#because i cant muster enough energy for this to be that
empty-solaces · 9 hours
had the lowest energy i think ive ever had in my whole life for the past 4 days. didnt have any energy to talk to basically everyone. i didnt ghost anyone but i definitely didnt go out of my way to talk to ppl. was kinda disappointed to find only 2 of my friends bothered to put effort into talking to me. one actually asked how my day was and checked in on me more often since he knew that i wasnt at my best which was honestly very refreshing and im really happy he did or i think id be doing a shitload worse mentally. the other one basically only messaged me when they wanted something from me which was a little upsetting but tbh i was already pretty upset because all these other people who people say 'care about me' very clearly dont. if i went missing for weeks i think it would take them literal weeks to notice i havent been around and i dont think theyd care anyway. ive wanted to vent about this for days now but i couldnt even muster energy to do that. ive literally spent the last couple days either in pain or just staring at my screen doing nothing. im exhausted and all ive done is rest and im angry at everyone i know except my one friend.
im kind of over them all atp and dont even want to bother talking to them in public chats as i normally would.
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eldritch-crabbo · 1 year
Dad: “You’ve never consistently walked every day how do you know it wouldn’t help?” (my chronic fatigue and perceived laziness for only doing as much as I need to and no more)
Me: “I literally walked (up the steep ass hill leading to our neighborhood) every day with 30 lbs of textbooks on my back for 7 years.”
Dad: “And you had more energy and were 100lbs lighter back then! See it works!”
like literally 1. no, I definitely did not. there’s (many) reasons I didn’t do homework and was failing every class bc of it, and a lack of energy was a big one. 2. lmao I gained like 30 lbs since I got out of high school if he really thinks it was 100 he’s deluding himself. 3. i only did all of that because i literally had no other choice. what was I going to do as someone who has a massive fear of punishment (in large part because of him), not go to school? skip class and get treated even worse? this is the man that cut off my access to running water for like 12 hours as punishment once. i can’t believe i ever thought that shit was normal
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Everyone's doin it, why shouldn't I? I've got things to say! And unfortunately, Cass cant just draw as if she is a camera looking at them the whole time. So, we still get space for fic!
Hope you like it. It's like, the first time in months I finish a wip. And in record time! You did this, Cass. Thank you so much.
It was happening. The red eared slider started small, and grew, and grew, and Donatello tightened his grip on the mug containing what was essentialy his brother's soul. He could allow him to go in, now. Just a little push.
But. What if something went wrong? What if Leo got lost in the way? What if he faded? He was stronger now, but still so fragile.
Raph smiled.
"Trust him, Donnie. He's got this." Raph avoided mentioning Mikey's concerns about the process, things he said only for the sake of confiding into someone else. It wouldn't do any good to make Donnie more anxious.
Donatello sighed and took his hand off the mug, using his ninpo to gently nudge Leo's into his new body. It rebelled, the little flame attached to his field. Scared. I don't want to be alone again, it said. Please. Donnie smiled. You won't. Trust me. He answered back. And after a few seconds of hesitation, the flame complied.
With the source in it, the body grows into the Leo he remembered. Or. Almost. He was healthy, because of course he was, he wasn't about to make a new body just for it to be shitty- but somehow smaller... thinner. Maybe he did something wrong- maybe, maybe Leo's soul didn't have enough energy to become himself-
But then he saw how Casey's eyes stared adoringly at the pod. Casey, who also had more scars and less pounds than he remembered. Donnie hadn't noticed much through his cameras- better yet, he had, but seeing it in person...
Suddently the alarm went off, signalling it was time to take his Lime-o-nardo Pie out of the oven. God, that was awful. Leo would absolutely love it.
With a gentleness only a biological body could muster, Raph lifted Nardo from his pod onto his arms, with a gaze so soft and proud Donnie thought he was about to cry.
They all hovered with warm smiles ready to welcome the leader in blue, barely containing the excitement in being all together again.
Nothing happened. Casey frowned and before Donnie could say or do anything, gently placed his fingers on his sensei's neck. He gasped.
"What? What happened?!" Raph asked barely below the yelling tone.
"His heartbeat." Casey replied in a whisper. "It's slow. Too slow." He looked at Donnie. "There's something wrong."
Raph quickly set Leo down after a quick nod from Donatello, who put on his goggles and started scanning to find whatever was his brother's ailment. A tense silence followed soon after.
"What... what is the problem?" Asked Casey. He was trembling into Raph's reassuring arms, never once looking away from his sensei. Donnie frowned.
"The good news is, nothing is physically wrong." He answered. "The bad news is, nothing's physically wrong."
There was a pregnant pause.
By Donnie's orders, Raph moved Leo to the place supposed to serve as his bedroom. Donnie tried every possible test he knew, from reflexes to blood test, to little slaps on his face, to begging. Leo's heartbeat was weak and frail. Like his ninpo had been.
This was all his fault. He should've given him more time, should've waited for Mikey to be healed enough to help, should've, should...
He punched Leo's chest, starling Raphael and Casey. They looked flabbergasted as he started doing compressions.
"I'm not letting you go, Nardo. Do you hear me? I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO!" He screamed. Death was not going to take him. He wouldn't let it happen.
So he kept on going, pressing. Forcing Leo's body to intake more air. Up, down, up, down.
Up, down.
But nothing changed in the five minutes it took for him to stop and realize he had been crying. Shit, he was crying in front of Casey. Fuck that, his brother was dying. No. No, no, he wasn't. Donnie could fix it, he could fix anything! There had to be another solution, something to keep him here, something Donnie could do. It didn't matter what, be it joke, scream, reveal his worst secrets, summon a demon with some dark ritual-
-wait. The memory ritual.
"That's it!" He yelled, and barked instructions around. Casey got started with Raph's assistance no questions asked. It was going to work. It had to.
Because he had no idea what to do if it didn't.
With the glowing lights and a final nod of confirmation, they started the ritual.
° ° °
Casey tightened his grip on Leonardo's unresponsive hand. He needed him back. He was 16, he still needed his best friend, his mentor, his sensei.
He felt tears prickle in his eyes. This was all so unfair. Everything was. Why did he have to be strong? Why did he have to see the apocalypse happen? Twice? Why did he have to watch his family die? He was watching him die for the second- the third time!
He had felt so alone here, with strangers wearing the faces of his family. Strangers he loved so dearly but couldn't show or tell. Only, now they could be together again. It was just Leo, now.
"You can't do this to me, sensei. You can't." He breathed. Because he promised to be there to see Casey grow up. He promised to train him until he didn't need him anymore.
But he still did. Now, more than ever. Still needed him as his best friend, as his mentor, teacher, his sensei.
His dad.
"I miss you, dad."
° ° °
It was cold. And surprisingly humid for a mind belonging to someone so heavily associated with fire. His feet touched the watery ground and he looked around.
There wasn't... anything here. Nothing useful, no sign of Leonardo's soul.
He started wandering, ocasionally calling for his brother.
"Leo? Nardo, are you here?" He walked around but saw nothing.
That is, until he looked down. Instead of a reflection, there he was. His twin. Mirrorring his actions and expressions like when they were tots.
"Leo! Leo, can you hear me?" He kneeled and touched the water. It was cool and shallow, but there was a force keeping him from getting in... or getting Leo out. He took notice of Leo mirrorring his expressions and punched the invisible wall. Nothing.
It was as if Leo didn't want to come with him.
"You aren't making things easy, Nardo."
The reflection- Leo just kept mimicking him. Donnie hissed. They had come too far for them to accept being only 3 now. He punched the water wall. They should never be less than 4. He needed. Punch. To get. Punch. His twin.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on!" Punch.
The wall broke and without sparing a single second Donatello's hand searched and grabbed the collar of Leonardo's cape.
"Come here, you dumbass!" He pulled and finally - finally! - Leonardo in all his glowing and translucid and barely solid form came out of the water.
His eyes were angry and his face seemed hostile. If it was a mirror for Donnie's own features he didn't know, and it did NOT matter.
"You are coming with me and this is not up for discussion!"
He just snatched him completely from the water, glaring at its lifeless blue glow, barely registering the look of bewilderment and recognition that came across Leo's face.
"FUCK YOU, Death! I'm taking him!"
With his twin - his prize, his other half, his hope - in his arms, Donnie took impulse to leave that place. They were safe, it was going to be okay.
Leo's soul once again rebelled, reaching his armless nub towards the water. Home, his twin senses told him. Leo thought this was home.
"No, you idiot. I am taking you home."
Their eyes met. From the lifeless blue, the soul gripped his arm back and he tightened his hold. He knew that look. Hope. A ninja's greatest weapon, as cheesy as it sounds.
