#because of her I now love genos and want to protect him forever he is the bestest boy
ygodmyy20 · 9 months
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Happy Birthday @sodasexual!!!!
Teru and Shigeo dads with lil baby Saitama from her MP100 X OPM crossover AU (you can read An Egg Hatches here)
I already said this but worth saying again: Thanks for gushing about terumob with me, and being my friend, and betaing my stuff, and helping me come up with so many great [SPOILERS] for Black Sweatshirt that I am so so sooo excited to write.
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nell0-0 · 4 years
One day (you learn to let go) #2
Idea adopted from Firehedgehog's Idea Factory!
A very long time ago, Fate grabbed a Sans and twisted him into Error.
Every 25-100 years, Fate's magic wanes and Error transforms back into his past self. The only thing this Sans knows is that he seems to be skipping through time.
Ink, meanwhile, is the only one that knows what's going on as Error doesn't remember when his true self, Geno, wakes up.
Ink tastes freedom (Fate's magic wanes)
"And don't come back here!" shouted a Sans to Ink, who was grinning sheepishly while covered in head to metatarsal in paint and jumping through a portal to Dreamtale, headed towards Dream's house.
It was so not his fault that copy #34 of Sugartale didn't enjoy his suggestions in decorations, edible colors only lasted so long, it was better to use the normal ones if you wanted them to come out just right! It wasn't like it was poisoning... much. So what if it poisoned normal monsters to an extent, being extremely worse to humans?
He could create the item with the right colors and it being edible, but redecorating with pre-existing stuff was so boring to the artist sometimes. Where was the innovation? The curiosity to explore new possibilities in the world of art?
Ink sighed. Sadly, he knew it wasn't possible for him to do so in a new AU, Fate's forced rate of creation was too much. The constant rush, the screaming, the anguish. It was oppressing, his soul feeling like it would scatter at last. Then again, maybe even that wouldn't be enough to kill him, to free the Forced God of Creation from Fate's hold. Breaking his soul in fragments himself didn't free him at all. He didn't die, like everyone he knows would, so what would his soul fragments escaping like handfuls of sand from his own being do?  
Would he end up as a puppet that deity would have full control of? A lifeless doll moved by strings invisible for everyone? Would he end up as a soulless being, accomplice of Fate's cruelty without having the ability to care about the people he knew?
Ink didn't know, and that prospect terrified him. So he always pushed himself more and more, because if he didn't, the white string from Fate surrounding the culmination of his being could snap and it would be so much worse. For everyone. For Dream, his trusted friend and companion. For Blue, who he knew secretly cheered up Error thinking no one noticed. For all the Sanses he knew, even the Bad Sanses.
Would he be able to stop if he didn't have his emotions? Stop before things got out of control? Ink didn't think so, being almost soulless was a complicated affair, he didn't want to think too deeply about the possibility of loosing what little emotions he still had.
And then there was Error, who only had the Bad Sanses and Blue on his side. But he didn't dare tell a soul about his friend helping the supposed foe. He knew that Error was just like him, in a sense. He had known it even all that time ago when both met for the first time, the imprint of Fate's presence painfully clear for both to see around them. Ink secretly cheered for the Underswap Sans every time he went away to meet with the Destroyer, even covered for him when Stretch started wondering where his brother was.
Hell, Ink once created a copy of Underswap and grabbed the Sans from there to pacify Stretch. Sure, he dusted the Sans afterwards so that copy of his friend couldn't tell anyone, but it was the intention what counted, right? And it wasn't like he couldn't get away with it, just a bit of adjusting and the AU didn't even notice something was wrong because they didn't have one of the key characters.
There! New AU! He was such a genius.
Ink was glad he could feel so many things. Anger, joy, sadness. Even if he knew the state his soul was in made him a bit of a weirdo, he didn't care. It was enough for him that he could care for his friends the Star Sanses and Error, his friends!
Because they were friends and Ink wouldn't accept any other option. He just had to manage to get that fact through Error's stubborn skull. The other had it even worse than him, being so hated through the Multiverse because of what they were forced to do and all that.
It wasn't like the artist didn't try to help. Every time he tried to shout someone to stop, to tell why they shouldn't attack the glitch, the words got stuck on his metaphorical throat and wouldn't pass his teeth. His movements became heavy, his thoughts shutting down and his soul felt numb. One time Ink even blacked out. Almost gave Dream an aneurysm with how much panic the other had in him that day.
It had been a long time since then, but that passing out incident was imprinted in his mind like it had been yesterday. Ink didn't want to think of the implications, but was avoiding every topic that made him uncomfortable any way to live? He had so many things to fear and angst over it was a miracle he wasn't just a lump on his sofa.
That day, instead of seeing black like everyone when passing out, Ink saw white. Just white. White hands, white face, white eyes. White background that melted everything together. Ink shuddered, remembering the memory. Next thing he knew, he was above a heavily injured Error, Broomie at the ready to give the final hit necessary to dust the other.
His hands trembled even now, when recalling that memory.
Error had looked genuinely scared of him, his expression... Ink couldn't give it a description, he didn't understand such complex emotions stirring through his counterpart's eye-lights.
The cheering Sans behind, the gold light surrounding him from below, the light cascading in the Judgement Hall... It reminded him too much of the Doodle Sphere, where he listened to Fate beating down the other Voice's into submission, only leaving alone the one's who went along with them. The yellow tint, the white i his vision, the voice of the Sans from behind him somewhere Ink wasn't able to see at the moment.
Ink had ended up throwing red paint at that Sans, dusting him instantly.
He felt his breath shallowing and gulped. He remembered standing there too, just breathing and backing away from the fallen Error, who kept staring at Ink with such complicated emotions.
In the end, Error had gone away, leaving Ink with inner turmoil and a stretched hand, as if reaching for the black-boned skeleton and explain that he wasn't himself. Something else, someone else, took hold of him and almost dusted his friend.
Trembling, he had looked at his shaking hands with something akin to horror. He could almost see the gray dust in between his phalanges, making them feel crusty and rubbing in his joints, the grainy substance eroding the bones.
He would never risk it again, he just couldn't. So he never attempted to speak up that much again, even if guilt stirred in him when Error's clothes moved in just the right way, letting him see the extent of the damage on his counterpart's body. And yet... That loss of control, the powerlessness and waking up in such a way...
Ink had feared white ever since.
White meant pain. White meant rushing everywhere, feeling the silent and controlling gaze upon him at all times. A continuous threat. White meant her.
White meant Fate.
Dream had ended up kicking out Ink. Again.
Which, rude! He just set the other's kitchen on fire once, it was progress when compared to other times. It wasn't like the time he set fire to the whole house just by burning toast because he forgot he put them on the pan. Or like the time he tried boiling a pre cooked soup with potato and left it there for three hours while he was playing a solitary game on the livingroom.
Dream didn't seem to agree with Ink on that.
At least Dreamtale had sunlight and fresh air, not at all like the Underground Ink could usually find himself in. It was a nice change of pace, he supposed.
It was a summer day, the heat boring down upon the Forced God of Creation. Bright sun, fresh air. Just like your usual Surface timeline, easy to get lost in its simple beauty and simplicity because of the freedom it offered when compared to the cavern system of the Underground.
He looked around, seeing the black spots where grass was burned years ago and vegetation just seemed too weak to grow on them. It was a testament to the twins' battle, the one that ended up with a feral Nightmare attacking everyone and everything and Dream as a stone statue.
Ink still hadn't gotten how that felt out of Dream. If he had more time, the artist would try to replicate the feeling by turning himself into a statue. Sadly, it would have to wait... forever.
Shame. Ink wanted to get stoned as well.
Ink sighed, such a shame. The rays of the sun shined on Ink's eye-sockets, distracting him. A bit annoyed, he tried to protect his vision with his arm and scrunched his face. When that didn't work as expected, he just turned to look at the broken remains of the Tree of Feelings, his back to where the sun was.
