#because kazama killed the parents of the kids at sunflower. but really they were only parents in name as none of the kids (at least not
zaddyazula · 3 months
can we talk about the parallel between kazama killing the parents of the kids at sunflower and kiryu killing himself in name (killing the parent of the kids at morning glory)
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Kiryu [RGGO]
I finally managed to get some of my cards to level 3! Brief overview: Character Stories are 3-chapter stories featuring a particular character. Not all cards have Character Stories attached to them, sadly, but the main characters have one at the very least. With that, I want to start off with our fave Dragon Dad!
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Story: Kiryu gets an offer to run an orphanage, but he’s hesitant to accept. Date is a real bro, and Haruka makes her kid neighbors ragequit with her kick-the-can skills.
Kiryu: (I can’t make the decision to go to Okinawa on my own. I need to convince Haruka as well.)
Kiryu the Master of Self-Sabotage: “Hey Haruka how would you like to never see any of your friends ever again??”
|2007 . . . Goda Ryuji and the Omi Alliance, and the Korean Mafia Jingweon. Around the end of the conflict between these two hostile forces and the Tojo Clan . . .|
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[Kiryu and Haruka’s place]
Haruka: “Ojii-san. Is curry good for today?”
Kiryu: “Hm? Ah, yes. Let me help you cook.”
Haruka: “No thanks, Ojii-san, just sit down.  . . . Oh, we have no meat anymore. What should we do . . .”
Kiryu: “Should I go buy some?”
Haruka: “Hmm. But we’re almost over our food budget for this month . . . Ojii-san, do you need meat?”
Kiryu: “Oh . . . I’m so sorry, Haruka.”
Haruka: “Eh?”
Kiryu: “Next time . . . when my salary arrives, let’s go out for yakiniku.”
Haruka: “. . . okay. I’m looking forward to it!”
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[Outside Kiryu and Haruka’s place]
Kiryu: “Well then, I’ll be going now.”
Haruka: “Okay. Ojii-san, call me if you’re going to be home late.”
Kiryu: “I will.”
Kiryu: (Well, I should head on to Kashiwagi-san. I wonder why he asked me to drop by so suddenly?)
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[Kazama Family office]
Kashiwagi: “. . . you came, Kiryu. I’m sorry for calling you over.”
Kiryu: “No, it’s fine.  . . . your office, it’s fixed. The Jingweon blew it up.”
Kashiwagi: “Ah . . . well I can’t stay in a temporary office forever. This was a rush job. But enough on that.  . . . Kiryu, are you willing to live in Okinawa?”
Kiryu: “Live in Okinawa? Me?”
Kashiwagi: “There’s actually an orphanage in Okinawa similar to your orphanage Sunflower. It’s called ‘Morning Glory’. Your father Kazama is also involved in it.”
Kiryu: “Oyassan . . .”
Kashiwagi: “There are 8 children there now. Unfortunately, the caretaker died.”
Kiryu: “. . . so, you want me to be the caretaker?”
Kashiwagi: “Yes. Would that be fine? Of course, Haruka can come with you.”
Kiryu: “. . . Thank you for your offer, but I’m already taking care of a child.”
Kashiwagi: “Well, I thought I would offer anyway. I’ll listen with an old woman’s heart. Kiryu, are you doing well?”
Kiryu: “What do you mean?”
Kashiwagi: “I’m wondering if you’re making a proper livelihood. Do you have a regular job?”
Kiryu: “No, it’s . . .”
Kashiwagi: “It’s a wall that those who wash their feet of the yakuza hit. I don’t blame you. Not to mention you’re a bit of a celebrity, but you still have to feed Haruka. Being the caretaker of Morning Glory doesn’t pay big, but it’s a stable job. I think it’s a good start to staying away from the gang life’s baggage.”
Kiryu: “. . .”
Kashiwagi: “I’m sorry. I ended up talking a lot. Just think it over for a while.”
Kiryu: “Thank you. Can you give me some time to reply?”
Kashiwagi: “Sure.”
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[Theater Square]
Kiryu: (Me, a director. I can’t imagine. But, Kashiwagi-san is right. I’m working day-to-day just to get enough money to eat.  . . . I want to take good care of Haruka. Even send her to college.)
