#because my dad had in his will to give money to his church written in a way that COULD BE interpreted
cuntylittlesalmon · 3 months
oh this is so annoying
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Vital Need
“But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Acts 3:6ESV
Healing was mostly unheard of prior to Jesus Christ. Holy scriptures repeatedly told of God’s desire to heal, Exodus 15:26, Isaiah 53:4-5, Jeremiah 30:17 for example. Still the Israelites didn’t believe God would do what He said.
Have the hearts of God’s people changed any since? Sadly, I don’t believe it has. Most churches preach that miraculous healings ‘ceased’ after the death of Jesus Christ. Is this an excuse taught by leaders because of tradition? Because they don’t understand healing and faith? Because they can’t explain why the Lord didn’t answer their prayers for healing? Because of the coldness of the Believer’s hearts?
In 2011 the Lord instructed me to write a booklet about having other gods inside the church. The Lord took me throughout society revealing how Believers have learned independence from the Lord. Need money? Go to the bank and borrow, then serve the bank for however long the loan continues repaying— Yahweh considers this idol worship. Feeling ill? Head for the doctor’s office or hospital, rather than going to the elders of the church. We were instructed— “ Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14ESV. Government agencies provide many needs the church was to take to the Lord for His supply. Father God wants His children to need and want Him first.
2018 Yahweh began dealing with me to seek Him and Him alone for medical care. He said there was coming a time, where we couldn’t trust many medical doctors. (It’s quite possible, we’re approaching that time, as I heard a woman asking for prayer for healing of a heart condition. She told the healing evangelist, Billy Burke, that the doctor refused to operate on her because ’76 was too old.’ My dad had that same surgery at 80 years of age.)
Yahweh also said, we won’t be able to trust medications. Most of us are aware of the truth of this statement, since the forced inoculation of the COVID-19 vaccinations. What other medications aren’t trustworthy? Perhaps, one day……. I’m exercising my faith in hope to be at the point of trusting in God alone one day soon.
Do you remember how, as a child, you used to dream about having a rich father who spoiled you? Gave you everything? He actually is alive. His name is Yahweh— Lord God. Everything that the Father has is ours. We don’t receive because— “… neither do they seek [INQUIRE FOR OR REQUIRE as their vital need] the Lord of hosts” Isaiah 9:13AMPC (emphasis mine). Father God wants to be our “vital need” daily.
“The Lord is my shepherd; I SHALL NOT WANT. He makes me to lie down in GREEN PASTURES; He leads me beside the STILL WATERS. He RESTORES MY SOUL; He LEADS ME in the PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR His NAME’S SAKE… You PREPARE A TABLE before me in the presence of my enemies; You ANOINT MY HEAD with oil; My CUP RUNS OVER. Surely GOODNESS AND MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ME…I will DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD Forever.” Psalm 23:1-3, 5-6NKJV. (emphasis mine.) Yes, everything we need and want is available. When we ASK our Papa God. He desires us to ask Him for every need in every circumstance, FIRST, before asking anyone else.
There’s silver and gold available with instructions written in the scriptures. Healing is there for those who will receive through the Word of God by faith. Will you receive? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Almighty God, we ask for and receive the blessings of Your word. The blessing of Your Presence with us, healing and prosperity, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2023 You have my permission to repost this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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thesweetmisfit · 2 years
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1945.01.14 Lettre de Norma Jeane à Grace Goddard
Lettre de Norma Jeane à Grace Goddard
Letter of 4 pages in January 14, 1945 (mistakenly dated 1944) written by Norma Jeane Dougherty (Marilyn Monroe) to Grace McKee Goddard, who had gone to live with her husband Ervin 'Doc' Goddard and his daughter Bebe Goddard in Huntington, Virginia. Norma Jeane is only 18 years old, married for two and a half years to Jim Dougherty, who is often absent (he is engaged in the Merchant Marine), and she feels alone: ​​no doubt this is why she paid for a coat, although she doesn't earn much money. She also gives Grace gifts because she asks her if the robe is at the good size. She also tells to Grace that the factory where she works, Radioplane, has dismissed (temporarily, for two weeks), all the workers (without paying them a salary), some of them being even definitively dismissed. She talks about her return from the East, thus referring to her visit to the Goddards (Doc and Bebe) in Virginia and her half-sister Berniece in Detroit in the fall of 1944. It seems that Norma Jeane has a lot of affection for Doc Goddard, she calls him "Dad" in her letter. We especially feel the isolation of young Norma Jeane, ending her letter with her hope of seeing the Goddards back in California.
"My dearest Grace, I'm sorry I havn't written sooner but honestly I've been so busy. At the present time I'm having a two weeks vacation. (without pay). Jimmie hasn't come home yet but expects to be home most any time. He sent me $100.00 for Christmas so I put some more with it and I am now the happy owner of a Gold Coast monkey coat. Oh its simply beautiful! I got the finest quality obtainable because I thought I might as well get something that would last. (I don't want everyone to know that it cost as much as it did in the first place its my own business, don't you think ? Everyone says they can't get over how much I've changed since I've come back from the East. At work they all say I'm full of life, pep and vitality. I havn't been working very hard, just sort of taking it easy but I still get all of my work finished. Radioplane Company laxed almost half of its workers off. But I'm still there although I'm Having a vacation now so is everyone in my dept, its only for two weeks. Please send me the English and Grammar book, you said you would. I hope you liked your robe. Was it the right size? Did you get slippers to go with it ? I'm glad you are not working at wildings because you were just working too hard. I hope you are getting a lot of rest. Please give Daddy and Bebe my love. I certainly do miss all of you. Dan Hill is really swell, I havn't had much time to see him. But I do like him very much. I can hardly wait to see Daddy in February. Every time I see Dan he keeps asking "When is "Doc" coming back ?" Today I went to church and Mrs. Dougherty went with me. Golly I can hardly wait until all of you move back here, I hope it will be soon. All my love, Norma Jeane, P.S. I shall write later"
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thatharringrovehoe · 3 years
Okay so I wrote more Mob AU because I have no self control so here ya go ya filthy animals.
"And God help anyone who disrespected the Queen"
--- Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad
- Billy brought the king of Hawkins to his knees the first time he told Steve he loved him. Tangled in the back seat of Steve's fancy BMW by the quarry, lips and tongue and teeth. Says it all breathy, hands holding Steve's jaw so tender. Foreheads pressed together between kisses, breathing so hard it's got the car windows foggy. Just "I love you Bambi.". And Steve knows about Billy's dad. Had clocked the abuse as soon as he MET Neil fucking Hargrove. Knows Billy's pops has been beating his son black and blue for neigh on for fucking ever. To long. Hates his faggot kid and wouldn't shed a tear if he went missing but would put him in the ground if word got out that Billy was in love with a boy. So this? This is important. "I love you to killer. Aint loved nobody like I love you." And he means it. Steve Harington would burn the world down for Billy Hargrove. And that's dangerous.
- Cuz you see Steve loves like a stray dog, fiercely and with everything he has once you give him a reason. His parents threw money at their little boys broken heart instead of giving him the time of day. Taught him how to run an empire but hadn't been home for Christmas in six whole years. Never even bothered to call on his birthday. So when someone bothered to stick around, to care. Steve Harrington was ride or die.
- When Steve was fourteen Brad Anderson pushed him into the Hawkins pool. Because Steve was just a kid and Brad was seventeen. Didn't buy into the whole 'King' bullshit. Thought Steve's dad was just some businessman and Steve was just a rich little shit with a complex. Tommy sent a right hook so sharp the kid's nose bent to the side and stayed that way. Turned the Hawkins pool water pink with a hot gush of blood. Cuz Tommy was a good guard dog. Bared his teeth, no muzzle. So the broken nose was no surprise. Brad's brother smashing a bottle over Tommy's head was. Fifteen stitches and a minor concussion that had poor Tommy puking up his guts for two whole days.
- It took two weeks. Two weeks of Mr. Anderson being told they didn't have any work for him at the mill so they were so sorry but they were gonna have to lay him off. Of Brad and his brothers being ostracized at school. Threats written in permanent marker on their lockers, the family car, scrawled across Brad's brother's bedroom window. Two weeks of cold looks and shoulders, teeth on edge before the family up and moved straight outta Hawkins. The day the moving van was parked in their driveway Steve Harrington rang their doorbell. And when Brad came to the door King Steve gave him a small box with a bow wrapped all pretty. With care. Told Brad it was so he would never forget one Steve Harrington. Cuz inside was the remnant of a glass bottle flecked with the blood of Tommy H. A promise and a warning. 'Get the fuck out of my town.' it said. 'Don't come back'.
- So when Steve has his arm draped around Billy's shoulders in their booth at the local diner, carding his fingers through Billy's curls, Tommy knows there's gonna be blood. Knows it as soon as that new kid from Michigan walks through the door. Cuz Danny Pulaski comes from a real God fearin family. Goes to church every Sunday morning with his family for the early service. and it takes Danny all of five fucking seconds to hone in on King Steve's throne and grimace. Tommy watches in the next booth over with Carole gripping his knee as Danny boy marches over, snarl caught between his teeth. Carole is smiling to, knows what Tommy does. There's gunna be so much blood. "Didn't take you for a fucking faggot goldy locks". Hawks spit at Billy's feet.
- Billy's face goes ghost white. Muscles locked with panic. Carole isn't smiling anymore. Cuz you see Tommy expected a fight. Not a declaration of fucking war. No one talked to King Steve's heart like that.
- Steve pulls Billy closer. Doesn't break eye contact with Danny as he raises his hand all lazy. Snaps his fingers. And everyone in the dinner just. Leaves. Gets up without paying. Without packing up their food. Just a rush of shuffling feet and averted glances. For all of twenty seconds the diner is full of the sound of steel chair legs screeching over linoleum, the jarring tinkle of the bell over the door. Then nothing. Just the harsh breaths of Danny Pulaski. Of Carole squeezing the denim over Tommy's knee till it creaks. Cuz Danny might have gotten out of this with some groveling. Some begging maybe. If Billy Hargrove wasn't trying to quickly wipe away the angry tears dragging down his cheek. And Tommy knew there was gunna be so much blood.
- Before Danny can say a thing two large men come out of fucking nowhere, clap their hands down on his shoulders hard and squeeze. Drag him out. Billy never sees that kid again. Apparently his parents had a change of heart. Missed Michigan so damn much they moved the very next day without a word to anyone. And wasn't it nice of that Harrington boy to see them off. Helped them load up the moving truck and everything. Cuz poor Danny had fallen down the stairs and broken both his legs. Stayed till that same moving truck pulled out of the driveway just to remind them of exactly how welcome they would be in Hawkins if they ever decided to come back.
- And you see Billy thinks he should be scared. But he really isn't. Cuz for the past six months people have been giving him looks whenever he's walking through Hawkins. Something like fear. Something like envy. Something a lot like respect. Doesn't have to worry about his dad so much anymore cuz he somehow has overtime shifts whenever Billy is home. Can hold his boyfriends hand at the park without fear crawling cold fingers up his back. Cuz Steve Harrington would burn down the world for Billy Hargrove. And no one has held a fucking candle for Billy in a long long time. So he's not afraid. Loves that pretty, powerful boy with what's left of his shrapnel filled heart. Doesn't give a second thought to a piece of shit kid from Michigan. Saunters right up to his King the next day in the school parking lot. Drags him down for a kiss so deep it leaves Steve drowning. Cuz King Steve kicked that shit head out of his kingdom for Billy. Because he loves Billy Hargrove. He smiles into the kiss. He's never gunna love like this again.
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Dorothy Freeman facts
By facts I of course mean headcanons, because Nile's mom doesn't get a first name in canon (or even confirmation that her last name is Freeman). All we know about her is the picture on Nile's phone lock screen (which is Kiki Layne's real-life mom and brother!) and a few lines that Nile tells Andy about her. I’ve been collecting my Dorothy headcanons for a while now to eventually make a post, and @mprosperossprite​‘s excellent post giving non-Americans context for what it means that Nile is from the South Side of Chicago prompted me to go ahead and share this. Disclaimer that I’m white and I will absolutely make corrections if it’s pointed out that I’ve caused harm with any of this.
So here have some fun facts about the version of Mama Freeman who lives in my head rent-free:
Her family and growing up:
she was born in the mid-'60s and named after Dorothy Dandridge
I can’t decide whether she was born in Chicago or moved there later on (maybe with Nile’s dad?) and when in the waves of the Great Migration her family left the South
she came of age in the "post"-Civil Rights movement and went to college in the mid-80s when a lot of what are now the foundational classics of Black feminism were being written
she was a young adult when Anita Hill risked so much to report that a Supreme Court nominee had sexually harassed her, and as a result she HATES Joe Biden
Marriage and babies:
she met Nile's father — I can’t decide how they met and I have two competing headcanons for his name, either Gideon for the hefty Biblical masculinity vibes (Giddy for short among family, that man loved to laugh) or Carl, which started out as a shitty Carl’s Jr burger chain joke that turns out to be perfect (it means free man!), and @knoepfchen​ used it in the sequel to if you do take a thief where Carl is alive!! — and Dorothy was a little skeptical of his near-religious devotion to the military but he was really hot and really devoted to her and they made it work
she's a little pissed that she was right but it's unbearable if she thinks about it too often
it's going to be a long, long time before she can look back on pictures of Baby Nile stomping around the house in her dad's combat boots (this is a Gina Prince Bythewood headcanon, whyyyyyyyy can I not find a link to where she said this)
she named their second baby Indus, Indy for short (this is nearly as established fanon in Book of Nile circles as how much Booker loves eating pussy, and Indy Freeman as a young adult is portrayed by either Aldis Hodge or John Boyega I don’t make the rules)
Dorothy did some office jobs but nothing really grabbed her, and she was probably gonna have to move for her husband's career, so she decided on teaching — high school humanities
she’s been active in CTU (one of the strongest teacher’s unions in the US) her whole career and one year she was on the bargaining committee and her babies know damn well never to trust a boss, not even one who says all the right things — if she ever finds out the way Nile said "like Quynh?" when Andy promised to protect her, she will lose her mind with pride
(Nile was 18 and freshly graduated from high school in 2012 when CTU went on strike for the first time in a generation and she brought her mom snacks on the picket line)
one of her very favorite things is getting her students to laugh despite themselves at her "oh my GOD you're so EMBARRASSING" old-people jokes
she's one of those teachers who can get 30+ teenagers to go dead silent with judicious application of body language
she's known to occasionally go easy on grading subjective things like essays when she knows students are having a particularly rough time at home, but the second she gets the feeling they're taking advantage and not trying their best that shit is over and they better mind their Ps & Qs
she's the kind of person who says old-people shit like that
she gives her students assignments like "help 5 neighbors register to vote" and "write a compare/contrast table about the candidates in this local election" and "research 5 different ways you could get grant money to do X" and other practical civic-minded shit
standardized testing is her supervillain origin story, just kidding it’s Rahm Emanuel, why the fuck did Obama trust that asshole
After her husband died:
she would have lost her goddamn mind if it weren't for her church friends after her husband died, people from the church raised money so they could make ends meet while his pension paperwork was taking forever, church friends watched Indy so Nile could go out for the soccer team, etc etc
she sold her and her late husband's house and moved to a 3-bedroom co-op unit when Nile started high school, it's more affordable and it meant she didn't have to worry about household repairs in the same way, she can use a wrench if she needs to but she doesn't have time and it just makes her grief flare up (co-op housing has a long history in Chicago and other US cities (like Washington DC where I live) as a way for Black people to access decent, affordable housing in the face of entrenched discrimination)
the move meant putting a longer commute between her and church, but she didn't even bother looking for a church closer to their new home, she loaded the kids into the car on the weekends, parking is hell in their new neighborhood but it's worth giving up a hard-won parking spot to not have to wait so long for the L on Sunday mornings
Indy lived with her through college and he was gearing up to get his own place when Nile died, Dorothy was planning to move into a one-bedroom in the co-op building because she doesn't need so much space anymore, Indy took a day off from his new job (not so new anymore, her baby's so grown!) to help her sort things to donate when those dress-uniform Marines came to their door
part of her wishes she could've been home more and not had to rely on Nile so much for help with Indy, but he's turned out such a kind young man, and he's a much better cook than his sister is (was, oh God — no wait, is! she’s alive! what do you mean you’ve been alive all this time??)
some of the girls from church are encouraging her to check out this social dancing thing, nobody's pressuring her to date but there's definitely been some ribbing, and with Indy out of the house... maybe? probably not, but maybe
Her feelings and beliefs and likes and dislikes:
she's an absolute badass and also she's a soft human woman with lots of feelings
she's very, very traditional in some ways, and part of her mixed feelings about Nile following in her dad's footsteps is gender stuff, she's proud of her daughter and would never stand in the way of what Nile wants to do with her life, and if Nile came home and told her she's a lesbian she would never reject her, but if Nile came home and told her she's bisexual maybe she can just try focusing on men? “I love you sweetheart and I want you to be happy I just know how hard it is already for us in this world” type shit
she has been on team natural hair basically her entire life and one of the worst fights she and Nile ever had was over Nile wanting to straighten her hair as a pre-teen
Indy takes more after her and Nile takes more after their dad, she's so proud of both of them, but Dorothy's activism was mostly wearing her natural hair to work and daring bosses to give her shit, Indy's out there marching in the streets like her parents had and she WORRIES
she teases Indy for going to so many protests like he's using it as an excuse to meet girls, but she WORRIES
when she turns 60, she gets box braids with streaks of dark purple, subtle enough that it's still work-appropriate but it makes her smile, she may be old now but damnit she’s still pretty!
she loves Grey's Anatomy and Star Trek and she watched Bridgerton all in one day
she has a dirty-old-lady celebrity crush on Chris Hemsworth
if she's ever masturbated thinking about Donna Summer, well, that's nobody's business but her own (do non-Americans know about the queen of disco??)
