#because it’s KATSUKI
chandralia · 4 months
katsuki saw deku so mesmerized by todoroki’s phosphor that he was like “watch this” and deliberately let his heart explode so he could have the biggest, most interesting chest scar in the world
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beybuniki · 4 months
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bodyguard x singer bkdk for a request ^_^
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novaneondream · 6 months
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they’re here
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adooble · 7 days
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dynamights favorite deku merch
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peachsukii · 1 month
A faint knock on the front door of your apartment echos through the hallway and to your bedroom, but you don’t bother to get up. They’ll think you’re not here and leave eventually. The lights are off and don’t give off any indication that you’re home.
They knock again, this time a little firmer.
You roll over in bed, tucking your head under the covers to block out the sound. Suddenly, the click of the lock and door creaking open fill the air - he’s here.
“Peach?” Bakugo calls from the living room, feet pattering anxiously around your apartment in search of you. “You here?”
It kills you not to answer him, but there’s no way in hell you want him to see you like this, disheveled and miserable. Maybe if you stay still, you can trick him into thinking you’re not hiding away from the world and aren’t home.
“Ya haven’t answered my calls in three days,” he says aloud as his footsteps approach your bedroom. “Your girlfriends, too. Called ‘em this mornin’ looking for you.”
You’re busted, there’s no running from Katsuki Bakugo. He’s not stupid or naive. Why did you think you could hide from him?
Bakugo lets out a sigh of relief when he sees your body under the covers in the dark. Carefully, he makes his way to your bed and sits on the edge.
“There you are,” he says quietly, nowhere near his normal volume. There’s no bite to his words, only genuine concern. “You okay, sweetheart?”
Ha - no. Not in the slightest.
The blanket shifts a bit when you curl further into yourself. Bakugo reaches for the hem of the comforter, tugging it off of you in one motion. That’s when it sinks in and he understands the situation, maybe a little too well.
“I get it. Y’don’t wanna be seen as weak,” he speaks, both reflectively and to you. “But bein’ down doesn’t mean you’re weak, you’re human, peaches. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with being sad.”
“You didn’t have to come,” you muffle into the pillow, hiding your face from him. “I’ll be fine.”
“Never said you wouldn’t be. Doesn’t mean I can’t be here or worry about your ass.”
Let him in, he obviously wants to help. Just…let him in. Why’s it so hard?
“I don’t…” you trail off, unable to tell him you don’t need his help. Finally, you sit up to face him, hair tangled over your shoulders and t-shirt drooping from your collarbone. “I don’t want to scare you away.”
Bakugo laughs. “Scare me? Gonna have to try a lot harder than that. What kinda hero would I be if I let ya rot away in bed?” He scoops you into his arms and squeezes you firmly. “Let me take care of you when you’re not feelin’ up to it.”
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cryiling · 3 months
anyways headcanoning that even tho bakugo has a super high spice tolerance, he's actually rlly sensitive to hot foods (temperature wise). if it's not borderline lukewarm there's a 70% chance he'll burn himself LMAO. meanwhile midoriya doesn't really like spicy foods, but bc he has the highest general pain tolerance out of all his friends, he can handle freakishly spicy and hot foods like it's nothing. i think he burned all his taste buds off 2 years ago
midoriya drinking soup: guys wdym, it's literally not that hot??
bakugo: it's actively boiling wtf
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heaveniowa · 2 months
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zykamiliah · 10 days
i think one of the most satisfying turns the bkdk/dkbk fandom experience has taken for me is that, when you read fanworks from 2021 or earlier you get the tsundere kacchan who'd never admit to feeling any kind of love related feeling to deku. and then i look at how canon went down and can't help the mad cackling because man we had no idea. we thought katsuki was gonna be like "as if i like you shitty deku go die *in denial*" for eternity. and hori really say: nuh uh. this boy COMMITS. this boy is gonna be SO OBSESSED and DEVOTED and he's gonna OWN IT. he's gonna be all "i'm gonna die thinking about him, i'm the one who steps up when that nerd can't take care of it, i'm bakugo kacchan, i actually want to spend my life at his side as heroes and i'll dedicate 8 years to making sure that happens". he's gonna be all determined and straightforward and *extending his hand* "come, deku! (let's chase each other for the rest of our lives!) (i'll keep your dream alive!)"
like. we had no fucking idea man añkdsjalkjlñksjalkjahlsdk
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catsoupki · 4 months
you and bakugou are getting married in a tropical resort, it’s first looks time and everyone is there, when he turns around his eyes widen, his lips part and he immediately goes in for a hug, he shoves his face into your neck because god is it embarrassing for everyone to see the vehement blush that’s covering his entire face and neck
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Katsuki Yuuri is so funny because dude is an Olympic level figure skater who competes internationally regularly and he introduces himself through narration in the first episode as very average in skill, who is doing it like him.
Your self confidence may be bad but is it deluding yourself into thinking you suck at something you rank sixth in the world at bad?
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24bughours · 7 months
Mini comic because i like this idea
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Once Toshi retired and no longer had to pretend he's invincible, he began to warm up to the idea of using mobility aids. He mentioned it in passing to Midoriya and, with Bakugo's reluctant help, his protege latched on to the idea until they could make it a reality.
Aka. me giving All Might a mobility aid that has additional self defense features because its epic and he's epic and i need more dadmight that includes Bakugo
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chandralia · 6 months
“I feel relief when someone holds my hand”
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beybuniki · 4 months
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kofi request: budding romance 🍀
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nottspocket · 2 years
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More personality swap boys bcs I’m so in love with this concept
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burquillos · 7 months
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Deku and Dynamight call that D&D!!
Pro Heroes taking a pic for a magazine article or something
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rottmntrulesall · 1 month
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