#because i hate how its a massive get out of bad plothole
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Honestly from what we seen from Divine Luck in most universes, it's a pretty dangerous power in the wrong hands and given the fact that it makes you avoid consequences and since Utsuro gave his powers to children, it lead to a lot of those Divine Luck Users becoming quite mentally and emotionally immature given we seen how Void acts - it's probably a good thing your avoiding them.
I know...the only good news is that it seems Divine Luck is slightly weaker here then it is normally our own universes.
Like don't get me wrong, its still a horrifically strong power and you still can do a lot of stuff with it, but there is a lot more pushback on the Voidship then there is normally.
In case you are wondering where Utsuro is, he's on the ship but he uses his powers to make himself invisible to any other Divine Luck users, and they also don't believe anyone who tells them he's right there. I guess that's his way of avoidance.
#danganronpa#dr#kana's christmas adventure#danganronpa another#dra#yuki maeda#in case you don't know#i'm not a fan of divine luck#so i have hit it with a massive nerf hammer#its still crazy strong#but its not as op as it normally is#because i hate how its a massive get out of bad plothole#which i believe is why it was written the way it was in the another series#sketch
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#10 for the ask game, let's say for couple of shows you watch, you decide which ones
Thanks for asking, this is a really intersting one! :3
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Huuuh, okay, lemme go through the shows I’m currently watching, see what I come up with. *tilts head*
Avengers Assemble: The current Black Panther’s Quest. But let me clarify: I don’t dislike the story of this arc itself; I dislike how it’s so awkwardly placed as an arc within Avengers Assemble. This should have been a spin-off, not a whole entire season’s arc of an Avengers show, considering the show has never given the individual Avengers huge standalone arcs like this before. As the plot for its own show this would be an amazing arc, but considering the show it’s on it’s... completely hijacking the show and that does bother me because when I watch an Avengers cartoon, I kind of want to see the Avengers in it, all of them, not just one? Just give him a spin-off, additionally to a real proper all-Avengers focused season of Avengers Assemble. It really ain’t that hard.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I am... absolutely startled to read that most of the fandom seems to dislike season 7 the most?? When in fact season 5 was the worst. The storyline of Dawn was so bad. Not just the retconning in of Sudden Little Sister and just how unlikable the character herself is, but also that the offered out wasn’t used. Just kill off Dawn in the end, use her as the key she is so this obnoxious character doesn’t have to be carried over to the next season, but nope, instead Buffy dies for her. IT was so dumb and so annoying and I find the overly religious story-arcs - whatever the religion - really creepy...
Doctor Who: I really disliked Clara’s post-resolution arc. She was such a good character and I really-really liked her and then the Impossible Girl was finally resolved... and she stayed. That was when she should have left. But that whole nonsense with Danny and how spiteful Clara turned toward the Doctor then and she still stayed around. Usually, this show cuts characters out too early, but in Clara’s case, she overstayed her welcome and the arc they forced there was just really not fun to watch...
Game of Thrones: I am mainly watching it for Dany’s arc, though also the Lannisters and Arya interest me. The others, not so much, but the worst arc is most definitely Bran. I just... care so little about him and what he’s up to, to the point that the one season where he wasn’t in it, I didn’t even notice he was missing. Only that then the next season, he was suddenly back and I was like “oooh... eeeh...”. He’s so boring and bad, I could do without him; the show has so much going on already.
My Little Pony: That last season. The story arc of the kids. This show is very distinctively about the Mane Six. And it was already stretching my patience when it went all about Starlight Glimmer, but now this attempt at making it about a next gen and their whole Elements of Harmony story arc? It was just... not interesting? There are enough established characters to focus on, even beyond the Mane Six. More about their families, more focus on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, heck the background ponies like Octavia. Those kids...? I just... really did not care about them, I don’t remember a single name of theirs. The kids could have been used to further the Mane Six’s plotlines, as mentee and giving each a bond with one of the Mane Six. But this entirely separate own plot for those six new characters... was just not what I was interested in, not after seven whole years and seasons of caring about the Mane Six. Seriously, they could have had the Cutie Mark Crusaders make new friends and focus more on them as the next generation, but introducing fully unrelated, new characters... did not make me care...
