#because i thought this'd be funny
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tempusetveritas · 2 months ago
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"So. You're their brother."
starter for @othunderous
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tadc-harlequin-au · 7 months ago
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I don't even know what they're talking about prior I just thought this'd be funny
Anyways hopefully I'm not late to this! Again, Happy 30k @sm-baby!
Oh and also here's Carnival!Caine (w/Bubble) and Pomni in the Souls-like artstyle because why the fuck not, I haven't drawn in a literal week man
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transturbo · 6 months ago
So, like, what are the chances that a 2nd Turbotime arcade cabinet gets plugged in at some point? Same graphics & characters & everything. With the kids being appreciative of "retro" games(and, c'mon, Felix mentioned Turbotime being the most popular in the arcade when it was around, likely because of the steering wheel controller tech. at least this'd be the case before Roadblasters came around).
"but why would Mr. Litwak go through the trouble of affording a new one? When the last one got two of his games put out of commission?" man idk I just think he'd like to capitalize a little bit off of the kids' love of retro. if it breaks it breaks yknow. plus the incident was LONG ago I doubt that he'd even take it into account
I put all of this before just so you can imagine: Imagine a newly plugged in Turbo, ecstatic to make his debut as the greatest racer in the arcade! No malicious intentions(yet). And when he tries to socialize outside of his game, he's met with a whole array of strange looks. Ones of fear, disgust, wariness, and pity? He hadn't a clue what this was all for, talk about a tough crowd right?
At first he chalked it all up to some wide-range hazing ritual, something about showing the new guys what's up. This was all he thought before he started to see some peculiar graffiti staining parts of the GCS. Looked like some sort of fearmongering propaganda to him. He thought of it as some kinda funny prank, not to mention how kinda badass he looked.
Though, the joke was kinda starting to get old by the time he was barred from Tappers from the get-go. What gives! Can't a guy take the edge off at least once?? No breaks for ol' Turbo The Greatest Racer Ever??
Some wiseguys even thought it'd be funny to pick him up and use him as a basketball one time. He's not even the right colors to be a basketball! Jerks.
Turbo tries to confide in his fellow gamemates, trying to get some sort of answer to what's been going on with the treatment, but no dice, they don't know either because they've sworn off heading outside the game due to receiving the same treatment. Which angers Turbo even moreso. These guys may be his ingame rivals, but he can't stand for this blasphemy against his very name.
He'll get to the bottom of this. He'll show them.
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nimbasa-librarian · 2 years ago
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Artfight for @realpokemon //
Drew is angry because RealPokemon insults Galar. Anya is rather indifferent, and Daniel is just being Daniel
Idk I just thought this'd be funny
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gauloiseblue · 1 year ago
Ruined Date
He should've turned on the TV this morning.
He never knew he'd ever need any information from the weather podcast.
If he had listened to the podcast, maybe you and him wouldn't be here—in the bus station—needing to take shelter from the raging storm. He scolded himself for letting you get drenched and shivering because of the strong wind. The rain itself wasn't any less cruel to both of you. The harmless drops of rain have changed its form into bullets of water against his skin, thanks to the help of the strong wind.
The date he had planned consisted of him taking you to a nice dinner, then he'll take you to a stargazing spot up above the city. There's a small spot on the cliff near this city that could offer the city view, the faraway ocean, and the starry night all in one spot. He had thought this'd be the perfect date until the first drop of rain fell on the nape of his neck when you and him were halfway through the path to the cliff.
The bus will arrive in 12 minutes, and the storm hasn't shown any sign of stopping. He had you curled in his arm, seeking warmth from his body. Even with the infamous Jotaro's coat and his strong arms wrapped on your body, you can't help but feel colder as the rain begins to soak through the fabric of his coat to your outfit.
Now you understand why everyone said the weather in Japan is really unpredictable.
The stars were visible when the two of you two finished the dinner. But when you and him arrived at the entrance of the stargazing spot, the sky had been covered by dark clouds. You had a bad feeling about it, yet you shook it off and thought maybe the clouds were only passing by. You were wrong.
The sounds of rain hitting the asphalt fill the void of the absence of Jotaro's voice. You knew he's blaming himself right now but you too took part in this--you did receive a warning from yourself, but you chose to ignore it.
You loosen up his embrace and reaching out to touch the side of his face, your voice is barely heard, but you know he had heard you,
"I'm fine.. Don't worry about me." He answers with a heavy sigh,
"It's not your fault, y'know." You stroke his cheekbone, assuring him, "we can't control the weather."
"But I could've known better to not take you to somewhere far from the city."
You snorted, cracking a small smile on your lips. To be honest, when he murmurs to you about the place he'd take you after dinner, you can't help but feel your heart swell with affection. He, Jotaro Kujo, has planned and is willing to take you to somewhere romantic had you thrown away your cautiousness. You didn't even worry about how your feet would be sore after the walk to the cliff, the mosquito bites, hell, you didn't even think about the danger of walking in the forest at night at all.
He noticed you tighten your hug around his bulky chest, repressing a giggle that bubbles in your throat.
"What's so funny?"
"No, it's just.." You suppress your incoming laughter, "I had imagined us in every possible cheesy scenario in my head, especially when we're dancing in the rain."
But not now, not when you and him are in the middle of a storm, with icy cold drops of rain constantly touching your skin.
You were too occupied with your thoughts and swelled heart that you didn't realize Jotaro had closed the distance between you and him, he tilted your head up until your lips and his are touching—
There's a sudden blinding light coming from the road, the roaring engine startled you as your eyes winced for a better vision to see what's behind those lights.
"Ah, the bus is finally here." Jotaro informed you before pulling you towards the bus. The tall vehicle is slowing down, slowly approaching both of you. The automatic door is sliding open, welcoming both of you to come aboard. You both gladly accept the welcome and hop into the bus.
"Welcome, passengers! Crazy weather eh?" The driver of the bus greeted me.
"Yes, it was rather.. Unexpected." You replied, Jotaro agreed by tugging down his completely soaked hat.
"Glad I came to rescue." He laughs a bit, closing the automatic door and starts to drive away from the deserted bus station.
There's no one inside the bus except you, him, and the driver—unsurprisingly, since no one wants to go out in the middle of the storm.
You took a seat near the window as you freed yourself from his drenched coat, trying to warm yourself by rubbing both of your palms together. You could feel a warmth building up on your palms.