They really did a number on it, the poor spirit trapped there never stood a chance. Still, Ink thought this kind of AU was still a good idea. It could get away with so many changes and twists, so many possibilities when the world was an open field. Simple lives, simple rules that still managed to get off the rails. He would love to create another world like Dreamtale one of these days, maybe changing it up so it followed a completely different story instead.
Ink smiled, a flutter of nervous giddiness coming from his soul. Ink thought that was such a good idea. But he probably wouldn't be able to pull a stunt similar to Dreamtale anytime soon. A common AU, just for the sake of the rest of the Multiverse dwellers.
Maybe he would just try and avoid anything balance related, even if it could take a bit of the pressure on his chest off a bit.
That's when he felt it. A tug, a moment, a mere second, of what Ink could just describe as true freedom.
His heavily damaged soul felt lighter, the colors seemed more vivid and everything changed its tune, his tattoos humming with power he didn't know they could have, nervous and excited chatter from Voices he just barely remembered filling his mind. He stumbled, overwhelmed, and the moment passed.
... what was that?
"Error! Stop destroying this AU!" Ink shouted, annoyed at the Destroyer. Couldn't the other just have destroyed one of his older and half-assed worlds? This one was just finished not even two hours ago and he had actually put effort in it!
"Shut it, squid!" Error glared at him which, rude much? Now that Ink thought about it, all his friends seemed to be rude. Except Blue, don't forget Blue. Ink felt a burn on his shoulder, an intense pain he only barely processed. Curiously, he looked at the red bone that pierced his bones and poked at it.
He probably should stop getting distracted when confronting Error.
Ink whined. "But Error, can't we talk this over some chocolate? I brought your favorite!"
Error actually seemed tempted. Ink took out the chocolate bar to wave it in the other's face. It seemed to be working.
"C'mon, you know you want it!"
"FINE!" Error snatched the chocolate, grumpy. Ink just chuckled at the cute demeanor of the Destroyer.
With a flourish, he summoned the reset button of the AU and adjusted it to a True Reset, so no memory of this event or even the Multiverse would be left. He pressed it and grinned towards Error.
"Show off."
In the end, Ink directed Error to a timeline called Underfallen. Just an Underfell rip off where monsters where actually very nice and mushy on the inside. He clapped when Error crushed the codes, a bit of a sting on his body as it happened and one of his tattoos disappearing.
With a tug on his soul, Ink grabbed Broomie and waved good bye to Error.
Back to creating it was.
Time had passed in a blur of creating, battling and pestering Error with friendship declarations since that time when Ink felt that freedom, that intensity in color and excited chatter. He almost thought it had been an illusion or hallucination of some kind. How he managed to remember it after so much time had passed was still a mystery to him, it had to have been almost twenty years by Multiverse standards.
But when he was in the middle of creating a mix of Underfell and Dancetale, one where Frisk was really a genocidal maniac in disguise who manipulated the Sans, it happened again. Ink recognized the feeling for what it was this time.
Fate loosing control of his puppet, the Creator.
He quickly changed to world down to its very core, being inspired by kind Voices and ideas that didn't want the characters to suffer too much or go rogue for once. He not only took the base elements, but created a whole original backstory, building up the world from basically scratch. It was such such a freeing feeling, such intensity, that Ink couldn't help but let out a delightful laugh.
The colors swirled around him, condensing in a sphere and letting a small explosion that pushed other AUs apart. It had become an original AU.
Ink couldn't believe he had felt it again, he was so excited. He had to tell Error, he just had to!
Ink started to open the portal to the Anti-Void, when the feeling passed once again. Back to the blandness, the coldness... The almost emotionless.
The Creator let all his magic intent disperse, pouting. At least he knew what was going on this time around. Maybe he should be on the look out for that feeling. it was over almost as soon as it came, but it gave him hope.
Hope to escape from Fate's clutches once and for all.
"Hey Error!" Ink called to the Forced God of Destruction seated on a dark blue bean bag. He quickly went over his friend and foe, dragging a light brown bean bag he had brought last time. The fact that Error didn't throw it on a random AU promising for the artist's mind.
In reality, the other hadn't even tried because he knew how whiny and persistent Ink could get when it came to his 'quality bonding time with his friend Error'. In summary, not fun for the black boned skeleton.
Ink hopped on his bean bag, looking up at Error with big eye-sockets. The Destroyer grumbled, disgruntled at being interrupted in the middle of his knitting. At least it hadn't been Undernovela marathon this time around.
"What do you want know" he grunted at Ink, trying to focus even more on his knitting so whatever the other said would come in one ear canal and leave the other.
Ink pouted a bit but shrugged. Whatever floated Error's boat, if the other wanted to be a grumpy cat imitation made skeleton, it was fine by the Creator.
"You could be at least a little happier to see me, I bring good news!"
Error sighed exasperated. Seemed like he would have to pay attention it was something important this time around. He just hoped Ink wouldn't start another rant about relationships and feelings or something along those lines, it always made Error's head spin.
Facing the white bones skeleton, Error frowned and set down the sweater he had been working on.
"Then spit it out" Error grumbled with a bossy attitude. "I don't have time for your bull crap."
"That's a lie and you know it" Ink said, teasingly.
Besides, it was true. If Error truly didn't have any free time he wouldn't be resting on the Anti-Void, nurturing one of the hobbies Ink approved of. So many pretty patterns! And no matter how small, there were always differences on the stuff Error created, so new and creative.
"So? Your point?"
Ink huffed but relented. "Okay, okay. So, you know how Fate has us caught with their strings by our souls?"
Error tensed, obviously uncomfortable with the topic. It was obvious he wanted to forget that for as long as he could. It was easier to pretend they chose the paths they had because of choice, not a deity manipulating their every move, but lying to oneself only worked to an extent.
"Of course I know, idiot, I'm funking living with it every day" Error barked, before adding softly in an angry whisper "and you aren't making it any better."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Ink waved the passive aggressiveness off. He was used to it and knew the other didn't really mean it, he was just moody. "My point is, haven't you ever felt that tight control waning?"
Error's face lost all his emotions, staring blankly at Ink. "If this is a joke, it's not funny, Ink."
"What? But-"
"Out" Error ordered, no room for discussion.
"Error, let me explain-"
Without a word, Ink left.
Time passed once more. Error had been particularly brutal after that exchange they had, so Ink didn't try to bring it up again. He was still curious about the feeling of freedom, since he got small flashes of it that were over in mere seconds or, if he was lucky, minutes. But he was unsure of what to do with it. He had been just creating and fighting for so long that it was like he had forgotten to just... stop, and smell the roses or some mushy stuff like that Dream always preached.
He tried it at first, to relax. But no matter how thoroughly 'Sans' Ink was, he couldn't bring himself to take a break. He used the free time to put markers on unstable AUs so Error would have an easier time doing his jobs, tormented Dream with his attempts at cooking (it was so hilarious to this point that Ink was thinking about just keeping it up on purpose) or wandering the AUs aimlessly.
Blue had sat Ink down on the Star Sanses base to give him a stern lecture after he had found the Creator walking on Underswap, looking lost on one of those occasions. Blue didn't want to say it out loud, but this behavior was worrying. He quickly called Dream to set up a sleepover, who agreed easily enough.
Ink denied the offer at first, Fate's hold still on the back of his mind, little bursts of freedom over too soon to properly do anything about them making him stumble and trip over his own words.
Blue used rope to tie Ink to a chair.
They had been enjoying themselves after Dream arrived, Ink getting lost on their antics and genuinely having fun when it happened once more. This time, the free sensation wasn't over in a flash.
Ink excused himself and went to his room as quickly as he could. He summoned his soul and noticed Fate's strings around his soul... waning.
This time, it lasted longer. Long enough for Ink to cry happily.
Yet it wasn't long enough for him to do anything about it just yet. He knew now, though. He needed to tell Error. But the other one hadn't mentioned anything about these episodes and had reacted so badly when he had brought it up...
The thought of Ink being free while Error wasn't... filled him with something akin to dread.
It had been another twelve years before Ink sensed it once more. There had been instances that came and went, too quick for him to process, so he didn't bother to count those, even if each one was cherished and hold close to his metaphorical heart.
