#because neil doesnt even consider it
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I am so normal about the possibilities of how the world where the promise isn't unfulfilled looks
#im going more crazy about jean and neil being raven partners than about jerejean#this might be my favorite platonic ship ever and it exists only in what ifs and between the lines and isn't even that important#because neil doesnt even consider it#is may be the onesidedness or the betweenthelinesness that makes me think about it that much but i am so so close to writing a fic about it#and i do not write fics so it should say sth about me#aftg#all for the game#tsc#the sunshine court#once again i am asking you DO THEY HAVE A SHIP NAME??#jeaneil#???#forever partners#.
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Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:

👑 girlbossriko follow
how many bro jobs do you think it took before riko moriyama and kevin day realized that uh.....maybe this wasn't just a bro thing
👢exyinaphonebooth follow
how many times do they have to come out and say they're like brothers before you freakos stop shipping them
👑 girlbossriko follow
????? do i know u
#it's a tumblr post about two exy players that you'lll never meet in your life it really isn't that deep
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💃fox-me-up follow
ngl that newest fox is kinda 👀
#psu lb #exy lb
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👨🏻❤️💋👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
The NARRATIVE that kevin day and neil josten have........son of exy! scouting the rookie-est of rookies from fuck knows arizona........no listen you dont GET IT winning is EVERYTHING TO KEVIN and he would risk it on the foxes? And NEIL? who has only played exy for a year! NEIL Gets his attention!!!!! And hes good and he's getting better every game and he keeps bitching about kevin's ex on live tv BUT WAIT!???? NOT QUITE WHAT YOU EXPECT! Bc then neil shows up with a number on his cheek BECAUSE WELL it turns out they've known each other since they were KIDS! how is everyone not insane w me THEY'RE LITERALLY PERFECT
#where r my fellow njkd truthers #how r u all not here with me this isnt even the start #kevneil #210 #psu #njkd
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☀️ usctrojanny
every smiley blonde striker (jeremy knox) needs a brunette wet cat emotional support backliner (jean moreau)
#jerejean #usc trojans #i'm just saying 🤷♀️
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
did he just......
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
guys please tell me i'm not insane
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
#i i'm going insane i will literally die if someone doesn't explain this to me HE'S NEVER BEEN SKIING?!!!!
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🧚 goalie-stan
oh....i'm feeling so weak......it'd sure be nice to have a big strong goalie (renee walker) hold me up (renee if you're free on tuesday i am also free on tuesday.........on tuesday this tuesday, any tuesday?)
#literally passing out just thinking about her holding me don't call don't text i'm busy
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🌄 softkevinday follow
do u think if u offered kevin day essential oils to heal his hand he'd beat you to death
#it'd be hard for him bc he only has one hand but he could probably do it #legally this is a joke don't do this
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🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
feeling normal
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📜 realexyblog
actually exy rpf is fine, i asked kayleigh day herself and she told me it was fine
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🐋 sexyexy
'exy is a stupid name for a sport' have you considered that a) i don't care and b) it's named that solely so i can make sex jokes about it
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🏳️🌈 gay4stickball follow
is he, ya know *mimes jerking off* an ncaa exy player
#i don't believe that straight exy players exist
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
Andrew Minyard!!!!!!! 🥰🥰 short king!!!!🤏🤏😋😋 Awwwwwwww the scrunkly!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗 My boinky boy!!!!!🥺🥺 Crinkly doo,,,,shronkle scrimblo......🥺🥺🥺 rb if you'd scrunkle!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
📖 sapphic-exy follow
he literally killed someone
🙈 ittybittyminny follow
And? God forbid women do anything
#also no proof he did that #yeah there's proof his twin bro killed someone but that's not the same bc theyre different people #almost killing someone doesnt count
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🐦⬛ edgarallenexy
got told i'm problematic for liking the ravens? THAT'S LITERALLY MY SCHOOL OH MY GOD
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🌸 softexy

Kevin Day - A Study
#kevin day #psu foxes #palmetto foxes #exy #web weave #poetry #psu foxes #palmetto #edgar allen
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#i'm not taking criticism bc i am on sportsblr and this is literally what it's like#all for the game#neil josten#kevin day#andrew minyard#renee walker#jeremy knox#jean moreau#aftg#the foxhole court#jerejean#kevneil#the web weave is the most accurate part of this post#exyblr#riko moriyama
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In Defense of AFTG crazy plot
*disclaimer: I'm not comparing Frankenstain and AFTG, I'm using it as an famous example of plausibility in fiction*
*disclaimer 2: I'm translating plausibility from another language, maybe it is not the right word for what I'm meaning*
The greatest argument for claiming that AFTG is badly written is that isn't realistic, that it couldn't happen in the real world. But let me ask you a question, is Frankenstain a bad book because bringing people back to life isn't something that can happen in the real world? The answer is, of course, no. But why is it a good book when it isnt "realistic" Well, it has to do with plausibility.
The textbook definition of plausibility is something that seems believable, even if it is not. In fiction, this translates to make everything have sense while also bending the rules to let the story unfold. It cannot happen in real life but it has a logical process that make it believable, it makes sense that it happens. Of course the sci-fi genre has tons of technology we could only dream of, humans are constanstly developing it; yeah, this breaks the laws of physics, but humans found way. It isn't something that could happen in the real world, but it is plausible, it has a logical explination and we can believe it. In this fictional world, we don't question it because we aren't supposed to question it. While I put into more exagerated genres to explain it, this was meant for more close to reality genres.
The monster of Frankenstain existing isn't bad writing because even if it isn't "realistic" because it has a logical explination (research, investigation and experimentation about chemestry and human body -> bringing people back to life). An author can make changes to their world and it still can be consider it good written as long as it makes sense for this world that was created.