"Need help?" Jotaro asked
"Oh, no, no. I can do it myself."
"Yare yare, gimme your hands."
Before you could reply to him, he already pulled both of your hands and gently placed them onto his palms. You felt a pair of invisible hands landing on your freezing palms, radiating a heat which instantly melts away the cold feeling on your fingertips.
You let out a content sigh, both of Jotaro's and Star Platinum's hands have washed away all the cold from the rain off your hands. Even though you can't see the invisible stand he had told you about, you can feel Star's hands rub on your palms, up to your wrists, until they disappear and move to cup your face, your cheek instantly lit up as you feel a pair of invisible lips had landed on yours.
"Feeling better?"
He commands Star to retreat after giving you a chaste kiss and focuses on you fully by caressing the high point of your cheeks, gently wipes away the remaining drops of rain on your face.
"Yes, better."
The smile on your lips is so wide that you thought your face would split into two. To have Jotaro showing the gentle side of him is truly a rare moment for you to experience, and you always want to cherish this moment. He had told you to be patient with him in a relationship.
So you did.
And you're grateful you did.
You leaned your head onto his broad shoulder happily. He had wrapped his hand carefully around your shoulders and provided a comfortable cushion for you to rest upon.
The comfort he gives distracts you from a light dust of red on his cheek. He pulled down his hat and muttered out his signature catchphrase.
Kujo's residence is about 20 minutes away from your current place, but you didn't mind spending the rest of the time in comfortable silence as weariness began to seep into your body. You rested your eyes close and let your other senses take over the available slot left by your sight. The sound of the rain against the window of the bus constantly fills your sense of hearing, every turn and stop the bus makes barely noticeable to you, but you are aware of some arrival and departure from the bus passengers during the trip.
You felt yourself dozing off for a moment before a soft nudge on your shoulder slowly lifted the fog of your unconsciousness away. You groggily return to your sense of sight and look around just to find the bus is stopping at your destination, luckily the storm has subdued into drizzle. You groan softly, your mind instantly prioritizes you to get a nice, hot shower after you arrive at Jotaro's house. The unpleasant feeling of the wet clothes that stick onto your skin is uncomfortable whenever you move around. Not mentioning his damp coat on your shoulders. Jotaro noticed your discomfort, thus he took your hand and guided you out from the bus after paying the transportation fee. You politely bid the driver a good night and receive a smile in return.
"Be safe on your way home!"
"Thank you sir." You waved him goodbye.
His smiles widened as he waved to the both of you before closing the automatic door. The big vehicle is driven away, leaving the two of you alone in the bus station.
Jotaro placed his hand on your cheek to draw your attention, and you turned your face to him. The corner of his lips curled in amusement.
"You're so friendly to everyone, were you forgetting about me?"
"Um, no i didn't—" You blushed at his words, you just realize you've been watching the bus as it went further away from the bus station you're currently in.
Chuckle erupted from his throat, he once again took your hand and dragged you out from the shelter.
"Come on, we should get home."
You nod to him, you begin to match his wide steps but it's a struggle to keep your pace equal to his.
An unspoken compassion from him starts to become noticeable as his steps are slowing down. You felt you were instantly taken back to the very first time he held your hand back in your adolescence. The butterfly wings flutter on the inside of your stomach as you're overwhelmed by his form of affection, not that you complained.
The small gesture he had tried to show you held a lot of meanings. Jotaro Kujo wasn't a man of affection, but alas you were quite the opposite. At first, he's very hesitant about being in a relationship, afraid that he'd somehow accidentally hurt you. It took a lot of convincing and encouragement for him to gradually learn how to show his emotions up until the point he even lets you see him when he's emotionally vulnerable. You were glad you're able to receive his love at his own pace.
The street grew quieter as both of you walked into the passageway where his home is located. The rain stopped about a minute ago, but the sky hasn't cleared out from Cumulonimbus clouds.
"We're here." He stated.
You looked up, realizing you've been distracted by your thoughts till the Gate of Kujo's residence went unnoticed by you until now.
"Oh, yeah, great." You awkwardly replied, he must've noticed you've been dazed out the whole time.
The sound of metal groans from the gate's hinge was produced when he pushed the gate open. He steps aside, gesturing to you to enter his home first. You gladly step inside.
His house never ceased to amaze you. The traditional Japanese garden, with stone pathways that lead you to the wooden-old style house, looks exquisite.
Jotaro walked in right after you, he locked his gate before approaching the small box of switches. The flick of switch immediately turned on the tōrō that embellished alongside the pathway. Illuminating the path to his house.
You watched them in awe as the second flick of switch made the lamps under the canopy above you light up dimly.
"How long are you gonna stand there?" He called you out, instantly snapped you out from your thoughts. 
Damn, even if this was the hundredth time of you visiting his house, you're still nervous about going in. Not because of the intimidating presence of a huge house, but rather about what'd happen afterwards when the two of you are alone inside his room.
"Coming!" You jog towards him, he snorts at your clumsy steps.
The slide door squeaked against the strong push of his hand, the dim hallways greets you and him as both of you went inside. He sat on the small stair at the entrance of the house to free his soaked feet from the wet shoes. You imitate him as you pull your feet out from your flat shoes, cringed at the squishy sounds made by the foam parts of your shoes.
"Jojo, would you mind if I take a bath first?" You asked, insecure about the possible odor being produced by your feet if you don't wash it immediately.
"Sure, I'll lend you my clothes."
Wait.. Your brain is still processing his offer.
Your cheek bursts into a dark shade of red when realization hits you. You will be wearing his clothes as a change, but there's no possibility that he owned a pair of bras.
And women's underwear.
"Uh, i just— i just remember—" You stuttered, unable to assemble the question you wanted to ask, "do you— by any chance could lend me, you know,"
"Lend what?"
"Uh, that thing." His brows furrowed deeper as the thing you asked from him isn't clear enough. You groaned, he didn't get the message,
"... A spare underwear." The last part of your word came out as a whisper.
His response was so flat, you cursed your awkwardness that makes a fool out of you by exaggerating the matter.
But your request did make a part of him twitch, but it wasn't anywhere on his hand.
"Right," He pulled down his hat to conceal half of his face, "it's not a woman's underwear, but I do have spares, if you like."