Given his counterpart's reaction each time he had tried bringing up the topic, Ink had decided to wait until the next long episode to show Error what he discovered. With actual proof this time.
This was the day.
He went to the Anti-Void to tell him the good news while the effect still lasted.
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israltale · 3 years
Black Flower calls
Reaper was devastated. After so long he had managed to go back to the Save Screen, but Geno was gone. Reaper had searched so many Timelines in order to find at least ONE Geno, but they were gone, no Geno in any Timeline. Reaper feared that he was completely deleted from any Timeline. 
Then he found a Save Screen that was weird. 
“What?” The Screen looked like it was shattered to Pieces, but there was something else. Black Flowers growing out of the Cracks. 
“What is this? What happened here?” He kneeled down, touching one of the Flowers, expecting that it will just wither away, but the Flower still stood strong, as if his Touch did Nothing to it. He picked one of the Flowers. 
“I should ask Life about this.” Reaper packed away the still healthy Flower to hurry back home and ask Life about this. Maybe it was the only Clue he had to find his beloved Geno Life was in her Area hidden away from the others, only Death and his Brother could visit if they wanted. 
“LIFE!” Reaper yelled as he entered. 
“Reaper? Weren’t you on your way to your Lover?” Reaper nodded. 
“Yeah, but i can’t find him. It’s like he is gone forever.” Life blinked. 
“What?” Reaper told her what he had found, after that showed the Goddess the Flower. 
“This is…” She took it Carefully. 
“It didn’t wither from my Touch.” He said, still amazed about the Fact. Life nodded. 
“This is the Chaos Flower, a very sturdy Flower.” Reaper blinked. 
“Chaos Flower? But why would it grow in Geno’s broken Save Screen?” Life pondered about it. 
“Well seeing that they are growing there, it could be that he is in this AU.” Reaper looked at her. 
“What AU?” Life put the Flower next to her. 
“There is only one AU where this grow Freely. IsralTale, maybe they know what happened to your Darling.” Reaper nodded, it was at least a Clue, but then he thought of Something. 
“Life… Why did i never heard of that AU? Don’t they have a Reaper?” Life chuckled a bit. 
“Their Life and Death system works a bit Different.” Reaper was on his Way to IsralTale, after a long Talk with Life about the AU and their Life and Death Circle. 
Thanks to his Magic he could enter undetected, walking through a bright Area unseen, all thanks to him being Death. People were walking around, no one seeing him, which was good, but something was Odd. They seemed full of Arrogance, some even having Servants that were more Slaves as everything else. 
“I wonder when our King finally gets rid of those Pesky Hybrids.” One Man said, carrying his Nose up to the Sky. 
“I hope soon, they pest our Air with their Existence.” Reaper didn’t like that talk at all. 
“How arrogant.” He whispered, but in this Area was no sigh of his beloved Geno, so he needed to look somewhere else, but where? 
“I can’t believe our beloved Princess is taking those THINGS under her protection… Even the Forest is darkening for them.” Reaper grinned. So he just needed to get where it turned dark, while still bright daylight. Shouldn’t be that hard, especially with his Powers, so he floated over the Forest to Find the Place, where it was Dark. 
Reaper blinked, he had searched the whole forest, but no signs of Darkness. How was that possible? Death had no Answer for that, so he slowly descended down, but once he was close to the Trees, then it happened, the Sky darkened as if Magic had suddenly grew stronger. Reaper stopped, floating only a bit up again, the Magic disappearing and the bright blue Sky greeting him. 
“Wow, that is some serious Magic here.” Reaper went down once again, the Night taking over, while underneath him a bright City in all different colours of Jewels and Gemstones appeared. The Trees growing in this forest were huge, otherwise they never could hide two large Cities with Castles just like that. The Magic throbbing in this Place was serious business. 
Reaper landed on the golden Tiles, close to the Marketplace, where People walking around happily. This was far different as the first City he was in. People of different size, colour and race walking around, talking and laughing with one another. It reminded him more of his AU as the previous city. Some People were walking around with beautiful and complicated designs of Flowers. 
“Syo is such a wonderful Flower Seller. His Bouquets are so beautifully made.” A Woman swooned over her Basket. Maybe he should get one for Life as well? Reaper stopped dead, there was a Skeleton walking not far from him. His clothes different but Reaper would recognise those dark Bones and creepy red eye sockets everywhere. 
“Error.” He whispered. How? Reaper wanted to know, but for that he needed follow the other. Death decided to keep distance, because Error could always sense him. 
Eriol went to a Shop with Flowers in front and all around, before he entered. Reaper looking inside the Window. 
“GENO!” A Man stood there with a greenish long Jacket, red and blue horns and the all present Pixels over his Eye. But the Death Mark was gone and he looked healthier and happier. Error seemed to talk with him, before their Tails intertwined in a loving gesture. Reaper couldn’t take it anymore. He opened the door, wanting to be reunited. 
“GENO!” Eriol growled at him, standing protective in front of Reaper. 
“Error… Please let me to Geno.” Reaper sounded so desperate, he finally had found Geno again, but Error was blocking him of. 
“Who are you.” Reaper stopped dead, his one eye light slowly moving to Geno. 
“Geno… Love.. this is not Funny… It’s me… Reaper.” Syo looked at him, before he slowly shook his Skull. 
“I… Don’t know you.” Reapers Soul sunk at that. Geno forgot him? Was it because he left him so long alone? Eriol watched him. 
“How did you find this Place anyway?” Was he another soon to be Victim of that Someone? Reaper looked at Error. 
“I searched for Geno in the Save Screens… But he was gone. No matter what Timeline i looked, they were all empty.” He said, while Eriol was listening. 
“Then i found a broken one. It looked shattered, but it was full of Black Flowers.” Eriol and Syo stopped a second. 
“Black Flowers?” Syo hurried away. 
“Like those.” He showed him different sorts of Black Flowers. 
“THIS ONE!” Reaper said as he found it again. Syo looked to Eriol. 
“These are the Guardians Flowers.” Eriol nodded. 
“I’ll contact the others. Can you close the Shop?” Syo nodded. 
“Yes, give me a bit.” Reaper watched them. 
“What… is going on?” Eriol looked at him. 
“Well, those are the Flowers of our Guardian, so maybe we can clear this things out.” Eriol explained, while using the Dragon connection to inform the others in the Castle. Syo closed the shop in the Meantime. After that they went to the Castle, there was stuff they needed to clear out. 
Narish looked at the Deity of Death. 
“Unexpected.” He said. Eriol grumbled. 
“He said Geno to Syo…” He said, sitting down. Millenia entered together with Cobra and Kiros. 
“Well we are all together now.” Narish said. Reaper nodded. He then proceeded to tell them what he had told Eriol and Syo already. 
“My Flowers?” Syo nodded. 
“Yes, i showed him some local Black Flowers together with the Chaos Flower. It’s impossible for him to know them if they wouldn’t grow there.” Millenia nodded. 
“True, they are only local to this AU and nothing else.” Reaper watched them. 
“Life knew about them.” Cobra looked to Millenia. 
“Seems like there are still some who remember that.” The Guardian nodded. 
“Seems like that.” Reaper blinked. Narish looked to Syo. 
“But what is the Meaning of it? All other Geno’s Missing?” Millenia leaned back. 
“Well, Geno turns at some Point to Error, getting insane in loneliness and the Black Void of the Save Screen.” She said. Eriol growled at that. 
“In the other Timelines at least. It could be that the ones Reaper looked in were already at that Point.” Fracture sighed. 
“But that doesn’t explain the broken one… the Timelines we all originated from either vanished or reseted.” Millenia nodded to that. 
“Yes, but seeing that he brought Flowers from there, means that he entered not long after Syo left.” Syo starred at her. 
“But how? IT has been MONTHS since i came here.” Syo exclaimed shocked. 
“It is not that weird, Time is flowing different in all kinds of AU’s.” She said calmly. Croma blinked. 
