? Too bad you’re unable to touch me.” He smirks as he unscrews the bottle of coconut oil and applies some to his hands.
You moan as he runs his oiled hands down your back and over your ass, then whimper as he kneads the skin near your hips. He repeats the motion, slicking up your body with the oil and massaging your breasts and eventually your pussy. 
“Fuck! Yes. Min. God.” You choke when he slides a finger inside you. You grind back against him, only for him to remove his hand and leave you empty. Your eyes follow his hand as it grasps the handle of the spatula, then you feel him dragging it down your spine.
He hits you hard on your ass. You moan, digging your teeth into your lip. 
He gently strokes you with the spatula to sooth the skin, then he pulls it back.
He massages the red skin with his free hand. 
“God, so fucking red. So pretty.”
You cry out louder, the sting so much more harsh than the last.
And again. Slap! 
You whimper, your legs feeling like jelly.
Minho is about to land another blow when a voice from the living room interrupts you.
You both freeze.
“Hey, Hyung? I had an idea for our — Woah!” Jisung stops in his tracks as he rounds the corner into the kitchen. “Oh fuck I’m sorry! I didn’t realize…wait… Y/n? Is that you?” His eyes narrow as you turn your head sheepishly. 
“Hi Han, Jisung? Can I call you that?” You smile, like nothing is happening.
Jusung blinks rapidly. Then he looks at Minho who is standing in the middle of the kitchen naked and outraged, and then back at you. Finally his gaze settles on your bright red bottom.
“Yah!” Yells Minho, throwing a tea towel over your rear end to try to offer some sort of coverage.
“Hyung, Man, it’s not like I haven’t seen all of her before. Hey! Actually, what is she doing here?” Jisung’s tone turns accusatory.
Minho glares at him. It’s all it takes for Jisung to concede. He throws his hands up “Okay, I’m leaving. Even though it looks like a lot of fun and… you know I could sit on the floor underneath her… suck her clit while you continue doing your dominant thing… No? Okay. Well. I’ll go. Bye Y/n.” He waves at you. 
“Bye, Jisung. Lovely to see you again.” You wink at him and the tea towel slips off, giving the stunned man a last view of you before Minho is ushering him out.
“You did that on purpose, kitten.” He growls, returning to the kitchen and pulling your head back by your hair. “Bet you wanted me to let him stay, huh?” 
“No…of course not. Just want you.” You whine. The reality though, is that you would have loved to feel Jisung’s mouth against your pussy. You close your eyes at the thought and squeeze your legs together.
Minho notices it and scoffs. “I know you’re lying. Which means… punishment.”
Once again he goes to the kitchen draw, this time taking out a wooden spoon and silicone coated tongs. Your eyes widen. 
“Five. You’ll receive five strikes with the wooden spoon. If you say orange or red, I stop immediately.” He gives his hand an experimental slap with the item. “Then,” he picks up the tongs, holding them in the air and letting them spring open.
You cunt clenches. The fact that Minho remembers you have a stretch kink makes your heart beat faster.  
He makes his way behind you and you prepare yourself for the wooden spoon.
“You have to count for me.” He states.
He brings the wooden spoon down onto your already sore ass with a hard slap. Your legs almost give way. “One.” you cry.
He strikes you again and again. A loud slap fills the room each time the wood makes contact with your skin. Tears stream down your face and you can barely count, each number coming out like a choked sob. 
“F-five.” You cry out the final number.
Minho returns the wooden spoon to the bench, then holds you in his arms. His hard, naked body against yours is comforting, his words of praise are soothing.
“Good girl. You took that so well.” He whispers, kissing your shoulder and massaging where he’d spanked you. “How was it? Not too much?” he checks in with you. “How are you feeling?”
“S’good..S’wet…Aching…p-pussy needs filling up. Need to come.” you babble.
Minho chuckles, his eyes smiling with admiration. “I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. One last thing before I fuck you. I know you can take it.”
He drizzles the end of the tongs with oil, then crouches down behind you. He holds the tongs closed and runs them through your glistening labia. You let out a moan. Then he catches your clit. He allows the tongs to open just enough so can capture it, pinching it hard. 
Jolts of arousal shoot through you and you cry out.