"Thank you." You shut the conversation off.
Awkward silence follows afterward.
Jotaro began to walk inside his house without words. Soft thud of footsteps have joined the sound of the night. A loud croak of a frog and buzzing sounds from moth wings filled the night as both of you walked through the veranda of his house.
Just like a navigator implanted in his head, he walks around his house on autopilot. The both of you passed the empty living room, the kitchen, the tea room, until he stopped in front of a room you're familiar with.
The shōji slides open, revealing Jotaro's spacious room inside. The tatami feels nice under your feet when you step inside. You follow your feet as they carry you to the electrical switch of this room's lamp. The warm light is flooding the room instantly.
Jotaro closed the shōji with a loud slam. Surprisingly, you're used to how unaware he'd handle things around him at full strength. Sometimes you think he can't control the extra power he got from Star Platinum yet, but you know he won't admit it.
He disappeared to the cubicle of his wardrobe and came back with a pile of fresh clothes as he offered them to you.
"Here, take it."
"Thank you." You extended your hands to grab the clothes from him.
"Go on and take a shower." He reached for his hat, taking it off and tossing it to the nearest table. "I'll be in the kitchen. Tea?"
"Yes please." You lit up at his offer. A hot beverage after a nice shower sounds very pleasant.
You stand still as you watch the shōji slide open and closed once again. The silhouette of him appears on the semi translucent glass, until it disappears around the corner.
You quickly took a step towards the bathroom.
The fluorescent light filled the room as you turned the switch on. The bright white porcelains dominated your vision. You quickly stored your changes in the usual place and discarded your wet clothes from your body. Your skin felt moist after your body naturally let any liquid seep through the barrier of your skin. You frowned at the sight of your wrinkled fingertips and your reflection in the mirror. Your hair is matted because of the drying rainwater. It's gonna take a long time to smoothen your tousled hair.
You step into the shower room, closing the glass door behind and turn on the warm shower. It didn't take a long time before the cold water turned into warm water on your hand, the steam from the water instantly relaxed your muscles as you stood closer to the pouring water and let them wash away the remaining coldness of the rain. You sigh contently  when the temperature of the room has risen up to the point where it feels like you just curled up inside a blanket in the middle of cold night. When the cold is gone, you begin to scrub away the impurity off your skin with soap.
Great, now I'll smell exactly like Jotaro, you thought to yourself as you poured an appropriate amount of shampoo onto your head, the smell of him quickly invaded your nostrils as soon as you rub the shampoo on your hair. Bubbles quickly form on your head as you gently massage your scalp. His shampoo does feel a little too drying for your hair, but it's better than just washing your hair with only water.
The faint sound of the bedroom's door slid open indicating that he's back. You quickly wash up yourself before turning off the faucet, not wanting to keep him waiting for his turn. You step out from the foggy shower cubicle and pull the towel from the hanger. The towel is now wrapped around your body after you use it to wipe yourself dry. The temperature outside the shower room does feel a little colder.
This would be the first time you fully dressed in his clothes.
You take a look at yourself in the mirror again, tidying your hair a bit before fetching the pile of clothes inside the hanging cabinet on the wall.
The grey underwear he gave you is bigger than your size, not to mention the unusual bagginess around the crotch. You blushed at the thought of something usually nestled inside this brief. It did feel uncomfortable, but other than that, the shirt and his shorts felt comfortable on your skin. The smell of wooden wardrobe clinged on the shirt he had given you, a hint of his cologne bursts out everytime the fabric brushes on your skin. Oh, you definitely smell like Jotaro right now.
Your nipples are visible under the clothes, you cringed when you feel them peaked because of the coldness of the room. You shook your head as you draped your towel on your shoulders, covering the visible part of your nipples.
You unlocked the bathroom door, walked out with the dirty clothes in your hand.
"Jotaro, it's your turn." You call him out.
Your eyes instantly spotted him on the small spot in the center of the room. He had placed a portable short-legged table in front of him with two cups of tea settled on the table. The rain did a favor to you, the rainwater that wet his clothes made his shirt clings onto the skin underneath. Which exhibit the outline of his forearms and torso.
He took a sip of his tea before setting it down on the table. He gets up and grabs a new towel before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind.
You gently knock on them, "Jojo, could you hand me your dirty clothes? I'll wash them."
He grunts as an answer, the sound of rustling shirt and rattling belt clasps follow afterwards.
The door is opened for the second time, this time with a hand sticking out with a bundle of clothes in the grip.
"Here." He handed you his laundry. You let him place them down on top of your hand,
"You're welcome." You giggled as you took it and headed out to the laundering room, feeling a blush creep on your cheek.
The washing machine that belongs in this household is quite similar to yours. The only difference is it's a lot bigger and elegant compared to what you have in your house. You separate the whites and begin to do the chores.
On your way back to his room after finished laundering the dirty clothes was awfully quiet. You looked up to the sky from the veranda and spotted a dim moonlight behind the clouds. The storm has passed, leaving the sky overcast with just a thin layer of clouds.
You slide the room's door open, surprised when you see him currently sitting beside the table with a small towel resting on his head. He already changed into comfortable pants and only pants. Exhibiting his ungodly muscles of his torso and after-shower skin that looks soft if you touch them. 
You shook your urge to run your fingers onto his moist skin off as you tried to distract yourself from the view in front of you. The fact that he took a bath in less than 5 minutes is questionable. Did he mistake rinsing his body as taking a bath?
"Um, you're done already?"
He looked up from the magazine in his hand as if it's not obvious enough.
".. Let me dry your hair then."
You waited for him to reply, but he often gave you silent answers. You closed the door behind you and fetched the hairdryer inside the bottom of the desk drawer.
The sound of a buzzing hair dryer fills the room as you're working on his hair. You kneeled to have a better view to his head, gently run your fingers into his hair while drying his hair delicately.
He relaxed at your touch and leans closer to you, closing his eyes. His hair quickly dried out with the help of an expensive hair dryer his mom gave him, sadly it has never been in use except when you're around. You pull him towards you as you wrap your hands around his neck, placing a kiss on his forehead.
He chuckled, "What's up with the kiss?"
"Nothing, I just want to do it." You place another kiss on his cheek.
"You could just tell me if you want more." He twisted his body to face you and reached out to cup your face, pulling you towards him. Both of your lips almost come in contact.