“Wait that would mean, that those who got directly thrown in here could have been thrown only mere seconds or minutes apart?” Kiros growled. 
“While arriving Months apart.” Fracture sighed deeply. 
“This is confusing.” It was really confusing.
“Possible, we can’t say exactly, but from what i can clearly say. Alure entered first, while Solei was brought from their AU only Hours apart, it took Weeks for him to arrive here.” Alure nodded. 
“True, i saw our AU fall apart, it was about to turn day, so it had been about 8 Hours, but he arrived almost two Months later.” Solei was with him. 
“Yeah, Alure was already settled in his new Life and the Area of Chaos a good way builded.” Reaper listened to their Explanation. 
“Can i ask something? Can’t he really remember?” Narish sighed. 
“Syo came here after twins gave their Soul to him, he remembered where he was and how he met them, but all what was before was already foggy to him.” Syo nodded. 
“I know my little slice of Soul had throbbed for someone… But i can’t remember at all.” Reaper shrunk in his Chair. 
“I’m so sorry, Ge… Syo… I never meant to leave you alone for so long…” Syo sighed. They all were aware that no one was able to Touch Reaper, or rather that he avoids it. Eriol sighed. 
“So… What now with him? I don’t think he will just go Home and life his normal life?” Reaper shook his Skull. 
“Forget it… i won’t leave Geno again!” He insisted. Narish sighed. 
“Well. It is possible for you to life as one of us.” The others starred at the Leader. 
“You can’t just go and leave as you please, this would destroy the already feeble Balance in here and we normally don’t have a God of Death here like you know it around other AU’s.” Fracture said. 
“Is there a way then?” Both Leader were nodding. 
“Your Timeline will reset with a new Reaper once you turn into a Hybrid.” Death listened to them. 
“Before you make this Decision.” Millenia spoke up. 
“How about you three life for a few days together, see if it works out for you, if Syo remembers anything at all.” Syo nodded, it was possible that it wouldn’t work out for them, then Reaper would have turned and would still be alone. Eriol agreed as well, he was Syo’s Mate after all, so he had to accept Reaper as well. It wasn’t that bad of an Idea.
Reaper started this Idea after that, but he was worried to touch them. He just talked and watched them. It was actually pretty nice and he learned so much about the Hybrids. Apparently turning into one brought some neat stuff with them, but it was very painful. 
“Your Slash disappeared?” Syo nodded. 
“Yes, after absorbing Finn and Quinns Half Souls my Slash disappeared and my melting Skull was repaired as well. Only my Socket was to damaged, but Lady Millenia made this magical Pixels for me so i can hide it.” Reaper was really impressed. 
“And it made your glitches go away?” Eriol nodded. 
“Was painful, but all the glitches disappeared, i grew and i don’t crash anymore…. I still am uncomfortable with Touch, but it’s easier since i life with Syo.” Reaper blinked. 
“I make sure that all my moves are detectable for Eriol. No hugging from behind, no surprises. All nice and clear for him and if he shows Signs to be uncomfortable i step a way.” Death was impressed by that. 
“This AU is really impressive.” He said. Eriol chuckled a bit. 
“Yeah but sadly the City you were first is… against us.” Reaper remembered. 
“Their King hates Hybrids?” Syo sighed, while Eriol tapped the Table. 
“From what we heard it wasn’t always that way, only since the current King rose to Power.” Syo said. 
“I was about to be sold as a Slave there as i was still Error.” Reaper starred at him. 
“Reeve, Cobra’s Brother bought me out of it, trying to help me to this Vicinity so i could return home… It didn’t play out like that.”  the Skeleton couldn’t believe what he heard. 
“It wasn’t always that way, so i heard. As the late King, King Niles was still on the Throne… there was no racism, no Slaves… It all came with the current King.” Eriol told him.
Reaper shook his Skull, while they told him how things Changed once Lysander got his Butt on the Throne. 
“But why?” Reaper asked. 
“We think because people believed he is not the Royals Child… We know from Lady Millenia that their Parents died very early, but she clearly said that the King is truly her younger Brother.” The Skeleton nodded slightly. Syo stood up to get more Coffee and Tea, while Eriol told more about the other City. 
“This sounds so fucked up.” Reaper said, as Syo brought more Tea. 
“Yeah, far as we know, the Vicinity of Order has a resistance going on. They make sure that Hybrids or halfblooded Creatures either get away from the Realm or be safely brought here.” He placed the Coffee in front of Reaper and Eriol, while he had Tea. 
He was already a few days with them and it felt so nice. They were fine with him as well, while he still refused to touch them without gloves. He doesn’t want to accidentally kill them, while they still try to tell him that he wouldn’t. 
“It has been almost a week now.” Syo started. Reaper nodded. 
“True.” Eriol nipped on his Coffee. 
“Did you made a decision?” Reaper smiled, looking into his Cup with steaming hot Coffee. 
“Yes, i want to turn.” Both watched him curiously. 
“It is Painful.” Syo warned him again. 
“I know… but here with the both of you.. this nice time… i don’t want to give it away.” Eriol looked to Syo. 
“Then we should tell the Guardian…. it is safer for you to turn under her surveillance.” Reaper nodded. He also had already picked a new name for him, for the Time he changed completely. Reaper was eager to change. A new Life was on the horizon and he wanted that so badly.
The next day was finally the Day Reaper wanted. They were once again on their Way to the Castle. Millenia told them to come over today, so that Reaper could pull through his decision. Pulvis was already waiting for them. 
“So you wanna join us?” He said as they went to the Front Door. 
“Yeah i had a bit of time to Think this through.” Death followed Pulvis into the Castle, they would go to the Infirmary, the best Place for him to Change. Millenia had a Crystal in her Hand, as Pulvis brought him in. 
“Are you Sure about this?” She asked, as he sat down on the Bed. 
“Yes, never was more sure of anything.” Millenia nodded softly.
“Alright, try to relax as best you can, this will be very painful.” She warned him, giving him the Crystal. 
“I know, Syo and Eriol warned me over and over again.” He said softly, taking the Crystal in his Hand. He could feel the Beat of the Soul inside. Once he was comfortable enough, he broke the Stone to devour the Soul. 
The Pain started the second he broke the Crystal. His bones felt like burning, while his Soul throbbed in Pain. Reaper knew nothing bad would happen, after all he was in safe hands. Reaper felt the Change slowly creep into his Bones and Soul. 
Syo and Eriol waited in the Meeting Room, while they knew it will take a long time. Reaper had the Chance to decide for himself, unlike most of them one of the few, the other was Geno, who could have refused the last wish of those Kids. It took a while before Pulvis came into the Room.
“He is resting now.” Pulvis informed them. 
“Did… Did he Manage alright?” Pulvis nodded. 
“He did pretty good, after some Rest he should be fine.” 
Reaper woke up, he didn’t even know how long he was out. 
“How are you feeling?” Millenia asked softly. 
“My body feels sore…” He answered, already feeling the Tail and the Horns. Millenia sat down close to him. 
“It’ll take a while, till the Soreness is gone, after all you changed considerably.” Reaper nodded, watching his Tail. 
“Swirls?” He said looking at her. 
“Yes, the Soul i gave you is one that will help you control your Touch of death.” Reaper starred at her. 
“Wh… Really?” Millenia nodded, before she got a little Box, inside was a small rabbit, it looked sickly and ill. 
“I found this one at the Lake, its mother probably long gone.” Reaper looked up at her. 
“It will die either way, sadly enough i couldn’t safe it… But this little one will help us with this Test.” He nodded slowly. 
“Seeing the swirls littered other your Tail and Horns, means you never intend to kill.” She said carefully. Reaper slowly sat up, as she place the Box close to him. The new born Hybrid slowly moved his hand to the little dying creature. He stopped close to it, looking afraid to actually touch the little Rabbit. 
“You mean it… That i can’t kill someone with those Swirls visible.” He looked so lost as he levelled his Eye Light on the Guardian. 
“Yes, i mean it.” Finally he moved his hand to the small rabbit, carefully petting it. The swirl in his Eye light started to rotate, as his soul was filled with happiness. The little Thing didn’t die because of his Touch. 
