#because it doesn't make sense in english
inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things about being an educator is that you hear what parents want their kids to be able to do a lot. they want their kid to be an astronaut or a ballerina or a politician. they want them to get off that damn phone. be better about socializing. stop spending so much time indoors. learn to control their own temper. to just "fucking listen", which means to be obedient.
one of the things i learned in my pedagogy classes is that it's almost always easier to roleplay how you want someone to act. it's almost always easier to explain why a rule exists, rather than simply setting the rule and demanding adherence.
i want my kids to be kind. i want them to ask me what book they should read next, and i want to read that book with them so we can discuss it. i want my kid to be able to tell me hey that hurt my feelings without worrying i'll punish them. i want my kid to be proud of small things and come running up to me to tell me about them. i want them to say "nah, i get why this rule exists, but i get to hate it" and know that i don't need them to be grateful-for-the-roof-overhead while washing the dishes. i want them to teach me things. i want them to say - this isn't safe. i'm calling my mom and getting out of this. i want them to hear me apologize when i do fuck up; and i want them to want to come home.
the other day a parent was telling me she didn't understand why her kid "just got so angry." this woman had flown off the handle at me.
my dad - traditional catholic that he is - resents my sentiment of "gentle parenting". he says they'll grow up spoiled, horrible, pretentious. granola, he spits.
i am going to be kind to them. i am going to set the example, i think. and whatever they choose become in the meantime - i'm going to love them for it.
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oyeicher · 7 months
Unknown Language Notes
This post is inspired by @thisonelikesaliens 's post & @luthienmpl 's tags on the post. If you've ever taken a Mandarin class you probably know all of this already, but for those who don't speak any Mandarin, it might be helpful to familiarize your ear with these words✨
Note: all audio clips are from episode 2
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小遠 xiǎo yuǎn [xiáo yuǎn] lit. Little Yuan
Here, 小 (xiǎo), which means small/little, is added in front of 遠 (yuǎn) as a diminutive term. It's pretty common for parents and older relatives to add a 小 in front of the last character of a child's name as an affectionate nickname. Note: In case you're wondering why I've included a second pronunciation in square brackets, it's because the first pronunciation is the one you'd find in a dictionary and the second one is the actual pronunciation of 小遠. This is due to the tone change rule known as "tone sandhi". Basically, when a third tone is followed by a third tone, the first one becomes a second tone.
魏之遠 wèi zhī yuǎn Yuan
魏 (wèi) is his surname. In episode 1, the gang boss says that Wei Xiaoyuan is a bad name and suggests 魏之遠 Wei Zhiyuan (literally Wei's Yuan, Yuan that belongs to Wei) instead. Note: While 小 (xiǎo) is often used in nicknames, it's no longer common in to have this character in one's legal name. You can still find people with names including this character in the older generation, but such names sound uncultured and uneducated to most native speakers (*cough* classism *cough*)
魏謙 wèi qiān Qian
弟弟 dì di younger brother
哥 gē older brother (akin to phi in Thai and hyung/oppa in Korean)
The first audio file is from the scene in which Yuan hands Qian a graduation bouquet, and if you speak Mandarin, you can probably tell that he sounds extremely soft here. I would upload a clip of the scene, but I haven't had much success uploading video clips in the past, so a gif will have to do.
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hiso03 · 8 months
what makes you ship halbarry, mine is the amount of symbolism and moments they manifest about them being compatible with each other and even the main lore knows theybare one😭😭
sometimes I wonder why these two aren't together yet since they are basically soulmates 😭😭
This is probably the question I have been waiting for the most and for which I have to have the longest possible answer. I will try not to go too far, but I will also try not to miss any points that I consider important.
I think I can start by saying that I love their dynamic, I've always liked it. To start Barry is a more serious guy, shy and introverted, always thinking about some situation and planning. And Hal is more outgoing, noisy and confident, he NEVER plans and is too impulsive.
They are opposing poles, not radically opposed as with other characters in the league, but they remain opposing enough to provide contrast to the relationship. There's also the fact that the two of them are fully aware of those differences, and even though they don't like some at all, they've never tried to change anything between them. Even when people constantly point out how different they are and how no one understands how they are friends. (Even they can't understand how they're so close if they don't resemble each other at all)
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(Personally this panel is one of my favorites, as I love how Hal immediately jumps up to Barry's tastes, making it clear that while he doesn't like to do the same things Barry does, he doesn't find it as bad or boring as some might think.)