Once Upon a Time: This might surprise some, but it’s actually not the Fr0zen arc, because that... at the very least... did a rather okay job at trying to fix the massive plotholes in the movie. I can appreciate that. It ain’t the soft-reboot either considering I refuse to watch that; can’t judge what I haven’t actually seen. I really disliked 5A the most; the whole Dark Emma nonsense and just how emo she was, I also really hate the storytelling tool of “here have a shocking now and let’s unravel it all in flashbacks”, that was so tiresome to watch. I dislike how King Arthur, the King Arthur, was turned into a fucking villain and how unnecessarily dramatic it was.
One Piece: Fishman Island Arc. It used to be Skypiea, but honestly I just dislike Shirahoshi so much. I find her brand of character absolutely nerve-grading. There was not really anything happening in the arc, it pretty much felt like a filler arc even though it was a major one. Waste of time.
Riverdale: The... damn how do I decide? This show started off so good as a fun murder mystery with intriguing characters. Haven’t seen season 3 yet so can only judge the first two. But Betty’s father suddenly turning serial killer was just such a horrendously over the top and unnecessary plot?? Veronica’s dad being a mastermind criminal had at least been set up from the get-go and even Jughead’s dad being the head of a gang and honestly was anyone surprised Cheryl’s mom would send her to conversion therapy? Okay, okay, I will buy all of that. But Betty’s father doing the serial killer bullshit was just way too much and unnecessary and just bad.
Shadowhunters: The addiction arc. It was the worst to watch for me so far. For one, because I am hard against drugs and really dislike addiction and drug arcs in general, but for another because it was just so badly written. That Isabelle, a brilliant scientist with a brain, would just cheerfully agree to take this risky drug from Aldertree to begin with, the utter lack of motivation as to why Aldertree would deliberately get her addicted to drugs aside from it being convenient for drama, then just how Raphael was completely reduced to a tool to further Isabelle’s plot and we did not treat him like a character facing addiction himself. It was so bad.
Stranger Things: The “let’s hide Eleven in my cabin and start to have secrets!”-arc? The reason I really loved the first season was because it was very up-front and open. No unnecessary miscommunication. So to then, in the second season force this miscommunication between characters who had already developed trust with each other... it was so cringeworthy. Eleven hiding from the boys, the sheriff not talking to them either. There was absolutely no reason to it aside from padding the runtime of the season. And that’s what defines a bad plotline; if it serves no actual purpose and has no grounding foundation, no reason behind it aside from “plot required it”.
Suits: The removal of one of their main characters?? This show? Literally? Has? Two? Main? Characters? And only one of them is the actual lead that separates this show from every other lawyer show. And... then... they remove him? The entire season leading up to that had such a good arc that was setting a separation between Mike and his girlfriend up because there were problems and there was distrust and they grew apart so much and I figured “Okay well the actress is getting married to a literal prince and leaving the show so they’re going to make them break up, huh?” and then in the last second, they decide to kit this and make Mike move away with her? I haven’t seen the new season yet but I... really can’t imagine it working out...
Teen Wolf: I feel like I should say 6B, but... I seem to hate that so much that my brain actually managed to forget it? And that’s... rare, but it happens occasionally. When something is really very bad and awful, my brain manages to forget about it. I clearly remember Jackson and Ethan making out and the whole FBI!Stiles thing and that it was about A Nazi, but... what the Nazi did and what actually happened and what, aside from the Nazi, I hated so much about that half-season... I can not for the life of me remember. Thank the gods. So I gotta go with 3A, because the True Alpha arc was the biggest bullshit. Don’t break your mythology. Don’t. Just don’t. Suddenly, a pack can be made up of all-alphas? How? The other alphas shoulda fall into being betas after joining Deucalion?? They should have become omegas after killing their pack because by definition they had no pack anymore?? They should not have gotten more powerful for killing their own pack? It made absolutely no sense at all and completely contradicted the lore this show had set up so far? And that Scott was somehow a ~True Alpha~... I still don’t see what the fuck’s so special about that if it doesn’t come with actual natural leadership abilities, which it should if you are a true and thus natural alpha, aka leader?? It was dumb and forced and you could taste the “Oh shit we want The Main Character to become alpha but we accidentally created a world where you can only become alpha by killing and of course can we not have The Main Character kill anyone!!!”... So dumb. So stupid. Do not like.
Wynonna Earp: THE BIBLE NONSENSE. This show started out so strong. And there was absolutely no reason to pull a sudden Bible on it. Bulshar could have just stayed his own OC demon self and this show could have kept its own mythology, but to suddenly make him the snake from the Garden Eden? To suddenly involve angels? Season 3′s Bible arc was just so absolutely unnecessary.