Then you feel the tongs at your entrance and you automatically push your ass out further, giving Minho more access. Keeping the tongs closed, he slides them inside you. You must look so filthy with a pair of kitchen utensils shoved up your vagina. 
He’s not gentle when he fucks you with them. He’s messy, sloppy, rough, but he manages to find your g-spot every time. You’re surely about to come, but he slows down, bringing the tongs to a standstill. You whimper, frustrated from having your orgasm stolen from you. Then you feel it. The tongs opening inside you. 
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You cry.
“Green. Fucking green.” You scream.
He chuckles as he scissors you open. 
“Fuck.” He hisses. His free hand spreads your cheek wide. “Pussy’s so good when it’s stretched like this.”
“Maybe you should’ve been a doctor.” You pant.
“Sometimes I am darlin’. You wait till I use a real speculum on this pretty cunt. Open you right up so I can see inside.”
His fingers land on your clit. The added sensation has you on the verge of release. “Minho… please. Need to come.” You beg.
“Yeah? Pussy needs to come, huh? Do it.” He starts an onslaught of scissoring then thrusting, while his deft fingers on your clit tighten that coil inside you.
You're perspiring, shaking, sobbing as you’re thrown off the precipice in an earth shattering orgasm.
“That’s it. Making a mess for me. Mmm… can hardly move these tongs you’re gripping so tight.”
You can’t even respond, your panting and shivering so hard, barely able to stand.
He eases the utensil out of you, tossing them into the kitchen sink, along with the items he used to cook for you earlier, then he’s lining himself up to your entrance.
“Just relax for me. Yes… fuck yes… that’s my girl… let me in…” he pushes himself all the way inside you. You welcome the smooth silky hardness against your walls, and he slides in and out with ease, despite your tight grip on him. 
Holding onto your hips he fucks into you harder until he’s built up a brutal pace that reminds you of when you were in the interrogation room. Except this time, he leans his body against your back and massages your breasts, caresses your stomach, and plants hot wet kisses anywhere his mouth can reach.
The roughness and the softness combined sends all sorts of unfamiliar feelings through your body. You like it, it feels good, and you feel tears pricking your eyes. You’re going to come again. Any second now the tension is going to snap.
“You take me so well, Kitten. It's like you were made for me.”
That does it. You come hard around his cock with a loud wailing sound. He fucks you through it, chasing his own orgasm. “Gonna fill you. Gonna fill this perfect little cunt. My cunt.” He slams into you, almost knocking you off your feet then pulls out. He quickly works on freeing your wrists, turning you and lifting you up. Your legs wrap around his waist as he impales you on his cock, fucking you whilst he makes his way to the dining table.
He lays you down on the table, and starts to slam into you hard again. His rhythm is hard, fast, and so so deep. “Gonna fill you..” he growls as he throws his head back and empties himself inside you. He stills, but you can still feel him pulsing and filling you to the brim.
He leans over you, collapsing on your chest, and you bring your arms around him, holding him silently for a few minutes.
“Let’s go wash you.” He says eventually, pulling himself out, picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom.
Once the temperature of the water is comfortable, he helps you climb in with him and proceeds to wash your body.
It isn’t long until you’ve regained your composure and are able to stand steady on your feet. It’s only now that you can take in the man before you. You take the sponge from him, lather it up with body wash and start to wash his body. With a look of surprise and a hint of hesitation, he lets out an exhale and allows you to wash him.
He watches you as you run the sponge over his chest, down his torso, and drop to your knees in front of him. You swear you hear him whimper when your eyes land on his cock.
You drop the sponge and place your hands on his strong thighs. You need him in your mouth. He cups your cheek, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, and through hooded eyelids you silently seek permission to take care of him. He releases your chin and lets out a shaky breath when you wrap your hand around the base of his semi erect cock. Slowly, you lick the length of the underside. Then swirl your tongue around the tip. He grows rapidly, and it has you dying to choke on it.
Minho simply stands still while you work his cock, providing absolutely no help. But that doesn’t deter you. Or slow you down. You decide you’re going to choke on him all by yourself. You pop off with a plop, fill your lungs with air, then take him fully into your mouth. Cupping his delicious ass cheeks with your hands, you pull him towards you while you bob your head up and down his shaft. 
You hear his breath become heavier, and a hand wraps around your wet hair, his other he rests against the tiled wall behind you. 