If you want to read fic featuring Dorothy:
I won't have to leave alone, 1000 words, Nile has a nightmare and decides to go tell her family she's immortal
I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore, 65k, Nile adjusts to immortality and does a lot of soul searching about what it means to "do what we think is right", Booker goes to grad school for trauma studies, the working title of this fic was Booker Reads Edward Said and Gloria Anzaldúa and Goes Down on Nile and the final product has an annotated bibliography in the author's notes if you’re into that kind of thing, a lot of my Dorothy Freeman headcanons were born of my process writing this
Gather round the table, we'll give you a treat, 2279 words, college AU, Nile brings her Jewish boyfriend home for Christmas
a contribution I made to Shitty Old Guard Deaths: (Booker, USA, 2025, cause of death: a mother’s righteous wrath)
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alaura5675 · 3 years
Warning contains spoilers for The Owl House Season 2 Episode 5: Through the Looking Glass
I literally cannot stop screaming about Luz and Amity. My sweet beans!
Em and Ed being supportive siblings, and Ed going on a date with them, (all those golden guard fics are gonna definitely increase)
Just the twins and Gus being we’ve been knew to Luz
Also Gus just being his awesome self and gaining a frienemy is just my heart. Its so weak to all this fluff Dana has be giving us
Unfortunately we need to discuss the “first” human. While discovering the Echo mouse records everything they’ve eaten. We have seen a glimpse of the first human who had traveled accidentally to the demon world.
Their name Philip Wittlebane apparently in the 1600s donated his diary to the library.
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artfulstar also found this in the teasers
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And in animation we don’t believe in coincidences
So at this point i honestly believe that Emperor Belos is this same human and has found a way to live for 400 years. If time is tracked the same
And here’s the big kicker we’ve already noticed a lot of the christian missionary converting the pagan wild witches in the 1st season
But the fact of the matter is the way Wittlebane is dressed and the diary enters are written remind me of first account documents written by European colonizers. And around the 1600s in US history was when Spanish colonizers had already taken large amounts of land in modern day México. And the beginning of English colonizers here In the Modern day US.
And while im not entirely familiar with the indigineous cultures of the Aztecs, Mayan, and Olmecs. There was a strong sense of spirituality in the cultures and people called “Brujas” by the Spanish colonizers, the spanish word for Witch.
And Highly recommend reading Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya discussing the struggle of catholicsm and the indigenous culture in the early 1900s México.
But my point is the Spanish when they came to the Americas literally destroyed the spiritual and cultural centers of the Aztecs and Mayans and built on top of it catholic churches. And vilified anyone who didn’t practice Catholicism. Queen Isabella and her husband who i can’t remember, married and combined large parts of modern day Spain into one country on the Iberian peninsula . And started the Reconquista, that killed thousands of people who were muslim, as a majority of the peninsula practiced Islam’s beliefs, and Jewish people were killed and was spread to “their” colonies as well. Which gave them big support from the Catholic church at the time.
But where am i going with this, Well a lot of things. One Belos’s castle sorta reminds me of an ornate catholic church, the window glass murals, the gold detailing, and all the robes everyone in the coven wears.
Then there’s the fact that Belos took over the way people practice magic and made it so only he and his followers could do all magic. Which is similar in how the catholic church erased indigenous history, and forced people to speak their own language. And withheld knowledge and created a cast system. And the vilifying of the local religious beliefs and killing witches
And what i want to say is i think Dana Terrace is awesome for creating show discussing the horrible and long last effects colonialism has done to the word and still severely effects the indigenous people around the world.
And the fact of the matter is more shows and stories and actual FUCKING HISTORYbooks need to be showcasing the importance and ongoing consequences effecting people.
I can even give you an example right now, I lived in Hawaii for 10 years. Because my dad wanted to retire here and I was a child so had no choice. And some of you may be going, what living in hawaii must be so fun…
Let me tell you shit, Hawaiians literally need tourism to keep there economy going. Because the US took there means of culture and history to keep cultivating their land and sustain themselves.
The US sends homeless people to Hawaii because the weather conditions are better, however a majority of homeless people here are still native Hawaiians
Their is literal law stating that if you have 25% native blood you are able to gain a home for free. However most people will never see that as Homes are being bought by people like Mark Zuckerberg for millions of dollars. And Retirees who want to live near the beach.
The economy as i said is based in tourism but all the hotel chains are US companies. So none of the money is reinvested in the local population.
As well as that most people here are working at minimum wage will never afford million dollar homes.
And it sucks and i get that people want to come over and visit. But you have to understand not just here but in the mainland US. This land belongs to the indigenous people and that means respecting the land and protecting the culture. And Hawaii is one of the fortunate places where the language is still known. Its in the process of being taught in schools and being revitalized.
But the fact of the matter is today July 10th, 2021. There is a water shortage here in Hawaii due to influx of tourists coming in. It takes a literal month for cargo ships to arrive. And the tourism isn’t gonna stop its the height of the summer.
The Hiltons, Wailea all the hotel groups will be getting the water for there lawns. And everyone here enjoying there trip won’t notice a thing.
The people who live here are gonna suffer…
Anyways sorry for the rant a little upset at the moment. The Owl House is awesome please watch it and yeah…
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jawritter · 4 years
Where The Green Grass Grows
Chapter 2
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Summary: Life changes, nothing ever stays the same. With most change comes with some degree of pain, that’s how we grow. Jensen thought he had his whole life planned out, written for him in the bright lights of Hollywood. One failed marriage later, and a lifetime of lessons learned, lead him home to a place he thought he’d left behind him when he was only a teenager. He thought his life was over. He felt like he’d lost everything, but who knew one little trip to the local diner that had just opened up outside of town would turn his whole world upside down. All because he met you. Maybe a little slower pace of life isn’t such a bad idea after all…
Warnings:  Language, Angst, mention of past OC character death, mention of grief, dealing with a divorce. Drinking. I think that's about it for this chapter.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word  Count: 2065
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine!!Please do not copy my work! I hope you all enjoy this one! Feedback is golden!
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“Fuck me,” Jensen mumbled as he rolled onto his back from his stomach and looked up at the ceiling of his childhood bedroom. 
His head was pounding, and his stomach was more than a little woozy. He desperately needed to stop drinking so damn much. He was just getting too old to do it anymore like he did when he was in his 20’s, and the hangovers were no joke anymore.
He was thankful that his mom had redecorated his bedroom over the years, and that it was set up as more of a guest room than it was his old bedroom. It helped to not have to face all those memories he had shoved way down, and just pretend it was a holiday or another family gathering where he had to stay over for a while. 
He knew his time in Hollywood had come to an end for the foreseeable future because he was still having trouble keeping his emotions in check, and as long as he was doing that drinking had been his go too. It was a natural spiral for him, he was glad in a way the public didn’t have a chance to see just how bad he was. Alex was right about one thing, home had been a good place to hide. 
He couldn’t hide from everyone here. That was the only problem. His family could see just how bad of a clusterfuck his life had turned out to be. He knew they knew he was drinking heavily, he saw it in the way his mom looked at him every morning when he finally dragged his back from the dead ass out of his room, and down for breakfast. 
A loud rap on the door nearly made him fall out of the bed and with three heavy thuds he was brought back to reality. 
Jensen looked up just in time to see his dad come into the room, and sit down in the small chair next to the window before turning the lamp on there. Jensen shielded his eyes from the assaulting light that flooded the room and groaned as he rolled himself over to hide in his covers. 
“Morning,” his dad said, crossing his legs as he watched Jensen struggle to adjust to the light and refocus his gaze on his father. 
“Morning,” Jensen finally mumbled, sitting up on the side of the bed, and running his hands through his sleep tousled hair.  
“Mom’s got breakfast ready downstairs, and some slacks and a dress shirt ironed for you in the laundry room,” Alan said as he watched Jensen get up and stumbled his way towards the connecting bathroom, leaving the door cracked so that he could yell back over his shoulder to the older man sitting in the chair.
“Where are we going?” Jensen yelled before flushing the toilet and making his way to the sink to wash his hands and throw water on his face. 
He didn’t like going out in the public eye right now. Someone always recognized him, and always had a damn camera ready.
“It’s Sunday, and as long as you live under this roof with us you know you will have to go to church with us,” Alan said simply as Jensen made his way back to sit on the foot of his bed. “That was the agreement when you moved back in here remember?” 
Jensen tried to push down the annoyance that rose up in him surprisingly quickly. 
Church? He hadn’t been to church in years. Hell, he didn’t even know after everything that he’d gone through if he even believed there was a God anymore.
Jensen licked his lips, attempting to choose his words carefully. This was his father’s house, and he had agreed to it when he’d moved in, he just didn’t anticipate Sunday coming so damn soon. 
“Dad, I don’t know If I’m fit to walk into a church house this morning,”  Jensen said, locking eyes with his father, and doing everything he could to convey without saying it out loud that he’d rather do anything than go to a church service. 
He wasn’t really, he was doing all he could not to throw up right there in front of his dad. 
“Eating will help with that hangover, then you can get a shower before we go, I’m confident you will be just fine.” 
Jensen shook his head and let out an annoyed huff. Just like when he was a kid, there was no arguing with him. There was no pleasing him. So he just gave up like he always did. That’s one reason why he didn’t want to come back here. Here he was, a grown-ass man in his 40’s, and his dad was still telling him what to do.
“Jensen, look, I know you don’t want to go, but don’t do it for me, do it for your mom. She was so excited this morning when she got up to make breakfast that you were coming with us. She wants to make a whole day of it. Go out to a little diner just outside of town once it’s over, and just have a family day. Just... give her today.” 
His dad stood up and made his way towards the door before turning around to look back at him. 
“The only way you're ever going to move on from this son is to pick yourself up and just do it. No matter how much you want to just roll over and give up. If you do that, Danneel wins. Pick yourself up, shake it off, find a pretty girl to go out with to help you get over her, and put the bottle down for Christ stakes. It’s only going to cause you more pain in the long run.” 
Jensen watched as his dad excited the room, his mind reeling with what he said to him. He knew he was right, he was never going to move on as long as he let himself wallow in what happened. He had to get past this. He wasn’t the first man to ever go through a divorce, and it wasn’t like it was all sunshine and roses while they were married. 
Jensen forced his aching body to its feet and made his way towards the shower to rid himself of the smell of alcohol. They say what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, but right now he didn’t feel so strong.
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Five hours later, all the way across town, you had just finished cleaning up from the first lunch rush. Sundays were always a big tip day, and you could really use the money, so you didn’t complain not one bit about the almost constant on your feet that the day was sure to bring. 
Most church groups came in all together, which made for large orders, and large tables. Today was not different. As far as you could tell there had already been seven church groups come through, and seeing as it was close to 1:30 pm, it wasn’t anywhere near over for you. 
You were just contemplating taking a break before the next wave of customers, but you must have contemplated a minute too long because the dinging chime above the door announced the arrival of more guests. 
It was a party of about seven adults and a few children. You could tell that they were all family just by looking at them, so it would probably be an easy table.
“Want me to grab that table?” Jess asked as you through the cloth you were wiping tables with in the bin behind the counter and started to make your way towards the table they had chosen with our pad and pin to start taking their orders. 
“Na, It’s not that big of a table, I got it,” you answer her and she nods at you with a smile. 
“Y/N, hold up a sec,” she says, running over to you to whisper in your ear. “You see that guy with the black shirt, the one who just took his shades off?” 
Your eyes trained over the extremely attractive man with broad shoulders, brown, almost auburn hair, and the most astonishing pair of green eyes that seemed to sparkle even at this distance. 
“That guy is Jensen Ackles, have you ever heard of him?” she asked, the smirk growing over her face as your eyes raked over the gorgeous specimen of a man sitting at the table looking at the menu that was already there. You watched him swat at the young girl you assumed was his sister playfully when she leaned over to annoy him. 
“No, and right now who he isn’t important, what’s important is the tip I’m gonna get when he’s done.”
“I hear he’s recently divorced,” she said, but you cut her off, and made your way towards the table to take their drink orders, and introduce yourself. You didn’t need to know his history. The guy was way out of your league, and you weren’t an idiot.
“Hi, my name is Y/N, and I’ll be your waitress for this evening,” you announced as you came to a stop at the head of the table next to the oldest man, and the man that you were informed was Jensen Ackles. 
Jensen’s eyes met yours and you swore to god for a moment you forgot how to breathe. He was so heartbreakingly handsome up close, and the moment he smiled at you, a swarm of butterflies was turned loose in your belly, and you haven’t felt like that in a very, very long time.
“Can I get you guys started with drinks?” you asked, clearing your throat, and quickly looked down at your pad to hide the blush creeping up in your cheeks. 
“I’ll have a Dr. Pepper,” Jensen said, starting the roll call of drinks your way. Once everyone had their drinks, and you had brought their food to the table, you went to hide behind the counter, and try to catch your breath. 
Every once in a while you would catch Jensen looking at you, and when he caught you looking back at him he would smile warmly at you, making those butterflies take flight all over again. 
“You’re blushing, Y/N,” Jessica said, elbowing you playfully as she followed your gaze. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled, and went back to refilling the ketchup bottles in front of you.
“He keeps staring at you ya know, maybe you should go ask him out.” 
If looks could kill the look that you were giving her would have done the job. You didn’t have time to respond to her, because the sound of a throat being cleared behind you made you nearly jump out of your skin. 
“I’d like to go ahead and pay if that’s okay?” Jensen said, as you turned around and the smirk Jensen gave you nearly made you fall flat on your ass.
The man was insultingly handsome, and he knew it.
“Sure,” Jessica said, turning to the register and giving him his total. His eyes barely left you as he paid for his meal, and you made your way over to start clearing the table they were sitting at. 
You thought you had to escape him because you can’t think straight when he’s looking at you for some reason. You should have known better than to think it was over that quickly. 
Looking down at the table as you picked up the plates you saw a folded napkin set in the center of what was Jensen’s plate with a note scrawled on the napkin, and a $100.00 bill tucked inside that simply said,  “For the prettiest girl in Dallas.”
You turned around just in time to catch his eye as he winked at you, and followed his family out of the door. The look on your face must have been priceless because Jessica came running your way shaking your shoulders to get your attention. 
“What is it? Talk to me Y/N!” 
You showed her the note wordlessly. Your head was swimming with emotions as she squealed and jumped up and down with excitement next to you. 
You were too stunned to do anything but stand there, how the fuck could you have a crush on someone that you had barely even spoken to? How the fuck could he have such a hold on you already?