In general, the series of “The brave and the bold” I like because it allows you to take a close look at their relationship and give us lots of interactions of them, allows us to see a little more of their real character and their friendship.
There is also the fact that in that series they constantly show how well they know each other Hal and Barry manage to combine their skills to help each other. They always take advantage of each other's ability to resolve conflicts, and even when they fight or argue, they resolve them quickly. Another of my favorite numbers is the last volume of the series, when Barry falls into a terrible and painful depression and Hal is the only one who supports him.
Literally Hal tries to have some stability in his life to let Barry stay with him, helps him like Barry has always helped him and says one of the phrases I love the most.
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“The poor man needs something to hold on to, so he will stay with me, maybe our friendship will be a comfort to him, he will always be able to count on that until the day we die.”
In this same comic is where Barry tries to sacrifice himself and Hal stops him, to that I add that in a previous issue we also show that one of Hal's biggest fears is losing Barry. The thought of seeing him die or get hurt is something that scares him.
Hal's not afraid to die, he's afraid that Barry will die and it's his fault, that I can't save him. And that point added to everything that's going on with Parallax and Crisis on Infinite Earths feels like a stab for both of them.
It's fucking tragic.
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Generally in many moments of Hal as Parallax or The Wraith, Hal talks about Barry, continues to talk about how amazing he was as a person and a hero, talks about how he remains his best friend even though Barry is still dead. (That reminds me a lot of when I'm with my friends and some of them start talking about their boyfriends even though they're not there and we didn't talk about them originally)
And when they both revive, Barry constantly lets him know that everything that happened with Parallax wasn't him and tries to support him, try to be there for him for as long as he couldn't help him when his friend needed him the most.
We also have the fact that Barry has canonically been a blue lantern, and well, hope and willpower isn't exactly two opposing poles, on the contrary, it's likely that both entities are reciprocal forces. That they stick together and support each other, just like Hal and Barry do.
I also like to think that they had a somewhat similar childhood.
Both lost a father or mother, and that led to the loss of the rest of their family and childhood, they had to grow up faster than the other children, became more independent, and soon discovered that the world was cruel and unjust.
Although we also have other universes like:
The universe of Injustice where the two of them continue to support each other and remain together despite the mess that is around them, and there is even a panel where Hal as a yellow lantern is going to rescue Barry after Constantine abducted him.
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Or we also have the fact that red and green in the chromatic circle are two opposite or complementary colors that are usually used when you want to create a harmony on a visual level. That is, from the choice of colors we can know perfectly well that they are opposite poles, but they complement each other so well that it creates a visual harmony when you see them together. (For some reason Christmas usually uses these two colors as its main ones).
There's also the fact that Hal and Barry met before the league was formed, and even when they met Batman and Superman, Hal wanted him and Barry to work it out on their own. (Barry refused because someone has to put prudence on their duo)
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And we have the fact that in the story of how they met, Hal calls it his “first date”. (Let's pretend he didn't say that when he and Barry weren't literally on what looked like a date, where they went to dinner at a restaurant where there was live jazz music and Hal actually had a good time sitting on Barry's cell phone).
(Hal hates jazz, but he's still there with Barry at a dinner party while putting up with music he doesn't really like. That's pretty.)
I think it was also in this comic where Hal lets Barry use his ring to get you both out of there.
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There's also universe 36 where we have two variants of Green Lantern and Flash that canonically speaking are couple. It is worth remembering that the two of them did not stay together, since in an event they participated in, the Flash of their universe dies. (It seems there can't be a crisis without a sprinter dying) Luckily at DC Pride they made the green lantern of their land look for their Flash, and they revived and were happy.
(They're supposed to be neither Hal nor Barry, but the truth, their designs and even their names feel like very inspired by them, so I scored it as a little extra point although I don't know if you can consider it).
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We have DC vampires that although in that universe, Hal kills Barry because they won't let him turn him into a vampire because he would end up killing everybody. Hal finally gives us that line where he admits that he REALLY wanted to conquer the world with Barry, which kind of fuels his tragic gay romance.
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Anyway, I would like to go longer, but I can't find some panels that I was looking for to explain me more, plus I feel that this is already long enough and meaningless to make it clear that I love them both. I just want to add that I think probably the thing I like most about them is that they both admire each other. Both their heroic parts and their civilian parts, and I think that's very sweet and nice, added to the fact that they're always there trying to support each other or show off parts of their personality that you can't appreciate with all their friends to the same extent. I like that they always have symbolism and like many times in the comics it refers to some moments that they have lived together. This makes me have the theory in my head that maybe some cartoonists and writers also like them in a sense beyond friendship, but since NOBODY dares to take the leap of faith and make them canon, they let us drop some crumbs so as not to lose faith.
