#because he's been immortal for like 600 years when we first meet him
cynical-cemeteries · 2 months
i actually might have to exercise physical restraint to not pull for brandt because OH MY GOD??
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avelera · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for a long ask, but my head has been filled with Hob thoughts lately and I had to vent it somewhere
One of the reasons our fandom treats Hob as "just some guy" is because the rest of the characters in the series include: personifications of fundamental concepts governing a good chunk of the universe making sure the reality as we now it stays intact, the literal Satan, several angels, demons, gods and goddesses from different cultures and religions and many other ridiculously overpowered beings. After all that immortal being who has been alive for six centuries and who has lived through one of the biggest wars in humanities history pales in comparison.
Do you think Hob finds it refreshing to be the "normal one" in a relationship for once? Before Dream whenever he got on with someone he always had to be careful to keep his immortality a secret. He had to remember the details of his fake past, had to make sure he always talked age-appropriate or didnt mention some kind of historic fact no one else could now, keep his Intensity in check, stuff like that. But now he's dating Dream of the Endless and suddenly he's no longer the strangest person in the room. Do you think that after being with Dream for a very long time he forgets to put on his Absolutely-Normal-and-Ordinary Humansona and his mortal friends go "wtf, were you always this fucked up?"
(Absolutely adore your fics btw)
Thank you! And thank you for this ask!
One of my first bits of Hob meta was talking about how Hob is only "Just a Guy" when compared to the Endless. By any other measure, in any other story, he'd be the most powerful individual you'd ever encounter. True immortality that isn't a prison because you can die when you choose? I've said it before, but if Hob ever went full persistence hunter, he'd be one of the most unstoppably powerful forces in the world.
Now, to your question, I think the answer could be complex?
- I think on some level it could be strange in not a good way to be the normal one in the relationship for Hob. I only say this from a pride perspective. I do think that for the most part, Hob's reaction would be positive, but I want to first carve out a nod to how it might also be a bit... humbling or even irritating, for example if Dream or others discounted him as beneath notice because of it. 600 years is still a lot, Hob is by most standards the most supernatural thing anyone would ever meet. I could see him thinking he's chill with being the less interesting one in the relationship but having moments of like, "Whoa, hey, wait a minute, just because I'm only an indestructible human who has lived over 600 years doesn't mean I'm boring for fuck's sake."
- I think it would be a much bigger deal for Hob-with-Dream to not need to lie anymore all of the time. With each lifetime Hob lives, he has to remember to cut away or gloss over or alter more of his life and achievements. It must be second nature but still painful at times to have to switch over from, "I achieved this," to, "My "father" achieved this and I just inherited it."
- Suddenly with Dream, he doesn't have to do that all the time. He can just casually mention things like the late 1300s in the first person, or his marriage to Lady Eleanor, or the fact that Robyn died when he was 20 (most likely as someone who looks mid-30s, Hob can only talk about Robyn or his death by making it sound like he died as a child, given how young Hob looks, especially in modern times, he'd get odd looks appearing 35-ish and saying he had a son die at age 20). Not needing to filter his personal experiences through historical anecdotes he'd "read" or altering the details to fit would be I think, strange, refreshing, perhaps deeply emotional, and very rare for him. Not because he'd never been able to be candid with others (like other immortals, or perhaps people he was close to that he opened up with) but Dream was actually there. He actually walked the streets of Tudor England, he actually knew Hob in 1389. I think it would be an aspect of being with Dream Hob would, y'know, "know" would be an aspect he looked forward to, only to be truly blown away by the reality of being able to openly, without thinking, talk about himself in a way he hasn't been able to do... possibly ever, with anyone.
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jako-jako · 2 years
"Why He Doesn’t Come To See Me"
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"Why He Doesn’t Come To See Me"
This work is translated Japanese into English. My English is not good. I think I make a lot of mistakes, I’m sorry. But if you enjoy it, I'm so happy...!
It’s seven o’clock.
In the dark room. In front of the laptop that emits a blue light. The guy feels tired who is stubble is sitting with his back against the backrest of the chair. Hob Gadling, he squints his eyes against the sunshine coming through the window. He went to the kitchen dragging his body feels weary, take out the mug from the cabinet and he boils water to make coffee. He prepared his lecture materials, graded the tests of all the students in his class, and he already finished all tasks. He brewing coffee while He rubbing his bleary eyes.
 (“Oh, It’s already morning. I ended up doing my tasks...”)
 I pour the bitter coffee into my stomach as I said that in my mind with disgust. I don’t feel sleeping now. I mean...I don’t like the time until get to sleep. Recently I always feel gloomy because I ends up thinking about something. He is worried about a certain “his friend”.
 I have known him for over 600 years now. My life is full of new people and parting ways with many people since becoming an immortality. And as long as I continue to exist, I think I will continue to repeat the same thing. However, he was the only one who always appeared in front of me, he still looks the same every 100 years passed. At first, I couldn’t hide my confusion at the strangeness of his existence, but I realized I’m relieved with him. He is the only one who truly knows Hob Gadling who this free, lonely, immortal man. I can be myself when I'm with him. I felt that somewhere in my heart. However, conversations with him in the pub had ceased since 1889. It was only recently that I discovered the cause was actually had nothing to do with me at all, but I thought it was my fault for the past century or so.
It was words I said to him. You’ll never thought we get into a fight due to the word, but considering his personality, it was enough to make him angry. Hob was depressed because he couldn't meet him, and he reflected on that the whole time. Hob having such feelings and waiting for him who day after day to come, not knowing when he would appear, maybe never to appear again.
 Then a few months ago, in August, summer was still hot and humid. He finally appeared before Hob who was spending his days with little bit of hope. He still looks the same, but he's expression more warmly than before and the word "friend" embraced Hob's heart warmly. He will never forget how happy he was.
 After ordered one beer and made a toast, he introduced himself for the first time to his friend of 600 years in a calm voice.
 He’s name is Morpheus. He is Dream of the Endless, Ruler of the Dreaming what is Kingdom of Dreams. It is another world beyond sleep, the dream realm. It's a place where deep down in people's hearts are embodied. As the King of Dreaming, he has dominion over people's dreams, and everything related to them. People forget him when they wake up, but they have met him in their dreams. So, that's how he knew Hob's name the first time he met him. By the way, there were trouble of lethargic encephalitis about 100 years ago. In fact, that happened because humans captured and imprisoned him, and he couldn't fulfill his duties as king. This was the reason he couldn't come to his appointment with Hob. He was surprised that his friend in front of him who the personification of the concept. But more than that, he shocked about his friend had been deprived of freedom and dignity, had lonely days for more than 100 years. And then, Hob couldn’t say a word for a while.
Morpheus was looking at Hob with wondering face, because he was silent after Morpheus spokes about himself in a bland tone. Hob noticed that and put his brain into full gear that doesn't work to say something. ("I have a lot something to say to him, but what I really want to say now...") After he thought through the best word that he wants to say to him for only a few seconds, he finally said...
 “Can I... hug you?”
 Have you really lived for over 600 years? I sometimes doubt myself like that. I'm amazed by myself that my vocabulary is poor even though I've lived for a long time, but it’s already too late. What’s done is done. I had made a similar mistake before and I had a bitter experience, but I did it again... I wanna say "I'm so idiot!" right now, but I hold it in. So, I look across the table timidly, there was an unexpected sight. Morpheus was looked confused, and then he said...
“Oh…Yes, that's fine.”
 I was surprised that he accepted what I want to hug him, because I had expected he will ignore me or given me a cold look. Hob relieved to hear that. He got up slowly from his seat and got to Morpheus who was sitting across from him.
 “Wait. Are you going to do that right here and now?”
 My brain doesn't work yet. He said “Yes” to me, but hug in a bar in the daytime is too much for him. That's because, he is that kind of person who shy, quiet and seems don't like stand out. From what I know, it is clear that he isn't such friendly.
He’s words that made me happy. So, I ended up act before thinking.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect to you said to me that I can hug you, so I was just happy. Well, maybe some other time...”
“It's not like I don't want do that…”
Hob was going to go back to his seat quickly, but he looked back in surprise. He said that and turned away. As always, he is quiet and gives cool vibes. However, Hob didn’t miss his ear blushing.
 “You’ll stand out, standing around like that.”
 I was given a start when I hear Morpheus's cool and collected voice. He is mysterious and solitary vibe. Regarding that, he is the same as before. But...I couldn’t pace myself because of him who became mellow than before.
 “Yeah, right. Well then...”
 Hob faced Morpheus again. He lowers himself to him in his seat, and gently put his arms around him. He feels the warmth from his snow-white skin.
 How much he suffered while he was in captivity. The pain of being captivity for over 100 years, that must be unimaginable. The pain is even more palpable for Hob, because he had been suspected as a witch and captured in the past. He was taken away his freedom and dignity, he couldn't go back to his place, humans took his friend's life and he had been feeling sadness and hatred. It breaks Hob’s heart just thinking about that. So, he unconsciously held him tight.
 “Really, I'm so glad I got to see you again.”
 I find myself said that. I think, this is what i really want to say.
 “I'm glad you come back safe.”
 “Are you ok now?”
 “Aren't you suffering now?”
 “Did you go back your place after that?”
 “Are you sleeping well?”
 “Are you eating well?”
 Hob held him tightly and felt his warmth, and he couldn't stop his slowly overflowing feelings. At the sight of hob like that, Morpheus was nervous just now, but he is relaxing and smile gently now. He just nods and says "Yeah" to each word that hob said to him with look of relief and soft voice. However, he didn't do that to the last word.
 “Oh no, can't you still eat yet!?”
 Morpheus chuckled because hob stayed away from him suddenly and said that with a worried look.
 "No worries, I’m OK. I don’t need to eat to live like humans. Additionally, I’m not really interested in eat. It’s not that I don’t like that.”
 “Well, certainly. I've never seen you eating something even once since I started seeing you, but today, why don’t we eat together? I'll treat you to anything all you like. You know, you treated me to dinner in the 17th century, you remember? So, now it's my turn to treat you to a meal.”
 “How can I say...the food that I like is, um...What kind of food of this inn do you like?”
 “Oh, food of this inn I like? Yeah, there is, but don't you want to eat what you like?”
 “I can't think of foods that I like, and I don’t know much about menu of this inn. You had been waiting for me here for many years. So, I think you probably know about good dishes of this inn well.”
 “Yeah, I know about that well! I’m "a regular customer" of the inn enough so that I can order anything without looking menu.”
 “Then It’s settled, I'll order your recommended menu. Now that it's been a while since I've eaten, So I wanna eat dishes what you like.”
 Hob was relieved to see Morpheus said that with a smile. As soon as he went back to his seat, he opened the menu. It looks like he was having fun talking to him, he talking about “This dish is the best in the inn” “This dish goes well with this sake” “That one tastes a little different than before” and so on. Sometimes, his heart throbbed when Morpheus gazed at him with a soft face.
 7:00 pm. Hob looked out of the window, he can see sunset. There are some empty plates and some empty glasses on the table. They have talked about many things, as if fill a blank period of 100 years. Hob talking more than Morpheus the same as ever, but Morpheus began to tell him about himself, so Hob could hear many things from him compared to before. He felt happy about that change.
 But we haven’t talked enough yet. I wanna keep small talking over drinks with him more. Time really flies when we’re having fun and I didn’t want to think about to reach the end of this time. The next time we'll meet is 100 years later. It's such a long time, it feels like forever for me.
 “Shall we get going.”
Hob was given a start when he Morpheus' words and replied cheerfully to hide his sad mood. He paid and they left the INN.
 The red sky at sunset is even darker than before, and shimmering stars in the distance. Hob smiling to hide his feelings that he wanna stay longer with Morpheus and talked to him who walking next to him.
 “Thanks for today. I was so happy you came to see me, because I thought just a little, maybe we couldn’t meet again.”
 “I’m really appreciate you, too. You waited for me that's why we are able to meet like this."
 “I was drinking almost every day there, but that's over. Well, I also feel a little sad when I think that.”
 “You drank so much, but you still haven’t enough to drink? Hob Gadling.”
I felt sad when I looked Morpheus said that to me with smile. I thought drank a lot but...now, I’m likely to sober up quickly. (“Yeah, right. I haven’t enough to drink. I really wanna hear your talk more with a beer in my hand.”) Hob said “Yeah, Maybe” to him casually while thinking about that, and then noticed his friend stopping behind him who just walked next to him.
 “ Morpheus, what happened?”
 He is dropping his gaze to a corner of the sidewalk silently. The setting sun lit up his face little bit gets red after drinking. He looks like trying to say something, he is fidgeting his thumb, and stroke his fist. When Hob was about to walk up to him, Morpheus looked at him, and then he said slowly
“Can I, see you again? I mean...not in a hundred years, it means sooner than that.”
 We were surrounded with silence, it's as if time stood still. Hob stopping after he takes one step and blinking his big eyes, in surprise at what just happened.
His suggestion suddenly, it means, it is a sign that he wants to meet me more as I want to meet him more. I’m just surprised by him today. But, if it’s such a pleasant surprise, it’s always welcome.
 I ran up to him and held his hands, before he looks away because he feels like running away from this situation.
 “Yes, let’s meet up again soon! I wanna meet you more too! I still have a talk and drink with you more. When can we meet again?”
 Hob responded with a beaming smile. He felt so down until a moment ago, but he feels relieved like his heart dancing in the wind fluffy now.
 “I see...”
 He mutters as he relieved when he sees Hob’s smile lit up by the setting sun.
 “Anytime is okay, so it’s up to you.”
 “Hmm well, when should I…I’m free weeknights, but sometimes my work is taking a long time at the university. So, I'd rather meet you my day off than weekday. I think we have enough time on that day.
 “Sounds good, see you your day off next time.”
 "How many days later we can meet, hmm, that's important..."
 “You told me at the inn about you’ve been busy working until the end of this month. So, shall we meet next month?”
 “Yeah! great! Then let’s meet on Sunday at the beginning of next month.”
 “Okay, so see you then.”
 After he said that, his jet black coat fluttered in the wind, losing its shape and scattering around him. I don’t know much about his power, but I think he will go back "Dreaming".
The loneliness about say goodbye to him was drowned out by the delighted of the meeting with him a month later.
 “I had a great time today. Good night, Morpheus.”
 I muttered with soft voice before Morpheus is disappearing into a black fluttered in the wind like sand. I didn’t know for sure my voice reaches him. But his face a little bit looks like blushing just before he disappeared was surely not a mistake.
 “We met once a century before, but now once a month...”
 Thank you for reading the Chapter1 of “Why He Doesn’t Come To See Me” !
 This story is made up of 5chapters, Chapter1 is up to the point where they have set a date for meeting in a month. In episode 6 of the drama, their story ended with the scene where they met at THE NEW INN, and I imagined and wrote freely about what they happened after that. So far they had been drinking every 100 years, but I hope they also meet more than before in drama after last scene of ep6.
 It was the first time for me fan fiction in writing, and it was a challenge with a lot of trial and error. Additionally, translating such a long text was so big challenge...! My English is not good, I'm sorry for my poor English🙇‍♀️ But if you enjoyed it, I'm so happy☺️🙏
Now, what the next meeting will be like? And what will happen to them after that? See you next part!
Chapter2 is here↓
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kittttycakes · 10 months
Ahhhh ngl I would love to see Grace grilling Morpheus for all of the knowledge about all of the things. I love that she loves him so much and wants to know and understand as much about him and his world and experiences as she can.
Yeah, Calliope would be tricky, but like you said, I hope she and Grace could get to a point where they have a glass of wine or two.
I suppose there may not be the one perfect friend out their for Grace that ticks all of the boxes, but maybe she’ll find enough people to surround herself with that each offer a different aspect of friendship that she needs or craves? And I suppose that is what it is like for most people, regardless of whether or not you’re dating a 600+ year old immortal and the anthropomorphic personification of humanity’s subconsciousness.
On a slight crack note, would it not be hilarious imagining Grace, Johanna, Rose, Lucienne, and Calliope letting loose on a girls night out and getting into some kind of shenanigans.