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Series Tag List: 
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a34trgv2 · 3 years
Why It Worked: The Princess and The Frog
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Introduction: The Princess and The Frog is an animated musical fantasy romantic comedy film. Directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, the film stars Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Keith David, Michael-Leon Wooley, Jim Cummings, Jennifer Lewis, Jennifer Cody, John Goodman, Oprah Winfrey and Terrence Howard. The film was released on December 11, 2009 and recieved very positive reviews from critics and audiences (85% of 200 reviews agregated by Rotten Tomatoes gave an average rating of 7.4/10). The film grossed $269 million on a budget of $105 million. For the past decade, I've grown to love this movie more and more with each passing year. Having rewatched it recently, I now firmly believe this is one of Disney's best films. In this post, I'd like to go into detail as to why.
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The Plot: Based on the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale, The Frog Prince, mixed with the material in The Frog Princess by E.D. Maker, this film tells the story of Tiana, a waitress trying to earn enough money to start her own restaurtant. She encounters a talking frog, who's actually Prince Naveen turned into a frog by Dr. Facilier. He agrees to help Tiana get her her restaurant if she helps him turn back into a prince by recreating the classic tale of The Frog Prince. This backfires and now they're both frogs hopping around the buyou with their gator friend, Louis and a cajun firefly named Ray, to find a way to reverse the spell they were put under. The film is really a subversion of classic fairy tale tropes that makes the film feel fresh and new. The goal for our leading lady is not to fall in love with a prince but to make her childhood dream come true. What also makes this film standout is how magical they make New Orleans, paying tributes to jazz music and cajun cuisine. I also found the humor to be very funny, with many of the jokes getting a great laugh out of me. One of the funniest scenes in the film is when Tiana and Naveen outwit a trio of frog hunters. The slapstick and perfect timing had me in stitches. What really makes the story so engaging is the animation. It's too bad Disney hasn't used 2D animation in their recent films (not to say they don't look amazing in 3D) because the animation in the Princess and The Frog is amazing. The character movements feel so smooth and fluid and they're designs are unique and well defined. It should also be noted that some 3D was used for background elements yet are coated with a 2D paint so well you never would've noticed.
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Cast and Characters: The cast of this movie did outstanding jobs voicing these characters, who are all well developed and very likable. Starting with our leading lady, Tiana is a smart hardworking woman that's determined to start up her restaurant. She's also sassy, funny and a great cook. Anika Noni Rose was perfect as Tiana as gives the character a very determined and no-nonsense tone in her voice. Prince Naveen starts off as an arrogant playboy that only wants to live a carefree life. However, the more time he spends with Tiana, the more he realizes that not everything is just going to be handed to him. This is especially true during the scene when he and Tiana are making gumbo and he comes to realize he's so used to having everything be done for him that he doesn't even know how to take care of himself. Bruno Campos gave a very stellar performance as Naveen, giving him such charm and funny lines while also selling the more personal aspects of his character. Louis the gator is such a fun comic relief that plays a mean trumpet. He easily brings out some of the best laughs and Michael-Leon Wooley gave a very memorable performance as the character. Ray the cajun firefly just might be one of Jim Cummings' best vocal performances, up there with Darkwing Duck, Pete, and (of course) Winnie The Pooh and Tigger. Ray might appear to have a screw or too loose, but he's actually a really smart, brave and reliable ally who's more than willing to help his friends. His love for Evangeline (which is actually the North Star) feels very genuine even if it might come across as odd at first. Then there's the film's made baddie, Dr. Facilier (often referred to as The Shadow Man). Dr. Facilier is every bit as charming as he is sinister. He's manipulative, he's smart, he's charsmatic and he loves what he does. Keith David was excellent in the role, giving him a deep yet unsettling tone in his voice.
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Super Supporting Players: This film has one of the strongest supporting cast I have ever seen. Each of the supporting and even minor characters leave a lasting impression and make the film feel lived in. Lawrence, Naveen's butler, acts as the secondary antagonist of the film, being the catalyst of Naveen's desire for a carefree lifestyle. He sides with the Shadow Man and poses as Naveen while the prince is a frog in order to marry Charlotte La Bouff. Speaking of Charlotte, is very much nothing like the standard spoiled brat. Rather than be snobbish, selfish and rude, Lottie is a true friend to Tiana and is willing to help her get her restaurant. Believe me folks, after having to deal with the likes of Gem Stone, Princess Morbucks, Sincerity (What About Mimi), and Tricia Holmes (6teen), Charlotte is a breath of fresh air. Her father, Eli (aka Big Daddy) is also a very kind and caring figure who, despite spoiling his daughter, clearly raised her well as she gets her generosity from him. Mama Odie is a wise 197 year old blind lady that not only helps our heroes on their journey, but helps them understand the difference between what they want vs what they need. This is echoed by Eudora (Tiana's Mom) earlier in the film, who even in the limited amount of screen time she had exerts such a motherly personality and has authentic chemistry with her daughter. Then there's James (Tiana's Dad), the main driving force behind Tiana's desire to open her restaurant. Despite succumbing to the frequently used "dead parent" trope, every second he's on screen is imperative to the story. He's a kind hard working man who dreamed of opening his own restaurtant with his daughter Tiana. When she tells her Dad about the wishing star, he gives her great advice: "that little star can only take you part of the way. You got to help it along with some hard work of your own and then you can do anything you set your mind to." What truly makes this supporting cast come alive are the stupendous voice work from the actors who portrayed them. Jennifer Cody was fantastic as Lottie, making her sound so energetic and lively. John Goodman is always a treat to hear and he brings such a humble fatherly presence to Eli. Jennifer Lewis perfectly captures the sass and erratic nature of Mama Odie and is an amazing singer. Peter Bartlett right captured the bumbling mannerisms of Lawrence and when he's disguised as Naveen he exerts more confidence in his voice. Oprah Winfrey, who was also a consultant for the film, played Eudora beautifully as a kind and caring mother and they couldn't have picked a better actor than Terence Howard for the role of James.
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Songs and Music: Randy Newman is a musical genius! Every single song in this film is written wonderfully with an awesome beat, wonderful lyrics and the amazing vocal talents of the stars. Starting with the opening track after the lovely melody prologue, Down in New Orleans perfectly introduces the audience to this city and what it's like to live here. The late Dr. John brought such authenticity to the song being a New Orleans native and he had great singing chops. Almost There, Tiana's number, is not so much an I want song, but more like "I'm so close I can almost taste it." Anika Noni Rose has great singing talents and carried that long final note like a champ. The villain song, Friends From The Other Side is (in my opinion) one of the best Disney villain songs. It perfectly captures the charismatic and manipulative nature if Dr. Facilier and Keith David's baritone singing makes this all the more memorable. When We're Human is an upbeat song that showcases the excellent singing talents of Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos and Michael-Leon Wooley as they sing about what they'll do when they're human. It also makes great use of the trumpet, the go-to instrument for jazz. Ray is given the distinct honor of singing 2 songs, which are polar opposites yet are both wonderfully well crafted musical numbers. The first is Gonna Take You There, which is a classic cajun song in with Ray sings while he and his firefly family take our heroes to Mama Odie's. It's bounce, it's fun, it's makes great use of the accordion, it's just a great song to listen to. The second is Ma Belle Evangeline, a slow yet beautiful love ballad Ray sings for Evangeline. Even though Ray is singing to a star, it feels very genuine with his mix of French compliments and Louis' slow trumpet playing. Than there's the last musical number before the reprise of the opening track, Dig A Little Deeper. This is my personal favorite song in the film, and that's saying something because they're all great. Dig A Little Deeper incorporates a choir of roseate spoonbills to make it look like a church service on Sunday. It also has a great message behind it about finding what you need versus trying to get what you want. Also, Anika Noni Rose coming in with that extra verse was the perfect cherry on top. In addition to these spectacular musical numbers, Randy Newman also made a very memorable score incorporating strings and strong brass for intense scenes and some soft, subtle tunes for the quiet moments. Where the score truly shines is during Ray's death and funeral. From the sad reprise of Ma Belle Evangeline all the way up to the music slowy but surely picking up as Ray essentially becomes the brightness star in the sky next to Evangeline, this scene best showcases what a great score this film has. The song that plays during the credits, Never Knew I Needed by Ne-Yo, was also the picture bookend to the film, capturing the film's central message in a wonderfully crafted pop ballad with a beautiful piano tune.
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Where It Falters: 👆. No, seriously this film is still a 10/10 in my book, but I personally would've amended this response from Lottie to "Travis, when I said later, I really meant not ever." Still shoots the guy down but without making her speak for all women. This concludes my meaningless nitpick.
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Conclusion: The Princess and The Frog is without a doubt one of Disney's best films and Tiana is my personal favorite Disney Princess. The animation is spectacular, the characters are great, the songs are all wonderful, the voice acting is superb and it delivers a great message of finding what you need versus trying to get what you want. If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend giving this film a watch on Disney+ if you have it. Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you soon ;)
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This addition of Why It Worked is dedicated in memory of my grandmother, Margaret "Peggy" Simpson. I'll see you in Heaven Grandma.
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jaiofalltrades · 3 years
!!! dude i love bible lore too pls make it! in my country in latam catholicism is kinda. well. imposed on you bc colonization and were all born religious(? by default but i’m not anyways i now treat religion like some sort of uhh. as if i were in fandom lmaooo. this is just my interpretation some bible nerd or probably legitimately religious person is gonna kill me for this, i just know. like. yeah jesus would probably smoke weed you know. and he’s like fuck authorities they are corrupt and horrible. so true babe. and he would be a hippie if he were alive today he would definitely go to protests and stuff. oh and he would probably break the law and destroy a temple or something. private property. and then he gets kissed by this dude and it’s like. super gay because well he’s gonna rat him out for some money but he loves all of humanity even tho this guy loves and betrays him. he loves him. it’s so poetic. and also messed up. was this man written specifically to betray him? we’re they both destined to suffer, one in life and the other one punished for the rest of eternity, both sacrifices to save humankind? unable to change their fates? was this why jesus forgave judas?
and also, joseph (jesus dad. i mean. god was his father but he wasn’t jesus’ daddy. he is also kind of a bitch. but i don’t really hate him or anything. i mean yeah he’s kind of terrible but i feel like the dude can’t feel like a human. he gave us too much emotion. too much love and hate and everything. things he couldn’t have and he doesn’t understand it. so he sends his son bcause jesus will be human and he will understand. also the dude probably doesn’t know the concept of pain? like. that’s gonna fucking hurt look at your son now. he’s sweating as much as if it were actual blood. poetic), joseph was the real mvp (THE MISCONCEPTION THAT JOSEPH WAS OLD STEMS FROM THE CHURCH WANTING MARY TO STAY A VIRGIN BECAUSE THEY ARE COWARDS and probably misogyny etc. like the need for women to be “pure” oh and also it’s symbolic or something like that last time i read. if we remove that mary’s character only goes along the lines of motherhood she’s so cool dude. she has authority. joseph was just a little older than mary. he’s what? 19?) because it’s said that jesus has brothers you can’t tell me he and mary didn’t fuck. bc he’s an amazing dad. and carpenters are hot so.
ANYWAYS it’s like. your wife turns out to be pregnant but it’s not you. and she says it’s god. and you could say it’s not your child and just leave! but you decide to stay even tho you’re doubting and then some angels turn to you in dreams and assure you it’s all gods command. but i want to think joseph would have stayed even without those dreams. and well. he raises jesus. and he loves him and takes care of him. it’s his son. and he teaches him how to work on wood like he does. FATHERHOOODDDDD. and the fact that he’s his foster father? but raises him anyways. like that’s so sweet. and the part where they r running away and he protects mary and jesus isn’t that love? it’s more love than it was ever about duty. mary and him raise him normally and humbly. do they ever know what is gonna happen to him? not really. and so jesus is raised and he has so much knowledge but he also loves his parents. idk like my guy must have had visions but he just. goes along w what his mom and dad say you know!
also i’m not gonna talk about apocalipsis. i mean book of revelation bc it’s so fucking metal but it’s super full of symbolism that i don’t understand that i read when i was in six grade because it compelled me. like what do you mean this dragon that is satan with seven heads and crowns is going after this woman about to give birth that is very likely mary, who has a crown of stars, to eat the child right after it’s born. what do you mean with all of these biblically accurate angels. they’re covered in eyes because they can see everything and now look at these other angels casting eternal darkness. look at these people unable to die. all i can say is angels are all gnc like. they’re so fucking powerful and they don’t need a fucking gender. they’re too cool for thattt i want what they have lol both the artistic depictions and the historically accurate ones. so metal. also the fact that this book is written as the christians were persecuted but we can freely read it today. like it’s all written sort of in code just in case they’re talking about how the emperor is the devil which he really is. screw him.
listen all i’m saying the interpretations of white cishet christians isn’t a thing anymore like it’s not. give it to gay ppl and uhhh the rest of us! bc this is so fucking cool i think jesus would probably hate the church and the “followers” that are so selfish and hypocritical. ugh there’s so many quizzes you could make i’m kinda excited! like. what kind of biblically accurate angel are you. or which horseman of the apocalypse are you. or which archangel are you? my favorite is michael. i like angels with swords i have tons of art of him saved on my phone. like he literally defeats the devil in revelations? dude...
sorry for rambling i’m just super happy you mentioned the possibility of bible quizzes hhh
bestie you are SO RIGHT that jesus would love weed
also a bible quiz like that would be sick I would totally make an angels or apostles quiz because some of that shit the apostles did after the whole bible thing was wild (like the wizard duel? remember the wizard duel? you guys remember the non-canonical wizard duel?) but the problem is I don't know anything about it. I know plenty about greek gods but Christianity? not so much.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
The preacher’s daughter – forever and always
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Summary: Always the good girl, always the saint, you meet someone from your past leading you down the road of temptation.  
Sequel to The preacher’s daughter    & The preacher’s daughter – On the run
Pairing: Biker!Dean x Preacher!Daughter
Characters: John Winchester, Rufus Turner, Ellen Harvelle, Pastor Jim, Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester, Carson Brady, Ofc's
Warnings: angst, language, fingering, mentions of arranged marriage, virgin reader, smut, protected sex, oral (female receiving), slow sex, gentle Dean even though he’s a rough biker
A/N:  Part 3/3
Words: 3,8+ k
A/N2: Lyrics by Dusty Springfield ‘Son of a preacher man’ (did i just get an inspiration for another story?)
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Watching your father and Brady’s rush toward their car Jim calls his friend. He cannot let anyone destroy your and Dean’s happiness. 
“John, we’ve got a problem. Y/F/N is out for blood and I am afraid it is your son’s. I will meet up with you at our usual spot. Maybe that stubborn man will follow me and leave the couple alone long enough…”
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“Let me just,” Dean smirks when he picks you up in bridal style to carry you over the threshold, “bring my beautiful bride inside before I hide the car deeper down the path.”
“That’s a beautiful cabin Dean,” looking around the large but well-hidden cabin you smile. “I always imagined spending my vacations at a place like this.”
“Bobby and Rufus both built the hut,” explaining his father’s friends built the hut for their ‘wifeless’ weekends Dean carries you over the threshold. He's smiling wildly when he places you carefully on the couch.
“Stay here, I’ll get the bags. Ellen and the girls prepared the hut. We got food, and everything we will need until Jim got the license.” 
Pecking your lips Dean smirks when you wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. “Just a minute, sweetheart. I swear I’ll kiss you all over.”
“I see you around Mr. Winchester,” smirking you tug at Dean’s tie. “Did I tell you that you look good in a suit.”
“Well, Mrs. Winchester, if you want me to,” he kisses you again, soft, slow, “I’ll wear a suit for you more often.”
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Dean came back with the bags minutes later, exclaiming he will fly with you to France for honeymoon.
While you got comfortable on your husband’s demand Dean lit candles, opened the bottle of champagne John gave him, and played smooth music.
“Shit, you are so beautiful, Y/N,” Dean holds out his hand, a soft smile on his lips, “May I ask for this dance?” giggling you take his offered hand. 
Slowly swaying you to the music Dean smiles when you lean your head against his shoulder. He hums the songs for you, holding you in his arms. “I have to admit, I am an awful dancer.”
“You are a great dancer, Dean,” you hide he stepped onto your foot more than once within the last minutes. “I could dance with you for the whole night.”
“Your toes will be black and blue if we do so,” laughing Dean twirls you around, grinning as you squeal when he grabs your waist to pick you up, holding you above his head. “That’s the Swayze, sweetheart…”
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“Jim calm down and tell me what happened,” alerted John, Bobby and Ellen look at Pastor Jim, waiting for more information than his cryptic call. “Jim?”