(If anyone got here, thank you so much for reading all this even though it doesn't make much sense in some parts, I apologize for that and make up for it with some panels of them two)
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hauntingjasper · 2 months
We are all afraid of something...
I wonder what Prince Gumball's biggest fear would be?
There's an episode (Five short tables I think) where it shows that he's afraid of dying alone/his own mortality to some extent. I imagine that because he's long-lived and most likely has watched many people die before him, he's scared that there won't be anyone else by *his* side when it's his turn. There's no way of knowing when or how, he wouldn't be ready for it, so that's probably double scarier for him. He's an anxious fella
#tag rambling MMMMM MY FAVORITE#this made me think if Gumball is actually just long-lived or if he'd become something like the Mother Gum after enough centuries have passed#triple scary then because other than Neddy(Nelly?) he's the only gum humanoid in Ooo that we're aware of#so what if the deal with the Mother Gum is like... She releases this tiny gum things (or they're released by themselves) into the wild#and good luck baby you better survive if you want our species to continue existing 😄#He and Nelly survived but what if he dies before reaching a Mother Gum-state. and alone on top of that bc that must be a scary process#And if he dies then that means Nelly is alone. and probably would go through that alone too#I think he's also scared of not having anyone to take care of everything he left behind if he dies#and to reassure his people and loved ones that everything will be fine despite his absence#now I'm thinking about the way i portray him because I make it sound like he's “unworried” about his own life & wellbeing#he gets stabbed and he's just like “it's okay don't worry about it” BUT what if he does worry and like..#he knows it won't kill him so he doesn't panic but he might panic if he realizes that he got stabbed a little too close to a vital spot#but at the same time he won't if there's someone else with him because if he panics they'll panic and everyone panics#and he needs to be the bigger person at all times and and#does this make sense or am i just yapping#anyway I love you Gumball i just threw my English out the window to talk about your issues with death 🫶#fionna and cake#prince gumball
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rahabs · 9 months
The Tudors ran so Wulf Hall could shuffle awkwardly around reiterating the same tired old Tudor stereotypes while claiming to be something new.
#It's so funny but as a historian I will genuinely defend 'The Tudors' to the death even with all its problems#Because it did was so few other Tudor shows/movies/media have ever done#And that is: it focused on things BEYOND just Henry and his wives.#Yes Henry was the focal point which makes SENSE but that's just it:#HENRY was the focal point. Most other Tudor media pieces have one of the wives (usually Catherine/Anne) as the focus and doesn't delve muc#Into the history or what was happening in England beyond the King's Great Matter.#The Tudors went ALL out. Yes they didn't get everything right but the fact that they tried and spotlighted so many other#Historical characters and events? The Pilgrimage of Grace? Actually LOOKING at the religious issues even if they weren't always accurate?#(Like with Aske for example. BUT AT LEAST THEY INCLUDED ROBERT ASKE like good lord it's like other Tudor media forgets everything else)#Focusing on Cromwell but also the Seymour brothers? The politics behind Henry? Even Brandon as annoying as his storylines could get.#Even smaller characters like Tallis and Gardiner and other Reformation and Counter-Reformation figures.#The fact that they featured the Reformation and Counter-Reformation AT ALL let alone tried to dive into the complexities of England's#religious crises. The burning of Anne Askew even? People having to navigate England's increasingly unstable religious situations?#The series hit its peak after the CoA/Anne stuff was over imho. Yes Cranmer and Norfolk annoyingly vanished despite being major figures in#the R/CR and they combined Mary and Margaret but god the Tudors did SO MUCH that NO OTHER PIECE OF TUDORS MEDIA has EVER DONE.#It looked BEYOND Henry BEYOND his wives and tried to paint a comprehensive pictur of a deeply troubling and divisive time in English histor#And it did so without demonising one side and it was just so good for so many reasons that I forgive its errors because damn did they TRY.#Tried in a way no one else ever has (no Wulf Hall did not I'm sorry)#(Wulf Hall was just the same old stereotypes rehashed and branded as something 'original' because it was from Cromwell's POV but again.#Same old stereotypes. Nothing actually original about anything else.)#The Tudors is so underrated for what it tried to do and what it achieved and I am reaching the tag limit but UGH god. Amazing.#Not even getting into how wonderful they were with Mary Tudor/Mary I herself and showing figures around her#Because that would be another tag essay considering the subject of my thesis.#Flawed but wonderful.#text#chey.txt
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katya-goncharov · 3 months
i'm constantly fascinated by how the a kind of spark tv series doesn't seem to know whether it's set in scotland, england or ireland
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incoherentbabblings · 8 months
I understand people joking about unintelligible accents/dialects sometimes I do but there is always something really surreal about seeing one that is either yours or one that you understand perfectly well being made the butt of a joke and you'll sit there like what's the joke they're being perfectly coherent!