I think most complains about the crazyness of AFTG steam from forgetting this. To truly analyze a plot, you need to unlink crazy to bad.
Bad plot: no stakes, doesn't make sense, plot points are not linked to eachother, multiple plotholes that are too big to ignore
Good plot: decent stakes, actions have consequences, plot points interconnect
Crazy story is completely different from compelling storytelling. Actually, there are essays that argue that making stories plausible/100% real is opresive and ruins the potential of stories, like this essay by T. Lloyd Reilly. The plot points may not be likely to happen in real life, but they are consequences to an action, they follow a logical path, they makes sense even if they aren't "realistic". Let's cover some of these "crazy" plot points.
Ichirou letting Neil, Kevin and Jean live <- Neil offering Ichirou a reasonable deal (money and silence instead of just silence)
Andrew's induced mania state <- new medicine that only exists in the aftg universe and we know nothing about (and also, antidepressants can cause mania in patients with bipolar disorder, which Nora said Andrew has; more info and theories about in this post)
The mafia using an exy team for money laundering <- this happens a lot in real life actually, but with actual bussiness, like pizza places, restaurants and even a sports team was found to be a cover for the mafia
Exy popularizing quick <- campaing we know nothing about the lenghts it went by the creators / possible funds provided by the mafia to popularize it
Are these likely to actually happen in real life? Not really, but do they have a logical explination that within the universe Nora Sakavic created make sense? Yes. If it makes sense in this alternate version of reality, why is it bad writing?
AFTG doesnt stick to reality but it is a piece of fiction, it doesnt need to be like reality to be good (and not being like it is not a synonim for being bad). Asking literature to be 100% real is like asking the sky to be pink. It's impossible. But most importantly, if we keep media to actual real life stories, it would be so boring and repetive that no one would actually care to read.
#100% fulled by a tiktok hating aftg#last essay i swear#aftg#all for the game#nora sakavic#aftg meta#tfc#the foxhole court#aftg fandom#neil josten#trk#the raven king#tkm#the kings men#tsc#the sunshine court
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elaborating time bc one person asked and that was enough :)
so this started bc i was thinking abt how Nathan and Riko died in very similar fashions. Shot by ex-brothers, ones which were most likely never considered as family(Nathan by his brother in law, who was only married into the family for to strengthen connections in the states. Riko by a brother once removed, who maybe in another world could’ve loved him like a brother but not in this one.)
then i started thinking about other ways that riko and nathan paralleled each other and over all it boiled down to: they are both monsters you have to look over your shoulder for. yet they gain a lot of their power from attempting(or succeeding) to seem like they are the top of the food chain and that they can get away with whatever they want. they will also go to extreme lengths to ensure your compliance and or suffering(torture, “hunting” neil ((riko back tracing his finger print, nathan actually chasing him)) willing to wait to get what they want because in their minds they will get it (this ones a little bit of a stretch but for Riko he was sure Neil would become a raven. Nathan and his countdown) so on and so forth. they had pretty similar playbooks when it came to getting neil to do what they wanted (threaten the foxes or andrew) and im sure theres more stuff i had in my head that im not thinking of now.
now why would Nathan want Riko as a son (hypothetically) I dont think Nathan would necessarily want the exact form of Riko we get in the books but i think if Riko had been raised by Nathan instead of Tetsuji or if Riko had apprenticed under Nathan I feel like it would’ve been a deadly combo. this is largely due to riko’s Intricate and Endless Daddy Issues™️. in my mind Riko would take every command and order Nathan would give him and he’d do it with pride. now at the end of the day this still probably would’ve ended up with Riko in the nest, but i think if Riko had bern groomed by Nathan to take over the Butcher’s business and made being a second son a staple of pride and a way to still be involved/help out the family while still being subservient to the first son i think he could’ve been a real menace and maybe even an asset to the main family.
idk this really comes down to is i think riko is very much a product of his environment (and his lack of ability to cope with the fact that not matter what he did he’d never be enough and he has to live with it) but i think had he been given a chance like this to prove himself useful? well he probably still would’ve gotten over eager and fucked it for himself but i think for a solid little bit he would’ve been the perfect butcher prodigy
(i think thats everything i wanted to say, i just came home from work so apologies if this doesnt make sense or isnt exactly what i wanted to say but i am tired and i aint rereading allat.)
#aftg#all for the game#second sons#stupid ass second sons#nathan wesninski#riko moriyama#bonding over their hatred of neil josten#nathan wesninski i will always hate you.#riko moriyama they could never make me like you#the foxhole court#corner comments#i have no idea how tumblr works#forgive me please
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summer of 85 no monsters au billy and steve are kinda dating, kinda not (steve considers it dating, billy just says theyre fucking)
neil and susan are gone for the weekend which means steve can come over, finds himself in billys room snooping around while billys gone to get them drinks, or take a piss, steve doesnt know. kinda loses track of everything when hes rummaging through the mess atop the fireplace in billys room, finds a lipstick of all things
and like... steve knows billys reputation, okay. he knows hes definitely had girls back here and he knows from his time at the pool that billy and heather are close and he hates heather for no other reason than she hates him so like.... he's just returning the favor, but god of all the girls in hawkins for billy to currently be sleeping with why does it have to be heather freaking holloway
and when steve brings up the lipstick billy goes "oh, heather mustve left that here", confirming all of steves worsts fears. gets all huffy about it even when billys telling him "take a fucking chill pill, we're just friends. mustve dropped out of her bag when we were hanging out or whatever"
and steves a little insecure okay so hes not buying that story. but he also knows he cant be entirely mad at billy because, well, billys been clear theyre not exclusive, so.
doesnt mean steve cant be a little petty. cant push billy down onto the edge of his bed and crawl onto his lap and grab his chin, taking the cap off the lipstick - a bright cherry red - with his teeth, spitting it off to the side where it clatters on the floor. tells billy to shut up and stay still when he asks what the hell steves doing but doesnt make any moves to stop him. lets steve paint his lips all pretty.