“He was there, Y/F/N, threatened to find Y/N and force an annulment if he must. I think this is not about Y/N and Dean, it’s about Mary,” Jim huffs, falling onto a chair. “I think he never got over her rejection.”
“Jesus, Jim,” John furrows his brows before his hands ball into fists. “That was a lifetime ago. Mary and I met, we fell in love and married. She never saw more in Y/F/N than a friend. When he admitted his feelings, Mary tried to be as nice as possible. We were already engaged, Dean on his way and all,” Ellen sighs deeply, shaking her head at your father’s behavior.
“I remember that time well, John. Y/F/N never looked twice at Mary. I know they were friends but things changed and then, one day, out of the blue he admitted his love,” Bobby runs one hand down his face, nodding at Rufus who enters the clubhouse, a frown on his face.
“Someone slit my tires, just like yours, Bobby,” Rufus grumbles. “John, yours are damaged too.”
“That idjit!” Bobby curses. “I bet he came here, not finding his daughter and let out his anger on our bikes. Son of a bitch!” Rage taking over Bobby gets up to take a swig from his beer. “What now?”
“I told him Dean and Y/N are on their way to France, not a complete lie as Dean plans to spare money to have a honeymoon and all,” Jim sighs. “This is a messed-up situation. I do not know how to make Y/F/N see Dean is not you and that Mary, never belonged with him.”
“Let’s find that idjit, John. We will try to talk some sense into that man,” Bobby looks around the clubhouse, grinning as everyone nods in agreement. “We should keep the youngster out of this as no one else knows about Mary and Y/F/N.”
“I’ll come too, John. Mary talked to me after Y/F/N admitted his love,” Ellen claps her hands, looking at her partner. “Come on Bobby don’t make a face. We are talking about a preacher; he will not shoot me.”
“I called the Sheriff on my way, she said Y/F/N has no right to force Y/N to annul her marriage with Dean. She willingly married your son, we all are witnesses, even Y/N’s mother was there. We will try to talk to Y/F/N. He has must give in,” Jim gets up, smirking at John. “I always wondered if I still can ride a bike. I’ll borrow one.”
“Let’s ride then,” John smirks, looking at his ‘old gang’. “Just the oldies this time, awesome…”
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“Dean, I am a bit nervous,” you whisper, swallowing thickly while Dean hums, lost in the music and the feeling of your body against his.
“Why? Because of your daddy?” Looking at you in his arms Dean watches you lift your head to meet his gaze. You bite your lip, shaking your head.
“Sweetheart, we don’t have to do anything tonight,” Dean whispers sensing you are nervous about your first time he softly kisses your hair. “We rushed everything else. How about we take our time?”
“No,” pouting you fist his jacket. “I am nervous, but I want to have sex with you,” Dean holds back a chuckle at your serious expression.
“Baby girl, we can do it any other time,” murmuring the words he peppers soft kisses to your nose, forehead until his lips claim yours. “I’ll wait for you, Y/N.”
“I want you, Dean! You are my husband, fulfill your duty,” giggling you press your lips to Dean’s eagerly slipping your tongue into his mouth. “I don’t want to disappoint you, is all.”
“Y/N,” murmuring your name Dean presses his forehead to yours, just holding you for a moment, “you could never disappoint me, sweetheart. If someone loses his cool tonight it is me. I mean, you never had sex before and I don’t want to mess up and ruin your first time.”
“It’s with you, Dean. Nothing can go wrong,” you smile when Dean’s hands slide to your back to slowly unzip your dress. “Just don’t ruin my dress and we are good.”
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“Y/F/N, listen,” Brady’s father sighs, “I know we agreed our children marry one day, but it seems your daughter is in love with that Winchester boy. Let’s call everything off,” while Carson nods, silently agreeing to his father’s words your father hits the breaks with full force.
“We will not give up now, Brady. Your son will marry my Y/N, period,” he grunts. “I will not allow a Winchester to steal another of my girls.”
“Is this about Mary, Y/F/N?” shaking his head your father glares at Carson who tried to talk to his father. “We all know she met John Winchester and fell in love before you ever said a word about your feelings. She could not know, just like John. It’s called love, Y/F/N, we preach love every Sunday at our churches.”
“Dad is right, Mr. Y/L/N,” Carson finally finds his voice. “I was a bit forward last summer and tried to kiss, Y/N. Honestly, I struggled with alcohol and did stupid things but I will not force your daughter into marriage making us both unhappy,” glaring at your father Carson clears his throat.
“You made us believe Dean forced Y/N into marriage or worse, but she willingly married him, and I am out. You can do whatever you want, I can’t stop you, but I’ll get out of the car and drive home.”
“Right, Carson,” while the Brady’s leave your father’s car, hoping he will stop hunting you and your husband your father drives off, clenching his jaw.
“I hope he does not do anything stupid dad,” Carson sighs. “I mean, he lied to us, pretending Y/N is in danger.”
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The only one who could ever reach me
 Was the son of a preacher man
 The only boy who could ever teach me
 Was the son of a preacher man
 Yes, he was, he was, ooh, Lord knows, he was (yes, he was)
Dean sings along the song, while you giggle the whole time. He did not want to ‘go straight for the goal’, instead, Dean started with taking his jacket off, followed by his tie. Now he is busy to slowly open his button-up to distract you from your nervous state.
“I am a daughter, Dean, not a guy,” you giggle again when he drops the button-up, along with his undershirt. Your eyes roam his body, admiring the tattoo at his chest, loving it’s an orchid. “Dean?”
“An orchid for my orchid,” whispering the words Dean watches you stroke the tattoo. Your name written right next to the flower makes you sniffle. “Got it when I had to left town, Y/N.”
His lips claim yours and you lose all fear or worry when you feel his hands gently stroke your back. “Couldn’t forget about you, needed something to remind me of my girl. I remembered the orchids in your window.” You feel his lips travel along your neck, leaving little kisses all over your skin.
“Dean, I dreamed of you when you were away,” with trembling hands you touch his skin, let them travel over his back. “Love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” mumbling the words Dean presses a soft kiss to your shoulder before he looks down at your chest, wiggling his eyebrows. “I got to get rid of that bra, sweetheart,” he playfully threatens, and you squeal when he deftly unclasps the strapless bra, a big grin on his lips.
Left in your panties, stockings, and a blue garter you feel exposed at first, but the way Dean looks at you makes your heart jump in your chest. He’s carefully touching your left breast, squeezing it slightly and you gasp when his thumb brushes over your nipple.
“You’re so responsive,” you swear Dean’s eyes are three shades darker now, or it’s just your imagination but you can’t think about it for much longer as he dips his head to press a searing kiss to your lips while his other hand gropes your breast a bit rougher now.
“Going to make you feel so good, sweetheart. What do you want me to do? Touch you with my lips or fingers?” Confused you look down your body before you take Dean’s hand to press it to your mound. “Naughty girl goes for the hand right away.”
“I mean, don’t you want to,” his lips silence your worries, kiss all the tension away while his hand slips into your panties to toy with your clit. “Feels so good, Dean.”
He’s running his fingers down your clit, rounding the little nub with his fingertips before he brushes over your opening. “Let’s get more comfortable. We will not do it while standing here,” Dean moves you toward the bed, kissing you the whole time.
You drop to the bed with a giggle and a grunt from Dean. He landed on top of you, kissing his way down your body.
“Going to kiss you all over,” he threatens playfully. “Maybe even your sweet pussy,” you look flustered at Dean who grins like the devil again. “I was not joking, sweetheart.”
A peck to your lips later Dean works his way down your body. His lips start at your neck, sucking and nipping demandingly to leave a mark.
“Perfect,” his voice rougher now Dean presses a soft kiss to your shoulder before licking along your skin, down to your collarbone. The whole time his hands mirror his lips, touch the skin his lips and tongue can’t reach.
You close your eyes, gasping whilst his lips wrap around one nipple to suckle harshly at the pebbled nub. Your hands fly to his head, fisting his hair at the same time that Dean turns his attention toward your other nipple. He smirks at your reaction, rutting his erection against your core to make you cry out at his hardness.
“Dean, is it normal that you are that hard?” Innocently looking up at you, hiding he is rock-hard since he saw you in your wedding dress Dean nods, licking along your nipple. “Only for you, Y/N, now…”
Soft kisses get pressed down your tummy and you open your eyes again to watch Dean gathered the fabric of your panties with his teeth, giving you a wink.
“Dean? How?”
His hands move under your ass, encourage you to lift your body to help him get rid of the piece of clothing covering your most private part from Dean’s prying eyes. 
“There we go,” panties tossed over his shoulder Dean stares at your exposed sex, grinning again. “First the garter, sweetheart, and then I’ll eat this sweet pussy.”
You watch him grab the garter, looking at you before he turns his attention toward your body, nibbling at your thigh. He slides the garter down your leg, holding it up like bait before he stuffs it into his pants. 
“Mine to keep,” humming to himself Dean settles between your legs, spreading you on his way. “Now, let me taste your sweetness.”
Not knowing how to react or if you should do anything you watch Dean dive in to slide his tongue through your folds. He’s humming now and then, stroking your thighs with his thumbs while he lazily licks up and down your sex, never breaking eye-contact.
“Dean, it feels, oh-this is,” fisting the sheets you start grinding against his face.
Your body seems to know what to do so you shut your brain off and let your body talk to Dean. “More…”
“You’ll get more, sweetheart but for now let me just,” a finger joins his tongue, circles your entrance carefully, “open you up, Y/N.”
His finger slips inside, and you wiggle slightly, not used to feeling anything bigger than a tampon inside your body. “If you want me to stop, tell me so, Y/N. I need to know if you feel uncomfortable.”
Dean’s concern makes you smile. “It feels odd, but you do not hurt me, Dean. I want more,” licking your lips you look at his hand. “Two?”
“My baby gets two fingers,” adding another finger Dean starts curling his digits, pressing a whimper out of you just when he brushes over the spot making you squirm. “Going to scissor my fingers to open you up a little.”
Dean almost purrs against your flesh when he dives back in. Two fingers knuckle deep, curling he wraps his lips around your sensitive nub, and you feel something happening in your belly. 
There is a knot forming and you do not know if you like it or not, but you arch off the bed feeling the knot tighten. “Dean I…uh-baby, fuck,” you cry out, hit by an unexpected orgasm.
“There is my girl,” Dean grins up at you, still curling his fingers. “Knew you can make it, baby girl. How do you feel?”
“Good, so good, Dean. I want more,” whining you watch Dean slips his fingers out of your slit. “Can I have more?”
“Sweetheart, I’ll give you more in a minute, just let me get rid of my pants,” Dean smirks, hastily leaving the bed to get rid of his clothing. Pants end up on the couch, his socks hang from the lamp and we do not talk about his boxers on the table.
“Dean, you look, damn,” biting your index finger you glance at Dean’s penis, admiring the way it bobs when he walks toward you. 
“Let me fetch a condom and we can start making you my dirty girl,” giggling again you nod eagerly, watching Dean dip one knee into the mattress. “Just tell me if you need me to stop.”
You hold out your arms, shaking your head when Dean still hesitates. “I want you to…you know, make love to me,” you whisper watching Dean roll the condom over his length.
Watching you spread your legs wider Dean kneels between your thighs. He admires your body, for a moment before his eyes meet yours and his heart flutters. “Love you, sweetheart.”
He’s covering your body, moves one hand behind the back of your head to bring you closer to his lips. “Just let me,” you can feel him run the tip up and down your sex, coating his length with your slick, “love you.”
For a moment you feel pressure when he slowly presses into you. His right-hand grips your thigh, holding it in a tight grip while he sinks further into you. Dean moans when you grip his biceps, digging your blunt nails into his flesh when he finally bottoms out.
You blink a few times, ludicrous as Dean’s body is flush against yours. “That’s odd,” you chuckle looking down your body. “Dad wasn’t right. I mean, there is no pain or hellfire. I feel stuffed and I can feel you twitch.”
“How do you feel?” Dean whispers into your ear, moving his right hand to the small of your back to press your body to his warm chest. “Does anything hurt?”
“I want to feel you move, Dean. I want to know how it feels when you,” biting your lip you look up at Dean. “Fuck me.”
“Bad girl, naughty even,” his lips hungrily meet yours, not that innocently anymore. “We will fuck later, tonight we will make love, Y/N.”
Disappointed you feel Dean slide back out, feeling empty you pout. Dean stills, just holding the tip inside, a grin on his lips. Before you can protest he slides back in, making you gasp at the force. 
Your hands move over his back, caressing the skin as he slowly moves inside of you. There is a pressure building up, more intense than before and you want nothing more than to experience another high. 
While Dean holds you against his body, giving you harder thrusts you can’t stop the moans leaving your lips. It’s like Dean broke all seals and now you are lost in the pleasure he gives you, not caring about rules or being ‘a good girl’ any longer.
Your legs wrap around his waist, your hand's paw at his back, and to Dean’s surprise, you raise your head to look him straight in the eyes. “Fuck me, Dean. Make me your dirty girl.”
“Jesus, Y/N,” cursing Dean speeds up, too close to his release he fights against his body, imagining anything but you calling his name, writhing on his dick while you beg him to take you like his dirty girl. “I am going to, fuck me, please. Oh-shit, baby please cum for me.”
Eagerly rolling your hips to meet Dean’s thrusts you throw your head back, crying out Dean’s name before pleasure takes over and you fall back onto the pillow a smirk on your lips. “Damn, Dean.”
“Y/N,” collapsing on top of you Dean buries his face into your neck, moaning your name. “I never came harder, baby girl.”
“Can’t say the same,” giggling you ruffle Dean’s hair, making him laugh against your skin. “I bet no man could make me cum harder.”
“I am your husband, no one but me makes you cum,” humming you close your eyes, enjoying the afterglow. “I love you, baby girl.”
“Love you too, my big bad biker boy…”
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“End of line Y/F/N. Cut the crap and let's talk like men,” John sighs, not letting your father pass. “Mary and me, we did not know anything about your feelings. Back then we were in love, I proposed and we married.”
“I loved her, and you stole her, Winchester,” your father spats, pointing toward John’s bike. “You are the devil and seduced her with your cigarettes, the leather jacket, and bike. She should’ve been my wife, not yours.”
“Enough!” Ellen steps toward your father, clenching her fists. “You will not destroy Y/N’s luck out of jealousy. Mary, she was a good woman, loved her children and John. I was the one she turned to after you told her about your feelings. Mary was torn between clarifying that she only loves John and that she’s expecting his child and not wanting to hurt you, her friend.”
“She was pregnant back then,” your father gasps, stepping backward, placing one hand onto his heart. “I did not know. I thought I got a chance.”
“Y/F/N, she loved you like a friend or brother. Mary’s heart only belonged to John, till the end. I am sorry, but that’s the truth,” Ellen’s voice is softer now, full of compassion. “I know it’s hard to lose someone you love, I lost my Billy,” she sniffles now, giving your father a cracked smile.
 “But the old geezer over there,” she points toward Bobby, giving him a soft smile, “is my second love and I do not love him less, just differently. You have got a wonderful wife, a beautiful daughter and soon you will have grandchildren. Do not mess things up, even more, you already missed her wedding. Give her love a chance and we can, if they agree, have a second wedding at your church.”
“Grandchildren, oh, Lord,” falling to his knees, folding his hands your father cries silently, “what have I done.”
“Nothing you can’t fix, Y/F/N. Stop the hatred and let your daughter have her life. We can arrange a second wedding with you leading her down the aisle and marrying her to my son,” John holds out his hand, gripping your father’s hand tightly when he takes it. “I am sorry you loved Mary and lost her, but I lost her too.”
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“I do,” smiling wildly you watch Dean put the ring on your finger for a second time. As promised everyone helped to arrange a second wedding, at your father’s church, with your father marrying you to Dean.
“My last words to the newlyweds are private. I must apologize for my stubbornness, for the bad words, and judging this fine young man. I will try to be a better man, husband, father, and man of this church to fulfill the promise I made to my wife and Mary Winchester’s grave. I promise to be the father Y/N deserves, the husband my beloved wife deserves, and the man offering his blessings to the men and women of the MC Purgatory…”
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Walking out of the church, holding Dean’s hand you remember the first time you met Dean all those years ago. His green eyes shone, and you knew, you will marry him one day, and you did… 
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Kait Reacts To The AE 3/?