You blushed furiously as his forearm brushed on your clothed breast.
It's not like Jotaro had never seen or touched you bare body, but the awareness from not wearing a bra when you both weren't in some sexual activity feels so wrong, it's like you were committing a crime though it's actually not a big deal. 
"You do realize your face is turning red, do you?" He finally closed the distance between your lips with a kiss. He turned his body fully facing yours. Your knees weaken and you fall onto your back with him on top of you as the result of intense kisses he poured onto your lips.
You deepen the kiss to suppress the noises caused by his wandering hands roaming on your skin. He slowly descends his body on top of yours, making you gasped for air between the kisses. 
The shorts you wore easily slide off from your legs, leaving the bottom part of your body covered only with baggy underwear. His hands quickly found the hem of the brief before he finally removed the last fabric on your leg, the chilling air instantly licked your hot core. He pulled away from the kiss and smirked as he saw a darker spot on the grey underwear you wore.
"You're staining my brief,"
"Oh my god, I'm sorry." You replied as you covered your face, feeling the embarrassment skyrocketed in your head as he pulled them off you completely. It didn't take a second before the brief was thrown somewhere on the floor.
"Not that I mind." You let out a low moan when he shifted and kissed the back of your ear. It's not only embarrassment that has peaked so high inside you, it also drags your sensitivity up beyond the ceiling. As the result, you wetted yourself more.
His hand found the hem of your shirt, he pulled the shirt over your head along with your drenched hair towel and tossed them somewhere in the room.
You instantly hug yourself in an attempt to cover your bare chest. It didn't take a second before he yanked both of your hands off your chest, keeping your breast open for his eyes to feast.
The tent on his pants grew abnormally bigger as you wriggle under him. You weren't ready, at least for now. He always took time to prepare himself and he'd never been this bold before. This is beyond confidence. Did something aroused him? What was the cause? Or did something triggered him until he's—
His scalp. You had accidentally teased him by running your fingers into his hair, where his erogenous zone is hidden under his thick mane.
Of course it's more than that. He had planned this since Ms. Holly is currently in America with her husband, he would never pass the chance to spend time with you alone. The evidence is showing through the absence of the underwear he should've been wearing. Besides, the outline of his cock inside his pants looks way too obvious.
A spark of courage started a fire inside you. He had missed you, and you were just the same. You ignore the fluttering wings of butterflies inside your stomach as you move your hands in the second after he lets go of them and runs your fingers into his hair, digs your nail down onto his scalp. He groans at the sudden stimulation he receives. 
From many experiences, you both already know each other's erogenous zone. The second-most sensitive part of his body—the first one was his cock, obviously—is his scalp.
"Jotaro," You pull his head down until your lips meet again, you wrap your legs around his waist and start grinding on his hard bulge. 
You were right, there's no underwear beneath those shorts.
You silently thanked his decision. The cotton fabric of his shorts against your arousal almost feel zero in layers and it pleasures you but leaves you impatient at the same time. You moaned as you feel the outline of his cock better when you grind harder.
"Now you're staining my shorts." He hisses between his heavy breath,
"Take them off then..!" You gasped in protest
"Yare yare, use your own hand, woman." He grunted as he rose up and let you do the job. You quickly got to work on pulling the elastic band of the short down to free his swollen member from the tight shorts, even though the view of his fully erected cock is tempting to be left untouched. You are forced to drag your eyes to meet him, silently asking for permission to satisfy him with your mouth. He shook his head. Today, he's skipping it. 
The sight of him kicking off his shorts is truly arousing. He's impatient, and so were you. You're familiar with this calm before storm period, where the tension in the atmosphere is so thick as if you're trapped inside a hardened gelatine.
Heavy breaths fill the lack of conversation between you and him as both of you share the same stare with the same intensity. You were filled with anticipation, hoping he'd ravish you and suffocate you as he pours his passion into you.
But of course, Jotaro won't let you get what you want—yet. He lowers his body for a bit before starting teasing your fold by dragging his hard tip up and down. You moaned as it stimulated you, but it wasn't enough.
"Jotaro!" You begged, "Don't tease me!"
"Impatient, aren't you?" He whispered beside your ear, positioning himself as he adjusted your legs around his waist. You pant heavily as you felt the long waited tip finally touched the entrance of your arousal.
You inhale harshly as his tip penetrated your core and slowly slid in easily into your lubricated wall.
"Fuck.. You were already this aroused." He curses as your wall massages the head of his cock. Sending him a sweet spark of pleasure.
It's barely in and he already made you into a moaning mess. His head had ducked down as his plump lips tugged your nipple lightly, and later he'd soothe your aching tip with his tongue. Both of his hands soon join the fun, they cup both of your mound and squeeze them gently. He likes to feel the softness of your breasts under his rough palms.
You moan when you feel his member is slowly sinking further and rubbing itself around the right spot on your wall. He lets out a quivered breath as he stops for a second to pull himself backward and shoves them inside. Your back begins to arch in pleasure as he repeats the process, in, out, in, then out again. Your wall was slowly adjusted to his size and you were starting to feel good.
"Jotaro, faster—!" You urged him, clinging into the new formed pleasure that slowly built inside your core.
Jotaro peels his hand away from your chest and goes to the south. Your eyes instantly open when you feel his fingers slip into your labia and slowly circulate around your sensitive bud. You opened your mouth to protest but he shut it by shoving his tongue in the second after you opened your mouth—which only resulted in you drowning deeper into pleasure.
This is unfair, you want to make him feel good as much as you did too.
You cupped his face as you gladly welcomed his thick, wet muscle into your mouth while he pumped himself into you.
"Let me please you, (Y/N)." He heaved softly between the kiss, "You've done so much for my pleasure."
Behind your blurry vision, you could see his determined stares. His brows were knitted together as he solely focuses himself on you.
Hot breath blew against the curve of your neck. He's sucking on a certain spot on your neck, adding a new pleasure you already had to bear from the constant stimulation in your lower region.
In that very moment, your senses are heightened by twofold. You could hear his harsh breathing, the wet sound of skin against skin, your own heartbeats, but you couldn't hear the sound that has escaped your mouth as clear as the other sound. The wave of pleasures keeps coming, sweeping you away from the shore and drowning you until you're unable to take control over your body.