“I can… touch… i can finally… touch people.” Millenia nodded. 
“Now… i want to ask you to but this poor thing out of its Pain.” Reaper looked at her again. 
“It can’t be saved anymore… all we can grant this poor thing, is a painless and fast death.” Reaper looked at the Animal again. 
“You’re right.” He could do this for the rabbit. Slowly the swirls on his Tail melted into the same colour. Reaper touched the Bunny with a frightful gulp.
Reaper had followed her into the Garden behind the Castle, where they buried the Box now. 
“This is great responsibility.” She said softly. 
“I know but… Eriol and Syo said i should contribute something.” Millenia nodded. 
“True, they all do.” She said with such a soft Smile. 
“What about your Name?” He chuckled a bit. 
“I want to be named Scylla now.” Millenia nodded.
“Alright. Then Scylla, you shall be the Guide to the next Life and take care of the Graveyard.” Scylla’s Tail whipped in happiness. He will miss Life that was sure, but now he had Syo and Eriol as lovers, a new Job and perfect control over his Touch of Death. 
Millenia got up, dusting off her Clothes, as Fracture approached them.
“Already on your Feet again?” Scylla nodded. 
“Yes, i feel pretty good actually.” Fracture nodded. 
“I see, i also heard your new Name, Scylla.” The other chuckled a bit. 
“Eavesdropping?” Fracture sighed. 
“We are very careful, where our Guardian is.” Millenia walked over to him. 
“Oh yeah Eriol and Syo told me about the Trouble of the other Area. I was shocked to hear them Talk badly about this Place.” Fracture growled a bit. 
“Most of the Pure Bloods turned so arrogant… The Late King would turn in his Grave, if he would see what his Grandson is doing.” Scylla nodded. 
“I would if i was the Late King… From what i heard, he tried so hard to remove so much and have creatures life peacefully together.” Millenia nodded. 
“King Niles was sometimes Harsh, but a righteous King. There was no Race difference in his Kingdom.” They slowly walked back to the Castle. 
“So you actually try to found the same rights as King Niles had?” Fracture smiled a bit. 
“Yes, we try to. We are Hybrids, something between the Skeletons we once were and the Dragons we aren’t fully.” Millenia had intertwined her Arm into his. 
“There is no thing as race Difference. We are equally in the Eyes of Mother Earth, only how we make our Decisions define our differences.” She stated. Scylla agreed with her. 
“It doesn’t matter if you have a Cat Tail or a Dog Tail.” Fracture moved his four Tails. 
“It only Matters if you want to harm others because it is fun and joy for you, barely Entertainment, or if you treat them as you want to be treated.” The new Hybrid couldn’t agree more on that. 
He could understand that the others wanted to Protect her with all they have, because she had the Believes of the former King still inside her Soul, not seeing people for what they are in her Eyes, but what they have in their Soul. Scylla had still no regrets for his decision, and with those Rulers and her as their Guidance Light, he was sure this Kingdom will thrive to what the other Realm had long lost. 
Syo and Eriol were waiting for him, as he tackled them in a soft hug. 
“R..Reaper?” Syo gasped in surprise. 
“It’s Scylla now and i can finally Touch people without Fear!” He sounded so incredibly happy. 
“Really? That’s great, Scylla!” Syo said happily. He needed to tell them, once they returned home. 
“Thank you for everything, Lady Millenia.“ Eriol bowed to her. 
“Not for this, Eriol. It was his Decision, something a lot of you never had.” Fracture smiled at her. 
“Still you do so much for us, without trying to get benefit out of it. Your Soul is truly Kind and big.” She chuckled softly. 
“I only try to bring my Grandfathers Teachings close to everyone.” Eriol nodded. 
“This Kingdom will become a great Beacon of those Teachings.” With that the Three returned home, there was a lot of Cuddling to do, now that Scylla could do that without the great Panic to kill his Lovers on accident. 
Fracture and Millenia watched them walk to their House, before they returned to the Castle. They all gained new Lives, new chances to do what they never could before.
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paddie-ut · 7 years
A Gaster Blaster’s Understanding of Love
AO3 Link
Summary:  GB loves his master and wants him to be happy. GB sees that a certain tall, furry goat monster makes his master happy and can feel it through the connection he has to his master’s soul. GB decides to take matters into his own jaws, despite not really understanding this new sort of love his master is feeling. 
(Written for the Soriel Discord’s Valentines Day Event. A retrospective of Sans’ and Toriel’s relationship through the eyes of the skeleton’s loyal weapon, and said weapon’s attempts to understand it.)
Relationships: Sans/Toriel with a little bit of Undyne and Alphys mentioned. 
Genre: Mostly Humor with a touch of Angst too
Fic Type: One Shot, Gaster Blaster POV, First Person
Rating: General (light mentions of death/the Geno run) 
Also, check Topaz’s equally adorable take on the same concept!: Tumblr AO3
Love is in a strange thing to me. At least, the kind of love that has been on my mind lately. It is not a thing that my kind get to experience for ourselves. At least, I don’t think so, there are not many of us to compare in any case… But I know about the love of friendship and the love of family. I know because I feel it through my connection to my Master’s soul, every time he experiences it. That love is simple to understand, and is good and happy. I know about the bad kind of love too, though. The LOVE that is not really love, but the opposite. The LOVE that… hurts my master. Even that is more understandable to me though, than what I experience through Master’s soul whenever he is around a certain nice lady named Tori.
But oh, I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ve learned from my master that introductions are important. My name is GB, it is short for “Gaster Blaster.” Because that is what I am, a Gaster Blaster. Master says he is lazy with names and that is why my name is simple. But I think it is really because he named me when we were both only babybones. I am… a weapon. Well, Master usually calls me a “buddy” or a “pal” but I am still a weapon too. A weapon he can call upon whenever he has need of me. It is my job to protect my Master, and use my powerful laser attack to defeat those who would cause him harm. It is a really important job, because even though Master is wonderful and great, he is also very weak. I’ve seen other monsters get hit with lots of attacks and be fine… but if Master even gets hit with one attack, like what happened with that human…
Sorry, I don’t like to think about that day. Or… any of those days. You see, Master may seem funny and happy, and he can be really good at being both sometimes! But most of the time… he’s actually not very happy at all. Because of the bad times with the human… Because of the other bad times with the Flower. Because of the way everyone forgets the bad times except me and Master. Because of the one who made me, who I am named for… I know my Master is hurting because I am attuned to his soul. I feel what Master feels, even when I am not summoned out from my pocket dimension. I am always with my Master, feeling what he does. And I hardly ever feel happy.
That is why I was taken aback, when Master began telling jokes with a mysterious lady behind a door. I felt a… new sort of love develop within Master. It started out feeling the same way that me and Master love his friends, like Grillby and Alphys, and I was happy for Master for making a new friend! That is very rare for him, because of the bad times. But then as time went on, the love he felt for this… “door lady.” It kept on changing, into something neither of us had felt before. A new kind of love. It still wasn’t that different from the friend kind of love yet, just a little more… exciting? secretive? Sorry if that’s vague but, understanding these kinds of things does not come easy to me.
But I did understand one thing clearly, this door lady made my Master happy. And it was the real kind of happy, not the kind he and I both fake for each other and the other people he loves. I was glad for Master that this door lady made him happy in this new way, but also confused. Me and Master love Papyrus more than anything, and that is the family love, the strongest love. But even though master never even saw the door lady, only heard her voice, that love he felt for her grew. It grew until it was stronger than the friend love, and grew more until she had somehow reached second place in Master’s soul… In a manner of speaking. It was puzzling to me, because until now, Master only loved those he could see. Now he loved someone who was just a voice, someone who wouldn’t even share her name.