tries to ignore the way his heart beats faster, harder, when steve climbs off his lap and undoes his zipper and whips his dick out, commanding billy to get on his knees so he can make a mess out of his handiwork
and when all his said and done billys staring up at steve, tears streaked down his face, red lipstick smudged all across his lips and chin, look absolutely debauched.
steves pretty proud of himself.
billy keeps the lipstick tucked away in his sock drawer. tells heather he doesnt know what the hell shes talking about the next day at work when she asks him if he's seen her missing lipstick anywhere around
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I was always a reader/listener and didn't really want to write something my own on tumblr, but after I read the extra chapters of aftg I had too much feelings, that I just need to share. (Sorry for my English in advance lol)
The first chapter, Wymack's pov: OMG I LOVE HIM SO SO SO MUCH. The way he nows that Neil is always using the stairs and is kinda jealous of him (same bro lol, even tho I'm not that old), the way that Kevin's alcoholism he considers a problem and tries to do something about it, the way that Abby and him fought the first few days about Wymacks "not his problem". IMHO I think Kevin wanted to confess that Wymack was his father after he said that Kevin represented his mother a lot. I loved the way that Kevin chose to improve himself and go to Betsy, even tho he doesn't like her very much (lol, poor Betsy the raven trio doesn't like her) and even tho he could just take the alcohol from Andrew he chose not to do so. I almost cried, when Wymack remembered blood on his and at the last sentence when he went "to find a drink of his own" omg
The Second chapter, Betsy's pov: This made me remember what happened to Andrew, and omg, have you seen how Betsy and Andrew behaved??? The "Now everybody knows" from Andrew just killed me. But does he actually mean his family, or the Spears mother (so sorry I forgot her name), or both??? Like if he also meant the Spears, then I'm gonna kms, bc if I remember correctly, in Nora's posts (or I just read too much fanfiction idk), the mother tried to defend Drake till the end. But I think, it's more likely that he meant Aaron and Nicky. I just loved how Wymack just respected Andrew and left when he was asked to, or when he came back, he made sure that they would hear him. AND I also really need to know when Andrew said to Betsy that Neil is " Kevin's problem now, the end!". I also had a little chuckle when I read about how Wymack found that Betsy likes musicals the hard way. Did she drag him to watch a musical, and he didn't like it lol? I also almost cried when she said that she was proud of Andrew, it just shows how much he healed. I ALSO CAN'T SMILE AT ANDREW'S HUMOR
Wymack: "Now that you're doomed to bounce off the walls all night, any plans?"
Andrew: "Chaos and mayhem."
The third chapter, Aaron's pov: I didn't think that I needed this. I read a lot of fanfiction about how they came to this conclusion that Andrew chooses Neil, but this one is so much better than anything that I read, better than any other Aaron's reaction. I liked the way that even tho Andrew trusted Bee, he still didn't come out to her, and it's so much like coming out in real life. It doesn't matter how much you trust the person, doesn't matter that person you trust you know will accept you, you are still scared how would they react when you will come out to them. I also liked what Aaron said about Nicky: he is grateful that Nicky was there for him when he needed that, but sometimes he is too much about being gay which Aaron doesnt like, but he knows that Nicky does it, so he instantly will know who to trust, because he doesn't want to experience the same hatred from people he loved again. So Aaron doesn't mind gay people, he just doesn't like how Nicky shows his "gayness" (idk is it the right word?). The way Aaron instantly understood that Betsy knew that he wanted to become a neurosurgeon, and remembers the only time he said he wanted to become one, and just understood everything. I loved the way Aaron just uses Betsy and Neil in his favour, and makes Andrew chose Neil, and also saying that he won't leave Andrew's life, when he chooses Neil. And also the last part, when Andrew and Aaron were leaving after Andrew made his choice, and Aaron says that Andrew is dating a mafioso (lol i can't) and Andrew as always says that he doesn't, and Aaron just calls him "Liar". And can we talk about how this man talks about Kaitlyn?? It just really shows how he loves her, you should have seen my face when he said that he wants to spend his life with her.
OMG Can we also talk about the way Andrew tried to change the topic to his scars??? And Aaron will think about that later?? I just know the night that he will think about that he just won't sleep
#im sorry that this is too chaotic#i just had too many thoughts lol#aftg#neil josten#andrew minyard#aaron minyard#betsy dobson#david wymack#andreil#kevin day#aftg extra content
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i dont want to be that person but i just have a lot to say about this.
i am all for separating art from the artist, but sometimes (especially in the literary industry) it doesnt work like that. when youre an author with certain beliefs, those beliefs will in one way or the other seep into your works. jkr is a very discriminatory person and it is shown in her books, even if some of them were in subtle ways. the racist undertones/stereotypes of characters like cho chang and the patil sisters, europe having three magic schools while asia only having one (given that asia is much bigger), the whole slavery thing with the elves, i could go on.
this is coming from someone who loved the books as a 12 year old, and im not trying to be too "woke" or anything. im just saying separating art from the artist is possible, jkr is just a bad example of it.
a good example could be suzanne collins i suppose, who contradicts her own art. she wrote about children being exploited and killed by the government and took inspiration from the crisis in the middle east (or so i've heard), but has yet to speak up about palestine (which i know some consider to be a sensitive topic, but it's not difficult to be on the right side of history).
apologies for the long rant, im just someone who's extremely passionate about topics relating books with politics (bcz literature is political!!!)
☝️ this is why I mentioned in that post, albeit briefly, that JKR's own views have leaked through into her works. Politics and an individual author's sociopolitical views leak through to their works in varying levels.