Your clit has begun to numb from the constant rub his fingers are giving. The numbing sensation crawls its way to your legs, until it reaches your toes. You're clinging into his arms, completely at his mercy.
"Fuck, (Y/N)." He curses as he draws a shaky breath, he's undeniably starting to succumb into his own need for release. Wildly thrust himself into you.
"I— I'm close—" You gasped. Unable to form any decent word longer than that.
His only response was sweet nothings like 'you're doing good', 'cum for me', which comes out as a whisper. If your senses weren't heightened, you might be unable to catch them. With the remaining logical sense in your brain, you're aware Jotaro wasn't entirely conscious when he said those things.
You were so close to your release, it was so close but you still couldn't reach it. You bucked your hip faster to be in the same rhythm with his. Both of your body are covered in sweat, you could see the sweat has made a few strands of his hair stick onto his forehead, forming a few fat buds of sweat before they're rolling down on his face.
It only took one tilt of your body to make him graze into the right spot that instantly blacked out your eyes as you see nothing but stars. Within a few thrust, your body goes into convulsions as intense pleasure washes over you, triggering your brain to release large amounts of dopamine. You cried out his name as you finally reached the sweet orgasm he had intended to give you. Now it was his turn.
He increases his pace and fills the room with the loud sound of skin slapping besides your heavy breath and his small, almost unnoticeable moans. He's frustrated. He's already close halfway through the intercourse, but he's holding it back so you could reach it before him. With a desperate grunt but freed from duty to make you feel good, he lets his body guide him toward his own desire. He wants to buck his hip harder, it was there, so close to him to reach. With the help of your cum, he just had to thrust into you faster, and faster and—
His body spasms as he finally meets the orgasm he had been chasing. He arches his back as he feels his cock spill his hot cums into you.
He instantly feels light headed and collapses on top of you. You tighten your hug around his neck, kissing his cheek sweetly. You both stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the afterglow in each other's embrace.
You could feel the thick liquid of his release seeping into your core deeper, but he's spilling the rest out when he moves to remove his member from you. 
A satisfied sigh leaves your lips, feeling the familiar sense of sleepiness begin to sink into your sore body. 
"Don't sleep yet." He said as he stroked your cheek.
You smile. "I know", you softly replied. Sleeping on the floor without a futon will make your back stiff in the morning, he usually said. 
He smiles back at you—so gentle that it would make you squeal if sleep wasn't your main priority right now.
He got up before gathering the scattered clothes on the floor and left you to bring back his folded futon. 
He unfurled the futon beside you and told you to move onto the simple bedding—which took every energy you had left to drag your body to climb upon the fresh spread futon.
He cleans himself with tissues before putting his brief back on. You watched him change comfortably with your heavy lidded eyes.
Your eyes were finally closing. You almost fell into deep slumber if it's not because there's a sudden cold touch on your skin. You open your eyes before realizing you had fallen asleep for quite a while. You didn't remember Jotaro had left your side and came back with a cardigan and wet towel in his hand.
"Jotaro.." You call him quietly,
"Shh, (Y/N). You can go back to sleep." Jotaro hushes you as he cleans the stain on your inner thighs. He's really pampering you today.
"Come here, I want to cuddle you." You murmur, barely conscious as you pat the empty space besides you.
He chuckled softly before he kissed your forehead and joined you on the futon. You curled your body against him as he wraps you with a cardigan and pulls the thick blanket over your body and his. You then found yourself inside his arms before you slipped into unconsciousness, feeling a sense of protection as his steady breath lulls you back into slumber.
It wasn't a ruined date after all.
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butterbabyflapjack · 3 months ago
I read your elden ring/dark souls fics and i absolutely love them(the crucible knight fic got me squealing yo)! But im sitting here wondering if youve ever written the reader to talk casually like us (these are incorrect quotes as examples hope u dont mind),
"Of course its perfectly safe... for me at least!." "Hey bestie!" "I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now."
"Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR DAMN NECK—" "Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges." "What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed."
"It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating."
And the eldenring/darksouls characters acting a bit confused by readers wording cuz theyve never heard anybody talk like that. Reader sounds unhinged and casual but still optimistic about their adventures.
Just a little suggestion since i wanna see one of your soulsborne fics including reader acting like this at least once. Thought it would be funny to see reader being the only one talking this way hehe tq for reading me!
This'd be pretty funny, I might have to try it 🤭 I think some of my older tangled threads and heartstrings entries have more modern vernacular but I've never swung fully into it 🤔💕💕
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mono-blogs-art · 2 months ago
Mono's Movies of 2024
Quick reviews of all movies I watched in theatres in 2024 - not including movies I saw at festivals, otherwise this'd be insanely long. One of my new years resolutions of last year was to watch 1 movie in the cinema each month, and I'm happy to say I achieved that!
Listed in order of when I watched them.
Anatomie d'une chute (Justine Triet, 2023): 9/10 loved this movie. Crazy to say that the first movie I watched this year was also one of the highlights, really INSANE. I still think they were ROBBED at the Oscars. Justice for Sandra
Poor Things (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2023): I know this movie was a huge success and won Everything but Boy. I did Not Like this movie. It's funny, sometimes, but the satire just did not hit for me and I actually debated walking out of the cinema in the first 40 minutes. Thankfully the second half was much better. But my God. I saw so many people saying they found this empowering, I found it horrifying. Great cinematography though. 4/10.
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood (Anna Hints, 2023): another 9/10 and probably my favourite documentary of this year, I WEPT like crazy. Just openly sobbing. Really beautiful and bone-chillingly intimate. I briefly met the film cast & crew at Sundance and they were lovely, so that was my main motivation to go watch it. I'm glad I did.
The Big Lebowski (Joel Coen, 1998): First rewatch of the list, I went to a legacy special screening and had a White Russian cocktail with it. Just such a good weird movie. A classic 8/10.
Perfect Days (Wim Wenders, 2023): Another movie that I think was robbed at the Oscars - another 9/10 for me and highlight of the year. Such a calm, tender movie about seeing the beauty in the mundane. Fun fact I actually met Mr Wenders at the European Film Awards this year and he seems kinda like a cool bougie old guy.
All of us Strangers (Andrew Haigh, 2023): another movie that made me OPENLY SOB. Somber, heart-breaking but simple tale that's told really interestingly. Heavy stuff but extremely well worth the watch, 8/10.