“Look at you. So hungry for cock, you’re choking yourself.” He purrs. “I’m close… fuck, im so close.” His hips begin to press forwards, pushing his dick further into your throat. He cums quickly, spurting thick ropes cum into your mouth. “Holy shit!” He chokes as he empties himself.
After you’ve milked him of every drop and swallowed him down, he pulls you back to your feet. He looks almost bewildered when he looks into your eyes. “Y/n. How are you so perfect for me?” He whispers. 
You swallow hard. You’re thinking something similar about him. Instead, you shrug. “Well I’m not sure detective. Maybe you’ll have to investigate further?” you quip.
He chuckles. “Maybe it's better to just go with it and not question it.”
You nod in agreement. “Let’s not overthink it, then.”
You both dry off, and Minho leads you to his bed, a big King size bed with black sheets and a black quilt. 
“Oh, you’re not sending me on my way?” You tease.
”Fuck no. I need…need to hold you.” He says softly, pulling you onto the bed with him.
He falls asleep quickly with his arms around you and your head on his chest. His steady breath is soothing as his chest rises and falls. You’re not sure what is happening, how this man seems to be able to fill so many of your needs, or how easy he is to be around. Yet here you are, and you’re thankful you took a chance with the sex fantasy agency. 
Your thoughts shift to Minho’s next assignment. Jisung in some woman’s cunt, and Minho in Jisung. Fuck, that sounds like a dream. Then your mind goes to Jisung walking in on you and Minho earlier. What would have happened if Minho asked him to stay?
You sigh, feeling confused. You've got strong feelings for Minho, yet you feel yourself grow wet at the thought of Jisung, and the rest of them.
You find Minho’s hand and thread your fingers through his. That’ll be a problem for future you. Right now you’re ready to fall asleep in the arms of someone that finally accepts you for who you are.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @fun-fanfics @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @justforreaders @melochacco @scenuniverse @oddracha @galaxycatdrawz @jiminssluttyminx @kayleefriedchicken @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @dool-set-net @redstayrosie @mintymintmint251 @katsukis1wife @delulustardust @eastjonowhere
@jeonginsleftcheek @meilix @itgirlalisaa @linocz @boi-bi-ahaha @frozenpeasworld @grandma143 @milkypinkmimi @bangchansbbgirl @lunearta @leefelixsslut @privhace @justforreaders @jiwoos-babygirl @kavifornia @chuuyaobsessed @iadorethemskz @hyun-hwanj @courtnort455 @brimarie0512
@iadorethemskz @hyun-hwanj @favieeerrrr @courtnort455 @brimarie0512 @stanskzot8 @dwaekkicidal @kibs-and-bits @txa-r @minh0scat @the-sweet-rose @chrizzztopherbang @velvetmoonlght @youcanstayyeah @skzswife @stephanieeeyang @teddy-stay @hwithnia @kibs-and-bits @sssstarlost @kayleefriedchicken @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @ihrtlino @galaxy4489
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i-dared-myself · 2 months ago
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Stray Kids x reader
In which your period starts unexpectedly and SKZ begins their mission to comfort you
One thing that was difficult about the job was always going. You love your job, but it was too much sometimes.
Especially on days like these. Days where you’re up on stage, focusing hard on rhythms and moments when that dull tug on your stomach flares up.
You brush it off as muscle strain and continue. The choreography is hard and took you weeks to perfect, but your fans love it. You won’t show weakness or flaws.
And then the dull tug shifts to a constant ache. 
You stumble over a move that you usually ace, and Felix shoots you a look. You smile at him until he returns it before returning your attention back to the dance.
The song comes to an end and Jisung tells a joke, leaning on Minho. Seungmin pulls a face at the cringy play on words before raising the microphone to his lips to poke fun at it.
You lower yourself to the ground casually, knowing this intermission between songs would last at least ten minutes. The sketches were planned out as a bit of a break and something to keep Stay entertained.
“You good?” Jeongin asks as he crouches next to you. You hum in response.
“Yeah, all good.” You give him a thumbs-up to really drive the point home. 
You don’t know what this pain could be.
Your period ended four days ago, so probably not that. Internal bleeding was also not that much of a concern because-
That’s where your train of thought cut off. Just like that. Then all you knew was the excruciating pain in your abdomen. It took up every bit of your focus.