"Trust me, Nardo."
And with no need of words, he heard an answer.
"I do, Tello."
"I'll see you on the other side."
° ° °
Again, I hope you like it. I'm happy with the end result.
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hyuuukais · 8 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> general, feelings of anxiety, punches r thrown
CHAPTER FIVE -> BAD BITCH ENERGY (partially written! wc:722)
"Actually, I can't do this!" You exclaim, anxiety gnawing at your lungs as you get closer to your home.
"Yes, you can." Minho drives on, not sparing a glance in your direction.
Sooner than you hoped, you're there, staring at the pale yellow door through the passenger side window of Minho's car. The house looks no different than when you left, only you can see your flowers drooping slightly in the window. Although you'd only been gone less than a week, it felt like a million years. This place was no longer your home; you didn't know if you had one anymore.
"Just- can we stay parked here for a second?" You try to squash the tight feeling in your throat, constricting your words to a whisper. "I'm not ready."
"No offence, but I don't really wanna waste my gas sitting here all day-"
"Yeah, and that thing I left for you was actually kind of important-" Beomgyu chips in.
"I basically stood someone up for you, so you better not chicken out-" Han gives you a pointed look.
They all stare at you and you have to look away, hide the tears welling in your eyes. You're going to disappoint them if you don't go, just like you disappointed Seonghwa, just like you always do. You never should have asked them, never should have burdened them with this-
"Hey." Minho shifts his body to face you better and you glance over, eyes falling to your hands. "How about we come with you? Would that make it better? Easier?"
You look up at his question, tears now threatening to spill over. "Yes, please."
"Shit, she's gonna cry again!" Beomgyu laughed uncomfortably. "Y/n, c'mon, it'll be okay, don't worry! You've got us. Now, wipe your eyes and let's go. Can't have your ex seeing you this distraught over him, can we?"
"Bad bitch energy," you say in a broken voice, words NingNing has tried to engrave into your very brain over the years.
"Bad bi-" Han waves a hand in the air. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say."
You wipe your eyes, trying to muster every bit of strength you have to see him, placing a hand on the door handle. A wave of fear washes over you again when you start to push it open, the boys following suit.
But then you slam it shut.
Han groans loudly and sits back down, Beomgyu and Minho doing the same.
"What happened?" Han asks, exasperated. "Where's the bad bitch energy or whatever?"
"I'm sorry!" You can't look at them. "I'm sorry. I can't-"
"Enough with the 'I cant's' because yes, you can." Minho turns his whole body to you again, grabbing your chin with two fingers, and making you look at him. "He broke your heart. He hurt you. So, yes, you can go in there, reclaim your things, and never have to see him again. There's no reason for you to even think about him after this." He can tell you're not fully convinced. "How did it feel to see him with the other woman?"
"It felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces," you say. Minho opens his mouth, but you continue on. "Then he took those pieces, ground them up into a fine powder, and scattered them to the edges of the Earth where I'll never find them again. It felt like the ultimate betrayal because I knew I gave him everything and trusted him, but he clearly didn't do the same. Or even close."
You sit up straighter, squaring your shoulders.
"Yes, there, that's it." Minho smirks, eyes widening ever so slightly.
"And the way he thought I'd be the one cheating?" You're anger flares, skin heating up. "As if I didn't tell him how much I loved him daily? As if I wouldn't be too busy working on something that I was proud of that he didn't even let me talk about because, 'oh, honey, we both know your career isn't going any further'."
Anger leads you out of the car and to the front door before you can register your feet moving, pounding a fist on the door when the spare key is nowhere to be found, mumbling every wrongdoing he's committed.
You are furious.
And your hand moves on its own when Seonghwa opens the door.
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notes -> do NAWT mess w miss y/nnie. she WILL beat ur ass.
notes pt 2 -> didn't mean to post this! so accidental extra chapter today lmaoo
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @skzstaykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @taeriffic @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @hyperpixie @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13
L^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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jalmotaesseo-scans · 5 months
Goodbye Amy, you are loved and missed everyday
Hey everyone, this is Admin B. Its been a while and I am sorry I can't come here bearing good news. Its taken me a long time to muster up the strength to come back on here... but you all deserved to know whats happened.
In case you didn't read the comment under the last post, Amy, aka Admin A, passed away in April of this year. Her friends and family have been devastated by this.... Shocked and numb at the idea that someone so full of love and light and as fiesty as a raccoon trapped in a trash bag could suddenly be gone but its true.
Amy wasnt just an internet associate.... someone I helped with this blog from time to time out of boredom. Amy and I have known each other for a long time after meeting through Twitter. Some of my best kpop adventures have ties to Amy and we spent our 20's chasing concerts, sharing secrets during sleepovers on out of state trips to each other, and talking about our hopes and dreams for the future.
Amy was one of my biggest supporters when I made the move from the US to South Korea to teach and while we werent able to talk and see each other as often as we used to when I was stateside, she never failed to remind me how often I was missed and loved. She was always one of the strongest pillars of my support system when the cultural differences and homesickness would bring me to my knees... Amy was always clear with how much she loved, appreciated, and missed me. Most importantly, she made sure that I knew that she was proud of me, always.
I miss her so much and this is the first time Ive tried to put my feelings into words since I got that phone call... and it still doesnt seem to be enough. I am utterly heartbroken and the light that comes from the world will always be a little bit dimmer... at least for me.
As much as I would love to continue this blog for Amy, I literally cant. Not only do I not possess the logistics to make it happen, but outside of that... this blog was her passion project. It stemmed from a need to provide Kpop fans outside of Korea with HD scans for their own crafts and passion projects. It was a way to connect to other fans all over. Amy WAS this blog and I wouldnt even know where to begin to pick up this mantle. No... some things end before we are ready for them to, freezing in time and while painful... its just the way things are sometimes.
If I can make a request of the fans of this blog, please, do something good for someone else. Amy was a fierce proponent and champion for anyone considered an underdog, so go and do that. Whether it be big or small... kpop affiliated or not... do it for Amy... do it for the underdog... and do it with the energy of a feral trash panda... because thats what Im going to do.
Until we meet again Amy
All my Love,
Admin B
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l2vedive · 2 years
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PAIRING: park sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRES: includes smut (minors dni), sorta enemies with benefits, cheating (pls don't), university au, hints of fluff if you squint + in the end.
WARNINGS: graphic descriptions of smut (fingering, blowjob & swallowing cum), profanity, making out, cheating involved, hoon and yn has a weird set up but they hate each other i promise, mentions of jay, pet names (princess, good girl, baby, etc.), implied physical assault (yn punched hoon). if there's anything i missed, please lmk !!!
SYNOPSIS: in which sunghoon is annoying and you despise him because he makes your life difficult.
or; in which yn makes it up to sunghoon for punching him in the face during detention amongst other things.
WORD COUNT: 2730 words.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i am so sorry for the months delay .. initially, i was taking a break from tumblr and then i got busy because of uni and other things + tumblr deleted like half of this in the drafts so i had to rewrite it 😭 BUT ANYWAYS , hooners i hope u enjoy bc this is for you !!!!!!!
TAGLIST: @help-i-cant-find-a-username @cherrybxmbby @fairyofhee @woozisnoots
You have done it.
And it was all because of stupid Park Sunghoon.
He infuriated you to your core and you can't even pinpoint the exact reason. But there were, in fact, a lot of reasons that annoyed you about Sunghoon. And maybe, just maybe, it was the way he kept throwing comments at you in class and the way you scowled at him before throwing the marker at his stupid face, or the way he constantly calls you those disgusting pet names and relishes in getting under your skin because he thinks your reactions are funny, or the way you had your knee in between his thighs the other day, threatening to cut his dick off if he ever bothered you again, only for you to be left fuming because he took one look at your threat as a cute challenge.
(Or maybe, it was that one time you kissed him in the dark at your boyfriend's birthday party and the way he was never going to let you live it down.)
You hated him, despised him, and absolutely fucking loathed him for existing and breathing the same air as you. Unfortunately today, your ego had just about enough to the point that it got both you and him in detention for "school violence" as the principal called it.
So now you're stuck here; trying to get the last of your homework done so you could go home and binge the entirety of Tomorrow on Netflix without the guilt of pending assignments lingering in the back of your head. The sound of a pen clicking over and over again against the wooden desk two tables away from where you are currently seated irritates you.
Your fingers grip the corners of your textbook, the page scrunching under your touch. You try to regain your composure. You let out a heavy sigh before plastering the best fake smile you could muster before turning to him. Sunghoon meets your eyes and he's already smiling, eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Please, will you stop making those noises," You weren't asking; it was a demand. "I am trying to get my work done. I don't know what the hell your deal is, Sunghoon, but you better stop it."