Hi! These reactions are written out every time a Chatroom opens and it’s done over the course of the day. So, you’re watching me react in real time as it is for me. So, Spoilers AHOY. Expect Another post like this tomorrow, there is just too many chats to put it all in one post. So, hey, if you click this, you’re opening yourself to spoilers, you make the choice.
[19:11 + Visual Novel]
Okay, oh boy. Saeran made a chatroom that’s safe for us. That was really fast in a short amount of time so I’m always awed at how fast and he and Saeyoung are able to make progress and work because it’s so... quick. It almost seems like it should be impossible when they work. So, he did it. Though, now that that has been done, he admits that we need to talk about what’s coming now. He wants to find out what he can. 
There’s no choice. 
We have to see this through and we have to find Saeyoung. He’s not going to run in without thinking and that’s my boy. He knows what we’re doing here and how risky it could be. I knew that we were going to go with him because of the passport package, that literally implied that either we were going to have a time for a honeymoon by the end of this route, or we were going to travel with the RFA to find Saeyoung, or Saeran and the player traveling. 
That was easy to surmise! 
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That being said, I feel like I should point how the fusion of Suit Saeran and Ray as he becomes Saeray or GE Saeran. He’s not quite both of them pushed into one place and he’s not quite one or the other, he’s own person with the past and experiences of those two. So, he has the memories of both to draw back on and see when he wants to know. They both had different memories and experiences so when they came together, those personalities met and united. 
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I won’t lie, it warms my heart when Saeran says that my heart warmed his and helped him. He did that for me and he doesn’t even know it. 
What strikes me as odd here is the fact that everyone keeps saying over and over that we, the player, are the reason that things are the way that they are. I don’t know, it feels like Reset Theory to me or them breaking the fourth wall for some reason. I’m not controlling everything, as far as they know, so maybe they just are being modest. 
I don’t know, it’s a theme that keeps persisting and bugging me as I’m playing because: I’m not the one that broke free of the control and manipulation, Saeran, you did that yourself. I may have helped you see it but you decided and did that.  I appreciate them noting that I helped along the way but I’m just MC. I’m just here for the ride. Is that tone bothering anyone else?
Anyways, as I expected, Saeran asked us to come with him. I note that there is a parallel to Seven’s Bad Ending. You can tell him that you want to leave and never look back at anyone. That likely leads to a Bad Ending but I’m not going to click that. The goal here is to be a peacekeeper and a middleman who is also concise and blunt. 
Although, Saeran is a little intense here. I hope he knows that I’d die for him just as fast as he’d die for me. 
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Anyways, the novel jumps over to Saeyoung at the last second. He is awake again. The Boss says: “You’re awake. Now, let’s wait and see if your knight will make it in time by the end of the day.” 
Okay, that’s not good. 
Oh, and you receive a phone call after this! It’s from Jumin’s Dad. My god, I got a call from Driver Kim after the 4PM chat, but I never thought I would speak to Jumin’s Dad. Chairman is curious... too curious. He wants to know more about what happened with V. Somehow... he knows that V used the smoke bomb and that made me confused. Did Saeran say something about V? How can he know? And, this man called me from Zen’s phone!
It didn’t have a lock.
Zen hates modern technology. 
I wasn’t going to tell Chairman Han about Rika, or anything. He isn’t sure why V did what he did. I told him to ask Jumin. I know his dad worries about Jumin for real but I’m not gonna spill the beans. We can’t do that. He does sound like he does care even though we know he and Jumin are strained. So, I can’t fault him for that but one my biggest questions is: How did V know the agency? Was his dad involved? 
The agency is told to us by Saeran to be one that is a big ring... the biggest in the world. So... rich people would use it. Did Jumin’s dad get involved in that or even Jihyun’s dad? is that how? 
He also says that he is a bit jealous of ours and Saeran’s love. 
Tells us about his forlorn love-life.
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He wishes that we can find Saeyoung, at least. Oh, and remember the Agency saying that they were going to slander the RFA and C&R? Yeah, this is already in motion.
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AND THAT’S NOT ALL. SAEYOUNG CHOI. NO. I know you don’t want us to come because it’s a trap but... I’m so worried about you honey. I’m so worried about you right now. I know he can survive hell. He didn’t sleep, eat, or drink for three days on the HBC mission. But... this isn’t good. He can access the safe chat, too. It’s just Saeran, myself, and him. But... what about the agency? 
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While I do love being able to see young Saeran... I don’t like the context of why Rika is doing this. So, Saeran comes into the chatroom. We talk about his time at the cathedral. He makes it clear that... he feels complicated about his mother, yes, she was a monster to him, but that was his only family at the time. He didn’t have Saeyoung. He didn’t want to lose that last connection. He said that every person at the church was nice to him. 
But, he never saw Rika or Jihyun as a mother or father. Just people looking out for him. In all honesty, I really never wanted Saeran to have to talk to Rika ever again. I hated that he was going to have to go through this again because that last talk with her on day 10 was perfect. He spoke his peace and said she would never have power over him again. 
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Rika’s point here... I’m not sure. She feels like they were a family, like they were close and happy. She clearly wants to rip the rug from under Saeran and bring him down again. She tries to bring up his mother, bring up family, try to guilt him into this. Guilt him into leaving alone. I don’t like it. Rika wants to make herself feel better about what happened. 
She doesn’t even... It’s all about how she phrases this. It’s all about, “What about me? What about ME? What am I supposed to do to be a good parent?” Ma’am, you lost that right. You don’t get to ask that to him. You don’t get to be his mother or claim him. He’s not an object. He’s not toy. He’s a person with feelings and he won’t be spun by you. 
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I appreciate how Saeran can just... ignore her. I respect that. I trust that. I am so proud of him for ignoring and not giving into her whims. That takes a lot of real strength with real abusers. It’s not easy. I’m proud of that. Now here’s where the game tries to smack the fuck out of me and I don’t know what to think about how they are phrasing it. 
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Okay, so, now she’s claiming that she’s split into fragments as well. I’m not going to comment on her mental health here. Your actions are not excused no matter what you may suffer from. Own up to what you do, learn, grow, change, but do not expect people to forgive you or make up with you. You are owed nothing at all when you do bad things. And, even with DID, the actions as the system as a whole come together. One action puts everyone at risk. So, even if she suffers from a form of DID/OSDD, they better not being try to say that she’s excused because “Devil Did It.” 
That’s not how this works. 
Suit Saeran admitted he fucked up. He took responsibility. Ray admits he made a lot of mistakes. He owns up to it. Everyone in the system takes responsibility for what happens. That’s just how it works. So, I don’t know what Rika is trying to do but... trying to make Saeran think they’re the same isn’t right. It’s just back to gaslighting. 
Trying to trick him. 
Even if I’m utterly wrong about Rika, this isn’t how you behave. In Rika Behind Story, they try to say Mika is at fault too, but Mika only helped Rika go through with it, and when Mika died, Rika kept doing it. She could have stopped and she didn’t. She made the drugs. Stole money to make her cult. ETC. Okay, she is in the wrong. She knows it. She admitted it. So, uh, Rika just stop talking you are giving me a headache. No matter how you spin it, ma’am, you’re wrong. 
Anyways, we jump to the Visual Novel and now Saeran and myself are on the run here. We left the hospital and headed out. We’re going to the apartment. He said that V owned it. You can even say that you [used to live in this area]. This uh, Reset Theory fear I had earlier is starting to really scare me a lot. I don’t know if it’s a jest or... 
I don’t know. 
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The agency has made their attack. Saeyoung made a deal with Chairman Han in the background. You can call him and talk to him and Driver Kim after this chat, so do that if you can. Chairman Han tells us that Saeyoung cared for the RFA and wanted to help support Jumin after he sold the rights to C&R for his drinks. He gets nothing. It was meant for children in need. But, the Agency is using the offers sent to C&R and Jaehee to blow things up. 
Saeran knows that this is going to be bad. 
We both know it’s about to get really bad. It’s going to be hard to fight this sort of thing. Why are so many of these options self-aware? Is this just me? Am I the only one with this issue? 
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Hm. Okay, so, Driver Kim gets to talk to us about Jumin. That man loves and cares for him and has been looking over him since he was a kid. He can’t believe V did what he did. He just can’t. He said V was cold before... he did photography, which makes a lot of sense to me. My God, I... it’s just a lot to take in. Don’t worry, Driver Kim is looking after Jumin and Jaehee.
I’m still iffy about Chairman Han. He has always... not been the best dad but I know in his own way he loves his son. Even if I don’t agree with the way that he shows his love. 
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No but really... my self-aware paranoia...
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So, this chat is a Rika and V chat. V sends us the passcode for the apartment to use. It seems strange enough... the title of the chat says that it’s supposed to be normal chit-chat, but it’s not. We know that. It’s just a deceptive factor used to go and trick you into thinking that things will be okay. Here’s the thing, this gives us a lot more insight into what’s happening with V and Rika. I knew what was going on to an extent. 
This only further confirms that Rika is far too gone. It’s all about Rika, and what Rika feels and nothing else. There’s a few hints and teased at the Rika Behind Story and what she did with Mika in the apartment. V gave her the building, the entire thing. He owns the whole thing. That’s why... ah, there is a bomb. Nobody will die because it’s just an empty building. 
Now, I can’t even imagine being the MC in the Casual/Deep Routes because you are literally alone in a high floor of an abandoned apartment building but you don’t know that. Oh, my God. She talks about how she make Mint Eye there and my God, the banter between Rika and V here...
God, there’s so much pettiness? 
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At the end of the day, we know that Jihyun feels himself a martyr. He wants to burn down with the building. He’s prepared to do it. He is prepared to suffer and weep and that is it. He’s taken that. He’s accepted Rika’s “devil” only because he knows nobody else can suffer if he takes her away. I don’t like that, and he does know that he’s wrong here. 
But, we know... I guess, that he still cares. 
Even if he’s willing to play the part of something that left them all behind and turned against them to suffer forever. 
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He says that Jumin and C&R will be doomed. It’s not good. They’re making more and more threats. They aren’t the ones that are doing this but they say that they are involved with the ones that did it. But, they are working with them by having that deal and honestly, that’s not okay. They both are ignoring it for their own reasons. I still think that Rika wants to have the boys killed for her own safety and to get away. I don’t know if that’s what will happen but she keeps saying it has to be Saeran alone, and Saeyoung alone.
I don’t trust that. 
And, I won’t. 
Either way, there’s a really short Visual Novel. We arrive there and it’s... quiet, and it’s not a good sign. I never thought that we’d be here again, but we are and I don’t know what to think. So, we’re going to try in the morning so... that’s a thought to be had.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Caster’s Den Pt 2 (Child Hakuno, Iskander, Waver, Gilgamesh)
Previously: One
The rumble and roar of the chariot could be felt and heard all around them. He could barely hold on, his grip on the wooden ride was making his stomach churn something worse. He could see the world beneath them, the roads and the lampposts flashing by them.
The girl nearby whooped and cheered as the chariot rode on.
Iskander was laughing, whipping the reins and riding on.
“R-RIDER,” Waver yelled, but there was no point. His stomach was really twisting up now. He needed this torture to end. He needed to find a place to curl up for a while and reacquaint with the feel of Earth’s rotation.
“FASTER FASTER!” Hakuno called.
God help him, but the girl was going to be remaining with those two elders and he was scrubbing her memory the moment they got back to the house. No exceptions.
“My house is right there!”
They stopped the chariot, slamming him against the front of the chariot. The neighborhood was a joke, shambles and crumbling cement walls on either side of them. The girl climbed down, bouncing up and down as she held out her hand.
“I gotta have an adult! I can’t write.”
Of course she couldn’t.
Waver cursed as he climbed down, wavering on his feet a moment before he stumbled.
“Come on, boy. We’ve got a message to leave for her parents.”
“We do,” Hakuno agreed, smiling proudly up to Rider. “My house is right over here. We’ll be really quick just to be safe.”
Yeah, sure.
Waver followed the two, looking around as he pulled out his gloves and put them on.
The blood splatters met his gaze as they went to the broken down front doors. There were signs of struggle here and there. The nail marks on the floor caught his attention as Iskander bowed low and slipped into the low hallway.
“Ah- King is too big,” Hakuno giggled. “Maybe he can take me?”
“Waver is good with the notes and things. He will help you while I watch the outside.” Iskander agreed. The man grinned as Hakuno leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek.
This was a crime scene in the open.
They couldn’t leave a note.
The more he looked at the knives on the floor and the blood splatters and mana circuits carved out and left on the floor, the more he found himself steeling around the truth. Hakuno would never be able to leave a note. If she did, then she would end up bringing the police to their doorstep.
While the church saw to many things in regards to the war, Hakuno would be killed.
No one was to know of the grail war outside of the participants in this city.
“I’ve got some paper in my room. I have a crayon too.” Hakuno hurried along the hallway, running to one of the open doors and slipping inside. “We can use the gold crayon since gold is my favorite!”
“Gold on paper? No one will be able to read your note,” Waver warned.
“Will Red be okay?”
Did she mean Iskander?
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Waver called back, “Let’s hurry this up, Hakuno!”
He would write the note, make a show of leaving it, then he would stuff it in his pocket and burn it later. That would have to do.
“I don’t have any blank pages so we gotta use this picture!” Hakuno held up the drawing, showing him the image of a golden blob.
“What’s this?”
“It’s the ultimate warrior. The king knights of all kings!” Hakuno wiggled happily, beaming amongst the blood splatters around them and waving her drawing. “He has golden hair like those foreigners because he comes from a foreign land. I gave him really big armor so that no one can stop him and so he can fit all his muscles!”
Dear lord, children.
Waver rubbed at his forehead, taking the drawing and setting it on the table. Her red crayon would have to do for now.
“What am I writing?”
“Umm…” Hakuno hummed. “Write, ‘Your treasure is being watched by Rider and Greeny. Please come find her soon. She is sad without you, but she is being cared for a lot.’”
This was the weirdest note he’d ever written.
“Okay!” Hakuno took the paper from him, but her face fell. Instead of setting it somewhere, she held her paper closer.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just… I don’t want to leave my Goldie Pictures behind. What if my mom and dad don’t come to get me?”
They really didn’t have time for this. The girl was going to get him caught and arrested by the police and, while he could borrow money to get to Japan for this war, there was no assurance that he could get money to bail himself out… or for court costs. Was this one of those lands that demanded one prove their innocence?
“Goldie…” Hakuno bit her lip a moment before she shook her head. “No, I have to be a good helper. He will be noticed by my mom and dad fast. He is a great fighter, after all.”
Bravado on high, she moved to the fridge and pressed a magnet to the picture, nodding as she pulled back.
“It’s your job to let my mom and dad find King and Greeny, Goldie!”
She turned, rushing through the violent aftermath of a place and straight to Rider’s side. Her smile was bright as she looked up at him.
He was giving himself one minute.
First thing’s first, the picture had to be pulled. He shoved it into his pocket and headed down the hallway, entering the room that Hakuno had been in. The drawers were pulled, clothes yanked out enough to keep her clothed for a couple days. He’d have the couple hosting him as ‘family’ find her some clothes for once he took care of her memory.
The small bag in the corner would work for carrying it.
Waver nodded at the room, going against his better judgement and snagging the girl’s crayons on his way out.
She needed something to do.
“Greeny!” Hakuno waved from the chariot, where Rider was picking up the reins and giving him a nod.
“Let’s get back,” Waver told them. “We’ll investigate more tomorrow.”
For now, he needed some medicine and some rest.
A paper went tumbling out behind the chariot as it rode off.
Glancing around at the decrepit land around him, the servant materialized quietly. His eyes fell to the crumbled paper, picking it up and unfolding it from its deplorable state.
Red eyes surveyed the writing, an eyebrow rising quietly as that gaze went to the golden mass.
He’d seen many images like it before.
A king got used to the affectionate children’s images inscribed upon clay and rock. The colors were a nice touch, a far more rich departure from his usual solemn images. There was no missing the squiggles around the page.
Perhaps they were the artist sharpening her tool once more, but he was a wise king.
No, the artist had managed to foresee his being here.
An oracle was in existence in this time and place, just in time for the war.
What’s more, the message.
His smirk was unavoidable. His eyes drifted towards the direction that Rider went with his fool of a master.
“How noble of you to keep watch over what’s mine for me.”
The paper was slipped into his gates.