Omi Alliance remnant: “There he is! Kiryu!!”
Kiryu: “. . . Omi. The war is over.”
Omi Alliance remnant: “What would you know . . . killing a bastard like you would make a great souvenir. Die! Kiryu!!”
Kiryu: “Tch.”
{Kiryu defeats the Omi remnants.}
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Date: “Oi! What are you guys doing! . . . oh, Kiryu.”
Kiryu: “Date-san . . .”
Date: “. . . What’s with that unusual face?”
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[People’s Park 3]
Date: “I see. Okinawa.”
Kiryu: “Yeah.”
Date: “So what will you do? Are you taking the position?”
Kiryu: “To be honest, I’m worried.”
Date: “‘I can’t be a kid’s talisman, but I don’t want to make her life harder’. Is that it?”
Kiryu: “What do you think?”
Date: “Is it okay? If you don’t want it, then say no.”
Kiryu: “Eh? No, but . . .”
Date: “Haruka thinks living together with you is more important than having money. So, decide on ‘what do I want to do’ instead of ‘what should I do’.”
Kiryu: “What do I want to do . . .”
Date: “Besides, you might think you’re not suitable, but I think the opposite. I think you’d be good at taking care of children. You’ve become more well-rounded ever since you’ve been living together with Haruka.”
Kiryu: “Really?”
Date: “Heh. I was surprised when I found out that Kazama Shintaro was taking care of an orphanage, so I don’t know if it’s suitable for you or not. I mean, I split up with Assari, and I thought we would be lifetime companions.”
Kiryu: “. . . I don’t know if I should laugh at that joke or not.”
Date: “That’s what I can tell, at least. The story grows longer as you get older. That’s what Saya says.”
Kiryu: “Heh. No, it was helpful. Thank you.”
Date: “See you.”
{Date leaves. Omi Alliance remnants appear.}
Omi Alliance remnant: “Hehehe, you were here all along, Kiryu . . .”
Kiryu: “. . . later. I’m thinking now.”
Omi Alliance remnant: “Okay, then think carefully . . . in the other world!!”
{Kiryu beats them up, then heads home.}
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[Outside Kiryu and Haruka’s place]
Kiryu: (It’s really late because I got entangled with those guys. Hm? That’s . . .)
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{Haruka is playing kick-the-can with two boys and absolutely wiping the floor with them.}
Kiryu: (. . . Haruka. She looks so happy.)
Haruka: “Ah, Ojii-san! You’ve returned? Welcome back!”
Kiryu: “Yeah, I’m back. Are these your friends?”
Haruka: “Yup. They’re Takashi and Ko. I was playing kick-the-can with them. There were many others earlier, but I always win? I’m the only girl here.”
Kiryu: “Heh. Is that so. Was it fun?”
Haruka: “Yup!”
Kiryu: (. . . that’s right. Going to Okinawa is not just my dilemma. Haruka also has school and friends who live here.)
Kiryu: “. . . Haruka. Can I ask you something? Will you be sad if you can’t play with Takashi-kun anymore?”
Haruka: “Eh? That . . . would be sad. But why?”
Kiryu: “. . . no. It’s nothing.”
Haruka: “Ojii-san, you’re acting strange.”
Kiryu: (So far, Haruka’s life has been hard, and she’s been forced to grow up so fast. That’s why . . . I want to protect Haruka’s smile. I don’t want her to feel lonely anymore.  . . . tomorrow, I’ll go to Kashiwagi-san.)
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[Kiryu and Haruka’s place]
Kiryu: “Well then, I’ll be off.”
Haruka: “Yup.”
{Kiryu leaves. The telephone rings and Haruka answers.}
Haruka: “Yes, this is Kiryu’s place.”
Date’s voice: “Oh, Haruka. Is Kiryu there?”
Haruka: “Date-san? Ojii-san went out a while ago. Is something wrong?”
Date’s voice: “No, I’m just worried about how he’s been. But he went out . . .”
Haruka: “Yup. For some reason, Kashiwagi-san has an errand for him.”
Date’s voice: “What? I see. Then I guess Kiryu decided that he’ll go to Okinawa.”
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Haruka: “To Okinawa?”
Date’s voice: “Yeah, didn’t Kiryu tell you?”