“-did Changbin say after he crossed the road?” Distantly you register it as Jisung’s voice, although it’s hard to concentrate. You’re just trying not to writhe in pain on the floor, as your idol image would be ruined.
Then it clicks that you’re supposed to say the next part of the joke. It’s your line. This is what you had rehearsed.
You raise your microphone to your mouth. “What did Changbin say?”
Jisung delivers the punchline with a giggle. Hyunjin tampers down a smile that fights to make its grand entrance, hiding behind Chan slightly.
Then the others are gathering in a like for the final bow, and you rush to join them. Your knees wobble beneath you and you force a smile as the camera flicks to you. Your head is light and your limbs feel like Jello.
“Are you okay?” Minho whispers to you. He’s not one to show his concern often, but it’s there.
“I-“ You blink forcefully before your legs collapse beneath you. Your head hits the floor and you let out a quiet cry as spots dance in front of your eyes.
Chan hurries the goodbyes into the microphone before shooing the others off the stage. Changbin scoops you up and brings you backstage while the crowd roars in a mix of confusion and distress.
“What happened?” Joengin murmurs to Seungmin as Felix runs ahead, clearing people out of the way.
“She just… fell,” Seungmin struggles to say, unsure of what occurred. Changbin puts you down on your feet, but you still lean heavily against him.
“I’m sorry.” Tears bubble out of the corners of your eyes. Your vision blurs as you look to Chan. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t-“
“Hey,” he soothes gently. “It’s okay. We’ll just-“
“What?” Your stomach sinks as he freezes, eyes widening. “Chan?”
“Oh.” Chan swallows and slips his jacket off, tying it around your waist. “It’s uh, y’know.”
“What?” Jisung frowns and scratches his head. “Is her butt cold?”
“It’s her period, you idiot,” Hyunjin scolds as smacks Jisung’s shoulder. Jisung springs away with a shriek. “He’s hiding the blood.”
You cover your face with your hands. “I’m so sorry, guys. This is- I-“
“Come with me, please,” the first aid worker interrupts. They offer a kind smile and gesture to a changing room. “I’ll see you in there.”
Changbin transfers you to them, narrowing his eyes slightly. “Scream if you need us.”
You frown. “Um. Okay. I probably won’t, but thanks.”
“What’s the plan?” Jeongin asks once you’re gone. 
“What?” Felix crosses his arms with a small scowl. “Like PR control or…”
“How we’re helping her,” Jeongin clarifies. “Our hotel isn’t that far away from a convenience store. We could buy chips and stuff.”
“Good idea.” Chan stretches his arms out and rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “Seungmin, Jisung, and Hyunjin go to the store and get supplies. Don’t forget pads and tampons.”
Jisung laughs nervously. “Both? Do we get every size of both?”
“Just go with your gut,” Chan dismissively says. “Felix, Changbin, Minho, and Jeongin make a blanket fort in one of the hotel rooms. I’ll take her back to the hotel.”
“Got it.” Changbin grabs his extra set of clothes and the others follow his lead. “Meet in the room in an hour.”
So they split up to complete their missions.
Chan is the one to stay behind with you. When you come out of the private room, you look deflated and upset. Chan clears his throat to draw your attention to him.
“Everything okay?” Chan holds out his extra hoodie. You take it and pull it over your head.
“Yeah.” You force a smile. “Too much stress can make it irregular, apparently.”
Chan’s stomach sinks and he feels guilty. Was it his fault you were stressed? Has he been pushing you past your limits?”
“Ah.” Chan returns the strained expression. “Ready to go back?”
“Yeah.” You close your eyes and blow out a heavy breath. “I just want to shower and sleep. I’m really not in the mood for anything else tonight.”
Oh no.
“Nothing else tonight?” Chan casually asks, whipping out his phone to tell the others to cancel. He nearly panics when he sees it’s dead.
“Absolutely nothing.” You wrap your hands around your stomach and wince. “Chan, can we go please?”
“Of course.” He pulls the hood up to cover more of you. “There’s a van waiting.”
The two of you climb into the vehicle, as Chan hopes the others somehow get his telepathic messages to abort the mission.