On the monster to lovers topic, man, I would give so much to see some more of that over protective, vengeful Morpheus as we did in the Calliope episode. Is it unhealthy to find that really hot?
I know I have been, and am continuing to be very needy and greedy, but do you think we might get to see any of that Morpheus in your writing? Even any of the “No, you cannot doom that man to an eternity of nightmares just because he disagreed with me during a panel discussion at the conference. Dr. Ward, though…” conversations??
It almost catches Morpheus off guard, how much she wants to know him. Because Hob, for all that he cares for Morpheus, just…doesn’t question him that much at all, through all their historical meetings, and whether that’s because he saw that Morpheus didn’t want to talk about it in 1489 and just internalized that or because he just liked having that attention directed fully on him for an hour, it still stands. That does change some in AHFH, and Hob does talk to him more about himself and ask him questions, but Morpheus assumes, at first, that that’s just a Hob thing. The man was fascinated by handkerchiefs and playing cards and his questions are the logical extension of that level of interest in the minutia of his day to day life, once Morpheus really becomes a part of it.
But Grace…Grace isn’t connected to him in the same way that Hob is (he didn’t directly cause her immortality) and so her wanting to know so much about him is different. For her, she loves him, so of course she’s interested in everything about him, that’s just how it goes. So Morpheus isn’t exactly used to answering the kinds of questions she’s asking, at first, but he eventually does get used to it and sees it for what it is: an expression of love. All of that rambling to say I definitely do want to write more one on one Grace and Morpheus interaction!
Grace can definitely patchwork her friendships to get to a place where she’s happy and fulfilled! Someday, maybe, she’ll have one person who encapsulates all of it, but for the moment, she has a really good support network and enough people that she can be herself around and open and honest that she isn’t feeling too constrained just yet. If she didn’t have both Hob and Morpheus, and Lucienne and Matthew, and eventually an ever expanding network of people and dreams, I think it would be harder on her.
A girls night would be so fun! All five of them together…Johanna thinks she can drink anyone under the table, but she doesn’t factor in Calliope being a literal goddess/muse, and I think Lucienne would give her a surprising run for her money. Grace is and has always been a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, but Rose can hold her own. They’d have fun, I think! Just a nice hang out with cocktails and getting to be themselves, no having to pretend that they aren’t who they are or don’t know what they know.
Vengeful Morpheus just does something for me…when it’s justified, like it is with Maddoc? It’s so good. That scene of him sitting in the chair in the dark, the only light coming from his eyes? Stunning, 10/10, no notes. Neither Grace nor Hob has really ever seen him like that in person…but both would like to, so if it’s wrong to be attracted to it, we’re all in good company!
For Grace, it’s an extension of wanting to be demonstrably desired: if someone is willing to go that far for her, it’s a bit of a turn on. It’s not specifically about the threat of violence, it’s about the effort and intent. Grace is just really into the nightmare side of Morpheus anyway, and that vengeful side is close enough to it that she’d be very, very interested to see that in a controlled environment.
Oh, for sure there will be! I’ve had a one shot idea that sort of centers around this that’s been knocking around since the early days of AHFH, so that Morpheus (and Hob) will be making their way on page at some point with a one shot! There will also definitely be some fun, lower stakes bits as well, because I think the set up of Grace telling Morpheus no, he can’t do that to the office creep only for Hob to be nodding and giving him the go ahead behind her is funny.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
...dangit more minecraft ocs-
summary of the oc universe in question: Immortal Found Family (IFF) + Local Deity Of Madness are at each other’s throats, and it’s implied that the aforementioned Deity Of Madness may or may not have had a fling with one of the members of the Found Family (who’s specifically a minor goddess), but the two of them hate each other for Reasons We Will Get Into
here are the characters:
-the aforementioned Deity Of Madness
-exact age is unknown, but is at least several millennia old
-some sort of void person who head seems to be a bunch of scribbles, wears a yellow bear mask that seems to be crying, rainbow sweater, jeans, and yellow sneakers
-Not A Good Person
-like, literally. they are so dangerous and unhinged that people say to call on them you would have to be mad yourself
-attempting to call on them for assistance is one of the most dangerous things a person in this universe could do, and you’d either have to be 1) crazy, 2) desperate, or 3) stupid enough to actually try it
-think of it being like a genie, but you’d need to be 150% more careful with your phrasing. don’t leave any room for loopholes in what you’re asking for, don’t say anything that could put a loved one in danger, don’t say anything that could potentially get your soul stolen, and don’t offer to give up something that you can’t afford to lose
-Don’t Ask Boo How It Figured Any Of This Out
-used to date a member of The Immortals known as Hyrbris. the two of them hate each other now. don’t ask questions
-for a list of crimes:
Exile Arc’d a kid (Boo) to make the aforementioned kid a Prophet Of Madness (luckily failed, but horrifically traumatized Boo in the process)
Got a Starborn (Mino) high off of potions so they could steal the Starborn’s stardust (effectively their blood/life force; wouldn’t have killed Mino, but would’ve made them incredibly weak), and stole enough stardust that it sent the Starborn into a coma of sorts and basically left their comatose body on the property of the IFF as a warning
has been trying to “cause some mischief” for the IFF. and by “cause mischief”, they really mean “brainwash, manipulate, and (psychologically/physically) torturing members of the family to basically break them” (two of these aforementioned members basically being immortal children who literally cannot die whatsoever)
attempted to murder their ex’s current partner (Sculk) but failed
psychologically tortured a guy who felt guilty over his sister’s death (Tik)
almost caused the death of a hybrid (Damon) by turning the members of the Very anti-hybrid town he lived in against him; only reason he didn’t die was because a Minor Deity Of Knowledge And Secrets (Erius) took pity on him and made him immortal
Was Basically The Cause Of Most Of Scout’s Problems (you’ll meet him later)
-yeah. they kinda suck. Hyrbris hates them :3
-is a member of a species known as Pumpklings (basically sentient pumpkin people), however is basically immortal
-also one of the few members of its species; it’s basically the reason Boo is even immortal in the first place...
-is actually around 600 years old, but is physically (and mentally) around 10. so here’s the warning to Not Be Weird About It
-got Exile Arc’d by Pix. really doesn’t like being left alone after this out of fear of being taken again
-its face looks like a constant •w• whenever it’s happy. however, the opposite is true for when it’s upset; •M•
-has a scarf that does that magic scarf-hands thing because i think it’s cool-
-one of the (permanent) children in the household
-Minor Goddess Of Luck/Fortune and Arrogance/Pride
-looks like a sheep hybrid
-a few millennia old; exact age is unknown
-yes, her name is purposefully meant to sound similar to “hubris”
-despite her title, she’s more of a punisher of arrogance/pride, and gifts people she believes is worthy of it with luck and/or fortune
-she also cares deeply for her family of misfits over here. Hyrbris does not just invite/adopt someone into the IFF without reason
-runs a casino. if she comes over to your table unexpectedly and asks to play with you alone, then that’s your sign that you’ve f**ked up
-Pix’s ex. absolutely hates them because, y’know, they’ve hurt just about everyone who she cares about (including the kids)
-she’s a good mom :]
-current partner is Sculk
-is an immortal Starborne; slowly ages. is around 750 years old, but is physically (AND MENTALLY) 12. same warning as Boo applies here
-is practically an older sibling to Boo
-got yoinked by Pix, drugged using potions, and then bled out for their stardust until they were put into a coma
-Pix basically mocked them in their coma dreams/nightmares
-woke up about a year later, but is still incredibly weakened by what happened. it makes them really tired most of the time
-likes to perform using their magic
-they <3
-human corrupted by skulk and made immortal from it
-she/her and xe/xem
-about 970 years old
-got stuck in the Deep Dark and revived by a bunch of skulk (hence the name)
-has a symbiotic relationship with the skulk covering xyr body
-the sculk heals wounds, which is partially why she’s immortal
-is Hyrbris’ partner
-much calmer and introverted than xyr partner
-Pix attempted to kill her once
-(cursed) immortal human; wandering storyteller
-around the same age as Sculk
-latest member of the IFF
-Pix basically cursed this dude’s family, which ended in:
his father going mad and running headfirst into a creeper, which killed him
his mother dying (still uncertain as to reason/cause)
-Pix also cursed him with immortality, because apparently Scout didn’t suffer enough
-doesn’t want anything to do with Pix anymore
-problem? he’s a member of the IFF. who are constantly terrorized by Pix. due to this, he tried not to become Found Family’d. emphasis on Try.
-help this poor dude, he hasn’t known a day of peace since getting dragged into the IFF (because dangit Pix-)
the others are friends of the IFF, and i’ll talk about them later
here’s the boys!!
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vegalocity · 3 years
Peachtea/TripSun angst idea. Nobody knew Wukong would disappear for 500 years so they're mourning until Xiaotian starts training with him. Tang composes himself to wait a little longer but Wukong just ignores all the signs. Until he gets into an argument with Tang and Tang ends up snapping "Why did you disappear for 500 years?!"
Okay so here’s the thing, I can only get behind the whole ‘The other Pilgrims ALL thought Wukong was dead and are PISSED at him now’ stuff, only, and I mean ONLY if Wukong either thought they all didn’t want to hear from him again anyway, or if he thought they were dead too.
....I mean my only contributions to all those ‘Reunion with Baije and Wujing’ posts were both ‘Wukong thought they were dead too’ so CLEARLY thats my read on the whole thing. I sincerely can’t see him just... NOT telling people he cared that much about that he was gonna bounce for that long to be alone on FFM, so if he knew they were alive he would have told them. 
And then you know someone spotted that little shrine with the origami figures in the Special and I was there like:
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 So like, lets do something we’ll both enjoy here then because all of those reunion fics are almost exclusively centered around the trio, and we oh so rarely see Sanzang (whether he is Tang or not) get involved. 
So like first off, assuming LMK is on a sci fi alternate earth instead of being in the future, there’s still a solid nine hundred or so years between the end of the Pilgrimage and the supposed time Wukong disappeared for Monkie Kid timeline (JTTW is set in like the 600s or so if i remember correctly, might be wrong about the exacts tho) so lets assume those nine hundred years were uneventful.
So yeah, idk the hows, the hows don’t matter. What DOES matter is Wukong somehow loses contact with the others and is somehow convinced they were all killed, had his last stand against DBK and then went off travelling for a century to come to terms with his brothers and his precious, darling, beloved Master all perishing due to his inability to protect them.
and meanwhile for the others he was just... GONE. Like he’d vanished off the face of the earth, And the last the three of them ever saw of him was the staff rooted into the mountain that now kept the Bull King below. Just in case maybe the tree of them would periodically head off to Flower Fruit Mountain and check in with the monkeys that could still talk, but after about a century it was clear. If he WAS still alive, he wasn’t coming back. And the idea that he’d purposefully leave all of them behind just for the hope that he WAS still alive would do his memory a disservice. 
So when Wukong returns to FFM wouldn’t it be great if he like, JUST missed that last visit? Like DAYS after Sanzang, Baije and Wujing had been there for the final time to hold an impromptu funeral for their dead friend on his homeland and finally accept that he was gone, Wukong returns to the mountain and builds his little shrine for his dead friends... the Monkeys all look at eachother awkwardly and shrug, assuming this will be settled soon enough, surely it’ll be solved before too long.
And then another 400 years of kingly depression naps and the others falling in and out of contact with eachother as they adapt to the ever changing world around them later, Xiaotian snatches the staff from the bull family.
And... Look... It’s been a ROUGH 500 years on Sanzang now called simply Tang. He’d only recently tracked down Baije-now-called-Pigsy in the past... what Ten years? and was only tangentially aware of what Wujing-now-called-Sandy was up to. And... Look... LOOK. It’s ridiculous that he’s still hung up over losing Wukong as much as he is. He’s Well FUCKING aware it’s ridiculous. He should know better, he quite LITERALLY reached immortality through enlightenment. He KNOWS he should know better. 
So why-... Why can’t he say his real name without his gut still twisting into knots? He still tells the stories because telling them behind a wall of detachment, pretending he wasn’t there on the action for most of them helps in some small way, but why does he have to always call him ‘the Monkey King’? What a question, he knows why. He gave his heart away when he was still mortal, and so mortal his heart will forever stay. Dead and returned to the stone with the impulsive monkey he’d given it to.
And then It’s not dead. Because he’s not dead. and honestly at first it’s just shock, it’s just reeling with the sheer tidal wave of feelings he had to spend hours meditating just to sort through. The three of them meet up after Xiaotian and Xiaojiao have turned in for the night to discuss what the FUCK just happened, and all three of them come away with different conclusions. 
Baije is furious and will refuse to seek out Wukong unless its to tell him off for letting the three of them belive him dead, Wujing is sad and would like to see Wukong again to simply ask why he’d decided to cut the three of them out of his life like that, but doesn’t want to do it alone. And he’s...conflicted.
He wants this to be a joyous discovery. he wants to be so relieved and euphoric at his monkey still being there, having ALWAYS been there, that he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling for days on end. But he can’t. It’s all so... messy inside and he’s going to need to keep his distance if he wants to be able to approach Wukong with a level head. This was why attachments such as these were foolish he should have known better all those years ago but it was centuries too late now, and this confliction is what he has to suffer through as the result... wanting to laugh and cry and scream all at once because Wukong is ALIVE, he’d spent SO long in mourning for him, and HOW DARE HE ignore them all and let them assume the worst?!
So he hides behind that Scholar Tang persona while he sorts through his emotions. And it works for the most part. 
And then New Years happens.
And... Look, Wukong’s been THROUGH it in the last 500 years. He’s done everything he could to just... GET OVER the loss of his love His Master and His brothers. he went through all the damn stages of grief, 
Spent that first decade in denial poking around everywhere he could to see if any of them-ANY of them were in hiding somewhere, spent another three decades wandering the world and starting fights with other cultures divine warriors (and that Aphrodite chick was DEFINITELY hitting on him the entire time, extolling about how rarely she got to use her ‘Aria form’ whatever that meant) to work through his rage without actually getting himself in trouble with his own heavenly court. Spent another twenty years or so looking through as many underworlds as he could find, no matter how many of them really wanted to test just HOW immortal he was (Answer: Too Immortal for any of them) to see if ANYONE had anything he could work with, and always coming up empty. eventually crossed the ocean to the other landmass because he was tired of looking at all of these places and seeing either memories or wasted time looking for bargaining chips, and spent a decade or so deciding he hated Mexico and went back to China. and then spent another thirty years just procrastinating returning home to his mountain.
When he returns to flower fruit mountain its as though he’d never left. His monkeys greet him with excitement but he’s standing on the shores of his home he hasn’t seen in a century and... feels nothing. Like his ability to feel anything for anything beyond the people he’s lost is gone. He makes a little shrine that spends most of its time on a shelf that's difficult to be able to look at full on without craning your neck weirdly and if any of his subjects notice that he takes a bit too much care in folding the little paper figure of the monk as he sets the four figures up along the edge of the little thing none of them judge him over it. He’s rarely got the energy for tears anymore, but when he does it’s usually when that little figure catches his eye.
By the time Xiaotian crashes into his life he’s... getting better. At least he thinks he is. having the loud excitable boy in his life is helping chase the shadows away a little bit (though when they return oh how they scream) and he hears some stories of his friends on training days and... geez sometimes he’ll tell this or that story and Wukong will be so THOUROUGHLY reminded of someone that it just... hurts.
And then New Years happens.
And he finally sees him again -- And he finally meets Xiaotian’s friends
And he still doesn’t know how to feel it’s all SO MUCH -- And they feel familiar so he gives them all a quick glance with golden eyes
And he can only do the one thing that feels safe right now -- And oh... that makes sense. How lucky they all found eachother again after reincarnating.
Sanzang hides behind the Tang persona and lies with an energy that could only be harvested from the sheer maelstrom of emotions fighting for dominance -- and Wukong leaves before he says something incriminating because now he knows and he can’t Un-know.