I advised that it's up to THE INDIVIDUAL as to whether or not they wish to/are able to separate the art from the artist.
For those for whom that's not a grey area they can stomach (such as yourself), that's utterly fine.
I'm in the boat where I can empathise with those for whom certain pieces of art or writing were so profound, or loved, that turning their back on that piece of writing (despite the author being revealed to be a horrible person) is not such an open/close situation.
Neither do I believe that such an individuals' inability to walk away from the art, necessarily reflects badly upon them.
As I tried to make clear in the post; overall, it's a nuanced matter. This might not be so for you; you have every right for it not to be so. I respect your leanings.
My leanings do, in fact, happen to be the exact same as yours. Once it becomes apparent that an author has certain toxic views, it reframes their work, on a molecular level, in a new light. As such, there is currently a bag of Neil Gaiman books rotting in the garden, and the JK Rowling books were binned in the house move.
So, try not to take my willingness to have a broad discussion on a complex subject, and the restraint of needing to air my own personal opinion (because I'm not the fucking messiah, and don't believe everyone wants my opinion), as an attack on you. Alright?
Also: Suzanne Collins not outwardly saying anything about the Palestine/Israel crisis, despite writing about exploited children, doesn't mean she supports what's happening in Palestine. That's a leap, and unfair, and although one might argue that it's imperative that everyone (especially influential/popular figures) shares their opinion to increase pressure on the offending parties, there is a heavy societal push towards 'virtue signalling' currently, which I don't support.
I haven't mentioned my leanings on it. What does that make you assume about my character?
Either way...a complex discussion point once more.
-- Haitch xxx
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im trying to sleep but neil's last conversation with mr keating is biting my ass
i have a wild theory that its all just a lie like there are many ways that i can go around this but he definitely lied at least one thing about it
he said that his father let him continue with the acting (that was definitely completely untrue) but he also told keating two more things and those are 'his father would be gone for 4 days so he couldn't make it to the play' and 'he let him perform in the play at henley hall'
later in the film we see mr perry entering the theatre and neil's entire demeanor changed COMPLETELY he was either shocked or scared to see his father and this might mean that what he told mr keating 'he would be gone for 4 days so he couldnt make the performance' might be his or his father's lie. mr perry might have said it to see if neil would actually, against his wishes, go to the play despite him not allowing to and then later going to the theatre to see if its true. or neil might have just made that part up and still shocked himself with it idk i think his father said that to test him.
and then at his house mr perry also said something like 'we've been trying to figure out why you keep defying us' or something along the lines but like if mr perry had let neil perform in the play why was that considered rebelling because HE ALLOWED HIM TO
so this got me thinking like what if neil never even had that chat with his father what if he made it all up JUST so that keating would stop worrying and he can do the play for one last time
it might just be my stupid ass not understanding that everyone knew he lied but ive never seen anyone talking about it
but my hot take is that neil never actually talked to his father and he actually went against his father wishes TO PERFORM ONE LAST TIME IN THE PLAY and then killed himself
sorry if some of this doesnt make sense i learn english by exposing myself to social media at least 12 hours a day
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What Careers Did The Poets Have When They Grew Up?

✌️ Charlie
Not in any universe can you convince me that Charlie became a banker. He would definitely have rebelled against his parents and found a way to do his own thing. I can see him following in Keating's footsteps and becoming a teacher, maybe a university lecturer rather than high school as students have more freedom there. Alternatively, he could have gone down a more Bohemian path, and become a writer or an artist - I think he could write sci-fi books, even screenplays for comedic shows/films, or get heavily involved in the Pop Art movement of the '60's, like Andy Warhol. I can imagine him starting his career like this and then going on to become a teacher.
🙈 Todd
I would love to see Todd become a therapist or a councillor as an adult. Considering his own struggles growing up, and also Neil's, I think he'd want to rectify those mistakes of his past by supporting the kids of the future - maybe he'd pioneer having councillors in private schools, because Lord knows he could have done with one. On the other hand, Todd's confirmed talent combined with his anxiousness could lead him to becoming a reclusive poet either. Unlike Knox (more on him later), Todd wouldn't have a 'normal' job that he abandons to focus on his poetry - poetry would be his life, and he would spend every hour writing it, even if he never sold a single piece, a la Vincent van Gogh (Keating would 100% buy anything he put out though).
Please, God, let this man become a radio show host. Sure, he's shy, but he's clever and he's dedicated. He co-designed and made a radio with Meeks; once it was working they connected 'Radio Free America', and the boy was thrilled. So, I can see him getting on some 'pirate radio' or 'free radio' station in the Summer of Love in the 60's, broadcasting illegally and secretly. If being a radio personality doesnt work out, I think he would become a scientist of some kind, creating new inventions and trying to make lives better.
🤓 Meeks
I'm visualising Meeks as an archaeologist. I love the idea of this guy on a dig, dusting off discoveries, and using his ace language skills to translate whatever's found on them. I think that kind of career would excite him and put all his education and passions to good use. Failing that, he could easily turn his back completely on the education and values that were instilled in him, and 'seize the day' following Keating's influence - I envision him in a band in the 60's/70's. There were plenty of instruments at Welton, so I'm sure Meeks picked up a thing or two about guitar or drums, and he has plenty of time to hone his skills in time for the rock boom - personally, I see him as a drummer since drummers have to keep time, essentially staying in charge of the music.
❤️ Knox
Knoxious has a romantic mind and a unique drive, and I can see him putting that to good use as a poet. He's the only one of the group we see who consistently writes poetry throughout the film, and I think he'd maintain and cultivate that passion in secret throughout his school days and beyond. Of course, poetry doesn't exactly rake in the dollars so, I can see him becoming a lawyer fresh out of school, as expected of him from his parents. However, he would do this only for 10 - 20 years so he can save up plenty of money and start putting his poetry out into the world, and then eventually turn his back on law to focus on his art full time.