“Tampons, pads, period underwear, cups…” Hyunjin lists, reading off his phone. “There’s a lot of options. Will we be able to find them all here?”
“You think a convenience store sells period underwear?” Seungmin lifts an eyebrow. “I think we’ll be lucky if we find more than one size of pads.”
“We should get at least three types of ice cream,” Jisung decidedly says. He wiggles three fingers out for the other two to see. “Because there’s eight of us and we can eat a bunch of ice cream.”
“I’m in the mood for ice cream,” Hyunjin agrees. He elbows Seungmin lightly. “What about you?”
“Yeah, but don’t forget candy and chocolates.” Seungmin adjusts his mask before stepping into the shop. Hyunjin and Jisung follow closely behind. “Now where are those pads…”
“They’re down the aisle and to the right,” the worker says, not bothering to hide her boredom. She pops bubblegum with her mouth and flips through a magazine. “Don’t buy tampons for a stranger. Not everyone uses them.”
Jisung murmurs his thanks before trailing down the aisle. He finds the desired section and stands in front of it with a determined set of his jaw. “Does she have heavy flow?”
Seungmin wrinkles his nose from beneath his mask. “How are we supposed to know that?”
“It’s heavy if she bled through her pants, right? Or is it just because her pants were white?” Hyunjin takes a box of the shelf and examines it carefully. “Go with medium flow. Is that an option? What’s the default?”
“What do the wings do?” Seungmin questions as he peers over Hyunjin’s shoulder. 
“No idea.” Jisung stares wide-eyed at all of the colourful boxes. He picks one out and holds it up. “I saw this one in her suitcase when she moved into the dorm.”
“That’s a lot of happy women,” Hyunjin observes, running his finger over the design of the packaging. “Maybe the pads make them feel better, because there’s no way I’d be exercising if I was bleeding out.”
“Yeah, why are they all running?” Jisung giggles to himself. He tucks the box under his arm. “Snacks next.”
Hyunjin takes about three ice cream containers out of the freezer in the back. “Got them. Now hurry up before it melts.”
Seungmin chooses about five chocolate bars, six candy packets, and one pack of gum for good measure. They all walk up to the counter together and dump their supplies for the worker to scan.
“Is this everything?” She seems amused as Hyunjin pays. “You don’t need ramen or a lighter?”
“Why would we need a lighter?” Seungmin glances back at Jisung. “Are the pads heat-activated?”
“No,” she immediately says. “Don’t try setting them on fire.”
They all shrug before filing out of the store.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Grab the blankets and pillows from your rooms,” Minho orders as he pushes the two beds in his room together. He shares the room with Hyunjin, Chan, and Seungmin. “Hurry!”
The other three dash out of the room and return in about two minutes. Blankets and pillows are overflowing from their grasp.
“What are we doing?” Felix wonders as he dunps everything onto the two beds. “What are we making?”
“I dunno.” Changbin shrugs as Jeongin begins to sort everything. “It just looks like a mess to me.”
Minho rolls his eyes at them. “Shut up and help before I kill you both.”
Felix and Changbin instantly start working. Felix arranges the pillows while Changbin deals with the blankets.
“Wait.” Jeongin spreads his arms, halting the others. “The sheets are white.”
“You’re right.” Felix gasps dramatically. “What if she accidentally stains it and then gets embarrassed?”
“What if we cover it with blood first?” Minho suggests. “Where’s my knife?”
Changbin flinches back. “Yeah, no. If it happens we’ll just cover it before she sees it.”
“Good idea,” Felix praises. He side-eyes Minho. “And why did you bring a knife?”
“I had to borrow one from housekeeping to open a snack from the vending machine,” Minho explains. He faces Jeongin. “Figure out the TV remote before they get back. I’m sure we can all put our heads together.”
Changbin frowns uneasily. “Hotel remotes are unbeatable. There’s no way we can figure it out.”
“What if we all put on a video on our phones and then like zoom in on different parts,” Felix suggests. “Then we glue all our phones together to make one big screen.”
Minho squints at him. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
There’s a gentle knock at the door. They all straighten before Jeongin announces that the door is unlocked. Hyunjin, Jisung, and Seungmin all enter, supplies in hand.
“Is that everything?” Changbin asks. “Did you get good pads?”