He should have known better but its centuries too late. And it doesn’t even matter that he doesn’t know how to feel about this whole thing he HAS to keep seeing him, he can NOT let him vanish again -- This was a mistake, this was a mistake, he cannot face them all and see lack of recognition, he cannot have his brothers treating him only as Xiaotian’s mentor he can NOT handle looking at him and seeing a stranger.
He needs to at least TALK to him -- He can’t stay away
Wukong doesn’t start out hanging out at the Noodle Shop on down time, that’d be too much too quick, especially since Baije-.. Since Pigsy is clearly still pretty steamed for the whole ‘letting Xiaotian into the world of magic and monsters’ stuff. But he’ll often shapeshift and keep an eye on things like that... No he is NOT eavesdropping on the reincarnations of those three out of the ridiculous desperate desire to feel close to them again. Because he’d rather just love him miss them from afar than be treated as a stranger.
But of course Tang notices when he does. Every time. And every time he wants to say something but his throat feels too tight. That first day he’d fallen on the persona because it was all he felt he COULD do but now the very idea that he’d have to pretend to be someone else just to be able to speak to his monkey not his not anymore Him was completely out of the question. Tang’s actually surprised with himself the first time he finds his voice. 
The conversations come quickly, neither of them quite content to ignore the other now that its become obvious. The conversations are mostly stilted, awkward. Wukong seems both unable to help himself from talking to him, but unwilling to LOOK at him. Tang’s best guess is that he somehow doesn’t recognize him, Had he really changed that much in the time they’d been apart? Had he really lost so much affection for his old master that he could no longer recognize him beneath a slight change in appearance? That might be the reason the Hurt finally starts to win in the eternal standoff between Joy and Sorrow in how this whole thing makes him feel. 
And maybe it’s something simple, maybe Wukong is just barely starting to lower his guard a bit. Maybe just sharing a space with the man who once was the love of his life his master was finally starting to chalk over the rough edges his long since broken heart would constantly stab into him with. and he just SAYS something. Something probably innocuous, something he’d said a million times on the Journey alone. And to Tang it just... feels like he’s mocking him, like he’d known this whole time and had just been playing with his emotions in a way he wouldn’t have tolerated back then- so why should he tolerate it now?
 And the first words out of his own mouth are “Bad Monkey!” and Wukong freezes as Tang begins to lecture him
How he’d spent a solid third of his time immortal in mourning over him, how he’d been the one to tell Baije and Wujing that it would be a disgrace to his memory to believe him alive and instead that he’d chosen to cut the lot of them out of his life, despite how much HE’D wanted to believe it too. How hurt he was to find out that not only he HAD been ignoring them for so long but also that he’d apparently had apparently not even recognized any of them when they HAD all seen each other again! How much he’d missed him, how happy he’d still been to see him again. 
Yes, yes, pathetic, emotional baldy always bursting into tears at the simplest of things nothing’s changed etcetera etcetera- He hadn’t been lying on new years when he said he had a million questions, but all he really wanted to know was why? Why did he cut them out of his life, why did he shut HIM out? Why did you disappear for 500 years Wukong?
And Wukong reaches out, his hand is- shaking? and removes the glasses from right off his face--normal glass obviously, Baije had insisted they completed the scholarly look and annoyed him into compliance--
“You’re-” he hesitates, looks, almost afraid? “You’re not a reincarnation..?”
Well now they both looked the part of fools.
Two sobbing fools clutching to eachother in the alleyway behind Pigsy’s shop, and oh MAN did they have some things to talk about, because Wukong was DEFINITELY coming back with him to his apartment for the night and then first thing in the morning he was going to visit his brothers to internalize that THEY weren’t reincarnations either and then he was going to have to explain where he’d been for that first century while they were all still looking for him to THEM too. 
And yes he should have known better than to get attached to him in this way in the first place, it was disgraceful, the sheer misery it had brought alone was proof enough of that. But Wukong was nuzzling into his shoulder, and pressing those strange feeling monkey kisses across his cheeks and jaw,  and his breath was hitching with pure relief and joy and it was for him-
And fuck it, he just didn’t care. 
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mexcraziness-art · 3 years
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Monkie Kid/JTTW OC: Xie Pingheng
Okay, so this bio is going to be pretty messy, mostly because I’m really tired these days, but also because I’m still reading Journey to the West, and still waiting on the new seasons of the show. So I can’t go into details too deeply until I find out more, this is more of a general outline of what I have in mind for her so far!
Also note: Her human disguises and personality is vastly different from her real one, there will be a whole separate reference and bio for that!
Name: Xie Pingheng (谐平衡),Chi Kaoma Hou (赤尻馬猴) Nickname: Mandy Gender: Female
Xie Pingheng, also known as the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey/Mandrill or just „Mandy”, much like Wukong, she’s one of the Four Spiritual Monkeys, see the one and only mention in Journey to the West: „The second kind is the red−rumped mandril that knows all about the Yin and the Yang and human affairs, can go into or out of anywhere, and knows how to prolong its life and avoid death.”
Pingheng is the oldest out of the Spiritual Monkeys, she was born sometime during Phase II of the World, she was born from the separation of Heaven and Earth itself, representing the perfect balance of positives and negatives.
She basically grew up alongside the world coming into existence as we know it, so she soon understood the nature of existence itself, how positives and negatives make up everything in the world. Throughout her life she travelled the world, sometimes hiding, but usually disguising herself as a human. She learnt from many great and wise immortal masters, and soon mastered yin and yang herself, and gained complete immortality. She spent the next few hundred years moving between humans and celestials, she was interested in the comings and goings of her fellow celestials as much as she was in human affairs. During his time, she saw the damage rampaging demons and whimsy celestials can cause for the world. She soon grew resentful of her fellow mystical beings, and spent more and more of her time living amongst humans. She even considered completely abandoning her fellow celestials and just living as a human in disguise for the rest of eternity.
Around this time she heard of the Great Monkey King, Sun Wukong had been imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha himself after wreaking havoc in Heaven. She was intrigued by the existence of a fellow monkey celestial, but she decided to stay away. She didn’t want to be involved with such a troublesome celestial, much less one of her kind. However a few hundred years later, she stumbled upon him completely by accident while she was traveling by the Five Elements Mountain.
She took pity on him and stopped to talk to him for a while, out of curiosity if anything, they talked for a while and she almost pitied him enough to try to let him out from under the Mountain. Right until Wukong started ranting about how he’s going to take revenge against Heaven, which lead her to realise he’s no better than the other prideful and arrogant celestials and left him under the Mountain. She spent the next few hundred years living alone in a cave up in a random mountain, trying to figure out what she wants to do with herself. Until one day, a very-almost-dead Macaque literally dropped on her doorstep, who barely managed to get away after Wukong bashed his skull in with his staff after he tried to replace him on the Journey. Pingheng realised she couldn’t just let him die on her doorstep, took him in and healed him as much as she could, however even she couldn’t save his right eye. She almost felt bad for him when he woke up dazed and confused a couple of days later, however, her sympathy also quickly evaporated when he went off about how he’s going to kill Wukong the next time he sees him. She quickly realised this is going to get out of hand really fast, so she kicked him out, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire to come. After that, she moved close to the human village, but didn’t mingle with them too often, still unsure of her place. However (are you seeing the pattern here?) relatively soon after the Macaque incident, Xingti showed up on her doorstep, claiming the Jade Emperor himself invited Pingheng to join their celestial ranks in Heaven. Pingheng was distressed how did Heaven even find out about her existence, as she made sure to stay low and stay out of their sight as far as she could remember, to which Xingti revealed Wukong told them about a Mandrill, who’s just like him. Also, seeing the other monkey’s distress over the situation, Xingti became more forceful, trying to get her to come with her to Heaven, which lead to Tiengeng losing her temper, threatening Xingti and Heaven in furious rage if they don’t leave her alone, she’s going to erease they ever even existed.
Having had enough of demons, celestials and their constant meddling, Pingheng decided to permanently live with the humans, in a human disguise for the rest of eternity. She didn’t want to be associated with anyone troublesome, and SPECIALLY not with Heaven and the other 3 Spiritual Monkeys. That’s how she spent the next 600 years living amongst the humans, avoiding anyone who could inconvenience her in any way or form.
(The following is mostly relevant to the 4+1 Monkeys AU and the show)
Pingheng moved to Wan Qian Cheng sometime after Wukong sealed away DBK and lived there ever since. In the last 500 years she became a bit of a fan of humanity. Their technological and social inventions fascinated her beyond belief, especially combined with the fact, that at the end of the day, they’re just feeble mortals. In the past 500 years she made a bit of a hobby to learn and study everything humanity had to offer, which she’s still doing to this day. However, she also became very selfish during this time. Despite living amongst humans, she never worked for anything, she either ”convinced” humans to give her whatever she wanted, or just flat out stole what she needed. Also, as much as she likes humans and likes living amongst them, they also bore her very easily with their everyday troubles, so she only likes to interact with them when it’s convenient for HER.
She met MK, when the city was under attack by some demons (as always) and she got accidentally caught in the crossfire and MK saved her life. Or what actually happened, against her better judgement she got involved in celestial affairs for the first time in over 600 years, because she got curious about this human who seemed to have Sun Wukong’s powers, she got close to the conflict and let MK „save” her, just so she could see him for herself. After that she quickly grew a soft spot for him. She would never admit it to herself, but as much as she adored humans, she missed the company of other celestials, just a little. And MK was the perfect combination of both. A not-so-feeble human with the fun of celestials, without actually having the baggage of REAL celestials. Later she also became interested (read: grew concerned) about his training with the Monkey King and eventually got him to introduce her to Wukong. Thankfully Wukong didn’t see through her for quite a while, however, after she got revealed to be a fellow Spiritual Monkey, Pingheng, conflict soon blew up between them. Pingheng believed Wukong is a bad influence on MK, and Wukong accused Pingheng of only viewing MK as a special pet. In the end MK got her to try to mend her selfish ways, which resulted in her starting to work at Pigsy’s Noodles as a delivery girl.
Fundamentally Pingheng is a curious and caring person. She likes helping others, and learning new things and skills. However, as she saw the world change around her, all the problems, hardships, and suffering, she became more and more closed off and selfish. She prefers to stay in her own little bubble and only interact with others when it’s convenient for her. She likes to go her own way and do things her own way. She wholeheartedly despises celestials, because for they basically have unimaginable powers all they still do is hurt eachother and others. Humans are nothing more than a passionate fascination for her. She loves them, loves their determination, and creativity, and she’s in awe of how they shaped the world around them, but at the end of the day she has a rather condescending opinion of them. How they’re only just feeble mortals, desperately trying to make their mark on the world before they inevitably die and start over. However, beneath all the selfishness and condescending arrogance, she still has kindness in her, and after meeting MK she doubts her selfish way of life more and more, as she does genuinely enjoy human connections and helping others.
Powers and Abilities: She has all the standard abilities of a Spiritual Monkey and Immortal, including: -Immortality (She’s constantly renewing her essence with her yin and yang magic, basically constantly prolonging her life, she can choose to stop doing this anytime and die if she wants to) -Super strength and super speed -Chi manipulation -Cloud Generation -Flight
Other Abilities: -Shapeshifting (much like Wukong, she can’t change her tail) -Clones (She creates them from her own essence, they’re all just as really her as she is) -She has full understanding of yin and yang, this makes her magic incredibly powerful, granting her the ability to control the essence of existence itself -Manipulation: She can „charmspeak” people and other celestials, she just has to use a certain tone to ask for something and they’ll give/tell her whatever she wants
Weapon: Her staff is her main weapon, besides her magic. There isn’t really anything special about it, it’s just a regular wooden staff. She uses it to channel her magic and uses chi enhanced attacks with it.
Sun Wukong: They mutually can’t stand each other with Wukong. Pingheng views him as a selfish, prideful, dangerous asshole, whose arrogance only got worse after he completed the Journey to the West and became a legendary hero. She generally prefers to stay as far away from him as possible. Her distaste for him only grows stronger when she becomes friends with MK, fearing Wukong is a bad influence on MK. However, after some self-reflection and understanding Wukong’s past better, she grows to understand him a little better. She’s still generally annoyed with him, but she doesn’t outright hate him anymore.
MK: She’s probably in the Top 3 members of the MK Fanclub. Initially she was only curious about him, a human with celestial powers, but after meeting him she quickly grew super fond of him and he became one of her favourite people even faster. However, her fondness for him initially was more along the lines of having a special pet, than actually liking him for who he is. For a long time she only viewed him as a human with more extras, he’s not a REAL celestial. Which hurt MK a lot when he found out that she thought of him like that. Unfortunately, by that time Pingheng had genuielly grown to like MK as a person, his snark, his creativity, his kindness, so she actually felt guilty for having hurt him that way. After that she decided to try to be better and be less self-interested and try to open up to other people, so she can be a better friend for MK. Macaque: Her relationship with Macaque is… complicated. Being opposites, both of them being born from the opposing primordial forces, she feels a familiar connection with him. She feels sympathy for him, for the life he had, but she also resents him for the choices he made, being on a bit of a high horse. Probably the clearest emotion she has towards him is pity. She also prefers to stay at a distance from him, but for reasons completely different compared to Wukong. She would never admit it, but deep down she fears if she ever looked at him too closely, if she got to know him better, she’d see a part of her reflect back from him, and she doesn’t want to think about that. However later, after Macaque’s redemption, they’ll actually bond quite a bit, and generally be on the same wavelength specially concerning familiar relationships. They’ll mostly bond over their trouble connecting with others, letting others close to them and forming relationships.
Liang Xingti: Much like Wukong, initially Pingheng didn’t have a good opinion of Xingti. For the longest time she saw her as any other arrogant, busy-body heavenly warrior, not knowing how to mind her own business. She was just Heaven’s lap dog in her eyes, who would mindlessly serve Heaven until her last breath. She just generally looked down on her for serving Heaven. However, after Xingti and Wukong captured Macaque and the 4 Monkeys started working together she had been pleasantly surprised. She found out Xingti actually has a personality outside of serving Heaven, and she’s actually a fun person to be around. She still views the human world the freshness and awe Pingheng had almost forgotten, has a raw sense of humor and is genuinely kind. They quickly became really close friends, and confidentials of eachother.
Pigsy/Tang/Sandy: When she agreed to work at the noodle shop, she didn’t think „Pigsy” would be the same Pigsy who went on the Journey with Wukong over 500 years ago. This pissed her off to put it lightly, she just agreed to open to and mingle with people more, she didn’t expect to be thrown in the deep end with the three celestials she wanted to meet the least. This threw them for a pretty rocky start, with Pingheng being generally hostile and borderline rude with everyone, however, with time, and Sandy’s eternal patience she realised they have a lot more in common with her than she initially realised. This is pretty much what I have in mind so far, I'm sure I left out a lot, I'll add them later when I remember them! And hopefully I'll draw a ref of my other OC, Mandy, the 4th Spiritual Monkey soon as well!
Art by @mexcraziness-art
Xie Pingheng belongs to @mexcraziness-art
Monkie Kig belongs to Lego
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
The Levee Broke
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Casitel
Created for: @cajunquandary / @spnkinkbingo / @anyfandomgoesbingo
Challenge Prompt: When the Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin & ‘First Encounter’ (both prompts in bold in the fic) 
Bingo Square Filled: @spnkinkbingo - Impala Sex | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Car Sex 
Rating: 18+ 
Tags: pining!Cas, first times are awkward, making out, car sex
Word Count: 2k 
A/N: The idea came from the wonderful @cajunquandary ‘s challenge. Congrats again on the 600 darling! Loved all the different prompts you had 💛 This is the first time I’ve written Destiel but I know it’s one of your faves so I hope you like it! (Also unbeta’d, all mistakes are my own) 
Dividers: @firefly-graphics 😘
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Cas doesn’t spend a lot of time in cars these days. Since his wings got fixed up, he hasn’t needed to wander the slow path as a weary traveller, preferring to use his time more efficiently by appearing wherever he needed to be. But if Dean ever asks him to ride along, he still says yes, no hesitation. 