📚 Cameron
This boy would be the only one to make Welton proud. He'd become something that all the kids parents wanted them to be - a doctor, or a lawyer, or a banker. Something smart and safe and practical, just like him.
And Neil became a famous actor and lived happily ever after, the end, bye
#dead poets fandom#the dead poets society#dead poets aesthetic#dead poets#dead poets society#dead poets headcanons#charlie dalton#neil perry#todd anderson#knox overstreet#steven meeks#gerard pitts#richard cameron#mr keating#dead poets fanfic
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@evildilf2 my amazing oomf tagged me in a "shuffle your music 10 times" so i went ahead and made a spotify playlist where i just complied most of the albums/misc songs i listen to. (BECAUSE spotify doesnt allow you to shuffle all your music). adding commentary to whatever song i get.
okay i tag anyone in spirit who follows me and wants to do this, but i especially tag @kmker i know she has 100000 songs in her library
1. Predator by Nick Lutsko
this is nick at his peak and his favorite song of mine IMO, it's a lot different than most of his newer stuff probably cause it's one of his oldest albums.. you can tell his influence very clearly in his older stuff (this song being primus from what i have heard). also this was my top song of 2024 which says A LOT
2. I Came As a Rat by Modest Mouse
this one is sooo relaxing to me despite isaac's loud ass vocals at the beginning.. its sooooo good to listen to while on a drive at night, (which is true for most of the stuff on this album)
3. Video Games by The Young Professionals
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 real ones will know why this is here... i cannot believe i got this one i havent listened to it in A WHILE.. i do prefer it over the lana version though
4. Me and Mr Wolf by The Real Tuesday Weld
Oh my god i was hoping this would show up, i love this song LOL its SO fun to listen to!! and i love both of the lead singers' voices so much, it's like a storybook. i do need to listen to more of this band's stuff though because i do feel bad only knowing their most popular song. but its so good IDGAF
5. Running On A Treadmill by Oingo Boingo
okay so i remember when i was deep into my oingo boingo phase, i considered this to be my FAVORITE song of theirs. even though listening now it's a bit boring compared to their other songs on their discography, i think i just picked this one cause i dont think anyone else had this as their fav OB song LOL.. its still good i think but i like Grey Matter better personally now
6. Sweet Bod by Lemon Demon
i swear this sounded so much better like 7 or 8 years ago when i first heard it, WELL i mean its alright, i just think that most of the substance from this song comes from the fact it has SUCH A ODD SUBJECT MATTER i dont think anyone else would write this but neil (in this specific upbeat way atleast). there are definitely better spirit phone songs though LOL
7. Tastes Like Metal by Man Man
ok i cheated i skipped through one really random video game OST to get this on... mostly because i could not say ANYTHING about that song, but this one i can. i love this one dearly even though it definitely has a more "accessible" sound compared to literally anything else by man man. i also really dig the music video for this one, it doesn't fit it AT ALL which makes it so great. Probabllllyyy my favorite song on this release
8. Alejandro by Lady Gaga
like the total drama character hahahhehaha. that's all i can think of when i listen to this. also i like the nightcore version of this better
dude....... i remember listening to the original version of this SO MUCH when i was younger.. it has a special place in my heart, even though now it's very obnoxious sounding and it'll hurt your ears if it's too loud but IDGAFFFFF
10. Power & Control by MARINA (and the diamonds)
MARINA get ouuuuuut who caaares this song isnt that good lol but ITS FINE...
this was so fun thanks for the tag oomf
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Could we see some of the ships that have been rejected? I'm honestly more curious abt what has been submitted and deemed unworthy than what's been accepted lol
Most of the rejections have just been that I don't like the source material and/or I think its fans are annoying and I don't want them potentially getting far in MY tournament. Like I think a bunch of poll blog runners have different opinions on this but I do think its within my rights to have my personal biases when making my bracket and I've already had success with this methodology twice before.
For example: the guys from good omens were submitted a lot. I considered putting them on the bracket but decided against it just because I find them annoying and one neil gaiman thing is enough. I also got submissions for some guys from supernatural that I rejected for the same reason. (I was on tumblr in 2014)
Professor X/Magneto from X-men was going to be on the bracket but there was a yuri x-men ship also submitted (destiny/mystique) and I decided to go with that instead, and took x/magneto out because it would violate my one ship per media rule
Kya/Lin from LoK almost made it (even though I will never watch it and i like to pretend it doesnt exist) until I looked it up and found out they literally didnt interact at all and also Lin is a cop. I think this is the one I replaced with destiny/mystique
Nyx/Persephone from hades would probably have made it in if the characters in that game werent wildly yassified. a few yuri couples on the final bracket have weird aging shenanigans going on too but Nyx always looks like a supermodel
There was an *actual* old man yaoi ship from disco elysium submitted (again, harry and kim are in their 40s and not eligible) but I just think people need to turn off their shipper brain regarding that game in general
These are just a few examples, I had over 400 submissions and a lot of them were "rejected" just because I thought they would have absolutely no chance
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That "actually scott doesnt like kids get media comprehension" post going around is a bit irrelevant considering it casually leaves out that Scott goes back to Knives to ask her to have sex the moment she turns 18. regardless of whether he did that because he genuinely likes kids, or because he's a pathetic lowlife (what was likely intended) , he's still using this person to stroke his own ego and toss her aside once she's no longer needed.
My main gripe with Knives Chau in Scott Pilgrim isn't JUST that she's a kid. Scott tosses her away only to turn around and come back and say "please have sex with me I'm desperate for human connection". That much is true, and it's INTENTIONAL - it's to show what a shitbag Scott is. It's that despite all that, despite the story going "oh wow scott is horrible for treating this teen girl like that!" that she's never actually dealt with in a satisfying way
Like yeah, Scott Pilgrim dates a 17 year old. His friends call him a shitbag. But then Young Neil also dates her, Kim makes out with her, and they let her smoke and drink with them through most of the comic. In the games, there's a cutesy little sprite of her and Kim making out.