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[Outside Kiryu and Haruka’s place]
Kiryu: (Well, I should go to Kashiwagi-san.)
Omi Alliance remnants: “Kiryu! You can’t escape!”
Kiryu: “. . . tch. It seems before the problem of Okinawa, I have to deal with these guys first.”
Omi Alliance remnants: “Die! Kiryu!!”
{Kiryu defeats them.}
Kiryu: “Jeez. These guys are persistent . . .”
Haruka: “Ojii-san!”
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Kiryu: “Hm? Haruka . . . what’s wrong?”
Haruka: “I just got a phonecall from Date-san. I heard you were going to Okinawa.”
Kiryu: “!”
Haruka: “Hey Ojii-san. What does that mean?! Is that Kashiwagi-san’s errand?”
Kiryu: “I’m sorry I kept silent.  . . . But I still won’t talk about it.”
Haruka: “Eh?!”
Kiryu: “You don’t have to worry about anything, Haruka.”
Haruka: “. . . Ojii-san. By any chance, are you refusing to go to Okinawa because of me?”
Kiryu: “That is . . .”
Haruka: “. . .”
Kiryu: “. . . Haruka. You have a life here. You have school and friends. It’s too selfish to go to Okinawa for my own convenience. I think-”
Haruka: “Stop it, Ojii-san.”
Kiryu: “Eh?”
Haruka: “I don’t want to just be my uncle’s baggage! It’s much harder than breaking up with friends.”
Kiryu: “Haruka . . .”
Haruka: “Hey, Ojii-san. What were you planning to do without me?”
Kiryu: “. . . I . . . . . . I was thinking for a long time. What reasons would I, a former yakuza, have to go to Okinawa and run an orphanage? The income is stable. It will be for Haruka’s future. But above all . . . I want to help children without parents. My father Kazama would want me to guide children as he did with me, Nishiki, and Yumi.”
Haruka: “I see . . . then Ojii-san, I have a request.”
Kiryu: “Request? What is it?”
Haruka: “Let me help my uncle out. I can understand the feeling of a child without parents, too.”
Kiryu: “Haruka . . . alright. Please help me.”
Haruka: “Yup. Ojiisan, let’s do our best together!”
Kiryu: “. . . thank you, Haruka . . .”
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[Kazama Family office]
Kashiwagi: “. . . I see. Together with Haruka-chan.”
Kiryu: “Yes. We can help orphans together, is what I thought.”
Kashiwagi: “Heh. Kiryu, it sounds like it was quite the conversation.”
Kiryu: “Haruka pushed her position. ‘I also want to help’, she said. She has a life here, but she also wants to help the orphans with me. She said so.”
Kashiwagi: “Really . . . Kiryu, it seems like you found yourself a reliable partner.”
Kiryu: “Heh. Looks like it.”
Kashiwagi: “Then . . . what I asked, about Morning Glory?”
Kiryu: “Yes. I’ll do it.”
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bucketofcowboys · 4 years
2 Idiots At 2 AM
Thank you to RachelSnow on AO3 for beta reading this fic for me! I really appreciate it!
Relationship: Kazuma Kiryu & Akira Nishikiyama (NOT SHIP)
Warning: Underage Smoking, Smoking, a lil bit of angst, no spoilers for the games tho
Words: 2,044
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29684367
Everything felt hazy, and the first thing Kiryu realized was that someone was holding his hand. The second thing he realized was that the hand was guiding him forwards, and his legs went with it like it was the natural flow of things. He didn't know who it was, nor did he know where he was going, all he knew was that for some reason he was completely at peace with it. He felt lax, like he was floating atop calm waters. It lapped at his skin in tranquil waves.
When he finally raised his head up to meet the gaze of the person that was holding his hand, he realized that they had no features. Instead they were smudged, like the scribbles of a pencil streaked against paper. Even with the terrifying lack of a face, he proceeded like nothing was out of place. Though he could not properly get a look at her, for some reason naturally in his mind, he identified the person guiding him as his mother. Her hands were soft and warm. Her voice was gentle, though he couldn't process what she was saying.