Don’t get me wrong! I loved the door lady. Of course I did, I loved her just as my Master loved her. She was very funny and nice, and always good at making Master laugh. And they were real laughs, just like the real kind of happy. If I could have met the door lady while out at Master’s side, I would have given her a lot of nuzzles to say thank you! But all that didn’t mean I wasn’t still confused when Master did so much because of the door lady’s influence. He bought pasta shaped like snails, because she liked to eat snails. He started a sock collection just like the one she talked about having. He spent hours thinking of new puns to tell her. He even tried baking a pie like the ones she mentioned baking a lot! It turned out kind of lumpy and burnt, but she was still so happy when he told her about it.
My Master doesn’t usually do things like that. He is usually very demotivated and would rather sleep or slack off than do anything else. Papyrus says my Master is lazy, and maybe it’s a little true. But I know that the reason my Master doesn’t like to do things is because of the bad times making him feel… bad, even when things are not so bad. But not even the bad times stopped Master from going to see the door lady. Even when she forgot him, he would go back and start over again. That is usually one of the things that makes Master feel worst of all. I could feel that did hurt him like usual, but he still did it every time! That is what really got to me most of all. The door lady… was really important to master. He loved her with something stronger than friend love, and almost as strong as family love. A new love. It made me sad for Master, that he might never get to meet the door lady or learn her name.
But things changed after a while, because during one of the bad times, Papyrus was killed by the human. Master was… alone and not even I could hope to comfort him. He and I didn’t feel anything, not even sad really. Somehow… that feeling always feels worse than being sad though. It feels like the feeling we experience before… we both turn to dust. The only good thing about that bad time, was that we learned who the door lady was, and it was shocking! The door lady was the Queen! I am not great at remembering the story exactly, but she was the queen who used to rule with the king that my master likes to call fluffybuns. But something really bad happened, and she left to live alone behind the door. Master wasn’t as shocked as I thought he’d be to find out who the door lady was. Maybe because he was still feeling that bad empty feeling too much to care.
But even though it wasn’t the happy meeting I wanted it to be for Master, it was still a good moment when the two met for the first time. She is a tall monster covered in white fur with long ears and horns on her head. Kind of like a smaller version of the king with no golden mane. She has pretty red eyes too, at least that is what master has said to himself when he thinks no one is listening. Master learned her name was Toriel, but he always calls her Tori. She did something shocking during that meeting, she let Master stay in the place behind the door with her. They were both hurting during that bad time, but they were able to help each other. Sometimes that meant they helped each other feel the real kind of happy, but they also helped each other feel the real kind of sad too. Master’s love for her grew a lot during that bad time, and even though he wanted it to end so Papyrus would come back, it still hurt him when the time finally came. I was sad too. I missed her just as Master did.
I was still confused by it though, it was just so different from any other kind of love Master had experienced! But I was no longer skeptical after that. I wanted Master and Tori to be able to see each other again, to make them both happy, and to learn more about this new kind of love! And even though the next few bad times that came did not involve Master getting to meet Tori, not so long ago, there was finally a… well… a good time? I guess that is the best way to put it. The human finally was nice to Master and everyone else, and everyone got to go free. The surface is wonderful! I remember when Master first sent me out to enjoy the sunlight. I could have darted around through the warm, fresh, open air forever! I even fired a celebratory blast into the sky, but then Master scolded me. Don’t tell him I said this… but I still thought it was fun.
Anyway, the sun and beautiful sky aren’t the only great things that came with being freed. Master also got to meet Tori again! And it was better this time, because they weren’t as sad as before. Now she, Papyrus, Master, the human and the flower all live together in a cozy house up here. It is very different from Master’s old house, or the place where Tori used to live, but still very nice. Master and Tori spend a lot of time together now, and can do much more than just talk through a door. I even got to come out and meet Tori myself many times!
During our first meeting, I immediately darted over and gave her lots of nuzzles to say thank you for making Master happy. Also because that is what Master wanted to do, to show her that kind of affection, but didn’t for some reason. He doesn’t do a lot of things he wants to do. Oddly, he scolded me again for cuddling up to Tori, feeling very embarrassed. I don’t know why exactly, after all Tori was happy to pet me and compliment me for being so friendly. I think it has something to do with this new kind of love he feels for her. It makes Master act strangely in a lot of different ways.
But being with Tori and the others on the surface has made Master much happier now, even though he still hurts a lot over the bad times, and is scared they will come back. The human is friendly now, but me and Master are still afraid of them. One time they tried to pet me, and I growled at them, because I remembered how they had… hurt Master. Master scolded me again for this, but he is scared of the human too, so I don’t know why. I guess he wants to try and make friends with them now, so they won’t hurt everyone again. Same with the flower, but he is not as scary anymore. He cannot make the bad times come back like the human can.
Since things have been going well so far though, I decided recently to come up with a plan. I want Master to feel the real kind of happy again, as much as he can… And this new love he feels for Tori, it brings out that side of him on a consistent basis. I may not have always been able to protect Master… But I think I have a plan on how I can help him be happier.
You see, I heard something interesting during my last time out and about, when Alphys and Undyne were visiting. They mentioned that a human holiday about love was coming up soon. I know about holidays, like Gyftmas and the one when Master helped Papyrus make his favorite outfit. But this holiday was about love, and it made me think more and more about the special new love Master felt for Tori. So I decided to learn more, and followed the lizard and fish monster around for a bit after that. I am not the best hider, but I managed to keep hidden behind the couch long enough to hear the rest of their conversation, and then witness something… interesting.
The two talked about how “couples” are supposed to do things together on that day, and give each other presents. Then they leaned close and… kissed. I had seen kissing before, mostly from the two dog guards back in Snowdin, but I never gave it much thought. I thought it was just a dog thing. But seeing Undyne and Alphys kiss made me realize the truth. Kissing was something that those who were in love did. The kind of love the dog guards and the fish and lizard monster had for each other. The kind of love Master had for Tori! It made more sense, even though I still didn’t really understand it, but I saw how happy Undyne and Alphys were after they kissed. It was the real kind of happy. The really real kind of happy! That is what I want for my Master.
So on this love holiday, I am to enact my plan. I will get Master and Tori to do the kiss. That will make them both happy! And then they can be a “couple” just like Undyne and Alphys and the dogs! Even if I still don’t totally understand this mysterious new type of love, I will do this for my Master. Because he deserves to be happy, even if he doesn’t think so most of the time.
The first step of the plan is to get them together, which isn’t too hard, since they like to be together a lot. They are together right now in fact, chatting outside while Tori is collecting snails off of a tree. Probaby to eat later… The next step is to get Master to let me out of the pocket dimension. This is also rather easy, as I can will up the magic to summon myself if need be, Master must simply allow it. He does, even if he sends me a confused look for it. I float there and pretend to simply want to fly around for a bit. He still eyes me with an air of confusion but shrugs after a moment, just telling me not to wander too far before turning back to talk with Tori. I giggle to myself for my cleverness, but not out loud though. Secretly.
From there I must simply wait for the ideal moment. I circle around the two slowly, pretending to be casually enjoying the sunshine and looking away when one of them gives me a suspicious glance. It takes a while for the moment to come, and I grumble softly in impatience, but only once. Master told me patience was important after all, especially during the bad times. So it must be important in the good times too. Finally, after what feels like forever, Tori kneels down in the grass in front of Master to show him a very big snail she’s found. This is what I have been waiting for!
You see, Master is very small, and could not properly perform the kiss on Tori if she was standing at her full height. But like this, they are far closer to the same level and I can make up for the difference easily. So, using all my practiced speed and agility, I dart down behind Master in an instant and take hold of his hood in my jaws. Then, before he can do anything else, I gently pull him up and over the short necessary distance to press his face against Tori’s face, just like I saw Undyne and Alphys do! And it works perfectly! Master does not have the right kind of mouth to do the exact same thing as the other “couples” I’ve seen, but his mouth is touching hers and it looks good enough to me.