“We think so,” Hyunjin remarks. “Do we… test it?”
Felix wrinkles his nose. “Obviously not. We need to just treat her normally, but also really nice at the same time. Don’t be too obvious that it’s her period, but also treat her like she’s a goddess.”
“That doesn’t make sense!” Jisung hisses under his breath.
The door is pushed open again. Chan walks inside, you following dully behind him.
“Surprise!” Jeongin shouts. When the others shoot him filthy looks he tugs at his hair. “I panicked, okay?”
“What’s this?” You perk up a little bit. The corner of your lips quirk up slightly.
“We got you some stuff.” Seungmin points at the convenience store things before climbing on the beds and sprawling out. “What do the wings do?”
“Pretty much nothing.” You snort in amusement. “Thanks guys. I got a pad from the first aid attendant, but I appreciate it. I will, however, enjoy that ice cream.”
“There were some spoons in the drawer.” Minho displays the silverware for you.
You take on. “I only need one, but thanks.”
They watch in both horror and interest as you consume all three ice cream containers in about ten minutes. Then you throw yourself back on the beds and they take it as their signal for snuggles.
“Cuddle time?” Jisung hopefully asks from the edge of the beds. When you nod and scoot over to make room, the entire group all clambers on into a giant cuddle pile.
Chan ends up near you, with Changbin squishing him. He murmurs to you, “I’m sorry. I stressed you out and this whole thing was all my fault and-“
You shush him softly from below Jeongin, who is acting like your personal heating pad. “It’s okay, Chan. Life is just like this sometimes. It’s nice that you guys are all great with this, though. It’s… Thanks.”
Chan swallows. “Anytime.”
“I was really looking forward to some ice cream,” Hyunjin whispers to Jisung in disappointment.
Your eyes well up in tears. “That was for everyone? I’m so sorry!” 
They all groan and smack Hyunjin as you start wailing. Then they turn to comforting you, assuring you that it was all for you.
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luvyeni · 2 years ago
I really love your I.N mini skirt fic and I was thinking if you could write a continuation something like this Jeongin will choose an outfit so he choose something really baggy (his shirts or sth). He thought he did a great job until the members start swooning on how cute you look in big clothes. Jeongin at this point just felt defeated cuz you look good in everything. Cute and fluff and…….SMUT 😈
❛PROVE IT❜ ( y. jeongin )
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pairings. yang jeongin x fem!reader words. 1.2k
warnings? established relationship , boob play , fingering , unprotected sex , cockwarming
— 𖦹 ( proving how much you love jeongin after he's left feeling jealous ) !
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jeongin watched you pick your outfit out for the day , you guys were supposed to be meeting up for lunch at chans house , and once again your outfit was a bit too revealing for his liking.
normally he never questioned it , in fact he loved when you wore revealing clothes — well that's when you where alone. he still let you wear whatever you want , but he was protective , especially in front of his friends.
"princess." you spun around , in your underwear. "yes love?" he stood up off the bed. "how about i pick out your outfit today , wouldn't that be fun." you stared at him blankly. "i don't know , i really wanted to wear that skirt." you pouted.
"baby , you know i love that skirt , but i just thought it would be fun." he said , you just couldn't say no to that cute face. "fine , i'll wear the skirt for girls night next week." he'll deal with that when the night comes , deciding to celebrate the win. "let's see what you pick."
he took a look at your closet , finding the best pair of baggy pants you owned ( which weren't many ) , handing them to you. "okay , these are nice , what about pants?"
he thought about it , before going to his side of the closet , searching for a shirt , he knew he had to find a shirt you'd like or else you wouldn't go through it. "what about this?" he pulled out your favorite shirt of his. "really , i can wear that." he smiled , nodding.
"of course baby , see now you have a nice outfit to wear to chans house , go get dressed while i find you some accessories." you went back into the bathroom , and jeongin felt a weight lifting off his shoulders , smiling as he dug through his jewelry to find you something , just an extra sign that you're his.
jeongin actually felt good , you looked really nice , and he didn't have to worry about getting comments from his members — that's what he thought at first.
the first hour or two it went great , no one questioned your outfit , you guys ate lunch , chatting with everyone. changbin was the first one to finally take notice of your outfit.