So... can we even really call Knives a tool for Scott and co.'s growth when they still treat her completely irresponsibly? We love clowning on Scott for begging a high schooler to fuck him, but his friends pretty much do the exact same?
I'm not saying Scott Pilgrim needs to be a series about morally good adults doing the morally right things and being perfect people. I just feel like Knives Chau doesn't get treated well in any of the adaptations.
Also the part in the anime where they attempt to remedy this by having Scott and Knives have a total therapyspeak conversation where Scott just says "I was completely immature for dating you as a 17 year old, sorry" (without ever having the character growth in the anime necessary for him to even come to that conclusion- i mean he rebounds on knives as soon as she turns 18! cmon!) and she's like "ok ive reflected and grown as a person and my obsession with you is completely unhealthy ^_^" .... I guess it's halfway there, but considering how obsessive she was over Ramona in the comics, she just feels like a different character altogether.
this is unorganized nonsense
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sorry i have to jump in because billy and the narratives treatment of his sexuality is a hot button issue for me l o l
yes, billy absolutely uses his sexuality as a tool to gain the upperhand HOWEVER. its deeply important to unpack why (and i will tie the mindflayer into this since thats the main point of this post)
we know billy sleeps around with girls (because we're TOLD but never actually SHOWN which is a whole thing to unpack in itself but now is not the time), but he never actually shows interest in any of them.
we see him driving vicki (season 2) home and shes far more interested in him than he is in her, he doesnt even look at her the whole scene expect to scold her for calling max his sister. we know in season 3 heather likes him but again, nothing is ever done on his end.
the only female he shows interest in is karen. a grown adult woman (billy is 17 upon their first meeting). and to be VERY clear since this fandom and the duffers like to forget, in season 2 he was only feigning interest to get information on max. this is his face immediately after
but yet we're supposed to by that by the time season 3 rolls around billys super into her enough to ask her to a motel.... sure jan
ANYWAY this brings me to how the narrative punishes his sexuality for not conforming to typical small town 80s ideals.
karen- again, a whole ass adult married woman - does not take any blame for any part of this "relationship". the fandom accuses him of being a homewrecker (he is a child. as of their interactions in season 3 he has been 18 for 3 months. legally an adult? yes. considering karen met him AGAIN AT 17 YEARS OLD... still super gross and if the genders were reversed there wouldve been so much outrage), and the narrative has karen being the one to end things not because she's come to her senses and realized she just barely avoided a statutory rape charge, but because she has a family to consider :/ she's just a sad lonely housewife tempted by the walking sex god freshly graduated from high school what other choice did she have really :/ anyone in her place wouldve been tempted too :'(
and this brings me to the mindflayer of it all
billy is attacked on his way to meet karen, and in a horrifically sexually graphic way (tentacle down the mouth after being dragged down by his ankles screaming)
we see him later in the sauna scene begging to be believed, repeatedly saying "its not my fault" and "he made me do it" which yes we all know is in relation to kidnapping heather and god knows who else but this verbiage also very much falls in line with a response to sexual trauma
and on top of that all we also have the knowledge that billy is being abused by his father since childhood, and the mindlfayer is essentially taking over neils role in controlling billy and playing puppet master (master of puppets you will always be billy hargroves song but again.... not the time)
and then theres the whole aspect of the metaphor for sexual assault + billy becoming infected etc etc
so yes, while billy uses sexuality as a tool for power, its that same sexuality that has been used against him to dehumanize him, villainize him, and take his own autonomy away
speaking of your famous rod phallus theory, what do you think of the gooey tentacle that comes out of the mind flayer's demogorgon mouth in s3? its dripping, oozing, its like the puberty metaphor for s3 but also very phallic and invasive. if the monsters are all manifestations of will's sexuality etc, could this be an additional rod symbol? or symbolic of rape etc? the whole s3 billy villain setup is very evocative of serial killers/rapist/abuser behaviour ('keep quiet' etc).
Hi anon, thanks for the ask!
The Flesh Flayer tentacle strikes me as a possible Alien reference -- very consistent with the sexual horror vibes of the Upside Down, which is also lousy with Alien references.

However, my phrasing in the rod analysis aside, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the monsters are manifestations of Will's sexuality, per se.
Rather, they're manifestations of toxic 80s attitudes towards non-conformist sex -- which has obvious implications for the visibly gay kid, but straight (or "straight") characters deal with sexual horror in this show too:
Nancy had conformist sex with Steve while Barb was left all alone where the Demogorgon could get her -- and was quickly slut-shamed as punishment for drifting away from that conformity in order to investigate what really happened. (To say nothing of the guilt that's been haunting her for four seasons.)
Mike largely manages to avoid the horrors, but I think it's notable that he has a few close calls in S3, all of which are associated with protecting El -- almost as though he's unhappy about performing traditional masculinity for El's sake as sexual maturity looms on his horizon or something, I dunno, I'm sure it's nothing
Billy has sex with a lot of women, but note the homoerotic tension between him and Steve in S2 -- he likes the feeling of power it gives him to sexually intimidate other men. This doesn't necessarily make him queer, mind -- the point is that he views sexuality as a tool for control and power, which makes him a perfect conduit for the horrors.
So yeah, the Flesh Flayer tendril isn't one of Will's rods -- but you're definitely not misreading the phallic symbolism there.