Both of them react in intense surprise, going totally stiff. This makes me confused, that isn’t the same reaction that I saw with the other kissing. They both have colorful faces now though, so that’s a good sign. Master’s face often turns blue like that when he’s around Tori, and now its bluer than ever! I purr as I hold Master there and wait to feel that wonderful new kind of love from his soul, and the real kind of happiness. But instead, right then, I only feel a little of that love, and it is mostly buried under embarrassment and shock. I suddenly feel myself being wrenched back and I drop Master out of my jaws in surprise. I realize he has taken hold of me with his magic. He isn’t looking at me, instead holding me still with one hand while franticly apologizing to Tori, sweating a lot and still very blue faced. But apologizing is only something you do when you do something bad…
Have I… made Master do something bad? Tori does not look mad, maybe surprised and even… amused? But not mad… Why was Master apologizing then? Suddenly he turns to me, and even though he’s still embarrassed, he has that look in his eye, the look that means I’m in trouble… and I feel a spark of anger from him. All my excitement for my plan disappears and I just feel bad and embarrassed like Master. In a moment of panic, I use all my strength to tear myself away from his magic and dart for the house. I don’t want to face the harsh scolding, especially if what I did was enough to make Master this embarrassed. Master will be even more disappointed in me for running away, but I can’t help it. I just feel too bad to stay.
The door is still open, so I fly into the house and duck behind the couch, shivering shamefully. I can still feel Master’s embarrassment, even though the distance I put between us has lessened our connection. I lay there and whine softly, even though I am not supposed to do that now that I am not a babybones. I know Master will come after me and be angry, and now that I am alone I fully realize the potential cost of my actions. I hate it when Master is upset with me… I hate when I make Master upset instead of happy. It is very rare that I do, but it hurts every time. Master has enough to be sad and hurt about, I hate being the cause of anything more. If I was more honorable I would return to Master and take my scolding like a proper blaster. But I feel too bad to do anything, so I just stay where I am and shiver.
Master and Tori do not come back in for a long time, and I stay hidden behind the couch. I begin to wonder if I have messed up really bad, like when I accidentally flew through the window to get inside our new house instead of waiting by the door like I am supposed to. They stay out so long that the sun goes down, and i can feel the magic used to summon me waning. Soon I will be stuck back in the pocket dimension, and maybe Master will be so angry at me once the embarrassment goes away that he will not allow me out ever again. I whine sadly at that thought, feeling as though I had failed my Master yet again.
But then I notice something, in the weakened connection I still have to Master’s soul, I do not feel much of that embarrassment anymore. It’s still there, but faint, and instead, that new love is there again and a touch of happiness. I float up off the floor a bit, caught up in the idea that maybe my plan hadn’t totally failed after all. As I do though, I feel all those feelings grow stronger and stronger, until suddenly I hear the sound of footsteps approaching from outside. I yelp and retreat back further by instinct, listening with renewed shivering as Master and Tori enter and shut the door behind them.
Apparently my hiding skills were not as good as I thought, because Master called me out in no time at all.
“i know you’re back there gb.” He says, in a surprisingly not angry voice. “come on out.”
I let out a whine of defeat, but accept my fate and drift over the couch to settle on the cushions in front of Master. Even though he looks and feels not angry, I still feel as though he will scold me and avert my gaze with shame. But Master is suddenly petting my muzzle, and I feel him restore my magic levels again. Blinking, I look up at him in surprise.
“it’s okay buddy.” Master says to me, grinning weakly. “i think… i get what you were trying to do.”
I perk up at that, tilting my head with curiosity. Only then do I notice Tori at Master’s side, and how close they are standing to each other. It makes me wonder what happened between them after I left. They don’t look that embarrassed anymore, in fact, they both look happy, as Master soul tells me so. Maybe… I didn’t mess up as badly as I thought?
“I suppose we should thank him in a way though, should we not?” Tori says, smiling at Master.
He looks at her with an expression I don’t quite understand, but I feel another spark of that new love from his soul. So I think it is a good expression, even if his face turns a little blue again before looking back at me.
“yah… thanks gb. but don’t ever do anything like that again, got it?”
I nod quickly, enough to shake the couch a little. I am still confused on whether I did a good or bad thing. Maybe it was a little of both… But that is also confusing. Nonetheless, I am just happy not to be scolded and I will be sure to keep Master’s words in mind for the future. Tori giggles a bit for some reason, maybe at the way I shook the couch… Then she leans down to give me a pet as well.
“Thank you, my friend” Tori says to me in her soft, nice voice. “Your actions were not ideal, but they were the kiss-centive we both needed to finally figure things out between us.”
Her words confuse me a bit, especially that one weird word. I guess that it was probably one of those “puns” Master and her love so much. But I understand that she’s happy and praising me, so I rumble with a deep purr.
Then Master and Tori sit on either side of me, easier since I shrank a little in size from the earlier lack of magic. Then they lay their hands over top of my muzzle. As I watch, they move their hands over to each other and interlock their fingers, Master’s small, bony fingers fitting snugly between Tori’s big furry ones. I recognize the action! It is not a kiss… but it still something I have seen “couples” do. And in that moment, I feel that new love from Master more than ever before, warming us both to our cores. With it comes a rush of that real happiness, just as wonderful to feel from him as I had hoped for. I purr louder, eye sockets narrowing a bit in contentment, and they both respond with quiet laughter.
I may not fully understand this new kind of love Master feels for Tori. But with the happiness that I can feel mixing with it within Master’s soul, I know it’s definitely something I can get used to. I have helped make my Master happy, not to mention Tori as well! And that is more than enough for me.
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dailyhockeyimagines · 7 years
sidney crosby // for your daughter
requested by anon
warnings: mentions of cancer and missing parents
who: sidney crosby x reader
premise: your daughter uses her make a wish to meet the penguins and it ends up working out for you too
a/n: sorry this is short! let me know if you all want a part two!
You had absolutely no right to be nervous. Today was about your daughter, Ruby,  the one good thing your ex had left you, and not you. Today was about Ruby meeting her heroes, the Pittsburgh Penguins, and absolutely, positively not about you meeting your long time celebrity crush Sidney Crosby. Except knowing that didn’t stop the nerves, in spite of your wishes.
You looked in the mirror of your car to put it in perspective, smiling at Ruby’s own smiling face. You hadn’t seen that smile in a long time, not since she had been diagnosed with Leukemia and her father, scared and cowardly, left the both of you at the hospital forever. The two years that followed had been tough and exhausting on the both of you, leaving you both in tears more days than not. But as of last week, Ruby was officially cancer free and life slowly began to return to normal. 
Her head was still bare of her gorgeous golden ringlets, but her beautiful smile reminded you so much of the innocent bright eyed girl she once was. At age seven, she already resembled you so much, both in the way she spoke softly but sharply and her big, green eyes. 
You would give anything to make her happy– no one deserved it more. So that’s why you questioned her a little when she told you what her never-used make a wish request was. You had always been a Penguins fan and you hoped that Ruby would be too, but you wanted to make sure that this decision to meet them was what she really wanted and not her trying to make you happy. When she didn’t relent after some light pushing, you decided she actually did want this and happily made the arrangements with the organization.
When you arrive at the arena, you hop out of the car and take a deep breath, smoothening your black sweater with your hands before getting out to get your daughter.
Ruby wore a small Malkin jersey, her favorite player, and dark wash jeans. She wore a black beanie on her bare head to protect herself from the cold and went to grab your hand as you walked in. 
You hadn’t really known what to expect but what was waiting for you was better than you could have hoped: all of the Penguins were there, not just one or two, and they had the whole rink decorated especially for Ruby’s arrival. Light cheery music was playing in the background, and, within moments, Ruby, who had never been shy, was running away from you to put on her skates and go join the guys on the ice.
Not wanting to take attention from Ruby, you stayed off the ice, watching her skate and stumble around into the arms of all your favorite Pens.
You tried your best not to stare too much at Sidney Crosby (photos did not even do the man justice), but you definitely felt yourself taking a few looks. Eventually, Ruby skated up to him and spoke to him for awhile, giving your ogling eyes some justification. While they were chatting, your heart nearly burst when you saw how easily he interacted with her, laughing a few times and holding her small hand in his own. At one point, as you were smiling at the two of them, he looked up from her and caught your eyes, giving you a small smile. You thought you were going to pass out. When Ruby finished whatever it was she was saying, he gave her a big hug before taking her over to meet Geno.