There are many many many many examples of this but the one that is relevant for myself is the chap in Brave speaking Doric. He's not even speaking that fast.
If he was a wee bit closer I could lob a caber [tree trunk/log] at him, ken [you know]? and It's just nae fair making us fit [fight] for the hand of the quine [woman], it disnae whet an appetite, ken [you know]?
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ssilentcharlie · 1 year
i've been trying to see how Buck and Eddie's seasonal arcs could lead to anywhere but each other... but i genuinely can't.
their storylines are more intertwined than they ever have been.
here's just a quick run down of 6b buddie alone:
6x10 - Eddie watching Buck be good with kids when he should have been doing his job. (it's background but you can clearly see Eddie in the shot)
6x10 - "alright cowboy, go get 'em" (added to their endless list of flirty moments)
6x10 - Eddie being thrown from the ladder but immediately getting up when he sees Buck. screaming his name, trying to pull him up even though down makes more sense.
6x10 - Eddie pushing Bobby out of the way to get to Buck... he pushed his boss to get to Buck (gotta remind the people that Bobby is Eddie's boss)
6x11 - Eddie being the one to restart Buck's heart (Chim had been doing it for 3 minutes btw)
6x11 - "do more" to medical professionals saying they'll try and save Buck.
6x11 - Eddie being the first thing Buck remembers in his coma dream (literally remembers being flirted with by his best friend before anything else)
6x11 - Buck being a teacher of kids about Chris' age in his coma dream (sounds very familiar to someone Eddie dated...)
6x11 - Eddie and Chris not being together being Buck's worst nightmare
6x11 - Eddie not being able to even look at Buck in a coma without crying
6x12 - Buck wanting to be alone so he goes to Eddie's and immediately falls asleep on his coach (COUCH THEORY)
6x12 - KITCHEN SCENE. talking about the shooting and Buck finally listening to someone when they say he died. (also avoiding the conversation on how them dying/almost dying affected each other)
6x13 - Eddie "the sceptic" Diaz being all for Buck having "superpowers" and even encouraging them (all whilst they're just casually hanging out at Buck's as Chris does his Maths homework. domestic as fuck)
6x13 - POKER DATE. Buck didn't even question what they were doing, he just went with it.
6x13 - "3 minutes and 17 seconds" Eddie is the ONLY person to mention the exact time Buck was dead for. every one else (including Buck's own Sister) have said 3 minutes, never mentioning the extra 17 seconds.
6x13 - Buck and Chris baking cookies for Chris' class whilst Eddie is somewhere else (once again, domestic as fuck. also solidifying that Buck is a PARENT to Chris and not just his Dads friend)
6x14 - the queer coded Eddie of the entire episode... that's it. that's the point.
6x14 - Buck being so obviously jealous and knowing Eddie better than both Chim and Hen (e.g the "you're not good at that" comment)
6x14 - Eddie not once mentioning that his home life also involves Buck. (6x13 does exist for proof)
6x15 - Natalia hurting her left hand, paralleling Ana (this will come up again when Eddie hurts his RIGHT hand in 6x17. we don't know what's going on there but it's good for thought)
6x15 - THE CEMETERY SCENE. Eddie showing Buck he knows him and sees him but Buck not seeing Eddie (in that moment). the clear jealousy and hurt from Eddie after Buck says "she sees me"
6x15 - Chris falling asleep in the exact same way Buck did (that scene is almost frame for frame, that's not a coincidence) (also putting the power of 3 thing in there with it being 3 episodes after Buck sleeping)
this is too much to be a "coincidence"
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unityrain24 · 4 months
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Unpopular take?? I guess?
I don't think many people in this fandom understand how criminal organizations work.