The Zone of Interest (Jonathan Glazer, 2023): this movie is another 9/10. Insane sound design. The movie will make you nauseous. It's uncomfortable in the way no other Holocaust movie so far has made me. Watch it. especially in the theaters if you ever get the chance. The sound design really deserves good speakers.
May December (Todd Haynes, 2023): I liked it! 7/10 don't have much to say. I think knowing the real story behind it makes it worse though. Every actor in this movie slayed though. Okay Natalie Portman
C'è Ancora Domani (Paola Cortellesi, 2023): another absolute banger 8/10. Musical elements, great dark comedy, INSANE levels of misogyny. A very serious movie, but doesn't take itself too seriously. A fine line that's tough to do. I really loved it.
Love Lies Bleeding (Rose Glass, 2024): Listen. I thought I was gonna watch a hot sexy lesbian action movie with my gf (<3) but THIS MOVIE IS CRAZY. In a very fun way but also in a very gross, violent way. I still liked it but it did kinda traumatize my gf. Not a very sexy cinema experience 6/10.
Lupin the Third - The Castle of Cagliostro (Hayao Miyazaki, 1979): Never seen any of the Lupin movies but this one made me wanna watch them - completely unexpected Banger. Just a really fun spy/detective dramedy. 7/10
Radical (Christopher Zalla, 2023): This movie is SO. GOOD. I didn't expect it to get me this much but I went to see it on recommendation of my gf and we both cried (second time for her). Brother this movie is simple but incredibly charmingly executed. Go watch. 8/10.
Kinds of Kindness (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2024): The second Lanthimos movie on this list and thank fucking God. It was GREAT. I really like the structure, the movie is very long but doesn't feel like it because of the great plot(s). Every short story is stranger than the last and just really well made. 8/10
Paprika (Satoshi Kon, 2006): What can I say this movie is amazing in every way. Another rewatch for me at a special screening after learning a lot about it in animation class. This is a classic and must-watch for anime fans. 9/10
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snobgoblin · 2 years ago
Ace reader go "shopping"
x hehehe oh ok
rated: E for even a zygote could read this it's squeaky clean
plot: yall need outfits for an award ceremony so you steal em
It smells like old lady in here. Smells like old RICH lady. that's the worst kind of old lady, not like the ones that are mean but in a funny way. You didn't expect Ace to take you to such a fancy place, the fanciest place you've seen him go willingly was to that 3 star seafood restaurant that gave yall food poisoning.
You piped up "So uhm. What are we doing here again it smells like purse dog"
Ace looked over from some suit jackets he was rummaging through. he dropped one on the ground and fumbled to put it back "Eh, need an outfit for some kinda award thing, I dunno. You're coming with me. You're sposed to bring a date and I ain't bringing the guys."
"I'm literally your partner......... and I'm your last choice? girl WHAT 😭"
"Told ya i aint a girl, toots. And it's not like you were my last choice I just figured you wouldn't wanna go. Then I remembered I don't like bein by myself so I decided you would. That alright?" he barely paused before holding up a pink suit jacket up to his body, "Hey you think this'd look good on me?"
"Uh..." you struggled to process everything he said so you just dropped it. You probably didn't want to go because it was loud, and there would be cameras, but you wanted to be there to support him. You were happy for him. You smile "Looks great." it did not. it was radioactive pink, you could see out of the corner of your eye that the white floor was reflecting the color of the suit jacket, it was practically GLOWING. but he liked it. so you just threw him a bone.
he picked out a........ matching isn't the right word, more like. he just picked out a pair of yellow pants ok. bro looked like an easter egg. at least his undershirt was white, offset the brightness a little
"Alright, now you. It's on me." he folded the clothes over his arm and put both hands on your shoulder, as if to nudge you. "Whatever you want. Gotta be classy though"
You had been spacing out but replied "They call it classy because it's stuff teachers would wear?"
Ace blinked, but you couldn't really see it through the sunglasses. "HUH. Never thought of it like that. You might be onto something."
Once you picked out your preferred outfit, Ace took you both to the dressing room.
"Better to know it fits now then having to take the duct tape to it right before the show." he had said.
AND GUESS WHAT. for once the sizing wasn't proper ASS BOOTY and it fit like a glove. I mean, it fit like, whatever you chose. which could be gloves yeahhh I fuck with those AND SO DOES ACE HE FUCKS WITH WHATEVER YOU CHOSE! bros sunglasses fell down and he called you hot. you could practically see little hearts circle his head, before he shook it and took your arm in his. "you got the clothes you came with?"
you nodded. "why?"
"Good. This is why" and then he simply. Walked out of the store. Why were you even surprised at this point. the sirens went off in the store but he simply ignored them. And he got away with it. and the awards ceremony ended up being awesome btw
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official-nrc-prophet · 11 months ago
Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you! You have likely never met me in real life, because I have no notoriety in this school whatsoever.
You see, I have come to you seeking assistance. I would like to know whether or not, in this current timeline where I do not change any of my behavior, my sales this business quarter will be enough to make at least a 12.5% profit.
As a completely average student who is definitely not Octavinelle hosuewarden Azul Ashengrotto, if you require payment beforehand, I'm not sure I'll be able to provide much, but I'd be happy to negotiate.
-A (17M)
(OOC: Hihii just thought this'd be funny to send please lmk if there's a rule i forgot to follow or a tonal issue)
Ah, hello definitely not Azul Ashengrotto.
Come to Scarabia, we can discuss business.
If you'd like, you can propose ideas for improving your business and I can predict how well they'd work.
Your sales will only go up by 3.6% if you don't change anything.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years ago
random question but i need help so i have an oc and she's a big of a tired, overworked timid producer type. so i imagine her meeting valkyrie for the first time, specifically shu, accidentally making the oc cry since when they meet she's in a sad mood.
the joke is that shu was just asking a normal question but he's intimitating enough to make the oc cry and mika's like "oshi-san! you made the nice new producer cry! :(((" and shu panics because how do you deal with a woman suddenly crying and people looking at you like "wtf did shu itsuki just make a woman cry? what did he do?"
a part of me thinks shu wouldn't care much and just tell the oc to stop crying bc it's unbecoming for a producer to cry on the job or panic because (totally a paragraph shu would say /s) "shit i just made a stranger cry what do i do??? please stop!! im sorry???? help??? kagehira what do you do to make people stop crying??"
or maybe it progresses from "stop crying. it's embarassing for a producer like you to cry." to "??? kagehira, i didn't mean to make the woman cry!! how do you make it stop??"
basically i just wanna know how shu would react if someone just bursts into tears infront of him and he's stuck with people looking at him confused and wondering if he made them cry. i feel like he wouldn't have much of a panic but it's still funny to think he would end up panicking. thoughts?