He turned, listening to the sounds of trees rustling in the wind.
Later, he would need to find an opportunity to speak with the other kings in this war, without the fighting. Perhaps a banquet was in order.
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Inside Jokes and References in the Full Bios
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Mainly for @spacelizardtrashboys and @kuruumiya
Also: Any time strikethrough text is used it's because it's meant to be secret information, for example on the small bios any time 'Lucifarian' truly isn't their last name their is strikethrough test after saying that it's not their real name. This is to say that no matter what is written or if it's strikethrough text or not, it is there for a reason.
Damien - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for him refers back to his 'King of Hell' gimmick, as does his middle name, Rex means king.
He's protective, like a dad, but also way too overprotective over the gimmicks for the girls. He's an old, old school guy so he enjoys card games with the boys.
He's supposed to sound like a young Hugh Laurie, mainly because if I heard a young Hugh Laurie say Damien's bio quote I wouldn't be able to take him seriously.
His main finisher (Seventh Circle) refers back to (a) him being the king of hell and (b) the seventh circle is for violence, and well, he's a wrestler, that's a pretty violent job.
He calls fans both 'peasants' and his 'loyal subjects' because he's like an asshole-ish king who'd quickly be dethroned if they rebelled.
Vickie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for her refers back to her gimmick along with the old saying 'pride comes before the fall'.
She's called 'Victoria' because of both (a) it meaning victory and (b) the fact that Queen Victoria ruled back when Britain had an empire, then the empire fell (as in pride [Vickie] before a fall)
Both Her and Damien are born in August and are the only two to share a birth month as they are Father and Daughter (non-kayfabe, as in they share DNA)
She's raised Christian as back when she was growing up England was a lot more Christian than when she became an adult so she got lax in her beliefs
Her personality is supposed to make her come across as a vain, rich, arse of a person, yet deep down she's still redeemable, she's got a long way to go before she actually redeems herself though
She's the type of person who makes sure EVERY little detail of her matches and promos are PERFECT to the point that she will control what other people do or say, down to the moment it's said/done and the way it's said/done
She only likes the other D.O.D (Daughters of Darkness) members because she has only made enemies in the short while they've been in the company, she especially dislikes George 'The Animal' Steele because of his very messy style going against her 'everything should be perfect' views
She's the leader, the brain and the mouth because of her control over the group, if she let them have more control, there might be less arguments about her amount of control
Her named moves are also references to both her gimmick and other things. Beheader is named because of the Tudor monarchs of England having kind of a thing for killing people in this way (ex. Henry VIII).
Lineage Ender is named that because if she ever botches that one specific move (it'll make sense in context/ she does it during a training scene) it could end either her own Lineage or the person she's doing it to.
Lion's den is called that because she traps them in a near-inescapable crucifix pin, and normally if someone goes into a den of Lions, they aren't escaping in one piece.
Family Pride is named that because not only is her gimmick the sin of pride, but she's got pride in her family and she's her dad's 'pride and joy' because she's his only child.
Wish for this (her main finishing move) is called that because it's an inside joke of "you're gonna 'wish for this' to be over soon"
As she's Damien's blood daughter, a 'prodigal son' joke seemed somewhat appropriate.
Billie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the Guerreros and the whole 'Latin lover' trope
She was born in February because of Valentine's day, hence why her birthday is two days before the 14th
She's 1/2 Cuban (just in general - both Mexican and Cuban culture is interesting to me) But she's 1/2 Cuban in case I ever need to write for Razor Ramon, I can get away with making the joke of 'my Cuban accent's better than yours'.
Her casual style is 'Suggestive' because how else is Lust supposed to dress.
She dislikes Hulk Hogan because she finds him incredibly annoying and she dislikes Jesse Ventura because she dislikes his fashion choices.
I imagine her uncle Hugo looks like Luis Guzman and her dad's like Raul Julia. Try to imagine those two wrestling as a luchador tag team.
Her mother was basically a valet to her dad, which was usually Billie's role before she was part of the D.O.D.
Her move name references are all song references: Love me Tender - Elvis' song of the same name, Personal Aphrodite - a reference to / joke on 'Personal Jesus', Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye's song of the same name.
Also, I hope to eventually use the joke 'The Babe, the babe with the power,' 'What power?' 'Power of voodoo' 'Who do?' 'You do' 'Do what?' 'Remind me of the babe' because of one of her commentary nicknames being 'The Babe'
P.G - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is in reference to her being greed and (right at the start of the story) her thoughts on money actually being able to buy her happiness
her surname 'Voronin' means crow, and well, crows like shiny things, like money
she wears 'fancy but simple' clothing because if she bought designer clothes she'd be in debt, but she still wants to look like she has more money than everyone else
she's cowardly in a Jimmy Hart way, she'll piss someone off during a promo and run away once she feels like she's in danger
she's a showman because she's more show than work, meaning she works exceptionally quick matches.
Her moves are basically jokes on the fact that she is greed, such as Gold-digger and Diamond Ring. However, Money Maker is also a joke on the fact that it's a facebuster and usually an actor's face is called their 'money maker'
She hates Hulk Hogan and Sgt slaughter because of how patriotic they are
Kirby - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to (a) the fact that she's Gluttony, (b) her being the only one who wears a mask constantly and (c) her basically being the group's scare tactic against people who think they can push them around.
I am planning on eventually making her a part of the machines, maybe as a valet, maybe as a wrestler, not 100% sure as of right now
Her mother is the Norwegian-Scottish one and her father is the Irish-Welsh one
She is the tallest (not the heaviest, that's Damien) but she's still 9 inches shorter than André.
She's willing to bleed hardway, but hates blading
She hates Big John Studd because of his disrespect, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's obnoxiously 'American', she dislikes Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid because they are so insistent on calling her '1/4 Icelandic' whenever she talks about being 1/4 Norwegian. She hates Brutus Beefcake because he's just 'so, so much' energy-wise.
She's always been tall, always shorter than André though, she was 5'6" when she was 12, which is still taller than Sam, P.G and Eli.
Kirby's the best at using folk tales and mythology references in her promos and still keeping them dark and scary.
Her speaking voice is Jessica Hynes, but I imagine her singing voice (which will be important later) to be that of Deee-lite's Lady Miss Kier. On that note, I will be putting up a post on this part of the fic's canon.
Feeding Frenzy is meant to look similar to Roddy's wild punches, hence the 'frenzy' part of the name.
Organ grinder is named because it's meant to look really hard (like she's putting all her force and weight into it) as if she's grinding her opponents organs
Hungry for Blood is an in-joke of during her toughest matches she seems hungry to give the fans the sight of blood
Consummation is a joke of 'the match will soon be over, the match will soon be concluded, or consummated' not the sex-based meaning of that word.
Number of the beast, which is 666, is a reference to the 619, and is a modified 619 basically.
Vampire's Bite is a reference to her sitout jawbreaker looking like she could possibly bite someone's neck, like a vampire, as she performs the move
I didn't want to call her chops, chops, so I made a joke of 'oh it's chopping, like a butcher's knife'
Overfeeding is another basic gluttony reference. Cheshire Grin is a facelock-based joke. Let Them Eat Cake is a butt=cake joke
The ogress is a thinly-veiled way of the commentary team calling her ugly, because why else would she be the only one in a mask
Holly - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is written that way because I always wanted her to sound like she comes from New Jersey
She's very cuddly towards the rest of the D.O.D and thus gets called a teddy bear by the others
She's Pansexual because she doesn't care what your gender is, she loves people just being themselves
She's the only ginger because I've never seen a ginger wrestler from New Jersey
She was raised Catholic but lost her faith upon realising how bad gay people are treated by the church (Holly literally just goes "Y'all it is 1984, how are y'all gonna reject people based on who they love?")
Holly's very much the person who'll ask permission to cut a promo on someone but won't tell them how harsh she's going to be
She's the group's mom friend (mum friend?)
Before she started travelling with another member of the group (Holly travels with Sam a lot) she would accidentally no-show events
She does accidentally give incredibly stiff shots
Holly likes Gorilla Monsoon because their friendship is very much a weird pseudo-dad-daughter friendship, so basically, she's using him as her new dad
Her voice is Angie Harmon because I think Harmon sounds like a badass from New Jersey
Naptime, Dirt Nap and Lullaby are jokes of 'I'm gonna knock you out'
Eli - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a joke of 'this is why she doesn't do a lot of promos'
She's the most likely to be on one of those 'too hot for TV' blooper reels from her promos
Both she and Sam hate people taller than them
Sam - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the fact that her tattoos are her 'masterpiece'
she dresses athletically because she's always ready for a fight, especially because she's usually the one picking fights
She likes Lou because he's like a crazy uncle to her and she likes George Steele because, unlike Vickie, she likes the wild man side of his gimmick
She's voiced by Melissa Etheridge because she's still feminine but is the most masculine sounding
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Robert Finley Interview: Ready for the Race
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At the risk of sounding cliché, it’s truly been a long, often hard road for blues and soul singer Robert Finley. On his new album Sharecropper’s Son (out tomorrow on Easy Eye Sound), he delves into his past. Ever since he hooked up with Dan Auerbach on 2017′s Goin Platinum!, Finley’s 60-year backstory has been more often chronicled in the mainstream, from being born and raised in Bernice, Louisiana and enlisting in the army as a teenager to suffering from a car accident, a divorce, and eventually ending his carpentry career after being deemed legally blind. And yes, he never gave up and eventually got lucky, being discovered busking by Music Maker Relief Foundation, touring, releasing an album, and eventually establishing a long-term collaborative relationship with Auerbach. Yet, until now, Finley hasn’t written about his early childhood, being raised along with his 7 siblings on a crop share in Louisiana.
Sharecropping refers to an agricultural legal arrangement where a landowner allows a tenant to use land in exchange for the share of the crops produced. It was a popular arrangement in the South from the Reconstruction to Jim Crow years following the abolishment of slavery; in reality, it was just another way for white Americans to maintain economic hegemony over Black Americans. “You get all the work, and the money never seems to come,” Finley told me over the phone in March from his home in Louisiana. “You always break even, and unless you own the farm, you really didn’t benefit. The checks from the cotton and from the corn didn’t come in your name.” In other words, Finley said, “Sharecroppers don’t get their share.”
Sharecropping was backbreaking, “out in the hot red sun,” Finley sings on the album’s title track, “where the work is never done,” Auerbach’s blistering guitar and keyboards shimmering like rays from the sun. That said, Finley never realized how rough things truly were. “We were poor and didn’t know it,” he told me, citing the fact that because they were never hungry, he actually thought they were rich. “We had cows. We had chickens. We had hogs. We had fresh milk...It was like we were really living it up!” he said. Moreover, since many of their neighbors didn’t have direct access to fresh food, Finley’s father would share their bounty, from meat to vegetables. And, as the youngest son, he spent a lot of time helping his mom in the kitchen, citing that experience as partially inspiring his love of cooking to this day.
With Sharecropper’s Son, Finley is not trying to provide a list of lamentations. “It’s not a pity party,” he said. Even more than not going hungry, Finley cites his father’s optimism and generosity as formative. “My dad, in his religious beliefs, always hoped for better things and a brighter tomorrow...at the end of the day, after picking the cotton, or pulling the corn, we had plenty to give away. I don’t know if my dad sold some of it, but I think he did way more giving than selling.” Eventually, his father “wised up” and gave up sharecropping, and to this day, Finley’s brothers and sisters, despite only his oldest and youngest sister graduating from school, live comfortably. Notably, Finley also holds where he grew up near and dear to his heart. On “Country Child”, he juxtaposes harsh memories of cotton fields with yearning for the more comforting aspects of the South, especially country girls who “give you a country smile.” He mentioned me that the sparse population of rural Louisiana meant that he had to cross rivers just to see his neighbors, but also that folks in a many mile radius knew each other well, to the point that “you could get a couple boards and put them in front of your house, and someone would ask you what you’re doing with them.”
Above it all, Finley learned from both his father’s mindset and his own ability to overcome. “That’s why I tell my story / So you could start dreaming too,” he sings on “My Story”, while the hand percussion-laden “Starting To See” details the symbolic perspective on life he gained after losing his sight. And the album ends with spiritual gospel waltz “All My Hope”. Even better, Finley offers himself up for his listeners, on tracks like “I Can Feel Your Pain”, a church organ hymn where he empathizes with folks suffering from everything from COVID-19 to police brutality. It’s why he stays positive and keeps on keeping on. As someone who walked again after an accident despite the odds and who was “discovered’ so late in life, he doesn’t let practicality tamper his ambitions. “Like a horse in the stall,” he said, “I’m ready for the race.”
Below, read my conversation with Finely, edited for length and clarity.
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Since I Left You: What made you want to sing more autobiographically this time around?
Robert Finley: I guess it was a chance to express myself and talk about these true stories. It’s not a made-up fantasy. It’s real life. It’s a chance to tell what life was like being a sharecropper. I was talking to all my siblings--4 brothers and 3 sisters, so there were 8 of us. My youngest sister doesn’t remember that much about it, but I’m the second youngest, so I wanted to get it out while all of us siblings would be able to form their opinion on it.
SILY: Would you say that the pandemic and the reckoning around the Black Lives Matter movement and subsequent increased awareness among White Americans gives these songs extra resonance?
RF: Yeah, I feel like it really opened the world’s eyes to what’s really going on. A lot of times, things happen we just don’t want to talk about, but that don’t stop ‘em from happening. In this case, it was a blessing to be writing about the right thing at the right time. 
Even me and Dan Auerbach meeting, that was heaven intervention, too. What do a 30-something year old man and a 67-year old man have in common that can reach the people? It would have to be the music. Music is not a racial thing. Music, to us, is what comes from the heart and goes to the heart. If you need a blood donor or kidney donor, you’re not gonna ask what color the person was or what race the person was who’s giving the blood and giving the kidney. The whole purpose is for you to get the kidney and stay alive. Music is pretty much the same thing. Even if people can’t speak the language, they can feel the vibes of the music. There’s always somebody that can translate what the artist is really saying, but if the music is right, and the message in the music is right, it really doesn’t matter what color the person is or where they come from. It’s all about what comes from the heart and goes to the heart. 
That’s where my songwriting comes in. To be able to reach out and touch people, because you want to give people something they can feel, that they can relate to. Not just a cool beat, not just a pretty voice, or whatever. The song needs to have a message that people can relate to. [And] as far as whether it’s soul, blues, country-western, jazz--if you’re looking for rock and roll, you can find it on the album, if you’re looking for soul, if you’re looking for country and western. It’s got a little of everything. That was the goal, and hopefully it’s being accomplished.
SILY: It seems like everybody who works with Dan has a musical connection and shared love of the same thing, even if not a widely known song or album. Do you feel that connection?
RF: Yeah. You gotta have something positive going even for Dan to reach out to you. Dan is looking for originality. People who want to stand out, not someone who’s trying to fit in. He looks for raw talent and gives them [opportunity] to express themselves. He’s open-minded and open to suggestions. He wants to know Robert Finely and produce Robert Finely and not to make me into something I’m not. 
SILY: On “Country Child”, you talk about driving by a cotton field as an older man and still feeling your back hurting. But on the same song, you talk about preferring a country girl to raise a country child. Was it important for you to talk about that complex relationship with where you came from?
RF: Yeah. Don’t get me wrong--I don’t have a thing against city ladies--nobody in the city smiles because it makes them look tough and look hard. In the country, they wave at everybody whether they know ‘em or not. It doesn’t matter because everybody’s just saying hi! In the city, people live across the hall or across the street and don’t know their neighbors. It’s a whole different lifestyle. They don’t let their guard down. I was trying to keep it as real as possible.
The country girls, they just wave and smile, and if you say something they don’t agree with, they move on. But they’ll talk for a while, and they give you the benefit of the doubt.
Sometimes, if you’re too friendly, you can become a victim. If you go in the city smiling at everybody, they automatically know you’re not from the city. It’s not what they do. Unless you’re properly introduced, the person across the hall won’t talk to you or know you. It’s all about the approach. But I have learned that a smile is universal. It doesn’t matter what country you’re in. If you smile, people will smile back. If you’re open-minded and open-hearted, there’s always somebody. People will be glad to see somebody who looks at them and smiles. It breaks barriers and opens doors, even for people trying to look hard and tough.