After he did, he skated back, almost in your direction. As he got closer, it seemed he most certainly was heading in you direction. He couldn’t really be coming over to you, could h–
“Hi” he said, smiling with half of his mouth and sticking out a hand to shake yours.
“Hi” you somehow manage to retort back, certain that your face is a rosy pink at this point. You rush to shake his hand, trying to shake yourself of your senseless crush. You were 29 years old and a mother: you were not supposed to get teenage crushes like this. 
Faking whatever confidence you could manage, you steadily brought your eyes up to meet his again before speaking.
“Thank you so much, you were great with her. It means a lot. I’m (Y/N) by the way, Ruby’s mom”
“I’m Sidney” he said, sheepishly, “but call me Sid”
“Sid” you repeat, testing out how the name easily rolls off your tongue.
“And the pleasure is mine” 
“With Ruby. She’s amazing. You did an incredible job raising her”
Well damn you were blushing again. This man.
“I did the best I could on my own” you say, trying to sound humble.
“Ruby mentioned that”
They were only talking for five or so minutes and the topic of her father already came up?
“I mean I kind of asked her after she begged me to date you”
You were lucky you weren’t drinking anything right now because you were certain that if you were, you would have spit it out all over him.
“She what?”
“She told me you had a huge crush on me. And then asked if I would date you. Then she mentioned maybe me being her new dad. She also said she would be okay with having Geno as her dad but she knew you liked me better”
And you thought you were blushing before.
“Oh god” you say, laughing a little. So much for subtlety. 
“It’s okay, it was endearing. So what do you say?”
“Well I’m definitely talking to Ruby about privacy tonight, that’s for sure.”
“Not to Ruby. To me. Asking you out?”
You didn’t even realize you hadn’t responded until Sidney started speaking again, seeming a little anxious.
“I mean we don’t have to, but if Ruby wasn’t lying, I think you are beautiful and lovely, (Y/N), and we’d have fun–”
“Well, I’d have to find a baby sitter” you say, smiling a little. Sidney turns to where Geno is happily twirling Ruby, laughing with her as he skates around.
“I think G would be more than happy to do it” Sid says, grinning ear to ear. 
“Well okay then” you say, “for Ruby”
“For your daughter”
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dailyhockeyimagines · 7 years
sidney crosby // it's a boy
warnings: none 
who: Sidney x reader 
premise: you have special news to tell your husband +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
 From the day you married Sidney Crosby, you knew he would be an amazing dad. You loved watching him interact with young children during various charity events and listening to him gush about it after. You both had discussed it and were both looking forward to being parents and raising a family, maybe hockey players like their dad.
 A year after your wedding, you found out you were pregnant. When you told Sidney, he had tears in his eyes and a grin plastered across his face. 9 months later, a baby girl was born and he vowed to always protect her.
 Over the next few years, you had two more daughters together. Sidney loved the girls with all of his heart but you could tell he wanted more. 
 You put the girls in hockey camp as soon as they were old enough, learning basic skills and skating around with other young girls as your husband beamed from the sidelines. But, as much as he wanted them to, they never quite loved hockey. Sidney was always understanding about it though, trading in his skates for princess slippers on more than a few occasions to humor the girls with a tea party. He never said anything and you knew he never would but he didn't have to for you to know how he felt: it crushed him a little bit to not have a son to carry on the Crosby legacy. 
 After you had had your last daughter, you could tell he had almost given up on having a son. You both had come from smaller families and three kids already felt like so many. You loved each of your girls so deeply and you wanted to make sure they all felt that. Adding another kid to the equation was scary because you both didn't want any of your kids to feel neglected. 
 That being said, you and Sidney hadn't taken extra precautions against it. You just weren't actively trying in the same way as you had with one, two and three.
 So when you found out you were pregnant with your fourth, you weren't shocked. You were a little nervous and a little scared but you certainly weren't surprised. All the nerves went away though when you went in for your first ultrasound and found out your baby was a boy. You were instantly consumed with happiness, not only for yourself and your daughters but for your completely unsuspecting husband. 
 Sidney had been with you the last three times you had found out you were pregnant so you never had gotten to do any of those cute announcements that you always saw on Pinterest and you figured now was your shot. 
 Sidney was away for the next two nights so you had time to brainstorm and plan before you saw him at a home game Thursday. You were planning on taking the girls to the game anyways so you figured you would get them to help. 
 Thursday morning rolled around and you had it all figured out. The girls always loved to make posters for all of their dad's games so you would help them, as usual, but this time you would make your own poster to. The girls spent all morning painting boards with glitter paint and sticking flower stickers all over. 
You helped them write sweet messages for Sidney to see before starting to work on your own poster. When you had finished, you knew that it would be perfect. It said "Make Space on the Roster: Another Crosby's Coming to Pittsburgh!", all in various shades of blue. You weren't the best at drawing but you included a small doodle of your husband passing to a young boy. 
 You spent the rest of the day buzzing with excitement, wishing for the 8:00 pm start to roll around sooner. 
At about 7:30, you got all of the girls into their Crosby #87 jerseys before putting on your own and strapped them into the car to drive to the stadium. You usually sat up in the box with the other families of players but, today, you knew you had to sit front and center. 
You got there after most people had already taken their seats, smiling as the friendly security guards guided you down to the front row, right behind the glass. 
 As the girls caught sight of their dad warming up, you grinned as they squealed and screamed for him to look at their posters. He came over for a brief second to come and wave and blow kisses before returning to his team. 
 You made sure to keep your poster hidden so that the fans around you didn't see it before Sid did. You could hear them whispering around you as they began to realize who you were but they all remained sweet and respectful, smiling as your girls rambled on about how proud they were of their daddy. 
 You didn't want to distract Sid anymore than the girls already were so you decided to save your poster until the end of the game. Uncle Geno came over to say hi to the girls as well as a few of the other players, laughing at how much they looked and sounded like Sidney. They all loved the girls and the girls loved them. Sidney didn't come back for most of the game but you could tell he always played a little bit harder when you came. Little did he know he was playing for five tonight, including you, and not just four. 
 The game went amazingly. The boys swept the Dallas Stars, Sidney scoring 4 out of the 7 goals scored and assisting in another. The energy in the arena filled everyone as the final buzzer went off, the girls all screaming. Sidney was still celebrating with his team, but you knew he would be over shortly. Time to put up your poster. You let all of the girls hold it up together, standing to the side to wait for his reaction. 
Some of Sid's teammates saw it first, laughing and pointing before giving you a thumbs up. You could tell some reporters got sight of it as well because you could see the flashing lights out of the corner of your eyes. But you couldn't care less at all. As far as you were concerned, the world was just you and your family right now, a little perfect bubble amongst the chaos of the arena.
 Finally, Sid turned around, pausing for a second to read what the poster said before a deeper smile took over his face. You took the girls by the hands and took them onto the ice through the player's box, slipping a little bit but standing up as your husband rushed over. 
The girls got to him first and he pulled them all into a hug at the same time, his eyes still trained on you. When they let go, he skated up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and half spinning you around so he could hold you up right on the ice. 
 "Is it true? Are we really having a son?" He asked, the excitement in his voice filling you up. 
 You look into his eyes and smile deeply, nodding a bit as you feel tears swell up.
 "Our little hockey star. Just like his dad" you say, hugging yourself closer to him. 
 Everyone is watching you at this point. The guys are awe-ing, the fans are cheering, hoping that maybe in 20 odd years they will get another player to love, and the reporters are snapping photos, soon to be plastered on every newspaper in Pittsburgh. 
 Sid takes off his helmet and tosses it on the ice, freeing a hand to hold your face before leaning down and kissing you sweetly, so much love and joy held in one small act. You could stay in this moment forever when you feel your girls latch onto both yours and Sid's legs, causing him to laugh a little right into your ear. 
 "I love you, (Y/N). So so much."
 "I love you too, Sid. You and this perfect little life we've created"
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