Dean was heading North to meet up with Sam, on his way back from a hunt out West, and when he ran into Cas in the bunker on his way to the garage he’d asked if he wanted to tag along – ‘get some fresh air’ – he’d said. So, here Cas was on the passenger side of the black leather bench seat, watching the atoms of the Earth fly by his window. 
“There a parade I’m missing?” Dean grunted, flicking to a new radio station when their current pick started to grow too static-y to be tolerable. 
“There’s a flock of geese being followed by a flock of smaller birds flying south,” Cas observed sagely, a pleasant smile on his face. “You might think they’re using the geese for directions, but actually all birds are instinctually programmed to fly in a southern trajectory at this time of year.” 
“Hm,” Dean hummed, seeming only begrudgingly interested. 
“Though,” Cas’ voice cut short as a new train of thought beckoned him along, “if we were in the Southern Hemisphere, the birds would have an instinct to fly north. So I suppose, it’s not so much the cardinal direction they’re flying in, just that they know where they need to fly to.” 
“Yeah,” Dean huffed, flicking the radio again and again, dissatisfied with the selection that was coming up, “where’s that, Cas?” 
“Home.” Cas answered without elaboration, and returned to smiling at the geese, leaving Dean to watch the back of his head with a blank expression. 
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Cas didn’t need to sleep, but Dean did; and when Sam called to say he’d stopped at Jody’s to crash for the night, Dean and Cas weren’t anywhere near Sioux Falls. 
“Yeah, okay,” Cas heard Dean say down the phone. “Yeah, we’ll catch you tomorrow around –” Dean glanced at Cas to catch his eye. Cas gave a quick silent nod, knowing what Dean was asking, and knowing Dean would understand his answer. “Hey, if Claire’s there, tell her Cas says hi.” Dean nodded again listening to Sam. “Yeah, okay, see you in the mañana.” 
“How is Sam?” Cas questioned his companion. 
“Peachy,” Dean scoffed. 
“Will we be stopping for the night as well?
“Yeah eventually,” Dean shrugged and fought back a yawn that Cas didn’t miss. “I got a few more miles in me.” Dean changed the radio dial again. “God, radio in the Midwest sucks ass.” 
“If you’d prefer, I have...” Cas trailed off and started to grope in the pockets of his trench coat. 
“You about to flash me or something, Cas?” Dean side-eyed him. Cas pulled a dingy white cassette tape with a peeling label from one of his pockets. 
“I have this,” Cas held out the tape in offering. It was the mixtape Dean had given him of his ‘Top 13 Zepp Trax’. He saw Dean’s eyes widen in the flash of headlights passing them on the country highway. “To be clear,” Cas closed his hand around the tape, recoiling, “I am not giving it back to you, I am just offering an alternative to the radio for the rest of the drive.” 
Dean nodded speechlessly, something behind his eyes that Cas was familiar seeing but that he could never really identify. His fingers dragged along Cas’ palm when they retrieved the cassette, drawing unnecessarily across the whole length of his hand. Cas felt the familiar heat flood from his fingers up his arm and to his chest, wrapping his heart in glowing bands that constricted more and more tightly every time Dean touched him like this – mindlessly, casually, devoid of meaning. 
Dean put the tape in and turned up the volume on the opening chords of Good Times, Bad Times. Cas was surprised to see his hand drop to the cushion of the seat between them, rather than return to the wheel. He stared at the offending fingers as if the burn they had given him was physical and not metaphorical, as if his body, and not just his heart, was on fire. 
Cas pulled at his tie enough to undo his top button, and he noticed Dean glancing at him before flicking his eyes back to the road. Curiosity stirred, as Dean so frequently stirs it, he fumbled in his mind for something else to do that might give him another reaction of Dean’s to analyse. He started to tug his trench coat off his shoulders, it had been feeling uncomfortably warm since Dean had touched his hand anyhow and he’s pleased when Dean immediately registers his movement and turns towards him questioningly. 
“When’s the last time you took that thing off?” Dean asked incredulously, now watching Cas rather than the road, only sparing the necessary glances to the highway in order to keep them in their lane. Cas catalogued the response, noting positively that his removing an item of clothing had more or less gained Dean’s undivided attention. 
“I was beginning to feel warm,” Cas stated simply, not answering Dean’s question. 
Pulling out of one sleeve and then the next, Cas realized he hadn’t thought beyond this point and now didn’t know what to do with his coat. In his internal scramble, his hands unconsciously balled up the khaki cotton and set it in the space between Dean and himself, forgetting that Dean’s hand already occupied that space. 
When Cas’ hand landed on Dean’s they both blanched as if they’d been shocked, and their eyes locked in trepidation over the expanse of black leather and beige cloth between them. The opening notes of Stairway to Heaven bled through the Impala’s speakers and sank into the air, its tension thickening with each passing measure. Cas carefully set his hand atop his coat, noticeably and intentionally encroaching on Dean’s space. Dean’s hands were back on the wheel. 
“Did you put this song on the tape with the intention of mocking me?” Cas asked Dean flatly, hoping his sarcasm was readable. Dean flashed him a confused look, spared another glance at Cas’ hand between them on the seat, then focused back on the road. 
“I uh, I wasn’t trying to poke fun at you, man,” Dean shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “I mean, I didn’t actually uh, make, the tape for you, it was one of my old ones.”
“So, you don’t consider me a good enough friend to make a mixed tape for?” Cas kept his voice even but had to fight to keep his lips from twitching in a smirk. 
“What, no!” Dean looked at Cas, offended, but then back tracked realising his words could get mis-interpreted. “No, I mean, you’re my best friend Cas, of course I would make you a tape I just - I gave you this one because it was one of my favourites. That’s why I thought you’d like it, I mean…” Dean swallowed awkwardly, looking back at Cas, likely checking he was getting through. 
“So, you thought I would be interested in learning about your favourite things?” Cas prodded. 
“Yes,” Dean nodded, eyes now very firmly back on the highway, and not on his best friend. 
“Because you imagine I would like to know everything about you,” Cas fought to keep from smiling, “because you’re so interesting.”
“Yes - no! No that’s not what I -” 
“So, it’s because you want me to know what you like so I can be a better friend?” 
“What? No, Cas, that’s not-” Dean broke off when he looked at Cas and saw the wide smile he was sporting. “What?” 
“I believe you humans call it a ‘joke’, Dean.” Cas tried to keep his voice emotionless, but his amusement was bubbling through. 
“You winged dick,” Dean punched him on the arm and dropped his hand into the space between them, settled on top of Cas’ coat and right next to Cas’ own hand. Cas smiled triumphantly to himself. 
“Sam said I needed to practice my sarcasm.” 
“Yeah, well,” Dean huffed and knocked Cas’ arm again, “you suck, man.” 
“Thank you.” Cas grinned brightly at Dean and earned a crinkled smile back that reached Dean’s eyes in a way Cas very rarely saw these days. 
Stairway to Heaven faded into a few moments of static, and Dean held Cas’ gaze in the silence, not needing to look at the straight abandoned road in front of them to keep the Impala on course. Rhythmic drums started up, echoing through the bass speakers and propelling vibrations through the seats and into each of their bodies. The wavering, wild west notes of When the Levee Breaks rang out, and Dean reached forward to turn the volume up. When his hand returned to the space between him and Cas, their fingers were closer than they’d been a moment ago. Dean’s gaze was back to being fixed firmly forward. 
Cas copied him, staring forward, and sinking into the music and stealing himself. He took his chance when the Impala sped over a pothole and knocked his fingers against Dean’s. Dean didn’t move, gaze still focused ahead. Cas hooked the tip of his little finger under Dean’s. Dean didn’t stop him. 
Going down, going down now, 
Going down, going down down down down down….
“Dean.” Cas stared ahead, but he could see Dean swallow thickly in his periphery. “Pull over.” 
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Cas is an immortal being, an incalculable number of years old, and he can remember every one of those years. But his life since he found Dean Winchester has been a blur, and the contents of the past few minutes escaped his memory entirely. All he knew is that the levee had broken, and now Dean was shirtless and on top of him in the front seat of the Impala, and all he cared about was making sure Dean never stopped kissing him. 
The burning feeling that had grown at home in his chest had erupted through his whole body, and the places Dean trailed his fingers left Cas scorching. He wouldn’t be surprised if he found Dean’s handprint burned into his flesh tomorrow. 
“Cas,” Dean moaned his name, and Cas felt his hands on his belt. Cas shoved himself out of his suit trousers under Dean and watched intently as Dean’s hands went to his own belt. The buckle clattered against the dashboard as Dean tugged at it violently and wriggled out of his jeans, less than gracefully. 
Cas reached out and pulled Dean back to him, tangling their legs in an effort to feel every new inch of Dean at once. He trailed his hands down his arms, his back, his waist, hesitated over the curve of flesh that had teased him for so long, but then dragged his palms over the soft round of Dean’s ass and groaned, not believing how much better this felt than imagining it. 
Dean echoed Cas, groaning into his mouth as Cas’ lip was sucked into his mouth and worried between his teeth. Cas shuddered and jerked his body into Dean’s involuntarily, dragging their cocks against one another. 
“Fuck,” Dean whispered. 
“I thought we were,” Cas deadpanned, testing his sarcasm to its limit. It was hard to maintain composure when Dean Winchester was mostly naked and grinding into you. 
“Not quite yet sunshine,” Dean grinned before his face fell, only slightly. “This, I mean, it’s your first time, right?” Dean’s nerves were suddenly tangible in the cramped space of the front of his car. 
“This is my first encounter with another male’s genitalia, yes,” Cas confirmed, hoping to ease Dean’s worry; they would both be new to this. What he got was Dean bursting into laughter. 
“Jesus, Cas, just call it a cock, okay?” Dean pressed kisses against Cas’ neck, still laughing. 
“Fine,” Cas grunted and pulled Dean up for a bruising kiss. “Then, would you please put your cock in my ass?” Cas spoke the words into Dean’s lips. Dean nodded, dumbstruck, but Cas could see the arousal he had stirred in Dean’s eyes. 
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Tags: @cajunquandary @vulgar-library @tintentrinkerin @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @whoreforackles @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @akshi8278 @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @delightfullykrispypeach​ 
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otterplusharchive · 3 years
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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toomuchtv95 · 4 years
She’s Not You
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k+ (Shortest thing I written in a while, but I had so many Idea in my head that I couldn’t decided on what to put in here, but I do plan on writing more Damon Imagines.)
Warning: Swearing, Fluff
Summary: After finding a cure for Damon and the werewolf bite, it’s time for you to move on from Mystic Falls because you are not willing to stick around around and get hurt again. 
A/N: Okay so I have been binge re-watching TVD and I forgot how much I love Damon. I had gotten to the season 2 finale so this is roughly based the season 2 finale.
MasterList Moblie MasterList
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“The cure worked,” Elena spoke up from behind you as you held a glass of bourbon in your hand and stood in front of the fireplace. “I gave him 2 blood bags. He regained his strength and is back to normal.” Less than a few days ago, Damon was bitten by Tyler Lockwood and Damon being Damon, he didn’t tell anyone until afterward. As the bite got worse, you and Stefan scrambled to find a cure, and luckily Stefan found a way but at a cost. Stefan gave himself over to Klaus in exchange for his blood which so happened to be the cure.
“That’s great.” You didn’t mean to sound so cold but it’s just the way it came out and to be honest you didn’t care anymore.
“I’m going to head out. I’ll come back tomorrow, and we will figure out this thing with Stefan.” You could hear Elena gathering her stuff as she headed out to leave.
“I’m sure you and Damon will figure it out.” You mumbled as you gulped down the rest of your drink.
“What do you mean?” Elena stopped what she was doing and stepped down the few stepped and stood in the room with you.
“It means I’m done here. I helped with Klaus as I promised, but now it’s time for me to move on.” You turned around to see Elena look shocked that you were going to leave at a time like this, but at this point, you didn’t care. You walked over to the liquor cart and poured another glass. “I’ll be gone in the morning and I’m sure you and Damon will figure something out without me.”
“You can’t just leave we need you here.”
“No, you don’t. It’s you and Damon. I want no part of it. I went through this once before and I don’t want to go through it again.” You mumbled before chugged down the second drink and walked pass her to head upstairs.
“You should know that when I found him earlier, he kept calling out for you. Then when you were out looking for Stefan all he talked about was you.” You weren’t sure if she was telling you the truth or not. She probably just telling you this so that you could stay and help find Stefan.
You stopped in the doorway and turned around to face Elena. “Take my advice Elena, go home, be a teenager for once and not worry about some supernatural thing coming after you, your family, and your friends.” With that said you disappeared upstairs to your bedroom.
You meet the Salvatore brothers back in 1864 when you needed to relocate to a new place. You were a 600 year old witch who was spelled with immortality. You were born in the 1300s to a powerful witch family and when your mom discovered that you had almost died from vampires that were terrorizing your village, she had cast an immortality spell on you. You had no idea she had cast the spell until the first time you ‘died’ and when you came back. Being this old, you became very powerful and learned a lot of things over the centuries.
When you arrived in Mystic Falls in 1864, you instantly became friends with the brothers, especially with Damon. When Katherine showed up a few months later, you knew the moment she showed up that she was a vampire and you wanted nothing more than to warn the brother but then you would have to expose yourself. You watched both brothers fall in love with the same women and you watched her fool both brothers. Before Katherine arrived you and Damon were best of friends, and you even manage to fall in love with him but of course, Katherine swooped in and won him over and now you were reliving it all over again. Therefore, you needed to leave because you couldn’t watch sit here and endure that pain again.
You wiped the tears that had rolled down your face as you gathered your things. Placing your suitcase on the bench near the end of the bed, you started throwing your stuff in caring if they were folded. “Going somewhere?”
“I think it’s time for me to leave.” You didn’t bother looking up knowing that if you take one look at Damon you would change your mind, but you needed to do this.
“Woah, what?” Damon pushed himself away from the door and was by your side in an instant which caused you to take a step back.
“I can’t do this anymore.” More tears formed in your eyes causing a burning sensation. You have been holding back for so long that you were on the verge of a breakdown.
“Can’t do what?” Damon reached out for you but put your hand out to stop him. “After everything we’ve been through your just going to leave?”
“We? There is no we.” The tears that you were holding back finally escaped and rolled down your face. “There was never a we. It’s always been you, Stefan and Katherine and it’s happening all over again, and I want no part of it. I realize tonight that nothing is going to change.” You wiped the tears with your fingertips. “Doppelganger or not it’s always going to be her.” You whispered the last part even though you knew he could hear you.
“Y/N…” Without looking at him, you headed towards the bathroom to gather your stuff, but you were stopped when Damon grabbed your elbow to stop you.
“She won again.” You whispered again but this time you looked up at Damon who was now standing closer to you.
“No, she didn’t, and you know why she didn’t?” Damon wiped your tears with his thumb. “Because she’s not you,” Damon whispered against your lips, and the next thing you knew it; he slammed his lips to yours. Sparks flew in every direction, and the world was slowly disappearing around you, along with all the other problems going on. He made you feel like nothing else mattered in the world. It was a small yet warm kiss. You placed a hand on his chest as you pulled away to catch your breath.
“You are the only one I want, not her, and definitely not Katherine.” Damon reached over and moved a piece of hair behind your ear. “You have been there for me since the moment I turned and everything in-between. You are my best friend and you have dragged back from the edge so many times. And no matter how many times I pushed you away and you still found your way back, which is why I fell in love with you.”
“You what?” You were stunned at the words the escaped his mouth because Damon wasn’t the type of guy who expresses his feeling.
“I love you, Y/N.” A smile formed across your face and without thinking, you grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to your hip. It settled there and he pulled you closer. Your hands encircle around his neck as his hands drifted to your lower back pulling you as close as he could to him.
“I love you too, Damon.” Without hesitation, you connected your lips to his and the kiss started off gentle and grow more intense.
Damon’s hands wander to your waist as you continued to kiss him hungrily wanting more. You felt yourself being pushed onto the bed; Damon’s body pressed against you. The kiss goes on, your lips moving in perfect sync with his as the kiss becomes more passionate by the second. Your hands eagerly reached up for the buttons on his shirt as you started to undo the buttons. Damon pulled away for a moment to discard his shirt before attacking your lips again. The kiss grew greedier as the heat flowed throughout your body. Damon’s hands traveled down your body eventually reaching the bottom hem of your shirt lifting over your head.