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slavery tw, rape tw, and pedophilia tw just thinking on something that i once wrote about and to this day am appalled and angered by
so probably like 5-ish years ago i got so furious with my history textbook's "good slave owner" angle that i willingly wrote an entire paper (which i turned into my teacher to look over) about the dynamics between slave owners and the enslaved. title was "Romanticization of Slave Narratives: Why Slaves Couldn't Consent to Their Masters." looking back it wasnt the most comprehensive but doing the research for it was so fucking miserable because of how ubiquitous the belief that there were good slave owners is. the most fucking anger and rage inducing is the recorded life and depictions of Sally Hemings, a woman owned by thomas jefferson (yes the "i oppose slavery" thomas jefferson who btw at one point owned over 500 people). like the reality of her position and status as an enslaved girl to an increasingly more politically powerful man is so often fucking ignored? theres an instance where jefferson sent for Sally (who i should mention is also his wife's half-sister) to accomopany his daughter to see him in france. at the time slavery was illegal in france, which left a great many idiotic white people to ask "well why didnt she leave? 🤨 if she really didnt want to be with him she would have left and not gone back to america with him". conveniently forgetting that at the time she was 14 years old and returned to the states pregnant.
a child who has spent her entire life enslaved, who now finds herself pregnant is supposed to run away in a foreign country to "prove" that she wasnt okay with being regarded as fucking property? like the narratives around this are so fucking disgusting because so many sites and books and biographies say "was this rape? who knows..." in regards to her "relationship" continuing until his death. but how is it not fucking obvious that it was rape?? we have like. laws and stuff (maybe youve heard of them) where we say that a child cannot legally consent to intimate relations with an adult even if they say they were willing because of the power dynamics at play. a 14 year old supposedly can consent to having a relationship with a man 30 years her senior (who legally OWNS her) that would result in multiple pregnancies and being essentially confined to one room in a house for the rest of her life?
like even IF he didnt legally own her (which shouldnt be ignored considering even if she was an adult at the time he first assaulted her my argument is the same that she could not consent) their dynamics would obviously be considered grooming. she had no fucking agency at any point and the question of "did they love each other" DOES NOT MATTER! it doesnt matter if he loved her or she loved him, because at the end of the day she was his slave! she couldnt actually consent because her safety was no guaranteed if she refused. she also couldnt consent because once again she was a child. white americans want sooooooo desperately for the image of the founding fathers to be squeaky clean and their faults minimized that they just ignore obvious evidence that suggests the contrary. and theyll rewrite history to have people believe that they were good, moral men. did you know that there was a miniseries called "sally hemings: an american scandal" that used to be called "...an american love story"? real great stuff, thanks for that sam neil
like for gods sake the fact that is still to this day even a debate as to whether or not it was consensual is getting tiring because it views consent in this context as just whether or not Sally said "yes" to him. viewing consent as just a "yes or no" situation is 1. an enduring part of rape culture and 2. so incredibly, astoundingly ignorant of the true nature of slavery. many historians and creators of media are so willing to let their adultification bias shape their view of the situation. a white girl in her position would undoubtibly be viewed today as a victim, but a black girl? she was mature enough, surely. and then to add insult to injury she gets victim blamed for not leaving or ending the relationship! god! the misogynoir is astounding really!
the lies white people tell themselves about chattel slavery have just become tiring at this point. how did i, as a black child, have a better understanding of the dynamics of slavery better than a white historian?
(the question is rhetorical, we all know why)
#this is. a lot and im probably going to take this down later but fuck man#fuck! like!#makes me want to tear my goddamn hair out
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Re reading aftg and im just. Broken. These god damn twins. Neil rightly points out they can barely stand the sight of each other on a good day, but they still fiercely care about each other and only upon re read did it fully hit me. And, boy, did it fucking hit me. These stubborn, traumatized, mean idiots. They would kill for each other and they do, but they dont understand each other one fucking bit and now i cant unsee how easily they couldve given up on each other but refused to.
Andrew cared for Aaron as much as he ever did even when Aaron hated him for keeping his promise: even when Aaron hated Andrew and assumed that he killed Tilda for his own reasons, despite the fact that Andrew had done so to keep the promise he made to Aaron, to protect him. We know how angry Andrew is about that. The first time Neil sees a glimpse of the intesity and fury that Andrew hides behind his indiference is when the twins briefly argue in the stadium and Andrew almost casually confesses to killing Tilda in front of all the foxes. Aaron denies Andrew having done that for him, and when Andrew says that just because Aaron decided to forget about that promise that didnt mean he wasnt going to keep it, and that fuck him for expecting anything else, theres real anger in his eyes. To him its obvious. Hes been clear about it. He keeps his promises, hes brutal not because of some sociopathic inability to care but because he cares fiercely. But Aaron doesnt understand that. Or him. And they dont talk about it. But as much as Andrew despises him for that, he never stops caring.