If I had 1¢ everytime I read something along the lines of "Gashu is a horrible parent because he chose God/Asu-Naro over his kids" I'd be a very upset billionaire(hyperbole), because no?? He didn't??
That's not what makes him a horrible parent. That wasn't something he could actually choose. What makes him the founder of the Bad Dads Club is that he chose a kid over the other, which doesn't necessarily mean "I want Sei to die" but it still loosely translates into "I want Kai to survive." and this is not exactly a best dad behavior. THIS is what he could've avoided.
The choice wasn't between God and his kids, since, and I quote, "should you defy God... their blood will surely spill.". Ultimately, he could only choose how they would've died. So he chose the "safest" option, the one that gave one of the kids the chance of surviving, he chose God (being an empath, I can sense that he wasn't all that thrilled).
"b-but!! he could've still ran away!! 🥺" how? AS is everywhere in Japan. They'd be looking for him. He could change his looks, get fake documents, and try to escape abroad, sure, but again, how? Who do you think is making the fake documents? He's trapped.
Everyone in Asu-Naro is.
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aliengirl · 1 year
a broken telephone game where one makes a sim, other makes a room for that sim, another makes a sim for the room, other ma
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hippo-pot · 4 months
Btw, re: my opinion that computers are not gonna be able to translate sign languages in our lifetime, it's not that sign languages are necessarily More complicated than spoken/written languages (I truly don't know how you'd measure that but I'd assume they're equally complicated). But video is, in terms of sheer data, much bigger and presumably harder to process than audio. I cannot imagine this happening without *astounding* computational resources which would take far more energy, water, and money than a human interpreter (and, more importantly, wouldn't work as well, at least for the foreseeable future). I assume the computation would happen off site in most cases if it did work, meaning the Internet connection is gonna need to be phenomenal (there is already widespread dissatisfaction with VRS human interpreters used in medical settings because half the time the connection drops). Speech to text, with all the issues it still has, seems like a breeze in comparison to 'understanding' a video.
I also cannot wrap my mind around how a machine would handle depictions. Like, with some practice behind me, my human mind is now able to understand (some) depictions I've never seen before (thank goodness, because there will ALWAYS be new depictions I haven't seen before, bc Deaf people are resourceful and creative), but I don't see how a machine would. That's pure sci fi to me. I also wouldn't expect a machine to do a good job translating stuff it's never heard before in a spoken language (e.g. wordplay, or the way you can sometimes tell the meaning of a new slang word from context, or an uncommon name even), but the thing is I think depiction is a much bigger part of daily life than wordplay is?
#Just wanted to clarify I wasn't like being weird and elevating signed languages above spoken#or i mean. if i still am let me know. it's true that ASL seems more complicated to me than English#but i try to recognize and work around that bias#like of course my native language doesn't seem complicated *to me*. i get that#anyway. I also don't know anything about the tech involved so by all means take me with a grain of salt#But this truly feels like common sense to me#If you time traveled me to the year 2080 and I saw a machine accurately translating ASL into English#My first thought would be 'which ocean is being drained for this right now'#And then 'wtf is the sheer size of this program + the database it's working off of'#I think it's cool to study this stuff. Don't get me wrong. But I don't think we should kid ourselves#It's not gonna be practical anytime soon#All that's without even considering the reverse of translating a spoken language back into a signed language#i think because human interpreters aren't perfect (because the job is hard!!) there could certainly be a temptation#to think that machines could be better than humans one day#but man. do you know what would be a better use of resources for the time being?#supporting hearing and especially Deaf interpreters in their studies and jobs#turns out a great way to improve a human's performance is to give them a teammate#we don't have to jump straight to replacing them with a machine#for anyone who doesn't know: if a particular job requires deep understanding of Deaf culture & deafness & the Deaf community#a hearing interpreter can team up with a Deaf interpreter for much better results#like the Deaf interpreter can interpret the hearing interpreter's signing into signing the Deaf client can understand better#and vice versa#anyway. it makes sense people are excited about machines. but can we stop going around saying 'hey AI is gonna take your job'#for jobs that we don't even understand 🙃#this is where y'all find out that this whole wall of text is directed at a guy who said that to my husband
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meichenxi · 2 years
learning chinese like 
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and then learning scottish gaelic like 
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this word guga ‘young gannet’ is on lesson 3 of duolingo. if there is any better way to exemplify the difference between these languages than these two screenshots, I’ll wait
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dailyfigures · 2 years
Good gods, I am so sorry for some of the asks you receive. My jaw dropped at the one with the r slur. If people take an issue with how you run YOUR blog, they don't have to follow. Are you okay? I know it can be rough to read and answer shit like that.
i'm okay anon don't worry! it's quite crazy to see the commotion that started just from me rejecting one request (which the requester nicely replied to btw it was a very civil interaction imo) 😭😭 anyway thank you for your concern anon that's very kind of you!