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It looks like it's still incredibly early in development, so there's likely a reason (or many) why almost nothing but new features were talked about. This also wasn't a massive deep dive - it was, quite literally, just an announcement about what's new... expecting commentary on the old in a short announcement about what's new is... well, viewer error. I have no doubt they'll address much of this (though they've always left plotholes, welcome to having many many different authors writing a longterm story over 2 decades, ugh, but you know what you're getting with WoW), but I've seen news, weeks ago now, about the Scourge...and how they're not at all rampaging out of control, because intelligent Scourge exist (everyone seems to forget this, despite Sylvanas herself being one of the first major sapient undead) - and it's been stated that the Scourge function like many tribal or feudal lords, now. The weak, mindless undead are drawn to the strong ones, who end up with small, private armies...and this is directly tied to further heritage quests for Blood Elves...I don't know why people seem to think the Scourge were entirely forgotten, or assume all kinds of stuff because an announcement focusing on one thing in particular didn't talk about something else entirely. (Pretty sure I saw the Scourge news mentioned by...Bellular? Taliesin? Referenced from Wowhead.)
I'm pissed at Blizz too - I left long before the mass exodus. I caught on long before most. But I like to take the emotion out of it, and be critical of them in constructive ways...because I do want the game I loved to be a game I love again.
Expecting information A from a talk about information B is just on the viewer, however, for expecting more than this announcement was about - its not Blizzcon, after all...its basically just a short 'here's the xpac theme' announcement. Now, if they have a talk about what to expect in the future and don't address any of these concerns? Yeah, time to be pissed at them glossing over things. I'm no schill, don't get me wrong - I'll even admit that while humanoid forms make perfect sense (if you paid attention to the explanation...and the fact that true dragons get humanoid forms - and the drachnyr were specifically created FROM humanoids - why would a true dragon have that form, but not the actual humanoid? O.o)... the forms they chose make no sense, per their own lore. Why would they resemble humans or blood elves, if they were created in ye ancient times... when humans didn't exist, and the only elves were night elves? And that's assuming this happened after trolls became elves, because we don't really know exactly when the drachnyr were created in the timeline.
I encourage people to be critical, and take all Blizz's promises with many grains of salt...but judge appropriately. Just because they didn't talk about things that are relevant to your interests and desires in an announcement that wasn't at all supposed to be about your desires... doesn't mean they won't. Especially considering that this is probably still VERY much in alpha, and nowhere near completion, and especially when you think about the lack of any sort of release date. (And you know, if you're so fed up you never want to play again? Also valid to feel. Blizz has burned a lot of bridges. Like... all of them.) Plus, if the game isn't out until 2023 sometime... you don't frontload all important announcements up front! That's just bad marketing. Better to drip-feed consumers to keep them engaged...just an unfortunate truth of consumerism.
*seeing Ion Hazzikostas not be a condescending piece of shit was a nice change of pace. That jerk is finally caving in to player wants (Mr. "Cross Faction Will Never Happen" and "pvp gear isn't busted, you just need to get good"), and I thought hell would freeze over before he ever agreed to things players want that he doesn't. A promising sign, considering I fking hate that guy.
New expansion looks kinda 'meh' to me. Nothing so far that temps me to return to the game. There wasn't anything about the story, just showing all the new shiny things to make hype. The new race is— yeah...something. Still going to be a no from me. I can't understand how some new Dragonoid race is going to care at all about the factions to join? I also don't see a reason why they need a human form option.
I don't know. The timing feels wrong and there are a lot of unanswered plot holes. If this expansion landed after Legion it would make more sense to me and feel good. But all these major characters are just going to come back from the Shadowlands, see that the Scourge is still a problem without the Helm of Domination, along with all the aftermath of the war, and be like "Man fuck this I'm going to help the dragons reclaim their homeland they haven't seen in 10k years!"
What about the time skip/difference in how time moves between the Shadowlands and Azeroth?
The shit with the Alliance races/leadership under tension? And, what the fuck is going on with the Horde? Are these plot devices just going to be another Darkshore warfront situation where it gets one bullshit story peace and then we're done?
But hey, if you're excited about it then I'm happy for you. This is just my opinion and I fully understand people will disagree— that's not a problem.
Side note: people who shit on other people for RPing dragons are in a real rude awakening.
#ooc#World of Warcraft#dragonflight#I have no doubt they will milk the interviews and announcements to come#just be patient#and maybe watch a WoW youtuber or hit up wowhead?#the Scourge breaking into independent leaders is super interesting actually#kind of excited for it myself#especially since san'layn make another comeback
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