"wah ( name ) ! your outfit." he shouted. "it's so nice." you smiled. "you like it?" innie picked it out." you praised your boyfriend. "that's his shirt right ?" han spoke up. "yup."
"you look so much better than him in it." seungmin teased , jeongin rolled his eyes. "stop that." you put your hand on his knee , trying to settle his nerves.
jeongin on the other hand — he was salty , because the compliments didn't stop , they all cooed at you and told you how cute you looked the entire time , up until you both decided it was time for you guys to go.
saying all your goodbyes , you guys started your travels back to your apartment , the entire ride home he was silent , you knew something was wrong , you knew it from the moment he told you to put another outfit on.
"baby?" you let him sulk a bit more , doing your nightly routine before joining him in your room. "can you stop being so sulky now , we're home now , you can tell me what has been bothering you since we left this morning." he had been caught.
"how'd you know?" you chuckled. "you let me wear your shirt and your jewelry , i didn't have to steal it from you." he pouted , as you climbed into his lap. "now tell me what's bothering you." he sighed , embarrassed.
"you're too pretty." you were taken aback. "im too pretty?" he hummed. "and i thought that maybe if i put you in something that wasn't like what you normally wear then they wouldn't pay attention to you , but it back fired , you're just to pretty and everything you wear will attract attention and it makes me jealous."
it actually makes you feel bad that he thinks like this. "innie." you grabbed his face , making him look you in the eyes. "i love you , and only you , i've told you this." you said. "i don't want anyone else but you , not your members , not a random at a bar , you."
"you promise?" you nodded , "i swear." you pressed your lips against his. "i love you so so much." he smiled , his eyebrows wiggling. "how much do you love me?" regardless of his playful state , you could feel his hardening cock in his shorts. "you want me to prove it?" you moved your hips. "sh-shit ( name )."
you got off his lap , he undid his pants , taking them off. you got in between his legs , bending down , kissing his cock through his underwear. "gonna make you feel better." you looked up at him , slowly dragging his underwear down , his cock standing tall , his mushroom tip dripping with pre-cum.
you kissed his tip , pulling away with a string of his pre-cum on your lips. "ba-baby , you're supposed to be making it up to me , don't be a tease." his voice telling you that he wasn't joking , taking him into your mouth.
"fuuuuck." he drew out his words , throwing his head back. "your mouth feels so good." you immediately got to work , bobbing your head up and down , holding his thighs. "look at me baby."
you listened , looking up at him locking eyes. "so fucking pretty baby." he groaned. "you're pretty any other day , but you look even more pretty when you're taking my cock down your tiny throat."
you hollowed your cheeks , sloppily sucking him off , gagging on his cock when he pushed your head down , holding you there as he bucked his hips up , fucking for face. "sh-shit , im gonna cum— ngh fuck ! " he shot his cum to the back of your throat , coating it white.
"good fucking girl , get up here." he pulled you into your into his lap , wiping the droplets off cum off your lips. "open up pretty girl." he pushed his fingers into your mouth. "good."
he rubbed your clit through your silk shorts , pulling them to the side. "gonna let me fuck you right?" you nodded , grinding on his cock. "please , want it inside." you whined. "go ahead and sit on it."
you hovered right above his cock , lowering yourself on him. "mhm fuck , you took me so well." he grunted , your wet cunt squeezing him ever so tightly. "m-made just for me." you bounced on his cock , he held your waist.
"innie." you whined. "wan' a kissed." he held the back of your neck , kissing your lips , moving his hips with yours , the knot in your stomach building up.
"love your pussy so much , feels so good." he moaned against your lips. "it's mines right , tell me it's mines." he moved his hands from the back of neck to the front , choking you , you gasped for breath. "tell me." he growled.
"m-my pussy i-is yours." he sped his hips up. "that's it , you're mine." his sharp thrust sent you over the edge. "fuck!" you screamed , cumming. "fuck , gonna breed this pussy." he grunted , thrusting up a few more times , before cum shot from his cock , whitening your insides.
"fuck , shit!" he cursed , your pussy milking him for everyone he had. he sighed , kissing your forehead. "im not done baby." he whispered.
"you still have a lot of proving up to do."