“I’m really glad I convinced you to stay.” Damon stroked your hair as you laid your head on his chest.
“I never actually agreed to stay.” You smirked knowing that that was not a chance you were leaving now.
“Oh, you think that I’m letting you go now. I’m never letting you go.” Pulling away slightly, you looked at Damon with ‘are you serious’ look. Damon smirked at you while placing a hand on the side of your neck before leaning forward and kissing you.
A smile grew on your face as you kissed him back. “Then I guess I will stay.” You pushed Damon back on the bed then climbed on top of him and crashing your lips to his.
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nyxshadowhawk · 4 years
The Major Arcana, According to Castlevania
Playing The Arcana while binge-watching Castlevania has made me want to arrange Castlevania characters according to the Major Arcana. This is just my interpretation, so make of it what you will.
The Fool: Soma Cruz. I was going to put Soma at the Wheel of Fortune, but I think this is a better place for him. He is a seemingly normal, naive kid who is thrust into the adventure of a lifetime. He stands in a liminal space, at the boundary between light and darkness during an eclipse. He has the potential to be either good or evil, to become Dracula or to champion the fight against him. 
The Magician: Juste Belmont. Sypha could easily go here too, but Juste is quite a skilled sorcerer. His magical abilities really set him apart from any other Belmont and, though he doesn’t quite equal Richter and Julius in terms of raw power, his magic definitely gives him an edge. 
The High Priestess: Sypha Belnades. She doesn’t quite have the composure you’d expect from the High Priestess, but with her magical powers, intuition, and extensive knowledge of the arcane, she fits. She is also creative and strong-willed.
The Hierophant: Genya Arikado. Okay, maybe this is cheating, but Alucard’s role in the story does change as it goes along. By the time we reach AoS, he’s lived 600 years. He is powerful, wise, and righteous, but stuck obsolete ways of thinking (because... y’know.. he’s six hundred years old.)
The Empress: Shanoa. I have not played OoE so I can’t say much about her, but I know that in raw power she is second only to Soma, and Alucard’s equal. She is also the only woman to have her own game (in the main timeline), making her the Queen of Castlevania.
The Emperor: Richter Belmont. He’s likely the most powerful Belmont, unless Julius surpasses him. He also temporarily falls under the control of Shaft and becomes Lord of the Castle. Either way, he fits.
The Lovers: Mathias and Elizabeta/Dracula and Lisa. There’s a lot of love relationships implicit in the series, but this one has the most direct impact over the plot and the characters involved. Dracula seems to genuinely love his wife, in Lament, Symphony, and the Netflix series.
The Chariot: Trevor Belmont. Trevor’s character arc in the animated series centers around him making the active decision to take control over his own life. He fights back against Dracula for the good of Wallachia, instead of just letting life pass him by in an apathetic stupor.
Justice: Leon Belmont. I almost put him at The Sun, but what really defines Leon is his desire for justice, not just for Sara but for everyone Dracula might hurt. “The Belmont Clan will hunt the night!”
The Hermit: Alucard. Who else but the man who shut himself in a box for three hundred years? He almost shuts himself back into it after Symphony. Even when he’s around people, he tends to keep his distance. Between being immortal and in mourning, Alucard is desperately lonely, but he seems to like it that way.
The Wheel of Fortune: This one’s kind of a wild card. I’m not sure if there’s really a character who exemplifies it. I’d probably put Jonathan and Charlotte here, but I haven’t played PoR, so I don’t know much about them. It’s either them or John and Eric. Or Grant! Grant is underrated and deserves love! 
Strength: Simon Belmont. This man manages to kill Dracula not once, but TWICE, and the second time was while a curse was slowly killing him! He has more determination and willpower than even the average Belmont.
The Hanged Man: Hector. I’m going off of intuition on this one, since I haven’t played Curse of Darkness, but from what I know of Hector from Netflix, his story is one of tragedy and transformation no matter which way you spin it.  In the game, he seeks to atone for his past and join the side of good.
Death: Guess. Who.
Temperance: Isaac (Netflix) is something of a dark, cynical choice for this card. And yet, he fits, because it is his ultimate ambition to bring the world to a state of balance and peace, albeit through twisted means. He engages in brutal self-flagellation to calm his mind and achieve spiritual discipline. He is not the healthiest interpretation of Temperance, but embodies it nonetheless.
The Devil: Dracula. Well, duh, right? Even if an actual devil exists in the (main) ’Vania-verse, Dracula still may as well be it. 
The Tower: Those twins from season 3. Bolt from the blue, true destruction. I will not elaborate, I will only say that my heart has been taken out and impaled on a stake, and I don’t know how long it will take for me to recover.
The Star: Maria. She is just a little ray of light in the dark world of Castlevania, always optimistic while still being fearless, determined, and competent. She also has enough confidence to take on Castlevania by herself and even says “Well, perhaps we’ll meet again... if you live that long” to Alucard’s face.
The Moon: Carmilla. The Moon can represent the allure of the dark side and the temptation of vampirism, as well as madness and deception. What defines Carmilla (and that bitch-who-shall-not-be-named) for me is her deceptive nature. It’s why I hate her so much. She promises you fulfillment of your forbidden passions and then destroys you. It’s a dark interpretation of the Moon, but it works.
The Sun: Christopher and Soleil Belmont. Christopher is SUPER underrated and forgotten by almost everyone (although he’s a legend in-universe), which is sad because he literally defeated Dracula twice! Just like Simon! And, Soleil was the first heroic character to become possessed by evil! You thought that trend started with IGA? No! Soleil is the first Belmont to be fought as a boss. They deserve some love.
Judgement: Julius Belmont. Dracula’s day of reckoning has come. Again. Fighting Julius Belmont is the last test that Soma must past before confronting Chaos. Julius stands at the final threshold and offers Soma the opportunity for personal atonement and redemption. 
The World: Castlevania itself, the central point of the entire series and the driving force behind it. It is the battleground on which the forces of good and evil come to a head, and no man can say who will emerge victorious.
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isitkpop · 4 years
Rejected Death!?
Member: Pentagon Hongseok
Prompt Used and Credit: In the 15th century, Death asked you out. You rejected him. Furious and humiliated, he swore to never return for you. Six centuries later, you’re still alive.
Credit: @writing-prompt-s
           They were the fairest among the whole crowd in the market. He couldn’t help himself and started pinning on them for a while. Learning about their schedules just so they could just watch from a distance while doing his work in between when they weren’t out and about. After all, Hongseok is Death, or else the population would grow out of control. But he also needs his down times every now and then.
           It’s been months of pinning and falling for them even more to where he thought now was best to make himself known. He had to make it look casual…Okay…here we go…. “Excuse me! Would you like to try this ham? It’s super delicious!”
           He watched as they approached and took a small sample from the stands front counter and examined it before popping the food into their mouth. He nearly fainted at their delighted expression. “Wow! It’s delicious! How did you make it?”
           “Just a little bit of salt and put it over the stove to smoke it!” Hongseok could die any moment…
           “Hmm…It’s good! I’ll take one.” They paid him and took the wrapped ham from his hands. “I’m afraid I’ve never seen you before. Are you new in the village?”
           “U-um…yes! I moved here just a week ago. My name is D-“ Oh crap! I’ve grown so used to being called Death, I almost said it! “It’s Hongseok!” He held his hand out and they hesitantly took it.
           “Nice to meet you Hongseok. I’m Y/n. Me and my family lives just over that hill over there. We grow herbs.”
           He obviously already knew that, but nothing is stopping him from hearing them speak directly to him about their life. “I see.” Was he sweating? Does he even sweat? Wait, am I nervous?!
           “Well, it was nice to meet you Hongseok. I’ll see you around.” They waved him goodbye and he finally let go of the breath he was holding. I almost told them my real name! He felt a nervous breakdown coming on, but he quickly swallowed it down and acknowledged his accomplishment of gaining their attention. He smirked to himself at the thought.
           Their conversations have been going on like this for several weeks before he decided to take it to the next step. Y/n was laughing at his story about his ‘hunting’ showdown when he cleared his throat. “Listen Y/n, I was thinking that maybe you could go with me to the festival happening two days from now.”
           They looked at him before avoiding eye contact. “Sorry. But I’m already going with someone else. And I’m also sorry but I know you like me. I know you’ve been following me around for a while. But you should stop. I like someone else.”
           Okay…ouch. “That’s a lie. I know you don’t like anyone.” He glared at the person in front of him. “You’ll regret this. Death will not return to you.”
           And just like that, Hongseok vanished from the village.
           It’s been centuries since you’ve last saw him. You crossed your arms over your chest as you stared down into the coffee cup in front of you. You almost wanted to throw it out the window at the memory. Instead, you gritted your teeth and clenched your fist. “That bastard. How was I supposed to know he literally meant that Death will not return for me?”
           It’s the 21st century and you have yet to die…or even age. Time has frozen for you since you rejected Death. You have watched your world transform into this modern city. The small village you lived in turn into apartments and skyscrapers growing high into the bright blue sky.
           You’re now a little over 600 years old but still look like you’re in your 20s. Nothing has changed for you except your thoughts on life. You grew fond of your long immortal life.
           You finished your coffee and made the trek to your apartment. You were tired after a day of hard work at the greenhouse and was ready to go home to relax and watch TV. You entered the passcode and hung your coat up and went into the living room
           “Hello. Long time no see Y/n. How’s life treating you?”
           You stood there frozen to the ground. No emotion shown on your face. Right on your couch was Death himself, Hongseok. Funny…You were just thinking about the memory and here that bastard is. Right in your living room. “Uh. Y/n? You there? Helloooo?” He waved his hand in front of your face but your quickly grabbed his wrist and squeezed as hard as you could. “Hey! That hurts you know! Ouch! Don’t squeeze too hard!”
           “Hongseok…” He shut up after hearing his name. You glared up at him and he gulped. “I’LL KILL YOU!” Y/n lounged themselves at him and started to strangle him. “Do you have any idea how pissed I am at you? You’re a jerk! I ought to kill you for this! Six centuries and you just now decide to show your face to me?”
           “H-hey! You can’t really kill me!”
           “Oh yeah? Just watch me.” They squeezed his neck harder and he nearly fainted at the pain. It is true, he can’t die. BUT HE CAN FEEL PAIN!
           “Okay. Okay. I get it. Please let go!”
           They quickly got off him but was still heaving with anger. “Care to explain why you decided to put this curse on me?”
           Hongseok stood up and wiped down his black T-shirt. “Well, you rejected me, and I was angry because of so. I found it fitting to let you continue living your long life.”
           “WHAT! All because I rejected you about going to that damn festival with you?”
           He shrugged his shoulders at them. “You really hurt my feelings at the time. I mean, you did lie about liking someone else. I am Death you know. A god? I can tell when someone is lying to me.”
           He looked at them through his bangs and felt his cheeks heat up a little. He does like them still. He kept a close eye on them for this long. Laughing at their anger spouts to him, and when they smiled at the plants, they grew that Spring time. They still amazed him. He just didn’t like all the people they went on dates with. Luckily, they never worked out…thanks to him. Totally didn’t have anything to do with that….
           “I-I only said that because I was nervous.”
           “Huh? Nervous?”
           “Yeah. It was my first time liking someone and I didn’t know what to do. So…I panicked…”
           He could die. He totally could just die right there in their living room. How could he be so stupid!? Was he that blinded by anger that he couldn’t read into the situation like that? He thought back on the memory for any signs of their nervous ticks. Them looking to the side, fiddling with their fingers behind their back, biting down on their tongue. Oh no. They were nervous! I totally read into it wrong…Wait what? “He pointed at himself with rosy cheeks. “You liked me?”
           “Huh? What do you mean ‘oops’?”
           “I may have read into the situation wrong and well, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have cursed you like this! It was all my fault. My feelings of anger got the best of me and I didn’t let you explain to me any further!”
           “Okay. I think apologies is way overdue and not necessary now.”
           “But…you wanted to kill me.”
           “Yeah for not visiting me at all! I wanted to explain to you to whole rejection thing for so long. I got mad at you for completely ignoring me. I even yelled prayed at you.”
           He tightened his lips at all the memories of hearing your voice in his head to ‘come out and face me like a man you coward’. “Right. You pray way too loud you know?”
           You growled and he quickly shut up. “Now that you’re here and know about the whole situation. I feel a lot better now. So, what are you doing here?”
           “You’re just now asking me that?” He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. “I just thought I would finally pop back up to see you. I was going to make fun of you.”
           “You really want to die, don’t you?” Y/n sighed and looked at a wall. “Well, now that you’re here and cleared up the misunderstandings. I was wondering, you want to go to the festival this weekend?”
           Hongseok felt his cheeks burn and a small smile appeared on his lips. “Y-Yeah. That sounds nice.”
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fanficksandimagines · 6 years
“Guardian Angel.”- G.D.
Grayson Dolan x reader
Warnings: some bad language. That’s about it.
Word count: 6159
A/n I saw this writing prompt and kind off fell in love with the idea. I hope you guys enjoy this one, I really worked hard on it. It holds my love for mythical and supernatural beings and my interpretation oh Heaven and Hell.