SILY: On a couple songs on here, you improvised the lyrics, calling it “speaking from the heart.” Do you find that the way to go when the subject matter of the song is more difficult to talk about?
RF: Yeah, I mean if you stay real with everybody, it’s not a problem. You’ve gotta be open-minded and open-hearted. Put yourself in anybody’s situation. If you do that, you can see it from their point of view. With all the stuff that’s negative in the world today, it’s good to be positive every chance you get. It needs to be something people can relate to in the real world, or that people can say, “I’ve been through that or I’ve done that.” It’s not something that’s been made up like a fairytale. It has to have meaning where people can say, “Yep, I remember those days.” 
I have 7 siblings. They all have to tell the story from their point of view. I try to leave the door open [in case] they want to tell what they remember, because they might remember something I don’t or had to experience something I didn’t. So when I was writing [the title track], I talked to them about it. In reality, I wanted it to be a true song that dealt with real life. Not made up. It needed to be something real they could identify with and their friends identify with where people could say, “I remember those days.” I also definitely didn’t want to make it seem harder than it already was. I only went back to the cotton field and put on the overalls for the video because nobody was wearing shiny shoes in the cotton field. They might have had a pair they put on on the weekend, but they definitely didn’t wear them in the field. The video could have been done anywhere, but to keep it real, I thought we needed to take it back to the country.
SILY: What did it mean for you to play with so many of the same session players as on Goin’ Platinum?
RF: It was like a family reunion. We toured together in the East Coast and West Coast. It was really an honor because everybody knew everybody. Everybody was excited to get back together because of the success of the first album. We built more or less what you could call a family relationship. Everybody knows everybody, and getting back in the studio, we got straight to work, what everybody came for. I don’t know how much time Dan spent with the musicians before I got there. When I got there, it was to lay the vocals down.
What I really noticed is that all the musicians played what they feel. They listened to the groove. And all the local musicians were in a 50-mile radius of each other. I could have them all together within a couple hours.
I was probably the youngest person in the band, besides Dan--I’m almost twice his age. When you’re with the band, it breaks out the best in you. Learning from their experience, everything they’ve done and who they’ve done it with, it makes you feel privileged to be in the company of them. They’re not on big ego trips and nobody has a big agenda. I’m easy. I don’t put no pressure on nobody--I just want the best out of everybody.
I love working with the Easy Eye Sound label because to me, I walk in, meet and greet, we break bread together, and we go to work. The work is hard, but I don’t know if you’d even call it work.
SILY: What’s the story behind the album art?
RF: The label mostly [does it] and asks me for approval. There’s not much I’d object to anyway. It’s a picture of me. I seldom walk outside even to go to the mailbox without my hat on. That’s one of my trademarks. I always wear hats or caps. I love the artwork. To be honest, I haven’t met the individual that did the artwork on it, but it very much had my approval when I saw it. Meeting everybody, sometimes it’s way down the line where I can actually meet them face to face.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 73 - SBT
Here it is!
There was a knock on the van's backdoor. 
"Come in, Mundy."
The Aussie pushed the door and entered.
"I'm back, luv', and I have it. Feels weird to carry a credit card for some money that's not mine… Also, how well did they pay back in France?! When the banker told me how much it was, I nearly fell off my chair!"
Mundy shut the door and turned to his lover. 
"Oh, crikey…" 
"How do I look…?"
Lucien had put on one of his suits again but this time, there was no tie and the shirt had been replaced with a thin woolen turtleneck. Moreover, he had tied his hair in a braid. Some of the grey, thin locks of hair at the front fell between his eyes beautifully. 
"You're gorgeous." 
Lucien smiled as Mundy came closer and held his waist.
"And I trimmed my beard a bit. I look odd to myself, but if you like it, I shall make a habit of this style." 
Mundy turned around and touched the braid. 
"Gosh, you… You're perfect… And, mmh, yeah, you're wearin' your perfume again, eh?"
"Oui, I am."
"You're really back…!" Mundy hugged his lover tightly but another knock interrupted them.
They were back in the city now for Mundy to collect Lucien's money, which was now his. Maurice had done an impeccable job and it had all gone smoothly. 
"Who's that?" Mundy asked. 
"Who do you think?" 
Mundy and Lucien looked at each other with a smile. It was Maurice's voice. 
"Hold on, mate." 
Mundy exited the van, with Lucien behind him. 
"Good to see you again, both of you." Maurice said and hands were shaken. 
"G'day, mate." 
"Merci, Maurice."
[Thanks, Maurice.] 
"Quite a change of style you have gone through, L." 
"Oui, it is both necessary and appreciated." Lucien's eyes went to Mundy. 
"It suits you indeed. One of the boys spotted your van, M. I thought I could drop by and say hi in person." 
"Sure, thanks. How's the street doin'?" 
"Cold with this winter, but good. We still manage to feed everyone and bring some warmth."
"That's nice." Mundy answered. 
"Oh, I nearly forgot, I have something for you, L. Here… This is your new passport, with the name that you wrote in your will."
"He didn't write any new names in his will." Mundy said, surprised.
"I did." Lucien answered and he accepted the Burgundy red document with the golden letters. "You just did not see it."
"What?" Mundy asked. 
"I will explain later. But thank you very much, Maurice, as always."
"My pleasure."
"Who are my witnesses?" Lucien asked. 
"Witnesses?" Mundy repeated. 
"Yes, for a will to be taken seriously, it must be written and co-signed by two witnesses." Maurice answered. "I am one of them, Richard is the second."
"Did you tell him?" Lucien asked. 
"I told him that Paris wanted a coffee with two sugars and a drop of milk. The next thing I knew, he was lying on the floor in his shop and both his sons were trying to wake him up." Maurice chuckled. 
"Ah, I should apologise…!" Lucien answered, chuckling himself. 
"No, it is fine. He was as delighted as I was when M told me. Oh and by the way, you are welcome to work with him and give a hand with the homeless of course." 
"Thank you." Lucien answered. "But we have a few things to do before we can come to work, is that fine with you?" 
"Absolutely, take your time and again, welcome back to the world of the living." 
"Thank you." 
Maurice and Lucien exchanged a nod. 
"Good. I shall go back to my streets, there are mouths to feed and work to do." Maurice said. "I will see you later." 
"Sure, mate, thanks for everythin', really." 
"No problem." 
Hands were shaken again and Maurice disappeared in the streets, melting with them like a shadow. 
"So, what's the plan?" Mundy asked. 
"We could go and get some lunch if you want."
"Sure, where?"
"Victoria's diner." Lucien answered and Mundy smiled and nodded. 
"Alright. Let me just make sure the cats have enough to eat and drink."
"I shall take Perle and Soot with us. I will put him in Perle's old harness and leash." 
A few minutes later, Perle was on Mundy's shoulders and Soot was trotting happily by Lucien. 
"Non, Soot, sit. Très bien. We need to wait until the little man is green before we cross. Non, non, non, do not raise your hand like this and tempt the devil. You stay sat." 
"Meow." Soot was trying to move forward. 
"Sooty boy, watch the wifey here." Mundy put Perle down and she sat by the black cat patiently.
"There, good boy, Soot." Lucien praised him. 
The light switched to green for pedestrians. Perle looked up at Mundy who started crossing and followed him. Soot copied her. He looked up at Lucien and when the man started crossing, he did the same. 
A few minutes later, they arrived in front of Victoria's diner.
"You ready?" Mundy asked. 
"Yes, I am. I hope she is too." 
They exchanged a smile and Mundy pushed the door open. 
"Hello, how may I help? Oh, hey M! And Pearl. Who's this new friend you're bringin'...?" 
Lucien was a metre away, giving his back with his silver braid to them while Victoria knelt down to look at Soot. 
"That's Soot, he's Pearl's hubby."
"Ooh, congrats, Pearl!" Victoria petted her and the white, fluffy cat purred. "The hubby's quite shy, eh?"
Soot was hiding behind Mundy's legs. 
"Yeah, a bit." Mundy answered. "Sorry about that."
"Well at least he's not hissin'...!" Victoria chuckled. "How have you been, M? You seem so much happier than last time!"
"Not too bad, and busy, the cats got four kids together."
"Seriously? You had kittens?" 
"Yeah, lots of energy they have, but they're growin' up nicely." 
"Aw, that's super cute." Victoria stood up again. "Came here for some lunch?" 
"Yes and no, there's uh… There's something I need to admit… Uh…" Mundy scratched the back of his neck. 
"Oh? What is it?" 
"Uhm, I don't know how to say that but uh… Y'know what, come and sit at the table." 
Victoria sat down. 
"You're not joining?" She asked. 
"Well, I need to re-introduce someone to you - bloody hell that's so weird to say…" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's shoulders, who was still giving his back to Victoria.
"What d'you mean, re-introduce?" 
"He means that I am back." Lucien turned and faced her as she gasped and smacked a hand in front of her mouth. 
"What the fuck?! L?! Is that you?! You're dead!"
"Non, I am not. I am standing here in front of you." He opened his arms proudly. 
"You piece of shit!" Victoria rose from her chair and slapped him with the towel she was carrying around repeatedly. "You! Kept me! Thinking! You! Were! Dead! For! More! Than! A! Year! You absolute! Piece! Of! Shit!"
Lucien closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and both him and Mundy could hear muffled sobbing. 
"I missed you, you arrogant idiot…" 
"And I missed you too, terribly, Victoria." He kissed the top of her head as she cried against him. He could feel she was clinging to his jacket. "I am sorry to have put all of you through that. But I had no choice."
"It's worse than that, V." Mundy said, patting her back to comfort her. "He was there at his own funeral and he heard what you said." 
She gasped and pulled out of the embrace, wiping her tears on the towel. 
"That's just plain cheatin', L."
"My name, it is Lucien, you may call me by my name, mi niña."
[My child]
She stared up at him as if he was Jesus Christ himself.
"I missed you so much." She put a hand on her mouth.
"I know, I know, come here." Lucien led her to sit at their table on the banquette next to him. He wrapped an arm around her to comfort her and gently rocked her left and right while her tears continued to stream silently on her cheeks. She sniffed from time to time and wiped her face on her towel. Mundy went to the counter to place their order and came back, sitting on the banquette opposite them. 
"So you didn't die?" She asked.
"What happened?" 
"As you now know, I worked as a spy and to escape a certain death, I had to die and wait for things to calm down before I could show myself again."
"Did you beat him up for it?" She asked Mundy. 
"Nah, can't do it anymore now for some reason." Mundy chuckled. 
"You should have. You're growin' soft, M. And this man…" She pointed her index on Lucien's chest, poking it and staring at it fiercely. "This man needs to be taught a lesson or two…" She then bent forward and let her head fall on Lucien's chest again. He hugged her tightly and stroked her hair. 
"I apologise, Victoria, but had I done that, I would not be here today." 
"You could have said. You could have written to me… You could have…" She sobbed again. "Now I need to cancel something important." She said and Lucien and Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Cesar salad, and two fish and chips." A waiter came and put everything on the table. "You ok, V?"
"Yeah, she's cryin' cause she's happy, cheers mate." Mundy answered.
"Alright…" The waiter left them alone. 
"So what is this important thing that you need to cancel because of my return? Did you have to go and have lunch with someone else?" Lucien asked. 
"No…" Victoria pulled herself away from him and wiped her face again. She looked at Mundy and then at Lucien. "I'm… I'm gettin' married to my fiancé Charlie in a few months and uh… I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle but…" 
Mundy's jaw dropped and Lucien blushed intensely. 
"Would you… Would you please do it for me?" She raised her red, slightly swollen eyes to him and Lucien felt hot all of a sudden with the pressure that fell on his shoulders.
"I… I would be honoured to do so but… Why me?" 
"Charlie. I met him at a party and then… The reason we dated was thanks to you." 
"Yeah, you helped me with my spanish so much that I progressed enough to be in the same classes as him… That's how we then started hangin' out and all. And then the free dinners you got us for the Queen Victoria, I went there with him… It's all cause of you…" 
Lucien's eyes couldn't be open wider.
"Mon Dieu…"
"As you know, I don't have a dad, so I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle in church. I asked Joe from the corner shop to do it, to feel less lonely but… But you should be the one doin' it… So please…"
Lucien's eyes were glistening with the tears he was holding back. 
"O-of course I accept, it would be my honour to do this for you, Victoria…" He pulled her in a fatherly hug and closed his eyes. "When is the wedding exactly, we need to get some new suits. Is there anything I can help with? Tell me and do not think about the money, I will get it sorted out for you, mon enfant." 
[My child]
Mundy softened in a sweet smile. So that was the kind of father that Lucien was, hm?
"I should meet your fiancé. Look, let us know when and where and I shall have a chat with him. I can't let you get married to just anyone, I need to know. Where is he from? His family? Does he still have his parents, what do they work as?" 
Victoria laughed in Lucien's arms. 
"What? I am worried for you, Victoria. It is out of the question to just let you get married to someone you cannot properly build anything with!"
She laughed louder and pulled him into a hug. 
"I missed you so much… Papa L…" 
Lucien looked at Mundy with tears in his eyes. 
"Hey, don't look at me like that, luv'. It's your daughter there, not mine." 
"And you are my everything, Mundy, so she is your daughter as much as she is mine!" 
"What?! Nah, that's not how it works! Also, when you're gonna meet the bloke, I'll just stay with the cats in the van."
"Remember we're two blokes, that's not exactly normal, eh?" Mundy said, feeding some bits of fish to the cats. 
"Oh, don't worry about it. He knows for L and you." Victoria said. 
"What?! How?! You told him?" Mundy turned as red as a brick in a flash. 
"Nah, I didn't. I think most people who were at the funeral understood, M." Victoria answered. 
"Ah… W-well… I mean…" 
Lucien looked down at Victoria. 
"Let us have some lunch and you can tell us all about this Charlie of yours, hm?" 
"Yeah, thank you so much." She pushed herself to leave a kiss on Lucien's cheek. "You're the best!"
He smiled and left his arms around her shoulders. 
"I am indeed."
-- Later that day --
"Where to now?" Mundy asked.
"To Richard. I need to thank him. Also, let us go to a bakery first, I need to buy something for him." 
"Any good bakeries you would recommend, mon loup?"
[My wolf?]
"Yeah, I know one, let's go." 
They walked through the streets, followed by both cats. 
"Lu', look at the cats." 
Lucien looked back and smiled. They were brushing themselves against each other and lacing their tails together, purring happily. 
"I am happy that she found someone to pur with." Lucien said. 
"Yeah, they're cute."
"I cannot help but think about how much bigger she is now… I remember when she used to fit in my hand, when she bit me on the first night we met, how she held onto my hand…"
"Partly?" Mundy asked and they stopped at a crossroad.
"Oui. Those were days where Perle was nothing but a baby but at the same time, those were days where I could only dream of approaching you." 
"What? Gonna make me believe that you were shy?" Mundy smiled. 
"Not shy." The light turned to green and both cats looked up at their masters. The family crossed the street. 
"What then?"
"I was as scared as you were shy." 
"Scared? Do I look scary?" Mundy asked and Lucien gave him one of those looks. "Nope, shush, don't answer." 
Lucien smirked. 
"But what were you scared of? That I'd say no?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Mundy. No one has ever said non to me so far." 
The Aussie rolled up his eyes with a smile. 
"Figured… But tell me, why?" 
"Because I knew I was going to my death. I know what it means to lose the person that you live and breathe for, and I didn't want you to go through that." 
They took a turn and the cats happily followed, still trotting on their heels. 
"Well, good job, you did it anyway in the end, eh?"
"Because of you." Lucien answered. 
"Oui. You were the one to insist that I should confess my feelings to the man I held in my heart. And here we are."
"Gonna complain?"
"Non, of course not." They chuckled and Mundy pushed the bakery door. "Go ahead, I'll wait with the cats outside."
"Fine, I won't be long." 
"Okay," And as Lucien passed in front of Mundy, the Aussie murmured. "Love you, darl, you're gorgeous…" 
Lucien's cheeks turned pink and his eyes brightened up. 
"Moi aussi, mon loup."
[Me too, my wolf.]
Mundy stayed outside and petted the cats while waiting for Lucien and it took the Frenchman a few minutes before he exited the bakery again, a beautifully decorated bag in his hand.
"You were quick."
Lucien smirked.
"Don't give me that look, you know how long I can be in other contexts…"
Mundy's cheeks popped red.