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Begging subbers to transcribe song lyrics. It kind of lessens the emotional impact of a scene if the backing track is simlish to me
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everglowstardust · 1 year
My Life
English Translation:
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
See dreams overflowing, It's so pretty
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there
Hey take a step, just like that, ride, now
Anytime, anywhere grasp that feeling
Tomorrow feels like it can change so easily nowadays
Don't look back now, keep on going
Even insignificant days are full of glory
We continue without knowing the end of this story
Even if your dreams are blocked, life overflows with new days
It's your choice, so hit the road, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
See dreams overflowing, It's so pretty
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
Let's go like flowing clouds, I'm ready
Tomorrow, who knows?
Don't ask me, now
It's so new
Draw with love, this view
I'm feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Turn around and look back? don't be silly
It’s flashing before my eyes, my life
Brilliant reminiscence, don't look back
Everyday, every night, every moment
Sometimes there's loneliness, don't give up your happiness
The darkness fades 3, 2, 1
I want to tell you on that hill, play loud
Should we go? right now, right now
The setting sun deep in my heart is calling
Tomorrow can’t be taken, it’s my life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Let’s go like flower petals dancing in the wind, white lily
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
I'll just sing about my memories, I’m ready
Moon, hey, now
Light my way
It’s so new
Only love is the truth
I’m feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Pretending to give up? don’t be silly
All day long it’s not the time to beg
All along I'll choose when to cry
Hey hey hey, wow
My life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
See dreams overflowing, It's so pretty
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Let’s go like flower petals dancing in the wind, white lily
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there
It's so new
Draw with love, this view
I'm feeling good
Going down to the beautiful land, now
Let's go like flowing clouds, I'm ready
Tomorrow, who knows?
Don't ask me, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Turn around and look back? don't be silly
It’s flashing before my eyes, my life
Hey take a step, just like that, ride, now
Anytime, anywhere grasp that feeling
Tomorrow feels like it can change so easily nowadays
It’s flashing before my eyes, my life
Romaji Lyrics:
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
afuredasu yume ga hora It's so pretty
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there
Hey ima ari no mama arukidasu ride, now
Anytime, anywhere tsukamu feeling
asu wo kaerareru ki ga shiteru nowadays
ima wa furimuku na keep on going
kudaranai demo nai hi mo glory
hate mo wakaranaku tsuzuiteku story
yume wo fusaidemo afuredasu new days
sore wo erabu no sa hit the road, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
afuredasu yume ga hora It's so pretty
kaze yo hey, now Hey take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
nagareru kumo no you ni ikou I'm ready
asu wa who knows?
Don't ask me, now
It’s so new
ai dake egaku view
I’m feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
furikaeru nara hora don’t be silly
me no mae yureru my life
hanayaida kaisou don’t look back
Everyday, every night, every moment
tama ni loneliness, yuzurenai happiness
yami wa usureyuku 3, 2, 1
kimi ni tsutaetai ano oka de play loud
ikou ka right now, right now
mune no oku de yureru hi ga calling
asu wa ubaenai it’s my life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
hanabira ga mau you ni ikou white lily
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
omoide no kazu dake utau I’m ready
tsuki yo hey, now
Light my way
It’s so new
ai dake ga aru truth
I’m feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
akirameru furi wa hora don’t be silly
All day long negatteru baai janai
All along naitatte jibun shidai
Hey hey hey, wow
My life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
afuredasu yume ga hora It’s so pretty
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
hanabira ga mau you ni ikou white lily
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there
It’s so new
ai dake egaku view
I’m feeling good
Going down to the beautiful land, now
nagareru kumo no you ni ikou I’m ready
asu wa who knows?
Don’t ask me, hey, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
furikaeru nara hora don’t be silly
me no mae yureru my life
Hey ima ari no mama arukidasu ride, now
Anytime, anywhere tsukamu feeling
asu wo kaerareru ki ga shiteru nowadays
me no mae yureru my life
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