Prompt from @writing-prompt-s :  -Hell is getting kind of full, and honestly, you’re getting tired of managing it all by yourself. You hire an angel to convert some of Hell’s denizens into proper god-fearing entities so they can be moved to Heaven and become someone else’s problem.-
Every human knows at least the slightest bit about Hell and Heaven, at least in theory; what they don't know is, that it's real. But, let me tell you; Hell is not just a pit of fire burning up the souls of sinners and spitting out demons, with a huge throne in the middle where the devil himself sits and enjoys the chaos; and Heaven isn't a shiny, clean sea of clouds where angels guide around souls whilst they wait to meet God himself. It's all a bit more complicated, you know? Just like the human world, there's rules you have to follow and jobs you have to do. Well, not you, you're already dead, if you're in one of both places. Demons and Angels also have responsibilities and jobs. Trust me, it's disappointing that, we Demons, don't just go around haunting your houses and possessing humans. Of course there are Demons doing just that, but that's because the gates of hell have been locked to them. It's a life sentence set for something they've done without the kings approval. Oh, and did I mention that the devil has no word here? Yeah, Lucy is kind off locked up, and the throne of Hell is taken by a self-proclaimed king, whose name shall not be spoken. I, as a Demon, won't tell you too much about Heaven, but God isn't there. I think that's worth knowing. He shows up there twice a year, just like your beloved Santa or The father of Christmas 'checks you twice a year'. He shows up, gives the Angels a speech, collect your unanswered prayers and then disappears for another half a year. That's all I'm going to tell you, thought. I'll be as honest as a Demon could be, this place is boring for a 17 year old like me. Since, Demons take their immortal form after they turn 18, I've never been outside Hell. I guess it's worth mentioning that time here is way slower than in the world humans live in, besides we don't sleep. I've been 17 for the past 4 human years and I'll turn 18 in 2 more. For my age and confusing/ complicated past, the king trust me with a pretty important job. I'm the Hells Soul keeper. I can't decide whether it's like babysitting a bunch of toddlers, or being a storekeeper in a magical castle where everything in store floats around on its own creating a chaos. Except storage wouldn't be crying or shouting 'Where the Hell am I?' every three seconds. My job as a Soul keeper isn't boring, sometimes the unfortunate souls just need someone to talk to; and again, as honest as a Demon could be, I explain to them, that they have died and now are in Hell. Doesn't work out, as you would expect, but hey, their reactions can be pretty priceless. We used to be two Soul keepers. Mars was older so he would do the collecting part in the human world. He was the only Demon I dared to call a friend. It was like having an older brother with who you actually had a good relationship. It didn't last long, though. There was an incident and he showed up at the wrong place and wrong time, and ended up dead. Even immortal beings can be killed, you just need the right weapons. You see, a Soul keeper gathers the souls in the human world, then brings them down to the 'waiting room', which is a huge hall with the capacity of 600 thousand souls. Then all of the souls have to be divided in smaller sections and guided in specific halls depending on their sins. Soul keeper watches over those as well, until Demons that watch over the specific sins collect them and guide them further through the ten layers of Hell. Soul keeper is the most important Demon in Hell, otherwise some souls would pay for crimes they never did, and believe me, you wouldn't want to be tortured by the highest standards just because you licked some frosting off of that birthday cake in your grannies fridge, even though your mom told you not to. Also, how else would lost souls find their way to hell? Someone needs to collect them. Something wasn't going as it should in the Hells system. The souls that were already sectioned, weren't being collected and the waiting room was filled with more souls than it should. I had to collect souls above the ground today, and looking at the stack of papers filled with names of dead sinners, there was a good hundred thousand of them. I was so tired of having to babysit over a 800 thousand souls every day, might need to remind you that I don't sleep, and neither do they. There's someone crying all of the time, there's someone screaming all of the time, because of those two groups- there's everyone else complaining, and taking in all of this can get kind of heavy on my shoulders. Since no one in the lower layers of Hell wasn't showing up or answering, I sent a letter to Heaven asking to send someone to help. I didn't get an answer, so I'm kind off hopeless at this point. I snapped my fingers teleporting myself into the break room. I changed out of my all black working uniform, putting some casual clothes on. I grabbed a cd and went to the control panel playing 'Harry Potter' on the TVs in the waiting rooms and sections to distract the souls whilst I'm away. After the movie started playing, I walked over to the weapon section and took a small knife with which I cut a line in my left palm. As the black blood like liquid showed through the cut, I drew a symbol that opened the Hells gate for me. Grabbing my tablet that had all of the collectable souls listed, I left through the gate, the portal closing behind me. "Alright, let's do this!" I said to myself as I showed up in a dark alley located in Kansas. Collecting souls was pretty easy. I teleported from place to place showing up near the graveyards or spots where someone was killed and found the wandering orbs flying around  searching for its human vessel. I guess I could compare collecting the souls to humans catching lightning bugs in jars. Except, I don't catch them in a jar, I catch them in a crystal. After I had collected about the third part of all the sinner spirits on my list, I decided to enjoy a bit of human life. Walking in a small café in Paris, I took a seat next to a window that had a clear view on the Eiffel tower. A waiter came around asking for my order, even if I can't taste anything besides atoms, I still ordered a muffin and a cup of coffee. Whilst I was enjoying the view and waiting for my order a young boy walked inside the café only to be soon followed by someone who looked a lot like him. It was clear as day that they were twins, the only thing off was that they weren't talking to each other. The boy with slightly longer hair took out his phone and started scrolling away, whilst the other one just sat besides him, clearly bored out of his mind. The waiter came around with my order. I thanked her and payed right away with some money that I 'borrowed' from a rich business man, who, I know for sure, will be sent to Hell after his death. I'd say I enjoyed my meal, but the only thing I tasted was atoms. I had to get back to work, so I stood up to leave when the black Soul crystal fell out of my pocket. "Crap!" I whispered to myself reaching down for it. Apparently it caught the attention of the few people that were at the café, since they all looked my way. I took the crystal in my hand and showed my hands in my pockets, quickly walking out of the place. The next soul I had to collect wasn't too far away, so I figured I'd walk there. Walking down the street I felt like someone was following me, and I wasn't wrong. One of the twins was running after me, so I turned the next corner in a small empty street, making myself invisible to the human eye by snapping my fingers. He walked in the street his eyes set on me. "How is this possible?" I tough to myself. "You're Y/N, right? The Soul keeper of Hell?" he questioned still standing there. I guess he figured out, that I had no clue of who he was and why he could still see me, so he showed his wings. It was the most beautiful set of Angel wings I had ever seen. They were clear and white with a hint of blue in the glow, meaning that he was supposed to be a human, but something went wrong. "Yes, I am the Soul keeper." I finally answered his question. "You asked for help." he reminded me of my letter. "Uh, yeah. I wanted to hire an Angel to purify some souls." "I'll be honest, this is the first time I'm out of Heaven, but I was assigned to help you, so here I am." "What about your brother?" "He's a human." "Oh, I'm so sorry." "You're a Demon, you don't feel anything… but It's alright." He was right, Demons don't feel sorry; at least most of them. "Alright. Have you ever collected souls?" "No, I've collected prayers." "Well, then you're in for a treat before we go downstairs. What's your name?" I asked as we made our way to the next soul. "My parents were going to name me Grayson, so I guess that's it." "Well, nice to meet you, Grayson. I'd tell you my name, but you already know it. So, the next soul we have to collect is Frank Hudgens, a twenty year old man who is being rejected by Heaven, because he robbed his aunt and stabbed a policeman." I informed Grayson. Grayson was quiet, for the biggest part of the whole collecting experience, by the end he seemed to ease off and started to talk to me. He told me the slightest bits he knew about his own life, and soon after we were finished with our job. "Well that was the last one." I said after my crystal sucked in the last orb of soul. "We're going to Hell now?" "Absolutely." I took his hand in mine and snapped my fingers, teleporting us back to the gate in Kansas. I opened up the gate and lead us inside, never letting his hand go. After we finally showed up in Hell, I showed him into the break room. I put my stuff down on a table, and quickly checked the cameras to make sure the movie was only now ending. I turned  the next part of the franchise on, so I could finish up all of my works before I had to turn all of my attention back to the whining souls. "Alright, here comes the uncomfortable part." I announced to Grayson walking over to cabinet to take a empty grace jar. "And that would be?" he questioned before sitting down on the couch. "I'll need to take your grace." I took a silver feather that had fallen out of Lucifers' wings and turned back to him. His eyes grew bigger in shock "My what?" "Your Angel grace. Don't worry, not all of it. There will be enough left for you to remain as an Angel." I walked up to him and motioned with the sharp feather to stand up. "Will it hurt?" Grayson stood up, making me slightly stumble back as he was taller than me. "No, it'll just be the worst pain of your never ending life." I quickly mumbled holding eye contact with him, before I cut a line over where his heart should've been. He screamed in pain whilst I held the opened jar next to the cut and let his grace fall inside of it. Once half of his grace was in the jar, I put the lid on and touched the cut with my hand healing it instantly. "Why was that necessary?" "Did they tell you anything about what you will have to go trough?" "No?" "Wow, Angels really are dicks, aren't they?" "That's offensive, kind off." "You'll thank me later." "For cutting my chest open and taking my Angel grace?" "Well, maybe not." "I thought you were going to rip my heart out." "Hate to break it to you, but you don't have one. Now stop talking and rest a little. You're half human now." "I'm what now?" "Half human. And what did I say about talking?" "I'm half human?" "Can you shut up?" I asked now standing by the counter and placing the jar in the storage. Grayson actually shut up and I turned to my next job, which is releasing the souls from the crystal into the waiting room. "Whatever you do, stay in this room." I instructed Grayson just to turn around and see him sleeping. I went to release the souls in the waiting room, then went back to the break room and filled in all the papers before sending them to Marcus, managing to slip in a note asking about the belated collecting. When I was done with all of my jobs, I went to all of the souls giving somewhat of a guidance to the 'newcomers'. I just went with my usual agenda, until Grayson woke up. Making my way back to the waiting room I ran into Marcus, who apparently was searching for me. We walked to the door of the break room together before he started talking. "I got your note." he stated, resting against the wall opposed from the door. "Great, and?" Am I really about to get some answers? "Hell is over populated, that's why it's taking so long. The king is trying to search through the imprisoned souls to turn them into demons." "Don't they need vessels for the souls, to turn them into demons?" "That's why it's taking so long. By the way, Kings assistant asked to tell you that you should hire some help from 'up there', maybe they'll agree to make some exceptions and agree on taking some sinners up there. At least until we have some free space." "Already did it. They sent an angel to purify at least some souls." "You have an angel down here?" "Yes?" "I've never seen a pure angel. Did she show you her wings? Were they golden?" "It's a he, and the wings are white with a blue glow." I whispered with a hint of annoyance. "But that means-" Did I mention that Marcus is a bit of a nerd? "He's not a pure angel. I know." "Then how is he gonna be able to purify any souls?" "With his grace." "You need to drain it from him." "I already did that." "You didn't turn him into a human, did you?" "I took only half of it." "You do know that a guardian angels grace is less powerful than a pure ones, right?" "We'll have to do with what we got." I shrugged knowing well enough that he was right. "There are some stuff that could make it more powerful, even if it's just a little bit, but I need to see the grace before I get the ingredients." Marcus suggested, pushing away from the wall. "I didn't know you have purified souls before." My arms were now crossed on my chest. "I'm older than you think and I've done more than you know." I sighed unfolding my arms and opening the door to the break room; revealing a pretty tired looking Grayson standing next to the screens where all the crying souls were shown. "Do they ever shut up?" He questioned me annoyed, as I walked into the room, Marcus following behind me. "No, but if you press that blue button on under the screens, the sound will turn off." He pressed the button, muting the sound. "Man, those are crying souls. What kind of an angel are you?" Marcus was obviously surprised by the lack of manners. "A regular one?" Grayson questioned his own answer. By just that one question, he made it clear that he doesn't know that he's a guardian angel. Marcus also catched the unsure answer, before looking at Grayson with his eyes slightly squinted in confusion. "What's your job 'upstairs'?" "Up until now, I had to collect all the prayers from the listeners and delivered them to the next office." Grayson answered sitting down on the couch again. "So, you're like the postman of prayers?" "I guess. Why are you so interested in that?" "He's going to help us with some stuff we need for purifying the souls, Marcus just wanted to know have you ever done anything like this before, that's why he asked." I spoke before Marcus could say a thing. Something in my head was telling me that Grayson was clueless for a reason. "No I was-" "Being a curious demon? That's nothing new." I cut him off. I guess he finally understood me, he changed the topic. "Yeah, anyways. Show me the grace?" He gestured for me to move. I took the jar with Graysons grace and gave it to him. He put the jar close to his face inspecting it and seemingly thinking about something, before he took a look at Grayson, then at me and then back at the glowing light. "Alright. I'll go get the needed stuff and we'll make the serum." "How long are you gonna take?" "Depends if Cassandra is gonna show up. She might not be happy that you brought an angel to hell without telling her." "She did say that I should hire some help." Marcus nodded my way before leaving the room. I turned my attention to Grayson. "Your family is from America, right? Why was your brother in Paris?" "They're on a vacation." "Oh. How about we go and collect some souls that have a potential to go to heaven and section them into a separate room, to pass the time?" I suggested. "Can I get something to eat before we do that? I'm pretty hungry." "Oh, right. You're half human again." After we found something for Grayson to eat, we went through a list of all of the souls that were under my responsibility at the moment, picking out the ones with the smallest sins. We then transferred them into a separate room where we would purify them, once Marcus was done making the serum. Marcus took way longer than expected. By way longer I mean a month. It was a long enough time for Grayson to become used to my working agenda. He helped out every single day, in return I brought him food from the human world. We became something that humans would refer to as best friends, and I will remind you- the only person I ever called a friend was Mars. The fact that he was half human, doesn't mean that Grayson was just hungry and tired from time to time. He also started feeling things. Things he never felt before. As an angel or a demon, you're not completely immune to feelings. We feel the basic emotions that humans have- sadness and happiness, just in an easier form, since our anatomical system barley holds any nerves. But during the time Grayson had to spend with his grace partly missing, in Hell, made his body grow a nervous system in a fast speed. The feelings he felt were ones that I've heard of a lot about, like sadness and misery. But he told me about this weird feeling, he couldn't explain, that stood out for me. I had heard about it from some souls, but wasn't sure how real it was. "It's like, I want to smile all of the time, when I'm around you and my stomach starts turning when you smile. It's the weirdest thing ever." "Maybe you're just so disgusted of me that you want to puke." I chuckled. "But I'm not. It's like the feeling is unpleasant, but good at the same time. God, it's so confusing." He shook his head before taking a bite from the sandwich I got him for lunch as we sat on the couch. "Yeah, we don't mention that guy down here." "Sorry, I just don't understand so much and it's making me sick at this point. Life without feelings was easier." "Don't worry, once we get to purify those souls, you'll be able to go back to Heaven and your grace will be given back to you." "Is it weird that I don't want to go back?" I was used to his questions by now, but this one kind of took me off guard. "Why don't you?" "Up there I'm nothing more than someone who delivers prayers from one office to another. Everyone there is so obsessed with their jobs and themselves, that they don't even talk to one and other. No one explains to you what you have to do or why things are the way they are. I feel like I don't fit there." "And how exactly is Hell better?" "You talk to me. You answer my questions even if they are stupid." I bit my lip as I listened to him speaking, "It's like you care. Like you're a human too, at least partly." "Yeah, I'm not. I've just picked up human like habits." "You know I was talking to some of the souls we selected for purifying. There was this soul of an old lady. I explained that strange feeling. The one I feel only around you. She said that it sounds exactly like love. I didn't get to ask what 'love' is, but I think it's a good feeling." I shook my head letting a laugh past my lips, "You need a heart to feel 'love' and you don't have one, Gray. It's probably something else." The room went quiet for a second before Marcus stormed in. "Guys it's ready, but we kind off have a small problem," he seemed out of breath, "There's not enough grace." "How is that possible?" I asked knowing that I took enough. "It's not strong enough to work. Otherwise it's all good." "Well then, Y/N, take some more." Grayson shrugged like it was nothing. "If I'll take more you'll die." My voice grew unexpectedly loud, making me shout that at Grayson. "I know we’re in Hell and it tends to get hot in here, but could you not shout and chill out." Marcus said. "I'm not taking any more of your grace." I stated, my voice lower than previously. Grayson looked at me for a second and then at Marcus, "You won't, but he will." I looked from Grayson to Marcus who stood there unaffected. "I can do it." Marcus gave Gray a look, agreeing. "What? No! Marcus, can you leave us alone for a minute?" I pushed him out the door. "Why not? So what I'll die. You might be holding it a secret from me, but Hell is going to break loose if we don't clear it out. And then shit is gonna go down. No one wants that." "How the fuck do you know about that?" "I heard you and Cassandra talking the other day. If something will go wrong, they'll put it on your shoulders and the king will cage you up with Lucifer." "Don't you understand it? If we take any more of your grace, you will die. If you'll die then I'll have problems with Heaven because I hired you. I was the one who signed underneath that deal! If I'll fail Hell, I'll get tortured and I can deal with that. I can't fail Heaven, I  can't fail God! Not again." "Again?" "Your minute is over!" Marcus stormed in. "Get out for another one!" Grayson yelled. It was a side of him I hadn't seen yet. Marcus looked taken back, but still left closing the door behind him. "What are you hiding?" Grayson asked. I was quiet. I couldn't believe that after all this time I so easily slipped up. And because of what? A weird painful pinch in my chest that holds me back from killing Grayson? Pathetic. "Y/N, what did you mean by that? What are you hiding?" "Nothing, I just- just chose the wrong words. We- uhm- we should go to Marcus and figure out what we can do about this." I was weirdly lost in the situation. "Marcus can wait." "For another minute? Seriously guys? Maybe I should give you another month, I'm starting to get annoyed by this." Marcus peeked through the door. "No, let's go to the hall and figure out what we can do with the purifying." My voice was unusually shaky as I walked past Grayson, pushing the door more open to slip by Marcus and make my way to the next room. Marcus and Grayson soon followed. "So what are we going to do about the serum?" Marcus asked once we all walked into the hall. "How can we make it stronger, without taking the rest of Graysons grace?" I asked. "Y/N, I tried everything. That's why it took so long. There is no other way." "That can't be possible." "It is. Maybe next time you hire an angel to help, look for it to be a pure one, not a guardian." "Guardian?" Grayson suddenly questioned. "Why did you-" "Why didn't you tell him? The guy's been living in Hell for the past month and you don't even care to tell him that he's not fully an angel. For fucks sake, Y/N!" "Marcus, just take my grace and let's get this over with." "No!" I shouted again, rage was pumping through my body. Or was it fear mixed with pain? "What's the point? I don't fit in Heaven, turns out I'm not even a real angel. Just let me do at least one useful thing in my life and save you from being tortured!" Before I could say a thing Marcus pushed Grayson to the wall and cut open his chest over the heart area, making every last bit of grace out of his body. Grayson grew weak in matter of seconds as all of his energy was put out in painful screams. There was something off about the whole situation. It made me feel pain. Pain that only grew. Marcus collected all of Graysons grace and poured in the mixture he had been preparing for the past month. Grayson sat on the floor, weak and almost lifeless. The worst part about an angel being drained from its grace was the slow and painful death. I stood frozen, for some reason not being able to move. "Alright, now, Y/N, take this," Marcus gave me the serum "I'll help Grayson to get to the purgatory." He went over to Grayson picking his limp body from the ground. Grayson hissed in pain. We teleported to the purgatory, where all the souls, that were going to go to Heaven, were. Marcus sat Grayson on the ground on the side of the room. "Alright, Grayson, you'll need to spread your wings, okay. Gather all of your strength and do it. We'll do the rest of it. It was nice knowing ya, buddy." Marcus instructed him, "Let's go, Y/N. We need to get the serum into the system, and set the room on fire." I didn't move. My eyes were set on Grayson who was trying to pull together all of his last strength just to spread his wings. He was in obvious pain. Tears rolling down his cheeks. "Y/N! We have to go. We need to start the purifying before he dies!" Marcus came closer to me snatching the serum out of my hands. "We have to go!" he shouted, "We still have to start the system and set this room on fire, stop acting human and move!" "I'll set the fire." I whispered not moving. "Then move! Otherwise he'll die and this will all be just wasted time!" Marcus shouted at me before walking to the door. "Lock the door behind you." My request was simple. "What now? Seriously, Y/N. Stop acting like a goddamn human!" "Lock the fucking door." "You'll die-" "Lock the fucking door!" I shouted at him, requesting one more time. Marcus mumbled something underneath his breath, before walking out and locking the door. "What are you doing?" Grayson questioned, his voice barely audible. "You're too weak to spread your wings. It won't work without the presence of angel wings." "I would've died either way, right?" "No. If you'd have enough grace in your vessel, you'd be able to take it. You'd survive." I kneeled down next to his body. "But how you staying here will help? We'll both die now." there was blood spilling past his lips as he spoke, coughing in-between his words. I wiped the tears from his cheeks and blood off of his chin. "You'll survive." I felt my own tears rolling over my cheeks as his weak gaze was staring into my eyes. I reached to the back of my neck untying a necklace that I always had but never took off. In it was tied up a small, snuggly bottle. It was so dirty that you couldn't see through it. "You see, Gray. Even the biggest monsters have at least the slightest bit of humanity in them. And not everyone in hell is a demon.” I said whilst rubbing the little bottle with my fingers. Soon enough the secret, I had hidden my whole life in hell, started to glow in all of it's bright blue glory. "What is that?" he questioned but I didn't answer. I opened up the bottle and poured its content onto Graysons cut, afterward touching the cut to heal it. Judging by the amount of time that had passed, the system was going to start running any moment. I stood up, ready to set the fire. There was a slight creaking noise and the sprinklers on the ceiling went off. "That was my angel grace." I explained to Grayson before spreading my own blue angel wings.