The Frenchman chuckled and they resumed their walk. Within minutes, they were in front of Richard's shop. 
"Right, let's go." 
Mundy pushed the door.
"Good afternoon gentlem- oh! L! M!" 
"And the fluffy P and S." Mundy added, pointing at the cats. Richard dropped his notebook and ran to shake their hands.
"I am delighted to see you both again! And what a change of style! Oh, I need to make something for you both, for your return, L - non! I will not accept any kind of negotiation, this will be a welcome back gift! Paul! Come here!"
Richard's sons both came out of the workshop and after shaking hands with Lucien and Mundy, their father instructed them. 
"Take a good look at these two new men…!" The tailor with the impeccable white moustache started. "Look at this one. He now stands tall, not slouched like before, he has found peace and confidence in himself, he isn't hiding behind a thick mane of hair anymore…" Richard inspected Mundy closely before turning to Lucien. "And here! Oh mon Dieu here! Here is the man that we all dream to be, if not for the hero he is, then for his silhouette, sculpted out of marble with godly proportions! Boys, we need something refreshing, nothing tactical, non! We need something for a sweeter, more calm life. Look at the beard! Where some people see a lack of effort, I see the beginning of a work of art! And this long hair…! M! Take notes! This is poetry! This is romance! This is beauty! Not only are the colours exquisite to the eye but the braid is fantastic! I take it you did it yourself, L?" 
"Oui, I did." 
"The work of an artist… But sorry, I got carried away, pray take a seat…"
Lucien and Mundy sat on the armchair and the cats went each on their lap, Soot went to Mundy and Perle, to her Papa. 
"What brings you here?" 
Lucien handed the plastic bag to Richard. 
"My will and my duty to thank you, Richard." He answered. 
"What for?" Richard accepted the bag and peeked in. 
"For being a witness to my will. I understand the risk that you willingly put yourself in and the least I can do is to thank you." 
"L, this is nothing compared to what you have done and given all these years, please!"
"Richard, non, this is a great risk you are taking, and you have a wife and children… You are making them take a risk with you."
"I always have. Being an informant for the secret services isn't an innocent job, it never had been, so non, really, it is nothing. When Maurice came to me and told me about you, I offered to help before he could even tell me the details."
"Thank you, and please, accept the content of this bag and share it with the family for me." 
Richard looked inside. 
"Oh! I need to hide it from my wife, if she finds this cake, she will never let me have it!"
The gentlemen chuckled around the coffee table. 
"By the way, who is this new cat you have?" Richard asked.
"This is Soot." Lucien answered and he scratched his head. 
"He's Pearl's mate, they're pretty serious." Mundy added.
"Are they?" Richard asked. 
"Yeah, they got four lovely kids." Mundy explained. "Two girls and two boys, they're growin' up nicely. You wouldn't want one by any chance?" 
"A cat?"
"Still kittens, but yeah."
"I will have to discuss it with my wife even though she has always asked me to adopt a pet." Richard answered.
"Ah, then we would be delighted to gift you one of them." Lucien added. 
"Raised them like I did Pearl and Soot. They've got good manners, they're cuddly and still very playful as they're very young. Give it a thought, eh, Richard?" 
"Will do, I promise."
"Which one would you take?" Lucien asked. "We have Diamond and Star, the girls, and Glovy, the boy." 
"Didn't you say there were four?" Richard asked. 
"Oui, but there is one I will gift to someone else, if you see no issue." Lucien answered.
"Of course, of course."
"But yes, Diamond is black with a diamond-shaped white patch on her face, she also has a white fluffy chest. Star is also black but has a white star-shaped patch on her… Well…"
"On her butt." Mundy said. "She's got a white star on her thigh, close to her butt. And Glovy, the little boy, he's a fat one, we're trying to put him on a diet but eh, hard to stop that greedy fluff ball." 
"Quite so, I will see with the missus but she surely would like a lady. There are too many of us men at home, you see?" Richard chuckled. 
"Fair enough, thank you again, Richard." Lucien stood up and put Perle on his shoulders before shaking the tailor's hand. 
"My pleasure, as always. And I am delighted for you two." Richard winked at Mundy and the tall man blushed. He put Soot on his shoulders and headed out of the shop. 
"Where should I send the clothes?" Richard asked. 
"We will let you know whenever we can." Lucien answered. "Thank you." 
"Have a nice day!"
"To you too, mate." 
-- Evening that day -- 
There was a knock on the van's backdoor.
"Come in, love." 
"Bonsoir, mon amour." 
[Good evening, my love.]
Lucien walked in the van and the cats trotted out. 
"Be careful, cats!" Mundy said. 
"Don't worry, Perle and Soot are remarkable parents." Lucien removed his coat and sat on the sofa next to his lover. 
"So, what did you get us for dinner?" Mundy looked at Lucien's hands repeatedly but couldn't see anything in them. 
"I got you something more than just to fill your hungry stomach." Lucien answered, slithering closer to his lover. 
"Where?" Mundy took Lucien's hands and looked at them. Nothing. "Can you at least meet my… uh… hungry lips?" Mundy blushed and Lucien laced his fingers with the Aussie's.
"Listen to you being flirty… That's new…" He leaned to meet his lover's demand. 
"I-I'm tryin'... Feels weird to hear myself say stuff like that. It's like it's not me…" 
"You are doing remarkably well, mon loup." Lucien whispered and his lips finally met Mundy's.
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llnwritings · 4 years
DAY 6 | Write a fic with your favourite fanfiction trope.
Summary: Alex is one of the few special people born with a soulmate mark. However, unfortunately at a young age the mark fades and leaves a scar, indicating that his soulmate has died. Alex knew he wasn’t meant to be happy.
Trigger warnings: Bad Parenting, Homophobic Language
[[Read on Ao3]]
Everyone knew about the stories of soul marks, those lucky few born with a name written on their wrist of the person that they were destined to love and be loved by. The name was written in grey, that was until you met your soulmate, then the name changed to your soulmate’s favourite colour when you touched each other for the first time. Or so the stories went. Soulmarks were so rare that there wasn’t much research into how they really worked. 
Alex was one of those lucky few. Born with the name William written in blocky handwriting on his right wrist, it was one of the first words he learnt to read and recognise. But as happy as his parents were that he was special and he had a soulmate, there was unsaid tension between the two of them. His mother was supportive as much as she could be, but his father was distant and cold. It wasn't until Alex was six that he learnt why, the memory forever seared into his young mind.
Six year old Alex was too excited to sleep, in the next few days he would be starting school. Ever since he could remember, his parents hadn’t really allowed him to play with other kids and even when he did, his father had always made sure he had a leather cuff attached to his wrist that he was forbidden to take off in front of others, under threat of punishment. It hid his mark, something that made Alex sad and nervous. His father would always put it on too tight, which would leave red markings for days.
But soon he would be going to big boy school and his mother had even said that she would talk to father about not wearing the cuff to school. Alex quietly walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen for a drink, but he stopped when he heard voices talking. He crouched against the hallway wall and listened as his parents argued loudly.
"Mark please," He heard mother beg, "Let’s at least talk about this. Think about what's best for Alex, is our local standing more important than our son’s happiness? Let him love whoever he wants, for all we know, he’ll never even meet this William."
"I am Allison, no son of mine will be a flaming homosexual," His father hissed at his wife, spitting the last word out like a curse, "That name will bring this family nothing but trouble and shame. Once they find out about his mark, how will we look to the neighbours? Work colleagues? My boss? The church? No, my mind is made up! I'll take him to the centre tomorrow and they will remove the mark. No one needs to ever know about that thing on his wrist."
“You’ll be destroying a part of him,” His mother sobbed, “Why would you want to do that? What if he hates you when he grows up, what if he never forgives you?”
His father was silent and Alex peered around the edge of the doorway hoping to catch a glimpse of the man. His father ran a hand through his hair and sighed, “I can live with Allison. He can hate me all he wants but I’m looking out for what’s best for this family. I will not stand for my own flesh and blood loving the same gender under my roof. My decision’s final.”
Alex crept out back down the hallway and back towards his bedroom, his drink totally forgotten. He frowned at the words his father was saying, not really understanding what they meant. Looking down at his wrist, he traced the name, Alex didn't think William was a bad name and so what if it was a boy's name, boy’s were awesome, Alex would love to spend all his time with another boy, all he had at the moment was a sister and she was no fun at all. Girls weren't fun to play with either, they all had cooties.
Alex got back into bed and tried to go to sleep, but his mind was going a million miles an hour. His father’s words repeating themselves over and over again, Alex couldn’t understand how loving someone could be wrong. It was nearly 3 in the morning before Alex was finally able to drift off.
The trip to the center never happened.
The next morning, Alex woke up screaming in pain and all the noise he made caused mother to come rushing into his bedroom still in her pajamas, worry etched into her face.
“Honey, what’s wrong,” She came and sat on the edge of his bed, her hands reaching to comfort her son.
“It hurts,” Alex cried, tears streaming down his face, as he pushed his wrist into his mother’s open hands, “It hurts.”
Allison frowned, looking down at her son’s wrist, she gasped in shock. The once grey name was slowly fading away to nothingness, the edge of the name an angry red as if someone had burnt the skin. The change in the name could only mean one thing, Alex’s soulmate had died before they even had the chance to meet.
Allison wrapped her arms around the sobbing boy and comforted him the best she could, not knowing the pain he was feeling or how to make it stop.
“It’s going to be alright, honey,” She whispered as she held him close and rubbed his back, “We’ll get through this. You’re going to be fine.” Allison repeated the words over and over again, not just for Alex’s sake but for her own as well, her heart breaking at the sounds he was making.
Alex continued to cry, not only from the pain in his wrist but from a pain he felt deep within himself, a pain that he couldn’t put into words. It was like something broke and he didn’t know how to fix it. He curled into his mother’s embrace, his face tucked into her neck, he wanted her to fix the pain but somehow knew that she couldn’t.
They stayed like that for what felt like hours. Alex’s sobs had turned into sniffles as he cried himself back to sleep. Allison layed her son back down on his bed and tucked the blankets around him. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and quietly left the bedroom to find her husband.
She found him in the kitchen, sitting at the table with the newspaper out and a coffee in hand.
“You’ll be happy to know that you got what you wanted and you didn't have to spend any money at all,” Allison spoke softly to her husband as she made herself a cup of strong black coffee, “Your son’s soulmark faded and scarred last night. William is dead.” Allison sat down at the opposite end of the table, letting her words sink in, “You don’t have to be ashamed anymore. No one will be able to tell that our son was to have a soulmate."
"Good then," Mark scoffed and went back to his newspaper. He dropped the matter for now.
Years went on and Alex grew up, he never did forget the name William and would still spend time tracing over the light scarring on his wrist when he was feeling sad. The name was hardly visible now, only if you knew it was there and where to look, could you see it. Alex never told a soul that he used to have a mark, he never saw the point.
His dad’s attitude never changed towards Alex, no matter how hard he tried to please him. He went to school, got excellent grades, went to church, he was a good son but no matter what he did, his dad never looked at him with pride, love or affection. Alex knew it was because of the soulmark he used to have, just by having a boy’s name on him had tainted himself in his dad’s eyes forever. He was older enough to recognise the looks his dad would give same sex couples walking down the street hand in hand, were the same ones he would he would give Alex before hiding his mark with that leather cuff.
So at age 14, Alex stopped trying to please his dad. He still did well in school - he actually liked learning - but he stopped going to church, not seeing the point of it and always found a reason to not be in the house if his dad was home. He became friends with Luke, Reggie and Bobby and started a band. Sunset Curve was on its way to be a huge success! Well according to Luke anyway.
At age 16, Alex took a chance on love, but was caught kissing a boy behind the high school gym. When his dad had been told from one of his church friends, he blew his top and knocked Alex around before kicking him out of the house, saying he never wanted to see him again. Alex spent the night on Bobby’s pullout couch.
He spent a lot of nights on Bobby’s couch, luckily his parents were cool having a teenager crash with them. Bobby’s parents had spoken to Alex’s mum and they came to an agreement. Alex would stay at Bobby’s for the foreseeable future, at least until Alex’s mum could convince Alex’s dad to let him come home and she would pay them for the inconvenience of housing another teenage boy.
He never did make it home.
Alex, along with Luke and Reggie died at 17 to a hotdog and not even a good tasting one! After their death, the trio spent 25 years in a black room and in that time Alex never noticed his soulmark return to its grey colouring and the scarring disappeared.
Alex wasn’t handling being a ghost very well, the lack of answers to things was driving him insane. While Luke and Reggie’s lack of concern was causing his anxiety to skyrocket. He needed to get away and breathe.
Alex poofed out of the studio and found him on Hollywood Boulevard. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on slowing down his thoughts. After a few moments, he reopened his eyes only to jump in fright when he caught sight of two ghostbusters ahead of him. It was stupid to that they were here for him, Alex freaked out as they began to walk purposefully towards him.
“No, no, no,” Alex whispered in fright, only for the two ghostbusters to walk straight through him, “Oh,” Alex glanced around to see if anyone saw his freak out, he then huffed and rolled his eyes at himself. He was dead, no one could see him.
With a sigh, Alex started to walk down the street, his thoughts starting to roam again.
Still lost in his thoughts, Alex was completely unaware of his surroundings. He gasped out in shock as someone collided with his shoulder, sending them both to the floor with a thud. Pain burst from his wrist at the contact, leaving Alex confused, while being a ghost things weren’t supposed to hurt.
Alex heard the other person to his right grunt in pain as well.
Alex pulled himself to his feet, while rubbing his wrist, the pain had now receded to a tingle.
“Uh, man you dinged my board,” Alex heard the other person moan.
“I dinged your board,” Alex huffed, “No dude,you ran me over, you’re lucky I didn’t-” Alex blinked, realizing that there was only one reason as to why this guy could have knocked him over in the first place, “Yo-you ran me over. You’re a ghost?”
“Well yeah,” The other ghost unbuckled his helmet, “Ever since I learnt the hard way that skating in traffic was bad.” Alex watched, slacked jawed as the ghost removed his helmet and shook out his hair.
‘Oh no, he’s hot.’
As they made eye contact, Alex saw something change in the other ghost’s demeanor, he no longer looked annoyed about his skateboard.
“Hey, sorry I smashed into you,” He apologised. “I thought you were a lifer and I’d just, like, pass through.”
Alex blinked at the term, “Uh, a lifer?”
“Uh yeah,” The other teen looked confused, “That’s what we call people who are living.”
Alex nodded his understanding but was still slightly confused.
“You’re new to this whole ghost thing, aren’t you?”
Alex winced, “Yeah, is it that obvious?”
“Totally,’ The other ghost laughed, but not in a mean way.
The other ghost then stuck out his hand, “Hey uh, I’m Willie.”
“Oh, uh Alex,” Alex took the offered hand and shook it.
“Ah.” “Ow.”
Both ghost’s quickly released the other’s hand and grabbed their wrists to ward off the sharp tingle. Alex looked down at his wrist and watched in shock as the grey of his soulmark changed to blue. Alex looked up to see Willie looking back at him in awe.
“Alex, as in short for Alexander?” Willie asked softly, turning over his wrist to show Alex’s name written in his own handwriting and coloured pink.
“Oh wow, yeah that’s me,” Alex blinked in shock at his name, gently taking a hold of Willie’s wrist to get a closer look, “I thought you died,” The blonde frowned and looked back to Willie, “Well I guess technically you did die, if you're standing here as a ghost. I’ve never heard of a faded mark regaining colour before.”
Willie smiled as he listened to Alex ramble on. It was cute.
“I guess that means Willie is short for William then?” Alex asked hopefully, turning over his own wrist for Willie to see.
Willie traced over his own handwriting with his thumb on Alex’s wrist, “Yeah that’s my writing,” Willie looked back to Alex, “Say, you doing anything right now?”
“No,” Alex tilted his head in confusion, “Why?”
“Want to hang out? I could show you around and answer your ghost questions. If you have fun, maybe we could hang out again?”
“Uh, okay, that sounds fine.”
“And by hang out, I mean do you want to go on a date?” Willie wasn’t masking his intentions, he had been without his soulmate for years and he wasn’t going to screw this up now that he had found him.
“A date sounds fun,” Alex squeaked out with a smile.
“Awesome.” Willie took a hold of Alex’s hand and poofed them to one of his favourite places, he had a soulmate to woo.
The End
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