His lips curl into a smirk now. You feel like punching him again. "Yes, ma'am." He says while laying the pen down, flicking it and allowing it to roll off the table. Your eyes follow the object before they fly back to the boy, whose attention is now on some girl from a group of students who are also in detention. Typical Park Sunghoon , you think.
Feeling like he's some deranged vampire who has sucked every life energy out of your body, you huff yet again before stabbing your own pen into your braided hair twist before gathering your things, and heading out the library. You're loud. You're not exactly sure why you're slamming your hand or your book shut or deliberately taking out your frustrations on your school things but fuck detention, and definitely fuck Park Sunghoon. Your father could buy this school and his ass out in seconds anyway.
Sunghoon's eyes burn into you as you do this. You're aware and you want him to see it. Want him to see how infuriating his existence is to you. Want him to see how many alarms he sets off in your body and how all of them want you to hit him again. You do not miss the way his blurry figure gets up from his seat in your peripheral view, and that's when you know you got him.
It's only a few minutes later when you realise the thuds coming from your Prada loafers are the only ones resonating throughout the hallways of the academy. You stop for a bit, your mind debating whether you should look back, but alas, your body betrays you, turning you around. You immediately scan the floors and staircases for a glimpse of him, wondering if he's followed you out or if he's decided to leave too. He was there earlier, you could've sworn so.
Before you can gather your thoughts rationally, you find your heels dragging you back to the library, poking your head through the glass window and straining your neck in order to have a better look around the second you stop by the entrance. He's nowhere to be found.
"Looking for me, angel?"
You flinch, almost screaming before the realisation dawns on you that only one jackass would do this. God, help me , you thought. But because of the way you spun around to shove him for his piss behaviour, he swiftly garners the chance to pin your wrist above your head.
"Ew, don't touch me. I'm getting a cramp," Sunghoon chuckles as you yank your arm free from his grip.
"I don't bite, princess," You meet his eyes, drinking in the mischief that swirls around his dark eyes. "Unless you're into that."
Your breath hitches in your throat as you try to level it down. You hadn't noticed the way you've been holding in your breath. You've been in close proximity with him before so you don't understand why you're fighting the slow crawl of pink creeping up your cheeks. The arrogant smirk on his face doesn't falter for a second and you're already thinking of a haughty remark.
The realisation hits you like a truck when you catch up to the observation that anyone with half a brain would and could mistake you both as a couple with the way he suddenly inches closer, his hot breath fanning your skin. You gulp and you pray he didn't notice.
You were not about to show Park Sunghoon that he had some stupid effect on you. Over your dead fucking body.
You don’t know why you’re making it difficult for yourself honestly. There’s a way out for you, he hasn’t trapped you between him and the wall completely so you don’t know why you’re taking up his petty challenge and willingly allowing yourself to suffer.
“Aren’t you going to apologise to me, baby? You broke my face.” He feigns being hurt with his free hand caressing your cheek. You glare at him, swatting it away.
“All this trouble for an apology? Just say you’re obsessed with me and go.” You reply, inwardly cringing at the way your voice shook. Sunghoon shrugs and you decide that this isn’t worth your time anymore, and you knew that he wouldn’t bite back either. So you begin to walk away.
Park Sunghoon was full of shit and you knew it first hand.
Immediately, you feel a hand on your waist, pulling you and pinning you firmly back in place. You instinctively moan when you feel his knee prop up to your core, successfully trapping you. Your eyes widen when you realise and your hands fly up to your mouth. The boy towering over you grins, incredibly amused at the reaction you just made. Sunghoon switches his arm for the other, resting it on the wall next to your head. You were turning red. Hands curling into a fist with your fingernails digging crescent moons into your skin that were sure to bleed.
Sunghoon lowers his head down to the shell of your ear. “Look at you,” He says, huskily. His voice is low and you hate the way you can’t avoid the blooming pit in your stomach. "You always fall apart at the thought of me. You say you can't stand me but your body language says otherwise. What will Jay think of this when he finds out, hm?"
Your breath hitches in your throat as you stare him down. God, he’s so close he could kiss you and you might just let him. Might.
But you know you wouldn't. You're too stubborn to give in to your desires. You were always hellbent on not becoming like those stupid girls who looked like they were close to dropping their panties after Park Sunghoon gave them a smidge of his attention.
"Listen here, you prick," You grit your teeth as your fingers curl around his silk tie, yanking him to your eye level. "I don't know what sick game you're playing but you need to stay the hell away from me, Park."
"Scared you'll come crawling back for more?"
You snort. "As if."
"I'm not the one who just moaned at the mere contact of cold concrete against my skin and force,"
"True. But I'm not the one whining for a video call every night, am I?" There's something in him that flickers and you know you had the cards in your favour when you brought it up. Because now, Sunghoon's pulling you by your elbow and dragging you up the staircase leading towards the rooftop.
You don't get the chance to speak when he aggressively pushes you against the wall and pushes you down on your knees. You moan out of instinct, pain settling in and pleasure striking like lightning.
"Do you want us to get caught?" You run your hands further up his clothed thigh. Your fingers pass over his erection and to his fly.
"God, I hate your ass."
Sunghoon stands over you while you undo his button, pull down the zipper, and tug his pants down about halfway. His eyes are fixated on you while you do this. "And I love yours."
Your eyes roll at his response but you appreciate it nonetheless. You can't help but think how pornographic your positions look like right now—clad in academy uniforms and all, while you get ready to give your annoying classmate the best blow of his life as if he didn't just give you three orgasms the other night. You prop yourself up a bit, leaning towards the erection that's straining through his boxer briefs. You kiss the head of his cock through the cotton. Sunghoon is sensitive, dick twitching upon your kiss, and your breath feels hot against all the fabric.
You pull his underwear down shamelessly, letting his erection free. You sigh with a bit of performance. "You know, it's kind of a shame," You say, "if I had only known that mouth of yours was good for something else other than pissing me off, I would've been better off with you."
"Was this why you kept looking for me the other day, angel? Finally bored with the boyfriend? I told you, princess—Fuck, I love your mouth—I already told you I was better," He fishes, and you lick a stripe up his shaft before flattening your tongue on the tip of his cock. "And I did make you cum more than he ever did during that night." He breathes.
You don't say anything else, slipping your mouth over the tip of his. Your tongue feels wet and so hot, swirling just around the head of Sunghoon's cock, pretty lips pressed against him. You pause to spit on your palm before beginning to work gentle strokes down his shaft. It's good, and for a little second, all he can think about is how he wants you to take him further into your warm, wet throat. You move slowly, your tongue almost teasing. The anticipation is intense.
"Hoon," you say as your hand works around his dick, massaging his balls occasionally. You stare up at him through your dark lashes, with those eyes you know that gets him going—and the boy's heart stops as you press another long kiss to his cock and say, "I like you like this. You look so pretty.”
You punctuate your words by taking him into your mouth, deeply—your tongue moving flat and firm against the underside of his shaft, hand squeezing the base of him. The feeling overwhelms him and he moans—well , it's a whimper, but the sound is honest.
You go down once, and take your mouth back off of him to say, "I’ve been thinking of us like this. In this same exact position."
Jesus Christ , Sunghoon thinks you’re out to kill him.
You speak some more, "Do you think about me like this?"
"Always," He manages as you flatten your tongue against the tip of his cock. Sunghoon heaves before you and you hum, loving the reaction—and to rile him up some more. A hand goes through your hair, strands falling from the makeshift bun you made with the pencil earlier, as you slide your mouth over his cock. Sunghoon doesn't have the words to articulate how good your mouth feels around him; how good you use your tongue while you move your head; how you're so hot, and how you want him. How you've been thinking about this—about him. His head's gone wild and it electrifies the slick heat of your lips, your tongue. Fuck , Sunghoon thinks. He's in heaven.
The ache in your knees begins to stir as you imagine the purples, blues, and greens forming bubbles of bruises on your flesh. A groan flies out of your lips when you lift one to move it aside, creating a gap between legs.
"You okay?" Sunghoon's voice rings in your ear and you think it's sweet that he asked.
"Don't worry about me, baby. I'm more than okay."
Your free hand, the one that's been caressing the boy's clothed thigh up and down, snakes away to disappear under your skirt. The slick noise that pokes out underneath almost makes Sunghoon choke. You're not wearing any panties.
Fuck—fuck, you're touching yourself.
"You're—ah—," he pants, and you look up at him. "Fuck. That's so fucking hot. Keep—keep touching yourself, princess. My good girl."
You moan around him, like you're really getting off on this, not letting up for a moment. He moans louder in return, just so you'll hear him, just so you'll keep touching herself. It’s hot. It’s so hot. You both don't even care anymore.