They weren't as beautiful as his. My wings were missing feathers and had blood splashed all over them. One wing was cricked. "You weren't supposed to be an angel, Grayson. That's why you didn't fit in Heaven." I snapped my fingers and fire instantly spread throughout the room exploding, burning up all of the sins of the souls. ~~~ "Hey, Grayson! Wake up, dude!" Ethan said shaking his twin brothers shivering body awake. Grayson sat up in his bed, cold sweat running over his hot body. Ethan sat down on the bed besides his brother. "You alright?" "Just a nightmare." Grayson breathed out. "Just a nightmare or-" "I keep seeing the same thing. Like every time… and it always goes the same. I die, the doctors don't save me on time, I go to heaven, then I meet her, then go to hell-" "The same dream over and over again." Ethan nodded, upset at the tough that his own twin brother almost didn't make it. At the thought that Graysons heart stopped for almost a whole minute. "But always a day before our birthday… just then." Grayson stood up from the bed, "It always feels so real too, you know? Like, I always feel the pain. The fucking feather cutting open my chest and the fire burning me up. It used to be just the pain, but now since last year I feel way more than that. I feel her taking my hand when she brings me to hell. I feel her hand on the right side of my chest when she's collecting the grace. I feel her hand on my cheek when she wipes my tears away and the blood on my chin. And her touch whilst she heals up the cut. I feel every single little thing. It's like she's real. Like, I'll just meet her one day." Grayson didn't care that he sounded crazy and that his brother probably didn't even believe him. He cared about the fact that Y/N saved him and he couldn't even say 'thank you' to her. ~~~ Grayson and his family were celebrating his and Ethans 18th birthday when Grayson suddenly felt dizzy. He excused himself from the dinner table and said that he'll go for a short walk outside to get some air. Grayson walked around the backyard, crossing the small frozen river and walking into the forest he knew all too well. The twilight sky making it harder to see, he decided to just stay on spot. He sat down on the snowy ground by his thinking tree and looked up, seeing some stars between the naked branches of the trees. "It's a bit cold to sit on the ground, Grayson." A female voice said, it sounded familiar yet unknown. He looked around, his heart slightly racing. The owner of the voice came closer, but Grayson couldn't recognize the person until she sat on the ground right in front of him. "Hey! It's been a while." She greeted a small smile plastered on her lips. Grayson went slightly pale, recognizing the girl in front of him. "Y/n?" "Yes?" "You, you're-" "I'm real." "Wha- How?" "You remember everything, don't you?" "I keep seeing nightmares." "It's your memory, not nightmares. See, when you were in hell, throughout that time when you became more and more human, a heart developed in your body.
When I gave you my grace it went straight to your heart; which then caused a ripple in time. It went to the moment you died, and it saved you.
My grace is the reason you see the nightmares, it carries it all as a memory set in your heart."
Y/N explained answering all the questions Grayson was dying to ask… except for one. "So you're an angel now?" that wasn't the question. "I always was." "Then how did you end up in hell?" neither is this one. "I was your guardian angel. I failed my job to save you, so God sent me down to hell. In order for us to never meet." "But we met after all… and you still saved me. Are you still living in hell?" "Grayson, that's not the question you want to ask. But I do live in hell, only in the one up there, it's practically the same." Y/N knew there was something else aching to be asked. "Is it possible- Is it possible that I fell in love with you?" His heart sped up again, the pulsing noise so loud, he thought the whole world could hear it. "You're the only one who can answer that, Grayson. I don't even know if I, myself, have a heart." "You definitely stole my heart." "I don't steal hearts, I collect souls." "Well then you accidentally have taken my heart." "If I would've, it wouldn't be beating in your chest right now." "No. You own my heart, you're the reason it keeps beating, and you will always be the reason." "Happy birthday, Grayson." Y/n stood up, spreading her wings that had been cleaned and healed. They looked exactly like Graysons set of wings when he was an angel. Grayson stood up, understanding that Y/n was about to leave. "Oh, a little message from Heaven; you're still Ethans guardian angel. Look after him!" "That's it? You're just going to leave?" "Grayson, this is the last time you’re going to see me. Hopefully the last." "What? Why?" "I'm here to take my grace back. You're 18 now." "But how will I remember that you saved me then?" Y/n stepped closer to Grayson taking his face in her hands. She placed her lips on his kissing him softly and taking the memory of her, hell and heaven away from his mind. The moment they lips parted she was gone and Grayson, all alone, standing in the forest forgot what he was doing there. The only memory left was just the pure fact of him having weird crazy dreams in the past, but in his heart Grayson still knew that there was an angel always looking after him.
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I am putting this under a read more because this is drama and even if I don’t name names, I guess this could also be considered a callout (plus this got long as shit). I don’t know, honestly, I don’t do things like this usually and I hate that I feel I have to do it now. But this is starting to get to me because it seems to be happening more and more often and I really don’t like coming on here and seeing vague comments and such about the very things I just posted about myself.
First, I’d like to start with the fact that I have 40 muses. 40 of them. All with varying personalities, strengths, weaknesses, etc. I have some that are immensely strong, gods and goddesses but then I also have some that are simply humans, in college and just trying to get by. The type of thread you’ll get depends on which muse you’re rping with. If you do not like how it’s going with that muse, I am perfectly fine with discussing it and seeing if someone else will work better.
Among those 40 muses, most of them are immortal beings that are incredibly strong. That is not said with the assumption that my muse will definitely kick your muses ass. Ever. I have some muses with very strong personalities that simply come off like that or believe they are strong enough to beat yours in a fight, but that doesn’t mean that I, as the mun, think the same way they do. Some are simply too proud to outright acknowledge that another muse is stronger than them but are smart enough to know that they don’t simply want to take them on in a fight.
Taking Lucien as an example, he is almost 600 years old, a Lycanthrope that is meant to kill both vampires and demons and has been doing nothing but fighting nearly his entire life. Now, simply because in my verse he can, doesn’t mean that he can take down your demon or vampire so easily. If you want to have one of them meet with this wolf, it would just have to be after a long discussion so that I know what your muse is capable of and that you understand that the moment you approach him and are one of those, he will try to kill yours. Not saying he will, but there won’t be any hesitation from him. He will immediately jump right into battle with a muse of either of those species because that’s how he is.
Lucien is an asshole with a far too great ego who loves to fight and will usually take on anyone who comes his way. But, at the same time, there are others who he clearly acknowledges as strong. There is a goddess he threads with, she is much bigger and stronger than him but his pride gets in the way of him outright showing this so it’s seen in little things. Like when someone commented about her possibly dying, he clearly expressed how he didn’t see that happening but how he would still give his life up for her. Plus, when said goddess swoops in and picks him right up, he doesn’t fight her. He might grump because I mean, his pride is hit when he’s so easily manhandled but at the same time, he takes it because it’s a bit endearing too and he knows there ain't a damn thing he could do to stop that woman.
Another instance is where a certain hunter is supposed to kill him, he has been known on times to come right out and say just how badass she really is and is constantly impressed with her skills and how quickly she learns. He enjoys fighting her, even if he doesn’t show it, she’s a challenge to him. But his actual strength, his horrible personality, and ego tend to overshadow that bit and make the main focus simply on the bad parts. Basically, in Lucien’s case, if someone came up to him and started badmouthing him, there is a very high chance he’d simply punch them to get them to leave him alone. But, that’s also situational because sometimes he will actually find it amusing.
Then I have muses like Lizeth who have absolutely no way to truly defend herself yet she’s so quick to run her mouth that I wouldn’t blame someone in the slightest if they smacked her for mouthing them off. If that’s how your muse is then don’t hold them back. But then I also have muses like Hades who is probably one of the strongest ones I have yet he wouldn’t do a single thing to harm a hair on anyone’s head unless you harm someone he cares for. If you start badmouthing him, he’s the type to simply walk away. So, to clarify, that post I made was not stated to simply say don’t badmouth my muses without expecting to be hit. That was meant both ways. The biggest issue here is, let your muse be your muse but remember there are consequences to certain actions and don’t blame the mun if it happens!
There was another time that I saw one of my rp partners say something about a certain way of writing being a peeve of theirs, so, while I thread with them, I avoid doing that at all costs because I do enjoy writing with them, I love their characters and the last thing I want to do is aggravate them when they get a reply from me. Besides, it was something so simple that it took little effort of me to correct it. What I did notice was that it was posted directly after I had done a reply for them. That was an easy fix, I just stopped doing that one small thing and never heard about it again.
Another time was when I made a post about how I run my blog and how there is definitely favorites on here, let’s be honest here, we all have those partners that we just love to thread with. I’ve gotten close with those muns and our muses just click or whatever reason, that’s just how it is. I don’t outright ignore you, though I will say that it’s been in my rules for I don’t know how long about favorites on here. I do feel bad when I can’t get up the will to write for certain threads, but time is limited and this is NOT a job so I will lean towards the ones that I have the most muse for. One day it will be this particular thread, another day it will be another. That’s just how I am. 
Basically, I’m going to sum it up here because this has gotten far too long and there have been other times but I’m not going to go into this. In the end, let your muse be your muse, I’ll let mine be mine. I won’t assume that you have the same mindset they do so please don’t assume the same of me. Just because my muse seems so strong, doesn’t mean they will instantly kick your ass or the other way around. My muse badmouths yours, fucking smack the shit out of them if that’s what your muse wants. All in all, it depends on the muse and the situation. And if you have an issue with something I’m doing, you are allowed to talk to me about it. Honestly, I’d rather not have any bad air between us and if it’s just something that we can’t agree on then I’m very sorry but at least we tried. And if I feel that every time I make a most along a certain subject, that someone is going to make their own post disagreeing with it, then what’s the point?
I may lose followers at this point, I may piss off some people but really, I just needed to say something. And I am not attacking those who have done this, I am merely trying to explain my side of it and how I feel on these subjects.
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lorenzobane · 7 years
Safe Space
“There is something we need to talk about.”
Alec looks up from his cup of coffee to Magnus who is staring at him from across the breakfast table with his “serious business” face. He tries not to wince, considering he had been looking forward to a full day without ‘serious business’. With the Institute in an uproar, it has been harder than ever to get a calm day with Magnus.
“Okay,” Alec says, “what’s wrong?”
Magnus chuckles slightly and reaches across the table to grab his hand, “nothing is wrong per say. Though it does say something amusing about the state of our lives if that is the first place your mind jumps to.”
Alec sighs openly with relief, “great, I’m glad. What’s up?”
“Well… You know I’m not one to make a big deal out of birthdays,” Magnus begins and Alec feels his heart rate tick up slightly. Magnus has been so closed lipped about his date of birth that Alec had eventually just given up.
“That’s a bit of an understatement.”
Magnus rolls his eyes, “well, yes. However, as it turns out- and it did quite sneak up on me, darling- my six hundred and fiftieth birthday is upon me.”
“Um… Happy birthday?” Alec says. It is one thing to know your boyfriend is an immortal, all-powerful warlock, it is quite another to have him say the phrase ‘six hundred and fiftieth birthday.’
“Thank you,” Magnus says, his eyes more amused than ever as he takes another sip of his tea. “But that isn’t what I wanted to talk about either. As you might know, warlock magic evolves significantly with age. We often have several ‘growth spurts’ over the course of our lives. One when we’re young, one when we’re around two hundred, another when we’re around six hundred and fifty, and so on…”
“As it turns out, I will likely be going through one of these magic spurts myself over the next coming months,” Magnus says very calmly. “This is not a cause for panic and is very normal. You just may notice some changes, I may be a bit moodier from time to time, my magic will be stronger and a bit more spontaneous. But by and large, there shouldn’t be any major concerns.”
“So… you’re trying to tell me you’re going through magical puberty?”
“I wouldn’t have phrased it like that.”
Alec rolls his eyes, “really? You’re going to be a moody, angsty, 600-something-year-old, but you’re not going through a magical puberty?”
“Hysterical,” Magnus says with a slight eye roll. “I just didn’t want you to be alarmed if things seem a bit… Wonky.”
“I don’t know how it will manifest itself, but it will manifest itself someone. During my last one I couldn’t stop transforming all of my pillows into chickens while I was asleep,” Magnus says with a shrug. “Being that you share my bed more often than not, you might want to… be aware.”
Alec can’t argue with that logic, so he simply shrugs and they carry on with their day.
It takes a few months for it to become obvious that Magnus’s magic was changing. For the most part, Magnus himself took it in stride with characteristic panache.
“I think I need,” Magnus began as he was walking towards the door to leave, “to pick something—“
He cut himself off by disappearing through a portal that suddenly appeared directly in front of him. Alec had about twelve seconds to be concerned before he heard a very irritated goddamnit come from the ensuite bathroom connected to the master bedroom.
He said nothing and simply began walking towards the door again, paying careful attention this time.