- chicken liver
It took me a bit to get to this !
I think Shu would have a sequence he'd think in. It'd start with not really taking the Producer seriously, right? He'd probably wave her tears off at first, especially if he wasn't even mean. Then, Mika would probably say something like, "Oh, you made her cry :(", I feel like Mika is more perceptive with people's emotions, so this'd get Shu to really notice she's actually crying. At this point, I'd say he'd try to comfort her but in a really weird Shu-esque way. Something that sounds like he's dismissing her tears, but is in actuality trying to build her up (something like, "What possible reason would an esteemed producer of ES have to cry? Surely, you're not intimidated by the very idols you are to produce?" which would make it seem like he's saying she's not cut out to work there, but what he means is that she landed the job, so she has no reason to feel intimidated or scared or inferior, not to a degree that she'd cry).
It's when people start staring, pointing, whispering that Shu would panic, though. Mika probably tries to save the situation by offering her candy or a well-meaning, "Oshi-san doesn't mean it like that" since he's the resident Shu translator, but Shu's panicked state means he's just digging himself in deeper. I think in the end Mademoiselle would properly apologise in Shu's name, to be honest, and Shu would be left in that limbo of "tried his best, but dear Lord, what is his diagnosis"
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sansaorgana · 2 years ago
Okay but. Aemond tries to help his wife with her corset. But he accidentally tightens it too quickly and tightly and she's just winces
He panics and cuts the corset string with a knife lmao 😭
Idk much about corsets so idk if this'd happen jut I just thought that it could be funny
hahaha if he cut my corset with his knife I'd kill him 🤣
btw speaking of corsets, he's got skilled fingers so he'd be amazing at tying it and... untying it quickly as well 😉
there's not much to know about corsets to be honest btw 🤍 it's just important to remember they're demonized by modern media meanwhile back in the day they were just like bras and women were doing all sorts of activities in it because a good corset your size was not harmful at all!
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 years ago
Hi it's me again HEHE
so i was listening to "Do It for Her" from Steven Universe and the thought hit me: how funny would it be if one day IK just suddenly goes "imma learn how to swordfight"
this is totally nonsensical but how i imagine the brothers to react is hilarious
Levi simultaniously comparing her to anime characters and also being like NO. NO. STOP THAT....
Mammon immediately being like nahhh lmao u really thought? no.
I was imagining Barbatos as Pearl and imagining him singing the song and teaching IK,,,,cardiac arrest
Simeon being worried but also calling her "Knight IK",,,,,cries???
this'd be even funnier if barb didn't actually know how to sword fight in the first place, he just agreed because he was the only person that ik hadn't asked yet and he didn't want to disappoint. he buys this really old battle manual and reads each section before the lesson begins, then just bullshits his way through it - and somehow it seems to be working???
lucifer would insist on being there every time barbatos and ik have a lesson, and would probably also not even allow the lessons to happen unless they were using completely fake wooden swords. but then one day he's on a trip or something and isn't there, and he gets a message from satan about barb immediately pulling out actual rapiers upon realising he wasn't there to stop them, and lucifer just about has a HEART ATTACK
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rjalker · 2 years ago
I know I have more posts about Murderbot randomly being a fucking snob to other robots about how they communicate but idk where they all went. And FTR it is literally just bad writing. Lol.
The only way this'd be good writing was if A) Murderbot actually did genuienly think in that sort of computer code all the time. As its natural internal narration. But that would require actually putting thought into the writing and would by design make Murderbot less Universally Relatable™ as a funny sarcastic character so....instead of talking like a robot like it acts is is natural form of communication whenever it feels like being a snobby jackass to other robots, Murderbot instead just talks like a normal sarcastic human.
That's the "secret" of why all of you are so amazed at how relatable Murderbot is despite the fact that it's a robot. Because it's not written as a robot. It really is that simple.
And this would be perfectly fine, except that Martha Wells then wants credit for having this super scifi robot language.........that only gets used when Murderbot's talking to other robots and imposing its snobbery on them. As though it doesn't go around thinking and talking like a human literally 100% of the time.
or the other option for it being good witing would be B) Murderbot wanting to prove it's not like a human at all so aggressively overcompensating when talking to other bots in a desperate attempt to prove something. This would require the other bots to be like "uh hey can you fucking chill" or even just "no actually I prefer talking like this"
or even just the other bots being the ones to initiate the code language rather than Murderbot just being super fucking aggressive and patronizing about it.
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rosetyler42 · 3 months ago
Not sure if this'd be helpful since mine wasn't exactly permanent/"real", but earlier this year I had some nerve issues due to either my bed, chair, or psychosomatic issues. I mostly remember pain (I had a dream where I got injected and woke up hurting.) neuropathy (arm going to sleep/feeling funny) and my arm feeling weaker than normal. This affected my whole left arm, from my shoulder to my fingers. I recieved an inflammation and pain injection in the butt, and later we tried to use a wrap brace because we thought I might have tendonitis or a pinched nerve. We did an ultrasound of the affected limb too. I personally often had trouble with the wrap. I was often doing it and undoing it because I wasn't sure if it was right enough and there were often gaps.
Depending on what causes the damage, they may or may not be able to use the limb. Sometimes that can make it worse, especially if you don't have a brace.
Did my ask about how to write a character with nerve damage go through?
I believe so! But for future reference please be more specific, such as specifying what type of nerve damage your ask had or the date it was sent incase we have multiple asks on the same topic.
Have a lovely day!