You rock against your own hand as you swallow his cock, messy and fast, and it's starting to overwhelm him in a way he desperately wants to give in to.
Before he can truly consider it, he tugs on your hair, and says, "YN—stop—, "
You meet his eyes, and there's a moment where he doesn't think you will. And he can't remember why he wanted you to.
But you do, sliding your mouth excruciatingly slowly off of his cock, your tongue feeling every inch of him on the way.
"Fuck." He shudders, missing your mouth badly as the cool air hits the spit drying on his cock. "You drive me crazy."
"I want you to cum for me," You whisper, and he hisses, still closer to the edge than he wants.
You're moving so relentlessly that it's hard for him to track the sound of your fingers rubbing your clit, so he tries to focus on the difficult task of cumming, instead of the distracting, maddening slick heat of your cunt.
Very quickly it becomes too much. Embracing the point of no return, he drives his hips up to meet up yours and groans the moment the head of his cock meets the back of your throat, loving the way you gag around him.
He comes so hard he can't think.
Sunghoon's digs his hands into your scalp and moans, head thrown back against the window, sweat sticking his hair to his neck as he loses himself inside your mouth. He loses count of the hot pulses of cum that rush through him.
You release him with a pop before licking another stripe up to the head and giving it a kiss. He tells you to open your mouth and you do, sticking out your tongue to show that you've swallowed all of him.
"That's my girl."
"I hope that was okay, though," You say after a while and he runs his thumb over your cheek, where your tears have dried.
Sunghoon curls down to kiss you, hard, and it's not enough. You sigh and you force yourself to stand, ignoring the pain on your knees, and shimmying up to his body. He clings to you, pressing his mouth into every part of you he can reach, as if he’s never been able to kiss you before. He wants to laugh with the feeling of just getting something he wants. And whether Sunghoon has realised it or not, he wants nothing else but you.
"More than okay. Don't you doubt it for a minute."
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please like and reblog with feedback !!!
— please do not copy , translate or repost any of my works anywhere.
© l2vedive on tumblr
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pumakaji64 · 10 months
i suffer from this annoying problem you see-
i want to do more, i really think i do- but i just feel so confined by my current living situation where i am consantnly around my family- you see in 2020 my father mother and eldest sister had to move in with my older sister and i because of covid costing my parents their jobs- i wasn't exactly doing stellar before this but i was feeling like i was starting to get a handle on my life and starting to figure important things out- but since the move i feel like ive had to put that all on halt......
i stopped going to online therapy because i have no privacy to do so and feel safe because if i wanted to get any real progress id have to talk about my family and my childhood whici i do NOT want any of them hearing about and i cant go physically because i cant drive and i dont want to waste more gas and the time of the others- i stopped drawing because i have no privacy to safely express myself without their eyes unless if i lock myself in my room which they will judge me for and now my dominant hand is permanantly injured making it painful to draw unless im careful about it- i am confined downstairs in the living room most of the time because i need to watch my dog (this is on me though I can accept that) so i feel like i have no space for myself and when i take leisure time feel nothing but guilt everytime my family comes by- they love teasing me over the dog too saying i dont do enough i dont know how much theyre joking i already feel like shit all the time so i dont really appreciate the jabs- being on here is the one consistant thing i can muster up enough energy to do- but even so not without constant guilt- most days off dont feel like much of anything.
its hard even to engage in my interests anymore- dont have the time, dont have the energy, dont have the privacy, dont have the intelligence, dont have the confidence, idk... just been tough lately i guess.
not even my room offers much respite- my parents room is right across and they love to keep their door open- i feel them watching everytime i go in
i feel stuck
i feel like im wasting my life
i feel like i will never get out of here
i do not know what to do
i dont think theres even anything waiting for me even if i can
tw suicide talk
i cant go back to school because i have no idea what i want to do with my life- theres so much pressure for me to be succesful and each day i feel like more and more of a failure- and i know if i try and fail again i might end up trying to kill myself like i did last time
but to be honest i know i cant even kill myself because i know the cost of a funeral wont be worht it and because im too much of a coward to do so
but staying alive isnt much better when you feel like a constant financial drain and worthless layabout all the time
and everytime i think i find some sort of plan or some way out its like a carrot on a stick thats tugged away from me like a joke
it's so funny- i was openyl gushing about how hopeful i felt and now realitys crashing back down once again! there's no getting out of here.
to make it all worse this year has been terrible for me healthwise- im falling apart in so many ways and i feel even worse about being a waste of money-
i dont feel like i can talk to any of them about how awful i feel- most of the time any attempt to do so ends poorly and even when it doesnt nothing changes- i dont know where to make heads or tails of it all- i know im to blame for a lot of my own issues i know i overreact and take things too personally- i feel like i paint an unfair picture of them sometimes but eveyr day feels harder to keep on going- i already struggled with doing basic shit to take care of myself but recently it feels impossible
they did always say i just dont care enough- either its always been true or at some point became it.
i dont want to go to my stupid fucking job that bores the shit out of me- but i have to- i have to be of use somehow- i didnt sleep last night- i dont want to go to work because when im at work i just think about all the things i could be doing- actually useful or fufilling things i know i wont do on my day off despite how badly i wish i was while at my job
but i have to- it's almost time- so i guess i will.
whats the point of writing all of this- a cry for help maybe? pity seeking maybe even if i try to deny it over and over- i guess im just nearing my breaking point- something about these ast few months have been really grueling lately- again probably to do with all the suddent medical issues and the fact that my 20's are halfway done and i have nothing of worth to show for it- i dont know what to do i dont think im ever escaping this place and maybe thats for the best
I’m not a good person- I have all the same horrible traits they do. I just hide it on here to appear more likable.
im 25- its too late- ive wasted my entire life- it was always going to end this way everyone whose ever knwon me could see it thats why they all gave up on me- i did too. theres no point in prentending i can be fixed and wasting any more money. i feel like a ghost in this house watching life pass by. i feel like a stupid child trapped in an adults body.
i dont know what to do anymore-everything feels like sawdust.
But I’ll be fine… I’m numbing it all out. I don’t feel enough to want to hurt myself this time. like i said i have to go to work soon
im going to go downstairs and my mother will see my horribly messy hair and she'll make some annoyed comment about me needing to brush and ask me to run my fingers throught the tangles and we'll go to work. and i'll tell stupid jokes to try to make her smile because its the least i can do.
despite it all i love them still- but some days i wish i could love them from a safe distance.
im tempted to delete this like i do with all my breakdowns that i post on blogs that arent my vent blog but i think i'll keep this one up- because deep down i think i do want some advice or help or something- i cant keep living like this. i dont know what to do to stop. i just wish i had more to offer in return.
or maybe i just need to yell- whatever- doesnt matter- i'll go back to my usual postings on both of my active blogs regardless of whatever happens after this post-im sure i'll regret it later and try to just ingore this and hope you all too but it's like 4 am so whose even gonna see this lol
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
ignore this if you want to but basically last thursday was a bit of an awful morning that ended up with me missing my first lecture of the day, sat in bed crying and then bailing on going out to the pub and ignoring everyone which ended up being quite nice. i cant actually remember what i did over the weekend other than not work and then monday was okay like i went to the library and somewhat organised myself but got distracted as i ended up meeting up with friends and then buying wine from tescos do do a greek lit reading night which was fun but really overwhelming (i also dont actually like wine that much) but then tuesday as much as i got out of my flat i then did actually nothing all day and it made me feel awful and then yesterday i dont think i properly got out of bed until 5pm and ive just felt a bit horrific because i feel like im failing academically, ive not been eating properly at all and i kinda just hate myself and i kinda just want to go home but i dont really have the time and i feel like it would just make everything worse when i come back. i also git into a slight argument with a couple of home friends because i sent some a selfie of me as a reaction to something that was said and got a how are you still in bed (i think it was gone midday at that point) and i said ive been trying to will myself out of existence (which in retrospect does sound fucking stupid but i was being sincere) and got basically omg same in response which pissed me off. i then later send some matty related meme which got some form of light-hearted response along the lines of being insane and i then went on a bit of a tirade about how you dont know how mentally ill i actually am and the response kinda was yeah were worried but dont know how to show it lol which again kinda annoyed be given that i have been a mediator to a lot of their quite serious relationship issues but then got a bit of a more sincere response after but i didnt read it properly and havent really said anything bar sending a tiktok because i dont want to have to address me being a bit of an immature dick so now i feel kinda isolated because im not close enough to any of my uni friends to be like hey im having a bit of a crisis can you make sure i actually eat real meals and maybe even force me to the shops to buy food - 🐸
I need you to listen to me and know that I am being 100% serious. I don’t think any of this was immature or dickish. Cuz, like, I don’t know. I’ve been in situations where I’m having a bad depressive episodes and when I can finally muster the courage or energy to tell someone about it, I’ve gotten “mood” or “same” in response. And it’s kind of hard because no not “same” you’re not just having a bad day or feeling sad about something like a bad grade on a test or something. You’re literally struggling with an illness. That, on top of getting a comment about not getting out of bed on time when you’ve already been beating yourself up about it is hurtful. Your feelings are totally valid.