It isn’t as though Alec is complaining. To be honest, it is completely hilarious watching Magnus try to do simple things and have his magic completely over-react. Alec watches in amusement as Magnus tries to summon a pen, only to get completely covered in a flood of ink. Or, try to give Alec a flower and have an entire god damn tree appear in the apartment. Or, he tried to summon dinner and ended up summoning an entire feast, enough for an entire party.
(Of course, he is Magnus Bane, so he simply solved that problem by having a party.)
(Alec just enjoys watching his usually perfect boyfriend become a temporary walking disaster.)
It’s also interesting because Alec can feel Magnus’s magic change. Magnus always feels like there is a faint hum of electricity under his skin, the thrum of barely repressed magic. But recently it has gotten even wilder, and Alec can’t understand how Magnus is even capable of controlling all that.
He realizes, sometime later, that this magical puberty really just means that Magnus is going to be even more powerful when it’s over and his magic has settled back into himself.
Still, none of it is really a problem until:
Alec is sitting at his office, going over his iPad with all the details from the Delta Squad raid. It’s early in the morning, around eight thirty, which is why he’s surprised when he hears the sound of a portal forming in his room. Magnus prefers to sleep in when he can because he is usually up late working, partying or drinking (or all three).
Still, Alec is never disappointed to have his boyfriend suddenly appear in his office, especially if it’s for breakfast.
“Hey, babe—“
Now that Alec is looking up he is noticing the portal is hovering over the couch he has in his office, the perfect height for a highly confused and very sleepy Magnus Bane to drop two feet and plop loudly onto the sofa.
“What the hell?” Magnus splutters, taking stock of where he is. He’s still dressed for bed in silk boxers, and his hair is unmade and unkept.
“Um,” Alec says, “what are you doing here?”
“That is an excellent question,” Magnus says with a pout, “I was sleeping. I’m not actually sure.”
“Huh,” Alec says. “Okay.”
Except, that wasn’t the last time it happened. It starts happening three times a week. It gets to the point that Alec has placed an extra pillow and blanket on the couch. Now, when Magnus finds himself unceremoniously plopped onto the couch he just turns snuggles into the pillow, covers himself with a blanket and keeps sleeping.
There is something adorable about having a sleeping Magnus Bane in his office for the first few hours of his day before he actually wakes up to portal home and gets ready. It is calming to hear his steady breathing and see his relaxed face. It’s especially nice because Magnus will come and nuzzle sweet, tired kisses to his face and want a little bit of cuddling before he actually leaves. Alec, despite himself, is absolutely charmed.
Magnus, on the other hand, is irritated.
“This is the fifteenth time I’ve woken up by falling out of the sky,” Magnus rages, interrupting Alec as he watches TV. “This is getting absurd.”
“Getting?” Alec comments wryly.
Magnus shoots him a dirty look, “I have no idea why this keeps happening. But I need to get to the bottom of it”
Alec just shrugged and turned back to Veep. “It doesn’t bother me.”
“Maybe not yet,” Magnus continues, “but what are you going to do when you have a meeting with the Inquisitor and I come falling out of the ceiling?”
Alec paused, “touche.”
“No pasa nada, Alexander,” Magnus says. “I’ll do some research. I’m sure this is very common.”
Alec just shrugs again and lets the subject drop.
He doesn’t bring it up again until dinner the next day. Magnus has been skittish since he came home and has been uncharacteristically cautious.
“So,” Alec started, “did you find out what is causing the morning portals?”
Magnus looked away but nodded. Alec could see his cheeks tinting slightly red, and wondered what on earth could embarrass Magnus. He has seen his boyfriend do an entire public striptease to “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy.” He’s fairly certain nothing makes him shy.
“Well, as I mentioned,” Magnus began, “this can make magic volatile and unpredictable.”
Alec nodded.
“Yes, well,” Magnus continued, “volatility makes people subconsciously insecure. Or, put another way, when systems are functioning abnormally, most people want to be somewhere safe.”
Alec realizes what Magnus is trying to say before Magnus actually says it. “You think you’re safe with me.”
“I, well, of course, I do, Alexander,” Magnus says gently, “that isn’t surprising. I guess I was surprised that my magic felt the same way. Felt as drawn to you as I am.”
Alec smiled, “well I guess the couch is just going to have to get used to you, and the Inquisitor can suck it.”
“Alexander…?” Magnus says questioningly.
“It’s not like I’m going to make myself less of a safe place for you,” Alec says rolling his eyes. “I like that you come to me, even subconsciously, to feel comfortable. You don’t have to fix it if you don’t want to.”
Magnus smiles at him and presses a hand to Alec’s cheek. He leans in on instinct, turning slightly to press a soft kiss to his palm.
“Besides,” Alec says with a small, mischievous smile, “I’ve been meaning to get some art for my office—“
Magnus cuts him off with a laugh and a kiss, easing into it with practiced ease.
“However can I thank you?” Magnus says with a smirk of his own. He lifts his hands to snap his fingers, “how about a bit of mood lighting?”
Immediately, the tablecloth and the counter burst into flames and Alec can’t stop cackling, especially when Magnus tries to stop the fire and ends up creating a tiny pond in the kitchen instead.
Magical puberty is the best.
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lordsicheng · 7 years
One Last Bite: Pt. 1
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Kim Donghan x OC
Genre: Vampire AU  Summary: vampires have always intrigued you, and meeting one sparked your curiosity even more, especially when you two become close; maybe a little bit too close
A/N: this was an idea from a friend on twitter, who requested this wayyy too long (sorry Lia). Anyways, a ton of people have been Donghan-ed, so here I am back at it again with another Donghan scenario just in time for Halloween wee woo wee woo also, next part is gonna be quite rated… ;)
Standing by the window at your school hallway, you close your eyes as you take in all the sunlight you could get. You smile at this sensation, finally feeling the warmth after dealing with rainy and cloudy weather for the past two weeks.
“You win this round.” a young man approaches you as he stood by a wall that shaded him well, trying to not get too close
“Bet you haven’t had this much shine after a long time.” you give out a light chuckle as you slowly open your eyes and look at him
“Very funny. Can we go now?” he says as he tried to reach out his hand to you, only to get burned as his fingers came in direct contact with the sunlight and immediately pulled it back
“I’ve told you many times, be careful.” you smiled as you slowly walked pass him, making him shake his head
Having only met Donghan over a year ago, you came to realize he became a vampire for the wrong reason. He only became a vampire because of his credulous persona after being wounded, where he thought a young man who was also a servant came of aid to his injury, only for it to end up turning him into a blood craving creature. Because of this, you even had the intriguing questions all about vampires in your mind often; where they originated, how they would be able to find their prey, how their daily lives were like, and more.
You walked down the hallway to realize the sun was gone; and rain had started to pour. You roll your eyes in annoyance as you turned to look at Donghan, who gave a slight smug as he looked at you with crossed arms.
“Did you do something this time?” you asked, furrowing your brows in irritation
“I can’t control the weather. I was only given telepathy and teleportation, remember?” he chortled as he walked towards you, eyes fixed on your gaze
“See you at home.” you rolled your eyes as you quickly walked towards the exit, turning again to look if Donghan was still standing there, only to see that he had already left a second before you had turned
Sitting by the window in the bus, you put on your earphones and started listening to music to calm your senses from the gloomy weather. You closed your eyes as you slowly leaned on to the window, slowly falling asleep. You weren’t scared of missing your stop, because Donghan usually got the sense of you being nearby that he’d just speak through his mind unto yours, telling you to wake up. You stopped at a station that was near your usual stop, getting off the bus to get some milk tea and just decided to walk your way home after.
“Wintermelon Milk Tea, please. Pearls and coconut jelly.” you smiled as you ordered, the cashier just nodded and began making your milk tea.
You waited until he was done, and paid for it before you could leave the counter and out the small area. You saw a gray cat, purring near you as you walked out. You chuckled as you started walking, the cat following you and continuing to purr whenever you glanced at it. You suddenly stopped after a few steps and walked to a more secluded area nearby as you continued on sipping your milk tea
“Yongguk, I know it’s you.” you chuckled, looking at the cat. The cat just widened its eyes as it continued looking at you as it sat, eyeing the milk tea you were holding
“Kim Yongguk, please.” you rolled your eyes, the cat only purred in reply
“Jin Longguo.” you called in a serious voice, making the cat turn immediately into a young man wearing a coat, fixing his clothes as he stood up
“Geez, you’re not easy to trick.” he said as he looked at you, still fixing his coat
“How did you find me?” you said, starting to walk away and back to the sidewalk
“Sense. If I become close to someone, I get used to their own scent and end up finding them.” Yongguk laughed, following you
“You could have just gone inside the milk tea shop and said hi.” you sighed, looking at Yongguk
“I wanted to try shapeshifting into a cat.” he grinned, making you confused
“Shapeshift?” you tilted your head in interest
“Yeah, I was given shapeshifting and agility.  Donghan probably has agility now too, considering he’s standing right over there.” Yongguk looked at a sign near both of you, and you were startled to see Donghan looking quite aggravated. You sighed and shook your head as you walked over to Donghan, his hands in his pockets as he looked around and sensed the sunset about to finally arrive
“Look, I only went to get milk tea and Yongguk turned into a cat and followed me.” you rolled your eyes as you looked at Donghan, and then to Yongguk, who was just standing nearby, trying to play it off with a wave
“Is this idiot showcasing his shapeshifting abilities to you now?” Donghan glared at Yongguk
“Take it easy, Donghan. I only wanted to see y/n.” he smirked as he looked at you drinking your milk tea
“Great, who’s next? Hyunbin hiding behind that huge tree?” you turned to look at the tree, only to  see Hyunbin already standing next to it
“Wow, y/n’s psychic.” Hyunbin chuckled as he walked over to you and the others
“I’d throw a tea party by now.” you sighed, looking back at Donghan
“Guys, I just want to talk to y/n at her place. Do you mind?” Donghan looked at Hyunbin and then Yongguk, who seemed to have the sense that Donghan just wanted you all by himself for that day
“Fine. Yongguk, let’s hunt.” Hyunbin said as he scoffed and walked first
“No way! I want to turn into a cat again. See you guys later” Yongguk waved as he turned into a cat in just a blink of an eye and followed Hyunbin
You turned to look at Donghan, looking as pale as ever and looking quite irritated. You raised your milk tea to try and feed him, but he just rolled his eyes and walked towards the direction of your home
“Wait! I know you hate wintermelon!” you yelled as you ran to follow Donghan, whose pace was faster than usual
You looked at Donghan sit on your desk chair, looking at all the papers scattered on your desk. He opened one of your textbooks to read through, and you just decided to lie down on your bed and look at your phone
“So, what supernatural power does Hyunbin have?” you asked out of the blue, but Donghan didn’t move an inch
“Renfield’s syndrome.” Donghan said in reply, making you sit up in frustration
“I’m serious, Donghan.” you looked at him, and he just sighed
“Duplication, Invisibility, Telekinesis, and Agility.” he looked at you, putting the textbook away
“How come majority of you only have two powers, and he has four?” you asked, crossing your arms
“He’s one of the most experienced in the family. He became a vampire before me and Yongguk.” Donghan said as he stood up, slowly walking his way towards your window
“What about Yongguk?” you stood up from your bed, walking your way next to Donghan
“He’s the second youngest, I assume. But age wise, he’s older than me. I’m technically the youngest in human age, but I became vampire first than him. Hyunbin turned into one almost the same time as me, but he’s older by a year in human age and he’s quite ambitious, hunting almost anyone he sees as his perfect prey.” he smiled as he leaned on your wall, still facing the window
“That’s… interesting.” you nodded as you looked at the street in front of your home
“What’s it like?” you blurted out after a few minutes
“What?” Donghan looked at you
“Becoming a vampire, finding a victim, drinking their blood…” you turned to look at Donghan, and he just chuckled
“I can’t tell you that. You need to experience it to know.” he said as he went back to sitting on your desk chair, and you just looked at him and became confused all over again
“But that’s the point? I want to know your experience.” you quickly went to sit on the floor in front of Donghan and looked at him, making him chuckle even more at your sudden insistence
“Fine.” he smiled, turning the seat to look at you
“598 years ago-“
“598? Exactly?” you cut him off, making him feel baffled
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you 600, so I didn’t round it off.” Donghan crossed his arms, and you just giggled
“Anyways, 598 years ago, I was a servant for King Sejong the Great. I worked at the gardens, just watering plants every day and helping on arranging them often. My parents were gone long before I even became a servant, and I owed my life to the King. Until the Ōei invaded the island of we now call Tsushima, which was an island bordered between Japan and Korea. Because of the scarcity of soldiers, I was forced into training and became one of the fighters. Let’s just say, I survived, but with multiple injuries. I limped my way from the campsite to a nearby home, which was unusually empty. I kept calling for help, but no one answered. Until a few moments later, a man whose pale skin glistened under the moonlight approached me and offered help, and I became grateful to him. Only to find out he was Hongsuk, one of my great uncles in the family. He bit me, yes, and it was… like nothing to me. I was in a daze, and I woke up already in different clothing; a more sleek and clean one, facing other people who have also been bitten that night. And then one, I became immortal.”
You looked at Donghan who was explaining his own story, fascinated by how he became one of the most fiction-abused supernatural creatures. You even wondered in the past if they were real and never actually believed in any other supernatural creatures either. Until you met Donghan, who was one of your classmates in one of your classes, and became gradually close to him. You only knew of his past months ago, after Donghan was granted to tell only one mortal of his true form. He entrusted himself to you, only if you promised to entrust yourself to him as well
“So you’re telling me, that you’re over 600 years old right now but you look only 20?” you furrowed your brows, questioning how it was even possible for him to look even as handsome as most guys your age
“I’m 618, to be exact. But yes, I barely age.” he smirked, making you shake your head
“But, what if you’re hungry for blood? Don’t you get hungry or dehydrated or some sort?” you asked as you stood up and looked at your window
“I don’t force feed. I can handle hunger up to 8 months, compared to most others who can only handle up to 6 months.” he smiled as he turned the chair to look at you
“How long have you been upholding your hunger by now?” you asked as you turned to look at him
“About five. I haven’t felt hunger in a while. And when I do, I only hunt on people that forcefully want to end their lives, only ending up for them to become immortal.” he chuckled as he stood up and put his hands on his pockets
“I’m not letting you be hungry.” you turned and looked through your window again, eyeing a couple who were being lovey-dovey near your own home. You looked at them with disgust, with Donghan just laughing as he noticed your expression
“Bite one of them, I can feel the bitterness in me.” you scrunched up your face and looked at Donghan, who then walked over to your side to see the couple
“Hmm, nope. But the girl is my type.” he chuckled, making you look at him, befuddled
“My type, as in blood type choice. She has type O, which I have as well and feed myself with.” he shook his head as he kept on looking at the couple
“What about the guy?” you pointed
“He has type B. They won’t last long.” he laughed as he turned to go back to your desk, making you just give up on wanting him to feed himself
You looked through the window and looked at the full moon, wondering on whatever it’s going to be like if you were a vampire. You turned to look at Donghan, who was looking at you
“Hey, Donghan?” you called, leaning your back against the wall with your arms crossed
“Yeah?” he replied as he stood up
“If ever I wanted to become a vampire, would you turn me into one?” you asked directly, making Donghan almost thrown off by your frank question
“Y/n, you know I care about you enough to not turn you into one.” he sighed, slowly walking his way to you
“What if I wanted you to turn me into one, right now?” you asked again, making Donghan feel uncomfortable as you gazed into his eyes, him avoiding. He slowly looked at you and returned the gaze, slowly leaning as he held your waist, making you close your eyes as you offered him your neck, him only slowly getting nearer to your lips instead, until he suddenly stopped once he was only an inch away and took a step back, releasing his grip from you
“I… have to go.” Donghan slowly said as he suddenly disappeared, you looking around to find any sign of him in your room and running towards your window, looking down to see if he was there, but he wasn’t. You let out a deep breath as you looked back up at the moon, admiring its full beauty as you groaned from losing your only chance of ever having immortality.
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