Mod Rot
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8lah8lah · 3 years ago
heres my genius OFF but theyre regular people AU. not human the ones that arent human stay nonhuman but everyone is still regular people put under the cut cause i genuinely thought this'd be like one sentence per char but it is fucking long girl help
zacharie; extremely normal guy. works as like, a cashier. has gone to college forrrr whatever Selling Shit or the closest thing to it is but doesnt get to use his degree much. not very online either he has an email and a facebook if those count and thats it. i dont know if he'd wear his full face masks regularly? but at least wears regular nose-and-mouth face masks like always always always always maybe even indoors with ppl he already visits regularly that are not ill. allaround pretty solid trusted liked Known guy where he lives! has no online friends that arent moved away friends from college and even then only has conversations through emails. lives with sucre and the judge
sucre; like. definetely Online. not terminally but she has a tumblr that she goes on weekly like she comes back from work (idk what her job would be) and she's like ahhh yes time to see what everyone got up to while i was away and she scrolls through tumblr in complete silence no music. really good at guessing when someone is shitty before it's known theyre shitty and when them being shitty is revealed shes like told you!!!! default outfit is a sports bra, fully unbuttoned hawaiian shirt, and sweatpants also i don't think she'd wear socks or slippers around the house OR put any footwear on to take the trash out. might play video games idk what though?? has irl and online friends and is good at hanging out with both pretty regularly. also transfem duh
judge; he is NOT like at ALL equivalant to a house cat as far as presence goes he will just stare at you and watch you and talk to you and if you tell him you're upset or you're thinking about some issue in the world oh boy you are going to have the conversation of a lifetime. does annoying cat things even though he is 101% on human scale of awareness cause he thinks it's funny (stepping on zacharie's laptop, eating food that was left unattended on the table, sleeping on clothes in closet when either zacharie or sucre needs them for work and slaps them with his paw when they try to take it) and also cause he's a cat but all 3 of them know he does not need to do that. is 40+ in human years and still kickin and yes still has The teeth because he's a very special boy <3
the batter; baliff whack his peepee (he is in jail because i emphatically believe he would still murder people over jack shit regardless of the situation)
the queen; single mom, i don't know what her job(s) would be either she's either working all the time or has one big important fancy job. good friends with zacharie he helps babysit hugo sometimes. i think zacharie and sucre live in an apartment but the queen lives in a proper house. uhhh i dont know she is also very well liked where she lives and gets cookies etc on her doorstep every xmas from neighbors etc
hugo; hes like 6??? and yes he still LOVES meat he stole a piece of jerky from the batter when he was baby and has not stopped wanting to have meat with every single meal since. never used teething toys just gnawed jerky. shares a minecraft account with the queen it has some like super generic Mom username with like numbers and shit at the end and everything but hugo will ONLY let the skin be sans if he's playing. the queen like sets him on her lap and is like awww let's play mindcraft now sweetie!!! and he's like aoououououou -blows everything up- also he's still bald he wanted to be bald. when zacharie babysits him and the judge comes which he usually does (also the judge hangs out on zacharie's shoulders when he goes outside but not to work like every other time he goes out) the judge poisons hugo's baby innocent mind with philosophical questions. also he draws
dedan; has a job specifically where he can yell at people this is probably like, construction or something but my first thought when conceptualizing this last month it was "a traffic guy" and i want you to imagine him in the little hi vis jacket. guiding children safely across the street to and from school screaming and getting road rage at the parked cars even though he is not driving. and also that when he does drive to work he is screaming the entire fucking time as loud as he can only taking breaks to catch his breath so he doesnt have to think about how angry the people driving normally are making him. got top surgery in like the 1980's through sheer will good for him
enoch; enoch. doesn't do the whole "forces employees to develop cannibalism addictions so they work more" thing (sorry to ppl who havent beat OFF yet) i'm pretty sure that is illegal to do for some reason or another but he is a universally disliked and infamous boss all the same. one time he invited his workers to a lunch thing with him and one guy who's also coworkers with zacharie invited him to it so enoch wouldnt get mad there was so few people and zacharie wasnt like, SCARED, but he was like holy shit you live like this? my friend said "enoch on facebook talking about how his workers are so dedicated except brian lastname 123 street" which i hard agree with. smashed a beer bottle maybe a few on the batter's head once at an event like 11 years ago which while everyone hates him for everything else agrees that was pretty ahead of his time
valerie; if he is NOT dead (which he isnt in this au) he would live in his own house with the judge that they both upkeep and pay the bills for and everything. if he is dead it is cause japhet who is uhhhhh i dont know SOME bird killed him and he died when he was like 16 also in human years cause he was also a very special boy <3
japhet; i dont think he's as sentient and powerful as in-game japhet is cause i dont think the world would be ready for a like 10 foot tall can fly bird with hooves with a heron beak that is malicious but he's either like a hawk or an emu and when the judge is on walks with zacharie the judge will stare at and try to talk to him and he's like -is literally just a normal bird cannot speak or understand english- if he WAS like he is in-game though i think he'd be friends with enoch
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thecorteztwins · 7 years ago
Fabian and Emma Frost (never gonna happen but I thought this'd be funny)
Name:Nieves(whether she is Nieves Frost or Nieves Cortez depends which parentyou ask!)
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Very tall and long-limbed, like a supermodel, though with a bit more muscle than your typical catwalk type. Still slim though, and widest point is her shoulders. Her cheekbones and jawline can both cut glass. Emma is actually a brunette, the blonde is dye, and so is Nieves, but with a more auburn undertone. Blue eyes. Surprisingly  tan cast to her skin for any kid that came from Emma.
Personality: Defensive, always thinks everyone has an agenda, because both her parents always did. Always on her toes, on the lookout for any kind of disapproval from the slightest thing or any sign that people are going to clash with each other, however subtly, because that's kind of world she grew up in, one of subtle war. She projects a perfectly practiced and polished calm, chill exterior, but is a lot more nervous and insecure on the inside. She's been assured by both parents that she's very special and important, and treated as such her entire life, which has ironically made her that much more insecure because she feels she has to live up to this ideal they have of her.
Special Talents: Her mutation is to 'freeze' other people in a temporary crystal prison/exoskeleton by touching them . She is also completely immune to all psychic powers.
Who they like better: She feels a little more at ease around Emma because Emma actually does seem to expect some failure out of her, unlike Fabian who will be shocked at it, while at the same time Emma sees her as more capable than Fabian does. Emma can respect her as a fellow adult, whereas Fabian is always going to see her as a little girl. It makes Emma easier for her to talk to and have a serious conversation with. Sometimes though this makes her like Fabian better instead! Especially since she can actually fool him, but not Emma.
Who they take after more:  Emma, because she's got more going under the surface, unlike Fabian
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