And Aaron. Boy. Reading the story knowing where we were heading allowed me to see a lot of things i hadnt fully taken in on first read, and Aarons arc is one of the many things that hit different. Hes so sure that his brother not only doesnt care, but is in fact incapable of caring. And it doesnt change a fucking thing. He hates Andrew, but he never gives up on caring for him as fiercely as Andrew cares for him, and it fucking breaks me. Hell of a thing, really. To never fully withdraw, to care that much, with that intesity, all while being so completely certain that it was a one way street. To Aaron, Andrew would never care. Not really. To Aaron, there was no changing Andrew or his sociopathic tendencies. And it didnt change a fucking thing. He made peace with that fact, in a way: knowing that Andrew would never feel their dinamic the way he did, it didnt change the fact that Aaron cared. Through hate and while never shortening the distance between them, he cared. He kills Drake in a way that rightfully mirrors Andrew killing Tilda. And he is one of only people in the entire series to actually look out for Andrew, concerned about Andrew being in danger and not just being a danger to others, which is why he sets to confront Neil to check what is going on between the two. The only other people who we see being aware that Andrew is in fact human enough to be hurt are Wymack, Bee and, of course, Neil. Everyone knows Andrew can physically hold his own in a fight, and most of them do not even consider how someone could hurt Andrew, even after Drakes abuse, and their obliviousness is not there out of malice but its there none the less. Aaron not only cares enough about Andrew to get himself up in his and Neils bussiness (though in a much smarter way than Nicky, who tried to be nossy and almost got stabbed for his troubles cause of course he did), but he also is concerned and suspicious when he learns about their relationship cause he actually thinks of protecting Andrew. Aaron confronts Neil in a purposely cruel way, and he has to know the likelihood of that ending with him being punched by Neil (as he in fact did) and possibly Andrew, hes not dumb, but he goes for it and very especifically evaluates Neils reaction. Aaron does like being a dick to Neil, but thats not something he would just do for the fun of it. He doesnt even need to figure out Neils stand on the relationship in terms of getting Andrew off of his and Katelyns backs: that hinges on Andrews view of the relationship, not Neils. They havent yet fixed their issues, the twins dinamic is still shaky at best, but Aaron not only cares about Andrew, he cares about Andrew in a way barely anyone thinks of caring for him.
They both had enough reasons to give up on each other. They wouldnt drop out of each others lives entirely, they couldnt, being in the same university, in the same team, with promises of sticking with each other until graduation, yet they still couldve given up on every other level. But they didnt.
Why stick with someone who cant be reached?
Why stick with someone who doesnt think theres enough of you to be reached?
I think of Neils words to Kevin. You just need to be more afraid of letting go than you are of holding on.
After all they went through, the twins still knew they didnt want to let go of each other.
Its easy to see strained relationships and just cut ties. Sometimes theres not enough to save. Sometimes distance is the only way to heal. I think of Nicky and his parents. I think of Kevin and Jean. But sometimes theres healing after rock bottom. Sometimes theres enough will on both parties to mend whats broken and build something better. Sometimes theres enough people around you willing to stand with you and remind you of that will. And so we heal.
Somehow, we heal.
#aftg#aftg trilogy#andrew minyard#aaron minyard#neil josten#palmetto state foxes#all for the game#the foxhole court#the raven king#the kings men
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i tried to reblog this in the tags bc you both brought up good points but tumblr shuffled all my tags around and i wanted to say more so here???????????? it is i guess
desire mona tags:
#OUGH!!! was hoping youd add onto this u spearheaded the neils mom thoughts in my mind#depression is actually very commom with 50s housewives or housewives in general just due to to nature of their work paired with a lack of ac#knowledgement#so that makes sense#and it being treatment resistant would explain why it persists even after she doesnt need to perform any motherly duties while neils at scho#ol#aaaaaand passing that onto neil#but considering the way mental health was treated back then im sure it wouldnt be used as a BECOME A DOCTOR thing but it could#i was thinking more physical health like cancer or smthn similar#oncology? james?#oncology james
i'd kind of been interpreting it as depression cause then neil inheriting that would possibly be a thing. (hysteria was only discredited fully as a diagnosis in the 80's if i'm correct also, and i don't think depression on it's own was considered to be hysteria but still, i doubt mrs. perry being depressed would be taken seriously) but depression + something else Also makes a lot of sense. could go either way with this!!!
good merits accumulated tags:
#but i think there was a short discussion a while ago about how neil's dad is a little anxious financially?#and as they don't seem to be anything less than well off. it might be posited that the anxiety is class-focused#they're upper class but are they upper class enough for welton THE rich boy school. etc#in that frame neil becoming a doctor becomes another way for the family to gain some status#while also being kind of the 'best' job he's ever going to be able to do#like realistically he's never going to be able to break into those upper business echelons the way that many welton alumni#will be able to do#(because nepotism etc. etc.)#so medicine is his best shot#dead poets society#it's half 7 so if this doesn't make sense. blame it on the clock
ok so this is like. something i'm extremely interested in for some reason sorry if this is a lot.
side tangent first: i think neil being pressured to be a lawyer instead could hypothetically sort of make sense?? bc while it's probably easier with nepotism, it likely wouldn't be impossible. doctor does make a bit more sense though, although i think there's probably several other reasons Why doctor other than financial reasons and how possible it would be for neil.
neil definitely isn't welton level upper class. there's a few things, "we aren't a rich family like charlies," but also the deleted extracurriculars scene. knox gets asked about a new house his family is moving into, cameron (and charlie in the script) gets asked how his father is. knox is in the "sons of alumni" club, charlie, cameron and todd are all in the service club, neil is in neither. the service club is nothing definitive, however because welton is Welton i kind of suspect that most of the service that is done depends on the student's families being able to give money to the school. i've always sort of theorized that neil was on a partial scholarship. it would make sense for him specifically given that he is one of welton's top students, this line from the script has been stuck in my brain since i read it, "NEIL PERRY stands. Whereas some boys have two or three achievement pins an the lapels of their coats, Neil has a huge cluster of them on the pocket of his jacket." plus him being set to go to harvard, (at the point when the movie is set i don't think he could know for sure but given everything about him his chances are probably pretty good) even though the majority of welton students go to the ivy leagues, this is still pretty important to welton. welton depends on its students being successful out of school, thats how they continue to get students. so giving neil a partial scholarship, who is near guaranteed to be extremely successful as an adult (at least they assume so) would be a smart decision on their behalf cause after he graduates they can then use neil to convince more people to enroll their students.
Anderperry fans hyper-analyse ever micropixel in dead poets society by watching it 12 times a day then try to find a reason why there is no happiness in their lives.

'Comfort movie' what comfort?
#idk why this particular discussion just landed in like. zone i am extremely interested in for some reason#sorry if this is way too much idk#hopefully coherent
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