They approached a building that looked very familiar to him. It almost looked like Sunflower, but the signs were gone and it looked empty. He mindlessly labeled it as 'home'. He felt like he had lived there for years with his mom, though he couldn't pinpoint any specific memories that proved it. In front of the building stood another person with the same smudged looking face as her. He identified him as father. He smiled as they stepped in front of him. He had no face, so there was no way he could actually smile, but Kiryu felt it. He felt him smile at them, all cordial and bright and sunny.
"Kazuma!" Kiryu heard someone shout, and in an instant that warm calm feeling shattered like sheets of ice against the pavement. He turned around and he saw Nishiki on the ground. He was crying, broken. Knees torn open in great gashes. He turned back towards his parents, wanting to ask for help, but they were gone. Dissipated like dust in the wind.
"Kazuma! Wake up!" He opened his eyes and found himself laying on the wooden floor of he and Nishiki's shared room. He pulled his pressure numb arm out from under him, which he had been using as a pillow, and blinked a few times as he regained consciousness. Nishiki was squatting above him, flicking his forehead. They both were in the doorway of their room, and Kiryu had no idea how either of them got there. 
"Stop it!" He swatted the hand away from his face and pushed himself to sit up, "What happened?" He was still phased out of reality after that dream. Dreams about his parents always made him feel a bit disconnected once he woke up. Nishiki rolled his eyes.
"You fell asleep when I told you to be on the lookout for me, you dumbass." Nishiki flicked his head once more, and Kiryu groaned in disapproval. 
"They didn't catch you though, so I did my job." Kiryu pointed out, "Did you get it?" 
Nishiki rolled his eyes as if he was annoyed by his lack of confidence in him. 
"Yeah, of course I did." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of hi-lights. He popped open the top to show off the fact that it still had a few cigs in it. Kiryu raised his eyebrows, impressed. 
"Well give me one--" Kiryu impatiently grabbed at the package, and Nishiki immediately pulled back and held the cigarettes up and as far away as he could from him. Kiryu was taller, and could easily reach over him and grab them if he wanted to, but he didn't. He just sat there pouting. 
"Are you stupid? We can't smoke in here! What about my sister, dumbass!" He went to knock Kiryu on his head, but he quickly blocked it with his arm and threw Nishiki off of him. "We gotta smoke outside."
Kiryu shivered at the idea. It had been freezing the past few days, and he doubted just because two rebellious teens wanted to smoke that the temperature would magically spike up. But, Nishiki was right. Yuko definitely wouldn't fare well if she inhaled a bunch of smoke in her sleep, and smoking inside the building was banned anyways. If they smoked in there he was sure everyone would recognize the smell and they'd be in big trouble. He sighed, and got up to grab his jacket.
Once he arrived back at the doorway, Nishiki was already tiptoeing his way down the hall. Kiryu quickly made his way to follow, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could manage. If someone woke up and saw their door wide open, they were sure to become suspicious. He cautiously avoided the especially squeaky floor boards as he walked down the corridor, passing by Yumi and Yuko's own room with a flinch. If either of them found out what they were sneaking out to do they'd probably kill him and Nishiki. 
They finally entered the main area, and peered around the corner of the wall before they even attempted to get close to the front door. Scanning the darkened room, they saw no one occupying it. The usually full and bustling orphanage was disturbingly quiet during the night, many of the younger kids in a dead sleep after hours of play, the older ones confined in their rooms doing homework with only a flimsy book light to keep them company. He chased after Nishiki as he dashed towards the door, almost falling as his socks slid on the slick hardwood. Nishiki flipped the lock on the brass knob and it gave a click of approval, then he opened the door, as slowly as he possibly could to prevent any creaking.
Cool air rushed in and brushed past the both of them, causing a conjoined shiver. Kiryu tugged his jacket on tighter and regretted not putting anything over his tank top before deciding to do this. Eventually the door slid open to where the both of them could squeeze their body through, and then they spent a good couple minutes slowly closing it just in case. Outside, little flakes of snow had begun to fall from the dark gray sky. Under the cover of the night and winter, the white specks could be ash from a volcano and neither of them would notice a thing. Cool winds blew past, and the only things that illuminated their faces were the half moon in the sky, and the nearby porch light that lit up the wooden Sunflower sign. 