Of course, they don’t know that / didn’t mean to hurt you. They thought they were just making a simple comment. But that doesn’t mean you should trivialize how you feel about it.
Maybe once you’re feeling a bit better and more clear headed you can talk to them about how best to support you in moments like this?
In the meantime, I’m happy to force you to go to the shops. What, is it like….1 pm UK time right now? You have until I’m done teaching for the day. Like, 4 hours from now. I better come back on here and see that you’ve gone to get something for a home cooked meal. Otherwise I won’t post what I wanted to post tonight hahaha. No but for real. Do check in and tell me that you went. Mental illness is gross. You’re doing the best you can. He gentler with your brain.
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spextered · 11 months
you make such a valid point about how absolutely watered down remus' character is. if i could muster up some writing energy to finally write my introspective logan and remus series i Would, because i just need more people to be more exploratory with their remus characterizations
i admit we don't have a full grasp on his character yet since i think he plays a big role in the finale, but MAAAN people really be doing the Least with the way they portray him. another complaint i have w most fics is that if they make him sympathetic or comforting to another side, they basically strip his entire personality away just to make him palatable. it's very annoying!!!!
if you remembered where you read those remus essays i would def appreciate if u can send them to me!! need to intensify my remus brainrot rn
ps, I KNEW UR URL SOUNDED FAMILIAR!! of course u saw my dsmp and fundy essays from back in the day lmfao. those were the times - @intrulogical
for some reason i feel like tss fans are a little media illiterate when it comes to remus specifically
i just??? feel like they cant see past him being intrusive thoughts which, to be fair, is what he was introduced as and hasnt been really elaborated on but as much as remus presents through blunt honesty, hes also NINETY NINE PERCENT SUBTEXT
if u did write that fic i would LOVE to read it. im an intrological girlie at heart i just adore the way they mesh and im a sucker for introspective works especially. plus ur takes are always so good
AND YEAH!!! its so odd that hes so open and yet somehow we know so little about him. we know his name but .... but what? nothing. all the sides have emotional important moments through their name EXPECT for remus (and a bit logan technically considering he didnt reveal it but it did come after one of his videos). we have yet to get a peek into remus' noggin which is interesting considering how honest he is
but yes u have EXACTLY THE SAME OPINION AS MEEEEE i cant read a lot of remus centric/angst fics because its really just Not him. its like a blank cut out trope with his name and face plastered over but it aint him. and its always to make him more palatable, more normal because then its okay to sympathise with him. i get the feeling that a lot of authors feel weird making angst for a character who doesnt experience turmoil in the "desirable" way. like that they cant feel bad for someone who isnt a hundred percent morally good
maybe im reading too much into it but thats definitely the vibe im getting. either that or people just dont care enough to understand him past a trope gaaahh
(ps ps ur fundy essays were all i lived for u were one of like Two fundy people i followed.....love forever)
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princeanxious · 3 years
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gar-a-ash · 2 years
Getting real tired of being half crippled with heavy physical limitations apparently unable to get a job that isn't heavily physical because they're the only ones that will respond to my applications where I'm stuck working in severe pain nonstop because I'm too poor to not do this.
I wanted to at least reduce my hours a little bit last fall but well, that's not happening any time soon now.
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faemen · 3 years
any witch's heart kins
it's,, really just wilardo and some sirius but even then barely
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cottagecore · 5 years
ive learned how to be full of love even on my hardest days 
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cryolyst · 4 years
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cahmilo · 2 years
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Camilo Madrigal Dating a Ballerina
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pairing: camilo madrigal x fem!reader
genre: fluff headcanons
tags: modern au, ballerina reader, mentions of anxiety and pressure, gif source
requested by: anonymous
heavily inspired from @kitasgloves' camilo bf hcs cause i cant get them out of my head kasjshhd this one is for when he's dating a ballerina :'))
not a professional ballerina but was trained in a similar genre so pls do correct me for inaccuracies!
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Camilo is an artistic person all in all so if YOU manage to get HIS attention the most, you're something else, he's definitely a keeper
I feel like you would know him beforehand, I hc him to be also oriented with dance therefore you two met over mutual friends or connections
He's seen you dance a lot and he gets shy when he approaches you but soon enough, he musters up the courage to get your contact info
The talking stage between you two is MAGIC. He would often ask if you ate, ask if you were okay, and if you're free he would ask if he can take you outside to hang out
After sometime he asks you out and his jumps would be higher than yours. Man is an energetic person therefore he would be all over the place if he's over the moon
Despite being energetic, he's anything BUT flexible. He would joke around and try to imitate your poses but would fail miserably but it's okay cause your laugh already makes him feel enough
He's very affectionate. He loves to kiss your hand and 'bow' jokingly as if he's imitating a royal prince
Speaking of prince, he calls you princess a LOT. He loves saying that you remind him of royalty and that he should treat you with respect because of how poised, graceful and elegant you are
Whenever you need to practice without your crew, he wouldn't hesitate to be a dance double. You can tell he really tries and it's the most adorable thing in the world
He can lift you up and spin you around gracefully but ask him to do a split and he's whining like a 5 year old
He cringes with shoe squeaks on the floor so everytime you practice you're either wearing socks or stockings along with your pointe shoes
Camilo is a natural jokester and energy pill that never runs out so to other people, you're seemingly like the most mature out of the relationship
Camilo Madrigal, the sunshine and source of energy while you, the moonlight's grace and calming wonder. A PERFECT DYNAMIC
He gets weak at the knees when you do pirouettes. He says it's like you're in a wind up music box and you look so beautiful everytime
Even if its not required, he's always getting you accessories for your dance outfits (may it be tiaras, feather headdresses, flower hair clips) which always makes you stand out from the crowd and he loves it
He's always posting you on his Instagram stories !! With matching emojis that fit your outfits (🌸🧁💗, 🌊🎟️💙, etc)
And everytime your ballet team posts pictures with you, he immediately shares it to his IG story with an arrow pointed at you
Every time you get sore after practice, he always gives you adhesive relief patches along with sweet treats that both of you enjoy on the way home in the car
He always carries your bottled water everywhere. His backpack is even bigger incase you needed to put something in there
Bonus: He practices opera as a joke after how much you dance to the genre
Camilo Madrigal is also a sentimental person. He would keep small memoirs of your life or he even collects it (spare feathers, loose fabric, etc) not in a weird way but just for something to look back to
He's always goofing around the barre (handrail for support). He loves to tease you practicing but can never reach your flexibility so he's just there looking like a stiff giraffe and it makes you laugh every single time
He wears your tutu as a lions mane when hes feeling goofy. Sometimes he would forget it was still there and you hold back your laugh
Being a ballerina and having to be constantly fit means that you're physique is lowkey built and your muscles are lean. This makes Camilo jealous so he works out just so that he can rival and get better abs than you
When you're out for dinner after a show, he always tells you to keep wearing your dress in public. You don't know why but he loves showing off his ballerina girlfriend out there and he grins proudly holding your hand when people stare at you
He's always inviting his family to your shows!! His cousin Isabela loves you so much to the point where she just wants you to marry into the family so that you can teach her dance gracefully
Camilo's sister Dolores treats you like a doll. She and Mirabel pampers you with new dresses and accessories that makes you look more like a princess. They always have Camilo get the last look and he gets so lovesick everytime.
Even if you love being a ballerina, there are often times where you just don't feel like it. You feel pressured to perform, anxious to mess up, etc. If that ever happens Camilo would always be there to cheer you up. If you're down he gets you to do something else like watching a movie or walking in the park while endlessly chatting to distract you.
You love his singing voice! If you're extra drained from dancing all day he goes all out to play the piano and sing you a song until you fall asleep
Camilo is always the first to congratulate you. He has nothing to hide so he's always out there running to you after every competition and showers you with love
Camilo's love language is both physical touch and words of affirmation. He's very affectionate and open to you and you reciprocate that by running to his arms and endlessly telling him 'thank yous', 'i love yous' and etc. It makes him feel so loved and think he's worth it.