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strrykais · 6 months ago
control alt + love [k.seung smau]
12. balls to the face
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"here are your maps, and walkies. we split up in twos, felix and jeongin you head to crow nest, jisung and changbin head to the junkyard." seungmin says looking at the guys.
"minho are you okay with hanging out in the tower at the capital? we need a high vantage point of our flag." he says pointing at the map staring at minho as he nods. "okay chan is staying with the flag defending, ill head to the fort raptor, when you spot their flag don't engage, call for back up."
“remember jongho and mingi are their best shooters so be mindful when you are in open areas, their shots are nasty and accurate. wooyoung is our best bet in capturing if we want to win.” felix says glancing around at the team. everyone gives nods.
“hongjoong and seonghwa arent the best shots but they are fast and good at hand to hand combat to be careful.” minho says looking at jisung.
“whats that look for?” jisung scoffs. “why are they good at this thing?”
“this is how they team bond they do it like once a month with their staff. seungmin and I join from time to time.” minho tells jisung. “dude you literally came to one of these.”
"what about me?" you say side stepping behind minho raising your hand before the two of them could continue.
"you are with me." seungmin says looking at the walkies making sure they are on the right channel. "okay that's everything, remember stay hidden and don't get shot."
you watch as the team disperse seungmin still continuing to look at the map. you walk up next to him trying to glance over his shoulder.
"shorty you are too close. i can feel you on my back." he says glancing over his shoulder
"oh sorry" you say stepping back only for him to turn around walking to you, you slowly step back more but seungmin continues to step at you completely blocking you in when your back hits a tree trunk.
"what are you doing? aren't we supposed to head to fort raptor." you say avoiding eye contact glancing around him.
"im going to fort raptor, you on the other hand, well depends on how you answer this." seungmin says pressing his gun into your lower stomach.
"you gonna shoot me? are you being for real? whats up with this damn team and not having their teammates back?" you say huffing out.
"listen yn, one thing my team does is have each others back. im sorry that the little game you and jeongin were playing didnt go the way you want, but there is something you need to learn and im gonna teach you." seungmin says leaning in, the barrel of the gun digging deeper into your stomach.
"and what is that exactly?" you say trying to seem more cool than you were feeling inside. you couldn't exactly understand what is going on but your heart was racing and you felt like your breathing was erratic.
"teamwork. i know its hard to be heard because you are new, and a girl so you feel like you have to shout. but we, your teammates arent the ones you need to be shouting at. we had your back the moment felix picked you. we had to fight tooth and nail to get hq to even accept the idea of letting a girl on the team. i also understand friends fight its a normal thing to bicker especially with us living together. but what you won't do is belittle your teammates on live game play like that ever again. jeongin can be a lot, trust me i know the kid for 3 years, but sometimes you gotta be the bigger person and either ignore it or talk it out. i don't care that we lost because i knew it. but your fight didn't just effect you and him. it was effecting everyone. your game style change to a selfish one and minho and jisung had to pick up the slack you were pulling. and whatever they couldn’t keep up with, changbin had too pick it up. you caused a chain reaction. do you understand what im trying to say."
seungmin steps back when he notices you havent said anything, lifting your head you stare right at him.
"you are right im sorry, it won't happen again."
"you are right, it won't because ill bench you." he says turning around walking away.
you giggle out at his joke, only for you to stop when you notice he isnt laughing.
"wait you arent serious about benching me?" you say grabbing your gun and calling out after him. seeing him give you a little smirk and a shrug he continues to walk.
"hurry shorty we are behind schedule."
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a/n : i apologize for the lack in updates.. lwk been having writers block but we are SO BACK ALSO SEUNGMIN CRUMBS when the slow burn is fr a slow burn.... :( how excited are we to have this ball rolling??
tags: @onlyhyunjin @15092000volcano @chenlesfavorite @hippopotamusdreamer @vegetablesarefuntables @soondoongdoriii @jeonginplsholdmyhand @nappynapnaps @sincerely-sun @staytinyluv @kimseungminpabo @seungzsmin @sweetasmarie @hinanitiram @tricky-ritz @ayyonoona @hanniemylovelyquokka @toplinehyunjin @missystay @binniesbabe @tirena1 @jihoons-kitten @skz-ot8-stay @darlingz99 @khandzilla @icouldntcareless22 @rihaee @kikieatsfood23 @hvnverse
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