Nishiki quickly made his way to hide over at the side of the building, thinking they were less likely to be caught if they weren't directly in the front. Once they were under cover, they squatted down against the siding and Nishiki pulled out the pack of cigs again. He opened it and pulled out two of the white sticks and handed one to Kiryu while keeping the other for himself. Kiryu eyed at the object for a second, quickly realizing that the side with the blue lines was the side you were meant to smoke from, judging by the white foam filter he could see. The other side was jammed packed with dried tobacco. He sniffed at the odd end and flinched at the offending smell. 
"Shit, did you grab something to light it with?" Kiryu said when he finally realized that they had no way to actually smoke them. Nishiki waved him off. Kiryu noticed that he had already placed the cigarette between his lips, and he copied him. 
"Yeah of course, I'm not stupid." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a suspiciously familiar lighter. 
"Wait... that's-- Akira! Kazama-san’s already going to be pissed off when he finds that his smokes are missing, but you stole his lighter too?!" Nishiki shrugged, already flicking his thumb against the gear to try and light it. 
"Everyone else lights his cigarettes for him, he won't notice." He finally got the thing to spark hard enough that it lit, and he quickly moved the flame over to the tip of his cigarette. Kiryu watched as the fire slowly caught on the paper, and smoke began to plume at the end. He then reached over and brought the lighter closer to Kiryu. He leaned forwards and aimed the tip at the flame. He went cross eyed trying to get a glimpse of it as it lit up.
Nishiki shoved the lighter back into his pocket and took his first smooth drag from his cig, so Kiryu tried to follow suit. When he huffed the smoke in, he immediately began to choke. The taste was downright offensive, and his throat and lungs burned furiously. After trying to stifle his cough, he looked back up and saw that Nishiki seemed totally unaffected and blew his puff out with no problem. He furrowed his brows. 
"Have you done this before?" Kiryu asked, still gasping. 
"What? No!" Nishiki held the cigarette between his index and middle finger and gestured with it with mock experience, "I'm just cooler than you Kazuma." He added smugly. He took another drag, and this time Kiryu took notice that he had to stifle a cough. He smirked, but didn't point it out. 
They sat there for a while, quietly nursing their cigarettes, stifling coughs and chokes and accidently burning their nostrils as they let the smoke go through the wrong pipes. Their hearts pounded heavy in their chests and adrenaline pumped through their veins, knowing what they were doing was against so many rules and if they were caught they probably wouldn't be allowed outside of the orphanage for a week. But that was the appeal of it, wasn't it? The thrill.
As Kiryu kept smoking, a feeling of nausea fell over him. People always talked about how cigarettes were calming, and he thought that the more and more he inhaled the more relaxed he would get. Instead it was the opposite. He felt sick to his stomach and everything burned. He had no idea why adults smoked so often. All it seemed to do was hurt. He couldn't even finish his cigarette before he stubbed it out on the ground. 
"What's wrong?" Nishiki asked, Kiryu looked up at him pale faced and big eyed. 
"I feel sick, ototo-kun." He said honestly. He felt like he was going to throw up. Nishiki gave him a look of concern. 
"You wanna go inside?" Kiryu quickly nodded. Nishiki stubbed his cigarette on the side of the building and left a petty burn mark against the siding, a reminder of what they did here, then grabbed Kiryu and led him by the arm back into the building. They tip-toed their way back to their room, and Kiryu curled up on his bed with the sickening taste of tobacco and nicotine sinking in his stomach. By the time morning came around, the sickness had passed and he felt much better, but they soon came to regret their decision later in the day when Kazama came to visit. 
It turns out that he had, indeed, noticed the lighter Nishiki stole was missing, and he lined all the kids up and asked for whoever stole them to come clean. When no one stepped forward, he made his rounds and after only a few seconds he figured out it was he and Nishiki just by the smell of tobacco that still clung to their breath. He forced the two of them to fess up and apologize in front of the whole orphanage (Kiryu wouldn't have been so embarrassed about it if Yumi wasn't angrily eyeing him the entire time), then he sent them off to their room and grounded them for a couple of weeks. What Kiryu remembered the most was that he was less pissed off about the smoking, and more pissed off about Nishiki stealing, and getting away with it.
About a year later, when they both had turned fifteen, they tried the same thing all over again.
It went about as well as the first time.
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