If you receive bouquets of flowers as you walk through the stage during awarding ceremonies, you already know who it's from 💗
again and I cannot stress this enough, SUN AND MOON DYNAMIC ‼️‼️‼️
[Angst] With your sun brightening up your day, there are times when he gets real down but tries so hard to hide it. You notice it though, you know him the most so you're always looking out for him
[Angst] Oftentimes he feels burdened and pressured of having you. A ballerina girlfriend is every man's dream and sometimes he feel like he's not enough and he doesn't deserve you which is why he tries so hard in making you happy, at the cost of neglecting his own
[Angst] But you, you see through him. You're always showering him with affection and making sure that Camilo isn't down and he's so genuinely lucky to have you
With you around, Camilo is certainly living his Disney Prince dream. Having a princess-like ballerina to love is already enough to make him grateful for his life
He loves to dance with you! Slow dances and ballroom dancing are his fave because its a genre you two feel comfortable dancing in
Bonus: You two love to sing and dance to this song alone when you're visiting his family back in their lively and colorful house rooftop 😭💗💗💗💗💗💗
Camilo Madrigal is a very lucky man to have you, and you're extremely grateful you finally found the soulmate and the prince you've been dreaming for 💗
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taglist: @thegirlwiththebangs , @mirabelleza , @carcat-02, @brushofease , @camilos-luna, @kitasgloves , @ducky-is-dead-inside , @elegantkidfansoul , @moon-cakiie , @ignoremepeople37 , @its-mia88, @nerdish-simp , @foreverwriting @try-cry-why-try ++ join here
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pixicunt · 3 years
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King Hoseok x reader
Wolf hybrid Namjoon x reader
warnings:LOTS. NONCON, breeding, dirty talk, cum inflation, lots of cum, plugging up cum, piss/wetting yourself/omo, FEAR play, pwp, predator/prey, violence, threats of body modification, body modification, restraints, mentions wound fucking but not detailed, big wolf dick, pussy slapping?, crying, oral giving and receiving, fingering, vaginal sex, humiliation, degrading, sex pollen, body harm, hybrids, hybrid breeding. anal, omg it looks like Namjoon is muzzled in the pic above i love it.
summary: Just evil king Hoseok who hunts down the last remaining hybrids left after the war that took place years ago when hybrid first came about, keeping a collection all for himself, he find a rare bunny hybrid ... you, ofc he couldn't do it without his loyal dog. I wrote this in two hours on a whim yesterday and its probably the fastest thing I have written. sorry for any mistakes its 12 AM
This is dark ! heavy ! please read with caution
Your knees felt like they could split open from the hard evergreen marble floors of the palace where you had been for the past hour, not allowed to move until the king arrived. Your tongue felt like sandpaper in your mouth, like swallowing broken glass and eyes puffy from how much you had cried. surely dehydrated.
You knew better, you mastered your stealth over the years and knew what, when and where was safe.
You know better. but you were so hungry, so , so , hungry.
"explain why a sweet little thing like you was stupid enough to steal from me"
Your tongue comes to wet the dry cracks on your lips, his voice so cheery and bright, a terrifying edge to it as you realy on your hearing to fill in the blanks of your vision, his voice making you flinch in fear. you cant help but tremble, rope much to tight and arms locked painful behind your back. you cant see with the bag over your head and your voice comes out in broken plea, cracking from the lack of moisture.
"im sorry sir, please have mercy on me". He could barley hear you and the low hum that flows through the room, a low rumble in his throat at your begging. your own throat bobs as you try to will yourself not to cry in front of the king, you've heard far to many stories about the king and what a cruel man he was, it was enough to give anyone nightmares and stay far away as possible, especially the ones like you, the special ones.
Hoseok clicks his tongue in thought. "ok send her off the slave quarters" you breathe a sigh of relief, having kept your identity safe enough to be sent to be a slave, it was the best outcome you could hope for but maybe the sigh of relief and the visible relaxation of your body was to0 obvious, you were so close but the king was never a kind man.
"but first .... strip her"
you freeze
you want to object
you'd rather be dead
Because being a working slave forced to build up structures and shine his shoes was better then being dead but being dead was better then being found out as a hybrid and not just any hybrid. with what little energy you could muster you try to pull away from the guards hand
"no,no dont touch me, please sir"
The guard rips the bag from your head and your blinded with light, your eyes trying to adjust to the beautiful dazzling lights and ruby quartz that decorate the space but they stay in a starry like fuzz from your tears that cloud your eyes. Its when your scarf is ripped from your head with the bag do you loose all hope, your legs trembling in fear, raw fear that made you want to throw up.
"well would you look at that, a sweet little bunny? I didn't think there were any left"
Your short ears twitch on your head, your left ear however droops, the muscle far too damaged from being tugged on by a villager that tried to kidnap you many years ago, you thought you were careful, told yourself you would never get caught again or let hunger take over your logical thinking, but here you are.
The King claps loudly in the room, smile spreading over his face like it was Christmas day. "and here I though that all the bunnies had gone extinct" the guard pulls you along until you were being pushed to your knees, no thrown to your knees infront of the king. A pained whimper echoing off the large marble walls.
"No need to be so harsh Tae, its just a little bunny, its not going anywhere" the guard nods in understanding as the king smiles down at you but you don't dare look up to meet the evil in his eyes. it was rare to see a bunny hybrid, most of them had been caught and sold for pleasure or brutally murdered years ago, they were the most desirable of all hybrids after all.
The King had just struck gold.
Most of the passive delicate prey hybrids were extinct , rare gems if you could get your hands on a cat, a mouse or ...a bunny.
 "I bet Seokjin would surrender his army and even his kingdom for it sir" The guard spoke from behind you, his hand clasped around the back of your neck to keep you still.
you squirm in his hold, your breathing picking up in  panic.
The king only hums in his throat as he eyes you silently, his finger fitting under your chin to lift your face to his. "dont you have any respect for your king sweet thing" his tender touch turn harsh around your jaw when you try to turn your head and will away the tears
"look at me" his voice a harsh growl completely making your heart still in fear, a laugh snakes its way out of his mouth at your trembling lip. "oh god your shaking sweetheart, how cute"
There was no good outcome to this and you would rather be killed right here right now. you were going to be used for sexual pleasure over and over and over again by different people if you didn't get out now. you heard the stories, you've heard about the hybrid markets , you've hear about the endless night of torture.
"Sweet little bunny is a bit far from home aren't you?, are you going to submit and show your king your sweet little cunt" Hoseok cant contain his smirk, it spills over his lips and over his face, drinking you in as he motions for the guard to untie you. once the last thread of rope is pulled from your hands you waste no time.
Your hands fly out , claws drawn to swipe across the smile on his face, the blood doesn't ooze straight away, it prickles, three deep gashes turning pink across his cheek. somewhat stunned, frozen in place you forget to run, the guard reacting fast to hold you down while the king moves to touch the blood that has begun to drip and gush down his face and staining the white collar of his silk shirt.
His eyes were emotionless when he looks at your scared face, your body goes limp at the force of the slap that he delivers to your cheek. Your head wiping to the side and into the sturdy chest of the guard behind you. nothing but a fragile whimper leaving your mouth, your hair sticking to your neck with sweat, ears pressed flat ontop of your head, you cover your face with your hands as you cry as you fall to the floor.
His hand is quick to thread through your hair, tugging at the roots until it felt like your sculp was on fire, you look up at him through watery eyes "you'll regret that, I promise you'll wish you never put your hands on me"
The guard clears his throat. "should I take it downstairs sir, Jimin hasn't been fed in a while" you cry harder, hysterically as you cling to the kings leg. Everyone knew about the dragon hybrid that the king owned, people that get sent down to the dragon never make it back.
"hmm no" he pulls you up by the hair until you were standing on two feet.
"just declaw it and get Namjoonie from his cell, make sure to inject him with enough pollen to last a few hours and muzzle him because hes been a bit feral lately" He lets go of your hair and you fall to the hard floor, winded and gasping for air when he rolls you onto your back with his shoe.
"im going to have fun, I want to see that pretty pussy on display, spread it"
The guard ignores your protest and cries as he strips you of all clothing, prying open your legs wide and keeping them open for the king to feast his eyes upon. anyone walking past would be able to see you.
A deep groan from the king as he spreads you open further with two fingers. "Tae hand me the paddle, this slut needs to know its place, how does 10 sound sweet thing?" you couldn't answer, your cries wailing in the large open throne room. His fingers running up and down your slit with evil intent, working them in soothing circles to get your blood circulating.
The guard hands him the paddle and Hoseok brushes it over your clit softly. "i wonder if it can cum just from this, shall we test it out?"  he asks with a smile before coming down with force on your clit, the loud slap of the paddle making your breathing stop, hitched in your lungs before you cry out in pain , your legs kicking and flying about to get away only making the king angrier.
"Tae -fuck hold her still and cut her heels, its getting on my nerves"
you black out from the pain.
You wake with immense pain in your ribs, they felt like they were caging into your lungs making it hard to breathe, everything hurt and your body was screaming in pain. you remember satisfaction in his eyes when he watched all the light drain from your eyes, it was terrifying and you were scared beyond measure
With your hands cuffed to the bed, the silken sheets underneath you supplying a little bit of relief on your tired body. tears ran down your face in hot streaks and wetting the expensive fabric as you wiggle your body to free yourself, your body aching in pain every time you move.
"I told you that you that I would make you regret it little bunny" your head lifts in fear, your wiggling intensifies to try and get away from him, his relaxed posture as he leans up against the wall and watches you struggle with a smile.
The bottoms of your legs are deadweight "please" you cant stop the tears infront of the merciless king, his amused stare watching you panic like all bunnies would.
"please what"
He moves from his position against the wall to slowly make his way over to you with heeled steps, his shoes clicking against the red marble floors of his royal chambers, it sounded like a ticking bomb with every step until he was standing at the end of the bed, looking down at your tear stained face
"p-please dont hurt me sir-pl-eas"
He continues to walk, hands behind his back moving over to one side of the bed. his hand coming out to softly touch your cheek that was bruised from his hand earlier, your body littered with marks of tremendous pain, you flinch away from him and his touch
he wasn't happy.
"So precious and small, sweet thing,  I could snap you like a twig"
To your misery you were stripped down to nothing, remembering how he  spread you open to play with you. your bare body presented to his wandering eyes as he drinks you in under the privacy of his room.  His hand coming to rest on your thigh before spreading your legs open again, fingers coming to play with your abused clit that throbbed under his touch.
His other hand clamps over your mouth to shush your cries. there was nothing you could do, you couldn't even move your legs from the trauma he had put them through. You don't know if you would even be able to walk again, Achilles tendon sliced with no mercy, you couldn't run now even if you wanted to.
"you passed out before I could really start the fun earlier but if you keep up with your crying I have no problem sewing your mouth shut or cutting out your tongue, all you have to do is tell me if there are anymore like you and daddy will reward you" he waits for your answer patiently, you were weak against his grip but you'd rather die trying.
He removes his hand from your mouth to let you speak, expecting you to comply but instead you spit in his face. your entire body trembles when he calmly wipes at his eye with his hand.
"you obviously haven't learned anything about me and just how cruel a king i can be" and with that he stepped away from the bed, gathering the tape that he already had ready. He holds your jaw still as he places the tape over your mouth and walks away to the bedroom door, not looking back as he clicks the door shut and leaving you there in the silence of the unfamiliar room.
you dont know how long you lay there helplessly crying to yourself, a female nurse coming in to clean and bandage your ankles and hands but no matter how much you beg and plead her from behind the thick piece of tape over your mouth she doesn't look you in the eye.
"It will be better if you just do what he says, im sorry " she collects her things quietly and quickly exits the room just as Hoseok enters again, giving the nurse a harsh glare and shooing her away with zero patience.
Her eyes wide as he looks at the king then just over the kings shoulder, fear plagues her face before she looks at her feet and scurries away.
Hoseoks icy glare turns into a bright smile as he enters the room, the clinking sound of chains not far behind. in his hand a thick metal chain and attached to it a beast, no a wolf . A hybrid wolf. The wolf hybrid could barley open his eyes, chest heaving and panting like the hybrid had just come back from a huge marathon. You could see his veins pulsing under his flushed skin, trying so hard not to pounce on the addicting sweetness that was your scent, the smell of your fear mixing in the air and the wolf was getting drunk on it.
" I like my pets a little more broken, not an inch of fight left  and I don't mind breaking them in myself but as king I just don't have time to tame you, lucky i have just the thing"
He tugs the wolf into the room by a metal chain, Hoseoks name engraved into the pups chest, a painful burn, a reminder of ownership with a matching collar around the wolfs neck in gold. 
He tugs harshly on the chain until the wolf collapses onto the floor, its muscles bulging to steady itself on the marble. The wolf sits on its knees and you watch with puffy eyes as Hoseok moves his hand through the pups hair. The dog looked feral, unhinged and ready to pounce and tear you apart, eye turning a hue of lilac telling you it couldn't wait to taste you.
"Oh I think Joonie likes you, bet he can smell you from here"
You heard the deep growl in its chest as it watch you cry.  fear paralyzed you, your instincts screaming at you to run, to hide and burrow but you were trapped under the thick metal and your feet were robbed of movement.
"This is Joonie and hes been a really bad dog" Hoseoks hand turns from patting the pups hair to grabbing a handful of his locks in a harsh tug, rolling the pups head around as he pleases before pulling him by the hair to the end of the bed, keeping him planted on his knees with strong hand, panting behind his muzzle.
"He hasn't cum for a week, only been lucky enough to use that pretty mouth to get me off but his big useless dick hasn't been touched for so long" Hoseok lets go of the his hair, the big dog letting out a whimper when he does so.
"I usually let my pup fuck the human slaves but he got so riled up he ended up mauling one of them to death, ripping them open and fucking their open wounds he just couldn't get enough, it was one of my favorite pets too"
The king tuts in memory of the incident as you silently cry, your eyes not moving from the wolf that was much to close for comfort, fear eating you alive in a slow burning suffocation, water dripping from your nose and past the thick tape on your mouth. Hoseok manhandles your legs apart again and taking a glimpse of your pretty cunt, taking two fingers to spread you open to inspect you, his fingers brushing over your clit and down towards your entrance.
"what's wrong bunny, are you scared? is that why your so dry down here" he rubs at your clit and you try desperately to close your legs, Namjoon growls at your resistance against Hoseok and you instantly open your legs out of fear, your prey instincts making your body limp and floppy.
Your body shakes and trembles when Hoseok sucks two fingers into his mouth, coating them in saliva before pushing the digits inside of you, it hurt and you cant mask the scream that comes out muffled.
you pull at your restraints as Hoseok begins to move his digits inside of you, not starting off slow and with no mercy he pumps them into you, holding you down by your abdomen as he works on loosening you up.
 "i wouldn't scream if i were you, Namjoonie loves when sweet things like you scream and cry and beg for mercy, do you want the big bad wolf to fuck your tiny virgin holes? hes not a nice as me"
You shake your head franticly, voice muffled in your throat as you cry endlessly, patheticaly as Namjoons eyes turn a deeper shade of lust, a feral urge growing inside of him.
"Are you going to tell me where the other bunnies are, surely your not alone?" your mind wanders off to Jungkook, he was probably terrified all alone at home, you had gone to get food and never returned. you would never let anything happen to him and you keep your mouth clamped shut.
Hoseok takes notice of your silence, he was disappointed. He removes his fingers from your barley streached out hole, wiping the residue of your slick over your swollen clit.
"hmm that too bad, I dont have time for this so you leave me no choice"
Hoseok gets off the bed and moves over to where Namjoon is still on his knees waiting patiently, drooling from the sides of his mouth, his eyes haven't left your cunt since he came into the room, his hooded eyes telling you just how much he wanted to ruin you and you cant help the electric zap of fear when he pulls Namjoon closer.
Hoseok makes a move to remove the muzzle from his pet and you panic thrashing around in the warm bed to get away, the anatomy wouldn't work, the wolf was much to big and when you glance down at his cock you cant help the tears that fall, it was never going to fit. you were just a bunny.
You shake your head frantically ,pulling hard at your restraints and Hoseok smirks, you cant hold in your fear and your legs involuntarily shake, you bladder letting loose.
It trickles and seeps into the sheet, Hoseok coos and laughs at you, Namjoon feels his wolf going feral inside him, the muzzle falls falls from his mouth and it hits the marble floor
Namjoon sees red
sees you
Nothing but you, the smell of you so sweet, the smell of your fear igniting lust and setting fire to his predator instincts.
He let out a deep growl when he moves onto the bed,  instincts telling him to fuck you until your clinging for dear life, just wants to fuck you into unconsciousness with an inch of your life , his hands are rough on your thighs ,pulling them so open harshly you think he tore a ligament of your hamstring, the air being forced out of you with a pitiful whimper, your body going lax when the wolf bares his sharp teeth.
Namjoon is quickly stopped half way into opening your legs as far as they could go when Hoseok pulls at his hair again.
  "Teeth away, dont break her too much Joonie, she's absolute terrified , I mean look at what a mess she made, I bet you could just eat her right up, use your mouth to clean up the mess you caused" Namjoon breathes deeply, his cock pulsing and turning purple secured with the cock ring that had been staring at him all week, your smell was intoxicating, the idea of having you in his mouth making him salivate with a grunt.
Hoseok pushes the back of Namjoons head down until his mouth connects with your sensitive folds, he wastes no time opening his mouth to indulge in you, his clawed hands wrapping around your thighs and holding you down to let his tongue work relentless on you, licking and sucking you clean. loud messy noises filling the chamber.
"disgusting, making a mess in my bed, I think you deserve to be fucked on the floor where you belong"
The wolfs  sharp teeth nip against your flesh making you tense in fear, how easy he could kill you right now settling in, your body shakes as your first orgasm rips through you unexpectedly, your back arching as your legs shake. all you could do was cry and lay there to take it. Hoseok patting down Namjoons ears. "oh she likes it, doesn't his mouth feel good, doesn't it feel good to surrender and submit to those who know best, tell me how his mouth feels"
Hoseok tapped your chin "open your eyes and tell me" you open your eyes that had been closed shut in fear, Namjoons hooded hungry eyes looking right back at you from between your legs, a low growl in his chest before he slips his tongue inside your small unused hole.
You thrash on the bed, hot streak of weak tears collecting at your collarbone, your hips lifting off the bed to get away from the intrusive simulation but Namjoon dosnt allow for it, your hips barley moving an inch off the bed. He rips the tape from your mouth, it hurts and the sting of pain swirls around your head.
"please , h-hurts- " you could barley talk, weak from the  abuse you have endured when you tried to run for freedom and the lack of food in your system, you wouldn't be able to take the wolfs thick length that lays achingly hard against the silk sheets, his hips rutting into nothing in desperation.
"thats too bad precious" Hoseok yanks Namjoon back by his collar, metal digging into his throat and mouth dripping, a thick layer coating his chin and dripping onto the expensive bed. Hoseok unlocks your restraints and your hands fall to the bed, not daring to move as the wolf holds you with a stare that promises you would regret moving.
The king takes purchase between your legs, holding them open to see your now glistening cunt so pretty and on display, he doesn't bother with anymore foreplay, hes been to kind to you already and so he pulls down his pants, letting his cock slap against you thigh before he pushes into you without warning and bearing the fruits of his labor.
your muscles tense and your hands move to push him away, it hurt, the way he grit his teeth at the resistance of your walls and the sudden pop of him pushing all the way inside of you, your mouth hanging wide open as you squeeze your eyes shut. "ah-ah dont even think about doing anything little bunny or ill command my pet to fuck your throat"
He pulls out to the tip loving the way your walls tried to suck him back in, head catching against the rim of your entrance. "you want him to fuck your throat until his knot swells and gets dislodged in your throat leaving you with no room to breath with a broken jaw ?, iv see him do it, i bet you'd love it little pain slut"
The king laughs as fear takes over every inch of your body, fucking back into you. "want us both to fuck you open real nice and slow, use and breed all your slutty little holes, Namjoonie can take your virgin ass while i fuck you full ?"
You couldn't breathe from the amount of fear and adrenaline coursing though your body. your airway closing up so only little squeaks could make their way though. you felt him so deep inside of you, the drag along your walls leaving your limbs feeling like jelly
"such a good little cockslut, just wanna be bred dont you?" he hooks his hands under your legs, his fingers brushing over your Achilles tendons making you cry out in pain, distracting you from the tight feeling winding up in your gutt again.
Namjoon was panting, skin sweating as he fights the urge to keep himself planted and not make promise to everything the king was saying, Hoseok having a tight grip on the leash the entire time.
A knock interrupts you . Taehyung , the guard from before walks in. His eyes fall on you, bloody, bruised, fucked into a speechless pet for pleasure. "im sorry to interrupt but we found another bunny, he was wondering around the market" Jungkook...
Hoseok pulls out reluctantly with a deep growl of annoyance but is quickly replaced with a smile. "two in one day, when did i get so lucky" he turns from his guard and back to you, your shiny eyes leaking a fresh batch of tears. "no,no please dont hurt him, do-dont touch him" Taehyung bows to leave but Hoseok stops him and commands him to sit and watch, he wont take long.
You were still begging, words slurring into nonsense and Hoseok coos at you, taking a fistful of your hair and yanking your face closer to his.
"This is perfect darling don't you see, you get to be a mindless little bunny, only good for taking cock, gonna get you nice and full" he taps his cock at your lips and pushing it past your lips into your mouth , fucking into your throat at a punishing pace with an iron grip to your scalp.
"A breeding slut to make daddy rich, you should just be lucky i don't leave you to my dragon down in the cellar, the last person that pissed me off got sent down there, their holes so stretched and torn that they dont close anymore, just a gaping hole and barley alive"
Its too deep, too far, you could feel your throat retching, begging to get rid of the intrusion that was fucking into your mouth but he holds you there, the first spirt of salty cum making you gag and trying desperately to pull off.
Hoseok hold you still, fingers pinching your nose. "swallow or you don't breathe" you swallow around the cock and he groans in pleasure, pulling his softening length from your throat with a soft pat to your head.
You throw up almost instantly, your body not being about to take it. The fear, the repulsion and disgust, his smile was condescending as he pats your cheek softly
"puppy is going to breed you nice and full, hes been dying for it, got so much cum for you, built up all week you'll feel so full" Hoseok releases the long chain he had been holding onto the entire time, it falls to the marble floor with a deafening clank and Namjoon wastes no time manhandling you onto your stomach. Hand rough in your hair and holding you down into the fluffy pillows
"don't try and talk to him either, i removed his vocal cords long ago"
claws dig their way into your flesh to hold you down while the wolf pushes the thick head into you, a broken scream of pain followed by a pained moan cracking your voice when he pushes in all the way, it was too big, you could feel your insides splitting open to accommodate his size, you felt him everywhere.
Feeling high on pain and that inkling of pleasure had you closing your eyes ready to give up, the slow but harsh bucking of hips turning your limbs into jelly and defenseless against being broken in by the wolf, sinking deeper with every thrust until you could feel the large pulsing length at your cervix
Namjoon loosing his will to go slow and picking up a harsh pace, your body rippling when his hips connect to your skin, your teeth biting into the pillow as drool and tears soak through.  faint moans with every deep thrust leaves Hoseok pleased, if he could tame a dragon and a wolf then a sweet little bunny like you was nothing.
 "i hope what they saying about fucking like bunnies is true because we have all night darling"
He pats the dogs hair before whispering in his ear "and Joonie dont kill this one, i need it alive and breedable" Hoseok leaves with a final click of the door to attend other kingdom matters, claws sinking deeper into your soft flesh to keep you still and pull you back onto his cock.
"joonie, Namjoonie s-slow d-down" He couldnt think, just breed breed breed playing around in his mind, sweet little bunny, must breed. feeling hot with need with whatever Hoseok injected him with. He wasnt allowed to entertain your words, he didn't want to be punished again and your walls squeezing him so tight didn't allow him to think much of anything else so he pushes your face back into the pillow, silencing you with his hand over your mouth.
An hour latter you were a mess of cum, drool and tears. the wolf was hardly done with you at all, even with his cum oozing from you and leaking down your thighs, even with your stomach protruding painfully, he didn't stop, getting bored of your loose walls to move his length to your unused hole, sobbing and protesting and pushing him out.
he just wanted that tight warmth your ass could provide and pushes through the resistance, your sobbing dying on your tongue when he pushes and fucks all the way in
One hour turns into two and when Hoseok walks back into the room your so fucked out, moving in and out of consciousness that you don't acknowledge him or Namjoons tongue lapping you up. Whatever Hoseok injected him with earlier had now worn off completely.  Hoseok plugging you up to keep all the cum inside.
"oh bunny what  a mess, even with the plug in your still leaking everywhere" The king tuts in amusement. "might have to hang you upside down to make sure it all stays in"
He pats Namjoons head before picking you up, much heavier then before with all the cum inside you. "there's still so much more breeding to do sweet thing, dont fall asleep yet"
He takes you room with a glass window, nothing in the room except a shallow mattress and Jungkook pacing back and forth, his bunny eras erect to listen for any sounds. Jungkook was locked in the room, you could see him but he couldn't see you. you watch him grab his ears and pull them harshly, what had they done to him
like he could read your mind the king spoke up. "we injected him with some special.." he pauses, a smile filtering across his face. "some special medicine, he was being very difficult and we knew he wasn't going to breed on his own will"
Hoseok goes to unlock the door while you watch your friend loose him mind, suddenly his nose twitches, his head snapping up and looking right at you, he couldn't see you but his pupils dilated, almost fully black.
  Hoseok picks you up and throws you into the bed.
"good luck"
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